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Priority 4: Fight against Organized Crime
Make further determined efforts in the fight against organized crime, including towards establishing a solid track record of proactive
investigations, prosecutions and convictions
1. Improved quality of the statistical reporting on organized crime
Indicator of
Status of
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
1.1 Creating a consolidated database (track record) on investigations into organized crime and corruption
Systematically complete and cross-check In view of improving the quality of consolidated statistics for corruption and statistical reporting on organized crime, the organized crime, THB, trafficking of Inter-institutional Working Group (IWG) narcotics, trafficking of weapons, money consisting of representatives from MoJ, laundering and criminal assets MoIA and Prosecution General advanced its work in the collection, processing and reporting of quarterly-based statistical data on the criminal offences of corruption and organized crime obtain from the information of police, prosecution and courts. T3 2014 consolidated statistics on organized crime and corruption were completed in October. It is expected that on January 2015 will be completed the T4 of statistics and annual statistics data for the year 2014. IWG finalized the first draft of the methodology on consolidation of statistical data and consulted it with the experts assisting the National Anti-Corruption Coordinator. The final document was distributed to the members of the working group with the aim to integrate its internal acts on their institutions. The staff that collects and processes statistical data received training from TAIEX mission on 7- Find below the statistical data covering the period 1 – 31 December 2014, by criminal offence referred and type of requests Corruption (Article 319 of CC) -
Organized crime/criminal gang (Articles
333 and 334 of CC)
Outbound extraditions – 1 request Letter rogatory received – 2 requests Letter rogatory sent – 2 replies for execution Issue an International Wanted Notice – 2 Recognition of court ruling for outbound – 1 Approvals for Outbound extraditions – 1 Trafficking in narcotics (Article 283/a of
Outbound extraditions – 3 requests Extraditions from Outside – 1 request Letter rogatory sent – 4 requests Issue an International Wanted Notice – 2 Recognition of court ruling for outbound – 1 Trafficking in weapons (Article 278/a of
Letter rogatory sent – 1 request Money laundering/laundering of proceeds
of crime (Article 287)
Outbound extraditions – 1 aprroval ruling Letter rogatory sent – 18 requests + 4 replies on the execution of letter rogatory Letter rogatory received – 2 requests Wanted Notice – 2 requests Analysing of statistical indicators aiming Each month the statistical data were to improve and enhance performance in processed and sent to the relevant sectors the fight against organized crime, illicit against organized crime. Monthly bulletins trafficking, money laundering and were published on monthly data. January to October bulletins were published and now is expected to be published the bulletin of November. Complete and update the track record of The track record with data on concrete cases investigations on corruption and quarterly adopted of corruption and organized crime is also organized crime, including proactive completed and updated. End of December it is expected the processing of the statistical data with the new cases for the period October to It is expected that on January 2015, the IWG composed of representatives of the Ministry of Interior, General Prosecutor's Office and Ministry of Justice to present the track record with the new cases prosecuted, investigated and tried for offenses of organized crime. The Inter-institutional working group has Addressing the relevant designed a draft-methodology to improve recommendations of the UNODC Report collection and processing of statistical data, for Albania "Developing monitoring which is expected to be approved. instruments for justice and law The draft-methodology was subject to enforcement agencies in the Western statistical data of numerous consultative processes, including Balkans", 2009 - 2011funded by the EU recently also the experts of the EU Project, CARDS Regional Action Plan, in order and the chancellors of the courts. The to design a methodology for collecting finalization of the document is expected in and processing statistical data of the The IWG composed of representatives of the Ministry of Interior, General Prosecutor's Office and Ministry of Justice has completed on December 2014 the methodology document, which was distributed to the members in order to integrate its internal acts on the relevant institutions The methodology was delivered electronically during the consultation process to all chancellors who report on the statistical data on corruption and organized crime. For the judiciary part, the Ministry of Justice, according to the directive of the Minister of Justice no. 8904/1, dated 12.12.2013 "On the collection and processing of statistical data for criminal offenses related to corruption and organized crime", has set out the rules for the collection and processing of statistical data by the courts of first instance and the court of appeal for criminal offenses related to corruption and organized crime according to the standardized format attached to this directive which has been the product of this joint working group. The court chancellors are responsible for the implementation of this directive. 2. Reinforce inter-institutional coordination in the fight against organized crime
2.1 Improve cooperation among law enforcement agencies and particularly between State Police and Prosecutor General's Office
Deliver joint trainings with the School of Magistrates training events to Prosecutor General's Office, School of start soon, based on recent amendments Magistrates, GDPML, Customs, Tax to Law on the School of Magistrates. Authority and other institutions on organized crime and trafficking focusing The activities carried out by School
on recent changes to the Criminal Code of Magistrates during the last
Trafficking in human beings, money academic year 2013-2014:
8 February 2014,
15 February 2014
22 February 2014,
1 March 2014

Topic: Changes of Criminal Code (with
law 23/2012 and law 144/2013]:
-Crimes against State Authority.
-Criminal offenses against Trafficking
of Human Beings.
-Criminal offenses against Property and
Economic Sphere.

3-4 march 2014
: Criminal offense of
"Laundering of criminal offense products or criminal activity products".
24-25 march 2014
European Legal Instruments for
Cross-border Cooperation in cases of Organized Crime and Corruption (legal cooperation in criminal cases).
27-28 march 2014
Training on trafficking of
human beings. [Training of Trainers 29 march 2014
5 April 2014
12 April 2014
Changes of the Criminal Code
(with law 23/2012 and law 144/2013]:
-Crimes against State Authority. -Criminal offenses against Trafficking in Human Beings. -Criminal offenses against Property and Economic Sphere. 13-14 may 2014
Criminal offense of trafficking
of narcotics.
-Methods of investigation of criminal
offenses of trafficking of narcotics
-Application of special methods.
-Problems of court practice related to
understanding of collaboration and
attempts in the commission of this
26 may 2014
26 may 2014
27 may 2014
Topic: Internal Trafficking of human
beings and distinction from other
criminal offenses similar to it. Rights of
victims and compensation.
19-20 june 2014
2-3 july 2014
criminal offenses related to
commercial companies.
-Penal protection of entrepreneurship.
Court practice regarding criminal
responsibility of legal persons

23-24 june 2014
Criminal offenses related to
-Legal provisions and international acts in this field -Best practices and trial of corruption offenses.
Corruption and organized crime.
Calendar of Continuous Training for
2014-2015 has just begun to be
Several activities are planned to be
organized in the following topics:
22-23 January 2015
17-18 march 2015
Criminal offenses related to
-Legal provisions and international acts
in this field
-Best practices and trial of corruption
Corruption and organized crime.
29-30 January 2015
30-31 march 2015
: Noveltis brought by the new
law on changes and supplements of
Criminal Code.
-Meaning and interpretation of new and
changed norms, according to groups of
criminal offenses.
-Meaning and interpretation of
application of new provisions of
Criminal procedure code as amended.
12-13 may 2015
Law on prevention and fight
against organized crime. High Court
6-7 july 2015
: criminal offense "laundering of
products of criminal offense of criminal
activity". Court practice and High
Court jurisprudence.
School of Magistrates clarifies that the organized activities for the same topic have different participants. There are no new developments from
the School of Magistrates during
December 2014.
GD State Police
A joint training of GDSP, GDPML,
PGO, GDT and GDC entitled
"Capacity building for efficient fight
against money laundering, detection
and seizure of assets" took place on
30.10. 2014. It was attended by 20
participants, specifically: 11 from
Regional Police Directorates, 3 from
GDT, 3 from GDC and 3 prosectors
from JIU.
Improve data sharing among law enforcement agencies in fighting Prosecutor organized crime is in process to build a platform for safe data exchanging. Set up an inter-institutional Task Force inter-institutional Task The Inter-institutional Working Group (Working Group) for this purpose, tasked is set-up and will start the work to improve data sharing among law enforcement agencies in fighting Review of the legal framework organized crime. It will perform the review of legal framework and the Assessment of existing databases assessment of existing databases. Assess accessibility to databases of each MoI, MoF,
Meetings were held with relevant institution by law enforcement agencies institutions and the GP Office to assess in the fight against organized crime. access and enable it until a time that a proper interface can be completed. Draft memos are drafted to facilitate prosecution offices to access databases and corresponding public records to conduct investigations. The Commissioner on the Protection of List of national Personal Data will also be involved in Prosecutor General's Office to provide the list of national registries it seeks registries provided the consultation of MoU regarding issues related to privacy and data use. Draft memorandum is sent for consideration to the respective institutions which administrate them, as the Ministry of Justice, th Licensing Centre, Agency for Legalization, Urbanization and Integration of Informal Construction Areas, Directorate General of Customs, Directorate General of Road Transport Services, Social Insurance Institute, Directorate General Maritime. General
The Inter-institutional Working Group Access to GDPML's to improve data sharing among law Ensure access to GDPML's database for State Police
database realised enforcement agencies in fighting suspicious cases referred to State Police's against organized crime will consider relevant unit. Extend GDPML access to the possibility of ensuring extended access of GDPML to TIMS system, through necessary legal interventions. The access is complemented by obligations under the Cooperation Agreement Nr. 2844 date 18.05.2012 between the General Directorate of State Police and the General Directorate of Prevention and Money Laundering "for granting the right to use the system of Total Information of Management System of the State Police and the right to use suspicious cases forwarded by the FIU to law enforcement agencies". - The Money Laundering Sector in Financial and Economic Crime Directorate, pursuant Art 3, paragraph 1 of the above mentioned agreement, received access of the right to consult the database of the FIU - FIU, pursuant article 2, paragraph 1 of the above mentioned agreement, received access of the right to consult TIMS system, in the module Currently, pursuant the Decree No. 496, date 08.01.2012, "On establishing the rules and procedures to exercise the right of access to legal entities / individuals, domestic or foreign, in the real estate electronic system", access is received from the real estate properties system and the extract data obtain from the electronic register of COIPR. Concern the request made by FIU for wider access in TIMS system is suggested a necessary legal Effective and efficient On21/11/2014, at a meeting initiated by Ensure an effective and efficient Prosecution
the General Prosecutor, in cooperation operational cooperation among F.I.U., cooperation ensured with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry J.I.U and Albanian State Police's State Police of Finance and with the most important relevant units. Organize case by case and institutions heads concerning the fight follow up meetings to launch proactive against corruption was discussed to further strengthen cooperation and - Organize every three months regular Regular meetings On 21.11.2014, the Attorney General meetings and have specific meetings to and Minister of Interior headed joint discuss concrete cases of Money analysis among the heads of laundering investigation among State prosecution office judicial districts and Police, GDPML and JIU's. principals Regional Police where it was evaluated the current cooperation between the investigative structures, as well as technical problems were presented, for which it is necessary the taking of measures at central and local levels. General Prosecutor
Quarterly periodic meetings were held - Organize analysis of concrete cases of
with J.I.U and the next meeting of penal procedures of Money laundering Interinstitutional Committee on among State Police, GDPML and JIU's. Coordination of Fight against Money Laundering was held.

During January - October, analyses on
concrete criminal proceedings were
organised with prosecutors of the Joint
Investigation Units of Durrës, Laç,
Tirana, Lezha, Elbasan, and Fier.
During January – November 2014,
analyses on concrete criminal
proceedings were organised with
prosecutors of the Joint Investigation
Units of Durrës, Laç, Tirana, Lezha,
Elbasan, and Fier, Vlora
During December 2014 analyses on
concrete criminal proceedings were
organised with prosecutors of the Joint
Investigation Units of Durrës, Tirana
also with Prosecutor Office of Laç.
Increase the number of Prosecutors at the In September 2014, the Corruption and Serious Crimes Prosecutor's Office and Assets Investigation Unit at the Serious train them in specific areas Prosecutors increased Crimes Prosecution Office was established. It consists of 3 prosecutors Review the organizational set-up of the and 2 judicial police officers. This new Serious Crimes Prosecutor's Office in the Organizational set-up structure aims at developing uniform light of changes to the Criminal practices in financial investigations, as Procedure Code, in order to examine the well as, coordinates the activities of the opportunities for setting up specialized Serious Crimes Prosecution Office regarding the property investigations. Review legislation on use and procedures concerning phone interceptions in cooperation with the Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of
SIS and Ministry of Justice, supporting Innovation
of decentralization of phone interception. and Public
Introduce amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, Law 9918 of 19.05.2008 on Electronic Communications and Law No 9157 of 4.12.2003 on Communications Establish the National Investigations NBI made operational On 31.7.2014, the Parliament approved the Law No. 108/2014 "On State Police", where is defined the establishment of National Investigations Bureau. Work is ongoing to draft normative acts that will make this structure functional. Regarding the information exchange among law enforcement agencies, the law defines the obligations of institutions on information exchange with NIB. Support of the working group for the First half of Completed The establishment and functioning of creation of NIB by international partners NIB is conducted in close cooperation PAMECAIV, ICITAP etc. with PAMECA and ICITAP. Conducting the consultation process with The working group tasked with other institutions. designing its organization was set up pursuant to the Order of the State Police General Director No.1433, date Drafting of the Legal Act in the 22.09.2014. The draft is prepared by framework of NIB. the working group and is under consultation by police structures and with international partners. Include collaborators and trafficking collaborators and Work is on-going to follow witness victims in the witness protection State Police trafficking victims protection existing programs. programs to help with investigations against organized crime. witness protection Approve draft-Decision "On special Decision approved The draft-decision "On special protection of persons helping police and State Police protection of persons helping police police officers whose life, family and and police officers whose life, family property is threatened because of the and property is threatened because of the duty" is under finalization. Support organized-crime investigation State Police,
Support of organized During 2014, structures of information units in analytical outputs elaborated by – crime investigation analysis drafted the SOCTA Report for the criminal information analysis unit, Albania for year 2014 and Strategic with the view of guiding proactive Assessment on Organized Crime for 2.2 Strengthen police capacity for timely and effective response to all Prosecutors' Office requests to use special investigations means.
Conducting the process of reforming the State Police, through the improvement of the legal and structural framework. The following acts will be reviewed and Following laws are approved: -Draft Law "On the State Police"; Law "On State Police", No. 108/2014 -Draft Law "On State Police Ranks; Law "On the Use of Weapons", No. -Draft Law "On the Use of Weapons"; -Draft "On the Establishment and Law "On Weapons", No. 74/2014. Organization of Police Academy"; Law "On private service of physical security", No. 75/2014. Two Draft-DCM: "On the Establishment and Organization of Police Academy" and "Regulation of the Police Academy", are in the process of internal consultation in the MoI and with international Partners. Drafting and approving the State Police's Strategy approved Draft-Strategy 2014-2020 and Action strategy for the years2014 – 2020. Plan 2014-2020 are completed by the relevant structure, was approved by the Policy Group of the State Police and now will follow the approval procedure by the MOI and CM. The internal and external assessment of Assessment completed The internal and external assessment of the State Police will be completed in State Police is completed, on the basis order to give a realistic state of the State of which is built State Police reform. Police, on the basis of which the ASP reform will be built. The structural improvement for the The structural improvement for the State improvement in the State Police is completed in order to Police will be carried, out to increase the increase the performance and efficency performance of the central and local of central and local structures. By Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. 548/7, dated 17. 10. 2014 "On Amendments to the Order No.548, dated 09.10.2013 "on the approval of the organizational structure and limits of the General Directorate of State Police", amended, was created Anti-Terrorism Directorate which previously was at a sector level. The number of staff increased from 28 to 72 (Center and regions together) Reorganize the set-up and increase the It is completed with the implementation number of police officers in the of the new structure of General Directorate of Special Operations Force. Directorate of State Police. Review the legal basis and legislative Legal basis reviewed acts of the organizational set-up of the Special Operations Force with the view to improving it. • Draft a normative act on the State Police By Order of the State Police General application of environmental Director No 1433 of 22.09.2014 "On surveillance/interception, as well as a establishment of working groups tasked regulation for this service standard with drafting implementing legislation "pursuant to the Law 108/2014 of 31.07.2014 on State Police. The draft is • Draft a normative act "On covert being consulted with local stakeholders police surveillance techniques"; and international partners. • Draft a normative act "On the - The draft is designed, but is expected application of special investigative to go to Parliament some initiated methods for simulation and changes on Criminal Code and infiltrators actions Criminal Procedure Code. • Draft a treatment act on undercover - The draft is designed, but is expected agents in the exercise and to go to Parliament some initiated performance of their duty after changes on Criminal Code and completing the task. Criminal Procedure Code. - The draft is designed, but is expected to go to Parliament some initiated changes on Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. During 13-17 October, a training Deliver training to these units. Trainings delivered Course on "Covert in urban and rural areas" was conducted by PAMECA IV, with the participation of 10 police officers of Task-Force Sector. Purchase adequate logistics to deliver the duties assigned. This measure is completed as 100% of • Providing advanced technology to Logistics purchased purchased equipment are delivered. environmental surveillance. Work is going on to repair all motor- • Improvements in logistical support, vehicles of the Directorate of especially in terms of motor vehicles Operational Task-Force in defined and technical infrastructure 2.3Enhance Institutional and Professional Capacity of Border and Migration Police (BMP) and of the Inter-institutional Maritime Operational Centre (IMOC)
Approve draft-Decision "On the State Police Strategy and Action Strategy on Integrated Border approval of the cross-cutting Integrated Management and its Action Plan was Border Management Strategy and its approved by the DCM No.119, dated Action Plan for 2014-2020". 05.03.2014 (Official Gazette No. 69, dated May 16, 2014, page 2527). Its implementation is in process. Draft and sign a Joint Order between First half of Completed Joint Order adopted A Joint Order of the General Director the Director-General of the State Police of State Police (No. 332/3 dated and the Director General of the State 07.03.2014) and the General Director Social Service, on reception and social of the State Social Service (No. 562, treatment of unaccompanied minors dated 12.03.2014) was signed. Its returned/readmitted from abroad. implementation is in process. Strengthen cooperation and coordination Inter-institutional among institutions involved in IMOC Joint patrol plans are organised each Improve rules and engagement of month, involving the Coast Guard, institutions in operational, administrative BMP, Anti-Smuggling Unit, in order to and budgeting aspects. engage vessels across all the maritime space, particularly in areas with suspected maritime breach. Legal aspect: Pursuant to DCM No 480 of 25.07.2012 "On the approval of the national emergency plan on response to marine pollution in the Republic of Albania", a working group was set up and a matrix of main tasks was elaborated. Regional Plan on Emergency Response to Pollution for the Vlora region (level II) was endorsed in October 2014. Members of the Incident Management Team (IMT) were appointed during this month. IMOC has started the preparation for plan level III. Ongoing QNOD
Administrative aspect: Executives of IMOC participating structures met and decided, on the basis of the legal regimes, to delegate authority to lead operations from institutions without 24/7 service to the Centerin the Albanian maritime space. Measures
completed. Exchange of information Standardize and improve procedures for a) Each day, daily reports and collection, processing and sharing of operational situations (of events, if information among agencies. there are operational situations) are sent to executives of participating institutions at the Center. Measure
b) In order to cross-check the list of fishing vessels, we are in continuous communication with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and district Chief Inspectors. A meeting with the General Maritime Directorate aimed to clearly identify fishing vessels. In October, meetings with district inspectors aimed to identify fishing vessels. Also, the firm contracted for Bluebox maintenance was asked to check all fishing vessels having BBox
installed. IMOC worked a template to
enter all fishing vessels setting off for
the sea each day. Ongoing.
c) On 16-17 June, IMOC and Maritime
Surveillance Centre (MSC) met with a
group of Italian experts to share
information and know-how in order to
develop an agreement on the exchange
of data. The agreement aims to have a
joint radar view of the Adriatic and
Ionian sees.
d) In the light of close cooperation with
representatives of IMOC participating
institutions, joint meetings were held to
enhance cooperation and analyse events
at the Centre. Measure completed.
Several meetings are held in Vlora,
Saranda, Shëngjin and Durres for
increasing the inter-institutional
cooperation (BMP, Customs, Masters
and Fishing) for the exchange of
information through the use of the
communication means (TETRA radio
system, VHF Marine, phone, fax, etc.).
Measure completed.
Increase surveillance, operational and monitoring capacity for prevention and monitoring capacity fight against criminal activities in the BMP Make surveillance, monitoring, IMOC All systems made 1. RADAR system installed. identification and communications 2. TETRA radio-communication system systems in the maritime space (ISSSS, Blue Box, AIS, and Tetra etc.) fully 3. System Blue-Box installed from 1 4. There have been activated channels of communication VHF 19 and VHF 22 with fishery navy for the zone from Rrugët e Bardha till Borsh. 5. Improvement of Daily report and Organize joint trainings and exercises IMOC Daily training sessions for officers and between institutions and international operators of the operational room are delivered based on the annual training plan. These include topics such as the use of information; decision-making process; knowledge on legislation; operational language; use of communication and surveillance systems, etc. In October, the training event on Introduction and Use of BlueBox system was delivered. Besides, Border and Migration Police staff at Durrës Port was trained on the use of message-based TETRA radios. Ongoing
2. a) "Seagull 14-01" exercise took place at the premises of the Simulation Centre at the Defence Academy in February 2014, with 7 Ministries taking part. It aimed to enhance operational and decision-making skills of coordinators and service officers, and build up coordinating and interaction capacity in maritime law enforcement. Measure
b) Exercise with an American VIth Fleet ship in March 2014, intended to test the maritime space monitoring system. Measure completed.
c) Exercise with the American VIth "implementation of rules of engagement during boarding". Boarding group of the American ship trained with the boarding group of the Coast Guard, Border and Migration Police and Anti-Smuggling Unit, in order to enhance skills needed for consensual and forced boarding. Measure completed.
d) Three exercises took place during this
month, namely: Communication 14, 14- intended to test communication and info sharing modalities (e-mail, telephone, fax, radio- communication, marine VHF radio, etc.) between the Portual Headmasters and Operational Rooms of BMP Durrës and Vlora with IMOC Operational Room. Efforts are Ongoing communication and info-sharing modalities for the four ports (Shëngjin, Durrës, Vlora and Saranda). Measure
e) During this period took place the
stimulated exercise in the operational room with 24 - hour service, with the participation of all central institutions with the aim of using and testing tools and communication modalities. Measure completed.
f) In view of environmental protection,
IMOC is associate member of BALMAS Project dedicated to protecting marine environment across the Adriatic sea area. Under this project, a working meeting took place in Kotor, Montenegro. BALMAS provides protection from ballast pollution, risk prevention, protection and improvement of quality of marine and coastal environment. The overall goal of the project is to establish a joint cross- border system. Ongoing.
During 11-19 November, a joint exercise codenamed "trappers - 2014" was conducted with the participation of 11 countries in the region for cross- Elaborate a joint agenda between IMOC, IMOC 1. IMOC inclusion (in projects, studies, PAMECA IV mission and ICITAP on training, etc.) in the work plan/strategy blue border observation, surveillance and of PAMECA II Mission, where IMOC as beneficiary party (regular member), in order to improve organisational, administrative, technical and operational capacities. IMOC participated in the work analysis of PAMECA IV which noted the progress made by IMOC as regards technical aspect (RADAR, TETRA and BlueBox systems becoming operational) and highlighted the improved and consolidated cooperation with IMOC. 2. Establish an Internal Network at the
Centre with ICITAP assistance. Servers
to be provided from them. Ongoing.
Establish an inter-institutional risk IMOC assessment platform through: platform established Establish an inter-institutional IMOC inter-institutional Completed. IMOC
framework for risk identification and framework established assessment in the maritime space. Establish an inter-institutional group for IMOC Inter-institutional An Event Assessment Team was set up event assessment (operations). group established based on relevant DCM and special Order of the IMOC's Administrative Director. 6 different events have been Set up an inter-institutional database IMOC inter-institutional assessed so far, the last being on containing data and information to help 24.09.2014 about two Italian fishermen with risk identification and assessment. who were caught fishing in Albanian waters. Also, this team held several Train staff on risk identification and IMOC meetings to improve cooperation and work coordination. Measure
Deliver joint trainings with other police From 03.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 a joint training is conducted on specialty "Radarist" with Border structures and Ministry of Defence/Naval Command. In this training participated 5 police officers of Delta Force Unit. Joint training of BMP and anti- Training on Standard Operation trafficking units on identification and Border Police Procedures for VoT identification with assistance to victims of trafficking. the participation of 10 officers from the Border and Migration Police took place on 20-21 October. Follow up the joint training of BMP and State Police On 17.07.2014 a training was held on anti-drugs units for drugs detection, "Strengthening inter-institutional investigation and seizure. coordination in fighting organized crime", organized by Border and Migration Department and Organized and Serious Crimes Department, with 20 representatives from BMD and lecturer from the Sector against Narcotics in the Directorate against Narcotics and Trafficking. 2.4 Monitoring of the situation of the post visa liberalization
Establishment of an institutional Task The Institutional Task Order of Prime Minister No. 39, dated Force to monitor the visa post – Force established 02.05.2014, "On the establishment of the Interinstitutional Working Group, Task - Force, to monitor post- liberalization visa process with the European Union". MoIA Meetings with main actors: Embassies of Meetings organised The Inter-institutional Working Group the EU countries, representatives from held its meeting on 10 October 2014, civil society, etc. based on the Prime Minister's Order No 39 of 5.2.2014 "On the establishment of the Inter-institutional Working Group (Task Force) to monitor visa post-liberalisation with the European Union". Chaired by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, participants included representatives from the respective structures (BMP, GDSP, MSLA, MSWY, Directorate of State Social Service, EC, PAMECA). The meeting aimed to discuss on the situation with asylum-seekers. Awareness campaign (television, Awareness campaign A TV spot is prepared, which is debates, press conferences, sensitizing broadcasted on the national media to meetings with the community in raise public awareness to not violate the problematic areas, TV sports). rules of free movement. ENHANCING THE TRACK RECORD
3. Fight trafficking in human beings, military weapons and munitions, motor vehicles and works of arts & culture
Status of
Indicator of target
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
3.1 Enhance structures and procedures for identification and assistance to victims of trafficking, and increase the number of proactive investigations and
criminal prosecutions
Develop the Strategy on the fight against Strategy developed The strategy on the fight against human human trafficking and National Action trafficking and National Action Plan Plan 2014 – 2016. was approved by the Decision of Council of Ministers no.184, on 26th of November 2014. On December 17, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in cooperation with UNODC was organized the National Conference for the presentation of the National Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2017. In the conference participated ambassadors, representatives of state institutions, national and international organizations, NGOs and civil society. Further meetings will be organized in different regions or even with national and international partners to present the Strategy and National Action Plan 2014-2017. MoJ, MoI,
Anti-Trafficking Unit, in March 2014, Amend the Criminal Procedure Code to has done the necessary proposals in the improve provisions on access to justice Criminal Procedure Code regarding for victims of trafficking. access to justice for victims of trafficking, after having determined that for the victims of crime in general and those of trafficking in particular are not foreseen provisions that take in defence their position in the criminal process. Anti-Trafficking Unit has proposed to be foreseen special provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code to represent the victim (victims' interests) from third parties, legal representatives of victims, lawyers, employees of various organizations, etc. A preliminary draft was developed and distributed for consultation. It is the output of collection, examination and analysis of materials presented by international and local experts which identify issues for improvement in the Criminal Procedure provisions. The scope of the Working Group set up by the Minister of Justice is to collect, examine and analyse materials submitted by international and local experts identifying issues for improvement in the Criminal Procedure provisions. Round tables served to improve the draft, keeping note of enforcement deficiencies related to the Code of Criminal Procedure. A Policy Document on amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure was developed. It contains flexible recommendations which will serve as guidance during introduction of amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure. There are no new developments from Ministry of Justice
November and December. Amend DCM No 8 of 5.01.2002 "On MoI– Anti-
First half of Completed Order of Prime Minister, No. 179, dated establishing the State Committee for the 19.06.2014, "On the establishment of Fight against Trafficking in Human the State Committee Against Trafficking Beings (SCFaTHB)". in Persons" has entered into force. The above mentioned Order is presented to various meetings with members of the Task Force of NRM, the Responsible Authority, trafficking Committees etc. Order No. 3799, dated 07.08.2014 "On Amend Joint Order No 1192 of Order No.3799 of the establishing of the Responsible 19.05.2006 on establishing the members, 07.08.2014 amended Authority for the identification, referral, Responsible Authority for the National protection and reintegration of victims Referral Mechanism. of trafficking" is signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education and Sports, Minister of Health and Minister of Social Welfare and Youth and is published in the Official Journal. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education and Sports, Minister of Health, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Director General of Police have appointed the members of the Responsible Authority. After the completion of the pilot phase Ensure monitoring and implementation of of the application "Report, Save!", from the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) implementation of the June 16, this application is functional and Standard Operating Procedures Responsible NRM and SOPs, for any android phone and can be (SOPs) for the Identification and Referral downloaded free from Google Play. of Victims of Trafficking. Through the application can be sent messages of suspected cases of trafficking in persons and can be taken the necessary information for the legislation on trafficking and the services offered to victims of trafficking. Anti-Trafficking Unit in collaboration with World Vision is taking measures to organize information meetings for the National Line 116 006 and "Report! Save" application with Regional Anti-Trafficking Committees in the districts. Centers continue to refer identified cases of VT/PVT, cases identified in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures for Identification and Referral of PVT/VT. Responsible Authority met on 10.09.2014 at the MoIA to discuss the solution of some cases identified by the SSS. On 12.09.2014, ATU in cooperation with IOM and travel agencies organized training on "Travel safe and informed." The training aimed at informing the tour operators on trafficking, identification and referral of PVT according to SOPs. The Office of the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, in cooperation with the Office of the Humanitarian International Catholic Community in the United States (CRS) and Caritas Albania, on 11/07/2014, in Tirana, organized a conference to launch the project "Strengthening the capacity of state structures to protect victims of human trafficking " and the establishment of a Steering Committee. The project aims to improve cooperation between government and civil society to strengthen the government's capacity to identify and refer victims of human trafficking and will be implemented in Kukës, Shkodra, Durrës and Lezha. The Responsible Authority met on 12/11/2014 at MoIA to discuss some concrete cases identified by the SSS and shelters, as well as the drafting of internal regulation of the Responsible Authority. The regulation will be drafted as a manual for the RA members and prior to its drafting individual consultations with be held with each member of the RA. On 23 December, 2014, with the support of OSCE was organized a consultative meeting with the members of the Responsible Authority for drafting the Regulation of the Responsible Authority. The Office of the National Anti-trafficking Coordinator in collaboration with Terre des Hommes and Save the Children, on 24 November in Korça held a local forum discussion "On issue of human trafficking, Children in Motion and Child Protection Mechanisms at the local level". The forum was attended by members of the Anti-trafficking Technical Roundtable members, CPU's, representatives of NGOs operating in the region and representatives of the region. They discussed on child protection mechanism, the regional issues and on designing an action plan at the regional level for the protection of children. On December 4, was signed in England the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Secretary of State for the Home Department Acting through the Home Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania "On intensifying cooperation in the fight against trafficking in human beings and on the enhanced identification, notification, referral and voluntary assisted return of victims/potential victims of trafficking in human beings" On December 8, in Tirana, was signed the Additional Protocol with Montenegro "On intensifying cooperation in the fight against trafficking in human beings and on the enhanced identification, notification, referral and voluntary assisted return of victims/potential victims of trafficking in human beings". On December 22 , with the support of OSCE was organized a consultative meeting pursuant to the Agreement between the General Directorate of State Police and National Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Persons and the State Labour Inspectorate and Social Services "For cooperation procedures for identifying cases of forced labor and trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation". 3.2Enhance fight against internal trafficking and focus particularly on children through capacity building of Child Protection Units and referral of victims to
community services for their re-integration
MoI– Anti-
First half of Ongoing Structures of Police and the General Draft an instruction for State Police Instruction drafted Prosecution are working to draft the officers and special prosecutors on recent Instruction on recent changes on the changes to the Criminal Code addressing Criminal Code, which address internal internal trafficking and suggestions by BMP and Anti-trafficking Unit. Anti-trafficking Unit drafted the Instruction on setting up a working group chaired by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and consisting of representatives from the Anti-trafficking Unit, Prosecutor General Office, State Police and the Directorate of Legal Affairs and Legal Approximation at MIA. A consultative meeting will be carried out between the leaders of the National Coordinator and Serious Crime Prosecution. MoI– Anti-
Workshop completed This measure is completed. 3.2.2 Conduct a workshop with police officers, prosecutors, social workers and Labour Inspectorate workers on "Internal Prosecutor Trafficking of children: challenges and Hold monthly meetings with Regional State Police,
Monthly meetings During January – October monthly Police Directorates and special meetings were held with Police prosecutors of the Serious Crimes trafficking Departments in the districts and special Prosecutor's Office handling human prosecutors in the Serious Crime trafficking cases, with the specific topic Prosecution Office. "internal trafficking". On November 24, 2014 in Tirana was held a meeting between the structures of Shkodra District Police and Prosecution of Serious Crimes in which the cases under investigation for human trafficking were analysed. Deliver trainings to the personnel of Child trafficking
Second half Completed Trainings delivered Anti-Trafficking Unit in cooperation Protection Units on better identification of with the State Agency for Protection of cases of internal human trafficking. Child Rights is taking measures to draft a concrete training plan with employers of Child Protection Units. Training events with Child Protection Units employees to take place on 27 November in Durrës, on 4 December in Fier and on 16 December in Tirana Anti-Trafficking Unit in cooperation with the State Agency for Protection of Child Rights has taken measures for the organization of training with employees of the Child Protection Units. Training on "Identification of cases of internal trafficking in persons, particularly children: challenges and solutions" to employees of Child Protection Units, the police, social services and shelter to victims of trafficking took place on 27 November at Durres. In addition to training with Children Protection Agency, in Fier on 4 December and in Elbasan on 16 December, according trainings were organized by with employees of Child Protection Units, the police, social services and shelter to victims of trafficking. Deliver trainings to BMP police officers, State Police,
Second half Ongoing Trainings delivered During January – November 2014, 5 minor protection units and anti-trafficking trainings on minor protection were units in 12 regional police directorates. conducted where 44 police officers of anti-trafficking units participated. By Order of the General Director of State Police No.1636 dated 26.11.2014 for "an addition to training plan for 2014" was approved the delivery of trainings during December 2014for BMP, protection of minors and anti-trafficking officers in regional directorates Durres, Lezha, Berat, Dibra, Vlora, Elbasan, Shkodra. In December, were conducted 5 trainings, with participation of 130 police officers from Border Police Structures and from the Anti trafficking Sector and Sector Against Violence with the theme "standard operating procedures for the identification and referral of victims and potential victims of trafficking ". First half of Complete ATU continues to enter referred data by Re-operation of the data of victims / NCATS and other members of the RA potential victims of trafficking "SIVET". 3.3 Align national legislation against trafficking in firearms and munitions
Harmonize national legislation on National legislation firearms with EU acquis international standards. Adopt draft law "On weapons''. Law "On weapons'' 74/2014 is Creation of the National Registry of 3.4 Build capacity through joint trainings with law enforcement agencies
During the period January – 30 Cooperation with international partners to November 2014 were conducted 19 develop joint training in the field of trainings in the field of combating combating illicit trafficking. illegal trafficking in cooperation with partners, in which benefited 74 police officers. During December 2014 were held two meetings on the topic of human trafficking and the fight against illegal migration with the participation of two representatives from the structures for illegal trafficking. Conduct joint trainings on national and On 30.06.2014 was conducted a training international legislation about works of art for specialists of anti-trafficking police on legislation in the field of works of art and culture, in which benefited 15 police officers. Anti-trafficking Sector sent a request to the Police Training Centre on planning and organisation of the training by the State Police, with experts from the Ministry of Culture invited to deliver such training. Illicit Trafficking Sector in ASP in collaboration with experts from the Ministry of Culture, on 24.11.2014 organized training on the investigation of cases of trafficking of art and culture works. Strengthening the capacities through On 27 November 2014, Sector for organization twice a year of trainings, illegal trafficking in the Directorate with 24 specialists, on proactive State Police General of State Police in cooperation investigation techniques in the cases of techniques in the with the Serious Crimes Prosecution trafficking of human beings, especially in Office delivered the training course "for the internal trafficking in collaboration proactive investigation techniques in with Serious Crimes Prosecution Office, cases of Trafficking in Persons" which will lead to a 10 % increase of proactive investigations in the fight against illegal trafficking. 3.5Prevent and combat trafficking in human beings, and other illegal trafficking, in cooperation with all law enforcement agencies
Analysis of the criminal situation in the Analyses completed Meetings of inter-institutional working area ofillicit trafficking and obligations groups were conducted, dealing with the stipulated in the Action Plan on analysis of the defined tasks in NAP for trafficking in motor vehicles and artand art and culture related works and NAP culture related works. for trafficking of motor vehicles and developing new drafts. Analysis of criminal situation is complete and findings were reflected as recommendations in the National Action Plan on Smuggling of Motor Vehicles and the National Action Plan on Works of Art and Culture. During January- 30 November 2014, the Develop analytical outputs to increase Analytical report structures of information analysis have efficiency in the fight against criminal drafted 94 analytical reports related to organizations, criminal groups and illicit trafficking activities. individuals involved in illegal trafficking. During December 2014, the structures
of information analysis have drafted 28
reports related to illicit trafficking
During January - 30 November 2014, Increase by 10% of number of proactive State Police
Police referred to the Prosecution a total investigations and prosecutions in the of 114 proactive investigations files for fight against trafficking in human beings, illegal trafficking cases, compared to 43 and other illegal trafficking through the cases in the same period of 2013. use of special investigative techniques and cooperation with the Prosecutor During December 2014, Police referred to the Prosecution Office 7 proactive investigations for illegal trafficking cases. National Action Plan Inter-institutional working groups are Draft National Action Plan for 2014- First Quarter Ongoing working to draft the National Action 2016, for the fight against trafficking in Plan on art and culture works' art and culture works and motor vehicles. trafficking and National Action Plan of motor vehicles trafficking. Draft Action Plan on Smuggling of Motor Vehicles as well as the draft Action Plan on Works of Art, is under finalization process. 4. Prevent and Fight Money Laundering
Indicator of target
Status of
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
Prevent and combat money laundering and boost performance against it
Conduct gap analyses for the existing Legal Gap analyses legal framework of the Criminal Prosecutor
Procedure Code and Criminal Code. Conduct legal analyses to examine the possibility of including the criminal offence of money laundering in the jurisdiction of the Serious Crimes Court, when associated with the main criminal offence under the competence of the Serious Crimes Court. During the period January-November 2014, Increase by 5% of the number of State Police
for the criminal offence of "Laundering the investigations and convictions GDPML proceeds of crime or criminal activity" through intensive use of Suspicious investigations and provided by Article 287 of the Criminal Transaction Reports and proactive convictions increased Code were recorded a total of 183 cases investigations of unjustified wealth. with 230 authors. Compared to the same period of last year results that are identified: 98 offenses more, with 123 authors more. (More then was foreseen of 5% )
Progress in the fight against money laundering is reflected by: - the increase of seized amounts by around 1,938,428 Euros for the period January- November 2013, by around 17,061,586 Euros for the period January - November Annual target for the value of seized assets of money laundering in completed 100%. During December 2014, for the criminal
offence of "Laundering the proceeds of crime or criminal activity" provided by Article 287 of the Criminal Code were recorded 22 cases, with 34 authors. Compared to the same period of last year results that are identified: 20 cases more, with 28 more perpetrators. Also have been seized in Bank Account 2 045 785 Euro. (In December 2013 there were no seizure). Increase of number of cases referred GDPML: There is an increased number of to the law enforcement bodies cases referred to law enforcement agencies. related to Suspicious Transaction 462 cases were referred to the law Reports (STR) and other proactive enforcement agencies (314 to State Police investigations initiated on grounds and 148 to Prosecution Office), compared of unjustified wealth. to 283 cases referred in 2013. For December 2014 are 14 cases reported to GDSP and 13 cases were reported to the Prosecution Office during the December 2014. During this year 321 cases referred to law enforcement agencies are initiated form the SARs reported by subjects of law. At the same time are 110 cases which are sent to law enforcement agencies which are proactively initiated by using value transaction reports, risk analysis and other public information's. Improving and strengthening of Capacities of financial financial investigation capacities, investigation improved focusing on money laundering and Conduct a needs assessment in the Needs assessment It is conducted a needs assessment of the units tasked with fighting money structures involved in the fight against money laundering. It is set up a working group for drafting the Action Plan and work is ongoing to draft the Action Plan. Representatives of the working group are from these institutions: ASP, GDPML, GDT, GDC, HIDA, IPRO, and General Draft Action Plan to strengthen Action Plan drafted Draft Plan completed and sent for opinion financial investigation capacity. to institutions tasked with implementation duties. Their responses are expected. Develop and strengthen professional State Police
Capacities strengthened For the period January - November 2014, of money laundering Prosecutor from the State Police, were conducted 5 investigation units trainings in the field against money launderings with 69 beneficiaries from State Police, 3 from Customs, 3 from Tax Administration, 3 from FIU. Organize joint trainings with Administration participants from all institutions: of the Seized Joint trainings organised A joint training of GDSP, GDPML, PGO, Police, Prosecutor Gen., Tax GDT and GDC entitled "Capacity building Authority, Customs, GDPML, and for efficient fight against money laundering, Financial Institutions. detection and seizure of assets" took place on 30.10. 2014. It was attended by 20 participants, specifically: 11 from Regional Police Directorates, 3 from GDT, 3 from GDC and 3 prosecutors from JIU. Also, there have been conducted 5 courses with the participation of 5 police officers of the structure of money laundering in the center. The trainings were organized by the ASP, TAIEX, SOCA, ICITAP, the Interior Ministry of FYRoM and took place in Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. Enhance the efficiency of the money Money laundering laundering prevention system. prevention system Analysis of Law 9917 dated GDPML; this measure is 19.05.2008, amended, in the context of possible changes that come as a Analysis was conducted; it concluded result of the recommendations of the that no changes are required in the near FATF and EU directives; future. However, amendments to the Law Nr. 9917 of 19.5.2008 "On prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism", as amended, in the context of the new FATF recommendations. Before that, we expect to have the assessments of other countries in line with new standards and based on their findings, gaps and experience, we will set for the relevant These amendments will be necessary in the context of the MONEYVAL evaluation round due on T1 2017. On-site inspection of 70 subjects, On-site inspections GDPML; this measure is establishing administrative measures completed, for 2014 there are 72 on-site for violations found and follow inspection carried out. During the recommendations; December 2014, 21 subjects of the law were inspected on-site. GDPML; During this year a Strengthening cooperation with the significant progress is noticed related to licensing and supervisory authorities with 10% increase inspections and supervisor authorities. A MoU is signed with the Bank of Albania and at the same time preparation have started to sign the MoU with FSA. Training of entities subject of the law trained GDPML; There has been and 10% increase in the number of persons increased tangible progress in this indicator for the year 2014, with 699 persons trained, compared to 401 for the year 2013. Analysis of the risks of transfer sector Analysis completed companies, real estate, and cross- GDPML: This measure is border transportation of currency in the process of cleaning the proceeds of crime and criminal activity. Development of training on subjects of law in cooperation with Trainings developed GDPML: In close cooperation supervisory authorities (FIU) with supervisor authorities and other state institution GDPML has carried training for subjects of the law. There are 699 persons trained, compared to 401 trained for the year 2013. In this process we want to highlight the contribution of Bank of Albania, Chamber of Notaries, The Albanian Association of Constructors, The Albanian Association of Banks, CORIP etc. national risk assessment GDPML: This measure is nearly Review national risk assessment for finished; during January 2015 we will Money Laundering / Financing of be waiting for the reviews by the other Terrorism and make it available for actors involved in this process. There law enforcement agencies. were difficulties in collection of statistics; but now is almost finished. 5. Increase Seizures and Confiscations of Criminal Assets through effective implementation of the Anti-Mafia law (Law 10192 "On prevention and suppression of
organized crime and trafficking through preventive measures against property")
Status of
Indicator of target
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
5.1 Review of legislation and bylaws in finding, seizing and confiscating of criminal assets
Amendments completed It was adopted the Law24/2014 "On some Initiate amendments to Law No 10192 Prosecutor
amendments and addenda to Law No 10192 of 03.12.2009 "On prevention and of 3.12.2009 "On prevention and suppression of organized crime and suppression of organized crime and trafficking through preventive AAPSK trafficking through preventive measures measures against property" Anti-Mafia against property". October 2014 Ongoing The review of bylaws In Process Review other bylaws to improve ASP + Prosecutor +MoF +AAPSK investigations, seizures and confiscations, and handling of seized and confiscated assets. 5.2 Build and strengthen professional capacity for investigations against proceeds of crime
Conduct joint trainings with other State Police
Joining training institutions having obligations under During the period January - November
Law 10192 (Anti-Mafia law). 2014 a series of training activities on
investigation of criminal assets were conducted in and outside the country: - There are planned and developed 8 training within the country with the participation of 134 police structures of organized crime and serious crime in the central and local level. - There are planned and conducted three training abroad with the participation of 15 officers of the structures of organized and serious crime in the central and local level. - Participation was insured in 3 international conferences and activities on issues that focus on the fight against organized crime and investigation of criminal assets. During December 2014, the Department
for the Investigation of Criminal Assets has developed activities to increase professional capacities as follows: - From 03 - 12.04.2014 at the premises of Police Directory of Vlore, a training course on the criminal assets investigations was conducted. The training was attended by 12 police officers of the structures of organized crime and serious crimes of the - From 10 - 12.12.2014 at the premises of Police Directory of Fier, a training course on the criminal assets investigations was conducted. The training was attended by 15 police officers of the structures of organized crime and serious crimes of the - From 17 - 18.12.2014 at the premises of the Police Training Centre - Tirana, a training course on the criminal assets investigations was conducted. The training was attended by 20 police officers of the structures of organized crime and serious crimes of the PD Tirana, Elbasan and Conduct two workshops Workshops finalised Two workshops planned from TAIEX were "Investigation of money laundering not conducted because dates were not crimes focusing on criminal assets", determined by the organizers. supported by TAIEX. Periodic meetings of inter agency State Police
periodic meetings Two meetings of the Interagency Advisory group of experts to: Committee of Experts for measures against - Analyze the performance of Organized Crime were organized. property investigations and issue recommendations for improving the The Analyses is in -Overseeing the management of seized and confiscated assets; Examine opportunities to stimulate units tasked with investigation of State Police is in the process of receiving a criminal assets, by allocating a fund from the Ministry of Finances' special percentage of confiscated assets, in fund, as well as a set of equipment from the order to increase the investigative confiscated assets. For this purpose we capacity of these units. have presented to the Ministry of Finance a project for the expenses of this fund as well as the use of these equipment in the Police Education Centre. Purchase necessary equipment for criminal assets investigation units at Equipment purchased the State Police, from the budget allocated by the Ministry of Finance in order to increase the capacity of the structures dealing with the investigation of criminal assets. From the special fund received in 2013, were purchased a set of equipment for the The procurement's procedures have structures of the Department of Organized initiated for securing 50 computers, and Serious Crimes. Completed
50 printers, 5 lap-tops, 5 scanners, 15 digital cameras, 1 copy machine and 2 video projectors 5.3 Increase by 5 % of the number of asset investigations refered to the Serious Crimes Prosecutions Office leading to an increase of assets seized or confiscated
during 2014
Build up cooperation with district State Police.
During this period were held common meetings and prosecutor's offices and police bodies that analysis with the Prosecutors of Judicial Districts in 5 investigate these criminal offences. Three work analyses were conducted in October, focusing on concrete cases at the Serious Crimes Prosecution Office. Improve the quality of asset State Police
The quality During January – November 2014 there was an
investigations, through increased Prosecutor increase of cooperation with the Serious Crimes monitoring and special analyses among Prosecution near in Tirana. Various meetings were State Police bodies and Serious Crimes held, such as 19 common analyses with prosecutors Prosecutor's Office. following wealth investigations. As a result of the work so far we can say that the outcome has been satisfactory. Specifically: a) During this period 77 materials were referred to the Serious Crimes Prosecution, while 76 were referred in the same period in 2013. Thus 1 more materials than the same period in 2013. b) Also during this period the police structures in cooperation with the Prosecution of Serious Crimes has faced a great dynamic work regarding property verification. A total of 4655 subjects and their family members were verified. (2056 during 2013).Criminal Assets Sector sent to the Prosecutor for Serious Crimes 214 files and related practices for property checks that are performed by local structures. c) 13 Decisions of sequestration have been given. In total the value of sequestered assets is nearly
3,883,328 EURO, also 5 properties (9010 m2
land), 5 vehicles included. During the same period
of previous year only 2 sequestering decisions
were given for a real estate and two bank accounts
with velue 551,700 Euro).
d) Estates of a total value of 1,053,000 EURO were confiscated. Also 5 properties in Durrës (Land 17100 m2). For the same period of previous year the value of confiscated assets was 747,000 EURO. After assignment of tasks by the prosecutor, specialists of criminal assets prepared sent the report to the prosecutor for the "Lazarati" File, initiating assets investigation against 83 subjects of Law 10192 and around 400 relatives and family members of these subjects.
During December 2014, 3 cases were referred for
assets investigation to the Prosecutor for Serious
Crimes, for 7 persons.
Also in the framework of an assets investigation The Serious Crime Court Decided Confiscation of a property (land, 3967 m2 with a value of 2713428 Lek) 5.4 Further enhance and strengthen international cooperation in asset investigations
State Police
Cooperation Considerable work is done towards this objective. Enhance information sharing with Prosecutor During this period we have cooperated and exchanged international partners. information mainly via Interpol, CARIN network as well as liaison officers. This work is reflected in the abovementioned indicators. Also were carried out property verifications and given response to a request made by US authorities in connection with an Albanian citizen living in America. During December 2014, the property verifications were completed for two practices required by foreign Verifications were made was given response to Kosovo authorities for 10 Kosovo citizens. Following a request for property verification of INTERFORCE for 2 Albanian nationals arrested in July 2014 under the Police Operation "Enigma 2011", verifications were performed and information was sent to Interforce. On11.05.2014, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Attorney General of the Republic of Albania and National Anti-Mafia Directorate of the Republic of Italy, in the framework of cooperation against organized crime and against laundering of products deriving from criminal activities. General Prosecutor
Regular meetings, with liaison officers Meetings have been held with liaison officers in Tirana from partner countries, in order to discuss Turkey, Italy, and Greece and a meeting was held with our concerns and exchange information in officers of the Italian INTERFORCE Mission in terms of criminal assets investigation. Tirana about the verification of properties of an Albanian citizen. Some conviction decisions against Albanian citizens were ensured through Interpol in Keeping contacts with the international Regarding cooperation with CARIN Network 12 network CARIN in order to exchange practices are followed through this network, mainly experiences and information needed in with Greece, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Turkey, Switzerland, regard to the investigation of criminal Belgium, Sweden etc. During December 2014 response was ensured for a request of CARIN Network - EULEX Kosovo for 5 Kosovo citizens. From our side, verifications were made in cooperation with other institutions and response was ensured through the contact point of the State Police to CARIN Network. Conduct joint training and operational During January – November 2014, three joint
trainings were held: one by the mediation of ICITAP and the British Embassy in Tirana, one by the
European Union Instrument TAIEX and one by
Turkish Embassy in Tirana, in Ankara Turkey.
Also as regards the joint operations, the Criminal
Assets Sector is involved in the execution of 14
rogatory letters received mainly from United
Kingdom, French, Italian, Belgian and German

For 7 cases specialists of Criminal Assets Investigation
committed procedural actions on the ground together
with French and Belgian prosecutors and officers, and
the officers of the Judicial Police and Prosecutor for
Serious Crimes. In these cases there were seized large
amounts of cash, jewelry, cars, electronic equipment
engine, etc. and properties such as land, apartments
which are in the process of seizure were identified.
During December 2014 the Criminal Assets Sector, pursuant to decision no. 122, dated 12.12.2014 issued by the Court of First Instance of Serious Crimes in Tirana , "On the execution of the letter rogatory from the Belgian authorities of the Court of First Instance of the Louvre - Belgium , for control of the residence of citizens DD" has carried out a series of actions to accomplish tasks given by the Court . As a result of this work were seized: - 13,000 thousand euro, - 700 thousand lek, - Some expensive watches, silver rings, mobile phones, cameras, etc. -Vehicles Crysler and Volkswagen Golf - 4, a motorcycle. - Five firearms and ammunition. During January- November 2014:
Exchange best practices with counterpart - State Police has cooperated with the Mission been a PAMECA IV, mainly for the exchange of continuousl experience on asset investigation. y exchange - A representative of ASP participated in the of meeting of the contact points of CARIN network that was held in Spain. - In Bucharest - Romania a Conference with the countries of Eastern Europe with the theme "Finding criminal assets and their management" was held. This event was attended by a number of Albanian agencies such as State Police, Prosecution of Serious Crimes and The Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Asstes. During December 2014 a meeting was held with two short term experts PAMECA IV, for the reorganization of structures for criminal assets in the State Police. We are waiting the final report of the experts in order to evaluate their suggestions and to implement them in the new structure. 6. Strengthen effectiveness of cyber-crime structures
Planned measures/ activities
Status of
Indicator of
Details on implementation
Reasons for delays
6.1 Build administrative capacity of structures fighting cyber crime
Completed Measure. With the approval of the new
Structural reorganization of police units State Police Structure, under the Order No. 548/3,
in charge of computer crime. dated 05.05.2014, of the Minister of Internal
Affairs, was reorganized the structure of cyber-
crimes at the Directorate
General of State Police.
Set up specialized unit at the Prosecutor In June 2014 the staff that will cover the Cybernetic Prosecutor's Office to deal with cyber- Crimes in the Regional Prosecution Offices in Tirana, Durrës, Elbasan, Vlora, Fier, Korça e Shkodra was appointed. The responsible staff was also appointed in the Serious Crime Prosecution Office in Tirana for those cases where the cybernetic crimes are committed from criminal organizations ore structured groups Increasing the effectiveness of the work Completed
of the investigative structures for cyber- crime investigation, by strengthening the technical capacity for examination and searching of computer data. Provide hardware and software State Police Completed
equipment for the examination and searching of computer data 6.2Strengthen staff's training capacity
During the time period from 1 January 2014 to 31 Deliver trainings for specialists. December 2014, the structures of the Sector for Computer Crimes have participated in 13 trainings, seminars and work-shops, where 41 police employees of computer crime structure have benefited from. Drafts of job descriptions are finished and are in the Revise job descriptions. approval process. Drafts of standard procedures are finished and are in Develop standardized procedures. the approval process. 7. Reduce drugs demand and access intended to illegal use
Status of
Indicator of
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
7.1Preventing and significantly reducing the production of drugs in Albania
Draft and endorse the national action National Action Plan No 18, dated plan against cultivation of narcotic Ministry of 10.03.2014for the prevention and combating the Action Plan criminal activity of cultivation of narcotic plants during 2014 has been signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs. The Action Plan No. 301, dated 06.03.2014 "For the prevention and combating of criminal activity of narcotic plants during 2014" was approved by Director General of State Police. Establish General Headquarters against Management / leading groups at central and cultivation of narcotic plants (led by the action plans local level were established and are operational Director' General of State Police) and in all regional police directorates. Besides, anti- regional headquarters (led by prefects); drugs actions plan of the Regional Police draft and adopt regional action plans. Directorates and Police Commissariats "On prevention and suppression of criminal activity of cultivation of narcotic plants during 2014"were elaborated. Implement the Action Plan's
Pursuant to the Order of the Director General nr. preventive and awareness-raising
n of Action 726, date 12.05.2014 "For the control of phase (Phase 1).
territory and destruction of narcotics" control groups are set up and the calendar of territory Organize national and regional Environment control across the country was designed and conferences to analyze the state of play and raise public awareness. raising phase Also, from the regional police departments and police departments in cooperation with the Organize 12 region-level conferences; heads of local government and education 300 meetings and other awareness- departments in the region, in order to prevent raising activities in schools, villages, the cultivation of narcotic plants, a total of 497 focused on problematic areas. Roll out developed various awareness activities, as well subsidy and financing programs for as teaching lessons were held in 9-year primary crops, orchards, etc. and secondary schools with 14,265 participants. 2066 police information on cultivation activity were administered in the Memex system. Organize TV programs and spots in cooperation with national and local Also the following measures were implemented media, in order to increase public during this phase: awareness on this phenomenon. • 2 Action Plans, • 5 telegrams, Design and distribute leaflets and other • 8 Withdrawal attention, awareness-raising materials. • 4 Operational Plans, • 1 order of General Director of ASP, Deliver at least three trainings on the • 2 monitoring plans by police helicopters fight against cultivation of narcotic • A joint plan to transport police forces by plants, with the participation of other law helicopters of the Army. enforcement agencies and civil society. • 12 regional meetings in all the districts were Hold joint meetings with SIS and Prosecutor's Office to analyze the situation and coordinate efforts. Collect and analyze information - from all sources available - on potential areas of cultivation and persons involved in this criminal activity, as well as prepare for the operational phase. Implement Action Plan's operational
phase (Phase II)
Ensure air surveillance with helicopters During this period in collaboration with Guardia of MoI and MoD or other means secured Di Finanza 49 air monitoring have been made. from international partners on the basis 798 plots identified and destroyed 50492 of plans and agreements concluded. cannabis sativa plants. From the State Police have been done 27 flying missions. Assign police officers to be involved in Needed personnel were assigned and activities the narcotics plants eradication State Police included in the work plans prepared for each operations and ensure proper logistic regional police department, were carried out to support for this type of operations. identify land plots used for the cultivation of narcotic plants. Carry out narcotic plants eradication During 2014 there are recorded 570 cases of operations and bring perpetrators before cultivation of narcotic plants, there were identified 204 authors, and 105 of them were arrested, 37 authors were prosecuted while free and 62 are wanted. 551,414 narcotic plants were Indicators of identifying and destroying the narcotic plant cannabis sativa , by region , for 570 551.414 204 105 37 62
Two important operations were conducted during this period: 1. The police operation codenamed "Lazarati", for the control and destruction of narcotic plants in the village of Lazarat. 1000 police officers were engaged in this operation. The main results were: police destroyed 133,567 narcotic plants; and seized 71 tons and 87 kg of marijuana, 53 kg 735 gr of hashish, 16.8 Litres of hashish oil; 5 kg of heroin, 4 kg 395 gr of cannabis seeds; 5 processing laboratories; 2 heating incubators, 426 automatic firearm, 27 pistols, two snipers, 7 heavy machine guns, 30 machine guns, 4 mortars, 6 grenade launcher, 4 antitank, 29 hunting weapons, 7 old weapons, 49 burned There have been arrested 49 persons, 39 of them were arrested for committing the criminal offenses of: "Armed attacks against police forces", "Production and sale of drugs", "Cultivation of narcotics plants", "destruction of property" and 10 are wanted. 2. The police operation codenamed "Dukagjini", for the control and destruction of narcotic plants in the areas of Pult, Shale and Temal with the participation of 150 police officers every day (8 days). In conclusion of the police operation 313 parcels were identified 136,468 narcotic plants were destroyed. suspected perpetrators who were declared wanted. There were arrested three suspected perpetrators, 3 local government representatives. Three automatic firearms, 5 161 cartridges and 15 kg 924 gr of Continue cooperation with SIS to marijuana were seized. identify cultivated areas and persons in August every ongoing criminal activity, and with Prosecutor's Cooperation with SIS at central and local level on the identification of cultivated areas and Office for the investigation of cultivation persons involved in criminal activity has proceeded smoothly, as with the prosecution Implement the cooperation agreement office in cultivation cases. with MEFWA on prevention and suppression of cultivation. State Police structures collaborated with structures of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and local government units on prevention and suppression of cultivation in plots under State management. Implement Joint Order No 7 of 03.05.2007 with MEFWA on monitoring cultivation of industrial hemp. There is no industrial hemp cultivation 7.2 Fight against individuals, criminal groups or organizations involved in domestic and international drug trade and distribution
During January- November 2014, information
Develop analytical outputs to improve analysis structures prepared 126 analytical effectiveness of the fight against reports on activities related to narcotics. individuals, criminal groups and organizations dealing with narcotics. During December 2014, information analysis
structures prepared 27 analytical reports on activities related to narcotics. Intensify fight against drug trade and State Police
Fight against In the course of 1 January - 30 November 2014, distribution networks, through proactive compared with the same period a year ago, it investigations and special investigation was increased by 49% the number of cases of techniques, based on threat assessments seizures of narcotic drugs; increased by 45% the and cooperation between State Police and number of authors prosecuted in the field of drugs and increased by 33% the number of authors arrested. Regarding the quantities of narcotic drugs seized, it is noticed an increase by 33% of the quantity of cocaine, 670% of the quantity of marijuana and 43% of the quantity of heroin Increase by 5 % of the number of police State Police
5% increase In the course of 1 January – 30 November 2014, operations using Special Investigative 117 operations were carried out with the use of Methods (SIM) until end of the year special investigative techniques; During December there has been finalized 2 police operations using Special Investigative Methods, with 6 authors arrested, 31.8 kg cannabis sativa and 200 gr of heroine seized. Increase by 5 % of the number State Police
In the course January to 30 November 2014 of criminal groups suppressed from ASP there were hit 55 criminal groups in the field of in the field of narcotics until end of the illicit trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs. Work continues to identify and fight criminal groups. In 2013 there were hit 33 criminal groups in the field of illicit trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs During December 3 criminal groups with 9 members have been suppressed . Border Police and Customs will improve State Police
Joint Unit for Risk Analysis Office in Border and Migration border control against drug trade, Department has held meetings with structures of through more effective use of risk risk analysis in the Directorate General of analyses and training. Customs for the preparation of a joint risk analysis with Customs. During January – November 2014, the Structures of border police made 84 drug seizures (80 Cannabis seizures with 8382 kg seized, 4 seizures of Heroin with 27.9 kg seized and 1 cocaine seizure with 111 gr seized) During December 2014 the structures of border police made 6 seizures with 87.2 kg Cannabis seized. 1 seizures of Heroin with 1 kg Make the Joint Unit for container control State Police
Joint Unit for container control was created in at Durres Port fully operational. March 2013. Three (3) law enforcement agencies operate in the Joint Unit for containers control. - Order Police - Customs - Durres District Police Directorate In this unit there are currently serving six (6) officers, of these 2 (two) Durres Border Police officers, two (2) Customs officers and 2 (two) anti-drugs police officers in Durres District Police Directorate. 279 containers were checked in the course of January - November 2014. 27 containers were checked during December 2014. PARTNERSHIPS AND STAKEHOLDERS
8. Foster international cooperation in the fight against organized crime
Status of
Indicator of
Details on implementation
Planned measures/ activities
Reasons for delays
8.1 Foster international , regional and cross -border cooperation in the fight against organized crime
Conclude bilateral agreements with regional countries, other EU countries, and ensure implementation of existing Signing of the Operational Protocol The Operational Protocol between the between the State Police and the State Police and the Public Security Department Department of Public Safety of the of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Italy for the capture of persons wanted by justice and the establishment of a Joint Task Force was signed on 30 January 2014. Agreement between Albania and Turkey Draft Agreement between Albania and on cooperation among law enforcement Turkey on cooperation of law enforcement institutions. We are ready to sign the Agreement and we are waiting the proposal of the Turkish side for a possible signing date. Agreement between Albania and Agreement between Albania and Croatia Croatia on police cooperation. on police cooperation. This agreement has been finalized on January 20 2014. Cooperation agreement between Draft Agreement between Albania and Albania and Slovakia on the Slovakia on cooperation in the fight against fight against organized crime, terrorism, organized crime, terrorism, illegal trafficking trafficking and other illegal activities. and other illegal activities. Slovak authorities have sent counter-proposals after the approval of the draft agreement in principle by the Council of Ministers of Albania. Legal Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in pursuit of the procedure. The new draft has been approved in principle by the Council of Ministers of Albania in December 2014. Cooperation agreement between Draft Agreement with Montenegro for Albania and Montenegro on the establishment and operation of the Joint establishment and operation of Joint Police Cooperation Centre in Murriqan. The Police Cooperation Centre in Muriqan. negotiation process took more than it was predicted, but we are at the stage of signing. In Cooperation agreement between Draft Agreement with Greece on the Albania and Greece on establishment establishment and functioning of the Joint and operation of Joint Police Police Cooperation Centre. We are awaiting a Cooperation Centre. response from the Greek side. On 28 November 2014, the Greek party informed us via our liaison officer that they are taking further steps in considering this process. On 1-st of December 2014, our liaison officer in Athens informed us that the General Director of Police of Greece is preparing a visit in Tirana, and in this occasion he is willing to finalise the process of negotiations related to the draft agreements with Albania. Conclude agreement to open the joint The Draft Protocol between the Ministry Grabon – Zatrijebacka Cijena BCP at of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania the border with Montenegro. and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro "On the implementation of joint border control and payment of expenses incurred in carrying out the common point of crossing Grabo – Zatrijebacka Cijevna" is ready for signature. We are waiting from the Montenegrin side a date to sign it. Protocol between Albania and Portugal The draft protocol has been adopted and on implementation of the readmission is ready to be signed. agreement between Albania and European Community. Readmission Protocol with Greece. In 2011, the Albanian side proposed to Greek side a draft Protocol of implementation of the EU-Albania Readmission Agreement. The first meeting of experts was held in 2012 in Greece to negotiate the draft. In 2013 the Greek side proposed to the Albanian side a new draft Protocol. In the mid of 2013 the Albanian side responded to the Greek side that it accepted the proposed draft of the Greek side, making some technical corrections to this draft, mainly associated with the contact data of the Albanian side. On 3 December 2014 the Greek side via the Greek Embassy, proposed to the Albanian side a new draft Protocol. We have submitted it to the relevant departments in the General Directorate of State Police for their comments. Readmission Agreement and The draft agreement and the protocol Implementation Protocol with the of implementation have been prepared. We are Russian Federation. waiting for suitable moment for signature. Readmission Agreement and In 2011 Ukrainian side expressed Implementation Protocol with Ukraine. willingness to negotiate the Readmission Agreement and the Implementation Protocol with Albania. In 2011, the Albanian side has responded positively to the Ukrainian side and has proposed to the latter a draft readmission agreement and the protocol implementation. In 2012, the Ukrainian side has informed the Albanian side that is not ready for negotiation. We are waiting for an answer from the Finalize bilateral agreement with Serbia The Agreement was signed on 10-th and submit it for adoption. of November, 2014 in Beograd, Serbia. Approve bilateral agreement with There has been no developments in the Bosnia and Herzegovina. negotiation process. Discussion and approval of the Discussion and endorsing a tripartite tripartite agreement between Albania, Italy and cooperation Greece to fight illicit trafficking by sea. Due to Albania, Italy and Greece, in the fight the negative response (at least at this stage) by against illicit trafficking at sea. the Greek side, sent by virtue of a verbal note from the Ministry of the Aegean (26 March 2014), we are procrastinated. We have agreed with the Italian side to sign a bilateral agreement if the Greek side continues not to respond. On 2nd of December the Minister of Internal Affairs paid a visit to his counterpart in Rome and they agreed to finalise this initiative. We are waiting for new developments. 8.2 Consolidate and develop judicial relations with foreign authorities in order to improve and facilitate international judicial cooperation procedures
Conduct themed and complaint-based In 2014, the Ministry of Justice has inspections in the judicial system, in exercised inspections to the courts to verify order to ensure compliance with the court proceedings in the process of criminal procedures in international extradition of the citizens: judicial cooperation, particularly for extradition procedures. By order no. 155, dated 05.03.2014 the Minister of Justice has exercised inspection to Vlora Appeal Court "To verify the implementation of criminal court proceedings and special legislation, applied to administrative criminal cases for validating and imposing a measure of personal security to citizen V.Z, in order to extradite him from the Republic of Albania to Italy ". The case is brought for trial to the High Court. It s expected the decision of this court. By order no. 522, dated 25.09.2014 of the Minister of Justice inspection is exercised in Kukes District Court for the verification of judicial procedures implemented during the trial for the extradition of the Macedonian citizen J.G. In conclusion of the inspection, no violations were found by the court regarding the procedures. By order dated 14.11.2014, of the Minister of Justice was exercised inspection at the District Court of Kukës and in the Court of Appeal of Shkodra, in order to verify the court proceedings conducted during the trial of a criminal demand for the extradition of a citizen. The inspection report is being compiled.
Ministry of Justice
Training activities of the School to start soon, Conduct trainings with the School of School of
based also on recent amendments to the Law on Magistrates and other organizations, Magistrates
the School of Magistrates. with the participation of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and institution's School of Magistrates has realized one
administrative staff dealing with Prosecutor training session during 2013-2014:
international judicial cooperation.
24-25 march 2014
European Legal Instruments for Cross-
border Cooperation in cases of Organized Crime
and Corruption (legal cooperation in criminal
The calendar of Continuous Training for 2014-
2015 has just begun to be implemented.
Training activities have been foreseen to be
implemented for this issue and shall be reported
in the months to come.
There are no new developments from the
School of Magistrates during December 2014.
8.3Strengthen international cooperation with partner law enforcement agencies through increased information sharing and number of joint operations against
organized crimes and trafficking
Enhance cooperation with counterpart In the course of the period 1 January - 31 bodies of the region, SELEC and State Police December 2014, through EUROPOL Office Europol, in order to develop analytical there have been treated in total 1026 outputs, threat assessments and Correspondences, of which: information sharing, and conduct joint Submitted to Europol 302 answers; 4 operations using various international information; 15 requests. cooperation forms. Received by Europol: 151Information; 544 requests; 1 December 2014 – 31 December 2014 through EUROPOL Office there have been treated in total 144 Correspondences, of which: Submitted to Europol 49 answers; Received by Europol: 15Information; 80 requests; SELEC On February 22-23, 2014, SELEC organized the final meeting of the project "Deployment of undercover officers and informants in Southeast Europe". In the meeting which was held in Sandanski, Bulgaria participated experts from the Undercover Investigations Unit within the Albanian State Police. The project of 140 000 USD was financed by US/EUCOM On March 27, 2014, SELEC organized in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina the Task Force on Stolen Vehicles. During the meeting was discussed the current situation of vehicles smuggling in the region and was decided to carry out a regional operation in the first days of June. Albania was reppresented in this Task Force by two experts from Police and Customs. On May 13, 2014, SELEC organized in Bucharest, Romania the Task Force on Environmental and Nature Crimes in Southeast Europe. The aim of this meeting was the evaluation of the activities carried out during last year, including the assessment of the regional operation codenamed "ORION 2", the discussion on the current situation in the field of protection of the environment and nature. Also, it was planned the operational activity to be taken in the future under the auspices of this Task Force. On May 20-21, 2014, SELEC organized in Bucharest, Romania the Antidrug Trafficking Task Force in Southeast Europe. The annual meeting aimed to evaluate the outcomes in the fight against trans-border narcotic trafficking during last year, discuss and plan the operational activity in the current year. The meeting was also focused on new trends, modus operandi, joint investigations and regional operations carried out during 2013. Albania was represented by two experts from Police and Customs. On May 27-28, 2014, SELEC in cooperation with the US Department of Energy/ International Non-proliferation Expert Control Program organized in Costanta, Romania the Project codenamed "VELES". The project consisted in training and practical exercise, aiming to increase regional cooperation and test the reaction capacities in cases of illicit trafficking of dual use commodities with possible use in terrorist activities. Albania participated in this project with two experts from Police and Customs. During June 3-5, 2014, SELEC carried out the regional operation codenamed "HIT" focused on combating illicit trafficking of vehicles acquired mostly (but not only) in Western Europe by means of committing criminal offences of various kinds on purpose to later have them legalized in SELEC member states or via SELEC member states in other countries of Europe and Asia. During the operation was paid special attention to the traffic at border crossing points, with special regards to the modus operandi used for committing financial (credit/leasing) frauds. This was carried out by police, customs and border police forces of Albania. On June 11-12, 2014, SELEC organized in Bucharest, Romania the Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force. The meeting aimed to evaluate the last year s activities in the field of combating trans-border customs frauds and smuggling as well was discussed and planned the future operational activities. Albania was represented by two experts from Police and Customs. On June 19, 2014, SELEC organized in Bucharest, Romania the Trafficking of Human Beings and Illegal Migration Task Force. The meeting aimed to evaluate the regional situation on trafficking of human beings and smuggling of migrants and was disscused the future activities mainly focused on regional operations and joint investigations. Albania was represented in this Task Force by two experts of the Albanian State Police. On August 1, 2014 SELEC delivered for the Member Countries and Partners the Annual Report on Drug Seizures in Southeast Europe for 2013. The Report consists of general drug seizures and data obtained from MS Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, aiming to raise awareness of front-line Customs and Police officers by providing updated information regarding interesting cases of drug seizures, new modus operandi, concealment methods and transport routes. On August 2, 2014, SELEC delivered for the Member Countries and Partners the Annual Report on Trafficking of Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants in Southeast Europe for 2013. The Report will assist the MS Law Enforcement Agencies by providing updated information regarding cases of THB and SoM, new modus operandi and routes followed by traffickers. On September 9, SELEC organized a meeting with representatives of ICITAP from 12 countries in the region. During the meeting was pointed out the importance of SELEC, within the framework of cooperation among Competent Authorities, to provide support for Member States and enhance coordination in preventing and combating crime, including serious and organized crime, where such crime involves or appears to involve an element of trans-border activity. On September 23-24, 2014, SELEC with the financial support of US EUCOM organized in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina a Workshop / Training on Tackling Drug Trafficking. The training project aimed to strengthen and improve information sharing, joint investigations, regional operations, trans-border controlled deliveries and interdiction of illicit drug trafficking throughout Southeast Europe, to help Law Enforcement Authorities in learning more advanced techniques, working side by side with the investigative prosecutors.
The training covered advanced forfeiture
investigations and money laundering activity
related to drug trafficking cases and was
discussed the practical issues and aspects of
cross border illicit drug trafficking. Albania
participated in this training with two experts
from Police and Customs.
On November 27-28, 2014, SELEC in
cooperation with UNODC organized in
Bucharest, Romania a conference on Illicit
Financial Flows. The aim of the Conference was
to bring together law enforcement
representatives of the SELEC Member States
and partners – Georgia, Israel, Saudi Arabia,
Spain, USA and UNODC, as well as from Iran
and Trans crime – Joint Research Centre on
Transnational Crime, to discuss on the current
situation in the field of countering money
laundering, under the overall goal to enhance
cooperation between countries along the Balkan
route of heroin trafficking. Albania was
represented in this meeting by two experts from
Albanian State Police and Preventing of Money
Laundering Directorate.
In the course of the period January - December
2014, through SELEC Liaison Office there have
been treated in total 110 correspondences, from
which 44 were requests for information and 66
were information.
In comparison with the year 2013, during 2014
there is an increase of exchange of information
with 20% between the Albanian State Police
and police agencies of the SELEC Member


Period 01.01.2014 -31.12.2014
• There have been declared internationally
wanted, 412 persons;
• There have been declared internationally wanted by the counterpart NCBs, 146

• There have been arrested with the purpose to be extradited in Albania, 93 persons;
• There have been arrested with the purpose to be extradited out in other countries, 112
• There have been extradited towards our country, 75 persons sentenced by our
judicial authorities.
• There have been extradited towards other countries, 77 persons wanted by counterpart

While during 2013, NCB Interpol Tirana
presented the following statistical data:
• There have been declared internationally
wanted, 187 persons;
• There have been declared internationally wanted by the counterpart NCBs, 141

• There have been arrested with the purpose to be extradited in Albania, 95 persons;
• There have been arrested with the purpose to be extradited out in other countries, 117

• There have been extradited towards our country, 49 persons sentenced by our
judicial authorities.
• There have been extradited towards other countries, 73 persons wanted by counterpart
Address the objectives of Police State Police
Cooperation Convention for South East Europe (Wien Convention) on cross border cooperation, joint investigation teams, etc. Strengthening cooperation between the State Police
State Police and Europol through the implementation of the Operational Parliamentary ratification of Agreement Operational Cooperation Agreement with Europol entered into force on 06 June Increasing the capacity of the Office of The capacities of Europol Office in the Europol State Police. State Police are strengthened. Start of sharing with Europol personal After the entry into force of the data and information on organized been a strong Agreement on Operational Cooperation on 06. 06.2014 SIENA continues to send requests, including personal data. Extending secure access lines with Secure access Safe communication lines continue to Europol, the platform "SIENA" State line has been operate normally with SIENA Platform. Increase the number of joint police There is not any development about the operations with Europol. increasing number of joint police operations Foster international cooperation and joint investigations.
245 criminal proceedings are being handled Increase by 5 % of the number of joint with intensity in the Serious Crime Prosecution international investigations against drug Office using special methods of investigation trafficking, THB and other illegal traffic and in cooperation with SIS and Interforce. The police operation "Laguna e VIlunit "with 6 suspects arrested was finalized on 6 October 2014. A number of agreements for persons who are Continue implementation of international State Police
under the witness protection program and are witness protection agreements, in order to sent in several countries are being ensure relocate collaborators of justice to their respective countries and conclude new agreements of mutual interest.



Final presentation - group 4 - u2.pptx

Ernest Heifort, Rachel Wood & Will •  U2 has been one of the few bands to make successful albums for multiple decades, joining the likes of the Rolling Stones and Chicago •  They also are one of the few bands that throughout all of those years have managed to keep the same band members •  They also have been active socially and politically for a large portion of the last 30 years