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International Electronic Journal of Medicine (IEJM) June 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages: 3-11 ISSN: 2251-8304 Original Article The Effect of High Fiber Diet on Sex Hormones in Early Pubertal Obese Girls; a Randomized Crossover Clinical Zeinab Piraloo 1, Sedighe Forouhari 2, Seyede Zahra Ghaemi 3, Parisa Rostambeigy 4, Zahra Mohammadi 5,6, Seyed Shojaeddin Namazi 7, Mostafa Mohammadi 8, Moosa Salehi 9 ,Azam Jokar 10, Najaf Zare 11, Sareh Roosta 1

les écoles partenaires ecole nationale de protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (eNPJJ) ecole nationale supérieure de la police (eNSPo) Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPt) ecole des hautes études en santé publique (eHeSP) 10-12, Rue d'anjou avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard 75381 PaRIS Cédex 08 CS 7431235043 ReNNeS ecole nationale d'administration (eNa)

VOLUME 6, ISSUE 3 – SEPTEMBER 2015 ECFA e-BULLETIN EDITORIAL BOARD MESSAGE Forensic Accounting Committee Corruption is a major problem – Transparency International Survey. 2 (ECFA) of ICPAC has prepared Economic Scandals ……………………………………………….…. 4 the ECFA e-bulletin with the


Mild or comedonal acne consists of comedones material within, are open to the surface, and have a acne lesions during this time. With female menopause, (blackheads and whiteheads) only and is • Higher androgen levels cause the overproduction of black color due to melanin pigment in the cells that estrogen and progesterone levels decrease as the non-inflammatory. Inflammatory acne consists of both

5387 enero 13 2006.indd

Registro Ministerio de Gobierno Res. Nº 1774/88 ANA MARIA JARAMILLO TORRES Cali, enero 13 de 2006 Gobernador del Valle del Cauca Gerente Imprenta Departamental Fundada el 9 de mayo de 1910 - AÑO XCV - Número 5387 GOBERNACION DEL VALLE DEL CAUCA e. Los contratos y órdenes de trabajo o servicio cualquiera sea su modalidad de contratación, que tengan formalidades plenas de acuerdo con la capacidad de

Fit for purpose? the facilitation directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants

DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT C: CITIZENS' RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants Abstract This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee. With renewed efforts to counter people smuggling in the context of an unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees into the EU, it assesses existing EU legislation in the area – the 2002 Facilitators' Package – and how it deals with those providing humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants. The study maps EU legislation against the international legal framework and explores the effects – both direct and indirect – of the law and policy practice in selected Member States. It finds significant inconsistencies, divergences and grey areas, such that humanitarian actors are often deterred from providing assistance. The study calls for a review of the legislative framework, greater legal certainty and improved data collection on the effects of the legislation.

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Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS Report Shenzhen Herewin Technology Co., Ltd. Side A, 2 F, A14 Building, No. 26 of Kukengdafu Industrial Prepared For : Park, Guanlan Aobei Community, Longhua New District, Shenzhen City, P.R.C Product Name: Polymer Li-ion Battery Voltage: Typical 3200mAh, 11.84Wh

Emerging treatments for ptsd

CPR-01005; No of Pages 12 Clinical Psychology Review xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at Clinical Psychology Review Emerging treatments for PTSD Judith Cukor Josh Spitalnick JoAnn Difede , Albert Rizzo Barbara O. Rothbaum a Weill Cornell Medical College, 525 East 68th Street, Box 200, New York, NY 10065, USAb Virtually Better, Inc., 2440 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite 200, Decatur, GA 30033, USAc University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, 13274 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, CA. 90292, USAd Emory University School of Medicine, 1256 Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, GA 30306, USA

Kumar et al: Effect of antiepileptics on learning and memory Original Article Effect of lamotrigine, levetiracetam and phenytoin on learning and memory in albino rats Kumar S1, Singh H2, Sharma J3 1 ABSTRACT Dr Subodh Kumar MD, Senior Resident, Pharmacology

P209-17 ijmcm vol 4, no 4 dr. omrani [ararvtscp] 94-10-05

IJMCM Original Article Autumn 2015, Vol 4, No 4 Expression Pattern of Neuronal Markers in PB-MSCs Treated by Growth Factors Noggin, bFGF and EGF Zahra Fazeli1#, Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Ghaderian1,2#. Masoumeh Rajabibazl3, Siamak Salami3, Nader Vazifeh Shiran4, Mir Davood Omrani1,2∗ 1. Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,

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BYPASSING THE GATEKEEPERS: Selling Prescription Drugs Directly to Consumers Manuel Vallée ABSTRACT: Prior to 1989 prescription drug manufacturers rarely used consumer advertising, spending less than $5 million between 1985 and 1988. The manufacturers' reluctance was largely due to physicians, which bitterly opposed their use of consumer advertising. However, by 1996, a mere seven years later, the situation had reversed itself, as drug manufacturers spent over $790 million on the marketing, despite continued physician opposition. Over the course of those seven years physicians lost their influence vis-à-vis consumer advertising, and explaining why is the central goal of this paper. Towards that end I address four questions: (1) Why were physicians opposed to consumer advertising?; (2) Why did this opposition influence drug manufacturers prior to 1989?; (3) Why did the opposition cease to deter the drug manufacturers in the 1990's?; (4) How did drug manufacturers work to overcome physician opposition? In the end I will argue that physician influence was diminished by two factors: 1) the Managed Care revolution circumscribed physician prescribing authority, which, in turn, weakened their influence over the drug industry, and 2) drug manufacturers studied physician opposition, which enabled them to deploy the ads in a way that was less likely to provoke physicians. Moreover, this work will contribute to the market sociology literature.

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International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.) Enhancing Stocks and Flows modelling to support sustainable resource management

A comparative review of the list of essential medicines of three Indian states: Findings Introduction: Essential medicines lists are a key instrument for improving quality and equitable access to health care. The National List of Essential Medicines of India 2011 is modeled on the WHO Essential Medicines List and Indian states

Presentación de powerpoint

2015 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary The Joint Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Respiratory Society Changes from the 2009 ESC/ERS guidelines • La RVP se ha incluido en la definición hemodinámica de la


Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy eISSN: 2321–323X Original Article Ciprofloxacin, oxacillin, piperacillin and sulfamethoxazole by systemic administration for the control of severe infections: Is dose adjustment required for critical burn patients? 1Cristina Sanches-Giraud, PhD*, 2David S Gomez, MD, 2Marcus C Ferreira, MD, 3Carlindo V Silva Jr,

COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL POLICY OF THE JOGORKU KENESH OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Special report on the results of monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Persons» COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL POLICY OF THE JOGORKU KENESH OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC

SAFETY DATA SHEET TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated) Version number: 2 Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23 Issued: 2014-01-21 Not for sale in the USA Ensure that this SDS is received by the appropriate person Section 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING


Technical University of Crete Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Computer Engineering Chania, October 2006 Abstract The availability of large volumes of digital content in modern applications (e.g., digital libraries and organization intranets) and the on internet has generated

IMPROVING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY WHO LIVE WITH EPILEPSY FINAL REPORT December 2013 East of England Managed Clinical Network Mental Health and Learning Disability Learning Disabilities and Autism Workstream An Easy Read Summary Since March 2013, a small team from Inclusion East have worked on the

"CALL ATIC ON TOLL FREE NUMBER : 0800200055 FOR FREE ADVICE ON PATIENT MANGEMENT. YOU CAN ALSO BEEP OR SMS ATIC ON 0717326500 VOLUME : 8 JUNE 2011 Quarterly Newsletter of the AIDS Treatment Information Centre, Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, Kampala Case Report: Skin Reaction to Tenofovir By Dr. Gyaviira Makanga (Mmed Int.Med) & Dr. Stella Zawedde - Muyanja (MBChB)


P000 - ESAMI DI STATO CONCLUSIVI DEI CORSI DI STUDIO DI ISTRUZIONE SECONDARIA SUPERIORE PROVA DI ITALIANO (per tutti gli indirizzi: di ordinamento e sperimentali) Svolgi la prova, scegliendo una delle quattro tipologie qui proposte. TIPOLOGIA A - ANALISI DEL TESTO L. PIRANDELLO, Il piacere dell'onestà

Masa 21+ PrograM Catalogue For the most up-to-date program listing, please visit taBle oF CoNteNts Israel experience Magen David Adom Overseas Volunteer Program Habonim Dror Israel Pathways Maslul Ishi – iTrack International Conservation Center Israel teaching Fellows


Anno XIV - Numero 40 - 17 giugno 2008 Novità di questa edizioneDal debutto di Bocellialle proiezioni in scena A Pag. 2 La storia dell'operaDalle critiche della vigilia alla versione definitiva che Bizet non vide A Pag. 4 e pag. 6 L'arte delle sigaraieCosì nasce un sigaro

Vet 961_2131 ld.pmd

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 31(5):407-412, maio 2011 Equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) due to fumonisins B1 and B2 in Argentina1 Federico Giannitti2* , Santiago Sain Diab3, Ana Maria Pacin4,5, Maria Barrandeguy6, Carlos Larrere7, Joaquin Ortega3 and Francisco Alejandro Uzal3 ABSTRACT.- Giannitti F., Diab S.S., Pacin A.M., Barrandeguy M., Larrere C., Ortega J. &Uzal F.A. 2011. Equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) due to fumonisins B1 andB2 in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(5):407-412. Laboratorio de DiagnósticoVeterinario, calle 25 de Mayo 139, Bahía Blanca (8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:[email protected]

Federation equestre internationale 1996

CHECKLIST FOR DRAFT SCHEDULE ENDURANCE 2014 Please note that schedules will only be accepted when submitted in the provided format of the Official FEI Draft Schedule. I. DENOMINATION OF THE EVENT Event :CEI Ermelo Country : NL Dates :9-11 may - 2014 II. GENERAL CONDITIONS

Aflatoxin genotoxicity is associated with a defective dna damage response bypassing p53 activation

Liver International ISSN 1478-3223 A£atoxin genotoxicity is associated with a defective DNA damageresponse bypassing p53 activation Ozge Gursoy-Yuzugullu1,2, Haluk Yuzugullu1,2, Mustafa Yilmaz2 and Mehmet Ozturk1,2 1 Centre de Recherche INSERM, Institut Albert Bonniot, Universit ´e Joseph Fourier U823, Grenoble, France2 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, BilGen Genetics and Biotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

South Asian Journal of Management Sciences Vol. 9, No. 1, (Spring 2015) 1 – 9 Preserving Efficacy of Temperature Sensitive Medicines–Logistics Management in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Masood Subzwari1 and Syed Zain Nasir2* ABSTRACT Protecting the efficacy of temperature-sensitive drugs is a real challenge especially for the countries with hot climates. Over-the-counter medicines have recommended storage-temperature of around 20-30 °C, while ambient temperature in most metropolitan areas of Pakistan reach around 40-50 °C in summers, even under the shade. Other temperature-sensitive medicines require storage at around 4-8 °C. A reputation of spurious drugs due to mismanagement with regard to transport and storage also goes contrary to the interests of the pharmaceutical sector. This research investigates the preservation and storage of temperature-sensitive medicines in its specialized supply-chain (referred to as "cold chain") and finds that while the import of active ingredients is rather well managed and controlled with storage at within the desired temperatures; the distribution-chain needs to be more adaptive of the standards in-order to better preserve efficacy of the medicines. Nevertheless, long hours of power black-outs (a common occurrence in Pakistan and other developing nations) further guarantee the deterioration of temperature-sensitive medicines stored at the chemist-shops. It is therefore, recommended that temperature-sensitive medicines should only be dispensed from stores that have standby-power.

THE 20,000 DAYS CAMPAIGN Health System Improvement Guide Emergency Care/General Surgery /TADU Collaborative The change package SKIN INFECTION VERSION 1. DECEMBER 2013 WWW.KOAWATEA.CO.NZ THE 20,000 DAYS CAMPAIGN What worked well for our campaign? Health systems worldwide are struggling with rising patient Alignment around a common goal demand and Middlemore Hospital, which serves a growing

Anesth Pain Med. 2015 February; 5(1): e22372. DOI: 10.5812/aapm.22372 Published online 2015 February 1. The Effect of Gabapentin on Reducing Pain After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery in Patients With Morbid Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial Valiollah Hassani 1,2; Abdolreza Pazouki 1; Nasim Nikoubakht 1,2,*; Shahla Chaichian 3,4,5; Azadeh Sayarifard 6; Ali Shakib Khankandi 21Minimally Invasive Surgery Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Los actos de confusiÓn e imitaciÓn en el proyecto de ley por el que se modifica el rÉgimen legal de la competencia desleal

LOS ACTOS DE CONFUSIÓN E IMITACIÓN EN EL PROYECTO DE LEY POR EL QUE SE MODIFICA EL RÉGIMEN LEGAL DE LA COMPETENCIA DESLEAL. A. Jorge Viera González Profesor Titular de Derecho Mercantil Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 1. Introducción. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo exponer de una forma crítica el contenido de la reforma de los actos de confusión e imitación que se contiene en el Proyecto de Ley por


ORIGINAL RESEARCH A structured judgement method toenhance mortality case note review:development and evaluation Allen Hutchinson,1 Joanne E Coster,1 Katy L Cooper,1 Michael Pearson,2Aileen McIntosh,1 Peter A Bath3 ▸ Additional material is has resulted in a major public debate.1 2 published online only. To view Background Case note review remains a prime Concerns about hospital deaths in well-

Her kan der stå en stor overskrift

INF RMATION MINDS MAKE MOLECULES – MOLECULES MAKE SENSE Årgang 6, nr. 4 April 2014 FRA NEUROBIOLOGISK KAFFE TIL NY INDSIGT Af Albert Gjedde dimittend fra den neurobiologiske kaf- emne for neurovidenskaben i Køben- feklub, Martin Lauritzen, og hans med- havn var enheden genstand for ud- Den neurobiologiske kaffeklub var kæ-

Cornea-d-15-00514 145.150

Transepithelial Corneal Cross-Linking With Vitamin E-Enhanced Riboflavin Solution and Abbreviated, Low-Dose UV-A: 24-Month Clinical Outcomes Ciro Caruso, MD,* Carmine Ostacolo, PharmD,† Robert L. Epstein, MD,‡ Gaetano Barbaro, EngD,§ Salvatore Troisi, MD,¶ and Decio Capobianco, MDk cell count. No corneal abrasions occurred, and no bandage contact Purpose: To report the clinical outcomes with 24-month follow-up

In the Arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the North American Free Trade Agreement ELI LILLY AND COMPANY Claimant GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Respondent NOTICE OF ARBITRATION Richard Dearden Wendy Wagner GOWLING LAFLEUR HENDERSON LLP Barristers & Solicitors 160 Elgin St., Suite 2600 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 1C3

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ISSN: 2454-2415 Volume 2, Issue 1, January, 2016 International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts Premenstrual Symptoms and Social Disability Nabhit Kapur1 and Prabhjeet Singh Narula2 1Director ,Peacfulmind training center Asst Coordinator, Peacfulmind Training Center Abstract :

Tetrahedron template

Research Gate: Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1 (2013) 76-79 Research Gate: Pharmaceutical Sciences Antiulcerogenic Effects of Terminalia chebula (Retz.) in Pylorus Ligated Rats Nitin Nema*1, M.D.Kharya1, SM Bairagi2 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar-(M.P.) India 2MES College of Pharmacy Sonai (M.H.) India


A WECKMAN and others Autophagy in the endocrine Autophagy in the endocrine glands Andrea Weckman, Antonio Di Ieva, Fabio Rotondo1, Luis V Syro2, Leon D Ortiz3, Kalman Kovacs1 and Michael D Cusimano Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, St Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,Canada 1Division of Pathology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, St Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,

Expansion of the first PolyA tract ofARX causes infantile spasms andstatus dystonicus ABSTRACT Background: ARX is a paired-type homeobox gene located on the X chromosome that contains five exons with four polyalanine (PolyA) tracts, a homeodomain, and a conserved C-terminal aristaless domain. Studies in humans have demonstrated remarkable pleiotropy: mal-

Combined diet and exercise intervention reverses the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged males: results from the oslo diet and exercise study

Scand J Med Sci Sports 2007: 17: 687–695 Copyright & 2007 The Authors Printed in Singapore . All rights reserved Journal compilation & 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard Combined diet and exercise intervention reverses the metabolicsyndrome in middle-aged males: results from the Oslo Diet andExercise Study S. A. Anderssen1, S. Carroll2, P. Urdal3, I. Holme1,4 1Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo, Norway, 2Department of Sport, Health & ExerciseScience, Faculty of Applied Science & Technology, The University of Hull, Hull, UK, 3Department of Clinical Chemistry, UllevaalUniversity Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 4Centre of Preventive Medicine, Department of Preventive Cardiology, Ullevaal UniversityHospital, Oslo, NorwayCorresponding author: Sigmund A. Anderssen, Department of Sports Medicine, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences,Sognsveien 220, Mail box 4014, Ulleva˚l Stadion; 0806 Oslo, Norway. Tel: 47-23262301; Fax: 47-22234220, E-mail:[email protected]

Nami bipolar disorder brochure 201

Find help. Find hope. Find help. Find hope. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largestgrassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better livesfor the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocatesfor access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfastin its commitment to raising awareness and building a community ofhope for all of those in need.

Juan Pablo Aguilar Andrade Derecho administrativo y transigibilidad Juan Pablo Aguilar Andrade* SUMARIO: 1. Sobre el concepto de transigibilidad en el Derecho Ad- ministrativo. 2. Transigibilidad y discrecionalidad. 2.1. La búsqueda de las materias transigibles 2.2. Transigibilidad y Derecho Administrativo.

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00 cover 4/1/11 12:55:14 2010 Volume 46 Number 4 World Hospitals and Health ServicesThe Official Journal of the International Hospital Federation Striking a balance between national interests and patients' needs: Cross-border projects meeting European challenges Crisis management, capabilities and preparedness: the case of public hospitals in Iran Patient-centred care: more than the sum of its parts – Planetree's patient-centred hospital designation programme

‘Medicines for All', the Pharma and givers. The only equitable solution in a country like ours is free healthcare of the Industry and the Indian State same standard, to all. The question that would arise would be: why should the rich get free treatment? Our answer is that except for the very rich and the creamy layer of the middle class, almos t everybody else is likely to court impoverishment when faced

Gdp and integrity of the supply chain

GDP and Integrity of The Supply Chain Presented by: Karen S Ginsbury B.Pharm, MSc, MRPharmS IFF, October 2010 What are the Risks What are the Risks in GDP? • For a formal assessment need to use one of the tools in ICH Q9 / Annex 20: – HACCP– FMEA– Ishikawa (Fishbone) diagram + one of the • Will take you to a lot of the points already Every Picture Tells a Story

Ic202651b 1.8

Lattice Dynamics of β-V2O5: Raman Spectroscopic Insight into theAtomistic Structure of a High-Pressure Vanadium PentoxidePolymorphR. Baddour-Hadjean,M. B. Smirnov,K. S. Smirnov,V. Yu Kazimirov,J. M. Gallardo-Amores,U. Amador,M. E. Arroyo-de Dompablo,and J. P. Pereira-Ramos†Institut de Chimie et Matériaux Paris-Est, GESMAT, UMR 7182 CNRS et Université Paris-Est Créteil, 2 rue Henri Dunant, 94320

VOLUME 16, NUMBER 1 August 2009 AN IEER PUBLICATION Radioactive Rivers and Rain: Routine Releases of Tritiated Water From nuclear Power PlantsBy annIe MakhIjanI and arjun MakhIjanI, ph.d.nuclear power plants generate tritium in the course of their operation and release it both to the atmosphere and to water bodies. tritium

Consumer medicines forum report

Health Issues Group Community Forum: Prescription Medicines Costs Event details Host: School of Population Health - The University of Western Australia and the Health Consumers' Council WA (Inc) Time and date: 9.30 am – 2.00 pm, Thursday 1st September 2011 St Catherine's College, The University of Western Australia

Issue-4-for pdf

Issue 4 · December 2011 Facing the Challenges of Labour Migration from Bangladesh Short-term labour migration has become and to ensure their protection. In the one of the core foreign currency earning meantime, the Bangladesh government ratified sectors in Bangladesh . Yet, development the 1990 UN Convention on the Rights of All of this sector is being challenged by the lack of


Plan of Building the Business 2 meetings a day - 10 meetings a week - 40 meetings a month! Plan of Building the Business Main provisions .3 Whom to address, and how, in order to start acting.3 Scheduling a meeting (see Appendix) .3 Getting ready for the meeting .5 Getting referrals .6 Selling personal care products .8 Nutrition and weight loss.9 Talking about the business opportunity .9

Excretion & internal environment of the body. In vertebrates the two functions of excretion and osmoregulation are • Excretion is the elimination to waste products from performed by kidneys and their associated structures in urinary system. • Waste products are unwanted and toxic by-products • The organs which form, store and void the urine

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Los Actos de Gobierno en el Derecho Peruano Los actos de Gobierno en el Derecho peruano Víctor Sebastián Baca Oneto* Sumario. 1. La teoría general de los actos políticos o de gobierno. 2. El Derecho Peruano y el régimen jurídico aplicable a los actos de Gobierno. 2.1. Unas palabras sobre el reconocimiento de la distinción subjetiva entre Gobierno y Administración en el ordenamiento peruano. 2.2. El régimen jurídico de los actos del Gobierno y su incidencia sobre la distinción material y subjetiva entre Gobierno y Administración. 2.2.a. Actos en ejercicio de la función legislativa. 2.2.b. Actos específicos del Gobierno. 2.3. Análisis de algunos casos típicos de actos de gobierno y de su relevancia para el establecimiento de una distinción entre Gobierno y Administración. 2.3.a. El mensaje anual del Presidente de la República y la exposición de la política general del Gobierno a cargo del Presidente del Consejo de Ministros. 2.3.b. Las iniciativas legislativas. 2.3.c. Disolución del Parlamento. 2.3.d. Declaratoria de Estados de excepción. 2.3.e. Gracia e indulto. 2.3.f. Aprobación y ratificación de tratados internacionales. 2.4. La distinción entre Gobierno y Administración en el ámbito local y regional. 2.4.a. El art. 39 LOM y las funciones de gobierno frente a las funciones administrativas. 2.4.b. Los medios jurídicos de actuación de las Municipalidades. 2.4.c. La función de gobierno de las Municipalidades. Conclusión. 2.4.d. La función de gobierno del Presidente regional. 3. El resultado del análisis del ordenamiento peruano: la inexistencia de una categoría autónoma de actos de gobierno.

To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section(ii) dated 15th May 2013 Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Pharmaceuticals) New Delhi Dated 15th _May 2013 25 Vaisakha Saka 1935 S.O. 1221(E).– In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential Commodities

Title page

This is the full-text of the pre-print version. Title Page 1. Title of the article. The Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Plantar Heel Pain: a systematic review. Full name, postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding Richard J Clark BSc, MBBS, LicAc, DipMedAc Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, C206 Portland Square, Drake Circus, PLYMOUTH, PL4 8AA, UK