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TOXISCHE POLYNEUROPATHIE (exotoxische, endotoxische Polyneuropathien) Der Begriff "toxische Polyneuropathie" "Toxische" bedeutet "giftig, durch Gift bedingt". "Exotoxische" wird dann verwendet, wenn das Gift von außen dem Organismus zugeführt wird (z.B. Alkohol) und die Diagnose "endotoxische Polyneuropathie" wird dann gestellt, wenn das Gift im Körper selbst produziert wird. Das Wort Pol yneuropathie setzt sich zusammen aus "poly" (= viel, mehr als normal), neuro (= Nerven betreffend) und "pathie" (= Leiden, Schaden, Krankheit).

Microsoft word - titelseite

Themen u.a. Medizin: Soziale Ecke: Freifahrten Fortbildungswochenende in Freckenhorst Psychologie: Die vier Gesichter des Rheumaschmerzes Station: Sommerprogramm geLENKig 3. Quartal 2011 Nr. 56 Mädels unter sich in Freckenhorst EINE ZEITSCHRIFT DES BUNDESVERBANDES

Doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfq259

NDT Advance Access published May 20, 2010 Nephrol Dial Transplant (2010) 1 of 8doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfq259 Non-invasive investigations of potential renal artery stenosis in renalinsufficiency Per Eriksson1,2, Ahmed Abdulilah Mohammed3,4, Jakob De Geer3,4, Johan Kihlberg4,5,Anders Persson3,5, Göran Granerus6, Fredrik Nyström7 and Örjan Smedby3,4,5 1Nephrology (IMH), Linköping University, Sweden, 2Department of Nephrology, University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden,3Radiology (IMH), Linköping University, Sweden, 4Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden, 5Center for

March 2010 center view.indd

Tucson Jewish Community Center Your Connection For Information VOLUME 16 • NUMBER 2 MARCH 2010 • ADAR/NISAN 5770 SUMMER CAMP 2010 The Tucson JCC Jewish Author Series proudly presents Oasis in the Desert! Carol Leifer & Get ready for another spectacular

IASGO HPB AND GI ONCOLOGY POST-GRADUATE COURSE 56 STRATEGIES FOR DIFFERENTIATING XANTHOGRANULOMATOUS CHOLECYSTITIS FROM GALL BLADDER CARCINOMA- A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE EXPERIENCE Authors: Kishore Rajaguru1, Samiran Nundy2 1Jurong Health, 2Sir Gangaram Hospital Abstract: Aim Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC) mimics Gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) in both preoperative and intra-operative settings and the patient may undergo an unnecessary radical cholecystectomy which is associated with a greater morbidityrather than a cholecystectomy alone.We postulated that a pre-operative diagnosis of XGC might benefit patients by avoiding radical procedures and attempted to identify the features of XGC which would differentiate it from GBC before and during surgery. Methods All the patients who underwent gall bladder related operations (benign and malignant),over a period of 5 years from 2010 to 2014 were reviewed in a tertiary centre hospital in Delhi, India.After the histopathological reports the patients were placed into two groups - those with XGC and GBC.The following parameters were recorded–clinical features,biochemical and radiological findings including the presence of gall stones, common bile duct (CBD) stones,focal or diffuse wall thickening of the GB,the presence of intramural bands or nodules in the wall, lymph node enlargement,mucosal enhancement,and the status of the interface between the liver bed and gall bladder. A comparison was made between the groups. Results Patients with a long history of recurrent abdominal pain and who on imaging were found to have a diffusely thickened gall bladder wall, with cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis and submucosal hypoattenuated nodules were likely to have XGC while those with anorexia,weight loss,focal thickening of the gallbladder wall on imaging and dense local organ infiltration were more likely to have GBC. The presence of lymph nodes on imaging and the loss of a fat plane interface between the liver and gallbladder were not differentiating factors. Conclusion The differentiation of XGC and GBC pre-operatively remains a challenge but is possible via certain clinical and imaging characteristics.However the definitive diagnosis still remains a frozen section histopathological examination to avoid a radical resection in patients who have a benign condition.

Microsoft word - paliperidone _xeplion_ final june 2011 for website

paliperidone palmitate 50mg, 75mg, 100mg and 150mg prolonged release suspension for injection (Xeplion) SMC No. (713/11) Janssen-Cilag Ltd 10 June 2011 The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) has completed its assessment of the above product and advises NHS Boards and Area Drug and Therapeutic Committees (ADTCs) on its use in NHS Scotland. The advice is summarised as follows:


Microbiology (2007), 153, 1394–1404 ScbA from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) hashomology to fatty acid synthases and is able tosynthesize c-butyrolactones Nai-Hua Hsiao,13 Johannes So¨ding,2 Dirk Linke,2 Corinna Lange,3Christian Hertweck,3 Wolfgang Wohlleben1 and Eriko Takano13 Mikrobiologie/Biotechnologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universita¨t Tu¨bingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28,

Capitulo 497.qxd

ÚLCERA GASTRODUODENAL. ASPECTOSGENERALES, ETIOPATOGENIA, CLÍNICA,DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO. RODOLFO E. CORTI Jefe de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estómago *Médicos Clínicos de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estómago. Médico Clínico de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estó- Hospital de Gastroenterología Dr. Bonorino Udaondo.

Microsoft word - thc/crit

A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH LITERATURE CONCERNING SOME BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CANNABIS† Dr. Peter L. Nelson Centre for Humanities and Human Sciences Southern Cross University Nelson, P. L. (1993). A critical review of the research literature concerning some biological andpsychological effects of cannabis. In Advisory Committee on Illicit Drugs (Eds.), Cannabis and


Table of contents Farter, pourquoi donc? Sciolinatura, perché? Testing / Nordic know-how Selbst wer zum ersten Mal auf Skiern steht, eine Même le novice qui, pour la première fois, chausse Persino chi per la prima volta si trova sugli sci, si Loipe betritt oder sich beim Snowboarden versucht – des skis, affronte une piste de ski de fond ou s‘essaie avventura su una pista di fondo o si mette su uno

Policies and Procedures Title: SUBCUTANEOUS THERAPY - INTERMITTENT AND CONTINUOUS I.D. Number: 1074 Date Revised: January 2015 [X] SHR Nursing Practice Committee Date Effective: January 2000 Scope: SHR & Affiliates Any PRINTED version of this document is only accurate up to the date of printing 24-Mar-15. Saskatoon Health Region (SHR)

Subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline modulates gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers of periodontitis in postmenopausal osteopenic women

J Periodontol • August 2008 Subantimicrobial-Dose DoxycyclineModulates Gingival Crevicular FluidBiomarkers of Periodontitisin Postmenopausal Osteopenic WomenLorne M. Golub,* Hsi Ming Lee,* Julie A. Stoner,† Timo Sorsa,‡ Richard A. Reinhardt,§Mark S. Wolff,*i Maria E. Ryan,* Pirkka V. Nummikoski,¶ and Jeffrey B. Payne§ Background: We recently demonstrated that a 2-year subantimicrobial-

The Science of Cheese Is Weirder Than You Think WIRED Image: See-ming Lee/ Cheese is not just food, it's a variety show. The multitude of aromas, flavors, and textures found in cheeses throughout the world is more than we encounter with anyother food. It comes in hundreds of varieties; even within a variety, differences are noticeable. And it's a food that provides nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals,and a high-quality source of protein that can be kept for months.

Estatutos Sociales Capítulo Primero De la denominación, domicilio, idiomas oficiales, duración y objeto Artículo Primero - La Asociación Civil se denominará RED DE AGRICULTURA SOSTENIBLE, denominación que deberá ir siempre seguida de las palabras, "Asociación Civil" o de su abreviatura "A.C.". Artículo Segundo – El domicilio de la Asociación será la Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, y no se entenderá cambiado por el establecimiento de oficinas o dependencias, o por la realización de actividades en cualquier otro lugar de la República de México o en el extranjero. Artículo Tercero – Los idiomas oficiales de la Asociación serán el español y el inglés. Los principales documentos y materiales publicados por la Asociación estarán disponibles en ambos idiomas. Todos los documentos preparados o a ser presentados ante la Asociación, tales como estándares y solicitud de trámites estarán disponibles tanto en español como en inglés por parte de la Asociación. Estos estatutos han sido redactados tanto en inglés como en español, y ambas versiones son igualmente vinculantes y constituyen un solo documento; en el entendido, no obstante, que en caso de diferencias entre una y otra versión, la que prevalecerá será la versión en español. Artículo Cuarto – La duración de la Asociación Civil será de tiempo indefinido. Artículo Quinto – La Asociación Civil tiene por objeto llevar a cabo las siguientes actividades:

2015–2016 International Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Lawrenceville Summer Scholars Available through Global Travelers Organization, Limited. Eligibility All international students attending a private secondary school registered for credit courses are eligible and must be enrolled in the plan on a hard waiver basis. U.S citizens are not eligible for coverage.

VASCULITIS The vasculitides are a heterogeneous group of clinicopathological entities that share the common feature of vascular inflammation and injury. While a number of underlying causes can be identified in some disorders, the aetiology is unknown in many. The pathogenetic mechanisms involved are mainly immunological, immune complex mediated tissue injury being the most commonly incriminated factor. Vasculitis may be the sole manifestation of a disease or it may occur as part of another Primary disease. It may be confined to one organ or may affect multiple organs simultaneously.

Microsoft word - ihre spitex 18.docx

Ihre SPITEX Informationsblatt der SPITEX Region Emmental Ausgabe Nr. 18 – März 2015 SPITEX Region Emmental Inhaltsverzeichnis Alternative Heilmethoden Gedicht, Vorschau und Impressum Ihre ersten Anlaufstellen für Gesundheitsfragen: Neue Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Beatrice Fahrni Claudia Hubeli

Microsoft word - manica giustina.doc

La cultura economica in Italia nel Mezzogiorno fra le due guerre Napoli, 9 novembre 2013 Gli affari della mafia nella Sicilia degli anni trenta1 di Giustina Manica Il dopo Mori fu per la Sicilia un periodo di abbandono politico ed economico. Il console inglese a Palermo nel 1935 scrive nei suoi rapporti che la situazione

Ped. de pm. 34#2, 2005

Diciembre, Volumen 34, Número 2, 2005. Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Panameña de Pediatría Editorial: No al Tabaco Apendicitis Aguda Perforada Dra. Rosinda T. de Espino Dr. Alejandro Martínez et al De Otras Revistas Síndrome de Rapunzel Dr. Pedro E. Vargas y Dra. Giselle González T. et al Dr. Xavier Sáez-Llorens

Meeting Highlights Nuclear Receptors as Drug Targets: New Developments in Coregulators, Orphan Receptors and Major Therapeutic Areas 2. Why nuclear receptors are good 19 – 21 May 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 3. New drugs for classical nuclear receptors University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, USA

Pharmacological management for agitation and aggression in people with acquired brain injury

Pharmacological management for agitation and aggression in people with acquired brain injury (Review) Fleminger S, Greenwood RRJ, Oliver DL This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library2008, Issue 3 Pharmacological management for agitation and aggression in people with acquired brain injury (Review)Copyright © 2008 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Confidential Draft 2012-10-29 Report for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2012 Stockholm, 21 February 2013 Geoffrey McDonough, CEO: "2012 was a year of significant progress for Sobi. We recorded double digit growth for Kineret® and Orfadin®, revitalized our distribution partnerships and extended our ReFacto® manufacturing agreement through 2020. We made significant progress with our pipeline and released positive top-line data for both of our long-lasting clotting factors for haemophilia in development with Biogen Idec, and with the approval of Kineret in NOMID1) by the US FDA. Finally, we have achieved our cost discipline targets for the year, and have executed on our strategy to improve the gross margin. At the outset of 2013 we initiated an important partnership in the Partner Products portfolio with Valeant®/PharmaSwiss, and we have also signed a collaboration with Savient for the co-promotion of Kineret in the United States. Today we will offer an additional placement of up to SEK 200 M against our existing bond to ensure that we can meet the opportunities presented by the pace and scale of our Haemophilia programs."

Carotid endarterectomy—An evidence-based review: Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology S. Chaturvedi, A. Bruno, T. Feasby, R. Holloway, O. Benavente, S. N. Cohen, R. Cote, D. Hess, J. Saver, J. D. Spence, B. Stern and J. Wilterdink Neurology 2005;65;794-801 DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000176036.07558.82

Sexual offender treatment: karen harrison

Sexual Offender Treatment ISSN 1862-2941 Legal and Ethical issues when usingAntiandrogenic Pharmacotherapy with SexOffenders Karen HarrisonUniversity of the West of England - Bristol [Sexual Offender Treatment, Volume 3 (2008), Issue 2] The treatment of sex offenders and more specifically the treatment of high-risk sex offenders is asubject of great importance for practitioners, professionals, policymakers and the public at large.Whilst treatment is thought to largely centre upon cognitive-behavioural methods and otherpsychotherapy techniques, in more recent years the use of pharmacotherapy has also begun togain ground. Current debate often centres upon how effective such treatment is; with bothsupporters and opponents of its use existing. This article, however, does not specifically look atwhether pharmacotherapy as a method of treatment with sex offenders actually works, but ratherlooks at the legal and ethical issues surrounding its use. In particular it considers issues such aswhether the treatment should be voluntary or mandatory; whether it should indeed even beclassified as treatment or should instead be seen as punishment and finally whether it should beused with convicted offenders or made freely available to all.

Original Research Reward preferences for generations in selected Information and Communication Technology companies Orientation: Previous research suggests that different generations have different reward preferences based on differences in values, frames of reference and life goals. Research purpose: The focus of this study was to determine whether different generations

For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected] Research Article 2015/12/30 A rolling-horizon pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic model for warfarin inpatients in transient clinical states Aim: To design a pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic model to make individualized Yao Zhao1, Nan Liu2, Yijun and adaptive international normalized ratio (INR) predictions for warfarin inpatients

Effects of the aquatic contaminant human pharmaceuticals and their mixtures on the proliferation and migratory responses of the bioindicator freshwater ciliate tetrahymena

Contents lists available at Effects of the aquatic contaminant human pharmaceuticals and their mixtureson the proliferation and migratory responses of the bioindicatorfreshwater ciliate Tetrahymena Júlia Láng, László K} Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University, PO Box 370, H-1445 Budapest, Hungary " Acute toxic effects of NSAIDs, b-blockers are unlikely to T. pyriformis.


Undersökning av spill och läckage vid hantering av antibiotika inom sjukvården Slutrapport AFA-projekt 07-0043 Olle Nygren och Roger Lindahl Gruppen för Arbetsmiljökemi Miljö- och Biogeokemi Kemiska Institutionen Umeå Universitet Projektet, som redovisas i denna rapport, är ett tillämpat projekt med syfte att dels beskriva omfattningen av det spill och läckage av antibiotika, som förekommer vid svenska sjukhus, dels att ta fram exempel och förslag på åtgärder som kan vidtas för att minska omfattningen och spridning detta spill och läckage. En viktig del av detta projekt är därför en återkoppling av resultat till den undersökta och berörda målgruppen. Denna rapport utgör en viktig del av denna återkoppling.

Guidelines for the initial management of paediatric liver disease

Alastair Baker 9/7/2013 Investigation and treatment of liver disease with acute onset – Local hospital protocol  Defined as EITHER sudden onset of jaundice with evidence of liver aetiology OR incidental discovery of raised transaminases in association with symptoms suggesting acute onset  Age of onset >3 months

Microsoft word - morning mantra 24-08-201

Morning Mantra Tuesday, September 06, 2011 Indian equity indices sulked in red along with global equities on Monday after sluggish US jobs data on Friday fanned fears about the health of the world's largest economy and its fallout on ongoing global recovery amidst sustained worries about the euro zone debt crisis which prompted investors for a flight of safety from Dalal

«Dio protegga l'Italia, guai a chi la tocca!». Il Risorgimento nazionale attraverso le lettere di alcune patriote Nell'ultimo trentennio la storia delle donne e di genere ha guar- dato all'Ottocento italiano e al Risorgimento, lasciando emergere non soltanto figure di donne ben lontane dallo stereotipo che le rap- presenta intente solo a cucire bandiere, ma evidenziando uno spa-


Documento descargado de http:// el 11/01/2013. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2013;66(1):53.e1-e46 Artículo especial Este artículo completo solo se encuentra disponible en versión electrónica: Guía de práctica clínica de la ESC para el manejo del infarto agudo de miocardio en pacientes con elevación del segmento ST


NO. 3 December 2005 International Edition PERFECT VISITING CARD CONVINCING METHOD All-ceramic veneers are CEREC dentists and Practice profile: from unbeatable in every inLab laboratories are ivory to CAD/CAM perfect partners PAGE 3 Simply try it and see The war of the bottles

Philippine Institute for Development Studies Surian sa mga Pag-aaral Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas Formative Evaluation of the DOH's Complete Treatment Pack (Compack) Program Dennis B. Batangan DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES NO. 2014-47 The PIDS Discussion Paper Series constitutes studies that are preliminary andsubject to further revisions. They are be-ing circulated in a limited number of cop-ies only for purposes of soliciting com-ments and suggestions for further refine-ments. The studies under the Series areunedited and unreviewed.

Bedienungsanleitung_kraene_2014 sw.pdf

K400 K540 K640 K670 K695 K825 So ma Land- u. Forsttechnik Sommersguter GmbH A-8654 Fischbach 3 Bedienungsanleitung Forstkräne 1. Einleitung. 3 2. Warn Symbole . 4 3. Sicherheit . 4 3.1. Einleitung . 4 3.2. Sicherheitsabstände . 5 3.3. Hydraulik System . 5

Inside pgs 0

Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital Caring for the community since 1914. Dr Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital DELHI: 5027, Kedarnath Road, Daryaganj, N Delhi-110002, India Tel : 011-43524444 & 43528888 Fax : 011-43528816Website: GURGAON: 125/22, Bhanu House, Opposite to ITI Gate, Old DLF Colony, MG Road Sector-14, Gurgaon, Haryana Tel: 0124-4300556, 4300557, 4300558


Medical comorbidity of sleep disordersDimitris Dikeos and Georgios Georgantopoulos 1st Department of Psychiatry, Athens University Purpose of review Medical School, Athens, Greece Recently published literature indicates that sleep disorders present with medical Correspondence to Dimitris G. Dikeos, MD, Associate comorbidities quite frequently. The coexistence of a sleep disorder with a medical

Setta coll n

Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) 1907/2006 Handelsname : SETTA COLL KONTAKTKLEBSTOFF N Überarbeitet am : Version (Überarbeitung) : Druckdatum : 1. Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens 1.1 Produktidentifikator SETTA COLL KONTAKTKLEBSTOFF N

AUGUST 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Tena koutou katoa Nga mihi nui ki a koutou She will be a great loss to us. However, this is a new challenge Welcome back to Term 3. We finished which she is looking forward to. RJHS will be a better place for last term on a wonderful note thanks having her wonderful qualities, skills and abundant energy. Ms to the Bugsy Malone production and the


The new england journal of medicine established in 1812 january 19, 2006 A Controlled Trial of Long-Term Inhaled Hypertonic Saline in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Mark R. Elkins, M.H.Sc., Michael Robinson, Ph.D., Barbara R. Rose, Ph.D., Colin Harbour, Ph.D.,Carmel P. Moriarty, R.N., Guy B. Marks, Ph.D., Elena G. Belousova, M.Appl.Sc., Wei Xuan, Ph.D.,

Antecedentes generales de la comuna y su poblaciÓn

COMUNA DE SAN JOAQUIN PLAN DE SALUD COMUNAL  PRESENTACIÓN De acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 58 de la ley 19.378 Estatuto de Atención Primaria Municipalizada ( 13 abril 1995) y en el D.S Nº 2.296 (10 octubre de 1995) corresponde a las entidades administradoras de salud municipal la elaboración anual de un programa de salud municipal. Este plan debe contener los siguientes aspectos: a.- Lineamientos de una Política Comunal de Salud, que recoja los problemas locales de salud en el marco de las normas técnicas y programáticas impartidas por el Ministerio de Salud y las prioridades fijadas por el Servicio de Salud respectivo. b.- Diagnóstico Comunal participativo de salud, actualizado. c.- Evaluación de las acciones y programas ejecutados anteriormente. d.- Escenario mas probable para la salud comunal en el período a programar. e.- Asignación de prioridades a los problemas señalados, a partir del diagnóstico y los recursos existentes y potenciales en base a criterios de prevalencia, gravedad, vulnerabilidad y a la intervención e importancia social. f.- Determinación de actividades frente a cada problema priorizado, considerando en ellas: acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica, acciones preventivas y promocionales, acciones de carácter intersectorial que contribuyan a la ejecución de las actividades del programa; y acciones curativas. g.- Indicadores de cumplimiento de metas programadas.

Effect of reiki therapy on pain and anxiety in adults: an in-depth literature review of randomized trials with effect size calculations

Effect of Reiki Therapyon Pain and Anxiety inAdults: An In-DepthLiterature Review ofRandomized Trials withEffect Size Calculations - - - Susan Thrane, RN, MSN, OCN, and Susan M. Cohen, PhD, APRN, FAAN - ABSTRACT:The objective of this study was to calculate the effect of Reiki therapyfor pain and anxiety in randomized clinical trials. A systematic searchof PubMed, ProQuest, Cochrane, PsychInfo, CINAHL, Web of Science,Global Health, and Medline databases was conducted using the searchterms pain, anxiety, and Reiki. The Center for Reiki Research also wasexamined for articles. Studies that used randomization and a controlor usual care group, used Reiki therapy in one arm of the study, werepublished in 2000 or later in peer-reviewed journals in English, andmeasured pain or anxiety were included. After removing duplicates,49 articles were examined and 12 articles received full review. Sevenstudies met the inclusion criteria: four articles studied cancer patients,

Arm lift (brachioplasty) IntroductionAn arm lift or brachioplasty removes excess skin and fat, reshaping the upper arm area while reducing its circumference. This operation can be combined with a number of other procedures to reshape the upper chest and back area. In most cases, people losing a massive amount of weight will have excess skin in both the upper and lower trunk areas, including the arms.

Microsoft word - memon_jmmc.doc

Journal of Modern Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 2, 1-9 1 Synthesis, Characterization and Microbial Evaluation of Metal Complexes of Molybdenum with Ofloxacin (Levo (S-form) and Dextro (R-form)) Isomers Qadeer K. Panhwar1,2 and Shahabuddin Memon2,* 1Dr. M. A. Kazi Institute of Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan 2National Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro 76080, Pakistan

Microsoft word - annual report 2013

Annual Congregational Meeting February 9, 2014 Call to Order Election of representatives to the Congregational Nominating Committee 2013 Annual Report Financial Reports 2013 statement 2014 approved budget Approval of the pastors' terms of call Remarks Adjournment

Patient Phone (Day): Physician Signature: q PACSCube CD-Rq CareGate Clinical Information/ Diagnosis: q Send CD by courier q Send CD w/patientq Call physician w/appt time q Fax physician w/appt time Are you aware if the patient has M. Tuberculosis: q YES q NO q Call if patient reschedules Does your patient have a pacemaker: q YES q NOAppointment Date and Time: IV Contrast used at the discretion of the radiologist unless otherwise indicated.


RESEARCH METHODS AND REPORTING SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: guidance for protocols of clinical trials An-Wen Chan , 1 Jennifer M Tetzlaff , 2 Peter C Gøtzsche , 3 Douglas G Altman , 4 Howard Mann , 5 Jesse A Berlin , 6 Kay Dickersin , 7 Asbjørn Hróbjartsson , 3 Kenneth F Schulz , 8 Wendy R Parulekar , 9 Karmela Krleža-Jeric , 10 Andreas Laupacis , 11 David Moher 2 10

Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 45 / Thursday, March 7, 2013 / Notices DC 20447, Attn: ACF Reports Clearance FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: • June 4, 2013, from 9:45 a.m. to 11 Officer. All requests should be Patricia Arnwine, Center for Veterinary a.m. on the day of the meeting in identified by the title of the information Medicine (HFV–6), Food and Drug


Dr. Stephan Madaus Vertreter des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Unternehmensrecht (Prof. Dr. Horst Eidenmüller, LL.M.) Übung im Bürgerlichen Recht für Fortgeschrittene Übungsfall Biologieprofessor P. hat von einer Reise nach Südkorea Ginseng-Wurzeln mitge- bracht, die er einem befreundeten Pharmakologen zu Forschungszwecken zur Ver-

Spring Into Action Webelos Activity Badges: Sportsman/family Member This month is a good time to spring into action with outdoor activities such as hikes; sports and games; cleaning up litter along ponds, parks, Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting or roadsides; or planting trees for improved habitat. Make plaster casts developed through this month's theme

Eur Respir J 1997; 10: 2465–2473 Copyright ERS Journals Ltd 1997 European Respiratory Journal Printed in UK - all rights reserved The effect of inhaling a dry powder of sodium chloride on the airways of asthmatic subjects S.D. Anderson*, J. Spring*, B. Moore**, L.T. Rodwell*, N. Spalding*, I. Gonda+, K. Chan+, A. Walsh+, A.R. Clark+ The effect of inhaling a dry powder of sodium chloride on the airways of asthmatic

Office-based anesthesia: dispelling common myths

Aesthetic Surgery Journal Office-Based Anesthesia: Dispelling Common Myths Aesthetic Surgery Journal The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Additional services and information for Office-Based Anesthesia: Dispelling Common Myths Douglas R. Blake, MD

Guidelines for antimicrobial usage - 2012 - 2013

CVR(AMUG13).indd 1 8/15/2012 1:48:57 PM Guidelines for 2012-2013 8/15/2012 2:53:48 PM Published by: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the prior agreement and written permission of the publisher.

iQ Global Managed Portfolio SEGREGATED MANAGED SHARE PORTFOLIO iQ Global Managed SP iQ Global Managed Share Portfolio Company Descriptions Fees and reporting iQ Global Managed Share Portfolio March 2016 iQ Global Managed SP PURPOSE STATEMENT  To provide clients with market leading investment solutions seeking to maximise risk-adjusted returns


Clinical Case Studies Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Postpartum Onset: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Aggressive Obsessions Lisa M. Christian and Eric A. Storch Clinical Case Studies DOI: 10.1177/1534650108326974 The online version of this article can be found at: Additional services and information for can be found at:


Time to Register for Religious Educa- tion Classes for 2008/09 - R.E. Classes forGrades 1 - 6 will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and July 26 - August 3 Thursday afternoons from 3:45 - 4:45 PM. Grades 7& 8 will meet on Thursdays from 6 - 7 PM with 7th Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time and 8th Grade Youth Group to follow from 7- 8:30


Laboratorios Silanes, S.A. de C.V. Información para prescribir Nombre del producto y F.F.: Versión de IPP: N° de Registro: Versión número: CLOSTEDAL* 86718 SSA-IV N° de Autorización: tabletas KEAR 06330060101992/RM2006 INFORMACIÓN PARA PRESCRIBIR AMPLIA (IPP-A)

100 Antwortenauf Ihre Fragenzum ThemaBrustkrebs Impressum:Herausgeber und Medieninhaber, Redaktion:ÖSTERREICHISCHE KREBSHILFE WIEN1180 Wien, Theresiengasse 46Tel. 01/402 19 22, Fax 01/408 22 [email protected] Layout: Tasso Bogg, 1070 WienCoverfoto: Monkey Business Images / ShutterstockDruck: agensketterl Druckerei GmbH, 3001 Mauerbach© 2012, Österreichische Krebshilfe Wien

OF CONTENTS These patient care protocols will go into effect in January 2016 for EMS Responders of the Aumsville Fire District, Gates Fire District, Falck Ambulance, Idanha Detroit Rural Fire Protection District, Keizer Fire District, Lyons Fire District, Marion County Fire District #1, Mill City Fire District, Salem Fire Department, Santiam Ambulance, Stayton Fire District, Sublimity Fire District and Turner Fire District.

Online training program

THREATENING Developed by: Becky Neff, RN & Becky Adams, RN using OSPI's Guidelines for Care of Students with Anaphylaxis (2009) Food allergy overview Emergency Medication What is your role? Signs and symptoms  Increasing numbers of children (6-8%) are diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies that may potentially life- A reaction can occur within


Spa: 9:00 bis 19:00 Uhr Terminvereinbarung Aufgrund der starken Nachfrage empfehlen wir Ihnen Ihre SPA-Termine bereits vor Anreise zu buchen. Sie erreichen uns telefonisch unter der Nummer +43 (0) 4274/2770.Selbstverständlich nehmen wir Ihre Reservierung auch persönlich im SPA oder an der Hotelrezeption entgegen und beraten Sie kompetent bei der Wahl Ihres Programms.Stornierungen

Shohei Juku Aikido Canada September, 2005. Number 9 Continuing On With Renewed Energy The short summer went by so quickly. How was everyone's summer? Did you all enjoy plenty of sunshine? The weather isbeginning to show a touch of autumn as we see the leaves around us changing. Autumn. In this season, there is a Japanese song that I always think about and often find myself singing.

Identification and management of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the context of Zika virus Interim guidance 25 February 2016 WHO/ZIKV/MOC/16.4 1. Introduction critical care physicians and nurses. This guidance may also be used by those responsible for developing local and 1.1 Background national health protocols and policies, and policy-makers in

Amie: association rule mining under incomplete evidence in ontological knowledge bases

AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases Luis Galárraga1, Christina Teflioudi1, Katja Hose2, Fabian M. Suchanek1 1Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany 2Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 1{lgalarra, chteflio, suchanek}, 2{khose} inevitably exhibit gaps. Others are created and extendedmanually. Making these KBs complete requires great effort

Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (JBCS) Sharma et al. (2014) vol.1, no. 1, 1-12 Drug design strategies using non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI): current challenges and future perspectives Ravi Sharma1, Gaurav Kumar2, Preeti Saini3, Hardeep Singh Tuli4*, Shivani Sood4

Magnus Hirsch, Markus von Fuchs and Margret Knitter SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte Trademarks A Global Guide SKW Schwarz:independent and business-minded The Law Firm Areas of Work SKW Schwarz is an independent German law firm. Banking and Finance We advise companies of all sizes ranging from owner-

Wkw 2450 sator-katzenschlager

Sator-Katzenschlager et al., Gabapentin and amitriptyline causing chronic pelvic pain WIENER KLINISCHEWOCHENSCHRIFTThe Middle European Journalof Medicine Wien Klin Wochenschr (2005) 117/21–22: ■–■DOI 10.1007/s00508-005-0464-2 Printed in Austria Chronic pelvic pain treated with gabapentin and amitriptyline: A randomized controlled pilot study

Microsoft word - medication formulary april 2011.doc

Dear Prescribers, April 2011 Welcome to the Saint Vincent Healthcare Medication Formulary. This formulary was designed to provide you with the most current information possible pertaining to Formulary listings and drug-related policies. Please review this booklet at your leisure so you are familiar with which drugs are approved for use at Saint Vincent

B1245 pink 7

AUTUMN 2006 PinK Conference 2007 2-3 February Cranage Hall Conference Centre,Holmes Chapel, Cheshire Registration will be at 12noonon Friday 2 February and theconference will close at Prescribing – The Benefits as 12.30pm on Saturday 3 a Specialist Parkinson's Nurse All delegates will be offered asingle room and there will beno surcharges for


Official Journal of the European Communities COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, leaving Member States free to add otherparameters if they see fit; Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European (3) Whereas, in accordance with the principle of

National stroke services must address all elements of care of patients with cerebrovascular disease and stroke from prevention, acute treatment, non-acute treatment, rehabilitation and continuing and palliative care

Irish Heart Foundation: Council for Stroke National Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations for the Care of People with Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack Revised Version March 2010 Foreword 18 months ago the Irish Heart Foundation published an audit of stroke services in the Republic of Ireland. The audit revealed what many had suspected. Adequate services and facilities to prevent, asses and treat the yearly toll of10,000 victims of stroke are not available to most of our population. Even when supposedly available they are often seriously deficient. Only one hospital had a stroke unit. The Rehabilitation services were often poorly organised and uncoordinated. The end result was that most patients with acute stroke received care which was less than optimal and were not accorded the timely rehabilitation which plays a major part in preventing long-term disability. The Stroke Council of the Irish Heart Foundation addressed the issues raised by the audit. It set up a working party to produce a comprehensive strategy for the development of a service in line with best international practice adapted to Irish conditions. The result, prepared over the last 18 months is this document. It sets out a strategy for the prevention, treatment and management of stroke. It shows that strokes may be prevented, that warning signs are often ignored and that simple population educational measures can be very effective in reducing numbers of victims. The establishment of proper assessment units for the prompt management of patients suffering transient ischaemic attacks is one of the key points of this preventive strategy. Prompt treatment reduces mortality from acute stroke and t disability levels amongst survivors. The key to this is rapid assessment of the stroke victim, the provision of thrombolytic therapy where appropriate and the organisation of Accident and Emergency departments to deal effectively with the victims and to direct them to designated stroke units. Such units provide immediate care, close monitoring of and appropriate intervention in the evolving stroke. The physical grouping of patients in such units ensures that rehabilitation can be provided in a timely fashion and the many disciplines involved can be organised in such a way as to ensure that this is done to provide optimal benefit. The patient can progress seamlessly from the acute event through early rehabilitation into properly organised appropriate rehabilitation programs and back to the community. Stroke at this stage has elements of a chronic illness, and ongoing nursing, medical and therapist support is required, both at home, and for an important minority of those affected, in nursing homes. The report deals with the role of allied and health professionals, nurses, doctors and primary care centres in this process. Central to this concept is the creation of stroke networks. Networks embrace all the hospitals, services and individuals providing care at every stage of the process. Care of the acute stroke victim begins in the ambulance, continues through thrombolysis, early recognition and assessment in the accident and emergency departments, stroke unit and the provision of internationally acceptable levels of ongoing care. Such a service could save up to 350 lives a year and substantially reduce the number of those suffering from major disability. As medical director of the Irish heart foundation I have watched with admiration the way in which so many people, far too numerous from me to acknowledge individually, have worked together to produce this report. They are drawn from all the disciplines associated with the care of the stroke patient and were joined by others

Journal of Solid Tumors 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1 BRIEF REPORT Studies on antitumor activity spectrum of doxycycline Bo Chen1, 3, Hong-gang Zhou2, 3, Wei Wang2, 3, Wen-guang Gu2, 3, Dong Zhao2, 3, Peng Wang∗3 1College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China 2State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology and College of Pharmacy, Nankai University, Tianjin, China3Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Drug Research, Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biomedicine, Tianjin, China

Guatemala, viernes 21 de marzo de 2014 SIGLO 21 Fiscal General lanza política de género Coralia Orantes Claudia Paz y Paz, fiscal general, y María Machicado representante de ONU-Mujeres, presentaron ayer la política para la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres del Ministerio Público (MP). La iniciativa tiene como objetivo que la mitad del capital humano del ente investigador sea mujeres. Paz y Paz dijo que el objetivo es asegurar y proteger el derecho a la igualdad. De acuerdo con la jefa del MP, en los últimos años el porcentaje de mujeres a cargo de fiscalías distritales se ha incrementado del 2 al 36 por ciento, también se ha buscado mayor participación de la mujer en las áreas de investigación y seguridad. Congreso elige relatores contra la tortura Jessica Osorio Como titulares fueron elegidos: Otto Marroquín Guerra, Mario Enrique Carrera, Lucrecia Villalta Martínez, Carlos Alberto Solórzano e Hilario Roderico Pineda Sánchez. Los suplentes: Anthony Giovanni Pivaral de León, María Elizabeth Ramos Aguilar, Iracema Palacios Franco, José Antonio Meléndez Sandoval y Sandra Stephenie Shaw Díaz. La elección se concretó un día después de que la Corte de Constitucionalidad (CC) ordenara al Legislativo cumplir con el convenio ratificado ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), el 10 de diciembre de 1984. Con dicha adhesión, el Estado de Guatemala había manifestado su compromiso para adoptar medidas legislativas, administrativas, judiciales o de otra índole "eficaces para prevenir los actos de tortura en todo el territorio nacional". El amparo fue concedió al diputado de la Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE), Julio César Villatoro, quien accionó el año pasado para lograr que el Parlamento cumpliera con ese requisito. Recientemente, el representante de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas Alberto Brunori, acudió al Legislativo y planteó a Arístides Crespo, presidente de ese organismo, cumplir con la elección de los relatores. Guatemala, entre países con más políticas de seguridad EFE Esta es la principal conclusión extraída de una nueva plataforma virtual e interactiva, que recopiló cerca de 1 mil 300 políticas de seguridad puestas en marcha en 40 países de América Latina y el Caribe desde 1990, que fue presentada hoy en Río de Janeiro.

English version text neurofeedback

Neurofeedback – How Attention Takes Flight Pierre Walther and Stephan Ellinger Goethe University Frankfurt, Julius-Maximillians-University Würzburg (GERMANY) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) alone or in combination with Hyperactivity (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders in childhood and adolescence and even persists into adulthood. Children with ADHD show a higher amount of slow brain waves and a decreased amount of faster brain waves compared to children without ADHD (Barry et al., 2003). The basic idea of neurofeedback is to transfer the unconscious process of brain wave function into a conscious process by reporting it to the patient. The Brainfeeders project aims to evaluate the possibilities for integrating neurofeedback in a school setting. The primary goal of the study is to replicate results found in clinical trials without any additional human resources. We would like to evaluate how well a training programme like this fits in school settings and if results are comparable to clinical studies. We are interested in forming a transnational working group, integrating researchers who are working on similar projects or who are interested in working on Brainfeeders in their countries.

Tratamiento combinado de la retención voluntaria de heces mediante fármacos y terapia ocupacional

Bol SCCALP 217 64p 21/9/11 17:03 Página 169 BOL PEDIATR 2011; 51: 169-176 Tratamiento combinado de la retención voluntaria de hecesmediante fármacos y terapia ocupacional I. BEAUDRY BELLEFEUILLE1, E. RAMOS POLO2 1Clínica de Terapia Ocupacional Pediátrica Beaudry-Bellefeuille. Oviedo. 2Pediatra-puericultor. Oviedo. fundizar y refinar los métodos de valoración y tratamien-to para esta población.

CONTENTSComEd's Hourly Pricing Program Program Benefits Comparing Your Rate Options Managing Costs with Hourly Pricing Tools to Help You Save Understanding Your Bill Hourly Pricing Program Guide COMED'S HOURLY PRICING PROGRAM ComEd's Hourly Pricing program is an electricity supply option available for residential customers. This program allows you to pay the hourly,

Current learning in palliative care

Current Learning in Palliative care Helping patients with symptoms other than pain 1: Constipation Introductory level Aim of this worksheet Produced by St. Oswald's Hospice To learn how to assess and manage constipation How to use this worksheet  You can work through this worksheet by yourself, or with a tutor.

Microsoft word - 7 antidoping.rtf

Club Information Manual Section 3.7 Dec 2001 Orienteering Australia Operational Manual 4.2 What do Words used in this Policy Mean? What is the Federation's Position on Doping? Who does this Policy Apply to? What is a Doping Offence? Investigation of a Doping Offence and Referral to Hearing How are Hearings Conducted? What Sanctions Apply? How long do Sanctions Apply?

Microsoft word - web_ergebnisdarstellung_verdauung.doc

Ergebnisdarstellung des Experten-Arbeitskreises „Verdauung und Ausscheidung" Der dritte Expertenarbeitskreis des Forum Wartaweil hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das meist nur am Rande behandelte und in der Fachliteratur eher vernachlässigte Thema der Verdauung und Ausscheidung von Menschen mit schwersten Behinderungen und Lebenseinschränkungen transdisziplinär aufzuarbeiten. Folgende Ergebnisse können festgehalten werden: Begegnung mit dem Thema im Alltag Für Eltern ist das Thema „Verdauung und Ausscheidung" ein sehr zentrales, über das sie sich untereinander (z.B. in Elterninitiativen) regelmäßig und intensiv austauschen. Professionelle in Einrichtungen der Behindertenhilfe, die in ihrem pflegerischen Arbeitsalltag mit diesem Thema konfrontiert sind, sprechen ebenso offen und häufig mit Kollegen über dieses Thema. Ein Defizit in der literarischen Aufarbeitung des Themas bestätigen und beklagen alle Teilnehmer der Gesprächsrunde. Die Erschwernisse bei der Nahrungsaufnahme sind ausreichend wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitet und publiziert, die oftmals problematische Ausscheidung, medizinisch im Fachgebiet der (pädiatrischen) Gastroenterologen angesiedelt, findet jedoch nur im Kontext persönlicher Betroffenheit Beachtung. Auch die sonderpädagogische Fachrichtung (Schwerstbehindertenpädagogik) hat sich in noch nicht ausreichendem Maße dieser Thematik angenommen. Gerade Jugendliche mit Verdauungsproblemen aufgrund schwerster Behinderungen können dieses Thema als sehr belastend erleben. Entsprechend finden Gespräche zwischen Pflegenden und zu Pflegenden statt. Die Problematik eines nicht täglich funktionierenden Stuhlganges wird von medizinischer Seite u.U. seltener gesehen, jede Darmausscheidung zwischen drei mal täglich bis zwei mal wöchentlich liegt im Bereich des Vertretbaren. Auch die dauerhafte Einnahme von dosierten Abführmitteln gilt als unbedenklich. In Einrichtungen für Menschen mit schwersten Mehrfachbehinderungen sind die wenigsten Betreuten kontinent, fast alle haben Probleme mit der Ausscheidung, gleichzeitig müssen Wege der (unterstützten) Kommunikation gefunden werden, um den Betroffenen den Ausdruck von Wünschen und Bedürfnissen auch in diesem Bereich zu ermöglichen. Ursachen von Verdauungs- und Ausscheidungsproblemen bei Kindern mit Behinderungen Verdauungs- und Ausscheidungsprobleme von Kindern mit schweren Körper- und Mehrfachbehinderungen können durch die Addition unterschiedlicher Ursachen zustande kommen:

Medicines control council

Registration of Medicines PI standardised texts MEDICINES CONTROL COUNCIL PACKAGE INSERTS FOR HUMAN MEDICINES STANDARDISED TEXTS This guideline is intended to provide recommendations to applicants wishing to submit applications for the registration of medicines. It represents the Medicines Control Council's current thinking on the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines. It is

Número 126 Agosto 2014 Alentamos a la Selección y vibramos con el P Número 126 Agosto 2014  Indice Centros de Competencias, exclusivos para Guardias y empleados. En junio participamos de la V Exposición Internacional de Minería de San Juan, Programa de formación donde dimos a conocer nuestras

Mbev-20-09-17 1564.1574

Single Eubacterial Origin of Eukaryotic Sulfide:Quinone Oxidoreductase,a Mitochondrial Enzyme Conserved from the Early Evolution of EukaryotesDuring Anoxic and Sulfidic Times Ursula Theissen,* Meike Hoffmeister,* Manfred Grieshaber,  and William Martin**Institute of Botany III and  Institut fu¨r Zoophysiologie, University of Du¨sseldorf, Du¨sseldorf, Germany Mitochondria occur as aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, and, in the case of hydrogenosomes, strictly anaerobic forms.This physiological diversity of mitochondrial oxygen requirement is paralleled by that of free-living a-proteobacteria, thegroup of eubacteria from which mitochondria arose, many of which are facultative anaerobes. Although ATP synthesis inmitochondria usually involves the oxidation of reduced carbon compounds, many a-proteobacteria and somemitochondria are known to use sulfide (H2S) as an electron donor for the respiratory chain and its associated ATPsynthesis. In many eubacteria, the oxidation of sulfide involves the enzyme sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR).Nuclear-encoded homologs of SQR are found in several eukaryotic genomes. Here we show that eukaryotic SQR genescharacterized to date can be traced to a single acquisition from a eubacterial donor in the common ancestor of animalsand fungi. Yet, SQR is not a well-conserved protein, and our analyses suggest that the SQR gene has furthermoreundergone some lateral transfer among prokaryotes during evolution, leaving the precise eubacterial lineage from whicheukaryotes obtained their SQR difficult to discern with phylogenetic methods. Newer geochemical data and microfossilevidence indicate that major phases of early eukaryotic diversification occurred during a period of the Earth's historyfrom 1 to 2 billion years before present in which the subsurface ocean waters contained almost no oxygen but containedhigh concentrations of sulfide, suggesting that the ability to deal with sulfide was essential for prokaryotes and eukaryotesduring that time. Notwithstanding poor resolution in deep SQR phylogeny and lack of a specifically a-protebacterialbranch for the eukaryotic enzyme on the basis of current lineage sampling, a single eubacterial origin of eukaryotic SQRand the evident need of ancient eukaryotes to deal with sulfide, a process today germane to mitochondrial quinonereduction, are compatible with the view that eukaryotic SQR was an acquisition from the mitochondrial endosymbiont.

Diálogo oriente-occidente en la españa de finales del siglo xix. el primer teosofismo español (1888-1906): un movimiento religioso heterodoxo bien integrado en los movimientos sociales de su época.pdf

ISSN 1696-4403 Jordi Pomés Vives Diálogo Oriente-Occidente en la España de finales del siglo XIX. El primer teosofismo español (1888-1906): un movimiento religioso heterodoxo bien integrado en los movimientos sociales de su época1 Jordi Pomés Vives (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Resumen / Resum / Abstract

Snm11460 wound bed - a5

1. Introduction 2. The Bacterial Balance within a chronic wound 2.1 Bacterial involvement in a chronic wound and assessment 2.2 Bacterial screening of a chronic wound 2.3 Variables that affect the bacterial burden of a wound 2.4 Bacterial burden, pathogenicity and the presence of biofilms in wound healing 2.5 Antibiotics and antiseptics in wound infection

Safe design of custom lithium batteries

Safe Design of Custom Lithium Batteries By Paul Edwards, Steatite Batteries Introduction: The World's Favourite Battery Chemistry? Lithium battery technology is often preferred for portable equipment intended for use in harsh environments. Lithium batteries also have a wide operating temperature range, particularly at low temperatures, and are known to have high tolerance of pressure, shock and vibration. The batteries are

Mps1 promotes rapid centromere accumulation of aurora b

scientific report Mps1 promotes rapid centromere accumulationof Aurora BMaike S. van der Waal1*, Adrian T. Saurin1,2*, Martijn J.M. Vromans1, Mathijs Vleugel1,2,Claudia Wurzenberger3, Daniel W. Gerlich3w, Rene´ H. Medema4, Geert J.P.L. Kops1,2 & Susanne M.A. Lens1+1Department of Medical Oncology, 2Department of Molecular Cancer Research, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,The Netherlands, 3Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland,and 4Division of Cell Biology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

St. PETER'S UNIVERSITY St. Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research (Declared under section 3 of UGC Act 1956) Avadi, Chennai – 600 054. M.Sc. (CHEMISTRY) PROGRAMME (Full Time) (I to IV SEMESTERS) REGULATIONS AND SYLLABI REGULATIONS – 2014 (Effective from the Academic Year 2014-'15)

Sportspro brochure july 26.cdr

Endorsed by the Nigeria Olympic Committee THE INDUSTRY OF SPORT IN NIGERIA Plays a central role in the lives of many Offers a prospect for the society as a whole. Nothing galvanizes us more than sports. The only national endeavor which every Nigeriansupports without thought to tribal, ethnic, regional or political sentiments. Sport Development in Nigeria Still largely government dominated

Microsoft word - el sÍndrome del diente fisurado.doc

Traducido del Texto "Endodontics" de Arnaldo Castellucci MD, DDS Vol. 1. Primera Ed. 2.004 Traducción: Dr. Carlos Heilborn. Odontólogo. Especialista en Endodoncia. Asunción - Paraguay EL SÍNDROME DEL DIENTE FISURADO Uziel Blumenkranz S. DDS Si uno considera las varias quejas de los pacientes con diferentes formas de patología pulpar, por ej. sensibilidad al frío en la hiperemia o sensibilidad al calor en las pulpitis; o de patología peri apical, por ej. dolor desencadenado por presión en una periodontitis o absceso, uno puede concluir que éstos no pueden coexistir en el mismo diente. Mientras el paciente puede manifestar que el diente es sensible al calor, frío y presión, esto se debe generalmente a la condensación de síntomas de odontalgias previas. Sin embargo, existe un caso en el cual estos tres síntomas pueden originarse y coexistir en un mismo diente. Esto se conoce como el "síndrome del diente fisurado". Introducción Hasta el año 1.964 se han sugerido muchos nombres para esta condición. Pero fue Cameron quien introdujo el término "síndrome del diente fisurado", agregando que "el factor más importante para el diagnóstico del diente fisurado es el conocimiento de que estas fisuras suceden". Aunque se han escrito muchos artículos sobre este tema desde entonces, muchos pacientes con este síndrome están sin diagnóstico. Además existe una confusión en la literatura dental al respecto de los dientes diagnosticados con el "síndrome del diente fisurado" y aquellos fracturados como consecuencia de accidentes de procedimientos. Las fracturas de la última categoría han sido denominadas Fracturas Apicales Inducidas por Williams y fracturas radiculares verticales, por otros. Mientras que en ambos casos el la consecuencia en el diente puede ser la misma, la etiología es diferente. También es un hecho que mientras que la profesión dental se valga principalmente de las evaluaciones radiográficas, este síndrome no puede ser fácilmente identificado. Las fisuras se producen de mesial a distal, donde las películas radiográficas son incapaces de capturarlas. Por tanto, más y más dientes serán víctimas del "síndrome del diente fisurado". Aún así, si se detectan pueden ser salvados. Los dientes fisurados son muy difíciles de diagnosticar, especialmente si el dentista no los está buscando. En muchos casos, debido a la ignorancia por parte del dentista, el paciente es tildado de "paranoico", y es enviado a su casa con una prescripción de tranquilizantes. Es notable que en su estudio Cameron reportó que un paciente aquejado del síndrome del diente fisurado estaba siendo medicado con Tegretol debido a una posible neuralgia trigeminal y para otro se estaba considerando cirugía cerebral. Los dientes fisurados son un estadio intermedio de una serie de eventos que, si no se reconocen y no se tratan, culminarán con la extracción del diente. El diagnóstico y tratamiento precoces a menudo pueden prevenir molestias innecesarias y tratamientos más invasivos. Definición El "Síndrome del Diente Fisurado" se caracteriza por una fractura incompleta de un diente posterior con pulpa vital, la cual incluye dentina y posiblemente la pulpa dental. En un intento de expandir el dominio del síndrome, deben incluirse también en esta definición los dientes fisurados con necrosis pulpar y/o abscesos dentoalveolares. Un diente se considera "fisurado" cuando los potenciales segmentos de la fractura se mantienen intactos por una porción del diente a través del cual la fractura aún no se ha extendido. La "fisura" se refiere a una disrupción o interrupción de la continuidad de la

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Guías de Práctica Clínica Obstetricia Sindicato de Ginecología y Obstetricia Guías de Práctica Clínica Sindicato de Ginecología y Obstetricia SOGOS Introducción:. 3 Medicina Basada en la Evidencia: . 3 Guía de práctica clínica de Cesárea:. 5 Guía de Práctica clínica de Ruptura Prematura de Membranas Ovulares . 14 Guía de Práctica Clínica de Embarazo Prolongado . 28

Bdnf val66met impairs fluoxetine-induced enhancement of adult hippocampus plasticity

Neuropsychopharmacology (2012), 1–8& 2012 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved 0893-133X/12 BDNF Val66Met Impairs Fluoxetine-Induced Enhancementof Adult Hippocampus Plasticity Kevin G Bath*,1,2, Deqiang Q Jing1, Iva Dincheva1, Christine C Neeb1, Siobhan S Pattwell1, Moses V Chao3, Francis S Lee*,1,4 and Ipe Ninan*,5 Department of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell, New York, NY, USA; 2Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, Providence, RI,

Microsoft word - final sar 1115.doc

FINAL SAR 98-2 • 11/15/99 • Page 1 gateway to the regional freeway system for a large portion of the City, including the Bay Bridge, I-80 (the West Approach), US 101 and I-280. It is also the location of the FINAL SAR 98-2 CalTrain Depot and the Transbay Terminal, which are STRATEGIC ANALYSIS REPORT served by regional transit operators from the North, South and East Bay. This means that as new land uses take hold,


SUTTER MEDICAL FOUNDATION (SMF) 2800 L Street, 7th Floor Sacramento, CA 95816 SMF PCP Treatment & Referral Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Developed July 26, 2006 Revised September, 2011 Diabetes Type 2 .Page 1 Type 2 Diabetes Adult Outpatient Insulin Guidelines………………Page 2 Type 2 Diabetes: Byetta (Exenatide) Guideline…………………….Page 8

SERVING THE BENCH AND BAR SINCE 1888 Web address: VOlUmE 237—NO. 113 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2007 By Jeffrey M. KiMMel ‘Frye's' Applicability to Medical Malpractice Cases Recent Frye decisions in both the labor cause compression to the brain resulting First Department (Marsh v. Smyth,