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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No1907/2006 SDS No. : 76601 TEROSON SB 2444 known as TEROKAL 2444 TB 175GR Revision: 17.09.2014 printing date: 21.11.2014 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Product identifier TEROSON SB 2444 known as TEROKAL 2444 TB 175GR

Manual para pacientes con GIST Recomendaciones y consejos Este manual está basado en información obtenida de: FUENTES DE Guía para pacientes con GIST, del Global GIST Network NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines)Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Version 2.2012 Chandrajit P. Raut and Ronald P. DeMatteo. Prognostic factors for primary GIST: Prime time for personalized therapy. Annals of Surgical Oncology 15 (1) 4-6

사용상 주의사항

Prescription drug Drug Classification No. 629 Harvoni tab. Dosage Forms and strength Each tablet contains Sofosbuvir ……….……………………………………………………………………………………… 400 mg Additives(tar colorant) : Yellow #5 Form A orange, diamond-shaped, film-coated tablet, debossed with "GSI" on one side


BMJ 2012;344:e615 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e615 (Published 2 March 2012) Cost effectiveness of strategies to combat vision and hearing loss in sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia: mathematical modelling study Rob Baltussen senior researcher 1, Andrew Smith honorary professor 2 1Department of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, PO Box 9101 6500HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands;2Centre for Disability and Development, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK

Is it prozac? or placebo?

Is it Prozac? Or Placebo?New research suggests that the miracles promised by antidepressants may be largely due to theplacebo effect. Too bad there's no money to be made in sugar pills. Janis Schonfeld recalls the events that started her on her recovery from 30 years of depressionwith snapshot clarity: the newspaper ad she saw in 1997 seeking subjects for an antidepressantstudy; the chair she was sitting in when she called UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute; the windowshe was looking out of when she first spoke with Michelle Abrams, the research nurse whoshepherded her through the trial. She remembers being both nervous and hopeful when shearrived at the institute, and a little uncomfortable when a technician put gel on her head, attacheda nylon cap shot through with electrodes, and recorded her brain activity for 45 minutes. Butmost of all she remembers getting the bottle of her new pills in a brown paper bag from thehospital pharmacy. "I was so excited," she told me. "I couldn't wait to get started on them."

Grey Bruce Health Services Contingency Planning Category: Pandemic Influenza Plan Issued By: Executive Committee Date of Issue: Reference: Ontario Pandemic Plan 2008 World Health Pandemic Plan Canadian Pandemic Plan 2011 OHA Pandemic Toolkit for Small, Rural and Northern Dec. 2007 Mar. 2008 Sept. 2012


Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos / Oficina de Programas de Información Internacional La Oficina de Programas de Información Internacional del Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos publica cinco periódicos electrónicos — Perspectivas Económicas, Cuestiones Mundiales, Temas de la Democracia, Agenda de la Política Exterior de Estados Unidos y Sociedad y Valores Estadounidenses— que analizan los principales temas que

KINGDOM OF SAUDIA ARABIA Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Org.(SASO) Standard No. Reference No. Cement -- Test methods -- Part 2: Chemical analysis by X-ray NATIONAL FOREWORD The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality (SASO) has adopted without any technical changes the International Standard: Issue Year Cement -- Test methods -- Part 2: Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence

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Tenover, Clinical Assistant Professor, Affiliated Palo Alto VA Health Care System 3801 Miranda Avenue (GRECC 182B) Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: 650-493-5000, ext. 66946 Email: [email protected] Professional Snapshot Administrative Appointments Clinical Professor of Medicine (Affiliate), General Internal Medicine/Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, 2009-present

The worshipful Company of Gardeners Spring 2016 - iSSue 36 SIR ROY STRONG INSPIRES AT SPRING COURT DINNER THE COMPANY WELCOMES A NEW APPRENTICETHE GLORY OF THE GARDENERS' BADGES SPRING COURT DINNER AT HOGWARTS Gardeners and their guests assembled for the Spring Court and Dinner at Vintners' Hall, the fine old façade in Upper Thames Street hemmed in by modern glass and concrete, trapped between river

Rhetoric and hype: wheres the ethics in pharmacogenomics?

Am J Pharmacogenomics 2003; 3 (6): 375-383  Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved. Rhetoric and HypeWhere's the ‘Ethics' in Pharmacogenomics? Bryn Williams-Jones1,2 and Oonagh P. Corrigan1,3 1 Centre for Family Research, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK2 Homerton College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK3 Cambridge Genetics Knowledge Park, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Gnipst bulletin

GNIPST BULLETIN 2013 Admission in Biotechnology (M.Sc) and Genetics (M.Sc) is going on 19th July, 2013 Volume No.: 27 Issue No.: 02 TO GROW AS A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN THE FIELD OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Contents · For your comments/contributionOR For Back-Issues,

The dyskinesia impairment scale: a new instrument to measure dystonia and choreoathetosis in dyskinetic cerebral palsy

DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE & CHILD NEUROLOGY The Dyskinesia Impairment Scale: a new instrument to measuredystonia and choreoathetosis in dyskinetic cerebral palsy ELEGAST MONBALIU1,2 ELS ORTIBUS3 JOS DE CAT3,4 BERNARD DAN5,6 LIEVE HEYRMAN1 PETER PRINZIE2,7 PAUL DE COCK8,9 HILDE FEYS1 1 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven. 2 Dominiek Savio Institute, DC GID(t)S Gits. 3 Department of Paediatric Neurology, UniversityHospitals Leuven, Leuven. 4 Clinical Motion Analysis Laboratory Leuven, University Hospital Pellenberg, Leuven. 5 Department of Neurology, Hpital Universitaire des EnfantsReine Fabiola, Brussels. 6 Faculty of Medicine, Universit libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 7 Department of Child and Adolescent Studies, Utrecht University, Utrecht, theNetherlands. 8 Centre for Developmental Disabilities, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven. 9 Faculty of Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Gise 2015-definitivo.indd

Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Cardiologia Invasiva National Congress Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology Genova, 27-30 Ottobre/October 2015 14.30 SALA 16.30 SCUOLA DI FORMAZIONE GISE AWARDS Chairpersons: Arturo Giordano (Castel Volturno), Imad Sheiban (Peschiera del Garda) Utilizzo di bvs nel setting clinico delle sca in una popolazione di pazienti giovani: esperienza monocentrica

St Kizito Hospital Matany Moroto Diocese-Karamoja P.O. Box 46, Moroto - UGANDA- Annual Analytical Report Financial Year 2011/12 St Kizito Hospital Matany 31st December 2012 Endorsement of Report This annual analytical report for St. Kizito Hospital Matany covering the period from


Metagenomic study of single-nucleotide polymorphism within candidate genes associated with type 2 diabetes in an Indian population P.N. Mukhopadhyaya1, A. Acharya1, Y. Chavan1, S.S. Purohit1 and A. Mutha2 1Medical Genetics Division, geneOmbio Technologies, Pashan, Pune, Maharashtra, India2Diabetes Care and Research Foundation, Rasta Peth, Pune,

NATURE Vol 465 20 May 2010 parasites (Toxoplasma, Leishmania and active compounds — and an earlier, partial y These reports1,2 offer tremendous opportunities trypano somes) and on replicating human cel described set8 identified in a high-throughput to develop the next generation of antimalarial lines, and found that most of the compounds screen against P. falciparum — should be a first drugs. They also sound a call for the academic

Società Italiana di Pediatria Federazione Italiana Medici PediatriUfficio Centrale per la Qualità GSAQ Gruppo di Studioper l'Accreditamento e la Qualità GPCPGruppo Pediatria delle Cure Primarie MANUALE DI QUALITÀPER LA PEDIATRIA DIFAMIGLIA a cura diLuigi Greco con la collaborazione diLeonello Venturelli, Mariarosaria Filograna


ACMD Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Chair: Professor Les Iversen Secretary: Rachel Fowler 3rd Floor (SW), Seacole Building 2 Marsham Street Tel: 020 7035 0555 Norman Baker MP, Minister of State for Crime Prevention Home Office 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF 28 November 2013 Dear Minister, In May 2013, the ACMD advised that the synthetic benzofuran series of chemicals: 1-(benzofuran-5-yl)-propan-2-amine (5-APB) and 1(benzofuran-6-yl)-propan-2-amine) (6-APB) and some closely related analogues, be subject to a temporary class drug order. The Home Secretary and the Minister for Crime Prevention at the time, accepted this advice and a temporary class drug order came into force on 10 June 2013. These substances were marketed as a legal form of Ecstasy prior to this and there have been reported fatalities associated with these in the UK. The ACMD has followed its initial assessment with further consideration of the evidence available on 5- and 6-APB and related compounds in the context of the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). I enclose this advice and generic definition with this letter. 5- and 6-APB are phenethylamine-type materials. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) controls certain substances of the phenethylamine family as class A substances, however, differences in their chemical structure mean that 5- and 6-APB and related compounds fall outside of these generic controls. The generic definition proposed in this report would bring these substances under the control of the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). The ACMD therefore recommends that the compounds listed in the generic at Annex B, are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) as class B substances; and they should be scheduled under Schedule I of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001) as the ACMD are not aware of any medicinal use.


Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 139 (2004) 47 – 55 Life-stage-dependent sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to estrogen exposure Gerd Maack*, Helmut Segner1 UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Chemical Ecotoxicology, Permoserstr. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany Received 11 March 2004; received in revised form 6 September 2004; accepted 9 September 2004

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Εργαστήριο Σπουδών Φύλου και Ισότητας Λ. Συγγρού 134, 1ος όροφος, 17671 Αθήνα, τηλ. 210 9210177-8, fax 210 9210178, e-mail: [email protected] ΕΙΣΗΓΗΣΗ 22 Μαΐου 2007 Elizabeth Dermody Leonard, καθηγήτρια κοινωνιολογίας στο Πανεπιστήµιο Vanguard της Νότιας Καλιφόρνιας, Η.Π.Α

This article was downloaded by: [Mrs Mary Ann Muller]On: 19 June 2015, At: 11:15Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of theInternational Ozone AssociationPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

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THE GULF COAST CENTER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT & UNDERSTANDING OF HYPOTHYROIDISM TRAINING MATERIAL Full Legal Name: Company Name: I acknowledge that I have received a copy of Training Material on Hypothyroidism, and I acknowledge that I have read and understand its contents. Signature of Individual Signature of Supervisor



Typhoid fever perforation in Kathmandu, Nepal - A retrospective study of risk factors and antibiotic treatment Author: Isabel Vigmo, Medical Student at the Sahlgrenska Academy University of Gothenburg, Sweden Supervisors: Yogendra Singh, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgical Oncology Department of Surgery, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal Göran Kurlberg, MD, PhD, Associating Professor of Surgery

Metab Brain Dis (2010) 25:369–374DOI 10.1007/s11011-010-9218-6 Changes in regional brain volumes in social anxiety disorderfollowing 12 weeks of treatment with escitalopram Naseema Cassimjee & Jean-Pierre Fouche & Michael Burnett & Christine Lochner &James Warwick & Patrick Dupont & Dan J. Stein & Karen J. Cloete & Paul D. Carey Received: 23 April 2010 / Accepted: 24 August 2010 / Published online: 10 November 2010

Caregiver Lifeline Program Resources for Transplant Families This document is a good starting point for identifying potential transplant-related resources for patients, their caregivers and families. We've included a variety of information about transplant, transplant fundraising resources, grant assistance providers, travel assistance, prescription coverage, and living donor support.

Published Ahead of Print on March 8, 2010 as 10.1200/JCO.2009.24.4798 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Prediction of Risk of Distant Recurrence Using the 21-GeneRecurrence Score in Node-Negative and Node-PositivePostmenopausal Patients With Breast Cancer Treated WithAnastrozole or Tamoxifen: A TransATAC StudyMitch Dowsett, Jack Cuzick, Christopher Wale, John Forbes, Elizabeth A. Mallon, Janine Salter, Emma Quinn,Anita Dunbier, Michael Baum, Aman Buzdar, Anthony Howell, Roberto Bugarini, Frederick L. Baehner,and Steven Shak

Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically SynthesizedGenome Daniel G. GibsonScience 329 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to otherscolleagues, clients, or customers by can be obtained by

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Risk Factors and Incidence of Ocular Hypertension After Penetrating Keratoplasty Faik Oruc¸oglu, MD,* Eytan Z. Blumenthal, MD,w Joseph Frucht-Pery, MD,w and Abraham Solomon, MDw which surgeons face after corneal transplantation surgery. Purpose: Ocular hypertension is a potentially serious complication Since computerized visual field examination and optic nerve

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1: Chatterjee P. Pigs, politics, and poor governance. Lancet Infect Dis. 2005 Oct;5(10):600. No abstract available. PMID: 16220611 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 2: Kumar A, Kumar CJ. Making dirty water drinkable: .as is the drumstick tree. BMJ. 2005 Oct 1;331(7519):781. No abstract available. PMID: 16195311 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 3: Sombie I, Meda N, Ky-Zerbo O, Dramaix-Wilmet M, Cousens S.