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Network Australia To Tamoxifen or not? The Network is on into account. A number of variables have to be considered and, unless we are Breast Cancer Network Australia has moved its office to Camberwell, This is a question facing many women diagnosed with breastcancer, as Tamoxifen increas- prepared to be persistent, the answers are ingly plays a role in treatment protocols.
not always forthcoming.
Tamoxifen citrate has been on the The other part of the equation is Our mailing address remains the market for many years. It is a non- balancing the potential benefits of same – PO Box 4082, Auburn South, steroidal drug, or synthetic type of Tamoxifen with the possible side effects, Victoria 3122 – but please note our hormone, that has a powerful anti- which can be quite severe.
new contact details.
oestrogenic effect on breast tissue, which This issue of The Beacon addresses
Phone: (03) 9805 2500 makes it a potentially useful drug, some of these questions for women who Fax: (03) 9805 2599 especially for women whose tumours are are taking, or considering taking, oestrogen receptor positive.
Tamoxifen as part of their treatment In other parts of the body, Tamoxifen plan following a breast cancer diagnosis.
can mimic oestrogen. This can promote We put some of the most common bone strength and reduce heart disease, questions to Dr Fran Boyle, a Sydney
but the effects may also be less desirable, medical oncologist. We have also increasing the risks of endometrial or included an article by Sally Crossing,
uterine cancer and blood clots.
describing the process she used to decide We have evidence that Tamoxifen has whether Tamoxifen was right for her.
undisputed benefits for many women.
This is a topic of concern for many For others the benefits are less clear.
women. Since announcing that this issue It can be difficult to find out what the of The Beacon would feature
percentage benefit of taking Tamoxifen Tamoxifen, we have received a number for five years may be for an individual.
of letters and calls welcoming access to Each woman's situation must be taken more information.
Full-time executive officer for Network In a significant move, which reflects its enormous growth, Breast CancerNetwork Australia has appointed afull-time executive officer.
Gil Paulsen is well known to
Victorian Breast Cancer ActionGroup members, as she is currently itssecretary. She was previously the Victorian co-ordinator for the National Breast Cancer Centre.
Gil has wide professional experience OLYMPIC TORCH BEARERS 3
in the breast cancer area and brings a wonderful array of skills to the SSUES OF CONCERN
Network, including project manage- MY JOURNEY
ment, tertiary teaching and running her own consultancy business.
Welcome Gil.
We are confident that 2000 is Lymphoedema is clearly on the On Australia's Breast Cancer going to be a great year for agenda, thanks mainly to Day, we displayed the Field of making a difference for people affected consumer concerns. Women from Women silhouettes in the corridor of the by breast cancer.
Victoria, and other states, have been Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, as part of a Twenty-one graduates from the involved in developing research priorities joint display by the hospital and Consumer Advocacy and Science for the lymphoedema summit.
BreastScreen WA.
Training Program are already finding Victorian consumers are also helping Some of our members were able to talk slots for themselves on committees.
re-write the instructions given to women with women having treatment for breast At the annual general meeting of the following surgery. This will be launched cancer. Another member volunteered to Breast Cancer Action Group NSW, we at the lymphoedema conference in be photographed having a mammogram developed a structure for handling Melbourne during April.
for the commercial television channels.
activities and revisiting our priorities.
Contact: Sue Lockwood (03) 9878 Our aim for the new year is to increase A large donation from the Rylstone/ 0736 or [email protected] our knowledge of breast cancer treat- Kandos Breast Cancer Appeal will be ment, management and issues. A major used to help women in the Central West objective is to encourage the placement access radiotherapy treatment.
of breast care nurses. An inaugural We look forward to welcoming the meeting has been held along with the Network's Dragons Abreast racers in Lake Burley Griffin will never be Cancer Foundation.
March for the finals. The BCAG NSW the same now that Dragons Later in the year, the group will co-host, team came second in its first regatta Abreast has taken to the water! with the National Breast Cancer Centre before Christmas.
About 22 women have registered their and the Cancer Foundation, a forum for Contact: Sally Crossing (02) 9436 1755 interest and we have been averaging 10- women with breast cancer.
or [email protected] 15 at our Thursday morning training.
Contact: Carol Bishop (08) 9489 7012.
The most exciting outcome is that it is truly a Network team – we have women from the ACT Breast Cancer SupportGroup, Bosom Buddies, Queanbeyan The Department of Health and Support Group and women who do not Things have been a little quiet Human Services is conducting a belong to a group.
over Christmas and New Year, state-wide review of access to services for The closing date for the raffle for ‘The with quite a few members away on Tasmanians at risk of, or experiencing, House that Bev Built', which will benefit holidays. Those left behind continue to Bosom Buddies, has been extended until sell our lovely calendar – which has been The Tasmanian Breast Cancer May 31. Phone Bev Higgins on (02)
well received.
Network received a draft copy of the 6231 2658 for tickets.
Three of our group had an interesting discussion paper for comment. We were Funding for prostheses is part the ACT and positive morning tea with our not among those consulted before this health budget due to successful lobbying Minister of Health recently.
draft was released, but hope to ensure we from Calvary Hospital and ourselves.
We are all still looking for any old are included in future discussions.
Contact: Anna Wellings Booth (02) St Marys, on the east coast, has worked 6247 8470 or [email protected] Contact: Sue Tully (08) 8927 3327 or hard to raise money for a laser machine for treating lymphoedema.
During January, Prof. Neil Piller and
Open communication channels are his team from Flinders University in important. Until now, we have kept South Australia were in St Marys to train We at Breast Cancer Queens- all members' names and addresses on fifteen health care professionals in the land are looking forward to a a central database in Melbourne.
use of the laser. A seminar for patients year packed with interesting events.
However, we would like to give our was also well attended.
Plans are afoot for a public meeting to state representatives a list of members The clinic should be fully operational be held in conjunction with the National for their state, so that they know who by the end of March.
Breast Cancer Centre and the Queens- and where you are.
Contact: Pat Mathew (03) 6492 3257 or land Cancer Fund.
These lists would be carefully More about that next issue.
guarded, but if you do not want your Sadly, one of our founding members name given to your state representa- If your group would like to highlight has had a recurrence, so we have rallied tive, please notify this office by the an activity or a project, contact your around to support her.
end of March.
state representative to have it in- Contact: Janelle Gamble (07) 3353 – Lyn Swinburne, cluded in the next ‘State Round-Up'.
4151 and Leonie Young (07) 3341 7570 National Co-ordinator or [email protected] Network ‘think tank' As this issue of The Beacon was This involved revisiting the ‘Making a
going to print, a national Difference' report from our 1998 Can- ‘think tank' was being held in berra conference and attempting to Melbourne on January 28-29.
prioritise the many issues facing us, as The state representatives demonstrated well as clarifying the responsibilities of their commitment to the Network by the state representatives and the national being meeting all their expenses for this board. Formulating the plans for this year's Field of Women was high on the The key task was to determine how agenda. Watch for a think tank report in best to achieve the Network's objectives.
the next issue of The Beacon.
Dragon boat update NT members were represented at the The Network has been inundated Australia Day races on Lake Alexander with requests for its pink enamel badges.
The dragon boat team has a name – Dragons Abreast.
Representing Breast Cancer and at the Chinese New Year regatta.
Thank you to those of you who Network Australia (BCNA), our major BCNA will be well represented at the included a note letting us know how sponsor is AMP. Other sponsors are Australian National Titles by Dragons much you value The Beacon and the
Bakers Delight, Puma, Sydney Dragon Abreast – in pink lycra ‘rashies', the work of the Network.
Blades, Dragon Boat Northern Territory team will stand out! We were also touched by the number and the Southern Cross Club, Griffins, in The National Titles will be held on of women who wrote, ‘I will wear my March 18 at the Penrith Regatta Centre badge with pride'.
NSW members of the team have – the official Olympic course. Supporters For a badge, send a $5 cheque or already competed in local regattas. The are welcome. We'd love a cheer squad! money order made payable to Breast ACT is proving to be courageous – – Michelle Hanton, Cancer Network Australia. Include a training on Lake Burley Griffin at 7am.
National Dragon Boat Co-ordinator stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Special thanks to David Lorem for his photographsat the ‘think tank', including the badge above. Olympic torch bearers We know of five breast cancer survivors who have been chosen to
help carry the torch to the opening
ceremony of the Sydney Olympics.
They are:
Lyn Swinburne, the Network's
Pat Mathew, state representative
for Tasmania.
Raelene Boyle, former Olympian
Madeleine has arrived and Network board member.
Rosanna Martinello, leader of the
We are indebted to the Japanese Younger Women's Group for the Madeleine has arrived in Melbourne and is being Engine Centre, TNT Automotive, NSW Breast Cancer Action Group.
stored by Patterson Cheney.
the Territory Insurance Office, AIM • Felicity Hay, presenter of the Keep
Madeleine, of course, is a beautiful Insurance Melbourne and Patterson Abreast video, produced by the 1954 vintage BMW donated to the Cheney in Ringwood.
Sydney Breast Cancer Institute in Network by Darwin woman, Madeleine
Melbourne network member, Brian
conjunction with the National Luck (see story in The Beacon Issue 9).
McDonald, is seeking advice and
Breast Cancer Centre and AMP.
Transporting this lovely old car was developing a plan for us to make the If other women have been nomi- nated by their local communities, let made possible thanks to the help of many most effective use of this wonderful gift.
us know who they are and we will Northern Territorians, including the Madeleine Luck has also come up with keep you informed about the progress Minister for Transport, Mick Palmer,
another brilliant plan to help women of their training.
who used his contacts to make it happen.
recovering from breast cancer treatment.
can snap shut, and so in these parts ofthe body it works just like oestrogen.
That is why it has some of the benefits of oestrogen on these organs, like prevent-ing heart disease and osteoporosis.
Is Tamoxifen safe? What are the majorside effects? There are two categories of side effect: Blocking of oestrogen in organs withreceptors the same as the breast, e.g.
ovary and pituitary glands, interfer- Answering your questions ing with the menstrual cycle andcausing hot flushes and vaginaldryness as at menopause. These side effects are common at least initially.
Depression, like that at naturalmenopause, may also be caused by Who should use Tamoxifen? by Dr Fran Boyle,Sydney medical blocking of oestrogen action in the Tamoxifen is useful in: oncologist and Women (over age 40 generally) with clinical adviser to the Acting the same as oestrogen in National Breast newly diagnosed breast cancer that organs with the other kind of Cancer Centre is hormone receptor positive, where receptor, e.g. causing clots in veins it reduces relapses, improves survival and rarely, growth of the lining of and reduces the chances of a new the womb (endometrium), and even cancer in the other breast, heart more rarely, cancer of the womb/ disease and osteoporosis.
uterus (2-3/1000). These side effects Women with relapsed breast cancer are less common. Nausea is probably that is receptor positive, where it has caused by a temporary effect on the a response rate (shrinks or stabilises Tamoxifen is shaped like oestrogen on liver, and passes within a few weeks.
the cancer) of about 50% of women.
the front end, but has a stick coming out This is particularly likely if the the back. It gets into the crocodiles jaws, Should women ask their doctors for more cancer is in bone only.
but prevents them from shutting fully.
tests while they are taking Tamoxifen – Women who have had surgery for This blocks up the receptors so that the cervical examinations, liver function DCIS, where it reduces the risk of a real food, oestrogen, cannot get in.
tests, eye tests, etc? further cancer in both breasts.
Tamoxifen is called a receptor blocker. It The issue of whether an ultrasound of Women at high risk of breast cancer, deprives the breast cell of a growth signal the womb at regular intervals is necessary e.g. strong family history, to prevent and in time it will die.
has not been resolved, and is not recom- the disease.
Other cells in the body with identical In each case, the potential benefits mended by the Australian Gynaecology oestrogen receptors to the breast will also need to be weighed against the side College. Pap smears look at the cervix get starved of oestrogen – the ovary, effects and the decision individualised.
rather than the lining of the womb, and pituitary gland, lining of the vagina.
although they are a routine health How does it work in the body? However, a second type of oestrogen measure, are unlikely to pick up these receptor occurs in bone, heart, veins, Normal breast cells get messages from problems. Any bleeding after menopause hormones such as oestrogen to tell them liver and the lining of the uterus. This should be reported and an ultrasound when to grow. The hormones bind to other type has wider jaws and +/– curette arranged. Most bleeding receptors on the cell, and the receptor Tamoxifen can fit in further. The jaws will not be cancer, but it's important to carries them into the nucleus, or brains of have symptoms checked out.
the cell, where they bind to DNA and The effects on the eye are of uncertain New drug available set genes in motion to promote growth.
cause, rare and get better when the drug Imagine that the receptor is shaped like Raloxifene, a drug which protects is stopped. The American Academy of the jaws of a crocodile, and the oestro- against bone fracture and may reduce Ophthalmology recommends an annual gen fits in neatly, whereupon the jaws the risk of breast cancer is on the examination, but most problems have pharmaceutical benefits list.
snap shut. Some cancer cells keep these been reported with higher doses used in The catch is that women must have receptors, others do not (they have learnt the past. If one experienced a change in suffered an osteoporotic fracture to grow without the signal, usually due to vision while on Tamoxifen, it would be before they can obtain a subsidised damage to genes that become perma- important to have an ophthalmologist prescription for the treatment.
nently switched on).
(eye doctor) look at the back of the eye.
Who developed it and what has it been effective than two in early breast cancer.
treatment of osteoporosis (after docu- used for in the past? Longer durations are being studied in the mented fractures) in women without ATLAS trial.
breast cancer, and appeared to have a It was developed by ICI as a drug to preventive effect similar to Tamoxifen.
stimulate ovulation (like clomiphene) in Are there newer drugs which work in the treatment of infertility.
It has not been tested in the treatment the same way, but which do not have of advanced breast cancer, and it has not Does Tamoxifen cause menopause? the side effects of Tamoxifen? been tested in early disease to prevent In women still menstruating, Alternatives to Tamoxifen are relapse (although it will be).
Tamoxifen may interrupt the cycle, SERMs – selective oestrogen receptor Like any drug available in this country, causing menopause. Some women cycle modulators, e.g. Raloxifene, Toremifene.
Raloxifene will only be subsidised by the regularly on Tamoxifen, and some Toremifene fits sideways into the jaws PBS (i.e. the taxpayer) for the diseases in ovulate vigorously, so contraception of the crocodile, blocking both types of which there is good evidence of effec- needs to be addressed, as it is unsafe for receptors – this lowers the risk of clots tiveness, in this case the treatment (but and endometrial cancer.
not prevention ) of osteoporosis.
It may not therefore have the same Can Tamoxifen prevent or delay a benefits at preventing osteoporosis and Use for any other purpose requires the recurrence or spread of breast cancer? heart disease.
informed consent of the patient, andpayment of the full cost.
It is available for women with advanced breast cancer, but has not yet been Stay tuned, as a form a SERM may be For how many years should women take trialled in early breast cancer, so its the ideal HRT – the benefits without the ability to prevent relapse is unknown.
risks – so the pharmaceutical industry is Five years has been shown to be more Raloxifene has been tested in the interested in these compounds! Tamoxifen – is it for me? Most of us are offered the oestrogen- Sally Crossing, From the pathology report I took blocking drug, Tamoxifen, as part of receptor status, tumour stage and our adjuvant therapy.
grade, node status, etc.
It is probably the most commonly Then I trawled through the articles prescribed – and taken – drug for looking for ones that had results that breast cancer.
meant something for someone with my My experience with Tamoxifen was broadcast on ABC Radio National's Doing an amateur ‘meta-analysis', I weekly program, Background Briefing, in concluded that, with a chance of non- October. The Beacon team asked me
recurrence around 90%, Tamoxifen to share it with you as an example of would make a difference of about 2% one woman's decision-making saga.
of non-recurrence over the next five At 49, I was diagnosed and treated for years, but none could say by how much.
To make sure I was on the right track, early breast cancer – surgery, lymph My gynaecologist recognised the I sent my home-made profile and nodes and radiotherapy. My surgeon importance of this issue to me (and findings to my specialists and each then prescribed Tamoxifen.
perhaps the inadequate information for confirmed my conclusion.
I was loath to start taking something doctors and patients) and offered me a Four and a half years on, I remain that would block my precious oestro- room in his hospital library for a day to go recurrence free. Two per cent was not gen. I was loath to cope with the side through articles about the subject from enough for me to take a drug with effects. I was not convinced that the medical journals.
known side effects, which would affect incremental protection was going to be That was an introduction to the strange my quality of life, and whose long-term worth a couple of years of swallowing world of medical research-speak. It took impact was unknown.
these pills. The longer term situation some getting used to, particularly as it While I am happy I was able to make was also unclear.
was a few decades since Statistics I at a decision by doing my own research, I What to do? Where to turn for the can't help feeling that this was not the information I needed to make this I developed a profile of my personal way it should have been.
indicators using the pathology reports of Perhaps a software program could be I spoke to an array of medical special- my tumour and lymph nodes. The developed so that clinicians could give ists, whose general advice was that indicators are age, menopausal status, more meaningful advice than ‘it will Tamoxifen would improve my chance age at first birth and age at menarche.
improve your chances'.
A positive experience The mastectomy was radical.
Being a clever seamstress, t 37 years of age, I felt that I Karen Russell,BCNA board she designed clothes and had it all. As a senior execu- sometimes, surprisingly tive with a international to her students, one breast consulting firm, I travelled and worked became a makeshift pincushion.
around the world.
My envied social life kept me entirely We spent the summer occupied during my little free time.
at her beach house.
I did not see my wonderful family She insisted on midnight swims, often, due to my working hours, but car headlights illuminating always knew they were there.
the water, but not exposing Then there was a lovely home, great her lopsided body.
car and financial security.
about finding enough information to I never questioned my good health.
ensure I managed this situation and it Our love did not see Having been widowed 10 years earlier, didn't manage me.
the scars or hidden pain.
I had also met a nice man and we had I had excellent guidance from my Instead we wanted to enjoy begun dating.
doctors, breast care nurses and support her crazy zest for life.
On January 9, 1996, I was diagnosed group. This helped me make informed Hear her loud laughter with breast cancer and life took on a decisions about my treatment and how bounce over the waves.
new meaning.
to manage their impact on my life.
I had gone to my GP for a pap smear, I have been blessed with a positive We convinced her that which I hadn't done for more than three attitude and, as such, worked to make the final experiment years. While I was there, she insisted on what appeared a major catastrophe into should see the light of day.
performing a breast examination.
a positive experience.
Third time lucky, she said Having not really taken much notice of That was nearly four years ago. Now, I such things, I was surprised when she can say life doesn't get too much better.
did not overflow.
told me she could feel a lump.
There is a balance in my life I never The doctor made the necessary thought possible. I still travel the world, arrangements for an investigation and but now it is on holidays. I have an floated fancifully away, that revealed two more suspicious lumps.
enviable relationship with my family and another had collapsed.
Further examination found the smallest friends, whom I see as much as possible.
The one filled with rice of the three lumps was a malignant My health is precious and no longer expanded and sank. And tumour, so a lumpectomy was performed.
taken for granted.
we had laughed with her.
Having never been closely exposed to I am still a senior executive with a anyone with cancer, I thought this was major consulting organisation, but have The mastectomy was radical just a hiccup in my life. I would be in switched to one which has ‘balanced but her humanness did not hospital for a couple of days and then it family life' as a core value.
disappear with the cancer.
would be back to the life I loved.
My social life is wonderful, but bal- The day after the lumpectomy, my anced with enjoyable quiet time at my her homemade prostheses breast surgeon told me the cancer had new home, which I share with the still make us laugh.
spread to my lymph nodes. She wanted wonderful man I was dating at the time me to undertake chemotherapy and of my diagnosis.
Mairi Neil is the co-ordinator of the He was a pillar of strength and support.
Mordialloc Writers' Group in Victoria. My world fell apart. I immediately We were married in March 1998.
This poem, about Mairi's aunt, who thought about the major changes this Today, I am on the board of the Breast experienced breast cancer in 1962, has won would cause in my ‘ideal' life – losing my Cancer Network Australia and the Field an Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria's hair and having to end my new relation- of Women organising committee.
Daffodil Day Literary Award. ship so I could focus on these events.
It gives me a great deal of pleasure to It is also part of an anthology, ‘Writers By I pulled myself together, with the share my experience with others embark- The Bay', published by the Mordialloc support of family and friends, and set ing on this life-changing journey.
Writers' Group. Letters to the Editor Sandra Welsh, hormone if they stop controlling their Debbie Cain and genes properly.
Lorraine Ardler atthe Women's It seems that breast cancer cells that Business Luncheon can make PTH are able to grow better in in Nowra, NSW. bone. They release PTH and it stimu-lates osteoclasts to chew a hole for themto live in. This may also make calcium goup in the blood, which makes you feelyuk.
For a long time, we have been treating Breast cancer is a major concern for The Aboriginal and Torres Strait high calcium levels in people with cancer Australian women of all cultural back- Islander Commission will provide funds with drugs called bisphosphonates (e.g.
grounds and skin colours.
through Aboriginal Women's Grants to Aredia, Bonefos). These work by The most successful Australian Breast make this an on-going event.
paralysing the osteoclasts.
Cancer Day lunch ever held in the – Elizabeth Joyce, Community Devel- It has been shown that if these drugs Shoalhaven area was organised by opment Officer, NSW Cancer Council are given regularly to women with bone Waminda, the South Coast Women's metastases, they help stop bone damage, Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corpora- A recent issue raised the debate about reducing the risk of fractures, improving tion, and held at the Aboriginal Cultural bone metastases. Internationally, this is pain control and improving healing.
Centre, Nowra NSW.
an active area of research.
All of these things improve quality of More than 180 women were enter- What allows some breast cancer cells to life, and the drugs have few serious side tained by Laddy Tirnrey's Aboriginal
grow in bone and not elsewhere is being effects (compared with chemotherapy!).
dancers from Jervis Bay, accompanied by unravelled. It seems to be due to their They are expensive, but Aredia is didgeridoo and clap sticks. Young ability to produce a hormone-like subsidised by the Commonwealth Aboriginal singer, Michelle Curtis, also
parathyroid hormone (PTH).
Government through the S100 scheme charmed the audience.
This is usually only made by cells in the and should be freely available to anyone The guest speaker was Debbie Cain, a
parathyroid glands in the neck, and only with bone metastases from breast cancer.
breast cancer survivor and service if we do not take in enough calcium.
It is administered monthly through a manager of Wat-nitida.
To keep calcium constant in the blood, drip over a few hours and can be safely She spoke about her journey with this hormone is released and stimulates given with chemotherapy.
breast cancer and finished by encourag- cells in bone called osteoclasts to chew These drugs are of interest to the ing all Koori women, as well as white up bone matrix and release calcium into general community because they women, to have regular mammograms.
the blood. The calcium goes up, the prevent osteoporosis, so science is actively The day was attended by a group of parathyroid cells sense it, the hormones addressing this area from several angles.
local Koori Elders, who threw their switch off and all is well again.
Stay tuned for new developments.
support behind the venture.
All cells have the potential to make this – Fran Boyle, medical oncologist Your feedback on The Beacon We appreciate hearing from mem- "What a wonderful, tangible support to "Thank you for The Beacon, as I live
bers, these are excerpts from letters we all of us survivors fighting to live with joy in a small town, it is a hand reaching have received.
" … all of you who work on this "I live in a rural area and it is great to "Keep up the good work." newsletter and have input into it get have reliable, up-to-date information on "It is great to receive my copy of my hearty THANKS!' trials and current research." The Beacon – it always has information
"It's great for those of us who live "Many thanks for the publication you which is very helpful." outside the capital cities to learn what put out – it's of great interest." "… I must tell you what a pleasure is happening to support breast cancer." "At last, I do not feel like the only it was for me to find out about "Thank you for your wonderful woman in the world ever to have had a The Beacon, because I felt so alone
"Love The Beacon – it just keeps
"… it is interesting to read stories about "It seems to be getting more interest- getting better and better." hope, support, survival, etc." ing with each issue." March 30-31: Second National Breast Care Nurses' Conference, ‘Breast Cancer
In February, Network co-ordinator, Care into the Millennium', Sydney Hilton.
Lyn Swinburne, represented Austral-
Contact: Minh Arvin, Breast Cancer Interest Group, Concord Hospital, Concord, NSW 2139, ians with cancer at the World (02) 9767 5000. Summit Against Cancer in France.
April 7-9: Third Australasian Lymphology Association Conference, ‘Oedema –
She was to be one of more than 100 future directions' (includes public seminar on lymphoedema on April 8), Carlton leaders of governments, cancer Crest, Melbourne.
organisations, researchers, and patient Contact: (03) 9419 6199. support and advocacy groups, to signthe Charter of Paris Against Cancer, April 29: Breast Cancer Action Group (BCAG) Victoria general meeting, 2.30pm,
pledging to fight cancer and improve Auburn Primary School.
the lives of people with cancer.
This meeting will discuss lymphoedema and issues coming from the lymphoedema To read the Charter and summit in April.
have a chance to sign it, visit Contact: Sue Lockwood (03) 9878 0736. April 30: BCAG NSW general meeting, 3pm, YWCA, Sydney.
Contact: Sally Crossing (02) 9436 1755.
June 24: BCAG Victoria general meeting.
The Beacon is the newsletter of the Contact: Sue Lockwood (03) 9878 0736. Breast Cancer Network Australia.
June 24 or 25 (to be confirmed): BCAG NSW joint meeting with the National
Editor: Lyn Swinburne Breast Cancer Centre.
Layout: Substitution This will be an opportunity to review the progress since the 1998 Canberra Your comments and items for the conference, to update our Making a Difference report, to hear the latest develop- next newsletter are welcome. Send ments in breast cancer treatment and research, and about NBCC activities.
Contact: Sally Crossing (02) 9436 1755. them to PO Box 4082, Auburn September 3-7: Fifth World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, ‘A New Millennium, A
South, Victoria 3122.
New Momentum', Melbourne Convention Centre.
Contact: PO Box 1127, Sandringham, Victoria 3191. • To include events in The Beacon's winter issue (June, July, August) please
submit brief notices before the end of April.
Breast Cancer Network Australia welcomes these groups under its Congratulations to Network members umbrella:• Mount Gambier Breast Cancer Sue Smith, from Generations Produc-
Assoc. Prof. Linda Reaby, breast
Support Group (SA); and tions, has won an award for the video cancer survivor and Head of the School • Ballarat Breast Cancer Support which recorded the first Field of Women of Nursing, Canberra University, has Group (Vic).
in Canberra during 1998.
been awarded the honour of Eminent Discuss the Network with your She won a bronze award for education Scientist of the Year by the Interna- group and let us know if we can and training videos from the Australian tional Research Promotion Council create another link. There is strength Video Producers' Association.
Contact: Gil Paulsen, PO Box 4082, YOU'RE NOT YET ON OUR MAILING LIST?
Auburn South, Victoria 3122, phone(03) 9805 2500 or e-mail Contact: Gil Paulsen, phone (03) 9805 2500, fax (03) 9805 2599, e-mail [email protected] or fill in this coupon and send it to: Breast Cancer Network Australia, PO Box 4082, Auburn South, Victoria 3122 In the next
• Clinical trials
State: . Postcode: . Phone: ( ) .
Send us your thoughts!
Have you had a diagnosis of breast cancer? ❑ Yes ❑ No



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