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Nmh report 2015 final version.indd

NMH Annual Report 2015 UCD School of Medicine and Royal College of Surgeons in UCD runs an extensive research and teaching programme at The Forty-four undergraduates from the Royal College of Surgeons National Maternity Hospital. Undergraduate students attend attended The National Maternity Hospital for their seven weeks the hospital in four iterations for a period of six weeks during rotation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; twenty-two students in their clinical studies.  The module is coordinated with university January/February and twenty-two in February/April. The students lectures to provide a comprehensive grounding in all aspects of learned a great deal during their time in the hospital and provided very positive feedback on their teaching. The John F. Cunningham Medal, awarded annually to the The programme was co-ordinated by Prof. Michael Foley and Dr student who graduates with the highest grade in Obstetrics Fiona Reidy, Tutor.  Ms Miriam Shanley provided administrative and Gynaecology, together with highest grade in their final support to the students. Teaching is provided by Consultants assessment; the winner for 2015 is Dr Michelle Madden. The and various other members of hospital staff. In addition to the Kieran O'Driscoll Prize is awarded each year to the student who intensive obligatory e-learning programmes, the students, while attains the highest grade in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; the rotating through all areas of the hospital, receive lectures, tutorials winner this year is Ms Zara Togher.
and ‘hands-on' demonstrations.
In addition, eighteen national and international medical students Twenty-Three of our students achieved honours in their final attend for clinical electives during the winter and summer, Obstetrics and Gynaecology examination at the RCSI. Of these completing further education and research requirements. The students, ten were awarded first class honours. Ms. Tamara Hoban majority of these students have commenced postgraduate was awarded the NMH/RCSI medal for achieving the highest training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
marks amongst the RCSI students who attended The National Maternity Hospital. This excellent performance reflects the We are delighted to welcome Dr Mary Higgins to the department enthusiasm of all those taking part in the teaching programme. who was appointed as Senior Lecturer. She brings with her unique skills of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, clinical and  Prof. Michael Foley
research expertise in diabetic pregnancy and is a specialist in maternal and fetal medicine. It is with regret that Helen Stewart, academic administrator, retired during the year after 30 years with us, during this time she significantly contributed to UCD teaching and research. Ms Stephanie Begley started in August and we are fortunate to have such an excellent academic support. The perinatal research programme has received significant funding
from Health Research Board Ireland and from the European Union.
A number of large clinical intervention trials are underway including
lifestyle interventions (PEARS study), long-term follow up study of 800
mothers and infants (ROLO study) and a clinical trial on the role of
aspirin in pregnancy (TEST study), all aiming to improve mother and
infant health. This research programme is currently supervising 8 PhD
students and has led to over 40 publications from the department
in 2015. During the year research from UCD Perinatal Research
programme has been presented at many national meetings and
at seven international conferences. Mary Horan was awarded her
PhD entitled ‘Maternal Nutrition and Lifestyle during Pregnancy and
Maternal and Infant Outcomes' in 2015.
Prof Fionnuala McAuliffe
Farah Fuad, Nadiah Shahirah Azhar and Pelying Audrey Ho, UCD Medical NMH Report 2015 FINAL VERSION.indd 58 NMH Annual Report 2015 Education and Practice Development The Education and Practice Development Department is In 2015 we provided education and clinical placement for 83 BSc responsible for the organisation and coordination of ongoing Midwifery Students; 20 Higher Diploma Midwifery students and education and professional development for both qualified staff provided Maternity Care placements for approx. 200 UCD general and students at the National Maternity Hospital. We promote nursing students. The Hospital also provides clinical placements the philosophy of life –long learning and encourage and support for paramedics in training, public health nurses and elective staff to apply for and participate in educational programmes, placements for a number of midwifery students from both Ireland conferences, seminars, internal and external study days. Through and overseas, all co-ordinated through the department.
our academic partnership with UCD and links with RCSI, TCD, and NUI Galway many of our staff are pursuing tertiary education Congratulations to the following midwifery students who were at Postgraduate degree, MSc and PHD levels. We continue to awarded prizes at the 2016 Charter Day: The hospital Gold Medal work closely with the Centre of Midwifery Education to provide was presented to Ms Charlotte Gartlan (Higher Diploma) and Ms an ongoing continuous professional development strategy for all Laura Gribben (BSc Midwifery). The Elizabeth O'Farrell Medal 2016 nurses and midwives. There is recognition that enabling staff to was presented to Ms Gemma Brady (Higher Diploma) and Ms access continuing education will ultimately impact positively on Aoife McCarthy (BSc Midwifery).
care provision to the women and babies in our care. In 2015, Maureen Kington retired from the position of Clinical The National Maternity Hospital together with University College Practice Development Co-ordinator we wish her well in her future Dublin have continued to work closely to maintain high level of quality Midwifery education to all students and qualified staff alike. The standard of education for midwives both clinical and Lucille Sheehy,
theoretical has impacted positively on care provision for all our Clinical Practice Development Co-ordinator mothers and babies attending the hospital and indeed care in many corners of the world of which we are immensely proud. Some students attending a lecture in our new Lecture Theatre located in 65/66 Mount St. NMH Report 2015 FINAL VERSION.indd 59 NMH Annual Report 2015 Research Ethics Committee The Research Ethics Committee is a national committee and is Research Ethics Committee approved to receive and approve application proposals nationally. Dr John Murphy, Consultant Paediatrician, ChairmanDr Rhona Mahony, Master We hold monthly meetings except there is no meeting in the Mr Ronan Gavin, Secretary/General Manager month of August. There is one quarter lay attendance and a Ms Mary Brosnan, Director of Midwifery & Nursing quorum is required at each meeting. Dr Edgar MocanuMs Dorothy McCormack Generally, the applications are approved at each meeting; if not approved the Chairman will request clarification on a particular Ms Fionnuala Watkins Ms Valerie KinsellaMs Angela Gargan (to May) In 2015 the Ethics Research Committee received 44 research Ms Claire Callanan application proposals; 26 of these were approved at first review, 17 Ms Gemma Codyneeded further clarification and 1 proposal was rejected Dr Michael Robson Ms Fionnuala Byrne The National Maternity Hospital has been involved with the Ms Patricia Higgins RESCAF (Standard REC form) Group in developing the Standard REC form and we now have adopted the Standard Application Form which is used nationally by research ethics committees. Last year we saw that this form had significantly contributed to a more streamline approach that has facilitated efficient ethical review and has improved the calibre of applications by researchers.
Dr. John Murphy
Consultant Neonatologist
Chairman, Ethics Committee

Oscar O'Connell and Grace Collins with Dr John Murphy, Consultant Neonatologist, at a coffee morning organised by The NMH Foundation to celebrate World Prematurity Day in November. Oscar and Grace were room-mates in the NICU in 2008! Oscar was born at 31+4 wks gestation and weighing 1362g and Grace was born at 28+6 wks gestation and weighing 1370g. NMH Report 2015 FINAL VERSION.indd 60



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Vet 961_2131 ld.pmd

Pesq. Vet. Bras. 31(5):407-412, maio 2011 Equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) due to fumonisins B1 and B2 in Argentina1 Federico Giannitti2* , Santiago Sain Diab3, Ana Maria Pacin4,5, Maria Barrandeguy6, Carlos Larrere7, Joaquin Ortega3 and Francisco Alejandro Uzal3 ABSTRACT.- Giannitti F., Diab S.S., Pacin A.M., Barrandeguy M., Larrere C., Ortega J. &Uzal F.A. 2011. Equine leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) due to fumonisins B1 andB2 in Argentina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(5):407-412. Laboratorio de DiagnósticoVeterinario, calle 25 de Mayo 139, Bahía Blanca (8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:[email protected]