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March 2010 center view.indd

Tucson Jewish Community Center
Your Connection For Information
The Tucson JCC
Jewish Author Series
proudly presents
Oasis in the Desert!
Carol Leifer &
Get ready for another spectacular
Benyamin Cohen at the
Summer of Fun at Camp "J" 2010.
Tucson Festival of Books
5 Incredible 2-week sessions
Sponsored in part by Tucson Pima Arts Council (10 one-week sessions for older campers)
Sunday, March 14, 1 p.m. • Carol Leifer
UA Integrated Learning Center
Camp Dates: June 1–August 6
Carol Leifer came out at 40, got Bat Mitzvahed Also offering Pre-Camps May 26, 27 and
at 45, and adopted a son at 50. Now she has a Post-Camps August 9, 10, 11
new book that explains why she is just along for Brochures now available at the
JCC Welcome Desk and online at
A former Seinfeld writer, Leifer is a Jewish stand-up comedian from Earlybird Discounts through
Long Island. She's amassed March 31, 2010!
producing or writing for The Larry Sanders Show, Saturday Camp Information Day and Early Bird Signup
Night Live, and The Ellen March 24 • 4-6:30 p.m. • JCC Front Entrance
Show. She's headlined her Discover the outstanding summer camp offerings at own HBO specials, appeared the JCC. Camp directors from Early Childhood, Camp on The Tonight Show, Late J, and Taglit, as well as Membership staff will be on Night With David Letterman, hand to answer all your questions, provide schedule and Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, and information and more. This is a great time to register last March released her fi rst book, When You for camp before the early bird discount expires on Lie About Your Age, the Terrorists Win, talking March 31. A completed form and $100 is all you need about her evolution from straight to gay, being to secure your spot. For more information, call Scott a lesbian mom, and why getting older isn't such or Rachel at 299-3000, x192 or x256.
a bad thing.
Sunday, March 14, 2:30 p.m.
Benyamin Cohen • Tent on the UA Mall
The entire JCC was treated to the annual Purim Parade, Part memoir, part spiritual quest, and part anthropologist's put on by the children in the ECE program. Purim marks this book debuted in the #1 the celebration of the miraculous deliverance of the position on Amazon's Jewish Jewish people while in Persia.
his year-long exploration, Cohen sees the best and Inside this Issue
the worst of Christianity – from mega churches to Friends of the J . Page 2 New to the J?
storefront churches; from Special Needs Director . Page 2 Ask about our Flex start
Ask about our Flex Start
commercialization Program Guide .Page 3-5 Memberships for Camp.
of religion to the simple, moving faith of the Tributes . Page 7 humble believer; from the profound to the New Members . Page 7 Call Sue at 299-3000 x110.
profane to the just plain laughable. By year's end, to Cohen's surprise, his search for universal answers and truths in the Bible Belt actually Th e Tucson Jewish Community Center is a benefi ciary agency of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, is affi liated with the United make him a better Jew.
Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, and is a member of the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America.
Books available for purchase and
signing at the JCC/PJ Library

Center View is published six times annually by the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
Exhibit Booth after each speaker.
Become a Monthly Donor
and a Friend of the J today!
with Sports
Our monthly giving program is a In addition, when you make a Here's how it works:
wonderful way to make a monthly monthly commitment to the JCC, it • You determine the amount of your gift of any size to the J and provide means the JCC staff can remain fo- monthly donation. The JCC is happy to be working the reliable support that is so vital to cused on delivering great programs • We will charge your pledge to your with Sports Display, Inc., an keeping the doors of the JCC wide credit card or set up an EFT with- open to the community. drawal each month.
advertising opportunities on the The JCC is able to provide • Each January, we will send you an electronic bulletin board adjacent outstanding community programs annual giving statement which can to the Courtesy Desk in the Sports and a state-of-the-art facility in be used for tax purposes. and Fitness area. While the Sports part through the support of our Display, Inc. company compensates donors. A monthly gift of as little It's simple, secure and one of the the JCC for the opportunity to use and services to the community. as $10 adds up and really makes a best ways that you can support the this space and gives us a chance to What's more, the monthly giv- difference to the JCC! We even make J. Plus, it's paperless! promote some of our own programs, ing program helps the JCC reduce it easy to support the programs that we want our members and fundraising expenses by eliminating You can use our safe and secure mean the most to you like Arts and supporters to know that advertisers the need to send paper reminders to online form on our website or call Culture, Early Childhood Education are not directly supporting the JCC renew your commitment. Julia Waterfall-Kanter, Director of or Scholarships – just let us know Development at 299-3000 x176 or when they purchase advertising from and we will earmark your gift! [email protected]. Sports Display. In addition to this attractive advertising option offered by Sports Display, the JCC has many sponsorship and advertising options for anyone interested in directly supporting our programs.
Welcome Our Newest Staff
For more information about We are pleased to introduce the new Director of Special Needs Services, Retina Vaughn. Retina is fi nishing her Master's in Special Education and prior to (800)432-2206 and for JCC support joining the JCC, she was the Director of Special Education at a local private and advertising options contact school. She also worked as the Learning Disability Specialist, and as a teacher, Julia Waterfall-Kanter at 299-3000 at Tucson Hebrew Academy. x176 or [email protected] Retina is also known around the J as "Oscar's mom," her year-old son in Room 116.
Please join us in welcoming Retina to the JCC family! Page 2 • JCC Center View • March 2010
Tucson Jewish Community Center
Spring 2010
ECE Parent/Teacher Conferences Wed., Mar. 17-Thurs., Mar. 18. 2010-2011 School Year
Taglit Day Program
Spring Enrichment Classes
Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
run April 12-May 21.
Registration for the 2010-2011 school We use the Youth Lounge as our base at Please visit www.
year has begun. For details or a tour the JCC, but go out into the community Parent's Night Out Party
please call the ECE offi ce at 615-5437.
almost every day. Our programs are de- Mar. 13 – Theme: Carnival
signed to meet the individual needs and Apr. 24 – Theme: TBA
ECE Parents Treat
interests of each day program partici- One Saturday per month Staff to Brunch
pant. We include health and wellness, All Early Childhood staff enjoyed a volunteering, learning independent JCC members: First child $20, each additional special morning last month. They living skills and having fun as part of the were greatly "appreciated" by all the Non-JCC members: First child $30, each day program package. We have several additional sibling $15 parents. A delicious brunch was served J-Care, The Afterschool
spaces to fi ll, so inquire today! and everyone received special gifts all Parents can relax and enjoy a night off After School Care/
donated by our thoughtful parents. while our staff provides a fun themed Don't miss out on the best after-school Special thanks to chairwoman, Marisol evening for children ages 4-11. Each program in Tucson! J-Care is a licensed Kenman, and her committee. The staff program includes special themed pro- Mon.-Fri., 2-6 p.m. program offering enriching and fun certainly enjoyed their morning.
grams, as well as dinner, snack, games, After-school program for 6th graders activities for elementary school-aged a movie and more! and older based in the Youth Lounge children. We also offer the Homework where participants can play Wii, hit the Hangout program that helps kids get high notes with Guitar Hero and some- their homework done right! Hours are times even do their homework. We have from school dismissal to 6 p.m., Mon- Youth Lounge
daily activities designed to be enjoyable day-Fri day. Transportation to the JCC is as well as stimulating. We offer several offered from one- to fi ve-day per week Open Mon.-Fri., 3-6 p.m.
choices for grades 5 and below. pick-up options. For more in formation Sundays, ages 7+, 1:30-5:30 p.m call Scott at 299-3000 x192 or stop by The TJCC Youth Lounge offers teens the Welcome Desk.
Passover Model Seder
the opportunity to hang out and meet Wed., Mar. 17 • Auditorium J-Care Enrichment Classes
new friends; get homework done; watch Please join us for our ECE Passover Classes run March through May movies on the giant LCD screen TV; or Model Seder. The toddlers will be having The JCC offers after-school enrichment play pinball, pool, or one of the interac- their own Seders in their classrooms that classes designed to spark your child's tive games including Wii, DDR, Guitar morning. Family members are invited imagination. All classes run six weeks. Hero, Rock Band, and much more. No and encouraged to attend this special Classes include Music, Cooking, Golf, additional cost to JCC Members! Check morning with their children.
Pottery, Martial Arts and more.
out our friendly competitions! Get your name on the top daily scores and top 10 J-Care participants are eligible for 5% dis- Shalom Baby Stay & Play
all-time scores. For more information, Taglit Social Club
count. Flyers available at the Welcome Desk. Mar. 5 and 19; Apr. 2, 16, 30 call Eric Smith at 299-3000 x148. For more information, contact Rachel at 299- This is the place to be if you are 16 or Fridays • 10:00 a.m. 3000 x256 or [email protected].
older! One Sunday a month we meet Come with your baby or toddler to the Family Programs to have some fun. Upcoming planned
JCC Gallery for wonderful Shabbat activities include a trip to the Arizona singing. Then shmooze with other IceCats, a Diamondbacks game, a fancy parents or grandparents as the children dinner out and more! Space is limited to play on the outdoor equipment. All are Open to ages 5-11 15 for each event.
welcome! Sponsored by Shalom Tucson Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.(extended and the JCC. Please RSVP to Anne Lowe, How Can I Help?
care available for a fee.) [email protected] or 577-9393 x130.
If you have a special interest or talent Pre-Care Hours: 7-9 a.m. ($5) Mar. 27 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
you would like to share, or if you just Post-Care Hours: 4-6 p.m. ($5) Jewish Heritage Room want to have a chance to interact with (Post-Care is free to J-Care members). Celebrate and learn about Passover in an amazing group of people, consider Wed., Mar. 31- Tues., Apr. 6.
Each School Days Out offers a fi eld trip a sweet way – with chocolate – at our volunteering your time. This is a great All children on 9-month contracts
and/or special programming. Many award-winning annual Chocolate Pass- way to give to Special Needs if you must register in order to attend. Space
School Days Out programs include over Seder. How many Seders have you have at least an hour a week to spare. If is limited. Register in the ECE offi ce or other enriching activities such as sports, been to that include making s'mores, interested, please contact Retina at call 615-5437.
art, swimming, cooking and more. strawberries dipped in chocolate, and 615-5430 or pick up a volunteer Upcoming School Days Out are
four cups of chocolate milk? The eve- Summer Camp
application at the Welcome Desk. ning includes a fun, interactive Seder, All children on 9-month contracts
Programs subject to change based on en- sing-along music, and of course, lots of Interested in any of
must register to participate in our sum-
rollment. Costs based on minimum 24-hour CHOCOLATE! these programs?
mer program. Register early as spaces
reservations. Add $10 without reservation. See or call Rachel at Looking for more information? fi ll fast. Your child can spend a special Cost: $3 per person, Children 2 and under 299-3000 x256 for information.
are free. Open to JCC Members and Non- summer fi lled with fun.Brochures avail- Members. No RSVP necessary. For more able at the Welcome Desk. information, contact Scott at 299-3000 x192 or [email protected].
JCC Center View • March 2010 • Page 3
Arts & Culture
Yiddish Club
2nd Wednesday of the month1-2 p.m.
Play & Learn
Join the Yiddish Winkel! Mir vellin redden a bisl yiddish. Meet for fun, Computer Classes
fellowship, songs, stories, and more! at the JCC
For more information call Frieda Liebeskind at 577-1243 or Sheldon Clare By Computer Adult Learning Centers Israeli Dance
Computer classes for people 50+ Tuesdays, ongoing sessions Registration is April 14 and classes Learn to dance with beginners and Bridge Group
run April 26-May 28 Tuesdays & Thursdays For more information call 721-7591 or Wood-Floor Aerobic Studio Looking for knowledgeable bridge 7:45 p.m. Intermediate Shalom Tucson
8:30 p.m. Open dance Coffee Breaks
Competitive Bridge Bidding First Thursday of the month at
10:30 a.m. • JCC Fine Art Gallery Every other Thursday Thursdays • Noon-2 p.m.
March 4 and April 1 Instructor: Barbara Rosenthal (Bronze Are you new in town, and want to con- Coordinator: Les Burgman, 722-9310 nect with others? Join us for coffee, Life Master, Accredited Instructor) Be enlightened and educated with infor- Six sessions beginning April 8 nosh, and great information! Spon- Mondays • Five-week sessions mative lectures on various topics by Register at the Welcome Desk or call sored by Shalom Tucson, and the JCC. 10 a.m.-Noon or Noon-2 p.m.
experts in their fields. Free! Helene, 299-3000 x147 RSVP to Anne Lowe, [email protected] or 577-9393 x130.
Mar. 4: Dr. Kate Kenski, The Deterio-
$60M/$75NM includes text Instructor: Barbara Longo Min. 8 people for class to run rating Public Discourse in Talk Radio,
Minimum of four students must be reg- TV & Politics
istered for a class to run. Learn to play Mar. 18: Dr. Tom Volgy, Political Sci-
mah-jongg in a fun and supportive envi- ence Topic TBA
Find us on Facebook
ronment. Must have a mah-jongg card to play. Register at the Welcome Desk. Call NEW! Arts & Culture
Search for "Tucson Jewish
Helene at 299-3000 x147 for questions or Brown Bag Lunch Series
Eastside Chess Club
Community Center" and
to register over the phone.
Wednesdays • 6-9 p.m.
become our Facebook fan.
Recreational & competitive play for all Join us the last Friday of ages and skill levels.
every month at noon for a Call John at 331-9981 with questions.
If you are looking to join fellow mah- presentation of artistic or Members free/$2NM/$1 children jongg players call Helene at 299-3000 x cultural content. Free and 147. All skill levels welcome.
open to the public. Bring a dairy or vegetarian lunch, Pozez Lecture Series
or purchase your lunch Shaol Pozez Lecture Series brings in- from the Café @ the J. ternationally renowned authors, thinkers, and speakers to Tucson for public lectures. Free ! April 30 : Sonoran Desert Wildlife
For detailed informa- Sandy Reith, Pima County Natural tion, visit Resources, will present "Sonoran Desert contact Jeanne Davenport at 626-5758 or [email protected]. In this informal program, we'll discuss 90-Minute Musical Theater
a variety of interesting animals that inhabit the Sonoran Desert and explore Every Tuesday • 10:30 a.m.-Noon, their adaptations, by examining skulls May 28: "In The Shadow of Georgia
interactive program O'Keeffe" with Connie Spittler focusing on documen-taries, movies and music that enlightens, enter-tains and stimulates Every Monday • Noon-1:30 p.m. Moderated by rotating facilitatorsProvocative, contro-versial, and never dull. Timely, local, national & international topics are discussed. 11:30 a.m. brown bag lunch or pur-chase at Café @ the J. Tuesdays beginning April 13 Spouse Bereavement
Eight-week sessions Instructor: Sara Golan-Mussman Tuesdays • 10-11:30 a.m. Hebrew I: 6:30-7:30 p.m. If you have lost a loved one, you may Introduction to Hebrew: find comfort in meeting others who have shared this experience. Co-sponsored Stop by the Welcome Desk or call by Widow to Widowed Inc. For more information, call Dolores Kaplan at (plus cost of text paid to instructor) Page 4 • JCC Center View • March 2010
The Drawing Studio
Sundays: March 21, April 25 & The Clay Experience
Mondays • Apr. 12-May 24 Drawing Fundamentals
A continuous swim/run competitive (no class May 3) • 6-9 p.m.
Level I: Mondays • 6-9 p.m.
Adult Leagues
event for all ages. A series of three Instructor: Gerrie Young 8 sessions beginning March 29 Ongoing throughout the year biathlons with prizes and awards for Experiment with hand building or An introduction to the basic language of If you are interested in joining a team all-around competitors. Great for tri- wheel throwing.
drawing, by developing skills in four key we offer Co-Ed Softball, Co-Ed Volley athletes (beginning to advanced), cross- $85M/$100NM ($20 material fee paid to areas: Shape, edge, light and space. training, lap swimmers, and runners! instructor at the fi rst session) ball, Men's Softball, Men's Basketball, $160 Drawing Studio Associates/$175 Non- Flag Football and Members Only 33 Course distances available online.
Outdoor Landscape
and Over Basketball. Please call Jason $10 Stingray Team Member$15 JCC Member Level II: Thursdays • 1-4 p.m.
Apodaca at 299-3000 x119.
Wednesdays • 9:30-Noon 8 sessions beginning March 25 Instructor: Murray Keshner Group Swim Lessons
Building on Fundamen- Members can enjoy the free use of our Paint directly from nature in watercolor, Parent/child swim classes and group tals I, this class introduc- six classic clay tennis courts. For a fee, we acrylic or oil paint. Class will visit a children swim classes begin in April es the study of expressive also offer year-round tennis classes: different location each week. Demon- when the weather turns warmer! Watch drawing of faces. It also stration and instruction at each class. • 20 hours of weekly adult tennis via 11 for information and f lyers posted explores the role of com- Register at the JCC Welcome Desk or different adult clinics, drill & plays, around Sports & Wellness.
position, space, drawing call 299-3000.
team practices and academies. For more information call 299-3000 x251.
as sculpture (3-D thinking), color, as $60M/$75NM per 4-class card • 15 hours of weekly junior tennis via 7 well as printing, stenciling, collage and Tucson Museum of Art
different junior clinics and academies. working with a brush.
$170 Drawing Studio Associates/$190 Non- Class information can be found online at or pick up a fl yer 12:30-1:30 p.m.
at the Courtesy Desk. For more information on classes, fees or March 10:
to register, call 620-0947 or visit We have Men's and Ladies' Teams which compete in USTA and interclub leagues. 19th CenturyFree! Our Tennis Pros are: Chuck Reisig, Di-
David Broza Concert
rector of Tennis, USPTA Pro 1 has more Mar. 13 • 8 p.m. • Fox Theatre Anyone Can Draw & Paint
than 20 years of teaching experience.
Israeli superstar Broza's charismatic per- Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-Noon Sculpture Garden
Lesson Fees: 1 hour $48, 1/2 hour $30, Series formances have brought Instructor: Murray Keshner Self-g uided tours avai lable of six 1-hour lessons $240 to worldwide audiences, Beginners & experienced artists ex- during the hours the facility is Angel Cobbs, Head Tennis Pro, USPTA
fusions of three differ- plore your creative spirit using various open. Docent available by Pro, Angel loves working with both ent countries in which medium. Demonstration & instruction reservation. Contact Betsy juniors and adults and has had tre- he was raised: Israel, at each session. Bring pencil & paper. Cowan, 299-3000 x106.
mendous success coaching USTA and Spain, and England.
Register at the Welcome Desk or call interclub teams.
VIP reception following Lesson Fees: 1 hour $42, 1⁄2 hour $25, Series $60M/$75NM per 4-class card of six 1-hour lessons $210 10% advance discount for For information, call 299-3000 x151.
JCC members (purchase at the Israel Center) Shahar Azani, "Israel:
Global Challenges and
Swim Lessons
Private instruction available year round. Mar. 22 • 7 p.m. • JCC Auditorium Appointments scheduled on an indi- Israel's Consul for Culture, Media vidual basis. Certifi ed instructors for all and Public Diplomacy in Los Angeles ages – 1-99! Call 299-3000 x251. has been instrumental in promoting Adult Swim Training
cultural interactions between Israel and Eastern Africa. Consul Azani was Tuesdays & Thursdays Israel's Deputy Permanent Representa- 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. tive to the United Nations Environment March 2-March 25 (8 Lessons) Program as well as to the UN Human Great for beginner triathlete, cross Settlement Program.
training, cardiovascular endurance, or Free and open to all.
full-body workout. USA certifi ed swim coach instructor. Yom Hazikaron Ceremony
JCC Members $60/session Apr. 18 • 6 p.m. • JCC Auditorium Non-JCC Member $85/session Israel Memorial Day Ceremony for fallen *no prorating sessions.
Israeli soldiers and victims of terror. Stingray Year Round
Sponsored by the Israel Center, JCC and Swim Team
Jewish Federation Free and open to the public.
Ages 8-18 : Professionally coached
competitive year-round swim program
offering quality training, skill acquisi-
tion, race strategy, goal-setting, and
confi dence building.
Training times and fees based on skill level. Call 299-3000 x251 to schedule a tryout! Professionally coached swim training Israel 62nd Festival &
for the advanced lap swimmer to the se- The 6th Annual Art Fair
rious adult swimmer! Workouts tailored Sunday • April 25 • Noon-6 p.m. to individual needs and abilities. All four competitive strokes, drills, pulling, Live music, dancing, Israeli food, shuk kicking, interval training are combined marketplace, children's activities and in each workout. Call 299-3000 x251.
JCC Members $100/session Free and open to the public.
Non-Members $200/session JCC Center View • March 2010 • Page 5
VOTED #1 Brunch
At the Canyon Café and Patio
Every Sunday from 11am - 2pm

Live Music from the Tucson Jazz Society featuring
Arthur Migliazza and Tom Walbank, Stevie Woods,
George Howard, Lisa Otey and more.

A hip and casual way to enjoy live music and

$32.00 Adults $12.95 Children
Reservations are encouraged but not required.
Call the Canyon Café 615-5496
Page 6 • JCC Center View • March 2010
In fond memory of Celia; beloved wife, Congratulations on your selection In honor of Billy Schoenberg. mother and grandmother. May her as Woman of the Year. There is no Cherie Ryerson Glenn Mrs. Gail Mordka
memory be for a blessing. one who is better deserving. Our condolences on the loss of your Carol and Al Stern beloved husband, Maurice. Wishing you a very happy David Stern
The Board & Staff of the JCC and healthy New Year! Marcia and Ken Light Our condolences on the Congratulations on your selection as Susan and Billy Schoenberg Brenda and Bill Viner loss of your beloved wife. Man of the Year – a well deserved honor. Susan and Billy Schoenberg
Marcia and Ken Light Carol and Al Stern Mr. Ken Light
In honor of Susan and Billy Schoenberg. Jerry Lacker
Thank you so much for your The Weintraub Family
Roni, Kenneth and Nathan Einhorn thoughtfulness and generosity when I Happy 80th Birthday and many more. We grieve with you the loss of your needed it most. I truly appreciate it. Lynda and Ed Rogoff lovely daughter and sister. May her Tributes can be made at the Mrs. Blake Down
memory be for a blessing. Carol and Al Stern JCC Welcome Desk or online at Scott Zorn
Our deep condolences for the Lisa Ungar and Bob Fridrich To a very special person who gives so loss of your beloved husband. Lea and Dror Sarid much to his fellow human beings. Marcia and Ken Light information, please contact Julie at Marlene and Ron Sandler Marsha and Bob Rosenblum x243 or [email protected].
Mrs. Esther Goodman
Mary L. Morris
In memory of George Goodman on the I'll always miss Joel. first anniversary of his passing. Carol and Al Stern Beth and Lee Baumgardner Ronald Sandler and Family
The JCC is pleased to
Please accept our deepest sympathy welcome the following new
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. upon the death of Adele, beloved sister, Joyce and Mel Jaffe sister-in-law, and aunt. May her Leah Richter and Family
memory be for a blessing. Jenna Baker, Matthew Bee, Avi Please accept our deepest sympathy Berkowitz, Gary Berman, Miriam Black, We are sorry for your Carol and Al Stern Pamela Brement, James Broderick, on the death of Fred, beloved loss of your grandmother. Ken Silverman and Family
Jazaray Bryant, Eva Cardenas, Michael husband and father. Faye, Ken, Aaron and Jennifer Somers Cardenas, Anthony Castillo, Dara Chafik, Carol and Al Stern We offer you our deepest sympathy Fran and Jeff Katz upon your loss; beloved mother, Arlan Colton, Vincent Cunningham, Marcia and Ken Light Gail Mordka and Family
Joe Delamere, Melissa Desberg, Todd mother-in-law, and grandmother. The Board & Staff of the JCC Desberg, Sue Dore, Barbara Dougherty, We grieve with you the loss of your Carol and Al Stern Thomas Dougherty, Peter Eckerstrom, Vicki and Phil Pepper
beloved Maurice; loving husband, Merlin Ehlers, Traci Faas, Harvey father, and grandfather. Congratulations on the ERIN SCHOENBERG
Feldman, Andrea Feldman, Michael Carol and Al Stern birth of your new grandson. Fimbres, Elizabeth Fimbres, William Marcia and Ken Light Finkelstein, Patricia Fowler, Erin Gamez, Sherry and Gary Kaye
Fran and Jeff Katz Roni and Kenny Einhorn
Daniel Gamez, Mildred Gerowitz, and Family
The Board & Staff of the JCC Happy Hanukkah and Edward Glenn, Liron Gokovski, Dania We grieve with you the Best Wishes for the New Year! Gokovski, Wendy Goldberg, Lee Dr. Sandra Katz
loss of your beloved Michael. Goldberg, Brianna Grembowski, Ophra Susan and Billy Schoenberg You have our condolences May his memory be for a blessing. Gronemann, Mike Harvey, Shirley on the loss of your mother. Carol and Al Stern Harvey, Cindy Hayden, Harry Heimann, The Board & Staff of the JCC Happy Hanukkah and Michael Helfand, Kelley Helfand, Carol and Al Stern
Best Wishes for the New Year! Christina Hermann, Earl Hipp, Robert Dr. Jeff Selwyn
On this special anniversary we Huber, Jessica Huber, Philip Jacobson, Susan and Billy Schoenberg Wishing you a speedy recovery. send loving wishes. Take good care Tracy Jeck, David Jeck, Leila Joiner, Marcia and Ken Light of each other so you may enjoy many Dr. and Mrs. Ed Gentile
Connie Jordan, C.D. Jordan, Melinda Kill, Ray Kimbriel, Kim Kimbriel, Karen more years together. Happy Hanukkah and Kinared, Robert Klenke, Susan Knittel, Enid and Wynn Freedman Best Wishes for the New Year! Gift to Early Childhood Education Sharon Koenig, David Kogen, Rebekah Susan and Billy Schoenberg made in your honor. Lee and Alan Cohen
Kolonelos, Pete Kolonelos, Terri Kresha, Please accept my deepest sympathy on Dr. Ray Lederman
Vincent Kresha, Katherine Krieger, Janice Kundert, Oyser Kvartovskaya, the loss of your brother, Eddie, Uncle Happy Hanukkah and In memory of Samuel Landa.
Ian Laetsch, Michael Lansky, Michael Alan, and your sister, Sonja, Aunt Lee. Best Wishes for the New Year! LaPoff, Rose Lavetter, Daniel Susan and Billy Schoenberg Lefkowitz, Charmaine Lewis, Tony Dr. Sandy Stein
Lott, Monica Mackover, Patricia Mason, Gift made in honor of Jill. Tom Herz and Bertie Lefkovitz
Happy Hanukkah and Deborah McCann, Jim McFadden, Joan Kaye Cauthorn Please accept our deepest sympathy Best Wishes for the New Year! Diane Meckler, Ariel Mendivil, Brita on the loss of Tom's grandson. Miller, Florence Miller, Ann Moors, Diane and Ronald Weintraub
Susan and Billy Schoenberg Carol and Al Stern Alice Morris, Laurence Nagel, Robert Our deep sympathies on the Nilsen, Irene Nilsen, Elaine Orman, loss of your beloved Beth. Phyllis and Merrill Broad
Merry Christmas and Carl Pergam, Steve Peterson, Edward The Board & Staff of the JCC Congratulations on the birth of Best Wishes for the New Year! Petrow, Amy Petrow, Robert Philippe, Marcia and Ken Light your new great grand-daughter. Jack Pinnas, Narisa Porter, Christopher Susan and Billy Schoenberg Fran and Jeff Katz May you continue to have much Pray, Marilyn Rakowsky, Ashley Ray, nachas from your children. Shane Ray, Laurie Rein, Janall Rivers, Jane Wilson and Mark Rubin Carol and Al Stern Merry Christmas and Joan Rosenbluth, Grace Sams, Lizette Best Wishes for the New Year! Sanchez, Gregg Sasse, Lesley Sasse, Leslie and Steve Weintraub
Mr. Milton Silverman and Family
John Schmitz, Dhanji Shah, Prabha Susan and Billy Schoenberg Please accept our condolences In memory of your beloved wife, Shah, Cindy Sheller, Lee Sheller, Ron for the loss of Beth. Shirley – mother and grandmother. Seana Kelley
Shimelmitz, Carol Simpson, Candice Fran and Jeff Katz She will be missed but will remain Merry Christmas and Smessaert, Dave Smessaert, Jeff Smith, Gwen Sokoloff, Ilene Sokoloff, in our hearts forever. Best Wishes for the New Year! Amy and Dave Jasinski
Frank Spencer, Kahmena Spiegel, Susan and Billy Schoenberg In memory of Dave's father, Linda Sredzinski, Elizabeth Stant, Carol and Al Stern John (Jaz) Jasinski. Dana Stevenson, Rheta Terry, Casey Faye, Ken, Aaron and Jen Somers Robert Wright and Family
Merry Christmas and Totenhagen, John Totenhagen, Misha Tuv, JoAnn Vaughn, Charles Vaughn, Please accept our heart-felt sympathy Best Wishes for the New Year! Anonymous gift to the JCC
Yancey Wells, Johnny Wilson, Jordan on the death of your mother who Teens & Tweens Programs has
Susan and Billy Schoenberg Youngblood, (We apologize for any errors was also a beloved grandmother been made in memory of
Kathleen and Ernie Gale
or omissions.) Abe and Sydelle Tenzer.
and great grandmother. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes Carol and Al Stern for a wonderful New Year! Susan and Billy Schoenberg JCC Center View • March 2010 • Page 7
JCC Hours
Upcoming JCC Closures
Monday, March 29-Erev Passover
Sunday, April 4-Passover 7th Day
Sun . 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
Entire JCC closes at 4 p.m. Entire JCC closes at 6 p.m. Mon-Thur . 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Fri . 5:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sat . 7 a.m.-6 p.m.* Tuesday, March 30-Passover - JCC Closed
Monday, April 5-Passover - JCC Closed
*S&W Only. Use Café Entrance.
Babysitting Hours:
Sun . 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
3800 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 299-3000 •

Mon-Fri . 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Mon-Thurs . 4:15-7: 00 p.m.
Saturday . 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
$4.50 per hour; $2.25 per hour each
additional child. Parent(s) must be on the
Jewish Community Campus while using
babysitting. 2-hour time limit.
Café@the J Hours:
Mon-Fri .7-10 a.m.
Lunch, Dinner and Snacks
Sun . 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Mon-Thurs . 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Fri . 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Please Note:
Sports & Wellness closes 15 minutes before
the building closes.
3800 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 299-3000 •

Thursday, April 22, 2010
For information, contact Stu Epstein
at 615-5427, [email protected],
or visit


Psychiatric drugs create violence and suicide

Psychotropic Drug Series Published by Citizens Commission on Human Rights C6397 Violence and Suicide Bklt_Version3.indd 1 2/23/10 11:27:42 AM This report is an overview of the side effects of common psychiatric drugs known to cause violent and suicidal behavior. It contains information that is important for you to know. Courts have determined that informed consent for people who receive prescriptions for psychotropic (mood-altering) drugs must

A Pooled Analysis of Two Randomized Multicenter, Evaluator-Blind Studies Comparing the Safety and Efficacy of Omadacycline and Linezolid for the Treatment of Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections S. Ken Tanaka, PhD; Surya Chitra, PhD; Lynne Garrity-Ryan, PhD; Evan Tzanis; Evan Loh, MD Paratek Pharmaceuticals, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA