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Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Peaceful political power transition
Barst breast abscess is an infection of the breast tissue in the body to fight infection, welcomed at national, intl. Levels pus accumulated in the abscess include breast tissue, nipple, milk glands and milk
For the first time, the people of Afghanistan.
not to be existed.
for the first time in this country of Afghanistan are witnessing the A number of MPs while wel- This MP says that now the and now, the people of Afghani- Common symptoms of breast abscesses:
political power transition from coming from peaceful transition time is reached that both person- stan wants the new government One: Pain, tenderness, redness and stiffness in breast one elected president to another, of political power from one elect- alities implement their pledges to make efforts for maintenance Two: Fever and chills in which the process warmly wel- ed government to another, say committed before the people of of peace and stability in the coun- Three: General ill feeling comed by a number of government that more than other, the new na- Afghanistan and formation of na- try. Because, in the light of peace- authorities and MPs.
tional unity government needs to tional unity government in nation- ful atmosphere, we can succeed Four: Painful lymph nodes under the arm They laid emphasize that the a political determination.
al and international levels can re- over all challenges.
Causes of breast abscesses:
newly formed national unity gov- They lay emphasize on im- alize the great part of aspirations A political witness Jawid Bacteria center through the nipple (usually small sores on the nipple that are created ernment should be loyal to its plementation of the commitments of the people of Afghanistan and Kohistani says that in the present in the early days of breastfeeding) commitments for a stable Afghan- pledged with in electoral cam- create international credibility for condition, Afghanistan is in need istan's future and the achieve- paigns by new president and chief this country and focus the atten- of establishment of the national ments earned within recent thir- executive officer.
tion of international community unity government and after more One. Pelvic infection after childbirth teen years should be protected.
tensions, this aspiration of peo- Two. Diabetes (diabetes) At the same time, peaceful political power transition in Af- Now, the new government 4 corticosteroid drugs ghanistan welcomed by a number should place country-wide peace, of world nations.
serious counter official corruption, AND 5. Smoking too much While these nations congrat- elimination of poppy cultivation 6. Removal of part of the breast with radiotherapy ulate the peaceful political power and production of narcotics, main- 7. Silicone artificial breast transition in Afghanistan to new tenance of human and women Prevention of breast abscesses:
president and chief executive of- rights as its working priority.
One. Nipple and breast feeding after each wash.
ficer of the national unity govern- Establishment of national uni- ment, they lay emphasize on their ty government was a dire need for Two. Don not allow your child to bite or chew Shyrkhvartan nipple.
continued commitments towards stable Afghanistan.
Three. Do not use clothing that irritates the breast.
new government and demanded At the same time, a number 4. Nipples after breastfeeding, vitamin A and D ointment of other topical medicines, either the new president or chief of countrymen welcomed peace- software (if recommended).
executive officer to implement ful transition of political power their commitments.
in the country and say that the In a report, the European national unity government should Treatment is usually good to within 10-8 days. To promote healing of abscesses, Union (EU) supported the new People's deputy in the lower respond the requirements of peo- sometimes it is necessary to evacuate.
government of Afghanistan and house, Ms. Shukria Barakzai said No doubt, the attention of in- ple and the distance that existed Possible side effects:
says that the history of Afghani- in the connection that no doubt, ternational community would fo- between government and people stan is the witness of grave event finally this country is witnessing cus to Afghanistan.
should be removed.
Rarely, breast-feeding should be stopped, even if the infection is severe. Sometimes i.e peaceful political power tran- peaceful transition of political Senator Anar Kali Hunaryar, The democratic process the necessity of taking some antibiotics (especially tetracycline ) and pain relievers sition. The EU is loyal to its com- power. Because, political power is optimist in connection with es- should be strengthened and don't can cause short-term breastfeeding is discontinued. The milk should be pumped mitments before the new national was always accompanyin g by tablishment of the national unity permit the country to go to a dark unity government and wants the brawls and challenges and to date, government and says that now, Rarely, it can cause a fistula (fistula is an abnormal passage between two members latter to help this government in no president took the power as Afghanistan needs a compassion One of citizens, Waleed in the removal of challenges and bring- peaceful and it is a glad tiding that government till lay ointment on connection said that the history to the creation of a body or between an organ and the outside of the body) ing reformations and lays empha- after electoral brawls, this coun- the injuries of Afghans. Because, of Afghanistan will not forget this size on strengthening rule of law.
try is witnessing the new national they experienced much problems day, because another golden page Cloth or towel, use warm water to relieve pain and accelerate healing (you try and While the UN also expresses unity government.
during election process and eval- has been turned in the history of see if cold water is better than cold water use).
happiness over taking over of We can name this day as his- uate peaceful transition of politi- our country and the people of Af- power by new national unity gov- toric and unforgettable day for the cal power as historic step to- ghanistan proved to the world Good time of infection, breast-feeding the baby from the breast stop. Regularly use ernment, says no doubt, Afghani- people of Afghanistan.
wards a peaceful and stable Af- nations that they preferred peace- a breast pump to express milk from infected udder use until you can resume breast stan needs a democratic and such She added that the day of tran- ful future and national interests feeding it again surgery to drain an abscess (usually do not).
a government and also welcomes sition of political power is a his- So, the people of Afghanistan comparing their own one so their bilateral commitments between toric day for the people of Af- are expecting the new president country not to go to crisis.
One. Antibiotics, if necessary, to fight fvnt.
president and chief executive of- ghanistan. Because, the old aspi- and chief executive officer to re- They want to work jointly ficer. Welcoming the new national ration of people that was peace- main loyal on their commitments and lead their country, Afghani- unity government in Afghanistan, ful transition of political power is towards people and place peace, stan towards bright future.
The use of pain medications are usually needed only for 7-2 days after surgery.
the foreign ministry of Canada fulfilled and Afghanistan owned a security and economic growth as A teacher in one of Kabul city emphasizes on its continued com- new national unity government.
their working priorities.
schools, Ms. Malalai believes that After treatment, normal activities can resume as soon as symptoms improve.
mitments to Afghanistan and says Now, the people of Afghani- At the same time, a number once more, Afghanistan would not that the new president and chief stan are expecting the new presi- of political witnesses regarded go to the past. Now, this is the executive officer should imple- dent and chief executive officer to peaceful transition of political time of development and progress No special diet is not recommended.
ment what they committed to the be loyal to their commitments and power as a good step in strength- of the country.
Call Your Doctor:
people of Afghanistan during their make jointly effort for a stable ening of democratic process and The new president and chief One. If you or a family member has symptoms of a breast abscess.
creation of democratic system in executive officer should make ef- Two. If one of the following problems occur during treatment: fever, severe pain, Th e authorities of th e US Another member of parlia- Afghanistan and believe that the fort so our countrymen not to be embassy in Afghanistan regarded men t, Abdul Qayoum Sajjadi national unity government should vagabond to foreign countries.
infection, despite treatment, the symptoms do not improve within 72 hours.
establishment of the new govern- while welcoming the establish- act according to the will of the all This is in a time that the elec- Three. New, unexplained sysptoms . Drugs used in treatment may have side effects.
ment as a positive step towards ment of national unity government people of Afghanistan.
tion of Afghanistan was one of the Does breastfeeding at the time of breast abscess is prohibited?
strengthening of people's govern- in Afghanistan, believes that now, Because, this country needs a elections full of brawls. But, for- Mastitis is also similar to the abscess to drain the pus, though is may need to be split ment in this country and in a re- this country is experiencing new lawful government void of corrup- tunately, it had positive results port, the US ambassador in Kab- beginning as this is the indicator tion, peaceful and political stable behind, that resulted into estab- ul, James Cunningham says that of institutionalization of demo- lishment of the national unity gov- The overall incidence of breast feeding breast milk in the breast's milk ducts Afghanistan experienced demo- cratic government and Afghanistan A university lecturer, Sayed ernment and transition of politi- prohibitive unless the abscess is opened the abscess, usually open to the outside of cratic process that resulted into turns a new page.
jawad Hussaini in the connection cal power. Now, it is expected that the breast tissue.
establishment of lawful govern- It would be a suitable oppor- said that the history of Afghani- the new president and chief exec- tunity that the steps are taken for stan was the witness of a historic utive officer in understanding with In general, if a breast abscess incision near the nipple is split and continue breast He laid emphasize on contin- honor and high-heading of Afghan- day i.e peaceful transition of po- each other should make effort to feeding no problem, but if the gap is close to the nipple and areola of the breast can ued cooperation of the US gov- istan that move insecurity, pov- litical power. Transition of peace- establish a national unity govern- 48to 72 hours breast milk express, and the fold but breast-feeding a baby no longer ernment with the new government erty, instability and vagabondage ful political power is experienced ment. Suraya Raiszada
If mothers with sore nipples or fissures what should I do?
Sore and cracked nipple for different reasons including incorrect status of the
Hopes, expectations from President
breast-fed infant, breast-frequent washing with soap or alcohol solution or creamsthat stimulate the breast. To treat the child at the time and in different state of breastShyrded and wash with soap and water before each feeding Prhyzkrd, the drug stimulates the nipple Nyzkhvddary.
On Monday, Afghanistan ghans the hope to feel the tional unity government will implemented in order to bring The best way to improve breast fissure, leaving a few drops of breast milk on the conducted the first peaceful countr y as th eir common provide a golden opportunity change and necessary reforms nipple at the end of the feeding and the breast is exposed to air and sunlight.
transition of political power house where the fundamental to the president to implement in the country. In the speech, from one elected president to rights of all people are protect- his programs for the nation in the president also highlighted Use a heat gun to dry heat (low grade) 3 to 5 day for 3 to 5 minutes, with an another. After being thirteen joint cooperation with the ri- the significance of Afghani- interval of at least 7 to 8 cm from the fissure, very effective and helpful.
years in the office, former Pres- It is important to mention val team which he pledged dur- stan's relations with the re- You can also use a regular 60 watt light bulb at a distance of 40 cm above the ident Hamid Karzai transferred that the issues of good gover- ing the electoral campaigns.
gional and neighboring coun- the power to Dr. Mohammad nance and parallel govern- President Ahmadzai also tries. Alongside the upper is- nipple for 20 minutes, and it did at 4 times in the 24 hours be repeated.
Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. Min- ments have been among the focused on a number of impor- sues, we must struggle to di- Why is the nipple thrush and how is it treated?
utes after the oath- taking cer- major issues in the country tant issues including imple- agnose the sufferings and the Thrush usually after antibiotic use.
emony, President Ahamdzai in over the previous thir teen mentation of reforms inside the tragedies of the people of Af- a decree designated Abdullah years. The statements which political system and the elec- ghanistan and efforts must be Affected area of the skin, red shiny, flaky and slightly eased the nipple, Sometimes Abdullah as Chief Executive were focused as programs or toral bodies and also on the accelerated to heal the wounds babies with oral thrush, which in this case, both mother and infant should be treated.
Officer of the national unity policy in President Ahmadzai's judicial, executive and internal of Afghan people and make Mother of 14 day treatment period and the day dour times with a solution or government and Ahmad Zia inaugur ation speech ar e policy. President explained his them hopeful of their future.
Massoud as president's spe- among the topics which the internal and foreign policy in a Afghanistan already copes nystatin cream form breasts milk to the nipple and areola will be applied.
cial representative for reforms people of Afghanistan, media comprehensive way and eval- with a number of important is- Shyrkhvarfqt is treated with a solution of nystatin 4 times a day after the area is dry and good governance affairs.
and the political forces have uated the economic develop- sues such as poverty, insecu- Azshstn, 15 drops of the solution should be slowly on the inner surface of the In his inauguration speech, always heard about over the ment of Afghanistan and im- rity, good governance, corrup- the president touched upon previous decade.
pacts on restoration of long- tion and terrorism. All these infant's mouth within a species, gums and the tongue rubbing.
several national issues and re- In the speech, President standing peace and security.
issues must be evaluated on It should be noted that the duration of treatment is usually 14 days after the date of affirmed his commitments with Ahamdzai also drew up an out- The people of Afghanistan the basis of a strategy so that next dietary supplement that has to remain. Treatment of both mother and child regard to establishment of so- line of Afghanistan's foreign strongly support President Afghanistan and the op- cial justice, good governance, policy and explained it as four Ahmadzai's programs and de- pressed people of this coun- should continue.
war against corruption and dimensions. We strongly be- mand that the commitments try get rid of them.
Doctor Wahidullah Formuli
most importantly giving all Af- lieve that the formation of na- made to the nation must be


Issue-4-for pdf

Issue 4 · December 2011 Facing the Challenges of Labour Migration from Bangladesh Short-term labour migration has become and to ensure their protection. In the one of the core foreign currency earning meantime, the Bangladesh government ratified sectors in Bangladesh . Yet, development the 1990 UN Convention on the Rights of All of this sector is being challenged by the lack of


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