
22q & Friends
22q "on the move": Moving to the next stage
Our 22q Transition Clinic for Teens to Adults
Becoming an adult is a process that Afterwards, workshops are offered
Research: movement
sparks change in everyone's lives, on information about transitioning for
including individuals with 22q11.2 patients and families.
Deletion Syndrome (22q). "How will
Recent publications
22q symptoms affect my life as I After a delicious lunch and brief
become an adult?" This is a common presentation by our staff from the
question for many of our patients and 22q Clinic, the big moment arrives.
Inside the Clinic
their families.
Along with staff members of both
22q Clinics, everyone walks over to
The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic, in Toronto General Hospital and enters
collaboration with The SickKids Good The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic for
2 Go Transition Program and The the first time. Patients and their
SickKids 22q Deletion Syndrome families are given a tour of the Clinic,
Clinic, offered the first 22q Transition an opportunitiy to ask questions
Clinical Genetics Research
Clinic in October 2014. This full day and get comfortable with their new
program gives individuals with 22q surroundings. The day finishes off
information about adult care and with some final remarks, and patients
shows them how to make a smooth have the chance to tell us what they
transition from the Clinic at SickKids think of the day.
to ours at the Toronto General
Our third 22q Transition Day was
held on Tuesday, November 17th,
Patients and their families start the 2015. With the success and positive
day at The SickKids 22q Deletion feedback we've received, we look
Syndrome Clinic with a warm forward to holding a 22q Transition
welcome, snacks and refreshments. Clinic every 6 months, so look out for
They are greeted by staff members more information in April 2016!
and meet other patients and
families making the same transition.


Hello and happy reading from all of us!
Hello again from the The Dalglish have seen more adults with 22q than
Family 22q Clinic and the Clinical any other single centre worldwide. Our
Genetics Research Program! We hope collaborative research program works in
you, your family and friends had a conjunction with the Centre for Addiction
wonderful 2015. As we progress with and Mental Health, the University
our research specializing in adults Health Network (Toronto General
with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital),
(22q), we like to keep you up-to-date. and the Hospital for Sick Children, as
As always, our goal is to continue to well as hospitals and clinics across the
personally contact and hopefully see country. Our ambition is to continue
Dalglish Family 22q Clinic
each of you in 2016! This newsletter to learn more about 22q and other
& The Clinical Genetics
is intended to share news and genetic syndromes. Most importantly,
updates as well as help to answer we want to learn more about how to
some important questions about 22q. best manage the associated illnesses
and conditions to help improve the long-
? Our program continues to see old term outcomes for people with 22q.
friends and newcomers for our research
Most people with
studies in 22q. At the moment, we are
22q do not inherit
following about 280 adults with 22q and
this condition from a
related conditions across Canada. We
parent. The genetic
change happens as
a new event. We do
not yet understand
Moving beyond Parkinson's Disease in 22q11.2 Deletion
Syndrome: A study of movement disorders in adults
An important goal stiffness, slowness in moving, and
Every person (man
of our research balance problems. Although most people
studies is to with 22q will not develop Parkinson's
has 22q has a 50%
understand how disease, knowing this information is
("50-50") chance
people with 22q important to encourage doctors to closely
age. For example, monitor patients for new symptoms.
deletion on at every
in recent years, we
have found that Our clinical experience suggests that
people with 22q adults with 22q are also experiencing
have an increased
other movement disorders more
"syndrome" means
risk of developing often than individuals without the 22q
Parkinson's disease under the age of deletion. In addition, adults with 22q
clinical features
50 years. In the general population, this
who receive antipsychotic medication
each of which can
treatable disease usually affects people
may be more vulnerable to side effects
be recognizable but
over the age of 65 years. Symptoms that can look like the symptoms of
that can vary from
of the disease include tremors Parkinson's disease ("parkinsonism"),
person to person.
(unintentional trembling or shaking), such as tremors, stiffness, and slowness


A study of movement disorders in adults
in moving. However, other movement that may cause movement disorders,
disorders have not been studied before
such as antipsychotic medication.
in adults with 22q.
If you have any questions or would like
In the summer of 2015 we started a new
more information about how to help
different names:
study to find out whether movement
with our movement study, you may
disorders are more common in adults contact our clinical research staff at:
with 22q than the general population,
and what might be causing these The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic at
movement problems. This study will help
Toronto General Hospital
doctors give better information about 22q
to patients and their families. It will also
Phone:(416) 340-5145
help to identify unrecognized movement
Email: [email protected]
problems. This study may be important
for the choice and dose of medications
Clinic Awards 2014 - 2015
Please join us in congratulating the
following Clinic members on their
recognized achievements:
2014-2015 UHN Centre for Mental
Health Fellow Research Award
Dr. Erik Boot received this award
in 2015. This acknowledges
different doctors
Fellows at UHN who have made
outstanding contributions to their field.
specialized areas
The Angelo DiGeorge Memorial Medal
they were all tied
Dr. Anne Bassett received this
piece missing on
international award in 2014, which
chromosome 22.
recognizes an outstanding contribution
to our understanding and/or treatment of
please visit our
McLaughlin Early Career Investigator
Award - 2015
Dr. Erik Boot received this award recently
to support his participation in the 2015
World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics.



Did you know.
? An inside look into The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic
Most people with
The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic
Dr. Erik Boot:
Dalglish Fellow and Physician
a piece of genetic
for people with intellectual disability
Dr. Anne Bassett:
that contains about
Director & Psychiatrist
Dutch physician,
Dr. Anne Bassett
disability medicine.
completed his PhD
genes, and we do
thesis on adults
not yet know what
all of these genes
is a psychiatrist
has been the lead author or co-author
Individuals with
of multiple publications related to
22q. As the Dalglish Fellow, Dr. Boot
thyroid problems.
in the genetics of complex disorders.
is pursuing 22q clinical and research
She holds the Canada Research
fellowship training at the Dalglish
be under- or over-
Chair in Schizophrenia Genetics
Family 22q Clinic from September
and Genomic Disorders. Dr. Bassett
2014 to August 2016.
thyroid testing can
is also the Director of the Clinical
help to identify a
Genetics Research Program at
Pam McFarlane:
CAMH and a Professor of Psychiatry
so that effective
at the University of Toronto. She is
Pam McFarlane is
treatment can be
an international leader in the study
a Social Worker in
of 22q and is the Medical Director
the Dalglish Family
for the International 22q Foundation.
Dr. Bassett has been providing
Family 22q Clinic
has over 25 years
exemplary care to adults with 22q,
is a private clinic,
their families and caregivers for
established by the
working with the
Dalglish Family.
University Health
However, our funds
Network in several
for continued care
and research are
Working with the
diminishing. See
Clinic team, Pam assists patients and
the sidebar on the
their families in examining challenges
following page for
and concerns and in helping to find
how you can help!
the best available resources. She
also facilitates groups and provides
counselling and support as requested.
An inside look into The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic
Lisa Palmer:
Patient Flow Coordinator
Radhika is likely the
of Arts degree in
first person you will
Psychology in 2010
encounter when you
come to the Clinic.
She co-ordinates
all appointments
and ensures that
Master of Social
Work degree from
The most important
the University of Toronto in 2015.
available. Please
Working with the Clinic team, Lisa
feel free to contact her at the Clinic's
assists patients and their families in
main number (416) 340-5145 if you
participation in our
examining challenges and concerns
have any questions or concerns
research studies.
and in helping to find the best available regarding your appointments.
resources. She provides education
Without your support
to families and other professionals
Research and Administrative Staff
we could not hope
and assists in facilitating groups and
to make advances
providing counselling and support
Gladys Wong: Coordinator
as requested. She also continues to
perform clinical research tasks and
Fiona Fu, Natalie Kwok, Petra Buijs:
breakthroughs for
develop her own research to help our
Research Analysts
patients with 22q.
Greg Costain: Genetics Resident
Monetary donations
Samantha Cooper:
Registered Dietitian
Lily Van, Lisa Liang, Sarah Voll:
appreciated. They
research and our
Dietitian at the
Joanne Loo: Patient and Family
clinic can continue
Educational tool Developer
to help us better
Our research and administrative
collaboratively with
staff have provided essential support
To donate online,
patients and their
services over the years. Their work
visit our website:
families to create
has ensured that we have a functional
nutrition plans that
website, presence of social media and
and click "Donate"
fit their needs and
that our research efforts continue to run
lifestyle. In addition to one-to-one
patient care, Samantha is involved
with group facilitation and patient and
caregiver education as requested.
The Clinical Genetics Research Programat the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH)
Many of our Dalglish Family 22q Clinic team also have a role at CAMH. Together
we are all working on research that will help us understand 22q and related
conditions, like heart defects, schizophrenia and learning disabilities.
Toronto, ON
Sarah Voll
Undergraduate Student
Dr. Anne Bassett
Principal investigator
The Dalglish Family
22q Clinic and the
Clinical Genetics
Dr. Erik Boot
Lisa Palmer
Dr. Eva Chow
Research Program
Research psychiatrist
international group
Gladys Wong
Saint John, NB
of scientists and
Part-time Post-Doctoral
clinicians working to
better understand
Research assistant
Greg Costain
working with many
Genetics Resident
other international
Tracy Heung
leaders in the field
- some are listed on
Research assistant
Natalie Kwok
Lisa Liang
published the first
clinical guidelines
Research funding
for adult patients
We continue to submit several research Frederick Banting and Charles Best
with 22q, which will
grant applications every year, to help Canada Graduate Scholarship (CIHR)
help doctors and
support our research studies of 22q and Three year Doctoral Award 2015-2018
other health care
several other related conditions. We (to Chelsea Lowther)
professionals all
have received funding from:
over the world to
Brain Canada - Studentship A ward
provide the best
National Institute of Mental Health
and Career Development Supplement
care for individuals
Four-year international collaborative
Training award 2013-2015 (to Nancy
operating grant, 2013-2017
Physicians' Services Incorporated
Frederick Banting and Charles Best
Canada Graduate Scholarship (CIHR)
One-year operating grant, 2015
Three year Doctoral Award 2011-2014
(to Nancy Butcher)
Canada-Latin America and the
Caribbean Research Exchange
McLaughlin Centre Accelerator Grant
Grants (LACREG)
One-year operating grant, 2015
One-year operating grant, 2015
We are very grateful to these agencies
for their research support!
Collaborating doctors & researchers
There are many collaborating doctors and researchers who work with us locally
and internationally on 22q and related research. They include:
Dr. Candice Silversides Christian Marshall, PhD Dr. Thérèse van
Adult Cardiologist,
Stephen Scherer, PhD
thank you to the
Maastricht University,
Dr. Erwin Oechslin
Adult Cardiologist,
recently been part
Dr. Lili-Naz Hazrati &
McGinn, MSc, CGC
Dr. Tim-Rasmus Kiehl
Dr. Hanna Faghfoury & Director, 22q Clinic,
Dr. Chantal Morel
Children's Hospital of
Medical Geneticists,
Philadelphia (CHOP)
Dr. Pamela Forsythe
Dr. Susan George
Dr. Wendy Meschino
Agnes Lew
Dr. Alan Fung
Kathleen Hodgkinson,
Dr. Sarah Dyack
Medical Geneticist,
Dr. Robert Jay
Dr. Linda Brzustowicz
Charlottetown, PEI
Dr. Danielle Andrade
Rutgers University,
Dr. Jacob Vorstman
Child Psychiatrist,
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Dr. Brian Chung
Dr. Anthony Lang
Medical Geneticist,
Ann Swillen, PhD
Child psychologist,
Dr. Gabriela Repetto
Dr. Connie Marras
Medical Geneticist,
Bernice Morrow, PhD
Geneticist, New York
And many more!
? On June 7th, 2015, The Dalglish Family For those parents and caregivers unable
22q Clinic at Toronto General Hospital to attend in person, an on-line weblink is
and the Good to Go Transition program at offered to give access to the group from
The Hospital for Sick Children co-hosted home.
the 3rd annual 22q at the Zoo event.
The focus of the day was for individuals The next peer support group will be held
with 22q, their families and Clinic staff to on March 31st, please contact our Clinic
socialize, network and raise awareness at (416) 340-5145 for more information!
are born with this
of 22q in the community. Participants
microdeletion on
also had the chance to go on walks
chromosome 22.
through the zoo, join in fun activities with 22q Family Conference
their friends and families and win great
On November 7th, 2015, the 2nd annual
22q Family Conference was held at
If you couldn't attend this year, you can the Daniels Hollywood Theatre at The
still look forward to the next event. 22q at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
the Zoo is held each year as part of the This conference gave individuals with
of 22q in adults.
22q at the Zoo Worldwide Awareness 22q and their families the chance to learn
About 6 in every
Day, organized by The International 22q more about the condition and meet other
10 adults with 22q
Deletion Syndrome Foundation every families sharing their same experiences.
have a treatable
year. Look for more information in April Information sessions for parents, teens
and young adults were offered on topics
The characteristics
of 22q occur along
Peer Support Groups
• Disclosure of Diagnosis
a spectrum. Some
• Impact on Siblings
individuals have
The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic holds • Mental Health Needs of Teens
peer support groups occasionally for • Navigating the Education System
individuals with 22q and their parents • Opportunity to Share Strategies
or caregivers. We facilitate two groups,
which each run for about 90 minutes:
Participants also had the chance to
enjoy fun activities, and catch a special
A group for parents or caregivers – an appearance by hip-hop artist Luca
opportunity to talk to other parents about "Lazylegz" Patuelli.
Genetic testing - a
concerns, challenges, and successes.
simple blood test
Thanks to the hard work of families,
- is the only way
A group for our adult patients – a chance friends, staff and volunteers, this unique
to confirm a 22q
for our patients to meet each other, event will continue to be held annually.
participate in some fun exercises and Look for more information about the next
to discuss topical subjects with staff Family Conference in Fall 2016!
Get moving! Tips for being physically active
A lot of people know that being
3. Get a family member or friend to join
physically active is a healthy thing to
you in your activity. People are more
do, but often it is hard to keep up with
likely to stick with an activity if they have
this lifestyle change. Here are some
some support.
quick tips for getting more active, and
4. Keep track of your physical activity;
use a journal, a pedometer (to measure
1. The recommended amount of
your daily steps), or a fitness tracker app
physical activity is 30 minutes per day.
for your phone or wrist. Try to beat your
Did you know that it can be split up into
level of activity each week!
We want to create
three 10 minute bits? Splitting up your
newsletters that
activity can make it easier to fit into your 5. Set goals to motivate yourself to do
may interest you.
more activities. Make them specific
and realistic. For example: I will do 15
What information
2. People are more likely to stick to a
minutes of walking daily, right after lunch.
physical activity routine if it is an activity
would you like to
that they enjoy. You don't have to
choose the gym. Dancing, gardening,
swimming, and running with your dog
all count as activity.
Perhaps you have
questions for us
If you're moving, we'd like to hear about it!
Maybe you have a
Moving to a new home is a big change, How can we help?
comment or story
whether you are moving across the • We can help make sure you are to tell us.
country or across the street. Here is
some quick information about how we connected with the appropriate resources
and supports in your new area (e.g. We want to hear
ODSP, DSO, Community Living, etc.)
from you so that
Why tell us?
• We may also be able to make referrals
• We want to ensure you have everything to local specialists who understand 22q.
you need ready for this big change.
more helpful and
What we need from you:
enjoyable to read.
• We want to be able to contact you, if • New telephone numbers; yours and
necessary, if there are changes that your emergency contacts.
We invite you to
could be important to your health care.
• New mailing address.
• We want to keep you to-to-date with
news about 22q, new groups, research • New email address.
comments to us at
(416) 340-5004.
We are excited to announce important Practical guidelines for managing
publications on 22q since our last
adults with 22q11.2 deletion
We've changed newsletter. These would not be possible syndrome.
without your generous contributions to Fung WLA, Butcher NJ, Costain G,
our research. You are helping people Andrade DM, Boot E, Chow EWC, Chung
Our old name, "The
with 22q worldwide!
B, Cytrynbaum C, Faghfoury H, Fishman
Dalglish Family Hearts
L, García-Miñaúr r S, George SR, Lang
and Minds Clinic" has
Some of our recent publications include: AE, Repetto G, Shugar A, Silversides C,
been given a fresh
Swillen A, van Amelsvoort T, McDonald-
Response to clozapine in a clinically McGinn DM, Bassett AS and the
identifiable subtype of schizophrenia: International 22q11.2DS Consortium:
22q11.2 deletions mediate side effect Genetics in Medicine 17:599-609, 2015
risk and dosage.
The Dalglish Family
Butcher NJ, Fung WLA, Fitzpatrick L,
22q Clinic
Guna A, Andrade D, Lang A, Chow EWC, This review is a practice guideline for
Bassett AS: British Journal of Psychiatry providing health care to adults with 22q.
We hope that this
206:484-491, 2015 (doi:10.1192/bjp. An international panel of researchers
name will help more
collaborated to contribute to this paper,
people recognize our
work with adults with
with topics covering the management of
This research explored how individuals
psychiatric and medical conditions, as
with 22q and schizophrenia respond to the well as how to identify these conditions
medication clozapine, and how it differs
Give us a call or send
in adults with 22q.
from individuals with schizophrenia who
us an email to tell us
do not have 22q. We found that a lower
what you think of the
Prevalence of hypocalcaemia and its
dose of clozapine and using preventative associated features in 22q11.2
measures can help lower the risks of deletion syndrome
side effects for individuals with 22q.
Cheung ENM, George SR, Costain GA,
Andrade DM, Chow EWC, Silversides
Movement disorders and other motor CK, Bassett AS: Clinical Endocrinology
abnormalities in adults with 22q11.2 81:190-196, 2014 (doi: 10.1111/
Boot E, Butcher NJ, van Amelsvoort
TAMJ, Lang AE, Marras C, Pondal M, This research explored how common
Andrade DM, Fung WLA, Bassett AS: low calcium levels are in individuals with
American Journal of Medical Genetics 22q, and what the possible causes are.
Part A 167:639-645, 2015 (doi:10.1002/ We found that in addition to changes in
parathyroid function, low thyroid function
may also play a role in causing low
This research looked at five examples of calcium levels. Also, individuals with
adults with 22q who also had movement 22q can have low levels of magnesium,
disorders, which could range from which can further lower calcium. Dietary
balance problems to shakiness. Through intake such as pop and alcohol were
these examples, we were able to suggest also found to lower calcium levels, and
common symptoms and possible causes reducing intake of these drinks is an
of these disorders, which can help other important preventative strategy.
health care professionals to provide
better care for individuals with 22q.
Each year we participate in several
22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
presentations on 22q and other International Meeting
related conditions. Some of our recent Mallorca, Spain
published a number
presentations relating to 22q include:
addressing different
University of Hong Kong Grand Rounds At this biennial international 22q meeting,
Dr. Bassett presented on antipsychotic
Some titles include:
treatment with clozapine in adults with 22q,
and how to use a model of personalized
At the University of Hong Kong Grand
"Could congential
care with patients.
Rounds, Dr. Bassett presented the latest
heart defects be
research on 22q and the genetics of
related to a genetic
22q University Online Webinar
congenital cardiac disease.
Megan Morrison, our previous dietitian, "Could
72nd Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference produced a webinar for the Dempster schizophrenia be
Symposia of the American Cleft Palate- Family Foundation about the nutritional related to a genetic
implications for individuals with 22q. This
video is available online at http://22q.ca/
"Could calcium and
thyroid problems be
Alongside Donna McDonald-McGinn, Dr.
related to a genetic
Bassett presented the results of the practice
guidelines for managing patients with 22q 22q Workshop for York Support
and how this relates to the assessment Services Network
and treatment of palatal abnormalities
for health
Society of Biological Psychiatry 70th Dr. Boot and our Clinic social worker, "Information for
Annual Scientific Meeting
Pam MacFarlane, presented a workshop
Educators and
to members of the York Support Services
School Resource
Network about 22q, its features and how
to best support individuals living with this
Dr. Bassett presented at this annual meeting condition.
"Dalglish Family
the results of a study which investigating
Hearts and
the link between 22q deletions and risk
Minds Clinic for
for schizophrenia during pregnancy. 2nd Annual 22q Family Conference
Nancy Butcher also presented her results Toronto, Ontario
on use of clozapine in schizophrenia for November 7, 2015
individuals with 22q.
visit our website:
Dr. Boot and our Clinic social worker, www.22q.ca
Lisa Palmer, presented two talks about
and click on "Our
transitioning to adult care for individuals
with 22q and their families, as well as
developing advocacy skills.
65th Annual Conference of the
Ontario Association on
Canadian Psychiatric Association
Developmental Disabilities 23rd
Vancouver, British Columbia
Annual Research Day
October 1-3, 2015
Dr. Boot presented at this national
conference for psychiatrists on the Dr. Boot presented at this annual
topic of genetics and its use in the field research day the preliminary results of a
of clinical psychiatry, using examples study looking at how well individuals with
from his experience with 22q and other 22q respond to supplement treatment
Clinic Facebook genetic disorders.
for hypocalcemia.
In 2015, we began
using our Facebook
page to provide more
events, Clinic updates,
Here are some websites that we hope
news and healthy tips
you will find helpful about 22q and
for our patients and
Schizophrenia Society of Canada:
Information for patients and families
affected by schizophrenia, including
We invite you to
treatment, daily living and advocacy.
"Like" our Facebook
page to receive these
The Dalglish Family
updates and send
22q Clinic:
Canadian Congenital Heart Network:
your comments and
The learning centre contains information
Provides information about our Clinic,
and resources for adults who were born
including specialized services to help
with a heart defect.
patients and families.
Information includes:
• Quick facts about 22q
• Directions to our clinic
For those transitioning to adult care.
• Referral information
• Further reading for physicians
I Heart Change:
Offers information for youths with
congenital heart disease about making
the transition to adult care.
International 22q11.2 Deletion
Syndrome Foundation:
Focuses on bringing awareness and
support to individuals affected with
22q and their families.
Susan Gary Heather
Sadly, over the decades, we have lost many members of
the 22q family. They will never be forgotten and remain
close to our hearts. Even their research contributions
live on, and through this knowledge they continue to help
others with 22q. They are included in all of our studies
and their generosity will bring further advancements to
the care of individuals with 22q throughout the decades
They are true angels!
Giving back to the 22q CommunityOver the years, with the help of our patients, families and researchers around the
world, we have come far in learning about how to optimize care for individuals with
22q. Hundreds of patients and families have already participated by donating their
time and blood sample. We also have very precious tissue donations from some of
our patients who have passed away, that are helping us to understand more about all
stages of the life cycle of 22q. All of our advances rely on the continued contributions
of the amazing patients, families and caregivers who we see at our Clinic.
When our patients and families ask, "How can I help support other people with 22q?",
the answer is to get involved with research. We encourage patients and families to
ask us what new research we are working on. We are happy to explain any of our
ongoing and new studies and collaborations.
Every person with 22q can help! A special group are those without major health issues
who are doing well. These individuals can help us understand how well people with
22q can do, and can shed light on the secrets of good health in 22q.
We wholeheartedly appreciate everyone who has already given to the 22q community
by participating in research. This is a gift that is improving healthcare for people with
22q - today, and will do so for many years to come.
We are grateful to everyone who has donated their time for our 22q studies, and we
hope that you will join us in our newest research efforts. All of the progress we are
making is because of you!
As our studies progress, we need to maintain an up-to-date and accurate picture of
your health status. We may contact you for updates on your family history and health
status in the near future. Ideally, we like to see everyone with 22q once per year. This
will also help you stay up-to-date on information about 22q.
The Dalglish Family 22q Clinic
Clinical Genetics Research Program
Toronto General Hospital
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
8 NU (Norman Urquhart), Room 802
33 Russell Street, Main Building, 1st Floor
200 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2S1
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4
Phone: (416) 535-8501 x 32731
Phone: (416) 340-5145
Fax: (416) 535-7199
Fax: (416) 340-5004
Please call Gladys for
Please call Radhika for an appointment
an appointment if we haven't
if we haven't seen you in a while!
seen you in a while!
Source: http://22q.ca/perch/resources/22qnewsletter2016.pdf
STATE OF CONNECTICUT Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership Department of Children and Families ADDENDUM # 1 Department of Social Services Request for Applications The State of Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership, through the Departments of Children and Families and Social Services is issuing the following addendum to the Enhanced Care Clinics Request for Applications. The Department's responses to the three (3) questions that were submitted by applicants in accordance with the terms of the ECC RFA are set forth herein as an addendum to this RFA.
2015–2016 International Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Lawrenceville Summer Scholars Available through Global Travelers Organization, Limited. Eligibility All international students attending a private secondary school registered for credit courses are eligible and must be enrolled in the plan on a hard waiver basis. U.S citizens are not eligible for coverage.