Caims medical bulletin.pm6
A Comparative study of the Anticonvulsant effect of Nimodipine andKetamine combination with standardanticonvulsant drug in Rodents
Prasanand S1, Pushpalatha C2, Mohsin MD3, Sam Pavan Kumar G4, Gundappa Rao S5
Aim of the study: To evaluate and compare the anticonvulsant property of nimodipine and
ketamine combination with a standard drug like Sodium valproate in electrically and chemically
1 Asst. Professor Department
induced seizures in mice.
of Pharmacology,Vinayaka Mission's Medical
Methods: The maximal seizure pattern was induced in mice by giving an alternating current of
College and Hospital,
50 mA for 0.2 sec, 50 Hz and 220 volts (maximal electroshock method), while tonic-clonic seizures
were seen with 60mg/kg sc. dose of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ). The test drugs were administered
2, 4 Assoc. Professor
30min before electrical or chemical induction. The ability of the test drug to abolish or reduce
tonic-clonic seizures is taken as antiepileptic criteria. The dose of the test drugs nimodipine was
Department of Pharmacology,
kept constant and combined with increasing dose of ketamine.
Chalmeda Anand Rao Institueof Medical Sciences,
Results: In maximal electroshock (MES) method, nimodipine (5mg/kg) in combination with
ketamine (50mg/kg) only at a higher dose abolished tonic-clonic seizures. In pentylenetetrazole
(PTZ) induced method, nimodipine (5mg/kg) in combination with ketamine at doses of 30, 50
Amirtha School of Ayurveda
mg/kg abolished seizures.
Kollam, Kerala.
Conclusion: The result suggests that nimodipine and ketamine combination was effective
against maximal electroshock (MES) induced seizures in animals. This is the best validated model
for evaluating drugs for the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) in human. The
1Dr. S. Prasanand
combination is also effective against pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced seizure in animals and
MD (Pharmacology)
may be effective in absence seizure in human.
KEYWORDS: Nimodipine, ketamine, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), maximal electroshock (MES)
methyl-D-aspertate (NMDA) receptor antagonist may have
effective action in blocking seizures since N-methyl-D-
Epilepsy is one of the most common serious primary brain
aspertate (NMDA) receptors activate the voltage sensitive
disorders, affecting 40 million people worldwide(1). It is a
calcium channels. Maximal electroshock (MES) method is
heterogeneous symptom complex-a chronic disorder
the measure of the ability of an anticonvulsant drug to abolish
characterized by recurrent seizures. Seizures are finite
or decrease in the duration of fore limb flexion or hind limb
episodes of brain dysfunction resulting from abnormal
extension was taken as an index of protection induced my
discharge of cerebral neurons.The term epilepsy refers to a
means of an Electroconvulsometer(3). Maximal electroshock
group of chronic neurologic conditions characterized by
(MES) seizures and Pentylenetetrazole induced seizures are
recurrent epileptic seizures. Epileptic seizures are the clinical
the widely used evaluation methods for substances with
manifestations (signs and symptoms) of excessive and /or
potential antiepileptic activity.
hypersynchronous, usually self-limited, abnormal activity
of neurons in the brain(2). Some epileptic seizures may be
primarily generated at a subcortical level.
As calcium ion influx is involved in the origin of seizures, a
The anticonvulsant profile of nimodipine and ketamine
calcium channel blocker like Nimodipine has vital role as an
combination was evaluated in two conventional
antiepileptic drug and the combination with Ketamine, a N-
experimental methods of epilepsy; (i) Pentylenetetrazole
Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences Vol 5 Issue 1 November 2012
ISSN (Print) : 2278-5310
Prasanand etal : A comparative study of the anti convulsant effect of nimodipine and ketamine
(PTZ) induced convulsions, (ii) Maximal electroshock (MES)
in each group. Control group received Distilled water, 0.5ml/
mice, Standard group received Sodium valproate, 150mg/
kg., Test 1, 2 and 3 groups received Nimodipine 5mg/kg in
Animals: Sixty male albino mice weighing between 24 to 40
combination with Ketamine 10mg/kg, 30mg/kg and 50mg/
grams were used. Mice were kept in groups of 3 to 4 per
kg, intraperitoneally, respectively. After 30 minutes of
cage and fed regularly except during test period. The study
administration of control, standard and test drug Maximal
was approved by Institutional Animal Ethics Committee
electroshock given to induce convulsions. An ear-clip
(IAEC). Experiments were carried out at around the same
electrode was used to deliver the stimuli with the current
time every day.
strength of 50 mA for 0.2 sec, 50 Hz and 220 volts(6). The
Drugs: Nimodipine (5mg/kg, ip)5, Ketamine (10, 30 & 50
experimental animals were closely observed for 5 minutes
mg/kg, ip) were dissolved in distilled water and
and the following parameters were recorded(7).
administered in combination, Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)
- Duration of clonic flexion phase
(60mg/kg, sc).
- Duration of tonic extension phase
i) Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced convulsions in mice:
Thirty male mice were divided into 5 groups consisting of
- Duration of post-ictal depression phase
six mice in each group. Control group received Distilled
water, 0.5ml/mice, Standard group received Sodium
- Time of recovery
valproate, 150mg/kg., Test 1, 2 and 3 groups received
Nimodipine 5mg/kg in combination with Ketamine 10mg/
kg, 30mg/kg and 50mg/kg, intraperitoneally, respectively.
Pentelenetetrazole (PTZ) 60mg/kg injected, subcutaneously,
i) Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) Induced Convulsios in Mice
after 30 minutes of administration of control, standard and
test drug. Each animal was placed in individual plastic cage
Control group (Distilled water 0.5ml/mice): All animals
and observed for 1 hour for time of onset, duration of
developed clonic tonic convulsion by PTZ. The mean time
convulsion, time to recover(4).
of onset of convulsion was 653.6 ± 179.04 seconds, mean
duration of convulsion was 12.33 ± 4.3 seconds and mean
ii) Maximal electroshock (MES) induced convulsions: Thirty
time of recovery was 214.33 ± 108.38 seconds. All animals
male mice were divided into 5 groups consisting of six mice
Effect of Drugs on Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) Induced Convulsios in Mice
Mean time of onset
of convulsion (sec)
Distilled water 0.5ml/mice
Sodium valproate 150mg/kg
2289.83 ± 408.49**
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 10mg/kg
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 30mg/kg
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/kg
Mean values represented as Mean ± S.D.
n = 6 in each group
*P < 0.05 – Significant, **P < 0.001 – highly Significant
Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences Vol 5 Issue 1 November 2012
Prasanand etal : A comparative study of the anti convulsant effect of nimodipine and ketamine
Effect of Drugs on Maximal Electroshock (MES) Induced Convulsions in Mice
Mean duration of hind Mean duration of Post-
forelimb flexion (sec) limb extension (sec)
ictal depression (sec)
Distilled water 0.5ml/mice
Sodium valproate 150mg/kg
13.33 ± 20.695**
23.67 ± 36.713**
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 10mg/kg
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 30mg/kg
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/kg
Mean values represented as Mean ± S.D
n = 6 in each group
*P < 0.05 – Significant, **P < 0.001 – highly Significant
experienced one episode of convulsion and no mice died.
significant in duration of onset and time of recovery i.e., P<
Standard group (Sodium valproate 150mg/kg): On
administration of standard drug, the mice remained normal
ii) Maximal Electroshock (MES) Induced Convulsions in Mice
and no animal developed convulsion in one hour observation
after PTZ administration. One mouse showed minimal
Control group (Distilled water 0.5ml/mice): All animals
twitching for 4 seconds. It was inferred as 100% protection
developed single episode of convulsion after MES with mean
against convulsion.
duration of forelimb flexion of 4.167 ± 1.169 seconds, mean
duration of hind limb extension of 26.67 ± 7.340 seconds,
Test - 1 group (Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 10mg/kg):
mean duration of post-ictal phase of 75.67 ± 16.367 seconds
All animals developed convulsion after PTZ administration
and mean duration of recovery of 115.67 ± 36.098 seconds.
with a mean time of onset of 2289.83 ± 408.49 seconds, mean
duration of convulsion of 7.67 ± 1.967 and mean duration of
Standard group (Sodium valproate 150mg/kg): On
recovery of 12.83 ± 3.060 seconds which implies that all events
administration of standard drug, no mice developed
occurred after a prolonged period when compared to control
convulsion after MES. Three mice showed a minimal
twitching and a jerky movement. It implies that 100%
protection was offered against convulsion.
Test - 2 Group (Nimodipine 5 mg/kg + Ketamine 30mg/
kg): The mice were monitored for one hour after PTZ
Test - 1 group (Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 10mg/kg):
administration. 4 out of 6 mice had tail rising whereas 2 mice
Only three mice developed clonic convulsion of which one
had a minimal twitch and no mice developed convulsion. In
mice did not show tonic convulsion with mean duration of
this group 100% protection was provided by test drug.
forelimb flexion of 0.833 ± 0.983 seconds, mean duration of
hind limb extension of 13.33 ± 20.695 seconds, mean duration
Test - 3 Group (Nimodipine 5 mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/
of post-ictal phase of 4.33 ± 6.743 and mean time of recovery
kg): All animals were protected (100%) from convulsions and
of 23.67 ± 36.713 seconds.
no jerks or twitches were observed. The mice looked normal
and active and the test dose was effective.
Test - 2 Group (Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 30mg/kg):
It was observed that 2 out of 6 mice developed convulsion
From the findings there was 100% protection from
after MES with mean duration of forelimb flexion of 0.667 ±
convulsions in standard group and also in Test - 2 and Test -
0.968 seconds, mean duration of hind limb extension of 1.167
3 groups. On comparison of Test groups with control group,
± 1.835 seconds, mean duration of post-ictal phase of 2.83 ±
Test – 1, Test – 2 and Test - 3 were statistically highly
4.401 seconds and mean duration of recovery of 3.833 ± 5.947
Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences Vol 5 Issue 1 November 2012
Prasanand etal : A comparative study of the anti convulsant effect of nimodipine and ketamine
seconds which implies that all events occurred after a
day orally for five days, increased the seizure - threshold by
prolonged period when compared to control group.
50-60% in rabbits.
Test - 3 Group (Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/kg):
The efficacy of calcium channel blockers (CCBs) to reduce
no mice developed convulsion. Only 1 out of 6 mice was
the duration of tonic hind limb extensor phase in the MES
observed with minimal twitches. In this group 100%
has been shown to correlate with the ability to prevent partial
protection was offered by test drug.
and generalized tonic clonic convulsions in man(9).
Theoretical consideration suggests that CCBs have
From the values recorded, the control group had 0% and
anticonvulsant activity and this work correlates with the
standard group had 100% protection from MES induced
earlier studies(10). These drugs have important potentials as
convulsions. On comparison of test groups with control
adjuvants and as non-sedative antiepileptic agents(11).
group, Test - 1 was statistically highly significant (P<0.001)
in duration of hind limb extension. Test – 1 was highly
The combined anticonvulsant activity may be due to the L-
significant and Test - 2 was significant (P < 0.05) in post-ictal
type Ca2+ channel blockade by Nimodipine and non-
phase. All test groups were highly significant (P < 0.001) in
competitive antagonism of NMDA receptor by Ketamine.
relation to the time of recovery. The combination of
Ketamine has also been reported to inhibit voltage dependent
Nimodipine with Ketamine at a higher dose (50mg/kg) was
Ca2+ channels(12). In nerve cells, it has been shown that
effective against both PTZ and MES induced convulsions in
stimulation of NMDA receptor, activates voltage operated
experimental mice.
Ca2+ channels(13) and Nimodipine has been reported to
counteract the increased Ca2+ influx evoked by NMDA
receptors(14). Furthermore, Nimodipine has also been shown
to decrease Ca2+ dependent release of excitatory
The result of this study indicated that the dihydropyridine
calcium channel blocker Nimodipine has shown to be
In conclusion, all the observations and the findings in this
effective against Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and Maximal
Electro shock (MES) induced convulsions when given in
experiment suggest that the anticonvulsant effect of the
combination of Nimodipine and Ketamine is comparable to
combination with Ketamine, a non-competi-tive antagonist
that of the standard drug, Sodium valproate. This indicates
of NMDA receptors in mice. NMDA receptors have been
proposed to be involved in the generation and maintenance
that, Nimodipine and Ketamine combination was effective
against MES induced seizures in animals. This is the best
of epileptiform activity. Earlier studies have indicated that
validated model for evaluating drug for the treatment of
NMDA receptor antagonists more effectively block or
antagonize the Maximal Electroshock (MES) induced
GTCS in human. The combination is also effective against
PTZ induced seizure in animals and may be effective in
seizures and they are either ineffective or weak against
Absence seizure in human.
Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) or Picrotoxin induced seizures in
The present study is based on the combined effect of
Nimodipine and Ketamine when compared to the standard
On the basis of present study, it can be stated that
antiepileptic drug against Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and
Nimodipine 5mg/kg in combination with Ketamine 10mg/
Maximal ElectroShock (MES) induced convulsions in
kg was not effective but with Ketamine 30mg/kg and 50mg/
experimental mice. Nimodipine 5 mg/kg bodyweight is
kg had 100% protection which is similar to that of sodium
given in combination with Ketamine in doses of 10mg/kg,
valproate 150mg/kg in controlling seizures induced by
30mg/kg and 50mg/kg bodyweight. It has shown that this
Pentylenetetrazole. Nimodipine 5mg/kg with Ketamine at
combination reduced the duration of flexor and extensor
the doses of 10mg/kg, 30mg/kg and 50mg/kg had 50%, 67%
phases as well as incidence of convulsions in both PTZ and
and 100% protection against Maximal Electroshock induced
MES induced convulsions. The study showed that Ketamine
convulsion in mice. On comparison with Sodium valproate,
produced dose related anticonvulsant effect when given with
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 10mg/kg and 30mg/kg
Nimodipine 5mg/kg bodyweight. The anticonvulsant effects
were comparatively less effective, whereas Nimodipine
were significant (P <0.01) with Nimodipine 5mg/kg +
5mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/kg was equally effective, in
Ketamine 30mg/kg. It was highly significant (P <0.001) with
controlling seizures induced by Maximal electroshock in
Nimodipine 5mg/kg + Ketamine 50mg/kg which blocked
mice. It may be concluded that Nimodipine and ketamine
the flexor and extensor phases. This is in agreement with the
combination has anticonvulsant effect; an increase in
findings of Irfuno et al(8) who observed that NMDA induced
anticonvulsant effect was observed when the dose of
hyperactivity was antagonized by Ketamine in a dose-
Ketamine was increased in combination with Nimodipine.
dependent manner. In a study done by Meyer et al, had stated
that Nimodipine when administered in a dose of 5mg/kg/
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Infancy, 1–23, 2013Copyright © International Society on Infant Studies (ISIS)ISSN: 1525-0008 print / 1532-7078 onlineDOI: 10.1111/infa.12026 Toddlers Activate Lexical Semantic Knowledge in the Absence of Visual Referents: Evidence from Auditory Jon A. Willits, Erica H. Wojcik, Mark S. Seidenberg, and Jenny R. Saffran Department of Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison
The new england journal of medicine established in 1812 january 19, 2006 A Controlled Trial of Long-Term Inhaled Hypertonic Saline in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Mark R. Elkins, M.H.Sc., Michael Robinson, Ph.D., Barbara R. Rose, Ph.D., Colin Harbour, Ph.D.,Carmel P. Moriarty, R.N., Guy B. Marks, Ph.D., Elena G. Belousova, M.Appl.Sc., Wei Xuan, Ph.D.,