08-0756 11.27
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer:Proposed Biologic Mechanisms and Areas forFuture Research
Heather K. Neilson,1 Christine M. Friedenreich,1 Nigel T. Brockton,1 and Robert C. Millikan2
1Division of Population Health and Information, Alberta Cancer Board, Calgary, Canada; and 2Department of Epidemiology andLinberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Convincing evidence now supports a probable pre-
cer risk through interrelated mechanisms. The most
ventive role for physical activity in postmenopausal
convincing epidemiologic evidence supported associa-
breast cancer. The mechanisms by which long-term phy-
tions between postmenopausal breast cancer risk and
sical activity affect risk, however, remain unclear. The
BMI, estrogens, and androgens, respectively. In relation
aims of this review were to propose a biological model
to physical activity, associations were most convincing
whereby long-term physical activity lowers postmeno-
for BMI, estrone, insulin resistance, and C-reactive
pausal breast cancer risk and to highlight gaps in the
protein. Only BMI and estrone were convincingly (or
epidemiologic literature. To address the second aim,
probably) associated with both postmenopausal breast
we summarized epidemiologic literature on 10 proposed
cancer risk and physical activity. There is a need for
biomarkers, namely, body mass index (BMI), estrogens,
prospective cohort studies relating the proposed bio-
androgens, sex hormone binding globulin, leptin, adi-
markers to cancer risk and for long-term exercise
ponectin, markers of insulin resistance, tumor necrosis
randomized controlled trials comparing biomarker
factor-A, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein, in rela-
changes over time, specifically in postmenopausal
tion to postmenopausal breast cancer risk and physical
women. Future etiologic studies should consider inter-
activity, respectively. Associations were deemed ‘‘con-
actions among biomarkers, whereas exercise trials
vincing,'' ‘‘probable,'' ‘‘possible,'' or ‘‘hypothesized''
should explore exercise effects independently of weight
using set criteria. Our proposed biological model illus-
loss, different exercise prescriptions, and effects on
trated the co-occurrence of overweight/obesity, insulin
central adiposity.
(Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
resistance, and chronic inflammation influencing can-
2009;18(1):11– 27)
In 2004 the lifetime probability of developing invasive
(4), whereby habitual activity may lower risk by appro-
breast cancer for women in Canada was 11% or 1 in 9,
ximately 20% (7). The evidence in premenopausal
more than any other cancer in women aside from
women has been generally weaker (4, 5). The mecha-
nonmelanoma skin cancer (1). In 2004 in the United
nisms by which long-term physical activity lowers post-
States, invasive breast cancer was the most commonly
menopausal breast cancer risk, however, remain unclear.
diagnosed cancer in women (age-adjusted incidence
Mechanistic insight, ideally from biomarker studies (8),
rate at 118 per 100,000 women; ref. 2). Although several
would add biological plausibility to the association,
risk factors are proposed for breast cancer, low levels of
guide future epidemiologic research, identify new targets
physical activity may be one of the most modifiable.
for interventions, and inform public health recommen-
Excess body weight and low physical activity together
dations for lowering breast cancer risk.
may account for one quarter to one third of all breast
The aims of our review were to propose a biological
cancer cases (3). From the substantial epidemiologic
model whereby long-term physical activity lowers post-
literature on physical activity and breast cancer (3-6),
menopausal breast cancer risk and to highlight gaps in
convincing evidence now supports a ‘‘probable'' preven-
the epidemiologic literature. To address the second aim,
tive role for physical activity in postmenopausal women
we summarized the existing epidemiologic literatureon the following 10 biologically plausible, candidatebiomarkers (anthropometric and blood), in relation to
Received 8/15/08; revised 10/5/08; accepted 10/27/08.
postmenopausal breast cancer risk and physical activity,
Grant support: CMF is supported by an Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
respectively: body weight or body mass index (BMI),
Research Health Senior Scholar Award. R.C. Millikan is supported by the SpecializedProgram of Research Excellence in Breast Cancer NIH Grant P50-CA58223.
estrogens, androgens, sex hormone binding globulin
Requests for reprints: Christine Friedenreich, Division of Population Health,
(SHBG), leptin, adiponectin, markers of insulin resistance
Alberta Cancer Board, 1331-29 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 4N2.
(i.e. insulin, glucose, C-peptide, and glycosylated hemo-
Phone: 403-521-3841; Fax: 403-270-8003. E-mail:
[email protected] D 2009 American Association for Cancer Research.
globin), tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), interleukin-6
(IL-6), and C-reactive protein (CRP). Although many
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
candidate biomarkers exist (9-14), the plausibility of our
types and we believed all of the associations to be
chosen biomarkers has been discussed in recent literature
biologically plausible. Furthermore, we did not assess
(9, 13, 15) and their responses to exercise have been
physical activity methods or adjustment for potential
tested (16-20) or are currently under investigation (9) in
confounders in the individual studies as these assess-
various exercise intervention trials for postmenopausal
ments were beyond the scope of this review. An asso-
breast cancer prevention. Insulin-like growth factor-1
ciation was deemed ‘‘convincing'' if it was supported by
was not included in our review because most previous
at least two cohort studies or trials (i.e., randomized or
studies in older women have not shown decreased
nonrandomized) and the expected association was found
insulin-like growth factor-1 with increasing physical
consistently across all analyses, or if the association was
activity (20, 21). Moreover, at least two reviews of the
generally supported by a large body of epidemiologic
epidemiologic literature failed to show significantly
literature and/or public health guidelines. An associa-
altered breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women
tion was considered ‘‘probable'' if two or more cohort
with higher insulin-like growth factor-1 levels (22, 23).
studies or trials were conducted and most of the analyses
Likewise, we excluded mammographic density from our
supported the same expected association. ‘‘Possible''
biological model because recent research has generally
described associations based on two or more cohort
shown no association between physical activity and
studies or trials or five or more case-control, nested case-
breast density (24-30).
control, or case-cohort studies and/or 50% of theanalyses or less supporting the same expected associa-tion. An association was ‘‘hypothesized'' if supported by
Materials and Methods
a limited number of studies and/or very few analyses, ifany, showed the expected association. We summarized
In February 2008 we searched the published literature
each study's findings very simply in terms of ‘‘positive''
using PubMed (NIH). To identify studies we queried
or ‘‘negative'' based on the direction of the association
medical subject headings (MeSH) for each hypothesized
and whether or not the adjusted results reached
biomarker combined with terms for breast cancer (MeSH
statistical significance (P V 0.05).
term ‘‘Breast Neoplasms'') and physical activity (‘‘phys-ical activity'' or MeSH terms ‘‘Motor Activity'' or
‘‘Exercise''), respectively. Hypothesized biomarker infor-mation was retrieved using the following MeSH terms:
Body Weight Measures. A strong biological rationale
‘‘Estrogens,'' ‘‘Androgens,'' ‘‘Sex-hormone binding glob-
and wealth of epidemiologic evidence now support a
ulin,'' ‘‘C-reactive protein,'' ‘‘Leptin,'' ‘‘Adiponectin,''
role for elevated body weight in increasing postmeno-
‘‘Interleukin-6,'' ‘‘Tumor necrosis factor-alpha,'' ‘‘Insu-
pausal breast cancer risk. Overweight and obesity could
lin,'' "Insulin resistance," ‘‘Glucose,'' ‘‘C-peptide,'' ‘‘He-
lead to cancer through a number of pathways, including
moglobin A, Glycosylated,'' ‘‘Hyperinsulinism,'' ‘‘Body
higher levels of circulating sex hormones, insulin
weights and measures,'' ‘‘Body composition,'' and
resistance, chronic inflammation, and/or lower levels
‘‘Body weight.'' We limited our electronic search to
of SHBG and adiponectin (Table 1), although the exact
English language publications in humans. Due to the
mechanisms are unknown.
extensive literature on physical activity and insulin
As expected, our search of the review literature
resistance, physical activity and body weight, and breast
supported a convincing positive association between
cancer and body weight, we restricted the latter three
postmenopausal breast cancer risk and elevated BMI
searches to English language review articles and meta-
(Table 2). A 2007 review of 24 cohort studies and 56 case-
analyses in adults. With respect to the remaining topics,
control studies in postmenopausal women (4) provided
we reviewed original articles reporting results explicitly
strong evidence of increased risk with increasing BMI
for postmenopausal women. We excluded intervention
based on consistent findings and clear dose-response
trials in cancer survivors and studies in diseased women
relations. Similarly, a 2008 meta-analysis of 31 prospec-
(unless they were type 2 diabetics, whom we included),
tive studies found a 12% increase in risk of postmeno-
trained athletes, or the severely obese. Studies presenting
pausal breast cancer for every 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI
results only for women on hormone replacement ther-
[relative risk, 1.12; 95% confidence interval (95% CI),
apy were also excluded. Furthermore, if postmenopausal
1.08-1.16; ref. 31]. In general, earlier reviews reported
status was ambiguous or results were not stratified by
higher risk with adult weight gain (32, 33) and increas-
menopausal status, then the article was excluded. If
ing weight and/or BMI for postmenopausal women
menopausal status was not stated but the minimum age
(3, 33-36). A 2001 meta-analysis of 13 studies in post-
of participants was z55 y, however, the study was
menopausal women showed a significantly increased
included. Acute exercise trials (<4 wk duration) or trials
risk of breast cancer by 2% per 1 kg/m2 increase in BMI
intervening in both exercise and diet were similarly
(37). Subsequently, a 2003 pooled analysis of eight
excluded from our review in order to isolate the effects
prospective studies of postmenopausal women (38)
of long-term physical activity from weight loss. The
found the relative risk of breast cancer to be 1.19 (95%
review was not restricted to any particular type or
CI, 1.05-1.34) for every 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI.
intensity of physical activity.
However, when adjusted for free estradiol, the risk
We classified the epidemiologic evidence using a
approached unity (relative risk, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.89-1.17).
scheme adapted from the American Institute of Cancer
In the same analysis, the mean concentration of estrogen
Research/World Cancer Research Fund's recent compre-
metabolites in obese women (BMI z30.0) was between
hensive report on physical activity and cancer prevention
60% and 219% higher than in thin women (BMI <22.5),
(4). Unlike the report, however, we did not assess study
showing the important, presumably causal path from
quality or study heterogeneity within or among study
body weight to circulating estrogen levels (Table 1).
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
Table 1. Possible mechanisms relating commonly proposed biomarkers to postmenopausal breast cancer risk andphysical activity
Proposed biomarker
Possible role in postmenopausal breast cancer
Possible impact of physical activity in
postmenopausal women
Adipose tissue contains higher levels of aromatase
Reduces adiposity thereby lowering the capacity
which converts androgens to estrogens (57).
for conversion of androgens to estrogens by
Estrogens are mitogens in the breast, stimulating
aromatase and lowering circulating estrogen
mammary cell proliferation through estrogen
levels (10, 221).
receptor – mediated transcriptional activity and by
Reduces insulin levels thereby increasing SHBG
activation of intracellular signaling pathways (48, 57).
levels (73-75) which may decrease estradiolbioavailability.
Testosterone and androstenedione may increase
Decreases testosterone levels through loss of body
risk upon conversion to estradiol and estrone,
fat. Decreased adiposity lowers levels of 17h-
respectively, in adipose tissue (58, 222).
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme which
Androgens also act directly on breast cells by binding
converts androstenedione to testosterone in s.c.
to the androgen receptor (65), a ligand-dependent
and intra-abdominal fat (228), thereby lowering
transcription factor expressed in the majority of
breast cancers (223, 224).
Reduces adiposity thereby lowering the capacity
There may be synergy between estrogens and
for conversion of androgens to estrogens by
androgens in increasing breast cancer risk (69).
aromatase and lowering circulating estrogen
The exact mechanism in postmenopausal breast
levels (10, 221).
cancer is unclear (69, 225). In vitro, androgens can
Reduces insulin levels thereby increasing SHBG
directly stimulate or inhibit breast cancer cell
levels (73-75) which may decrease testosterone
proliferation depending on the cell line (69, 226, 227).
Some clinical data support a protective role forandrogens in breast cancer (227).
SHBG binds to estradiol and testosterone (55) thereby
Reduces insulin levels which increases circulating
reducing their bioavailabilities; may act as a negative
SHBG (73, 229), thereby decreasing the
modulator of estradiol (54).
bioavailabilities of estradiol and testosterone.
Insulin Resistance
Hyperinsulinemia is associated with decreased
An acute bout of exercise enhances insulin
plasma SHBG (73, 229), thereby increasing sex
sensitivity and glucose uptake mainly on account
of skeletal muscle activity; however, the effects
Insulin exerts mitogenic effects in breast cancer cells
tend to dissipate within days (78).
in vitro; (230, 231) may synergize with estrogen
Prolonged high intensity exercise training can
sustain insulin sensitivity (76, 78) and protect
Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are strongly
against development of type 2 diabetes (77)
related to obesity,(233) and particularly intra-
perhaps by reducing abdominal fat, increasing
abdominal fat (73, 234). Insulin resistance has been
skeletal muscle mass, increasing glucose
associated with increased leptin, TNF-a, adipose
transport into the muscle,(235) or decreasing
tissue – derived IL-6, and decreased adiponectin,
fatty acid synthesis (76, 78).
respectively (15, 117).
Overweight and obesity generally results in: higher
Reduces body weight (41) and decreases central
levels of sex hormones (71, 236, 237);
adiposity in some populations (239) including
higher levels of aromatase, which converts androgens
postmenopausal women (17, 107, 108, 216, 240).
to estrogens in adipose tissue, and therefore higherlevels of total estradiol (57, 75, 238);
more abdominal fat and thus more 17h-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase, which regulates the conversion ofandrostenedione to testosterone (228);
chronic release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue,
resulting in reduced uptake of glucose by thetissues and consequently, increased circulatinginsulin (57, 238);
lower levels of SHBG in response to hyperinsulinemia
and thus, higher circulating levels of bioavailableestradiol and testosterone (57, 238);
greater release of leptin, IL-6, and TNF-a from adipose
tissue and decreased adiponectin (57, 111, 141, 238).
Not surprisingly, clinical practice guidelines for
weight by 3.6% on average (41). In a meta-analysis of
treatment of overweight and obesity in the United States
nine pedometer-based interventions, there was a strong
(39) and Canada (40) support a convincing association
dose-response relation whereby longer intervention
between long-term physical activity and weight loss
duration was associated with greater weight loss (44).
(Table 3). Although calorie restriction induces more
Another review of eight recent (2000-2006) exercise
weight loss than exercise alone (41), both countries
randomized control trials (RCT) suggested that longer
advocate long-term regular exercise to induce modest
duration of physical activity is optimal for decreasing
weight loss in overweight and obese adults. Exercise is
body weight and adiposity (45).
also recommended to maintain weight loss (40, 42, 43). Ameta-analysis of 25 years of lifestyle weight loss
Estrogens and SHBG. Endogenous estrogen status has
programs specifically showed that aerobic exercise alone
become a well-established risk factor for postmenopausal
(mean, 15.6 weeks) decreased BMI by 0.8 and initial
breast cancer (46) regardless of individual risk (predicted
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
Table 2. Results from epidemiologic studies of proposed biomarkers and breast cancer risk in postmenopausalwomen
Proposed biomarker
Type of study design, study results (F/NA) and number of analyses
4 (125, 204, 245, 250)
Reviews of the epidemiologic literature support positive associations between postmenopausal breast
cancer risk and BMI and/or body weight (3, 4, 31, 33-38).
NOTE: +, positive association and P V 0.05;
, negative association and P V 0.05; NA, no association and P > 0.05.
*Original studies included in pooled analyses were exclusive from studies referenced elsewhere in the table. The pooled analysis by Key et al. (59) includedonly prospective studies in postmenopausal women: six studies on estrone, nine on estradiol, seven on SHBG, seven on testosterone, and five onandrostenedione. An update on one cohort included the pooled analysis (253) was subsequently published (254) but was not included in the table to avoiddouble counting.
by a modified Gail model, the Rosner and Colditz model,
It is worth noting that most physical activity studies were
or family history of breast cancer; ref. 47) with possible
cross-sectional in nature (5 of 8 studies on estrone, 7 of
influence on the initiation, promotion, and progression
10 studies on estradiol, 5 of 9 studies on SHBG), which is
of breast cancer (48). Furthermore, the successful use of
a limited study design because the temporal sequence of
antiestrogenic drugs in reducing breast cancer incidence
cause and effect cannot be shown.
rates supports a role for estrogens in breast cancer etio-
It is unclear whether or not physical activity lowers
logy (49-51). Several estrogen metabolites may influence
estrogen levels independently of weight loss. Some cross-
breast cancer risk (52) including estrone, estrone sulfate,
sectional studies have found significant inverse associa-
and 17h-estradiol (estradiol), the most biologically active
tions between physical activity and estrogen levels even
endogenous estrogen (53). Higher SHBG might lower
after controlling for BMI or adiposity (61-64), suggest-
risk by acting as a negative modulator of estradiol (54)
ing an independent role for physical activity. Yet in a
and by reducing estrogen bioavailability (55). The most
12-month RCT (18), postmenopausal women assigned to
common hypothesis linking postmenopausal breast can-
an exercise group who lost z0.5% body fat experienced
cer to estrogens relates to adiposity (Table 1). The main
decreased estrone, estradiol, free estradiol and increased
source of circulating estrogens, for postmenopausal
SHBG, whereas women who did not lose body fat
women who do not use hormone replacement therapy,
experienced increased estrogen levels.
derives from androgen aromatization in the peripheraltissues such as bone, muscle, brain, and most notably,
Androgens. As for estrogens, a growing body of
adipose tissue (56-58).
epidemiologic evidence supports a positive association
As expected, our review of the literature revealed a
between androgen levels and postmenopausal breast
convincing association between postmenopausal breast
cancer risk (46). Androgens are the most abundant sex
cancer and estrone and a probable association with
steroid hormones in postmenopausal women, with
estradiol (Table 2). Some of the strongest evidence
testosterone being one of the most powerful natural
stemmed from a pooled analysis of prospective studies
forms (65). Before and after menopause, adrenal- or
in postmenopausal women (59), in which the odds ratio
ovarian-derived androstenedione gives rise to testoster-
for breast cancer was 2.00 (95% CI, 1.47-2.71) for the
one (and its derivative, dihydrotestosterone) in the
highest versus the lowest quintiles of total estradiol; for
ovaries and in other tissues such as adipose and breast
estrone the odds ratio was 2.19 (95% CI, 1.48-3.22). The
(65-68). As with estradiol, testosterone binds reversibly to
evidence for SHBG was less convincing, deemed possible
SHBG rendering it biologically inactive (55). The aroma-
using our criteria, with the pooled analysis resulting in
tase enzyme converts testosterone to estradiol, and
an odds ratio of 0.66 (95% CI, 0.43-1.00) reaching only
androstenedione to estrone, within the adipose tissue of
borderline statistical significance (59).
postmenopausal women (56).
In relation to physical activity, associations were rated
It remains unclear whether increased risk results from
probable for estrone but only possible for estradiol and
androgens increasing breast cell growth directly or
SHBG (Table 3). Two RCTs examined estrone and
indirectly via estrogen production (Table 1; ref. 69). For
estradiol in relation to physical activity with one RCT
example, one prospective study in postmenopausal
showing no association (60) and the other showing sig-
women found little association between androgens and
nificant inverse associations with both metabolites (18).
breast cancer risk after controlling for estrogen levels
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
Table 2. Results from epidemiologic studies of proposed biomarkers and breast cancer risk in postmenopausalwomen (Cont'd)
Type of study design, study results (F/NA) and number of analyses
Nested case-control or case-cohort
(70). Likewise, respective adjustments for estrone, estra-
insulin resistance can coincide with normal or impaired
diol, and free estradiol (but not testosterone or andros-
glucose tolerance, it also increases risk of type 2 diabetes
tenedione) substantially weakened associations between
and is a key component of the metabolic syndrome,
BMI and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in one
two conditions that are modifiable by physical activity
nested case-control study (71). However, adjustment for
(77, 81). Genetic and environmental factors contribute
estradiol levels only slightly attenuated the relative risk
to both insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome;
associated with testosterone in a pooled analysis of
obesity, however, and particularly intra-abdominal
prospective studies (59) and at least one other cohort
adiposity are also considered important determinants
study (72), thus supporting an independent mechanism
of risk (77, 82).
for androgens.
A causal link between insulin resistance and post-
Our review found probable associations between
menopausal breast cancer risk is biologically plausible
postmenopausal breast cancer risk and androstenedione
(Table 1). Furthermore, in one meta-analysis, diabetes
and testosterone, respectively, because most studies
mellitus (largely type 2) was associated with a significant
supported positive relations (Table 2). In a pooled
(16%) increase in postmenopausal breast cancer risk (83).
analysis of prospective studies, postmenopausal women
Our review suggested a possible increased risk of post-
in the highest quintiles of serum testosterone and
menopausal breast cancer with higher levels of serum
androstenedione concentrations, respectively, had more
insulin, glucose, and C-peptide (a marker of pancreatic
than double the risk of developing breast cancer
insulin secretion; ref. 84), respectively (Table 2). Of the
compared with women in the lowest quintiles (relative
14 studies measuring at least one of these markers in
risk, 2.22; 95% CI, 1.59-3.10 for testosterone; relative risk,
postmenopausal women, seven found at least one
2.15; 95% CI, 1.44-3.21 for androstenedione; ref. 59). In
significant positive association (85-91), whereas the
the same analysis, a doubling of androgen levels
remainder showed no association (92-98). Also one large
produced an estimated 20% to 40% increase in breast
cohort study (99) revealed a weak inverse association
cancer risk.
between postmenopausal breast cancer risk and HbA1C, a
Physical activity could lower testosterone levels by
measure of long-term blood glucose levels (100).
decreasing adiposity or by increasing circulating SHBG
In contrast to its possible association with breast can-
(refs. 73-75; Table 1). However, our literature review
cer risk, we classified the link between physical acti-
suggested only possible inverse associations between
vity and insulin resistance as convincing (Table 3) based
physical activity and serum testosterone and serum
on the scientific consensus (7, 76, 101-104). Specifically,
androstenedione (Table 3). Similar to the estrogen
a statement by the American Diabetes Association, the
literature, much of this evidence was derived from
North American Association for the Study of Obesity,
cross-sectional studies (4 of 8 studies on testosterone,
and the American Society for Clinical Nutrition (102),
4 of 6 studies on androstenedione) and hence, causal
and others promote moderate weight loss via regular
inference is limited.
aerobic, and possibly resistance (103), exercise to im-prove insulin sensitivity (105) and prevent diabetes
Insulin Resistance. Insulin resistance describes the
(7, 76, 102, 104). The effect of exercise may be strongest
reduced effectiveness of insulin to regulate blood
for those with impaired (versus normal) glucose toler-
glucose, primarily via skeletal muscle (76, 77). When
ance (76) and when followed at higher doses (106),
tissues cease to respond effectively to insulin, glucose
higher intensity (107), or when as combined aerobic/
uptake is reduced while the liver increases glucose
resistance exercise versus aerobic exercise alone (108).
biosynthesis, resulting in hyperglycemia. The pancreaticresponse to high blood glucose is increased insulin secre-
Adipokines and Inflammatory Markers. Adipokines
tion, resulting in hyperinsulinemia (78-80). Although
(adipocytokines) are a group of biologically active
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
Table 3. Results from epidemiologic studies of proposed biomarkers and physical activity in postmenopausalwomen
Proposed biomarker in blood
Type of study design, study results (F/NA) and number of analyses
5 (61, 63, 64, 258, 259)
4 (63, 258, 259, 262)
Insulin, glucose, C-peptide
Reviews generally promote moderate weight loss with exercise to improve insulin sensitivity
(101, 105) and prevent diabetes (7, 76, 102, 104).
Clinical guidelines for weight loss in the United States (39) and Canada (40) advocate
long-term regular exercise to induce modest weight loss in overweight and obese adults.
, and NA P > 0.05.
*The associations deemed ‘‘+'' or ‘‘ '' were based on the change observed in exercisers versus the change observed in controls with the exception of theRCT described by Giannopoulou et al. (129),which did not include a control arm; rather, the results at baseline were compared with the end of studywithin the exercise only arm.
polypeptides produced by adipocytes or adipose tis-
ered in 1994 (121), its role in cancer etiology is only
sue; they include leptin, adiponectin, TNF-a, and IL-6
recently appreciated. Adipose tissue is quantitatively the
(109-111). CRP is not an adipokine but is produced in the
most important source of leptin and the primary
liver in response to TNF-a and IL-6 levels (112), which
determinant of circulating leptin levels (122-124). Leptin
are all considered common indicators of inflamma-
is widely known for its ability to counteract obesity
tion (113). Chronic inflammation is an acknowledged
by inducing satiety and limiting caloric intake (123),
risk factor for several cancers (114), and obesity (112) and
but paradoxically, human obesity is associated with
the metabolic syndrome (115) represent low-grade, sys-
higher levels of circulating leptin, possibly signifying
temic inflammatory states with elevated levels of inflam-
leptin resistance (57, 122). Considerable in vitro evi-
matory markers. The sustained proliferative activity,
dence implicates leptin as a risk factor for breast cancer
microenvironmental changes, and oxidative stress asso-
(Table 4), either by direct mitogenic action on breast cells
ciated with chronic inflammation could act together to
or perhaps indirectly, for example, by increasing estro-
deregulate normal cell growth and development, thereby
gen production or by promoting insulin resistance.
promoting initiated cells toward malignancy (116).
Despite biological plausibility, we classified the
Postmenopausal breast cancer risk is positively asso-
epidemiologic evidence relating leptin to postmeno-
ciated with increased BMI (Table 2), and adipokines
pausal breast cancer risk as possible (Table 2). Of the
similarly exhibit strong positive correlations with BMI
seven studies we reviewed, only two case-control studies
(15), hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and type 2
(125, 126) found significant positive associations. We did
diabetes (conditions related to overweight and obesity;
not identify any cohort studies in postmenopausal
refs. 15, 117). Several biological mechanisms impli-
women. In contrast, the relation between higher physical
cate adipokines in breast cancer etiology (Table 4), but
activity and decreased leptin was deemed probable
the extent to which adipokines influence breast can-
in our review (Table 3). Although only five studies were
cer risk directly or act as biomarkers of increased
identified, all five were prospective trials and four
adiposity, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation,
(16, 127-129) produced significant decreases in leptin.
is unresolved.
Moreover, reviews have suggested that the greatest
Regular physical activity may reduce inflammation
impact on leptin is achieved by exercise training of
independently of fat loss (118), but the mechanisms are
longer duration, extending beyond 12 weeks, and at
unknown. One RCT in postmenopausal women (118)
higher intensities (130, 131).
found that a 6-month weight loss intervention, compris-
Adiponectin. Adiponectin was first described in 1995 as
ing a hypocaloric diet and exercise, significantly de-
the most abundant gene product of human adipocytes
creased plasma TNF-a, IL-6, and CRP whereas significant
(132). It is now gaining recognition as a predictive
changes were not observed in the group receiving only
indicator of abdominal fat and obesity-related sequelae
the diet intervention. Interestingly, the two groups
such as the metabolic syndrome (133) and now, possibly,
experienced similar losses in body weight and adipose
breast cancer. Although adiponectin is produced only
tissue. Furthermore, a recent review article concluded
by adipocytes (57, 134), unlike other adipokines, it has
that physical fitness generally decreases inflammatory
a strong inverse correlation with adiposity (135); con-
markers even after adjusting for adiposity (119).
sequently, weight loss increases adiponectin levels
Leptin. Leptin is both a neurohormone and a member
(136, 137). The relation may occur in part because IL-6
of the cytokine superfamily (120). Although first discov-
and TNF-a, which increase in obesity (138), are potent
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
Table 3. Results from epidemiologic studies of proposed biomarkers and physical activity in postmenopausalwomen (Cont'd)
Type of study design, study results (F/NA) and number of analyses
ConvincingConvincing (general population)Convincing (general population)
inhibitors of adiponectin expression and secretion
elevated levels of TNF-a seem to promote nearly all
(ref. 139). Generally, adiponectin is acknowledged to
steps leading to cancer, from cellular transformation
be anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic (140-143), and
to metastasis (Table 4; refs. 114, 151, 152). Because TNF-a
lower levels of adiponectin are strongly associated with
mRNA and TNF-a protein are released by adipose tis-
insulin resistance (144, 145), perhaps more strongly than
sue (153-155), weight loss may decrease circulating
obesity or adiposity (146).
Although lower levels of adiponectin may imply
To our knowledge, only one epidemiologic study has
increased risk for postmenopausal breast cancer, we
evaluated TNF-a in postmenopausal breast cancer (ref.
found only a possible association based on our literature
156; Table 2). This cohort study followed 2,438 older
review (Table 2). Five of seven studies in postmenopaus-
adults (ages 70-79 years) for an average of 5.5 years.
al women showed negative associations, but none
Despite biological plausibility, no association was found
were prospective in nature and therefore these data are
between circulating TNF-a and breast cancer incidence.
limited for assessing causality. In relation to physical
Similarly, of four studies investigating physical activity
activity, only a hypothesized association exists at this
and TNF-a (128, 129, 157, 158), none found a statistically
time (Table 3). We identified only two studies of exercise
significant association, although lower TNF-a levels
and adiponectin in postmenopausal women (129, 147);
corresponded with increased physical activity in one
both were prospective trials, but neither found any
study (cross-sectional; ref. 157) and TNF-a levels
statistically significant effect.
decreased after 14 weeks of exercise in another (RCT;
The effect of exercise on adiponectin in other pop-
ref. 129). Consequently, we classified both associations as
ulations (i.e., not exclusively postmenopausal women)
hypothesized (Tables 2 and 3).
has been reviewed previously (148, 149). Despite three of
IL-6. IL-6 is a cytokine that occurs predominantly in
eight exercise trials producing significantly increased
circulating form (159) originating from a number of
adiponectin levels in one review (148), the overall
sources (160) including fibroblasts, macrophages, lym-
evidence on chronic exercise was inconclusive because
phocytes (145), skeletal muscle (161), and adipose tissue
many factors were uncontrolled for, namely, weight
(162). Obesity is strongly associated with elevated
change, diet, and the effects of cytokines. Further-
circulating IL-6 (161), although it is estimated that
more, regression analysis of 15 exercise trials found no
adipocytes per se account for only 10% of IL-6 released
significant relation between changes in body weight and
from adipose tissue (163). Because TNF-a stimulates the
adiponectin (148). According to another review (149),
release of IL-6, it is suggested that moderate increases in
chronic exercise that improves fitness, increases insulin
systemic IL-6 and CRP may actually reflect chronic
sensitivity, and reduces body weight will increase
TNF-a production (164, 165). IL-6 has a broad range
adiponectin levels if the training volume is sufficiently
of regulatory functions involving inflammation and
high and lasts longer than 2 months. Whether exercise
immune responses (15) but might also increase breast
influenced adiponectin through weight loss alone was
cancer risk by IL-6 – induced insulin resistance (145) and
unclear from these studies (149).
aromatase activity (Table 4; ref. 166).
TNF-a. TNF-a is a cytokine produced mainly by
Our review identified only one study examining IL-6
macrophages that infiltrate adipose tissue in obesity
levels relative to postmenopausal breast cancer risk; no
(109) but also by a variety of tumor cells, including breast
significant association was found (156) and so we
carcinoma (114, 150). TNF-a is well known for its critical
deemed this association hypothesized (Table 2). Interest-
roles in host defense, inflammation, and organogenesis
ingly, other studies not exclusive to postmenopausal
(151). The relation of TNF-a to cancer, however, is less
women have showed higher IL-6 levels in breast cancer
straightforward. Although TNF-a can induce apoptosis
cases relative to controls (167-171), and some have
and necrosis, as its name implies, chronic moderately
implicated IL-6 as a negative prognosticator in breast
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
Table 4. Possible mechanisms relating recently proposed biomarkers to postmenopausal breast cancer risk andphysical activity
Proposed Biomarker Possible role in postmenopausal breast cancer
Possible impact of physical activity inpostmenopausal women
Induces aromatase and stabilizes estrogen
Weight loss decreases body fat, which is the main
receptor-a (57, 122, 124, 266-268).
source of circulating leptin (122-124).
Although leptin can improve insulin sensitivity
(145), elevated leptin levels are associatedwith insulin resistance (117). Hypothalamicactions of leptin could theoretically decreasesystemic insulin sensitivity and adiponectinproduction (269).
Expression is induced by high levels of estrogens
and insulin (124, 141, 268).
Mitogen in breast cancer cells (15); inhibits
apoptosis; pro-angiogenic (111, 122, 124, 141).
Gene expression and secretion from adipocytes are
Fat loss decreases IL-6 and TNF-a (138), which are
reduced by TNF-a and IL-6 (57, 142); production
potent inhibitors of adiponectin expression and
might also be reduced partially by leptin (269).
secretion (139). Hence, weight loss may increase
Promotes and enhances insulin sensitivity
circulating adiponectin levels. Chronic physical
(140, 142, 144, 270); reduced adiponectin leads
activity may lower inflammation (e.g., circulating
to insulin resistance and compensatory
IL-6, TNF-a) independently of fat loss (118);
however, the mechanisms for this effect
Antiangiogenic (272); antimitogenic, and anti-
are unknown.
inflammatory (111). In one breast cancer cell lineadiponectin had no effect on apoptosis but didinhibit cell proliferation (273).
A key regulator of IL-6 synthesis (57).
Fat loss may decrease TNF-a levels given that TNF-a
Stimulates estrogen biosynthesis via aromatase
mRNA and TNF-a protein are released from
induction (166).
adipose tissue in obesity (153-155).
Induces insulin resistance (109, 164).
Chronic physical activity may reduce the number
Paradoxical action: inhibits tumor cell proliferation
of mononuclear cells in the blood thereby depleting
(274) but also acts as a tumor promoter
a source of TNF-a (138).
(151, 152, 275). Can cause direct DNA damage;antiapoptotic and mitogenic (151); promotes invasion,angiogenesis and metastasis of tumor cells(114, 150, 152).
Release is stimulated by TNF-a; has been speculated
Although the acute effects of exercise on IL-6 levels
that systemic IL-6 reflects ongoing production of
have been studied widely (160), the mechanisms
TNF-a (164, 165); IL-6 in turn, exerts inhibitory
whereby chronic physical activity alter IL-6 levels
effects on TNF-a (165).
are unclear (161).
Plays a primary role in stimulating hepatic
Reduced adiposity may decrease IL-6 levels given
production of CRP (159).
that IL-6 originates from adipose tissue (162), among
Produces insulin resistance in adipocytes (276, 277);
other sources.
possible role in type 2 diabetes (160).
Chronic physical activity may reduce the number
Stimulates estrogen biosynthesis by the induction of
of mononuclear cells in the blood thereby depleting
aromatase activity (166).
a source of IL-6 (138).
Promotes breast cancer cell motility suggesting a role
in metastasis (167).
Complex role of IL-6 in breast cancer cells in vitro.
Up-regulates antiapoptotic and angiogenic proteinsin tumor cells but also induces apoptosis inestrogen receptor – positive mammary carcinomacell lines (172).
A prototypical marker of inflammation (174).
Long-term physical activity may decrease CRP by
Production is promoted by TNF-a and IL-6 (112).
reducing adiposity, by reducing cytokine production
Independently associated with leptin in healthy
(i.e., IL-6 and TNF-a) in muscle and mononuclear
individuals, possibly via induction of IL-6 by
cells, or by other means (179).
leptin (278).
CRP production is strongly, positively related to
insulin resistance and can change with insulinlevels independently of changes in obesity (279).
cancer patients (172). Therefore, a similar relation in
weight loss can reduce IL-6 (138), exercise might modify
postmenopausal women remains plausible.
IL-6 levels through an independent mechanism.
We classified the relation between physical activity
and IL-6 in postmenopausal women as hypothesized
CRP. CRP is a hepatocyte-derived, acute phase protein
(Table 3). Only cross-sectional studies were identified,
considered to be the prototypical marker of inflammation
and two (157, 173) of the three showed significant inverse
in humans (174) and might also affect postmenopausal
associations. In both studies, statistical significance was
breast cancer risk. CRP levels correlate positively with
maintained even after adjusting for BMI. Thus, although
weight (175, 176) and weight gain (177) and have been
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
similarly related to type 2 diabetes risk (178). Because
the highest versus the lowest physical activity levels
physical activity confers benefits in each of these
(179). In another review, longitudinal studies showed
conditions, one might expect it similarly to decrease
reduced CRP levels with exercise training (180).
In postmenopausal women it remains unclear whether
We identified only two studies of CRP levels and
exercise or weight loss modifies CRP levels (119, 138).
postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Due to the limited
One review concluded that CRP levels decline whether
epidemiologic literature, we deemed the association to be
weight loss is achieved through exercise or diet (181),
hypothesized (Table 2). It is noteworthy, however, that
implying weight loss is most important. A meta-analysis
both were cohort studies and neither found a statistically
of five RCTs of long-term exercise training in men and
significant association. In contrast, an association be-
women found statistically significant decreases in body
tween CRP and physical activity has been more widely
weight and adiposity but only a nonsignificant reduc-
studied and is quite persuasive (Table 3). We identified
tion in CRP levels, suggesting neither exercise nor
four studies in postmenopausal women, including one
weight loss is effective (182); however, not all subjects
prospective trial and one RCT; all four found that higher
had high CRP levels at baseline and only one study
levels of physical activity corresponded to lower levels of
focused on postmenopausal women (183). In the latter
circulating CRP. We regarded this association as con-
RCT of breast cancer survivors, the mean CRP level
vincing in postmenopausal women. Reviews in other
decreased in the exercise group, but relative to controlsthis decrease was not statistically significant (
populations support this conclusion. One review of 17
cross-sectional studies of regular physical activity
Proposed Biological Model. An overview of our pro-
showed consistent evidence of lowered serum CRP in
posed mechanisms for breast cancer (Tables 1 and 4) and
Figure 1. Biological model relating proposed biomarkers to long-term exercise (shading) and postmenopausal breast cancer risk(arrows).
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
a summary of findings from our literature review (Tables 2
Therefore, the effect of exercise could be entirely or only
and 3) are illustrated in Fig. 1. This figure suggests that
partially dependent on weight loss. The available
the co-occurrence of overweight/obesity, insulin resis-
literature does not adequately address whether fitness
tance, and chronic inflammation may increase postme-
or decreased fatness is more important for lowering
nopausal breast cancer risk through several complex
postmenopausal breast cancer risk. However, the Nutri-
biological mechanisms. As shown, the most convinc-
tion and Exercise in Women (NEW) Trial led by Dr. Anne
ing epidemiologic evidence supports associations between
McTiernan will address this issue in an ongoing RCT
breast cancer risk and body weight, estrogens, and andro-
involving over 500 postmenopausal women (13). Addi-
gens, respectively. In relation to physical activity, asso-
tionally, Holt et al. (185) recently explored the effect of fit
ciations were most convincing for body weight, estrone,
versus fat on insulin sensitivity in a study of 25 men. The
leptin, insulin resistance, and CRP levels. Only body
independent effects of adiposity, physical fitness, and
weight and estrone were convincingly (or probably)
physical activity energy expenditure were compared.
associated with breast cancer risk and physical activity.
Multiple regression analysis revealed significant rela-
The least amount of evidence supported roles for TNF-a
tions between adiposity and whole body insulin sensi-
and IL-6 in this model based on the epidemiologic
tivity, and between physical activity energy expenditure
evidence to date.
and liver insulin sensitivity. We encourage similar
This review focused on postmenopausal women and
studies in the future, designed specifically to compare
thus, we can only speculate on the effects of these
the effects of physical activity and weight loss and to
influences over the life course. Hypothetically, cumula-
measure biomarkers prospectively during interventions.
tive lifetime levels of some biomarkers (e.g., related to
The generalizability of our model is tempered by
insulin resistance or inflammation) might affect post-
potential effect modification. It is possible, for instance,
menopausal breast cancer risk, and sustained physical
that the proposed mechanisms contribute only in certain
activity could modify lifetime exposure. However, the
high-risk subgroups of postmenopausal women (e.g.,
epidemiologic evidence relating physical activity and
obese women with BMI z30 and/or insulin resistance)
body size to breast cancer is less convincing for
for whom, according to our model, exercise might confer
premenopausal women (4, 5, 184) and hence, the
the greatest benefits. Additional factors such as genetic
proposed biological model probably becomes more
polymorphisms, family history, race, diet, and medica-
important after menopause. This finding might reflect a
tions might further modify the roles of the proposed bio-
mechanism involving adiposity and sex hormones, for
markers on breast cancer risk. For example, weight gain
example, because only after menopause, when ovarian
and BMI only increase postmenopausal breast cancer
production of estrogens has ceased, does adipose tissue
risk in never users of hormone replacement therapy
become the primary source of circulating estrogens.
(186-191). The effect of exercise on breast cancer risk maybe similarly modified by hormone replacement therapyuse. Two (192, 193) of at least four (192-195) observa-
Discussion and Future Research Directions
tional studies that examined effect modification of thiskind found a stronger protective effect of physical activity
This review provides an overview of three commonly
among never hormone replacement therapy users as com-
proposed mechanisms relating physical activity to
pared with ever users. Furthermore, one cross-sectional
postmenopausal breast cancer risk; namely overweight
study of postmenopausal women showed a two-fold
and obesity, insulin resistance, and chronic inflamma-
increased median CRP level in hormone replacement
tion. As illustrated in our model, several mechanisms
therapy users compared with nonusers with control for
potentially act simultaneously to increase postmeno-
potential confounders (196). Besides hormone replace-
pausal breast cancer risk with opposing, promoting, and
ment therapy, several other CRP-altering medications
possibly synergistic pathways at play. Considering the
have been identified (197). Finally, dietary composition
complexity of the model, it is not surprising that
and smoking could hypothetically modify the benefits of
epidemiologic findings have been inconsistent for some
exercise by influencing insulin resistance and inflamma-
candidate biomarkers. Several questions remain regard-
tion (198-200). Given the multitude of potential effect
ing the biological mechanisms that mediate the associa-
modifiers in our model, the notion that physical activity
tion between physical activity and breast cancer. Which
decreases breast cancer risk generally in postmenopausal
biomarkers are most predictive of risk? Which are direct
women cannot be practically applied to individuals.
versus indirect consequences of exercise? The proposed
It is also conceivable that the proposed biomarkers
model also has important implications for the design and
increase risk for only certain tumor types; namely,
analysis of future etiologic studies. It is conceivable, for
hormone receptor – positive or hormone receptor – neg-
instance, that the combined effects of elevated sex
ative tumors. Interactions with estrogen receptor status
hormones, insulin resistance, and elevated inflammatory
have been explored previously, for instance, in relation
markers present greater risk than any one factor
to breast cancer risk and body weight (186, 191, 201),
individually; future etiologic studies should explore
adiposity (202), sex hormone levels (203), impaired
potential interactions among biomarkers. The notion that
glucose metabolism (99), serum adiponectin (204), and
interacting pathways connect physical activity to breast
IL-6 levels (171). Furthermore, a recent review provided
cancer risk was proposed by Hoffman-Goetz et al. ten
preliminary evidence that physical activity produces a
years ago (10), but since then most epidemiologic
somewhat greater risk reduction for hormone recep-
researchers have continued to study candidate bio-
tor – negative tumors (estrogen receptor negative/pro-
markers in isolation.
gesterone receptor negative) than for hormone
As shown in our model, all of the proposed bio-
receptor – positive tumors (estrogen receptor positive/
markers are, at least indirectly, related to body size.
progesterone receptor positive; ref. 6). Future etiologic
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention
studies should similarly consider tumor characteristics
positive associations with circulating insulin (213) and
to advance the interpretation of our model.
CRP levels (214) in postmenopausal women.
Despite the potential importance of frequency, dura-
Positive associations have been found in many, but not
tion, or intensity, surprisingly little evidence exists for
all, studies of waist-hip ratio, waist circumference, or
defining an effective exercise prescription to reduce
other measures of central adiposity and breast cancer risk
postmenopausal breast cancer risk (4). One might expect
in postmenopausal women (3, 32, 33, 36, 75). Abdominal
particular types of physical activity to target abdominal
fatness was deemed a probable risk factor for postmen-
fat and perhaps greater levels of energy expenditure to
opausal breast cancer in the World Cancer Research
achieve greater weight loss. Some authors propose that
Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research 2007
exercise of greater duration, intensity, or volume may
report (4). However, current North American guidelines
also be most effective for decreasing leptin (130, 131) and
claim there is only limited evidence supporting the
increasing adiponection (149). Hence, it would be very
effectiveness of physical activity for abdominal fat loss
useful for future exercise intervention trials to compare
(ref. 40; also concluded by ref. 215) and only modest
the effects of different exercise prescriptions in the
reductions in abdominal fat to be expected, if at all (39).
context of our biological model.
It remains plausible, however, that postmenopausal
Our review revealed several noteworthy gaps in past
women could be amenable to significant abdominal fat
epidemiologic research. First, there is clearly a lack of
loss given the most effective exercise prescription (e.g.,
prospective exercise trials examining sex hormone
evidenced by refs. 17, 108, 216). Thus, further exercise
changes in postmenopausal women undergoing physical
trials and etiologic studies are needed, ideally using
activity modification. Thus, it is unclear whether or not
more accurate measures of abdominal fat such as dual
exercise is causal in reducing androgen and estrogen
energy X-ray absorptiometry. Perhaps more accurate,
levels. This is important to note because sex hormones
targeted anthropometric measures will clarify the role of
are currently the most compelling candidate biomarkers,
central adiposity.
given their probable/convincing associations with breast
Our model focuses primarily on mechanisms related
cancer risk (Table 2). Second, the biomarkers designated
to the promotion of postmenopausal breast cancer, but
as hypothesized in this review are hypothetical due
physical activity could influence risk at several points
largely to a lack of research. Only one study on TNF-a
along the cancer continuum (8). Markers associated with
and IL-6 (156) and two on CRP (156, 205) related
detoxification pathways, DNA repair mechanisms, oxi-
specifically to postmenopausal breast cancer risk. Fur-
dative stress, and various aspects of immune function
thermore, the soluble receptor for IL-6 (sIL-6R) is a
could all be relevant to postmenopausal breast cancer
known agonist of IL-6 activity whereas higher levels of
and also modifiable by exercise (6, 8-10). Moreover,
TNF soluble receptors (sTNFR1, sTNFR2) inhibit TNF-a
recently proposed biomarkers may be integrated into our
activity (206); these could additionally contribute to our
model as new research is conducted. For example,
proposed model. Therefore, in the context of postmen-
resistin is an adipose tissue – derived polypeptide asso-
opausal breast cancer, more epidemiologic research into
ciated with (and named for) insulin resistance in rodents,
inflammatory markers and their soluble receptors is
but its role in humans remains controversial; it might
induce insulin resistance or could play a proinflamma-
Despite biological plausibility, our review of four
tory role (217, 218). Resistin is an emerging risk factor for
independent studies (128, 129, 157, 158) suggested no
breast cancer with significantly increased serum levels in
relation between TNF-a and physical activity level
postmenopausal cases relative to controls in two recent
(128, 129, 157, 158). This finding may indicate that
studies (125, 219). However, two recent studies sug-
greater levels of concurrent weight loss (or weight
gested resistin is not modifiable by exercise (129, 220).
disparities in observational studies) are required before
Still, based on the limited evidence to date, more research
differences in TNF-a levels are detectable. Alternatively,
is warranted to elucidate resistin's response to exercise
changes in TNF-a might be confounded by dietary
and its possible role in postmenopausal breast cancer.
composition, which is also associated with chronic
In summary, the current review provides a conceptual
inflammation (200). Finally, it is possible that compensa-
framework for future research into the biological
tory mechanisms to proinflammatory factors or perhaps
mechanisms surrounding physical activity and postmen-
soluble TNF receptors varied with exercise, but these
opausal breast cancer risk. BMI and sex hormones have
factors were not studied and/or were excluded from our
so far been the most commonly cited biomarkers relat-
review. Given these possibilities, excluding TNF-a from
ing physical activity to decreased risk, but emerging evi-
our model at this stage might be premature.
dence now suggests that insulin resistance and chronic
To maximize the pool of literature for review, we
inflammation could play pivotal roles. The important
selected BMI and body weight as our surrogate
interrelations between these mechanisms must be con-
measures of adiposity. BMI predicts total body fat with
sidered when analyzing data or planning future studies.
varying accuracy depending on the study population
Two general types of prospective studies are required
(207, 208) but is generally comparable with alternative
to validate our model: cohort studies relating the pro-
measures (BMI – % body fat, r = 0.69-0.75 (208, 209) and
posed biomarkers to cancer risk, and exercise RCTs
r = 0.81 for postmenopausal women (210); BMI –
comparing biomarker changes at several time points over
abdominal fat assessed by computer tomography, r = 0.8
the long term, specifically in postmenopausal women.
ref. 207). Therefore, BMI is an acceptable measure for
Convincing findings from both fields of study, with
guiding public health recommendations. Abdominal fat,
account for effect modification, would strengthen the
however, may be more etiologically relevant to breast
existing epidemiologic evidence, and would ultimately
cancer mechanistic research given its inverse association
guide breast cancer prevention strategies for postmeno-
with SHBG levels (211) and insulin sensitivity (212) and
pausal women.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(1). January 2009
Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
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Source: http://cfile216.uf.daum.net/attach/237BEB4452186BDA184EF7
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