Hindawi Publishing CorporationISRN PharmacologyVolume 2014, Article ID 575423, 5 pages
Research Article
Promotive Effect of Topical Ketoconazole, Minoxidil, and
Minoxidil with Tretinoin on Hair Growth in Male Mice
Muhsin A. Aldhalimi,1 Najah R. Hadi,2 and Fadaa A. Ghafil2
1 Department of Dermatology, Kufa College of Medicine, Kufa, Iraq2 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kufa College of Medicine, Kufa, Iraq
Correspondence should be addressed to Najah R. Hadi;
[email protected]
Received 2 December 2013; Accepted 23 January 2014; Published 9 March 2014
Academic Editors: R. Thurmond, R. Villalobos-Molina, and S.-N. Wu
Copyright 2014 Muhsin A. Aldhalimi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.
Recently topical use of 2% Ketoconazole solution has been reported to have a therapeutic effect on androgenic alopecia. Minoxidilis a vasodilatory medication used primarily as antihypertensive drug. It was discovered to have the side effect of hair growth andreversing baldness. Tretinoin is commonly used topically for acne treatment and in the treatment of photoaging. It is used by someas hair loss treatment.
Objective. To compare the stimulatory effect of Ketoconazole, Minoxidil, and Minoxidil with Tretinoin on hairgrowth in a mouse model.
Materials and Methods. Coat hairs on the dorsal skin of seven weeks old male mice were gently clippedand then stained by using commercial dye. These mice were divided into four groups each of five treated with topical applicationof ethanol 95%, Ketoconazole solution 2%, Minoxidil solution 5%, and Minoxidil with Tretinoin solution 0.1%, respectively. Thedrugs were applied once daily for three weeks, the clipped area was photographed, and the ratio of regrown coat area was calculated.
Results. The results demonstrated that Ketoconazole, Minoxidil, and Minoxidil with Tretinoin had a significant stimulatory effecton hair growth compared with the control group and Minoxidil was the most effective drug among them.
Ketoconazole (KCZ) is an imidazole antifungal agent.
Long term use of 2% KCZ was reported to be effective against
Androgenic alopecia is a partial or complete loss of hair that
androgenic alopecia in patients without seborrheic dermatitis
occurs in a progressive pattern in genetically predisposed
and dandruff [7]. Minoxidil is a vasodilatory medication used
individuals [1]. A variety of genetic and environmental factors
primarily as antihypertensive drug. Minoxidil is a potassium
likely play a role in androgenic alopecia, and most of con-
channel agonist that has the chemical structure of nitric oxide
tributing factors remain unknown.
(NO), a blood vessel dilator, and may be a nitric oxide agonist.
The age at onset of androgenic alopecia differs but occurs
This appears to explain its vasodilatory effect [8] but may also
usually in mid-twenties. The prevalence and severity of
be linked to Minoxidil's ability to stimulate hair growth and
androgenic alopecia increase directly with age [2]. The basis
treat hair loss.
of androgenic alopecia is a progressive decrease in the density
Tretinoin is the acid form of vitamin A, also known as all
of terminal hairs and concurrent increase in density of vellus
transretinoic acid (ATRA), helps normalize hyperkeratiniza-
hairs [3]. In effect, terminal hairs are turned off and are
tion, and has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory
transformed into vellus hairs, and this effect is due to hair
effects. It is used by some as hair loss treatment [9].
follicle miniaturization [4], which is associated with substan-tial reduction in hair diameter. Although the mechanisms ofthese changes have not been established definitively, male pat-
2. Materials and Methods
tern baldness is known to depend on androgens, in particularthe dihydrotestosterone DHT [5]. DHT is synthesized from
2.1. Animals. The study was conducted on 20 mature male
testosterone by 5πΌ-reductase enzyme type-1 and type-2, and
Albino-Webster mice, which were housed in the air-con-
these enzymes are found on the nuclear membranes [6].
ditioned animal house of College of Medicine, University of
ISRN Pharmacology
Table 1: Mean ratio of white color (area showing hair regrowth) tothe ratio of black color (area denuded of hair) after 21 days of treat-ment with KCZ solution 2%, Minoxidil solution 5%, and Minoxidilsolution 5% with Tretinoin solution 0.1%.
Mean ratio of color difference
Minoxidil and Tretinoin
All data expressed as mean Β± SEM.
Figure 1: Mice after clipping of the coat hair.
and then spread by means of swab once daily 6 days/weak for3 weeks.
Group II was treated with Ketoconazole solution 2%,
0.1 mL applied to the denuded skin by a micropipette oncedaily for 3 weeks.
Group III was treated with Minoxidil solution 5%, 0.1 mL
applied to the denuded skin by a micropipette once daily for3 weeks.
Group IV was treated with equal amounts of Minoxidil
solution 5% + Tretinoin 0.1%, 0.1 mL of each of them appliedby a micropipette once daily for 3 weeks.
The mice were macroscopically observed and photogra-
Figure 2: Mice after staining of the dorsal coat hair.
phed every week until the 21st day.
Photographic Data Analysis. Photographic data were analyzed
Kufa, with standard animal diet and water. Their ages ranged
by a special computer program called Photoshop Visual
from 6 to 7 weeks, and their weights ranged from 25 to 30 gm.
Basic-8 program. This program calculated the ratio of the area
The design of the study was approved by the local ethical
showing hair regrowth (which was represented by the area of
committee in the College of Medicine, University of Kufa.
white color) to the ratio of the area denuded of hair (whichwas represented by the area of black color), and this was donefor each mouse in the four groups.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Clipping of the Coat Hair of Mice. One day before
2.3. Histological Sections. After completing the treatment
the experiment, the mice were anesthetized with diethyl
for three weeks, histological sections were obtained. These
ether, and the coat hair on the dorsal skin was gently
sections were examined microscopically for the hair follicle
clipped using an electric shaver to avoid injury. The skin
number and diameter, in control and treated groups.
surface of the clipped area of each mouse was observed onthe day when the materials were to be applied to have a
2.4. Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis was done by using
pinkish color, suggesting that it was in the resting phase [10].
one-way ANOVA test with post hoc test at level of signif-
Mice were randomly chosen and put into four groups, each
icance πΌ = 0.05 to compare between control and treated
group included five mice, and they had been photographed
groups and then performing multiple comparisons between
the treated groups.
Chi-square test had been used to compare between the
2.2.2. Staining. The denuded area of the dorsal skin of each
proportion of histological changes in various groups.
mouse was stained by using commercial dye (Hoffmann,2001, 2003) [11, 12]; then it was washed by using alcohol,staining done to find the ratio of area showing hair regrowth
3. Results
(area of white color) to the ratio of area denuded of hair (area
There was a significant hair growth (π value < 0.05) in the
of black color). After staining of mice, also they had been
groups treated with KCZ, Minoxidil, and Minoxidil with
photographed (Figure 2).
Tretinoin as compared with control group (Tables 1 and 2 andFigures 3, 4, 5 and 6).
2.2.3. Study Groups. Group I was considered as a control
The histological examination of the specimens showed no
group and treated with the vehicle solution (95%), ethanol
significant increase in the number of hair follicles (π value >
alcohol, 0.1 mL applied by a micropipette to the denuded skin
0.05) in all treatment groups, while hair follicle diameter has
ISRN Pharmacology
Figure 4: Mice treated with Minoxidil showing significant hairgrowth after 3 weeks of treatment.
Figure 3: Mice treated with Ketoconazole showing significant hairgrowth after 3 weeks of treatment.
Table 2: Comparison of hair growth among the treated groups after21 days of treatment with KCZ solution 2%, Minoxidil solution 5%,and Minoxidil solution 5% with Tretinoin solution 0.1%.
KCZ-Minoxidil and Tretinoin
Minoxidil-Minoxidil and Tretinoin
All data expressed as mean Β± SEM.
Table 3: The mean number of hair follicles in control and treatedgroups examined under high power field per 10 mm after 21 daysof treatment with KCZ solution 2%, Minoxidil solution 5%, andMinoxidil solution 5% with Tretinoin solution 0.1%. This table shows
Figure 5: Mice treated with Minoxidil and Tretinoin showing sig-
that hair follicle number increased insignificantly (π value > 0.05) in
nificant hair growth after 3 weeks of treatment.
all treatment groups.
Mean number of hair
Minoxidil and Tretinoin
All data expressed as mean Β± SD.
Figure 6: Mice of control group after 3 weeks of topical alcohol
Table 4: The mean diameter (in micrometer) of hair follicles in
treatment showing insignificant hair growth.
control and treated groups after 21 days of treatment with KCZsolution 2%, Minoxidil solution 5%, and Minoxidil solution 5% withTretinoin solution 0.1%.
Mean diameter of hair
follicles (in πm)
Minoxidil and Tretinoin
All data expressed as mean Β± SEM.
Figure 7: Histological section from mouse skin in control group
been increased significantly (π value < 0.05) in all treatment
(Γ40) showing normal skin layers and hair follicles.
groups (Tables 3, 4, and 5 and Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10).
ISRN Pharmacology
Table 5: Comparison of the diameter (in πm) of hair follicles amongthe treated groups after 21 days of treatment with KCZ solution 2%,Minoxidil solution 5%, and Minoxidil solution 5% with RetinβAsolution 0.1%. π = 5 in each group.
KCZ-Minoxidil and Tretinoin
Minoxidil-Minoxidil and Tretinoin
All data expressed as mean Β± SEM.
Figure 9: Histological section from the skin of mouse treated withMinoxidil (Γ40) showing normal skin layers and increase in hairfollicle diameter.
Figure 8: Histological section from the skin of mouse treated withKetoconazole (Γ40) showing normal skin layers and increase in hairfollicle diameter.
Figure 10: Histological section from the skin of mouse treated with
This study demonstrated that topical Ketoconazole stimulates
Minoxidil and Tretinoin (Γ40) showing normal skin layers and
hair growth significantly. This result is in agreement with
increase in hair follicle diameter.
PiΒ΄erard-Franchimont et al. [7], Khandpur et al. [13], Jiang etal. [14], Inui and Itami [15], and Hugo Perez [16].
The efficacy of 2% KCZ shampoo in androgenic alopecia
In this study there was a significant hair growth in the
patients appeared to stem from its antiandrogenic properties
group treated with Minoxidil and Tretinoin, and this result
[16, 17]. However, our study demonstrated that topical KCZ
is in agreement with Bazzano et al. [28, 29].
was effective on the androgen-insensitive coat hairs of mice,
Tretinoin is known to alter cell proliferation and differ-
so KCZ behaved as an androgen-independent biological res-
entiation and may promote vascular proliferation, and these
ponse modifier. However, its action on hair growth and hair
actions may be important to hair growth and so affect hair
follicle diameter is less than that of Minoxidil.
follicle during the various growth and regression phases.
There was a significant increase in hair growth in the
Preliminary studies of cRABP levels in whole scalp skin
group treated with topical Minoxidil solution. This result is
of human subjects with male pattern baldness indicated that,
in agreement with Olsen et al. [18], Weiss et al. [19], and Mori
in the scalp areas not normally affected by alopecia, levels
and Uno [20].
of cRABPs were higher than in areas with alopecia, and the
Minoxidil induces rapid relaxation of vascular smooth
levels of cRABPs in whole skin were increased by topical
muscle induced by its sulphated metabolite, Minoxidil sul-
application of retinoic acid [30].
phate [21]. The conversion of Minoxidil to Minoxidil sulphate
It has been found that combining high concentration of
is catalysed by sulphotransferase enzyme, which was initially
retinoic acid with Minoxidil causes less elongation than at low
demonstrated in rat liver [21] and has since been found in
concentration suggested that retinoic acid might increase the
human liver [22], platelets [23], and mouse vibrissae follicles
tissue concentration of Minoxidil in hair follicles [31].
Tretinoin was reported to increase percutaneous absorp-
In scalp skin of stump-tailed macaque, sulphotransferase
tion of Minoxidil by increasing the stratum corneum per-
activity is largely localized in the hair follicle [25]. Bio-
meability [32]. Our study demonstrated that Tretinoin in
chemical evidence for Minoxidil sulphation by two phenol
combination with Minoxidil caused a significant increase
sulphotransferases has been found in human scalp skin [26].
in hair growth and a significant increase in hair follicle
There are individual variations in scalp sulphotransferase
diameter. However, in this study the results obtained from
activity and this correlates with the level in platelets [26]. In a
the combination of Minoxidil with low dose Tretinoin are
clinical setting scalp sulphotransferase activity was higher in
less than that of Minoxidil alone and this warrants further
men who responded to Minoxidil compared with those who
studies to evaluate the role of Tretinoin in combination with
did not respond [27].
Minoxidil in the treatment of hair loss.
ISRN Pharmacology
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