
January - April 2012
Dulsco Employee Newsletter
Volume 9 Issue 1
January - April 2012
Dulsco Day Celebrated On UAE National Day
Dulsco News
Page 9-11
Dulsco Human Resources
Page 12-13
Inauguration by Prakash Mahadalkar, Managing Director, Dulsco.
Dulsco Day was celebrated on 2nd December Al Quoz, Dubai. Various sporting and recreational
One of the upsides of the world economic crisis
2011, coinciding with the 40th UAE National Day. activities such as football, volleyball, track &
has been the way that we look at business today.
Prakash Mahadalkar, Managing Director, Dulsco, field, arm wrestling, weight lifting and tug-of-war
Traditionally, economists and corporate leaders have
inaugurated the celebrations, and S. Balakumar, were organized during the day.
argued that the main purpose of business is to make
Director, HR Solutions, administered the pledge to
money, especially on maximizing short-term profits and
delivering returns to shareholders.
and on behalf of the participants. Dulsco Day has Events for women and children were held
been an important event in the annual calendar inside the international-standard sports complex
However this perspective of business blanks out
of the company during the past years.
of the company. Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khan
the fact that commercial organisations command
Abdulla, Chairman, Dulsco, was present at the
enormous resources that influence the world for better
Dulsco Sports Club organized the day's sports arena.
or worse, and that their strategies shape the lives of
programme at the Dulsco Village Events Arena,
Continued on Page 4
the employees, other stakeholders, and consumers on
whom they depend.
In a sense, the traditional view of business laid the
Dulsco HR Solutions Inaugurates Office In TECOM
platform for much of the economic malaise that we see
in the world today. Thankfully, the financial crisis has
made nations, organizations and individuals reflect on
alternate ways forward in the way that business can be
done and lives can be lived.
Needless to say the traditional view doesn't capture the
manner in which great companies think their way to
success. Those firms believe that business is an intrinsic
part of the society, and they acknowledge that, like
family, government, and religion, it has been one of
society's pillars since the dawn of the industrial era.
Inauguration by Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khan
Cake-cutting by Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khan
Great companies work to make money, but in their
Abdulla, Chairman, Dulsco.
Abdulla, Chairman, Dulsco.
choices of how to do so, they think about building
institutions. They invest in the future while being aware
TECOM companies now have the Dulsco In a positive development for the region's
of the need to build people and society.
HR Outsourcing advantage with Dulsco HR economy, the UAE's technology sector is showing
Solutions (HRS) opening their TECOM office signs of recovery and several IT companies are
In a previous issue of DulscoNews, a related editorial
seeking highly qualified staff to manage complex
did ask a question as to why many companies do not
projects. The leading IT companies in the country
succeed and die prematurely. There are speculations
about the reason, and this area undoubtedly needs
The new office, which was opened on 24th have increased their headcount by at least 18%
much more research. However, there is a growing
November 2011, aims to fulfill the increasing over the past two months in comparison to the
evidence that companies fail because their managers
demand for skilled professionals, among others, corresponding period last year.
focus on the economic activity of producing goods and
in IT-related businesses such as social media,
services, and they forget that their organisation's true
online advertising & marketing, and search The office was inaugurated by Abdul Aziz
nature is that of a community of humans that need to
engine optimization & solutions development. Mohammad Khan Abdulla, Chairman, Dulsco.
live and continue for generations to the end of time.
Dulsco, consciously or unconsciously, has adopted at
least some of the necessary characteristics for longevity
to be where we are now, and successfully, since its
establishment in 1935 more than 75 years ago.
Detailed coverage in the next edition of DulscoNews.
You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
January - April 2012
‘Open House' - Waste Management Services Exhibition
A photo-review of the WMS Exhibition.
The second edition of the ‘Open House' was hosted by Dulsco Waste the new range of services were showcased and demonstrated during the
Management Services (WMS) at the Dulsco Village premises in Dubai on show. The event received an overwhelming response from the clients and
7th December 2011. The WMS range of fleet, recycling consumables and Dulsco employees.
Arabian Ranches Market Day
Visitors at the Market Day.
Dulsco Waste Management Services (WMS) participated at the Arabian
Ranches Community Market Day, organised by Emaar, on 28th October 2011.
Dulsco officials with personnel from Dubai Civil Defence Department.
The occasion facilitated Dulsco WMS to display its products and services.
Fifteen bins were placed around the venue. Dulsco staff interacted with the
community members and presented details of its services. Dulsco also gave
away gift vouchers to the winners of the various activities held by Emaar.
The Community Market Day is one of the regular and successful annual
family events that bring together the residents of the Arabian Ranches.
Dulsco Abu Dhabi Supports Aloft ADNEC Charity Run
Fire Drill at the Dulsco Head Office.
In line with its total and continued commitment towards employee safety,
Dulsco conducts Emergency Evacuation Drills periodically across all the
company's premises.
As part of this program, it has conducted a fire drill in collaboration with
Dubai Civil Defence on 29th December 2011. As part of the procedure,
a fire alarm went off and all the employees immediately moved out
to the emergency assembly point and the evacuation was a success.
Safe evacuation of trapped / injured employees was also practised with
Participants at the Aloft ADNEC Charity Run.
equal success.
Keeping its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to the fore, Dulsco
Abu Dhabi supported a unique indoor charity run hosted by Aloft Abu Dhabi.
The practice, procedure and the drill was highly appreciated and
This team charity run featured 450 enthusiastic participants, ranging in age from
commended by Dubai Civil Defence. In recognition, Dubai Civil
6 to 60, racing through the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC)
Defence have awarded a perfect ten (200 out of 200 points) on their
halls in support of the ‘Road to Awareness' drive on 9th September 2011.
The successful event was held in support of Starwood's global fundraising
"Dulsco has a proud record of zero injuries even in situations where
‘Road to Awareness' initiative, aimed to raise fund for UNICEF's Educational
there were practical emergencies in a few premises earlier. This had been
Programme in Pakistan and Romania. Dulsco Abu Dhabi participated as a
possible mainly due to the regular practice of such evacuation drills,"
CSR supporter.
mentioned Mohammad Ayub, Senior Manager, QHSE.
Never esteem anything as of advantage to thee that shall make thee break thy word or lose thy self-respect.
January - April 2012
Dulsco Sponsors The NAFL Charity Ball
Dulsco Introduces Pest Control Service
Dulsco Waste Management Services (WMS) have recently introduced
comprehensive pest control services as an adjacency to its existing
businesses. The pest control services are being currently offered to various
Nadia Abdul Aziz at the NAFL Charity Ball.
sectors in the UAE and include: general pest control, public health pest
control, fumigation service, crawling & flying insect control, and rodent &
The National Association of Freight
termite control. Fumigation service for offshore vessels and termite control
and Logistics (NAFL) hosted the 2011
for the pre & post construction requirement are also undertaken.
cargo charity ball at the Aviation
Club, Dubai, on 8th December 2011.
A free survey by professional staff, detailed report and recommendation after
Dulsco HR Solutions was the silver
inspection, fast and effective action by our trained pest control operators,
sponsor for the 2011 NAFL charity
periodic monitoring of conditions, professional advice on precautionary
measures and post treatment are also included in the service.
The event saw executives from the
All the materials and methods of treatment used are approved by the
freight forwarding fraternity, airlines,
World Health Organisation (WHO), and comply with the standards set by
logistics service providers and traders
the Dubai Municipality, and are also under the Pesticide Safety Precaution
Valerian D'souza (left), General Manager,
get together. The event raised funds
Scheme of the United Kingdom.
Logistics, Dulsco HR Solutions, and Prabhu for The Al Noor Training Centre for
Dharmarajan (right), Senior Manager, HR
Children with Special Needs, Dubai,
Outsourcing, Dulsco HR Solutions, at the event. through the ticket-sales.
Dulsco WMS Associates With EWS-WWF
Dulsco Participates In MEAMCON
Dulsco Waste Management Services (WMS) is associated with Emirates
Wildlife Society (EWS – WWF) for a key environmental initiative,
thus working towards sustainability and waste reduction in the region.
EWS – WWF is the UAE partner for FEE (Foundation for Environmental
Education), a non-government and non-profit organization promoting
sustainable development through environmental education by involving
in Eco-Schools Project. The project aims to assist schools in reducing
Dulsco Stand at the MEAMCON.
their waste and energy consumption, and to promote recycling initiatives
Dulsco Waste Management Services (WMS) was an exhibitor at the Middle
among the students and the community at large.
East Association Managers Conference (MEAMCON) held on 14th and
15th December 2011 at The Address Hotel, Dubai.
Shageena Nirandas, Executive - Environment, Dulsco WMS, made a
presentation on the focus area at the educator's conference held in
Dulsco, along with Facilities Management (FM) companies, advised the
Dubai on 23rd November 2011. The presentation delved on the current
new client base and owners associations on the required facilities' services
environmental scenario in the UAE, especially in the context of excess
for towers and villa communities, and on the concerns and development
waste generated in the region. The schools were given simple steps to
in the FM industry. The delegates were also made aware of the importance
initiate a waste reduction and recycling programme, and to come up
of proper waste disposal to help resolve the issue of overflowing landfills
with custom made initiatives for their respective schools. Starting 2012,
in the region. The event, in its second edition, was organised under the
Dulsco will assist in implementing a comprehensive recycling programme
auspices of the Dubai Real Estate Institute, Real Estate Regulatory Authority
for 30 schools in Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah and
(RERA) and the Community Associations Institute.
Ras Al Khaimah.
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.
January - April 2012
Dulsco Day Celebrations 2011
A photo-feature of the Dulsco Day activities on 2nd December 2011.
Continued from Page 1
Director; Dulsco, addressed the employees. The long-serving
Johnson Alexander, Director, Human Resources employees were also felicitated and awarded on
Winners' prizes and spot awards were presented to and Quality, Health, Safety & Environment; the occasion. The last programme of the day
the employees as well as to families participating S. Balakumar, Director, HR Solutions; and Prakash was the live musical performance by professional
in the various events. At the evening function, Parab, Director, Waste Management Services; from artistes, who enthralled the audience.
He who knows others is clever; he who knows himself is enlightened.
January - April 2012
Dulsco Day Celebrations In Qatar On Qatar National Day 2011
A pictorial-glance of the inaugural Dulsco Day at Doha, Qatar, on 18th December 2011.
The inaugural Dulsco Day celebration was held at employees. It was a day-long event with sports the employees. The best employees of the year
Doha, Qatar, coinciding with the Qatar National and games, concluding with an entertainment were also felicitated and awarded on the occasion.
Day, on 18th December 2011. Joseph Mathew, evening at the Indian Cultural Centre, Doha.
Joseph Mathew, General Manager, Dulsco Qatar;
General Manager, Dulsco Qatar, inaugurated
S. Balakumar, Director, HR Solutions, and Prakash
the celebration at the Dulsco Al Wakra Prior to the entertainment programme, various Parab, Director, Waste Management Services, from
Accommodation, Doha, in the presence of the awards and winners' prizes were presented to Dulsco UAE, addressed the employees.
One does not make a difference unless it is a difference in the lives of people.
January - April 2012
Dulsco QHSE Week 2011
A photo-presentation of the annual Dulsco QHSE Week 2011.
The annual Dulsco Quality, Health, Safety and fitness and QHSE awareness were held. Taking into increased activities and involvement of the employees."
Environment (QHSE) Week was conducted from consideration the high priority on employee health and
17th to 23rd November 2011. The campaign with well being, eminent medical practitioners of varied In the words of Mohammed Ayub, Senior Manager,
a host of activities and events, involving over 5,000 specializations had been engaged to dispense their QHSE, "The annual Dulsco QHSE Week celebration
employees spread over Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al expertise. Blood donation campaigns were organized is an initiative to reinforce the commitment towards
Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Sharjah and Qatar, to inculcate social responsibility amongst the quality, health, safety and the environment. Activities
emphasized Dulsco's commitment to uphold the employees in which almost 150 employees donated during this week are designed to educate employees
highest QHSE standards in its operations and work blood. Emergency preparedness drills were conducted on the latest trends and best practices being adopted
practices. The objective of the celebration was also at all the company premises. Around 1000 man hours by Dulsco. Moreover, QHSE Week 2011 is being
to promote and spread the importance of qualitative of QHSE-related training was imparted on 28 topics.
conducted during the period in which the integrated
living, health of self and family, and the necessity
management system certification is in progress, thus
to safeguard the environment.
Johnson Alexander, Director, HR and QHSE, said, serving as a platform to further effectivise QHSE in
"The QHSE Week, in its ninth edition, is one of the the company."
The Dulsco QHSE personnel had designed many of the longest running initiatives in the company. This is a
programmes emphasizing learning through simple but manifestation of the importance given to QHSE aspects Winners of the different competitions were awarded
interesting games with a number of built-in activities. in the organization. It is also seen that year-on-year, prizes during the QHSE Week and at the closing
Various competitions to promote both physical the QHSE Week gets bigger and more effective with function.
If everyone listens to each other's ideas, the truth will gradually and calmly emerge.
January - April 2012
Serco Compliments Dulsco Waste Management Services
Serco has been providing air traffic control services in and maintained the Metro infrastructure and rolling
the Middle East for over 60 years. The operations in the stock. The Dubai Metro is one of the world's most
region began from 1947 by providing services to the advanced systems and is the first of its kind, featuring
Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority and the Sharjah Airport a fully automatic driverless train system in the Gulf and
Authority. Currently, Serco provides aeronautical services Middle East region.
in the Gulf region at six leading international airports in
Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Dubai, Sharjah and Ras Al Dulsco provides solid waste, liquid waste, and trade
Khaimah; and for the UAE Area Control Centre.
waste collection services, as well as fresh water supply
services, to Serco. Waste is collected daily or on
Serco's activities in the UAE range from top-level alternate days, and collection services are also available
consultancy of the strategies, structures, and processes on call as needed. Dulsco also provides night time
needed to provide operational services, to the ground waste collection services. Rayner mentioned, "Service
level provision and management of services such as air is of a good standard. Enquiries are dealt quickly and
traffic control, engineering, technology and transport.
waste is removed on a timely manner with no disruption
to metro passengers."
"Our association with Dulsco started when we were
awarded the Dubai Metro contract in 2009. We have "Introducing recycling programmes within Serco is on
Serco Dubai Metro.
had an excellent working relationship with you ever top of our list. We are always looking to give back
since," admits Chris Rayner, Managing Director, Serco to the environment as part of our corporate social
Dubai Metro. Serco has operated the Dubai Metro since responsibility and individually as Serco employees,"
its official opening and inauguration on 9th September added Rayner.
2009. The Serco team in Dubai during the initial two
years worked as part of the build up to the inauguration, "As always we appreciate your services, and Dulsco
and during the time recruited and trained over 3,000 being a leading company, we look to further affiliate
employees to run the Operations Control Centre; trained with you in our various business avenues. Keep up the
attendants and all the staff at the stations; and operated good work!," Rayner concludes.
ADCC Lauds Dulsco's Exemplary Service
Chauffeuring A Champion
Abu Dhabi Cargo Company (ADCC) is a subsidiary of the
Dulsco HR Solutions deploy
Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC), and is responsible
chauffeurs for various events
for cargo handling of all the airports under ADAC. It
in the UAE, and the business
currently manages the development of the new East
segment has grown in the
Midfield Cargo Terminal at Abu Dhabi. ADCC handles
past few years. A prestigious
in excess of 450,000 tonnes of cargo per annum, and
assignment recently has been
was presented the Air Cargo Award of Excellence by the
the association with Omega
readers of cargo magazine - Air Cargo News, for the
Dubai Ladies Masters, the
year 2010. ADCC's business portfolio covers cargo services
first full Ladies European
such as cargo warehousing, handling, documentation and
Tour event in the Middle
delivery processes for airlines, freight forwarders and other
East, held at the Emirates
Golf Club, Dubai.
Assistant General Manager,
Abu Dhabi Cargo Company. "We started our partnership with Dulsco in October 2009.
From a small deployment of a dozen individuals, we are
pleased that this association has now grown to over two hundred personnel. We
evaluated a range of service providers and chose Dulsco due to their long experience
in this segment of the industry. Dulsco's overall commitment to the service sector
was key to ADCC's association with Dulsco, and it is also in line with our objective
of providing the best service to our customers", said Naresh Ranganathan, Assistant
General Manager, ADCC.
Currently ADCC has deployed semi-skilled and skilled personnel from Dulsco who work
along with their staff in warehouse operations. "At the moment, a section of the warehouse
operation is handled by Dulsco employees under our supervision", explains Naresh.
"We hope the engagement between ADCC and Dulsco to be on-going, such that the
alignment between the two organisations will enable Abu Dhabi airport to continue to
be of world class standard, while adding value to all its stakeholders. Each year we
aim to work closer with Dulsco towards achieving
this goal, and hope that Dulsco will continue to
partner with us in this endeavour. Moreover, raising
standards in cargo handling operation and offering
quality staff training should jointly facilitate the two
Zakir Hussain chauffeurs Alexis Thompson,
entities in providing exemplary service", adds Naresh.
winner of the 2011 Omega Dubai Ladies Masters.
I have learned, in whatever state I am in, therewith to be content.
January - April 2012
Lafarge Appreciates Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Testimonial From Aloft Abu Dhabi
Lafarge Emirates Cement, formerly known as
Emirates Cement Company, was established
in 2007. Lafarge Emirates is a joint-venture
of Lafarge Building Materials in partnership
with the Dubai Group, a member of Dubai
Holdings l.l.c., and the Government of Fujairah.
The cement manufacturing unit in Fujairah is
equipped with the latest technology and meets
international environmental standards. It has an
annual production capacity of 3.2 million tons
of cement and a production line offering a wide
and varied range of products. Lafarge aims to
Procurement Co-ordinator, make a significant contribution to the building
Lafarge Emirates Cement. material and construction sector in the UAE.
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah has been servicing Lafarge since 2008. Currently Dulsco
Stephan Vanden Auweele,
outsources thirty-five skilled and semi-skilled personnel, with a wide range of
Complex General Manager, Aloft Abu Dhabi, Element Abu Dhabi.
skills, including instrument technician, mechanical technician, store assistant,
"Dulsco Abu Dhabi Waste Management Services has been working with
laboratory assistant, production attendant, packaging assistant, sweeper machine
Aloft as partners in Aloft's waste and recycling requirements. They meet
operator, water tanker driver, welder, industrial cleaner, lubricant helper, office
our requirements not only from a customer service level but also work
boy, and more. "Dulsco is the only company that can provide us with different
with us as partners on our vision to operate sustainably. We have a
categories of manpower, and is committed to supply our requirement on time.
system of calculating the percentage of recycling waste and measuring
You certainly have an edge over other service providers!", admits Ahmed
the effectiveness of our program on a monthly basis. In less than two
Salama, Procurement Co-ordinator, Lafarge Emirates Cement.
years, Aloft Abu Dhabi has become one of the leading hotels in Abu
Dhabi when it comes to recycling. We cover seven different waste streams
"We would certainly consider engaging Dulsco in our future projects. We are
and recycle close to one-third of our total waste. Furthermore, our waste
looking forward to your deployment at our LEC plant", added Salama.
program effectively monitors employees' health and safety, emergencies,
and training, as well as spillages, as part of our day-to-day
"I would like to thank Dulsco for their usual support, especially in fulfilling
operational requirements. Our relationship with Dulsco
our requirement during urgent times.
is a successful one, and we look forward to further
I hope that our successful relationship
increasing our focus on sustainability. Aloft, Starwood, and
continues for many more years to
ADNEC are also dedicated to increasing green initiatives
come", concludes Salama.
and making our business more sustainable".
DHL Express Partners With Dulsco HR Solutions
reference to the number of trading customers, market trained, happy and have completely integrated
share, facility representation and service levels.
themselves into our team", added Beckley.
"Dulsco has been partnering with DHL in the Dubai Beckley hopes to continue this engagement in future
hub for the past eight years. The success and value as he explains, "As we grow and our business needs
gained from this partnership has enabled our other dictate, we will continue to pursue outsourced
operating functions to start deploying personnel staffing options whilst always retaining a healthy
from Dulsco", states Anthony Beckley, Hub General balance between our own employees and those we
Manager - Dubai, DHL.
outsource. It is important to us as an acknowledged
employer of choice that we maintain the balance so
"Our choice to partner with Dulsco on a long term that we can continue to develop the talent pipeline
basis was based on the company's expertise and within DHL to ensure our future leadership and core
proven record in deploying staff to various blue competency skill requirements are met".
chip companies in the region over the years", he
"Outsourcing staff, which is a key component of a
time sensitive, service oriented business like ours,
Hub General Manager - Dubai,
When queried whether the manpower outsourced is risky. However, this risk has been successfully
from Dulsco has enabled DHL in its business growth, mitigated as we have found a reliable partner in
DHL commits its expertise in international express, Beckley was affirmative and said, "The valuable Dulsco. Through excellent account management and
air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, staffing options that Dulsco provides us with have a full understanding of our business needs, Dulsco is
and contract logistics to its customers. A global enabled us to respond to our growth requirements able to consistently provide the right person, at the
network comprised of more than 220 countries and in a very efficient, cost effective and manageable right place, at the right time; and most importantly,
territories and 275,000 employees worldwide, it manner. It helps us rise to the demands of our they provide people who can do the job right the
provides customers with superior service and local dynamic business".
first time, every time. We trust that our relationship
knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements.
with the Dulsco team
DHL Express has been operating successfully in the "Dulsco has proven to be a reliable and superior will continue to flourish
UAE since 1977. It is currently one of the leading supplier by being a key business partner over the and grow in the future",
and established courier companies in the region with years. The staff deployed in our facilities are well concludes Beckley.
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
January - April 2012
Best Employee Awards (August 2011 - November 2011)
Krishna Bahadur Bishwakarma, Abul Kalam, Shekhar Kolakani, Sanjeev
Amar Bahadur Saru, Zakir Firoz, Naruzaman (Besa) Md.Abu Taher Miah,
Kumar Patkari, Abdor Rob, Padam B.K., Habil Mollah
Muhammad Shahbaz, Shreeman Ale, Bisho Sarki, Rahul Amin, Akber
Sajjad, Khalid Mehmood, Rafique Patowari, Rajesh Kumar Shrestha,
Md. Mahbub Alom, Sukra Raj Dhimal, Saminathan Natarajan, Saqib
Ishaq, Lokman Hossain, Jahangir Alam, Iqbal Abdul Sattar, Pariyarath
Musfiqur Rahaman, Masum Rahaman, Rajesh Velathuvalappil, Khial Baz, Zahoor
Thottiyil Ahamed, Jaber Khan, Muhammad Rashid, Muhammad Rafiq,
Akbar, Bhageshwar Chaudhary, Imran Saeed, Ramij Gafur Shikder, Mohammad Zakir
Md. Shafiqull Islam, Muhammad Nawaz, Srinivasu Bhusarapu, Sundar
Hossain, Md Razab Ali Shekh, Jahed Khan, Shajahan Abdulkuthush, Md Shahjahan
Lal, Babar Shahzad, Md Bahar Alam, Jasem Bojolar Rahman, Om
Mondal, Auzzal Chandra Das, Raju Neupane, Sufyan Shahzad, Mohammed
Prakash Saithwar, Masud Rana, Tek Bahadur Pun Magar, Sheik Mohamed
Shoriful Islam, Suresh Madhavan, Elias Hossain, Bhuneshwar Majhi, Varuvel Raj,
Mohamed Haneefa, Afsal Habeeb
Kamarudeen Abubakkar, Chandrasekaran Muthu Manickam, John Wainaina Njuguna,
Safdar Zaman, Md. Boku Mia, Dilli Ram Dhakal, Md. Jakir Khan
WMS Abu Dhabi
Engineering and Property Services
V. Chandra Bose, Mohammed
Abidali Poovamkulam Thottam Puthiya,
Alam, Surendran Kadengal
Omprakash Muthanoor Ganesha Raja
Marine and Tank Services
HR Solutions Abu Dhabi
Waste Management Services
Noman Khan, Shiwa Parsad Tharu
Muringathery Jacob Joju, Suresh Gunasekaran, Muthumani Karuppaiah, Ameer
Khan Ibrahim Kutty, Kader Abdul Razak, Rajangam Kasitaj, Masood Khan,
Hudson Atuti Nyakundi, Shamser Thapa, Muhammad Sana Ullah, Mahendran
Sita Ram Tharu, Ravindiran Sivalinkam, Devi Rokaya, Narayan Bhandari,
Samikannu, Md.Gulfikar Ali, Abel Obordo Bajamunde, Babu Kaji Maharjan
Bhabindra Roka Magar, Nanda Thapa, Anand Chhetri
Client Appreciation Awards (August 2011 - November 2011)
Habibur Rahman, Masud Miah, Amar Bahadur Saru, Sumon Afaz Uddin
Amar Bahadur Saru, Kashif Hussain, Abdur Rahim, Abdur Rahim,
Mir, Khalilur Rahman, Abul Kalam, Serazul Islam, Mohammad Din Islam,
Hem Lal Sapkopta, Shahidul Mofij Udin, Md Parvej Miah, Hanif
Sohail Akhtar Khan, Aftab Hussain, Muhammad Ammar Ali, Delower
Al Mamun, Faruk Sikder, Chan Majeed, Munna Miah, Khadga
Hossain, Kamal Hossain, Md.chopol Rayhan, Md Mahbub Hossain, Chuda
Kumar Limbu, Sher Afzal, Bhul Bahadur Thapa, Abzar Sulthan, Irfan
Mani Chaudhary, Rahmat Ulla, Nur Islam, Jashimuddin Noorul Islam,
Mohamed Semiullah, Danish Aziz, Aurangzeb Nazar Muhammad
Lokman Oli, Dipak Ratna Udas, Md Feroj Hossen, Abdul Waheed, Man
Khan, Golam Mostafa, Munzur Hossain, Malkeet Singh, Kawsar
Bahadur Tandan, Md Bodiul Alam, Ejaz Hussain, Abul Kalam, Nadeem
Ahmed, Gurdeep Singh Bains, Man Bahadur Pun, Narendra Sharki,
Zaman Jamlaney, Jabed Ali, Allah Rakha, Waqar Hussain, Muhammad
Md. Anwar Hossain, Abdul Gaffar Sarkar, Rup Narayan Timsina,
Kamran, Nazakat Hussain, Sikandar Ali, Faisal Ali, Mohammad Faruk
Prem Khadka, Sami Ullah Miya, Dipak Ranapaheli, Muhammad
Hossain, Wajahat Sana, Ati Qur Rahman, Anthony John Fernandes,
Sagar Subba, Muhammad Shabbir, Muhammad Asif Iqbal, Hadyat Ullah,
Basharat Mehmood, Sheth Prasad, Jeffrey Leonardo Cortez, Geoffrey Otieno
Nyatunge, Reazul Islam, Ambar Bahadur Dhimal, Md.harun Ar Rashid,
Waste Management Services
Imran Hossain, Muhammad Riaz, Nazrul Islam, Jamaluddin Abdur Rahman,
Rajesh Kottaparambath, Zabran Ahmed, Sundar Sah
Prasad Kumar, Balaji Bandi, Aktaruzzaman Abdul Hashim, Suryanarayana
Veeravalli, Naga Raju Govada, Srinivasu Bhusarapu, Mir Asim Maqbool,
Muhammad Ameen Shah Kazmi, Dider Hossain, Riyaz Peer Mohamed,
HR Solutions Abu Dhabi
Abad Sher, Qasim Mahmood Kiani, Azhar Mahmood, Bir Bahadur Lungeli,
Ruhul Amin, Md Masud Rana, Hasan Muhammed Sohel,
Motaleb Abdul Sobhan, Murugaiyah Irulandi, Seraj Ali, Rakib Uddin,
Mahabubul Alam, Md. Younus, Tazul Islam, Majid Rasheed Butt, Hafiz
Ram Bahadur Gurung, Sardar Jahangir Ahmed, Anjum Shahzad, Jagmohan
Ur Rehman, Shahidul Islam, Syed Amjad Hussain Shah, Gopi Lokani,
Singh, Chuda Kumar Karki, Arjun Gharti Magar, Tek Bahadur D.C., Samser
Muhammad Shaban, Muhammad Adeel Abbasi, Mohammad Imran
Singh Ghalan, Mohan Yadav, Padam Bahadur Khawas, Ganesh Sunar, Joey
Alam, Mohammad Abdul Hakim, Syed Ibrahim Mohamed,
Fajardo Uy, Domingo Dilay Magtibay, Kashif Zahoor, Shah Alam, Tanim
Yasir Masih, Haji Khan, Malik Habib Nawaz, Waqas Ahmed,
Miah, Md.abdul Hai, Shahinur Islam, Sumuditha Rasanga Madurawalage
Karam Khan, Md. Zakir Hossain, Md. Rasel Hossen, Khurram Nisar,
Don, Susantha Weerarathna Polhenage, Suresh Chaminda Kumara Abraham,
Shahzad Khan, Hamdan Subhan, Danish Shair Dilawar,
Saman Kumara Karunarathne Edirisingha, Migel Hettiarachchige Anjuia
Mobin Ahamad Khan, Shakeel Khurshid, Aamir Rasheed, Aamir
Mahesh Tiss, Wijeyapala Prasanth Kodithuwakku, Satter Khan, Abit Kumar
Rasheed, Fiaz Ahmad, Jahabar Thajudeen Kasim, Sri Sameera
Chaudhary, Jagdeep Singh, Jojin Josy Thekkekara, Aftab Alam, Ashwini
Maduranga Jeyanandhan
Kumar, Sarfaraj Nawaz Alli Shaikh, Milan Gurung, Nirbhik Adhikari, Kumar
Karki, Rakesh Prashad Gupta, Abhay Kumar Pandey, Prakash Shrestha, Sunil
Kumar Raut, Nawa Raj Gurung, Nabin Bhattarai, Rolando Divina Tamayo,
Melvin Macaraeg Villarosa, Bikash Karki, Savish Koirala, Sanjay Maharjan,
Muhammad Imran Kiani, Zahirul Islam, Muhammad Waqas, Billal
Jervis Julius Gomes, Jamshad Iqbal, Md Mahmud Hossain, Cleetus Paul
Hossain, Rajesh Haridas Nair, Zameeruddin Syed, Dino Fraymir Arriola
Manjaly, Shamal Chemmery Vayath, Jijo Joseph, Ajay Raj, Jani Mehendran
Ramiro, Joni Hangdaan Buyuccan, Ali Nabil Youssef Barour, Siony
Poomaniraj Yesu Packiyam, Liju Pottayil Raju, Dipin Dahal, Rishi Ram
Agnote Laco, Jenny Aliwate Zambrano, Gerald Doctolero Rosero,
Timsina, Sumit Gurung, Khagendra Adhikari, Anil Meche, Shah Nazim
Gemmalyn Estonilo, Payam Hemmat Dehnavi, Kajal Gandhi, Annahita
Newaz, Thulo Babu Tamang Thing, Jiwan Kamar, Sunil Dahal, Pramod Karki
Life must be measured by thoughts and action, not by time.
January - April 2012
Long Service Awards - 15 Years
Employee Of The Year 2011
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Abu Dhabi Manpower Services
Abu Dhabi Waste Management Services
Prakash Namdeo V. Gavekar
Naba Raj Acharya, Saqib Mehmood
Dhan Bahadur Shrestha
Finance and Administration
Naresh Kumar Bodapunti
Shamshuddin Hakim Mohamed Ghouse, Alapat Daniel John
Human Resources and QHSE
Jayarajan Chettivalappil, Hadyat Ullah
Ahmed Elsayed Sanhouri
Mohammad Ale Nabi, Navin Raj Paudyal
Khalil Ur Rehman, Zaheer Ahmad, Mohammad Masood Iqbal
Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah
Engineering and Property Services
Jonalyn Manio Garcia
Udaibhan Ramnaresh Sharma
Adalat Khan, Mushtaq Ahmad, Zahoor Ahmad, Yaqub Masih,
Ghulam Rasool, Thalappalli Appu
Asifuddin Hamid Shaikh
Human Resources and QHSE
Ansar Mehmood, Shaikkadi Kansahip, Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Iqbal
Bahrudeen Ali Ahamed Nahuldeen
Hussain, Muhammad Imtiaz
Marketing and Customer Service
Waste Management Services
Rowell Jimenez Rivera
Crescentia Cardoz
Shylesh Karthattil
Waste Management Services
Francisco Dias, Zabran Ahmed, Mujeebrahiman Cherada, Abel
Dulsco Qatar
Ghanashyam Thapa, Bal Bahadur Darji, Lal Mani Pandey
Employee Spot Awards
(August 2011 - November 2011)
Client Appreciation Testimonials - Dulsco Qatar
Dattaram Gopal Gawas, Hasan Abbas, Mohammed Rafiq Shaikh,
Santhosh Perumpilly Lazar
WMS Abu Dhabi
Rashid Mehmood Janjua, Sivakumar Gurusamy
Waste Management Services
Tharun Kumar Nair (left), receiving a
Kiran John (left), receiving a
Hettige Dona Sriyani Nandseeli Sirimanne, Muhammad Sana Ullah
testimonial from an official of Chubb
testimonial from an official
International Gulf Trading Company,
of ADCC for associating with the
for associating with Kahramma
Safety Awards (August 2011 - November 2011)
Md.Harun Ar Rashid, Muhammad Islam, Peter Zaldy Orendain
Montanez, Balbir Stephen Dsilva, Ashwini Kumar, Prakash
Rayamajhi, Prakash Rayamajhi, Jervis Julius Gomes, Eric Montebon
Ajas Khaleel Mohammed (right),
Manzar Hussain, Noor Khan, Tutal Khan, Parmjeet Singh,
Joseph Mathew, General Manager,
receiving a testimonial from an
Muhammad Sohail, Varuvel Raj, Nadan Jeya Kumar
Dulsco Qatar, presents a testimonial
official of Al Fanar A/C Units
from Shapoorji Pallonji Qatar w.l.l.,
Assembling l.l.c., for associating with
to Bir Bahadur B.K. (right), for
New Doha International
valuable contribution to health, safety
Bir Bahadur B.K.
and environment at BCA project.
The attitude of the leader will determine the attitude of the pack.
January - April 2012
Welcome to Dulsco
Employee Training Programmes
(August 2011 - November 2011)
Financial Leadership & Excellence -
Advanced Business Finance &
Motivaluate, Dubai, UAE.
Madhu Kadavath Sukumari Ibrahim Abbas Rehan Rehan Emadi
Financial Leadership & Excellence - Sridhar Sampath,
Sr. Manager - Public Relations & Corporate Affairs
Human Resources and Quality,
Managerial Business Finance
Motivaluate, Dubai, UAE.
Health, Safety and Environment
Basic Business Communication
Hina Pancholi Rao, Dubai, UAE.
Hina Pancholi Rao, Dubai, UAE.
Lakhi Sawlani, Dubai, UAE.
Managing Business Performance
Spearhead Training, Dubai, UAE.
Dilshan Sanjaya De Silva Narangoda
Glen Martin Prince Sivakumar
Shiju Kamukumplackal Thomas
Assistant Manager
Supervisory Skills
Prakash Chugani, Dulsco.
Accounts and Administration
Timekeeping and Recruitment
Pest Control Operations
Waste Management Services
Waste Management Services
Harshal Panse, Dubai, UAE.
E-ducate - Dulsco E-learning Academy
Shezad Jehangir Sayed
Furquan Ali Hasan Noor Mohmed Patel
Executive - Sales
Coordinator - Customer Service
Manpower Services
2nd batch of the 2011 E-ducate graduates at the convocation ceremony held
Suresh Chandran
on 26th January 2012.
Heavy Duty Driver
Waste Management Services
Risalyn Zape Bical
Associate - Accounts & Front Office
Finance and Administration
Dulsco Medical Clinic
Top scorers and early bird winners of the 2nd batch of the E-ducate programme 2011.
Dammar Bahadur Karki
General Labourer
Jincy Anil
Shyam Kumar Shrestha
Waste Management Services
Executive - Accounts
Associate-Customer Service and Marketing
Dulsco Public Speaking Forum For Workers
Cross Sell Awards
Omer Raza (left), receiving a prize from Gul Bhakhti (right),
Ambili Kumar (left), receiving the Star
at the Dulsco Public Speaking session held at the Dulsco Village, Dubai,
Nina Cayos (right), receiving Star Performer Referrer Award for Quarter 3 of 2011 from
on 28th October 2011 (photograph at the left).
Award for Quarter 3 of 2011 from
Satnam Grover (right), General Manager,
Attendees at the Dulsco Public Speaking session held at the Dulsco Village,
S. Balakumar (left), Director, HR Solutions.
Manpower Services, HR Solutions.
Dubai, on 25th November 2011 (photograph at the right).
The true way to mourn the dead is to take care of the living who belong to them.
January - April 2012
International Dulsco Cultural Competition 2011
A pictorial-survey of the International Dulsco Cultural Competition 2011.
Dulsco Village from Dubai was the overall
Results of the Dulsco Cultural Competition – Mega Final
champion at the mega final of the Dulsco International Cultural Competition held on 14th Dance - Solo
October 2011, at the Dulsco Sonapur Employee 1
Dulsco Village, Dubai
Dulsco Village, Dubai
Selected teams from Dulsco Village - Al Quoz, 3
Dulsco Sonapur, Dubai
Sonapur Accommodations, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi and Qatar exhibited their 4
Dulsco Village, Dubai
cultural and musical talent at the mega final. 5
Dulsco Village, Dubai
Location-wise cultural competitions were held during June-July 2011 for the employees residing Group Dancein the company employee accommodations to 1
Gurdeep Singh & Group
Dulsco Village, Dubai
enable the accommodation-officials to decide the 2 Madan & Group
mega finalists.
Manjeet Singh & Group
A large number of employees from various One-Act Play
company locations were present to witness the mega final.
Enamul Haque & Group, Dulsco Sonapur, Dubai
Amir Ajaib & Group, Dulsco Abu Dhabi
Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There is nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task.
January - April 2012
Western Union Camp Ka Champ
Fujairah And Ras Al Khaimah Employee Evening 2011
Colin Ishaq (left) and Sumit K. (right)
Vinod Kumar (second from left),
receiving the cash prize from
Right Track Advertising, presents the
A. Srinivasan, Western Union.
memento to Colin Ishaq and Sumit K.
Dulsco secured the 2nd place in the final of the Western Union Camp
Ka Champ, Antakshri contest, held on 7th October 2011, at Al Nasr
A photo-feature of the combined Dulsco Fujairah and Dulsco Ras Al Khaimah employee
Leisurland, Dubai. ETA Ascon won the final and 3rd place went to Patron
evening held on 23rd December 2011, at the Indian Association Hall, Ras Al Khaimah.
Company. Colin Ishaq and Sumit K., both from Logistics department,
represented Dulsco in the final.
Inter Department Football And Volleyball Tournaments
Earlier in the semi finals, Dulsco defeated Dutco and Al Ghurair Company.
Colin and Sumit received a cash prize of Dhs. 750 each, gift hamper and
a memento. A total of 12 companies were selected for the semi finals
and three companies - ETA Ascon, Dulsco and Patron, qualified for the
final. Ashraful from Dulsco Village HRS Accommodation was one of the
performers at the finals.
Shobna Chandramohan, a leading RJ in the UAE, conducted the Antakshri
contest, organized by Right Track Advertising. Zee Cinema and Zee TV
Winner - Dulsco Village Football team.
Winner - MPS ‘A' Volleyball team.
were the media partners for this event. A. Srinivasan, Marketing Manager,
Dulsco Village Employee Accommodation and MPS ‘A' of Dulsco
Western Union Middle East and India, was the chief guest for the prize
Village emerged the winners of Inter Department Football and Volleyball
distribution ceremony. He gave away the prizes for the winners and
Tournaments respectively on 2nd December 2011. In the football final,
runners up along with Vinod Kumar, Finance Manager of Right Track
Dulsco Village defeated Sonapur Employee Accommodations, and in the
volleyball final, MPS ‘A' defeated Sonapur Employee Accommodations.
The tournament was conducted by Dulsco Sports Club, and held at
Dulsco Village Events Arena Ground, Al Quoz, Dubai.
Dulsco Pindi Express Wins The Red Bull
Sprite Cricket Star Tournament
Dulsco Blasters won the third
place at the Sprite Cricket Star
Tournament held at the Dubai
Cricket Stadium. The tournament
was organized by Action Marketing
Plus in association with the Ministry
of Labour and Sprite in which 8
teams from different camps across
Dulsco Blasters Team.
Dubai participated. The preliminary
matches were conducted at the Dulsco Events Arena, and the semi-finals
and final were held at the Dubai Cricket Stadium. The winner and runners-
up were Al Jabber Blazers and Arabtec Cutters respectively. The other
teams which competed were Al Futtaim Flyers, ETA Hotshots, Naboodah
Dulsco Pindi Express.
Bouncers, Al Habtoor Yorkers and Dutco Dominators.
Dulsco Pindi Express was quick with the bat and ball to emerge as
winner of the Red Bull Quicket held on 14th October 2011, at the Mega
Mall, Sharjah.
Dulsco Qatar Volleyball Tournament
The Dulsco Qatar Volleyball
After a series of exciting qualifying rounds at different venues in the
Tournament was held on 11th
UAE, Red Bull's new version of cricket saw a nail-biting finish in the
November 2011 at the Al Wakra
parking lot of the Mega Mall. Sixteen teams vied for honours with
Accommodation, Doha, Qatar.
Dulsco Pindi Express clinching the title. In the final Dulsco defeated the
Ras Al Khaimah Warriors. Dulsco Pindi Express beat Dubai Westar and
The winner of the tournment was
RAK Warriors beat Dulsco Redbacks en route to the final. Sajid Khalil
Far Western Nepal (standing), and
of Dulsco was adjudged the best player of the tournament from around
the runner-up was Accommodation-F
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
January - April 2012
UAE National Day Coverage
Managing Business Performance
Managing Business Performance Training, conducted by Grant Crawford, Spearhead Training, Dubai,
on 25th and 26th October 2011.
Customer Service Training
40th UAE National Day was celebrated on 2nd
December 2011 in Dulsco with pomp and pageantry.
It coincided with the Dulsco Day programme which
were held throughout the day. The employees
showed their warmth and love for the UAE nation in
a multitudinious manner such as by singing-of the
Participants at the Customer Service Training, conducted by Lakhi Sawlani,
national anthem, wearing-of badges, and by decorating
on 20th October 2011, at the Dulsco Head Office.
the offices, premises, and vehicles as seen above.
Felicitation Of Dulsco Day 2011 Volunteers
Key To Self-understanding - Workshop
By Oksana Tashakova
The volunteers of the Dulsco Day celebrations were felicitated
Oksana Tashakova (left), and a cross-section of the attendees (right), at the personal
on 14th December 2011.
effectiveness workshop, on 10th October 2011, at the Dulsco Head Office.
Donation For Pakistan Flood Victims
Winners Of DulscoNews Competitions
Book Readership Award
Rashmi Rajkumar Shivani (right), WMS Dubai,
receiving the Book Readership award for the
Dulsco official receives a letter of appreciation
Dolly Kabra, P.K. Sabu, Johnson Alexander, Editor,
year 2011 from Johnson Alexander (left), Director,
from an official of Pakistan Association, Dubai.
DulscoNews, and George Jacob (from left to right).
Human Resources and QHSE.
It is no disgrace to start all over. It is usually an opportunity.
January - April 2012
How To Write A Speech?
2. Think Yourself Clear
i. Picture your audience. What do you really wish to tell them? Every talk
should have only one, two or three major points (thrusts). You should be
able to state the whole message of your talk in one sentence.
Example: ‘Your organisation should sponsor a football tournament because
it is a popular sport in the UAE'.
3. Make Yourself Interesting
i. Use examples, comparisons (chess is like cricket; or chess is like a naval
battle). Remember that we get our ideas from things we touch, smell, hear
and see. We get the idea of a tree by seeing a tree.
ii. So go from things to ideas, not from ideas to things. Go from Bradman,
Warne, Tendulkar to cricket-hero, not cricket-hero to them; go from
We are, sometimes, called upon to deliver speeches on formal and informal
Kanchenjunga and Everest to mountain, not mountain to Kanchenjunga
occasions. The editorial board of DulscoNews suggests the following
and Everest; go from Federer and Nadal to tennis champions, and not the
guidelines to prepare a speech.
other way around. Then people will stay awake and follow you.
1. Read Yourself Full
P.S. In order to enhance your speaking skills, DulscoNews recommends
membership of Dulsco Toastmasters Club (DTC) to the employees. DTC is
i. Give your audience something solid. Don't just sit, doodle and think. Get an extension of the company's commitment to the personal and professional
moving by filling your mind with the latest and the best.
development of its personnel. DTC is an affiliate of Toastmasters International
(TI), a non-profit organisation headquartered in California, USA. TI, established
Example: Suppose you have been asked to speak on ‘Football in the in 1924, is the world's leading organization devoted to
UAE.' Go to the internet or to the nearest suitable library. Find out that enhancing personal communication skills. With more than
which you feel may have something on the subject. You will be surprised 250,000 members in over 12,500 clubs in 106 countries,
as to how much information you can quickly gather when you are TI offers a proven and enjoyable way to practice and
looking for something specific.
hone one's communication and leadership skills.
Word Power Solution - Previous Edition
How many words of four letters or more can you
bind, bird, boding, bond,
make from the letters shown here? In making a
bound, ding, dingo, dint, dirt,
word, each letter may be used once only. Each
doing, dong, donut, doting,
word must include the centre letter, and there
doubt, doubting, dour, drib,
must be at least one nine letter word in the
droit, drub, drug, dung, during,
list. No plurals or verb forms ending in ‘s'; no
gird, gourd, grid, grind, ground,
foreign words; no words with the initial capital;
obtruding, outbid, rind, rotund,
no hyphenated words.
round, trod, turbid, turgid,
Good - 20 words; Very Good - 30 words; Excellent - 40 words.
Winner - Sabu P.K., Finance and Administration
Su do ku
Sudoku Solution - Previous Edition
6 Prabhu Dharmarajan,
Dulsco HR Solutions
How to play: The numbers 1 through 9 will appear only once in each row, each column,
and in a 3x3 zone. There are 9 such zones in each sudoku grid. The normal solving time
is up to 30 minutes.
Winner - Deepa Pabari, Internal Audit
Please solve the mind games and send your entries to the Editorial Desk by 30th April 2012. A prize will be awarded for the correct entry of each of
the mind games. The winner will be drawn by lots from among the correct entries.
All things are possible to him that believeth in themselves.
January - April 2012
By Walter Isaacson
Simon & Schuster 2011
If others give you no respect, monopolise
Walter Isaacson 2011
your time, or walk over you, ask yourself,
‘What am I doing to encourage people
to treat me like this?' If you want them to
ISBN 978-1-4087-0374-8
Please solve the crossword and send your entries to
change, you have to change.
After Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc.,
the Editorial Desk by 30th April 2012. A prize will
accepted Walter Isaacson as his authorised
be awarded for the correct entry. The winner will
Editor: Johnson Alexander
biographer in 2009, he took Isaacson to see
be drawn by lots from among the correct entries.
Associate Editor: Sripriya Bharath
the Mountain View, California, house in which
he lived as a boy. And he showed Isaacson
Editorial Desk: Margaret Gonsalves,
1. Fastening device (3)
around the house and said of his father, Paul
3. Peach-like fruit (9)
Reena Bekal, Crescentia Cardoz
Jobs, "he loved doing things right. He even
8. Cooked sugar (7)
cared about the look of the parts you couldn't
9. Brown-toned (5)
see". Jobs, whose inventions so transformed the
allure of technology, turned those childhood
11. Type of hat (7)
lessons into an all purpose theory of intelligent
13. No objection certificate (3)
design that we find in all of the Apple products.
15. Young pigeon (5)
17. Electrocardiogram (3)
Isaacson, the former Chairman of CNN and
the managing editor of Time magazine, and as
20. Whole range (5)
the biographer of Albert Einstein and Benjamin
22. Elliptical path (5)
Franklin, knows how to explicate and celebrate
genius. True to Isaacson's writing acumen, the
24. Exhibit light (9)
book is a clear and elegant biography that
25. Machine with 4 wheels (3)
chronicles the life and times of a modern-day
icon of inventiveness and applied imagination.
1. Courgettes (9)
2. Strain and blend (5)
This is a book about the rollercoaster life
and searingly intense personality of a creative
4. Mountain-range pass (3)
entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and
ferocious drive revolutionized six industries:
6. Deadlock, stalemate (7)
personal computers, animated movies, music,
7. Time period (3)
phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.
11. Finnish bath (5)
You might even add a seventh: retail stores,
which Jobs did not quite revolutionize, but he
14. American reindeer (7)
did re-imagine. Additionally, he opened the
16. Scottish musical instrument (7)
way for a new market for digital content based
19. Beaver-like mammal (5)
The contents of the Newsletter are those of the
contributors and not necessarily those of the
22. Stupid person (3)
Editorial Board or Dulsco. The Newsletter is for
Despite his great ability, skeptic after skeptic
23. Wisconsin (3)
private circulation only.
made the mistake of underestimating Jobs, and
Prabhu Dharmarajan, Dulsco HR Solutions
Isaacson records the howlers who misjudged
Crossword Solution - Previous Edition
Please send in contributions, suggestions, comments
an unrivalled career. But Jobs always got the
Winner - Irfan Pasha, Human Resources and QHSE
and compliments to the Editorial Desk or e-mail at
last laugh. Steve Jobs makes it all the sadder
that his last laugh is over.
DulscoNews is published by the Human Resources
Jobs, passed away in 2011, stands as the
& QHSE and Marketing & Customer Service
ultimate icon of inventiveness, imagination,
Departments of Dulsco.
and sustained innovation. He knows that the
best way to create value in the 21st century
Dulsco L.L.C., P.O. Box 6238, Dubai, UAE.
was to connect creativity with technology,
Tel: +971 4 3404660, Fax: +971 4 3404661
so he built a company where leaps of the
imagination were combined with remarkable
feats of engineering. DulscoNews recommend
the book, a manifesto on innovation, to
its readers.
Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.
Source: http://www.dulsco.ae/PageImages/PressRoom/Newsletter%20Vol9%20issue1-LR.pdf
Biophysical Chemistry 119 (2006) 69 – 77 Influence of N-dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine N-oxide on the activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-transporting ATPase reconstituted into diacylphosphatidylcholine vesicles: Effects of bilayer physical parameters J. Karlovska´ a,*, D. Uhrı´kova´ a, N. Ku*erka a, J. Teixeira b, F. Devı´nsky a, I. Lacko a, P. Balgavy´ a a Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Odboja´rov 10, 832 32 Bratislava, Slovakia
Newsletter - Spring 2005 2005 Section President Dean Fish 520-281-2994 [email protected] PRESIDENTS MESSAGE President – Elect Bruce Munda 520-292 -2999 [email protected] Vice President Dennis Moroney [email protected] Howdy! I hope this spring finds you and yours well. I would like to first thank Jeff Schalau for his great