August /September 2006 – Issue No. 22
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine

August/September 2006
Issue No. 22
Fire & Rescue is the flagship publication of the New Zealand Fire Service.
It is produced by Media, Promotions and Communications, National Headquarters, Level 9, 80 The Terrace, Wellington.
Editor: Iain Butler
What would you do?
We welcome contributions from Fire Service personnel and their
Email stories and digital pictures to:
[email protected] (Pictures need to be at least 1MB)
Post written material and celluloid
photos, or photo CDs to: Fire & Rescue magazine,
PO Box 2133, Wellington. (These will be returned on request)
If you just have an idea or have an upcoming event you would like
Fire & Rescue to cover, call Iain Butler on (04) 496 3675.
Fire & Rescue is on-line
All material in Fire & Rescue magazine is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the permission of the editor.
The first 50
South Taranaki District chief
executive Craig Stevenson and
mayor Mary Bourke with
Western FRC Mitchell Brown.
One of the country's smallest territorial authorities makes a big move on sprinklers.
On August 16, the Fire Service's lives and property from fire – New Zealand's home sprinkler capital sprinkler campaign noticeably something that local government has – a new fire truck.
stepped up a gear.
to consider under long-term council The new Type 2 was kitted out in
On that day South Taranaki District community plans (LTCCPs).
temporary home sprinkler posters for
Council (STDC) announced its plan Western Region commander Mitchell the event.
to give a 50 percent reduction on Brown says it was by appealing to building consents for new homes the LTCCP that the group at Western with sprinklers.
was able to make so
Existing homes will have a discount much headway.
on a case-by-case basis.
The plan already has a momentum of its
Water is prominent in the minds of own, with Wormald
Hawera folk – the town's skyline is promising to give
dominated by an elegant water tower the first 50 people
that can be seen long before any other who take up STDC's
part of the town – so it's no surprise offer a free kit with
that water preservation was one of fire extinguishers, fire
the key drivers in the decision.
blankets and smoke
STDC chief executive Craig Stevenson alarms.
says the ability to put in smaller pipes
In a neat piece of irony,
when the reticulated supply needs the sprinkler launch
upgrading in the coming years was coincided with the
an attractive part of the proposition.
arrival of something
Equally important, though was the that will be needed less ability of home sprinklers to save often if Hawera becomes
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Sprinklers make the difference
Arapawa region puts home sprinkler theory into practise as an Otaki home goes up in smoke.
On an ordinary looking street in the a live sprinkler demonstration which Kapiti Coast town of Otaki a graphically illustrated the benefits of dilapidated 1920s villa has minutes fire suppression in the home.
to live.
The house was donated for the
A line of green plastic running from sprinkler demo, with the local brigade the toby in the street to the side of a to also run a live house burn that front room gives a clue to its fate – weekend.
the house will be sacrificed in the James' scenario involved a cigarette
name of fire safety awareness.
dropping from the arm of a chair into
On August 2, fire engineer James a waste paper basket – similar to the Firestone, supported by Arapawa risk "Speed of Fire" TV commercial.
reduction co-ordinator Paul Glennie, In one room, a single sprinkler head
the Paraparaumu and Otaki brigades was poised and ready. In the other, and others from the region produced nothing.
Issue No. 22
Sprinklers make the difference
In the first room the fire set off the curious locals what was supposed to When the brigade arrived it had the smoke alarm within a few seconds. happen.
fire out in minutes, but the devastation
After burning for two minutes – by "The fire will burn until a window was obvious.
which time the chair had also caught fire – the sprinkler kicked in, covering breaks, then a neighbour will notice Damage: the walls, windows and all four walls of the small room.
and call the Fire Service, who will door were charred or broken. The arrive in three minutes."
ceiling had been breached and the
For a few seconds it looked like the
veranda had lost most of its clear-lite
fire was still winning, but within two In practise, the Paraparaumu brigade roof.
minutes it was only producing black remained on site throughout to smoke, and another minute later, control it if need be, and just as well.
Fire had spread to about a third of
nothing at all.
the house (and would have affected
Within three minutes the fire had more without the stand-by crew's
The damage: one chair ruined, one broken several windows and was intervention) and none of the
wet smoke alarm unhappily squawking beginning to consume the veranda.
furniture in the room of origin
and the walls and windows black with Fire was travelling down the hallway remained intact.
smoke and a bit damp.
and around the back of the house.
In reality, if no-one had called 111
To the second room, where things Paraparaumu firefighters intervened until the first window broke, this
were dramatically different.
to limit the fire to the test room so house would not have been standing
James told the gathered crowd of that the Otaki volunteers would still by the time the last firefighter packed reporters, sprinkler suppliers and have a house to practise in.
up and left.
The New Zealand Fire Ser
vice Magazine
Who ya gonna call?
A new ad says ‘you're right to react' when spotting a possible emergency.
A new advertising campaign is being launched to promote the use of the 111 emergency number for all Fire Service-related emergency calls.
Strategic development director Ian Pickard, who heads the Fire Service communication centres, says firefighters have been concerned for some time about calls made to fire stations that should be made to 111.
Fire Service emergency statistics show four per cent – nearly 3000 calls – have been going to fire stations, instead of 111.
Calls included fires, hazardous chemical incidents and rescues.
The concern is that fire stations are often empty – either because they are volunteer stations or because career firefighters are out on calls or doing work in the community.
Firefighters have reported messages left on station answerphones, or callers saying they had a "small" fire they would like firefighters to check when not too busy, Ian says.
The service also asked the public in its six monthly communications effectiveness monitor about the use of 111.
Issue No. 22
Who ya gonna call?
Mike Heydon and Lance La
results are showing that message is not always getting through."
The service's response to the issue is a series of three television advertisements showing the consequences of people not calling 111. These include a fire on a beach, a hazardous materials incident and a person trapped in a car after an accident.
"The advertisements have a twofold purpose – they encourage people that they are always right to react and call 111 and they also show the service's wider role."
Eighty six per cent of New Zealanders who reported accidental fires in their homes said they attempted to put them out themselves.
Four per cent of New Zealanders did not know to ring 111 in an emergency, 38 per cent said they would deal with small rubbish fires themselves and 41 per cent said if there was a smoke alarm activating they would deal with it themselves.
Ian says the Fire Service message to the public in a fire is get out, stay out and call 111. "Unfortunately these
An information pamphlet is being prepared to support the television advertisements and will be available on the online ordering system.
Ian says if the campaign is successful there will be an increase in 111 calls to the Fire Service, a decrease in 111 calls to fire stations and our statistics should show a better public understanding of using 111.
The advertisements will be launched in September.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Turning professional
How Auckland's fire police went from enthusiastic amateurs to the most action-packed brigade of all.
Auckland Volunteer Fire Police Unit He chooses his words carefully Jim – CFO for the past 10 years – has is almost 75 years old, but has only when describing the brigade then also moved away from a central base, matured as an organisation in the last as "more about enthusiasm than preferring his members and vehicles 15 of those years.
to be scattered around the unit's vast area of responsibility, from Pukekohe
The change is largely thanks to the When Jim joined in 1973 it wasn't to the North Shore.
efforts of its two Queen's Birthday much different.
Honours recipients, Ric Carlyon and
The changes have paid off, he says, in
"The uniform was less than desirable,
CFO Jim Smith.
the recognition they have received
with very little reflective gear. There from other emergency services, the
Ric joined after covering a house fire was no one-person safety."
public and most importantly the
for the then NZBC (forerunner to With a change of leadership in 1992, career firefighters of Auckland.
TVNZ and Radio New Zealand) and came a change of direction.
deciding "there was a bit more to
It has also paid off in recruitment
firefighting than I thought".
Innovation has become terms, with the team of 60 making
one of the things the unit the Auckland Fire Police the biggest
is known for, with Jim's volunteer brigade in the country.
links to Telecom and Ric's Ric says the appeal is obvious.
to broadcasting giving
them an understanding "We're the biggest brigade in the
of the cutting edge of country and the busiest. We get
700 call-outs a year, and because of
the work we do, all those 700 calls
As a result, the unit was are real."
the first Fire Service group
to page its members to No false alarms, a dedicated team
attend incidents and with members in virtually every
was among the first to suburb and a canteen truck that
introduce a dedicated carries 600 meals – it's easy to see
radio network.
why everyone loves the fire police.
Issue No. 22
Picture: John McCombe
The NZPFU's new broom won't be making any sweeping changes.
You can tell the moment you ring "I've been in the negotiating team for NZPFU president Steve Warner's the last 14 years…there aren't going mobile that the top job in the union to be any great changes in the way has shifted south.
the union is run."
The usual ring tone is accompanied That's because Steve says things are by the theme tune for the Canterbury going well as they are.
Crusaders, and he is equally "Compared to how we were in the
unequivocal when asked about his 1990s things are good. The
career history.
relationship with the Fire Service is
"I joined in 1972, so that's coming very good.
up 35 years – all my time has been in "We don't win everything, but what
Steve has also been involved in union Like all good negotiators, Steve His main concern is that firefighters
negotiations for a while and says he appreciates hearing from the other "like all workers in New Zealand"
is not bothered by picking up the side, and says things have been good want their wages to keep pace with
presidency in the middle of collective under Mike Hall, where consultation inflation.
has been given priority.
Wanganui Fire Brigade is all heart
Members of the Wanganui Fire Brigade braved the winter cold on May 26 to become even colder, as
they took part in the annual Heart Children's Spa fundraiser held in the main street of the town.
Story and pictures by Gwenda Prouse
putting people into an icy spa for five This year four teams did their bit.
Iced baths are often used in the minutes at a time as a way of raising I can't say it was fun, but Wanganui treatment of heart disease, to slow not only money, but also awareness.
Brigade have two dads with children
the heart rate down, and some bright Last year the brigade filled the spa, who suffer from heart disease, so this cookie came up with the idea of but only one team took the plunge. cause is something special to us.
SO Ed Buchan (centre),
FF Nick Eddy, SFF Peter Nicolle, admin assistant
relishing the bracing dip
Gwenda Prouse & QFF Wayne Gadsby.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Not well suited: a student
poses for the press,
Castle Street, Dunedin.
stayed on hand to deal with the fires
A line-up of bottles was the first sign earlier than usual for north- and that were lit frequently by students
that things have shifted again in the central-city firefighters, for whom
determined not to give in to
on-going tug of war between seven out of ten call-outs are now authority.
firefighters and students in Dunedin's rubbish fires in the student flat area.
northern suburbs.
"They got called to an incident
The line was designed, say local outside a tavern near the university.
firefighters, to stop the efficient Willowbank went first, backed up by
dousing of yet another illegal bonfire a crew from City.
by delaying or disabling the arriving "They had some bottles thrown at
them and backed off and called
That was in July. A month later the police. Then it was all on
tension ratcheted up again, coinciding for young and old."
with the annual ‘Undie 500' car rally/ Police made 30
pub crawl from Christchurch to arrests while the
Over the weekend of August 19 & police instruction,
20, police in riot gear were needed to
disperse crowds as fires, bottle
throwing and temperature-defying
nudity became the norm in student-
dominated Castle Street.
Firefighters and scarfies have been
doing the curious dance of the student
fires for years, but for some reason
things are starting to get a nasty edge
Dunedin DCFO Trevor Tilyard says
the trouble on August 19 started
Issue No. 22
Crossing the line
Things are getting worse for firefighters in ‘Scarfie town'.
Worryingly, one was lit in the nobody leaning over the fence
n the wind up them [the students]."
doing what they're going to do."
in Area Commander Dave
Campbell agrees the concentration of Arrests frequently have lit
has been a major
the behaviour deterioration.
very minor charges, Dave says.
as early as next m
got flats of students all around
but Trevor is not convinced
, and of course you never hear Attempts to remove the diversion
make any difference as bo
option were thwarted because it was
university and the Otago Students' "They [students living outside North considered unlawful to discriminate
Association seem wary of putting off Dunedin] do behave and it's because by treating the students differently
they have that moderating effect you from other offenders.
"There was a telling comment
get from [non-student] neighbours."
However, he reiterated that the police
Christchurch student in the Otago Conversely, Dave says, the reputation have no intention of giving up on the
Daily Times saying we couldn't get of areas like Castle Street means problem, despite Otago Students'
away with this because our neighbours students who move there feel a need Association president Paul Chong
would complain.
to live up to the hype.
blaming the mayhem on police
that will be easily
have been solved. There is no magic bullet.
bought out or driven out, so there's
"When people start
extending the liquor at firefighters w
area but we not happening."
shied away [because] we wouldn't
have the staff to enforce it, and it In the meantime a working group
makes a mockery of it if you can't comprising Fire Service, Police,
students and civic leaders is
considering options,
taff numbers is limiting 24-hour liquor licences.
not the answer, though.
And some things have help
e could have including ensuring more regula
ad 200 police rubbish collection to prevent the
build-up of ‘fuel' in student areas,
and fire bans that have moved the
bonfires out of backyards.
And at least things haven't got as bad
as they did over Easter Tourney 1990,
says Trevor Tilyard.
"We're nowhere near going back to
that – that was actually quite
The Otago University vice-chancellor
Professor David Skegg said in a
statement that the University does
not condone behaviour that infringes
the rights of other citizens.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
There's no rain in Spain to ease the bushfire pain.
Arrest in Spain
as death toll
Authorities have made an arrest in the north-west of the country of an arsonist blamed for the deaths of three people, including a 74-year-old man who died apparently trying to beat back a fire.
More than 90 fires, accounting for 5000 hectares of bush, were burning in Galicia province, leading to the army being called out to assist stricken locals.
Local fire department spokesperson Iria Mendez told AP that the fires were started in numerous places, close to populated areas in a calculated attempt to cause harm.
The deaths come after 11 firefighters in Gudalajara were killed when a bushfire rolled right over them in July.
Meanwhile, Portugal put out an SOS to other European countries after a July heat wave ended in scorching bushfires that were beyond the control of local firefighters.
Despite the carnage, bushfire damage was down on previous years, with Spanish authorities saying the damaged area was down from 94,000 hectares in the summer of 2005 to under 36,000 this year.
Issue No. 22
Workers set fire to a tank that had minutes to live in Napier's port.
The tank had been used to store bitumen, but was being decommissioned when workers using gas cutting equipment set fire to the remnants of bitumen in the tank.
Fortunately, the accident on August 16 didn't turn into a repeat of Buncefield, UK, where firefighters fought massive fuel tank fires for days.
However, Napier firefighters were called on to pour water on near-by gas pipelines and another bitumen tank to prevent them from going up as well.
The fire was tackled with foam.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
A cyclist was left badly shaken after narrowly avoiding this Fonterra milk tanker on Horsham Downs Road near Hamilton.
The accident on August 17 left the driver with some cuts and bruises, but nothing more serious.
However, it was a female cyclist nearly hit by the truck who was most affected.
Pictures: SFF Brian Thompson
Taradale vollies getting a head
Firefighters attending an MVA in Taradale could have Fortunately, it belonged to a hairdresser – in the sense been forgiven for thinking they had a truly horrific crash that she used it to practise haircuts, not in the sense that on their hands when they found a head on the passenger it came off her torso.
seats of this Ford Laser.
Pictures: Kerry Marshall
Issue No. 22
Aspiring firefighters were given
the good oil on how to navigate
the Fire Service's pre-entry
tests during open days on
Story and pictures: Otago Daily Times
July 29 & 30. The Otago
Meatworker Joel Taniora said he
Daily Times' Tom McKinlay
had picked up a couple of tips.
took a look at Dunedin's
"They said, if we ask you why do
you want to be a fireman, don't say you just want to ride around in a big red truck'," he said, hardly having raised a sweat running through the physical part of the test.
"I still had a whole minute to spare," the league player said, after lugging a 90kg dummy, completing a step-exercise with an 18kg weight, and hefting various ladders and hoses around a course.
Mr Taniora (25) said he was seriously considering applying to join, and not just to give his daughters bragging rights at school.
"The public recognises firemen and the role they carry out in society. They are well respected."
Taradale vollies getting a head
The open day was the first such Nevertheless, Ms Hinton, who does occasion run by the service and office work in Dunedin at present, attracted about 450 people to six said she was determined to join the locations around New Zealand, professional force. It was just a matter
including about 50 people to the of time.
central Dunedin station.
"It all depends on my fitness really,
Former Alexandra volunteer but hopefully pretty soon," she said.
firefighter Gemma Hinton (20) said The fact it remained a largely male
she would be heading to the gym. domain was not a concern.
Although she managed to drag the heavy dummy the required 40m, it "The boys look after you. They are was tough, she said.
good to you," she said.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
South Island firefighters were hanging around in bars in July.
The Fire SAFeTy
hArD cell
By NZFBI president Tony Swain
More than 80 brigade members from throughout the South Island attended a field day hosted by the Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade at the Paparoa Prison.
The theme of the field day was prisons and places of restraint.
Corrections Department staff gave a detailed and comprehensive tour of the various cell blocks within the confines of the prison area.
Although all cell blocks are sprinkler protected the difficulties were highlighted in gaining access for fire suppression activities, the huge layout of the complex with the labyrinth of various wings and the management
of detainees to ensure the safety of fire crews.
There was also a display of a specially trained sniffer dog,
able to detect drugs and other substances that could be smuggled into the prison.
A tour was also conducted of the Child Youth and Family complex at Rolleston which produced some very interesting statistics.
Thanks to the Rolleston Brigade for organising such a
All in all a very enjoyable day for those just visiting, and
successful event and the Corrections Department staff
the knowledge gained provided an unforgettable
who gave up their time to show us around.
Issue No. 22
It's all about you.
In a shock result, the first ever Fire & Rescue survey has revealed that people like reading about themselves.
Responses to the survey flooded in by Some wanted more equality of
So here's the deal:
mail and website – and a curious coverage, with one person pointing combination of the two: people who out that in their Southern Region
From November you will notice
downloaded the survey page from the station, Fire & Rescue goes under the
subtle changes to Fire & Rescue.
on-line edition, then printed it and moniker "the North Island Book".
Mostly these will be cosmetic, but on
mailed it in.
the basis of feedback received in the
It can't be that unpopular down
survey, there will be more profiles of
The overwhelming majority were south, though, because a Gore doctor
various kinds of Fire Service/Rural
positive – in fact even the handful who gets the magazine from her son
fire environments.
of respondents with a bone to pick said "it's popular with the male still said they read the magazine cover patients".
I will also undertake to maintain as
to cover every month – and the
even a balance between North and
A distinct and articulate majority
majority were content to sign off with
South Island, volunteer and career
wanted the magazine to highlight
a cheery "keep up the good work",
staff, and operational and specialist
the little guy, to wave the flag for
or an encouraging if entirely blank
and support work as possible.
the underdog.
comments section.
Mostly, though, I'll just keep putting
That group wanted more profiles of
"Don't change a thing" and "It's
out the magazine as it's been coming
ordinary brigades who hadn't
good as is" most of you said.
out for the past two years.
necessarily done anything grand that
Those who wanted, wanted more, month, but should have their stories
and those who wanted more, wanted told nonetheless.
Iain Butler
more of them.
They wanted rural brigades featured,
A whopping 97 percent of respon- they wanted admin staff up in lights, dents said they always read articles they wanted not new fire trucks, but
PS: To those people who just wanted
about their brigade or region.
well-used, well-loved workhorses,
more bright red fire trucks, I say…
with a damaged bumper where Steve
turn the page.
Profiles were popular, judging by the backed it into a letterbox.
requests for more of these, with a few people wanting one from each island every month.
An even more ambitious respondent wanted a profile of every station every month.
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Mitsubishi canter 4x4 Ultralight
Registration: XI8434
Nickname: Fire Police 3
Equipment: Pump, road cones, lighting, gazebo, refreshments
Tank capacity: 500 litres
Hobbies: Carrying the comms support caravan to "awkward" places
Northcom's night mayor
Three members of the
The occasion was the inaugural Industry Comcen staff Paulette Ripikoi, Phil Trainee Graduation ceremony, held at
Northern Comcen were
Norris and Paul Radden got the
the Auckland Town Hall on June 14.
mayoral handshake for attaining the
recognised by Auckland
The ceremony recognised Aucklanders National Certificate in Contact who have achieved national certificates
mayor Dick Hubbard for
Centre Operations (Level 3), while
and national diplomas with industry Helen Vanderkley also achieved the
receiving industry training.
mark, but skipped the ceremony.
Gold Stars worth
the wait in Taupo
Taupo Fire Brigade honoured four Gold Star recipients at a ceremony
at the station in May, 10 years after the last such ceremony.
SO Graeme Trainor, SFF John Black, SFF Kevin Congdon and SFF Bruce Irwin had all notched up 25 years as firefighters.
They're in good company, with the brigade's 18 career staff totalling 420
years service, SO Lou McCauley setting
the benchmark with 45 years service.
The evening was rounded off with a
special presentation to retired firefighter Jim "the Jug" Rodgers – and a winning
All Black test. The perfect night.
QFF Jim Rodgers with
wife Jan saying a few
words at his farewell
after 33 years of
service to the NZFS.
Gold Star recipients, L–R:
Dianne Congdon, SFF Kevin Congdon
(26 years), SFF John Black (25 years),
Helen Black, Belinda Westerman, SFF
Bruce Irwin (27 years), SO Graeme
Trainor (25 years), Hharyn Trainor.
CFO Charlie Turei presents SO
ears service.
Issue No. 22
Presenti-Bull Story and picture by Colin Leighton
Bulls' long-serving chief calls time.
On June 30, chief fire officer Bruce Incoming chief Symons resigned from the Bulls Brian Carter Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Bruce served 35 years with three with a plaque, brigades, Foxton Beach, Hunterville commemorating
his service with
and finally Bulls where he held the the brigade, and
rank of chief for the past 15 years.
Gold Stars worth
Friends and brigade members members.
gathered at the Bulls station to Bruce will not be
make a presentation and to cele- idle. He can still be
the wait in Taupo
brate Bruce's service to the three found keeping land
transport in line at
Several speakers, including Western the Ohakea Weigh Fire Region commander Mitchell Station and has plans Brown and Past President UFBA to build a new home for Colleen and We wish Bruce and Colleen all the Keith Christiansen, spoke of Bruce's himself, helping with his son's business best for the future and no doubt he time with the Fire Service and his and maybe fitting in a bit more golf to will be seen at brigade functions for a skill and knowledge as chief.
bring that handicap down.
long time to come.
A long time at the top
Mossburn farewells its veteran chief.
Mossburn CFO Jim Guyton has retired after 35 years as a firefighter.
Incredibly, 33 of those years were as chief of the Southland volunteer brigade, making Jim among the longest serving chiefs in New Zealand.
The achievement was marked with a presentation of a model fire truck plaque.
Pictured are (left to right): new Mossburn CFO Stephen Trusler; Jim Guyton; Maureen Guyton and Bev Lapham.
Picture: Rachel Trusler
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Fun & Games
Backing up
Morrinsville medic Steve Turfrey shone again in an Australasian Road Rescue Championships that confirmed the class of previous years.
Burwood from NSW again triumphed in the Adelaide event, backing up from its victory in Hamilton last October.
Morrinsville was next, carried to the creditable placing by Steve's second consecutive win in the medic category and not finishing lower than seventh in any of the categories.
The placing took the team by surprise, not least because the
rules of the championships had changed since Mystery
Creek in 2005.
The team travelled to Adelaide "blind", before a
learning symposium prior to the main event.
Other participating New Zealand teams were
Feilding, who took out fourth overall, and
Feilding's Glenn Davies was adjudged the
fourth-best team leader in the competition,
as was his technical team. Whitianga's
technical team placed fifth.
Burwood was all class though,
blitzing the field with four wins
and two seconds over the six categories.
Under competition rules, the crack
New South Welshmen will now
have to make at least two line-up
changes for the 2007 event in Perth.
Pictures: Rhys Palmer and Piako Post
Issue No. 22
Fun & Games
right on cue
Waipukurau hosted the Fire Service's national snooker tournament in July.
The Central Hawke's Bay town welcomed Fire Service cue-meisters from around the country, with 22 teams entered.
In the dignified and haughty manner of the game, first names were not given to Fire & Rescue for publication, but the winning combination was Messrs Mahuika and Allen, with Messrs Thompson and Doran runners-up.
Minor trophies the plate (for teams ranked between ninth and 16th) and flight (17 to 22) were claimed by the English/Johnston and Hills/Dudley combinations respectively.
Mr Johnston claimed the honour of the best break, pocketing 27 points.
Pictures: Kerry Marshall
Next year's tournament will also be in the middle of the North Island, being hosted in Hawera, South Taranaki.
National Rugby Tournament
National Ski Championships
Dunedin • September 15 & 16, 2006
Treble Cone, Wanaka
(15-a-side, 10-a-side and Golden Oldies)
September 18 – 21, 2006
Contact: Peter Leckie, 03 489 7999 or
Email: [email protected]
021 137 6616 Email: [email protected]
or visit
Continued over.
Entry forms and contacts for some events are available online at Firenet or
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Fun & Games
The chris's for a crisis
Story and pictures by Kerry Marshall
ZM Meeanee Speedway in Hawke's the driver is complaining of a sore
So here I am hanging over the back of Bay. In the passenger seat is a St John neck an ambulance is bought into the pace car as it speeds around the paramedic and on two jumpseats the field and a stretcher is used. Once track, trying to take photos of the in the back are Chris Bullard and the driver is clear the car is righted, TQ Sprint cars forming up behind Chris King from the Taradale towed into the infield and the race is me. The pace car bumps around the Volunteer Fire Brigade. They're here restarted.
track and pulls off onto the grass using their skills in an unofficial Next race the super saloons come
releasing the field for the start of the capacity to provide fire cover and together scattering pieces of car all
race. They fly around the final two safety. I'm wedged in between the fire over the track. Assorted parts are
corners for the green light but it's not extinguishers at the end trying not collected from the track and join us
to be. Contact at the back of the field to bounce out as I see things from in the back lest they get flicked up by
spins three cars to a halt before they a different perspective.
have even reached the start/finish Back on the track two stockcars have These are just a few of the many
line. We race over to make sure an argument over the same piece of incidents in an action packed evening.
everything is all right then form the track and one hits the wall hard. It By the end we're hot, dusty and tired.
field up again for another attempt at rolls and comes to a rest upside down. When the next meeting roars into life
Red lights around the track stop the there'll be more smashes and crashes
I'm riding with the safety crew in the racing and we speed over to help. The and once again Chris and Chris will pace car covering the action at the two Chris's secure the car and since be there to keep everyone safe.
Indoor Rowing
National Golf
2006 Australasian
Fire Brigades Golf Championships
Adelaide, Australia Oct 29 – Nov 3, 2006
September 30, 2006
October 9 – 15, 2006
Contact Ray Shields, 07 348 3197
or 07 347 2252 Email: [email protected]
Entry forms and contacts for some events are available online at Firenet or
Issue No. 22
Fun & Games
Picture: Nigel Marple
The ‘La France' style turntable The truck was awarded the ‘most ladder truck was built by the
creative' prize after just failing to pip
crew largely in its spare time as rivals with much more money put a way of grabbing attention at into their development.
public events, but the fully
little truck
The next test is a police-sponsored
operational truck has turned blue light trolley derby in its home
into a hit, appearing on national patch of Papakura.
television and winning prizes.
ride on the
While Adrian says the crew wants to
SFF Adrian Brown says while keep using the truck for school visits,
the truck has working ladder,
fire safety promotions and public
turntable, lights, sirens and outings it doesn't have the ability to
pump, it's the detachable front store it on station anymore.
section which has allowed the
A fire safety initiative with a difference
truck to race in the annual He is reluctantly prepared to let the
from Papakura green watch is turning
trolley derby at Auckland trolley go to another station or region
heads in unlikely places.
Domain which led to its fame.
if they can store it.
2006 Australasian
Taranaki Provincial
Wellington West Coast
Men's and Women's
Fire Brigades Golf Championships
Golf Tournament
Golf Tournament
Adelaide, Australia Oct 29 – Nov 3, 2006
Palmerston North
Contact Ray Shields, 07 348 3197
November 5, 2006
November 12, 2006
December 4 – 8, 2006
or 07 347 2252 Email: [email protected]
To list your sporting event on this space please send details to: [email protected]
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
Note: always check your helmet prior to donning to avoid embarrassment.
Avoid spam Keeping the "Nigerian Embassy" at bay.
Unless you really need Viagra or Unfortunately for Fire & Rescue, our had her email blocked, relax, mortgage refinancing from someone email address is on the Fire Service that's the border control at work. with the suspiciously fake-sounding website, which means every morning If you do receive spam, delete it
name of Trinidad Burns, chances are is a gala delight of enticing offers of WITHOUT opening (as if you open
you never pay much attention to it, well-paid jobs and, er, performance- it often a response is sent back to the
but spam – unsolicited junk email – enhancing drugs, but many other sender and you will get even more).
is a growing problem and affects users also endure the daily hassle of Some spam can come with an email
everyone who uses email.
deleting this unwanted advertising, address you recognise, but if it looks
with its attendant risk of viruses and strange, don't trust it.
key-stroke traces.
NEVER, EVER reply to spam –
So, how do you get rid of it?
that's the equivalent of offering a
Well, with spammers always telemarketer your mobile phone pushing new technology to its limits number. No matter how frustrated you can't ever completely remove you get by spam, replying will triple spam, but you can reduce the odds your pain.
and your risk.
By making sure your email address is
The Fire Service uses MailMarshal to not on any internet website or internet stop the majority of spam emails so if discussion group/bulletin board you you get a few quarantine messages also lessen the chance of the "Nigerian saying that Nikki_wsrt64r@hotbabes. Embassy" coming to call.
Issue No. 22
By order of the Fire Service Commission
Notices for the Fire Service Gazette should be emailed to: [email protected]
Fire Service Gazette
Notice No 91: Submissions on the Fire Service Gazette
Recent feedback on the Gazette and the availability of Firenet to all personnel via the portal has led to a review
of the Gazette in its existing format.
Comments on the Gazette were that is frequently outdated and does not serve some of its policy functions in its present monthly format.
Readership of the Gazette was the lowest of any section of Fire & Rescue magazine in the recent survey, reflecting its relevance in that form.
Therefore it is proposed that the following changes be made to the Gazette to better meet the needs of it readers and contributors:
• The Gazette will be published fortnightly, instead of monthly.
• It will be removed from Fire & Rescue and published exclusively on Firenet.
• The existing fortnightly vacancies and appointments publication on Firenet will be merged with the Gazette.
• The Gazette will primarily publish vacancies, appointments, notifications of policy updates and long service
and good conduct medal awards and similar material.
• Notices of a general nature wil continue to be published monthly in Fire & Rescue in a "notice board" section.
These changes will affect the way some Fire Service personnel access the Gazette.
To make a submission on the proposed changes, please contact Iain Butler ([email protected]) at National Headquarters by October 6.
To get a username and password for the portal system, talk to your local regional admin manager.
Notice No 92:
The following is a schedule of personnel who have been awarded the New Zealand Fire Brigades Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal and, where appropriate, clasp(s) thereof.
The Commission congratulates all recipients.
Recipients are urged to check that their details (as shown in the attached annex) are correct. NB: only the
recipient's initials and surname will be engraved on the medal. Where details are incorrect, advice should
be conveyed to the relevant personnel as follows:
Fire Region
Christine McGinty
NB: A self-generating application for
the New Zealand Fire Brigades Long Service & Good Conduct Medal/Clasp
can be found within the Employee
Kiosk. Your previous medal/clasp
details and NZFS service is
automatically included with space for
you to add volunteer or other
National Rural Fire Authority
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Hutt Valley Fire Police
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Collingwood Volunteer
Senior Firefighter
Hutt Fire District
Senior Firefighter
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Station Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefigher
Qualified Firefighter
Senior Firefigher
Qualified Firefighter
Fire Force Controller
Gisborne Volunteer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Volunteer Support Officer
Senior Firefighter
Continued over.
Fire Service Gazette
Christopher James
Senior Station Officer
Blair Christopher
Qualified Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Station Officer (Fire Police)
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Andrew Wil iam James PAY
Senior Firefighter
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal & First Clasp
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Fire Officer
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Wellington operational
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, First & Second Clasps
First Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Firefighter
Titahi Bay Volunteer
Chief Fire Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Christopher Thomas
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefigher
Station Officer - Fire Police
Senior Firefigher
Christopher Rennie
Fire Force Controller
Te Araroa Volunteer
Qualified Firefighter
Richard John William
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
William Christopher
First Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Station Officer
Chief Fire Officer
John Charles Stephen HILL
Senior Station Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Station Officer
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Fire Service Gazette
First & Second Clasps to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Fire Officer
Robert Alan James
Christchurch Airport Fire
Chief Fire Officer
Christchurch Airport Fire
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
First, Second & Third Clasps to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Firefighter
Denis James Stuart
Christchurch Airport Fire
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Christchurch Airport Fire
Second Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Firefighter
Senior Station Officer
Howick Volunteers
Allistair Desmond
Chief Fire Officer
Thomas Richard James
Senior Station Officer
Napier Fire Police
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Qualified Senior Firefighter
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Station Officer
Rouallyn McDonald
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Senior Fire Police
Chief Fire Officer
Second & Third Clasps to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Third Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Station Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Chief Fire Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Senior Firefighter
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Qualified Firefighter
Assistant Fire Region
Napier - Eastern
Logistics Officer
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Senior Firefighter
Chief Fire Officer
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Station Officer
Senior Station Officer
Third & Fourth Clasps to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Firefighter
Edward John William
Fire Service Gazette
Notices / Appointments
Fourth Clasps to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Fraser William Michael
Chief Fire Officer
Senior Station Officer
Fifth Clasp to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
Senior Fire Fighter
Chief Fire Officer
Notice No 93: Policy Amendment
POLHR 1.7 Standards of Conduct Policy. Personnel are advised this policy has been amended effective
19 February 2006. The amendments relate to the section Standards Relating to the Rights of Others, (E) and
include guidelines on close personal relationships. The changes clarify that in some circumstances, certain close
personal relationships between employees must be notified to the relevant manager and a plan developed to
mitigate any adverse consequences of the relationship.
The amended policy is available to all personnel on FireNet.
Notice No 94: New Policy
POLHR 1.8D Workplace Bullying Policy. A policy covering Workplace Bullying has been approved by the
NZFS Commission following the standard consultation process. The policy was developed in close consultation
with the NZPFU and the UFBA. The means of promulgating the policy are also being developed in close
consultation with the NZPFU and the UFBA.
The new policy is available to all personnel on FireNet.
Previous Position Held
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Oban Volunteer Fire District
Oban Volunteer Fire District
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Palmerston Volunteer Fire District
Palmerston Volunteer Fire District
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Tahuna
Tahuna Volunteer Fire District
Volunteer Fire District
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Te Puke Volunteer Fire District
Te Puke Volunteer Fire District
Previous Position Held
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Woodville Volunteer Fire District
Woodville Volunteer Fire Brigade
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Oban Volunteer Fire District
Oban Volunteer Fire Brigade
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Kelvin Clearwater
Station Officer,
Palmerston Volunteer Fire District
Palmerston Volunteer Fire Brigade
Senior Station Officer,
Station Officer,
Pahiatua Volunteer Fire Brigade
Pahiatua Fire Brigade
Station Officer Fire Police,
Senior Fire Police,
Silverdale Volunteer Fire Brigade
Silverdale Volunteer Fire Brigade
Station Officer,
Senior Firefighter,
Silverdale Volunteer Fire Brigade
Silverdale Volunteer Fire Brigade
Station Officer,
Senior Firefighter,
Thames Volunteer Fire Brigade
Thames Volunteer Fire Brigade
FAIP Co-ordinator,
Senior Firefighter,
Transalpine Fire Region
Dunedin Fire District
Fire Region Account Manager,
Financial Accountant,
National Headquarters
National Headquarters
Financial Accountant,
Financial Analyst,
National Headquarters
National Headquarters
Administration Support Assistant.
Nelson Fire Brigade, Arapawa Fire Region
Chief Fire Officer,
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Blenheim Volunteer Fire Brigade
Blenheim Volunteer Fire Brigade
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Senior Station Officer, Blenheim
Blenheim Volunteer Fire Brigade
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Senior Station Officer,
Kamo Volunteer Fire Brigade,
Kamo Volunteer Fire Brigade
Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
Station Officer, Kawakawa
Kawakawa Volunteer Fire Brigade,
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Senior Station Officer,
Station Officer, Inglewood
Inglewood Volunteer Fire Brigade
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Station Officer,
Richard Kuklinksi
Senior Firefighter, Inglewood
Inglewood Volunteer Fire Brigade
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Fleet & Information Administrator,
National Headquarters
Fire Service Gazette
Published August 2006
By the New Zealand Fire Service
Media, Promotions & Communications
The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine
National Headquarters, Wel ington
EVOLUTIONARY FOUNDATIONS OF HIERARCHY 1 The Evolutionary Foundations of Hierarchy: Status, Dominance, Prestige, and Leadership Mark van Vugt & Joshua M. Tybur Chapter in D. M. Buss, Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (Second Edition) August 2014 (in press) We would like to thank Willem Frankenhuis, Michael Price, Richard Ronay and an anonymous
SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE 155 (Replaces guideline No 147), February 2005 Guidelines for Vaginal Birth After PreviousCaesarean Birth This guideline has been prepared and reviewed by the Clinical 1. Provided there are no contraindications, a woman with 1 previous Practice Obstetrics Committee and approved by the Executive