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Gardeners and their guests assembled for the Spring Court and Dinner at Vintners' Hall, the fine old façade in Upper Thames Street hemmed in by modern glass and concrete, trapped between river and the busy road. Once through the doors, we entered a cosy lobby with fire burning in the grate, Christopher Hanrahan our cloaked Beadle welcoming all inside.
I arrived with my family a little early for my admission to the Livery; despite a little nerves all went well and I was warmly welcomed by all at the Court, and what a Court! Aside from its noble members the room itself seemed – as my son observed – straight from Hogwarts. I didn't notice any of the fine paintings offering animated congratulations but the room was steeped in a history going back to The Worshipful Vintners pre-date our own venerable company by many years but we share a long and successful history. Upstairs the reception room walls attested to that history with charters signed and sealed by Elizabeth 1, Charles II, and a note from Chaucer. Mention of growing vines and gathering crops revealed links between Appropriately themed table decorations at Vintners' Hall.
the two companies. In the early evening as the guests arrived the company's fur-trimmed Assistants (L-R) Helen Knight, Cindy Peck and Kate Jones enjoy the livery gown kept the cool of the upstairs at bay until I was wrestled from it by Major David our assistant clerk. As the champagne flowed the friends warmed the halls with animated chatter until dinner was called and a dignified throng headed for the magnificent Great Hall.
Upper Warden
At dinner those links became clearer in the presence of Simon Leschallas the Master Vintner; Stephen Bellamy-James, Master Fruiterer; Michael Neal, Master Carpenter; Andrew Gill, President of the Chartered institute of Horticulture and our own Bernard Williams, all truly Masters of the green world, representing a cooperative approach to future challenges and opportunities.
This was the theme of the heartfelt after-dinner speech by our principal guest Sir Roy Strong who took us on a journey through his own career, his successes and regrets. Through his words we visited his beautiful garden at The Laskett, now gifted to Perennial, the Gardeners' charity. He took us onwards with his thoughts on garden design, training of gardeners for the future, our garden heritage and its conservation and promotion - a whirlwind tour of an iconic life.
Preserving the theme of Viticulture and Horticulture, Assistant Nicholas Woolf welcomed guests with poetic and humorous greetings. Fine wine and excellent port, as you would expect in the The Gardeners Company Vintners' Hall, flowed during the toasts and responses, and a very Sir Roy Strong is welcomed to the event.
The Master, principal guests and Court members gather before full cup was had by all as the Loving Cup wove its way amongst puzzled and knowing diners. processing into the dining hall.
report by ian Barrow all photographs by michael warren PLANTING FOR THE ‘WOW' FACTOR
Charity Dinner in aid of Future Gardeners, Carpenters' Hall Fairchild Court, Lecture and Supper, St. Giles, Cripplegate The popular workshop series at Capel Manor College's Enfield site Welcome to your Spring Spade. Chelsea Supper, Farmers' Club continues on the 14th May with "Enhancing Colour in the Garden': Feedback is always very helpful, as Visit to Slovenia guidance on how to increase summer colour impact.
are new ideas for articles. Most of Garden Party, Gardens of the Rose, St. Albans the items in this issue are available on Installation Court and Dinner, Clothworkers' Hall It will be a ‘hands-on' day and participants will learn how to create the Company Blog, usually at greater Olympic Park Walk vibrant and colourful borders. The use of tropical and sub-tropical length and with more photographs. Tom Stuart-Smith garden visit plants to achieve a ‘wow' factor will be explored, as will traditional annuals and plants good for infilling border gaps. Planting If you have not already done so, Visit to the Black Country containers for maximum effect will do obtain your user name and London Park visit also be covered.
password from the Office and visit the Harvest Festival Service and lunch, St Etheldreda's Church Gardeners' Company website RHS Lecture and Supper Autumn Court and Dinner, Carpenters' Hall The day costs £48, runs from 10.30am to 3.45pm and includes light Tradescant Court and Lunch lunch with wine, tea and cake. Booking forms have been circulated John gilbert, editor.
Christmas Carol Service, St Stephen Walbrook and are available for download on the Company Blog. They should dates correct at time of publication be sent to Past Master Nicholas Evans, Capel Cottage, Bullsmoor Sir Roy Strong proposes the traditional Toast to the Company.
Lane, Waltham Cross, EN7 5HR no later than 7th May.

robert howard's View from the City Global equity markets are recovering from their February lows. At the end of March, the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, announced a bold set of measures to ease monetary conditions in the Eurozone, with more focus on quantitative and The ECB actions may have helped markets, but other factors have also boosted sentiment. Emerging markets, excluding China, have rebounded strongly, driven by a recovery in the oil price and a weaker dollar. The Brent oil price has now rallied, briefly passing $40 per barrel compared to under $30 in February – and the relentless rise in the dollar appears to have come to a halt. From mid-2014 to early 2016, the trade-weighted dollar appreciated by 24%, but since peaking this year it has fallen by 5%. Also, in the United States the S&P500 has recovered to within 5% of its all-time high, helped by some better economic data. So far, European and Japanese shares have performed poorly in The magnificent Crathes Castle and Gardens, one of the many Celebrity gardener David Domoney, compere and auctioneer for 2016. Inflation expectations in Europe and Japan have fallen and it attractions close to Craigendarroch - see Raffle below was assumed that the leading central banks had reached their limits (photograph by Hartlepoolmarina).
(photograph by Trevor Adams).
of monetary effectiveness with a zero interest rates policy (ZIRP). However, both the Bank of Japan and the ECB are now pursuing CHARITY DINNER TO FUND THE FUTURE
will want to double (or triple or quadruple) your chances. Please a negative interest rate policy (NIRP) to revive growth and bring come with the necessary cash or a cheque.
about inflation. The ECB cut all its main interest rates. Its Quantitative Snowdrops as far as the eye can see.
Preparations are well advanced for the Master's Charity Dinner to Easing programme will be increased by €20bn per month to a total be held at Carpenters' Hall on the 10th May. Proceeds from the If you are unable to attend the dinner but would like to join in the €80bn until March 2017 and investment grade corporate bonds GLORIOUS GALANTHUS AT
event will go to fund Future Gardeners, the Company's exciting new raffle please send a cheque (made payable to the Gardeners' issued by non-banks will be included. Four new TLTROs (total longer- WELFORD PARK
project to help disadvantaged young people into education Company) to the Clerk and indicate how many tickets you wish to term refinancing operations) will start in April with interest rates and employment.
buy. In the event of your number coming up the Clerk will notify you potentially as low as the deposit rate. the following day.
Welford Park was basking in wonderful sunshine; it was a very A Royal Freeman will be present at the glittering event which will The big question is whether a negative interest rate policy will work. good start. We were met and taken around by Deborah Puxley, begin with a ‘Fizz Reception' accompanied by a jazz quartet. Switzerland adopted a negative interest rate policy in December who lives in the manor house with her husband James and their Diners will sit at tables of 10 and tickets are still available.
2014 and in January 2015 the deposit rate was reduced to -0.75%. children. She has a passion for snowdrops.
The Swiss economy is expected to return to growth of 1% this year, Gardener, writer and television personality David Domoney will be but there is still deflation. Deborah explained that Welford Park is situated on the site of a monastery and church, one of only two remaining round-towered the compere for the evening and will auction a fantastic range of prizes generously donated by members of the Company and other The negative interest rate policy has not really helped the domestic churches in the country. After the Dissolution, Henry VIII used the supporters. These include a number of luxury holidays, a piece of credit markets, as mortgage rates have increased. Although it is only house as a deer-hunting lodge; the King then leased the property fine jewellery, a fully-catered day on a Belgian sea-going barge, an a short time since the ECB introduced its own negative deposit rate to Sir Thomas Parry and, after passing through various hands, it Edwardian "Singalong Evening", a Raymond Blanc lunch for two, (-0.1% in December and cut to -0.3% in January), to date it has not was inherited by Eleanor Wrottesley who had married William rock festival tickets and a Champagne Afternoon at the Australian provided any economic traction. Eyre (latterly Archer) in the early 1700's.
High Commission.
The ECB has now reduced its inflation forecast further to 0.1% (from The entrance gates are adorned with a wrought iron boot Company members and supporters have also donated a large 1.0%) for 2016, well below the 2% inflation target, and its GDP with spur, which is the Eyre family crest; and with us in our number of smaller items for a Tree of Life. Buy a mystery envelope estimate has been revised down to 1.4% (from 1.7%). Eurozone Gardeners' party we had a descendant of the Eyre family who without knowing what's inside. You will get a surprise and an item unemployment remains high at 10.3%, and although the ECB is was wearing a boot and spur signet ring – the lovely Jane Lyons, worth twice the price on the envelope.
doing "whatever it takes", there is still only marginal help from daughter of the late Past Master Roger Payton.
Eurozone fiscal policies and structural reforms. Deborah led us through the gardens with aplomb, explaining that A raffle will also be held and this will give an opportunity for those unable to attend the evening to contribute. Thanks to a kind donation It appears that the recent rally in markets could be approaching an the monks used snowdrop leaves for mal-de-tete, today known by a Liveryman you are offered the opportunity to win a one-week important crossroads. If the bold measures from the ECB were to be as Alzheimer's; the extracts of the plant are today synthesised for self-catering holiday for up to six persons in a luxury lodge in the combined with a more cautious US monetary policy, together with a the drug Reminyl. Mike Fitt shares his wealth of knowledge in Regent's Park.
picturesque Hilton Craigendarroch Time Share Development located stable Chinese economy (growth target of 6.5%-7% for 2016) and a near Ballater and Balmoral in Royal Deeside for the week beginning further recovery in oil prices, markets could continue to rally - but as There are over 50 varieties of snowdrop in the gardens. Some Sunday 23rd April 2017. we know, we are in uncharted territory.
of Deborah's favourites are Galanthus nivalis ‘Lady Elphinstone' NEW ALUMNI GROUP IS LAUNCHED
which has lovely yellowy petals; G. elwesii, which has its origins in the Crimea and has huge almost tulip-like leaves, and This is a superb resort offering a wide range of leisure activities Under the guidance of Assistant Heather Barrett-Mold, the Company G. plicatus, also from the Crimea, which has funnel-like leaves to including golfing, walking and visiting famous gardens and castles has formed a group of prizewinning alumni and their first get- assist water droplets to travel down to the bulb. Deborah's top tip including the inestimable Crathes Castle and Garden and some together was held in Regent's Park last October. The Master was was not to buy a snowdrop that doesn't have a bloom on it.
nearby military forts. The winners will be responsible for their own travel to and from the resort.
present, the future of the group was discussed and Assistant Mike Fitt gave a talk on the history of the Royal Park.
She left us to wander through the unmanaged woods which, carpeted with swathes of snowdrops, are extremely beautiful. If Those attending the Charity Dinner in Carpenters' Hall will find a All members of this new group have previously been awarded prizes you didn't join our day out, I recommend a visit next year. Truly numbered envelope containing a card bearing the same number at by the Company and most of them are now working in horticulture. exceptional, not to forget Welford Park is the location of the their table place. You will be invited to put £20 in the envelope and The alumni organisation hopes to provide a support and information Great British Bake Off! remove the numbered card which you will wave excitedly if your network, occasional visits to places of interest and opportunities for report and photograph by Tara holland prior number is announced as the winner when the envelopes have been collected and the draw made towards the end of the evening. There continuing professional development. It hopes to have a website will be extra numbered envelopes on the table in the hope that you linked to that of the Company.
The Mansion House was as pretty as a picture with flower arrangements that came to life in a way that recalled ‘Painting the Modern Garden', this spring's blockbuster exhibition at the Royal Academy. During the Reception in the Salon the floral compositions were held in large gold picture frames with battery-operated candles and grapes flowing out of the frames—absolutely stunning and a great credit to Stephen Crisp and his team.
Later in the Egyptian Hall, the dining tables held smaller frames with bright spring flowers and fruits flowing onto The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, and both Sheriffs and their spouses joined us for champagne prior to going into the Banquet. Following the delicious dinner, the Loving Cup, the sung grace and the toasts, Upper Warden Paul Rochford introduced our guests for the evening. They included: His Excellency the Dutch Ambassador, Simon J. H. Smits; Pietro Buonfrate, Deputy Master, Basel Gardeners; Stephan Gassmann, Master, Basel Gardeners; Allan McLaren, Deacon of the Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow; David John Oliver Dickson, Clerk to the Incorporation of Gardeners of Glasgow and Dr. Andrew Mair, Master Wax Chandler. The upper Warden's badge.
The renter Warden's badge.
The clerk's badge: crossed quills.
Musical entertainment for the evening was provided by a trio of young opera singers who performed a programme of classics including some that became ‘sing-alongs'! There was something special and ‘in the family' about THE GARDENERS' BADGES:
The two Wardens' badges are similar the evening's speeches, especially as the Lady Mayoress, and again, in comparison with most other Lady Juliet Mountevans, is one of our Liverymen. JEWELS TO BE PROUD OF
liveries' wardens' badges, are almost twice The Rt. Honourable, the Lord Mayor, Alderman the Jeremy herrtage, the Gallant Clerk, inspects the size of the majority and infinitely Lord Montevans, gave the response on behalf of the the Company regalia more decorative.
guests, and cleverly wove many of our activities into the programme of his year and his charitable efforts. Amidst a plethora of attractive officers' The "pièce de résistance" is the Master's This correspondent felt it was a particularly warm and badges across the Livery Movement, I Badge as you would expect. Purchased by generous speech which ended with the Toast believe we can truly say that those of the the Company in 1891 it was repaired by Gardeners' Company rank among the best.
Lord Gainsborough (Master 1968). Although it is logged as being in gold and enamel, The Master gave the Response. He first recognized Robert We are fortunate as a Company that the it was widely thought to be silver-gilt like Howard, Court Assistant and newly elected Alderman, Wardens' and Clerk's badges were all the others – there were no hall-markings to who is continuing a long family tradition of service to the presented at the same time (1897) by the City. Then he presented the Lord Mayor with a donation then Assistant William Thomas Crossweller toward his charities for the year. (Master 1906) and, as you can see from the During Past Master Daniel Caspi's year pictures, were made pretty much to the of office – which was also the Queen's This year marks the anniversary of the birth of Capability same design.
Diamond Jubilee - he very generously added Brown and the Master made a connection to his charity a 60 point diamond to the bottom of the for the year, Future Gardeners. We have always been a All are silver-gilt and enamel and each is badge in celebration thereof and had it nation of fine plantsmen and women and the Company inscribed on the back to indicate whose checked at the Assay Office where it was can help continue that tradition. All present were badge it is and with the words: "Presented found to be solid 18 carat gold (that put then asked to join the Master for a Stirrup Cup in the to The Worshipful Company of Gardeners the insurance up!). It was further enhanced Salon, bringing a glittering evening to a most pleasant by William Thomas Crossweller F.R.INST. by Past Master Nick Evans in 2014 with M.S.A. F.Z.S. Member of the Court of the addition of Past Master HRH the Prince report by harriet fraunfelter Assistants in commemoration of the Diamond Edward, Earl of Wessex's personal cipher Jubilee of Queen Victoria June 1897." with his permission in celebration of his year Photos from top: The lord mayor and lady mayoress as Master. You can see it above the City of are welcomed to the banquet by the master and mistress. The Clerk's badge probably gets the most London Crest in the picture.
steward catriona Balfour with steward richard capewell wear and has been showing more silver (right) and steward christopher evans. as pretty as a than gold until recently, when Past Master Next time you are speaking with the Master, picture: one of the stunning flower arrangements. singing Daniel Caspi kindly removed it from me Wardens and Clerk at one of our events, do for their supper: three young opera singers provided the and had it re-gilded. It now looks even take the opportunity to have a close look at musical entertainment. more splendid and, despite my adding the these masterpieces. They are truly splendid, crossed quills of a clerk to the ribbon, I still a privilege to wear and well worth a look.
all photograph by michael warren get called "Master" by other masters and members of other liveries! The master's badge: the pièce de résistance.
Many more pictures available on our members website FLOWERS IN THE CITY STILL BLOOMING
helen Knight explains how our competition works and how it The master led a five-day visit in early september last year to a continues to make a difference in the City range of wonderful gardens in the severn and wye valleys. reports by Corinne Knowles, ann underwood, marjorie dowbiggin, pamela The original idea was sown by the Court in 1948 when London hawley and ann rawlings was recovering after the war with many blitzed and forlorn sites. Something was needed to brighten the City and after discussions The Butterfly Garden, Cheltenham with the London Gardens Society, a Competition for the Best There were no butterflies, but a good nursery of plants for sale and Window Box or Balcony Display was launched in 1949.
then an astonishing collection of wooden huts and greenhouses used for a huge variety of purposes and all manned by many enthusiastic During the 1950s the award scheme went from strength to strength. young men and women from schools and colleges within a 50-mile For the Festival of Britain in 1951, the Lord Mayor wrote a letter radius. They are all disabled in one way or another and wholly to support an appeal by the Master. This was sent to hundreds of committed to helping Liveryman Chris Evans make a go of City firms asking them to install window boxes. This received an the enterprise.
enthusiastic response with nearly 2,000 window boxes lining the Festival opening route to St Paul's.
There was one shed where wooden pallets were being converted into furniture, a huge old greenhouse where thousands of old DVDs For the Queen's Coronation in 1953 many City firms again were being broken up into their component parts so they were not answered the call and window boxes became the fashion.
used for landfill. A fascinating collection of old garden tools was being carefully cleaned and oiled for reuse or to create a museum.
During the 1960s, the award scheme was reviewed and re- Altogether, Chris Evans gives employment to over 100 students in named "Window Box Awards". The emphasis shifted away from many and varied ways and the passion he feels in helping them is horticultural excellence towards the "decorative contribution to the reflected in the way they respond to him.
beauty and gaiety of the City". An association with the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association was formed and the strapline "Flowers The dragon orchard and The laskett in the City" was adopted. The City Corporation also gave We were greeted at the Dragon Orchard by Norman Stanier whose 22-acre orchard has been tended by the same family for over 90 years.
In 1985 the scheme reverted to being run solely by the Company Norman Stanier, our host at the Dragon Orchard.
with the support of the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of the City He gave us a fascinating insight into the heritage and tradition of of London. Many new trophies have been added over the years. cider-making and apple juice production. A combination of excellent highnam Court and the Three Choirs Vineyard These have included an Atrium trophy in the 1980s, the best Floral soils, a perfect mesoclimate and good orchard management has Most of Friday was spent at Highnam Court Gardens and the first Street in the City in 1992, an Indoor Display Award in 2003 and a produced some of the best fruit in the UK.
thing that struck the group was a wood carving of a fox, carved Livery Hall Trophy in 2008. The newest award, introduced this year, from the stump of a tree in the car park. We soon realised that such is the Skyline trophy to recognize the trend in roof gardens and We could have lingered but it was time to continue to the Laskett carvings were the highlight of the gardens. green walls.
Gardens, one of the largest private formal gardens to be created in England since 1945. They are the amazing creation of the historian Originally laid out in 1840, by 1874 Highnam was one of the finest Following a major review in 1997 it was decided to divide the Sir Roy Strong and his late wife, the designer Dr Julia gardens in England but was neglected in the 20th Century until the awards into Summer and Winter Campaigns. The judges, all property was bought by Roger Head in 1994. He has since restored members of The Worshipful Company of Gardeners, visit their areas the house and gardens, also adding new areas to complement the twice in each period and provide recommendations for trophies Its stunning transformation over nearly four decades is a visual original design.
and plaques. Final judging for those put forward for trophies is expression of their happy marriage and a reflection of their creative conducted by the Master, Chairman, Secretary and head of judges, talents in the arts. Strong architectural structures abound and the Our final stop was at Three Choirs Vineyard where we had an Ron Froud. Plaques are given to reward and encourage effort. They garden features a series of stunning garden rooms, vistas, ascents unusual wine-tasting. We were greeted with a glass of sparkling are produced in different colours for each season and are displayed wine and we then carried our glasses, regularly refilled with different on window boxes and buildings throughout the City. wines, as we toured the vines and the whole wine-making process.
The winner of the dick Balfour Trophy in last year's The Summer Campaign has three overall categories. The first is summer competition: saddlers' hall in gutter lane. Brobury house Gardens and hampton Court (herefordshire) for displays of window boxes, hanging baskets, tubs, troughs and photograph by michael Warren.
The eight acres of Brobury House Gardens have been evolving since pots. The second is for Garden Displays and the third is a number Victorian times when the site was a vegetable plot for of General Awards including the Master's Special Award, given at the Master's discretion. In total there are 15 trophies awarded. The at the Christel House School in Cape Town.
award ceremony takes place in the Mansion House to which the Wonderful mature trees gave grandeur and structure to the site as prizewinners, judges and all the members of the Funds were raised, a school band formed and, in November of did the terracing. A number of water features with quiet pools and committee are invited.
last year, the Ron Haylock Music Room was officially opened and ponds added to the restful feel of the garden. The planting, however, dedicated at a special ceremony.
was not without excitement and the stand of white paper Birches in a The Winter competition is specifically aimed at brightening the City shaded area was breathtaking and unexpected. in the dull dark days of midwinter. There are four trophies awarded Ron was a keen supporter of music at this South African institution, for the best displays in the City and one for the best of the best. The encouraging students to make the most of their opportunities to learn The afternoon was at Hampton Court where we spent two hours prize-giving for the Winter competition is held at Cutlers' Hall. and enjoy music. According to the school, the music programme of happy browsing in the Victorian walled gardens adjacent to the The Committee are always keen to hear from those who would like is now in full swing with hundreds of children learning music and castle. These have been recently restored and redesigned. to become judges. Chairman, Past Master Louise Robinson says: playing an instrument thanks to the generosity of supporters from "Becoming a judge is not only worthwhile, but an excellent way to around the world. westbury Court Garden become more engaged with the Company's objectives and to meet Westbury Court Garden is a rare example of a late 17th Century other members of the Company. Flowers in the City is one way in The school says: "Thank you to all of you who made this possible - formal water garden, typical of a small estate of that time. The which we can raise the profile of the Company in the City whilst especially to those who helped to launch and organize the Appeal, creator was Maynard Colchester. The garden was in an extremely enhancing the lives of those who both work and live there".
you know who you are! It is a magnificent achievement and a poor state when it was purchased by the National Trust in 1967 and wonderful lasting legacy in Ron's name".
it was the first scholarly garden restoration undertaken by the Trust. RON'S MUSIC ROOM IS IN FULL SWING
The young musicians can be seen in action in a video of the opening The unabridged version of this article is available We reported two years ago on the fund-raising efforts being made on the Company Blog. by friends of the late Liveryman Ron Haylock to create a music room A pause for reflection at Highnam Court Gardens.
photographs by Jeremy herrtage.
Wonderful displays of flowers arranged by Liveryman Stephen Crisp and his team greeted the many cheerful members of the Company Eighteen Liverymen and family members making a party of 25 who attended the Gardeners' Harvest Festival at the magnificent braved the rain to support Master Bernard in The Lord Mayor's Temple Church, London. Beautiful organ recitals and heartily sung Show procession and to launch the Future Gardeners project.
hymns were the order of the day. As the Gardeners' two floats passed the Mansion House Our Master Bernard Williams read the lesson - the Beatitudes grandstand, some opportunistic guerilla gardening took place. from the Sermon on the Mount. The history of the Magna Carta, Banners, surrounded by colourful planting, were unveiled at the it's contents and connection with the Temple, were fully and entrance to Bank station directly opposite the Lord Mayor and entertainingly explained in an address by the Master of the Temple his party of guests. The aim was to highlight the Company's Church, The Reverend and Valiant Robin Griffith-Jones, wearing a ambitious pre-apprenticeship scheme to introduce young, splendid embroidered cape specially commissioned to celebrate the disadvantaged people to horticulture. 800th anniversary of the signing of the historic document.
The stunt was remarked on by the BBC TV commentator and The service concluded with a rousingly sung National Anthem. the strategic placing of the banners and planting meant that the Members and their guests then walked to the Yacht moored on the Company's message was visible during much of the Thames chatting to friends and renewing acquaintances along the way. A very convivial time was spent on board with fine white wine and a buffet lunch. The Master gave a rousing speech welcoming the The Gardeners' second float was sponsored by Bartlett Trees, four new liverymen and one new freeman who had been admitted Ernest Doe, Capel Manor College and Paul Cable who also to the Company at the Harvest Court earlier in the day. Senior Past drove the tractor. It was accompanied by a team of Bartlett Master Tom Gough paid a vote of thanks to the Master.
"Treepeople" carrying shrubs on their backs and a group of enthusiastic young people from BOST (Bankside Open Spaces Most excellent weather and fine views of the Thames completed a Trust), one of our key partners in the Future Gardeners scheme.
most happy and memorable day.
report by roger dungey, photograph by John Gilbert And what a grand occasion it was to celebrate the 800th year of the Lord Mayor's Show. There were 146 floats by A VERY SPECIAL VISIT TO HIGHGROVE
organisations around London and farther afield - from The Sea assistant heather Barrett-mold reports on a highly prized day out Cadets to Livery Companies, Great Ormond Street Hospital and with prince of wales Trophy finalists the AA. There were 7,000 participants in all and huge crowds Temple Church was beautifully dressed for the occasion.
along most of the four-mile route. Military and school bands The Prince of Wales Perpetual Challenge Trophy is given to helped to keep our spirits up.
the horticultural student who, in the eyes of the judges, most NEW IDEAS AT THE EDEN PROJECT
demonstrates a valid commitment to sustainable horticultural Following the massacre in Paris on the previous day the whole practices. In 2015 it was presented to Sid Hill from Duchy College at procession and the City fell silent for two minutes at 11am in an Members of the Gardeners' Company gathered to hear a most the Installation Dinner. atmosphere of sombre reflection – a poignant reminder of how interesting RHS lecture by Gordon Seabright, Director of the Eden vulnerable we all are to these threats.
Project and the man responsible for the next phase of exciting ideas The judges were Debs Goodenough, Head Gardener to TRH The and challenges.
Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall; Bob Sherman, The Gardeners' floats were well received by the crowds at previously Chief Horticultural Officer at Garden Organic; Senior Past Mansion House and the mood was even more joyful as we He began his lecture in Vincent Square with slides and took us back Master Ramsay Shewell-Cooper and myself. We drew up a shortlist passed the Church of St Mary-le-Bow with the bells pealing out to the very beginning of the Eden Project in the disused china clay from the applications and interviewed the three finalists. across the City. What a cacophony of sound – bells, bands, pit of 15 years ago before bringing us up to the present day.
cheering crowds! The procession featured 24 marching bands, Debs then very kindly organised for the three finalists, together with 200 horses, two reindeer, a flying pig, a motorcycle stunt team, Plans are now underway to create colourful flower beds surrounding a guest each, to go on a very private tour of the organic gardens and the latest James Bond car.
the walkways to encourage visitors to explore the at Highgrove. The visit was highly prized and enjoyed. Julia Lock from Moulton College wrote the following as part of a ‘thank you' to Over a packed lunch on the Embankment we were entertained Debs, Bob and myself: by music from the Great Ormond Street Hospital float and could Members were very interested in the new scheme to promote at close hand inspect the AA lead vehicle – registration AA1 horticultural degree students and apprenticeships for young "Every area that we were taken through was a feast for the eyes, displayed on the Renault Park Phaeton dated 1905, owned by gardeners. It was a pleasure to listen to Gordon who is so with so many colours and organic forms tying all aspects together. the AA for the last 50 years and kept in running order by Dennis enthusiastic about the challenges ahead. (The Master's recent visit Even the setting of the garden in a broader landscape was a the custodian for the last 15 years. Memorable too was the float provided an opportunity for members to see the progress).
wonderful thing to see. Loved the avenues of trees stretching away of the Paviors with its large, pink flying pig – recognising their from the front of the house. early work in the City cleansing the streets and rounding up The Master then guided us to a nearby restaurant for an excellent dinner prepared and served by young students of the Westminster Anyhow I was so taken with the place that I had to do a sketch when School of Art, concluding a very interesting and enjoyable evening.
I got home lest my brain ever forget, which is doubtful. One memory The homeward journey to St Martin's Le Grand took about an report by Janet hammond I shall treasure. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to share it hour with further encouragement from ever larger crowds lining with my mum too who also enjoyed the day very much indeed". the route. One member of the crowd was heard to say, "Never seen a garden on a trailer behind a tractor before!" RIVER COTTAGE WINS
report by John dugdale Bradley Photos from top: The Master assembles the troops before setting off on a long, wet journey. The new Lord Mayor Jeffrey This year's Prince Edward Award for Excellence in Horticulture has Mountevans sets off from Guildhall. The first of the Company's been won by River Cottage near Axminster, the headquarters of two floats. The second was sponsored by Bartlett Trees, Ernest television chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. The centre features an Doe, Capel Manor College and Paul Cable. Young people from extensive kitchen garden and cookery and chef schools. The award BOST march in support of the Future Gardeners project.
will be presented by the Master at a special event there on the photographs by michael warren, John Gilbert and photoshot 28th of June.
A concerted effort by the Company raised £5,000 at December's Red Cross Fair at the Guildhall.
Led by the Upper Warden, Paul Rochford, some 40 Gardeners built up and staffed the Company stall at the event. Many also attended a workshop organized by PM Nicholas Evans at Capel Manor the week before to make wreaths, decorated bulb baskets, small Christmas trees and other decorative items for sale.
The team put on a dazzling display of high quality plants, bulbs and sundries, full of colour and interest. The stall was in a prime position close to the entrance where, on the Gala Evening, the Master and his lady were able to greet the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress, Liveryman Lady Mountevans, together with the guest of honour, Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra. The Master presented a posy to Lady Mountevans and a buttonhole to For the whole of that evening and the following day the team worked cheerfully and tirelessly to sell the wonderful goods on offer to the huge crowds attending the Fair. All the items had been generously donated by members of the Company and an excellent result was achieved in support of a very worthwhile Noah Franklin and his mother Kristina pictured at the binding ceremony with SPM Peter Franklin and the then Master, Stephen report by felicity Brown Bernhard. Noah is currently studying Art, History and Biology ‘A' levels at his grandfather's old school Dulwich College. He is very Photos clockwise from top: The Company stall was in prime interested in conservation and hopes to go on to study Zoology and position near the entrance. Seasonal wreaths were produced Biological Sciences at university. Peter Franklin said: "It was certainly in variety at the Capel Manor workshop. santa's little helpers a very proud occasion for me and my family and I hope very much busy preparing quality items for sale. The colourful displays were that Noah will in time enjoy the good fellowship of the Company just much appreciated by visitors to the Fair. Part of the Company's as I have for over 40 years!" extensive display of attractive plants and decorations.
(photograph by Michael Warren).
The contract of apprenticeship is still called an Indenture, but has a highlight of last year's spring Court at Goldsmiths' hall was the been updated in various respects. The draft of the contract invites binding of a new apprentice. noah franklin, only grandson of spm the Master to include a provision banning the Apprentice from peter franklin, was bound to his grandfather. honorary archivist contracting matrimony, but this is no longer a requirement of the and former apprentice Cindy peck puts this memorable event into its historical context and reveals some of the fine print in the deed of indenture The Indenture may be inroled at the Chamberlain's Court in the Guildhall which undertakes a check to make sure that there is In centuries past, the principal way to join a livery company was compliance with the "Custom of London relating to Apprenticeships through "servitude", as an apprentice to a member of the company. in Livery Companies". The Custom requires that any apprentice, male An apprentice would receive food, lodging, clothing and instruction or female, must at the time of binding be unmarried, above the age in the trade, craft or profession and in return he would agree to of 14 and below the age of 21. serve his master faithfully and diligently, normally pay a premium and possibly receive wages. Despite the modernisation of the Deed of Indenture, anyone thinking of becoming an apprentice should read the small print of the contract The apprentice would also undertake various obligations such as before binding himself or herself. In addition to agreeing to serve agreeing to keep clear of ale houses, gambling dens and the like their Master faithfully, not waste or lend their Master's goods and and not to marry during the term of the apprenticeship. The Master not sell any goods without their Master's permission, a prospective and his apprentice were bound by a contract known as a "deed of Apprentice should bear in mind that a number of activities are indenture". The name derives from the fact that the contract was on banned altogether during the term of the apprenticeship. The contract parchment which after execution was cut in two with an indented (or provides, for example, that: "He shall not commit fornication… He wavy) line. This allowed both parties to keep a part of it to evidence shall not play at Cards, Dice, Tables, or any other unlawful games… the existence of the contract and as a protection against fraud.
He shall not haunt Taverns nor Playhouses", although it may be a relief to the reader that there is no definition of "haunt". In recent times, obtaining Freedom by Redemption is the norm in most livery companies, and indeed in some livery companies Unsurprisingly, the majority of those now on the Court joined the freedom can now no longer be obtained by servitude. In the Company by Redemption although a few joined the Company by Gardeners' Company the number of bindings of apprentices Patrimony. There is a much higher proportion of members of the dwindled gradually during the 19th Century, although there was a current Court who joined by servitude than in the Company as a bumper year in 1914 when there were seven bindings and in both whole (Past Master Louise Robinson, Spadebearer Margi Prior and 1919 and 1925 there were four. Assistants Cindy Peck and Robert Cohen), but they do not seem to have started a trend.
Setting aside worldly pre-Christmas concerns of gift-shopping, pudding-stirring and office-partying, over 60 Gardeners and guests gathered in St Stephen Walbrook on the 14th of December for the traditional Carol Service. Situated in the very heart of the City a few steps from the Mansion House, this most architecturally distinguished of all Wren's churches, with its dome supported on 16 columns, looked even more lovely with the impressive floral decorations provided by Ron Froud and Stephen Crisp.
In good voice we sang half a dozen well known carols, accompanied on the organ by Joe Sentance, who, with soprano Emma Corke, uplifted us with pieces by Bach and Handel. ‘We Three Kings of Orient Are', with the congregation divided into three sections, drew out our competitive natures in lusty harmony, whilst Christina Rossetti's beautiful ‘In the Bleak Mid Winter' evoked a more reflective tone. The Master, the Clerk and Assistants Susanna Morriss, Heather Barrett-Mold and Cindy Peck read the lessons. Conducting the service with warmth and wit, our Hon Chaplain Peter Delaney spoke of the historic, contemporary and future relevance of the Christmas message of peace and goodwill not only to Christians but to those of other faiths and of none.
The church was decorated with glorious floral displays. Whether the after-service wine and canapés lived up to their billing (photograph by John Gilbert).
as a ‘shindig' may be open to dispute, but it was a delightful occasion to meet friends old and new before braving the mid-winter dark to return to homes and families, better prepared in body and PIRATES EXCEL AT W.S. GILBERT'S HOME
spirit for the Christmas ahead. report by richard Capewell Grim's Dyke, W.S.Gilbert's atmospheric house in Harrow Weald, was the setting for a wonderful Company outing in March.
At the end of a long wooded drive unfolded a 19th Century Riccardo was the most senior member of the Livery, the "Father of Elizabethan fantasy of a house designed by Richard Norman Shaw the Company", when he died on the 22nd October last year. He in 1870 for the exotic painter Frederick Goodall, subsequently joined the Gardeners as a Liveryman in 1952 with his sister Stella, bought by Gilbert in 1890. Despite being close to dense when his father was Master. He was a gentle, kind and unassuming conurbation as we stepped out of the car we were treated to silence man who never aspired to take office in the Company.
and were transported back into an elegant world where windows were leaded and gardens formal. He was educated at Dulwich College. Following his father, he trained and worked as a building surveyor, practising in Limpsfield, The Company and guests assembled for drinks in the mullioned Surrey. During the Second World War he served in the Royal hall and library of the house, now an hotel, and we were called to Artillery as a surveyor and rangefinder, fixing the positions of the ascend the grand stair to where the operetta and dinner were served guns in his battery so they all fired at the same target. In this job he in the Great Hall on the first floor. The hall is indeed great with its landed on Gold beach in Normandy on D Day in 1944.
magnificent Cornish alabaster chimneypiece in the Jacobean style with carved satyr supporters, this flourish added by Gilbert to what He lived all his life on Crystal Palace hill from where, in 1936, he had been Goodall's studio. This is where Gilbert wrote his witnessed the burning down of Crystal Palace. His father, however, had bought a small farm at Daneshill, West Sussex. This became the love of his life. He was a keen organic farmer and was a founder The Pirates of Penzance was sadly not written here and pre-dates member of the Soil Association.
Gilbert's arrival at Grim's Dyke by 10 years but it was not difficult to imagine an audience, such as ourselves, settling in with the He was very conscious of the importance of maintaining the organic same level of anticipation. Our private performance was given by status of his land and he had a passion for land stewardship and Grim's Dyke Opera. The company was formed in 2001, following wrote many articles on the subject.
the demise of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, and performs regularly in Gilbert's music room at Grim's Dyke, other country Although he was a regular attendee of events early in his houses, Inner Temple, and with the Royal Philharmonic at the membership of the Company we did not see much of him in later Royal Albert Hall. years. The last time he attended a function was at the Tradescant lunch in 2011 when he was the Guest of Honour to celebrate his It is no wonder, then, that we were treated to the most fantastic 90th birthday.
performance - great singing, wonderful costumes, and delightful exuberance. The casting of the singers was magnificent - each spm david longman epitomising perfectly the role. James Irving, baritone and narrator, set the scene and swash buckled vigorously with the Pirate King, Clive Bebee. Barry Clerk was wonderfully credible as the modern Major-General declaiming his attributes with fantastic precision, clarity, and speed. Equally convincing was Bruce Graham as the Sergeant of Police hunting the Pirate King who hid behind PM Louise Robinson.
report by Charles rutherfoord



Medical comorbidity of sleep disordersDimitris Dikeos and Georgios Georgantopoulos 1st Department of Psychiatry, Athens University Purpose of review Medical School, Athens, Greece Recently published literature indicates that sleep disorders present with medical Correspondence to Dimitris G. Dikeos, MD, Associate comorbidities quite frequently. The coexistence of a sleep disorder with a medical

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Tenover, Clinical Assistant Professor, Affiliated Palo Alto VA Health Care System 3801 Miranda Avenue (GRECC 182B) Palo Alto, California 94304 Telephone: 650-493-5000, ext. 66946 Email: [email protected] Professional Snapshot Administrative Appointments Clinical Professor of Medicine (Affiliate), General Internal Medicine/Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, 2009-present