Practice Collection
Prevention of Mother-to-Child
Transmission of HIV in Kenya,
Tanzania and Uganda
Strengthening the
German contribution to the
global AIDS response
We would like to express our gratitude to all those involved in this project.This includes, in particular, our
partners at the district, regional, provincial and national levels of the health systems in Kenya, Tanzania and
Uganda, and our colleagues and the staff of the participating health units in the three countries.Without
their unwavering commitment this project would not have been realized.
We would also like to thank the PMTCT experts at WHO, Dr. Tin Tin Sint and Dr. Ehounou Ekpini, and
members of the German HIV Peer Review Group who made time to review and comment in detail on various
drafts of this document.
(For a list of other partners, please see Other partners section.)
The German HIV Practice Collection
The German HIV Practice Collection is edited by the
PRG members believe that collaborative knowledge
German HIV Peer Review Group (PRG), an initiative
management means
"getting the right people, at
launched in September 2004 by AIDS experts work-
the right moment, to discuss the right thing".
ing in German and international development coope-
Through the peer review, discussion and dissemina-
ration. The aim of this group is to collaboratively
tion of innovative approaches, German development
manage knowledge about good practice and lessons
cooperation supports essential principles of capacity
learnt in German contributions to AIDS responses
in developing countries.
• The process is organised as a transparent and
mutual learning experience involving AIDS experts
Based on a set of jointly defined criteria for ‘good
of German organisations, their partner institutions
practice' (see text box), PRG members assess diffe-
in developing countries and AIDS experts working
rent ways of responding to AIDS that have been
for multilateral organisations.
submitted to them for peer review. Approaches that
• It provides planners and practitioners with a range
meet the majority of the criteria will be documented,
of practical, evidence-based programming models.
published and widely disseminated as part of this
• It focuses on the results of the reviewed approches,
Practice Collection.While some of the documented
looking at their achievements, challenges and
practices cannot fully meet, as yet, the criteria for
lessons learnt.
"good practice" (i.e. several external evaluations and
multiple replications in different countries), all of
PRG membership is open to AIDS experts and
them represent examples of ‘promising practice' that
development cooperation planners and practitioners
may inform and inspire other actors in the complex
with an interest in German contributions to the
and dynamic fields of HIV prevention, AIDS treat-
AIDS response in developing countries. For more
ment, impact mitigation, support and care.
information, contact the Secretary of the Peer
Review Group at at
[email protected] or go to
Selection Criteria
• Effectiveness
• Transferability
• Participatory and empowering approach
• Gender awareness
• Quality of monitoring and evaluation
• Comparative cost-effectiveness
• Sustainability
Executive summary
It is estimated that about 700 000 children under
15 years of age become infected with HIV each year.
The majority of these children acquire the virus as
infants, during or shortly after birth through vertical
transmission or breastfeeding. Fortunately, it has
been shown that the risk for transmission, which
is between 20% and 40% without any intervention,
can be reduced considerably by the administration
of antiretroviral drugs such as nevirapine in com-
bination with safe delivery methods and proper
infant-feeding options.
Waiting area in Ruanda Health Center, Tanzania
In 2001, the German government commissioned GTZ
The project included efforts to raise public awareness
to partner with national ministries of health and local
of HIV; training of health workers; and upgrading of
health authorities to implement a six-year project on
infrastructure, (building space for counselling and
prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
health education, and for antiretroviral and STD treat-
and antiretroviral treatment (ART) of HIV in three
ment, equipment for safe delivery and the renovation
east African countries heavily burdened with the
of maternity wards etc.). It also allowed for monitor-
disease: Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania and
ing and evaluation of programme uptake, and exten-
Uganda. The project, which ran until the end of 2006,
sive research on awareness and knowledge of PMTCT,
was the first of its kind in these countries and prior
infant-feeding practices, treatment outcomes, cost-
to it, PMTCT services were virtually unavailable. It
effectiveness of interventions, drug administration
aimed to provide a single dose of nevirapine to preg-
strategies and factors influencing the effect of
nant mothers and another single dose to each new-
born child. Implemented in 11 health units in Kenya,
23 health units in Tanzania and ten health units in
Overall the PMTCT and PMTCT-Plus programmes
Uganda, it was fully integrated into the existing
produced promising results. Almost 100 000 women
health structures of each country. The PMTCT project
attending ANC clinics received HIV counselling, and
provided pregnant women seeking antenatal care
nearly 70 000 were tested for HIV. Of those who
(ANC) at participating health units with pre-HIV-test
were tested, more than 10 000 turned out to be HIV-
counselling, HIV-testing and post-test counselling.
positive, and gained the chance to improve their
Those women with a positive HIV-test result were
health and quality of life, as well as the quality of life
offered a single dose of nevirapine and ongoing sup-
of their children and families. It was found, however,
port and counselling regarding general health matters
that women tend to drop out at all stages of the
as well as post-delivery follow-up. In a second phase,
programme, and that effective follow-up mechanisms
beginning in 2003-2004, the project expanded with
are critical to ensure that health benefits are sustained.
an approach known as PMTCT Plus. This provides
Despite this, the project grew swiftly over its lifetime,
sustained antiretroviral therapy (ART) to HIV-positive
from 13 sites at the outset to 50 health facilities by
women, members of their families, and health per-
2006, and evidence suggests that its positive impact
sonnel at participating health units, who need this
will continue to grow. The nevirapine-based PMTCT
intervention in settings with few resources has proven
to be feasible and should be incorporated into all
existing ANC services. As well, under PMTCT-Plus
about 500 individuals received potentially life-saving
treatment in the form of ART.
Worldwide, 700 000 children under 15 become
infected with HIV every year and most of them
acquire the virus from their mothers during
pregnancy, at birth or through breastfeeding. In
December 2006, about 2.3 million children world-
wide were living with HIV, most of them in Africa.
As the period from infection to the development
of AIDS and subsequent death is much shorter for
children than adults, 20-25% of infected children
die before the age of 2 and 60-70% die before 5
(UNAIDS, 2004; 2006).
ANC clinic in Kiwanjampaka Health Center, Tanzania
Without health interventions, the risk of HIV trans-
These interventions, however, do not prevent all
mission from an infected mother to her child during
new infections; nor do they help those already living
pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding is 20-40%, with
with HIV. Therefore, sustained antiretroviral treatment
the highest risk being at the time of birth. Since
programmes are needed at health facilities providing
20-30% of pregnant women in many countries of
care and support to HIV-positive pregnant women
east and southern Africa are HIV-positive, up to 10%
and family members. This need is highlighted in WHO
of all infants here are born with HIV or acquire it
recommendations (WHO, 2006b) on assessing the
from breast milk within the first weeks or months
eligibility of all HIV-positive persons, including preg-
nant women, for antiretroviral therapy and providing
ART. Among HIV-positive people who are eligible
Evidence shows that primary prevention of HIV in
for ART, sustained treatment also reduces overall mor-
young people through education, counselling, treat-
bidity and mortality in affected families.
ment of sexually transmitted diseases and the promo-
tion of condom use is the most effective way to
The above measures are the essence of the WHO and
reduce rates of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
UN four-pronged strategy for PMTCT (WHO, 2002).
(MTCT). A variety of measures to assist the avoidance
of unintended pregnancies in HIV-positive women is
• primary prevention of HIV among women of
the second most effective manner of reducing MTCT
reproductive age;
(WHO, 2006a). These services are most often part of
• prevention of unintended pregnancies among
comprehensive multisectoral HIV-control or repro-
women living with HIV;
ductive health programmes.
• prevention of mother-to-child transmission during
pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding; and
As well, research has shown that prophylaxis with
• provision of care, treatment and support to women
antiretroviral drugs during or shortly after birth con-
living with HIV, their children and families.
siderably reduces the likelihood of HIV-transmission
from mother to child. A single dose of nevirapine
To succeed, PMTCT programmes need effective
taken by the mother during labour and a single dose
measures in each of these four areas.
of nevirapine syrup given to the infant within 72
hours of birth reduces the probability of HIV trans-
mission from mother to child by about 50% (Guay,
Find tool 1 "Guidelines for PMTCT" in the internet
toolbox for this approach at
1999). Safe delivery practices and safer methods of
infant-feeding can further reduce the risk of HIV
Getting started
The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
and local coordinators were also responsible for the
Development (BMZ) through the German Agency
exchange of information about the project with the
for Development and Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
national and international partners. The PMTCT
supported a project for the prevention of mother-to-
Programme served as a pilot project and from the
child transmission of HIV and antiretroviral treatment
beginning, it drew on the expertise of, and exchanged
in three African countries over a period of six years.
information closely with, the Inter-Agency Task Team
(IATT) on PMTCT, lead by UNICEF, UNAIDS and
In 2001, this led to the launch of a comprehensive
WHO, among others.
nevirapine-based PMTCT Programme, which provi-
ded voluntary antenatal HIV-counselling and testing,
Local context and project sites
ARV prophylaxis to HIV-positive mothers and their
The project was implemented at selected health
infants and counselling on safer methods of infant-
facilities (project sites) offering ANC services in
feeding. Beginning in 2003, the programme expanded
Kenya's Nyanza Province, Tanzania's Mbeya Region
with an approach known as PMTCT Plus. This pro-
and in western Uganda. Fully integrated into existing
motes long-term antiretroviral therapy together with
national-health-service structures, all project activities
care and support for eligible HIV-positive women,
were conducted in accordance with the national
their children and families.
guidelines. (At the start of the project, Tanzania and
Kenya had yet to develop national guidelines so the
project contributed to this process).
The project was also highly relevant. UNAIDS estimates
that in Kenya in 2005 1.3 million adults (aged 15 to
49) were infected with HIV, a prevalence rate of 6.1%
(range 5.2 % - 7.0%). In Tanzania in 2005, an estimated
1.4 million adults (15-49) were HIV-positive, a preva-
lence rate of 6.5% (range 5.8% - 7.2%); and in Uganda
at this time, an estimated 1.0 million adults (15-49)
were HIV-positive, a prevalence rate of 6.7% (range
5.7%– 7.6%) (UNAIDS, 2006). In Kenya and Tanzania,
HIV is causing the premature deaths of so many
heads of families and parents, and leaving so many
children as orphans that it is exerting a serious
downward pressure on social and economic develop-
ment. In Uganda, where public debate about HIV and
Group counselling on PMTCT at Rukunyu Health Center,
vigorous national campaigns helped to reduce overall
adult prevalence from 13% in the 1990s to about 4%
in 2003, HIV still poses a major public health challenge
GTZ's Department of Health, Education and Social
– as indicated by again rising prevalence rates – and
Protection based in Eschborn, Germany, oversaw
pregnant women and their infants are particularly
the project. Internationally, it was coordinated by the
vulnerable. Prior to the start of the GTZ project in
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Charité Medical School,
2001, PMTCT services were virtually unavailable in
Berlin; nationally, it depended on close partnerships
the three countries.
with officials at both the Regional and District levels,
who coordinated the programme. The international
Kabarole, Kamwenge
and Kyenjojo District
Districts in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda where the PMTCT project was implemented.
Data about the populations served by the health faci-
In Tanzania, health workers in the PMTCT Programme
lities in this project are often scarce, especially when
collaborated with counterparts in the GTZ-supported
one focuses on pregnant women. It is difficult, there-
AIDS-control programme in the Mbeya Region, which
fore, to ascertain the actual coverage of the services
later became part of the Tanzanian-German Programme
offered by the project. Some idea of the coverage
to Support Health (TGPSH). An estimated 400 000
may be gained, however, by considering the number
women aged 15 to 49 live in the region (UNAIDS,
of women of child-bearing age and the number of
2007) and birth statistics indicate that there are
pregnancies per year (based on crude birth rates) in
about 16 000 pregnancies per year.When the project
the regions of each country where this project took
started, the initial PMTCT-Programme sites were
Mbeya Referral Hospital, Ruanda Health Center,
Igawilo Health Center in Mbeya Town and District,
In Kenya, the PMTCT Programme was implemented
and Vwawa Hospital in Mbozi District. At the outset,
in Nyanza Province, where there are an estimated
in 2001, about 12 000 pregnant women attended
156 000 women aged 15 to 49 and where about
ANC at the project sites each year. HIV prevalence
24 000 women are pregnant each year. Project sites
among pregnant women was about 15% when the
included Migori District Hospital and St. Joseph's
project started. The PMTCT-Plus Programme was
Mission Hospital in Migori District, and Kehancha
established at district level at Ruanda Health Center,
District Hospital and Isebania Health Center in Kuria
where ART was offered to participants and families
District. At the beginning of the project, in 2001,
as well as to staff from all sites. In 2005-2006, PMTCT
about 9000 pregnant women attended ANC services
services were being offered at 23 sites.
at the four sites per year. The HIV prevalence among
pregnant women was about 26% when the project
In Uganda, the project was implemented in Kabarole,
started. The PMTCT-Plus Programme was implemented
Kamwenge and Kyenjojo Districts. In 2001, there
at Migori District Hospital and patients and HIV-
were an estimated 220 000 women aged 15 to 49,
positive health workers needing ART were referred
and 53 000 pregnancies per year. The PMTCT
to this facility from all PMTCT Programme sites. By
Programme worked closely with the GTZ-supported
2006, 11 health units in the two districts were offer-
Basic Health Services Project and was implemented
ing services for PMTCT.
at two urban sites, (Buhinga Hospital and Virika
Mission Hospital in Fort Portal, Kabarole District),
and at three rural sites (Health Centers in Kabarole
Peer education about HIV in Mbeya, Tanzania
District; in Kamwenge District; and in Kyenjojo
The overall goal in the second phase (2005 to 2006)
District. About 13 000 pregnant women attended
of the project was the implementation of nationally
ANC clinics per year at the beginning of
and internationally recommended measures "for pre-
the project. HIV prevalence among pregnant women
vention, treatment and care of HIV at local, regional
was about 11% at that time. The PMTCT-Plus
and central levels by the health systems of the targeted
Programme was implemented at Fort Portal Hospital,
countries." The indicators of progress towards this
where ART was offered to women seeking services
goal by 2006 were:
for PMTCT, as well as to their families and health-care
• Knowledge and experience of implementing
staff at the Programme sites. By 2006, PMTCT services
PMTCT-Plus Programmes effectively was to be
were extended to a further five sites.
developed by project health workers and made
available to participating countries, the German
Project goals and indicators
BMZ and other agencies and organizations.
In the first phase of the project (2001 to 2004), the
• In the three participating countries, networks
overall goal was to ensure that "selected health services
were to be established for information exchange
offer interventions to prevent HIV transmission from
regarding PMTCT and ART, and integrated with
mother to child in an efficient and cost-effective man-
similar regional and international networks.
ner." Indicators of progress towards this goal were:
• At least 70% of health workers engaged in the
• By December 2002, health personnel engaged in
project were to be able to identify correctly the
the project were to be trained to provide counsel-
advantages and disadvantages of antiretroviral
ling, care and treatment of mothers and their new-
born children, according to WHO standards.
• At least 50% of health personnel in the PMTCT
• By December 2002, data were to be available on
Plus sites were to have been trained to care for
minimum costs and infrastructural needs to provide
and treat people with HIV, according to regional
services for PMTCT.
standards of quality health care.
• By December 2003, at least 2000 HIV-positive
• At least 70% of those on treatment within the
mothers and their children were to be receiving
PMTCT-Plus Programme were to have adhered to
health care, including nevirapine prophylaxis under
antiretroviral therapy appropriately for at least
the project.
six months. This treatment group was to include
pregnant women, their children and families, as
well as health workers within the Programme,
who had been identified as HIV-positive and
eligible for ART.
Implementation of PMTCT Programme
Health workers and traditional birth attendants
(TBAs) were also asked to name measures to reduce
Baseline assessments
MTCT.While safe delivery procedures were the most
At the outset, the researchers assessed the use, infra-
frequently mentioned measure in Uganda (65%),
structure and organization of ANC and maternity ser-
avoiding breastfeeding was the most frequently
vices at health facilities that were to participate in
mentioned measure in Tanzania (49%).When directly
the project, with a view to preparing an accurate
asked whether drugs could help to reduce MTCT,
situational analysis. As part of this overall assessment,
72% of health workers and 24% of the TBAs in
particular studies were also undertaken: assessments
Uganda confirmed that they could. Researchers,
of the awareness and knowledge about mother-to-
therefore, concluded that the knowledge of health
child transmission of HIV and preventive measures;
workers in both countries regarding MTCT was
and analyses of local-infant feeding patterns in com-
acceptable, but that knowledge on this topic among
munities burdened with HIV. The findings of these
TBAs was extremely poor. Many TBAs, for example,
assessments and studies were used to tailor the inter-
thought it was safe for HIV-positive mothers to con-
ventions used in the PMTCT Programme (Harms et
tinue breastfeeding for 12 to 18 months, contradict-
al., 2005). (Please note: these baseline assessments
ing WHO recommendations.With this in mind, re-
were carried out in Tanzania and Uganda only, as
searchers concluded that if PMTCT interventions
administrative difficulties delayed the start of the
were to be accepted by the population and promoted
Kenya programme until mid 2002.)
by health personnel, thorough orientation and train-
ing would be a mandatory precondition (Harms et
Assessments of awareness and knowledge about HIV
and preventive measures (KAPB studies) were con-
ducted in the target and general populations and
To assess local infant-feeding patterns, researchers
among health workers in the programme in Tanzania
interviewed 440 clients and 43 health workers at the
and Uganda. In both countries, the results indicated
four future PMTCT intervention sites, as well as 239
high levels of willingness to undergo HIV testing
villagers and 29 traditional birth attendants in four
(79% and 94%, respectively). It should be noted, how-
randomly chosen rural villages. The questions focused
ever, that just 14% of respondents in Tanzania and
on the appropriate duration of breastfeeding, time
10% in Uganda had actually had an HIV test.When
of introduction of additional nutrients and types of
asked about modes of HIV transmission, less than 5%
solid and liquid nutrients. On average,Tanzanian
of respondents in both countries mentioned MTCT.
women said that it was appropriate for breastfeeding
However, people's passive knowledge was much
to continue for 24 months (range 2 - 36 months),
higher.When asked whether HIV-transmission is
while Ugandan women said 18 months (range 6 - 36
possible during pregnancy or delivery, more than
months). In both countries, women said solid
90% of Tanzanian respondents said that it is, and
nutrients could be added at month 6 (on average),
more than 80% agreed that breastfeeding is a mode
but Tanzanian respondents said that liquids, other
of transmission. In Uganda, the same direct questions
than breast milk, could be given beginning in month
drew the correct responses from 67% and about
4 (on average) while Ugandan women said this
55% of respondents, respectively.
should wait until month 5 (on average). Among the
respondents, 40 out of 237 (19%) in Tanzania and
204 out of 424 (48%) in Uganda said it was best to
breastfeed infants exclusively until at least 4 months.
According to respondents in Tanzania, exclusive
breastfeeding for the duration of six months is rarely
Training of health personnel
To ensure quality care for HIV-positive patients, pro-
gramme staff developed comprehensive training for
health workers. This training was given in intensive
courses and workshops lasting several days or weeks,
according to the level of knowledge/training of the
staff, and it was reinforced regularly with refresher
courses. As few training materials were available at
the beginning, GTZ helped local staff to develop
materials. Later, as national materials and guidelines
became available, these became the standard.Training
modules and workshops focused on these areas:
Drama group performance about PMTCT in Mbeya,
• Antenatal counselling, including pre-test counsell-
ing on general HIV prevention, family planning and
These findings underlined the need to promote
STDs; specific counselling on PMTCT and infant
exclusive breastfeeding for six months, and support
feeding; post-test counselling;
women who choose this option, if WHO recommen-
• Rapid HIV testing;
dations are to be honoured in practice (Poggensee
• Administration of ARV prophylaxis to mother and
et al., 2004).
• Postnatal counselling, touching on infant nutrition
and safe infant-feeding options, growth monitoring,
Knowledge about modes of HIV transmission and
STD management and family planning;
awareness of and openness towards preventive
• Management of patients on ART;
measures are crucial in efforts to promote PMTCT
• Diagnosis and treatment of HIV-related infections
among pregnant women, and gain the support of
among adults and children;
health personnel and members of the wider commu-
• New techniques for laboratory staff; and
nity. To develop this knowledge and awareness, pro-
• Monitoring of patients on ART.
ject staff used research data among other materials to
prepare and distribute posters and leaflets, broadcast
Upgrading infrastructure, procuring supplies
radio spots, mobilize drama and theatre groups,
The PMTCT Programme facilitated significant improve-
and offer peer education.This work also promoted
ments in health-care infrastructure in many ways.
primary prevention of HIV and reproductive choices
This included building adequate space for health
that limit the risk of HIV infection.
education, counselling, testing, examination and treat-
ment and the provision of supplies for safer obstetrical
Find tool 2 "IEC Materials" in the internet toolbox for
practices. The programme supported the upgrading
this approach at
of laboratories with equipment to allow for better
techniques of identifying those in need of HIV antire-
troviral treatment and to monitor the safety of treat-
ment, and by creating space for cold-storage of blood
samples. It also fostered the implementation of quality-
control systems for lab work, provided computers
and software for programme monitoring and data
management, and boosted access to antiretrovirals
and other essential medicines recommended by
WHO. As well, the programme established a system
28 weeks into their pregnancies. In the second phase
for safe storage and dispensing of antiretroviral
of the programme, the tablet was given during the
and other drugs.
woman's first ANC visit, regardless of her stage of
pregnancy. This method was adopted, because most
At Migori District Hospital in Kenya, a new maternal
women, in particular those who had already given
child health (MCH) unit was established with an ANC
birth to one or more children, would not be able to
registration and waiting area, counselling and exami-
reach the health facility in time to receive nevirapine
nation rooms, a family-planning unit, STD clinic and
at onset of labour. For the child´s dosage, all women
PMTCT-coordinator's office. A laboratory was also
in the programmes in Tanzania and Uganda were
created in the new complex for ANC-related testing
required to come to the health unit within 72 hours
such as blood films for malaria, urine analysis and for
of giving birth so that their newborn infants could be
monitoring of ART outcomes.
given a dose of nevirapine syrup. The Kenyan national
guideline, by contrast, demanded that the NVP syrup
The upgraded labs also allow for complete blood
counts and serum analysis to monitor side effects of
ART and CD4-cell counts to assess the need for treat-
ment and to analyze immunologic responses. As well,
reference laboratories now carry out testing of viral
load and ART-drug resistance.
HIV counselling, testing and drug administration
Ready access to voluntary HIV-counselling and
testing and to counselling on infant-feeding were
needed to support the key drug interventions of the
programme.The aim was to provide each pregnant
woman attending an ANC clinic with counselling
and, if desired, testing for HIV. Counselling covered
primary HIV-prevention and women's reproductive
choices. As the programme unfolded in ANC services,
opt-in counselling and testing gave way to the opt-out
approach now favoured in many countries.
Nevirapine was the drug of choice for ARV prophylaxis
throughout the project, and when the programme
Capillus HIV rapid test
began in 2001, it was the most innovative tool in the
evolving field of PMTCT. New drug developments in
ARV prophylaxis for PMTCT will be responded to in
the next phase of the programme (see below, Lessons
learnt, Promising perspectives).
Under the programme, nevirapine was provided to
the HIV-positive pregnant woman once she had been
counselled, agreed to HIV-testing and offered to parti-
cipate. Initially, at most participating health facilities,
the nevirapine tablet was given to women about
Positive Capillus HIV rapid test
be supplied to the women so that it could be admi-
nistered to the infant at home.
As a considerable number of pregnant women came
to participating health facilities at time of delivery,
and without knowledge of their HIV-serostatus,
programme health workers undertook intra- and
postpartum testing, as well.This ensured that the
maximum number of HIV-positive women and their
infants would benefit from ARV prophylaxis.
Health workers also did regular follow-up of mothers
and infants to monitor child growth and the overall
health of mother and child.
Old and new antenatal clinic, Migori District Hospital,
Implementation of PMTCT-Plus Programme
The primary goal of PMTCT is to protect children
from HIV infection and premature death. However,
In the PMTCT Plus approach, ART was offered to
child health cannot be isolated from maternal health,
eligible HIV-positive mothers and any eligible HIV-
and it is unacceptable to view HIV-positive mothers
positive members of their families. Eligibility was
simply as potential transmitters (or vectors) of the
determined by CD4-cell testing coupled with a positive
appraisal of the person's ability to comply with an
ART regimen. If a pregnant woman was deemed eligi-
ble, treatment was started immediately to provide
the maximum benefit for her and the unborn child.
Figure 1: Interaction of PMTCT and ART components
PMTCT Plus Programme Flow
ANC clinic
Rapid HIV testing
Programme enrolment NVP, infant feeding
Monitoring of treatment indication, CD4-cell counts
Safer delivery with single-dose NVP
If indicated, antiretroviral treatment
NVP administration to newborn within 72 h
Follow-up: Counselling, STDs, Family planning,
If newborn on ART, mother, children, partner
infant feeding, PCR-test of infant
Monitoring of ART: mother, children, partner
The new approach was adopted with the introduc-
awareness, and deploying PLWH within the project
tion of ART at participating health facilities: in
to represent peer role models.
Uganda in January 2003, in Tanzania in November
2003 and in Kenya in March 2004. The interaction
Monitoring and evaluation
of the PMTCT and ART components is illustrated in
Programme staff continually monitored standard
forms documenting the results of antenatal care,
delivery and follow-up, and antiretroviral treatment.
Health workers in the PMTCT-Plus Programme followed
The forms were revised and improved as the pro-
international and national guidelines in determining
gramme evolved (see toolset 3, below). Monthly
whether antiretroviral treatment was indicated and
updates were developed on the most important
choosing drug regimens for those in need.
programme indicators, helping health workers to
make continuous improvements. These data also
When a person was enrolled in the PMTCT-Plus
helped in programme supervision and provided a
Programme, a CD4-cell count was obtained to screen
baseline for research.
for treatment indication. CD4-cell counts below 350
cells/µl were rechecked after a short time to confirm
their accuracy. If the subsequent CD4-cell count was
below 350 cells/µl again, this was defined as indica-
ting the need for treatment.When CD4 counts were
above 350 cells/µl, screening was repeated every
three months. For monitoring and evaluation, in the
first phase of the project, PCR (polymerase chain
reaction)-testing in the first weeks after birth was
used to assess whether infants needed antiretroviral
treatment. It was found, however, that the need for
special laboratory work and the costs of PCR made
this technique unsustainable. In the second phase
of the project, therefore, health workers relied on
clinical examinations and CD4-cell counts, as recom-
New antenatal clinic, Migori District Hospital, Kenya
mended by national and WHO guidelines, to diagnose
HIV infection and determine whether treatment was
As well, a detailed monitoring and evaluation proto-
needed in infants of HIV-positive women.
col was integrated into the PMTCT-Plus Programme.
As patients need to understand how their medicines
Safe procurement and supply management of antire-
work and their side effects to adhere to their regi-
trovirals and related essential medicines is critical for
mens, they were given counselling before ART and
an effective PMTCT-Plus Programme. In Uganda, drug
during subsequent visits to health facilities. As well,
procurement, storage and provision was organized
patients were examined and lab tests done on a
in cooperation with a pharmacy run by a church
regular basis to measure their responses to treatment
and drug adherence and diagnose any side effects or
Advocacy and support for HIV-positive individuals
was conceded through associations for people living
with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). Particularly in Uganda, those
Find tool 3 "Monitoring tools" in the internet toolbox
for this approach at
associations were established very successfully, provid-
ing self-support among PLWH, mobilizing community
Uptake of PMTCT Programme
facilities. It should also be noted that the nevirapine
Between March 2002 and December 2006, 131 229
tablets were handed to the pregnant women at diffe-
new ANC clients made use of health services at
rent points in time and administered according to
facilities participating in the programme in Kenya,
different country guidelines. In all countries, howe-
Tanzania and Uganda.
ver, the women were instructed to take the tablets at
onset of labour, in accordance with WHO guidelines.
Of this number, 94 492 women (72%) were coun-
In Kenya, for example, women were asked to take the
selled on PMTCT and related issues, and 67 542
tablets themselves, often when they were not at the
(52%) agreed to be tested. In all, 10 431 of the
health facility, whereas elsewhere tablets were taken
women who agreed to be tested (15%) were HIV-
under the direct supervision of health workers. It
positive. A total of 8399 were enrolled in the PMTCT
was not always possible, therefore, to document
Programme, and as of 2006, 4356 women had taken
whether nevirapine was actually ingested. Nevirapine
nevirapine and 1847 were being followed by health
intake could clearly be documented in 39% of the
workers – in general, for 18 months after delivery.
participants who swallowed the drug in the presence
Many other women registered in the programme
of a health worker. Among women who were breast-
were in earlier stages of the pregnancy and had not
feeding exclusively, the HIV-transmission rate in children
yet delivered or had nevirapine prophylaxis.
at 6 months was about 14%. This is an encouraging
outcome when one recalls that without interventions,
As women dropped out of the PMTCT Programme at
it is usually estimated that 30% of children born to
all stages, the number of women participating at each
HIV-positive women will be infected, and that single-
stage declined progressively – from HIV counselling
dose nevirapine reduces this risk by 50% (in other
through testing, enrolment and so on. Consequently,
words, lowering the rate of MTCT to 15%) (Guay,
nevirapine usage was not as high as it could have
been, considering the relatively high number of HIV-
positive women who sought ANC at participating
Figure 2: Breakdown by country of numbers of women at different stages of PMTCT Programme,
March 2002–December 2006.
Enrolled in PMTCT Programme
Figure 3, below, shows the total number of ANC
clients documented during the period of March 2002
to December 2006 in the different stages of the
PMTCT Programmes.
Figure 3: PMTCT Programme indicators, March 2002–December 2006
Figure 4, below, shows the uptake of the PMTCT Pro-
received positive test results, been willing to take
gramme in Kenya, comparing numbers of participants
nevirapine, been given nevirapine and been monitored
per year over a four-year period at various stages (only
during a period of follow-up. Overall, a steady rise in
the first five stages are presented in figure 4): individuals
uptake can be observed over the duration of the pro-
presenting for the first time at ANC clinics, followed
by those who had had HIV-counselling, been tested,
Figure 4: Uptake of PMTCT Programme in Kenya, August 2002–July 2006
Kenya MoH/GTZ PMTCT sites
Willing to take NVP
Uptake of PMTCT-Plus Programme
lations of second-line drugs were also needed for
Owing to the special expertise and infrastructure
children. Some 500 individuals in the three countries
required to provide antiretroviral therapy, the PMTCT-
received ART under the PMTCT-Plus Programme.
Plus Programme was implemented at just three of
the participating health facilities: Fort Portal Hospital
In Kenya, as of February 2005, 525 women, children
in Uganda, Migori District Hospital in Kenya and
and men had undergone tests to determine their
Ruanda Health Center in Tanzania. Under this expanded
CD4-cell counts in the PMTCT Programme (see
programme, antiretroviral treatment was offered to
below, Figure 5). Some 345 (66%) of these individuals
eligible women engaged in the PMTCT interventions,
had been found to be needing treatment and 129
family members and health workers at all health faci-
(37%) of them had been deemed eligible for ART
lities participating in the PMTCT Programme.
and enrolled in the PMTCT-Plus Programme. Of this
number, 80% had started treatment.
In keeping with WHO guidelines, a standard regimen
was provided: two nucleoside reverse transcriptase
In Uganda, as of December 2004, 1729 individuals
inhibitors (NRTIs) and one non-nucleoside reverse
had undergone tests to determine their CD4-cell
transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).The specific drugs
counts, of whom 708 (41%) had been identified as
used in the regimens, however, differed in each country.
needing treatment. Records show that 279 of these
In Uganda, zidovudine, lamivudine and efavirenz
individuals had been deemed eligible for enrolment
were used; in Tanzania, zidovudine, lamivudine and
in PMTCT Plus and 193 (69%) had started treatment.
nevirapine were chosen; and in Kenya, stavudine,
In Tanzania, by December 2004, 578 people had
lamivudine and nevirapine made up the regimen.
undergone tests to determine their CD4-cell counts,
Infants received zidovudine, lamivudine and nevirapine
while 217 (38%) had been shown to be ready for
syrups. More expensive second-line drugs were needed
treatment. Of this number, 119 (55%) had been found
in about 14% of patients, who experienced contrain-
eligible for enrolment in PMTCT Plus, and 80 patients
dications, concomitant diseases such as tuberculosis,
(67%) had started ART.
side effects or treatment failure. As well, syrup formu-
Figure 5: Uptake of PMTCT Plus Programme in Kenya and Uganda
Treatment Monitoring, Kenya
Treatment Monitoring, Uganda
Treatment Monitoring, Tanzania
Feasibility and outcomes of
Recently, when ART became more widely available
antiretroviral therapy
in the project countries through Global Fund- and
Within a comprehensive monitoring protocol, clinical,
PEPFAR-sponsored programmes, among others, the
immunological and virological data were collected
PMTCT-Plus component was integrated into the
to evaluate different approaches for monitoring of
national ART programmes.While pregnant women
treatment indication and treatment success. Under
who need ART may not have the specialized care
the Plus Programme, participants' CD4-cell counts
now that they received in a PMTCT-Plus Programme,
increased, on average, from 170 cells/µl before treat-
the integration of the PMTCT-treatment component
ment to 335 cells/µl at 24 weeks after starting treat-
into national ART programmes is an important step
ment and 380 cells/µl at 48 weeks after starting treat-
forward and will better ensure the sustainability of
ment. The average (mean) viral load before treatment
this critical public-health measure.
was 300 633 c/ml, and this decreased to 7388 c/ml
at 24 weeks and to 471 c/ml 48 weeks after starting
treatment. The body weight of individuals on ART
The project had a strong research element, with both
increased by an average of 4 kg at 24 weeks after
operational and biomedical studies using qualitative
start of treatment. After 24 weeks of treatment, viral
and quantitative methodologies. As part of a compre-
load in 14% of individuals was either not fully sup-
hensive approach, studies attempted to analyse the
pressed or had bounced back after initial suppres-
impact of interventions, influence of different factors
sion, indicating virologic treatment failure.These indi-
on vertical HIV transmission and the feasibility of and
viduals were switched to another drug regimen. As
minimum prerequisites for establishing programmes.
shown in Figure 6, 79% of those who began antiretro-
Research was done in cooperation with national and
viral therapy were still receiving this treatment after
international institutions, and all research protocols
6 months, 9% had died and 12% had been lost to
were approved by the research and ethical committees
follow-up. Overall, therefore, treatment outcomes
of the respective countries.
were comparable to international standards.
Figure 6: ART adherence after 6 months in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Find tool 3 "Various publications about research
conducted by the project" in the internet toolbox for
this approach at
Operational research looked at these areas:
• KAPB (knowledge, attitudes, practice and beliefs)
studies of MTCT in different populations;
• Practice of infant feeding in areas with high HIV
• Minimum prerequisites for the implementation of
Cyflow®, Partec, for analysis of CD4-cell count,Migori District Hospital, Kenya
• Cost analyses; and
• Intake of nevirapine under different strategies
Examples of research results: cost analyses and
(self-administration, provision in hospital).
PMTCT programme costs are directly linked to pro-
A number of biomedical studies followed a mother-
gramme uptake, according to a cost- effectiveness
and-child cohort.These examined the:
analysis of the programme for the time period of
• Influence of nevirapine intake on HIV-transmission;
2002–2003. In the study, costs were listed using a
• Correlation between viral load and nevirapine con-
spreadsheet model, analysed in terms of allocation
centrations in different bodily fluids (plasma, breast
to different programme stages, and used to estimate
milk, vaginal secretion, oropharyngeal secretion)
the cost per prevented child infection – the main
and their influence on HIV-transmission; and
outcome measure. It was found that the cost of esta-
• Emergence of resistant virus and its transmission.
blishing infrastructure and starting the programme
was significant. In these early stages, local programme
Studies of a cohort receiving antiretroviral therapy,
costs alone per pregnant woman counselled were
explored both biomedical and operational questions.
16 euros (€) in Kenya and Tanzania and € 13 in
These focused on:
Uganda. For each woman HIV-tested the equivalent
• Clinical, immunological and virological treatment
cumulative costs were € 23 in Kenya, € 19 in
Tanzania and € 22 in Uganda. For each woman dia-
• Side effects of treatment;
gnosed as HIV-positive, the equivalent figures were €
• Adherence to treatment;
120 in Kenya, € 113 in Tanzania and € 128 in
• Assessment of baseline resistance and development
Uganda; and for each woman enrolled in the PMTCT
of resistance during treatment;
Programme, the equivalent figures were € 198 in
• Assessment of simpler methods for treatment
Kenya, € 117 in Tanzania and
€ 222 in Uganda.
• Loss to follow-up among patients in need of
had agreed to receive nevirapine as part of PMTCT
(42% in Tanzania and 46% in Uganda). The study
found that nevirapine intake in infants was signifi-
cantly higher in Tanzania than in Uganda (44% vs.
24%). Maternal age over 25 years, secondary educa-
tion, Catholic faith and having undergone PMTCT
counselling at a hospital were factors associated
with infant nevirapine intake.The Ugandan strategy,
under which, after home delivery, the infant has to
be brought to a health unit to receive its nevirapine
was less successful, mainly because mothers would
often not return to the health unit after giving birth
A follow-up of infant HIV status was only possible in
at home (Karcher et al., 2006).
the case of Uganda. This study concluded that each
HIV infection prevented in infants in Uganda cost an
Lessons learnt
average of € 1219 (Harms, 2004) (Further research
The project produced encouraging results, however,
would be useful to provide comparisons with the cost
as indicated in the discussion below, it also revealed
of caring for an HIV-infected child, and to identify
obstacles that need to be overcome for PMTCT to be
the socio-economic benefits of healthy children, as
more widely accessible.
well as costs in later stages of the programmes with
higher coverage.)
Drop-out rates are high and need to be addressed
The overall rate of nevirapine coverage is still too
Monthly costs of antiretroviral therapy per person,
low, as women tend to drop out of the PMTCT
as of December 2004, ranged from € 39 in Tanzania,
Programmes at all stages. Even though a single dose
to € 58 in Kenya and € 78 in Uganda. These differen-
of nevirapine for mother and infant is by far the
ces were mainly due to the varying costs of impro-
simplest medical intervention to reduce vertical
ving infrastructure and starting the PMTCT Plus
transmission of HIV, many women drop out before they
component in each country. In Uganda, for example,
and their infants benefit from this. Further research
ART was introduced before cheaper generic fixed
is, therefore, needed on the factors that prevent
combinations of antiretrovirals became available.
women from benefiting from this form of antiretro-
viral prophylaxis.While clinical studies have demon-
It should be noted, however, that all of the above
strated that other perinatal drug regimens reduce the
programme costs decreased over time.
transmission risk more effectively than single-dose
nevirapine, research has yet to show that women are
As well, an observational study, done between March
more likely to remain in PMTCT programmes offe-
2002 and December 2004, compared Tanzania's strategy
ring these more complicated drug regimens than in
of directly observed (or supervised) nevirapine intake
simpler nevirapine-based programmes. Evidence sug-
among women and infants at a health clinic to Uganda's
gests that higher drop-out rates reduce the cost-effec-
strategy of self-administered nevirapine for women at
tiveness of PMTCT measures, so new strategies are
home and supervised intake of nevirapine for infants
needed to address this problem. For example, women
at a health unit. The two strategies reflected the
might remain in PMTCT programmes for longer, and
different national guidelines for nevirapine admini-
benefit more from them, if their husbands and male
stration. The settings were comparable and similar
partners were more involved and supportive.
proportions of HIV-positive women in each country
When women drop out of PMTCT programmes, staff
PMTCT, and PMTCT Plus in particular, demand
are often unable to follow-up on infants born to HIV-
significant human resources
positive mothers and, thus, monitor and evaluate the
Every pregnant woman counselled, tested or enrolled
effectiveness of programmes. Studies are urgently
in PMTCT programmes means additional work for
needed, therefore, of the preconditions for successful
health workers, who are often already overworked.
follow-up of infants born to HIV-positive mothers.
To guarantee the quality of the services, therefore,
it is important to provide facilities offering PMTCT-
Male involvement strengthens PMTCT
services with enough health workers with the required
It is very common for men to contract HIV and pass
training. This strengthening of human resources will
the virus on to their wives and other female partners.
not only help to sustain existing programmes, it will
Thus, male partners cannot be neglected in any HIV
be critical to providing the group counselling and
strategy and particularly by programmes aimed at
routine offer of HIV testing as part of a basic package
pregnant women. Not only do many male partners of
of services for all pregnant women attending health
HIV-positive women need counselling, testing and
facilities. The workload of health workers may also
treatment, their support is often needed if their wives
be lightened by establishing stronger linkages and
or female partners are to follow all the steps, and
referral systems for patients needing PMTCT inter-
comply with, PMTCT-measures and ART.
ventions and ART.
We now know that women who are supported by
their partners during PMTCT interventions are much
Health workers in resource-limited settings have
more likely to accept HIV-testing and antiretroviral
yet to find an effective way of preventing postnatal
prophylaxis at delivery, and thus have much better
transmission of HIV when mothers cannot breastfeed
chances of giving birth to and raising healthy infants.
exclusively for six months before early weaning.
However, fear of stigmatization, violence and divorce
prevent many women – particularly those in sero-
There are still few sufficient or affordable treatment
discordant couples – from disclosing their HIV status
options for children who cannot take adult formula-
to their male partners.When women do not disclose
tions of antiretroviral medicines. First-line antiretroviral
their status it is much more likely that they will fail
regimens are failing in about 14% of ART patients
to benefit from PMTCT measures and antiretroviral
and the prices of the second-line regimens that these
therapy. Kenya,Tanzania and Uganda's PMTCT
people need remain unaffordable.
Programmes have yet to develop methods of out-
reach to involve more husbands and male partners
and this remains a major impediment.
This project has demonstrated that a majority of
HIV-positive pregnant women can gain access to
PMTCT services when these are fully integrated
with established structures for antenatal care. Over
the course of the project, the number of pregnant
women who came forward to receive HIV-counsell-
ing and testing and who went on to accept antiretro-
viral prophylaxis increased steadily, proving the
feasibility of implementing PMTCT including the use
of single-doses of nevirapine for mother and infant in
settings with few resources. This approach, together
with intrapartum or postpartum counselling and
Waiting area, Migori District Hospital, Kenya
testing should, therefore, be adopted by ANC clinics
fically to proceed (see for example, the Call to Action
and health facilities at all levels in settings with few
issued by African leaders and international agencies
at Abuja in December 2005 (WHO, 2005)).The next
phase of this project is informed by this evolving
This project has also confirmed once again that ART
knowledge and aims to address two widely agreed
is also feasible in resource-poor settings and can pro-
on priority issues: the adoption of triple-combination
duce treatment outcomes comparable to those in
ART prophylaxis and new strategies for reaching out
industrialized countries. As well, it has shown that
to the partners of women needing PMTCT services.
the full integration of PMTCT programmes with
national guidelines and structures greatly contributes
The 2006 WHO guidelines for ARV prophylaxis in
to their sustainability. This is particularly noticeable
PMTCT state that single-dose nevirapine is now the
where project countries have integrated the PMTCT-
minimum standard. The recommended option for
Plus component into national ART programmes. In
prophylaxis in pregnant women is now the triple
Tanzania, beginning in 2007, this component has
combination of zidovudine (AZT), nevirapine (NVP)
been fully integrated into the Tanzanian-German
and lamivudine (3TC), and in the newborn infant, the
Programme to Support Health (TGPSH).
dual combination of zidovudine and nevirapine. The
risk of transmission and the emergence of resistance
Since 2001, much has been learnt about PMTCT,
are believed to be lower for this regimen than for
through implementation and discussions led by, for
single-dose nevirapine. These guidelines are also con-
example, the Inter-Agency Task Team on PMTCT and
sistent with the most recent national guidelines in
Pediatric HIV, which brings together UN and major
Tanzania and Kenya, among other countries.
bilateral agencies with leading research bodies and
charities working in this area. As well, a strong inter-
national consensus has developed about how speci-
Nutrition counselling in Fort Portal, Uganda
However, these new recommendations have yet to
Programme staff will also be examining new strate-
be translated widely into practice in these two coun-
gies to engage more husbands and male partners of
tries, owing in part to major logistic requirements. As
pregnant women in measures for PMTCT, given the
well, health workers are not convinced that the use
need to strengthen this aspect of services. In the past,
of these more complex drug regimens will encourage
efforts to promote couples-counselling and testing
more women to enrol and stay in PMTCT programmes.
within the PMTCT intervention have encouraged
In Tanzania, therefore, the shift from single-dose nevi-
few men to come forward in support of their female
rapine to triple combination therapy, and the effect
partners. In Tanzania, for example, the reasons for
this has on participation in PMTCT services, will be
this failure will be examined in a survey, and plans
closely monitored and evaluated. Field-based research
will be drawn up to adopt new approaches for
will also be needed to assess the impact of the shift
making services more welcoming to the partners of
to more complex regimens, as few studies have yet to
pregnant women.
examine this.
German HIV Peer Review
The German HIV Peer Review Group has set out a number
Participatory approach and empowerment: High drop-
of criteria that must be met to qualify initiatives supported
out rates among pregnant women – though these are
by German development cooperation for its HIV Practice
lower than in other projects – and low participation
Collection. The PMTCT approach described here qualifies as
by the male partners significantly undermined parti-
a "promising practice" to the extent that it demonstrates
cipation in this project. It did, however, empower
the following qualities:
pregnant women in three east African countries with
potentially life-saving services. These included pre-
Effectiveness: In its first two or three years, the
HIV-test counselling, HIV-testing and post-test coun-
PMTCT Programme provided significant numbers of
selling, and – for those mothers and infants in need
pregnant women and their infants with access to,
– nevirapine prophylaxis and ongoing support, coun-
what were then, state-of-the-art HIV-prevention ser-
selling regarding general health matters, and post-
vices integrated with ANC in settings where these
delivery follow-up. In its second phase, the project
services had not previously existed. The PMTCT-Plus
further empowered pregnant women and their
Programme, introduced in 2003-2004, extended these
infants, as well as family members and health wor-
services to include ART.Through the project, nearly
kers, with life-saving, sustained antiretroviral therapy
100 000 women attending ANC clinics received HIV
(ART), as needed. It should also be noted that the
counselling, and nearly 70 000 were tested for HIV.
project worked with local staff exclusively and did
Despite these real achievements, it is difficult to
not employ foreign nationals at project sites.
assess the coverage of these services, and drop-out
by women at all stages of the programmes limited
Cost-effectiveness: Measuring and understanding
the extent to which women and infants benefited
cost-effectiveness of the services for PMTCT and ART
from nevirapine prophylaxis and other services.
provided in resource-poor settings by this project
requires further research especially with the emer-
Transferability: The PMTCT and PMTCT-Plus
gence of new drug recommendations; however, this
Programmes adhered to international and national
project included significant research on this topic,
guidelines and were fully integrated with existing
which generated valuable data towards this under-
national health structures in three distinct low-in-
come countries with heavy burdens of HIV disease:
Kenya,Tanzania, and Uganda.
Gender-awareness: In sub-Saharan Africa, young
women are the group most vulnerable to HIV, and
this project specifically targeted pregnant women
(many of whom are young) in three countries in this
region with serious HIV epidemics. Again, the project's
high drop-out rates and failure to engage with many
of the male partners of pregnant women point to the
need for still greater awareness among programme
implementers of the impact of gender relations on
PMTCT, as well as further research on this complex
Monitoring and evaluation: As noted above, this pro-
ject included a strong research element with interna-
tional partners contributing to M&E of the program-
mes in the three participating east African countries.
In Tanzania and Uganda, detailed baseline assessments
were carried out, and, in all three countries, program-
me staff continually monitored the results of antena-
tal care, delivery and follow-up, and antiretroviral
treatment. A monitoring and evaluation protocol was
also integrated into the PMTCT-Plus Programme, and
studies were done of the cost-effectiveness of inter-
ventions and different nevirapine-intake strategies.
PMTCT coordinator of Migori and Kuria Districts, Kenya
Innovation: Single-dose nevirapine for HIV prophylaxis
in pregnant mothers at onset of labour is now the
minimum international standard in this area; howe-
Sustainability: The programmes were fully integrated
ver, when this project began, in 2001, it was among
with existing ANC services and national health pro-
the first to provide this highly effective medical inter-
grammes and consistent with national and international
vention on a major scale. In 2003, the project's
guidelines. This, together with their positive outcomes,
PMTCT-Plus Programme was also among the first in
should help to sustain them over the long term. At
sub-Saharan Africa to provide HIV antiretroviral therapy
time of publication of this document, in the fourth
on a large-scale to pregnant women and infants, as
quarter of 2007, each of the three countries were
well as to their families, and health workers, where
continuing to scale up and build on the services for
PMTCT provided under this project.
Tools on CD-ROM
The following tools and materials were developed in the
course of this project, or developed in other contexts and
used by this project. They can be downloaded at
• Toolset 1: Guidelines for PMTCT
• Toolset 2: IEC materials (information, education and counselling)
• Toolset 3: Various monitoring tools
• Toolset 4: Various publications about research conducted by the project
Project articles and further reading
Karcher H, Moses A,Weide AL, Stelzenmueller J, Mayer
The following articles were produced by project staff
A, Harms G. Evaluation of antiretroviral treatment in
Fort Portal, western Uganda. 15th International AIDS
Conference, Bangkok,Thailand, 11-16 July 2004.
Harms, G, Kunz A, Karcher H, Simo S, Kurowski M.
MedGenMed 2004 Jul 11;6(3):B12706.
Nevirapine concentration in cervicovaginal and oro-
pharyngeal secretions after single dose administration
Karcher H, Mugenyi K, Odera J, Mbezi P, Masanja B,
to the mother.
Antivir Ther 2005; 10:777.
Kabasonguzi R, Ali M, Simo S, Kunz A, Mayer A,
Weidenhammer A, Harms G. 15th International AIDS
Harms G, Mayer A, Schulze K, Moneta I, Baryomunsi C,
Conference, Bangkok,Thailand, 11-16 July 2004.
Mbezi P, Poggensee G. Mother-to-Child transmission
MedGenMed 2004 Jul 11;6(3):WePeE6828.
of HIV and its prevention: awareness and knowledge
in Uganda and Tanzania.
JSAHA 2005; 2:258-266.
Karcher H, Omondi A, Odera J, Kunz A, Harms G.
(find a copy in toolset 4 in toolbox section)
Risk factors for treatment denial and loss to follow
up in an antiretroviral treatment cohort in Kenya.
Harms G,Theuring S, Karcher H, Kunz A, Kagwire F,
Trop Med Int Health 2007; 12(5):687-94.
Mbezi P, Odera J. Cost evaluation of PMTCT
(find a copy in toolset 4 in toolbox section)
Programmes. 15th International AIDS Conference,
Bangkok,Thailand, 11-16 July 2004.
Kunz A, Mugenyi K, Frank M, Kabasinguzi R,
2004 Jul 11;6(3): TuPeC4953.
Weidenhammer A, Karcher H, Kurowski M, Kloft C,
Harms G. Persistence of Nevirapine in breast milk
Herzmann C, Karcher H. Nevirapine plus zidovudine
and plasma of mothers and children after single dose
to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
J Infect Dis, submitted.
N Engl J Med 2004; 351:2013-2015.
Kunz A, Mayer A, Petruschke I, Kabasinguzi R, Mbezi P,
Karcher H, Boehning D, Downing R, Mashate S, Harms
Odera J,Weidenhammer A, Karcher H, Harms G.
G. Comparison of two alternative methods for CD4+
Nevirapine intake in PMTCT programmes in Kenya,
T-cell determination (Coulter manual CD4 count and
Tanzania and Uganda. 15th International AIDS
CyFlow) against standard dual platform flow cytometry
Conference, Bangkok,Thailand, 11-16 July 2004.
in Uganda.
Cytometry B Clin Cytom 2006; 70:163-169.
MedGenMed 2004 Jul 11;6(3):ThPeE8032.
(find a copy in toolset 4 in toolbox section)
Kunz A, Mugenyi K, Karcher H, Mayer A, Simo S, Ali
Karcher H, Kunz A, Mbezi P, Mugenyi K, Odera J,
M, Kurowski M, Harms G. Intrapartum transmission
Harms G. Prevention of HIV-1 mother to child
after mucosal exposure to HIV was not observed
transmission (PMTCT) and antiretroviral treatment
with single-dose nevirapine for mother and child.
in East Africa. Abstract;
Eur J Med Res 2005;
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007; 44(5):562-5.
10(Suppl II):1-125.
(find a copy in toolset 4 in toolbox section)
Karcher H, Kunz A, Poggensee G, Mbezi P, Mugenyi K,
Poggensee G, Schulze K, Moneta I, Baryomunsi C,
Harms G. Outcome of different nevirapine
Mbezi P, Harms G. Infant feeding practices in
administration strategies in preventing mother-to-
western Tanzania and Uganda: implications for infant
child transmission (PMTCT) programs in Tanzania
feeding recommendations for HIV-infected mothers.
and Uganda.
MedGenMed 2006; 8:12; at
J Trop Med Int Hlth 2004; 4:1-9.
(find a copy in toolset 4 in toolbox section)
Perinatal HIV Guidelines Working Group.
Health Service Task Force Recommendations for
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS
the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant
DHHS-Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral
HIV-1-Infected Women to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1
Agents in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents.
Transmission in the United States. Washington, DC,
Bethesda, National Institutes of Health, June 2003.
DHSS, June 2003.
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office
AIDS Epidemic Update 2006.
Awareness and knowledge of mother to
Geneva, UNAIDS, December 2006.
child transmission of HIV and preventive measures
in Mbeya Region, Tanzania. Berlin, GTZ, 2003.
Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in resource
limited settings. Treatment guidelines for a public
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office
health approach. Geneva,WHO, 2003.
Awareness and knowledge of mother to
child transmission of HIV and preventive measures
Working Group on Antiretroviral Therapy and
in Western Uganda. Berlin, GTZ, 2002.
Medical Management of HIV-Infected Children,
National Pediatric and Family HIV Resource Center
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office Berlin.
(NPHRC),The Health Resources and Services
Evaluation of impact of a PMTCT Programme on
Administration (HRSA), and The National Institutes
child survival and mother-to-child transmission of
of Health (NIH).
Guidelines for the Use of Anti-
HIV – Proposal for accompanying research of a
retroviral Agents in Pediatric HIV Infection.
PMTCT programme using nevirapine in Uganda.
Bethesda, NIH, June 2003.
Berlin, GTZ, 2002.
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office Berlin.
Implementation and Monitoring of an Antiretro-
viral Treatment Programme following a HIV
PMTCT-Programme in Western Uganda.
Berlin, GTZ, 2002.
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office Berlin.
Use, infrastructure and organisation of ANC and
maternity services in four health facilities in
Western Uganda. Berlin, GTZ, 2002.
Ministry of Health, Kenya.
National Guidelines
for the Prevention of Mother-To-Child HIV/AIDS
Transmission (PMTCT). Nairobi, MOH, 2002.
Ministry of Health,Tanzania.
National Guidelines for
Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS. Dar Es Salaam,
MOH, April 2002.
Ministry of Health, Uganda.
National Antiretroviral
Treatment and Care Guidelines for Adults and
Children. Kampala, MOH, June 2003.
(Please see Acknowledgements section for
a list of the project's main partners.)
The project staff would like to thank the following
institutional partners who contributed greatly to
the project, particularly in the areas of programme
monitoring and research: University of Nairobi,
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Nairobi,
Kenya; Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI),
Department of Virology and Immunology, Nairobi,
Kenya; Muhimbili University, Department of
Microbiology, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania; Mbeya Medical
Research Programme/University of Munich, Mbeya,
Tanzania; Henri Jackson Foundation, Fort Dedrick,
United States of America (USA); President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), USA;
Makerere University/Mulago Hospital, Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Department of
Paediatrics, Kampala, Uganda; Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention/Uganda Virus Research
Institute, Department of Virology, Entebbe, Uganda;
Joint Clinical Research Center (JCRC), Kampala,
Uganda; Robert Koch Institute, Department of
Virology, Berlin, Germany; Roche Diagnostics,
Mannheim, Germany and Randburg, South Africa;
and Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, Germany.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
antiretroviral treatment
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation)
human immunodeficiency virus
information, education, communication
Ministry of Health
mother-to-child transmission of HIV
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
sexually transmitted disease
traditional birth attendants
voluntary counselling and testing
Guay LA, Musoke P, Fleming T et al. Intrapartum and
WHO, 2006a.
Glion Consultation on Strengthening
neonatal single-dosed nevirapine compared with
the Linkages between Reproductive Health and
zidovudine for prevention of mother-to-child trans-
HIV/AIDS:_Family Planning and HIV/AIDS in
mission of HIV-1 in Kampala, Uganda: HIVNET 012
Women and Children, 25 May 2006.
randomised trial.
Lancet 1999, 354 (9181):795-802.
Geneva,WHO, 2006.
Harms G, Mayer A, Schulze K, Moneta I, Baryomunsi
WHO, 2006b.
Antiretroviral drugs for treating
C, Mbezi P, Poggensee G. Mother-to-child transmission
pregnant women and preventing HIV infection in
of HIV and its prevention: awareness and knowledge
infants: towards universal access: Recommendations
in Uganda and Tanzania.
JSAHA 2005; 2:258-266.
for a public health approach.
Geneva,WHO, 2006.
Harms G,Theuring S, Karcher H, Kunz A, Kagwire F,
Mbezi P, Odera J. Cost evaluation of PMTCT
Prevention of HIV in infants and young
Programmes. 15th International AIDS Conference,
children. Review of evidence and WHO activities.
Bangkok,Thailand, 11-16 July 2004.
Geneva,WHO, 2002.
2004 Jul 11;6(3):TuPeC4953.
WHO et al.
Call to Action: Towards an HIV-free and
Karcher H, Kunz A, Poggensee G, Mbezi P, Mugenyi K,
AIDS-free generation. Geneva,WHO, 2005.
Harms G. Outcome of different nevirapine administra-
tion strategies in preventing mother-to-child trans-
mission (PMTCT) programs in Tanzania and Uganda.
MedGenMed 2006; 8:12.
Poggensee G, Schulze K, Moneta I, Baryomunsi C,
Mbezi P, Harms G. Infant feeding practices in western
Tanzania and Uganda: implications for infant feeding
recommendations for HIV-infected mothers.
J Trop Med Int Hlth 2004; 4:1-9.
Best Practice Collection. Towards universal
access to prevention, treatment and care: experien-
ces and challenges from the Mbeya region in
Tanzania – a case study. Geneva, UNAIDS, 2007.
2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic.
Geneva, UNAIDS, 2006.
2004 Report on the global AIDS epidemic.
Geneva, UNAIDS, 2004.
Contacts and credits
Authors and experts responsible for the approach:
The German HIV Peer Review Group
Project "Strengthening the German
contribution to the global AIDS response"
Gundel Harms, Andrea Kunz, Stefanie Theuring
Responsible: Dr. Thomas Kirsch-Woik
International GTZ PMTCT Coordination Office Berlin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Charité – Medical
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Spandauer Damm 130
65760 Eschborn / Germany
14050 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]
Contact Person in the Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
MoH/GTZ PMTCT Project Migori and Kuria Districts
Dr. Jochen Böhmer, Section 311
MOH/GTZ PMTCT Project Mbeya Region
[email protected]
MOH/GTZ PMTCT Project Western Uganda
Geoffrey Kabagambe Rugamba,
DDHS Kabarole District
Fort Portal, Uganda
p.1 Heiko Karcher
p.4, 5 Stefanie Theuring
p.6 Inga Petruschke
p.8, 10 Charles Mleleu
p.11, 12, 13, 18, 21, 24 Gundel Harms
p.22 Angelika Mayer
Eschborn, November 2007
Page 1 of 29 Single and combined effects of beetroot juice and caffeine supplementation on cycling time trial performance. Stephen C. Lane1, John A. Hawley1,2, Ben Desbrow3, Andrew M Jones4, James R. Blackwell4, Megan L. Ross5, Adam J. Zemski5, Louise M. Burke5 Exercise & Nutrition Research Group, School of Medical Sciences, RMIT University,
Joslin Diabetes Center & Joslin Clinic Clinical Guideline for Pharmacological Management of Type 2 Diabetes 1/09/2009 The objective of the Joslin Diabetes Center & Joslin Clinic Clinical Guideline for Pharmacological Management of Type 2 Diabetes is to support clinical practice and influence clinical behavior to improve outcomes and assure quality of care according to accepted standards. The Guideline was established after careful review of current evidence, literature and clinical practice. This Guideline will be reviewed periodically and modified to reflect changes in clinical practice and available pharmacological information. This Clinical Guideline is not intended to serve as a mandatory standard, but rather to provide a set of recommendations for patient care management. These recommendations are not a substitute for sound and reasonable clinical judgment or decision-making and do not exclude other options. Clinical care must be individualized to the specific needs of each patient and interventions must be tailored accordingly. The Guideline has been created to address initial presentations and treatment strategies in the adult non-pregnant patient population. The Guideline is not a substitution for full prescribing information. Refer to Joslin's Clinical Guideline for Adults with Diabetes for additional, more comprehensive information on diabetes care and management.