The role of the consultant pharmacist in long-term-care
In Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction – Volume 36 Issue 4 – April 2015
A Peer Reviewed Journal of the Minnesota Medical Directors Association
Managing Residents with Parkinson's Disease in Long-Term Care
By: Martha A. Nance MD
Parkinson's disease currently affects up to one
Although the diagnostic criteria for PD emphasize
million Americans. With increasing longevity as we
motor features of the disease, there has been a
better manage the complications of conditions of
growing awareness over the last 20 years of the
middle age such as diabetes, hypertension, and
importance of its nonmotor aspects (Seppi et al,
hypercholesterolemia, that number is expected to
2011). Loss of sense of smell, constipation, and rapid-
double globally over the next 25 years. Until there is a
eye-movement (REM) behavioral disorder may
cure for the disease, a growing proportion of this
precede the onset of motor symptoms by years or
increasing number of people with Parkinson's disease
decades. And as our "Parkinson's medications" help
will live to experience the later stages of their disease,
people to maintain mobility for decades after the
needing hands-on assistance with activities of daily
diagnosis, affected individuals live on to experience
living, either in the home or in a care facility.
the long-term complications of the neurodegenerative
It is useful, therefore, to review the common
orthostatic hypotension, and neurogenic bladder.
Parkinson's, focusing particularly on the practical
In addition to these features that are directly
issues that primary care physicians typically address,
related to Parkinson's disease, people with this
such as medications, rehabilitation team referrals,
diagnosis, particularly as they age, often have or
prognosis, and end-of-life discussions and care.
develop multiple comorbidities (King et al, 2014):
heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension; renal,
1. Introduction to late-stage Parkinson's disease
pulmonary, or hepatic dysfunction; sensory input
The average onset of Parkinson's disease is
issues (hearing or visual loss); orthopedic challenges;
between age 60-65, but there is wide variation, with
comorbid Alzheimer's disease; mood and behavioral
rare individuals as young as 30 developing symptoms
issues such as depression and anxiety; and
of the disease. The diagnosis is still made primarily by
complications related to falls, infections, skin issues,
recognition of the core motor features of the
syndrome—resting tremor (often unilateral at onset),
Several scenarios result in nursing home
rigidity, bradykinesia/hypokinesia, and characteristic
placement for a person with Parkinson's disease. It is
posture and gait changes. Depending on the clinical
not usually mobility issues alone, as spouses and
presentation, lab work and brain imaging can be used
family are usually able to make adaptations that
to rule out other conditions that can mimic some of
permit continued home management in this situation
the features of the disease (e.g., brain CT or MRI to
(although a patient who lacks family support may
rule out normal pressure hydrocephalus; chronic
need nursing home care purely for motor/mobility
subdural hematomas; "vascular Parkinsonism," or
reasons). Predictors of placement in long-term care
other rare conditions; and ceruloplasmin to rule out
are the emergence of significant dementia, with or
Wilson's disease). A dopamine transporter imaging
without hallucinations, greater functional impairment,
study, called a "DAT" or "SPECT" scan can be
and falls (Aarsland et al, 2000). Long-term care
obtained in some centers, and may become a standard
placement in some cases is preceded by a
diagnostic tool in the future. It is not widely used
hospitalization for a fall, a surgery, an episode of
delirium from which there is incomplete recovery, so that a short-term rehabilitation stay morphs into
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 1 April 2015
permanent placement. Finally, death or incapacitation
preparations 30-60 minutes before or 60 minutes after
of a spouse may lead to a need for placement in an
a meal for maximum benefit. For some patients this is
elderly person with Parkinson's disease.
a major issue, and for others, it is not so critical.
Individuals with Parkinson's disease who move
Several other medications used to address the
into long-term care often change health care
primary motor features of Parkinson's disease act
providers, as they become less able to return to the
indirectly through dopaminergic pathways and
clinic to see the neurologist. The burden of medication
processes: dopamine agonists including pramipexole,
management then falls on the primary care provider or
ropinirole, rotigotine "act like dopamine" by
geriatrician, who may be new to the patient. The need
stimulating the postsynaptic receptor directly.
for skilled palliative care for Parkinson's disease has
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (selegiline,
been mentioned, but has been no organized movement
rasagiline) prevent the breakdown of dopamine that is
at a national level to bridge the gap between outpatient
already present in the synapse; and the catechol-O-
neurological management and facility-based care by
methyl-transferase (COMT) inhibitor entacapone,
non-neurologists (Richfield et al, 2013).
prevents the breakdown of levodopa, and is therefore
always taken with a levodopa product, to enhance its
2. Use of medications in Parkinson's disease
At least ten different medications are commonly
Anticholinergic drugs such as trihexyphenidyl or
used for the management of the motor symptoms of
benztropine are sometimes used to reduce tremor or
Parkinson's disease, falling into six categories:
dystonia if these are prominent in a particular
levodopa (dopamine replacement), dopamine agonists,
individual. This class of drugs has a strong potential to
exacerbate problems that many Parkinson patients
catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitors (used as
already have: dry mouth, constipation, orthostatic
adjunctive therapy along with levodopa), and
hypotension, and cognitive impairment. For these
amantadine (Connolly and Lang, 2014). Deep-brain
reason, they are used sparingly and cautiously.
stimulation surgery has been an FDA-approved
Finally, amantadine is an unusual drug that
therapy for Parkinson's disease since 2002. Finally, a
occupies a niche in the management of Parkinson's
host of prescription and over-the-counter drugs are
disease. It is used sometimes as initial therapy as the
used for the many nonmotor aspects of the disease.
physician postpones the use of a "stronger" drug in a
We will review each of these briefly.
patient with mild motor symptoms, and later as
adjunctive therapy in a patient who has both "off"
a. The ten commonly used "Parkinson's
times as their levodopa wears off at the end of a dose
and "dyskinesia" as the next levodopa dose reaches its
The most effective medication for Parkinson's
peak effects. Amantadine has the potential to reduce
disease is levodopa, which, after conversion in the
both the "off" times and dyskinesia.
brain to dopamine, replenishes the dopamine
The scheduling of these medications is quite
deficiency that is the root cause of the early motor
important, and different medications have different
features of Parkinson's disease. Peripheral conversion
constraints. Amantadine given too late in the day can
of levodopa to dopamine results in nausea or
interfere with sleep, while selegiline is metabolized
vomiting. Carbidopa, a competitive inhibitor of this
into amphetamine and should only be given in the
enzymatic pathway, is combined with levodopa to
morning. Dopamine agonists, on the other hand, often
allow levodopa to more effectively pass into the brain.
cause drowsiness and are relatively long-acting, which
Levodopa (with carbidopa) comes in a number of
can be useful at night but not useful during the
daytime. Unless the patient is actively shaking at
bedtime and the tremor interferes with sleep, there is
(ParcopaTM) forms, and combined with entacapone in
no reason to use an anticholinergic agent at bedtime.
StalevoTM. Two new forms of levodopa were
approved by the FDA in 2015: Rytary™, a extended-
b. Levodopa: "On time, every time"; specify
release oral form of levodopa with carbidopa, and
administration times; prn dosing
Duopa®, a gel form administered via an intestinal
Virtually all individuals in the mid to late stages
infusion pump. Each of these formulations comes in
of Parkinson's disease are taking some form of
varying dose strengths. Dietary protein can interfere
levodopa, as injury to the dopaminergic cells in the
with the absorption of orally-administered levodopa,
substantia nigra leads those cells to be increasingly
so patients are often instructed to take levodopa
unable to make dopamine (this is somewhat analogous
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 2 April 2015
to the diabetic who uses insulin injections because the
staff to find a strategy that works most safely for the
pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin). These
same cells also become increasingly unable to store
dopamine once it is supplied to them, so that the
c. Deep brain stimulation
duration of effect of a dose of medication becomes
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become a
shorter, and the patient is increasingly dependent on
standard treatment for a certain subset of symptoms in
the correct administration of the medication at the
Parkinson's disease (Giugni and Okun, 2014). DBS
correct time, in order to be able to move. Patients,
does not change the course of the disease, and it does
families, and, once medications are no longer under
the patient's control, nursing staff, must be strongly
dysfunction, or balance problems. It is used most
encouraged and repeatedly reminded to give levodopa
commonly in two clinical situations.
"on time, every time," despite regulations that permit
The most common situation is a patient 8-15 years
early or late administration of scheduled medications!
into the disease, who had tried or is taking several
The point of taking Parkinson's medications is to
different "Parkinson's medications," including
help the patient move better and/or shake less for the
multiple doses of levodopa each day, and who is
next few hours. Most patients with early Parkinson's
fluctuating between periods where the medications
disease do not need to take medication at bedtime, as
have worn off, and periods, usually when the
they are asleep after that. Some patients in the mid- or
medication effect is peaking, where there are irregular
late-stages of the disease do need to take levodopa at
involuntary movements known as dyskinesia. The
bedtime. Likely, those patients also are taking their
second situation is a patient with medication-resistant
daytime levodopa at very specific times or intervals
throughout the day. The physician would be wise to
After proper programming, a stimulating electrode
consult with the patient or family prior to writing
placed in either the subthalamic nucleus or the globus
levodopa orders, to ensure that the intervals between
pallidus in the brain to treat contralateral tremor and
doses are optimized, and to specify administration
bradykinesia/hypokinesia, and reduces dyskinesia by
times. "Carbidopa-levodopa 25/100 1 pill tid" often
allowing medication dose reduction. Patients who
defaults to an administration schedule of 8 a.m., 2
have had deep brain stimulator placement need to
p.m., and 10 p.m., which will not work well for the
have the impulse generator voltage checked at 6-12
patient who gets up at 6 a.m., eats breakfast at 7 a.m.,
month intervals. The impulse generator may work less
and goes to bed at 9 p.m. That person will likely
effectively as its battery runs out, producing a gradual
function much better if the carbidopa-levodopa is
worsening of PD symptoms that may be mistaken for
given at 6 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4 p.m.
Finally, although it is empowering to allow
replacement is an outpatient surgical procedure that
patients living in the community to "take an extra
does not require touching the brain electrode.
levodopa pill on a busy, long, active, or shaky day," I
Stimulator programming is usually done as an
have found the use of prn doses of levodopa in the
outpatient in a Parkinson's disease specialty center or
long-term care or assisted living facility to be quite
a neurologist's office. Battery replacement is done by
a neurosurgeon or, in some locations, a general
specializing in the management of Parkinson's disease
surgeon in a same-day surgical facility.
may have the ability to judge, or help the patient
judge, if an extra levodopa dose is warranted. But in
d. Other medications
most facilities, the challenges of varying staff, the use
A person with Parkinson's disease may arrive at a
of TMAs to pass medications, the lag time if the TMA
long-term care facility with a variety of medications
has to consult with an RN before giving a prn dose,
for a variety of PD-related symptoms. The following
and the presence of dementia or potential for
is not an exclusive list, but is meant to suggest the
inappropriate medication requests in some patients,
kinds of medications to look for on a medication list:
make the proper use of prn levodopa orders difficult.
Cognition: cholinesterase inhibitor, memantine
On some occasions, it may be possible to order a
Depression: a wide range of antidepressants
specific time of the day that an additional dose is
Apathy: elevating antidepressant, stimulant
sometimes (but not always) needed: for instance,
Emotional incontinence: antidepressant or other
"carbidopa-levodopa 25/100, ½ pill prn at 5 p.m. for
anxiety, tremor, restlessness." The prescriber may
need to negotiate with the patient, family, and nursing
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 3 April 2015
Hallucinations: neuroleptic agent (any of which
patient ages or has complications, develops dementia
could exacerbate the motor symptoms of Parkinson's
or hallucinations—or if the person is no longer
disease, as all are dopamine blocking agents;
ambulatory anyway, it can be advantageous to
quetiapine or clozapine are preferred in people with
simplify the "Parkinson's regimen" when possible. A
complex medication regimen is difficult to manage
Anxiety: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
correctly, confusing to staff and patient, and often
(SSRI), benzodiazepine
makes it difficult to determine which drug (if any) is
Sleep: benzodiazepine, melatonin, other over-the-
providing benefit. All Parkinson's medications
counter remedies such as Benadryl
promote hallucinations (they are mostly dopaminergic
drugs), a complication that becomes increasingly
polyethylene glycol (note: bulk agents can worsen
likely as the disease progresses. The most effective
constipation unless accompanied by enough fluids,
drug for the motor symptoms of PD is levodopa, and
and are often to be avoided in Parkinson's disease)
so I would first consider tapering or discontinuing any
and all other "Parkinson's medications" first, adding
additional levodopa pills if the motor symptoms are a
Excessive saliva: anticholinergic agents, botox
little worse when another drug is tapered. The order in
injections in the salivary glands
which to reduce non-levodopa medications may
Orthostatic hypotension: fludrocortisone, midodrine,
depend on financial issues, specific side effects that a
pyridostigmine, droxidopa
person is having, apparent effectiveness of the drug at
Seborrhea and dry skin are common in
treating PD symptoms, or other issues (e.g.,
Parkinson's disease, and may require medicated
entacapone [ComtanTM] is a large pill that some find
shampoos and skin creams. Many people with
difficult to swallow). In general, I would first try to
Parkinson's disease are taking a variety of vitamins,
discontinue medications in the following order:
some recommended by the physician, and others on
anticholinergic agents (confusion, constipation, dry
their own. Some physicians prescribe supplemental B
mouth, orthostatic hypotension), then MAO inhibitors
vitamins when they prescribe levodopa, as folic acid is
(modest benefits, and long list of potential drug
used up in the process of metabolizing levodopa. A
interactions), amantadine (hallucinations, benefits
high proportion of Minnesotans with Parkinson's
may wane over time), COMT inhibitors (large pill to
disease are Vitamin D deficient, and so might
swallow, causes darkening of the urine that can be
appropriately be evaluated and treated for this
mistaken for dehydration; benefits are often modest),
problem. No other vitamins or supplements have been
and lastly, dopamine agonists (more effective than the
shown to have any significant effect in Parkinson's
disease, with the possible exception of Mucuna
obsessive/compulsive behaviors, peripheral edema,
pruriens, an extract of a particular variety of broad
and excessive daytime sleepiness).
bean, which contains variable (and small) amounts of
There are some general principles to consider
levodopa, and is taken by some who want a "natural"
when tapering medications:
dopamine product.
Change one drug at a time
Of note, Vitamin E, creatine, and Coenzyme Q10
Reduce a medication by one pill at a time at
have all been proven ineffective in formal large-scale
weekly intervals, or no more than a third of the
clinical trials in Parkinson's disease (Shoulson, 1998;
total daily dose, unless there is an emergency
Parkinson Study Group QE3 Investigators, 2014;
Monitor the patient during the drug taper, and if
Writing Group for the NET-PD Investigators et al,
the motor function becomes noticeably worse, be
2015). Thus, a patient who is taking one of these over-
willing to restart the drug at the lowest beneficial
the-counter compounds as a treatment for Parkinson's
disease should stop taking them.
The goal of treatment in Parkinson's disease is to
optimize the patient's function, not necessarily to
3. Adjusting Parkinson's medications in late-stage
remove all symptoms at all times. Some patients may
Parkinson's disease
not be bothered by their tremors, where others are.
There is no published literature to guide the
Parkinson's medications generally do not need to
clinician in adjusting medications in the late stages of
be adjusted significantly in renal, hepatic, or cardiac
Parkinson's disease. If a patient is doing well and is
failure, or for weight loss, although an aging patient
content with his motor function, there may be no
may occasionally seem to have altered metabolism of
pressing need to change anything. However, as the
these medications, among many others. Constipation
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 4 April 2015
can significantly impact on the absorption of levodopa
or made safer. When a person with Parkinson's begins
from the intestine, leading to worsening motor
to fall, it is often appropriate to make a referral not
function that doesn't require a higher dose of
only to PT, but also to OT, as the reason for the fall is
levodopa, but, perhaps, an enema.
often an attempt to do some activity of daily living
The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease
that is no longer safe. OT can help the patient, family,
commonly will be more prominent, as well, when a
or staff in the care facility to develop a safer strategy
patient develops some other medical issue such as a
to accomplish that activity.
bladder infection, influenza, or hyponatremia. This
Parkinson's disease always has an impact upon
transient worsening of symptoms will then resolve
the voice, leading to quiet, breathy, strained,
with treatment of the medical problem.
whispered, or underarticulated speech. As the disease
progresses, intelligibility declines, and the speech
4. Use of the rehabilitation team
therapist may be able to teach the patient strategies to
improve breath support, head and trunk positioning,
occupational, speech, music, recreational therapy)
articulation, and voicing so as to improve vocal
should be an integral part of the care team throughout
quality. It is worth remembering that the same
the course of Parkinson's disease.
muscles that are used for speech are also used for
Unfortunately, despite an explosion of
chewing and swallowing—a patient with poorly
literature documenting the benefits of specific
intelligible or strained speech may also have difficulty
interventions in small single-center studies, recent
chewing and swallowing certain food textures. The
Cochrane reviews have found insufficient data to
speech therapist, in conjunction with nutrition
support or refute the efficacy of occupational therapy,
services, can work to adjust the diet and food textures
or of one type of speech therapy or therapeutic
to optimize safety and nutritional content.
movement strategy over any other, mostly because of
the lack of randomized controlled trials for review
5. Disease progression, end-of life and hospice
(Dixon et al, 2007; Herd et al, 2012; Tomlinson et al,
The prognosis for a person with Parkinson's
As research increasingly supports the role of
disease in long-term care is poor. One study found a
aerobic exercise both in the maintenance of
3-year mortality rate of 50% among over 15,000
strength/stamina, and perhaps in modifying the
people with Parkinson's disease identified through the
disease itself (Speelman et al, 2011), we routinely
Minimum Data Set (Fernandez and Lapane, 2002),
send patients very early in their course to physical
and a recent meta-analysis of studies of mortality in
therapy to plan out a specific exercise regimen
Parkinson's disease found an increased relative risk
appropriate for their age, health and activity level, and
(2.22) of all-cause death in Parkinson's disease, and a
goals. A number of "Parkinson's disease" exercise
particularly increased relative risk in those with
programs have been developed in the last few years,
dementia (3.78) (Xu et al, 2014).
including LSVT Big, Parkinson's Wellness and
People with Parkinson's disease and their families can
Recovery (PWR), RockSteady boxing, Nordic
benefit substantially, in the late to terminal stages of
walking, and forced exercise such as tandem biking.
the disease, from a shift in focus from medical
Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, and ballroom/tango dancing
problem-solving to comfort care that focuses on
programs have also been tailored for people with
dignity, relief of pain, and planning for and
Parkinson's disease. In the later stages, physical
management of the medical and psychosocial events
therapists assist with posture, gait and balance
that accompany death. One recent study of 339
assessments, strategies to manage freezing of gait,
patients followed in one center identified two
recommendation and training in the use of assistive
predictors of hospice eligibility (things more likely to
devices such as canes and walkers, and in positioning
happen 6-12 months before death compared to 18-24
and seating devices.
months before death): body mass index <18, and
Occupational therapists evaluate our patients
change (reduction) in Parkinson medication use (Goy
throughout their course for equipment and strategies
to make safer or more convenient the myriad of daily
There is no published guideline or literature to
tasks that Parkinson's disease has an impact upon.
guide the hospice physician, neurologist, or other
Everything from tying shoes to shaving, managing
practitioner in the use of Parkinson's medicines during
urinary urgency, and rolling over in bed, can be
the terminal stages. One does have to be careful not to
affected by Parkinson's disease, and can be facilitated
"stop everything," as abrupt discontinuation of
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 5 April 2015
dopaminergic drugs can lead to the neuroleptic
malignant syndrome, an acute and potentially fatal
storm of events that includes severe rigidity, fever,
1. Seppi K, Weintraub D, Coelho M, Perez-Lloret S, Fox
SH, Katzenschlager R, Hametner EM, Poewe W, Rascol
and delirium. Some patients become very anxious or
O, Goetz CG, Sampaio C. The Movement Disorder
have escalating tremor if dopaminergic drugs are
Society Evidence-Based Medicine Review Update:
withdrawn, even in the terminal stages. Others just
Treatments for the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's
gradually slide into a quiet and increasingly persistent
disease. Move Disord 2011 Suppl 3: S42-S80.
sleep. Once again, the simplest medication to use is
2. King LA, Priest KC, Nutt J, Chen Y, Chen Z, Melnick M,
levodopa, which can be given as an oral dissolving
Horak F. Comborbidity and functional mobility in persons
tablet (ParcopaTM) used in the same dose as immediate
with Parkinson disease. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2014; 95: 2152-2157.
release levodopa. The dopamine agonist rotigotine
3. Aarsland D, Larsen JP, Tandberg E, Laake K. Predictors
comes in the form of a skin patch, although there is no
of nursing home placement in Parkinson's disease. J Am
information regarding the transdermal absorption of
Geriatr Soc 2000; 48: 938-942.
the drug in the terminal patient. Benzodiazepines,
4. Richfield EW, Jones EJ, Alty JE. Palliative care for
opiates, and barbiturates can be used for agitation,
Parkinson's disease: a summary of the evidence and
with caution to avoid precipitating delirium.
future directions. Palliat Med 2013; 27: 805-810.
5. Connolly BS, Lang AE. Pharmacological treatment of
Parkinson disease: a review. JAMA 2014; 311: 1670-
although drugs that can be administered nonorally
may be preferred in some situations.
6. Giugni JC, Okun MS. Treatment of advanced Parkinson's
disease. Curr Opin Neurol 2014; 27: 450-460.
7. Shoulson I. DATATOP: A decade of neuroprotective
The medical management of Parkinson's disease
inquiry. Ann Neurol 1998; 44: S1-9.
is complex, and often there is a shift in care teams
8. Parkinson Study Group QE3 Investigators, et al. A
randomized clinical trial of high-dosage Coenzyme Q10
in early Parkinson's disease: no evidence of benefit.
JAMA Neurology 2014; 71: 543-552.
Parkinson's disease and the way medications treat
9. Writing Group for the Neuroprotective Exploratory Trials
various symptoms of Parkinson's disease is useful for
in Parkinson's Diseaase (NET-PED) Investigators, et al.
all those involved in treating patients with Parkinson's
Effect of creatine monohydrate on clinical progression in
disease. Understanding the evolution of disease
patients with Parkinson's disease: a randomized clinical
symptoms with the progression of disease is also
trial. JAMA 2015; 313: 584-593.
10. Dixon L, Duncan D, Johnson P, Kirkby L, O'Connell H,
important for those monitoring symptoms and
Taylor H, Deane KH. Occupational therapy for patients
adjusting medications. This knowledge, along with an
with Parkinson's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
understanding of the goals of treatment, can help the
2007; July 18; (3): CD002813.
practitioner improve the quality of life for these
11. Herd CP, Tomlinson CL, Deane KH, Brady MC, Smith
patients throughout their stay.
CH, Sackley CM, Clarke CE. Comparison of speech and
language therapy techniques for speech problems in Parkinson's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012
About the Author
Aug 15; 8: CD002814.
Martha Nance, MD is a board certified neurologist
12. Tomlinson CL, Herd CP, Clarke CE, Meek C, Patel S,
and clinical geneticist with special interest in
Stowe R, Deane KH, Shah L, Sackley CM, Wheatley K,
movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease
Ives N. Physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease: a
Huntington's disease, hereditary ataxias and spastic
comparison of techniques. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
paraplegias, and other neurogenetic disorders. She
2014 Jun 17; 6: CD002815.
has served as the medical director of the Struthers
13. Speelman AD, van de Warrenburg BP, van Nimwegen M,
Petzinger G, Munneke M, Bloem BR. How might
Parkinson's Center at Park Nicollet since 2000.
physical activity benefit patients with Parkinson disease?
In addition to the care of patients and families
Nat Rev Neurol 2011; 7: 528-534.
with neurologic diseases, she is involved in clinical
14. Fernandez HH, Lapane KL. Predictors of mortality
research to develop better treatments for Parkinson's
among nursing home residents with a diagnosis of
disease and Huntington's disease, and interested in
Parkinson's disease. Med Sci Monit 2002; 8: CR241-246.
education for both patients and medical professionals.
15. Xu J, Gong DD, Man CF, Fan Y. Parkinson's disease and
She is also a Clinical Professor of Neurology at
risk of mortality: meta-analysis and systematic review. Acta Neurol Scand 2014; 129: 71-79.
the University of Minnesota.
16. Goy ER, Bohlig A, Carter J, Ganzini L. Identifying
predictors of hospice eligibility in patients with Parkinson
disease. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2015; 32: 29-33.
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 6 April 2015
Minnesota Nursing Home Quality Update- April 2015
Standardizing House Orders in Long Term Care
Jaclyn R. Guetzko, RN, BSN, DNP Student & Tom Von Sternberg, MD
The Metro Alliance of Geriatric Primary Care Providers is an interdisciplinary group of geriatric primary
care providers in the Twin Cities Metro area. Together, the Metro Alliance represents the 12 major Minnesota
healthcare organizations and over 345 authorizing providers who practice in long term care, transitional care, and
assisted living facilities in our community.
The main focus of the Metro Alliance is to focus on common, and when possible, evidence-based
approaches to geriatric care. The goal of this collaborative work is to decrease the wide variation and
inefficiencies of multiple approaches to common care issues in long term care. The group views this work
primarily as promoting increased safety and efficiency for their long term care facility partners.
The Metro Alliance has recently developed and endorsed a standardized standing order protocol that is
intended for wide distribution in long term care facilities across the state of Minnesota. In doing this, community
nursing homes participants and each of the provider group's standing orders were collectively pooled and
redesigned into one standardized and universally applicable standing order protocol. All Metro Alliance members
were involved in the redesign, with a common goal of creating one homogeneous, practice-approved, and
evidence-based standing house order set that is truly relevant in long term care. The new standing order protocol
is intended to be a sister document to the standardized Transitional Care Unit standing orders developed by the
Metro Alliance in 2013.
Evidence-based protocol formats are endorsed by numerous professional organizations including the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Institute of Medicine, and the American Medical Directors
Association. Existing literature in regards to standing orders has shown that they are a safe way to increase patient
access to medical treatment through optimal use of nursing skills.
Standardization initiatives that emphasize consistent approaches to care represent an important
contribution to improving the quality, safety, and reliability of nursing home care. Nursing home staff experience
enough challenges in providing care and assessing changes in status. Adopting one approach to the large number
of clinical domains of a patient as they enter a long term care facility is a critical tool for facility staff to provide
To access the orders, visit the Metro Alliance of Geriatric Primary Care Providers website at:
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 7 April 2015
Minnesota Medical Directors Association
P. O. Box 24475
Minneapolis, MN 55424
Fax: 612-656-3016
Executive Director: Rosemary Lobeck
Editor: Jane Pederson, M.D.
[email protected]
Topics in Geriatric Medicine and
Medical Direction is produced and
Published bimonthly by the Minnesota
Medical Directors Association.
Topics in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction, the
peer reviewed bimonthly publication of the Minnesota
Managing Residents with Parkinson's Disease
Medical Directors Association, is committed to publishing quality manuscripts representing scholarly inquiry into all
in Long-Term Care
areas of geriatrics and long term care medical direction and
practice. We encourage submissions of geriatric and long
Minnesota Nursing Home Quality
term care research, best practices, reviews of literature and
Manuscripts should be emailed to
President's Letter
[email protected]. The first page should
include the title and a 50 to 60 word abstract. Manuscripts
should range around 1800 to 3000 words.
October 22-23, 2015
Review Policy: Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least
two members of the review board whose evaluations
Medina Country Club
will provide a basis for the publication decision. We
are committed to a rapid review process.
All rights reserved. Copyright Minnesota Medical
Directors Association. Topics may be copied only with
prior permission. Contact MMDA at 952-929-9398.
MMDA TOPICS in Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction 8 April 2015
Standard Operating Procedure for the Pre- operative, Peri-operative and Post-Operative Care for Cataract Surgery Patients John Coupland Hospital Johnson Community Hospital Name of originator / author: Matron, John Coupland Hospital Name of responsible committee / Individual Quality Scrutiny Group Community Hospital Staff
The Role of Prostate The R Support ole of Pro Group in Health Cancer Promotion Support Gro ups in Health Promotion Executive Summary: 2009 Executive Summary: 2009 Support and rt and nce p n ov