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Ncrd's business review : e-journal, volume 2, issue 2 (jan-dec 2016) issn: 2455-0264

NCRD's Business Review : e-Journal, Volume 2, Issue 2 (Jan-Dec 2016) ISSN: 2455-0264
Mr. Mathew Lawrence, Ph.D Research Scholar

Business organizations need to contribute significantly to healthily environment through the
adoption of green marketing. The activities of some of this business may result to environmental
pollution which makes the environment becomes inimical to human habitation. India is still in its
nascent stage of developing green and sustainable marketing strategies. In India majority
population is young. Any behavioral change among youth can create a huge turnaround for any
company as well as entire country. This study throws light on green marketing and its impact on
youth. The research is conducted with probing questions on environmental awareness,
knowledge, and perception of consumers towards green marketing and perceived barriers faced
by consumers in adopting green marketing. Both primary and secondary data has been used for
the research. Exploratory research was carried out; convening sampling technique has been
used. Sample Size was 500 respondents from Dombivli area. Data has been analyzed using
SPSS. Research findings reveal that green marketing is more effective than regular marketing.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Youth, Attitude, Perception

Industries around the world have started the green initiative to counter ill effects of business
processes particularly transformation and consumption of products on natural environment and
its inhabitants. Today citizens and policy makers across the world are focused on issues such as
terrorism and economic meltdown. But at the same time environmental issues also remain high
on list of concern. Green marketing research has come a long way. Consumers from the
developed countries including USA and Western Europe were found to be more conscious about
the environment (Curlo, 1999). Research in the last decade(Lee, 2008 2009, Rahbar and Wahid,
2011, D Souza 2004) has indicated those consumers are aware and are willing to pay more to "go
green". Green marketing came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s; it was first
discussed much earlier. The American Marketing Association (AMA) held the first workshop on
"Ecological Marketing" in 1975. The proceedings of this workshop resulted in one of the first
books on green marketing entitled "Ecological Marketing".
According to Polonsky (1994) green or environmental marketing consists of all activities,
designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intended to satisfy human needs and wants,
such that the satisfaction of these needs and wants occur with minimum detrimental impact on
the natural environment.


Green marketing is a vital constituent of the holistic marketing concept today. It is particularly
applicable to those businesses that are directly dependent on the physical environment. Changes
in the physical environment may pose threat to fishing, processed foods tourism and adventure
sports industries. (Yasmin and Shamshuddin; 2014) There is no one single strategy that will
work for all companies, it all depends on the own individual objectives, target market, resources
etc. Further, holistic and integrated approach is necessary to implement green marketing
strategies in all areas of the marketing mix was emphasized by (Polonsky & Rosenberger, 2001).
Research reveals that the green product performance was significantly affected by environmental
beliefs. It is expressed as large as of 88% of the respondents are likely to trust well known
products and judge green products basis on their previous experience. This supports Hong-Youl
and Perks‟ (2005) argument that brand trust is based on experience, information and satisfaction.
The study highlighted the fact that the level of environmental awareness among the Indian
consumers in small towns is appreciable and consumers are also aware of green products
available in the markets.(Vishnu Nath and Rajat Agrawal etal; November- 2012) The study
found signs that consumer in all countries "feel empowered when it comes to the environment
and are taking some action in their daily lives to reduce consumption and waste. A global
Synovate survey conducted in 2007 in association with Aegis, and repeated in 2008 in
association with BBC World, also found that consumers in most countries are becoming more
aware and willing to act on environmental concerns. Most of such studies on green philosophy
and green marketing are done in developed countries but such studies however, remain
conspicuously missing in the context of developing economies like India.(Dr. P. B. Singh and
Dr.Kamal K. Pandey; June 2012) One thing that is being reiterated is that the current
consumption levels are too high and are unsustainable. Therefore there is a need for green
marketing and a need for a shift in the consumer‟s behavior and attitude towards more
environmental friendly life styles. The current study is a compilation of various aspects related to
green marketing. It is clearly evident from review of literatures and the conceptual model that the
majority of the consumers still lack „green‟ knowledge and because of such low awareness
towards green products organizations are still not pushing towards developing more green
products nor are they working hard on green packaging. (Jacob Cherian; 2012)


The objective of this research is to study the youth‟s approach towards green marketing with
regards to the following objectives-
1. To study relation between attitude and willingness to buy green product 2. To study relation between willingness to buy and pay green product 3. To study relation between attitude and perception towards green marketing 4. To study relation between perception and knowledge towards green marketing 5. To study relation between awareness on green marketing and willingness to pay for green 6. To study relation between willingness to pay for a green product and marketing mix 7. To study relation between willingness to pay and attitude towards buying green product Youth was considered because they form the youngest population profile in different segments and locations that influence the nation‟s economic growth to a very large extent in India. Youth has emerged as a distinct and powerful socio-demographic group in India. They represent India‟s asset, strength, vitality, vigor and are hope for the future of the nation. There is limited research which has examined the impact of green marketing on consumers from emerging economies like India (Bhattacharya, 2011; Prakash, 2002). Total Population
Dombivli City
18-28 age group
29 – 40 age group The above table clearly shows that youth which falls under the age group of 18-28 has the
maximum contribution towards Dombivli‟s population.

The study uses a quantitative methodology to investigate the respondent‟s behavior towards
green marketing. The data collection was done using structured questionnaire approach in which
close ended questions were asked from the respondents. Structured five point balanced Likert
scale (Rensis Likert 1932) was used for measuring consumer awareness, perception, attitude
towards green marketing and their decision of buying products. For the study 500 respondents
were chosen from Dombivli area. The respondents were identified on a convenience sample
basis and were contacted in advance for scheduling the questionnaire.

Methodology Flow Chart:

Demographic Profile:
The below table indicates respondents‟ demographic profile which was captured from the
questionnaire of the respondents-
Monthly Income
50,000 and above
Findings of the Research:

Willingness to buy green Attitude towards GM Age, Gender, Income and Perception towards The above model gives diagrammatic representation of research objectives The above model was tested to find co-relation between the factors, through IBM‟s SPSS software. It clearly exhibited that that there exists direct relation between all factors with respect to each other. 1. Relation between attitude and willingness to buy: Out of 20 variables between attitude and willingness to buy there are significance between 15 variables which shows there is a strong relationship. WillingnessTobuy Pearson Correlation WillingnessTobuy Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Attitude is the deciding factor for a consumer to decide whether to buy or not. When positive attitude for a green product increases willingness of buying a green product also increases which is also showcased in the above graph. The graph shows that both are directly propionate to each other. 2. Relation between willingness to buy and pay green product: Out of 20 variables between willingness to buy and willingness to pay green product there is significance between 15 variables which shows there is a strong relationship. WillingnessTobuy WillingnessTopay WillingnessTobuy Pearson Correlation WillingnessTopay Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Youth‟s willingness to buy and pay is directly related with each other, if there is willingness to buy green product they would pay for it. This denotes that are acceptance among the youth for a green product. As a marketer one should generates the willingness to own a green product among youth which will be converted as willingness to pay. The graph above denotes the same 3. Relation between attitude and perception towards green marketing: Out of 52 variables between attitude and perception towards green marketing there is significance between 37 variables which shows there is a strong relationship. Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Perception denotes a person‟s interpretation and attitude denotes way of thinking or feeling. From the above graph it can be concluded that there exists direct relation between the two. Youths of Dombivli does have positive attitude which is directly reflected in their perception towards green marketing. 4. Relation between perception and knowledge towards green marketing: Out of 117 variables between perception and knowledge on green marketing there are significance with 78 variables (67%) showing relationship. So it is directly proportionate. Perception on GM Pearson Correlation Perception on GM Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Knowledge enhances perception towards the subject matter. If knowledge of green product and green marketing increases perception also increases proportionately. So as a marketer one need to educate the consumers about green products and green marketing, this will have positive impact. 5. Relation between awareness on green marketing and willingness to pay green product: Out of 36 variables between knowledge on green marketing and willingness to pay green product there are significance between 36 variables (64%) which shows strong relationship. WillingnessTopay WillingnessTopay Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Knowledge is the triggering factor which makes any consumer to pay extra for a unique product. The above graph clearly states that with more knowledge, youth are ready to pay extra for a product which is environmentally friendly and long lasting. 6. Relation between willingness to pay for a green product and marketing mix: Out of 20 variables between willingness to pay for a green product and marketing mix there exists a strong relationship as all variables have relationship. WillingnessTopay WillingnessTopay Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Product is the highest regarded factor which decides youth to pay more for any eco-friendly product, followed by reference from friends/family member. As green marketing is at its initial phase of marketing where lot of confidence has to be built on the consumers to pay extra for green product. 7. Relation between willingness to pay and attitude towards buying green product: Out of 24 variables between willingness to pay and attitude towards buying green product there exists a strong relationship of which 21 variables have relationship. WillingnessTopay Attitudeforbuying WillingnessTopay Pearson Correlation Attitudeforbuying Pearson Correlation **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). A positive attitude of buying a green product is always reflected in willingness to pay. The above
graph shows a clear direct relation, that both are directly propionate with each other. Companies
should focus on educating the youth and change their attitude towards green product.


Youth of today is evolving and are exposed to huge information. Undoubtedly there is
environmental awareness among the respondents, so are eco-friendly products. But still lack
consumer education about green product and it features. Green marketing provides an
opportunity to companies to increase their market-share by introducing new eco-friendly
products to gain competitive advantage. According to the study respondents believe that
government and environmental authorities should encourage companies to go green. Also youth
are ready to accept green marketing and ready to pay attention and read whenever they come
across any information. This show an indication that the market is mature and ready to accept
new and innovative product which is less harmful to nature by paying extra.
Majority of the respondents believed that green marketing is more effective than regular
marketing. Apparently any green claims on the product are not visible, which gives opportunity
for product packing. Since the respondents were environmental conscious, they felt good about
buying brands which are less damaging to the environment or environmental safe to use. Since
green product and green marketing is its infant stage respondents believed with friends/family as
source of recommendation for any green product. Major reason respondents were ready to pay
more was for, they wanted to preserve the environment, of which 52% were ready to pay 50%
extra for any green product. This denotes that market is accepting to the fact that a green product
is costly than normal. This gives opportunities to companies to bring in innovation and
technology for a green and sustainable product.

1) The research was restricted in Dombivli area.
2) The research was conducted among youths (18-28).
3) The research was conducted on behavioral aspects to green marketing of youths towards

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