Tena koutou katoa Nga mihi nui ki a koutou
She will be a great loss to us. However, this is a new challenge
Welcome back to Term 3. We finished
which she is looking forward to. RJHS will be a better place for
last term on a wonderful note thanks
having her wonderful qualities, skills and abundant energy. Ms
to the Bugsy Malone production and the
Mead-Johnstone who has coordinated the Gateway programme
numerous medals won at the Culinary
will also be leaving to pursue her dream of running her own
Fair as well as an innovative Health and
cafe. She has served us with her great organisational skills and
Wellbeing Week led by Erena Calder-
positive attitude and she is a great example of having courage to
Hawkins. We have some very talented and
embrace new opportunites. We wish them both every success.
creative young women in our community.
Term 3 is a busy term in schools. Please support your
I am currently in Wellington at the
daughter by helping her stay focused on her learning.
Catholic Principals Conference. It has
been an opportunity to dig deeper into the
Pope's Encyclical Laudato Si'. Many have
referred to it as his ‘green' Encyclical but
Dates to Diary
Pope Francis makes it very clear it is a social justice document.
It is certainly confronting with human dignity placed firmly at
August 2015
its centre. The natural world is a sacred community and to
3 - 7 August
Freedom Week
become alienated from it risks destitution in all that makes us
human. Time to reflect on how we can be better stewards of our
3 - 7 August
Maths Week
natural world. We can, of course, start with ourselves and make
10 - 14 August
some simple changes and not continue with business as usual!
10 - 14 August
International Languages Week
Clearly an ethics of ecology would support our
13 August
compassionate care. A challenge and an opportunity!
Term 3 has started with Arts Week and more themed weeks will
be celebrated: Te Wiki o Te Reo, Cultural Diversity and Language
Cybersafety and BYOD
Week to follow. We appreciate our senior leaders who gather many
At the start of the year the school introduced Bring Your Own
volunteers to provide learning opportunities and plenty of fun.
Device (BYOD). Many students have taken this opportunity to use
On a lesser note, parents would have received a bill for
this resource to enhance their learning. However, some students
attendance dues and donations. We appreciate full payment so
have been using this privilege to access inappropriate sites such
that much of what has been described above can continue and
as SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram etc via apps that specialise in
our students can benefit from the range of extra opportunities
avoiding firewalls. This is in breach of the Cybersafety Rules (A
that come at a cost above and beyond government funding.
copy is in the School Diary) that every student and parent signed
In addition, there are ongoing costs associated with the likes
upon enrolling at Sacred Heart. If a student has been found
of sports, trips and subject costs. These are ‘user pays'.
in inappropriate sites their access to the school internet will
If you would like your daughter to participate in these
be automatically suspended. Inappropriate use of technology
areas, then there are costs and charges that must be paid in
also involves taking photographs or other digital recordings of
advance. If you are experiencing genuine financial hardship,
other people and posting them on the web without permission.
please contact my PA so we can discuss a payment plan.
This breaches the privacy laws. It is strongly recommended that
Finally, we say farewall to two members of staff over the
parents read the material on the Netsafe website (http://www.
next few days. Mrs Silcock has secured a leadership position at to help your daughter to navigate safely in the
Rototuna Junior High School.
world of technology.
Our Vision Statement
Sacred Heart Girls' College educates and inspires young women to be confident, connected, Catholic, learners for life; committed
to excellence, ready to serve, to challenge and to shape the future.
We live the virtues of Faith, Hope and Justice.
Our charism is expressed through Communion, Contemplation, Mission.
College News Issue 8 August 2015
Welcome to our Learning Staff Updates
Community in which we aspire
to be the best that we can be in
• It is with sadness that we will farewell Mrs Silcock. Mrs
Silcock has been a member of the Technology Faculty and
all that we do.
presently Head of that team. She leaves after 8 years at
the College and moves on to a new position at the newest
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te
school in Hamilton, Rototuna Junior High School. We wish
tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
her every success.
Aim for the highest cloud so
that if you miss it, you will hit a
• Ms Mead-Johnstone is also leaving to take up "an offer she
simply couldn't resist any longer" - to embark upon the
journey of owning her own Cafe. Ms Mead-Johnstone is
passionate about the hospitality industry and although her
Deputy Principal
Learning at Sacred Heart
Gateway students and work placement connections will miss
Learning & Teaching
her, we know that it won't be long before we see Ms Mead-
High achievement always takes place
Johnstone operating her own cafe.
in the framework of high expectation. -Charles Kettering
• We say good bye to Mrs Albu. Mrs Albu has been on leave
this year in Australia and has found a permanent teaching
At Sacred Heart Girls' College The Learning Committee places an
position at a Catholic boys' school in Melbourne. We thank
emphasis on the learning and personal improvements of students.
Mrs Albu for her contribution to the Arts Faculty and wish
We value the hard work students put into their learning and their
her well in Australia.
individual successes. This is shown as students learning to gain
knowledge rather than just strictly for results.
• Many thanks must go to Mrs Shakeela who in Term 2 undertook
As a way of recognising this, The Learning Committee continued
the role as Acting Deputy Principal whilst Mrs Stobie took
with last year's initiative of acknowledging students with
leave. Mrs Shakeela made a very smooth transition into
Learning Recognition Certificates. This year we added other
this role and equally back into her Maths classes in Term 3.
dimensions: one of the main changes was in the criteria for the
certificate. We did this because it was really important to the
• Welcome back Mrs Stobie and thanks Mrs Shakeela for her
Committee that the students understood what specific aspect
contributions to the Senior Leadership Team.
of their learning was being recognised. We based the criteria on
• Welcome to Mrs Hartwell in the Science Dept. Mrs Hartwell
‘a student who shows devotion to her learning'. This means that
is a Biology and General Science teacher with previous Head
the student is invested in her learning beyond the final grade and
of Dept and University experience. She is presently teaching
works hard to do the best they can do.
classes for Mrs Cox who is expected to return later this term.
We also split up the Learning Recognition Certificates into House
colours and gave out the certificates during CCM time.
• Congratulations to Mrs Anke Richmond who has been
One idea we retained from last year was the personalised
awarded the Mark Williams Award - a $200 gift for her
comments attached to the certificates from the teachers. It
intiative in organising French chat to native speakers as a
is really encouraging to know when teachers appreciate the
means of strengthening students' opportunities to use their
dedication you have shown to your learning and that your extra
work does not go unnoticed.
When all of this was put together we ended up with over six
• Congratulations also to Mr Brian Kendrick - as the NZGS wrote -
hundred Learning Recognition Certificates.
"It is with the greatest of pleasure that I write to
These Learning Recognition Certificates and learning in general
congratulate you on being awarded , by the New Zealand
would not have been possible without the amazing teachers at
Geographical Society (NZGS), the Distinguished Service
Sacred Heart Girls' College. As a token of our appreciation for all
Award in recognition of the work you have contributed
that the teachers do, we also organised with the help of some of
to the Waikato Branch of the Society, the work you have
our Sacred Heart star bakers, individually wrapped biscuits and
undertaken in your capacity as a member of the NZ Board
a platter of biscuits for all of our support staff.
of Geography Teachers, and to the teaching of geography in
Finally, as learning is a journey and one which begins well before
the Waikato (including your work in developing professional
any student arrives at SHGC, we were able to take a platter of
development courses, curriculum development and
baking across to the staffroom of one of our largest contributing
assessment) for over 40 years".
schools as a way of acknowledging the contribution that their
staff have made to many of our learners.
Hannah Franicevic and Charlotte Gordon
The time is coming for our young students to flex their muscles
Deputy Head Students and Ambassadors For Learning
with problem solving. During Week Three, we will be holding
Maths competitions to celebrate Maths Week.
Let me introduce you and your daughter to P.S. - yes, Post
Waimaths Competition
School. A place that offers weekly opportunities to for your
On the 13th of August, we will be sending three teams to the
daughter to stretch her learning muscles, to fuel her think
Waimaths Competition to pit their problem solving ability
tank and to collaborate with others. Watch this space for a
against all the schools in the greater Waikato area. Students
Week 3 launch!
will also be offered the chance of entering a poster and video
competition. Prizes are awarded on the Waimaths Competition
PS - Tune into notices for more
night in the Pavilion in Garden Place.
College News Issue 8, August 2015
Duke Of Edinburgh Gold Tramp
In April, the Elite Gold Duke of
Once again Year 12 and 13 Catering
Edinburgh girls packed enthusiasm
and Hospitiality students took up
and laughter along with three days'
the challenge and entered the
worth of clothes, food and tramping
Waikato Culinary Fare Competition.
gear into backpacks to bring with us
After many weeks of designing
to the Kaimais.
and practicing recipes the girls
Due to a laidback attitude in our
were ready to compete. It
planning, we didn't expect too
was so good that Sacred Heart
much of a challenge. Boy, were we
took away the 1st prize in the prestigious team challenge.
wrong. The first day included, but was not limited to, almost
vertical climbs, steep and rickety ladders and intense rain like
we had never seen before. Making fun of each other, good food
Melissa and Seana will be competing in the National Competition
and our constant singing were the only forms of comfort that
in Auckland on the 28th August and we wish them well.
kept us sane. And also my father's very typical and predictable
From the 27 entries Sacred Heart were awarded 17 medals.
However, the next morning things were looking up when we
Gold and Overall Category Winner -
woke to Dad cooking bacon and eggs in our cosy hut and to a
Melissa Petrin, Cupcake Entry.
beautiful sunrise. The day was wonderfully clear, and the lovely
little streams, our packed lunches and our many laughs kept the
Overall Category Winner -
spirits cheerful. That night we talked around a campfire and
Lucy Nola, Pie Category.
slept in squashed tents.
On the last day we had beautiful views for miles. Despite the
Silver - Yasmin Pepper, Briana Kneebone, Ralita Jackson
great distance still to walk, our enthusiasm only increased. We
and Seana Crosby.
thought of the Maccas that awaited us, and quickened our pace.
Arriving at the Wairere Falls was truly a highlight, as three days
Bronze -Brittany Cunnington, Portia Matthews, Ashleigh
of tiresome walking were rewarded with a breath-taking sight
Sargent, Zara Brown, Seana Crosby, Isabel
and joy of seeing the car that would deliever us home.
Cossey, Kayla Petersen, Lucy Nola (two) and
By Emily Sopers.
Ashleigh O'Connor.
Gold Girls: Elise Tilsley, Georgia Whelan, Amelia Fransen, Sacha
Raman and Elysia Overwater (absent).
Senior French Class Trip to New Caledonia
Mr Chivers and Mr Corson invited our Drum Corps to support the
On the last Friday of Term Two eight French students from the
military Sunset and Retreat ceremony at Morrinsville Cenotaph
senior French class, along with Mrs Cooper and Mrs Richmond,
during the Gallipoli Centenary Commemorations. Through this
left Auckland Airport and flew to Noumea to experience a week
performance the Drum Corps experienced first-hand what it was
filled with French culture, food and nice warm weather! Five of
like to be part of a military parade.
the seven nights were spent
with host families, with the
The combined Drum Corps of St John's College and Sacred Heart
underlying goal to speak,
Girls' College comprises Luis Boyd, Aldrich Cecilio, Dominic
understand and embrace
Flanagan, Gerus Haika, Teagan King, Felix Minhinnick, Jacob
the French language in as
Moorhouse, Kellie Petrin, Daunte Tamaki and Tyrell Tamaki. The
many ways as possible. The
Drum Corps currently has some positions to be filled – bass drum,
host families were incredibly
cymbals and snare drum.
patient, generous and giving
Those interested should contact Mr Glen Parr.
of their time and because
of this, many of us were sad
Sacred Heart/St John's Choir
to leave them, even after
The Sacred Heart/St John's Choir got a Highly Commended at
spending such a short time together.
The Big Sing two weeks ago at St Peters for the Waikato/BOP
Other highlights of the trip included spending a day at an idyllic
area under Mrs Tankersley.
island, Phare Amedee; seeing turtles and multiple types of fish
while snorkelling and visiting the aquarium; spending a day at the
Venue: Sacred Heart Girls'
local school where we went to classes and spent time with the
students at a nearby zoo; catching up with old New Calendonian
Fundrasing for St John's College 2015 ‘God & War'
friends and exploring the town centre; eating large quantities of
Social Science Trip to Europe
baguettes and crossiants, as well as other French cuisine; going
Thursday 20th August - 7.00pm
to Creipac, a French language school, where we were able to
Tickets Only $20.00
increase our understanding of the language and culture.
Tickets available from Fundraising
Although the week flew by extremely fast, there were many fun
Members or phone Cathie Baker 021
and wonderful times shared together which we will continue to
relive and remember!
Online Tickets @ Eventfinder and
search Dave Upfold
By Jemma McClymont
As seen on TV3's Campbell Live
Subject Selection
Reports for senior students were
sent out at the end of Term Two.
Here are some tips to help you make
a decision about what school subjects
Assessment WeekWeek 6 (24-28 August) is Assessment
Course Information Booklet
Week for senior students. The
Read this booklet carefully. Ask
majority of subjects will run
questions and talk to Mrs Pascoe and
practice examinations which are
your subject teachers.
an important opportunity for
students to gauge their progress
Think about your abilities and
against the national standard.
interests at school
Practice assessments are based
Which subjects are you good at? Which
Deputy Principal
on the requirements for the
subjects have you enjoyed studying?
external examinations and indicate
Which do you dislike and why? Are you
to students those areas where
a good writer, good with numbers, a
they need to focus to improve
practical person?
before the final examinations in November. The results from
these examinations may also be required as evidence if your
How will your choices affect your future?
daughter needs to apply for a derived grade due to unforseen
Think about how your subject choice will affect your future
circumstances at the time of her external exams.
career options and/or your future tertiary training options.
Find out what secondary subjects are recommended for career
Some subjects will use Assessment Week to offer further
choices which interests you.
assessment opportunities, others will use the time to undertake
internal assessments. Students will be given a copy of the
examination timetable next term and the timetable will also be
Keep your career options open
published on the school website. Students in Years 11-13 will be
If you're unsure about your career, try to study a wide
on study leave during Assessment Week and are only required at
range of subjects at school. This will provide you with more
school when they have an examination scheduled.
options later on. Each subject choice should have a purpose.
Many of the universities have open days - all this
Subject Choices for 2016
information is available from the Career Centre.
All students currently in Years 9-12 will be issued with information
regarding subject choices for 2016. Students are required to
The school Careers Advisor, Mrs Pascoe, is also available to help
return their Option Choice forms to the Student Centre by Friday
with subject option choice and course selection. She is available
21 August. To help students and their parents understand NCEA
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by appointment or as a drop
and various subject requirements, an information evening will
in centre at lunchtimes on these days.
be held on Thursday 13 August at 7.00 pm.
Remember - Don't put off making a decision. Gather information,
ask questions and seek advice if needed.
Fees Payment Dates
NZQA Exam fees $76.70
Option Evening
Thursday 13th August - 7pm
School Hall
Year 13 students are busy working out their options for 2016.
This includes applying for halls of residence and tertiary courses
at university or polytechnic, taking a gap year or leaving for the
world of work. Thankfully, there is help available. This includes:
1st XI Hockey would like to acknowledge &
• Liaison visits from all the major universities and polytechnics
thank their 2015 sponsors:
to help with course selection and advice.
• - a website which provides
information about all major universities.
New World Te Rapa
• - information about student loans
and allowances.
Gurnell Harrison Lawyers
• Breakout - a school based website which lists all scholarships.
Southern Star Caravans
• Mrs Pascoe is available lunchtimes Tuesday and Thursday.
Mackrell Murcott Chartered Accountants
Bettle and Associates
Petroleum Services
Harringtons Menswear
College News Issue 8, August 2015
Examination Timetable Term 3
Time Room
Time Room
Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Effects in Response to Red Bull Consumption Combined With Mental Stress Erik Konrad Grasser, PhD, MD, Abdul G. Dulloo, PhD, and Jean-Pierre Montani, MD The sale of energy drinks is often accompanied by a comprehensive and intense marketingwith claims of benefits during periods of mental stress. As it has been shown that Red Bullnegatively impacts human hemodynamics at rest, we investigated the cardiovascular andcerebrovascular consequences when Red Bull is combined with mental stress. In a randomizedcross-over study, 20 young healthy humans ingested either 355 ml of a can Red Bull or waterand underwent 80 minutes after the respective drink a mental arithmetic test for 5 minutes.Continuous cardiovascular and cerebrovascular recordings were performed for 20 minutesbefore and up to 90 minutes after drink ingestion. Measurements included beat-to-beat bloodpressure (BP), heart rate, stroke volume, and cerebral blood flow velocity. Red Bull increasedsystolic BP (D7 mm Hg), diastolic BP (D4 mm Hg), and heart rate (D7 beats/min), whereaswater drinking had no significant effects. Cerebral blood flow velocity decreased more inresponse to Red Bull than to water (L9 vs L3 cm/s, p <0.005). Additional mental stressfurther increased both systolic BP and diastolic BP (D3 mm Hg, p <0.05) and heart rate(D13 beats/min, p <0.005) in response to Red Bull; similar increases were also observed afterwater ingestion. In combination, Red Bull and mental stress increased systolic BP by about10 mm Hg, diastolic BP by 7 mm Hg, and heart rate by 20 beats/min and decreased cerebralblood flow velocity by L7 cm/s. In conclusion, the combination of Red Bull and mental stressimpose a cumulative cardiovascular load and reduces cerebral blood flow even under a mentalchallenge.
Metab Brain Dis (2010) 25:369–374DOI 10.1007/s11011-010-9218-6 Changes in regional brain volumes in social anxiety disorderfollowing 12 weeks of treatment with escitalopram Naseema Cassimjee & Jean-Pierre Fouche & Michael Burnett & Christine Lochner &James Warwick & Patrick Dupont & Dan J. Stein & Karen J. Cloete & Paul D. Carey Received: 23 April 2010 / Accepted: 24 August 2010 / Published online: 10 November 2010