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ExtraOrdinary Technology Salt Lake City, UT --§-- July 27-Jul 30 CONFERENCE PROGRAM MEET THE SPEAKERS!! Get UPCLOSE.
& Personal Dr. David Korn
with Working Hardware! Jeff Behary
Larry Oja
Moray King
Mike Windell
William Alek
Vernon Roth
Dan Davidson
Harvey Fiala
Become ATeslaTech Check out our website at : http://
2006 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference Miller Free Enterprise Center • Salt Lake City • July 27- July 30, 2006 CONFERENCE PROGRAM OVERVIEW VIDEOTAPES WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER CONFERENCE! TeslaTech, Inc reserves the right to make changes to this schedule without notice.
Thursday · July 27
Session 1 (Evening)An ExtraOrdinary Hazard!
5:00PM: Dr. David Korn - Identifying and Treating End Time Diseases
7:00PM: Conference Evening Social
Friday · July 28
Session 2 (Morning) • Researching Tesla's Inventions
8:00AM: Jeff Behary - Nikola Tesla's "Tesla Coils"
9:30AM: Oliver Nichelson - Tesla's Dynamo Electric Machine
11:00AM: Frank Germano - Tesla's ExtraOrdinary Bladeless Disc Turbines
Session 3 (Afternoon) • Advanced Water Technology
1:00PM: Ralph Suddath - Aqua Jewel: The Crown Jewel of Water Conditioning
2:30PM: Larry Oja - Browns Gas. Fire from Water
4:00PM: Thorsten Ludwig - Excess Heat with Hydrogen Tube
Session 4 (Evening)
6:00PM: Conference Evening Social
Saturday · July 29
Session 5 (Morning) • Zero Point Energy Technology
8:00AM: Moray King - Cascade Electric Discharge for ZPE Activation
9:30AM: Ron Nott - The Power In Space
11:00AM: Mike Windell - Enhanced Energy Conversion Device (Day/Night "Solar Cell"!)
Session 6 (Afternoon) • Alternative Energy Technology
1:00PM: William Alek - A Spark Gap Method of Harnessing Radiant Energy
2:30PM: Forrest Pittman - Power Factor Correction Makes Every Watt Count
4:00PM: Vernon Roth - Joe Cell. Suppressed Technology from the ‘Land Down Under'!
Session 7 (Evening)
6:00PM: Conference Evening Social
Sunday · July 30
Session 5 (Morning) • 21st Century Technology
8:00AM: Dan Davidson - Antigravity Effects in Nature
9:30AM: Harvey Fiala - Inertial Propulsion Paradigms
11:00AM: Peter Lindemann - Radiant Energy & Its Role In Our Free Energy Future
TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Thursday · July 27 • Session 1 (Evening) • An ExtraOrdinary Hazard The fastest–growing epidemic in the Truly the disease could not be any "bet- world. Lyme Disease. is now on six ter" of a disease, were it designed by the continents and spreading fast. Everyone devil himself.
should be greatly concerned. It has been In fact, most Christians and escatologists published that over 300 dissimilar disor- —those Bible scholars who specialize in ders are linked to the Lyme bacterium, prophecy—and the speaker, strongly hold most of these very serious.
that we are living in the "End Days." If It lurks in the background of a number of that is, in fact, true, one could expect to serious conditions like MS or perhaps see signs of this around us: plagues and Parkinson's. A first cousin to syphilis, natural disasters would abound. Indeed, not only is the elusive Lyme bacterium tough to diagnose, but also underesti- The speaker sees Lyme Disease—the mated by health care practitioners.
world's fastest growing epidemic—as ful- Identifying & Treating How did Lyme Disease get to be such a filling "plague" end-day requirements! pain? Where did it come from? What End Time Diseases Learn more about the origins of some causes it? These have not been as easy to modern day plagues, how to positively answer as one might think, even given identify and effectively defeat this dis- David Korn DDS, DO, MD(H)
modern epidemiologic detective work.
ease. Your health may depend on it!
Conference Lodging Facilities Limited space. Please register by June 30!
Meet the Speakers! 10690 S Holiday Park Dr
Sandy, UT 84070
Be sure to request our special
Every night provides an opportunity to meet the speakers and other attendees in a relaxedsocial setting. Its a great opportunity to makenew friends that share your interests. We even provide the refreshments! For comfort and convenience,
hotel amenities include:
Located just off I-15 (Exit 297) - Free Shuttle service within a 5-mile
radius (includes conference site) - Free Breakfast Bar
- Free local calls/no surcharge on cards
- Clean, fresh, comfortable rooms
standard with a coffee maker, iron andironing board, data port, and free in-room movie channel - 24-hr FAX and copy services
Airport Shuttle Information Express Shuttle Check-in Desks are inside the
terminal. Please do not go outside to the curb.
Local Reservations: 801-596-1600 Be sure to ask for the Special
ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference Rate!!!
Check out our website at : http://
Driving from The North:Take I-15 South to Exit 298 (9000 South).
Exit right (west) onto 9000 South and proceedto 450 west (1st light). Turn left (south), goto 9120 South & turn left (east), go to 300West (frontage road) & turn right (south).
Proceed 6 blocks south along frontage road.
Driving from the South: Conference Site: Take I-15 North to Exit 297 (10600 South) after exiting, turn right (east) and proceed to State Street. Turn left (north), go to light at10000 South (Centennial Way) in Sandy. Turn Enterprise Center left (west), go under I-15 & turn right (north) Salt Lake City Community on 300 West (frontage road). Proceed 2 blocksnorth along frontage road.
Larry H. Miller Campus 9750 South 300 West
Sandy, UT 84070
Miller Campus Directory MPDC - Miller Professional Development Center
KGMC - Karen Gail Miller Conference Center
MFEC - Miller Free Enterprise Center
MATC - Miller Automotive Training Center
MCPC - Miller Corporate Partnership Center

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Single DVDs: $29.95 for 2006 Conference. $19.95 for Previous Conferences! VHS Available by Special Reequest! TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Friday · July 28 • Session 2 (Morn) • Researching Tesla's Inventions Tesla's Tesla Coils Defining a Tesla Coil using Nikola Tesla's standards.
The modern definition of a Tesla Coil isdrastically different than that which isrepresented in Nikola Tesla's series ofHigh Frequency patents. To better under-stand Tesla Coils, and how they operateit is vital to study the earliest workingmodels of these coils created by Teslahimself. These devices could operate on alternating or direct currents, utilizing a Fuelless Generator variety of voltages from 110V to 220V.
The coil to the right is a reproduction of one of the three different styles of thesecoils. These coils consume from 5 - 20 This presentation is a rare tour of "For- While in college, Nikola Tesla claimed it watts from a 110V power source and pro- gotten Tesla Technologies" from the should be possible to operate an electri- duce up to a shower of 4" sparks. These 1890s. Discover the apparatus that de- cal motor without sparking brushes. He devices supply more than enough power fined the term "Tesla Coil" as originally was told by the professor that such a for the average Crookes tube, yielding described by Nikola Tesla. Included will motor would require perpetual motion penetrating Röentgen Rays - one of the be photos/films of period apparatus as and was, therefore, impossible. In the many functions envisioned by Tesla for well as a rare look at the earliest surviv- 1880s , Tesla patented the alternating cur- the practical use of these devices.
ing Tesla Coils from 1896-1901.
rent generator, motor, and transformer weuse today.
Tesla's ExtraOrdinary Ten years after virtually inventing mod- Bladeless Disc Turbines! ern electrical technology, Tesla claimedhe developed a generator that would not Century Old Technology "consume any fuel." Such a generator Gains New Life with would not have a conventional source of Modern Applications! energy such as oil, coal or falling water.
This new generator would get energy from what he called the "ambient me-dium." He described this source in 1933: The Tesla Turbine can also be run in The Tesla Turbine is a true, highly effi- This new power for the driving of the REVERSE! Conventionally, the turbine cient mechanical transformer of energy world's machinery will be derived is run from fluid entering the disks' pe- that is little understood in the world of from the energy which operates the riphery, and exhausting at the center. By orthodox physics. This presentation is universe, the cosmic energy, whose operating it in REVERSE it becomes an a Tesla turbine builder's dream as we will central source for the earth is the sun extraordinary pump! delve into proper Tesla turbine construc- and which is everywhere present in tion techniques. Getting the basics straight This is an amazing pump, with a number is always essential to understanding the of critical applications where fluids and For nearly 100 years researchers have turbine's operating principles.
other materials need to be moved with- sought the design for Tesla's "free energy" out shearing forces. This device is also Once the basics are covered, we will ex- generator. During the entire time, con- extremely effective in pumping slurries.
amine Nikola Tesla's infamous valvular troversy has reigned with many "experts" conduit design and how it integrates with Tesla's turbine/pump has not achieved its disputing Tesla's claims. To be sure, hard the turbine's operation. Its unique appear- full potential due to a number myths. For information on this device is extremely ance brings to mind Viktor Schauberger's instance, current conventional research difficult to find. However, clues, in work with vortexian water flows. We will claims that the Tesla Turbine is inefficient, Tesla's own handwriting, to the nature of make comparisons between the Tesla Tur- we will prove otherwise. Furthermore, we his fuelless generator and how it operated bine and Schauberger's "Repulsine" (Im- will reveal what is really happening in have been uncovered! plosion Engine).
between those disks! Check out our website at : http://
eslaT ch Books By Mail Home of the Best Kept Secrets of Science In the 1970's, inventor Edwin Gray developed an electric automobile en- Compiled by Steven R. Elswick, BSEE
by Vince Gingery
gine that produced 80 horsepower and If you are serious about building free
recharged its own batteries. It ran on what energy devices, then this book is for
Even though Tesla's he called "cold electricity." This amazing you! In addition to several different con-
technology remained shrouded in mystery struction plans, there is plenty of back- never commercially available, the turbine nev- until September 2000. This video is the ertheless has generated a great deal of interest ground information on three different complete technical lecture given by Dr.
the past few years. Vince Gingery built a basic types of alternative energy devices.
Peter Lindemann at that time. In it, he ex- small, working turbine that will easily turn plains exactly how Ed Gray's system works, Some devices are designed merely to be 5000 rpm. Here you get Tesla background, a how he produced "cold electricity" and how more efficient than conventional technol- copy of his patent, a description of the in- that relates to Nikola Tesla's earlier discov- ogy, others claim to be overunity in the vention, and most importantly, detailed ery of "Radiant Energy". Using 50 slides traditional sense of the word. Before you instructions and how-to so that you, too, can of articles, patents, photos, and circuits, buy the mainstream physics claim that al- build a working miniature.
Lindemann documents his research, until ternative energy is not possible, you The turbine is built up from 18 disks of 20 the method is fully revealed. Now you can should at least read the material in this gauge stainless steel. The rotor slips into a understand one of the most powerful Free book that indicates otherwise.
sheet metal housing and fed air through a Energy methods ever discovered. (3 hrs) simple manifold and hardware store piping.
330011- Free Energy Secret (DVD) . 29.95
Supporting accounts and photos included Two high speed bearings rated to 30,000 rpm whereever possible. This is a great book 330001- Free Energy Secret (VHS) . 29.95
where obtained from different internet sources to beef up your technical library. You will
for $2-$3 each. Driven with 85 psi of com- You can get the book too!.
not need to be a rocket scientist to value
pressed air, this turbine really whistles. You 330002- Free Energy/Cold Electric. 29.95
this book. Source material, patents and
can build a Tesla turbine. Simply. No hype! plans are right from Steve's classified file Do it today with minimal tools.(48pp) drawers.(121 pgs; GBC) 260017 - Building Tesla's Engine . 9.95
of T. Henry Moray 290010- Tesla's Car/Free Energy . 29.95
Zero-Point Energy &
Pulsed Plasma Physics
by Moray B. King
Jeffery A. Hayes
In the 1920s Moray invented a "free energy" device that produced 50 kW of electricity.
Journey back to the future and discover the Unexplainable by orthodox science, the elec- Compiled by Steven R. Elswick, BSEE
fascinating secret behind the most powerful tricity exhibited a strange "cold current" Through this book you will learn: and economic combustion engine of our time: characteristic where thin wires could conduct • How to build magnet motors
Tesla's whirlwind machine of natural har- appreciable power without heating. Moray mony. Experience the excitement of suffered ruthless suppression. In 1939, the • How to select materials
understanding, as the vortex energy of a per- device was destroyed. Today, modern phys- • How magnetic motors work
fectly controlled mechanical tornado, shatters ics finally recognizes the vacuum contains Discover the work of Joe Newman, the boundaries of our current mechanical stan- tremendous energy called zero-point energy.
Howard Johnson, EV Gray, and other re- dards. This amazing engine will improve all Other inventors have discovered that it is ac- searchers that worked on over-unity de- aspects of our mechanical life. Applications tivated by pulsing plasma, and have created vices that may have worked. Gain better range from high mileage vehicles and super- novel energy devices, but they too were sup- understanding of magnetics and how they sonic aircraft, to freon-free air conditioning, pressed. The common pattern of these work. Source material, patents and plans and virtually indestructible pumps. Tesla's technologies clarified the fundamental oper- are right from Steve's classified file draw- Engine waits ready to solve the efficiency and ating principle. Free energy that works! Truly pollution problems of today. Index inspirational for engineers/inventors (200pp) ers.(121 pgs; GBC) 310050 -Tesla's Engine . 19.95
450003 - Energy Machine of Moray .14.95
290009- Magnet Motors/Gen . 29.95
TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Friday July 28 • Session 3 (Afternoon) • Advanced Water Research of Water Conditioning Pouring more and more chemicals intoour water in an effort to clean our wateris no longer a solution to pollution. There the very best we can do is to mimic this is an easy way to solve the problem of natural process. By implementing tech- our water becoming polluted and de-en- nologies that have electromagnetic ergized which costs only a fraction of influences on water, it is possible not only what traditional water treatment methods to erase information from harmful sub- cost. By raising the vibrational frequency stances, but also to induce positive of water, unhealthy bacteria are no longer frequencies into the water.
drawn to it. For example, I have observed The Aqua Jewel is based on emerging
that mosquitos only lay their eggs and be technologies embracing these basic prin- Excess Heat with a drawn to water that is stagnant and de- ciples. AquaJewel technology may soon energized vs. water that is fresh and clean.
be used in place of our current chemical What is needed is a paradigm shift in water treatment methods. Aqua Jewel is how we perceive and care for this pre- my device (patent pending) for treating Recently a new hydrogen based device cious resource, which is the foundation fluids and a method for same. This water has attracted attention and has been rep- of all of our lives. Ideally water's vibra- treatment system utilizes vortex action licated by Frolov in St Petersburg and J L tion needs to be raised naturally, as it is and frequency transmissions to reduce Naudin in Paris. The device goes back in nature where life-supporting frequen- bacteria, algae, and fungus in the fluid on research of Irving Langmuir, who stud- cies can be placed into the water. Perhaps without the use of chemicals.
ied heat transfer from tungsten wires backin the 1920´s. Langmuir, who received the Nobel prize, discovered an energyanomaly in hydrogen at pressures lower than 0.1 atm, when in contact with hightemperature tungsten wire.
Nicholas Moller who recently foundedthe Global Institute For New Energy resonate. Electrons resonate. Hydrogen Technologies ( devel- resonates. Water resonates. Browns Gas oped the MAHG (Moller atomic hydro- resonates. You resonate. And you will gen generator)- energy device on the The unique properties of Browns Gas, resonate with this presentation!! bases of Langmuir's findings. Thorsten still not fully understood, are begging for This presentation explores the subtle na- has recently inspected the device as well the experimenter to unravel its myster- ture of water and Browns Gas, with ex- as UN secretary Cofi Annan, who visited ies. These mysteries revolve around the amples of health applications, energy ap- GIFNET in April 2005 and recommended fact that Browns Gas was water, is water plications, machines and available kits.
the development of this technology.
and will be water. and WATER is where All attendees are invited to become in- the real mystery lies! H 0, HOH, Hydro- The device is quite simple and shows an ventors and researchers of Browns Gas gen Dioxide, Adam's ale, Elixir of Life, overunity of 2, some report overunity as phenomena. Be part of the excitement of universal solvent, call it what you want, high as 21. Thorsten will present some the future in alternative energy and alter- it is necessary and fundamental to Life.
physical explanations on why this is pos- native health. Build or buy your own sible and why it is not violating the laws Dr John N Hait's Resonant Field Theory Browns Gas machine. See and feel what of physics! This is a highly inspiring (RFT) can explain the nature of water, Browns Gas can do for you. After 40 simple device that everyone can build.
including the imprint ability of water and years, the Browns Gas technology is at a GIFNET is not patenting the device but why Browns Gas can do what it does. This point that you will want and need to be is taking the public domain approach to fundamental mechanism of physics is involved in this research. The Earth, cli- spread this technology as wide as pos- sound, reasonable, logical, and calcu- mate, people are changing, literally all sible. The full construction details can be lable. Resonance fosters stability. Reso- things are changing. Don't be the last to taken for free from their website.
nance maintains information. Photons find out. Dare to make a difference! Check out our website at : http://
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Harnessing the energy of ball lightning!
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community without electric bills! –––––– ––––––– Jan/Feb/Mar 2005 (V3N1) Apr/May/Jun 2005 (V3N2) Jul/Aug/Sep 2005 (V3N3) Oct/Nov/Dec 2005 (V3N4) The VIBE Machine… A New Dimension
Moray Energy Machine… Witnessed
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Tesla's Amazing Turbine… Century old
in Healing! by hundreds… ruthlessly suppressed! to Provide Global Power technology solution to modern problems! Aerotecture… Redefining WInd Power
The EarthPulse SoundWave… Intro-
Power Measurements… Learn Proper
Modern Nazi-Bell… Fabled top-secret
and Architecture! ducing a new dimension to human con- Technical Procedures From An Expert! German antigravity technology is a reality! Nu Energy Cells… Demonstrated at the
BCX -411… A Rife Device Using Advanced
The Fourth Horseman Has Arrived…
ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference! ExtraOrdinary Permanent Magnet Mo-
Gas Plasma Technology Devastating modern diseases appear to be tors… Major Breakthroughs Imminent!
SPECIAL… GREAT 2005 Conference!
fulfilling Biblical prophecy! TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Saturday· July 29• Session 5 (Morning) • Zero Point Energy Technology High voltage electric discharges in a se- Hyde's mechanical field chopper is a sim- ries cascade may produce a surprisingly plistic waveform generator reminiscent of energetic pulse activated from zero-point the 1930s. Using a large number of thin energy (ZPE). The cascade is supported stator segments at sufficient rotor speed, by an alignment of spark gaps in series Hyde claims to observe anomalous volt- such that the spark is quenched in the first age spikes coming from each of the stator gap prior to firing across the final gap.
segments. A special rectifier circuit would The cascade manifests pulse sharpening absorb these spikes and store excessive and a unipolar switching event where energy on output capacitors. Hyde current pulses surge through the cascade claimed to have sufficient output power with no oscillatory ringing. Three inven- to make his device self running.
tors (Ken Shoulders, William Hyde, and A cascade discharge trigger circuit drives Edwin Gray) effectively utilize electric Conversion Device Gray's plasma tube. Polarized corona discharge cascades and claim excessive builds up within the tube's cathode. The (Day/Night "Solar Cell"!)
energy production from their devices.
corona is excited from a spark gap within Shoulders repeatedly produces a micron- the tube, which may launch a plasmoid sized plasmoid that he calls "electrum in response to the sharp voltage spike The newly developed Enhanced Energy validum" (EV). It appears to be a micro- from the triggering cascade. The interac- Conversion Device (EECD) is similar to scopic form of ball lightning containing tion of the plasmoid with the cathode grid a photoelectric cell (or "solar cells"). As more energy than what was stored on the corona yields a highly energetic polariza- you know a photo electric cell which can originating capacitor. A series cascade of tion pulse which manifests a "cold be found in many devices such as hand EV launchers produces centimeter sized current" characteristic: Appreciable held calculators provides photo electric EV containing a dangerous amount of en- power is guided by the circuit wires with- energy to power the low current draw ergy. Triggering EVs may act as coherent out heating them. Here the wires seem to device. Our ambient energy cell (AEC forms, coupling to successive launches be guiding a polarization displacement or EECD) also provides low current draw to form a plasmoid vortex ring.
pulse in the ZPE surrounding them.
constant ambient power to keep the maindrive cell charged.
The Power In Space The difference is our ambient energy celldoes not need visible light to produce its power as the photoelectric cells do. Wehave found a unique way to store usable mitting static and dynamic electric, mag- ambient energy during night or dark pe- netic and electromagnetic energy. Under- riods when a photoelectric cell would be For decades, researchers and experiment- standing the nature of space that allows ineffective and normal batteries would ers have theorized that energy can be ex- this energy storage will promote further have limited life. With the use of this add tracted from space to power motors or development of devices that have a net on ambient power source and the solar mechanisms that would be useful to man- cell or battery system, such devices More than a century ago, Faraday dem- should extend the normal use of the main Our present use of fossil fuels is ineffi- onstrated the static storage of energy in cell and its ability to do work.
cient and generates massive quantities of electric and magnetic fields. Then Max- It is suggested that the device shows a undesirable by-products in the form of well explained the propagation of dy- true manifestation of the zero point en-
gases and solids such as CO2, CO, SO2, namic electromagnetic energy through ergy (ZPE) through manipulation of the NOX compounds and ash in addition to space after which Tesla explained elec- coulomb barrier forces, as demonstrated in thin film nano-structures. The possi- Machines have been invented that have a Energy exists in all space. To utilize it, bility of extracting energy from zero point net power gain. They derive the additional we must understand the mechanisms by radiation, via a mechanical device con- energy from the space surrounding them.
which it is stored, both by static and dy- sisting of a charged foliated conductor All space is capable of storing and trans- namic mechanisms.
was postulated in 1984 by Forward.
Check out our website at : http://
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engine, the catalyst will help reduce smog.
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TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Saturday· July 29· Session 6 (Afternoon) • Quantum Energy Technology A Spark Gap Method
of Harnessing Radiant Energy
Excess electrical energy has been discov-ered in spark gaps using Carbon/Graph-ite––Thoriated Tungsten rods with a co-efficient of performance (COP) greaterthan 100% across the gap. A Wimshurst Generator is used as a primary high-volt-age dynamo. A Tesla-like step-down Suppressed Technology without, and the greater the primary in- transformer with a ferrite rod is used to ductance, the greater the amount of en- from the Land Down Under efficiently reduce the high-voltage down ergy that is collected. Therefore, the Car- to safe practical levels, which can easily bon Arc looks very promising as provid- be distributed and measured. The device The Joe Cell, a truly emergent technol- ing a source of excess energy, once prop- shown generates successive electric dis- ogy was developed more than thirteen erly harnessed.
charges or Electrum Validum (EVs) dis- years ago in Australia. Since its creation There will be a live demonstration of de- charges are generated, and their associ- this device and its researchers have suf- vices that harness radiant energy emitted ated energy is collected in a 10uf low loss fered ridicule and attack, as well as from Carbon Arcs. These devices collect capacitor during a given period of time.
misunderstanding and infamy. But those the excess electrical energy and store it who study and build these devices attest My conclusion is the Carbon Arc is per- in capacitors and batteries. One of these to their authenticity and ability to create forming as a NEGATIVE resistance-like devices called SmartPAK computes and motive power and alternative energy.
device in every test case. The bottom line displays the COP in real-time by measur- is that there is MORE energy charging The Joe Cell, which has gained notori- ing the voltages and currents going in and up capacitor C1 with the spark gap than ety because of recent efforts to quench out of the system.
its use and research, is difficult to under- Power Factor Correction stand. Some claim it is a hydrogengenerator; others claim it's an orgone ac- Makes Every Watt Count! cumulator, able to tap the aetheric flow.
Still others believe it is something more.
Physically, the Joe Cell is a chamber An uncorrected power factor is inefficient
which, using specially ‘charged' waterfrom certain sources, emits an energy that and cheats the consumer of the full ben-
is capable of powering engines! After the efit of the electricity he has purchsed!
initial charging stages, the cell becomes For some reason, a lot of engineers and as power factor correction became popu- an environment that draws aether/ life- technicians seem to have a problem with lar with major companies, the utilities force energy and packs it into a usable understanding power factor correction .
changed their meters from watt measure- location, allowing access into the infinite However, not understanding what a ments to reading current consumption sea moving around us. Our research has power factor is and how to correct it can thus causing an actual increase in utility shown phenomenal uses in non-Hertzian lead to overcharges on YOUR electric bills where the power factor was corrected energy, matter manipulation, healing, bill. An incorrect power factor is like driv- at the fuse box. This has forced power well-being and longevity.
ing a poorly tuned vehicle. the car correction efforts to be decentralized and At the conference, the stages of charging moves, but you pay for a lot of extra gas! performed on each individual motor.
water will be presented, as well as tips As your local utility distributes electric- This hands-on presentation will teach you for construction and experimentation, ity over the grid, line losses occur and how to properly read a KVAR meter to because we believe it is vital that a re- the current tends to arrive sooner than measure how much your voltage is lag- searcher build and create their own cell.
the voltage. In other words, the voltage ging your current. Then you learn sev- Also discussed will be methods for ob- lags the current and the actual power eral different techniques on how to cor- taining, refining and even creating seed available is not as great as electrical rect the power factor on various electri- water for your cell. Various cells and meters based on wattage claim. Early cal motors. Most important of all, you will chambers will be shown and the elements efforts to correct this phase difference discover how easy this intimidating topic to fill them will also be displayed.
were centered on the fuse box. However, is to understand and master.
Check out our website at : http://
Volume 3 Issue 3
Volume 3 Issue 2
Volume 3 Issue 1
• Critical Thinking Skills. Prerequisite to Breaking
• Trust Me.Independent Inventor's Dilemma!
• RF Weapons. Exotic Weapons Pose Threat
the Mold!
• Ultimate Engine Treatment.
• Fluxless Brazing Rods. Every Exotic Toolbox
• ECHELON: Big Brother 2000!
Should Have Them
• Thermal Catalytic Cracking. Key to 100 mpg
• The Skeptics Corner.Free Energy Conspiracy
• The Incredible Secret of Brown's Gas
• Backyard Plasma Technology. 5KW Generators
• Backyard Plasma Technology:
Converted to GEET
• Granite. Construction Material of the Gods
Free GEET Small Engine Plans.
• Magnetic Vortex Machine.
• Backyard Plasma Technology. Lawnmowers
Converted to GEET. The Technology Works
• Vacuum Energy Vortices
• The Skeptics Corner. How to convince me to
• Two Radiant Energy Devices Hold Greatest
invest in Joe Newman
• Skeptics Corner. Banned from Cutting Edge
• Terrestrial Night Light
• Practical Magnifier Construction Principles.
• The Fall and Decline. Tesla's Darkest Hours
• Spiritual Healing. with Natural Science
• Electromagnetic Pollution
• The Bio-Field Experience. From Down Under
• The Scope of Biomagnetism
• The Wet Cell
MSM Miracle
• Immunocal. A Natural GSH
Available BackIssues of Exotic Research Report --$8.95* ea Volume 2 Issue 4
Exotic Research Collection ANTI-GRAVITY SQUADRON THE VOLKSWAGEN GEET Get all 7 remaining issues of this highly collectible maga- EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS zine which is no longer being published. Although ExoticResearch is no longer with us, much of the information contained in these magazines is still just as valuable.
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What is an issue worth? Immeasurable. well-refer-
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enced articles contain detailed information. and plans • Hamel Technology. Poor Man's Searl Device
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while supplies last! Collection: $10-US; $12-Can/Mex; $18-Other
Volume 2 Issue 3
Volume 2 Issue 2
Volume 2 Issue 1
• Energy Independence. Reality/ Fantasy
• Zero Tolerance = Zero Sense
• The Virtual Studio Network
• 1998 Conference Speaker Contacts
• TWA Flight 800
• Plasma Steam
• A Fully Functional Turbine Test Stand
• Wooden Lightning
• GEET - From theory to production
• GEET. Advanced Technology.
• New Radiant Energy Devices
• Plasma Research-Unusual Reaction of Mass 5
Dumanis Kyklos. The Power Wheel
• Cold Fusion Reality. The Neltron Way
• Making Precious Metals at Home: Silver to Gold -
• Spring Atom.New Atomic Theory by Magnets
• GEET. Advanced Technology Today
Wet Methods
• Table Old Square & Roll in the New Sphere.
• Prep of Pre-Mixed Gas-Plasma Phase Fuels
• Ethereal Electrogravitics
The Basis for Quantum Disc FVY.
• The Integratron Metaphysics/Physics
• Bathing with Herbs. For better health
• The Electro-Acuscope/Mycopulse
• Sacred Geometry Behind Integratron
• Banishing Disease. with colloidal silver
• TTL. Secret Soviet Performance Enhancer
• The House of the Future.Is Here Now!
• Arthritis! End the Pain Today!
• STEVIA. Natural Alternative to NutraSweet
• The Secret of Negative Ions.
• Phoenix Lights: "Rodney King" case of UFO
• Wagging the Dog! The al-Shifa Pharmaceutical
• Hormonal Imbalance Survival
Factory Raid
• Directed Energy Weapons Research
• Chelation Therapy. Fountain of Youth
TeslaTech • 296 E Donna Dr • Queen Valley, AZ 85218 • (520) 463-1994
Sunday · July 30 • Session 7 (Morning) • 21st Century Technology Antigravity Effects Extracted From US Patent 685,958
Nikola Tesla • November 5, 1901
Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy
The gravity flows that originate fromhigher levels of creation will be presentedand shown how they establish the matrix Scanning Electron Micrograph of a June Bug Inner Wing at 1000X
for the manifested physical universe as by Dr. Ted Loder (University of New Hampshire.
we observe it. A few examples will be ing apparent time travel, forcefield gen- discussed: in the plant kingdom, at the eration, and high speed travel. New de- atomic level, the solar planetary reso- tailed scanning electron microscope pic- nance level and the insect domain. This Radiant Energy and tures of the nano structures of the wings research supports the Global Scaling de- of the common June bug will be discussed velopments by Dr. Helmut Mueler that and show how they could be the long Free Energy Future show the natural universe is sustained and sought after "bug" that Grebennikov used supported by these creative forces that to build his flying gravity platform. There Peter Lindemann, DSc permeate the universe from the subatomic is a strong correlation of the nano struc- to the galactic and super-galactic levels.
tures of the wings with the Shape Power Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter, The source of these creative "flows" will effects discovered by the author and the T. Henry Moray's Radiant Energy De- also be briefly discussed.
Stowe gravity theories of the aether.
vice, Edwin Gray's EMA Motor, and Paul There are well researched (i.e., proven) Plants and especially trees exhibit anti- Baumann's Testatika Machine all run on antigravity effects in Nature in the mate- gravity effects and have been measured.
Radiant Energy. This natural energy form rial realm as well as the plant and insect This analysis shows that plant branching can be gathered directly from the envi- kingdoms. In the insect realm there is and nodes are the result of horizontal and ronment (mistakenly called "static" elec- strong evidence that the June bug beetle vertical gravity waves that govern the tricity) or extracted from ordinary elec- wing was used in the Grebennikov grav- structure of plants. Included in this re- tricity by the method called "fraction- ity platform to achieve the spectacular search paper will be the frequencies, ation." Radiant Energy can perform the effects recorded by Grebennikov includ- wavelengths, and wave speeds.
same wonders as ordinary electricity, atless than 1% of the cost.
As you will learn, it does not behave ex- actly like electricity, however, which hascontributed to the scientific community's misunderstanding of it. The common fea- ture connecting all of these discoveries,is that they use a small amount of one form of energy to control or release a large amount of a different kind of energy.
Many of them tap the underlying Æther This paper will give a definition of Iner- netic, nuclear, gravitational, acoustic, or field in some way; a source of energy con- tial Propulsion and a brief summary of zero point energy for unlimited movement veniently ignored by "modern" science.
some of the different approaches that have or acceleration. A simple example of In- Tremendous breakthroughs in energy cre- tried achieve it or claim to have achieved ertial Propulsion moving 6.31 lbs a dis- ating technology will provide society with it. In a strict sense of the word, Inertial tance of 24 inches using Natural Preces- the opportunity for a complete redistri- Propulsion is the ability to move or ac- sion of a simple spinning disk as shown bution of wealth and economic power! celerate a body in some direction with- above. The presentation reveals addi- Thus the appearance of Free Energy in out the use of a propellant or the applica- tional details of this and other devices.
the public domain occur with the simul- tion of an external force.
Any form of energy present in the vicin- taneous appearance of a new, worldwide The energy required to accomplish this ity of the body may be said to exist in the social contract. Free Energy technology must be contained within the body (for aether occupied by the body unless the will raise all of the world's poor out of limited movement or acceleration), or the energy is shielded from entering into that economic slavery, setting the stage to body may generate the required energy space. A brief account of the NASA settle other political, racial, and religious by harnessing energy that may be present Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project disagreements among the world's people.
in the aether, whether it is electrical, mag- will be given.
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