An Introduction to
Support Group WA Inc
Each trigeminal nerve has three
branches that conduct sensation from
the upper, middle and lower portions
of the face to the brain
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a chronic disorder that usually affects people in middle or later life and only rarely in children or young adults. It is an excruciating facial pain that tends to come and go in sudden shock-like attacks and is due to a chronic disorder of the trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve) which is the largest of the body's 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
The trigeminal nerve has three branches
It is not unusual for a TN patient to see half
which conduct sensation from the upper,
a dozen or more dentists, oral surgeons, ear
middle and lower portions of the face and
nose and throat and TMJ specialists etc. Many
also the oral cavity, to the brain.
mode of treatment – root canals, extractions, oral surgeries etc – are pursued, to no avail,
The painful attacks of TN can involve one or
while the pain steadily worsens and more
more branches. Most commonly the middle
classic symptoms of TN develop.
branch or lower branch either individually or in combination with each other are involved.
TN is generally considered to be the
Only about 4% of patients experience pain in
most painful of all human afflictions but
the upper branch. In rare instances, all three
fortunately it is not fatal; rather it is a
branches may be involved. The right side of
treatable disorder that can be effectively
the face is more frequently affected than the
managed, and often times, long term control
left and in a small percentage of patients,
can be achieved.
pain occurs on both sides of the face, but rarely at the same time.
Since the largest per cent of the patients
Sometimes, facial pain can occur after
have involvement of the middle and lower
shingles particularly if treatment with anti-
branches, many of the initial symptoms
viral medication is not commenced as soon
are felt in the teeth and gums. This period,
as shingles is detected.
sometimes referred to as pre-trigeminal
Post herpetic pain tends to be more constant
neuralgia presents a considerable diagnostic
than classic TN and also will often strike the
challenge, especially for dentists since they
eye/forehead region more than the cheek
are, quite often, the first health professional
and lower jaw regions. This type of pain
to see the patient.
almost always goes away in time. It may be
While true dental abnormalities do produce
months for some or one or more years for
pain, the pain of TN is not caused by dental
others but rarely lasting more than five years
problems. What may appear as a toothache may actually be an early symptom of TN.
Classic TN has distinct symptoms which clearly separate it from other forms of facial pain
• Pain in short, acute bursts rather than dull,
constant ache. Often described as electric shock-like in nature
• Pain is usually triggered by light touch or
sensitivity to vibrations such as brushing teeth, shaving, a light breeze, a soft kiss, talking etc.
• The pain has a tendency to come and go
There are several theories on the cause or
with periods of intense, sometimes totally
causes of TN, but not one that is universally
debilitating pain, followed by complete
accepted by all medical professionals. The
pain-free periods of remission lasting from majority of specialists believe that the weeks to months or possibly longer.
protective covering (myelin sheath) of the trigeminal nerve deteriorates allowing
• Most patients experience pain during
abnormal messages (pain) to be sent
the day while they are up and about.
along the nerve. The main cause of this
Generally, they are pain-free while asleep
deterioration is usually due to a blood vessel
unless triggered by the touch of bed linen
pressing on the trigeminal nerve where it
or changes in position.
enters the brain stem. In a few cases, TN
The patient history and description of
occurs as a result of a tumour or multiple
symptoms are the doctor's major aids in
sclerosis but these are relatively uncommon.
confirming the diagnosis of TN. Most doctors
The deterioration causes the nerve to send
will recommend a head/brain MRI or CAT
abnormal messages to the brain – like static
scan along with other laboratory tests. These
in a telephone line. These abnormal signals
are conducted mainly to rule out other
disrupt the normal signal of the nerve and
possible causes of the pain such as tumours,
multiple sclerosis etc. There is no specific test available to confirm the diagnosis of TN.
As TN is not a common complaint and
especially in the early stages. Unlike many
there are many other types of facial pain,
afflictions, there is no blood test, x-ray or
we recommend that you seek a referral to a
other test that tells you that you have TN. It
neurologist for a diagnosis of the pain and
is diagnosed by the patient's description of
the prescribing of the medication most
the symptoms and by ruling out other things.
suited to the pain.
Therefore it is important to provide the doctor with a clear description of the pain.
TN is not always easy to diagnose because it can mimic many other possible problems
• Is pain predominately in your face – ie
• What medicines are you taking for the
forehead, eye cheek, nose, upper/lower
pain? List and include over the counter
ones, the dosage and time of day taken
• Is pain only on one side of your face
• Did you experience any major reduction
in facial pain (partial or complete) from
• Is pain entirely or mostly brief
taking any of these drugs. Were there any
• Is it electrical, shocking, stabbing,
• Did your pain start after shingles
• Do you have constant background facial
• Do you have multiple sclerosis
pain eg aching, burning, throbbing, stinging and is it for more than half of
• Did your pain start after a facial injury
your waking hours
• Did your pain start only after facial
• Can your pain start by something
surgery (ie oral surgery, ear/nose/throat
touching your face eg by eating, washing
surgery or plastic surgery)
your face, shaving, brushing your teeth etc
• When you place your index finger right in
• Since the pain started, have you ever
front of your ears on both sides at once
experienced periods of weeks, months, or
and feel your jaw open and close, does
years when you were pain free (This does not
the area under your fingers on either side
include periods after pain relieving surgery
or while on medications for the pain)
Many patients find that TN can be effectively
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) has been
managed with medication. Even though the
the primary drug used to treat TN. Many
pain of TN may come and go, it is necessary
neurologists believe that the relief of facial pain
for a TN patient to take medication regularly
with Tegretol confirms the diagnosis of TN. The
to prevent the sudden onset of an attack.
drug is introduced slowly and increased by
Taking medication sporadically is ineffective,
the doctor to a level where the patient is pain
and abrupt withdrawal of medications can
free or side effects occur. It has been shown
cause side effects.
in controlled clinical trials to be effective in approximately 60% of patients with TN.
Once a patient has been pain free for four to six weeks, the medication may be gradually
Phenytoin (Dilantin) is another drug that
tapered off but only on your doctor's advice.
is used to treat TN, especially if the patient has had adverse side effects to Tegretol.
Analgesics (such as aspirin and Nurofen) and
Since Dilantin may also be administered
narcotics are ineffective against TN because
intravenously, it is sometimes used to stop an
attacks are usually sudden and long term use
acute attack, such as in the emergency room.
of narcotics is not advisable.
Dilantin is considered to be less effective in
Anticonvulsant medications which slow
addressing TN, but it may be better tolerated
down the nerve's conduction of pain signals
by the elderly patient.
are usually the first treatment option for
These drugs, which are also used as
anticonvulsants, generally are thought to work by blocking the firing mechanism of the nerve. The more common side effects are dizziness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, unsteadiness and nausea. Serious side effects may occur although they are rare. They include anaemia, liver toxicity and kidney dysfunction. Patients on Tegretol and Dilantin should have periodic blood counts to monitor any blood abnormalities.
Gabapentin (Neurontin) is a more recent
anticonvulsant. Since it is eliminated by the
body rather than metabolized it is felt to be
more easily tolerated and to cause less liver
toxicity. Neurontin has also been found to be
beneficial in the treatment of some atypical
facial pain syndromes and other painful
nerve problems.
Anticonvulsants can be given in combinations. Neurontin and Baclofen are often given as a second drug along with one of the other anticonvulsants.
Alcohol and other sedatives should be avoided with most of these drugs.
Switching medications may be necessary, so in order to maintain a pain relieving blood level of medication, discuss with your doctor how to begin the new medication while tapering off of the old one
Pregabelin (Lyrica) is a successor to
Long term use of anticonvulsant drugs have
Gabapentin (Neurontin) and is chemically
been found to deplete bone mass, leading
similar to that drug. It is said to be as
to osteoporosis, so bone density testing and
effective as Neurontin, but at lower doses,
calcium supplements are recommended.
which should translate to fewer side effects.
About 80% of TN patients will respond to
Other medications used in the treatment of TN
medications and find their TN symptoms can
may include Baclofen (Lioresal), clonazepan
be effectively managed with drugs; however,
(Rivotril) and sodium valporate (Epilim).
20% will not. Consult your neurologist for
During all phases of medical treatment,
complete information regarding medication
patients need to communicate their pain
dosages and specific questions about them.
level and / or drug side effects to their neurologist or other health care professional so that medication can be regulated effectively. These medications work best with a consistent blood level, so they must be taken on a regular schedule.
To avoid serious side effects, including seizures, anticonvulsant dosages must be increased and decreased slowly as directed by your doctor. Do not stop these medications abruptly. The drugs tend to work on an all or nothing principle. They do not give partial relief as the dosage is increased; they work when the correct dosage is reached, so dosage must be individualized with each patient.
A sizable number of TN patients achieve long term relief from medication. Those for whom medication does not provide relief or those who suffer unacceptable side effects from medication, may want to consider surgery.
There are several surgical interventions used to treat TN, none of which is 100% effective in all cases. Collectively, these procedures have an initial response rate of about 80%, with approximately 25% of patients experiencing some level of recurrence within one to five years. Many of these patients
respond very well when surgery is repeated
This is one of the most effective and safest
or other medical management is pursued.
procedures for relieving TN pain. During the
The surgical techniques used to treat TN
procedure – which is usually performed on an
range from procedures performed at day
outpatient basis while the patient is sedated
surgery to damage the nerve to that of
– an electrode designed to destroy the part
invasive surgery that requires a hospital
of the nerve that causes pain is placed on
stay of several days' duration. Determining
the nerve using a needle inserted through
which procedure is the best choice for a
the cheek. A moderate amount of numbness
particular person should be based on several
around the area where the pain was located is
factors such as the patient's preference,
an expected side effect of this procedure.
physical well being, previous surgeries,
Statistics overseas have indicated that after 5
presence of multiple sclerosis, and area of
years, 50% of patients were pain free.
trigeminal nerve involvement particularly where the upper/ ophthalmic branch is
involved. Undoubtedly, recommendations by the neurologist or neurosurgeon will
This procedure is similar to radio frequency
play a strong part in the patient's decision
rhizotomy. Instead of inserting an electrode
making process. The Support Group is not
into the nerve, the surgeon injects an alcohol
an advocate for any individual mode of
substance, called glycerol, which bathes the
treatment, but serves to provide information
nerve and damages the pain fibres. As with the
on the various treatments available so that
radio frequency rhizotomy, minor numbness
patients can explore all their options
can be expected following this procedure.
Statistics have indicated that this procedure is less effective than the radio frequency rhizotomy with less than 50% pain free after 4 years.
With the patient anaesthetized, a small opening is made behind the ear. While
This again is a similar procedure but in this case viewing the trigeminal nerve through
a tiny balloon is inserted through a catheter
a microscope, the surgeon places a soft
into the trigeminal ganglion (the central part
cushion (typically shredded Teflon) between
of the nerve that transmits nerve impulses) and the nerve and the blood vessels that are
then inflated. The inflated balloon compresses
the nerve and damages the pain fibres. Again
The procedure usually takes two to four
minor numbness may result.
hours and patients can expect a hospital stay
of at least two to five days.
Statistics have shown that in excess of 80%
This is the most invasive of all surgical
were pain free, either with no medication or
options to treat TN, but it also offers the
some medication, after 5 years.
lowest probability that the pain will return within 5 years. This surgery aims to remove the cause of the problem rather than damaging the nerve.
There are a number of alternative treatments that may assist in alleviating the pain and reducing the need for drugs or surgery. Often sufferers will seek alternative treatments because of lack of effectiveness or side effects of the drugs or due to failed surgery. Some may be suffering from atypical TN pain for which drugs or surgery may provide only limited pain relief.
As an example, several members of the support group have achieved pain relief from kinesiatric remedial massage treatment
The group is affiliated with the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association (TNA) in the United
The Support Group commenced in 1990 with States which is conducting substantial
the aim of providing information, mutual
research on all aspects of treating TN.
support and encouragement to persons suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and
A newsletter is sent to members prior to
related facial pain conditions.
each meeting and contains information from TNA and other sources to assist members,
At that time, TN was little known in the
particularly those unable to attend the
community due mainly to the fact that
meetings. The group has developed an
it affects only about one in every 20,000
extensive library of books, and also video
people. Because of the excruciating pain,
tapes and DVD's of addresses given by
sufferers felt isolated and lacking knowledge
medical professionals to the group or at TNA
of the medication, surgical and other options
conferences in the US which are conducted
available to alleviate the pain.
every two years.
The group has grown to more than 100
Membership is $20pa to cover printing
members and conducts meetings on a six
and postage of the newsletter and persons
weekly basis at Perth and Midland with
seeking an application form should contact
contact points in regional areas.
the Treasurer or Secretary.
The purpose of these meetings is to hear medical professionals speak on the latest developments in treating TN and to share the experiences of members.
Brian Power - President/Treasurer
Tel: 08 9385 9550
[email protected]
Julia McDonald - Secretary
Tel: 08 9384 5816
[email protected]
Gill Wood
Tel: 08 9229 6452
[email protected]
Bert Henke
Tel: 08 9845 1706
[email protected]
Proudly sponsored by Lotterywest
Support Group WA Inc
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