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Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors

Thriving communities, SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE
Guidance and
toolkit for
developers and
Employment and skil s guidance

Homes and Communities Agency At any time, maintaining and creating jobs is a priority. Against the backdrop of the current economic climate, now more than ever it is absolutely vital.
As the national housing and regeneration agency, we have an important role to play in maximising employment 3 Overview of the HCA's employment and skil s strategy opportunities, as wel as helping to ensure that industry has the necessary skil s to build the homes and communities the country needs. 4 Guide to the inclusion of employment and skil s requirements into the procurement process We believe that homes and jobs should go hand in hand and we're working hard to safeguard and create employment and skil s opportunities through our investment in housing and regeneration. That is why we are embedding employment and skil s initiatives in our operations and encouraging our partners to do the same.
We're committed to providing practical advice to support this work. So in partnership with legal and procurement experts, we've developed this employment and skil s guidance and a toolkit for developers and contractors.
Appendix A Template for employment and skil s plan for tender and reporting This guidance wil help our partners to develop and implement robust employment and skil s strategies and build requirements into their procurement processes of construction projects. It provides a framework for developers, Appendix B Summary of employment and skil s areas contractors and their supply chains and includes tender documentation; templates for procurement and contract Appendix C Template procurement and contract clauses clauses; benchmarks that set outputs required per scheme; and best practice examples of successful employment and skil s initiatives sourced from across the country.
Appendix D Issues relating to delivery of the employment and skil s areas This guidance builds on government and local authority guidance previously commissioned by ConstructionSkil s.
Appendix E Benchmarks We are reliant on the commitment and efforts of our partners and we hope that this new guidance wil support our Appendix F Employment and skil s strategy workbook col ective bid to safeguard and create employment opportunities. Appendix G Template monitoring form Appendix H Best practice examples Sir Bob Kerslake chief executive The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Find out more about our work at: skil For further information about our employment and skil s initiatives please contact Yasmin Fearon, employment and skil s team leader: [email protected] 01925 644638 2 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 3

Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Developers and contractors have long been at the forefront of creating and implementing employment and skil s opportunities across a range of construction trades and support services, which in turn, has provided significant opportunities for the communities that they work in.
Housing and regeneration play a huge role in the country's The guidance and toolkit is based on lessons learned from The HCA understands that given their lead in this area of work, The HCA is preparing a separate document which wil set out economy, not only as a catalyst for regeneration and renewal, the National Skil s Academy for Construction (NSAfC) many developers and contractors wil already have developed the employment and skil s requirements that we expect al our but as a major employer and contributor to our gross domestic programme, which integrates skil s development with major very successful employment and skil s strategies. To this extent, investment partners to comply with. This document wil outline product. As a national housing and regeneration agency with construction projects, including a number of housing projects. we are not making the adoption of the approach within this what we wil need our investment partners to commit, deliver, a £17.3 bil ion of investment between 2008-2011, we believe The programme has been established since 2007 and involves guidance and toolkit mandatory. However, since the Agency monitor and report on employment and skil s if they receive that we have an important role in helping to deliver not 40 major construction projects throughout the UK. It includes wil be drawing on the approach set out in this guidance and funding including the sale or use of HCA land. only affordable homes but also the employment and skil s the delivery of an employment and skil s plan (ESP), which is toolkit in informing its own employment and skil s strategy and opportunities to enable communities to prosper and thrive developed to reflect the profile of the individual construction requirements for data col ection and col ation, partners may find long term. We cal this the employment and skil s dividend
projects. Although, the guidance and toolkit is based on a it helpful to check their approach against the advice contained (or added value) of our work of providing new affordable construction model, the principles can also be applied to the within this guidance and toolkit. homes and creating strong and thriving communities. procurement of non-construction works and services.
As part of our commitment to the employment and skil s The guidance and toolkit includes:
agenda, we have now made it a condition of our capital l Good practice information on the use of an employment investment, including the sale or use of land, for al delivery and skil s strategy and the development of an ESP partners to provide apprenticeships, employment and skil s opportunities. By prioritising our role in creating opportunities l A guide to the inclusion of employment and skil s for employment, skil s and training, we firmly believe we requirements into the procurement process wil help communities to prosper and thrive long term. It will l Template benchmarks relating to employment and also help to grow and keep a skil ed workforce to meet the chal enges of the modern world and future industries.
l Best practice examples of the development and The purpose of this guidance and toolkit is to share what is implementation of ESPs fast becoming the standard industry delivery approach across l A template ESP housing and regeneration and to provide our developer and contractor partners with the tools to play their part in creating A summary of the employment and skil s areas and potential employment and skil s opportunities, adding value and issues surrounding them creating social and economic benefits for the communities and l Template procurement and contract clauses neighbourhoods in which they work.
l Guidance as to the inclusion of smal and medium enterprises This guidance and toolkit provides practical information on how (SMEs) and supply diversity developers and contractors can develop their own employment l An employment and skil s strategy workbook to assist with and skil s strategies, include opportunities for employment developing employment and skil s strategies.
and skil s initiatives through their procurement practices and discusses how this can be evaluated and used as an incentive throughout the project itself.
4 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 5

Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency The HCA has appointed Trowers and Hamlins LLP solicitors, working with ConstructionSkil s Limited and The Skil s Project Limited, as lead consultants to provide this guidance to assist developers and contractors to develop and implement client-led employment and skil s strategies on construction projects. Separate guidance has been commissioned by the HCA for registered providers.
Equivalent guidance has been created by the same team authorities and central government departments and of consultants for the development and implementation agencies and a summary of these is available at of client-led employment and skil s strategies by local Developing an employment and skil s strategy
The minimum benchmarks provided in appendix E for new build Whether in response to a project initiated by a third party or and refurbishment schemes have been taken from experience when formulating proposals for a project that it is initiating gained from existing National Skil s Academy for Construction itself, the developer/contractor firstly needs to identify the schemes and an analysis of labour patterns within the industry. employment and skil s areas which they would like to support. The benchmarks have been prepared across a range of different If working with a local authority in relation to a particular construction value bands reflecting the differing level of scheme, the developer/contractor should also (on a voluntary potential in terms of outputs and scope of employment and basis) seek to incorporate the priorities of that local authority's skil s areas that they can support. Sustainable Communities Plan but within the 12 employment and skil s areas. In the National Skil s Academy for Construction In practice, the potential outputs from the implementation framework, which is based on the Sector Skil s agreement of the ESP wil vary between schemes of a similar size due (developed by ConstructionSkil s and the industry) and is to differences in the form of construction and nature of the becoming the industry adopted approach, employment and construction process. skil s areas come under three headings: Another key variable wil be the capability and effectiveness of supply chain members in contributing to the employment i ) existing workforce and skil s strategy. This can be best managed by the i i) skil s culture developer/contractor through procurement and contract See appendix B for examples of the employment and monitoring processes. skil s areas.
Table 1 il ustrates the degree to which schemes may be able An example of an outline employment and skil s strategy to support certain employment and skil s areas depending workbook has been included at appendix F to highlight a on their size.
number of the considerations to be taken into account by a developer/contractor when developing its own employment and skil s strategy.
Gauging the impact of the strategy
In order to understand the level of employment and skil s
outputs that can be achieved for given levels of construction
activity, benchmarks can be incorporated into the employment
and skil s strategy, which help to gauge the potential impact of
the strategy.
6 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 7 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Table 1: These are the guide benchmarks for the median value of projects within each band.
Delivery issues for the employment and skil s plan
Review of supply chain order details
The ESP sets out the output figures for each of the employment Supply chain partners working on ESP schemes and frameworks and skil s areas for the duration of the scheme.
should be involved with the development of the ESP at the earliest opportunity. An appendix in the supply chain order It is recognised that the implementation and management of should set out the level of involvement which wil be required New entrants
the agreed ESP can be complex and it wil need input from the from supply chain partners. This should also be reviewed by the developer/contractor and its supply chain. developer/contractor with its supply chain partners during any 1. School/college/university The successful implementation of an ESP wil require 2. School/col ege workshops Monitoring and support from the developer/contractor
i) development of the method statement The developer/contractor ESP should set out on a monthly basis 3. Research projects i ) provision of guidance on delivery issues the anticipated outputs against each of the employment and skil s areas. Please see appendix A for a template ESP. i i) review of supply chain order details 4. Work experience 14 -16 years iv) monitoring and support from the developer/contractor A template monitoring form has been provided at appendix including the provision of standard documentation G, which would set out the ESP forecast figures against what 5. Work experience 16+ years has been achieved within that month or quarter. This could be v) in cases where there is more than one developer/ complemented by a qualitative report explaining the outputs contractor, individual ESPs that contribute to the and setting out other achievements within that period. 6. Apprentices – existing overarching scheme ESP.
The developer/contractor should acknowledge the amount of work and effort that wil have been provided by its supply 7. Apprentices – project initiated Development of the method statement
chain in the successful delivery of a chal enging ESP. A method statement for the implementation of the ESP wil be a
requirement during the tender process (the method statement). Site-based facilities and setting up a skil s centre
Some site-based facilities wil be required for implementing 8. Health and safety training Prior to entering into a scheme-specific contract or framework an ESP. These would be used for accommodating school visits, agreement, the developer/contractor should confirm or produce on site assessment inductions, skil s audits, etc. On smal and a more detailed method statement setting out how each of the 9. Vocational qualifications medium sized schemes an existing meeting room could be used areas in the ESP wil be implemented. When using a framework for these purposes.
agreement, a scheme-specific ESP and method statement 10. Construction Skil s Certification should be produced for each individual scheme, which wil be A dedicated skil s centre could be appropriate for large schemes Scheme (CSCS) skil s cards derived from a generic method statement developed for the of. This could be a site cabin fitted out with tables and chairs, entire framework programme. a white board and computer. Some regeneration schemes may already have similar facilities and developers/contractors should 11. Short courses Provision of guidance on delivery issues
be encouraged to make use of these facilities rather than Delivery of the ESP wil require considerable col aboration duplicate effort and to work col aboratively across projects. between a number of agencies and organisations. Many sector 12a. Progression into employment (under 6 months) skil s councils such as ConstructionSkil s, Asset Skil s, Summit Personnel responsible for delivery
Skil s and LANTRA (the sector skil s council for the environment The method statement wil set out how the developer/ 12b. Progression into employment and land based services) and others such as the National contractor intends to manage the implementation of the Apprenticeship Service, through their network of advisors, ESP. On smal and medium sized schemes this could be the may be able to support main contractors and their supply responsibility of the site manager with head-office support. chain partners with delivery matters. Some developers/contractors may have internal personnel who have responsibility within the company for coordinating An outline of key issues relating to the delivery of a number of and facilitating training and school engagement activities, Please see appendix B for details of the employment and skil s areas.
major employment and skil s areas is set out in appendix D.
for example.
8 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 9

Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Delivery issues for the employment and skil s plan
Review of supply chain order details
For larger schemes or framework programmes of over £50m, The ESP sets out the output figures for each of the employment Supply chain partners working on ESP schemes and frameworks there could be a case for having a dedicated project skil s and skil s areas for the duration of the scheme.
should be involved with the development of the ESP at the coordinator. Their role would be to coordinate and facilitate earliest opportunity. An appendix in the supply chain order the range of employment and skil s areas. This would involve It is recognised that the implementation and management of should set out the level of involvement which wil be required liaising with the site team, trade contractors, schools, col eges the agreed ESP can be complex and it wil need input from the from supply chain partners. This should also be reviewed by the and training agencies. developer/contractor and its supply chain. developer/contractor with its supply chain partners during any pre-commencement meeting.
The successful implementation of an ESP wil require the The delivery of an ESP does have certain costs associated Monitoring and support from the developer/contractor
with it. However, best practice demonstrated on a number of i) development of the method statement The developer/contractor ESP should set out on a monthly basis National Skil s Academy for Construction schemes shows that i ) provision of guidance on delivery issues the anticipated outputs against each of the employment and costs, as a proportion of construction value, can be relatively skil s areas. Please see appendix A for a template ESP. low. The main cost is that associated with the management and i i) review of supply chain order details delivery of the ESP. For the larger schemes this could include iv) monitoring and support from the developer/contractor A template monitoring form has been provided at appendix the role of a dedicated project skil s coordinator together with including the provision of standard documentation G, which would set out the ESP forecast figures against what a site based skil s centre. On smal er schemes, which do not has been achieved within that month or quarter. This could be justify a dedicated skil s coordinator, this management role v) in cases where there is more than one developer/ complemented by a qualitative report explaining the outputs may be undertaken by a part-time skil s coordinator, the cost of contractor, individual ESPs that contribute to the and setting out other achievements within that period. which wil form part of the developer/contractor overheads for overarching scheme ESP.
The developer/contractor should acknowledge the amount the scheme. As developers/contractors become more practiced of work and effort that wil have been provided by its supply at delivering ESPs, it is likely that they wil increasingly employ Development of the method statement
chain in the successful delivery of a chal enging ESP.
specialist staff to assist with this requirement. A method statement for the implementation of the ESP wil be a
requirement during the tender process (the method statement). Site-based facilities and setting up a skil s centre
Other costs such as wages of apprentices are often able to Some site-based facilities wil be required for implementing be absorbed by the supply chain companies who employ Prior to entering into a scheme-specific contract or framework an ESP. These would be used for accommodating school visits, them. Wage costs can often be significantly off-set against agreement, the developer/contractor should confirm or produce on site assessment inductions, skil s audits, etc. On smal and the productivity of the apprentice together with grants, a more detailed method statement setting out how each of the medium sized schemes an existing meeting room could be used which may be drawn down by the company employing them. areas in the ESP wil be implemented. When using a framework for these purposes.
agreement, a scheme-specific ESP and method statement should be produced for each individual scheme, which wil be A dedicated skil s centre could be appropriate for large schemes derived from a generic method statement developed for the of. This could be a site cabin fitted out with tables and chairs, entire framework programme. a white board and computer. Some regeneration schemes may already have similar facilities and developers/contractors should Provision of guidance on delivery issues
be encouraged to make use of these facilities rather than Delivery of the ESP wil require considerable col aboration duplicate effort and to work col aboratively across projects. between a number of agencies and organisations. Many sector skil s councils such as ConstructionSkil s, Asset Skil s, Summit Personnel responsible for delivery
Skil s and LANTRA (the sector skil s council for the environment The method statement wil set out how the developer/ and land based services) and others such as the National contractor intends to manage the implementation of the Apprenticeship Service, through their network of advisors, ESP. On smal and medium sized schemes this could be the may be able to support main contractors and their supply responsibility of the site manager with head-office support. chain partners with delivery matters. Some developers/contractors may have internal personnel who have responsibility within the company for coordinating An outline of key issues relating to the delivery of a number of and facilitating training and school engagement activities, major employment and skil s areas is set out in appendix D.
for example.
10 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 11 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Guide to the inclusion of employment and skills
requirements into the procurement process
Template tender documentation
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract 2005, JCT Design Appendix A – Template for employment and skil s plan for tender and reporting To provide guidance to developers/contractors, appendix and Build Contract 2005 and a bespoke framework agreement Appendix B – Summary of employment and skil s areas C includes explanatory paragraphs which could be included into and project contract. It is appreciated that in many cases supply chain tender documentation to describe the employment developers/contractors wil not be appointing separate main Appendix C – Template procurement and contract clauses and skil s requirements for tenderers.
contractors and, in such circumstances, it is envisaged that Appendix D – Issues relating to delivery of the employment and skil s areas developers/contractors can adapt the template wording as appropriate for use in their other supply chain contracts.
Appendix E – Benchmarks Appendix C includes template contract clauses, which can be Appendix F – Employment and skil s strategy workbook incorporated at each stage of the supply chain procurement Developers/contractors should seek their own legal advice on Appendix G – Template monitoring form process and in standard construction contracts such as the ACA procurement processes and contracts.
Standard Form of Contract for Project Partnering, PPC2000, Appendix H – Best practice examples 12 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 13 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix A – Template for
Appendix B – Summary of the
employment and skills plan for tender
employment and skills areas
The purpose of this section is to provide outline details of the employment and skil s areas that are contained within Employment and skil s areas
Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Target
the employment and skil s plan. It also provides guidance on completing the output figures covering both monthly anticipated outputs and summary information. Please refer to appendix A for the ESP template. New entrants
New entrants
School/college/university site visits – no. of students 1. School/col ege/university site visits – by students 2. School workshops – educational workshop activities to support their learning. that are delivered by the contractor or their supply 2. School/col ege workshops – no. of students chain within the school or col ege, or on-site. This is to 1. ESP monthly outputs – number of students support the Construction and Built Environment Diploma 3. Research projects – no.
and other relevant areas of the educational curriculum.
1a. ESP monthly outputs – number of visits 4. Work experience 14-16 years 1. ESP summary information – total number 2. ESP monthly outputs – number of students – no. of people 2a. ESP monthly outputs – number of workshops 5. Work experience 16+ years – no. of people 1a. ESP summary information – total number 2. ESP summary information – total number of students 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) no. of people 2a. ESP summary information – total number of workshops.
7. Apprentices – project initiated – starts (created) – no. of people 8. Health and safety training – no. of people 9. Vocational qualifications – no.
3. Research projects – supporting schools, col eges and 4. Work experience – 14-16 years – work experience higher education with the provision of information, placements with the site team or trade contractors. 10. Construction Skil s Certification resources and access.
This can include block placements of one week or Scheme (CSCS) skil s cards – no.
more, or one/two days per week. A work experience 3a. ESP monthly outputs – number of research projects placement is to be a minimum of five days in total.
3b. ESP summary information – total number of research 4. ESP monthly outputs – number of people 11. Short courses – no. of people projects that have been undertaken on the scheme.
4a. ESP monthly outputs – total number of people days in 12a. Progression into employment the month of work experience (ie two people for five (under 6 months) – no. of people days is 10 people days) 12b. Progression into employment (over 6 months) – no. of people 4. ESP Summary information – total number of people 4a. ESP Summary information – total number of 14 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 15 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency New entrants
Existing workforce - skills development
5. Work experience 16+ years – work experience 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) individuals 8. Health and safety training – workers taking certified 9. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and other placements with the site team or trade contractors. who are employed on an apprenticeship programme and industry recognised training courses. These could vocational qualifications – workers undertaking This can include block placements of one week or more, recognised by the relevant sector skil s council and include NEBOSH, SMSTS, PASMA, abrasive wheels etc. on site assessments to achieve National Vocational or one/two days per week. It can also include Entry to who were already an apprentice prior to starting on Qualification levels 2-5. Further and higher Employment and University Student placements that 8. ESP monthly outputs – number of people receiving education qualifications such as National Certificates, wil be particularly relevant for larger projects. A work health and safety training Higher National Certificates and Foundation Degrees experience placement is to be a minimum of 20 days. 6. ESP monthly outputs – number of people can also be included in this section. (existing apprentices) starting on site 8a. ESP monthly outputs – total number of people days of 5. ESP monthly outputs – number of people health and safety training (ie eight hours of training is 9. ESP monthly outputs – number of workers 6a. ESP monthly outputs – number of apprentices expressed one day, eight people receiving two hours of training is inducted on an NVQ or starting a further or 5a. ESP monthly outputs – total number of people in in people weeks (i.e. two apprentices on site for four equivalent to two people days) higher education qualification the month of work experience weeks is equal to eight people weeks) 8. ESP summary information – total number of people 9a. ESP monthly outputs – total number of workers 5a. ESP summary information – total number of people 6. ESP summary information – total number of receiving health and safety training completing NVQs or other vocational qualifications people (existing apprentices starting on site) 5. ESP summary information – total number of 8a. ESP summary information – total number of people days 9. ESP summary information – number of workers people days of work experience.
6a. ESP summary information – total number of apprentices of health and safety training.
inducted on an NVQ or starting a further or higher expressed in people weeks divided by 52. (ie 380 education qualification people days divided by 52 equals 7.3 apprentices on a ful -time equivalent basis). 9a. ESP summary information – total number of workers completing NVQs or other vocational qualifications.
7. Project initiated apprentices (created) - an individual who has been recruited as part of the scheme 10. Construction Skil s Certification Scheme (CSCS) skil s card – A skil card demonstrates that the holder is and is employed on an apprenticeship programme recognised by the relevant sector skil s council.
competent in their respective role. Workers wil need to have the appropriate NVQ or equivalent qualification and have passed the appropriate health and safety test. Details can be found on 7. ESP monthly outputs – number of starts in month for project initiated apprentices 7a. ESP monthly outputs – number of apprentices expressed in people weeks (ie two apprentices on-site 10. ESP monthly outputs – number of workers in the month who have been issued with a CSCS skil s card for four weeks is equal to eight people weeks).
with the appropriate vocational qualification (this excludes cards which have been issued as renewals) 7. ESP summary information – total number of project initiated apprentice starts 10a. ESP monthly outputs – percentage of workers on site who hold an appropriate skil s card 7a. ESP summary information – total number of apprentices expressed in people weeks divided by 52. 10. ESP summary information – total number of workers who have been issued with a CSCS skil s card with the appropriate vocational qualification 10a. ESP summary information – average of the monthly percentage figures for workers on site who hold an appropriate skil s card.
16 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 17 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix C - Template procurement
and contract clauses for:
1 Pre-qualification questionnaire – support towards securing a col ege place for Development of a skills culture and infrastructure
2 Invitation to tender – financial support towards studies for 11. Short courses – covering topics such as leadership and 12a. Progression into employment – people who have been 3 Building contracts management, basic skil s, English for Speakers of Other registered unemployed for up to six months being Languages (ESOL), waste management, work-based offered work lasting at least 13 weeks. This does not 3.1 ACA Standard Form of Contract for Partnering – – financial support for the provision of professional recorder training, etc. One person is equivalent to one PPC2000 (amended 2008) qualifications or equipment day of training. 12b. Progression into employment – people who have been 3.2 NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract – National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) through 11. ESP monthly outputs – number of individuals registered unemployed for more than six months being (3rd edition June 2005) on site assessment (or national equivalent) offered work lasting at least 13 weeks. This does not include apprenticeships.
3.3 JCT Design and Build Contract 2005 (Revision 2 2009) – work experience placements for ful -time students 11a. ESP monthly outputs – total number of people days of training (ie eight hours training is one day, two people 3.4 Bespoke framework agreement – scheme/project or programme-led apprenticeships receiving two hours of training is equivalent to 0.5 ESP monthly outputs – number of individuals who have started employment. 3.5 Bespoke project contract.
– support for existing apprenticeships and/or recruitment of scheme initiated apprenticeships 11. ESP summary information – total number of individuals ESP summary information – total number of individuals – school engagement activities who have been supported into employment with 11a. ESP summary information – total number of people days employment lasting 13 weeks or more.
The fol owing questions can be inserted in the developer/ – provision of "pay as you learn" opportunities within of training.
contractor pre-qualification questionnaire issued to supply your organisation chain members. These should assist in assessing the supply chain member's technical capacity and experience in relation – training to achieve Construction Skil s Certification to skil s, development training and apprenticeship schemes.
Scheme (CSCS) card qualification (or national equivalent) Pre-qualification questionnaire template clauses
– professional advice, guidance and support Please detail your previous experience in implementing – employment and training events. skil s development, employment, apprenticeship or training schemes on similar programmes or projects Please provide brief details of how you have achieved (in terms of value and scope of works/services to the and implemented each initiative on a project specific basis whether pursuant to contractual commitments or otherwise. Have you failed to meet any agreed targets Please also indicate if, on previous contracts, you have or commitments relating to any of the above and, provided any of the fol owing: if so, why? 18 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 19 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Invitation to tender template clauses
Benchmarks are provided in Appendix [ ] to this Invitation to i) who in the organisation wil be responsible for managing New entrants – skil s development
Please note below the template clauses for completion and Tender for the minimum outputs for the ESPs. These are based the training scheme and overseeing the proposals? subsequent inclusion in an invitation(s) to tender are as fol ows: on the project values as indicated. Tenderers are to use their 1. School/university/col ege site visits own judgement as to what additional outputs over and above i ) how wil the target outputs as set out in the ESP the benchmarks they consider are achievable in relation to be delivered? [The developer/contractor] wil require the successful [sub-contractor] [supplier] to work with it, as part of the 2. School workshops the project. delivery of the [works] [services] [supplies] in transforming i i) how wil al and any health and safety issues be managed? the community [in a real and sustainable manner.] 3. Research projects The template for the ESP is contained in Appendix [ ] to this Invitation to Tender. [Additional template sheets should be [Additional tender action point to include in the [price used for contracts that wil exceed 12 months duration.] framework][pricing document]: Tenderers are required to To this end, tenderers are required to complete an 4. Work experience 14-16 years employment and skil s plan (ESPs) and method statement include a ‘training and apprenticeship figure' in the price as outlined below and in accordance with the guidance in The output figures for the ESP are to indicate the minimum framework to cover the contribution to the wages, costs of the 5. Work experience 16+ years Appendices [ ] and [ ] of this Invitation to Tender. outputs for each month against the relevant employment and trainees and apprentices and associated costs in supporting the skil s areas. The ‘target' column is also to be completed showing training and apprenticeship arrangements set out in the ESP 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) These clauses are based on the requirements set out in the the overal project target output figures. Guidance on the and method statement and ful details of how that sum has employment and skil s strategy. The appendices to this employment and skil s areas is also included within Appendix [ ]. been calculated.]" guidance can be used in an invitation to tender to provide 7. Apprentices – project initiated (created) further guidance, benchmarks and template employment Tenderers are requested to provide an unequivocal statement 3 Tender action point template contract clauses
and skil s plans (ESPs) and method statements.
Existing workforce - skills development
in the ESP that, if appointed, they wil meet al of the above (for adaptation and use by developers/contractors in
requirements in relation to the works/services/supplies their relevant supply chain contracts)
Tender action point 1: employment and skil s plan
8. Health and safety training in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in 3.1 ACA standard form of contract for project partnering
Tenderers are required to complete an ESP in relation to the the [contract]. – PPC2000 (amended 2008)
works/services/supplies covering the fol owing employment 9. Vocational qualifications and skil s areas from the table opposite: Tender action point 2: employment and skills plan
For inclusion as a special term in the project partnering 10. ConstructionSkil s Certification Scheme (CSCS Cards) method statement
agreement by reference to clause 28 of PPC2000 Tenderers are required to provide a detailed method statement (amended 2008). setting out how they intend to implement the employment and training requirements of [developer/contractor] and to deliver 11. Short courses the ESP. The method statement should be restricted to [ ] words and clearly set out the proposed approach for delivering skil s development against the employment and skil s areas, 12a. Progression into employment (under 6 months) covering the fol owing: 12b. Progression into employment (over 6 months) 20 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 21 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency "Clause 28.1 Employment and skills
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract 2005
In Appendix one, the fol owing definitions shal be inserted: Option Z clause for inclusion in the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract 2005.
"Employment and skil s strategy – the client's employment and skil s strategy forming part of the project brief "Z1 Employment and skil s"
ESP – the project-specific employment and skil s plan produced by the constructor and forming part of the project proposals to be complied with and implemented by the constructor in order to execute the employment and skil s The fol owing new definitions shal be added to core clause 11: "11.20 The employment and skil s strategy is the employer's employment and skil s strategy forming part of the Method statement – the project-specific method statement produced by the constructor and forming part of the works information project proposals which sets out in detail how the constructor shal implement the ESP". 11.21 The ESP is the works-specific employment and skil s plan produced by the contractor and forming part of "Clause 28.2 Clause 14.1 of the partnering terms shal be amended by the insertion of the fol owing at the end of the clause: the works information to be complied with and implemented by the contractor in order to execute the "(xi i) development and finalisation by the constructor of the ESP and the method statement". employment and skil s strategy 11.22 The method statement is the works-specific method statement produced by the contractor and forming Clause 28.3 Pursuant to clause 7.6 the constructor shal comply with and implement the ESP and method statement in part of the works information which sets out in detail how the contractor shal implement the ESP". accordance with the employment and skil s strategy. The contractor complies with and implements the ESP and method statement in accordance with the employment Clause 28.4 The constructor shal nominate an individual to liaise with the client representative and provide the client and skil s strategy. representative with information as required to demonstrate the constructor's compliance with the ESP and method statement. The contractor nominates an individual to liaise with the project manager and provides the project manager with information as required to demonstrate the contractor's compliance with the ESP and method statement. Clause 28.5 The client representative shal provide to the constructor information it has available to enable the constructor to comply with and implement the ESP and method statement, including the details listed in the employment and The project manager provides to the contractor information it has available to enable the contractor to comply with skil s strategy1. and implement the ESP and method statement, including the details listed in the employment and skil s strategy5. Clause 28.6 The constructor shal provide to the client representative on a monthly basis, in accordance with the partnering The contractor provides to the project manager on a monthly basis, in accordance with the relevant key dates6, timetable and the project timetable a report (in a format to be agreed with the employer) outlining the achievements during the previous month 2, a report (in a format to be agreed with the client) outlining the achievements during the previous month against the ESP and method statement and the employment and skil s KPI and targets against the ESP and method statement and the employment and skil s key performance indicator contained in the contained in Appendix eight, and provide details of the various employment and skil s activities delivered in [Schedule of Partners][Incentive Schedule7], and provides details of the various employment and skil s activities the month. The client representative shal be responsible for monitoring the constructor's compliance with and delivered in the month. The project manager is responsible for monitoring the contractor's compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement, and such monitoring shal form part of the client's assessment implementation of the ESP and method statement, and such monitoring forms part of the employer's assessment of the employment and skil s KPI and targets. of the employment and skil s key performance indicator.8 Clause 28.7 Insert in clause 23.6 (Post-Project Completion review), after the words, "KPI and Targets," the fol owing words: "(including the employment and skil s KPI and Targets), and its compliance with and implementation of the ESP and the Method Statement". Clause 28.8 Any and al costs relating to compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement by the 1 (PPC2000) The client should ensure that the project-specific information 5 (NEC3) The employer should ensure that the works-specific information to constructor are included in the price framework4. to assist the constructor with the implementation of the ESP and method assist the contractor with the implementation of the ESP and method statement statement is contained in the employment and skil s strategy within the is contained in the employment and skil s strategy forming part of the works project brief.
2 (PPC2000) To ensure regular monitoring of the constructor's achievement of 6 (NEC3) To ensure regular monitoring of the contractor's achievement of the the ESP, method statement, KPIs and targets, dates for submission of progress ESP and method statement, dates for reviews should be included as key dates.
reports should be included in the partnering timetable (in the form appended 7 (NEC3) The conditions are drafted in the anticipation that a key performance to the PPC2000 at Appendix six) and in the project timetable annexed to the indicator to cover employment and skil s is included in relation to either option X12 (Partnering) or option X20 (key performance indicators). The key 3 (PPC2000) In order to effectively monitor and continual y incentivise the performance indicator should be set out either in the schedule of partners constructor's achievement of the ESP and method statement, a suitable KPI (in relation to option X12) or the incentive schedule (in relation to option X20).
and relevant targets directly referring to both should be inserted into Appendix 8 (NEC3) In order to effectively monitor and continual y incentivise the eight (‘KPIs and Targets'). Achievement of a KPI and targets can be linked to a contractor's achievement of the ESP and method statement, a relevant key share of profit in order to motivate the constructor towards ful implementation. performance indicator should be inserted into either the ‘schedule of partners' Any KPI linked to termination must be referred to in the termination provisions (in relation to option X-12) or the ‘incentive schedule' (in relation to option at clause 26 of the partnering terms.
X-20). Achievement of key performance indicator and targets can be linked to 4 (PPC2000) The client should be satisfied that the constructor has included in share of profit in order to motivate the contractor towards ful implementation. the price framework al costs in relation to the implementation of the ESP and Any key performance indicators linked to termination must be referred to in the method statement.
termination provisions in the contract.
22 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 23 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency The contractor and the project manager attend a meeting (convened by the project manager) after completion JCT Design and Build Contract 2005 (Revision 2)
to review the completed works and the contractor's performance against the key performance; indicators Supplemental provision 13 for inclusion in Part two of Schedule two of the JCT Design and Build Contract 2005 (Revision two).
(including performance against the employment and skil s key performance indicator), and its compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement, and to consider the scope for further improvement on "13 Employment and skil s"
future projects. Insert in clause 1.1: Any and al costs relating to compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement by the "Employment and skil s strategy : the employer's employment and skil s strategy forming part of the contractor are included in the [relevant contract pricing option]9." employer's requirements.
ESP: the works-specific employment and skil s plan produced by the contractor and forming part of the contractor's proposals to be complied with and implemented by the contractor in order to execute the employment and skil s strategy. Method statement: the works-specific method statement produced by the contractor and forming part of the contractor's proposals which sets out in detail how the contractor shal implement the ESP."
The contractor shal comply with and implement the ESP and method statement in accordance with the employment and skil s strategy. The contractor shal nominate an individual to liaise with the employer's agent and provide the employer's agent with information as required to demonstrate the contractor's compliance with the ESP and method statement. The employer's agent shal provide to the contractor information it has available to enable the contractor to comply with and implement the ESP and method statement, including the details listed in the employment and skil s strategy10. Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of Part two of Schedule two, the contractor shal provide to the employer's agent on a monthly basis, in accordance with the relevant dates set out in the employment and skil s strategy11, a report (in a format to be agreed with the employer) outlining the achievements during the previous month against the ESP and method statement and the employment and skil s performance indicator contained in the contract documents, and provide details of the various employment and skil s activities delivered in the month. The employer's agent shal be responsible for monitoring the contractor's compliance with and implementation of the ESP and the method statement and such monitoring shal form part of the employer's assessment of the employment and skil s performance indicator12. 9 (NEC3) The employer should be satisfied that the contractor has included in the 12 (JCT) The contract provides for the use of performance indicators to measure relevant NEC3 contract pricing option al costs in relation to the implementation the contractor's performance against relevant targets at Paragraph 11 of of the ESP and method statement.
Part two of Schedule two (Supplemental Provisions). The employer should 10 (JCT) The employer should ensure that the works-specific information to be satisfied the employer's requirements contain employment and skil s assist the contractor with the implementation of the ESP and method performance indicators and any relevant incentives or consequences of not statement is contained in the employment and skil s strategy forming achieving the stated targets. Any performance indicators linked to termination part of the employer's requirements.
must be referred to in the termination provisions in the contract.
11 (JCT) To ensure regular monitoring of the contractor's achievement of the ESP and method statement, dates for reviews should be included in the 24 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 25 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency "13 Employment and skil s" (continued)
Bespoke framework agreement
Note: defined terms such as ‘client', ‘contractor', ‘employment and skil s manager', ‘KPI' ‘practical completion', ‘programme',
The contractor and the employer's agent shal attend a meeting (to be convened by the employer's agent) after ‘project' and ‘site' may need to be amended to use the appropriate defined terms in the framework agreement.
practical completion of the works to review the completed works and the contractor's performance against the performance indicators (including performance against the employment and skil s performance indicator) and its compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement, and to consider the scope for further improvement on future projects. Employment and skil s manager Means [details of employment and skil s manager] nominated by the client who shal assist with the release of opportunities by the contractor into the labour and Any and al costs relating to compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method statement by the supplier market and whose role shal include the promotion of employment and skil s contractor are included in the contract sum analysis13." opportunities within the local market of [contract area]. Employment and skil s strategy Means the client's employment and skil s strategy as set out in schedule [ ] to this agreement. Means the key performance indicators as set out in schedule [ ] to this agreement. Means the programme of projects governed by this agreement comprising [ ]. Means the employment and skil s plan produced by the contractor relating to the entire programme as set out in schedule [ ] to this agreement to be complied with and implemented by the contractor in order to execute the employment and skil s strategy14. Programme-specific method statement Means the programme-specific method statement produced by the contractor relating to the entire programme as set out in schedule [ ] to this agreement to be developed by the contractor into project-specific method statements, which sets out in detail how the contractor shal implement each project-specific ESP. Means a project forming part of the programme. Project contract Means a contract entered into between the client and contractor for the carrying out of each project pursuant to this agreement. Means the employment and skil s plan relating to each project, to be developed by the contractor based on the programme-specific ESP to be complied with and implemented by the contractor in order to execute the employment and skil s strategy throughout that project. Project-specific method statement Means the method statement relating to each project to be developed by the contractor based on the programme-specific method statement, which sets out in detail how the contractor shal implement the ESP throughout that project." 13 (JCT) The employer should be satisfied that the contractor has included in the by the contractor on the basis of a ful y scoped programme. The client's relevant contract sum analysis al costs in relation to compliance with and employment and skil s strategy, the key performance indicators (KPIs) and the implementation of the ESP.
contractor's ESP and method statement should be appended as schedules to 14 (Framework) These template framework agreement clauses are drafted on the assumption that the ESP and method statement have been developed 26 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 27 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Operative clauses
the programme-specific ESP and programme-specific Employment and skil s 1 Prior to commencement of a project on site, the method statement and the employment and skil s KPI, employment and skil s manager shal be satisfied that and provide details of the various employment and skil s 1.1 The contractor shal comply with and implement the ESP and method statement in accordance the programme-specific ESP and programme-specific activities delivered in the month. The employment and with the employment and skil s strategy. method statement have been sufficiently developed into a skil s manager shal be responsible for monitoring the 1.2 The contractor shal nominate an individual to liaise with the client's representative and provide project-specific ESP and project-specific method statement contractor's compliance with and implementation of the the client's representative with information as required to demonstrate the contractor's compliance respectively, to enable effective implementation on site, programme-specific ESP and programme-specific method with the ESP and method statement. including provision for monthly monitoring in accordance statement, and such monitoring shal form part of the 1.3 The client's representative shal provide to the contractor information it has available to enable with clause [five].15 client's assessment of the employment and skil s KPI].17 the contractor to comply with and implement the ESP and method statement, including the details listed in the employment and skil s strategy19. 2 The contractor shal comply with and implement the 6 The contractor and the employment and skil s manager 1.4 The contractor shal provide to the client's representative on a monthly basis, in accordance project-specific ESP and the project-specific method shal attend a meeting (to be convened by the employment with the relevant dates set out in the project programme20, a report (in a format to be agreed statement in accordance with the employment and and skil s manager) after practical completion of each with the client) outlining the achievements during the previous month against the ESP and method skil s strategy. project to review the completed project and the contractor's performance against the KPIs (including performance statement and the employment and skil s key performance indicator, and provide details of the 3 The contractor shal nominate an individual to liaise with against the employment and skil s KPI) and its compliance various employment and skil s activities delivered in the month. The client's representative shal be the employment and skil s manager and provide the with and implementation of the relevant project-specific responsible for monitoring the contractor's compliance with and implementation of the ESP and the employment and skil s manager with information as ESP and project-specific method statement, and to consider method statement and such monitoring shal form part of the client's assessment of the employment required to demonstrate the contractor's compliance with the scope for further improvement on future projects. and skil s key performance indicator21. the programme-specific ESP, the programme-specific 1.5 The contractor and the client's representative shal attend a meeting (to be convened by the method statement, each project-specific ESP and each 7 Any and al costs relating to compliance with and client's representative) after completion of the project to review the completed project and project-specific method statement. implementation of the programme-specific ESP and the contractor's performance against the key performance indicators (including performance programme-specific method statement by the contractor against the employment and skil s key performance indicator) and its compliance with and 4 The employment and skil s manager shal provide to over the duration of the programme18 and any and all implementation of the ESP and method statement, and to consider the scope for further the contractor information it has available to enable amounts relating to the implementation of the improvement on future projects. the contractor to comply with and implement the project-specific ESP and project-specific method statement 1.6 Any and al costs relating to the compliance with and implementation of the ESP and method project-specific ESP and project-specific method must be included in the [project pricing documents]." statement by the contractor are included in the [pricing document]22." statement, including the details listed in the employment and skil s strategy. Bespoke project contract
Note: defined terms such as ‘client', ‘client's representative',

5 The contractor shal provide to the employment and skil s ‘completion', ‘contractor', ‘contractor's proposals', ‘key manager on a monthly basis16, in accordance with the performance indicator', ‘project', ‘project brief' and ‘project 15 (Framework) This is a pre-condition to start on site that the ESP and method 20 To ensure regular monitoring of the contractor's achievement of the dates set out in the employment and skil s strategy a programme' may need to be amended to use the appropriate statement are developed to the employment and skil s manager's satisfaction. ESP and method statement, dates for reviews should be included in the report (in a format to be agreed with the client) outlining If the agreement contains other pre-conditions, this can be added to them project programme.
defined terms in the project contract. rather than as a stand alone clause.
21 The project contract should provide for the use of key performance the achievements during the previous month against 16 (Framework) To ensure regular monitoring of the contractor's achievement indicators to measure the contractor's performance against relevant targets. of the ESP, method statement, KPIs, targets and dates for reviews should It is anticipated that these key performance indicators and targets wil be be included in the employment and skil s strategy.
contained in a schedule to the project contract. The client should be satisfied 17 (Framework) In order to effectively monitor and continual y incentivise that its project brief contains employment and skil s key performance the contractor's achievement of the ESP and method statement, a key indicators and any relevant incentives or consequences of not achieving the employment and skil s strategy means the client's employment and skil s strategy forming part of the project brief. performance indicator (KPI) should be inserted into an appended stated targets. Any key performance indicators linked to termination must be schedule of KPIs. Achievement of KPIs and targets can be linked to referred to in the termination provisions in the contract.
ESP means the project-specific employment and skil s plan produced by the contractor and forming part share of profit/award of further projects in order to motivate the 22 The client should be satisfied that the contractor has included in the relevant contractor towards ful implementation.
pricing document al costs in relation to compliance with and implementation of the contractor's proposals to be complied with and implemented by the contractor in order to execute the 18 (Framework) The client should be satisfied that the contractor has included employment and skil s strategy. in the relevant contract pricing document al costs in relation to the implementation of the ESPs and method statements.
Key performance indicators means the key performance indicators as set out in schedule [ ] to this contract. 19 The client should ensure that the project-specific information to assist the contractor with the implementation of the ESP and method statement is Method statement means the project-specific method statement produced by the contractor and forming contained in the employment and skil s strategy forming part of the client's part of the contractor's proposals which sets out in detail how the contractor shal implement the ESP. project brief.
28 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 29 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix D – Issues relating to the delivery
of the employment and skills areas
Key issues: preparation of engaging material; delivery of
Child protection issues need to be addressed for both the The purpose of this section is to provide an outline of the issues relating to the workshops: supporting the Construction and Built benefit of the young person and also for the person delivery of the employment and skil s areas. It covers three specific areas: Environment Diploma. supervising the work experience placement. An induction A) new entrants, B) existing workforce and C) development of a skil s culture. session with the supervisor and the young person should Preparation of engaging material – the school should be include a review of child protection measures that need to Each employment and skil s area includes a definition and a key issues section. asked to indicate what aspect of the curriculum they would be observed.
like to be covered by the workshop. The contractor should then provide suitable material to cover this aspect and Parental consent wil need to be obtained for the work making it appropriate for the age group. The material could experience placement. This should include a copy of the risk A. New entrants: people wishing to enter the industry from
chemicals; contact with moving vehicles; noise; and dust. include a workbook setting out chal enges and exercises, or assessment and method statement. In addition, a medical education or as a change in career.
The method statement should cover assembly, inductions, a project for the students to work on including appropriate consent form should also be included which identifies any supporting material. medical conditions and also includes consent for the young 1. School/col ege/university site visits – visits by students
routes including a diagram, standards of behaviour, process person to be offered treatment in an emergency. to the site to support their learning. for dealing with an accident and evacuation arrangements.
Delivery of the workshop – ideal y this would include involvement by a member of the site team, and perhaps A trade-specific risk assessment wil need to be prepared Key issues: coordination with the site team; risk assessment Site safety induction – this should include introduction to
also a trade contractor. for each placement. This should take into account any and method statement; and site safety induction. the scheme; supervision and assembly; requirements for PPE; welfare facilities eg. toilet and refreshments; routes particular issues relating to the type of work that will Supporting the Construction and Built Environment be undertaken and also any specific issues relating to Coordination with the site team – a review should be for site visit; procedure for dealing with moving plant and Diploma – the new diploma supports students in gaining carried out covering the objective of the visit and vehicles; rules of conduct; hazards and control measures; a comprehensive understanding of construction as identification of key learning points, timing of the site reporting accidents; and fire and evacuation procedures.
preparation for entry into the industry. Support for this Method statement – this wil list particular actions to visit, location for assembly and induction, route of the diploma through the provision of workshops addressing key minimise risk, taking into account the age and experience visit and identification of person with responsibility for 2. School workshops – educational workshop activities that
elements of the curriculum wil be of considerable benefit of young person. leading the visit.
are delivered by the contractor or their supply chain within the school or col ege, or on site in a meeting room or for the students and for the industry.
Supervision – a competent person wil be required to Risk assessment and method statement – these should be suitable open area.
3. Research projects
provide one-to-one continuous supervision of the carried out by a competent person and the risk assessment young person throughout their time in the work place. should take into account trips and fal s; contact with Key issues: research topic.
Arrangements need to be agreed with parents and guardians about drop-off and pick-up.
Research topic – universities, col eges and schools are general y keen to work with contractors to undertake Engagement with work experience agency – work research related to a scheme. The research could either be experience placements wil general y be arranged through to support an ongoing research project being undertaken the school or specialist agency. Appropriate guidance by the university, school or col ege, or alternatively to should be obtained from them on how to ensure that the research an area that the contractor has an interest in.
work experience placement conforms to best practice for dealing with children and young people.
4. Work experience - 14-16 years – work experience
placements with the site team or trade contractors. 5. Work experience 16+ years – individuals who are engaged
This can include block placements on site of one week in ful -time further education and also includes entry to or more, or weekly placements of one or two days. employment and university student placements. Parental consent is needed for any young person under the age of Key issues: child protection; parental consent; risk
18. Child protection measures should also be included for assessment; method statement; supervision; engagement any person under the age of 18.
with work experience agency. 30 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 31 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Key issues: child protection; parental consent;
need to make arrangements to provide fol ow-on work Grant funding – funding to cover the cost of the on-site Accreditation – courses that are accredited means that they risk assessment; method statement; supervision; where necessary, which could be through a group training assessment may be available through Train to Gain, are recognised by an awarding body. It is not a requirement engagement with work experience agency. association (GTA). GTAs are often developed within large subject to the status of the candidate. In addition, that al courses delivered are accredited. However, in this organisations or between a number of organisations. grants may be available from ConstructionSkil s instance the course should have a clear set of learning Risk assessment – considerations for dealing with young They provide the opportunity, once an apprentice finishes (www.cskil, subject to the status of the company.
objectives and be capable of assessment.
people below the age of 18 years is the same as for the a contract, for other teams or organisations with the GTA 14-16 year age group. An appropriate risk assessment, to offer further work opportunities, so that the apprentice 10. Construction Skil s Certification Scheme (CSCS) Skil s Cards
Supporting leadership and management training method statement and supervision should be provided for can continue their apprenticeship. - skil s cards demonstrate that the holder is competent in - leadership and management training is seen as a al work experience placements irrespective of age. their respective role. Details can be found on crucial element in raising standards in the industry. Detailed guidance should be obtained from specialists.
Range of experience – not al schemes wil be able to offer This training can be directed at al levels of the workforce.
the ful range of experience that an apprentice wil need to Method statement – as previously.
complete their apprenticeship. In these situations the Key issues: requirements for a CSCS Skil s card.
12. Progression into employment - people who have been
contractor or trade contractor should seek to identify registered unemployed and are offered and accept Appropriate supervision wil be required at al times while in opportunities elsewhere for the necessary experience Workers wil need to have the appropriate NVQ or employment opportunities, which are expected to last the workplace.
equivalent qualification and have passed the appropriate 13 weeks or more. health and safety test. 6. Apprentices – individuals who are employed by a company
B. Existing workforce – this section reviews skil s
Key issues – supporting progression into employment.
and enrol ed on a relevant apprenticeship framework. development opportunities for those already working
C. Development of a skil s culture and infrastructure
in the industry.
11. Short courses – courses on a range of subjects related
Supporting progression into employment – this includes Key issues: types of apprenticeships
8. Health and safety training – workers trained in some
to supervision; health and safety; new methods and a range of JobCentre Plus and Connexions initiatives aspect of health and safety and delivered by a recognised technology and operational issues. including Entry to Employment, Pre-employment Apprenticeships – apprenticeships can include i) traditional health and safety trainer. Training and Pathways to Work. This initiative involves apprentices, i ) programme-led apprentices and i i) Key issues – accreditation, supporting leadership and
work trials, guaranteed interviews and potential y adult apprentices. Further information on apprenticeships, Key issues: duration of test, type of training.
subsidised employment. Further information can be including the grants available can be found on found on and
The duration should be a minimum of half a day.
7. Project initiated apprenticeships (created) – individuals
The training must be from an industry-recognised health who are taken on as apprentices specifical y as part of the and safety course.
scheme, which can include traditional, programme led and adult apprentices. 9. Vocational qualifications – assessments of competence
that provide the primary evidence for a CSCS Skil s Card. Key issues: employment; progression; range of experience
Key issues: NVQ levels, form of assessment, grant funding.
Employment - this may involve the main contractor employing the apprentices as a "host" client and NVQ levels - National Vocational Qualifications range from placing them with their trade contractors for the levels 2 craft, level 3 advanced craft or supervisor level 4 duration of the works on the scheme. manager and level 5 senior manager. Progression – not al schemes can provide continuous Assessment is general y through an on-site assessment employment sufficient for an apprentice to complete where an approved assessor visits the candidate at the his or her apprenticeship. A programme-led apprenticeship place of work to carry out the competency assessment. typical y requires less time e.g. one year compared to a Some assessments also require a portfolio of evidence to traditional apprenticeship which is general y two years. be provided by the candidate.
Where time on site wil not be sufficient for completion of an apprenticeship then the contractor/trade contractor will 32 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 33 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix E – Part 1 – Benchmarks for
Appendix E – Part 2 - Benchmark multipliers
development schemes – employment
for development schemes – employment
and skills area – up to £20m
and skills area – up to £20m
These are the guide benchmarks for the median construction value of projects within each band.
This is the methodology to calculate the exact employment and skil s area benchmark. Multiply the benchmark multiplier for the appropriate band below by the value of the contract divided by 1,000. e.g. item six. Apprentices – existing, for an £8.5m scheme = 8.5 x 1.0 = equal to 8.5 apprenticeships (rounded to nine apprenticeships).
- £1,000
New entrants
New entrants
1. School/college/university site visits 1. School/college university site visits – no. of students – no. of students 2. School/col ege workshops 2. School/col ege workshops – no. of students 3. Research projects – no.
3. Research projects – no.
4. Work experience 14-16 years 4. Work experience 14-16 years – no. of people – no. of people 5. Work experience 16+ years 5. Work experience 16+ years – no. of people – no. of people 6. Apprentices – existing 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) – no. of people (safeguarded) – no. of people 7. Apprentices – project initiated 7. Apprentices – project initiated – starts (created) no. of people – starts (created) – no. of people 8. Health and safety training 8. Health and safety training – no. of people – no. of people 9. Vocational qualifications – no.
9. Vocational qualifications – no.
10. Construction Skil s Certification 10. Construction Skil s Certification Scheme (CSCS) skil s cards – no.
Scheme (CSCS) skil s card – no.
11. Short courses – no. of people 11. Short courses – no. of people 12a. Progression into employment 12a. Progression into employment (under 6 months) – no. of people (under six months) – no. of people 12b. Progression into employment 12b. Progression into employment (over 6 months) – no. of people (over six months) – no. of people 34 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 35 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix E – Part 3 – Benchmarks for
Appendix E – Part 4 – Benchmarks for
development schemes – employment
development schemes – employment
and skills area – £10m-£100m
and skills area – £10m-£100+m
These are the guide benchmarks for the median construction value of projects within each band.
This is the methodology to calculate the exact employment and skil s area benchmark. Multiply the benchmark multiplier for the appropriate band below by the value of the contract as represented in the bandings e.g. item eight. Health and safety training for a £25m scheme = 25 x 1.5 = 38 people receiving one day of training.
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
Band 7 Band 8
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3
Band 7 Band 8
New entrants
New entrants
1. School/college/university 1. School/college/university site visits) – no. of students site visits) – no. of students 2. School/col ege workshops 2. School/col ege workshops – no. of students – no. of students 3. Research projects – no.
3. Research projects – no.
4. Work experience 14-16 Years 4. Work experience 14-16 Years – no. of people – no. of people 5. Work experience 16+ years 5. Work experience 16+ years – no. of people – no. of people 6. Apprentices – existing 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) – no. of people (safeguarded) – no. of people 7. Apprentices – project initiated 7. Apprentices – project initiated – starts (created) no. of people – starts (created) no. of people 8. Health and safety training 8. Health and safety training – no. of people – no. of people 9. Vocational qualifications 9. Vocational qualifications – no. of people.
– no. of people 10. Construction Skil s Certification 10. Construction Skil s Certification Scheme (CSCS) skil s card – no. Scheme (CSCS) skil s card – no. 11. Short courses – no. of people 11. Short courses - no. of people 12a. Progression into employment 12a. Progression into employment (under six months) – no. of people (under six months) – no. of people 12b. Progression into employment 12b. Progression into employment (over six months) – no. of people (over six months) – no. of people 36 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 37 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix E – Part 5
Benchmarks for refurbishment schemes –
– Benchmarks for decent homes
£10m-£60m+ per year construction spend
The benchmark figures are based on the mid-point figure for each of the value bands

Refurbishment programmes involve the upgrading of years and this would need to be taken into These are the guide benchmarks for the median construction value of projects within each band.
existing properties, which often includes working with account when setting employment and skil s targets. residents in occupation. The work typical y includes internal The benchmarks below have been developed to improvements covering new kitchens and bathrooms, assist with this process of setting target outputs.
£50 - 60+
upgrading to heating systems and electrical rewiring. External improvement works cover items such as roof Overview of the benchmarks
New entrants
replacement/repairs, new windows and repairs to brick The benchmark figures have been based on the profile and concrete elevations.
of works typical y found in a decent homes programme. 1. School/college/university site visits They have been designed to generate a profile of potential – no. of students Such schemes offer significant opportunities for including employment and skil s outputs for the life of the scheme 2. School/col ege workshops employment and skil s requirements as part of the project. based on the life of the scheme.
– no. of students The scope of these opportunities wil be determined by the profile of the work and the size of the construction spend. The fol owing issues have been taken into account when 3. Research projects – no.
setting the benchmarks: The key factors relating to the profile of the works wil be: The level of outputs for educational engagement 4. Work experience 14-16 years i) the number of trades that are involved, i ) the nature of are general y quite low reflecting the logistical – no. of persons the work being undertaken and i i) the ability of the scheme restrictions of conducting site visits and workshops to accommodate visits and other forms of engagement with 5. Work experience 16+ years on an occupied site. – no. of persons schools and col ege groups. l The age group for work experience starts at 16 rather 6. Apprentices – existing i) Number of trades - a typical refurbishment scheme
than 14 years old, as would be expected on new (safeguarded) – no. of persons might involve three to five traditional trades such as build schemes. This reflects the sensitive nature of 7. Apprentices – project initiated electrical; plumbing; carpentry; painting and decorating; working in occupied areas and health and safety – starts (created) no. of persons and roofing. A significant element of the works is implications associated with refurbishment type works. likely to be carried out by multi-trade gangs or Opportunities for apprenticeships are likely to be more specialists such as kitchen fitters, window fitters restricted than in a new build scheme due to the limited and brickwork/concrete repairers. 8. Health and safety training number of trades that are general y engaged on this – no. of persons i ) The nature of the works – the works are general y
9. Vocational qualifications – no.
limited in their nature to improvement works and do Work experience opportunities and progression into not include the range of works that would typical y be employment opportunities wil be higher than on new 10. Construction Skil s Certification found on a new build project of a comparable value. build schemes reflecting the opportunities that are Scheme (CSCS) skil s card – no.
available from the greater presence of non-traditional i i) Ability of the scheme to accommodate visits and
trades, which do not general y support apprenticeships. other forms of engagement – due to the restricted
nature of the works and the fact that these are Skil s development for the existing workforce such as 11. Short courses – no. of persons general y undertaken within occupied properties there health and safety training, and CSCS achievements are likely to be restrictions on the ability to arrange wil be broadly similar to comparable new build projects. 12a. Progression into employment a wide range of educational engagement activities.
fewer NVQs would be expected, given the greater (under 6 months) – no. of persons continuity of work that is normal on these schemes, iv) Size and continuity – these schemes tend to be very
leading to fewer workers being engaged on the 12b. Progression into employment (over 6 months) – no. of persons large in terms of capital spend e.g. in the order of £10m project overal .
to £50m per year. They also tend to run for between two and 10 years, which provides significant continuity of work, which in turn supports apprenticeships and skil s development. It should be noted that there can be considerable variation in construction spend between 38 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 39 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix F - Employment and skills
For the development and implementation of an employment and skil s strategy.
2. Value added contribution to delivering an employment and skil s plan (ESP) – set out how the developer/contractor can add
value to implementing the areas defined in the ESP for a project and any specific measures that it would take.
1. Objectives – define the goal that the developer/contractor would like to achieve in relation to implementing
Employment and skil s area Contribution to added value and specific measures an employment and skil s strategy.
New entrants – skills development
1. School/col ege/university site visits 2. School/col ege workshops 3. Research project 4. Work experience 14 – 16 years 40 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 41 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency 5. Work experience 16+ years 6. Apprentices – existing (safeguarded) 11. Short courses 7. Apprentices – project initiated 12.a Progression into employment 8. Health and safety training 12.b Progression into employment 9. NVQs – commencements 42 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 43 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency 3. Development and implementation team – identifies who wil be involved in developing and implementing the
4. Development and implementation plan – sets out key stages in the development and implementation of the and ESP
employment and skil s strategy, including roles and responsibilities.
e.g. review of benchmarks, contact with local authority and key agencies i.e. ConstructionSkil s, JobCentre Plus, review of work packages and programme, agreements with specialist trade contractors, al ocation of resource, etc. 44 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 45 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency 4. Development and implementation plan (continued)
5. Potential obstacles and potential solutions – define potential obstacles to the successful development
and the implementation of the employment and skil s strategy and propose potential solutions.
5.1 Development of an employment and skil s strategy 5.2 Implementation of an employment and skil s strategy 46 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 47 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix G – Template monitoring form
Employment and skills areas
Employment and skills areas
Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual New entrants
1. School/college/university 8. Health and safety training site visits ) – no. of students 1a. Site visits – no. of visits 8a. Health and safety training 2. School/col ege workshops 9. Vocational qualifications – no. of students – commencements 9a. Vocational qualifications – no. of workshops 3. Research projects – no.
10. (CSCS) cards – no. issued 4. Work experience 14-16 10a. Percentage of workforce years – no. of persons 4a. Work experience 14-16 10a. Percentage of workforce years – no. of persons 5. Work experience 16+ years – no. of persons 5a. Work experience 16+ years 11. Short courses 6. Apprentices – existing 11a. Short courses (safeguarded) – persons 6a. Apprentices – existing 12a. Progression into employment (safeguarded) – person weeks (under six months) – starts 7. Apprentices – project initiated 12b. Progression into employment (created) – no. of starts (under six months) – starts 7a. Apprentices – project initiated (created) no. person weeks 48 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 49 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Appendix H – Best practice examples
The other approach has been through direct recruitment as Stanhope Regeneration – Ashford, Kent
an apprentice. This has included school leavers at sixteen EMPLOYMENT & SKILLS OUTPUTS*
The employment and skil s plan (ESP) at Stanhope has been entered into on a and also individuals who have been long-term unemployed. Three residents from the area were recently taken on by the voluntary basis as part of the regeneration programme on a major housing estate groundwork contractor and scaffolder under a Construction l School visits – 56 in Ashford. It is delivered through a site-based skil s centre established and run by Skil s managing agency. l Curriculum workshops – 39 the main contractor, Denne. This is the first National Skil s Academy for Construction l Work experience: Another local resident was permitted by the further education accredited skil s centre in the UK to receive funding by ConstructionSkil s, as wel as - 14-16 years – 20 col ege to start an electrical course without the required being the first of its type on a housing project. - 16+ years – 32 qualifications because a trade contractor from the scheme agreed to employ him. Additional assistance was given l 12 project initiated Apprentices Delivery arrangements
with numeracy and literacy training to bring him up to the l 13 existing apprentices required standard. Profile of the Stanhope
The skil s programme is managed by a dedicated project l 4 other skil s centre trainees training coordinator. This role includes coordinating activities, In addition to these project initiated apprentices, a number of l 195 CSCS health and safety tests delivering health and safety tests, and liaising with the site trade contractors also have existing apprentices who have team, the trade contractors, col eges, schools, accredited l 165 on-site assessed NVQs worked on the project.
Profile of the Stanhope development project.
training providers/assessors and the trainees. The centre is run l 5 progression into employment The construction element of the project is valued from a site-based cabin fitted-out with desks, a white board * Outputs are based on approximately at £65m and involves the development of 450 and a tea-point. It also operates as an accredited CSCS health £20m new build activity new dwel ings and the improvement of 332 and safety testing centre. existing properties. The scheme is a Private Finance Initiative project and commenced in the Spring of 2007. It is due for The contract for the scheme is bespoke and developed for completion in 2012. the PFI delivery model. There is no contractual requirement to deliver the ESP. However, the contractor has included a The client is Ashford Borough Council and the delivery partners are Moat, Gleeson Capital Solutions and requirement to deliver the employment and skil s outputs in Denne, part of the Leadbitter Group.
al its sub-contract orders.
Arrangements for apprenticeships
The key outputs of the ESP are set out in the box below. Two routes into apprenticeships have been successful y used on These figures relate to the period from the establishment this scheme. The first starts with work experience placements of the skil s centre in November 2007 to February 2010. for ful -time col ege students. This is initial y for two weeks Other activities include supervisor training, health trainer but they have general y been extended for the duration of visits, activities for young unemployed people, and a Young the trainee's first year at col ege. Subject to performance, Builders Club. English for Speakers of Other Languages courses the trainee is then taken on as an apprentice, which enables have been delivered on the scheme, which has helped some them to start and complete their vocational qualification. of the migrant workers with obtaining a CSCS card.
This approach is known as a programme-led apprenticeship. 50 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 51 Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Registered provider housing scheme
– Simmonds Court, Tonbridge, Kent
The scheme is a £3.6m development consisting of 33 flats contained in one block. The contract duration is 50 weeks and the project commenced with site clearance taking place in January 2010. The scheme incorporates a biomass boiler and one of the areas that the client is particularly interested in l Site visits – 5 exploring is the development of skil s in l Workshops – 4 renewable energy instal ation. l Research project – 1 Set out in the side box are the target outputs that were l Work experience: agreed with the contractor. - 14-16 years – 6 - 16+ years – 5 The approach to delivering the ESP adopted by the contractor
- Existing apprentices – 2 l Project initiated apprentices – 3 l Assign a skil s coordinator employed within the company l Health and safety training – 5 to visit site one day per week to coordinate the employment l Vocational Qualifications – 6 and skil s activities l CSCS cards – 6 l Include a requirement for apprenticeships, CSCS cards, the provision of work experience placements etc within l Short courses – persons – 11 al sub-contractor orders l Progression into employment – 3 l Equip the existing site-based meeting room as a skil s centre. Tables and chairs, a computer and tea-point were already provided within the meeting room. The only additional l Work with JobCentre Plus and Connexions to identify items that were added were a white board and two extra long-term unemployed candidates that could be taken computer stations on as trainees or site operatives.
l Set up an accredited health and safety testing centre. One of the issues for a relatively smal project is the This was again based in the meeting room and required a capacity of the scheme to provide apprenticeship placements. lockable storage cabinet and various administrative systems The solution to this issue is agreeing with a number of key trade to be put in place to satisfy the accreditation process. contractors that they would employ an apprentice as part of This enables the contractor to run health and safety this scheme and continue their employment on other projects. testing from the site. The alternative would be to sign-post Using local y based trade contractors and ones which are used site operatives to the nearest CSCS health and safety on a regular basis by the main contractor ensures the necessary commitment on their part.
l Establish a protocol with West Kent Col ege to provide them with work experience placements and site visits, and for the The other element of the approach is to recruit students who col ege to identify appropriate candidates for apprenticeships, were already studying on a recognised col ege-based course. to undertake a research project and to deliver a series of This means that they wil be close to completing the technical short courses on-site element required under the apprenticeship framework and that the site-based element can be completed within a year. l Identify training providers to deliver on-site assessments for vocational qualifications 52 Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors Guidance and toolkit for developers and contractors 53 0300 1234 500 skil [email protected] Skil s and Knowledege Team Homes and Communities Agency Lateral 8 City Walk Leeds LS11 9AT The Homes and Communities Agency Our Skil s and Knowledge team is the single national housing and helps people in the housing and regeneration agency for England. regeneration industry to maintain We seek to create high-quality, and improve their effectiveness by: sustainable places and improve quality of life for local people. • Providing specialist advice and support to our partners in places Creating opportunities for places prioritised for investment requires fresh ideas and new • Promoting courses and resources approaches. People from across that improve knowledge the industry with flexible skil s • Supporting organsiations to boost and knowledge who can adapt local employment opportunities.
to different market conditions.
Sign up to the HCA skil s bul etin at The Homes and Communities Agency is able to provide literature in alternative formats including large print, brail e and audio.
Please contact us on 0300 1234 500 or by email at [email protected] for further information.
Al imagery in this document is the copyright of the HCA unless otherwise stated.
Publication date: June 2010 Publication code: HCA0097


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