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3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division2009 Respirator Selection Guide Respirator Selection Criteria .1 Table of Contents Format Explanation .3 Respirator Filter Definitions .9  m/4FSJFT'JMUFST  m34FSJFT'JMUFST  m14FSJFT'JMUFST How to Use This Guide .11Chemical Compound Guide .153M™ Health and Safety Software Library .99 Respirator Codes and Descriptions . inside back cover Respirator Selection Criteria The 3M™ Respirator Selection Guide Supplied Air Respirators (airline)
includes a list of chemicals for which The OSHA Respiratory Protection s #ONTINUOUS &LOW 3M respirators can be recommended. Standard (29 CFR 1910.134) requires –Loose-fitting facepiece This information can be used to fit testing for all tight-fitting respirators. (e.g., L-501) .25 supplement general industrial hygiene Whether you select a maintenance-free –Half facepiece .50 knowledge. Once workplace contaminants or a reusable respirator, the wearer must –Full facepiece, helmet, and their concentrations have been obtain a satisfactory fit as indicated by a identified, the guide can be used to help qualitative or quantitative fit test. Worker s 0RESSURE $EMAND WITH select an appropriate 3M™ Respirator for comfort must also be considered. Removal Full facepiece .1000 nearly 700 chemicals with Threshold Limit of the respirator, even for short periods of Pressure Demand Airline with Escape
Values (TLVs®) or other recommended time, dramatically reduces the protection SCBA .10,000,
exposure limits.
afforded by the respirator.
unknown and IDLH atmospheres Because actual conditions vary from one Pressure Demand SCBA .10,000,
worksite to another, this information is Protection Factors unknown and IDLH atmospheres intended only as a guide. Selection of the The respirator selected must have an most appropriate respirator will depend assigned protection factor adequate for Effects From Skin or Eye on the particular situation and should be the particular workplace exposure. made only by a person familiar with the Divide the air contaminant concentration If a chemical can be absorbed through working conditions and with the benefits by the occupational exposure limit (OEL) the skin, skin protection may be required and limitations of respiratory protection to obtain a hazard ratio. Then select a in addition to respiratory protection. Eye products. If you have any questions respirator with an assigned protection protection may also be necessary if not related to proper selection and use of factor greater than or equal to that hazard ratio.
provided by the respirator. Failure to provide adequate skin or eye protection can invalidate established exposure limits 3M respirators, or the use of this guide, Hazard Ratio
and make respirator use ineffective for contact your local 3M OH&ESD protection against certain workplace representative or call our 3M OH&ESD Airborne Contaminant Concentration Technical Service Line at 1-800-243-4630.
Respirator Program Assigned protection factors* currently Consider the entire package of safety recommended by 3M are as follows: equipment required for the job. The respirator selected must be compatible Where respirators are in use in the Air Purifying Respirators
with hard hats, goggles, glasses, welding workplace, a formal respiratory protection s (ALF FACEPIECE MAINTENANCEFREE AND hoods, faceshields, etc. In addition, the program must be established covering dual cartridge) .10 worker must be able to communicate the basic requirements outlined in the s &ULL FACEPIECE .50 and perform required job duties without OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard Powered Air Purifying Respirators
removing the respirator. If strenuous work (29 CFR 1910.134). Education and s ,OOSEFITTING FACEPIECE EG , is to be performed, or if the respirator is training must be properly emphasized Airstream™) .25 to be worn for an extended period of time, and conducted periodically. Maintenance, s (ALF FACEPIECE .50 it may be desirable to select a lightweight cleaning, and storage programs must be s &ULL FACEPIECE HELMET respirator with low breathing resistance. established and routinely followed for If a respirator does not have good worker acceptance and does not stay on the worker's face, it will not provide the protection needed.
* Assigned protection factors may vary for specific standards as pro mul gat ed by OSHA (e.g., continuous flow supplied air respirators are assigned a protection factor of 100 in the OSHA Asbestos Standards, 29 CFR 1910.1001 and 29 CFR 1926.1101). Where assigned protection factors in local, state, or federal standards are lower than those listed here, they should be used instead. For additional limitations of 3M respiratory protection products, refer to 3M respirator packaging and use instructions and limitations. Respirator Selection Cri te ria Location Of Hazardous Area Use these respirators only for those When specifying supplied air respirators, specific chemical compounds for consider the distance the worker must which they have been approved or travel to get to an uncontaminated work area, as well as obstacles or equipment present in the area. If ladders or scaffolds These respirators help protect General Use Instructions must be climbed, an air purifying respirator against airborne particles or gases or a combination air purifying/airline s &AILURE TO FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND and vapors only. Many of these respirator may be appropriate.
limitations on the use of these respirators substances can cause serious and/or failure to wear them during all health effects, including sickness or Respirator Characteristics, times of exposure can reduce respirator death. Misuse of a respirator may Capabilities, and Limitations effectiveness and may result in sickness result in sickness or death. For proper use, see a supervisor, refer A respirator may not be able to help protect s -ANY OF THE CONTAMINANTS THAT CAN BE to the respirator package, or call against all of the contaminants present in dangerous to a person's health include 3M OH&ESD Technical Service at a particular work environment. Specific the ones that are so small they cannot be limitations are stated on the approval labels seen or smelled at dangerous levels.
and are included with use instructions s "EFORE USE OF ANY RESPIRATOR THE WEARER and limitations. These must be carefully must first be trained by the employer in Format Explanation reviewed for each respirator before use. proper respirator use in accordance with General precautionary information is given applicable safety and health standards.
below. Refer to respirator packaging or Chemical names listed in this guide are s 4HE /3(! 2ESPIRATORY 0ROTECTION operating manuals for specific information.
generally those used in the Threshold Limit Standard [29 CFR 1910.134(f)(1)] Values and Biological Exposure Indices for requires that the wearer of any tight- 2008 published by the American fitting respirator be fit tested. s ,EAVE THE CONTAMINATED AREA IMMEDIATELY Conference of Governmental Industrial if dizziness or other distress occurs, if the Hygienists (ACGIH). Pesticides and respirator becomes damaged or breathing chemicals without established occupational WARNING becomes difficult, if contaminants can be exposure limits are not included. Call 3M No respirator is capable of smelled or tasted, or if irritation occurs.
OH&ESD Technical Service for assistance preventing all airborne in selecting respirators for these chemicals.
contaminants from entering General Use Limitations the wearer's breathing zone. s These respirators do not supply oxygen.
Respirators help protect against s $O NOT USE WHEN CONCENTRATIONS OF This is the concentration considered certain airborne contaminants by contaminants are immediately dangerous Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health reducing airborne contaminant to life or health, when concentrations are (IDLH), as published by the National concentrations in the breathing unknown, or in atmospheres containing Institute for Occupational Safety and zone to below the TLV or other less than 19.5% oxygen, unless using an Health (NIOSH) (DHHS [NIOSH] recommended exposure level. SCBA or combination airline/SCBA.
Publication No. 90-117). It specifically Misuse of respirators may s $O NOT ABUSE OR MISUSE ANY RESPIRATOR refers to the acute respiratory exposure result in overexposure to the s $O NOT USE TIGHTFITTING RESPIRATORS OR that poses an immediate threat of loss of contaminant and cause sickness loose-fitting facepieces with beards or life, immediate or delayed irreversible or death. For this reason, proper other facial hair or conditions that prevent adverse effects on health, or acute eye respirator selection, training, use, direct contact between the face and the exposure that would prevent escape from a and maintenance are mandatory edge of the respirator.
hazardous atmosphere. The reasons NIOSH in order for the wearer to be s $O NOT USE WHEN CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED established an IDLH at a particular level properly protected. maximum use concentrations established for a specific chemical are described in by regulatory agencies.
Documentation for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Concentrations (IDLHs), NTIS Publication No. PB-94-195047, Format Explanation May 1994. The 1994 IDLH values A few odor thresholds published in other s 4HE  7ORKPLACE %NVIRONMENTAL established by NIOSH used interim documents were used when not listed in Exposure Levels (WEEL) from the criteria, and OSHA stated in a May 21, the references below (e.g., AIHA WEEL American Industrial Hygiene Association 1996 memorandum that OSHA will use the documentation). The method of defining is listed when it is the most stringent older IDLH values while NIOSH conducts and determining odor thresholds varies value or there is no TLV or PEL.
further study regarding the 1994 values. widely, thereby giving rise to a significant s 4HE OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS REFER The 1990 IDLH values are used in this range of reported odor thresholds for many to Time Weighted Average (TWA)
guide since OSHA uses these values for substances. In dividuals may also respond concentrations for a normal eight (8) hour enforcement. For those substances with no differently to the same odor. At a given workday and a forty (40) hour workweek, IDLH listed, the manufacturer or supplier concentration, one person may smell and unless referenced as a ceiling or STEL.
may have additional chemical information. recognize the odor, while another person s Ceiling OELs refer to concentrations that
The Chemical Referral Center operated may barely notice it. The odor thresholds should not be exceeded during any part of by the Chemical Manufacturers Asso- reported in the literature are typically the working exposure. ciation can assist in providing telephone determined for a single constituent, with s Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
numbers for obtaining information from no other chemicals present in the air. The is a 15-minute time weighted average manufacturers. The lower explosive level single constituent situation rarely occurs exposure which should not be exceeded at (LEL) and the concentration that would in the workplace. Therefore, caution must any time during a workday.
result in an oxygen deficient atmosphere be exercised in using these numbers. They s Skin notations indicate the substance can
should also be considered to be IDLH.
may not be representative of odor detection be absorbed through the skin. In these capabilities of individual workers in your cases, appropriate measures must be taken facilities. On the other hand, experience to prevent skin and eye contact to avoid Odor thresholds can no longer be used as may indicate better warning properties than invalidating the OEL.
the primary indicator for changing gas and what is indicated by the reported value. s &OR A MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION OF 4,6S vapor cartridges as a result of the revised and their proper application, refer to the OSHA standard, 29 CFR 1910.134. The TLV booklet available for a nominal fee respirator program administrator, using from ACGIH, 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240.
objective data and information, must now establish chemical cartridge change s 4HE OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS LISTED Several common synonyms are listed in schedules. The established change schedule are 2008 ACGIH Threshold Limit this column.
should result in replacing the cartridges Values (TLVs), unless otherwise stated. with new ones before their service life The concentrations are expressed in Respirator Rec om men da tions is depleted under the conditions of that ppm — parts per million (parts of workplace. Reported odor thresholds will contaminant per million parts of air) This column lists the 3M recommend ed continue to be listed in the guide because — unless specifically stated as mg/m3 respirator for exposure levels not exceeding odor can be useful as a secondary or (milligrams of contaminant per cubic ten times (10X) the OEL. Do not exceed
backup indicator for cartridge change-out. meter of air) or some other unit.
maximum use concentrations established
The primary references for odor thresholds INDICATES THAT THE 4,6 IS by regulatory agencies. When a chemical
were VOCBASE and an American lower than the PEL.
cartridge respirator is recommended
Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) s 4HE /3(! Permissible Exposure Limit (e.g., OV) it can only be used if a cartridge
publication. When an odor threshold value (PEL) is listed when it is more stringent change schedule is established as described
was not published in either of these two than the current TLV.
in 29 CFR 1910.134 (d)(3)(iii) (B)(2). If a
sources, the other references were used. *Odor Threshold References 4. Fazzuluri, F.A. Compilation of Odor and Taste 9. Gemert, L.J. Van and A.H. Nettenbreijer. 1. Jensen, B., and P. Wolkoff. VOCBASE: Odor Threshold Values Data. American Society for Compilation of Odor Threshold Values in Air and Thresholds, Mucous Membrane Irritation Testing and Materials (1978).
Water. CIVO-TNO, Netherlands (1977).
Thresholds and Physio-Chemical Parameters 5. Verschueren, K. Handbook of Environmental Data 10. Gemert, L.J. Van. Compilation of Odor Threshold of Volatile Organic Compounds. [Computer on Organic Chemicals. pp. 12-21. Van Nostrand Values in Air, Supplement IV, CIVO-TNO, Zeist, Software]. National Institute of Occupational Reinhold, NY (1977).
Netherlands (1982).
Health, Denmark, 1996.
6. Warning Properties of Industrial Chemicals— 11. Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels, 2. Odor Thresholds for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Resource Center, Oregon American Industrial Hygiene Association (2008).
Occupational Health Standards. American Lung Association.
12. Ruth, J.H. Odor Thresholds and Irritation Levels of Industrial Hygiene Association (1989).
7. Electrical Safety Practices, ISA Monograph #113 Several Chemical Substances: A Review. Am. Ind. 3. Amoore, J.E. and E. Hautula. Odor as an Aid to Hyg. Assoc. J. 47(3):A-142-A-151 (1986).
Chemical Safety. J. Appl. Toxicol. 8. Documentation of TLVs and BEIs. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 7th edition (2008).
change schedule is not established, an
NIOSH approved for specific substances airline respirator must be used. The SA
Other information may be listed in this and/or conditions.
code indicates that chemical cartridge C. References to warning refer to odor
respirators should not be used. Generally or irritation warning properties of the this is because of one of the three reasons A. Short service life means predicted
substances. Where listed as unknown, described in the Comments column. These cartridge life of less than 30 minutes at no literature reference was located. recommendations are valid only if the concentrations of ten times (10X) Where listed as questionable, a wide respirator selection process outlined on the OEL. Actual service life will range of reported odor thresholds pages 11-14 is followed. The abbreviations vary considerably, depending on exists. Air purifying respirators may be used are explained in the Respirator concentration levels, temperature, acceptable for these substances if you Identification Key in the back pocket humidity, work rate, etc. See the follow the requirements for establishing insert. All of these respirators have not following literature references for a change schedule acceptable to OSHA.
been specifically tested against each
specific details on the conditions and D. These compounds have been identified compound listed. A review of chemical and limitations of these estimates: as possibly existing in both particulate physical prop erties of the materials, as well 1. 3M Company. 3M Respirator and vapor phase by a method published as adsorption or filtration characteristics Service Life. [Computer Software] by Perez and Soderholm. For these of the respirators, forms the basis for the 3M OH&ESD, compounds, 3M recommends that a recommendations. The recommendations gas/vapor cartridge be used in addition are for single substances. When two or 2. Smoot, D.M. Organic Vapor to the traditionally accepted particulate more substances are present, a combination Respirator Service Life Prediction. filter. It is the user's responsibility to respirator may be appropriate. For Prepared Under NIOSH Contract determine whether both forms coexist. example, with a spray paint that contains No. 210-76-0108. Published Both chemical properties and use organic solvents and titanium dioxide, a October 1977.
conditions/processes can affect the respirator con sist ing of an organic vapor 3. Nelson, G.O. and C.A. Harder. physical form in the workplace. Users cartridge and a filter may be appropriate.
Respirator Cartridge Efficiency should consider specific exposure data In cases where an air purifying respirator Studies: V. Effect of Solvent Vapor. and workplace conditions before making is not available for all of the substances Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 35(7): their final selection. If a chemical of concern in a mixture, a supplied air 391-410 (1974).
cartridge is used, a change schedule respirator may be required. In some cases,
Typically, an airline respirator is must be established to replace the the respirator is preceded by an "(F)"
recommended because the service life cartridges before the end of their service designation. The Identification Key lists
may be so short that the frequency these respirators as full facepiece air
required for changing the cartridges E. These compounds have been identified purifying respirators. For concentrations
may not be practical.
as possibly existing in both vapor and not exceeding ten times (10X) the OEL,
particulate phase in the workplace by half facepiece respirators (maintenance-
References to Ineffective sorbents or
Perez and Soderholm. Even though these free or reusable) with equivalent
Unknown sorbent effectiveness
chemicals would be expected to be in filters or cartridges may be suitable if
indicate 3M does not make chemical the vapor phase, when other aerosols appropriate eye protection is provided.
cartridge respirators appropriate for are present or there is high humidity, these substances at this time or it is it is possible that the vapor may be For concentrations greater than ten times not known how effective the sorbents adsorbed onto these coexisting particles (10X) the OEL, follow the pro tec tion fact would be for these materials. 3M does or dissolved in available water droplets; or guidelines in specific OSHA standards, not recommend using a chemical therefore, 3M recommends a filter for or refer to the instructions in the Respirator
cartridge respirator or attempting to the particulate phase be used in addition and How To Use This
establish a change schedule for these to the traditionally accepted chemical sections of this guide.
cartridge. It is the user's responsibility B. References to a respirator not being
to determine whether both forms specifically approved refer to approvals
coexist. Both chemical properties and for that particular substance only. All use conditions/processes can affect the respirators listed in this guide are physical form in the workplace. Users * See Perez, C. and S. C. Soderholm: Some Chemicals Requiring Special Consideration When Deciding Whether to Sample the Particle, Vapor, or Both Phases of an Atmosphere. Appl. Occup. Hyg. 6(10): 859-864 (1991).
should consider specific exposure Respirator Filter contain only oil aerosols, unless the filter data and workplace conditions before needs to be changed for hygiene reasons, making their final selection.* is damaged, or becomes difficult to breathe F. It is believed that an N-series filter is 3M 42 CFR 84 Filters through before the time limit is reached. sufficient since these materials will not N-Series Filters: These filters are
When used in atmospheres containing coat the filter fibers, but since this restricted to use in those atmospheres free non-oil aerosol, 3M P-series filters should material may contain oil aerosols, an of oil aero sols. They may be used for any be used and reused subject to conditions R- or P-series filter is recommended solid or liquid airborne particulate hazard of hygiene, damage and increased until further research or a regulatory that does not contain oil. Generally these agency takes a specific position.
filters should be used and reused subject P95 Particulate Filter -At least
G. R- or P-series filters have been only to con sid er ations of hygiene, dam age, 95% filter efficient when tested with recommended pending more research and increased breathing resistance.
0.3 µm DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) aerosol. as to how these materials affect the 3M makes replaceable filters and filtering filter fibers.
N95 Particulate Filter -At least 95%
facepiece respirators in this category.
H. Listing of 3M 3510, 3530, 3550, or
filter efficient when tested with 0.3 µm 3720 refers to a 3M™ Personal Air
NaCl aerosol. 3M has re place able filters P100 Particulate Filter -At least
Monitor which may be used to measure and filtering facepiece respirators in 99.97% filter efficient when tested with the amount of contaminant in the air. this category.
0.3 µm DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) aerosol. Monitors may also be used to sample 3M makes re place able filters and filtering N100 Particulate Filter -At least
for other materials with analysis facepieces in this category.
99.97% filter efficient when tested with performed by a private laboratory. 0.3 µm NaCl aerosol. 3M has a filtering Oil: Any of numerous mineral, vegetable and synthetic
You should check with the laboratory facepiece respirator in this category.
substances and animal and vegetable fats that are to determine what other chemicals can generally slippery, com bus ti ble, viscous, liquid or be measured with the monitors. R-Series Filters: A filter intended for
liquefiable at room tem per a tures, soluble in various organic solvents such as ether but not in water.
removal of any particle including oil-based An estimate of the airborne liquid aerosol. They may be used for any concentration is needed for making solid or liquid airborne particulate hazard. appropriate respirator selection and If the atmosphere contains oil, the R-series establishing a cartridge change schedule.
filter should be used only for a single Contact the toll free 3M OH&ESD shift (or for 8 hours of continuous or Technical Service Line at 1-800-243-4630
intermittent use).
if you have questions about the use of this guide or the proper selection and use and R95 Particulate Filter -At least
lim i ta tions of any 3M respirators.
95% filter efficient when tested with 0.3 µm DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) aerosol. 3M makes filtering facepiece respirators in this category.
P-Series Filters: A filter intended for
removal of any particle including oil- based liquid aerosols. They may be used for any solid or liquid particulate airborne hazard. NIOSH requires that respirator manufacturers establish time-use limitations for all P-series filters. 3M recommends that P-series filters should be used and reused for no more than 40 hours of use or 30 days, whichever occurs first, in atmospheres that * See Perez, C. and S. C. Soderholm: Some Chemicals Requiring Special Consideration When Deciding Whether to Sample the Particle, Vapor, or Both Phases of an Atmosphere. Appl. Occup. Hyg. 6(10): 859-864 (1991).
Respirator Filter Definitions How to Use This Guide If a respirator is being selected for a single step. Consider particulate contaminants To determine what type of PAPRs are compound listed in this guide with an air oil if unknown or not sure. List the available, check the Respirator Identification concentration not exceeding 10 times the contaminants on the form contained in this Key. If a PAPR is selected, use a HEPA value in the TLV column, then the respirator
guide or on your own form. Go to Step 2.
filter if an N, R, or P-series filter is listed. identified in the Respirator Recommended
2. Determine the air concentration of the If the guide lists SA or SA(F) even though column may be selected. If a particulate filter contaminant. Air sampling is the hazard ratio is less than or equal to 10, respirator is recommended (any respirator code recommended. Consideration should an SA(F) must be used. A PAPR cannot with N95, N100, R95, P95 or P100 in it) and be given to TWA, short term and peak be used. For example: For an exposure to a mineral, vegetable or synthetic oil or other (ceiling) exposures, while keeping in mind vinyl toluene with a hazard ratio of 90, an oily material is also present in the air, you seasonal and worker variability and the SA(F) or (F)PAPR/OV must be selected. must select a respirator that provides the same specific process being used. If air sampling The (F)PAPR/OV is acceptable because efficiency but is acceptable for oil aerosols data are not available and sampling is the OV cartridge is listed in the Respirator (see Oil definition). For example, if a respirator not practical, historical information from Recommended column. The service life is being selected for beryllium dust at a similar processes or analogous operations of the OV cartridge must be considered to concentration 2 times the exposure limit, the may be helpful for calculating maximum determine if the (F)PAPR or SA(F) is the guide lists N95. This code indicates a half
exposures and evaluating potential better selection given the high exposure facepiece respirator with an N95 particulate health effects. Record the airborne concentrations. If the exposure was to filter. If an oil mist is present (air concentration concentration(s) on the form provided or 4-vinylcyclohexene, an SA(F) must be greater than 0.1 mg/m3, but less than the your own form. Go to Step 3.
selected. A PAPR could not be selected. occupational exposure limit) either an R- or 3. Is the airborne concentration unknown? Record the respirator you selected in the P-series filter must be selected, even though a) If yes, go to Step 16.
last column of the form for that chemical. respiratory protection is not needed for the oil b) If no, go to Step 4.
Go to Step 10.
mist. Therefore, the minimum recommended 4. Is the oxygen concentration less than 8. Select either a supplied air respirator or a respirator would be R95 or P95. These codes
19.5% or does the potential exist for the full facepiece respirator with filters and/or indicate a half facepiece respirator with an oxygen concentration to fall below 19.5%? chemical cartridges listed in the guide under R95 or P95 particulate filter. These codes a) If yes, go to Step 16.
the Respirator Recommended column. can be found in the Respirator Codes and
b) If no, go to Step 5.
If the guide lists SA or SA(F), you must Descriptions section located in the fold-out
5. Is the chemical listed in the guide? select the respirator recommended. Do not back cover of this guide.
a) If yes, go to Step 6.
use air purifying respirators. For example: b) If no, go to Step 15.
For an exposure to benzene with a hazard If respiratory protection is desired for an 6. Record the IDLH value and the value from ratio of 30 (15 ppm), an (F)OV could be atmosphere with more than one chemical or the TLV column on the form provided or selected. For the same exposure conditions for an air concentration that exceeds either on one you created. Determine the hazard to benzyl acetate, an SA must be selected. the IDLH value or 10 times the value in the ratio (see page 2) and record. Using this Record the respirator you selected in the TLV column, you must follow the directions information, determine which condition last column of the form for that chemical. below for proper respirator selection. If you describes your situation: Go to Step 10.
need help, call 3M Technical Service at a) Does the airborne concentration 9. Select the respirator listed in the Respirator exceed the IDLH value? If yes, go
Recommended column. Record the Oil: Any of numerous mineral, vegetable
respirator you selected in the last column of and synthetic substances and animal and b) Does the hazard ratio exceed (>) 1000? the form for that chemical. Go to Step 10.
vegetable fats that are generally slippery, If yes, go to Step 16.
10. Are any other air contaminants present at combustible, viscous, liquid or liquefiable at c) Does the hazard ratio exceed (>) 50? room temperatures, soluble in various organic If yes, go to Step 7.
a) If yes, go to Step 2 and repeat the
solvents such as ether but not in water.
d) Does the hazard ratio exceed (>) 10? procedure, recording the appropriate If yes, go to Step 8.
information for the next chemical. e) Is the hazard ratio less than or equal When two or more contaminants that 1. Identify the air contaminants present in to ()) 10? If yes, go to Step 9.
act upon the same organ system are the workplace. Include chemical name and 7. Select one of the following respirators: present, consideration should be given form. Classify particulate contaminants as (1) a full facepiece, helmet or hood to the combined effect rather than oil or non-oil material. If the chemical is supplied air respirator or (2) a powered air individual effects. Consult the current listed in this guide, it is classified. For help, purifying respirator (PAPR) with the same edition of Exposure Indices published see definition of oil. The material safety cartridge type as listed in the guide under by the American Conference of data sheet (MSDS) can be helpful with this the Respirator Recommended column. Governmental Industrial Hygienists for How To Use This Guide more information and the appropriate b) If no, go to Step 14.
and would like help, go to Step 17. If no formula. If combined effects are 14. Was more than one respirator type required exposure limit is known, go to Step 16.
considered, calculate the hazard ratio for the specific exposure situation (i.e., 16. These conditions (unknown, <19.5% O , for the mixture.
is there more than one respirator code >IDLH) are generally considered as IDLH b) If no, go to Step 11.
included in the list made in the last column or the hazard ratio exceeds 1000. Select 11. Are any of the respirators listed in the last of the form?)? A respirator must be selected either a positive pressure self-contained column a particulate filter respirator (i.e., that satisfies all of the requirements listed breathing apparatus (SCBA) or combination does it have an N, R or P filter?)? in the last column.
respirator consisting of a positive pressure a) If yes, go to Step 12.
a) If yes, note all respirators recommended.
supplied air respirator with an auxiliary b) If no, go to Step 14.
If your list contains more than one SCBA. The rated duration of the auxiliary 12. Are only N-series particulate filter respirator and all are air-purifying SCBA should be sufficient to allow respirator(s) listed? respirators, select from the Identification adequate time for escape. If 5 minutes is a) If yes, go to Step 13.
Key the one with the highest assigned sufficient escape time, the 3M™ Air-Mate™ b) If no, go to Step 14.
protection factor (see page 2) and one Combination Escape SCBA is acceptable 13. Is airborne oil mist present that has not that removes all of the contaminants, (see Respirator Identification Key: Code been considered as a result of one of the if available. If SA or SA(F) is one of
SCBA). Record the respirator selected following conditions: (1) was not listed the respirators listed in the last column, in the final row of the form. This is the as a contaminant or (2) is the oil mist this respirator must be selected over all minimum acceptable level of respiratory concentration greater than 0.1 mg/m³ but others. If any of the respirator codes protection; the selection process is finished. less than the value in the TLV column of contain the (F) designation, respirators
If you need help, go to Step 17.
the guide? A respirator is not required for with half facepieces cannot be used. If Note: If a chemical cartridge respirator is the oil. If a respirator is not being selected no air-purifying respirator will provide selected, you must establish a change schedule for the oil, the presence of the oil must the protection required, select SA or
based on objective information and data. The still be considered when choosing the SA(F) from the Respirator Identification
information relied upon and the basis for the appropriate filter.
Key. Go to Step 17.
cartridge change schedule and the basis for a) If yes, a respirator with either an
b) If no, record the respirator listed in
reliance on the data must be described in the R- or P-series filter must be selected. the last column as the final respirator respiratory protection program.
R-series filters must be changed after selected (bottom line). A respirator 8 hours use or after the respirator is meeting this description can be found 17. Do you need help? loaded with or exposed to 200 mg of by locating the code on the Respirator a) If yes, call 3M for assistance at
aerosol. The manufacturer's service time Identification Key. Go to Step 17.
1-800-243-4630. Follow the recommendation must be followed for 15. If the chemical is not listed in the guide, P-series filters. To choose a respirator an occupational exposure limit either does b) If no, order the selected respirator(s)
that provides the same degree of not exist or was not located. Since it is not from the local 3M Sales Representative protection as originally identified, but known what an acceptable exposure level or Distributor.
with an R- or P-series filter, consult the is, a respirator cannot be recommended. If Respirator Identification Key. Record the you have an exposure level for the material respirator with the R- or P-series filter that is being selected. Go to Step14.
Respirator Selection Form Respirator Selected: NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Ethanal, Acetic aldehyde Short OV service life Glacial acetic acid, Meth ane carboxylic acid, Ethanoic acid, Acetic anhydride Ethanoic anhydride, Acetic acid anhydride, Acetyl oxide 2-Propanone, Dimethyl ketone, Acetone cyanohydrin a-Hydroxy isobutyronitrile, 2-Propane cyanohydrin, (AIHAWEEL) 2-Cyano-2-propanol, 2-Methyllactonitrile, Cyanomethane; Ethane nitrile; Ethyl nitrile; Methanecarbonitrile; 3M 3530 Monitor. Methyl phenyl ketone, Acetyl benzene, Benzoyl methide, Hypnone, 1-Phenylethanone Acetylene dichloride Acetylsalicylic acid Acrylic aldehyde, Acrylaldehyde, Propenal, Allylaldehyde 0.03 mg/m3* Propenamide, Acrylamide monomer, Acrylic amide Acroleic acid, Propenoic acid Propenenitrile, AN, Vinyl cyanide SA if cartridge not disposed of after shift, per 29 CFR 3M 3510 Monitor.
Hexanedioic acid; 1,6-Hexanedioic (F)N95 acid; 1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid Addipic acid dinitrile; Hexanedinitrile; OV 1,4-dicyanobutane; Tetramethylene 2-Propenol, 2-Propen-1-ol, Vinyl * TLV is lower than PEL.
* TLV is lower than PEL.
Chemical Compound Guide NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 3-Chloropropene, 1-Chloro-2- Allyl glycidyl ether AGE; 1-Allyloxy-2, 3-epoxy-propane (F)OV Warning unknown. PEL-10 ppm ceiling.
Allyl isothiocyanate Oil of mustard, AITC, (AIHAWEEL) Allyl thiocarbanimide, Allyl isosulfocyanate Allyl propyl disulfide Onion oil, Propyl allyl disulfide, Warn ing unknown 2-Propenyl propyl disulfide Aluminum Metal and Insoluble Compounds –Respirable Particulate Matter p-Aminobenzoic acid Aminobenzoic acid, (AIHAWEEL) 4-Aminobenzoic acid, PABA (See Ethanolamine) (methylenephosphonic (AIHAWEEL) (methylenephosphonic acid), cartridge may be Briquest 302-500; Briquest 301-32S; Dequest 2000; Dequest 2001; Nitrilotrimethanephosphonic acid; Anhydrous ammonia Ammonium chloride perfluorooctanoate (See Pentyl acetate) sec-Amyl acetate (See Pentyl acetate) Amyl alcohol, 1-Pentanol, (AIHAWEEL) Pentyl alcohol, Pentanol, tert-Amyl methyl acetate Aminobenzene, Phenylamine, Anisidine (o-, p- isomers) –ortho-Anisidine o-Methoxyaniline (oil), –para-Anisidine p-Methoxyaniline (solid) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments compounds (as Sb)Arsenic, elemental and 100 mg/m3 inorganic compounds Hydrogen arsenide, Arsenic trihydride, Arseniuretted hydrogen, Arsenous hydride 0.1 fiber/cc Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Dual cartridge as Tremolite, Anthophyllite, Actinolite per 29 CFR 1910. Asphalt (petroleum; 0.5 mg/m3 Asphaltum, Bitumen, Hot mix R or P95 alone may asphalt, Mineral pitch, Petroleum be suitable for some (as benzene-soluble applications. See Comment F, page 9.
compounds (as Ba)Barium sulfate Benzoic aldehyde, Oil of bitter (AIHAWEEL) almond, Benzenecarbonal Benzol, Coal tar naphtha Poor warning. SA if cartridges are not replaced at the start of each shift, per 29 3M 3510 Monitor.
0.5 mg/m3 Benzoyl benzene, Diphenyl ketone, OV/N95 (AIHAWEEL) Diphenyl methanone, Phenyl ketone Benzotrichloride Toluene trichloride, Benzenyl trichloride, Benzoic trichloride, Phenyl chloroform, Benzoyl chloride a-Chlorobenzaldehyde, Benzene carbonyl chloride, Benzoic acid chloride Benzoyl peroxide Dibenzoyl peroxide Acetic acid benzyl ester, Acetic acid phenylmethyl ester, Phenylmethyl acetate a-Hydroxytoluene, Phenylmethanol, (F)OV * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments compounds (as Be) Diphenyl, Phenylbenzene Bis(2-dimethylamino- DMAEE; Ethylamine, 2,2'-Oxybis (N.N-dimethyl)-; Niax [R] Catalyst Bismuth telluride 10 mg/m3* Bismuth sesquitelluride Bismuth telluride Borate compounds, inorganic Borofax; Boron trihydroxide; Hydrogen orthoborate; Kill-off; Kjel-sorb; Orthoboric acid; Three elephant; Trihydroxyborane - Sodium borate, anhydrous Borates, tetrasodium salts, anhydrous; Borax fused; Boric acid, disodium salt; Disodium tetraborate; Sodium tetraborate, anhydrous - Sodium borate, decahydrate Borates, tetrasodium salts, decahydrate; Borax; Borascu; Borocin; Disodium diborate decahydrate; Disodium tetraborate decahydrate; Sodium pyroborate decahydrate; Sodium tetraborate, decahydrate - Sodium borate, pentahydrate Borates, tetrasodium salts, pentahydrate; Boric acid pentahydrate; Mule team borascu; Boron sodium oxide, pentahydrate; Sodium tetraborate, 10 mg/m3* Anhydrous boric acid, Boric anhydride, Boric oxide Boron tribromide Boron trifluoride * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 0.2 ppm TLV-STEL. provides warning.
Bromine pentafluoride Bromochloromethane (See Chlorobromomethane) n-Propylbromide, Propylbromide Butadiene, Divinyl, Biethylene, Cartridges must be replaced, per 29CFR n-Butane, Methylethyl methane Short OV service (See Butyl mercaptan) (See Methyl ethyl ketone) a-Butene, But-1-ene, a-Butylene, OV B-Butene, B-Butylene, Dimethylethylene, Pseudobutylene cis-Butene, cis-Butene-2, trans-Butene, 2-trans-Butene, Butyl Cellosolve®, Ethylene glycol 2-Butoxyethyl acetate Acetic acid 2-butoxyethyl ester; 2-Butoxyethanol acetate; Butyl Cel usolve acetate; Butylglycol acetate; Ektasolve EB acetate; Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate; EGBA; Glycol monbutyl ether acetate Butyl acetate, Butyl ethanoate, Acetic acid butyl ester sec-Butyl acetate 1-Methylpropylacetate tert-Butyl acetate Acetic acid tert-butyl ester 2-Propenoic acid butyl ester, 1-Butanol, Butyl alcohol; Butyl 25 ppm TLV-ceiling hydroxide; Butyric alcohol; proposed. 3M 3510 1-Hydroxybutane; Methylolpropane; n-Propyl carbinol, n-Butanol * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments sec-Butyl alcohol 2-Butanol, Methyl ethyl carbinol tert-Butyl alcohol 2-Methyl-2-propanol, TBA, n-Butylamine, 1-Aminobutane Not specifically better service life Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (as inhalable aerosol 4-tert-Butylcatechol p-tert-Butylcatechol; 4-(1,1- (AIHAWEEL) 4-tert-Butyl pyrocatechol; 4-tert-Butyl 1-1,2-dihydroxy benzene tert-Butyl chromate 0.1 mg/m³ Chromic acid, di-tert-Butyl ester 1,2-Epoxybutane; 1-Butene oxide; OV (AIHAWEEL) 1,2-Butene oxide; 1,2-Butylene oxide; Epoxy-butane; BO n-Butyl glycidyl ether BGE; 1,2-Epoxy-3-butoxy-propane OV Lactic acid butylester o-sec-Butylphenol 2-sec-Butylphenol p-tert-Butyltoluene 3M 3510 Monitor.
Butal, Butaldehyde, Butalyde, Not specifical y (AIHAWEEL) Butanol, Butanaldehyde, Butyl approved, but better aldehyde, Butyral butyric aldehyde service life than OV Cadmium, elemental 0.002 mg/m3 TLV- and compounds (as Cd) 9 mg/m3 fume TWA for respirable Calcium arsenate 0.01 mg/m3 Tricalcium arsenate, Tricalcium o-arsenate, Cucumber dust Calcium carbonate Marble, Limestone Calcium chromate 0.001 mg/m3 Calcium chrome yellow Calcium cyanamide 0.5 mg/m3 Lime nitrogen, Calcium carbimide N95 Calcium fluoride (as F) 2.5 mg/m3 Fluorite, Fluorspar Calcium hydroxide 5 mg/m3* Calcium hydrate, Hy drat ed lime, * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Quicklime, Pebble lime Calcium silicate (as inhalable particulate mass) 10 mg/m3* Calcium metasilicate, Portland cement, Wallastonite Gypsum, Plaster of Paris 2-Camphonone, Synthetic (F)OV/N95 3M 3510 Monitor camphor, Gum camphor, Laurel (Inhalable aerosol and vapor) Aminocaproic lactam, 2-Oxohexamethyleneimine inhalable fraction 3.5 mg/m3 Channel black, Lamp black, Furnace black, Thermal black, Carbonic acid gas, Dry ice Carbon disulfide Carbon bisulfide, Carbon disulphide OV Carbon bisulphide, Carbon bisulfur, Dithiocarbonic anhydride, Carbon sulfide, Sulphocarbonic anhydride, Carbon tetrabromide Tetrabromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Tetrachloromethane 3M 3510 Monitor.
Carbonyl chloride Carbonyl fluoride Fluoroformyl fluoride, Carbon 10 mg/m3* Paper fiber Cesium hydroxide 0.5 mg/m3 Chloromycetin; Levomycetin; (AIHAWEEL) [R-(R*,R*)]-2,2-dichloro-N-[2- hydroxy-1-(hydroxy methyl)-2- Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 0.5 mg/m3 Hexachlorodiphenyl oxide provides warning. PEL-1 ppm ceiling.
Chlorine dioxide Chlorine oxide, Chlorine peroxide * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Chlorine trifluoride Chlorine fluoride Chloroacetaldehyde 2-Chloroethanal, Chloroacetaldehyde (40% aqueous) Monochloroacetone, 1-Chloro-2- propanone, Chloracetone a-Chloroacetophenone 16 Phenacyl chloride, Chloromethyl (F)OV/N95 Irritation also phenyl ketone, Phenyl provides warning chloromethyl ketone (tear gas) Chloroacetyl chloride Chloracetyl chloride Monochlorobenzene, Chlorobenzol, OV Phenyl chloride, MCB o-Chlorobenzylidene Chlorobromomethane Bromochloromethane, Methylene OV Poor warning. Short chlorobromide, CBM, Halon™ 1011 OV service life.
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoro- HCFC-142b, Dymel® 142b, Short OV service (AIHAWEEL) Genetron™ 142b, Chlorodifluoro- ethane, a-chloroethylidene fluoride 2-Chloro-1,3-butadine (See B-Chloroprene) Chlorodifluoromethane Warning unknown. Polychlorinated biphenyl, PCB (F)OV/P95 See Comment D, 0.5 mg/m3 Polychlorinated biphenyl, PCB (F)OV/P95 See Comment D, 1-Chloro,2,3-epoxy- (See Epichlorohydrin) propane2-Chloroethanol (See Ethylene chlorohydrin) (See Vinyl chloride) Trichloromethane 3M 3510 Monitor. bis-(2-Chloroisopropyl) DCIPE, Dichloroisopropyl ether bis-Chloromethyl ether Dichloromethylether, BCME, Chloro (chloromethoxy) methane, Chloromethyl ether Chloropentafluoro- Warning unknown. Short service life.
Nitrotrichloromethane, Trichloronitromethane, provides warning 2-Chloro-1,3-Butadiene; Chlorobutadiene; beta-Chloroprene * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 1-Chloro-2-propanol 1-Chloroisopropyl alcohol; 2-Chloro-1-propanol 2-Chloropropanol; 2-Chloropropyl OV alcohol; 1-Hydroxy-2-chloropropane; Propylene chlorohydrin 2-Chloropropionic Isopropyl chloride; 2-Propyl Short OV service life (AIHAWEEL) chloride, isoprid, 2-CP 2-Chloropropionic acid a-Chloropropionic acid Warning unknown. 3M 3510 Monitor.
Chlorosulfonic acid CSA, Chlorosulfuric acid (F)AG/N95 HCl, SO2 hydrolysis 2-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetra- Short OV service (AIHAWEEL) HCFC124, HFA124, Fluorocarbon 124 Chlorotrifluoroethylene CFE, CTFE, Trifluorovinylchloride, SA Short OV service (AIHAWEEL) Trifluorochloroethylene Chromates of lead and (See Lead, Zinc chromate) Chromium, metal and inorganic compounds –Metal and Cr III –Water-soluble Cr VI (includes Chromic acid) –Insoluble Cr VI Chromyl chloride Chromium oxychloride, Chlorochromic anhydride -Bituminous or lignite Coal tar pitch volatiles 700 mg/m3 (as Benzene solubles) respirators with 2096, 2097 or 7093C filters specifically recommended. See Comment F, page 9.
Cobalt, elemental and inorganic compounds Cobalt carbonyl (as Co) Ineffective sorbents * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Cobalt hydrocarbonyl Ineffective sorbents (as Co)Coke oven emissions 8247, 8577 or res- pirators with 2076HF, 2078, 2096 or 2097 filters specifically recommended. See Comment F, page 9. –Dust and mist Cotton dust (raw) for disposables, per OSHA cotton dust standard. If oil aerosol present, use Cresol (all isomers) (See Silica, crystalline) B-Methylacrolein, Propylene aldehyde, Crotontonic aldehyde 2.5 mg/m3 Greenland spar, Icetone Isopropyl benzene, 2-Phenyl Cumene hydroperoxide Isopropylbenzene hydroperoxide; CHP; a,a'-Dimethylbenzyl (AIHAWEEL) hydroperoxide; Cumyl Cyanogenamide, Carbodiimide Cyanides (as CN) Dicyan, Oxalonitrile Cyanogen chloride Poor warning. Short service life.
Hexahydrobenzene, provides warning. 3M 3510 Monitor.
Hexalin, Hydralin, Hydroxycyclohexane, Anol, Hexahydrophenol, Cyclohexyl * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Pimelic ketone, Cyclohexyl ketone OV Benzene tetrahydride Hexahydroaniline, 0.5 mg/m3 RDX; sym-Trimethylene trinitramine; Hexahydro-1,3,5- 1,3-Cyclopentadiene Warning unknown. Short OV service life.
Decabromodiphenyl DBDPO, Decabromodiphenyl ether, N95 (AIHAWEEL) bis-(pentabromophenyl) ether Decylene, alpha-decene Diacetone alcohol Diacetone, 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl- 2-pentanone, 2-Methyl-2-pentanol Di-2-propenylamine 1,2-Diaminoethane (See Ethylenediamine) Diatomaceous earth (uncalcined) Diazomethane Azimethylene, Diazirine Warning unknown. Dibromochloropropane Warning unknown. DBCP; 1,2-Dibromo- SA(F); no change schedule allowed.
1,2-Dibromoethane (See Ethylene dibromide) 1-Butanamine, n-Butyl, Di-n-butylamine, DNBA 2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol Dibutylaminoethanol; N,N-dibutyl- (F)OV N-(2-hydroxyethyl) amine preferable if heat * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Dibutyl phosphate Dibutyl acid-o-phosphate, Di-n-butyl hydrogen phosphate, Dibutyl Dibutyl phthalate DBP; Dibutyl; 1,2-Benzene- Dichloroacetic acid Acetic acid, dichloro-; 2,2-Dichloroacetic acid; Dichloroehanoic acid; Urmer's liquid Dichloroacetylene Warning unknown. Short OV service o-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene; o-Dichloro-benzol page 8. PEL-50 ppm ceiling. 3M 3510 p-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene; Dichloricide; (F)OV/N95 3M 3510 Monitor 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 2-Butylenedichloride; Dichlorodifluoromethane 50,000 Refrigerant 12, Freon® 12 Warning unknown. Short OV service life.
1,3-Dichloro-5,5- 0.2 mg/m3 Halane, Dactin Ethylidene chloride 1,2-Dichloroethane (See Ethylene dichloride) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (See Vinylidene chloride) 1,2-Dichloroethylene Acetylene dichloride, Dioform Dichloroethyl ether bis-(2-Chloroethyl) ether; PEL-15 ppm ceiling Refrigerant 21, Freon® 21, Warning unknown. Short OV service life. 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoro- Short OV service (AIHAWEEL) HFA141b, Fluorocarbon 141b (See Methylene chloride) Warning unknown. PEL-10 ppm ceiling.
2,4-Dichlorophenol R or P95 may also Phenol: 2,4-Dichloro be needed if material 1,2-Dichloropropane (See Propylene dichloride) 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropylene * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 2,2-Dichloropropionic (F)OV/N95 Warn ing unknown acidDichlorotetra- Freon® 114, Refrigerant 114, Warning unknown. Halon™ 242, FC-114 Short OV service life.
Dicyclopentadiene Dicyclopentadienyl iron 10 mg/m3* bis-Cyclopentadienyl iron 100 mg/m3 Astral oil, Gas oil, Coal oil, Fuel oil, OV/P95 (total hydrocarbons, Home heating oil, Marine diesel fuel vapor and aerosol) DEA, di-(2-Hydroxyethyl) amine AM not specifical y Diethylaminoethanol 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethylbenzenes, mixed DEB; Dowtherm J; 1,2-Diethylbenzene; 1,3-Diethylbenzene; 1,4-Diethylbenzene Diethylene glycol DEG; Diglycol; 2,2'-Dihydroxy- (AIHAWEEL) diethyl ether and G, pages 7 & 9 Diethylene glycol 2-(2-Ethoxyethoxy) ethanol, (AIHAWEEL) DiGGE, Diethylene glycol ethyl ether, Glycol ether DE, Carbitol, Dioxitol Diethylene triamine (See Ethyl ether) Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (See Di-sec-octyl phthalate) Metacetone, Propione, 3-Pentanone, Ethyl propionyl Diethyl phthalate Ethylphthalate, DEP Difluorodibromo- Dibromodifluoromethane, Freon® 12B2, DFBM 1,1-Difluoroethane HFC-152a, Freon® 152a, Ineffective sorbents (AIHAWEEL) Dymel® 152a, Genetron™ 152a, Ethylidene fluoride Refrigerant 32; R32; Hydrofluoro- Warning unknown. (AIHAWEEL) carbon 32 Diglycidyl ether di-(Epoxypropyl) ether; bis-(2,3- Epoxypropyl)-ether; 2-Epoxypropyl ether; Diallyl ether dioxide; DGE Dihydroxybenzene (See Hydroquinone) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Diisobutyl ketone 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone; sym- Diisopropylacetone; Isovalerone; Diisopropylamine Dimethoxymethane Dimethyl acetamide N,N-Dimethyl acetamide; DMAC Anhydrous dimethylamine AM not specifical y approved. Short OV service life.
Dimethylaminobenzene N,N-Dimethylaniline Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride Chloroformic acid dimethylamide; (F)MG Dimethyl carbamic chloride; Dimethylcarbamyl chloride; DMCC Dimethyldichlorosilane Dichlorodimethylsilane Dimethyl disulfide Dimethyldisulfide; Dimethyl disulphide; 2,3-Dithiabutane; DMDS Dimethylethoxysilane Ethoxydimethyl silane Methyl ether, Wood ether Dimethyl formamide N,N-Dimethyl formamide; DMF (See Diisobutyl ketone) 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine Dimethylphthalate 1,1-Dimethylpropyl acetate (See Pentyl acetate) Dimethyl sulfide DMS, Thiobis (methane) since H S may also Dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO, Methylsulfoxide * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Dimethyl terephthalate o-Dinitrobenzene, 1,2-Dinitrobenzene; m-Dinitrobenzene; 1,3-Dinitrobenzene; p-Dinitrobenzene, 3,5-Dinitro-o-toluamide Dinitolmide ; 2-Methyl-3, 5-dinitrobenzamide; Zoalene; Coccidin; Salcostat Diethylene dioxide; Diethylene ether; p-Dioxane; 1,4-Dioxane 1,3-Dioxacyclopentane; 1,3-Dioxolan; OV Dioxolane; 1,3-Dioxole, dihydroethylene glycol formal; Formal glycol; Glycolformal; Glycol methylene ether DPA, N-phenylaniline odor is a problem 4,4-Diphenylmethane (See Methylenebisphenyl Dipropylene glycol Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, Dowanol™ 50B Butyrane, 4-Heptanone Di-sec-octyl phthalate DOP, bis-(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate, Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, DEHP DVB, Vinylstyrene Dodecyl mercaptan 1-Dodecanethiol, n-Dodecyl R or P filter may be mercaptan, n-Lauryl mercaptan, needed with oily 1-Mercaptododecane 1,1-Dipheylethane with (as inhalable aerosol and/or vapor (AIHAWEEL) ethylated benzenes 10 mg/m3* Corundum Warning unknown. difluoromethyl ether; Ethrane Short OV service life. 3M 3510 Monitor.
2-Chloropropylene oxide; 3M 3510 Monitor. g-Chloropropylene oxide * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 1,2-Epoxypropane (See Propylene oxide) 2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol Dotycin, Erycin, Ericynum, (AIHAWEEL) E-Mycin™, Pentadecanoic acid Dimethyl ethane, Methylmethane Short OV service life Ethylolamine, Monoethanolamine, OV B-Aminoethyl alcohol, Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, Glycol monoethyl ether, Cellosolve® solvent 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate Cellosolve® acetate, Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate Acetic ester, Acetic ether, Acrylic acid ethyl ester Short OV service Anhydrous ethylamine, AM not specifically Aminoethane, Monoethylamine approved. Short OV service life.
Ethyl amyl ketone EAK, 5-Methyl-3-heptanone Phenylethane, Ethylbenzol Short OV service Ethyl butyl ketone Chloroethane, Monochloroethane, SA Hydrochloric ether Ethyl cyanoacrylate 2-Cyanoacrylic acid, ethyl ester; 2-Cyano-2 propenoic acid, ethyl ester; ECA; Ethyl alpha-cyanoacrylate; Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate; Ethyl 2-cyano- Ethyl tert-butyl ether tert-Butyl ethyl ether; 1.1-Dimethyl- OV ehtyl ether; ETBE; 2-Ethoxy-2- methylpropane; Ethyl tert-butyl oxide; Ethyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether Acetene, Bicarburetted hydrogen, SA(F) Elayl, Ethene, Olefiant gas Ethylene chlorohydrin 2-Chloroethanol, 2-Chloroethyl * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 1,2-Diaminoethane; Ethylene dibromide 1,2-Dibromoethane Ethylene dichloride Ethylene chloride; 1,2-Dichloroethane 3M 3510 Monitor.
Ethylene glycol, aerosol 60.3 mg/m3 100 mg/m3 Ethylene alcohol; Glycol; and G, pages 7 & 9 Ethylene glycol dinitrate 82 Glycol dinitrate, Nitroglycol Warning unknown. PEL-0.2 ppm ceiling.
Ethylene glycol methyl (See 2-Methoxyethyl acetate) ether acetateEthyleneimine Ethyleimine, Dimethylenimine, Poor warning. OSHA Dihydroazirine, Azirane, Aziridine, requires SA(F); see 29 CFR 1910.1003.
Dimethylene oxide; 1,2-Epoxy Poor warning. OSHA requires SA(F); no al owed. 3M 3550 Diethyl ether, Ethyl oxide, Ether Short service life. 3M 3530 Monitor.
Ethyl methanoate, Formic acid Short service life 2-Ethylhexanoic acid Butylethylacetic acid; (as inhalable aerosol and vapor) 2-Butylbutanoic acid; 2-Ethylcaproic acid; 2-Ethylhexoic acid; Ethylhexoic acid Ethylidene chloride (See 1,1-Dichloroethane) Ethylidene norbornene Ethanethiol, Ethyl sulfhydrate N-Ethylmorpholine 4-Ethylmorpholine Tetraethyl silicate, Ethyl Ferric/Ferrous salts, (See Iron salts) solubleFerrovanadium, dust Fibrous glass, dust (See Synthetic vitreous fibers - Continuous filament glass fibers) (as inhalable particles) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Fluorides (as F) 2.5 mg/m3 Synonyms vary depending upon specific compound Unknown reaction products with sorbent.
Fluorotrichloromethane Methylene oxide, Formalin provides warning. 3M 3720 Monitor.
Hydrogencarboxylic acid, 2-Furaldehyde, Furfuraldehyde, Furfuryl alcohol 2-Hydroxymethylfuran, 2-Furyl- Gallium arsenide Gallium monoarsenide Germanium tetrahydride Germane, Germanium hydride Warning unknown. Glass, fibrous or dust (See Synthetic vitreous fibers) 10 mg/m3* Glycerol 2-Hydroxymethyloxiran; Hydroxymethyl ethylene oxide; Epoxypropyl alcohol; 3-Hydroxy- propylene oxide; 2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol Glycidyl methacrylate Glycol monoethyl ether (See 2-Ethoxyethanol) 0.1 mg/m3 Ethanedial, Biformyl, Diformyl, (F)OV/N95 Short OV service for (as inhalable aerosol Oxaldehyde, 1,2-Ethanedione vapor at 10X OEL and/or vapor)Grain dust (oat, wheat, Graphite (natural) 2.5 mg/m3* Plumbago, Potelot, Corbo minerals, N95 (respirable) Black lead, Silver lead Graphite (synthetic) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments (See Calcium sulfate) compounds (as Hf)Halothane 2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1- Normal heptane, n-Heptane (See Methyl n-amyl ketone) (See Ethyl butyl ketone) Hexachlorobenzene 0.463 mg/m3 0.002 mg/m3 Perchlorobenzene Hexachlorocyclopenta- Hexachloroethane Hexachloronaphthalene 2 mg/m3 0.2 mg/m3 Halowax™ 1014 Hexafluoroacetone 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanone SA Warning unknown. Short OV service life.
1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro- HFC-236 fa; FC-236 fa; hydro- Ineffective sorbents (AIHAWEEL) fluorocarbon 236 fa; FE-13 Hexafluoropropylene 1,1,2,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-1-propene; SA Short OV service life. Hexafluoropropene; Perfluoro-1- propene; Perfluoropropylene; Perfluoropropene; Fluorocarbon Hexahydrophthalic 0.005 mg/m3 1,2-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid anhydride; Cyclohexane-1, 2-dicarboxylic anhydride, cis and (as inhalable vapor trans mixture; 1,2-Cyclohexanedi- carboxylic anhydride; Hexahydroph- thalic acid anhydride; Hexahydro-1, 3-isobenzofurandione; HHPA; HHPAA; 1,3-Isobenzofurandione, diisocyanateHexane (n-Hexane) Hexyl hydride, Normal hexane Hexane (other isomers) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 1,6-Hexanediamine Hexamethylenediamine; (AIHAWEEL) 1,6-diaminohexane; Hexanediol diacrylate HDODA; Propenoic acid, (AIHAWEEL) 1,6-hexanediol ester (See Methyl n-butyl ketone) Butyl ethylene; Hexene; Hex-1-ene; OV Hexene-n-1; Hexylene (See Methyl isobutyl ketone) sec-Hexyl acetate 1,3-Dimethylbutyl acetate; Methylamyl acetate; Methylisoamyl acetate; Methylisobutyl carbinol Mixture of 1-Methoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4, OV (AIHAWEEL) 4,4-nonafluorobutane (40%) and 3,3,3-hexafluoropropane (60%); Mixture of 1-Methoxyperfluorobu- tane (40%) and 1-Methyoxyper- fluoroisobutane (60%) Anhydrous hydrazine Hydrogenated terphenyls Hydrogen bromide Hydrobromic acid, HBr Not specifical y Hydrogen chloride Hydrochloric acid, HCl, Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid, Prussic acid 10X OEL maximum. Hydrogen fluoride Anhydrofluoric acid, HF, Etching acid, Fluorohydric acid, Fluoric acid Hydrogen peroxide Peroxide, Hydrogen dioxide Warning unknown. Hydrogen selenide Selenium hydride (as Se)Hydrogen sulfide Sulfuretted hydrogen, H S, Hydrosulfuric acid, Hepatic gas AG-escape (olfactory fatigue) Quinol; Dihydroxybenzene; (F)OV/N95 See Comment D, Hydrotreated kerosene * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2- (See Diacetone alcohol) pentanone 2-Hydroxypropyl compounds (as In)Iodine and Iodides (inhalable fraction and vapor) 0.000019-1.1 0.6 Iron oxide (as respirable particulate mass) Ferric oxide, Hematite, Burnt sienna, Burnt umber, Jeweler's rouge, Rouge Iron pentacarbonyl Warning unknown. Iron salts, soluble Ferrous sulfate and chloride; Ferric chloride, nitrate and sulfate (See Pentyl acetate) 3-Methyl-1-butanol, Isobutyl carbinol, Isopentyl alcohol, Fusel oil 1,1-Dimethylethene, 1,1-Dimethylethylene, Isobutylene, Isobutyl acetate 2-Methylpropyl acetate Isobutyl alcohol Isobutanol, IBA, 2-Methyl-1- Methylpropane; 2-methylpropane Short OV service life.
Isobutyl nitrate IBN; Nitrous acid, isobutyl (Inhalable aerosol and vapor) ester; Nitrous acid, 2-methylpropyl Isobutyraldehyde Isobutanal, 2-Methylpropanal, Short OV service life. Isobutyric aldehyde, Isobutyl aldehyde, 2-Methylpropionaldehyde, 2-Methyl-1- propanal, Valine aldehyde Isocyanuric acid s-Triazinetriol, preferable, if wet (AIHAWEEL) s-Triazine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione Isooctyl alcohol * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments 3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexene-1-one OV Isophorone diisocyanate Isophthalic acid 1,3-Dicarboxylic acid; (respirable) m-Phthalic acid; (AIHAWEEL) IA; IPA 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene Isopropoxyethanol IPE, Isopropyl glycol, Ethylene glycol monoisopropyl ether, Isopropyl Cellosolve® Isopropyl acetate Isopropyl ester of acetic acid, sec-Propyl acetate Monoisopropylamine, AM not specifical y N-Isopropylaniline o-Isopropylaniline, o-Amino- Diisopropyl ether Isopropyl glycidyl ether 1000 Isopropoxymethyl-oxiran; 1,2- Isopropyl epoxypropyl ether; IGE China clay, Aluminum silicate Carbomethene, Ethenone Warning unknown. 200 mg/m3 Deobase, Kerosine, Diesel No. 1 (Total hydrocarbon vapor) (See specific ingredients) Lead, elemental and inorganic compounds 0.012 mg/m3* Chrome orange, Red (See Calcium carbonate) (AIHAWEEL) cyclohexene; 4-isopropyl-1- methylcyclohexene; p-mentha- 1,8-diene; Cinene; Cajeputene Lithium fluoride (as F) * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Lithium hydroxide Lithium hydroxide Dilithium oxide, Lithium Liquefied petroleum gas, Warning unknown. Mixture with com- pounds with short OV service life.
Magnesium carbonate -Respirable fraction Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3* Magnesia fume Maleic anhydride (F)OV/N95 Poor warning Manganese, elemental compounds (as Mn) Manganese cyclopenta- Properties of vapor dienyl tricarbonyl (See Calcium carbonate) (inhalable) 2,4,6-Triamino-1,3,5-Triazine, (AIHAWEEL) Cyanuramide 2-Mercaptobenzo- Mercaptobenzothiazole; 2(3H)-Benzothiazolyl mercaptan; 2-Mercaptoethanol, 2ME, (AIHAWEEL) 2-Hydroxy-1-ethanethiol, 2-Thioethanol, Thioethyleneglycol, 0.025 mg/m3* Quicksilver, Hg –Alkyl compounds –Aryl compounds vapor pressure only * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Dust with essentially no vapor pressure only. Hg/N95 for volatile liquids.
Isobutenyl methyl ketone, Methyl (F)OV isobutenyl ketone, Isopropylidene Methacrylic acid a-Methacrylic acid Biogas; Fire damp; Marsh gas; Short OV service life. Methylhydride; Natural gas; R 50 (refrigerant) (See Methyl mercaptan) 2-Methoxyethanol Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, OV Methyl Cellosolve® 2-Methoxyethyl acetate 4000 Ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate, Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, Methyl Cellosolve® acetate p-Methoxyphenol, Hydroquinone N95 3-Methoxypropyl amine 1-Propanimine, 3-Methoxy provides warning. AM not specifical y Acetic acid, methyl ester; Methyl acetic ester; Methyl ethanoate Methyl acetylene Propyne, Allylene Warning unknown. service life.
Methyl acetylene MAPP gas, Methyl acetylene-allene SA propadiene mixture mixture, Propyne-allene mixture Methyl propenoate Methylacrylonitrile 2-Methyl-2-propenenitrile, Isoprene SA Dimethyoxymethane, Methyl formal, Formal, Dimethylacetal Methanol, Wood alcohol, Carbinol SA Methyl amyl alcohol Methyl isobutyl carbinol * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Methyl n-amyl ketone n-Amyl methyl ketone, 2-Heptanone OV Monomethyl aniline, MA, Short OV service life. Use of 60928Cartridge/ Filter recommended by 3M; not specifical y approved for methyl 2-Methylbutyl acetate (See Pentyl acetate) Methyl n-butyl ketone Methyl Cellosolve® (See 2-Methoxyethanol) Methyl Cellosolve® acetate (See 2-Methoxyethyl acetate) Methyl chloroform 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate Methylcyclohexane Cyclohexylmethane, Methylcyclohexanol Hexahydrocresols o-Methylcyclohexanone 2500 2-Methylcyclohexanone SA preferable if manganese tricarbonyl (as Mn)Methylenebisphenyl MDI; 4,4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate; Methylene-bis- (4-phenyl isocyanate) Methylene chloride Dichloromethane, Methylene SA(F); no change schedule allowed. Short OV service life. 3M 3530 Monitor.
4,4'-Methylene-bis- MOCA; DACPM; 4,4'-Methylene (2-chloroaniline) Methylene-bis-(4- cyclohexylisocyanate)4,4'-Methylene dianiline Warning unknown. Use OV/N100 if heat is involved. See 29 CFR 1910.1050.
Methyl ethyl ketone * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Methyl ethyl ketone Methyl ethyl ketoxime 2-Butanone oxime, MEKO Methyl methanoate, Formic acid, SA Short OV service 5-Methyl-3-heptanone (See Ethyl amyl ketone) Methyl hydrazine Monomethyl hydrazine Warning unknown. Short OV service Methyl isoamyl ketone 5-Methyl-2-hexanone, 2-Methyl- Methyl isobutyl carbinol (See Methyl amyl alcohol) Methyl isobutyl ketone 3000 Methyl isocyanate Isocyanic acid, methyl ester Methyl isopropyl ketone MIPK, 3-Methyl-2-butanone Methyl mercaptan Mercaptomethane; Methanediol; Methyl sulfhydrate; Thiomethyl alcohol Methyl methacrylate Methacrylic acid, methyl ester 1-Methylnaphthalene a-Methylnaphthalene; a-Methyl naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene B-Methylnaphthalene; B-Methyl naphthalene Methyl propyl ketone MPK, 2-Pentanone, Ethyl acetone (F)OV n-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone NMP; 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone; m-Pyrol; n-Methyl pyrrolidone Tetramethoxy silane a-Methyl styrene 1-Methyl-1-phenyl-ethylene, AMS OV ppm ceiling.
Methyl tert-butyl ether tert-Butyl methyl ether; Methyltrichlorosilane Trichloromethylsilane (F)AG/N95 Irritation provides * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Methyl vinyl ketone Acetyl ethylene; 3-Buten-2-one; 3-Butene-2-one; Butenone; d(3)-2-Butenone; Methylene acetone; Methyl vinyl acetone; g-Oxo-a-Butylene (less than 1% quartz) (See Stoddard solvent) Mineral (rock), wool fiber (See Synthetic vitreous fibers–Glass, Rock or Slag wool fibers) Molybdenum (as Mo) –Soluble compounds (as respirable particulate) –Insoluble compounds (as inhalable particulate) (as respirable particulate) Monochloroacetic acid MCAA, Chloroethanoic acid (as inhalable fraction and vapor) Monochlorobenzene (See Chlorobenzene) Monomethyl aniline (See Methyl aniline) Monomethyl hydrazine (See Methyl hydrazine) Tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine; Diethylenimide oxide Naphtha (coal tar) Naphtha, Crude solvent coal tar naphtha, High solvent naphtha, provides warning.
White tar, Naphthalin 3M 3510 Monitor. Natural rubber latex 0.0001 mg/m3 Caoutchouc; India rubber; (as inhalable total Natural latex; Natural rubber; NRL; Polyisoprene; Rubber –Elemental/metal –Insoluble compounds –Soluble compounds Nickel tetracarbonyl sorbent effective- Nickel subsulfide 0.5 mg/m3 3-(1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidyl) pyridine Aqua fortis, White fuming nitric Ineffective sorbents acid (WFNA), Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA), Hydrogen nitrate * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Nitrogen monoxide, NO Ineffective sorbents Azoic diazo component 37, p-Aminonitro-benzene, Fast red GG base, 4-Nitroaniline, PNA Nitrobenzol, Oil of mirbane p-Nitrochlorobenzene 4-Chloronitrobenzene, p-Chloronitrobenzene, Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen tetroxide, NTO, Dinitrogen SA Ineffective sorbents. tetroxide, Nitrogen peroxide PEL-5 ppm ceiling.
Nitrogen trifluoride Nitrogen fluoride Warning unknown. Nitroglycerin (NG) Glyceryl trinitrate, Trinitroglycerin sec-Nitropropane 5-Nitro-o-toluidine (Inhalable particulate matter) 5-Nitro-2-toluidine; Azoic Diazo Compound 12 Nitrotrichloromethane (See Chloropicrin) Dinitrogen monoxide Warning unknown. Octachloronaphthalene 0.1 mg/m3 Halowax™ 1051 Octane (all isomers) Normal octane; Isooctane Alcohol C-8, Capryl alcohol, (AIHAWEEL) Heptyl carbinol, n-Octanol, 1-Hydroxyoctane, N-Octyl alcohol a-Octylene, a-Octene Oil mist (mineral) White mineral oil, Cutting oil, Heat- R or P95 treating oil, Hydraulic oil, Cable oil, method that does not collect vapor. 0.005 mg/m3 TLV- TWA proposed for oils that contain PNAs.
* TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Osmium tetroxide Oxalic acid dihydrate, Ethane dioic acid p,p'-Oxybis (Benzene- 0.1 mg/m3 Benzenesulfonic acid, 4,4'-Oxybis- N95 sulfonyl hydrazide) dihydrazide; OBSH; Diphenyl ether 4,4'-disulfohydrazide Oxygen difluoride Difluorine monoxide, Fluorine Triatomic oxygen 6000 with 2078 or 2097 filters recom- –Moderate work mended by 3M for 10X OEL. Not NIOSH approved for ozone. Paraffin wax fume Particulate polycyclic (See Coal tar pitch volatiles) aromatic hydrocarbons Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated Nuisance particulates This category includes many materials. For -Respirable fraction oils, and R or P95 filter/ respirator is (See Chlorodiphenyl) Stable pentaborane, Pentaboron Pentachloronaphthalene 0.5 mg/m3 Halowax™ 1013 10 mg/m3* Tetramethylolmethane PETA; 2-Propenoic acid, 2- (AIHAWEEL) (hydroxymethyl)-2-[[(1-oxo-2 propenyl) oxy] methyl]-1,3- 1,1,1,2,2-Pentafluoro- Pentafluoroethane; HFC-125; Ineffective sorbents (AIHAWEEL) Fluorocarbon 125 Pentane, all isomers (See Methyl propyl ketone) 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoro- HFC-245fa, R-245fa, (AIHAWEEL) Genetron 245fa * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Isoamyl acetate, 1-pentanol acetate, OV 2-pentanol acetate, 3-Pentyl acetate, 2-Methylbutyl acetate, 1,1-Dimethyl- Perchloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene, Perk PMM, Trichloromethyl sulfur Perchloryl fluoride Chlorine oxyfluoride Perfluorobutyl ethylene 1-Hexane, 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6, Short OV service life 6-nonafluoro; 1H, 1H, 2H-Perflourohexene; PFBE Perfluoroisobutylene Octafluoroisobutylene, Warning unknown. Octafluoro-sec-butene, PFIB Short OV service (Call 3M at 1-800-243-4630) Petroleum distillates Petroleum naphtha, Aliphatic petroleum naphtha, Petroleum ether (95 to 115°C), Naphtha (See Gasoline, Stoddard solvent and VM&P Naphtha) Phenacyl chloride Carbolic acid, Monohydroxy m-Phenylenediamine 0.1 mg/m3 1,3-Benzenediamine; m-Diaminobenzene o-Phenylenediamine 0.1 mg/m3 1,2-Benzenediamine; o-Diaminobenzene; Orthamine p-Phenylenediamine 0.1 mg/m3 p-Diaminobenzene; 1,4-Diamino- Phenyl ether, vapor Diphenyl ether, Diphenyl oxide Phenyl ether-biphenyl Dowtherm™ A, Diphenyl oxide- diphenyl mixture Phenyl glycidyl ether Glycidyl phenyl ether; Phenyl epoxypropyl ether; 1,2-Epoxy-3- phenoxy propane; PGE Hydrazinobenzene Phenyl mercaptan Benzenethiol, Thiophenol * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Carbonyl chloride, Carbon oxychloride, Chloroformyl chloride Hydrogen phosphide, Phosphorus SA hydride, Phosphorated hydrogen White phosphoric acid, N95 with appropriate o-phosphoric acid, m-phosporic acid 2-Phosphono-1,2,4- butanetricarboxylic acid Phosphorus (yellow) 0.1 mg/m3 White phosphorus, WP If no phosphorus vapor or phosphine Phosphorus oxychloride Phosphoryl chloride Phosphoric chloride pentachloridePhosphorus pentasulfide 750 mg/m3 Phosphoric sulfide Phosphorus trichloride 50 Phosphorus chloride Phthalic anhydride PAN; 1,3-Isobenzofurandione m-Phthalodinitrile Isophthalodinitrile, IPN, a-Picoline, 2-Methyl-pyridine b-Picoline, 3-Methyl-pyridine g-Picoline, 4-Methyl-pyridine 0.0005 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol, Lyddite, Pertite, Shimose, Melinite Dihydrochloride salt of Hexahydropyridine Plaster of Paris (See Calcium sulfate) Platinum (as Pt) –Soluble salts Polychlorinated biphenyls (See Chlorodiphenyls) Polyethylene glycols PEG, Polyoxyethylene, PGE * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Polypropylene glycols Polyvinyl chloride Cloroethylene homopolymer, Cloroethylene polymer, Cloroethene polymer, Polychloroethylene, Vinyl Chloride homoploymer, Vinyl chloride polymer, PVC 10 mg/m3* Hydraulic cement, Cement, (less than 1% quartz) Portland cement silicate Potassium bromate 0.1 mg/m3 Bromic acid, Potassium salt Potassium hydroxide Caustic potash, Lye, Potassium hydrate Dimethyl methane n-Propane; Ineffective sorbents Propane, various grades Alcohol, n-Propyl alcohol, 1-Propanol, Ethylcarbinol Isopropanol, IPA, Isopropyl alcohol, F(OV) sec-Propyl alcohol provides warning. Propargyl alcohol Propargyl bromide Bromopropyne; Propyne, 3-bromo; OV 1-Bromo-2-propyne; 3-Bromopropyne, warning properties 2-Propenoic Acid, Isooctyl acrylate; IOA Hydroacrylic acid, beta-lactone; 3-Hydroxypropionic acid; Propiolactone; 3-Hydroxy-beta- lactone; beta-Proprolactone; BPL 1-Propanal, Methylacetaldehyde, SA service life.
Methylacetic acid, Ethylformic acid (F)OV n-Propyl acetate Propylacetate; Acetic acid, Propene, Methylethene, Methylethylene, 1-Propane, Propylene dichloride 1,2-Dichloropropane Propylene glycol –Vapor and aerosol 1,2-Propanediol; 1,2-Dihydroxy- (AIHAWEEL) propane; Methyl glycol Propylene glycol 1,2-Propylene glycol dinitrate; * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Propylene glycol 1-Methoxy-2-propanol monomethyl ether Propylene glycol Glycol ether PM acetate; Warning unknown. monomethyl ether (AIHAWEEL) PGMEA; 1-Methyoxy-2- 3M 3510 Monitor. propanol acetate; 2-Methoxy- 1-methylethyl acetate; 2-Methylaziridine 1,2-Epoxypropane; Propene oxide; OV Methyloxirane; 2,3-Epoxypropane; 1,2-Propylene oxide n-Propyl nitrate Nitric acid n-propylester (See Methyl acetylene) Azabenzene, Azine (See Silica, crystalline) Chinoline, Leukoline, 1-Benzazine, (F)OV (AIHAWEEL) 1-Azana-phthalene, Lencol m-Dihydroxybenzene; preferable if heat is –Insoluble compounds –Soluble compounds (See Naphtha [coal tar]) compounds (as Se) Selenium hexafluoride 5 Warning unknown. (See Silicon tetrahydride) Silica, amorphous –Diatomateous earth 0.80 mg/m3 Diatomite, Silicon dioxide divided by %SiO2) Silica, crystalline * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments -Respirable fraction - Nonfibrous particles (containing no asbestos and <1% cystalline silica) Inhalable particulate mass Respirable particulate mass (including whiskers) Respirable fibers Silicon tetrahydride Silver, metal and soluble compounds (as Ag) Massive talc, Steatite, Soapstone N95 (respirable) silicate –as Sodium azide –as Hydrazoic acid Warning unknown. Sodium bisulfite Sodium hydrogen sulfite N95 alone suitable if irritation eliminated Sodium chloroacetate 2.5 mg/m3 Monoxone, Sodium (AIHAWEEL) monofluoroacetate, Chloroacetic acid, Sodium salt Sodium fluoroacetate 0.05 mg/m3 1080, Sodium monofluoroacetate, N95 Sodium hydroxide Caustic soda, Soda lye, Lye Sodium hypochlorite Hypochlorous acid, sodium salt; (AIHAWEEL) Sodium oxychloride Sodium metabisulfite Sodium pyrosulfite N95 alone suitable if irritation eliminated 10 mg/m3* Corn starch Aluminum stearate, Calcium stearate, Glyceryl stearate, Lithium stearate, Potassium stearate, Zinc Hydrogen antimonide, Antimony Warning unknown. Stoddard solvent Dry cleaning safety solvent, Strontium chromate 0.0005 mg/m3 Strontium yellow, C.I. pigment yellow 32 * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Phenylethylene, Vinyl benzene, Cinnamene, Styrene monomer Proteolytic enzymes as 100% Difficult to measure crystalline enzyme sampling data.
10 mg/m3* Table sugar, Saccharose Irritation and taste also provide warning Sulfur hexafluoride Warning unknown. 0.2 mg/m3 Hydrogen sulfate; Matting acid; N95 with appropriate Oil of vitriol; Sulphuric acid; particulate mass) Vitriol brown oil irritation prevented Sulfur monochloride Sulfur chloride, Sulfur subchloride (F)AG Sulfur pentafluoride Disulfur decafluoride Sulfur tetrafluoride Sulfuryl fluoride Warning unknown. Synthetic vitreous fibers –Continuous filament –Glass wool fibers –Refractory ceramic fibers –Rock wool fibers –Slag wool fibers –Special purpose glass fibersTalc (containing no Hydrous magnesium silicate, (respirable) Steatite talc, Non-fibrous talc, Non-asbestiform talc Talc (containing asbestos) Tantalum, metal and oxide dusts (as Ta) compounds (as Te)Tellurium hexafluoride 1 Warning unknown. * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Terephthalic acid p-Phthalic acid; TPA; Benzene-p-dicarboxylic acid; 1,4 Benzenedicarboxylic acids, o-Terphenyl, m-Terphenyl, p-Terphenyl, Mixed terphenyls, preferable if heat Diphenyl benzenes Acetylene tetrabromide, (as inhalable fraction and vapor) Muthmann's liquid, Tetrabromoethane, Tetrabromoethylene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro- Refrigerant 112a; Halocarbon 112a; OV 2,2-difluoroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro- Refrigerant 112, Halocarbon 112, OV 1,2-difluoroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro- Acetylene tetrachloride Tetrachloroethylene (See Perchloroethylene) Tetrachloromethane (See Carbon tetrachloride) Tetrachloronaphthalene Halowax™, Seekay wax, Nibren Pyridine, 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro Tetrachlorosilane Silicon tetrachloride, Silicon Warning unknown. Reacts rapidly with moisture yielding HCI and silica.
Tetraethylene glycol TTEGDA; 2-Propionic acid, oxy-bis- OV/P95 (AIHAWEEL) (2,1-ethane-diyoxy-2,1-ethanediol) Tetraethylene pentamine 1,2-Ethandiamine, N-(2-aminoethyl) F(OV) -N'-(2-((2-amino)ethyl); Tetran 1,4,7, (AIHAWEEL) 10,13-Pentaazatridecane; DEH 26; TEPA; Tetraethyl pentamine 0.075 mg/m3 TEL, Lead tetraethyl, Motor fuel anti-knock compound Tetrafluoroethane, HFC134a, Ineffective sorbents (AIHAWEEL) HFA134a, Fluorocarbon 134a Tetrafluoroethylene Perfluoroethene; Perfluoroethylene; SA TFE Tetrafluoroethene; 1,1,2,2- Diethylene oxide, Tetramethylene OV Tetrahydrofurfuryl (AIHAWEEL) Tetrahydro-2-furancarbinol; Tetrahydro-2 furylmethanol; THFA * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) Proban CC; Pyroset TKC; Retardol C; N95 phosphonium chloride THPC; Tetrahydroxymethyl phosphonium chloride Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) Octakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate phosphonium sulfate; Pyroset TKO; Retardol S; THPS; bis tetrakis- (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate Tetramethyl lead 0.075 mg/m3 TML, Lead tetramethyl, Motor fuel OV anti-knock compound succinonitrile, vapor Tetranitromethane 1.5 mg/m3 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl- methylnitramine; Nitramine; Tetralite –Elemental and soluble 20 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 Thallium acetate, Thallium compounds (as TI) carbonate, Thallium hydroxide, etc.
10 mg/m3* 4,4'-Thiobis(3-methyl-6-tert-butyl N95 Thioglycolic acid Mercaptoacetic acid, Thioranic Thionyl chloride Sulfurous oxychloride, Sulfur Thiram (inhalable 0.05 mg/m3 TMT, TMTD,TMTDS, fraction and vapor) –Metal and inorganic –Organic compounds Titanium dioxide 10 mg/m3* Rutile, Anatase, Brookite Titanium tetrachloride 0.5 mg/m3 Titanium chloride Aantisal 1a; Methacide; Methylbenzol; Methyl benzene; Monomethyl benzene; Tol, Tolu-sol; Toluol; Phenyl methane; Methyl benzene * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Diaminotoluene; TDA; 2,4 or 2,6-Toluene diisocyanate 2,6-diisocyanate (or as a mixture) p-Toluenesulfonyl (F)OV/AG/N95 See Comment D, chloride, Tosyl chloride p-toluene sulfuric acid produced by o-Methylaniline; Tributyl phosphate Tri-n-butyl phosphate, TBP Trichloroacetic acid 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (See Methyl chloroform) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Vinyl trichloride, Warning unknown. b-Trichloroethane 3M 3510 Monitor.
Trichloroethylene Ethylene trichloride, Triclene™, Trichlorofluoromethane 10,000 FC-11, Freon® 11, Fluorotri- Short OV service chloromethane, Trichloromono- Trichloronaphthalene Halowax™, Seekay wax, Trichloronitromethane (See Chloropicrin) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1000 Allyl trichloride, Glycerol trichlorohydrin, Glycerin Silicochloroform 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- Halocarbon 113, Refrigerant 113, SA Short OV service TTE, Freon® 113, FC-113 * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments (See Silica, crystalline) Daltogen; 2,2',2"-Nitrilo- Warning unknown. triethanol; Sterolamide; TEA; Trihydroxytriethylamine Silane, triethoxy N-Trimethylamine; N, AIHA WEEL is lower (AIHAWEEL) N-Dimethylmethanamine; TMA than TLV of 5 ppm. AM suggested, not specifically approved Triethylene glycol TREGDA; 2-Propenoic acid, (AIHAWEEL) 2-ethanediyl-bis-(oxy-2,1-ethanediyl) Triethylenetetramine N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2,ethane OV diamine; 1,4,7,10-Tetraazadecane; page 8. R or P filter, 1,8-diamino-3,6-diazaoctane; 3,6- if filter is required. diazaoctane-1,8-diamine; Trientine; Trifluorobromomethane 50,000 Halon™ 1301, Halocarbon 13B1, Short OV service Refrigerant 13B1, Bromotrifluoromethane, 1,1,1-Trifluoro-2,2- HCFC-123; FC-123; Short OV service Hydrofluorocarbon 123 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane HFC-143a; FC-143a; Ineffective sorbents (AIHAWEEL) Hydrofluorocarbon 143a 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol Ethanol, 2,2,2-Trifluoro; Warning unknown. (AIHAWEEL) 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl alcohol; TFE 1,3,5-Triglycidyl-s- 0.05 mg/m3 Araldite PT-810; TEPIC; 1,3,5- Trimellitic anhydride 0.0005 mg/m3 TMA , TMAN, Anhydrotrimellitic acid, Trimellitic acid anhydride Trimethoxysilane N-Trimethylamine; AIHAWEEL is lower (AIHAWEEL) N,N-Dimethylmethanamine; TMA than TLV of 5 ppm. AM not specifical y Trimethyl benzene Mesitylene, Pseudocumene, Trimethylchlorosilane Chlorotrimethylsilane; trimethylchloro silicane; * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Trimethyl phosphite Phosphorus acid trimethylester, Trimethylolpropane 2-Propenoic acid, 2-ethyl-2(((1- (AIHAWEEL) oxo-2-propenyl) oxy) methyl)-1,3- propanediyl ester Trimethylolpropane Acrylic acid, triester w/2-ethyl (AIHAWEEL) 2 (hydroxymethyl) 1,3 propanediol 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol (See Picric acid) 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 0.1 mg/m3* TNT, Trinitrotoluol, Trinitrotoluene, OV/N95 sym-Trinitrotoluene 0.1 mg/m3 o-Tritolyl phosphate, TCP, TOCP Triphenyl phosphate Phenyl phosphate, TPP OV/N95 preferable (See Silica, crystalline) Trisodium phosphate TSP, Sodium o-phosphate with appropriate eye/face protection. –Insoluble compounds –Soluble compounds Turpentine (wood) Gumspirits, Turps, Wood turpentine, Gum turpentine Carbamide, Carbonyldiamide, (AIHAWEEL) Carbonyldiamine, isourea Pentanal, Valeric aldehyde Vanadium pentoxide, 0.05 mg/m3* Vanadic anhydride, respirable dust or (respirable) Vanadium oxide fume (as V2O5)Vegetable oil, mists -Respirable fraction 1-Acetoxyethylene, Ethenyl acetate (F)OV * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments Warning unknown. Short OV service Chloroethylene, Chloroethene, OSHA allows OV for Monochloroethylene, VC, Vinyl chloride monomer, VCM CFR 1910.1017.
(See Acrylonitrile) 4-Vinylcyclohexene 4-Vinyl-1-cyclohexene; 4-Vinylcyclohexene-1- butadiene dimer; cyclohex-1-ene; VCH Vinyl cyclohexene Vinylcyclohexane dioxide, Vinylhexane dioxide Fluoroethene, Fluoroethylene, Warning unknown. Monofluoroethylene Short service life.
Vinylidene chloride 1,1-Dichloroethylene; VDC Vinylidene fluoride 1,1-Difluoroethene; 1,1-Difluoro- Warning unknown. ethylene; Ethene, 1,1-difluoro; Ineffective sorbents. Ethylene, 1,1-difluoro; Halocarbon 1132A; VDF; Vinylidene difluoride N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone Vinylbutyrlactam; Vinylpyrrolidinone; 1-Vinylpyrrolidinone; N-Vinylpyrrolidinone; Methylstyrene, Tolyethylene Vinyltrichlorosilane Trichlorovinylsilane; Trichlorovinyl silicon; Vinylsilicon trichloride; Silane (AIHAWEEL) trichlorovinyl; Silane trichloroethenyl; trichlorovinyl silicane Varnish Makers' & Painters' (All varieties except Western Red Cedar) (Western Red Cedar) Xylene (o-, m-, and 1,2-Dimethyl-benzene; 1,3-Dimethyl-benzene; * TLV is lower than PEL.
NOTE: For explanation of column headings, refer to Format Explanation starting on page 3.
(to 10X OEL) Comments m-Xylene a,a'-diamine Aminodiymethyl benzene, (as inhalable aerosol Aminoxylene dimethylaniline, Yttrium, metal and Specific compound compounds (as Y)Zinc chloride, fume Zinc chromate (as Cr) 0.01 mg/m3* Basic zinc chromate, Zinc potassium chromate, Zinc yellow (Respirable particulate mass) Zincite, Zinc white 10 mg/m3* Synpro stearate, Zinc distearate, compounds (as Zr) * TLV is lower than PEL.
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5SES HEALTH HAZARD DATA !NALYZES COMBINATIONS OF OVER  DIFFERENT CONTAMINANTS to calculate proper in varying concentrations. solutions when multiple contaminants are present /3(! REQUIRES AN AUDIT TRAIL 6IEW OR PRINT THE AUDIT TRAIL BASED ON THE CONTAMINANTS AND CONCENTRATIONS YOUVE 3M™ Health and Safety Software Library Note to printer: This outside back cover is a fold-in. This top edge is the Spine Edge. 2-color Data for this guide compiled For More Information December 2008.
Always refer to latest TLV Guide and OSHA standards for possible changes and rulings.
Dalapon and Triclene are trademarks of Diamond Shamrock.
Dowenol and Dowtherm are trademarks of Dow Chemical.
To sign up to receive the updated 2010 Respirator Cellosolve, Dymel and Freon are registered trademarks of Selection Guide, visit
E-Mycin is a trademark of Upjohn Pharmaceuticals.
Genetron is a trademark of Honeywell.
Halon is a trademark of Allied Chemical.
Halowax is a trademark of Bakelite Corp./Union Carbide.
Airstream and Air-Mate are trade marks of 3M.
Windows 3.1, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows for Workgroups are registered trademarks of Microsoft.
Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Division
3M Center, Building 235-2W-70 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 3M 2009. 70-0714-8826-9


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