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Microsoft word - updated offsite dmp-jalna 2013.doc

GOVT. OF MAHARASHTRA OFF SITE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR JALNA DISTRICT Office of Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Aurangabad. In the recent past, we have experienced Industrial Disasters of serious nature. One of which is Bopal tragedy, one cannot forget. The outcome of such disasters resulted in tremendous increase in awareness of people all over the world. Governments of various countries world-wide have taken prompt action in preventing such Disasters & formalising mitigation activities in case of eventualities. Various groups, institutions, authorities are constantly working / updating such action plans. Under the leadership of District Collector Mr. Shyam Deshpnade & Technical guidance of Mr. B.N.Kalaskar Jt. Director DISH, this Disaster Control plan is prepared. The objective of this plan is to increase awareness of Industry Management in view of mitigating the eventualities & to provide them necessary information with regard to resources available in the District. This plan deals with Industrial Disasters only. One MAH unit is identified by DISH office & list of other chemical handling factories has been given herewith. In the year 1989, Central Govt. enforced the rules "Environment Protection Act" known as Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989. Under the said rules statutory provisions were laid down for preparation of On-site Emergency Management Plan by the occupiers of the Major Accident Hazard factories & Off-site Disaster Control Plan by the District Collector / District Emergency Authority designated by State Govt. The Central Govt. subsequently Gazzeted additional rules in August 1996 making additional provisions with regard to Emergency Planning Preparedness & Response for chemical accidents. These rules are known as "Chemical Accidents" (Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response) Rules 1996. Under these rules Central / State / District / Local crises groups are required to be constituted. The District crises group has to assist in the preparation of the District Off- Site Disaster Control Plan. This off-site Disaster Control Plan is prepared taking into consideration aforesaid legal requirement.

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WARNER-LAMBERT V ACTAVIS – DO WE HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SYSTEM FOR ENFORCING SECOND MEDICAL USE PATENTS IN THE UK? Why is this important? Increasingly, unmet medical needs are being met by "repurposing" of old medicines for new diseases. Before such medicines may be used to treat patients for the new disease, expensive research including clinical trials must usually be performed. One mechanism to incentivise this research is to grant innovator companies exclusivity for the new indications through second medical use patents. Thus, there is a public policy argument for granting second medical use patents, and to ensuring that these patents are enforceable. On the other hand, generic versions of innovative drugs should be allowed on to the


Volume 2, Number 1, June 2009 ISSN 1995-6681 Pages 1 -6 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Air Pollution at Al-Hashimeya Sana'a Abed El-Raoof Odat * Department of Earth Science and Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment,Hashemite University, Jordan Abstract

Indicators of ADHD symptoms FECHA DE RECEPCIÓN: 23 de junio in virtual learning context using FECHA DE APROBACIÓN: 17 de julio Pp. 22-37 machine learning technics Laura Patricia Mancera Valetts* Indicadores de síntomas ADHD en Silvia Margarita Baldiris Navarro** el contexto de aprendizaje virtual,



May-July. 2012, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1257-1266. e- ISSN: 2249 –1929 Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences An International Peer Review E-3 Journal of Sciences Available online at Section A: Chemical Sciences CODEN (USA): JCBPAT Research Article

La sante sur le chemin

La santé sur le chemin Le bourdon de St Jacques serait une transposition chrétienne du caducée d'Hermès (B. Gicquel), d'où les pouvoirs de guérison attribués à St Jacques, qui certes vous protègera sur le Chemin. Mais avant de passer en rampant sous le rocher-barque de Muxia, qui vous guérira de vos maux, il vous faudra gérer vous-même votre santé. Marcher une semaine, un mois ou deux mois d'affilée nécessite un peu de préparation et quelques précautions Nous verrons aussi les problèmes les plus courants sur le Chemin et que mettre dans la trousse de premier secours. PREPARATION Pas besoin d'être un grand alpiniste pour faire le chemin de Compostelle, il y a peu de dénivelé et peu de sentiers : on marche sur de larges chemins de terre ou sur de petites routes goudronnées. Si vous avez peu d'entraînement à la marche, faites quelques randonnées avant de partir (mais pas besoin de faire 30 km avec 20 kilos sur le dos). Puis vous démarrerez le Chemin par des étapes courtes (8, 10, 15 km ?), que vous allongerez au fur et à mesure en fonction de votre forme. Beaucoup de pèlerins couvrent 20-25 km par jour, mais d'autres font des étapes de 15 ou 35 km. Vous vous retrouverez en fait rapidement avec un groupe de gens qui font la même longueur d'étape que vous. PRECAUTIONS Le pied doit être à l'aise, donc

Nano Res. 2011, 4(3): 290–296 Nano Res. 2011, 4(3): 290–296 DOI 10.1007/s12274-010-0081-x CN Research Article Hybrid Silicon-Carbon Nanostructured Composites as Superior Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries Po-Chiang Chen1, Jing Xu1, Haitian Chen2, and Chongwu Zhou2 () 1 Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA2 Ming-Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Received: 6 October 2010 / Revised: 13 November 2010 / Accepted: 13 November 2010 © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

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Journal of Basic and Applied Advances in Sciences Vol. 4, No. 1 (2016), 34-38 Effect of memory improvement by a cholinergic agonist on morphine-conditioned place preference in mice Department of Biology, Fars Science and Research Branch, Fars, Iran Abstract This research aims at studying the effect of memory improvement by a cholinergic agonist ,donepezil, on creating morphine dependence in mice using conditioned place preference(CPP) method.The donepezil was dissolved in distilled water and was administered subcutaneously at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg. The mice received 10 mg/kg morphine subcutaneously. In the conditioning stage that lasted for 8 days, different groups of mice, after receiving the treatment were randomly placed in compartment for 30 minutes. The post-conditioning stage included the fourth, the ninth days ( that is a 24h after the last session), the twelfth day ( that is 96h after the last session) and the sixteenth day ( that is a 192h after the last session).The results showed a significant decrease (p≤0.05) in the place preference of morphine+donepezil group compared with the morphine group.This last for eight days after quitting the use of this drug.According to the results of study, donepezil through Ach increase ,inhibits the activity of dopaminergic neurons and reduces the morphine-addiction. Keywords: Memory, cholinergic agonist, morphine, donepezil, CPP, mice

International Journal of PharmTech Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 Vol. 3, No.1, pp 187-192, Jan-Mar 2011 Withania somnifera: A Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb for the Treatment of various Human ailments Veena Sharma*, Sadhana Sharma, Pracheta, Ritu Paliwal Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Banasthali University,

high power flashlight TacTicalXTOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEdIENUNGSANlEITUNG MOdE d´EMPlOI MANUAl dE INSTRUCCIONES OPERATION BEdIENUNG UTIlISATION USO Reflector housing 4 Pushbutton Boîtier du Bouton poussoir réflecteur CLiCk: on 2 Housing

Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, volume 2 : TALN Etude de l'impact d'un lexique bilingue spécialisé sur la performance d'un moteur de traduction à base d'exemples Nasredine Semmar Othman Zennaki Meriama Laib CEA, LIST, Laboratoire Vision et Ingénierie de Contenus, F-91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

chattanooga law project

Chattanooga 2012 A Comprehensive Guide to Area Employment, Training, Community and Legal Resources Table of Contents Introduction and Overview New and Noteworthy Laws and Opportunities Emergency and Other Important Phone Numbers Should I Represent Myself and Resources Tennessee Access to Justice Online TN Justice

New year news letter 2010 print ready.docx™ New Year 2010 The News Letter of James Dudley Management Mail Order Sales Up - Wishing You a but Celesio's RetailPharmacies under Prosperous Cloud in Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands? Celesio‘s mail-order turnover from on-line activities inGermany, Netherlands, Norway and UK rose significantly in the first nine months of 2009 by 14.9 per cent to €186.6 million. This is equivalent to the total turnover of more than 160 of the company's retail pharmacies.

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J. ENTOMOL. SOC. BRIT. COLUMBIA 100, DECEMBER 2003 Testing an attracticide hollow fibre formulation for control of Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella ALAN L. KNIGHT YAKIMA AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE, USDA. 5230 KONNOWAC PASS RD., WAPATO, WA 98951 Laboratory and field tests were conducted to evaluate the use of an experimentalsprayable formulation of chopped hollow fibres loaded with codlemone and mixed with1.0% esfenvalerate and an adhesive to control codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Moths were not repelled by the addition of the insecticide tothe adhesive and were rapidly killed following brief contact. A significantly greaterproportion of male moths flew upwind and contacted individual fibres for a longerperiod of time when fibres had been aged > 7 d versus fibres 0 – 7 days-old in flighttunnel tests. Field tests using sentinel fibres placed in 10.0 mg drops of adhesive onplastic disks stapled to the tree found that fibres were not touched until they had aged >8 d. Conversely, moth mortality following a 3-s exposure to field-collected fibresdeposited on the top of leaves was low in bioassays with fibres aged > 8 d. Thedeposition and adhesion of fibres within the apple canopy appear to be two majorfactors influencing the success of this approach. Fibres were found adhering to foliage,fruit, and bark within the orchard; however, visual recovery of fibres following each ofthe three applications was < 5.0%. Both the substrate and the positioning of the fibre onthe substrate influenced fibre retention. The highest proportion of fibres was foundinitially on the upper surface of leaves and this position also had the highest level offibre retention. Fibres on the underside of leaves or partially hanging off of a substratewere dislodged within two weeks.

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Received: 27.10.2009 Accepted: Original Article The Effects of Finasteride and Azelaic Acid on Skin Flap Viability in Rats Marjan Ajami1, Mohamad Ali Nilforoushzadeh2, Shahab Babakoohi3, Rouhollah Habibey4, Fatemeh Banimostafa Arab3, Niloofar Pazoki-Toroudi3, Mehdi Rashighi-Firoozabadi3, Alireza Firooz3, Yahya Dowlati3, Hamidreza Pazoki-Toroudi5

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Joslin Diabetes Center & Joslin Clinic Clinical Guideline for Pharmacological Management of Type 2 Diabetes 1/09/2009 The objective of the Joslin Diabetes Center & Joslin Clinic Clinical Guideline for Pharmacological Management of Type 2 Diabetes is to support clinical practice and influence clinical behavior to improve outcomes and assure quality of care according to accepted standards. The Guideline was established after careful review of current evidence, literature and clinical practice. This Guideline will be reviewed periodically and modified to reflect changes in clinical practice and available pharmacological information. This Clinical Guideline is not intended to serve as a mandatory standard, but rather to provide a set of recommendations for patient care management. These recommendations are not a substitute for sound and reasonable clinical judgment or decision-making and do not exclude other options. Clinical care must be individualized to the specific needs of each patient and interventions must be tailored accordingly. The Guideline has been created to address initial presentations and treatment strategies in the adult non-pregnant patient population. The Guideline is not a substitution for full prescribing information. Refer to Joslin's Clinical Guideline for Adults with Diabetes for additional, more comprehensive information on diabetes care and management.