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1.1 Background
The University Grants Commission (UGC) was established under the UGC Act approved by the parliament on November 22, 1993 (Mangsir 7, 2050 BS) as a statutory, autonomous body. The establishment of UGC is one of the important attributes of the revolutionary changes in Nepal in the decade of 1990s brought by the realizations that Nepal needed big thrusts in almost every aspects including higher education in order for the country to be able to move ahead and join the world development trend. Until 1990, higher education development was highly constrained; there were only two universities, Tribhuvan University (TU) and Mahendra Sanskrit University (MSU). TU was established in 1959 and MSU in 1986. In 1980 the total number of students enrolled in TU was thirty eight thousand, majority of them enrolled at proficiency certificate level (PCL). After grade ten, those students who passed the national level school leaving certificate (SLC) examination were eligible to join university at PCL. Nepal National Commission of Education 1992 viewed importance of 10+2 school structure and emphasized on implementation Higher Secondary Education as the first step towards specialization and higher educations. By 1990 the total university enrolment had risen to ninety four thousands, but the country's gross enrolment ration (GER) was only about 5%, a small improvement compared to 3% in 1980. Social equity with inclusion of disadvantaged section of society including female, dalits and other disadvantaged social groups in higher education were rather emerging issues. Only about 23% of the students enrolled were female students in 1990. Enrolment of dalits and disadvantaged ethnic groups; such as Satar, Chepang, Chamar, Mushhar were insignificantly sparse. Many districts totally lacked access to higher education. It is in such contexts that in 1990 there was a major political uprising that abolished absolute monarchism and established multiparty system. Development of higher education has been one of the priority concerns of the country ever since. It is in these contexts that the University Grants Commission (UGC) was established to promote, facilitate, and support development of higher education in Nepal. 1.2 Functions of the UGC
The UGC Act envisages UGC to function as a statutory, autonomous body, making proper allocation and disbursement of the grants to the universities, for their operation and development ensuring quality of the education that they deliver. UGC is expected to address the need for defining academic standards in higher education, need for formulating plans and policies for higher education development, as well as launching new programs relevant to the overall development of the country. Besides, it has been expected to ensure good rapport and coordination among the universities in the country. Cooperation, collaborations and academic exchanges at national as well as international levels are also important aspects of higher education development that UGC has been expected to fulfill. In line with the spirit and expectations of establishing UGC, the UGC Act has mandated it to carry out the following functions: Formulate policies on the allocation of the government grants to universities and higher education institutions. Disburse grants to the universities and make recommendations to the government for the grants provision. Award research grants, scholarships, and fellowships. Take necessary measures to determine and maintain the criteria and standards of higher education. Formulate necessary policies and programs to promote and enhance the quality of higher education. Advise the Government of Nepal on the establishment of new universities. This also applies in the process of establishment of new institutions of higher education in affiliation to foreign universities/institutions. Make arrangements necessary for the exchange of facilities and fellowships between universities and educational institutions within and outside Nepal. 1.3 Organization and Structure of UGC
The overall authority of UGC system lies with the Commission consisting of eleven members. The Executive Chairman and the Executive Member Secretary of the commission are nominated by the Council of Ministers from among the educationist and professors upon the recommendation of MOE. Secretaries of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance and the member of National Planning Commission (Social Sector/Education Desk) are the ex-officio members. Two Vice Chancellors are represented, usually one from Tribhuvan University and one from among the other remaining universities. Further, two distinguished professors and two prominent educationists are nominated. All the members are nominated by the Government of Nepal according to Article 5 of the UGC Act. The term of the members including the Chairman and the Member Secretary is of four years from the date of appointment. The members are eligible for reappointment. The present Board Members of the UGC are: Table 1. The University Grants Commission Members List – 2067/68
Prof. Ganesh Man Gurung a) Prof. Vinod K. Shrestha Member-Secretary b) Mr. Bhola Nath Pokharel National Planning Commission (Social Sector/Education Desk) Ministry of Finance Ministry of Education Prof. Madhav Sharma Vice Chancellor, TU (Nominated among the Vice Chancellors) Prof. Keshar Jung Baral Vice Chancellor, PokU (Nominated among the Vice Chancellors) (Nominated among the distinguished Professors ) Prof. Krishna Manandhar (Nominated among the distinguished Professors ) 10 Prof. Bharat Jha (Nominated among the prominent educationists) 11 Prof. Shanti Devi Sharma (Nominated among the prominent educationists) Note: The present Chairman and Member Secretary were appointed by the Government on 2011/05/15. The term of the previous Chairman and Member Secretary completed on 2010/06/02 and 2010/07/23 respectively. UGC was without Chairman for over eleven months and Member Secretary for about ten months. The dilemma relates to the political circumstance in the country contributing to indecisiveness in the the appointments. The issue also affected appointment of other members upon their term completion. In order to undertake the various roles and responsibilities, UGC had initially set up four divisions: Administration Division, Finance Division, Planning Division and Monitoring Division. With the implementation of the Second Higher Education Project in 2007, it has further added Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division and Research Division as well as EMIS Section and Reform Unit. The Administration Division is headed by a Joint Secretary Level officer, Finance Division by Under Secretary Level Financial Controller, Research Division and Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division by Professor Level academic staff. UGC forms different committees and tasks force to undertake various responsibilities. Accordingly, its regulation has listed various provisions for the formation of different committees as well as to temporarily provision staffing, or hire service providers, or get services of consultants/experts. Currently, it has following University Coordination Committee Second Higher Education Project Steering Committee Research Council Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee Research Evaluation Committee Quality Assurance and Accreditation Technical Committee Academic Committee Besides the committees mentioned above, which are formed to support UGC system, several other teams, tasks force, and task committees are also formed. This include Reform Committee, Cluster Committees, Peer Review Team, and theme/task committee such as university feasibility study task committee. UGC has also formed publication (See Annex A for the list of the Committees in 2010/11.) 1.4 UGC Operation and Functioning
Process of starting a new university
For establishing a university MOE asks UGC for formation of a task committee to undertake feasibility assessment, prepare suitable outline of the university, and develop proposal. Accordingly, UGC forms a high level committee to undertake the study -- review documents, interaction with the stakeholders, visit the field to investigate the infrastructure as well as human resources. The committee then prepares a report with recommendations listing the steps to be undertaken along with a draft Act and submits to MOE. The final draft Act is tabled in the parliament for approval. The new university is approved by the Parliament with the endorsement of the Act. Regarding opening of higher education institution in the country by foreign institutions/programs or in their affiliation the interested party/institution applies at MOE with detailed proposal. MOE forwards the proposal to UGC for review and prepare a report along with suggestions/recommendations. Decisions are made on the basis of the Policy formulation
For the development of Higher Education Policies MOE asks UGC for initiation of the task to draft the policies. UGC forms a policy drafting committee and task groups which undertake extensive review of the documents, consult and interact with different stakeholders to prepare the policy draft. The draft is then submitted to MOE to proceed for formal adoption. It is then tabled in the cabinet for endorsement. Process of budget allocation and grants distribution
UGC coordinates with the universities to prepare higher education budget. The education sector budgeting is coordinated by the concerned Ministry, MOE for education including higher education. MOE forms a task committee representing major organizations to formulate sector budget. The final allocation of the budget is done by the Ministry of Finance in consultation with NPC and MOE. MOE and MOF may consult the concerned organizations and institutions in the process by. Basically, budgeting process covers recurrent aspect and development aspect and is based on previous year's allocations, particularly in the case of the recurrent budget. Due considerations are however given to the needs of the institutions, proposed along with the strategic development plan. Details of the Higher Education Budget and UGC Grants are listed in Section II. Setting criteria, norms and standards of higher education
UGC has initiated establishment of a system of Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) in 2007. For this it has formed a Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee consisting of 17 members including the UGC Chairman, Member Secretary, QAA Division Director, Representatives of all the Professional Councils, selected representatives of Universities, MOE, Student Union, representative of Deans and Department Heads, and Prominent Professors. QAA Division has been UGC with the recommendation of QAA Committee has adopted criteria, benchmark and process for quality assessment and accreditation. Schemes of quality enhancement based on important criteria and indicators have been developed and the process of QAA piloted in selected number of campuses with the support of the Second Higher Education Project (SHEP). Currently the process of QAA has been opened for participation of all interested and eligible institutions on voluntary participation basis. Process has already been launched to form an independent QAA board for quality assessment and accreditation. Funding research and academic enhancement activities
UGC has been providing small grants support to enhance research capacity of university teachers, similarly it has been providing support for conducting academic seminars, workshops, and curriculum orientation programs. The provision also includes travel support for university teachers to participate in academic seminars and conferences. An Academic Committee consisting of professors from different subject areas facilitate the various quality enhancement programs funded by UGC. Since 2007 UGC initiated various schemes of research support to faculty members and institutions in order to link teaching and learning to the issues and development needs of the country through research activities, and inculcate research culture in higher education in the country. The schemes which is a subcomponent of SHEP included provisions of funding support to competitively selected research projects developed by the faculty members and the institutions, supporting training on research methodology, conducting dialogues with industry and business establishments, establishing research management cells, and development of research library, etc. UGC has formed a 13 member Research Council represented by various stakeholders including universities, professional researchers, and the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries. It has also established a Research Division to undertake the initiatives and develop an effective system of research support. The initiatives are being supported by SHEP. EMIS Report
UGC has been publishing higher education management information system data annually since 2007/8 as a part of SHEP subcomponent of system capacity development. UGC has identified system indicators of major importance for higher education policy implementation and policy formulation. Accordingly it has developed tools for data collection which is circulated every year to collect the data. It has also selected consultant on competitive basis for the development of software for higher education Major Reform Undertaking: The Second Higher Education Project (SHEP)
In line with the major national goals of improving quality and relevance of higher education in the contexts of social and economic development needs of the country the Government of Nepal has been implementing the Second Higher Education Project (SHEP, 2007-2014) with the support of International Development Agency (IDA). The main objectives of the project are to achieve (a) enhanced quality, efficiency and relevance of higher education through a set of systemic reforms, and incentives to selected institutions; and (b) improved access for academically qualified students from disadvantaged groups in higher education and higher secondary education. There are four major components of SHEP: i) Reform in higher education; ii) Student financial assistance; iii) Enhancing higher secondary education; and iv) Strengthening system capacity. UGC along with TU and Student Financial Assistance Fund Development Board (SFAFDB) is responsible for the implementation of components 1, 2 and 4. MOE/DOE is responsible for the implementation of component 3. SHEP implementation expected i) enhancing stakeholders' contributing participation in the reform process with the provision of matching grants; ii) providing performance grants on the basis of criteria and indicators based performance assessment; iii) using proxy means test for selecting most needy poor and disadvantaged students for providing financial assistance to join and complete their higher education; iv) motivating and providing support to public higher secondary schools for better performance and expansion of access; and v) Strengthening system capacity through development of (a) a system of quality assurance and accreditation, and (b) higher education EMIS. The detail of the project implementation progress is discussed in 1.5 Highlights of the UGC Activities in 2067/68
The fiscal year 2067/68 was difficult year for UGC because it remained without the Chairman and the Member Secretary for almost the whole year. The terms of the previous Chairman Dr. Kamal Krishna Joshi completed on 2011/07/03 and subsequently the term of the Member Secretary Prof. Binod Kumar Shrestha completed on 2011/07/23. The difficult circumstances remained until the present Chairman and the Member Secretary were appointed by the government on 2011/05/15. Following the appointment of the Chairman and the Member Secretary, UGC was padlocked from 2011/05/18 by one of the Teacher Union demanding its differal because they thought that the appointments did not take place with proper political consensus. It remained padlocked for almost 2 months, until 13th July 2011. Despite the dilemma, UGC managed to deliver important regular activities as well as SHEP activities and some other important activities with the initiatives of UGC Staff and the remaining UGC members in the period of the absence of the Chairman and the Member Secretary. The most important regular activities is to ensure government budget allocation for higher education and provide grants support to the universities and community campuses. The second important regular activity is to provision and implement quality improvement program. Seminars, academic exchanges, and policy reviews constitute the third major activities. Implementation of the Second Higher Education Project, a major higher education reform project, currently constituted bulk of UGC activities. These different activities are elaborated in details in the following major Budget and finances of the UGC – Section II Quality Improvement Program – Section III Second Higher Education Project – Section IV The following are some of the brief highlights of the other major activities Interaction Program
University Grants Commission (UGC) organized an interaction program on ‘The Role of Ministry of Education (MoE), University Grants Commission (UGC) and other stakeholders regarding development, operation and management of higher education in federalism' on 2011 March 23 in the UGC Seminar Hall. The purpose of the interaction program was to initiate interaction on development, operation and management of higher education system in Nepal with focus on forthcoming federal structure. The interaction was especially focused on the roles and responsibilities of MoE, UGC and the other stakeholders. Most of the participants in the program also talked about the roles and responsibilities of central and local government in governing the higher education. The discussion highlighted some issues that call for nationwide discussion on the issues like governance and management, access and quality, monitoring and evaluation, capacity development, financing, institutional arrangements, establishment of new universities and quality assurance. The program generated different perspectives from the point of view of educationists, professors, policy makers and experts regarding restructuring of higher education in federal structure. They stressed particularly on how power and responsibilities may be distributed between the central and local governments. The program stimulated and encouraged for further discussion regarding how inclusive, high quality higher education can be delivered in federal context. Speaking on the theme, Dr. Kamal Krishna Joshi, Former Chairman, UGC, said that the capacity of UGC must be strengthened to enhance the role of monitoring and regulating higher education in the federal structure. He also stressed that the government must take the recommendations of UGC in establishing new universities. Similarly, Prof. Vinod Kumar Shrestha, Former Member secretary, UGC, elaborated on the role of UGC in quality monitoring, academic coordination and supporting development of academic programs of higher education . Prof. Keshar Jung Baral, Vice Chancellor, Pokhara University, recommended that there must be powerful body at central level to regulate and monitor higher education institutions. Likewise, Prof. Ram Avatar Yadav, Vice Chancellor, Purbanchal University, stressed on restructuring the whole higher education system in federal structure and emphasized on the need for establishment of a central university. UGC Member Prof. Krishna Manandhar insisted on empowering the UGC by giving full authority and responsibility for the overall development, operation and management of higher education in the country. Dr. Prem Kunwar, Member, National Planning Commission; Shankar Prasad Pandey, Secretary, MoE; Prof. Triratna Manandhar, Vice Chancellor, Lumbini Buddha University; Prof. Arjun Karki, Vice Chancellor, Patan Academy of Health Science; and Prof. Shanti Devi Sharma, Member, UGC; also put their perspectives on the roles and responsibilities of MoE, UGC and other stakeholders on development, operation and management of higher education. Highlighting on the summed up points from the discussion Prof. Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya, Technical Advisor of UGC emphasized that there is need for focussed discussion on issues of quality, access, institutional management, capacity development, funding and monitoring. Closing the session Prof. Krishna Manandhar, Member, UGC, elaborated on the need for critical assessment of the current roles, policies and provisions and accordingly plan for future, taking into consideration that lead the higher education onto the international scope. Chief Administrator of UGC, Subash Chandra Dhungel welcomed all the guests and Finance Controller, Kedar Prasad Acharya thanked all for their encouraging participation on the program. The Conference on Higher Education Policy
A Conference on ‘Higher Education Policy in Nepal' was organized on 11th - 12th February 2011 in Kathmandu. The two-day conference was inaugurated by Honourable Chairperson of the Constituent Assembly Mr. Subash Chandra Nemwang. In the inaugural speech, Honourable Nemwang emphasized the need for a coherent and effective policy to govern higher education (HE) in the country. Honourable Nemwang wished for the success of -10- Annual Report the conference in coming up with concrete suggestions for higher education policy in the The conference jointly organized by the Ministry of Education (MoE), National Planning Commission (NPC), University Grants Commission (UGC) and UNESCO, highlighted the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders governing and regulating HE. The conference highlighted the need for expansion of access ensuring equality; need for ensuring quality and relevance in terms of national and socio-economic development and in the context of global trends of HE development; ways and means of financing HE and need for comprehensive system of quality assurance and accreditation. The conference brought together national and international experts in the field of HE. Five different papers were presented in the conference: i) Financing HE by Prof. Jandhyala Tilak, NUEPA, India. ii) Quality Assurance and Qualification Recognition by David Woodhouse, Executive Director, Australian University Quality Agency. iii) University Governance and Management by Dr. N.V. Varghese, UNESCO IIEP, Paris. iv) World Bank Presentation on access and equity by Ms Leoni Siok Yoong Lee, Education Specialist, World Bank, and v) Country presentation on UGC by Dr. Sultan Mahmud Bhuiya, UGC, Bangladesh. Two Former Finance Ministers Dr. Baburam Bhattarai & Dr. Ramsharan Mahat and Former Education Minister Prof. Mangalsiddhi Manandhar chaired three different sessions of the conference. Similarly, Dr. Kamal Krishna Joshi, Former Chairman, UGC; and Prof. Ramavtar Yadav, Vice Chancellor, Purbanchal University, chaired the other two different sessions. The paper presenters as well as the commentators stressed on the need of sound and consistent policy with contextual reforms particularly focusing on quality, access and equity in HE. In the closing ceremony, the Country Director of UNESCO, World Bank Representative of Nepal, Joint-Secretary of MoE, Mr. Masharam Sharma, Member of NPC, Prof. Tirtha Raj Khaniya, and Members of UGC Prof. Shanti Devi Sharma and Professor Krishna Manandhar delivered their closing remarks. Quality Improvement Programs
The UGC provided fellowship to higher education faculty members for pursuing their higher studies: Ph. D. Fellowship was awarded to 33 teachers and M. Phil. Fellowship to 41 teachers. One hundred and fifteen faculties from different higher education institutions were awarded the mini research grants by the UGC.
The UGC provided support to 24 handicapped students from different central
departments and campuses. Annual Report -11- The UGC provided financial grants to thirty–three teachers invited by international institutions to participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars to present working papers or posters. Five teachers of TU who are pursuing Ph.D. study without any support from any other sources were provided financial supports for field study, research materials, typing and binding. Second Higher Education Project
UGC continued to make provisions of incentive grants, matching grants and performance grants for the participating universities TU, KU, PU and PokU, selected Autonomous and Decentralized campuses of TU as well as the Community Campuses selected under Scheme A, B, C and D. The provisions of Research Fundings are made to the selected institutions and faculty members, supports are provided to the institutions to conduct training on research methodology, conduct seminar on industry-academia cooperation, and on the culture of inquiry. UGC continued to support strengthening of TU central Library to develop it as a national research library. Earlier in 2066/67 Damak Multiple Campus, Janapriya Multiple Campus and Siddha Nath Multiple Campus Completed the QAA cycle. Balkumari Multiple campus got accredited in the fiscal year. In 2067/68 Lumbini Banijya Campus and Makwanpur Multiple Campus completed the QAA cycles. The UGC has successfully launched the Annual Higher Education EMIS Report in 2066/67 it has already published and circulated the first issue. In 2067/68 it has prepared the second issue ready for publication. The UGC has initiated provisioning of formula funding mechanism for KU, PokU, & PU as per the MOU between UGC and the Universities regarding their participation in SHEP Reform Grants. -12- Annual Report SECTION II
University Grants Commission manages the government funding to Universities and Community Campuses. The government funding to universities are made in the form of block grants. Block grants consisted of two funds – operational and developmental. The operational funds for TU and NSU are estimated based on the salaries and basic logistics of the teachers and other staffs of the universities including the constituent campuses. In the case of other universities the funds are provided on the basis of the last year budget. In the case of the community campuses token amount of grants are provided on the basis of number of students and programs run. Development funds are provided on the basis of need as well as the available government fund. TU and NSU are run mainly with the government grants, almost 90% of their operating costs are covered by the government grants. Government grants also form parts of the operating costs of PU and PokU. The operating cost of LBU which is still at the development stage is almost totally covered by the government grants. Government grants are also allocated for the upcoming universities for their establishment and development. Since last two years community campuses are receiving government grants on the basis of its location, student numbers and the types and levels of the programs run. The UGC has allocated and disbursed budget for different programs and institutions as shown in the following tables. The total budget includes grants to universities, community campuses and other institutions, and UGC operation expenses. The UGC has received regular, basic, additional and development grants. 2.1 Budget of the UGC
Table 2. Budget for the Year 2010-2011 (In Thousands )
SN Programs/Institutions
Regular Budget Development Budget Total Budget
University Grants Commission Grants to Community Campuses Quality Improvement Program Tribhuvan University Mahendra Ratna Campus, Ilam, TU Nepal Sanskrit University Purbanchal University Pokhara University Kathmandu University Lumbini Boudha University 835,000.00
Annual Report -13- 2.2 Grants Received by UGC
Table 3. Grants Received by UGC during 2010-2011
SN Particulars
Regular Grants 65-3-164 3,826,889,999.87 3,826,889,999.87 Additional Grants Development Grants 65-4-164 Total 4,661,889,999.87
2.3 Grants Disbursed to HEI
Table 4. Grants Disbursed to Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in 2010/11
Annual F. Y. 2067/68
Regular Grants
Development Grants
Total (Rs.)
Tribhuvan University 3,081,044,000.00 3,346,044,000.00 Nepal Sanskrit University Purvanchal University Pokhara University Kathmandu University Lumbini Boudha University Regular Grants to Community Nepal University Teachers Association: NUTA 2.4 Regular Grants Disbursed to Community Campuses
Table 5. Regular Grants Disbursed to Community Campuses in 2010 – 2011
Program Name
No. of Campus Involved
Grants (Rs.)
Regular Grants to Community Campuses (See Annex B for the list community campuses that received regular grants in 2010/11 ) 2.5 Grants Disbursement for Girls Scholarships
Table 6. Grants Disbursement for Girls Scholarships in 2010-2011
No. of Girls Receiving Scholarships
Total Grants (Rs.)
Girls Scholarships Annual financial audit is a must for all the higher education institutions and organizations in the country. In the case of the public organization/institution receiving significant regular government grants audit by the office of the Auditor General is a must. Thus University Grants Commission has provisioned first auditing of its fiscal transactions by licensed auditor and then by the auditor general, in the case of Tribhuvan University it has developed a unit of internal auditing which makes the first audit followed by the auditing from the office of the Auditor General. The universities are also regulated to prepare and table annual performance reports in the governing Council along with the financial report. -14- Annual Report SECTION III
The UGC ensures quality education in order to meet with the national need and the context of globalization. In this regard, it every year launches Quality Improvement Program which modifies and improves curricula, conducts refresher courses and launches programs for the enhancement of skills and capacity building of teachers. It promotes research culture. It further improves academic, educational and physical capacities of the higher education institutions. Quality improvement programs are launched as per the Quality Improvement Program Guidelines, 2007 and necessary endeavors and improvements are made on the basis of the review of the past programs and suggestions received from the stakeholders. In 2010/11, the UGC planned the following programs to support but some of the programs could not be accomplished or supported as the tenure of the UGC Chairman, the Member Secretary and other Board members was over and the vacant posts were not fulfilled in time. Despite this, some major scheduled programs were successfully conducted. Table 7. Expenses Details for Quality Improvement Programs under Regular
Scheme of UGC in 2010/11
Refresher Course/Training Programme/Research
Refresher Course Training Programme Research Methodology Training Fellowship Programme
Support for M.Phil. Research Support for Handicapped Students Research Promotion
Special Research Research Reference Materials Ph.D. /M.Phil. Infrastructure Development Miscellaneous Support (Ph.D.) Study/Teaching Visit
Senior Professors' Campus Visits Special Study/ Research Visits within SAARC Travel Grants for Participation in Conference/Seminars Seminar / Workshop / Conference
Annual Report -15- Library Strengthening and Equipments Grants
Grants for Purchasing Books Grants for Purchasing Furniture Grants for Purchasing Equipment Physical Facility Development
Teaching Material Development
3.1 Refresher Training/Training Program
The main objective of this program is to bring into discussion the changes in courses and teaching methodologies among the teachers. It also helps the teachers build their capacity by acquainting themselves with the latest information technology and tools used in teaching. This program could not be launched due to the lack of timely decision of the appointment of the UGC officials. 3.1.1 Refresher Training
The objective of the training was to help keep the university teachers updated on the changes in the course contents and teaching methodologies. The refresher trainings are conducted by universities, subject committees, Dean's Offices, Departments, Campuses or other higher education institutions. In order to get this support, the host organization has to submit a grant proposal to the UGC office and the programs that meet the specified criteria will be selected for the support. The proposal should be prepared based on the following guidelines The proposal for refresher training and workshop can be prepared and submitted by a university, a campus, a department, or a subject committee. The proposal should include recommendation of the Dean, Department Chief or Campus Chief. The timeframe for the refresher training should in general, be of up to three weeks. The subject matter of the program should be related to the curriculum of Bachelor's or Master's level. The related subject teachers of the constituent and affiliated campuses of the universities participate in the program. The accepted grants can be used for the following purposes: Development of educational materials for training/workshop Remunerations for the expert Report preparations Other necessary expenditures. The grant amount will be decided by the Commission. -16- Annual Report 3.1.2 Training Program
Under this program, different trainings can be conducted to develop the capacity of the teachers and staff as proposed by the University, Subject Committee, Dean Office, Department, Campus or other related body. Proposals for training Program should meet the following criteria: The proposal should include recommendation from the University, Dean, Central Department Chief or the Campus Chief concerned. Subject teachers and staffs of the University or constituent and affiliated campuses can participate in the program. The accepted grants can be used for the following purpose: Educational materials for training Remuneration for experts Report preparation Other necessary expenditures The grant amount will be as decided by the Commission. 3.2 Fellowship Program
Fellowships are provided every year to teachers of universities and their affiliated and constituent campuses to strength their academic capabilities. 3.2.1 Ph.D. Study
Ph.D. fellowship is provided for teachers to enhance the quality of higher education through capacity building. To be considered for the Ph. D. fellowship, permanent teachers from universities/affiliated campuses apply by submitting an application along with recommendations of the educational organization with which they are affiliated. The application and award process for Ph.D. is as follows: Application process:
The candidates should fill out the standard application form of the Commission and submit it within the deadline. Incomplete and late applications are not entertained. The application fee of Rs 100 can be paid to the Financial Administration Division of the Commission or sent through a bank draft payable to the Commission through Rastriya Banijya Bank, Sanothimi branch. For Ph.D. study fellowship, the age of the applicant should not exceed 50 years by the application deadline (for women, Dalits, and Janajatis the age limit is 52 years). Fellowship is provided for Ph.D. study only within Nepal or SAARC countries. Annual Report -17- Teachers that have not yet enrolled for Ph.D. study can still apply. If they are selected for fellowship, they should begin the study within one year of nomination. Candidates must submit a study leave approval letter from the University/Campus concerned. An interview will be conducted. The merit list of candidates will be published based on their academic performance, publications, subject matter of the study proposal, knowledge of the subject matter, presentation, quota and quality of the research proposal. The number of fellowships will be determined in accordance with the availability of the budget. The following fellowships will be provided: Fellowships of Rs 4,500 per month. A maximum of Rs 10,000 for field study on the recommendation of the supervisor. For this purpose, the candidate should present a detailed plan . Half of the amount will be provided in advance, the remaining amount will be provided after submission of the field report along with the recommendation of Rs 8,000 for books and reference materials in two installments. Up to Rs 7,000 for laboratory expenditures for candidates of the faculty of science and technology. The candidate should present the bills of the items procured and a proof of use of the items along with a recommendation of the Rs 10,000 for typing and binding after submission of the thesis. Rs 10,000 as an incentive for the candidates submitting the thesis within three years after enrollment for the program. Monthly fellowships will be awarded in two installments per year. However, the fellowship for the last six months is to be provided only after the submission of the thesis. Scholars should submit progress reports in every six month along with the recommendation of the supervisor or the institution concerned. The UGC can withhold the installment if the candidate fails to submit their progress report. The progress of the fellows will be reviewed through the presentations organized at the UGC office. The Ph. D. fellows are required to present the progress report once in a year. The payment is withheld in case of a failure to present the progress. The miscellaneous work related to the fellowship will be as decided by the -18- Annual Report The Ph.D. fellows should sign an agreement with the terms and conditions of This fellowship is only for candidates who have not received support from any other sources. The academic committee can terminate the fellowship and recover the amount if the Commission is made aware of other sources of funding for the Ph. D. fellows. m. The Chief Supervisor of each Ph.D. fellow from any university in Nepal is provided Rs 5,000 once the fellow submits their thesis. The fellowship recepient will have to submit a report with appropriate reasons in case of failure to submit the thesis within three years after registration for Ph.D. study. With a review of the report, the academic committee of the UGC can extend the deadline for a maximum of two years, one year each time, if the reasons look satisfactory. The file of the scholars will be closed after five years and they will not get any support thereafter. The Scholarship term will be terminated after five years wherein the candidate may not reapply for the same thesis topic. Table 8. List of Ph.D. Fellowship Awarded in 2010/11
Central Dept. of Microbiology, TU Krishna Pd. Bhattarai Mechi M. Campus, Jhapa Suman Man Shrestha Central Dept. of Envt. Science, TU Puspa Lal Neupane Himal Darsan Campus, Solukhumbu Manoj Nandan Jha Amrit Campus, Lainchour Jhabindra Pandey Resunga Multiple Campus, Gulmi Karnakhar Khatiwada Central Dept. of Linguistics, TU Padma Kanya Campus, Bagbazar Central Dept. of Education, TU Netra Pd. Paudel Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal Basu Prasad Subedi Hetauda Campus, Hetauda Shiv Narayan Yadav M.B.M. Campus, Rajbiraj Arjun Bdr. Ayadi B.N. Campus, Surkhet Nav Raj Adhikari Rampur Campus, Rampur Bijayalal Pradhan Balkumari Campus, Chitwan Patan Multipal Campus, Patan Patan Multipal Campus, Patan Bidya Sagar Verma Ramanand Bisheshwar Mahendra Campus, Jaleshwar Zoology Santosh K. Ghimire Central Dept. of Management, TU Motikala Dewan Subba R.R.Campus, Exhibition Road Patan Multipal Campus, Patan Balmaki Viddhyapith, Exhibitionroad Annual Report -19- Central Dept. of Geography, TU Kathmandu Shiksha Campus Bhaktapur M. Campus, Bhaktapur Rabindra N. Bhattarai Patan Multipal Campus, Patan Kabita Raj Cadel Padma Kanya Campus, Bagbazar Tulsiram Bhandari Pokhara University, Pokhara Suresh Pd. Acharya Pranita Upadhyaya Advanced College, Kupondole Mrs. Jagjit Kour Tri-Chandra Campus, Ghantaghar Dhirendra Thakur Kailali Multiple Campus, Kailali Siddhanath S. Campus, Mahendranagar 3.2.2 M.Phil. Study
A limited number of M. Phil. Fellowships are provided every year to university or campus teachers pursuing M. Phil. Study in their University or affiliated/constituent campuses. Fellows are selected through open competition. The number of fellowships depends on the availability of budget. Under this program, a stipend of Rs 2,500 a month is provided to each fellow in two installments in a year. An additional Rs 5,000 is provided to the candidates once they submit a copy of their thesis and a letter of thesis submission to the department concerned. Academic qualifications, publications, and interview will be the basis of selection to this program. Table 9. List of M. Phil. Fellows Candidates Awarded in 2010/11
Purushottam Neupane Kumari Namuna Campus, Nuwakot Dhanapati Bhattarai Sarashoti M. Campus, Lainchwor Global College of Mgmt. Baneshwor Baburam Dhakal (Biplab) Tri-Chandra M. Campus, Ghantaghar Ganga Pd. Adhikari Mechi M. Campus, Bhadrapur Pratap Smiriti College, Dokakha Seabird Intl. College, Thimi Uddhab Shiwakoti Seabird Intl. College, Thimi Rameshwor Acharya Public Youth Camus, Dhobichowr Sudarshan Kadariya Richmond Intl. College, Kuleshwor Bishnu Lal Shrestha Asian Int'l College, Kirtipur Janamatri M. Campus, Kuleshwor Siddhanath M. Campus Hari Prasad Pokhrel Siddhajoyti Education Campus, Sindhuli Amrit Bahadur Thapa Kathmandu University Kamal Raj Tripathee Arunima College, Boudha -20- Annual Report Aita Bishowkarma Rainbow Intl. College, Dallu Santosh Raj Dahal Padma Kanya M. Campus Central Dept. of Population, TU Dharma Bdr. Thapa Birendra M. Campus, Bharatpur Butwal M. Campus, Butwal Green Field Intl College Ranjan Kumar Khatri Golden Gate Intl College Ghanshyam Pandey Advance Intl college Om Prakash Niraula Jalapa Devi Campus, Dhankuta Kedar Sharma Pokhrel Parbat M. Campus Dhananjay Kumar Shah Henry Ford Intl College, Ktm Nobel College, Sinamangal Sharmila Acharya Tri-Chandra M. Campus, Ghantaghar Birendra Narayan Shah Gyan Mani Adhikari Patan M. Campus, Patan Prativa Shrestha Kabhre M. Campus Binod Prasad Pant School of Education, KU School of Education, KU Krishna Pd. Acahrya Shankar Dev Campus Kabhre M. Campus Nobel College, Sinamangal Nuwakot Adarsha M. Campus, Nuwakot 3.2.3 Support for M.Phil. Thesis Preparation
A pre-defined number of teachers pursuing M. Phil. study in Nepalese universities who have not received this fellowship or any other previous support are eligible for this funding. A maximum of two best theses selected by the central departments concerned will be awarded Rs 15,000 each. Each year, a maximum of two students from each central department will be awarded such support. The central departments of universities in Nepal will have to select the theses of two best students every year and submit them to the Commission for support. Table 10. List of M. Phil. Thesis Support in 2010/11
Support Amount (Rs.)
Juju Bhai Manandhar Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel 3.2.4 Support for Handicapped Students
Under this program, up to 15 handicapped students pursuing Master's degree in Nepalese universities are provided up to Rs 20,000 each for thesis preparation every year Annual Report -21- through open competition. The application should include a letter from their respective departments testifying that the student has been registered for thesis, and photocopies of certificates of disability, Bachelor's degree, and provisional mark sheets of Master's degree. Half of the amount will be released in advance and the rest after submission of the thesis. The full amount is to be provided in a single installment if the student submits the thesis during the selection period. The Commission had provided support to the following handicapped students: Table 11. Support Programs for Handicapped Students in 2010/110
Tilak Raj Khanal Tansen Campus, Palpa Kumari Khagisara Thapa Indra Narayan Shah Bishwa Shanti Subedi Jiwan Kumari Gautam Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara Kaushal Kumar Rayamajhi Central Department of Nepali, TU Mitra Lal Sharma Ram Chandra Baral Central Department of English, TU Dharma Raj Joshi Department of Mathmetics Education, TU Central Department of Nepali, TU Central Department of Education, TU Dev Kumari Wagle Dhankuta Multiple Campus Central Department of Education, TU Central Department of Education, TU Badri Bikram Thapa Nepal Law Campus Central Department of Sociology/Anthropology, TU Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus Lal Prasad Aryal Butwal Multiple Campus Central Department of Economics, TU Saraswoti Acharaya Central Department of Education, TU Tri Chandra Campus 3.3 Research Promotion
Research furthers academic knowledge and helps improve the quality of not only an individual but also an educational institution. In this effect, the UGC has promulgated research support program since its inception. -22- Annual Report The following programs were carried out under this program in the year 2010/11: 3.3.1 Mini Research Projects
The aim of mini research projects is to orient teachers towards research by providing financial support to academicians who are up to Associate Professor Level without a Ph.D. degree for a period of six-months. If the research is not completed within six months, the candidates can apply for the extension with justification up to two times. The procedures for the grants are: A notice calling for research proposals will be published. The proposals should be submitted within the deadline. The proposal should be submitted in the format prescribed by the UGC. The proposal should include recommendation from the concerned department and or campus and an updated CV of the researcher. Selected candidates should sign an agreement within 45 days of the acceptance of the proposal. The researcher is provided with maximum Rs 30,000 including taxes. The researcher should complete the research and furnish three spiral-bound copies of the draft report of the research work within the deadline to the Commission. Incorporating the evaluations and suggestions received during presentation, the researcher should submit three corrected and final hard-bound copies and a CD copy of the report to the Commission. The grant approved is to be provided in three equal installments. The first will be paid after acceptance of the proposal and submission of research plan, the second; after submission of the draft research reports, and the third; after submission of the final report. The draft and final reports must include an abstract of at least two pages. After submission of the draft report, Rs 5000 will be provided for supplementing the typing and binding costs. The best researchers completing the research within the set deadline are conferred special awards during the anniversary day of the Commission. (See Annex C for the list of individual who were awarded the mini research grants for the year 2010/11.) 3.3.2 Special Research
Under this program, one or more teachers/experts are provided grants for the research on defined topics. The academic committee invites applications for research on specific topics. Grants can also be provided for special research proposals received from educational institutions, departments, Dean Offices, and professors and associate professors with a Ph.D. degree. Annual Report -23- 3.3.3 Research Materials
Grants can be provided to researchers for certain research journals, books, equipment, and educational materials needed in the course of the research. After completing the research, they should submit the equipments acquired to their related department/campus. This support will not apply for those receiving a Ph. D. fellowship 3.3.4 Miscellaneous Support
Under this program, teachers of constituent and affiliated campuses pursuing Ph.D. study without any support from any other sources are provided with financial grants. This support can be applied towards field study, research materials, typing and binding and other works depending on the nature of the work. Candidates can apply for support by submitting a recommendation of the campus chief or supervisor along with a proposal/progress report. Every year, funding is available which is provided to candidates for one activity every six month. The support for typing and binding will be available after submission of the thesis. Candidates who have crossed the five years of Ph.D. registration are not eligible for this support. For support towards field study; candidates should furnish the supervisor's recommendation as well as a detailed plan. For books; candidates must submit the associated bills. SN Particulars
Amount (Rs.)
Table 12. The list of miscellaneous supports in 2010/11
University Support Amount (Rs.)
2 Medeni Pd. Sedhai 3 Kamal Raj Sharma 4 Manahari Dhakal 5 Jayanti Rupakheti Pudel 41,000.00
3.4 Teaching/Study Visits
3.4.1 Senior Professors' Teaching Visits to the Campuses
Under this program, subject teachers are provided grants for short-term teaching visits to constituent/affiliated campuses of universities in order to improve teaching- learning activities and provide assessments to improve teaching standards. -24- Annual Report The following processes should be followed: The teacher has to be a professor or senior associate professor having expertise and experience on the subject. The UGC or the campus concerned will select the teacher and the program should be conducted by the campus itself. The campus concerned should submit the details about the subject, time period, and the service expected from the expert to the UGC. If the proposal is accepted, necessary expenditures needed for up to two teachers per college can be provided. The amount provided can be used to cover the daily allowance, travel allowance, and remuneration of the teachers concerned. The remuneration will be paid after the teacher submits the details of the activities certified by the campus to the UGC. 3.4.2 Visit to Institutions of the SAARC Countries for Special Study/Research
Under this program, financial support is offered to university/affiliated campus teachers to participate in short-term special study or research within the SAARC The following process should be followed: With justifications and recommendations of the department concerned, application can be made to travel to any university or educational institution within SAARC for special study or research. Under this program, UGC will pay partial costs of the teacher's travel, accommodation, and living costs during the stay in the institution. Candidates should submit the acceptance letter from the host institution along with the application. This support is not provided to those already receiving fellowship from the UGC or any other organization. The amount of support will be decided by the academic committee of the UGC. 3.4.3 Travel Grants for Participation in Seminars/Conferences
Under this program, partial financial support is offered to teachers invited by international institutions to participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars to present working papers or posters. The support can include travel costs, living costs, and in special circumstances, registration charges. The following documents need to be furnished to seek travel grants: Letter of Invitation from the host institution. Annual Report -25- Recommendation letter from the head of the applicant's educational institution. A letter from the host organization clarifying the availability or non-availability of the financial or other support. A ticket or letter from the official sales agent or travel agency with the tariff. Acceptance letter from organizers about the presentation of the working paper/poster of the applicant and a brief summary of the working paper and poster. The academician concerned must present a report with program description to the Commission within one month after returning from the visit. Although the Commission can approve the travel grant before the travel, the amount is reimbursed after submission of the necessary documents to the Commission upon completion of the travel. While providing travel grants, priority will be given to teachers who have not received the support in the past. This grant will be provided only once per year. In the case that a group of teachers/writers are going abroad to present their paper; the support is provided only to the group leader. (The details on travel grants received by teachers are presented in Annex D.) Following is the mode of support: SN Country
Maximum Amount (Rs.)
Bhutan, Bangladesh and India Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, Barma, Malaysia Country expect 1 and 2 3.5 Seminars/Workshops/Conferences
Under this program, partial financial support is provided to academic societies of universities, campuses, departments, and related agencies to host seminar, workshop, and conference to study and analyze contemporary issues and problems in a specific area. The societies should organize such events jointly with the campus or the department concerned. The following procedure should be followed: The institution should submit a proposal with the details on the theme, nature, time period, and venue of program along with the estimated costs, topics of the working papers, lists of writers, and detailed schedule. The teachers' whose subject is related with the theme of the program, will be the participants of the program to the extent possible. The agreed amount will be provided after the completion of the program and submission of the report. -26- Annual Report After the completion of the event, detail description of the program and documents should be submitted to the UGC office. To apply for support, the proposals should be submitted in a prescribed format of the Quality Improvement Program of the Commission. The amounts for such support is decided depending upon the nature of the seminar/workshop/conference, duration of the program, number of participants, objectives of the event, and the possible impact of the program. Below is the range of the support that can be provided to such events: SN Program
Support Amount (Rs.)
Local level program National level program Regional ( SAARC) level program International level program 3.6 Grants for Strengthening Library and Equipment
Under this program, community campuses are provided with the following 3.6.1 Grants for Purchasing Books
Under this Program, the UGC provides grants to community campuses to purchase books for their libraries. The process for receiving this grant is as follows: Campuses should submit a proposal seeking grants to purchase textbooks and reference books explaining the overall situation of their library. Proposals should include separate list of the textbooks and reference books deemed essential, the prices of the books, and the number of copies required. Proposals should arrive at the UGC office within the deadline set by the notice or the circular issued by the Commission. The grants received under this heading should be used only for the purchase of textbooks and reference books. In the case of constituent campuses, a grant for books and journals can be provided if the campus/department is running a new degree course, or a new subject is going to be added at the Master's level. 3.6.2 Grants for Purchasing Furniture
Under this program, grants can be provided to community campuses to purchase furniture for libraries. The process is as follows: Annual Report -27- The campus should submit a proposal along with the detail on the situation of furniture in their library. The proposal should also include details on the furniture needed. The proposal should arrive within the deadline mentioned in notices or the circulars issued by the Commission. The proposal should mention the amount sought from the UGC and the amount the campus concerned can bear. Support received under this heading should be used strictly to the furniture listed. 3.6.3 Grants for Purchasing Computer
The Commission also provides grants to community campuses to purchase computers to help them efficiently execute their administrative and academic activities through a systematic use of information technology. To receive this support, the campuses should apply within the deadline and the grant thus received should be used only to purchase computers. The amount approved is released only after the bills are 3.6.4 Physical Facility Development
Grants under this program are provided to add classrooms and library rooms in community campuses where they are running Bachelor's or Master's courses. The operational procedure to obtain the grants is given below: Proposals, which have to be submitted within the deadline, should explain the current situation of classrooms and library rooms, reasons for adding the rooms and the estimated cost. A partial grant can be provided on the basis of matching fund depending on the physical situation of the campus and the number of students. The campus receiving the grant should submit a report on expenditure details for the construction of library room/classrooms. The UGC can monitor or supervise the activities under this funding program. 3.6.5 Development of Teaching Materials
Under this program, financial support is provided to institutions to publish books, reference materials, and study materials by forming an expert taskforce or by organizing workshops on a specific subject. To receive this support, proposals should be submitted by a university, campus, Dean's office, subject committee, department or educational institution. The proposal must mention the names of experts, date, venue, and period of the event as well as the number of participants. -28- Annual Report SECTION IV
Provisions and Progress
4.1 Introduction
The overall national objective of developing higher education system in Nepal is to produce professional human resource, with knowledge and technological base, capable of supporting economic growth and social reform towards building a prosperous, harmonious and knowledge based inclusive society. Towards achieving the national objective the government of Nepal (GON) has launched Second Higher Education Project (SHEP) with the grant support of the IDA. The project has been effective since July 2007 and will continue till January 2014. The project implementation is reviewed annually and an exhaustive midterm review (MTR) of SHEP implementation was carried out in February 2010. Following MTR, a restructuring mission was convened in July 2010. The objectives, outcomes, and the provisions are tuned up by the restructuring to ensure more effective and efficient implementation of the project. The following descriptions follows the project restructuring. 4.2 SHEP Objectives
The main objectives of SHEP are to achieve enhanced quality, efficiency and relevance of higher education through a set of systemic reforms, and incentives to selected institutions; and improved access for academically qualified students from disadvantaged groups in (a) higher education and (b) higher secondary education. The project specifically aims to a) achieve better quality and relevance in higher education; b) instill a culture that values research and development opting for sustained better professional quality and academic excellence; c) ensure financial sustainability of higher education institutions; and d) ensure equitable access of higher education to meritorious students from poor and disadvantaged section. 4.3 Key Indicators
The Project has been designed to address indicator based outcomes. The following are the Key Project Indicators (KPIs): Number of institutions accredited Student pass rates in bachelors and masters levels in participating institutions Annual Report -29- Share of students enrolled in science, technology, management, and other employment/economic development focused programs in participating institutions1 Share of enrollment from disadvantaged groups in participating institutions at (a) higher education and (b) higher secondary education levels [disaggregated by gender, Dalits and educationally disadvantaged Janajati for both (a) and (b)] 4.4 Project Components
The project has following four major components: Student financial assistance Enhancing higher secondary education, and Strengthening system capacity The Second Higher Education Project (SHEP) envisages to help achieve these national higher education objectives by supporting (a) reform in higher education institutions through performance grant, incentive grant and matching grant for resource mobilization initiatives (b) improvements in the teaching and learning with strengthened research capability (c) improvements in governance, management and financial sustainability; (d) establishment and operation of a student financial assistance scheme (e) establishment of quality assurance and accreditation system and Higher Education Management Information system (HEMIS). UGC along with TU and SFAFDB is responsible for implementing components 1, 2, and 4. DOE is responsible for component 3. The components have been further specified in terms of subcomponents, major specific aspects and provisions. 4.4.1 Component 1: Reform Grants
This component is designed to provide financial incentives to improve the efficiency, accountability and financial sustainability of higher education institutions in line with the decentralization goal established by the GON for higher education institutions and Tribhuvan University for its constituent campuses. The component also supports community campuses and other universities. It has been emphasized that the use of the grants should be to promote development of new programs in employment/economic development focused areas, and advancement of research in the higher education sub-sector. Following the project restructuring as suggested by the Mid-term review in February 2010, this Component has provisioned three sub-components: 1.A University Grants Commission Reform Grants 1.B Advancing Research in Higher Education; and 1.C Tribhuvan University (TU) Reform Grants 1 More specifically, in the following areas: (i) basic and applied sciences, (ii) engineering, (iii) medicine, (iv) management, (v) agriculture and forestry, and (vi) other employment/economic development focused areas. -30- Annual Report Sub-Component 1.A: University Grants Commission Reform Grants.
UGC had been implementing all the Reform Grants provisions as listed in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) and initial Financing Agreement until the project restructuring. After project restructuring, TU has been fully responsible for Reform Grants for TU and its constituent campuses. The UGC reform grants subcomponent has following provisions: Incentive grants for Kathmandu University (KU), Purbanchal University (PU) and Pokhara University (PokU) for signing the MOU and the agreement for formula based funding; incentive grants for all the selected community campuses for developing strategic plans as well as for participation in the QAA process. Performance grants for selected community campuses and KU, PU, and PokU. iii. Matching grants for selected community campuses and KU, PU, and PokU. In view of a very successful intervention focusing on community campuses in the first three years of the project and responding to growing demands from other community campuses, GON has strongly advocated supporting at least one campus in each of the 75 districts in the country. In this line the reform grants support has been extended to 90 community campuses from the initial provisions for 10. Those selected for initial provisions thru national and regional competitive selection process are termed Scheme A and entitled to get the same extent of provisions as for the universities and autonomous TU constituent campuses except for incentive grants. Subsequently in 2008/09, 10 campuses were selected for Scheme B thru the same process as of Scheme A but lowering the minimum eligibility criteria. Further lowering the eligibility requirements 28 campuses were selected for Scheme C in the same year and 43 in 2010/11 for Scheme D thru district level and regional level selection. Also, to consider remoteness of districts, it is suggested that the share of the project resources in the matching fund for campuses be increased from 1:1 (project contribution to community contribution) up to 2:1 in proportion to the Human Development Index of each district. Sub-Component 1.B: Advancing Research in Higher Education.
Research funding consisted of the following provisions Training and seminars on research and professional/academic enhancements Scholarships for PhD, and Post Doc, iii. Support for Master of Philosophy and Masters thesis preparation iv. Faculty research –individual and group TU Central library strengthening vi. Networking of libraries and research laboratories and testing services vii. Strengthening of research laboratories Annual Report -31- viii. Development of research management cells ix. Conducting university-industry dialogues In view of the importance of support for research in the higher education sub-sector, this sub-component has been restructured to make it more rational and with better financial management addressing the need to ensure that the fund is used effectively and efficiently while complying with the country's regulatory requirements. In accordance with the restructuring provisions are made for i) prioritizing research areas in line with the issues and development needs of the country and ii) supporting research scholars with proven track records. A scheme has been prepared outlining the modalities to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and comprehensiveness in the formulation and conduction of research studies with explicit provisions and methods for conducting research seminars, workshops and dialogues. The scheme also includes the revised actions to complete the first cycle of monitoring and evaluation of the already awarded research proposals. Sub-Component 1.C: Tribhuvan University Reform Grants.
TU is responsible for implementing TU Reform Grants component. This component has following provisions: Incentive grants to constituent campuses /institute for their in-house consultations and preparing Strategic Plan opting autonomy. Incentive grants for the Decentralized Campuses that have become autonomous; and for the TU central office for facilitating autonomy iii. Matching grants to the selected autonomous and decentralized campuses. iv. Performance grants the selected autonomous and decentralized campuses. New Program-Window grants to the selected Institutes / Faculties / Departments and decentralized constituent campuses. In view of the need for more contextual and relevant programs in TU a window has been added to the TU Reform Grants sub-component, to finance up to twenty new academic programs in the following areas: (i) basic and applied sciences, (ii) engineering, (iii) medicine, (iv) management, (v) agriculture and forestry, and (vi) other employment/economic development focused areas. These new programs are being introduced in autonomous and decentralized campuses as well as in selected faculties, institutes, central departments and campuses opting for decentralization. The selection will be done on a competitive basis. TU will also review and undertake necessary revisions in the existing programs. TU has also developed comprehensive institute/campus autonomy packages for decentralized campuses to help address the issues of information gaps, transparency and -32- Annual Report 4.4.2 Component 2: Student Financial Assistance
This component has been provisioned with the objectives of: establishing a pro-poor targeting method for scholarship distribution, and ensuring that students from disadvantaged groups have an opportunity to obtain higher secondary and higher education through financial assistance provided by the project. The provisions under student financial assistance consist of: Student scholarships for: a) higher secondary school students and b) Bachelor students Student loan for Bachelor students Support for work-study scheme The component provides financial assistance to the eligible higher secondary and higher education students on the basis of identification and ranking against the economic quintiles using Proxy Means Test (PMT). It will encourage the administrating financial institution for Student Loan. It has provisioned Work-study Program (WSP) designed to encourage beneficiary students to earn additional income in case the stipend amount was insufficient. 4.4.3 Component 3: Higher Secondary Education
This component has been provisioned with the primary aim of supporting the GON in its effort to phase out the TU-run Proficiency Certificate Level by making community school-based higher secondary education more accessible to students who would otherwise attend the TU-run programs. MOE is giving priority to schools with science streams when allocating performance grants to schools. Recognizing the growing demand for higher-secondary schooling, MOE has also increased the number of schools supported from 200 to 250. The fund has been allocated for this component will be increased accordingly. Measures are being taken to strengthen the monitoring of this component. 4.4.4 Component 4: Strengthening System Capacity.
Component 4 consists of two subcomponents: 4. A: UGC and SFAFDB System Capacity Strengthening, and 4. B: TU System Capacity Strengthening 4. A: UGC System Capacity Strengthening
The tasks under this component include: QAA system development Annual Report -33- Development of Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) Higher Education Policy Studies Institutional Capacity building of UGC, and Procurement of goods and services A National Accreditation Board for Quality Assurance will be established; a comprehensive National Policy on Higher Education will be developed; EMIS in higher education strengthened and annual statistical report published regularly. This component includes support to UGC and TU-PIU components, and also includes enhanced support for policy research, and confidence building measures and communication strategies for reforms. 4. B: TU System Capacity Strengthening
This subcomponent consists of the following activities: Consolidating TU academic calendar implementation and measures of confidence building regarding examination Preparation of guidelines/implementation manual for TU reform Enhancing TU EMIS 4.5 Regular Reviews and Monitoring Provisions
SHEP implementation is regulated with Project Appraisal Document (PAD), implementation plan, and most importantly Financing Agreement between the Government of Nepal and IDA. The project implementation is structured in line with the government of Nepal regulation and format including annual and trimester activities and budget planning and progress reporting. The implementation is also monitored through the Governance and Accountability Action Plan and most importantly through the joint annual reviews by the Government, IDA/World Bank, and UGC as well as the implementing partners. The joint reviews are undertaken on annual basis. A midterm review of SHEP implementation was carried out in February 2010. The review found that the objectives set by the project were relevant and the participation of the selected institutions was highly encouraging, particularly the participation of the community campuses. The review team recognized the effectiveness, relevance and importance of the SHEP core strategies – incentivizing the undertaking of challenging tasks, indicator based progress monitoring and rewarding grants for better performance, and motivating public participation with matching grants. Similarly the concept of financial assistance to the academically eligible students from poor and disadvantaged communities was welcomed by all the stakeholders and concerned. The importance of -34- Annual Report QAA and EMIS in higher education was noted and the progress made in the system building was appreciated. It was however noted that the implementation progress in terms of budget disbursement, particularly disbursements to TU constituent campuses, was not to the level expected initially by the project. Therefore a need for implementation restructuring was suggested. The major restructuring suggested was to upgrade the role and responsibility of TU as an implementing agency from the earlier role of beneficiary. The other important suggestion was to set up Project Implementation Units (PIU) at TU and UGC to expedite the implementation tasks. Before project restructuring, UGC had been providing the incentive grants, matching grants and performance grants for the selected Autonomous and Decentralized campuses as well as incentive grants for TU. UGC has also provided incentive grant for TU for the preparation and implementation of Campus and Institutional Autonomy Regulation 2062. 4.6 Brief Overview of the Major Achievements by the FY 2010/2011
Reform Grants
Tribhuvan University has made breakthrough in the implementation of its policy of Institutional and Campus Autonomy Regulation 2062. Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus (MRMC) from Ilam district of the Eastern development Region has successfully become its first Autonomous Campus. In the FY 2009/10, MRMC had prepared a comprehensive 5-year strategic development plan mobilizing all the stakeholders and accomplished all the process required for becoming autonomous. Accordingly, as per regulation, TU central office has granted the status of autonomy to MRMC. Also, MRMC has produced baseline data, first and second rounds of performance progress data and accordingly has received 1 round of performance grant after becoming autonomous campus. As per the Financing Agreement between the Government of Nepal (GON) & International Development Association (IDA), UGC has provisioned earmarking of grant to MRMC, Ilam within the grant for TU starting from the FY 2010/11. It is a landmark for initiating reform in the funding modality for TU constituent Twenty-six decentralized campuses have already undertaken in-house consultation regarding campus autonomy. Many of the campuses have come up with positive outcomes in taking further steps towards autonomy. Mahendra Ratna Campus, Kathmandu has already applied for taking necessary steps towards achieving Autonomy. Ten Decentralized campuses of TU selected for participation in the SHEP reform grant have produced baseline data and progress data and have obtained 1st round of Annual Report -35- performance grant. After MRMC became autonomous campus of TU, there are nine campuses remaining in this group. All of the nine Decentralized campuses have received performance grants. Three of the campuses have applied for Matching grants. Rupandehi, Prithvinarayan Multiple Campus, Kaski have set to prepare their respective strategic plans towards autonomy. Because of the success of the 9 Community Campuses selected for initial provisions of quota for SHEP reform grants participation by 10, there have been popular high demand for increasing the provisions for the community campuses. Accordingly, new provisions have been added under Scheme B (10) and Scheme C (28). In 2010/11 additional provision has been made for selection of 43 community campuses under Scheme D with the intention of ensuring at least one community campus per district receiving SHEP reform grants. With this provision, total of 90 community campuses will be participating in SHEP reform grants. All the 9 community campuses selected under scheme A have produced performance indicator baseline data as well as progress data for 1st round in 2009, 2nd round in 2010 and accordingly they have received 1st and 2nd round of performance grants in FY 2008/9 and 2009/10. They are now in the process of getting the third round of the performance grants. All of them have prepared their respective strategic development plans on the year of their selection and have made annual review of the plan for necessary revision. The campuses are on the process of undertaking the reform activities in line with their strategic development plans using the SHEP provisions of matching grants as well as performance grants. Ten community campuses selected under scheme B have produced baseline and the performance progress data and accordingly received 1st round of performance grant in FY 2009/10. They are now in the process of getting the 2nd round of the performance grants. All of them have prepared their respective strategic development plans and are on the process of undertaking the reform activities using the SHEP provisions of matching grants as well as performance grants. Twenty seven community campuses selected under scheme C have produced baseline and the performance progress data and accordingly received 1st round of performance grants except Bheri Gyanodyodya Campus of Jajarkot. All 28 community campuses under Scheme C are in the process of getting performance grants for 2010/11. All of them have prepared their respective strategic development plans and are on the process of undertaking the reform activities using the SHEP provisions of matching grants as well as performance grants. Applications for Scheme D Community Campuses are being collected. Although the deadline was designated for the 20th of May, the office of UGC was forcibly Padlocked by one of the University Teacher Organization and therefore the process -36- Annual Report remained impaired until June 2011. The selection process could be completed in the next fiscal year only. Pokhara University has received second round of performance grant and is in the process of getting the third round. Purbanchal University has received first round of performance grant in FY 2009/10 and is in the process of getting the second round. Kathmandu University is preparing the baseline data and progress data and preparing to claim first, second and third round of performance grants. Reform grants disbursement increased substantially in FY 2009/10 because of the rapid progress made by the participating institutions, particularly the community campuses. UGC and higher educational institutions (TU-Central, 9 TU decentralized campuses, 1 autonomous campus, 3 other universities, 9 scheme A community campuses, 10 scheme B community campuses, 28 scheme C community campuses) have prepared strategies and are undertaking activities to ensure effective and efficient use of incentive grant, matching grant and performance grant in line with the spirit and goals of SHEP. In 2010/2011 the disbursement has however fallen down because of the difficult circumstances in the fiscal year, firstly due to the fact that UGC function was impaired because of the absence of the UGC top executives (Chairperson from the first week of July and the Member Secretary from the third week July 2010). The positions were filled in the 2nd week of May 2010, however from 18th of May 2011 one of the university Teacher Unions padlocked the whole office demanding for differing the appointments made by the Ministerial Cabinet saying that it did not follow the line of the agreements between the political parties. Research Funding
The first round of research funding including Ph.D. fellowship, Faculty/Institutional research grants, support for research methodology training, Seminar for industry – academia dialogue, support for workshop on culture of inquiry, support for research management cells, was accomplished successfully as targeted in the FY 2009/10. The funding was provided on the basis of proposals selected thru national level competitions. The funding support has also been provided to TU for development of TUCL as National Research Library on the basis of the strategic development plan that it has submitted. Support for research infrastructure development and lab networking are being assessed. Also the 2nd round of award for the research management cell has been provided to selected campuses. Research funding for 2010/11, however, remained seriously impaired due to the absence of the UGC top executives. UGC Chairperson is also the Chairperson of the Research Council. The fund flow to the research fellows and the institutions could Annual Report -37- not be resumed because the decision system was absent until an ad hoc work committee was constituted by the UGC board members. The 2nd round of public call inviting proposals from the faculties and higher education institutions for research funding was already made, however the selection of the proposals was delayed to the early next fiscal year because of the disturbances caused to UGC. Student Financial Assistance
SFAFDB accomplished sort listing, verifying and finalizing the list of the students for the scholarship support at higher secondary level and bachelor's level for FY 11/12. It has also published the final list of fourth cohort students to support at higher secondary and higher level. It has formed the Work Study Committee (WSC) and the Fund Raising Committee (FRC). It has made analysis of the number of students receiving financial assistance from SFAFDB (disaggregated by level of education, gender, Dalits communities and disadvantaged Janajati). In order to ensure more effective and efficient implementation of the SFA plan, SFAFDB has developed a communication strategy and updated the SFA Information Booklet. Quality Assurance and Accreditation
QAA system development made an important land mark of success. All the preparatory work for implementing QAA system are now in place, all the basic documents have been prepared including the guidelines, preparing legal framework, preparing the roster of the resource persons and mobilizing the stakeholders readying them for participation. Further, UGC has developed functional relation with National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), India for collaborating on the development and implementation of QAA in Nepal. It has become a member of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) for Higher Education and has extended relation with other international organizations such as Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) and Council of Higher Education for Accreditation (CHEA) of higher education institutions. Application of QAA system started with pilot implementation in the 9 Community Campuses (Scheme A) selected from national and regional level competition for participation in the SHEP Reform Grants. One of the campuses participating in SHEP, Balkumari College had already accomplished the QAA cycle and was also conferred the status of accredited campus by UGC. Peer Review Teams (PRT) formed to assess the Self Study Reports of Damak Multiple Campus; Janapriya Multiple Campus and Siddhanath Multiple Campus have accomplished their tasks including field observation and verification work in the last year. Based on the -38- Annual Report assessment reports the campuses are already declared having completed the QAA cycle. They have also received the performance grants for QAA cycle completion in The rest of the scheme "A" community campuses have already produced SSR. Makwanpur Multiple Campus and Lumbini Banijya Campus have submitted final SSR for assessment and accreditation. Accordingly two PRTs were formed to assess their SSR and make field observations. The PRTs have already accomplished their tasks including observation visits in July 3-10. These two campuses have also thus completed the QAA cycle this year. With the strategy of system development, disseminations, and media mobilization QAA has gained public interest and participation. In response to the public call for participation of higher education institutions in QAA, 11 institutions have applied, 9 of them were eligible for participation at the time. The eligible institutions have been provided orientation and technical support for participation. They are currently preparing Self Study Reports (SSR). It was targeted to accomplish completion of QAA cycle by at least 14 institutions this year however because of the impaired situation of UGC the target could not be Higher Education EMIS
EMIS for higher education is on the progress with accomplishment of consolidating the system of routine data collection from higher education institutions. UGC has successfully launched the Annual Higher Education Statistical Report; it has already published and circulated the first issue. The second issue draft has already been prepared and is on ready for final publication task. Similarly UGC started to publish and circulate Fact Sheet on Higher Education annually listing the data on major indicators of public concerns. The first issue has already been published and circulated. UGC has been, on annual routine basis, contributing data for higher education statistics of the Ministry of Education; preparing performance grants baseline and progress data. Besides, UGC Annual Report has been prepared on annual basis for publication and circulation. UGC is planning to gear up its EMIS unit in developing a central database system on higher education. It will be undertaking consultations with the universities and other higher education institutions in this regard. Framework for a dynamic website has been prepared and launched; Preparation of the data for progress monitoring and calculation of performance grants has been accomplished routinely supporting implementation of the SHEP Reform Grants. Annual Report -39- Overall HE System Development
Orientation was given to the higher education institutions participating in SHEP including the universities and the campuses on Reform Process including strategic planning and undertaking development tasks, on QAA, EMIS and procurement procedures including the provisions and regulations. System of follow-up supervision and technical support has been gradually built with the participation and support of the institutions. Procurements processes are gradually progressing in acquiring goods and services as listed in the plan including vehicle, equipments and services. UGC has initiated provisioning of formulae funding mechanism for KU, PokU, & PU as per the MOU between UGC and the Universities regarding their participation in SHEP Reform Grants. UGC has already proposed additional regular budget from the GON source for the universities on the basis of the agreed formula. Systematic reform of Financial Management Division is further geared up. TOR of Computerized Financial Management System has prepared and selection process of FMIS consultant initiated. Similarly, internal audit, settlement of audit compliance as well as overall capacity development of procurement, financial management, planning and program development, monitoring and evaluation have been initiated. 4.7 SHEP Implementation Issues and Mitigation Steps Taken
Higher education institutions remained affected by difficult political and social milieu. Campuses faced more tough challenges in reforming, particularly in opting for autonomy. Even regular functioning of UGC office was affected by the milieu. Matching grants claim remained at the lower side than expected. This is due to difficulty on the part of the institutions in mobilizing the fund from their sides. The difficulties relate to two major aspects – difficulties faced by the institutional management in convincing the stakeholders and donors that there is need for larger contribution from the stakeholders in order to get substantive matching grants. Second, the institutions faced difficulties in fully understanding and complying with the procurement rules and regulations. The current unstable environment with implications of increased security concerns in major contractual projects requiring bidding process also contributed to the difficulties. The process and requirements of getting performance grants and matching grants have been recognized as important aspects of campus reform; however the process has remained a challenging task for the participating universities and the campuses. -40- Annual Report Capacity building of all concerned institutions continued to remain challenging Participating universities still need to be clear about SHEP provisions and requirements, their commitments to implementation of activities like campus autonomy, development of decentralized campuses, formula based funding and use of performance grants. There is a need for regular consultation, facilitation and coordination in the implementation of the activities. Steps Taken to Mitigate the Issues
Regular consultations are made with the stakeholders to mitigate the issues arising from the disturbing political milieu. Project implementation plan are revisited regularly on the basis of realistic assessment of the situation. Follow up provisions carried out: Orientation program organized regarding SHEP participation: Training Workshop on Reform Grants Management and Public Procurement Base line of system indicators and project indicators have been established iii. Regular consultation meetings carried out with the participating institutions iv. Technical support provided to the campuses for taking necessary steps for better performance. Units responsible for the implementation of planned activities have been strengthened. In this line, additional staffs are recruited. Necessary measures have been provisioned in SFAFDB for processing student selection and providing the funding support. Flexible measures are taken to address the issues regarding matching grants. Scheme for development of implementation capacity of UGC is being seriously reflected on and necessary steps are being undertaken. Annual Report -41- SECTION V
5.1 Issues and Challenges
Nepal needs rapid development of access to higher education in the country to increase its level of enrolment (GER of about 10%) at par with the world average which is presently 26%. However the development must address the concerns of equity, relevance, quality, effectiveness and sustainability. The issues of equity relates to poor access of poor and disadvantaged groups including disadvantaged indigenous ethnic groups, dalits, and female. The major challenge therefore is to support such poor and disadvantaged groups with financial assistance and counseling services. There is also a need for the development of a well sustained student support system to address such Currently development higher education access in Nepal is highly skewed to non- technical and general traditional programs, almost 87% of the student enrollments are in Education, Management and Humanities. Student enrollments in Science and Technology, Engineering, Medicine are very low. Enrollment in Agriculture and Forestry programs are insignificantly low. The access development must be relevant to national development plans, strategies as well as future prospects to ensure that higher education is meaningful and beneficial to the students and the country. There is need for regulating institutional development and enrolment expansion tuned to the national priorities and opportunities. For example the national strategy for poverty reduction requires human resource with knowledge and skill of financial leaderships, planning, creativity and entrepreneurship. Similarly, Nepal's development priority is agriculture, to address these priorities new higher education programs need to be developed and existing programs need reformed. The new programs or reform should ensure practical and knowledge application oriented curriculum contents, modalities and practices. Higher education need to be made more research oriented for this. This will require a national policy and a curriculum framework for program as well as institutional Quality Assessment and Accreditation (QAA) System has been just started in the country with the purpose of establishing quality assurance for all concerned. There is -42- Annual Report need for support to consolidate the QAA system in view of its future scope as mandatory aspect of institutional development and as basis of national monitoring system and government funding. In this line UGC has initiated the process of establishing a National Board for QAA. The draft Act has been prepared and submitted to the MOE for final endorsement by the government. There is need for the government to expedite the process and form the Board. The government has passed the guidelines for provision of National Teacher Evaluation and certification. But the system still needs to be developed. In this line there is scope for establishing a comprehensive higher education teacher training and support system in the country. There is a need to develop a national regulatory framework that define the nature and scope of the various agencies and institutions of higher education and help systemic reform whereby the government, higher education institutions including the universities and their colleges, stakeholder organizations including the teachers unions and the student unions, have more clearly defined and publicly regulated roles and responsibilities. The framework should also outline clear criteria and modalities of public funding, norms for financial management, and provision of ensuring transparency and accountability. The framework should help develop financial sustainability of the institutions while safeguarding the students and parents from undue exploitations. The framework should also provide basis for institutional analysis to promote effectiveness and efficiency. UGC has earlier prepared a draft policy framework and submitted to the MOE for necessary action. Recently, MOE has initiated a process of adopting an umbrella act by tabling in the constitutional assembly. UGC has thoroughly reviewed the tabled draft and provided technical inputs for its betterment. There is need to move ahead with a more comprehensive approach in the development of higher education policy development. There is also a need for a higher education monitoring and feedback system for this there is a need to consolidate higher education EMIS to support monitoring and to provide reliable and verifiable basis for planning, and developing policies. EMIS should also help make management and operation of higher education institutions publicly transparent and liable. Most importantly, higher education institutions remained highly affected by difficult political circumstances in the country. Campuses faced more tough challenges almost in all reform undertakings, particularly in opting for autonomy. Even regular functioning of UGC office was affected by the contexts. The problem of political circumstances affecting higher education institutions are deep rooted in the political Annual Report -43- milieu of the country. All the major political parties have their party organizations extended deep into the university and the campuses to the level of student unions, administrative staff unions and teacher unions. Consequently the political issues raised by the parties or inter-party issues often get into the development, management and operation of the institutions. 5.2 Way Forward
University Grants Commission considered collaboration and cooperation with the stakeholders as the key strategy in addressing the issues and challenges. For this it has formed University Coordination Committee represented by the VCs of all the universities and Chaired by the UGC Chairman. The coordination committee agreed to give priority to harmonize academic calendar, mutual recognition of the degrees and prepare agreed minimum quality norms and standards. Development and implementation of a comprehensive Higher Education Policy Framework is key to addressing many of the issues and challenges. Such framework needs to be developed with wider participation of the stakeholders. UGC intends to prepare a program for drafting policy framework mobilizing the stakeholders. UGC has initiated discriminating grants support to institutions and programs in favour of professional and technical programs that are potential for economic development and job creation. The SHEP performance grants provisions 3 times more performance grants for technical and professional programs compared to general traditional programs. Similarly UGC regular grants support discrinates programs on the basis of experiment/application oriented lab based programs and general non lab based programs. UGC has supported restructuring of SHEP with the provision of incentives for TU institutions, campuses and departments that launch market oriented technical/ professional new window programs. There is need and scope for opening new institutions and programs of technical education/applied science relevant to and needed for economic development. UGC emphasizes development of new universities and other higher education institutions with this need in view. UGC is aware of the high scope for the upcoming Mid-west University, Far-west University and the University of Agriculture and Animal Science in UGC is aware of the need to train or orient the staff including teaching and non- teaching staff in the higher education institutions. There is also need for institutionalized training provision and teacher support system. For undertaking -44- Annual Report challenges of development of such provisions there is need for good and capable human resource-- well trained, proactive and entrepreneurial. Eventually, ICT need to be incorporated in the institutional management as well as in the teaching and learning process. This can be addressed through training and technical support. This area can be addressed best in collaboration with international institutions and with technical and funding support. There are also other areas of high importance where some reform efforts have already been initiated such as, performance based reform grants, QAA system establishment, student financial assistance fund development, EMIS system development, national teacher eligibility test. In order to consolidate the efforts into a comprehensive national higher education reform program there is need and scope for collaborations in drawing technical and funding support of different international development partners. Most importantly, UGC considers that there is need to address the dilemma of political issues affecting higher education organization and institutions. This will be possible only through consensus in considering that higher education reform and development are of common interest and are highly important, and that the tasks should be supported by all stakeholders. There should be logical/rational approach to solving the issues of reform and development of higher education. Annual Report -45- The Lists of the Committees in 2010/11
The List of the University Coordination Committee
Prof. Ganesh Man Gurung, Chairman, UGC Prof. Suresh Raj Sharma, Vice Chancellor (VC), KU Prof. Hira Bahadur Maharjan, VC, TU Prof. Maheshwor Shrestha, VC, PU Prof. Khagendra Pd. Bhattarai, VC, PokU Prof. Shiva Hari Marahattha, VC, NSU Prof. Tri Ratna Manandhar, VC, LBU Prof. Kailash Nath Pyakuryal, VC, AFU Prof. Padam Lal Devkota, VC, MWU Prof. Jai Raj Awasthi, VC, FWU Mr. Bhola Nath Pokharel, Member Secretary, UGC Member Secretary The List of the Academic Committee
Prof. Ganesh Man Gurung Mr. Bhola Nath Pokharel Prof. Santosh Paudyal Prof. Lok Narayan Jha Prof. Timila Yami Mr. Subas Chandra Dhungel The List of the Second Higher Education Project Steering Committee
Chairman, University Grants Committee Vice Chancellor, Tribhuvan University Vice Chancellor, Kathmandu University Secretary, Ministry of Education Member Secretary, University Grants Committee Vice Chairman, Higher Secondary Education Board Director General, Department of Education Representative, National Planning Commission Representative, Ministry of Finance Prof. Kedar Bhakta Mathema Prof. Dr. Balkumar K.C. Mr. Ganga Prasad Upreti Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education Member Secretary -46- Annual Report The List of the Research Council Members
Prof. Ganesh Man Gurung, Chairman, UGC Mr. Bholanath Pokharel, Member Secretary, UGC Prof. Guna Nidhi Neupane, Member, Rector, TU Mr. Dil Bdr Gurung, Executive Director, NARC Prof. Choplal Bhusal, Nepal Health Research Council Prof. Parthibeshwor Timilsina, NIC College Maitidevi, Prof. Dr. Govind Ram Agrawal Prof. Jiwan Shrestha, Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu Prof. Hari Gautam, Valmiki Campus 10 Prof. Mana Prasad Wagle, School of Education, KU 11 Mr. Suraj Baidhya, FNCCI 12 Prof. Dr. Harinder Thapaliya, Research Director, UGC Member Secretary The List of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (QAAC)

Prof. Dr. Ganesh Man Gurung Chairman, UGC Nepal Mr. Bhola Nath Pokharel Member secretary, UGC Nepal Prof. Dinesh Raj Pant Nepal Sanskrit University Dr. Ishwor Chandra Baniya Dean, Science & Technology, Pokhara University Prof. Keshab Kumar Shrestha Executive Director, Curricular Development Centre, TU Prof. Puspa Raj Adhikari Controller of Examinations, Kathmandu University Prof. Monahar Prasad Gupta Prominent Professor Prof. Novel Kishore Rai Prominent Professor Prof. Sanu Devi Joshi Prominent Professor 10 Prof. Upendra Bahadur Prominent Professor 11 Mr. Janardan Nepal Joint Secretary Higher & Technical Education Section, MOE Annual Report -47- 12 Dr. Hari Lamsal Chairman, Nepal Health Professional Council 13 Er. Saligram Singh Chairman, Nepal Engineering Council 14 Prof. Dr. Chandra Raj Sapkota Chairman, Nepal Ayurved Medical Council 15 Mr. Yagya Prasad Neupane Chairman, Nepal Pharmacy Council 16 Mr. Lav Kumar Mainali Chairman, Nepal Bar Council 17 Dr. Damodar Gajurel Chairman, Nepal Medical Council 18 Ms Daya Laxmi Joshi 19 Ms. Lal Kumari Pokharel Students' representative 20 Dr. Narayan Pd. Ghimire Registrar, Nepal Veterinary Council 21 Prof. Dr. Kanhaiya B. Mathema Director, QAAD The List of Research Evaluation Committee Members
Prof. Yogendra P. Yadav Head, Central department of Linguistic, TU Prof. Bharat Mani Pokhrel Central Department of Microbiology, TU Prof. Shree Ram Lamichhane Head, Faculty of Education, TU Dr. Lav Dev Awasthi Ministry of Education Dr. Bal Gopal Baidya Prof. Prem Raj Panta Apex College, Kathmandu Prof. Megh Raj Dhital Head, Central Department of Geology, TU International Expert Prof. Harinder Thapaliya Director, Research Division, UGC Prof. Fanindra Neupane Prof. Sudharshan Raj Tiwari Pulchowk Engineering Campus Prof. Chitra Kumar Gurung Teaching Hospital, TU The List of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Technical Committee
Prof. Shiba K. Rai Prof. Upendra Pradhananga Prof. Panna Thapa Prof. Dr. Kanhaiya B. Mathema, Director, QAAD -48- Annual Report The List of Community Campuses that Received Regular
Grants in 2010/11
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dGynL;lxb:d[lt a= SofDk;, dGynL kmf]gM )$*–%$)!)(, %$)@() uf}/LzÍ/ a= SofDk;, /fd]5fk ahf/ kmf]gM )$*– ()!(@ l;4]Zj/ lzIf klJns SofDk;, afDtLe08f/ kmf]gM )$*– @)!@% lxdu+uf SofDk;, ;f+3'6f/ kmf]gM )$*– @)#@%, @)!%& -52- Annual Report k ofu]Zj/ ax'd'vL SofDk;, ks/jf; /fd]5fk kmf]gM )$* ())(! tfdfsf];L SofDk;, lvDtL, /fd]5fk kmf]gM )$* @)#%@ bf]nvf -#_
uf}/LzÍ/ ax'd'vL SofDk;, rl/sf]6 kmf]gM )$(–$@!!@$, $@! ( lh/L SofDk;, lh/L, kmf]gM )$(– ()@() xg'dGt]Zj/ SofDk;, sfe ], kmf]gM ((#$()&!% l;Gw'kfNrf]s - _
;'gsf]zL a= SofDk;, nfdf];fF3' kmf]gM (&$!)!#@%#, )!!$(%)#! rf}tf/f a. SofDk;, rf}tf/f kmf]gM )!!– ()@%@, @)@%@, #)#$@ d]nDrL EofnL SofDk;, dxfFsfn– ! c/lgsf] SofDk;, afx la;], kmf]gM )!!$*(!%( O{Gb jtL SofDk;, d[nDrL, l;Gw'kfNrf]s kmf]gM )! @@!@*$ h'un a= SofDk;, ;fFufrf]s, l;Gw'kfNrf]s /;'jf -!_
sflnsf lxdfno SofDk;, sflnsf:yfg kmf]gM )!)– &)!%( wflbª -$_
gLns07 SofDk;, wflbªa];L kmf]gM )!)–%@)# (, %@)!) cfbz{ ax'd'vL SofDk;, uh'/L, kmf]gM )!)– (@)@) g]qfjtL ;fd'bflos SofDk;, lqk'/]Zj/, wflbª kmf]gM (&%!))#! # ;Nofg6f/ SofDk;, ;Nofg6f/, wflbª kmf]gM (&$!) *$&# g'jfsf]6 -$_
g'jfsf]6 cfbz{ ax'd'vL SofDk;, a6[[f/ kmf]gM )!)–% )!%& B.Ed, M. Ed., MBS lqe'jglq;"nL a= SofDk;, lq;"nL, kmf]gM )!)–% )*%) B.Ed, BBS Annual Report -53- /0fe'jg]Zj/L SofDk;, b]jL3f6, g'jfsf]6 kmf]gM )!) *)#)& r08]Zj/L a= SofDk;, t'Kr], g'jfsf]6 kmf]gM )!)– *)%( sf7df8f}+ -@%_
sflGtk'/ SofDk;, ynL, 8fF5L kmf]gM )!–$$%)*)$, $$%)#! dgf]x/;lxb:df/s SofDk;, uf]Fua' kmf]gM )!–$#%$)@( lzv/fk'/ SofDk;, kmlk{ª, kmf]gM )!$&!))#& dbg e08f/L d]df]l/on sn]h, /ftf]k'n kmf]gM )!–$$*#$(#, $$ $@*@ efUof]bo SofDk;, ;fFv', kmf]gM )!–$$%)& ( ;xLb:df/s sn]h, sLlt{k'/, kmf]gM )!–$###(#& hgd}qL a= SofDk;, s'n]Zj/, kmf]gM )!–$@&&@)@ ˆofS;M $@* @*# B.Ed.,MBS, M.Ed. sf7df8f}F SofDk;, sfnLdf6L, kmf]gM )!–$@&&@&% lr/gldng ljZjzflGt SofDk;, skgdfu{ kmf]gM )!—$)!&)!% sf7df8f}F lzIf SofDk;, /fdzfxky kmf]gM )!–$@#)@$) lkkN; SofDk;, ksgfhf]n kmf]gM )!–$@%!$!@, $@%!(() l8NnLahf/ sGof a= SofDk;, l8NnLahf/ kmf]gM )!–$$!*!!*, $$!&!!#) s}nfzs'6 a= SofDk;, ldqkfs{, rfalxn kmf]gM )!–$$ %&)&, @)&@#$$ kz'klt a= SofDk;, rfalxn kmf]gM )!–$$&)$!@, $$ *# $ sf]6]Zj/ a= SofDk;, sf]6]Zj/, kmf]gM )!– $!%%!$% 100 afg]Zj/ SofDk;, zflGtgu/ kmf]gM )!–$$*)#!), $$*###@ 101 Ph's];g SofDk;, gofF afg]Zj/ kmf]gM )!–$$ !%(#, $()@!% -54- Annual Report 102 u fdL0f cfbz{ a= SofDk;, g]kfn6f/ kmf]gM )!–$#%$!@$, $#*!&)% B.Ed., MA, M.Ed. 103 /Tg lzIf klAns SofDk;, sf]6]Zj/ kmf]gM )!–$ )@)*$ 104 g]kfn Joj:yfkg;+3, Joj:yfkg ljsf; SofDk;, 105 l;h{gf sn]h ckm kfOg cf6{;, sdnfbL kmf]gM $$!*$%%, $$!@ #$ 106 Pg=cf/= sn]h, g]kfn6f/, dgd}h' kmf]gM )!–$#%)$ (, $# @ @ 107 zxLb cfbz{ SofDk;, eb jf;, kmf]gM )!—$$%)@)! 108 u0f]zdfg l;+x a= SofDk;, :joDe" kmf]gM )!–$@&%@$) 109 ;xof]uL a= SofDk;, uf]s0f{, kmf]gM )!–$*)!)$# nlntk'/ -!)_
110 hgefjgf SofDk;, KofªufpF, kmf]gM )!–%%&)%!@ 111 dxfnIdL SofDk;, b]jL:yfg n'e', kmf]gM )!–%%*))( BBS 112 gd'gf dlR5Gb SofDk;, nugv]n kmf]gM )!–%%@!%)$, %%$!( $ 113 nlnt a= SofDk;, k'Nrf]s, kmf]gM )!–%))$@@) 114 cfbz{ sGof SofDk;, dËnahf/, kmf]gM )!–%%$@%*# 115 ls6gL sn]h, uf]bfj/L, kmf]gM )!–%% )% $ 116 km'Nrf]sL dxfljBfno, 7}a, kmf]gM )!–%% )%*@ 117 cfbz{;f}n dxfljBfno, ;}Fa', e}+;]kf6L kmf]gM )!–%%()( ), 118 dfxf+sfn SofDk;, uf]6Lv]n 119 >lds zflGt SofDk;, Rof;n, nlntk'/ kmf]]gM )!%%@)!!) eQmk'/ -%_
120 gjb'uf{ ax'd'vL SofDk;, gjb'uf{:yfg kmf]gM )!– !@) & 121 zf/bf SofDk;, sdnljgfos kmf]gM )!– !$**), !)$!& 122 cfbz{ ax'd'vL SofDk;, ;fgf]l7dL, kmf]gM )!– ## & Annual Report -55- 123 jfuLZj/L SofDk;, tnf5]+ 6f]n, kmf]gM )!– !)@&) 124 VjkM sn]h, b]sf]rf, eQmk'/, kmf]]gM !)(#@ B.Sc., MBS, MA, M.Sc. sfe ]knfGrf]s -!!_
125 sfe ] ax'd'vL SofDk;, ag]kf–!!, a'8f]n kmf]gM )!!– !!## 126 r}tGo a= SofDk;, ag]kf kmf]gM )!!– !&@@.(*%!)!*$!& 127 OGb ]Zj/ SofDk;, kgf}tL, kmf]gM )!!–$$)#@@ 128 w'lnv]n SofDk;, w'lnv]n, kmf]gM )!!–$()$ @ 129 t]huËf ax'd'vL SofDk;, kgf}tL, kmf]gM )!!–$$))@* 130 8]8Ly'Dsf klAns SofDk;, dxfb]j:yfg kmf]gM (*$!$&)&$* 131 k ef a= SofDk;, sflQs] b]p/fnL, kmf]gM )! (!@ $) 132 ;j{d+unf ax'd'vL SofDk;, kf+rvfn kmf]gM )!– @@ %!( 133 ;+hLjgL sn]h, w'lnv]n, kmf]gM )!!–$()$%# 134 sfgk'/ SofDk;, sfgk'/, sfe ]knf rf]s kmf]gM )!! *#$$$ 135 s'zfb]jL SofDk;, s'zfb]jL, sfe ]knf rf]s kmf]gM )!!$$!)$) dsjfgk'/ -$_
136 dsjfgk'/ a= SofDk;, x]6f}F8f kmf]gM )%&–%@) @), %@#& @ B.Ed.BA, B.Sc., MBS, MA 137 x]6f}F8f SofDk;, x]6f}F8f, kmf]gM )%&–%@)(&$ 138 kfn'ª ax'd'vL SofDk;, kfn'ª, kmf]gM )%&– @)$ $ 139 a+zuf]kfn a= SofDk;, rf}38f, x6f}8f kmf]gM )%&%#)!(@ /f}tx6 -#_
140 uf}/LzÍ/ ofbj SofDk;, uf}/, kmf]gM )%%–%@)#@& -56- Annual Report 141 ç sn]h, ;Gtk'/, kmf]gM )%%–%$)!*%, )(&$%)!@!!!, )(*$%@*)%$% 142 hgHof]lt a= SofDk;, rGb lgufxk'/ kmf]gM )%%–%$)!# 143 l;d/f sn]h, lkk/f, l;d/f, kmf]gM )%#–%@))#* 144 /fd/fhf -df=la=zf=_ a= SofDk;, sn}of kmf]gM (&@%#%)&%@ 145 uf}/Lz+s/ SofDk;, lghu9 kmf]gM )%#–%$)$!$, (*$%)($)%$ 146 8'd/jfgf sn]h, 8'd/jfgf, jf/f, kmf]gM @) @& 147 xl/ v]tfg a. SofDk;, jL/u h kmf]gM )%!–%@@( !, %@ ! & B.Sc, B.Ed, LLB, MBS, MA, MED lrtjg -!!_
148 ;xLb:d[lt a= SofDk;, /Tggu/ kmf]gM )% –% )!$&, % !$$&, % #)$& B.Ed., M.Ed, MBS, MA 149 ;Ktu08sL a= SofDk;, e/tk'/ kmf]gM )% –%@)&%$, %@@%%*, %@#)@! BA, MA B.Ed., M.Ed 150 afns'df/L SofDk;, gf/fo0fu9 kmf]gM )% –%@)*$@, %@$*$@ 151 hgcfbz{ a= SofDk;, lj/]Gb gu/, kmf]gM )% –%*#)@# 152 ;lxb:df/s sn]h, zf/bfgu/, kmf]gM )% –%(!)#! 153 d}ofFb]jL sGof sn]h, e/tk'/ kmf]gM )% –%@$$(%, %@ $), %##!($ 154 df8L ax'd'vL SofDk;, a;Gtk'/ df8L kmf]gM )% – (@%%& 155 cd/ hgzlQm a= SofDk;, kl6xfgL kmf]gM )% – @)!$) 156 c?0f ]bo sn]h, uLtfgu/, kmf]gM )% – @)#$) 157 ejfgLz+s/ a= sn]h, v}/xgL, kmf]gM )% –%*@%$% Annual Report -57- 158 pdfj8L cfbz{ z]/rg sn]h, lbJogu/ kmf]gM )% – @)&@! gjnk/f;L -!#_
159 s'df/jtL{ a= SofDk;, sfjf;f]tL, kmf]gM )&*–%$)!!% BBS, BA, B.Ed, MA, MBS, Med 160 kfNxL a= SofDk;, /fdu fd–$, lhtk'/ kmf]gM )&*–%@)!$& 161 lbJoHof]lt a= SofDk;, lr;fkfgL -ab{3f6_ kmf]gM )&*–%*)@)(, %*))#! B.Ed, MBS, M.Ed. 162 dxfslj b]jsf]6f SofDk;, ;'gjn kmf]gM )&*– (!)$ , (*$&)$!*($ 163 n'lDalg cfbz{ l8u L sn]h, sfjf;f]tL kmf]gM )&*–%$)$)% 164 b]jr'nL sn]h, /hx/, kmf]gM )&*–%$%$&$ 165 lqe'jg SofDk;, a]n6f/L, kmf]gM (&$&)!)%#( 166 ;'o{eQm ktgfb]jL d]df]l/on sn]h u}8fsf]6 kmf]gM )% –%)!)&(, (##)( 167 gjhfu/0f a= SofDk;, rf]/df/f, kmf]gM )& – @)(!$ 168 cf?ªvf]nf a= SofDk;, cf?ªvf]nf kmf]gM )&*–%%%)$# 169 dWoljGb' a= SofDk;, sfjf;f]tL kmf]gM )&*–%$)$&#, %$)$&( 170 gjnk'/ ax'd'vL SofDk;, lqe'jg6f/, gjnk/f;L kmf]gM )&* @) && 171 hgs sn]h, u}8fsf]6, gjnk/f;L, kmf]gM )% %)!!!@ ?kGb]xL -*_
172 n'lDjgL jfl0fHo SofDk;, a'6jn kmf]gM )&!–%$)%)), $ @$% 173 /fddl0f a= SofDk;, dl0fu fd, kmf]gM )&!–% )@@ 174 ?kGb]xL SofDk;, l;4fy{gu/, kmf]gM )&!%@!%&@ 175 l;4fy{ uf}tda'4 SofDk;, a'6jn kmf]gM )&!–%$!#)!, (&!!! 176 zxLb gf/fo0f kf]v/]n /fdfk'/ SofDk;, b'w/fIf– @ kmf]gM )&!–$$)$)! -58- Annual Report 177 km;f{l6s/ o1f]bo a= SofDk;, /djfk'/ kmf]gM )&!– (#@%% 178 x/}of ax'd'vL SofDk;, ?bk'/, kmf]gM 179 kz'klt sn]h, sf]6Lxjf, kmf]gM )&!% )&(! slknj:t' -@_
180 slknj:t' a= SofDk;, tf}lnxjf, kmf]gM )&*–% )!*! 181 l;4fy{ SofDk;, af0fuª uf, kmf]gM )& –%%)!@@ c3f{vfFrL -$_
182 xl/x/ lzIf SofDk;, lvlbd kf]v/fyf]s kmf]gM (&$&))!@)# 183 kfl0flg a= SofDk;, ;lGwvs{ kmf]gM )&&–$@)%*@ ˆofS;M $@)@) 184 ;"o{y'd;+o"Qm SofDk;, d/]ª &, c3f{vfFrL kmf]gM (*$&@@)(( 185 jL/]Gb lzIf SofDk;, d/]ª #, c3f{vfFrL kmf]gM )&! (&@# kfNkf -(_
186 tfg;]g ax'd'vL SofDk;, tfg;]g kmf]gM )&%–%@)%(&÷%@@$%) 187 gj cfbz{ a= SofDk;, b]p/fnL, kmf]gM)&%— ()$ % 188 ;xLb a= SofDk;, /fdk'/, kmf]gM )&%–% (!$&* 189 pb a'4 sn]h, tfg;]g, kmf]gM )&%– ()@$& 190 h]eL6L sn]h, tfg;]g kfNkf, kmf]gM )&%%@)!)& 191 e}/j ax'd'vL SofDk;, 5x/f, kfNkf kmf]gM )&% ())%) 192 df08Jo ax'd'vL SofDk;, dbgkf]v/f, kfNkf kmf]gM )&% ()# * 193 ;/:jtL a= SofDk;, v:of}nL, kfNkf kmf]gM )&% ()$ & 194 cu{nL a= SofDk;, cu{nL, kfNkf, kmf]gM &% ()##( u'NdL -#_
195 /];'Ëf a= SofDk;, tD3f; kmf]gM )&(–%@)!$%, %@!)$% Annual Report -59- 196 >[uLZj/ AofDk;, /fgLjf;, kmf]gM )&(– ()&)$ 197 ?b jtL ax'd'vL SofDk;, an]6S;f/ kmf]gM )&(– ()@#), (*$!%) !%# :ofª hf -*_
198 jflnª ax'd'vL SofDk;, jflnª, kmf]gM ) #–$$)@@$ 199 lqe'jg cfbz{ a= SofDk;, k'tnLahf/ kmf]gM ) #–$@)#*) 200 sfnLu08sL SofDk;, la3f{, kmf]gM ) #–$@)*#! 201 uNofª ax'd'vL SofDk;, uNofª kmf]gM ) #–$ )@% , $ )#)# 202 lddL{ ax'd'vL SofDk;, >Ls[i0f u08sL, ldld{ kmf]gM (*$ !%(*) 203 k w'Dg kg]? a= SofDk;, ;]tL bf]efg % /+u]7f+6L, :ofªhf B.Ed. kmf]gM (*$ @& )$% 204 l;4fy{;fd'bflos a= SofDk;, km]bLvf]nf, :ofª hf kmf]gM ) # ()! @ 205 /fwf bfdf]b/;+:s[t ljBfkL7, ;+vf/, :ofª hf kmf]gM (&$!)(#@!) tgx'F -&_
206 lqe'jg SofDk;, ?kfsf]6 -dfg]rf}sf_ kmf]gM ) %– ()!&* 207 cflbslj efg'eQm a=SofDk;, bdf}nL kmf]gM ) %–% ))( , % )($ B.Ed., MA, M.Ed. 208 efg'eQm a= SofDk;, a]nrf}tf/f, kmf]gM ) %–%&)@$) 209 dx]z;+:s[t u'?s'n ljBfkL7d , b]j3f6 kmf]gM )% – @@)$@& 210 cf+j'v}/]gL SofDk;, cf+j'v}/]gL, kmf]gM ) –%$))*$ 211 jGbLk'/ SofDk;, jGbLk'/, tgx'+, kmf]gM (*$ ! &&$# 212 hgHof]tL SofDk;, ledfb, tgx'+, kmf]gM ) % (#%)) uf]/vf -@_
213 b Jozfx SofDk;, nIdLahf/ kmf]gM ) $–$@)&**, $@)@@* -60- Annual Report 214 k/f]ksf/ cfbz{ a= SofDk;, hf}jf/L, uf]/vf kmf]gM ) $ ()#(@ dgfª -)_
ndh'Ë -%_
215 d:of{ª bL SofDk;, a];Lzx/ kmf]gM ) –%@)@!#, %@)$!$ 216 elQm cfbz{ a= SofDk;, ef]6]cf]8f/ kmf]gM ) %– (!$ $ 217 O{zfg]Zj/ SofDk;, ef]n]{6f/, kmf]gM ) !– ()%&% 218 dft[e"ld SofDk;, ;'Gb/ahf/, kmf]gM (*$!#@)#!% 219 ;jf]{bo SofDk;, b'/f8fF8f, kmf]gM (*$!(#(*%% sf:sL -(_
220 kf]v/f ax'd'vL SofDk;, gofFahf/ kmf]gM ) !–%@!!!#, %@!!!$, %@*!)) 221 uf}/LzÍ/ a= SofDk;, x]Dhf, kmf]gM ) !–%@! !# 222 nIdLcfbz{ a= SofDk;, n]vgfy, kmf]gM ) !–% ))!( 223 sGof SofDk;, gbLk'/, kmf]gM ) !–%@@@% 224 df5fk'R5«] lzIf SofDk;, l9s'/kf]v/L kmf]gM ) !– (! ## 225 lzIf dxfljBfno, km"naf/L, kmf]gM ) !–%@@$!* 226 hglk o SofDk;, l;dnrf}/ kmf]gM ) !–%@@@*&, %#!*@@ BA, B.Ed, BCIS, MBS 227 sflnsf a= SofDk;, sfhLkf]v/L, kmf]gM ) !–%#)#*% 228 hgk sfz a= SofDk;, n]vgfy, kmf]gM ) !–% !#&* 229 kj{t ax'd'vL SofDk;, kmn]af;, kmf]gM (&% &))!&& 230 u'Kt]Zj/ ax'd'vL SofDk;, s':df, kmf]gM ) &–$@)!$% 231 hgtf;'bz{g a= SofDk;, 7"nLkf]v/L kmf]gM ) &– ()@*@ 232 k}+o' ax'd'vL SofDk;, lqj]0fL, kmf]gM (*$&&!&&%! Annual Report -61- 233 gjhfu[t ax'd'vL SofDk;, ltnfxf/, kj{t kmf]gM ) & ()! * afUn'ª -$_
234 an]jf k}o'Fkf6f a=SofDk;, k}o'Fkf6f, an]jf kmf]gM (*%& @)$*& 235 lglze'hL hgtf SofDk;, a'lt{jfª, kmf]gM ((# *!)%# 236 uNsf]6 ax'd'vL SofDk;, xl6of, kmf]gM ((# *!# $ 237 zflGtbLk a= SofDk;, s'l:d;]/f, afun'ª kmf]gM (*$& && %$ DofUbL -!_
238 DofUbL ax'd'vL SofDk;, km"naf/L, a]gL kmf]gM ) (–%@)!)(.(*%& $)!** d':tfª -)_
239 /f/f SofDk;, udu9L, kmf]gM )*&– ()# * 240 dxfb]j di6f rt'{b]j SofDk;, /ftfkfgL, d'u' kmf]gM (&%*))) * 8f]Nkf -!_
241 8f]Nkf] SofDk;, b'g}, kmf]gM )*&–%%)!%( x'Dnf -)_
h'Dnf -)_
242 l;+hf a= SofDk;, wfkf+, h'Dnf kmf]gM (*$*#)@$!# sflnsf]6 -!_
243 ltnf s0f {nL a= SofDk;, dfGd–(, tf8L 244 d'l;sf]6 vnËf SofDk;, vn+uf, kmf]gM )**– *)#) 245 zLtn SofDk;, rf}/hxf/L /f]Nkf -@_
246 hnhnf a= SofDk;, lnjfª, kmf]gM )* – *))@* 247 gj g]kfn SofDk;, h'uf/ /f]Nkf Ko"7fg -#_
248 :ju{åf/L SofDk;, /ftfdf6f, kmf]gM )* –$ ))*( -62- Annual Report 249 uf}d'vL SofDk;, dR5L, cf]v/sf]6, kmf]gM )* ())$) B.Ed. 250 cd/ SofDk;, le+u[, Ko"7fg, kmf]gM (&%*%))($! 251 /fKtL aaO{ a. SofDk;, t'n;Lk'/ kmf]gM )*@–%@)#! , %@@&@ 252 b]pv'/L ax'd'vL SofDk;, ndxL, b]pv'/L kmf]gM )*@–%$)@! ;Nofg -$_
253 ;Nofg ax'd'vL SofDk;, vnª uf, kmf]gM )**–%@)@$@ BA, B.Ed., 254 hgsNof0f SofDk;, yf/df/], kmf]gM )*@– (#@%% 255 lzjhg SofDk;, lztnkf6L, ;Nofg kmf]gM )**– ()@ # 256 zf/bf SofDk;, z+vd'n, ;Nofg, kmf]gM (&$*%@)(!@ afFs] -@_
257 afu]Zj/L a= SofDk;, sf]xnk'/, kmf]gM )*!–%$!)*) 258 nIdL;fd'bflos a= SofDk;, srgfk'/ jf+s] kmf]gM (&%*))!#** alb{of -@_
259 aaO{ a= SofDk;, u'nl/of kmf]gM )*$–$@)!@(, $@!)!* 260 r'/] SofDk;, jugfxf, alb{of, kmf]gM )*$ @)@&% ;'v]{t -$_
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266 gf/fo0f SofDk;, /fdk'/, kmf]gM )*(–$@))*$ 267 b f]0f rn lzIf SofDk;, b'Nn', kmf]gM (&$*)!&$$@ Annual Report -63- s}nfnL -(_
268 s}nfnL ax'd'vL SofDk;, wgu9L kmf]gM )(!–%@!@@#, %@ @(# B.Ed., MBS, M.Ed., MA 269 6Lsfk'/ a= SofDk;, 6Lsfk'/, kmf]gM )(!–% ))** 270 3f]8f3f]8L ax'd'vL SofDk;, ;'v8 kmf]gM (&$!)&$)&$ 271 b'uf{nIdL ax'd'vL SofDk;, cQl/of kmf]gM )(!–%%)* ! 272 /3'gfy cfbz{ SofDk;, af}lgofF, kmf]gM )(!– @!)@) 273 vKt8 a= SofDk;, d;'l/of, kmf]gM )(!– (!%# 274 lj/]Gb ljBfdlGb/ SofDk;, l6sfk'/ kmf]gM )(!–% )@@) 275 dfx'Gofn ax'd'vL SofDk;, ehgL # s}nfnL kmf]gM )(!%*)!!) 276 nDsL a= SofDk;, nDsL, s}nfnL, kmf]gM )(!%$)$ @ 8f]6L -!_
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295 l;4gfy ax'd'vL SofDk;, dx]Gb gu/ kmf]gM )((–%@!@%# BBS, MA, MBS, M.Ed. 296 dxfsfnL a= SofDk;, >Lk'/, j]nf}/L kmf]gM )((–%*)!(& 297 hgtf a= SofDk;, lqe'jgj:tL, kmf]gM )((–% )!)@ 298 efg' ax'd'vL SofDk;, bf]wf/f rfFbgL kmf]gM )((– (!@! , (&%(%)@@ ( 299 s rg a= SofDk;, s[i0fk'/, kmf]gM )(!- (!)%! 300 /f}n]Zj/ hgtf cfbz{ a= SofDk;, a]n8fF8L, s rgk'/ kmf]gM (&%(%)@@@# Annual Report -65- The List of Persons Awarded Mini Research in 2010/11
Junk food and its Imapct on Nutritional Status of School Children Foreign Trade of Nepal Bohara, Pioneer International College Detection of 185delAG Mutation in the Brest Cancer Susceptibile Gene Biotechnology, TU BRCA1 by PR-RFLP: Pilot Study Janardan Pandey, Isolation Characterization and Dept of Biotechnology, Screening of Industrially Important Fermentative and Wine Yeasts from Indigenous Nepalese Murcha Samples Jarina Joshi, Central Production and Comparison of Dept of Biotechnology, Pectinase Enzyme by Aspergillus niger Isolated from Psychotropic, Mesophilic and Mophilic Condition of Soil Using Citrus Pells Screening of Exon8 and Exon49 as "Hot Spots" in Duchenne Muscular Biotechnology, TU Dystrophic Patients of Ktm Valley by Multiple Polymerase Chain Reaction Hom Nath Pathak, Comparision of Community as well Prithivi Narayan as Arborial Characterstics in Natural Forest and Abandoned Fallows of Khoriya Synthesis, Characterization & Bhattarai, Trichandra natimalarial activity of tebuquine Ram Hari Bhandari, lh/]n ;d'bfosf] ;fdflhs Pjd Saraswoti Multiple ;fF:s[lts hghLjgM Ps cWoog Campus, Lainchaur Poverty Impact Analysis of BP Bhattarai, Naba Jyoti Highway: A case of Khurkot- College, Koteswor Nepalthok Sector Road -66- Annual Report Arjun Prasad Dahal, Rare of Returns to Education in Hansposa VDC of Sunsari District Adarsha Multiple Campus, Morang Rashmee Rajkarnikar, Impact of Remittance Economy on Shankar Dev Campus excluded and Marginalized Communities Surya Bahadur Thapa, Determinants of Nepal's Foreign Trade: An Emprical Analysis of Trade with India Bidur Nepal, Patan The Role of Remittance in Poverty Campus, Lalitpur Alleviation in Nepal Tara Prasad Bhusal, An Econometric Analysis of GDP and Inflation in Nepal Campus, Lalitpur Mr. Khem Raj Subedi, Prospects of Income Generation Tikapur Multiple Through Herb Cultivation: A case study of Kailali district Jaya Bishnu Pradhan, Implicit Mathematical Knowledge of Education Chundra: An Indigenous ways to Knowledge Generation The Role of SMC Member in Community School Budhanilkantha Campus, Budhanilkantha Bhim Bhadur Bohara, Learning Management Status for Sahid Smarak College Deaf Children: A Study of Deaf Child's School in Naxal Kathmandu Hari Prasad Pokhrel, Utilization of FOE Graduates in Siddhajoyti Education Hit Kumari Poudel, Teaching Practice: Provision Siddhajoyti Education dfWolds txdf ;fdflhs lzIff kf7 oqmd Education Sarbodaya Campus sfof{Gjgsf ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfox? Kul Raj Neupane, Higher Order Thinking Skills in Classroom Teaching Praxis Under Campus, Tahachal Annual Report -67- Diversity and multi-linguistic Purwanchal University production in Nepali TV channels Ramesh Kumar Limbu, The Cross-Zone between Indigenous English Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Knowledge System and Cultural Memorial College Identity of Limbhu Bishnu Prasad Pokhrel, Techniques used by Secondary Level English Butwal Multiple English Teachere in Teaching Krishan Kumar Yogi, A Comparative Study on Teacher's Proficiency in TU Constituent Campuses and Tu Affiliated Campuses in Kathmandu Valley Dinesh Raj Dahal, Teaching Compulsory English at Siddhajoyti Education B.Ed 1st Year Guidelines and Gaps Effectiveness of English Language Bhattarai, Khwopa Teaching for the Students of Ethic Performing Newa-Lahana: Paudel, Laxmi Adarsha Restaging Rituals and Identities Multiple Campus Role of Socio-economic Status in Santwona Memorial Developing English Language Proficiency of Dhepang students Yogaraj Poudel, Shree Impact of Nepal's Tourism Vindubashini Sanskrit Campaign"Nepal Tourism Year Vidyapeeth, Pokhara 2011" on Tourist Arrival in Pokhara Tongue –Piercing Jatra of Bode Campus, Kathmandu Tek Bhadur Karki, Crisis in Government in the Post Republic Movement of Nepal Bal Ram Adhikari, English Grammer: Views of Student English Edu Teachers and Communication of Grammer to Their Studnets Diversities and Deviations in an Siddhajoyti Education Nani Babu Ghimire, Teachers PRofessional Siddhajoyti Education Development: Reakutues, Expectations and Responsibilities -68- Annual Report Rishiram Adhikari, A Study on Domestics Tourism and English Edu Sanothimi Campus its scop in Chitwan Learner Autonomy in Teahing University Campus, TU Grammer Janak Singh Negi, The Impact of Lerner Motivation on English Manilek Multiple Developing Self-Access Learning in Traditional Healing Practices in Sanothimi Campus Representation of the Feminine in Mahendra M Campus, the Nepali TV Commercials Kamal Raj Gosai, Occurrence and Abudance of Mammalian Species in Khaktapur Gadhiv Kafle, Institute Vulnerability and Adaptation of of Forestery, Hetauda Forest dependent Communitities to Climatic Stresses at Chauri Hills of Parsa District Soil erosion in watershed and sedimentation problem in Phewa Lake: A sudy through climate change and environment conservation perspectives. Rajeshwori Malla A Study of Vermicomposting of Pradhan, Balkumari College, Chitwan Sher Bahadur Gurung, Landslides Hazard Analysis of Central Department of Tinau Khola Watershed, Nepal Keshav Raj Dhakal, High School Students and Teachers' Geography Attitude Towards Geography Education of Kathmandu District Kamala Thapa, Sano Impact of Socio-Economic and Educational Condition on Natritional Status of the Below five year Children of Dalit Community Knowledge, Attitude an Practice on Sexual and Reproductive Health among College Students Annual Report -69- Ashok Kumar Karki, Prem Bdr. Bhattarai, Sexual Reproductive Health Population Science @)!* ;fnsf] ljb f]xdf lrtjgsf] e"ldsf History Regmi, Birendra Multiple Campus Dr. Rajkumar Pokhrel, The Impact of Political Instability on the Diplomatic Sectors of Nepal Campus, Bagbazar Tirtha Raj Adhikari, Climatological Water Balance for the Langtang Third Ple Region of Ram Prasad Poudel, Power Hydraulics and Penumatics Purwanchal Campus Indra Prasad Dahal, k efjsf/L lzIf0f l;sfOsf nflu k':tsfno Joj:yfkg Analysis of Preferred Factors to Upaydhaya, Balkumari watch TV Channels and TV College, Chitwan Commercial in Chitwan District Ram Prasad Acharya, Human Resource Practices in Nepal; the Enquiry of Relationship Campus, Minbhawan Between Line Manager and HR Manager Dividend Policy and Practices of Listed Insurance Companies of Nepal Role of Department of Cottage & Small Industries (DCSI) to Promote Entreprenceurship & Enterprises An analysis of effect on Economic (Gautam), Shanker Dev Status due to Market Accessibility Campus, Ramshahpath in Nepal Jas Bdr. Gurung, Nepal Performance of Insurance Business Tourism and Hotel in Nepal with special reference to Management College, Dhundi Raj Bhattarai, Contract Teachers Job Satisfaction Modern Nepal College, Bagbazaar -70- Annual Report Rita Maskey, Shankar A Study on Motivation Regarading Teaching Pedagogy of TU Uddhab Shiwakoti, Managerial Work Roles in South Pinnacle College Asia; Evidence from Nepalese Corporate Sector The Application of Natural Balkumari College, Numbers on Cryptography Jaya Bishnu Pradhan, Implicit Mathematical Knowledge of Mathmatics Chundra: An Indigenous ways to Knowledge Generation Study of Some Bulk Queuing Kathmandu University Study of Intestinal Inffections by Prasite and Bacteria among Balkumari College, Children in Orphanage home and Screening of Pathaogenic Fungi Khwakhali, Amrit from the Ktm Valley Campus, Lainchour Manjushree Shakya, Antifungal Susceptibility Tessting of Fungi Isolated from Ktm Valley International College Buddhi Raj Khaniya, u'¿ª / g]kfnL efiffsf] t'ngf Central Dept of Education, TU n}gl;+x jfªb]nsf pkGof;sf] gf/LafbL Central Department of k j[lQsf] ljZn]if0f P;=Pn=;L kl/Iffsf clgjfo{ g]kfnLsf k Zgkqx?sf] cWoog ljZn]if0f Amrita Devi Sharma, g]kfnL gf/L sljtfdf gf/L r]tgf -@) ) Nepali Bernhardt College ljho dNnsf gf6sx?sdf åGå–ljwfg Upadhaya, R R Campus æHof]tL Hof]tL dxfHof]tLÆ pkGof;sf] Shastri, Tri-chandra ;dfhzf:qLo cWoog Multiple College Devi Kumari Adhikari >Lgu/ klqsfsf] syf Poudel, JVT College, Palpa Annual Report -71- Hari Prasad Kharel, 8L=kL= e08f/Lsf lgaGwdf gf/L Chure Campus Bagnaha, Bardiya Harka Bahadur Sahi, c5fdL g]kfnL eflifsf zAbx?sf] ;+sng Nepali Jamuna Kumari Joshi, sIff P3f/ / afx sf] sljtf lzIf0fdf ckgfOg] sfo{snfksf] cWoog Balkumari College, Chitwan Kalpana Shrestha, Breast Cancer Knowledge and KIST College, Lalitpur Screening among Women Laxminath Bhattarai, Assessment of Noise level in Butwal Physics City, Rupendehi, Nepal Pitri Bhakta Adhikari, Monitoring the Lighting and Tri-chandra M Campus Thunderstorm Activities fof the Necessary Measurses of Protection Preparation of thin films of Tin Chaudhary, Amrit Sulphide and study Its Electrical and Optical Properties for Solar Cell Harihar Pokhrel, ;ljwfg;ef;fd' pkl:yt oIf k Zgx? Political Science Maiya Devi Girls' College Impact of Armed Conflict on Women Political Science Netra Prasad Dhital, An Analysis of Student's Enrollment Population Tantrika Raj Khanal Trends at Public and Private Campus, Tahachal Sailendra Chapagain, Causes and Consequences of Internal Migration from Hill to Relavance of the Contemporary Rayamajhi, Pradeep Classroom Teaching Methodology: A Cross Sectional Study of Public Sanothimi Campus, Saraswoti Parajuli, Tri- Gender Inequality towards the chandra Multiple Access of Parental Property Right to -72- Annual Report Chhhabilal Acharya, Gender Diparity in Primary and Madhya Paschim M Secondry Scholling Campus, Nepalgunj Sindhu Dahal, Hetuada Safe Motherhood Practice in School of Management Tamang Community A Study of & Social Sciences, Churiyamani VDC Makwanpur Ramchandra Dahal, College Students' Sexual Behaviour Siddha Joyti Education and its Impact on Their Health and Campus Social Relationship Ashok Kumar Karki, Solid Waste Management of Maddhayapur Thimi Municipality Tulsi Ram Bhandari, Magnitude of Road Traffic Accidents Public Health School of Health and and Factors Associated in Pokhara Allied Sciences, Kaski Sub-Metropolitan, Nepal NGOs in Poverty Reduction: an Padmakanya Multiple Impact Analysis Using well Being Naba Raj Bhattarai, Comparative Study on Brahmin and RD Tri-chandra M Campus Danuwar (Rai) Women's Role in Household Decision Making 100 Narayan Koirala, Impact of Micro Credit for the Socio- Tri-chandra Campus economic Upliftment of Ethnic Group A Case study of Rural Urban Partnership Progam of Vyas Municipality 101 Keshab Raj Sapkota, Role of Cooperative in Rural Women RD Padma Kanya Campus, Empowerment Bagbazar 102 Pratignya Neupane, Health Status and Socio-Economic Nepal College of Condition of Squater Women: A Development Studies, Case Study of pathivara Squater 103 Mukta Kumar Bhusal, Role of Women in Decision Makinng Sociology Hari Khetan Multiple in Soci-economic ad Houshold 104 Prem Bahadur Chhapadi System: A Sociological Chalaune, Central Dept Study from Achham District Far of Sociology 105 Shankar Poudel, Gandharba People: Their life and Annual Report -73- 106 Bal Bahadur Thapa, Status of Dalit Students in Higher Sarasawati M Campus, Education Thamel 107 Manima Budhathoki, The Importance of Ecological Padma Kanya Campus, Sanitation (ECOSAN) in Nepal Bagbazar 108 Guddi Panta, Padma b]psL k yfsf];fdflhs cWoog Kanya Campus, Baghbazar 109 Vijya Kumar Yadav, Dowry:Independence Test of Action and Attitude of Bride and Bridegroom about Dowry 110 Pushpa Raj Joshi, Socio-Economic Status of Street Tri-chandra M Campus Children in Nepal 111 Udaya Bahadur Foreign Trade of Nepal Bohara, Pioneer Internationa College 112 Ram Chandra Sapkota, Study on Biochemical Profile in dogs Veterinary of Kathmandu Valley with Heptobillary Disorder 113 Narayan Poudyal, Prevalence of Sub-Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Animals of Ktm District 114 Arvind Kumar Keshari, Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with some Vegetable Crops of Bhaktapur Kavre Dhadhing -74- Annual Report The List of Persons Received Travel Grants in 2010/11
SN Name & Address
Dr. Ramesh Prasad Acharaya, Emergency Dep. Triage: An MoE, Maharajgunj Ethical Analysis Mahanand Chalise, Central Investment Analysis of Human Department of Mangement, TU Resourses of Banking Institution of Nepal Sarsowti Acharaya, Kalika Five Layerd Temporation Himalayan College Distribution in Human Dermal Part Dr. Ram Prasad Regmi, Central Bangaladesh Application of Numerical Department of Biology, TU Weather Prediction Model in Making Agro-meteorology Dr. Sangeeta Shrestha, Nepal Glacecoma Screening in Nepal: A Radical Approach Dr. Bishwas Pradhan, IoM, Anaesthesia Service for Vascular Procedures in TUTH Nepal Binod Kumar Yadav, IoM, Effect of Use of Depo Medroty Proges Term Acctate Constrictive of Serum Bhabendra Bhandari, Mahendra India Sequential Nonverbal Bindeshowri Multiple Campus Construction in Danuwar at IC on Recent Advance in Linguistics Mahesh Kumar Chaudhari, Mahendra Bindeshowri Multiple Campus Ajay Bhattarai, Mahendra The Solubility of Sodium Morang Adarsha M. Campus Polystyrene in Methanol Water Mixed 11 Rameshwor Adikari, Central Fully Biodegradable Polymer Department of Chemistry, TU Composite with Bamboo Flour Lok Bahadur Baral, Amrit Study of the Technology Development of Harvesting Gravitational Potential Deepak Dhakal, Patan Multiple Assement of Multireside Analysis for target Pesticidum Selected on Fruits of Kathmandu Valley Annual Report -75- Dr. Tilak Ram Shrestha, Growth harmone Gene Bhaktapur Multiple Campus Manipulation in Channa Striates Dhurba Kumar Gautam, Practices of Knowledge Sarswoti Multiple Campus management by University teachers in Nepal Prof. Dr. Dev Raj Adikari, Decent Work and Work life Central Department of Quality in Nepal Bharat Babu Shrestha, Central Invasion of Partherium Department of Botany, TU Hysterophorus in Nepal Ushana Shrestha, College of Development of CL. Sensor Biomedical Engineering and Device for the Quantitative Applied Sciences Decetetion of B. HCG by Chemilumines Dr. Joyti baba Shrestha, IoM, Gender Equity in Eye Care in Diwakar Pandey, Apex College Services Quality Management Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions Dr. Kamal Mani Baral, IoE, Mysterious of Eigen Values Eigen Vectors and their Application in the Diagonalization of a Matrix Sachin Sharma Bhandari, Knowledge based Model for Kantipur Engineering College Power transformer Life Cycle Management Using Konowledge Hitendra Raj Joshi, IoE, Pulchok UAE Feasibility of Recharging Quainter through Rain Water in Patan Dr. Ramesh Kumar Maharjan, Present Situation of Pre- Hospital Emergency Services in Nepal Subodh Adhikari, Amrit Science A Preliminary Study of the Pollination Ecology of Punica Grantum, Kathmandu Valley Dr. Dil Bahadur Gurung, Temperature distribution Model Kathmandu University in Human Body under Air Flow Dr. Bijaya Panta, Central Bangaladesh In Vitro Synthesis of active Department of Botany, TU Components in Some Medicinal Plants in Nepal -76- Annual Report Dr. Ila Shrestha, Patan M. Plant and People of Langtang national Park, Central Nepal Himalayan Joti Giri, Tri-Chandra Campus Effect of Oxidationon Morphology and Properties of Styronic Block Copolymers Sharmila Amatya Pradhan, Amrit Science Campus Characterization of Lonmer Nancocomposites Using Ethylene- Octene Copolymer as Matrix Mohan Devkota, Amrit Science Distribution Pattern of Misteter Dr. Minu Chaudhari, IoM, Aetiology and Predisposing Lunu Raj Neupane, Tri-Chandra Cyprus Earthquake Diaster Risk management: A Global Perspective Challenge and Mitigation Measures Annual Report -77- Universities and Institutions of Higher Education
The history of higher education started in Nepal by the establishment of the first college i.e. Tri-Chandra College in 1918. Tribhuvan University came into function in 1959 and it was the only university in Nepal until 1985. In the early 80s, the Government developed the concept of a multi-university system and as a result Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 1986, followed by Kathmandu University in 1991, Purbanchal University in 1994, Pokhara University in 1997 and Lumbini Buddha University in 2005. All of these universities were established through the Acts approved by the Parliament and they function as the public institutions. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences is the first Health and Medical Academy of Nepal, established in 1994 and it was upgraded as a deemed university in 1999. Similarly, two other academies: National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) and Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) were established in 2002 and 2009 Simiarly, Nepal government has established three more universities viz. Mid- Western University, Far-Western University and Agriculture and Forestry University in Below is the list of universities and academies which are currently in operation in Tribhuvan University (TU), 1959 Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU), 1986 Kathmandu University (KU), 1991 Purbanchal University (PU), 1994 Pokhara University (PokU), 1997 Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU), 2005 Far-western University (FWU), 2010 Mid-western University (MWU), 2010 Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), 2010 Academies:
10. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), 1993 11. National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), 2002 12. Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS), 2009 -78- Annual Report Tribhuvan University (TU)
Tribhuvan University (TU), established in 1959 (2016 BS) is the largest university of Nepal in terms of the courses it offers, and the number of students and teachers it has. Its central office is located in Kirtipur, Kathmandu, and it conducts ists operations across the country through five institutes, four faculties, and four research centers that are mentioned below. Institutes:
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS) Institute of Medicine (IoM) Institute of Engineering (IoE) Institute of Forestry (IoF) Institute of Science and Technology (IoST) Faculties
Faculty of Education Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Management Research Centers
Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA) Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID) Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS) Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) (See Annex F for detail information about TU.) The institutes are technical i.e. they offer specialized education on technical courses such as, management, humanities, education, engineering, medicine, law, and arts at the Bachelor, Master, M. Phil., and Ph.D. levels. Among the universities of the country, TU claims more than 87% percent of the total enrolment in higher education. Now, the university has 353,718 students in 878 Campuses (56 constituent, 296 community, 526 private Campuses), with 13,679 teachers and 7,122 administrative and support staff. Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU)
Established in 1986 (2043 BS) NSU aims to modernize the education of Sanskrit in the country. It situated in Beljhundi, Dang and has 1798 students with 770 teachers and Annual Report -79- 376 administrative staff in 17 campuses (6 constituent and 11 affiliated) . It offers courses on Uttarmadhyama (Sanskrit), Shastree (Sanskrit), Kabiraj (Intermediate in Ayurved), Bachelor in Ayurved, Aacharya (Sanskrit), Ph. D. (Sanskrit), Language Training, and Yoga Training related to Sanskrit. (See Annex G for the detail information Kathmandu University (KU)
Established in 1991, Kathmandu University (KU) is located in Dhulikhel, a tourist destination, of Kavre district. Currently, it has 9,658 students, 341 teachers, 82 visiting faculties with 181 administrative and support staff in 21 campuses (6 constituent, 15 affiliated). The university offers 106 programs in in the field of science, engineering, management, fine arts, education and medicines from intermediate level to the M.Phil. and Ph.D. level. (Annex H offers information in detail on KU.) Purbanchal University (PU)
Established in 1994, Purbanchal University (PU) is located in Biratnagar, Nepal's second largest city in Morang district. PU has 24,726 students, 114 campuses (3 constituent, community 5, private 106), 49 teachers, and 296 administrative and support staffs. PU offers 56 programs with courses on science, law, engineering, management, fine arts, education, etc. (See Annex I for the details on PU.) Pokhara University (PokU)
Pokhara University (PokU) was established in 1997 in Pokhara, one of the most popular tourist destinations of the country, of Kaski district. It has 16,666 students, 53 campuses (4 constituent, 49 affiliated), 116 teachers, and 177 administrative and technical staffs offering 41 programs and courses on humanities, management, science and technology, engineering, medicines etc. (See Annex J for details on PokU.) Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU)
Lumbini Bouddha University, established in 2005, is located in Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautam Budhha, of Rupandehi district. The university is established primarly to teach/study the philosophies promulgated by Gataum Bouddha. LBU is in its starting phase and the students are yet to be enrolled. (For details on LBU, see Annex Far-western, Mid-western and Agriculture and Forestry Universities
These three universities have just been established and they are yet to start their programs. Currently they are in preparation stage and they will start their full operation once all the preparation is made. -80- Annual Report B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS)
Established in 1993, BPKIHS is located in Dharan (Sunsari district) with an aim to provide education in medical sciences. Its single campus has 1,072 students and 183 teachers offering 11 programs in medical sciences including M.D. /M.S., M.Sc., M.P.H., M.L.T., M.B.B.S., B.Sc., B.D.S., Nursing, etc. (For details on BPKIHS, see Annex L.) National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS)
NAMS was established in 2002 in Kathmandu to provide education in medical sciences. The campus has 203 students and 142 teachers offering14 programs in medical sciences at M.D. level in Anaesthesiology, Dermatology, General Practice, Neurosurgery, General Surgery etc. (For details on NAMS see Annex M.) 10. Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS)
Established in 2009, PAHS is located in Patan of Lalitpur district, adjacent to the capital city of Kathmandu. PAHS is based at Patan Hospital, which is likely to become a major teaching hospital for the academy and the academy is planning to open a School of Nursing, a School of Allied Health Sciences, and other schools to train other health care professionals. Its single campus has 60 students and 85 teachers. (For details on PAHS Basic Data on Universities and Institutions of Higher Education 2010-11
Number of Higher Education only Campuses
Higher Education Enrolment
Female, %
1 Tribhuvan University (TU), 1959 2 Nepal Sanskrit University 3 Kathmandu University (KU), 4 Pokhara University (PokU), 5 Purbanchal University (PU), 6 Lumbini Bauddha University 7 B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), 1993 8 National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), 2002 9 Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS), 2009 *It also includes community campuses teachers. Annual Report -81- Information on TU
TU Constituents Campuses
SN Campus Name
Region District
Program Faculty
1 Bhojpur Campus, Bhojpur 2 Central Food Technology Campus, Dharan, Sunsari 3 Dhankutta Campus, 4 Mahendra Bindeshwori Campus, Rajbiraj, Saptari 5 Mahendra Campus, Dharan, -82- Annual Report 6 Mahendra Morang Adarsha M. Campus, Biratnagar, 7 Mahendra Ratna Campus, 8 Mechi M. Campus, Bhadrapur, Jhapa 9 Nursing Campus, Biratnagar, Annual Report -83- 10 Post Granduate Campus, Biratnagar, Morang 11 Purbanchal Campus, Dharan, 12 Su.Sa.Mo.Ya.Ba. Campus, 13 Terhathum Campus, 14 Agriculture Campus/Central Campus, Rampur, Chitwan 15 Amrit Campus, Lainchour, 16 Aurbeda Campus, Nardevi, 17 Bhaktapur M. Campus, 18 Bhiswobhasa Campus, Kathmandu I.A./non- Exibition Road, Kathmandu -84- Annual Report 19 Birendra M. Campus, Bharatpur, Chitwan 20 Central Campus, Mahajgunj, 21 Hetauda Campus, Hetauda 22 Lalitkala Campus, Bhotahiti, 23 Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu 24 Nepal Commerce Campus, Kathmandu B.B.S. Minbhaban, Kathmandu 25 Nepal Law Campus, Exibition Kathmandu L.L.B. 26 Nursing Campus, Birgunj, 27 Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu Annual Report -85- 28 Padmakanya M. Campus, Bagbazar, Kathmandu 29 Patan M. Campus, Patandhoka, Lalitpur 30 Public Administration Kathmandu M.B.S. Campus, Jamal, Kathmandu 31 Public Youth Campus, Kathmandu I.Com. Dhobichour, Kathmandu 32 Pulchwok Campus, Pulchwok, 33 Ram Raja M. Campus, Janakpur, Dhanusha -86- Annual Report 34 Ratnarajyalaxmi Campus, Exibition Road, Katmandu 35 Sanothimi Campus, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur 36 Sarswoti M. Campus, Lainchour, Kathmandu 37 Shankerdev Campus, Kathmandu B.B.S. Ramshahpath, Kathmandu 38 Thakurram M. Campus, 39 Thapathali Campus, Thapathali, Kathmandu Annual Report -87- 40 Tri-Chandra M. Campus, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu 41 University Campus, TU, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 42 Bhairahawa Campus, Western Rupandehi I.A. Bhairahawa, Rupandehi 43 Butwal M. Campus, Butwal, -88- Annual Report 44 Gorkha Campus, Gorkha 45 Lumjung Campus, Lumjung 46 Mahendra Multiple Campus, 47 Paschimanchal Campus, 48 Pokhara Campus, Pokhara, 49 Pokhara Nursing Campus, 50 Prithivinarayan Campus, Annual Report -89- 51 Puklihawa Campus, Puklihawa, Rupandehi 52 Tribhuvan M. Campus, 53 Jumla Campus, Jumla 54 Mahendra M. Campus, Dang 55 Mahendra M. Campus, Nepalgunj, Banke -90- Annual Report 56 Nursing Campus, Nepalgunj, 57 Surkhet Education Campus, 58 Dadeldhura Campus, Dadeldhura B.Ed. 59 Doti Campus, Doti 60 Sidhanath Science Campus, Kanchanpur I.Sc. Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur TU Community Campuses
SN Campus Name
Region District
Program Faculty
1 Barun Multiple Campus, Eastern Sankhuwasava B.Ed. Khandbari, Sankhuwasabha Management Bachelor 2 Bhasa Campus, Kagate, Management Bachelor 3 Birendra Namuna Campus, Chandragadi, Jhapa 1 yr B.Ed. Education Annual Report -91- 4 Damak Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Management Master 5 Dhulabari Campus, Jhapa Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 6 Diktel Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 7 Gauradaha Multiple Campus, Gauradaha, Jhapa Management Bachelor 8 Gauriganj Campus, Gauriganj, Jhapa 9 Gramodaya Yugakabi Siddhicharan Campus, Gamnangtar. Okhaldhunga 10 Himal Darshan Campus, Necha, Solukhumbu 11 J.S. Murarka M. Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 12 Janata Campus, Rangeli, Management Bachelor 13 Janata Multiple Campus, Itahari, Sunsari Management Bachelor -92- Annual Report 1 yr B.Ed. Education Management Master 14 Jitpur Campus, Dhankuta 15 Kakarvitta Campus, Management Bachelor Mechinagar, Jhapa 16 Kankai Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 17 Letang Campus, Letang, Management Bachelor 18 Madi Multiple Campus, Madi, Sankhuwasava B.Ed. 19 Manglung Campus, Management Bachelor 20 Okhaldhunga Campus, 21 Panchatar Multiple Campus, Phidim, Panchthar Management Bachelor 22 Pathari Campus, Morang Management Bachelor 23 Pathivara Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 24 Ramailo Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Annual Report -93- 25 Rampratap Ramprasad Management Bachelor Tamang Janta Mul. Cam. Asanpur6, Golbazar 26 Rumjatar Campus, Rumjatar, 27 Sankhuwasava Multiple Sankhuwasava B.A. Campus, Chainpur, 28 Shahid Adarsh Campus, 29 Shree Mangalbare Multiple Management Bachelor 30 Shree Sunsari Multiple campus, Inaruwa, Sunsari Management Bachelor 31 Siddha Devi Campus, Yashok, 32 Simpani Campus, Khotang 33 Solukhumbu Multiple Campus, Salliri, Solukhumbu 34 Sukuna Multiple Campus, Indrapur, Morang Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 35 Tridev Campus, Duhagadi, Management Bachelor 36 Triyuga Janata Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Udayapur 1 yr B.Ed. Education -94- Annual Report 37 Urlabari Multiple Campus, Urlabari1, Morang Management Bachelor 38 Adarsha Kanya Campus, Central Lalitpur Management Bachelor 39 Adarsha Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 40 Adarsha Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Sanothimi, Bhaktapur 41 Adarsha Saula College, Sainbu, Lalitpur Management Bachelor 42 Amar Janashakti Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Patihani, Chitwan 43 Araniko College, Barhabise, Sindhupalchok B.B.S. Management Bachelor 44 B.P. Koirala Campus, Janakpurdham, Dhanusha 1 yr B.Ed. Education 45 Bagiswori College, Bhaktapur Management Bachelor Management Master 46 Balkumari College, Management Bachelor Narayangadh, Chitwan Management Master Management Bachelor 47 Baneshwor Campus, Management Bachelor Shantinagar, Ktm 48 Bansha Gopal Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Management Bachelor Annual Report -95- 49 Bardibas Janata Multiple Campus, Mahottari Management Bachelor 50 Bhim Jyoti Campus, Bhimeshwor, Sindhuli 51 Bhuwanishankar Multiple Management Bachelor College, Khairahani, Chitwan 52 Chaitanya Multiple Campus, 53 Chautara Multiple Campus, Sindhupalchok B.Ed. Management Bachelor 54 Chiran Milan Bishwa Shanti Management Bachelor Campus, Bansbari, 55 Dedithumka Public Campus, Mahadevasthan, Kavre Management Bachelor 56 Dhulikhel Campus, Kavre Management Bachelor 57 Dhumarwana Multiple Management Bachelor 58 Dilli Bazar Kanya Multiple Management Bachelor Management Master 59 Ganesman Singh Multiple Campus, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 60 Gauri Shankar Campus, Management Bachelor 61 Gauri Shankar yadav Rautahat Campus, Gaur, Management Bachelor -96- Annual Report 62 Gaurishankar Multiple Campus, Bhimeshwor, Management Bachelor 63 Gaurishankar Multiple Campus, Ramechhap 64 Gramin Adarsha Multiple Campus, Nepaltar, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 65 Hanumanteshwor Campus, 66 Hari Khetan Multiple Campus, Birgunj, Parsa Management Bachelor Management Master 67 Hetauda Campus, 68 Himganga Campus, Saghutar, 69 Indrawati Campus, Sindhupalchok B.Ed. Melamchi, Sindhupalchok Annual Report -97- 70 Indreshwor Campus, Panauti, Management Bachelor Management Master 71 Jan Jagriti, Bhiman, Sindhuli 72 Jan Jyoti Multiple Campus, Chandranigahpur, Rautahat Management Bachelor 73 Jan Jyoti Multiple Campus, Lalbandi, Sarlahi Management Bachelor 74 Jana Adarsha Multiple Campus, Birendranagar, Management Bachelor 75 Jana Bhawana Campus, Management Bachelor Chapagaun, Lalitpur 76 Janakpur Campus, Dhanusha 1 yr B.Ed. Education 77 Janamaitri Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 79 Jugal Multiple Campus, Sindhupalchok B.Ed. Sangachor, Sindhupalchowk Management Bachelor 80 Kabhre Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor -98- Annual Report Management Master 81 Kailashkoot Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Chabahil, Ktm 82 Kalika Himalaya Campus, Dhaibung, Rasuwa Management Bachelor 83 Kamala Multiple Campus, Dudhauli, Sindhuli 84 Kanpur Campus, Kanpur, 85 Kantipur Campus, Thali, Management Bachelor 86 Kathmandu Campus, Kalimati, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 87 Kathmandu Shiksha Campus, 1 yr B.Ed. Education 88 Khwopa College, Bhaktapur Management Bachelor B.Sc. Envt Science Management Master 89 Kitni College, Godawari, 90 Koteshwor Multiple Campus, Mahadevsthan, Ktm Management Bachelor Annual Report -99- 91 Kuseshwor Bidhyapith Multiple Campus, Dumja, Sindhuli 92 Kushadevi campus, Kavre 93 Lalit Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 94 Lampantar Multiple Campus 95 Madan Bhandari Memorial Management Bachelor College, Ratopul, Ktm 96 Madi Multiple Campus, Madi, Management Bachelor 97 Maiya Devi Girl's college, Bharatpur, Chitwan Management Bachelor 98 Makwanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda, Management Bachelor Management Master M.A. eng Humanities 99 Mangal Multiple Campus, Kirtipur, Kathmandu 100 Manohar Sahid Smarak Management Bachelor Multiple Campus, Gongabu, Kathmandu -100- Annual Report 101 Manthali Sahid Smriti Multiple Campus, Manthali, Management Bachelor 102 Marin Multiple Campus, Mahadevsthan, Sindhuli 103 Melamchi Valley Campus, Sindhupalchok B.Ed. Mahankal, Sindhupalchok 104 N.R. College, Manamaiju, Management Bachelor 105 Namuna Machhindra Management Bachelor Campus, Lagankhel, Lalitpur 106 Navadurga Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Navadurgasthan, Bhaktapur 107 Netrawati Community Campus, Tripureshwor, Dhading 108 Nilkanth Campus, Dhadingbesi, Dhading Management Bachelor 109 Nuwakot Adarsh Multiple Campus, Battar, Nuwakot Management Bachelor Management Master 110 Om College, Santapur, Management Bachelor 111 Palung Multiple Campus, Palung, Makwanpur 112 Pashupati Multiple Campus, Chabahil, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Annual Report -101- Management Master 113 People's Campus, Paknajole, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Master 114 Prabha Multiple Campus, Kattike Deurali, kavre 115 Prayageshwor Multiple Campus, Pakarbas, Ramechhap 116 Ram Raja Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 117 Ramnandan Bisheswar Mahendra Campus, 118 Ratnashiksha Public Campus, Koteshwor, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 119 Sahayogi Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Gokarneshwor, Kathmandu 120 Sahid Adarsha Campus, Bhadrawas, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 121 Salyantar campus, Salyantar, 122 Samudayak Sewa Sadan Campus, Naya Baneshor 123 Sanjiwani College, Dhilikhel, Management Bachelor 124 Saptagandaki Multiple Campus, Bharatpur, Chitwan Management Bachelor -102- Annual Report Management Master 125 Sarbamangala Multiple Campus, Panchkhal, Kavre Management Bachelor 126 Sarlahi Campus, Malangwa, Management Bachelor 127 Sarsawati Campus, Dakaha, 128 Shaheed Smarak College, Sharadanagar, Chitwan Management Bachelor 129 Shaheed Smriti Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Ratnanagar, 1 yr B.Ed. Education Management Master 130 Shahid Smarak College, Management Bachelor 131 Sharada Campus, Bhaktapur Management Bachelor 132 Shikharapur Campus, Pharping, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 133 Shramik Shanti Campus, Management Bachelor Chyasal, Lalitpur 134 Shree Arunodaya College, Management Bachelor Geetanagar, Chitwan 135 Shree Bhagyodaya Campus, Management Bachelor Annual Report -103- 136 Shree Chandeswari Multiple Campus, Tupche, Nuwakot 137 Shree Chaturbhujeshwar Janta Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Hariwan, Sarlahi 138 Shree Mahalaxmi Campus, Management Bachelor Lubhoo, Lalitpur 139 Shree Mahankal Campus, Gotikhel, Lalitpur 140 Shree Narayan Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Ishworpur, Sarlahi 141 Shree Phulchoki College, Management Bachelor Thaiba, Lalitpur 142 Shree Rana Bhuwaneshwory Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Khadngabhanjyang, Nuwakot 143 Shubha Janata Multiple Campus, Barahathawa, Management Bachelor 144 Siddhajyoti Education Campus, Sindhuli 145 Sidheshwor Education Public Campus, Bamtibhandar 146 Simara College, Simara, Bara Management Bachelor 147 Sindhuli Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 148 Sunkoshi Campus, Jhangajhoti Ratamata, Sindhuli -104- Annual Report 149 Sunkoshi Multiple Campus, Sindhupalchok B.B.S. Management Bachelor Lamosangu, Sindhupalchok 150 Tamakoshi Campus, Khimti, 151 Tejganga Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 152 Tinpatan Education Campus, Bhimsthan, Sindhuli 153 Tribhuwan Trishuli Multiple Management Bachelor College, Nuwakot, Trishuli 154 Tripreshwor Sikshya Campus, Bahuntilpung, Sindhuli 155 Umabadi Adarsha Sherchan Management Bachelor College, Dibyanagar, Chitwan 156 Aadikabi Bhanubhakta Campus, Damauli, Tanahun Management Bachelor 157 Aanboo Khaireni Campus, Management Bachelor 158 Aarungkhola Multiple Campus, Nayabelhani, Management Bachelor 159 Argali Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 160 Balewa Paiyunpata Multiple Campus, Balewa, Baglung 161 Bandipur Campus, Bandipur, 162 Bhairav Multiple Campus, Annual Report -105- 163 Bhakti Aadarsh Campus, Bhotewodar8, Lamjung 164 Bhanubhakta Multiple Campus, Dulegaunda, Management Bachelor 165 Bhawani Multiple Campus, Palungtar, Gorkha Management Bachelor 166 Birendra Education Campus, Marang, Arghakhanchi 167 College of Education, Pokhara, Phulbari 1 yr B.Ed. Education 168 Devchuli College, Rajahar, Management Bachelor 169 Divya Jyoti Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Makar2, Nawalparasi Management Master 170 Drabya Shah Multiple Campus, Laxmi bazar, Management Bachelor 171 Farsatikar Yagyodaya Multiple Campus, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 172 Galkot Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 173 Galyang Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Jagatradevi, Syangja -106- Annual Report 174 Gaurishankar Multiple Campus, Hemja, Kaski 175 Gupteshwor Multiple Campus, Kushma, Parbat Management Bachelor 176 Haraiya Multiple Campus, Rudrapur, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 177 Ishaneshwor Campus, Bhorletar, Lamjung Management Bachelor 178 Janajyoti Campus, Bhimad, Management Bachelor 179 Janak College, Gaindakot, Management Bachelor 180 Janapriya Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Master 181 Janata Sudarshan Multiple Campus, Thulipokhari, Parbat 182 JVT College, Tansen, Palpa Management Bachelor 183 Kaligandaki Campus, Birgha, 184 Kalika Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 185 Kanya Campus, Pokhara, Management Bachelor Annual Report -107- 186 Kapilvastu Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 187 Kumarwati Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Shivamandir, Nawalparasi 1 yr B.Ed. Education Management Master 188 Laxmi Adarsha Multiple Campus, Lekhnath, Kaski 189 Lumbini Banijya Campus, Management Bachelor Management Master 190 Machha Puchhre Education Campus, Dhikur Pokhari, Kaski 191 Madhyabindu Multiple campus, Shivamandir, Management Bachelor Management Master 192 Mahakavi Devkota Multiple Management Bachelor 193 Mandabya Multiple Campus, Madanpokhara, Palpa Management Bachelor 194 Marsyangdi Multiple Campus, Besishahar, Management Bachelor 195 Matribhumi Campus, Sundar -108- Annual Report 196 Mirmee Multiple Campus, Shree Krishna Gandaki, Management Bachelor 197 Myagdi Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Arthunge, Myagdi 198 Nawa Adarsha Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Deurali, Palpa 199 Nawa jagrit Multiple Campus, Tilahar, Parbat 200 NawaJagaran Multiple Campus, Tamsuriya, Management Bachelor 201 Nawalpur Multiple Campus, Agyauli, Nawalparasi Management Bachelor 202 Nishibhuji Janta Campus, Burtibang, Baglung 203 Paiyun Multiple College, 204 Palhi Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 205 Panini Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Sandhikharka, Arghakhanchi 206 Parbat Multiple Campus, Devisthan, Parbat Management Bachelor 207 Paropakar Adarsha Multiple Campus, Jaubari, Gorkha Management Bachelor Annual Report -109- 208 Pashupati College, Madhawaliya, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 209 Pokhara Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Naya Bazar, Pokhara 210 Pradyumna Paneru Multiple Campus, Setidovan, Syangja 211 Pushpalata janaekta Campus, 212 Rammani Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Anandaban, Manigram, 1 yr B.Ed. Education 213 Resunga Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 214 Rudrawati Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 215 Rupandehi Campus, Siddharthnagar, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 216 Sahid Narayan Pokhrel Ramapur Campus, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 217 Sarbodaya campus, Chandreshwor, Duradanda 218 Shaheed Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 219 Shantideep Multiple Campus, 220 Shree Harihar Shiksha Campus, Pokharathok, Arghakhanchi -110- Annual Report 221 Shree Janaprakash Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Lekhnath, Kaski 222 Shree Mangala Campus, Suryapal, Lamjung 223 Shree Saraswati Multiple Campus, Khasyauli, Palpa 224 Shringeeshor Multiple Campus, Baletaksar, Gulmi 225 Siddhartha Campus, Banganga, Kapilvastu Management Bachelor 226 Siddhartha Community Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Phedikhola, Syangja 227 Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Management Bachelor Campus, Butwal, Rupandehi Management Master 228 Suryabhakta Patanadevi Memorial College, Gaindakot, Management Bachelor 229 Suryathum Sanyukta Campus, Arghakhachi 230 Tansen Multiple Campus, 1 yr B.Ed. Education 231 Tribhuvan Aadarsh Multiple Campus, Putalibazar, Syangja Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 232 Tribhuvan Campus, Pratappur, Nawalparasi Management Bachelor 233 Udbuddha College, Palpa Management Bachelor Annual Report -111- 234 Waling Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 235 Amar Campus, Bhingri, 236 Babai Multiple Campus, Gulariya, Bardiya Management Bachelor 237 Bageshwori Multiple Public Management Bachelor Campus, Kohalpur, Banke 238 Bheri Education Campus, 239 Bheri Gyanodaya Campus, Khalanga, Jajarkot 240 Birendranagar Multiple Management Bachelor political science Management Master 241 Chure Campus, Bagnaha, Management Bachelor 242 Deukhuri Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 243 Dolpo Campus, Dolpa 244 Dronachal Education Campus, Dullu, Dailekh -112- Annual Report 245 Gaunmukhi Campus, Okharkot, Pyuthan 246 Jaljala Multiple Campus, 247 Janakalyan Campus, Tharmare, Salyan 248 Laxmi Samudayek Multiple Campus, Kanchanpur, Banke 249 Mahadevmasta Chaturdev 250 Musikot Khalanga Multiple Campus, Khalanga1, Rukum 1 yr B.Ed. Education 251 Narayan Campus, Rampur, 252 Nawa Nepal Campus, Jugar, 253 Public Science Campus, 254 Rapti Babai Multiple Campus, Tulsipur, Dang Management Bachelor 255 Rara Campus, Gamgadhi, 256 Salyan Multiple Campus, Khalanga, Salyan Management Bachelor 257 Sharada Campus, Shankhamool, Salyan 258 Shital Campus, Rukum 259 Shiva Jan Campus, Khalanga, Annual Report -113- 260 Sinja Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 261 Sworgadwari Multiple 1 yr B.Ed. Education Management Bachelor 262 Tila karnali Multiple Campus, Manma, Kalikot 263 Vidyapur Janata Multiple 264 Achham Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Mangalsen, Achham 265 Bajura Campus, Martadi, Management Bachelor 266 Birendra vidya Mandir Campus, Tikapur, Kailali Management Bachelor 267 Budinanda campus, Kolti, 268 Darchula Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education 269 Durgalaxmi Multiple Management Bachelor 270 Ghanteshwor Seti Mahakali Multiple Campus, Jorayal, Doti 271 Ghodaghodi Multiple Campus, Darakh, Kailai Management Bachelor 272 Jagannath Multiple Campus, 1 yr B.Ed. Education -114- Annual Report Management Bachelor 273 Janata Multiple Campus, Bayalpata, Achham Management Bachelor 274 Jayprithivi Multiple Campus, 275 Kailali Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Management Master 1 yr B.Ed. Education 276 Kanchan Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Krishnapur, Kanchanpur 277 Khaptad Multiple Campus, Masuriya, Kailali 278 Lamki Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 279 Mahunyal Multiple Campus, Bhajani, Kailali 280 Panchadewal Campus, 281 Patan Multiple Campus, 282 Raghunath Adarsha Campus, Management Bachelor 283 Seti Campus, Bajhang 284 Shree Badimalika Campus, 285 Shree Bhanu Multiple Campus, Kanchanpur Management Bachelor Annual Report -115- 286 Shree Gokuleshwor Multiple Campus, Darchula Management Bachelor 287 Shree Janata Multiple Campus, Tribhuanvasti, Management Bachelor 288 Shree Mahakali Multiple Campus, Shreepur, Management Bachelor 289 Shree Roleshwor Janata Adarsh Multiple Campus, Kanchanpur 290 Shree Shanti Aadarsha 291 Siddhanath Multiple Campus, Bhim Datt Nagar, Management Bachelor 1 yr B.Ed. Education Management Master 292 Sunkuda Campus, Chir, 293 Thalara Multiple Campus, kotbhirab, Bajhanj 294 Tikapur Multiple Campus, Tikapur, Kailali Management Bachelor Management Master 295 Tripura Sundari Multiple Campus, Shrikot, Achham Management Bachelor 296 Triveni Multiple Campus, Jogbuda, Dadeldhura -116- Annual Report TU Private Campues
SN Campus Name
Region District
1 Alpine College Management Bachelor 2 Amity College, Birtamode, Jhapa Management Bachelor 3 Anarmani Public Campus, Management Bachelor 4 Applied College of Management Management Bachelor 5 Balaha Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 6 Baraha Adarsha Campus Management Bachelor 7 Baruwa Campus, Gaighat Management Bachelor 8 Basanta Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 9 Belaka Janata Campus, Management Bachelor 10 Belbari Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 11 Bhadgaun Sinuwari Multiple Management Bachelor 12 Bharabi Science College, Dharan- 13 Birat Campus, Jatuwa, 14 Birat Campus, School of Mgmt Studies, Biratnagar Management Bachelor 15 Birat Model College, Biratnagar 16 Biratnagar City College, Management Bachelor Biratnagar, Morang 17 Birendra Memorial College, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 18 Bishal Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 19 Bramhachari Damodrananda College, Ramnagar, Mirchaiya, Management Bachelor Annual Report -117- 20 Buddha Adarsha Campus Management Bachelor 21 Buddhilal Bidhyamunar 22 Chandra Shatrudhna Campus, 23 College for Higher Education, Humanities Bachelor Biratamode, Jhapa Management Bachelor Humanities Master 24 Dharan City College, Dharan Management Bachelor 25 Dharan Model College, Dharan Humanities Bachelor 26 Dudkoshi Multiple Campus Humanities Bachelor 27 Edenberg College, Biratnagar 28 Emerald (Academy) College, Management Bachelor Bhadrapur, Jhapa 29 Garuwa Multiple Campus, 30 Gobardhan Janta Campus, Phatepur, Saptari 31 Godawari College, Itahari Management Bachelor 32 Gokundeswor Campus Management Bachelor 33 Gyan Jyoti Samudayik, Okhaldhunga B.Ed. Phulawari, Okhaldhunga Management Bachelor 35 Hyatrung Jharana Campus, 36 Jagriti Campus, Goldhap, Jhapa 37 Jalpadevi Campus, Pakhibas, 38 Jhapa Campus, Damak, Jhapa Management Bachelor 39 Jwala Prasad Syo Wai Devi Murarka Campus, Siraha 40 Jyoti Janata Multiple Campus, 41 Kankai adarsha campus, Humanities Bachelor birtamode, jhapa Management Bachelor Management Master -118- Annual Report 42 Kanya Campus, Biratnagar, 43 Kasturi College of Management, Management Bachelor Itahari, Sunsari Management Master 44 Kaushiki Campus, Janpath, 45 Khotang Campus, Khotang Bazar 46 Koshi Campus, Biratnagar, Management Bachelor Management Master 47 Koshi Saint James College, Management Bachelor Itahari-8 Sunsari 48 Kulung Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 49 Lahan International College Management Bachelor 50 Laxmi Campus, Baniyani 51 Liberty Colege Management Bachelor 52 Life International College Management Bachelor 53 Lord Buddha College, Neel Management Bachelor Sadan, Birat Nagar Management Master 54 Manakamana College, Anarmani, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 55 Merryland College, Rangeli Road, Management Bachelor 56 Metropolis College, Tinpaini, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 57 Misson College Management Bachelor 58 Model Campus, Damak, Jhapa Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 59 Modern Campus, Ilam Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor Annual Report -119- 60 Morang Model Campus Management Bachelor 61 Nepal Darshan College Management Bachelor 62 Narayani College, Dhankutta Management Bachelor 63 Paradise Campus Management Bachelor 64 Providence College, Birtamod Management Bachelor 65 Purbanchal General College Management Bachelor 66 Purwanchal College, Damak-9, Management Bachelor 67 Rabi Campus, Rabi, Panchathar 68 Rajbiraj Model Campus, Rajbiraj, Management Bachelor 69 Rameshwor Campus, Mamling Sankhuwasava B.Ed. 70 Rastriya Janasahayog College, Management Bachelor 71 Rawa Campus, Kharpa, Khotang 72 Sagarmatha College, Mahananda Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 73 Sarada Balika Namuna Campus, Management Bachelor 74 Satasidham Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 75 Satpakoshi Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 76 Sautha Multiple Campus, Sijawa Management Bachelor 77 Shanishchare Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Shanishchare, Jhapa 78 Shivagunj Campus, Shivagunj Management Bachelor 79 Shree Khadananda Multiple Management Bachelor 80 Shree Narad Adarsh Education Campus, Basaha, Udayapur 81 Shree Projjowl Campus, Management Bachelor Gauradah-8, Jhapa 82 Siddhartha College of Management Bachelor Management, Damak-12 Jhapa -120- Annual Report 83 Sitam Campus, Taplejung Management Bachelor 84 Sunsari Ext. Campus, Dharan 85 Sunsari Technical College, Laxmi 86 Tharpu Campus Tharpu 87 The Himaliyan Multiple College, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 88 Tulasi Mehar College, Dhankuta Management Bachelor 89 Udayashree Campus, Katari, Humanities Bachelor 90 Uma Katwal Campus, Okhaldhunga B.Ed. Nishankhe, Thulachhap, Okhaldhunga 91 United National College Management Bachelor 92 UNIV College, Biratnagar, Management Bachelor 93 Vijaypur College, Dharan, Management Bachelor 94 Vishwa Adarsha College, Itahari, Management Bachelor Management Master 95 World Vision Modern Campus, Rajbiraj, Saptari 96 Active Academy College, Central Kathmandu Humanities Bachelor Basundhara, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Humanities Master 97 Adarsha Aajad College, 98 Advanced college of Eng. & Engineering Bachelor Management, Lalitpur1 99 Aims International College, Management Bachelor Lagankhel, Lalitpur Annual Report -121- 100 Amar Jyoti Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Kharanitar, Nuwakot 101 Arunima College, Baudhha Management Bachelor 102 Ashirwad College, Samakhusi, Management Bachelor 103 Asian Collage of Higher Studies, Kopundol, Lalitpur Management Bachelor 104 Asian International College, Management Bachelor Nayabazar, Kirtipur-17, Ktm 105 Asian Women's Education Management Bachelor Foundation, Thapathali Management Bachelor 106 Awardin International College, Management Bachelor 107 Bagalamukhi Campus, Lalitpur 108 Bagmati Modern College, Naksal, Management Bachelor 109 Bajra International College, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 110 Bakuliya Campus, Bhawanipur 111 Banepa Siddhartha Campus, Management Bachelor 112 Basu College, Kalighat Management Bachelor 113 Bhadra Ghale Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Anamnagar, Kathmandu 114 Bhanubhakta Memorial College, Management Bachelor Panipokhari, Ktm1 115 Bigyan Addhyan Kendra Campus, Janakpur 116 Bir Hospital Nursing campus, I.Sc.Nursing Medicine 117 Birendra Sainik Campus, Kharipati, Bhaktapur 118 Birganj Public College, Birganj, Management Bachelor Management Master -122- Annual Report 119 Birgunj Commerce Campus, Management Bachelor 120 Bluebird College, Kumaripati Management Bachelor 121 Boudha Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 122 Bright Future College, Satdobato Management Bachelor 123 Bright Vision College, Satdobato Humanities Bachelor Ring Road, Lalitpur Management Bachelor 124 Brilliant Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor Siphal, Chabel, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 125 British Gurkha college, Bansbari, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 126 BTS College, Gongabu-4, New Management Bachelor Buspark, Kathmandu 127 Budhanilkanth Campus, Narayansthan, Budhanilkanth Management Bachelor 128 C.P. College Management Bachelor 129 Cambridge International College, Management Bachelor Humanities Bachelor 130 Campion College, Kupondole Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Master Humanities Master 131 Canopy College, Jagati, Management Bachelor 132 Canvas International College, Management Bachelor 133 Capital College, Kalimati Management Bachelor 134 Capital Hill College, Teku Management Bachelor 135 Caribben College of Management Bachelor Management, Dhobighat, Jawalkhel, Lalitpur 136 Caspian Valley College, Management Bachelor Kumaripati, Lalitpur Management Master Annual Report -123- 137 Chandranigahapur Pathivara Humanities Bachelor 138 Chandrodaya Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 139 Chitwan School of Medical Sciences, Bharatpur, Chitwan 140 Citizen Integrated College, Humanities Bachelor Bijeshwori, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 141 City College, Janakpur Dham, Management Bachelor 142 Classic College for higher Humanities Bachelor Studies, Pinglasthan, Gaushala Management Bachelor 143 College of Applied Business, Management Bachelor Battisputali, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 144 College of Applied Science - Nepal. Satdobato - 17, Lalitpur 145 College of Business Management, Management Bachelor Putalisadak Height, Ktm 146 Colombos College, Naya Management Bachelor baneshwor, Kathmandu 147 Cosmopolitan College, Chabahil, Management Bachelor 148 Crimson Int'l College, Management Bachelor Buddhanagar, Kathmandu 149 Crystal College, Ratnanagar, Management Bachelor 150 Dapcha Krishna Multiple Management Bachelor 151 DAV College of Management, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 152 Dhading Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 153 Dhunibesi Adarsha Campus, Management Bachelor Jeevanpur-6, Dhading -124- Annual Report 154 Diamond College, Narayangopal Management Bachelor Chowk, Kathmandu 155 ED-Mark College, Kalanki Management Bachelor 156 Einstein Academy, Management Bachelor Mahalaxmisthan Chowk, Ring Road, Lalitpur 157 Erudite College, Lokanthali Management Bachelor 158 Everest College, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Management Master Management Bachelor 159 Everest International College, Management Bachelor Kalimati, Kathmandu 160 Everest Multiple College, Management Bachelor Galkopakha, Kathmandu 161 Freeborn Gyankunja College, Management Bachelor 162 G.M. Samudayak College Management Bachelor 163 Gadimai Multiple Campus, 164 Galaxy Education Foundation, Management Bachelor Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu 165 Ganesh Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 166 Gaumati Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 167 Gauri Campus, Janakpur 168 Geetanjali Campus, Sorakhutte Management Bachelor 169 Gillette College, Kalimati, Management Bachelor 170 Global College of Management, Management Bachelor Old Baneswor, Kathmandu Management Master 171 Global Village College, Humanities Bachelor Lagankhel, lalitpur Management Bachelor 172 Golden Shrine (G.S.) College, Management Bachelor Kalimati, Kathmandu Annual Report -125- 173 Goldengate International Humanities Bachelor College, Battisputali, Kathmand Management Bachelor Humanities Master Management Master (Food Technology) 174 Gramin Bikas Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 175 Grammer College Management Bachelor 176 Gramsewa College, Dharmasthali, Kathmandu 177 Greenfield National College, Humanities Bachelor Wafal, Sitapaila, Ktm Management Bachelor 178 Greenwhich College Management Bachelor 179 Gyankunj College, Ravibhawan, Management Bachelor 180 Gyanodaya College, Sanepa Management Bachelor 181 Hari Kumar Smarak College, Management Bachelor Mangalpur, Chitawan 182 Henry Ford International Management Bachelor College, Kalankisthan, ktm 183 Herald International College Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 184 Hetauda School of Management, Humanities Bachelor Hetauda, Makawanpur Management Bachelor Humanities Master Management Master 185 Himalaya College, Koteshowr, Management Bachelor Humanities Bachelor 186 Himalayan College for Learning Humanities Bachelor Excellence, Putalisadak, Ktm Management Bachelor -126- Annual Report 187 Himalayan College of Engineering Bachelor Engineering, Ktm1 188 Himalayan Jyoti College, 189 Hira Lal Campus, Thahity, 190 Innovative Sunshine College, Management Bachelor 191 Institute of Managememt Studies Management Bachelor Pvt.Ltd. 130 Thapathali 192 Intensive International College, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 193 International College, Management Bachelor Khairahani, Parsa, Chitwan 194 Jalbire Valley Campus Sindhupalchok B.B.S. Management Bachelor 195 Jana Adarsha Campus, Thimi Management Bachelor 196 Janagyan Niketan Campus, Management Bachelor 197 Janak Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 198 Janaki Medical College, Ramdaiya Bhawadi, Janakpur1 199 Janakpur Engineering College, Engineering Bachelor 200 Janamaitri Foundation Institute of Medical Sciences 201 Janapremi College, Kaushaltar, Management Bachelor 202 Jaya Bageswori Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 203 Jaya Multiple Campus, Jorpati Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 204 Jitpurphedi Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor Jitpurphedi, teenpiple, Ktm 205 John Bauer College, Kumaripati, Management Bachelor 206 Jubilyant College, Kalimati, Management Bachelor Annual Report -127- 207 Kamala Science Campus, Dhungrbas, Sindhuli 208 Kamana International College, Management Bachelor Bansthali, Kathmandu 209 Kantipur College of Business Humanities Bachelor Mgmt.& Hum.Studies, New Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Humanities Master 210 Kantipur College of Management Management Bachelor & Information Technology Management Bachelor 211 Kantipur College of Medical 212 Kantipur College, Jamal, Seto Management Bachelor 213 Kantipur Engineering College, Engineering Bachelor 214 Kanya Campus, Lainchour, 215 Kathford International College of Engineering & Management, Management Bachelor Balkumari, Kathmandu Engineering Bachelor 216 Kathmandu BernHardt College, Management Bachelor Tahachal, Kathmandu 217 Kathmandu College of Science & Technology, Kalimati 218 Kathmandu College, Thapathali, Management Bachelor 219 Kathmandu Community College, Humanities Bachelor Golkopakha, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 220 Kathmandu Engineering College, Engineering Bachelor 221 Kathmandu Forestry Campus, Koteshwor, Kathmandu 222 Kathmandu Higher Education Management Bachelor -128- Annual Report 223 Kathmandu Meriland College, Management Bachelor Tinkune, Kathmandu 224 Kathmandu Model College, Humanities Bachelor Bagbazar, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Humanities Master Management Master 225 Kathmandu Pragya Kunja Humanities Bachelor College, Thapagaun, Kathmandu 226 Khwopa College of Engineering, Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect.) Engineering Bachelor 227 Kist College of Management, Management Bachelor Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu Management Master Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 228 Kits College of Science & Management Bachelor Management, Kamaladi ganesthan, Kathmandu 229 KrishnaBarneshwori College, Humanities Bachelor 230 Kumari Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Baudhamarg, Baudha, Humanities Bachelor 231 Kumari Namuna Campus, Management Bachelor 232 Lalit Nursing Campus, Lalitpur I.Sc.Nursing Medicine B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 233 Lalitpur Engineering College Engineering Bachelor 234 Lalitpur Valley College, Management Bachelor Jawalakhel, Lalitpur 235 Lincoln College, Gongabu, Tokha Management Bachelor Humanities Bachelor Annual Report -129- 236 London College of Business and Management Bachelor Computing, Lazimpat, Kathmandu 237 Lotus Acdemy College, Khoyawahi, Lalitpur (Buddhist Studies) 238 Lumbini Academic College, Management Bachelor Chabahil, Kathmandu 239 Machhindra Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 240 Madhy Rautahat Multiple Campus, Garud Bairiya, Rautahat 241 Mahabir Janata Multiple 242 Mahabir Prasad Birajlal Kedia Dental College, Birgung 243 Maharshi Valmiki Campus, Humanities Bachelor 244 Mahendra Adarsha Vidyasram Management Bachelor College, Satadobato, Lalitpur 245 Malpi International College, Management Bachelor 246 Manamohan Memorial College, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 247 Manaslu National College Management Bachelor 248 Mangalodaya Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 249 Matrix College 250 Melung Campus, Dolakha 251 Metro College, Naya Baneshwor, Humanities Bachelor 252 Milestone Int'l College, Management Bachelor Balkumari, Lalitpur -130- Annual Report 253 Millennium Campus, Banepa-10, Management Bachelor Godamchowk, Kavre 254 Millennium Model College, Humanities Bachelor Bharatpur, Chitwan Management Bachelor 255 Milton International College Management Bachelor 256 Mithila Campus, Janakpur Management Bachelor 257 Model Multiple College, Management Bachelor Management Master 258 Modern College Of Management, Management Bachelor Shankhadhar Chowk 259 Modern Kanya Multiple College, Humanities Bachelor Baneshor, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 260 Modern Nepal College, Putali Management Bachelor Sadak, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 261 Morgan International College Management Bachelor 262 Mount Everest College, Simara Management Bachelor 263 Nabodit College Management Bachelor 264 Nagarjuna College of Information Management Bachelor Technology, Kopundole Management Bachelor 265 Narayani College, Hetauda, Management Bachelor 266 Nasa International College, Management Bachelor Tinkune, Kathmandu 267 National Academy (Campus), Management Bachelor 268 National Campus for Business Management Bachelor Studies, Kamalpokhari Management Master 269 National College of Computer Management Bachelor Studies, Paknajol, Kathmandu 270 National College of Engineering, Engineering Bachelor Balaju, Kathmandu 271 National College of Technical Sciences, Balaju Annual Report -131- 272 National Institute of Science & Management Bachelor Technology, Lainchaur, Ktm1/National college-shantividhya griha 273 National Integrated College, Humanities Bachelor Gurju Marga, Dillibazar Management Bachelor 274 National Medical College, 275 National Modal college for advance learning, Nayabajar, Kathmandu 276 National Multiple College, Management Bachelor 277 Navajyoti College, Tinkune, Management Bachelor Koteshowr, Kathmandu 278 Nawa Chhitz Campus, Bardibas, 279 Nepal Aayurbed Medical College 280 Nepal Academy of Tourism & Management Bachelor Hotel Mgmt, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 281 Nepal College of Dev. Studies, Humanities Bachelor Maitighar, Kathmandu 282 Nepal college of Travel & Management Bachelor Tourism Mgmt., Kathmandu 283 Nepal Mega College, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 284 Nepal Science Campus, Ramshah 285 Nesfield Int'l College, Prayag Humanities Bachelor Pokhari, Lagankhel, Lalitpur Management Bachelor 286 New Capital College, Management Bachelor Ratnanagar-4, Chitawan 287 New Millenium College of Education, Janakpur -132- Annual Report 288 New Millennium College, Management Bachelor Dhumbarahi, Sukedhara, Kathmandu 289 New Summit College, Old Baneshwor, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 290 New Vision Multiple College, Humanities Bachelor Dillibazar, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 291 Newton International College, Management Bachelor Chabahil, Kathmandu Humanities Bachelor 292 Nicholson College, Sallaghari, Management Bachelor 293 Nims College, Lagankhel, Management Bachelor Humanities Bachelor 294 Nirmal Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 295 Orbit International College, Humanities Bachelor Putalisadak, Kathmandu 296 Orchid International College Management Bachelor 297 Orient College, Maharajgunj, Humanities Bachelor Narayangopalchok, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 298 Oscar International College, Humanities Bachelor Jayabageshowri, Gausala, Management Bachelor 299 Pacific Information College, Kharipati, Bhaktapur Management Bachelor 300 Padhmashree International College, Sitapaila-14, 301 Padma College Management Bachelor 302 Padma Ratna Bidhyamandir Management Bachelor 303 Paramarsha Manobigyan Ra Samajik Addhayan College, Kalimati, Kathmandu Annual Report -133- 304 Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Memorial Humanities Bachelor College, Gongabu, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 305 Peoples Campus Ugratara, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 306 People's Dental College, Nayabazar, Kathmandu 307 Pinnacle College, Lagankhel, Management Bachelor 308 Pioneer International College Management Bachelor 309 Prabhat International Multiple Management Bachelor 310 Pragya Shaichhik Pratisthan, Management Bachelor Bijulibazar, Kathmandu 311 Pratap Smiriti College, Lamidanda, Dolakha 312 Premier College, Tinkune Management Bachelor 313 Prime College, Khusibu, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 314 Puspalal Memorial Campus, Management Bachelor 315 Pyramid International Vollege, Humanities Bachelor Gaushala, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 316 Quest Model College, Ratna Management Bachelor 317 Rainbow International College, Humanities Bachelor Dallu/Chhauni, kathmandu Management Bachelor 318 Rajarshi Janak Campus, Management Bachelor -134- Annual Report Humanities Bachelor 319 Ramgopalpur Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 320 Rastriya Prahari Prashichhyan Management Bachelor Pratisthan, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu 321 Ratna Jyoti Campus, Management Bachelor Bhagwatibari, Kathmandu Humanities Bachelor 322 Rehdon College, Samakhusi, Management Bachelor 323 Reliance College, Management Bachelor Saraswatinagar, Chabahil, Kathmandu 324 Republica College Management Bachelor 325 Richmond International College, Management Bachelor Lik Road Awartanagar, Kalanki Humanities Bachelor 326 Sagarmatha College For Higher Humanities Bachelor Studies, Dillibazar Management Bachelor 327 Sagarmatha Engineering College Engineering Bachelor 328 Sailung Campus, Maga Deurali Humanities Bachelor 329 Samari Bhyangang Campus, Management Bachelor 330 Sandipani Samudayik College, New Baneshor, Shankhamul, Kathmandu 331 Santwona Memorial Multiple Humanities Bachelor Campus, Shantinagar, Management Bachelor Humanities Master 332 Sarwa Shanti Campus, Kurintar Management Bachelor 333 Seabird International College, Management Bachelor 334 Shahi Nepali Sainik Pratisthan, Humanities Bachelor Annual Report -135- 335 Shahid Ramnath multiple Humanities Bachelor Campus, Banasthali, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 336 Shanti Academy, Bharatpur, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 337 Sharadoday Multiple Campus, Thosebazar, Ramechhap 338 Shi-Gan International College 339 Shivapuri College, Maharajgunj Management Bachelor 340 Shree Bagmati Multiple Campus, Pipara Malohiya, Rautahat 341 Shree Bubhalal Bhagbat Multiple Management Bachelor 342 Shree Durga Campus, Manara Management Bachelor 343 Shree Golmeshwar Campus, 344 Shree Juddha Campus, Gaur 345 Shree Kalinaga Multiple Campus, Sunkhani, Dolakha 346 Shree Namuna Bageswori Management Bachelor 347 Shree Suryagadhi Samudayik 348 Shree Tripura Campus, Namdu, 349 Siddhartha International Management Bachelor College, Birgunj 350 Siddhartha Multiple College, Management Bachelor Bafal Kalimati, Kathmandu 351 Siddhartha Vanasthali College of Management Bachelor Management, Balaju 352 Sieriyas College, Bafal Management Bachelor 353 Sigma College, Sohrakhutte, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor -136- Annual Report 354 Sirjana College of Fine Arts, Humanities Bachelor Lazimpat, Kathmandu 355 Southwestern State College, Humanities Bachelor Basundhara, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 356 St. Lawrence College, Chabahil, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 357 St.Xavier's Campus, Thapathali Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Humanities Master Management Master 358 Sunapati Shahid Multiple Humanities Bachelor 359 SV Academy, New Baneshwor, Humanities Bachelor Buddhanagar, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Humanities Master 360 Swati Sadan Campus Management Bachelor 361 Texas International College Management Bachelor 362 Thames International College, Management Bachelor Battisputali, Kathmandu Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 363 Thansingh Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 364 The Times International College, Humanities Bachelor Dillibazar, Kalikasthan, Management Bachelor 365 Thokarpo Samudayik Multiple Sindhupalchok B.Ed. Campus, Sindhupalchowk 366 Tri-jyoti Campus Management Bachelor 367 Trinity International College, Management Bachelor Annual Report -137- 368 Triton Int'l College, Subidhnagar, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 369 Unique College of Management, Management Bachelor Kumaripati, Lalitpur 370 United College, Kumaripati, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Master 371 Universal Academy College, Management Bachelor 372 Universal College, Baluwatar, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor Humanities Master Management Bachelor 373 VishwoDip Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 374 Viswa Niketan Science Campus, 375 VS Niketan College, Tinkune, Humanities Bachelor 376 Welhams College, Jawalakhel, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 377 White Field International Management Bachelor College, Khusinbun Naya Bazar, Kathmandu 378 Xavier Academy Science College, Management Bachelor Lazimpat, Kathmandu 379 Xavier International College, Humanities Bachelor Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 380 Youth Campus, Janakpur Management Bachelor 381 Youth Vision College, Balaju-16, Humanities Bachelor Management Bachelor 382 Zenith International College, Management Bachelor -138- Annual Report 383 Achievers College, Butwal Western Rupandehi Management Bachelor 384 AIMS College, Butwal-11, Management Bachelor 385 Annapurna Model College, Humanities Bachelor Butwal, Rupandehi Humanities Master 386 Arghakhanchi Shiksha Campus, Arghakhanchi B.Ed. Sandhikharka, Belbatika Arghakhanchi 387 Baadganga Multiple Campus, 388 Balshidda Campus, Keware, 389 Barahai College, Damauli Management Bachelor 390 Bhadrakali Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 391 Bhairab Janata Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Bhairabsthan 392 Bhimoday Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Aarughat, Gorakha 393 Bidhyabasini Campus, Management Bachelor 394 Biswojyoti Adarsh Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Pragatinagar, 395 Buddha Jyoti College, Bhim Kali Management Bachelor Path, Siddharthanagar 396 Buddhabhumi Campus, barkulpur, Kapilbastu 397 Chapakot Campus, Chapakot, 398 Chij Kumar Bishnu Kumari Management Bachelor 399 Dahathum Multiple Campus, 400 Damauli College of Higher Management Bachelor Studies, Byasa-11, Tanahun Annual Report -139- 401 Devdah Aadarsh Multiple Campus, Devdah, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 402 Dhurkot Multiple Campus, Bastu Humanities Bachelor 403 Digam Aadarsh Multiple Campus, Digamkot, Gulmi Management Bachelor 404 Dignity College, Baglung Management Bachelor 405 Dullav Campus, Masel, Ghyampesal, Gorakha 406 Falahari Baba Multiple Campus, 407 Gandaki Medical College 408 Gandaki Multiple College Management Bachelor 409 Gautam Buddha Multiple Management Bachelor Campus, Gorusinghe Humanities Bachelor 410 Glorious College, Butwal, Management Bachelor 411 Gupteshowar Mahadev Multiple Campus, Chhorepatan, Pokhara, Management Bachelor 412 Hillcity College, Besisahar Management Bachelor 413 Janabikas College, Besisahar Management Bachelor 414 Janamukhi Adarsha College, Management Bachelor 415 Janjyoti Campus, Purkordaha, 416 Kaligandaki Campus, Management Bachelor 417 Kalika Multiple Campus, Balmata, Syangja 418 Kalika Public College, Rambazar, Management Bachelor 419 Krishnagandaki Campus, Balewa Management Bachelor 420 Lake City College & Research Humanities Bachelor Centre, Gairapatan, Pokhara -140- Annual Report 421 Liladhar Ghimire Chapiya Management Bachelor 422 Lumbini Adarsha Multiple Humanities Bachelor Campus, Kawasoti, Nawalparasi 423 Lumbini Brihaspati Campus, Management Bachelor Bhairahawa, Rupandehi 424 Lumbini Vision College, Butwal- Management Bachelor 425 Malunga sarbajanik Multiple Management Bachelor 426 Mangala Shiksha Campus, 427 Manimukunda Campus, Management Bachelor Durganagar, Yogikuti, Butwal-13 Rupandehi 428 Manka Tikaram Multiple Campus, Turang, Majuwa, Gulmi Management Bachelor 429 Masyam Ekikrit Campus, 430 Millennium Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 431 Motilal Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 432 Mount Annapurna Campus, 433 Mount Valley College Management Bachelor 434 Mukundasen Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 435 Nepal Adarsh Campus, Waling 436 Nepal Adarsh Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor Shivapur, Kapilvastu 437 New Horizon College, Butwal, Management Bachelor Management Master 438 New Life College, Bardghat Management Bachelor Annual Report -141- 439 New Light College, Shankarnagar, Rupandehi Management Bachelor 440 Oxford College, Butwal, Management Bachelor 441 Pancha Kanya Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 442 Parashar College, Damauli, Management Bachelor 443 Parasi Campus, Ramgram Management Bachelor 444 Parroha Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 445 Pioneers' Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 446 Pokhara Multimodal Campus, Management Bachelor Srijana Chowk, Pokhara 447 Ridi Multiple Campus, Ridi Management Bachelor 448 Sai Global College, Management Bachelor Siddharthanagar-5, Bhairahawa 449 Shankarnagar Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 450 Shree Chandrakot Campus, Humanities Bachelor Shantipur, Gulmi 451 Shree Janapradip Multiple Campus, Chilaunebas 452 Shree Nanda Bhauju Multiple Management Bachelor 453 Shree Shibalaya Multiple Management Bachelor 454 Siddhartha College, Kapilvastu Management Bachelor 455 Somnath Baba Campus, Sunbal, Management Bachelor 456 Sun Shine College, Management Bachelor Siddharthanagar, Rupandehi 457 Swornim Sagarmatha College, Management Bachelor -142- Annual Report 458 Syanja Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Abhiyanpath, Syanja 459 Tribeni International College Management Bachelor 460 Universal College of Medical Science, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi 461 Wahaki Samudayik Campus Humanities Bachelor 462 West Point College, Beni, Myagdi Management Bachelor 463 Amar Shahid Multiple Campus, Rajapur, Bardiya 464 Banke Shiskha Campus, Nepalgunj, Banke 465 Bansgadhi Multiple Campus, Motipur, Bardiya 466 Brightland College, Surkhet Management Bachelor 467 Chamunda College, Chamunda, 468 City college of Management, Management Bachelor Pasang Lhamu Marga Nepalgunj Management Master 469 Collage of Education, Nepalgunj 470 College of Management, Management Bachelor Nepalgunj, Banke 471 Dang Valley College Management Bachelor 472 Deepshikha College Management Bachelor 473 Dynamic Multiple Campus, 474 Gadawa Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 475 Gurans Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 476 Gyan Sindhu College Management Bachelor 477 Gyanodya Multiple Public Campus, Khajura Banke 478 Jahari Campus, Kholagaun, Annual Report -143- 479 Janachetana Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 480 Janasewa Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 481 Jhimruk Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 482 Kailpal Academy for Health Science Pvt.Ltd., Nepalgung 483 Kapurkot Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 484 Kohalpur Model College, Management Bachelor 485 Madhypashchim Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj, Banke Management Bachelor 486 Mainapokhar Sharada Multiple Management Bachelor 487 Manasarowar Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 488 Mark International College, Management Bachelor Management Master 489 Nepalgunj Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 490 New Bageshwori Academy College, Kohalpur 491 Nikunj Madhyawati Multiple Humanities Bachelor Campus, Neulapur, Bardiya Management Bachelor 492 Nimble College Management Bachelor 493 Novex International College Management Bachelor 494 Pyuthan Campus, Khalanga, Humanities Bachelor 495 Rapti Shiksha Campus, Dang 496 Rapti Vidhyamandir Management Bachelor Management College, Tulasipur, Dang -144- Annual Report 497 Raskot Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 498 Sadashiva Multiple Campus, Humanities Bachelor 499 Shree Bardiya Multiple Campus, Deudhikala, Bardiya 500 Sisne Shiksha Campus, 501 Surkhet Model College Management Bachelor 502 Vidhyanilakantha Campus, Management Bachelor 503 Yerawati Aadarsha Multiple Humanities Bachelor Campus, Lalmatiya Deukhuri, Dang 504 Aishwary Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 505 Baitadi Shiksha Campus, Dasharath Chand N.P.1, Shahilek, Baitadi 506 Bal Jagritee College, Management Bachelor Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur 507 Bhimdutta Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 508 Everest Multiple College, Attaria, Kailali 509 Florida International College Management Bachelor 510 Fulbari Campus, Masuriya 511 Ghatal Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 512 Gokuleswor Agriculture and Agriculture Bachelor Animal Science College 513 Janajyoti Campus, Mahendra Management Bachelor Humanities Bachelor Humanities Master Annual Report -145- 514 Janata Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor Bhajeshwor, Achham 515 Kailash Campus, Kalagaun 3, 516 Kanchan Vidhyamandir Management Bachelor Community College 517 Krishna Baijnath Campus, Humanities Bachelor 518 Mahendra Nagar Medical College, Mahendranagar 519 Manilek Campus, Kanda Melauli, Baitadi 520 Mountain Multiple Campus, Management Bachelor 521 Phulbari Campus, Phulbari 5, 522 Rastriya Campus, Datt, Darchula 523 Rastriya College, Sukhad, Kailali Humanities Bachelor 524 Setigaun Multiple Campus Management Bachelor 525 Shree Janaekata Multiple Management Bachelor 526 Shree Purachaudi Multiple Campus, Hata Baitadi 527 Shree Tribeni Aadarsh Multiple Campus, Nijgadh, Bungal, Bajhang 528 Shreekrishna Snatak Campus, 529 Sitaram Campus, Jijodamanda, 530 Sudur Paschimanchal Campus, Management Bachelor Dhangadhi, Kailali -146- Annual Report Programs List of TU
SN Program
I.A. in Fine Arts B.A. in Fine Arts B.A. in Film Studies a. Buddhism Studies j. Library Science o. Political Science p. Population Studies u. Strategic Studies PGD in Womens' Studies PGD in Buddhism Studies PGD in Population Studies PGD in Nepal American Studies Annual Report -147- PGD in Counselling Psychology PGD in Library Sciences Ph.D. in Humanities and Social Sciences M.D. (Pathology) M.D. in Anaesthesiology M.D. in Radiodiagnosis M.D. in Obstetrics and Gyanaecology Doctor of Medicine in Opthalmology M.D. in General Practice M.D. in Internal Medicine M.D. in Psychiatry M.D. in Ophthalmology M.Sc. in Paediatrics M.S. Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck M.S. General Surgery M.S. Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgery M.Phil. (Clinical Psychology) Master in Public Psychology Master in Public Health (MPH) Bachelor in Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) B.N. Hospital Nursing B.N. Psychiatric Nursing B.N. Community Nursing M.N. Paediatric Nursing Master in Nursing (M.N.) -148- Annual Report Master of Nursing in Adult Nursing (M.N.) MS Head & Neck Surgery M.D. in Paediatrics I.Sc.(Food Technology) 4 Years B.Sc. (IT) c. Environmental Science B.Sc. In Forestry B.Sc. Food Technology c. Environmental Science Annual Report -149- M.Sc. Biotechnology M.Sc. (Computer Science and M. Sc. IT) M.Sc. (Forestry) Ph.D. in Science and Technology Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Bachelor of Information Management (B.I.M.) Bachelor of Hotel Management (B.H.M.) Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management Master's Degree (M.B.A.) M.Phil in Management Management Ph.D. in Education M.Sc. (Animal Science) M.Sc. (Agriculture) Ph.D. in Animal Science Ph.D. in Agriculture -150- Annual Report I.E. Architecture I.E. Electronics I.E. Refrigeration & Air conditioning B.E. Industrial Engineering B.E. (Electronics & Communication) B.E. (Electrical Engineering) B.E. (Architecure) B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) B.E. (Agriculture Engineering) 100 M.E. Urban Planning Engineering 101 M.E. Structural Engineering 102 M.E. Environmental Science Engineering 103 M.E. Water Resources Engineering 104 M.E. Renewable Energy Engineering 105 M.E. Information & Communication Engineering 106 M.E. Power System Engineering 107 M.E. Geo- Technical Engineering 108 M.Sc. (Structural Engineering) 109 M.Sc. (Power System Engineering) 110 M.Sc. (Renewable Energy Engineering) 111 M.Sc. (Information & Com Engineering) 112 M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering) 113 M.Sc. (Water Resources Engineering) 114 M.Sc. (Geotechnical Engineering) Annual Report -151- Inforamtion on NSU
NSU Constituent Campuses
Campus Name
1 B.P. Koirala Sanskrit Bidhyapith, Eastern Solukhumbu Uttar– 2 Pindeshwor Bidhyapith, Sunsari 3 Balmiki Bidhyapith, Kathmandu Education Bachelor 4 Hajari Jank Bidhyapith, Dhanusa 5 Ya.Ba.La.Na., Mahottari -152- Annual Report 6 Bhanu Sanskrit Bidhyapith, 7 Bindu Basini Sanskrit Bidhyapith, 8 Harihar Sanskrit Bidhyapith, 9 Kalika Sanskrit Bidhayapith, Nawalparasi Uttar- Gaidakot, Nawalparasi 10 Ruru Sanskrit Bidhyapith, Gulmi 11 Janata Bidhyapith, Dang I.Sc. Sanskrit Science Education Bachelor 12 University Bidhyapith, Dang 13 Sarada Bidhyapith, Kanchanpur Kanchanpur Uttar- Education Bachelor Annual Report -153- NSU Community Campuses
Campus Name
gurukul Western Tanahun Bidhyapith, Devghat, Tanahun 2 Shree Radha Damodar Snskrit Vidhyapith, Keladighat, Syangja NSU Private Campuse
Campus Name
Region District
1 Panchthar Campus, Panchthar
Eastern Panchthar 1 yr B.Ed. Education Bachelor 2 Sanskrit Bidhyapith, Dharan 3 Active Academy College Central Kathmandu 1 yr B.Ed. Education Bachelor 4 Banepa Campus, Kavre 1 yr B.Ed. Education Bachelor 5 Janak Ayurbed Bidhyapith, Janakpur 6 Mithila Ayurbed College, Dhanusha 7 Uttam Dhuwantari Ayurbed College, 1 yr B.Ed. Education Bachelor Campus, Western Kapilvastu 1 yr B.Ed. Education Bachelor Program List of NSU
Kabiraj (Intermediate in Ayurved) Bachelor in Ayurbed Uttar-madhyama (Sanskrit) Shastree (Sanskrit) Acharya (Sanskrit) Ph.D. (Sanskrit) Language Training -154- Annual Report Information on KU
KU Constituents Campuses
S Campus Name
Region District Program
1 School of Arts, Bachelor in music B.A. (Buddhist Studies) Bachelor in Fine Arts B.A. in Media Studies M.A. in Landscape Mgmt & M.A. in Buddhist Studies M.A. in Dev.Studies M.A. in Human Natural Ph.D. Language & Mass Ph.D. in Human Natural Lalitpur Ph.D.(Educational Leadership) Education Ph.D.(Development Studies) M.Phil.(Educational M.Phil.(Dev. Studies) M.Phil.(Research in Mathematics Edu.) M.Phil.(Curriculum & M.Ed.(Math Edu.) M.Ed.(Edu. Mgt.) Annual Report -155- M.Ed.(Eng. Language Training) PGD Ed. (Primary) B.E. (Elect. & Comm.) Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Mechanical) Master in Planning & Operation of Energy Systems M.S. by Research(Mechanical) M.S. by Research (Comp.) Ph.D. (Mechanical) Ph.D. (Computer) Management Master PGD in Management Master in Security 5 School of Medical Bachelor in Physiotherapy -156- Annual Report Bachelor in Nursing Science MD (Anaesthesiology) MD (Communiy Medicine) MD (Dermatology) MD (Forensic Medicine) MD (Internal Medicine) MD (Microbiology) MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) MD (Paediatrics) MD (Pharmacology) MD (Psychiatry ) MD (Radiodiagnosis) MD (Radio Oncology) MD (Biochemistry) M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) M.Ch. (Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery) M.Ch. (Urosurgery) M.Sc. In Anatomy (Medical) M.Sc. (Pharmacology) M.Sc. (Physiology) MS (General Surgery) MS (Ophthalmology) MS(Orthopaedics) Annual Report -157- MS (Otorhinolaryngology) MDS (Community Denistry) MDS (Conservative Dentistry) MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial MDS (Oral Pathology) MDS (Oral Medicine & MDS(Pedodontics ) MDS (Periodontics) MDS (Prosthodontics) B.Sc.(Human Biology) B.Sc.(Applied Physics) B.Tech(Biotech.) B.Tech(Envs.Engg.) M.S. by Research(Biotech.) M.Phil. (Env. Sc.) M.Phil. (Physics) Ph.D. (Bio-tech) Ph.D. (Pharmacy) -158- Annual Report KU Private Campuses
SN Campus Name
Region District
Nobel Medical College, Biratnagar, Morang B.Sc.Nursing Medicine College of Medical Sciences, B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Kantipur Dental College, Ktm Kathmandu B.D.S. Kathmandu College of Management Bachelor Management, Gwarko, Lalitpur Management Bachelor Kathmandu Medical College, Kathmandu M.B.B.S. B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Little Angel's College, Hattiban, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor National College, Ktm Kathmandu B.A. in Dev. Humanities Bachelor Humanities Bachelor Nepal College of Management, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Nepal Medical College, Jorpati Kathmandu M.B.B.S. 10 Scheer Memorial Nursing College, B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 11 St.Xavier, Maitighar, Kathmandu Kathmandu B.A. in Social Humanities Bachelor 12 Training Institute for Technical Bhaktapur B.Tech.Ed. Instruction (TITI), Sanothimi 13 Lumbini Medical College, Palpa 14 Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 15 Nepalgunj Medical College, Annual Report -159- Program List of Kathmandu University (KU)
SN Program
B.Sc. (Applied Physics) B.Tech. (Environmental Engineering) B.Tech. (Biotechnology) B.Sc. (Environmental Science) B.Sc. in Human Biology M.Sc. (Environmental Science) M.S. by Research (BT) M.S. by Research (ENVS) M.S. by Research (Physics) M.Phil.(Environmental Science) M.Phil. (Chemestry) M.Phil (Physics) M.S. by Research Bachelor of Pharmacy Paramedial Subjects M.D.S. in Conservative Dentistry M.D.S. in Periodontics M.D.S. in Community Dentistry M.D.S. in Prosthodontics M.D.S. in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery M.D. in Community Medicine M.D. Microbiology M.D. Pharmacology Master in Pharmacy -160- Annual Report M.D. in Pathology M.D.S. in Oral Medicine and Radiology M.D.S. Oral Pathology M.D. in Aneasthesia M.D. in Dermatology M.S. in General Surgery M.D. in Internal Medicine M.D. in Obstetrics and Gynaecology M.S. in Ophthalmology M.S. in Orthopaedics M.S. in Otorhinolaryngology M.D. in Paediatrics M.D. in Psychiatry M.D. in Radiodiagnosis M.D. in Radio Oncology M.D. Biochemistry M.Sc. in Biochemistry (Medical) M.Sc. in Microbiology (Medical) M.Sc. in Pharmacology (Medical) M.Sc. in Physiology (Medical) M.D. in Forensic Medicine M.Sc. in Medical Anatomy Magister Cherugae B.E. (Computer Engineering) B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) B.E. (El. & Electronics Eng. (Power & Control) B.E. (El & Electronics Eng. (Communication) B.E. (Geomatics Engineering) B.E. (Civil, Specialization in Hydropower) M.E (Electrical Power Engineering) M.E. (Communication Engineering) M.S. Research in Communication Engineering Annual Report -161- M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) M.E. (Computer Engineering) Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Music B.A. Buddhist Studies Bachelor of Media Studies Master of Arts in Music M.A. in Development Studies M.A. Buddhist Studies Master of Business Administration Executive Master of Business Administration Master in Management (Security Management) Post - Graduate Diploma (Security Management) M.Ed. In Development Studies M.Ed. In English Language Training M.Ed. (Env. Edu. & Sust. Development ) M.Ed. (Educational Management) M. Phil. (Education) Ph.D. (Education) Ph.D. in Development Studies PGD Ed. (Primary) PGD Ed. (School Mgt, Math, ELT, Env. Ed. & Sust. PGD Dev.) -162- Annual Report Information on PU
PU Constituents Campuses
SN Campus Name
Region District Program
Center for Pop & Dvt, Pur.U., Eastern Morang M.A. Humanities Master Mgt. Cam., Biratnagar, Morang Management Bachelor Management Master PurU. School of Eng. & Tech, Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Comm.) Engineering Bachelor PU Community Campuses
S Campus Name
1 Himalaya Campus, Khandbari, Eastern Sankhuwasava B.Ed. 2 Shree Madan Ashrit Memorial Multiple Campus, Topgachhi, 1 yr B.Ed. Education 3 Man, Mgt. Development Cam., Central 4 Lumbini Adarsh Degree Western Nawalparasi 1 yr B.Ed. Education College, Kawasoti, Nawalparasi 5 Tribhuvan Campus, Rupakot, 1 yr B.Ed. Education Annual Report -163- PU Private Campuses
SN Campus Name
Annapurna Campus, Annapurna Multiple Campus, Kanchalpur, Management Bachelor Birat Health College & B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Research Center, Biratnagar Bright Vision College, Caliber International Collge, Management Bachelor Devaki College of Management Bachelor Management, Mirchaiya Dharan College of Management Bachelor Management, Dharan, Sunsari Dhulabari Campus Eastern College of Engineering Bachelor Engineering, Biratnagar Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) 10 Edenburg International Management Bachelor College, Biratnagar 11 Everest College, Lahan, Management Bachelor 12 Gograha College, Bargachhi, Management Bachelor 13 Gomendra Multiple College Birtamode, Jhapa Management Bachelor -164- Annual Report 14 Hamro School of Nursing, B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 15 Karfok Bidya Mandir Management Bachelor Multipal Campus, Karfok, 16 Kasturi College, Itahari, Management Bachelor 17 Koshi Health and Science Campus, Sansarimaisthan, 18 Kshitiz Education Management Bachelor Foundation, Rajbiraj 19 Laxmi Ballav Narsingh Balkumari Campus, Rajbiraj 20 Mother Memorial College, Management Bachelor 21 National Mul. College, Management Bachelor 22 Nepal Homeopathic Medical College, Malaya Road, Biratnagar 23 Pub Campus, Dhanigaun Management Bachelor Banigaun, Morang 24 Royal Softtech College, Management Bachelor 25 Saptarishi Health Science College, Rajbiraj 26 Saptarishi Multiple Science College, Rajbiraj 27 South Asian Sc. of T&HM, Management Bachelor Malaya Road, Biratnagar Management Bachelor 28 Unique College, Damak, 29 Unique Educational Academy Pvt. Ltd., Rajbiraj Annual Report -165- 30 Yeti Multiple College, Management Bachelor 31 Zenith International Management Bachelor College, Biratnagar Management Master Management Master 32 Acme Engineering College, Kathmandu B.E. (Arch.) Engineering Bachelor Sitapaila Chock, Ring road, Engineering Bachelor Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) Engineering Master Engineering Mgmt. Engineering Master Information System Engineering 33 Alka Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu P.B.N. 34 Aryan School Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu B.E. (Civil) Engineering Bachelor 35 Asian College of Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Management & Technology Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu 36 Asian Fdn. for Edu. & Research Gwarko, Latipur B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 37 B & B Medical Institute, Gwarko, Lalitpur 38 Bal Kumari College, Management Bachelor Narayanghard, Chitwan 39 Birganj Pub College, Management Bachelor Panitanki, Birgunj, Parsa Management Master 40 Central Engineering College Engineering Bachelor -166- Annual Report 41 Chakrabarti Habi Edu. B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Adm., Thimi, Bhaktpur 42 College of AF&DT, Kathmandu B.Sc. Dairy Samakhushi, Katmnandu 43 College of BioMedical Engineering Bachelor Engineering & AS, Hadigau 44 College of Development Kathmandu M.A. (Dev. Studies, Bansbari, 45 College of IT & Engineering, Kathmandu B.C.A. Tinkune, Kathmandu Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) Management Bachelor 46 Col. of J&MC, Dhapasi, Kathmandu B.J.M.C. 47 D.A.V. Business School Management Master 48 Everest College of Nursing, Kathmandu B.Sc. Nursing Medicine 49 Gateway College of Kathmandu B.H.M. Management Bachelor Professional Studies, Kathmandu 50 Himalayan College of AS&T, B.Sc. In Agr. Science Annual Report -167- M.Sc. In Meat Science 51 Himalayan College of Engineering Bachelor Geomatic Eng. & LRM, Hadigau, Kathmandu 52 Himalayan Institute of ST, Kathmandu B.E. (Civil) Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Engineering Master Information System Eng M.Sc. In Eng. Engineering Master Mgt. 53 Himalayan Open Edu. B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Solutions, Satdobato, 54 Himalayan Whitehouse Intl. College, Naya Baneshwor, Engineering Bachelor Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) Management Bachelor Management Master Management Master Management Bachelor 55 Innovative College of Health Kathmandu P.B.N. Science, Shifal, Kathmandu 56 Institute of Open Learning, Kathmandu 1 yr B.Ed. Anamnagar, Kathmandu -168- Annual Report 57 Janaki college of Management Bachelor Management, Janakpur 58 Kadambari Memorial Kathmandu B.S.W. College of Science & Management, Maitighar, Kathmandu 59 Kantipur City College, Kathmandu B.C.A. Putalisadak, Kathmandu PGD in Comp. Science Engineering Bachelor Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) M.A. in Mass Humanities comm. & Journalism Management Bachelor 60 Kantipur Hotel Kathmandu B.H.M. Management Bachelor Management College, Management Bachelor Buddhanagar, Kathmandu Management Bachelor Management Master Management Master Engineering Bachelor Engineering Bachelor 61 Kantipur Valley College, Management Bachelor Kumaripati, Lalitpur Management Master Management Master 62 Karnali College of Health Kathmandu B.Pharm Sciences, Ratopul, Annual Report -169- 63 Kasthamandap School of Kathmandu M.P.A. Management Master Public Affair Management, Kathmandu 64 Khowpa Engineering Engineering Bachelor College, Bhaktapur Engineering Bachelor Engineering Bachelor B.E. (Elect. & Engineering Bachelor Comm.) Engineering Master urban Design & Conservation 65 Kist College of Information Kathmandu B.I.T. Technology, Kathmandu 66 Kathmandu Academy of Kathmandu B.T.T.S. Management Bachelor Tourism and Hospitality, Management Master Kalimati, Kathmandu 67 Kathmandu Don Bosco Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor College, Naya Baneshwor, Management Master 68 Kathmandu Model Hospital Kathmandu P.B.N. School of Nursing, Bagbazar, Kathmandu 69 Kathmandu School of Law, Dadhikot, Bhaktapur 70 Lalitpur College, Kopundole, Management Bachelor 71 Little Buddha College of Kathmandu B.P.H. Health science Pvt. Ltd., Ganeshwor, Kathmandu 72 Manmohan Mem. Inst.& Health Sc., Bagdole, B.Sc.Nursing Medicine -170- Annual Report 73 Model Purbanchal College, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 74 Moscow International Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor College, Kathmandu 75 Nagarik College of Health Kathmandu P.B.N. Sciences, Kathmandu 76 Namuna Col. of Fashion Kathmandu B.F.D. Management Bachelor Tech., Bansbari, Kathmandu 77 National Academy for Kathmandu B.P.H. Medical Science, OLd B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Baneshwor, Kathmandu 78 National College for Kathmandu B.Sc. In Advance Learning, 79 National Infotech College, 80 Nepal Institute of Health Kathmandu B.P.H. Science, Bauddha Tushal, B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 81 Nepal Polytechnique Animal Husbandry 82 Norvic Institute of Nursing Kathmandu P.B.N. Education, Kathmandu B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 83 Oasis Medical College, Bharatpur, Chitwan 84 OM Health Science Campus, Kathmandu B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Chabahil, Kathmandu 85 Polygon College 86 Presidency College of Management Bachelor Management Sciences, Management Master Bharatpur, Chitwan Annual Report -171- 87 Sagarmatha Multiple Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor College, Dillibazer, 88 SANN Institute of Nursing, Kathmandu B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Gairidhara, Kathmandu 89 SANN International College Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor for Higher Studies Gairidhara, Kathmandu 90 Shepherd College of Media Kathmandu B.M.T. Technology, Chabahil, 91 Shree Medical & Technical college, Bharatpur, Chitwan B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 92 Silkroad International Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor College, Kathmandu 93 Sinha Health Foundation B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Pvt. Ltd. Janakpur 94 St. Xavier College of Social Kathmandu M.S.W. Work Maitighar, Kathmandu 95 Times Business School, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor 96 Topper Engineering & Kathmandu M.B.A. Management Master Management College, Kathmandu 97 Valley College of Technical Kathmandu B.Pharm science, Baneshwor, 98 Yeti Health Science Kathmandu B.Sc.Nursing Medicine Academy, Pani Pokhari, 99 Charak Academy, Pokhara 100 Damauli College Shakhar, 101 Maya Devi Technical -172- Annual Report 102 Novel Academy, Pokhara Management Bachelor Management Master B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 103 Sanjeevani Nursing College, Butwal, Rupendehi B.Sc.Nursing Medicine 104 Shreenagar Integrated Management Bachelor College, Holangadi, Tansen, Palpa 105 Bheri Nursing College, 106 Sungava Multiple Campus, Far Kanchanpur B.B.S. Management Bachelor Programs List of PU
SN Program
Bachelor of Commerce Studies Bachelor of Travel & Tourism Studies Bachelor of Hotel Management Bachelor of Fashion Design Bachelor (Hospitality & Catering Mg.) Executive Master ( Business Administration) Executive Master (Bus. Adm. Distance Mode) Master of Business Administration Master of Tourism Studies Master of Public Administration Master of Hotel and Hospitality Mgt Bachelor (Computer Application) Bachelor (Computer Application – Hons.) Bachelor (Information Technology) Bachelor of Architecture B.Sc. (Biotechnology) Annual Report -173- B.Sc. (Bio chemistry) Bachelor in Food Technology Bachelor in Dairy Technology Bachelor (Public Health) PGD (Computer Application) M.C.A. (Master of Computer Application) M.Sc. (Master of Science)in Life Science M.Sc. (Master of Science)in Meat Technology M.Sc. (Master of Science)in Dairy Technology M.Sc. (Environment & Resource Mg.) M.Sc. (Information System Engineering) M.Sc. ( Engineering Mgt) M.Sc. ( Urban Design in Conservation) M.Sc. (Rural Dvt. Planning & Gender Studies) M.Sc. (Regional Dvt Planning & Mg.) M.Sc. (Pop. Mgt & Rural Development) B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) in Computer B.E. (Electronics & Communication) Bachelor (Biomedical Engineering) B.E. (Geomatics & Land Resources Mg.) M.E. (Earthquake) Bachelor in Pharmacy Bachelor (Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery) M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery) Post Basic Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor (Media Technology) B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) Bachelor in Liberal Arts & Science -174- Annual Report Bachelor of Interior Design B.S.W. (Bachelor of Social Work ) PGD (Peace and Conflict Journalism) PGD (Psycho-Social Intervention) PGD (Conflict Management & Peace Building) PGD (Rural Economics) PGD (Development and Planning Studies) Master (Human Rights) Master (Conflict and Intl. Humanitarian Law) Master (Sociology / Anthropology) Master (Development Communication) Master (Social Work) Master (Development Studies) M.A. (Mass Communication & Journalism) Bachelor of Science (Hon Agriculture) Bachelor (Vet. Sc. & Animal Husbandry) Master (Agriculture Business Mg.) B.Ed. (one year) B.Ed. (Distance Mode) Legisum Laterum Bachelor Legisum Laterum Masterom Annual Report -175- Information on PokU
PokU Constituent Campuses
S Campus Name
District Program
1 School of Business, Management Bachelor Management Master Management Master Management Bachelor Social Engineering, Lekhnath, Kaski B.E. (Civil) Engineering B.E. (Elect. Engineering 4 School of Health & Applied Science, -176- Annual Report PokU Private Campuses
S Campus Name
1 Ace Institute of Management, Kathmandu E.M.B.A. Management Master Management Master Management Master Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 2 Apex College, Kathmandu Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Master Trimester (Evn.) Management Master 3 Apolo International College, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Baneshwor, Kathmandu 4 Atlantic International College, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Samakhushi, Kathmandu Management Bachelor 5 Bostan International College, Management Bachelor Bharatpur, Chitwan Management Bachelor 6 Citizen College, Jwalekhel, Management Bachelor 7 Cosmos College of Management & Technology, Lalitpur (Elect. & Comm.) Management Bachelor Annual Report -177- 8 Everest Engineering and Management Bachelor Management College, Sanepa, (Elect. & Comm.) 9 Excel International College, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Chahabil, Kathmandu 10 Institute of Advance Kathmandu M.Phil. Communication, Education & Research Center, Baneshwor, Kathmandu 11 Kamad College, Sukedhara, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor 12 Liberty College, Anamnagar, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor 13 Modern Technical College, Khumaltar, Lalitpur 14 National Open College, Sanepa, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor P.G.D.H.C.M. Management PGD Management Master 15 Nepal College of Information Technology, Lalitpur (Elect. & Comm.) Management Bachelor Management Master -178- Annual Report 16 Nepal Engineering College, (Civil for Diploma Holders) (Elect. & Comm.) (Elect. & Electronics) Construction Mgt. Natural Resources Mgt. Transportaion & Mgt. 17 Nobel College, Kathmandu Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Annual Report -179- 18 Platinum Management College, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Kalikasthan, Kathmandu 19 Quest International College, Management Bachelor Balkumari, Lalitpur Management Bachelor 20 Ritz Hospatility Management Management Bachelor College, Balkimari, Lalitpur 21 Sayam College, Lagankhel, Management Bachelor Management Master 22 School of Environmental Science Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor and Management, Baluwatar, 23 Shahid Ramnath Dahal Smiriti Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor College, Banasthali Chowk, Kathmandu 24 Sist College, Nayabaneshwor, Kathmandu B.P.H. 25 Uniglobe College, Kalimarg, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor Management Master 26 United Technical College, Bharatpur, Chitwan 27 Universal Science College, Kathmandu B.Sc. in 28 V.S. Niketan College, Kathmandu B.B.A. Management Bachelor 29 Axis College, Sukhhanagar, Western Rupandehi Management Bachelor 30 Brihaspati College, Bhairahawa, Management Bachelor 31 Chhitiz International School, Management Bachelor Butwal, Rupendehi 32 Crimson College of Technology, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor Management Bachelor -180- Annual Report 33 Gandaki College of Engineering and Science, Pokhara 34 La Grandi International College, Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 35 Lumbini Engineering, Management and Science College, Bhairahawa (Elect. & Comm.) Construction Mgt. Management Bachelor 36 Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management Bachelor Management College, Pokhara Management Bachelor Management Bachelor 37 Oxford College of Engineering Nawalparasi B.C.A. Management Bachelor and Management, Nawalparasi Management Bachelor (Elect. & Electronics) 38 Pokhara College of Management, Management Bachelor 39 Pokhara Engineering College, (Elect. & Comm.) Construction Mgt. 40 Siddhartha College, Butwal -14, Management Bachelor Annual Report -181- 41 Tilottama Campus, Butwal Management Bachelor 42 Tulashimehere Memorial College, Shankarnagar, Butwal 43 Alpine Management College, Management Bachelor Nepalgunj, Banke 44 Rapti Engineering College, Management Bachelor Shitalnagar, Dang 45 Victioria International College, Management Bachelor 46 Amiti College, Kanchanpur Kanchanpur B.B.A. Management Bachelor 47 Bristan College, Kanchanpur Kanchanpur B.B.A. Management Bachelor 48 Crisent Hotel Management Management Bachelor College, Kailaili Management Bachelor 49 National Academy of Science and Management Bachelor Technology, Kailali Management Bachelor Program List of Pokhara University (PokU)
B.E. (Electronics & Communication) B.E. (Software Engineering) B.E. (Electrical and Electrinics) Bachelor of Architecture M.E. (Disaster Risk Management) M.E. (Communication) B.Sc. (Biochemistry) Bachelor of Computer Information Systems -182- Annual Report Bachelor of Computer Applications B.Sc. (Computer) B.Sc. (Environmental Management) M.Sc. (Environmental Management) M.Sc. (Computer Science) M.Sc. (Natural Resource Management) M.Sc. (Construction Management) M.Sc. (Computer Sc. & Data Processing) Master of Computer Information System PGD (Computer Applications) Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences B.Sc. ( Medical Laboratory Technology) Bachelor of Public Health B.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) B.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry) Master In Pharmaceutical Sciences Bachelor of Hotel Management Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management B.B.A. (Banking and Insurance) Bachelor of Health Care Management M.B.A. (Executive) Master of Healthcare Management PGD (Healthcare Management) Bachelor of Arts M.A. (Pop, Gender & Devt) M.Phil. (English) Annual Report -183- Information on LBU
SN Campus Name
Region District Program
Faculty Level Female Total
1 Lumbini Buddha University, Western Rupandehi Buddhism Humanities PHD Lumbini, Rupandehi Higher Education (HE) Total
Grand Total
Information on BPKIHS
SN Campus Name
Region District Program
Faculty Level
B.P.K.I.H.S., Dharan Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Medicine Bachelor Programs List of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS)
-184- Annual Report Information on NAMS
SN Campus Name
1 National Academy of Central Kathmandu M.D. Anaesthesiology Medical Sciences, M.D. Dermatology M.D. General Practice M.D. General Surgery M.D. Internal Medicine M.D. Obstetrics and M.D. Opthalmology M.D. Orthopodics M.D. Paediatrics M.D. Radiodiagnosis M.D. Radiotherapy Programs List of National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS)
M.D. in Anaethesiology M.D. in Dermatology M.D. in General Practice M.D. in General Surgery M.D. in Internal Medicine M.D. in Obstitrics & Gyenaecology M.D. in Opthalmology M.S. in Orthopaedics M.D. in Pathology M.D. in Paediatrics M.D. in RadioDiagnosis M.D. in Radiotherapy M.D. Fellowship in NeuroSurgery Post-Basic Bachelor of Nursing Annual Report -185- Information on PAHS
SN Campus Name
Region District Program Faculty
Patan Academy of Health Central Lalitpur Medicine Bachelor Program List of Patan Academy of Health Science


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The Laws of Zambia REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA THE PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT CHAPTER 299 OF THE LAWS OF ZAMBIA CHAPTER 299 THE PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT THE PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 2. Interpretation 3. Appointment of Pharmacy and Poisons Board Copyright Ministry of Legal Affairs, Government of the Republic of Zambia

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Research Gate: Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1 (2013) 76-79 Research Gate: Pharmaceutical Sciences Antiulcerogenic Effects of Terminalia chebula (Retz.) in Pylorus Ligated Rats Nitin Nema*1, M.D.Kharya1, SM Bairagi2 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar-(M.P.) India 2MES College of Pharmacy Sonai (M.H.) India