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iTghe Bird Rescue Center
Sparkie's Miracle and Trainings2013 orientation dates and On August 23rd, Bird Rescue volunteers released red-tailed hawk #741, nicknamed Sparkie,
back into the wild, following a record 17- trainings in Rehab, Field month rehabilitation. Sparkie had come to us Rescue and other areas will as a young adult in March 2011, after being be announced in January. electrocuted by power lines in Lake County. To register or to be put on a Extensive burns to her right wing and leg notifi cation list, call the Center resulted in tissue loss, at one point totally at 707/523-2473 [BIRD], or visit exposing a section of bone, and the massive jolt had turned most of her right wing and tail feathers to the consistency of brittle straw. Surgeries and months of daily skin Join the BRC email list and treatments to ward off infection ensued, and receive periodic news, eventually her wounds healed. Many fi ngers event info, training dates were crossed in the hope that Sparkie's feathers Many thanks to Dr. Dave Rupiper and our
would grow back intact after her fi rst molt, and rehab supervisors for giving Sparkie a new and those hopes were rewarded with the appearance promising lease on life. Mike Best and Karen
of a nearly perfect red tail. But the damaged feather Gouveia, from PG&E's Avian Protection Plan Pro-
follicles on her right wing grew abnormally, and the gram, monitored Sparkie's progress throughout decision was made to keep Sparkie at BRC another her long recovery. Mike encouraged PG&E to make Visit
year to see if her next molt would be better. a signifi cant donation to cover Sparkie's care, and and keep up on all the latest! we were fi lled with gratitude when a generous check recently arrived in the mail. These funds will go a long way in helping us improve our ability to rehabilitate injured wild birds. Thank you Mike, Karen, and the entire Avian Protection team! (above) RTHA #741 admitted to BRC (left) At the end of a creance fl ight (below) Brad Marsh releases Sparkie remember BRC
back to the wild in your year-end
giving plans
have a distinctive gap that will make her easy to While not every story is as
identify in the coming years. Next began a regimen dramatic as Sparkie's, your
of up to 30 daily practice fl ights on a long tether contribution will ensure
that miracles like this will
("creancing") to restore her fl ight muscles to full continue to occur.
strength and check the functionality of her wings. Finally, after weeks of these conditioning fl ights, this magnifi cent and spirited bird was released back to her territory in Lake County, amidst cheers and a few tears.
From the Executive Director The Bird Rescue Center is located at
A look back, a look forward 3430 Chanate Road, near Sutter Medical Center in Santa Rosa. Mailing address: PO Box 475, off ered their expertise in raptor migration, conser- Santa Rosa, CA 95402.
vation and identifi cation, the mysterious nature of Phone 707/523-2473 [BIRD] owls, and the great diversity of our native song- birds. Sheree Green, Rehabilitation Director, and
We are open 365 days a year. Normal business hours are 9am–5pm every day from September Brad Marsh presented the fi nal program, where
through April, and 8am–8pm from May eight of our resident ambassadors and their han- through August but can vary, so check our dlers made an appearance. Attendance reached website or call for seasonal hours. over 130 for each lecture, with the Owl Evening Visitor Days are the fi rst Saturday and third
Sunday of each month from 1–4pm, and are
2012 has been another year of signifi cant gathering more than 200.
free and open to the public. improvements for our Center. A building with With the addition of fi ve new buildings that in- The Bird Rescue Center is a nonprofi t six new rehabilitation aviaries was completed in clude 20 resident mews, fi ve rehab mews, six pre- 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax- July. The design off ers the ability to open up and release conditioning aviaries and more storage, deductible to the extent allowed by law. combine the smaller aviaries to create two large we look forward to 2013 as a Year of Sustainability, (Tax ID No. 94-2378213) aviaries for pre-release "fl ight training." Volunteer a time when we can concentrate on the care and Dan LaRochelle donated a 10' x 12' storage shed
upkeep of our facility and surroundings. All of this Board of Directors that was moved from a private residence, thanks is made possible only by the continued support of President
Mary Ellen Rayner to Michelle and Robert Inskeep of Yarborough
our members and donors, for which we are so very Vice President Kathleen Stewart
Brothers Towing. Without their help, getting that grateful. Please consider The Bird Rescue Center Treasurer
Helen Kochenderfer building through all the obstacles along the way in your year-end giving plans, and come by to Directors
would have been impossible and expensive! Now personally see all the new improvements! we have lots of storage room for supplies neces- sary to care for the birds in the Rehabilitation Hos-pital and our resident raptor ambassadors. Plans and funding are in place for a new tack room in the Resident Compound. Construction may begin as early as February 2013.
Mary Ellen Rayner
Executive Director and Board President
Another exciting project in progress is the redesign
of our front lawn and habitat garden. Longtime
volunteer and raptor handler Gregor Nelson is tak-
ing a Permaculture Design course with Daily Acts,
and his design proposal for BRC received much
interest. A team of designers is collaborating with interested BRC volunteers on the project. As this takes shape over the next few months, we can look Flight is published twice a year by The Bird
forward to replacing a lawn that requires way too Rescue Center of Sonoma County, CA. The Bird Rescue
much water, and establishing a more environmen- Articles, photos, letters, etc. for possible inclu- Center is open to
tally friendly landscape there and in the Resident sion should be sent (preferably in digital form) the public on the fi rst
Compound as well.
to Gregor Nelson, at [email protected]. Saturday and third Submissions are subject to editing. Please email The Hungry Owl Project recently announced Brad
or call Gregor (707/433-3999) for submission and Marsh, our Raptor Release Coordinator, as the
month (excluding major holidays). Come by and meet fi le formatting guidelines, deadlines, etc.
recipient of the 2012 Hungry Owl Project Raptor our 20 resident raptors. Field trips to the Center are Hero Award. Brad has been doing wonderful work also encouraged. This is a unique opportunity to see Christina Nelson, Nine Design these beautiful wild birds up close. Photography of the Photography BRC staff and volunteers
with owl, hawk and eagle rescues, rehabilitations birds is permitted outside the Resident Compound.
and reunites. You will read some of his experiences in this newsletter. Congratulations, Brad! . or our birds can come The fi ve-part series of lectures entitled "The Wild Birds of Northern California" was a huge success. Many of our resident Ambassadors are available for Regional experts, including Allen Fish of Golden
Masthead photo: Jujube, the American Kestrel classroom visits, public educational events, service Gate Raptor Observatory, Larry Broderick of West
2012 Richard Migliore. Used with permission.
group presentations, etc. County Hawk Watch, Alex Godbe and Trinka
Please contact Community Education Coordinator Marris from The Hungry Owl Project, and Veronica
Mary Ellen Rayner at [email protected] for details.
Bowers from Native Songbird Care & Conservation,
Remembering Mela
We lost longtime friend and colleague Mela
Brasset on May 2nd. Those of us who were
fortunate enough to know, learn from and work with this stalwart volunteer, knew that whether it was a songbird, a duck or a great horned owl, birds were most dear to her. During her years with the Center, Mela held many leadership positions, including Rehab and Raptor Hospital Supervisor, raptor han-dler, community educator, Raptor Program Coordinator and much, much more. We owe Mela a debt of incalculable gratitude A woman of great heart, humor and generosity of for her determination to build the new mews spirit, she worked tirelessly and joyfully on behalf in our Resident Raptor Compound. Her design and understanding of what the birds need to be comfortable and safe were our blueprint for Mela's adventures in fi eld rescue were legendary the residents' new home. One of the mew build- — whether it was retrieving a barn owl from the ings, "The Lanai," is named for Mela, and her deep bottom of a porta-potty, plucking a wayward love of Hawaii.
magnifi cent frigate bird from a treetop in the midst of a ferocious winter storm, or carrying a Mela Brasset's contributions were many and sig- bald eagle up from the bottom of a slippery and nifi cant. She is deeply missed, and will live forever dangerous slope. No matter how challenging the in the hearts and memories of all that knew her. situation, she was there, utterly fearless and ready She is survived by beloved husband Paul Brasset,
who always fully supported her in her passionate A generation of raptor handler volunteers are love and care of the birds. indebted to Mela for her passionate and insightful Contributions in memory of Mela can be sent to input as we all went through the rigorous training BRC at Post Offi ce Box 475, Santa Rosa CA 95402 process. She was a superb teacher. The wonderful world of Rehab, by the numbersSince returning to The Bird Rescue Center in April For those who like numbers, 2012, I have once again had the privilege of work- here are the birds admitted to-date: ing with some amazing people — some familiar JAN: 71 FEB: 60 MARCH: 75 APRIL: 149
faces who have been with us for many years, and MAY: 628 JUNE: 684 JULY: 388 AUG: 236
many, many new volunteers.
SEPT: 121 OCT: 94 NOV: 97
We had 17 adult volunteers that stayed through We continue to strengthen our relationships with the winter and into a busy Baby Bird Season, which other agencies to best serve the birds we all strive began in April and continued well into September. to rehabilitate and release. Big thanks go to Inter-
In addition, we had 20 adults return from last sea- national Bird Rescue and Research Center, Native
son, and 39 new adult volunteers for this season. Songbird Care & Conservation, WildCare, and
We had one junior that worked with us over the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue.
winter and then continued on into Baby Bird And many thanks to those veterinarians who give Season. We had 12 juniors return from last season their time and dedication to assisting us: Dr. Ru-
and 18 new junior volunteers. All of these volun- piper and the staff at East Petaluma Animal Hos-
teers worked hard and took great care of our birds, Birthday cake (with marzipan mice!) pital; Dr. Burwell at Eye Care for Animals; and Dr.
allowing for another series of successful releases, for Arnold's 30th Birthday Bash in April; Cannon at Wasson Veterinary Clinic in Lakeport.
Arnold celebrates the big day with
which is, after all, why we do this! And a round of applause to our trainers — Andreas Christensen; Sheree Green
As important to our eff orts is our Phone Team
at a recent Education Program; BRC Carla, Kim, Richard and Leslie—who spent many
eight dedicated volunteers (some of whom handle volunteers get in the "spirit" for our hours getting our new volunteers ready for action.
multiple shifts), our Transport and Field Rescue
special Halloween-themed Visitor Day. teams, and our soft-release providers.
Sheree Green, Rehabilitation Director
Kestrel fostering at BRC On June 11th, a four-day-old American she had never done before. Our little one was also with Michelle Lanting
kestrel came into the Center. This little falcon had vocalizing with feeding calls.
fallen to the ground in Sonoma, when the frond The next day the nestling began eating bits of The Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
containing its nest broke away from a palm tree. mice on her own, which meant we no longer had Ghostly pale and strictly nocturnal, The bird was brought to Veronica Bowers at Native
to go into the mew to feed her. At 12 days old, barn owls are silent predators of the night world. Lanky, with a whitish our little kestrel was up to a weight of 85 grams. face, chest and belly, they roost in Kestrels grow at an amazing rate. The average time hidden, quiet places during the day. from birth to leaving the nest is only 28-30 days! And now for some questions — On June 20th, our kestrel got a foster brother. Napa Wildlife Rescue had transferred a lone male kestrel, A barn owl can turn its there to BRC. It approximately 25 days old, to WildCare in Marin head about 270 degrees County. WildCare had no other juvenile kestrels to left or right! To do this, it must buddy him up with, so he was transferred to BRC. have more cervical (neck) The new kid seemed to fit right in. Vocalizations vertebrae than the 7 found in humans. How many of these amongst all three kestrels increased markedly. The vertebrae do you think a barn male went in and out of the nestling's box and tain enough body heat to survive on its own. As its perched right beside Jujube. feathers continued to come in, we determined our A 9 B 11 C 14 D 16
little kestrel was a female.
We now realized that our best release option was to "hack out" these two young falcons together. Birds this young are susceptible to imprinting on humans, which can render them non-releasable. 2 True or False?
Hospital staff took great care to ensure this did not A Barn owls swallow their prey
occur, keeping her as isolated from human contact whole—fur, bones and all.
as possible soon after she was admitted.
B Barn owls can be found in the
We first explored the possibility of returning her to Andes of South America, up to an elevation of 13,000 feet.
her family unit, which is always the preferred op- tion. Unfortunately, the nest had been completely C Barn owls have the most refined
destroyed, and no kestrels could be found nearby. ability of any animal ever tested to locate prey by sound alone.
Our next effort was to contact other rehab facilities and nest-monitoring groups to see if we could add this little one to an existing kestrel nest. We again Barn owls put their nests had no luck, as no one knew of nest sites with like- way that the birds cannot see their human feeder. in holes in trees, cliff aged nestlings. Bret Stedman from the California
After a week's stay the opening is uncovered, and ledges, caves, burrows in river Raptor Center at UC Davis advised that this bird they are free to leave the box, able go out and banks and many kinds of human should be placed with another kestrel as soon as hone their hunting skills, knowing they can return structures (they're called barn possible, to ensure that imprinting did not occur. to the box where food will be waiting for them. owls for a reason). They will make their nest warm with: So on June 13th, Jujube, our resident kestrel (and
Eventually they will leave the box for good. A grasses the male collects during
Flight masthead model) became a foster mom. The Having two birds of disparate ages meant we the mating season warm weather allowed us to place the baby inside would have to keep the older male in the box past B lots of their own feathers which
an elevated wire birdcage in Jujube's mew (aviary) its normal fledge time. In such situations the older they pluck as down, and which insu- during the daytime hours, allowing the nestling fledglings often immediately leave the box and do lates their chicks and Jujube to see one another. We were still hand- not return, but we hoped that their time together C pellets of digested food they have
feeding the youngster, so feeders had to go into in the mew might allow a bond to form that might the mew wearing a large sheet (with eyeholes) keep the older male near the box after release. draped over them to obscure their human form.
On June 29th we installed a hack box (prepared by On the 16th we placed the kestrel into an open Linda Knight from The Hungry Owl Project) on a
box in hopes that Jujube might feed her. We had perfect habitat property in northeast Santa Rosa, . Unlike most bir no idea how Jujube would interact with her new and placed our two young kestrels in it. The box emale makes a simple nest of her o charge, so this process required constant monitor- was larger than usual to give the older male plenty ing by several raptor handlers and rehab volun- of room to extend his wings. For the next 8½ days, teers. While they did not observe Jujube actually feeding, they did notice her vocalizing in ways › page 7 Received from October 1, 2011 – October 31, 2012 Gundlach Bundschu Dr. Harry L. Phillips, Jr.
Agilent Technologies Gustavo Gutierrez California Native Plant O'Shannon McCaskin Lorraine Alexander James A. McDaniel Louise B. Hallberg Stephanie McDermott Fiona Hall-Zazueta Jorgeanne Surgee Labour Sergio Almendares Thomas J. Meagher Alice Petty-Hannum Dennis and Kathryn Presbyterian Preschool Elizabeth Anderson Barbara Langerman Christina Carabini Mary Lou Erickson Harmony Union School Patricia Antognini Marily and Trent Expeditionary Learning Giel and Marie Lisa Paul and Beth Hegy Lisa Anne Puentes Margaret Hendrickson Terri Lynn Mitchell Rebecca Farnsworth Monte Vista Elementary Bonnie L. Faulkner Tseyang Hergenrather Maya and Marcela Cerney Jacki Faulkner-Pealatere Jennifer Moonjian Kathyrn Rasmussen Samantha Baltazar Jeffrey and Alice Chan Gerald and Edith Moore Denise Rebuschatis Zhumabek and Aimira Redwood Empire Caged Bryant and Diane Hichwa Elizabeth A. Ferrari Charles V. Ferris Rebecca Christiansen Dale and Dawn Reitz Rudy and Joan Hirschnitz Paula Kay Lindauer Christine Mugridge Loudean Becchetti Art Hollingsworth Sharon L. Holloway Michelle Holmstedt Peter Ricciardone Patricia Flint-Owen Bruce and Doris Nelson Gregor and Christina Clifford and Shannon Ron Foster, Jr.
Rincon Valley Christian Ellen Freschauf-Breaux Bruce and Janine Rodda Friends of Lake Sonoma Bonnie Rodecker-Holm William Cradinale Walt and Jan Fromelius Patricia Rodrigues Funding Passion and Love Olivino Inc.
Philip and Janet Olsen Jacques Roger Gandolfo- Phyllis R. Onstad Maheshuan Borthwick Yvonne Darling-Atkins Suzanne Rubattino Allen and Linda Jackson Colleen Cannon Boyd Safari West, Inc.
Jim Shine and Virginia Patrice Delaplane Jessica Jauaregui Scott and Kathleen Mark West Elementary Girl Scout Troop 10204 Charity Saneholtz Santa Rosa Seventh Day Patricia Markovina Susan Mark-Raymond Michelle Deschler Marjorie Pattison Lauren Johannessen William O. Pedersen Brooks Elementary Mary M. Johnson-Gordon Hughes "Pedro" Goodwin Elementary School Ella and Nikki Jones Kathy Schoephoerster David Spangenberg and Petaluma Wetlands Downtown Bakery and Darin Mauro-Brown PG&E Campaign for › page 6 Mayacama Golf Club PG&E Corp Foundation David and Jeanne Kent Chris and Priscilla PG&E Bird Protection Let's hear it for our Received from October 1, 2011 – October 31, 2012 Donors list continues from page 5
Sebastopol Independent Cathryn Dandridge Nicolette Murphey Joan and Herbert Shigekane Jacob and Summer Danehy Charles and Mary Twichell Sierra and Julie Ambruse Johann and Gloria Heinzl United Way of the Wine Bryant and Diane Hichwa Pat and Lee Davis Rudy and Joan Hirschnitz Kathryn L. Simmonds Mary Ann Weber DDS Michael Valentino Rowan Artemoss-Meyerson Bruce and Doris Nelson Kathleen Shaff er Alphonse and Leopold Dona and Denny Asti Patrice Delaplane Gregor and Christina Nelson Jeremy and Laura Nichols Richard and Shirley Barr Ann Marie Van Hoen Ellen Valentine Spring Constance Sharpe and Paul and Rebecca van Lith Charles and Mary Vath Sharon Marie Bell Judith Ann Johnson Philip and Janet Olsen Dian and Fred Jorgensen Scott and Geri Shepherd Karine Villeggiante William and Rita Bevans Jutta L. Einstoss Shari and Brendan Sweeney Morgan Pendergast Eloise Van Tassel Arlene Bruhn Keesling Veronica Sinclair D.R. and L.L. Brewer Erika and Hal Fava Frederick C. Peterson Richard Kizu-Blair Roy and Carol Pisetsky The Georgette Skellenger Beth and Joseph Bruno Carol and Jack Trimingham Claire-Marie Krug Eric and Ann Walter Barbara Jean Veronda Fredrika P. Smith, MD Michelle Lanting and Family Eric and Virginia Vetter Brenda Warrenburg Charles and Deanne Jonathan Wahlstrom Steve and Mary Smith Warren L. Watkins David and Melissa Laurice Richard and Sharon Radovich Christine Leather Sonoma County Regional Kathryn Rasmussen Brigitta Weiderhold Christian Campanile Mary Ellen Rayner Brenda Warrenburg Sonoma County Schools/ Kathleen A. Gillis Lorraine and Anthony Wasowicz Solar Living Institute Cathy and Amber Reid Warren Lee Watkins Karen and Pat Caskey Sonoma Charter School Gloria Gail Reiter Sonoma Ecology Center Gretchen Whisenand Hughes "Pedro" Goodwin Jack Roney Family Edward and Susan Gorner Gretchen Whisenand Whole Foods Market, Sporthorse America Pam and Bryan Gostlin Virginia Marcoida The Russell Family Susan Mark-Raymond Brigitta Wiederhold Spring Lake Environmental Sylvia J. Gresham Bill and Carolee Grummer Sprout Time Adventures Jennifer Sapiente Wild Birds Unlimited Dorothea Saranatis Easter and Jeanette Sarla Gail and Randall Cochran Kristina Williams Nicholas and Breanna Schafer Ken and Mari Wright Philip and Loralee Louise B. Hallberg Jud and Michael Miller Evelyn Zhovreboff Windsor Elementary Merlin Schlumberger Joshua Harris-Aser Claurida R. Munoz Wine Country Optics Fair Daniel and Rachel Lauren Winter-Meadows Pedro Goodwin Photography
Donations in Mela's memory Paul and Yael Bernier Willi Martin-Hilliard Sweetwater Nursery Cliff ord A. Brown Claudia Tannehill Charlotte Wotring Richard and Denise Creighton Margaret M. Morris Peter and Lorna Opatz Lois Baker Wright Carol Finnegan-Pisetsky Jessica Terwilliger Susan M. Graf-Srobel Mary Ellen Rayner Ilen Zazueta-Hall Johann and Gloria Heinzl Noel and Denise Turner Christina Zeakean Shephard M. Holcombe Jr.
TPG Global/Lisa Bowe Evelyn Joyce Zhovreboff Wendrea and John How Nancy R. Waldeman Tom and Sue Whitaker Tillie Page Laird Kathryn Alexis Woods LR Teldeschi Vineyards Every eff ort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the Donors and Members lists. We regret any errors or omissions, and request that you contact The Bird Rescue Center with Wildlife and nature-inspired
any corrections. Community Education and and many more. Add to this seventeen days at Kestrels continues from page 4
the Sonoma County Fair with an additional nine Gloria Heinzl, BRC's Raptor
The raptor ambassadors of The Bird Rescue Center days at Sonoma County Regional Park's Tolay Lake Feeding Coordinator, dutifully fed continue to be very much in demand. As of this Fall Festival, and you can see it has been another and monitored the box. printing, fi fteen Sonoma County schools made very busy and successful year for the Education On the morning of July 7th the fi eld trips to the Center and the ambassadors vis- box was opened, and our young ited eight schools. We participated in three Christ- The school fi eld trip program at the Center is kestrels were free to discover their mas Bird Counts for kids at Petaluma Wetlands Al- becoming very popular with Sonoma County's new world. Within just a couple of liance, Point Reyes Bird Observatory and Sonoma teachers. Here is what one had to say following his minutes the male exploded out of Birding. In addition, the handlers and raptors made experience with his students: the box. He fl ew towards the open trips to thirty-fi ve businesses and community I am a fourth-grade teacher at Brooks Elementary in fi eld, climbing steeply into the sky organizations such as Expeditionary Learning Windsor. I brought my class for a fi eld trip on the 13th and then began a series of diving Camp at Sugarloaf Ridge, Solar Living Institute in of April. I had no idea what to expect. This turned and ascending fl ights. He looked Hopland, Pepperwood Preserve Wildfl ower Festi- out to be a fantastic experience for my class. The strong and his fl ight seemed val, Gundlach Bundschu Winery, St. Francis Winery, almost exuberant. He fl ew to the information that was presented aligned perfectly to top of the tallest nearby tree and Whole Foods Market, Safari West, Owl Camp with our science standards. In addition, the kids loved the surveyed the area for almost 30 LandPaths, Hike and Hoot, Wine Country Optics experience of being so close to such amazing birds. minutes, after which he fl ew off to Festival with Sonoma Birding, PG&E's Campaign In particular, I was impressed that all the handlers the north and we lost sight of him.
for Community, The Hungry Owl Project in brought the birds out to the lawn for the kids to Almost two hours after the box get pictures and to get a closer look. Everyone there went above and beyond to make this a was opened, our young female appeared and looked around for memorable experience. I have recommended a a few minutes before deciding to trip to your center to all the other fourth-grade take the plunge. Her fi rst fl ight teachers at Brooks, and I will be back next year. was straight and true, a distance Thank you, Paul Puntous " of about 50 feet. She spent the I am so proud of our program, and next 30 minutes surveying her extend a huge thank you to the dedicated
new home territory before fl ying volunteer raptor handlers who make it to a tree close to her box. During this time our male was again seen, all possible.
soaring directly overhead. Success! Mary Ellen Rayner, Education Coordinator
Become a member
With your Bird Rescue Center membership, you will receive our biannual newsletter Flight and a window decal,
along with the knowledge that your tax-deductible contribution provides food and medicine necessary for the recovery, rehabilitation and release of wild native birds.
Yes! Sign me up today at the level I've selected below please print legibly
The 18 days of care that preceded placing these two kestrels into the Please contact me regarding a bequest or memorial gift.
hack box required great eff ort from Junior (under 18) $20 BRC staff and volunteers, plus the involvement of several organiza- tions, including: Veronica Bowers, Native Songbird Care & Conservation Alex Godbe & Linda Knight, The Hungry Owl Project *Supply your email to receive occasional email communication from The Bird Rescue Center. Napa Wildlife Rescue ■ WildCare Golden Gate Raptor Observatory You may thank me by name in the BRC newsletter and/or website.
Bret Stedman, CA Raptor Center I prefer to remain anonymous.
Beth Wommack, UC Berkeley I would like to make an additional donation of $ This just goes to prove that it
really does indeed take a village!
Enclosed is my check for
The Bird Rescue Center
Brad Marsh, Raptor Rehabilitation
payable to Bird Rescue Center and Release Coordinator Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Thank you for your interest and generosity! NONPROFITUS POSTAGE The Bird Rescue Center
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Please remember
The Bird Rescue Center
in your year-end
giving plans.
The BRC mission The Bird Rescue Center has two primary missions: As of Nov 30, BRC has released 145 raptors in 2012. For more numbers, see page 3. • To rescue, rehabilitate and release orphaned, injured or Sturdy wicker baskets are needed for
ill native wild birds.
re-nesting baby raptors These baskets will
• To educate the public be attached to trees as replacements for nests that regarding the natural history have been destroyed by storms, high winds or trees and ecological importance being felled. Baskets the size and shape of a laundry of these birds.
basket are preferable. You can just drop them by the Center during regular hours. Thank you! • Dawn dish soap• Industrial grade • Kleenex (lotion-free) • Toilet paper• Zip-lock freezer bags We have a selection of BRC merchandise available • VIVA paper towels at the Center daily from • Regular paper towels • Bleach (not Clorox Ultra, which contains lye) Arvo, our dear western screech-owl, will be
T-shirts (two designs), • Non-latex exam gloves (small, medium truly missed by all our handlers and the many embroidered caps, sturdy schoolchildren and adults that were lucky zippered totebags, magnets • Non-latex dishwashing gloves, medium enough to meet her. She was a feisty yet sweet and fun fi nger puppets are little owl with a big personality, a perennial • Newspaper (non-glossy) among our current off erings.
favorite of school fi eld trips and the delightful • Coolers – new or gently used with lid, See photos at: birdrescue-
star of countless visitor days. approximately 30in x 18in or larger We will miss you, Arvo. The Bird Rescue Center is located at 3430 Chanate Rd,
near Sutter Medical Center in Santa Rosa.
Phone 707/523-2473 [BIRD] Website



Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 139 (2004) 47 – 55 Life-stage-dependent sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to estrogen exposure Gerd Maack*, Helmut Segner1 UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Chemical Ecotoxicology, Permoserstr. 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany Received 11 March 2004; received in revised form 6 September 2004; accepted 9 September 2004

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