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Emerson Global Users Exchange takes off in Germany, setting high standards, focusing on safety + wireless Emerson brought their Global Users Ex- meet the conference objective of "Exchang- "Make Emerson your change to Europe at the end of May: but ing ideas. Creating solutions." this was not just a satellite show for those Within Emerson he outlined the dual Steve Sonnnenberg, European, Middle Eastern and African priorities of investment and partnering to cousins! This was a full transplant of the create the sort of ethical business deserv- Emerson Global Users Ex- ing of the trust placed in it change, as has previously by their customers, the been seen each year for the users of the Emerson prod- last 25 years in major cit- ucts. To do this the com- ies across the USA.
pany has become a listen- projects are using Bob Sharp, business ing organization, inter- leader for Emerson Proc- viewing around 5000 cus- Chief Strategic Officer, ess Management in Eu- tomers to find out what rope, opened the three day improvements their expe- event in the Hotel Maritim, rience suggests is needed.
near Dusseldorf airport, As a result, over 4000 staff "40% profit increase saying that the 1050 were added in 2011, many and 16% sales growth attendees from 46 coun- in local support and serv- tries at this first ever Ex- ice centres: not all the va- change event outside the cancies created have yet USA was a marvellous been filled, because of the start, and he hoped it would difficulty of finding the Bob Sharp: be repeated annually, since right people.
"Flowmeters are my "EMEA represents 30% the EMEA region currently The floods last year in of the Emerson business" contributes 30% of the Thailand had been a ma- Emerson Process Management total sales.
jor lesson, badly affecting the Emerson Development Director, Sharp also pointed out that while the pcb production capabilities, and as a con- US event has had 25 years of history, and sequence investments have been made to while the 2011 event had 3000 partici- improve the robustness of the supply pants, with an average annual attend- chain, using dual-redundant sources for ance growth rate of 14.4% it was only in critical items. Duncan Schleiss, vp busi- Prognostications - 2003 when they too had passed the num- ness development, in his DeltaV Roadmap bers attending for this first year in Eu- session later in the day, confirmed that rope. Obviously the total numbers had their Thailand production facilities have exceeded the original plans, with the press been duplicated with another factory now INSIDER is published and written/edited by packs only suggesting a figure of "over established in Penang, Malaysia: with 800 delegates", and attendance by these facilities shipping at 150% of nor- Emerson staff being rationed. The break- mal capacity, production should be out of down of the numbers was not provided, but estimates were that 50% were from The concluding message from end-user companies.
Sonnenberg to the assembled customerswas to "Give Emerson your toughest chal- Investment in customer support lenges, make us a trusted advisor!" This is Steve Sonnenberg, president of Emerson their current objective.
Process Management, congratulated theorganizing board of the European Users Solutions Exhibition Exchange for their hard work, and suc- The inevitable product displays to en- A separate news website cess, in creating the programme that in- courage customer discussions were pre- and blog is published as cludes 100 presentations, mainly (80% sented in what was presumably a ball- plus) from the end-user community, to room, which gave an impressive scene, Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited

I N S I D E R • Cryptzone, the European- rivalling any major exhibition event. It Now Emerson reduces SIS based IT threat mitigation also gave a spacious, comfortable and specialist, has published easy atmosphere for process discussions project time + complexity the results of a recent and explanations. Here one of the main survey of 300 IT security Inevitably, for a user-defined event, the professionals, which official Emerson press conference did not reveals that the boards of entirely follow the main themes of the directors are most likely to ignore or flout security Emerson Exchange user presentations! policies and procedures, The first press session was entitled "Con- with 42% cited as quering the Complexity of Safety", and frequently ignoring them.
featured three new "Smart" safety solu- Over half of all respondents tions, to assist in improving and simplify- were convinced that senior ing safety systems. Peter Zornio, chief management believed that strategic officer, first introduced a new "the rules don't apply to approach to simplifying and streamlining them", although they have the system project engineering needed in access to the most The Emerson User Exchange show floor a safety system, reducing the time to sensitive company themes of the Emerson message came market for any new process plant invest- The directors are easy through, with some product displays ex- people to identify and tending high up on scaffolding, all equipped with wireless aerials - with a Electronic marshalling for SIS Another 20% of their distinct absence of wiring and cable trays.
It was in 2004 that Emerson launched This ‘benefits of wireless' message came their DeltaV SIS, claimed as the first dig- suggested the IT team were through strongly in the user presenta- ital, fully integrated safety system. Then tions as well as the Solutions Exhibition: in 2009, the Emerson CHARMS electronic Cryptzone is a technology the whole event confirmed the Emerson marshalling reduced the complexity of innovator of proactive leadership in, and commitment to the the standard DCS projects, with the first controls to mitigate IT area of wireless technology.
system installed in May 2010, but so security risk.
significant a development that Zornio Pre-bundled solutions One of the most popular suggests 50% of their projects are now customer presentations at The "Industry Applications" area of the using CHARMS. Last Autumn Emerson the Emerson Exchange in exhibition featured several specific tar- launched intrinsically safe CHARMS mod- Dusseldorf discussed gets where Emerson products and ideas ules, coloured blue rather than the origi- cyber security, explaining are said to be able to improve the perform- nal grey. The latest launch in Dusseldorf how one process industry ance of the customer's plant. Broadly de- presents a further new design of CHARMS chemical manufacturer scribed as "Pre-bundled solutions", these modules, coloured yellow, to be used to hired an "ethical" hacker to covered Distillation systems, Precise fill- provide more efficient marshalling of the nose about inside the ing, Blending and logistics, Energy man- inputs and outputs from DeltaV SIS logic office domain of their WAN.
agement (including Combustion control, solvers in plant safety systems.
This hacker easily gained access to many of their Burner management, Fired heater con- "This new DeltaV SIS architecture ad- confidential programmes trol, Emissions monitoring) and Power dresses the project challenges we hear where for example access Generation. Many of these themes were about from customers," said Keith Bellville, codes and passwords had reinforced in the customer presentations Product Manager for the DeltaV SIS offer- been left unchanged from given throughout the event.
ing. "They wanted the best of both worlds the ex-factory supplier Classically the industry partners who – the DeltaV SIS characteristics of inte- codes, such as "0000" and are complementary suppliers also invited grated but separate safety, compliance "admin". Naturally this (by Emerson) to exhibit at these events with IEC standards and field device diag- resulted in a corporate seem to be shunted into a cul-de-sac, and nostics, but with the capabilities they saw steering document to here these partner stands were positioned in our CHARM technology for process address this basic problem. There was some on the balcony, around the edge of the control. The result is a more flexible, easier- discussion about how an ballroom, looking down on the main event to-install, higher capacity system. Fur- ethical hacker could be below. At least they each had a good write- thermore, the overall footprint require- up in the 60 page comprehensive confer- ments for the solution are far less than other safety systems in the market." Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited

I N S I D E R • The system can be implemented as a vised that the final control valve still Emerson have announced standalone SIS solution, natively inte- accounts for 50% of all safety system the award of a $23m grated as part of a DeltaV installation, or failures, and is a critical area where fur- contract by BP to supply connected to any DCS, via Modbus. This ther diagnostic information is desired on integrated control andsafety systems for two new was a logical step in helping customers bridge-linked platforms for tackle the complexity of designing, imple- Using the interaction between a mag- the Clair Ridge project.
menting and oper- net in the valve spindle and a non-contact Clair Ridge is located in the ating safety sys- Hall effect sensor, the DVC6200, launched North Sea to the west of the in 2009, has been well accepted, with UK's Shetland Islands. It is technology greatly over 80,000 units sold. This unit provides being developed by BP and the desirable information about the ac- tual movement of the valve stem, which is ConocoPhillips, Chevron needed to success- particularly useful during valve stroke and Shell. In addition to fully design, install test procedures, and this valve controller providing automationtechnology, Emerson will and operate these will shortly be available with SIS approval serve as the project's main for use in safety systems. The information automation contractor then available about the actual valve (MAC) under its global movement within partial stroke testing agreement with BP. As MAC, procedures will give added reliability to Emerson will conduct front- this area of safety system testing.
end engineering and Peter Zornio: the same function- design for the integrated ality as the exist- "50% of current projects Rotating machinery protection control and safety system, ing SLS 1508 logic are using CHARMS" Similarly, Björn Salomon, general man- as well as other services solver but extends the previous 16 I/O ager for machinery health monitoring, that include automation limit per logic solver to a capacity of 96 confirmed that 50% of all rotating ma- acceptance testing, I/O CHARM units in the rack below each chinery safety incidents occur during tran- logic solver. All inputs are software-as- sient operations, such as start-up and configuration, and start-up signable to any of the 16 logic solvers on a shut-downs – which is only 10% of the Local Safety Network, dramatically in- total running time. A limited view of asset The integrated Emerson creasing the flexibility of configuration performance during these periods can solution will use PlantWeb and wiring possibilities. All logic on the lead to developing machinery faults being digital plant architecture, network is still executed within 50 milli- missed, so the CSI 6300 digital overspeed including the DeltaV digital protection system for critical rotating automation system, DeltaV While the initial release of the new machinery – such as turbines, compres- SIS process safety system, DeltaV SIS system with CHARMS is an- sors and pumps - is to be introduced, and AMS Suite predictivemaintenance software.
nounced now, it is not expected that full offering SIL2 rotational direction detec- These digital automation certification or production will be avail- tion, and SIL3 overspeed protection. The technologies will support able for another 12 months. Then, further CSI 6300 SIS, approved by TÜV, is the BP's Field of the Future planned releases will address additional only overspeed protection system that programme for enhancing I/O types, including intrinsically safe complies with the latest version of safety operating efficiency and oil CHARMS for the CSLS (No-one was com- standard DIN EN 61508:2010.
menting on what colour these modules Wellhead monitoring and would be!) Until these are available the Wireless applications are control functions will take hazardous area connection will be made advantage of Emerson through standard safety barriers.
Smart Wireless technology,which helps reduceengineering and cabling Control element improvements Since most of the Emerson Exchange costs as well as installed A further product improvement announced delegates wanted to talk about experi- weight on the offshore covered the extension of the capabilities of ence with wireless systems on the plant, platforms. A separate the Fisher digital valve controller and many of the end-user presentations wireless plant network will DVC6000, originally introduced for safety featured such applications, it was inevi- support applications such systems in 2002: over 50,000 units have table that Bob Karschnia, vp for wireless as mobile workers and been supplied since then. Treve Tagg, in Emerson, would provide a review of the video streaming for manager for final control elements, ad- progress of wireless for the press.
flame detection.
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I N S I D E R • McCrometer, part of Karschnia advised that Emerson have Last year, for E+H, the Americas showed Danaher, manufactures the around 8000 SmartWireless networks stronger dynamic growth than Asia, and "versatile" V-Cone (Gateways) in operation in the market, at sales in Europe grew with double digit flowmeter, "with its unique over 3000 locations, and have accumu- figures. Political unrest in the Arab region self-conditioning flow lated around 850m operating hours to technology" – OK, if I were date, from nearly 100,000 installed units: writing the PR it would by the summer this will be 1 Billion hours.
this area to fall probably have to get lyrical, to make it seem more than "This is no longer a new technology, it a DP measurement across is proven out in the field, with customers a cone in an orifice.
in all world areas in all kinds of different But these flowmeters were applications – in oil and gas, upstream designed for rough water and refining, chemical plants, power applications, then found plants". The most significant application good performance and a areas were quoted to be solving problems niche application in steam or enhancing plant performance, listed metering, and are also the as: optimization in oil and gas wells; health mainstay of the downhole and safety; and in energy projects to make processes more efficient.
flowmeters and shale gas metering systems, which Latest wireless sensors available from must be another profitable Emerson include the CorrLog corrosion niche. Now the latest info monitoring system, the Rosemount steam from McCrometer says the Klaus Endress: trap leak and temperature monitoring V-cone is also the lowest sensor, and the safety shower monitoring 2011, one of Profits up 40% to record installed cost, reliable system, using the TopWorx switch dis- the E+H stra- level of Euro177m ($225m) measurement solution crete input transmitter.
tegic acquisitions was of Systemplan, chosen for yet another based in Durmersheim, Germany, an en- niche application – Further reports from the Emerson gineering bureau which offers its consult- measurement of LNG Exchange customer presentations, includ- ing services to businesses in energy effi- (Liquefied Natural Gas).
McCrometer say "The gas ing several presentations showing the use ciency. This complements the E+H sensor liquefaction process of wireless sensors where the customers and other activities in this important mar- requires accurate flow themselves have put them into active measurement: several control loops, will be reported in the next Capital spend in 2012 is budgeted to issue of the INSIDER.
increase 64%, to Euro140m, including transportation, storage, further investment in the USA, plus China regasification and in distribution through Endress surprised at E+H and Brazil, where a new production facil-ity will be built for flow, level and pressure pipelines to the end users.
2011 sales results, up 16% With its self-conditioning, Nevertheless, the family owned group no-moving parts DP technology, McCrometer's The Endress + Hauser annual media con- still has considerable cash resources avail- V-Cone Flow Meter is now ference disclosed their financial results able, possibly for other investments.
installed in a wide variety for 2011, which even ceo Klaus Endress of LNG applications all over said had surprised him, in view of the Invensys report on 2011 - the world. Hundreds of sovereign debt crisis and currency up- V-Cone Flow Meters have heavals, on top of natural disasters in something for everyone! been installed to measure Asia: "But we nonetheless grew across LNG as it flows into most regions and industrial sectors".
The statements made in association with liquefaction trains and For 2011 net sales were up 16% at the full year results from the Invensys then from the trains into Euro1.5Bn ($1.9Bn); profits increased Group seem to offer something for every- storage tanks and even in 40% to Euro177m, and headcount in- one. The Group review started on a high specialized cryogenic applications where flow creased 10% to 9414 employees. For the note, recording the order intake (for the current year, further solid growth is ex- year to end March 2012) up 12% at pected, targeted at 11%, but figures to GBP2.75Bn ($4.34Bn), including "major happened to Gervase, date are below budget, with China in awards for rail signalling contracts in and Spirax's Gilflo? particular below expectations.
both new and core markets in Invensys Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited • I N S I D E R • Rail and good momentum across all lines tracts] with orders in systems up 7%, of business in Invensys Operations Man- software up a record 20% and equipment Yokogawa advises that theorders to be placed with up 11%. Revenue growth (11% at them from the Australian Sales revenue was GBP2.54Bn, up 2%, GBP1272m, $2Bn) was also strong mainly Ichthys LNG project, for driven by large greenfield contracts in due to the ramp-up of activity on many of control systems on the LNG Invensys Operations Management and the recently won large greenfield projects." plant, the Central new market contracts at Invensys Rail, The greenfield projects then also fea- Processing Facility and the but offset by a sales slump of 13% tured in their future outlook: "Our sys- FPSO vessel - following the (GBP75m) at Invensys Controls.
tems business will benefit from its strong Yokogawa FEED study - will Operating profit was £209m ($330m), order book but growth in its operating be the largest order down 20%, equivalent to a GBP53m fall, margins will be moderated by the effects of Yokogawa has ever as a result of the GBP60m ($95m) of the lower margin greenfield projects." received for a singleproject. The Ichthys gas additional contract costs announced in Quizzed later over whether these "green field is in the Browse Basin January 2012 (See the INSIDER report in
fields" are attractive, Edmunds com- approx 200km off the February, pages 3-5).
mented that these might number 30 con- shore of Western Australia, After these highlights it was perhaps tracts in all, taken at single digit margins, and gas will be exported not surprising that both Wayne Edwards, because it is difficult to make more than via an 889km subsea group chief executive, and David Thomas, this on bought-in material: but he ex- pipeline to the onshore group cfo, both emphasized that "We are plained that at the back end of such processing facilities in looking forward to a year of improving projects, where extra software is added to Darwin. Yokogawa was performances across our businesses!" enhance or optimize the processes, the selected as the Main margin is much better.
Automation Contractor for IOM and Rail shoulder the blame this project in 2009.
The highlights were embellished with the The view from IOM One out of four of all the following comments, in a review by Within the IOM review there are three gas liquefaction plants Edmunds: "However, it is disappointing business areas reported, and these have around the world use that our profitability was reduced by ad- been re-named. Systems, previously called Yokogawa control systems, ditional costs arising from our nuclear ‘control and safety', represents 60% of and these systems are also projects in China within Invensys Opera- revenues; Software, previously called ‘ad- used on 41 LNG receiving tions Management (IOM) and a handful of vanced applications' is 18%, and Equip- terminals and 47 LNG contracts within Invensys Rail. We have ment (presumably sensors and transmit- responded by strengthening our proce- ters) is 22%.
dures and management teams in a number IOM say "Systems continued to grow Products to be supplied toIchthys include Centum based on services and upgrades of ageing series integrated These profit reductions compared to assets in the developed world and good production control last year were actually made up of de- prospects for larger projects with some clines of GBP27m at IOM, GBP12m at schemes, previously deferred, being re- instrumented systems for Rail, and GBP21m at Invensys Controls: activated. Software is seeing excellent re- detecting abnormal and these figures are after the divisions covery in areas such as optimization, Hu- conditions and safely had absorbed part of the GBP8m of costs man Machine Interface (HMI) and Manu- initiating emergency that have been re-allocated or taken out facturing Execution Systems (MES). The shutdowns, Exaquantum of the central charges from the group. So equipment business is still seeing good plant information it seems as though IOM and Rail are growth driven by continuing investment management systems, rather unfairly taking all the blame.
in the energy sector, particularly in up- PRM integrated devicemanagement packages for stream oil and gas in North America." IOM monitoring and diagnosis Mixed results with IOM Greenfield projects also comment that "The rapidly develop- of plant equipment, and The Group review commented on IOM: ing economies of the Middle East, Asia OmegaLand operator "Invensys Operations Management had and South America continue to expand training systems.
another year of strong order intake (total greenfield capacity in the power, upstream Yokogawa will also handle GBP1266m, $2Bn) across each line of and downstream oil and gas and petro- business despite the absence of any new chemical sectors to meet consumer and installation, and large greenfield project awards in the year.
export demands".
commissioning of these The underlying rate of order increase was "During the year, we established a line products and the training 11% [excluding the China Nuclear con- of business structure within the division of operators.
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I N S I D E R • (systems, software and equipment), each This was based on a new analysis that Sudipta Bhattacharya has with its own leadership team responsible Edmunds explained had given him a new left Invensys, and accepted for strategy, commercial activities and insight into the foundation set of the a position as ceo for operational delivery. In addition, we an- Invensys Software and Equipment busi- nounced in November 2011 the forma- nesses, with high growth and in strong Transformation at the Adani Group, in India. The group, tion of a separate global nuclear business defensible niche positions globally, which founded in 1988, is a unit to recognize the significance of the are stable and predictable. The Software GBP6Bn integrated energy, nuclear industry to this division; nuclear businesses average the low 20% region in infrastructure and logistics represented around 6% of the division's terms of profitability, whereas the Equip- company, which has seen revenue in the year." Obviously Mike ment businesses return in the high teen exponential growth by Caliel only rejoined IOM as ceo in the last percentages. In Wonderware Invensys providing goods and quarter of the year, and has presumably have what is considered to be the most services to India's been deeply involved in this business profitable industrial software business burgeoning middle class. In worldwide, with a return of around 30%, India the Government has outclassing such very tough competitors struggled to keep pace with IOM base business as Aviva Solutions, AspenTech and this rise in demand, and has opened up the energy and For the previous year, ie 2010-11, the OSIsoft. Edmunds was enthusiastic about infrastructure markets to Invensys Group results were reported in the private sector. Adani the INSIDER (June 2011, pages 1-3):
has taken up this these had enabled the then new chief opportunity and currently executive, Wayne Edmunds, to say "IOM to be near capac- operates in mining, power, had a terribly successful year", and made oil and gas, ports, shipping the first group results he had to report high returns, la- and rail services: the group look reasonable, despite the shortfalls in expects to grow between 4 orders at Invensys Rail. Actually, as the foundation of and 10 fold over the current decade. Could this be pointed out last November by Sudipta achieved in automation Bhattacharya, then the IOM ceo (INSIDER
November 2011, pages 3-4), the IOM base that he therefore business was seen as "surprisingly said would be the Recently Joe Hogan, ceo of strong" even then.
Wayne Edmunds: ABB, commented "I worry The same comments can be made for "New insight into about India. The country has the full year results for 2011-12, where if tivity, using bolt- enormous potential. But it the nuclear order intake figures are ex- on acquisitions.
suffers from a high trade cluded, the underlying rate of order in- In answering a later question from an deficit, strong inflation and crease for the business was 11%. Then analyst about the recent acquisition of has only a bit of room to after removing the GBP40m re-engineer- PHW and its Positive Train Control sys- manoeuvre on fiscal policy.
I'm keen to see what ing costs at China Nuclear, the IOM oper- tems, based in the USA, Edmunds again happens there in the next 12 ating profit would have risen 12% year on said "I just happen to like the Equipment months. The country has year, in line with sales, maintaining the businesses quite a bit – you can get them gotten so important as an 10.7% operating margin achieved in 2010- at a reasonable price, they have great 11 (still well below the Invensys Rail returns, they are low risk implementa- margin of 15%, however).
tions, and they are stable. You will be Bhattacharya responded seeing more of the same." that the current slowdown Comments on Invensys strategy We look forward to more of the same, to only a 6% growth rate has While Edmunds would not comment to for the IOM Equipment business.
two reasons – the global media analysts about recent press specu- crisis and historic Government policy.
lation over a possible acquisition of So what are to be the big Because of the high internal Invensys by a competitor - GE, Emerson, demand from the growing Siemens and ABB were all quoted, with a acquisitions for 2012? young population and the suggested price of $2.6Bn - or make huge need to invest in core comment about any recent internal re- Jim Pinto reckons automation acquisi- infrastructure, this is just a view of the business by Invensys, his tions are brewing, because the majors are blip in the economic review did detail their latest business flush with cash. In his eNews at the end of May Pinto suggests that Honeywell Proc- Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited • I N S I D E R • ess Solutions (HPS), Invensys and Invensys on every shopping list? Honeywell has won a Rockwell are the targets in play, and the The Invensys Group is half rail and half renewal of a multi-year potential bidders are Siemens, ABB, Sch- "Operations Management", plus a small, contract with Linde AG to neider Electric, GE and Emerson. Pinto is recently ignored and poorly performing provide UniSim DesignSuite simulation software.
at least consistent, since he has held and further business. IOM has a large heritage Linde uses UniSim Design expressed these views for some years, in terms of the existing process industry and maybe the difference that might trig- user base that has already been used as a engineering of olefin, ger some action now, is the amount of hunting ground by Emerson and maybe hydrogen and synthesis cash currently available.
ABB: that user base might still be an asset gas plants, for which it For a different view your Editor presents to others of course.
models the complete an opinion as follows: Invensys is currently very low cost as processes in a single an acquisition (market capitalization simulation. It also uses the Rockwell too strong GBP1.7Bn), and comes with GBP40m of solution for R&D, plant Pinto suggests that Rockwell are doing head office costs that could be eliminated safety design, and as astarting point for detailed fairly well, but have nowhere to go, and immediately, but carries a small pensions engineering of complex are too big to be small, and too small to problem (a lot smaller than Pinto sug- equipment such as heat compete against Siemens and ABB. After gests, while he mentions GBP1.7Bn, I exchangers and distillation recent good results they would be expen- believe it currently totals GBP426m).
columns. More than 200 sive, and would not be of interest or offer Invensys has enormous potential for blos- Linde engineers across the anything really new to Siemens, ABB or soming, in both rail and IOM, for example world use the software to Schneider Electric, in my view. Indeed in China: but then it always has had this determine the most Joe Hogan of ABB confirmed their posi- potential, it just has not blossomed too economical and reliable tion in a recent interview with the well so far.
plant design, and optimize Handelsblatt newspaper in Germany, say- For Siemens the rail business is just as plant performance.
ing "From time to time there are rumors attractive as the IOM side, and Siemens is "UniSim Design helps usdeliver projects faster and that we want to buy Rockwell. I can say normally thought of as the first potential ensure we get the best bidder. This was discussed in the March GE would probably not find the 2011 issue of the INSIDER, when Invensys
customers," said Dr.
Rockwell customer profile of interest. The was valued at GBP2.7Bn. ABB has prob- Gabriele Engl, manager of only real potential might be for Emerson ably sorted out their past DCS history information technologies to look at acquiring them to address the with a multiplicity of different operating for process design and discrete automation market? But then systems, so just might not see that as an control at Linde's Emerson have enough potential for devel- obstacle – anyway InFusion is said to work Engineering Division. "We opment in-house, so Rockwell would prob- with any host system: plus the Invensys migrated because we ably be seen as a distraction.
price is probably right, which is a major wanted technology thatcould handle large factor at ABB.
complex models in a robust Honeywell for oil and gas GE would probably be attracted by the and efficient way, but also Honeywell's HPS I see as a well perform- infrastructure potential in rail, and pre- offered on-going support ing solid, steady, primarily oil and gas sumably GE Nuclear Plant Services is and flexibility to evolve as automation system supplier - again an planning their future involvement with the demands on our expensive acquisition, from the larger nuclear power plant construction, so there designers changed. Over group. It would still make sense for GE to are interesting areas for GE within the the last five years, Unisim consider them (as they did, seriously, Invensys package, before you add in IOM.
Design has proved it can about 10 years ago) for the oil and gas Invensys would add interesting capabili- focus, but have GE decided that they do ties to Schneider Electric, to move them Honeywell has tailored thesolution to the company's too well out of the oil and gas hardware, to into a broader automation profile. So it's requirements using a joint want the hassles from full automation really Emerson who are probably the only systems? HPS are not likely to interest people who will not be interested! It interfaces, for example, Emerson or ABB.
with Linde's in-house Siemens and Schneider are the ones What is the Invensys plan? physical properties system left, and Pinto suggests that Siemens is It is interesting to ask what plan the and incorporates a number currently seriously reviewing the possi- Invensys Group management themselves of the company's in-house bility. It is likely Honeywell would con- might have for future ownership. As com- sider selling HPS, at the right price.
mented in the INSIDER in April 2011,
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I N S I D E R • page 1, Sir Nigel Rudd, the Invensys chair- – these were from Vega.
PI, Profibus and Profinet man, is famed in UK boardroom circles as Well, at the IWEX water industry exhi- International, has a new a corporate deal maker: maybe the previ- bition in the UK last month ABB took Chairman. Michael Bryant, ous ceo Ulf Henriksson even had to leave delight in presenting three separate K- PI North American Invensys because he could not bring a Tek level measurement systems, freshly executive director and PI good acquisition deal to the table.
released for sale in Europe, with full CE The current ceo, Wayne Edmunds, was approval. ABB acquired K-Tek early in introduced Karsten Schneider, the new previously the chief financial officer, and 2010 – the product range is well known Chairman, to the global to some his appointment by Sir Nigel was and much respected in the USA and across community of 27 regional seen as a person chosen to tidy up the the Middle East, particularly in the oil PI associations at a recent pension fund and put the group in shape industry, but has never really had a pres- meeting in Dubai.
to be sold. Sir Nigel originally built a small ence in Europe before now.
car dealership into the Williams industrialconglomerate before dismantling it to cre- Advanced laser products ate fire safety companies Chubb and Kidde.
Alan Hunt is the Product Manager for He has chaired a string of Britain's most these K-Tek level instruments in the UK high profile companies, and oversaw the and Ireland, and he sees many opportuni- GBP12Bn sale of Alliance Boots, the drugs ties for the products across several indus- distributor and retailer, to private equity tries, including power, food and general firm KKR. The deal still ranks as Europe's storage silo measurement, as well as in largest ever leveraged buy-out. He also the oil/gas and water industries. On show sold glass-maker Pilkington.
at the NEC were two advanced level meas- Rudd, now 65, joined Invensys as Chair- urement systems, one using laser rang- man in December 2008: in recent days has ing, and the second using guided wave been pre-occupied with a possible new radar (GWR) along a flexible cable dropped The former PI Chairman, appointment as chairman of Prudential down into a tank or silo.
Jörg Freitag, has accepted Assurance, but eventually he withdrew.
While the laser system on show was set a new post at the Toronto- up to measure the visitor's height, the Other interest . also from Asia RuggedCom, which was pencil beam and targeting possible, meas- recently acquired by Associated with the London stock market uring the distance to any surface - even Siemens, his employer, and city there are many investment and when it is not flat or providing an appar- and this created the private equity groups that might buy ent reflection - makes the system useful Invensys for the potential carve-up value for problem applications in narrow Schneider is also a when sold on as smaller specific business wetwells, in large silos containing food, Siemens employee, where chunks. Plus what about an approach like potatoes, or even for gas holders. The his rôles have included from an Indian or Chinese group? For laser system is also being used in more example from the Adani Group, which just sophisticated scanning systems to moni- development for MES recruited Sudipta Bhattacharya? (Page 6) tor the contours of solids in a storage area, components and then marketing manager for To be honest, the current situation can computing the total contents, despite the distributed peripherals: in probably continue for a year or more: the changing levels.
April this year he was interesting bit only occurs when the first appointed director of bid is announced, and the other bidders fieldbus strategy for then have to make their move.
More conventional level systems from K- Siemens. Schneider also Tek also include a chamber or bridle to be worked closely with Michael Bryant in North ABB launches CE approved fitted onto a tank containing process liq- America from 2005-8, K-Tek level products in UK uids: the float within the chamber con-tains a number of magnets, which are when Schneider was head used to drive semaphore type flap indica- of the PROFI-Interface Center, the North Last month the INSIDER reported on the
tors external to the process, but in a American PI Competence wide range of ABB instrumentation in- sealed, clean environment. In addition K- Center and Test Laboratory stalled on the CCS pilot plant at Imperial Tek have associated 10 Amp rated alarm College, which had one slight hiccup in switches, hermetically sealed, ATEX cer- terms of the liquid level switches used in tified and CE approved that attach on the the reservoirs at the bottom of the columns external chamber.
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I N S I D E R • Then moving up in price again, a meters at Krohne UK, where he was sales Radar liquid level measure- magnetostrictive transmitter can be posi- manager, and he has previously worked ment systems from Vega tioned next to the chamber to measure the at Foxboro - as flow products manager - are being used for monitor- actual level of the liquid, if needed! and Hartmann and Braun.
ing the fill levels in the The rest of the range is coming to special stainless steel Europe soon, ie the CE approvals are Global business development flasks used to contain and nearing completion: these include ultra- In their latest move, in May, TASI and transport potentially sonic level measurement systems and Litre Meter have further strengthened their hazardous nuclear waste simple point level switches.
senior management with the appointment from the decommissioning of Paul de Waal as global business devel- activities at the Dounreay Vega have introduced the VegaPuls opment director: this appears to be a nuclear research estab- WL61 radar based level measurement lishment in Northern system, aimed at replacing poorly per- Scotland. To protect the forming ultrasonic sensors in water in- contents during transport, dustry applications, particularly for open the flasks are filled with channel flow measurement.
to "strengthen the water in a robotically [Litre Meter] focus operated filling station, Which way forward in flow on developing where complete filling is critical, but the process meters for the TASI Group? market strategy in must avoid over-filling, since removal of any The Flow Division of the US-based TASI spillage requires a com- Group is made up of five well established plex clean-up procedure.
brand names – AW-Lake Company, KEM Because of the potential (Küppers Elektromechanik GmbH), Exact Paul de Waal: radiation level, no sensitive Dispensing Systems, Litre Meter Ltd, and "Flowmeters are my electronics can be posi- Vögtlin Instruments AG.
and Tricor".
tioned in line of sight above The acquisition of Litre Meter was an- the flasks. The stainless nounced in November 2011: Charles on his new job, de Waal said: "I feel fortu- steel VegaPuls waveguide Wemyss, ceo at Litre Meter, said: "By nate to be given the opportunity to join and radar antenna is becoming a part of TASI Group, Litre Me- such an excellent and professional team.
designed with a 90 degree ter can now provide its customers with an I look forward to working with them to bend, to allow the micro- enhanced range of flowmeter solutions focus on the expansion of the of the TASI wave generator and including positive displacement, mass flow flow group product line. Flowmeters are electronics to be posi- and Coriolis meters across an increased my passion. I find the combination of tioned outside the con- technologies and variables in physics, tainer and protected from electronics, mechanics, processes and any direct radiation. Such Move into Coriolis meters materials fascinating. I believe in focussing bespoke waveguides have The Coriolis meters quoted are those on core capabilities, correct application been built up to 8m long.
manufactured by Tricor in the USA and and making quality, innovative products.
The Vega pulsed radar with Germany: Tricor is a brand within the But in the end it is all about people." EchoFox signal processing AW-Lake Company that was introduced It is really interesting how the flow allows the level measure- in June 2011. Their products were first business produces this reaction in so ment to be made accu- offered by Litre Meter in August 2011.
many people: so what is the next move? rately over a 180mm Move to March 2012, and Litre Meter Maybe there is a clue in de Waal's recent measurement range in the announced the appointment of Chris top of the flask. Nuclear Ringer as applications engineer, respon- testing has shown the sible for strengthening the company's Experience in thermal mass radar to be suitable for SIL1 customer focus by providing sales sup- De Waal joins Litre Meter from Sierra applications: a separate port for Litre Meter and products for off- Instruments in the Netherlands, where SIL2 high level alarm is also shore, sub-sea and general applications he was managing director. The press re- provided, using a manufactured by other TASI Group lease says he has vast expertise in a range VegaSwing tuning fork type brands, including Tricor and KEM. Ringer of flowmeter technologies, including ther- liquid level switch.
gained extensive experience with Coriolis mal mass flow (which is the main technol- Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited • I N S I D E R • ogy behind the Sierra flowmeters). De Waal Ametek Corp has acquired commented "It was John Olin, the founder German motion control of Sierra Instruments, who asked me to for around Euro250m: the set up Sierra Europe. Now, 22 years later, company will join the I am leaving a mature and successful Precision Motion Control Sierra division behind. I am very grateful the way, and in one case how to pick up division. Their products to Sierra for all it has taught me but now a failing implementation and turn it complement each other in I am ready for a new challenge." around. The Manufacturer had ensured several industries Litre Meter ceo Charles Wemyss added: that no actual vendor or reseller spoke, so including factory "I am delighted to welcome Paul to Litre the content was informative and as real automation and medical.
Meter and to the TASI Group. As a Sierra world as it can get, mainly from end- Dunkermotoren is a distributor in the UK since 1993 I have users. The only downside was that the competitive manufacturer known Paul for nearly 20 years. He brings necessary parallel sessions meant that of industrial small motors in Bonndorf, Germany plus with him valuable experience which will delegates could not attend all the presen- Serbia and China, which make him a great asset to our team in tations in the time available! will be beneficial to driving growth for Litre Meter and for TASI To attend the event required registra- Ametek in building a tion and a fee, which was reduced if the stronger presence outside Within TASI, it is Vögtlin Instruments delegate agreed to participate in the 1:1 of the Americas.
that manufacture thermal mass gas sessions (why would one not do so and Dunkermotoren sales this flowmeters: the Vögtlin company was ac- therefore not obtain the full benefit).
year are expected to be quired in September 2011.
Speaking to a random sample of co-del- Euro155m. IMS Research egates it was clear that the event was of comments that these are two of the top 10 Do MES vendors miss out significant use and was an efficient way industrial fractional HP from UK manufacturing? to sound the market and make early-daypotential vendor selection. For the sup- motors around the world.
pliers, these discussions with the del- Last year, Dunkermotoren Organized by The Manufacturer magazine, egates gave valuable information and busi- bought the UK-based the "ERP Connect" symposium event was ness potential assessment for later fol- Copley Motion Systems held in May at Ansty Hall in Coventry, UK.
linear motor business .
This very successful event formula alter- Photo: Statoil The Ametek move will nates presentations of case studies, given Implications for MES vendors? threaten the dominance of by end users or independent suppliers, The fact that The Manufacturer the top two suppliers, with 1:1 Q&A sessions and discussions ( could get the Maxon and Faulhaber.
between the delegates (ie the potential co-operation of many ERP vendors to at- "Multiple acquisitions by other leading motor users) and the ERP vendors, who actually tend under one roof and sponsor an event manufacturers such as sponsor the event. The delegates effec- is praiseworthy, and perhaps shows a ABB, Regal Beloit and tively get to see all the ERP vendors in one ‘market-forces' approach by these ven- Nidec have really changed room and also have the chance to network dors, each of whom had brought their the competitive landscape with other potential and existing ERP us- inevitable pop-up exhibit displays to at- for industrial fractional HP ers. In reality, if you described this day as tract the eye. Could such an event be co- motor suppliers," said free concentrated consultancy, you would hosted by the MES community? Bryan Turnbough, analyst not be exaggerating, suggests our North- There is an assumption that the ERP with IMS Research. "Since ern correspondent. But more than that, business comes expensive (in millions) the downturn, larger the day left the impression that the pres- and ties up an organization's resource for companies have been finding new areas of entations each had a familiar ring - as the over a year, therefore there is an associ- claims were those that, in the main, would ated market size and money to do such acquisitions while smaller be made by MES vendors. So the next step things, whereas this is not the case for companies are struggling is maybe to assemble the MES vendors MES. Well, not quite, as it was said that to keep up. This is and resellers for a similar event, once ERP today kicks in at circa GBP25K and changing the competitive again organized by The Manufacturer, to tops out at GBP125K (whether this is full dynamics of the industrial open up this discussion format wider.
costing I do not know), and one presenter fractional HP motors The case studies were varied and dis- at a previous ERP Connect event talked market, which is growing cussed the reality of ERP implementation, about implementation in a few weeks 3% to 4% annually." its business benefits, what was learned on rather than months (although he admit- Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited • I N S I D E R • Euro100m of business had been previ- At the UK National ously managed on ad hoc spreadsheets.
Exhibition Centre in May,two separate exhibitions of Can the MES vendors co-operate? interest to automationcompanies ran in the same It could be that there is an opportunity to ted to an assertive approach!).
develop an ‘MES Connect' event proposal, Given that an MES project can be the to bring the functionality and benefits of featuring IWEX, the same kind of money, and take similar MES to the attention of ‘the right people' International Water and times and that many of the benefit claims - people not currently seen by MES sup- Effluent Exhibition, and overlap, one has to wonder if the MES pliers: and it does seem that these would NEMEX, the National Energy players are busy fighting amongst them- in the main be the same sort of people that Management Exhibition, selves rather than joining together to pro- attend ERP Connect, which are presum- plus another multi-show duce more market focus on the undeni- ably at the core of The Manufacturer maga- event which included able and unique benefits of MES. It seems zine readership.
MEDTEC, a medicaltechnology show, and MTEC that the potential customers for MES are Can MES vendors come together in a (Sensors, Measurement the same as those for ERP, and give the group for the common good? Nothing is same beneficial results.
impossible, but without such a combinedapproach, MES vendors may find that Whilst MTEC was once a Real time information? they are nibbling at the edges rather than busy show, in recent years Admittedly no one spoke at the event enjoying main-stream acceptance as ‘be- it has seemed to be in about such things as OEE, Asset Manage- ing as useful as ERP', and UK manufac- terminal decline. Last ment, Downtime and Historians; and ‘real- turers certainly seem to need and appre- month the visitors hurrying time' was just not mentioned! In fact the ciate all the benefits of such systems, past the remaining few assumption was that the data appeared once shown what is available.
MTEC stands to reach the from ‘somewhere' and ERP made good use MEDTEC event showed thatMTEC had indeed died, and of it in delivering useful information.
Interested? E-mail the INSIDER.
now even the official show Whether the information was about what was ‘supposed to have happened' or ‘actu- Automation group ATG information only for the ally happened' was unclear, but possibly next MEDTEC event.
barcode readers and keyboard input were expands across the UK You had to sympathize with part of these schemes. This however was the air flow measurement a personal and theoretical observation, as Autotech Controls, based in the UK - a specialists Furness there was an overwhelming endorsement major supplier of automation and control Controls, who had put up in terms of business benefit - regardless of solutions for production and logistics - the only large custom any concerns about data accuracy, reli- has purchased two smaller suppliers with stand in MTEC, andsupplied four sales people, ability or timeliness. Needless to say S95 specialist expertise in the industry to form who then had no-one was not mentioned (this, it seems, is just a GBP30m turnover group, to be called NOT recognized in ERP-speak).
the Automated Technology Group. Andy The whole thing was about business Robinson, Managing Director of Autotech The IWEX show, on at the benefit - the case for which was presented and ceo of the new group, commented: same time, had more very convincingly by numerous end-us- "This deal opens new markets for each of visitors than MTEC – but as ers during the day. The confusion for your the three group companies, offering the noted last year (INSIDER reporter was the repetition to a high de- potential for greater success through co- June 2011 page 5 – 8) the gree of what one would hear at MES pres- operation, to increase market share and NEMEX Energy Management entations by vendors (and no doubt their secure economies of scale." section of this event hall satisfied customers); although I may have had more visitors. Positive The other companies involved are thinking IWEX exhibitors been the only person at the event to make Igranic Control Systems, a leading sup- commented "Much better this observation. Possibly many MES dis- plier of motor control centres and innova- than yesterday?" - on Day 2! ciples could and would take exception to tive high-voltage switchgear/distribution The SustainabilityLive what was being said, but that would be to systems, (with a turnover of over GBP7m website reported 7259 argue with satisfied customers that were for clients like British Sugar, Hanson visitors in 2011 for the testifying to measured business benefits Cement, Scottish Power, Tata Steel and whole event, and only from ERP, such as inventory reduced by Thames Water); and PSJ Fabrications, a 50%, and the reality in one case that over specialist in sheet metal fabrications val- Copying of Industrial Automation INSIDER to recipients beyond your own business address without prior permission is prohibited ued at over GBP2m pa, supplied to de- Wallenius Water targets manding clients such as the USAF, theMinistry of Defence and the Science Mu- Legionella bacteria control In January 2007 Alfa Laval launched the Virtual factory simulation PureBallast water purification system for A key area of growth for ATG will be virtual marine applications, a system to meet the manufacturing services, whereby clients legislative requirements of IMO, the Inter- planning new or modified automated pro- national Maritime Organization, in order duction systems can have their proposals to protect against potential ecosystem 7, Carisbrooke Close, comprehensively proven before the new disasters that can be caused by trans- Hants, SO24 9PQ, UK systems are built and installed. Having porting organisms around the world in Tel +44 (0) 7969 115293 invested over GBP1m in dedicated soft- ballast water. The sterilizing technology ware, hardware and simulation expertise, behind the system had been developed ATG is the UK's leading supplier of virtual over many years by Wallenius Water, in manufacturing services. "The ability to Sweden, and licensed to Alfa Laval for prove, say, a robotic work-cell before it is marine applications. The system is de- delivered to the factory floor of a leading scribed in reports on car maker is absolutely invaluable," ex- dated 8 January 2007, and uses UV light plained Andy Robinson, "because it re- on a titanium dioxide catalyst within the duces risk, improves production quality, liquid, to create high activity hydroxyl Industrial Automation eradicates costly design errors and accel- radicals, a short-lived powerful oxidant INSIDER in any form is erates time-to-market for new models.
that kills such organisms.
prohibited without Using our experience in the automotive Last month Wallenius Water were back industry, we will be looking to apply our in London offering similar technology, but permission of the virtual manufacturing and simulation now applied to the elimination of bacteria expertise across all of our client base." such as Legionella in air conditioning, ATG plan to expand and develop the water cooling and recirculation systems, 2012 Nick Denbow established Autotech business, which de- as used in cooling towers and boiler sys- signs, installs, maintains and upgrades tems, with a new partner for the UK mar- control systems for companies in indus- ket, Guardian Water Treatment. Wallenius tries that include the automotive, logis- Water is partnering with such distribu- is published 12 times tics, airport (conveyors) and food & bever- tors worldwide who understand the com- age sectors. The company works with plexities of water treatment in industrial available only on blue-chip clients such as BAe Systems, applications, because while their purifi- subscription, as an Bentley, Cadbury (Kraft), Coca-Cola, Ford, cation system eliminates many of the Adobe Acrobat PDF file, Gate Gourmet, Jaguar-Land Rover and dangerous chemicals previously used on delivered by e-mail, Procter & Gamble, providing local support site, any water treatment system needs at a rate of £300 per and service for all their systems. Autotech the backing of expert on-site advice, to is an approved system integrator for Group include pre-treatment and flow control.
Substantial discounts Schneider, Rockwell and Siemens, and Another application for Wallenius pu- provides European on-site support for rification systems has been for bacterial many software systems and packages from control within the centralized metalwork- ing fluid system in the machine workshop organizations wishing at SSAB, the Swedish steel producer. With to distribute copies to AdProSys partners with the Wallenius system in operation on test multiple recipients at for over a year, no extra biocides have different business InduSoft in UK and Ireland been added, something that was previ-ously very necessary. The SSAB goal had Mike Bradshaw started AdProSys with a been to eliminate or drastically reduce the mission to make automation software sim- use of biocides in their metal working Industrial Automation ple and cost effective. After a career at fluid, because this also has an impact on Wonderware dealing with resellers and employee health. Checks on the fluid have 7, Carisbrooke Close, OEMs, he believes automation software shown that the active biocide level is now Hants, SO24 9PQ, UK should be affordable, easy to use and buy, too low to be measurable, but the bacte- Tel +44 (0) 7969 115 293 and avoid complicated software licensing rial levels are still below the allowed upper rules. To achieve this he has partnered limit levels. The SSAB workshop had suf- with InduSoft and Software Toolbox, in fered from bacteria-related issues for a the UK and Ireland. InduSoft Web Studio number of years, but now the bacteria in provides all the software building blocks the metal working fluid can be controlled to develop HMI, SCADA, or OEE solutions without high biocide levels – even during for production automation or energy man- the warm summer months.
agement data via a web enabled interface.
Expect the next INSIDER on 10 July
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