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Newsletter - Spring 2005
2005 Section
Dean Fish 520-281-2994 [email protected] PRESIDENTS MESSAGE
President – Elect
Bruce Munda 520-292 -2999 [email protected] Vice President
Dennis Moroney
[email protected] Howdy! I hope this spring finds you and yours well. I would like to first thank Jeff Schalau for his great service as president of your section last year. He did a fantastic job as president-elect organizing Secretar y/Treasurer
educational activities for our membership and continued that work last year as president. Jeff truly works hard for proper natural resource management on Arizona rangelands and educating land managers and the public alike on the issues that are important to sustainability of our natural resources. I am proud to be following in his footsteps and even prouder to count him among one of my best friends. Asst. Secretary/Treasurer
Your new Board of Directors is in place and working hard for the section. Bruce Munda is serving as President-Elect and Activities Committee Chair. He has a small, but very talented group working on planning the summer meeting. This should prove to be an exciting meeting, so if you would like to get [email protected] involved in planning this meeting, please contact him. Dennis Moroney was elected as your Vice-President.
He will prove to be a great asset to our section and I am proud to have him on board and working for us.
Directors North
Dan Bell is returning as Secretary-Treasurer, but has an apprentice who will eventually take over for him.
Dan has served the section in many ways, not the least of which is the low-profile job as Secretary/Treasurer. Dan does a great job of capturing the meeting minutes, managing our finances and keeping the Board of Directors on the "straight and narrow". Many, many thanks are due to Dan, so please thank him when you see him. Byron Lambeth will be serving as his understudy this year. We are excited to be able to include Byron in this capacity and he will do a fantastic job. Your Directors are certainly a talented group of exciting professionals that really represent the future of our profession in Arizona! I cannot [email protected] remember in my short time as a member a more exciting, dynamic board to represent the section.
Returning directors are Rachael Meade (North) and Bill Edwards (South). Both of these young Directors South
professionals are certain to be leaders in rangeland management in their respective positions. Newly elected directors include Liz Didier (North) and John Hays (South). Our student chapters are well represented and we will hear more from them in the future. [email protected] As a Board of Directors, we have decided to adopt a plan of work for 2005. Our charge will be to work with committees to support them in their areas of responsibility. Our committees are an integral part of getting any work done for the section. If you would like to serve as a member of any committee, please contact any [email protected] member of the Board of Directors or the Committee Chair. All of your committee chairs could use your talent and expertise to further their goals. Please look out for any opportunities in this newsletter for ASU Chapter President
opportunities to serve. The 2005 Winter Section Meeting was a great educational opportunity for our members. Dr. Barron Orr did [email protected] a great job of organizing the program and had a great list of speakers focusing on technology appropriate to our profession. The Auction raised nearly $1600 for NRCWAY and the Section. Look on the website for Chapter President
more details on the awards presented at the meeting! Congratulations to Dave Cook and his family from DC Cattle Company on earning the 2005 Range Manager of the Year Award. This was well-deserved recognition for the work they are doing in range management. [email protected] Again, I am looking forward to a great year for the Section! Please feel free to contact any of the Board Past President
members or myself if you have any concerns, ideas or issues that you feel we should be addressing. Hasta luego - Dean [email protected] Arizona Section Society for Range Management
Spring 2005 Newsletter
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The Arizona Section Winter Meeting was held at the Prescott Resort on January 5th and 6th. On the first day at the general membership meeting, discussion focused on future desired programs and direction for the Arizona Section. As a result of membership input, the group fleshed out some ideas on a topic for the Section Summer Meeting - a workshop focusing on grazing exclosures through the use of data and photos while incorporating State and Transition, drought, and relic areas. The second day started with Symposia on technological innovations that show great promise in enhancing current rangeland management practices. Steve Barker kicked things off with a talk on Ecological Sites. Phil Guertin and Dave Goodrich 2005 Arizona Section Board of Directors
followed with Arizona NEMO and the Automated Jeff Schalau- Past President; Dean Fish- President; Rachael Meade- Geospatial Watershed Assement. Michael Crimmins Director North; Bruce Munda- President-Elect; Dennis Maroney- Vice- presented the Southwest Climate Outlook. Barron Orr President; Liz Didier- Director North; John Hays- Director South; Dan and Stuart Marsh gave an in depth presentation on Bell- Secretary/Treasurer; Byron Lambeth- Asst. Secretary/Treasurer. RangeView: Geospatial Tools for Vegetation Management. Finishing off the morning session Phil Heilman and Robin Marsett spoke to the group about RANGES: Site-specific Grassland Biomass Analysis. NRCWAY SUPPORT REQUESTED
The afternoon involved hands-on experience with We are excited and plans are some financially based restocking tools (tied to well underway for the 2005 Natural climate and vegetation factors) and digital field Resources Conservation Workshop for Arizona Youth. The mapping made easy with the "Geospatial Tool-Kit". workshop will take place August 1-5, 2005 at Mingus Springs Camp located in the Prescott National Forest, between Prescott and The day concluded with the annual SRM-NRCWAY Jerome. This year, youth 12-16 years of age, will be able to explore Auction and the Annual Awards Banquet. Dean Fish the great outdoors as we bring together the latest in science and was the official auctioneer and thanks to the natural resource technology. They will gain hands-on experience membership, over $1600.00 was generated. The with hi-tech equipment, field testing, data collection, data analysis, proceeds will be split by the Section and NRCWAY. and project design. During the awards banquet Dave & Diane Cook of the DC Cattle Company were awarded Range We are asking for your support of this outstanding conservation Manager of the Year honors for 2005, Barron Orr education program – our Arizona Section Society for Range received Outstanding Service honors, Dan Bell, Management youth program. In order to keep the workshop Emilio Carrillo and Dean Fish were recognized by out affordable for all youth, your financial support would be greatly going President Jeff Schalau for their dedicated appreciated. Your contribution should be made payable to AZ.
service to the Arizona Section. The night wrapped up SECTION, SRM - NRCWAY and mailed to: Jim Riggs, c/o with a lighthearted roast of Jeff Schalau by Dean Fish and the installation of new officers (see picture You can help assure the success of the Workshop by recruiting and Special thanks go out to the Prescott Resort and resources to attend. Workshop flyers may be downloaded from Barron Orr for helping to make a successful winter The application deadline is May 2, 2005. Support is also needed during the workshop. Please contact Kim McReynolds, [email protected], or 520-384-3594 if you would be willing to assist during the week. SRM members are welcome to stop by and see the workshop in action. Page 2
Spring 2005 Newsletter
Arizona Section Society for Range Management
Range Manager of the Year
Outstanding Service Award
David & Diana Cook
Dan Bell, Dean Fish,
& Emilio Carrillo
Dan, Dean & Emilio are this year's Outstanding Service award recipients. They received the award for their ongoing service to AzSRM as Brown Power Productions LLC. This group of guys has contributed Buck McKinney-USFS, Dr. Jim Sprinkle-UA Coop. Extension, Byron Lambeth-AzSRM Awards numerous hours to the section. They have helped Committee, Diana Cook, David Cook, Dan Bell-AzSRM Awards Committee, Dean Fish-AzSRM with the fund raising auctions, entertainment, President, Emilio Carrillo-AzSRM Awards Committee, Jeff Schalau-outgoing AzSRM president, meeting planning and food services. The 2003 foreground; Maria & David Lee Cook Jr. auction resulted in a record amount of money raised for the NRCWAY fund. Although these are DC Cattle Co. is located in Globe, AZ. about 80 miles east of not official offices within the AzSRM Dan, Dean Phoenix. The ranch consists of mixed ownership comprised of US – and Emilio have volunteered with great Forest Service, BLM, and private lands. David and Diana are advocates enthusiasm. They bring energy, zest and comic of on the ground management and getting all parties involved in the relief to the section. planning process. A coordinated management plan between the US – Forest Service, Gila County University of Arizona Cooperative ExtensionService, Tonto Natural Resource Conservation District and the Natural Resources Conservation Service has been developed. They havedemonstrated sound practices to improve management by implementing MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION
a monitoring plan to measure the effects of management and to determine if objectives are being met. Membership in the Society for Range David & Diana have also been key players in getting a pilot cost- Management is open to anyone engaged in or share program on the Tonto Forest with the help of the Natural interested in any aspect of the study, Resources Conservation Service Environmental Qualities Incentives management, or use of rangelands. Membership Program (EQIP). This has resulted in providing funding for much needed rights and privileges include: voting, committee improvements on Forest Service Lands. service, nomination and election to offices, David believes that with proper management, the land may subscription to Rangelands journal and the SRM produce a larger amount of forage, increase density and diversity, News, Arizona Section newsletter (for AZ Section resulting in higher production and more wildlife habitat, than it would members), discounted prices for publications, without grazing. David has initiated a grazing rotation on the ranch that meeting registration fees, page charges and has been historically grazed continuously year-round for the past 100 certification fees. For more information on years. Other improvements implemented include clearing trails to move membership in SRM, or to request a Membership cattle into unused areas, overhaul of the degraded wells, pipelines, new Application, please contact Mike Hannemann, waters, and fences and establishing key areas for monitoring to Membership Committee Chair at 928-526-0866, or determine appropriate stocking rates. Through the use of EQIP David by email at [email protected] OR Dan Bell, plans to further develop the water system and install cross fencing to Secretary-Treasurer, at 520-761-3117, or by e- help facilitate even cattle distribution and improve the grazing scheme. mail at [email protected]. DC Cattle Co. has demonstrated outstanding stewardship & proper management of natural resources for sustainable agriculture. DC On-line membership applications are also Cattle Co. is deserving of the honorary award of the Arizona Section of the Society for Management Range Manager of the Year. at CONGRATULATIONS!! Arizona Section Society for Range Management
Spring 2005 Newsletter
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April 12, 2005 at 08:00 am to April 13, 2005 at 1:00 pm - 2005 Indian Livestock Field Days - - Contact: Liz Didier at [email protected] phone (928) 769-1284. Website: April 26, 2005 at 06:00 pm until 09:00 pm - Youth Livestock Quality Assurance Workshop - - Contact: Liz Didier at [email protected], phone (928) 769-1284. April 25-28, 2005 - International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. Visit for more information. May 2-4, 2005 – Government Institutes – U.S. Environmental Laws and Regulations, Phoenix, AZ. - - Congratulations to Mark Saraficio from
Sells who represented the Arizona
August 1 –5, 2005 Natural Resources Conservation Workshop for Arizona Section participating in the High School Youth. Contact: Sandy Fabritz-Whitney at 602-417-2400 x7220 or Youth Forum in Ft. Worth, Texas. Mark was this year's Outstanding Student at NRCWAY. GREAT JOB MARK!!! If you have information on upcoming events of interest for the Arizona Section, please contact Sandy Fabritz-Whitney at 602-417-2400 x7220 or [email protected] Tucson Plant Materials Center is Requesting Seed Collections for 2005!
Bruce Munda, Plant Materials Specialist The species below are in the collection program for the Tucson Plant Materials Center (PMC). Common Name
Scientific Name Symbol
Pima pappusgrass Pappophorum vaginatum desert needlegrass Achnatherum speciosum Zinnia acerosa plains lovegrass Eragrostis intermedia Pleuraphis rigida desert globemallow Sphaeralcea ambigua Pleuraphis mutica Sporobolus wrightii Baileya multiradiata Sporobolus flexuosus Muhlenbergia porteri Seed collections will be used for plant development work at the PMC. Please contact your local NRCS field office or the Tucson PMC for seed collection envelopes. When conducting collections please try to collect seed from several individual plants (10 to 50) from an area no more than one or two acres. Please contact the Tucson PMC at 520-299-2999 ext 101 or 102 if you have questions or need envelopes. Many of the above species will not have ripe seed until late summer or early fall but the forbs should be ready by end of spring or early summer. When you are in the field please take notice of stands so (if you have the time) you can return to make a collection or notify the PMC of the location of the stand. Thank you for assisting in our collection program. Page 4
Spring 2005 Newsletter
Arizona Section Society for Range Management
The Arizona Section has many active committees that are integral to the function of our Section. These committees areopen Arizona Section members. If you are interested in participating in any of these committees please contact thecommittee chair: Nominations
520-887-8520 x110 or [email protected] [email protected]
Activities NRCWAY
Chair: Sandy Fabritz-Whitney [email protected] 602-417-2400 x7220 or [email protected]

520-296-78756 or [email protected] [email protected]

928-348-4416 or [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Scholarship
Chair: Mitch McClaran Chair: TBA (contact Dean Fish) [email protected] Newsletter
Sandy Fabritz-Whitney 602-417-2400 x7220 or [email protected] 520-384-3594 or [email protected] 520-384-3594 or [email protected] WE'RE LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS
Friday, June 3, 2005 – Flagstaff, AZ. Summer Meeting – TBA Friday, November 4, 2005 – Tucson Plant Materials Center Don't Forget Receive a $5.00 Rebate for
Winter Meeting – TBA Recruiting New Members
EVERYONE is welcome to attend the Arizona On the Application make sure your name appears in the Section BOD Meetings. For more information on spot that says "Name of member that recruited you." Any times and locations please contact Dean Fish at questions, please contact Mike Hannemann 928-526-0866, or email 520-281-2994 or any Board Member. [email protected]. Arizona Section Society for Range Management
Spring 2005 Newsletter
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Arizona Section Society for Range Management c/o BB3 Productions 116 E. Kelly Lane Tempe, AZ 85242


September 4-8, 2012 Centre International de Conférences Genève INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OFAESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY B R O C H U R E Welcome from the President, ISAPS Board of Directors I invite you to join us for the Jan Gordon Poëll, Switzerland 21st Biennial Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic


Journ. Dept. Educ., Teikyo Univ. 31: 1–6 Treatment of hypereosinophilic syndrome with the anti-allergic drugs azelastine hydrochloride or fexofenadine, and biscoclaurine alkaloids* Department of Education, School of Liberal Arts, Teikyo University 359 Otsuka, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0395 This is the first report which suggests the azelastine hydrochloride (AZE) or fexofenadine (FEX)