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Market outlook 29th june 09

Market Outlook 17th Nov, 2015

 It was a trend day in the Bank Nifty where prices opened with a gap down of 70 points at 17681 and went further lower to register a low of 16855.50. However, prices seen a stupendous rally of nearly 380 points from this low within couple of hours. Finally index closed near the highs at 17170.45 with a gain of nearly 220 points. On Friday, we told our readers about the narrow range in which bank Nifty was trading from last three trading sessions and a big move in the index was imminent. Therefore, we had suggested buying the bank nifty above 17069 or selling below 16590. The prices have seen a big range day and went above 17069; hence we have taken a long position there. Now traders should hold on to this long position with a revised stop loss of 16930.  CNX IT opened with a gap down. The index made its day low below 11000 at 10940. Price bounced back from that low and closed above 11000 with a loss of 67 points. The index traded in a large range of nearly 151 points. It was the 4th consecutive lower closing day in CNX IT. Also the index has seen a decline of almost 750 points in last 7 trading days. After such a big decline price tend to trade choppy and range bound. A support comes at 10950 – 11000 zones. We may see some choppy price action here. Avoid this sector for any king of buying. A close above 11300 will be the first sign for an uptrend.  Intermediate trend is sideways whereas short term trend is now up in MEDIA Sector. Prices have seen a correction and find support. We may see an upside rally here. DISH TV and ZEEL had seen a decline and then prices hold its support in these two stocks. Look for a buying opportunity here. SUN TV and TV18BRDCST were trading narrow and saw a breakout from trading ranges. Look for buying in these two stocks. DESCRIPTION
Intermediate trend is sideways in ASIANPAINT. The stock has seen a decline and then finds support near 785. Prices are holding this support so far and trading very narrow. We may see an upside rally here. Buy this stock above 804. If this trade executes then place your stop just below 794 and a target near 825. Intermediate Trend is sideways in COALINDIA. The stock is consolidating at its bottom after a big decline. Prices are making a pattern of bullish Head & Shoulder. We may see an upside rally here. Buy this stock above 332. If this trade executes then place your stop just below 325 and a target near 346. Intermediate trend is down in INFRATEL. The stock has been trading inside a range from last seven trading days. Prices are now at the verge of breakdown from this range. Sell this stock below 365. If this trade executes then place your stop just above 372 and a target near 351. Intermediate Trend is up in ORIENTBANK. The stock has seen an upside move today and broken above to its resistance near 150. We may see higher level in this stock. Buy this stock above 153. If this trade executes then place your stop just below 149 and a target near 161.

 FIIs net Sell 6.46 Bln rupees shares in Index Future  FIIs net Sell 3.58 Bln rupees shares in Stock Future  FIIs provisionally net Sell 10.51 Bln rupees shares  DIIs provisionally net Buy 6.62 Bln rupees shares
Corporate News

 ICICI Bank Ltd will sell part stake in its life insurance venture to Premji Invest and a company owned by Temasek Holdings of Singapore valuing the company at Rs. 32,500 crores, nearly Rs. 5,000 crores lower than what it did when it sold stock options to staff last year.  Ajanta Pharma Ltd has launched generic version of Singulair granules, used in the treatment of asthma, in  Arogya Finance has tied up with Dr Reddy's Laboratories for providing medical loans for treatment of  Talwalkars Better Value Fitness (TBVF) has picked up a majority stake in Chennai-based firm Inshape Health and Fitnez.  Reliance infrastructure had agreed to sell 49 percent of its Mumbai power operations to Canada's Public Sector Pension Investment Board.  Inox Wind is commissioning a 800 MW facility at its manufacturing unit in Madhya Pradesh to double production capacity to 1,600 MW. Source:Economic Times, Business Standard
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Interim Dividend - Rs. - 6.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.8000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 6.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.1000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.4500 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 3.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 2.2500 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 15.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.6000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 21.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 2.5000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 2.5000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 3.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.2000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 4.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 3.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.4000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 2.5000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.5000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.2000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 1.0000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.3000 Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.6000 Stock Split From Rs.5/- to Rs.1/- Interim Dividend - Rs. - 5.0000 Stock Split From Rs.10/- to Rs.2/- Interim Dividend - Rs. - 0.9000 Buy Back of Shares Consolidation of Shares Interim Dividend - Rs. - 8.5000 Stock Split From Rs.10/- to Rs.1/- Disclosure in pursuance of Section 19 of SEBI (RA) Regulation 2014

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