A photographic exhibition
Michaelhouse Café
Trinity Street, Cambridge
11 May - 8 June 2008
The orangutan, the gentle ‘person of the forest', is Asia's only great ape. Kitch Bain
Pongo pygmaeus
Tragically, numbers have plummeted to less than 20% over the last 75 Fauna & Flora
years, due to illegal logging, mining, farming and poaching. Fauna & Flora International
International relies on much-needed grants and donations to continue its vital
work protecting the surviving orangutans in Borneo.
2. Wandering albatross The race to save the albatross is urgent, with 100,000 albatrosses killed every Ben Lascelles
Diomedea exulans
year on longline fishing hooks – that's about one every five minutes. There are BirdLife International
lots of simple things you can do to help ‘Save the Albatross'.
Visit for more information.
People are an integral part of the solution to conserving endangered species. Jeremy Holden
chameleon Chamaeleo This rare chameleon is known from only two mountain localities. Understanding Tropical Biology
its threats and habitat requirements will help Tanzanians conserve the species Association
Usambara Mountains,
in the long run. The Tropical Biology Association is building the expertise of
Tanzanian organisations to conserve their endangered species.
4. Sustainable timber
Wounaan boys in a house built of red cedar Cedrela odorata, a valuable timber Harriet Gillett
species also important in traditional medicine. High international demand for UNEP World Conservation
the durable, rot-resistant timber has lead to serious decline in the species Monitoring Centre
throughout its range. A UNEP-WCMC workshop has led to the genus Cedrela
being considered for inclusion in the appendices CITES.
5. Ancient giant:
Quiver trees store water in their trunks and live for over 300 years. They are Wendy Foden
dying en masse due to unusually severe droughts caused by climate change. International Union for
Aloe dichotoma
Listed as ‘Vulnerable' on the ‘IUCN Red List of Threatened Species' (www. Conservation of Nature, the quiver tree and other desert species may already be close (IUCN)
to their limits of tolerance of global warming.
6. Gorillas living with
Mountain gorillas Gorilla beringei beringe are listed as ‘Critically Endangered' Charles Besançon
under the IUCN classification for threatened species as their habitat continues UNEP World Conservation
Virunga National Park
to be threatened by poaching and instability in the region. UNEP-WCMC Monitoring Centre
Democratic Republic of publishes the Great Apes Atlas to raise the profile of great ape conservation
efforts globally.
7. Species can be
Laysan teal was the rarest animal in the world with just one pair remaining. James H. Breeden
saved from extinction
The male died leaving the female to rear a brood successfully. Now through BirdLife International
intensive efforts the population is between 600-700 birds. BirdLife's ‘Preventing WINNER Rare Birds
Anas Laysanensis
Extinctions Programme', with support from the British Birdwatching Fair, is a Yearbook 2008 photo
Laysan Island, Hawaii
major new initiative to save every Critically Endangered bird.
8. Tiger and other skins Poaching of tigers and other Asian big cats for their bones and other parts Edward Parker
confiscated at Heathrow for use in traditional Chinese medicines is a major threat facing these iconic WWF-Canon Photo Library
animals. A 1993 Chinese ban on the use of tiger parts has significantly reduced TRAFFIC
the demand, but there are renewed calls for it to be lifted.
One of Central America's last unbroken stretches of tropical broadleaf forest, Juan Pablo Moreiras
the Golden Stream Corridor Preserve was under threat from industrial Fauna & Flora
logging, citrus cultivation and shrimp farming, until Fauna & Flora International International
Golden Stream Corridor intervened to protect it. By assisting local people to manage their forests
sustainably, pressure on the fragile ecosystem is reduced.
10. Baobab Avenue
This magnificent tree is unique to the Menabe region of Madagascar. The Jeremy Holden
baobabs pictured are the sole survivors of a once pristine forest. Today they Tropical Biology
are under constant threat from clearance for agriculture. The Tropical Biology Association
Association is working with Malagasy conservation organisations to develop
sustainable approaches to management of their remaining natural resources.
11. Wilkins Ice Shelf
The Antarctic Peninsula has experienced unprecedented warming over the Pete Bucktrout
breaking up, March
last 50 years. Many glaciers have retreated and six ice shelves have collapsed British Antarctic Survey
completely. This dramatic illustration of the impact of climate change highlights
the threat to the polar environment. BAS scientists are making detailed studies
Antarctic Peninsula
of glaciers to develop models that will help predict future changes.
A photographic exhibition
Michaelhouse Café
Trinity Street, Cambridge
11 May - 8 June 2008
12. Mekong giant catfish The Mekong giant catfish is one of the world's largest freshwater fish, measuring Zeb Hogan
Pangasianodon gigas
up to 3 m and weighing more than 300 kg. It is Critically Endangered, with the International Union for
population declining by over 80% in the past 13 years. Overfishing and habitat Conservation of Nature
loss as a result of damming and clearance of flooded forests are the principal (IUCN)
13. Newly hatched
A recent TRAFFIC survey of Chatuchak Market in Bangkok, Thailand, found Martin Harvey
radiated tortoise
that a third of the pet tortoises and freshwater turtles for sale were radiated WWF-Canon Photo Library
tortoises, a threatened species found only in Madagascar, which cannot TRAFFIC
by traded under international law. Unregulated trade in some tortoises and
freshwater turtles as pets is driving some species to extinction.
14. Bactrian deer in a
This beautiful and shy deer survives in small populations spread across a few Igor Lysenko
isolated locations in Central Asia. Once a widespread target for hunters, the UNEP World Conservation
Cervus elaphus
Bactrian deer is now listed as a Vulnerable species, with less than a thousand Monitoring Centre
remaining, mainly in remote nature reserves. UNEP-WCMC brings knowledge
about biodiversity in need of help to your desktop.
15. Frozen tuna auction, Several tuna species are at risk of commercial and biological extinction, partly Michel Gunther
Tsukiji fish market
fuelled by the huge demand for ‘sushi', or raw fish, a delicacy in Japan. Some WWF-Canon Photo Library
tuna is caught illegally by "pirate" fishing vessels. The prized Atlantic bluefin TRAFFIC
tuna is on the verge of collapse. The Mediterranean fishery sees huge illegal,
unregulated and unreported activity - especially by EU fleets.
16. Niassa Reserve
Despite years of civil war, cyclones, floods and droughts, the Niassa area Keith & Coleen Begg
remains one of the largest miombo forest ecosystems in the world and is Fauna & Flora
home to the highest concentration of wildlife in Mozambique. Fauna & Flora International
International helped to secure the future of the Niassa Reserve in 2003 and is
gathering key data to develop an effective lion management plan.
17. Asian vultures in
Asian vultures will be extinct within a decade without urgent action to eliminate Ganesh H. Shankar
crisis. Indian vulture
the livestock drug diclofenac, which has wiped out more than 99% of their BirdLife International
Gyps indicus
population in just 15 years. The BirdLife International Partnership persuaded
the Indian government to announce a ban on veterinary use of diclofenac, but
this needs to be properly enforced.
18. Spoon-billed
The spoon-billed sandpiper is the rarest sandpiper in the world with Christoph Zöckler
sandpiper Calidris
approximately 300 pairs surviving. Although the remote breeding areas in ArcCona Ecological
Russia's Far Northeast are not threatened, the species declined by over 80% Consulting
in the last 30 years. The main threats include coastal habitat conversion and
trapping along the migration route through Eastern Asia.
19. Polar bears Ursus
Standing up to 3 metres tall, weighing up to 320 kilograms, and able to survive Robert & Carolyn Buchanan
maritimus on ice floes
temperatures of -45°C, the polar bear is the Arctic's top carnivore. But climate (Polar Bears International)
change threatens its Arctic habitat, especially the sea ice on which it depends International Union for
Churchill, Canada
for hunting. If climatic trends continue, polar bears may disappear from most Conservation of Nature
of their range within the next 100 years.
20. Vanishing cloud
Home of the ‘Near Threatened' resplendent quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno Colin Harris
forest, Chicacnab
and jaguar Panthera onca, this cloud forest is at serious risk from clearance Environmental Research &
for agriculture and wood products. Ecotourism ventures working with Maya Assesment
Alta Verapaz Mountains Q'eqchi' communities offer some hope for a more sustainable economy
for local people, and greater protection of the rich tropical cloud forests of
21. Frogs in peril
Nearly one third of the world's amphibians are threatened. Their natural Jeremy Holden
habitats are being lost or degraded at an alarming rate, and there is a growing Tropical Biology
threat of pollution and disease. The Tropical Biology Association is working Association
with African conservation biologists to develop their skills and resources to
tackle their conservation challenges.
Important work is being carried out in Cambridge to help protect our world's endangered resources, and this work
is making a difference. Local residents can be proud of the fact that Cambridge has become an international focal
point for a range of leading organisations working world-wide to turn back the tides of habitat and species loss. The
Cambridge Conservation Forum (CCF) exists to strengthen links and develop new synergies across the diverse
community of conservation organisations based in and around Cambridge, working at local, national and international
levels to promote conservation. CCF has a membership of 40 organisations, including those participating in this
exhibition. More information on the CCF and links to the participating organisations can be found on the web at:
Omnilux Achieves Integral May / June 2005 Role in Aesthetic Medicine Omnilux, a light emitting diode (LED) system from PhotoTherapeutics Mydon Nd:YAG.10 Limited (Altrincham, U.K.), is a surprisingly easy and effective modalityfor treating a wide variety of skin conditions. Based on a dense matrix of
Anguera, M. (1996) Diseños. En: Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (Ed.) Evaluación de programas. Una guía práctica en ámbitos sociales, educativos y de salud. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid. Advanced Strategic Management Consultants (1999). How to Measure (and Prove) the Success of Your Organization (and its use of technology) in Fulfilling Purpose, Mission and Values. Presented at the Strategy Institute Conference: Leveraging the Power of Technology and the Internet for Non-Profits, Toronto.