An alternative approach in the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa), using classical homeopathy
An Alternative
and soft tissue infections presenting at emergency rooms in the USA. During the period
Approach in The
from 1999 to 2005 the estimated number of hospitalizations involving
Treatment of Methicillin-
infections increased 62% from 294,570 to
Resistant Staphylococcus
477,927. In 2005, there were 11,406
related deaths of which 6,639 were MRSA-related .
Aureus (MRSA), using
Current medical treatment for MRSA
Classical Homeopathy.
usually involves removing the infected person to an isolation ward and the use of the
Pierre Fontaine RSHom CCH.
intravenous antibiotic vancomycin. The
hospital stay can be several days. The patient is
usual y sent home with wound care instructions
and a prescription for the ointment bactroban
which is applied to the internal nasal passages.
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant
The infection can be control ed this way, but in
aureus) is a bacteria that is resistant to most
many cases the patient will remain colonised.
common antibiotics. Aside from methicillin the
While vancomycin is currently effective against
bacteria is also resistant to other more common
MRSA it is clear that increased resistance exists
antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and
and some hospitals are already reporting strains
amoxicillin. Staph infections, including MRSA,
that are less sensitive to vancomycin.
occur most frequently in patients who have
recently been hospitalised for long periods, who
have had invasive medical procedures or who
In this light, it seems important to examine
have weakened immune systems. Individuals
the potential of alternative therapies that do
treated in long term healthcare facilities such as
not make use of costly drugs or hospital stays,
nursing homes or dialysis centres have been
to combat such infections and prevent the risk
considered most at risk. In a healthcare setting
of developing further antibiotic resistant
can cause serious and potentially life
bacterial strains. Homeopathy is widely
threatening infections such as bloodstream
practiced throughout Europe and Asia and is
infection, infections at a surgical site, or
increasing in use in the US. In the UK the NHS
pneumonia. However, MRSA infections also
(National Health Service) operates 5 dedicated
occur in otherwise healthy people who have not
homeopathic hospitals. According to a 2005
recently been hospitalised or undergone an
study, 70% of 6544 fol ow-up patients reported
invasive medical procedure. These infections
improvements in their health. Among the
usually present as skin infections, pimples, boils
ailments most commonly treated were eczema,
or other pus-filled lesions but can rapidly
asthma, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome and
progress to more life threatening infections. In this otherwise healthy population they are known as community associated (CA)-MRSA
infection; according to a recent studyMRSA
3 Klein E, Smith DL, Laxminarayan R.
has become the most frequent cause of skin
Hospitalizations and deaths caused by methicillin-
Staphylococcus aureus, United States,
1999–2005. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet].
1 Centres for Disease Control. Overview of healthcare
2007 Dec [25 Sept 08]. Available from
2 Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphyloccus aureus
infections in the United States. R. Monina Klevens, DDS, MPH et
al.t CDC-Information Center.
chronic fatigue. In the modern day context
began swel ing up during the night of the
there is unfortunately little data on the use of
scratch and within 3 days had progressed to a
homeopathy in acute outbreaks of infectious
severe infection. James sought advice at a walk
disease but historically it has been effectively
in clinic near his home and was prescribed
applied in outbreaks of cholera, influenza and
antibiotics. He had no improvement over the
scarlet fever. During the 1918 Spanish Influenza
next two days at which point he visited the
epidemic data col ected by the Hahnemann
Emergency Room at Columbia Presbyterian
College of Medicine in Philadelphia showed a
hospital in New York City. His finger was red,
mortality rate of only 1.05% amongst a group of
edematous and showed clear signs of infection.
26,795 cases treated by homeopaths. The
His wound was lanced in the ER and the
mortality rate in the general population treated
exudates sent for analysis. As a precaution
medically was 30%.
James was admitted to the hospital overnight
and received an IV antibiotic and analgesics. On
discharge the next day he was instructed about
Homeopathy is symptom driven and based
wound care and hoped the infection would
on careful observation of the individual signs
clear. However, he received a message 2 days
and symptoms as exhibited by the patient. It is
later informing him that the culture grown from
experiential and the homeopath pays extremely
his lab specimen was not responding to
close attention to the use of language by the
antibiotics and was confirmed as being MRSA.
patient in relating how the ailment is affecting
him. A remedy acts as a reversing trigger on the
James was immediately readmitted to the
self-healing vital force of the body that is being
hospital, this time in an isolation ward to avoid
challenged. It is described as working at a
exposure to any other patients. Vancomycin
vitalistic level, similar to acupuncture. It is bio-
was prescribed and he was sent home with
dynamic in nature rather than bio-chemical, as
bactroban ointment for his nose 2 days later.
western medicine is.
He was advised that the infection could re-
occur and to be vigilant about skin lesions.
Homeopathy is very effective in chronic
illnesses but as the case below illustrates,
Two months later, just after Thanksgiving,
homeopathy can also be extremely effective in
James noticed a large, fleshy bulge on the back
acute infections that require daily monitoring
of his thigh. He was concerned it might be a
and frequent re-evaluation of remedy selection.
recurrent MRSA skin infection but as an
uninsured patient was forced to seek an
Case Presentation
alternative to another costly hospitalisation. On
the recommendation of a friend he sought
James, an otherwise healthy 40 year old
homeopathic treatment.
man entered our care in late November 2007.
He had sustained a minor scratch on his finger
at the end of September 2007 while clearing
Homeopathic findings
away vegetation in upstate New York. Despite
thorough wound care at the time James' finger
When I first spoke with James he described
how the wound on his middle finger in
5 Spence DS, Thompson EA, Barron SJ. Homeopathic
September "blew up" within a day to a hard
treatment for chronic disease: a 6-year university-hospital
swelling. His fever spiked to 102F. Now, two
outpatient observational study. Journal of Alternative &
months later, the presenting symptom was a
Complementary Medicine 2005; 11: 793-798.
large swelling on the back of his right thigh just
below his buttock. He described how it "came
6 Homeopathy for Epidemics. Eileen Nauman, DHM (UK). Pg
right out" close to 1 inch in thickness and then
reverted to a very large "bite-like," dark dot
larger but he described marked improvement in
within a day. Light red discolouration of the skin
the sensation of his most prevalent symptom,
was seen almost down to his knee. The lump
i.e. the swelling and the constricting. The
was sharplypainful and causing him concern.
discolouration that had spread to his knee was
It was constricting his leg and felt very hard. He
more localised. At this stage I repeated the
felt as if an iron band was preventing
movement. He was concerned because he
thought it might be the same, incurable infection as the first one on his finger.
Based on the sensation of constriction that
2 days later
he repeated in many different ways and the
Though the infection seemed contained the
other symptoms listed in italics I prescribed
central area now resembled a large boil and had
Cactus Grandiflora. I also stressed the
grown rapidly to a darker red circle of about 4
importance of being seen by a medical doctor.
inches. At this point he complained of severe
James however steadfastly refused to return to
"burning pains", and the infection was
described (and looked) as ‘angry'. He was also
extremely restless with a constant need for
At this stage about five dozen remedies
motion. At this point I had several remedies in
were identified as being valid homeopathic
mind that might have fit the symptom picture,
remedies for this individual. Careful
but the degree of anger and burning in the case
differentiation and research would clarify final
led me to Cantharis.
remedy selection, according to homeopathic
repertories and Materia Medicas.
24 hours later (from initial consultation)
After one day the sensation of constriction
was significantly diminished. The pain had lessened but the infection was not improving. The central area of induration was growing
7 Italicized words in this description of finding
represent qualities specifical y used in selecting the proper homeopathic rememdy.
His pain was manageable and was not requiring the high doses of narcotics he had needed during his first MRSA infection. He was confident that the lesion was healing and could not afford the high cost of another hospitalisation so he was not willing to seek medical attention.
During this time James did stay in his
apartment to avoid any possibility of secondary infection.
4 days later
24 hours after the Crotalus the boil began
3 days later
changing colour. Yel ow and light green pus
James reported that the Cantharis had
could be seen in the border. His pain was
addressed the burning pains which now felt
manageable and he had no fever.
much better. He was happy that he did not
have to take pain medication as he had with the
At this point James described intense
first infection. The outward progression of the
anxiety over the possibility of MRSA occurring
infection had clearly stopped and the boil
over and over and over again in his life. He felt
turned even darker red with a congested, shiny
he was poisoned for life. The increased anxiety
appearance and blood seeping through the
along with the idea that his body was poisoned
pores in the centre of the mass. According to
and that he had an incurable disease indicated
these symptoms, Crotalus Horridus was given,
the remedy Arsenicum Album.
as it is often used for dark, haemorrhagic
wounds. I had previously researched this remedy in regards to Ebola type infections several years ago.
6 days later
Clearly the infection was no longer
spreading. James' anxiety was much
All along James was repeatedly advised to
diminished. The boil was fil ed with pus and
seek medical care and have the wound lanced.
began oozing but there was no way to know
There was concerned about a systemic blood
what was going on underneath the mass of pus
infection. James pointed out that he had no
and necrotic tissue. He felt very good about his
fever at all and that the swelling had stopped.
progress but I remained concerned about
the lesion had healed over completely. James
systemic infection and necrosis at the infection
continued to take Arsenicum several times a
site. Secale was given as a prophylactic for
day as he still had some level of anxiety
blood poisoning. Within half a day his anxieties
regarding re-infection. We were gradually able
and restlessness came back. It was clear this
to reduce the frequency of repetition as the
remedy was not having an effect and I reverted
wound continued to heal and his anxiety
Continuing Progress
On the 7th day the mass opened and began
oozing. At this point James was able to manual y squeeze the lesion and exude a large amount of dark green, almost black pus. At this stage James collected several of the cotton balls he had used to drain the exudate and on the 6th December 2007 he had them analysed at the same laboratory facility as his earlier sample. The exudate was confirmed as positive for MRSA.
Later on the wound stopped seeping and
5 months later
began to dry up. I continued to prescribe
James continues to do wel and on the 9th of
Arsenicum daily and James remained vigilant
April 2008 he returned to Columbia for another
about cleaning the wound with hydrogen
nasal swab analysis. Remarkably the tests
peroxide. I was encouraged that at the time the
came back negative for MRSA, meaning that not
lesion burst there was already evidence of
only was his local infection cured but his body
granulation on the borders. This was evidence
was no longer colonised by the bacteria. In
to me that the infection had been ful y isolated.
other words, his wound was completely healed
and he is no longer a carrier of MRSA in the
Over the next two weeks the wound
general population.
continued to slowly heal from the outside edges
towards the centre and from the bottom of the ulcer to the surface of the skin. Within 3 weeks
Given the growing number of antibiotic
resistant infectious agents, a treatment for MRSA that avoids all use of antibiotics has enormous potential in the general population. Furthermore, the treatment above is reproducible in a hospital setting using the basic five dozen remedies that fit the MRSA symptom picture. There is also the possibility of using other homeopathic remedies prophylacticaly. To that end we recommend and hope to undertake further research on this approach in a traditional medical facility.
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