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TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Not for sale in the USA
Ensure that this SDS is received by the appropriate person

1.1 Product identifier
Trade name
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Article type
GTAW (TIG) Gas tungsten arc welding ISO 6848 Gas shielded Arc welding
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Nottingham NG7 2UJ [email protected]
1.4 Emergency telephone number
Available outside office hours
Emergency phone number
Additional product information
Web site:

2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Classification according to Regulation (EC) 1271/2008 [CLP] applicable
2.2 Label elements
2.3 Other hazards Note: When preparing (grinding) and using these electrodes as part of the welding process additional potential hazards are likely: Grinding: Toxic dusts. Ensure adequate dust extraction, ventilation and dust disposal When the product is used in the welding process the most important hazards are: Overexposure to fumes and gases from welding can be dangerous to health. Watch out for splatter, hot metal and slag. It may cause skin burn and cause fire. Arc rays can injure eyes and burn skin. Electric shock can kill. Avoid touching live electrical parts. Section 3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS
3.1 Substances This product is a mixture and please refer to Section 3.2 3.2 Mixtures Impurities mass
ISO 6848 Classification
CAS Number
CAS Number
EG number
R11 affects only Section 4. FIRST AND MEASURES

4.1 Description of first aid measures

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a physician if symptoms occur. Skin contact
Burns should be treated by a doctor. Eye contact
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Burns from radiation, see doctor. Ingestion
Contact a doctor if more than an insignificant amount has been swallowed.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Inhalation of vapours may cause irritation of the respiratory system in very susceptible persons.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Pulmonary irritation. In the case of lung irritation: Primary treatment by using Corticoide spray, e.g. Auxiloson spray, Pulmicort-dosage-spray ( Auxiloson and Pulmicort are registered trademarks). Section 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES

5.1 Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media
Carbon dioxide (CO2), powder or diffuse jet of water. In case of major fire: Extinguish fire with diffuse jet of water or foam.
5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Low radioactive product
5.3 Advice for fire fighters
Special protective equipment for fire
Wear self contained breathing apparatus fighters
6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures General ventilation and local fume extraction must be adequate to keep fume concentrations within safe limits. Use respiratory equipment when welding in a confined space. Wear protective clothing and eye protection appropriate to arc welding. Skin contact should be avoided to prevent possible allergic reactions. 6.2 Environmental precautions

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Try to prevent the material from entering drains or water courses. Waste, dust filters and recipients are to de disposed of in a safe and secure way, according to respective national regulations in force. Grey washing or grinding water is to be captured and disposed of. 6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up 6.4 Reference to other sections For Personal protection see section 8. For Disposal see section 13. For Environmental precautions see section 12. For Precautions for safe handling see 7.1. Section 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE
7.1 Precautions for safe handling Preventive handling precautions
Ensure adequate ventilation for the welder and others. Use respiratory equipment when welding in a confined space. Wear protective clothing and eye protection appropriate to arc welding. Remove all flammable materials and liquids before welding. General hygiene
Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store welding consumables inside a room without humidity. Do not store welding consumables directly on the ground or beside walls. Store away from chemical substances like acids which could cause chemical reactions. 7.3 Specific end use(s) Welding process. Section 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION
8.1 Control parameters

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Welding fume component
Tungsten and compounds (as W) Thorium compounds (as Th) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Nitrogen monoxide (NO) 1 WEL Workplace exposure Limits 2 STEL Short term exposure limit 3 As recommended by MAK Commission based on scientific experience and is not established law 4 As recommended by EH40 (2012) in the UK . 8.1.1 Exposure limit values Dust exposures TRGS 900 Radiation exposure: Product not listed in TRGS 905. The following dose limits apply for effective dose in calendar year: No person at "work", who are not exposed to radiation work 6mSv For persons, who are exposed to radiation during work 20mSv For the complete dose as a consequence of the profession 400mSv For persons under 18 years of age 6mSv 8.2 Exposure controls Environmental Exposure Controls – Refer to Section 6 of this SDS Technical precaution measures
General ventilation and local fume extraction must be adequate to keep fume concentrations within safe limits. Eye / face protection
Wear eye protection appropriate for welding. Safety gloves
Skin contact should be avoided to prevent possible allergic reactions. Other skin protection
Wear body protection which helps to prevent injury from radiation, sparks and electric shock. Respiratory protection
Use respiratory equipment when welding in a confined space. Wear protective clothing and eye protection appropriate to arc welding. Section 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance, colour
Appearance, physical state

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Auto-ignition temperature
Not auto-flammable Decomposition temperature
Evaporation rate
Explosive properties
Flammability (solid gas)
Flash point
Initial boiling point and boiling range
Melting point / Freezing point
Odour threshold
Oxidising properties
Partition coefficient: n-octanol / water
Relative density
Solubility in water
Upper / lower flammability or
explosive limits
Vapour density
Vapour pressure
9.2 Other information 18.5 to 19.0 g/cm3 Section 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
10.1 Reactivity 10.2 Chemical stability

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
Stable at normal conditions. 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions 10.4 Conditions to avoid None under normal conditions 10.5 Incompatible materials Contact with strong acids and/or bases; or with halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and their compounds); or with oxidising agents (e.g. Perchlorate, peroxide, permanganate,chlorates, nitrates, nitrites, chromates); or with alkali/earth alkali metals (e.g. lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) can cause strong reactions( danger of strong exothermal reactions, dange of formation of flammable gases, danger of formation of insalubrious/poisonous substances/gases) must be avoided. 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products Emerge through oxidation oxids of the product which can evaporate (tungsten trioxide WO CAS 1314-35-8) or be released (thorium oxide ThO CAS 1314-20-1) Welding fumes and gases. Additional fume may arise from coatings and contaminants on the base material. Concentration of Tungsten and its inhalation, in contact with skin & if swallowed Thorium oxide (ThO ) R45: May cause cancer cumulative effect Harmful if swallowed Harmful in contact with skin Harmful if inhaled Carcinogenicity: May cause cancer

TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
The classification information above relates to the fume during use.

11.1 Information on toxicological effects
Conditions to avoid: none in the form supplied When welding, fumes and gases generated can be dangerous to health. Acute toxicology
This product does not feature an acute oral, dermal toxicity or toxicity through inhalation Irritation
Corrosive effects
May cause sensitisation by skin contact Welding fumes are possibly carcinogenic to humans Repeated dose toxicity
Finding after intratracheal application of 50mg tungsten dust per week during 3 weeks on guinea pigs lead to the conclusion that the substance is relatively inert. Still an effect on the pulmonary tissue could be proved which must not be neglected. Reproductive toxicity
12.1 Toxicity The welding process can effect the environment if fume is released directly into the atmosphere. 15.6mg/L (rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss,28d) Aluminiumoxide: >100 mg/l Salmo trutta IC Amphibians 72h: 2.9mg/L (toad,gastrophryne carolinensis, 7d) 12.2 Persistence and degradability Tunsten forms a series of oxohalogenides (e.g. WOCL ) 12.3 Bio accumulative potential No data vailable SAFETY DATA SHEET
TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
12.4 Mobility in Soil 12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment 12.6 Other adverse effects Section 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS

13.1 Waste treatment methods
Disposal considerations
Dispose of any product, residue or packing material according to national and local regulations. Spent ;fume extraction filters shall be disposed of as dangerous waste. Waste code (EWC)
12 01 13 – welding waste 12 01 04 – non-ferrous metal dust and particles Section 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION
14.1 UN number Land transport (ADR/RID/GGVSEB)
UN 2909: radioactive substances, released package, products made of natural thorium; class 7; LQ not Sea transport (IMDG-Code/GGVSee)
UN 2909: radioactive substances, released package, products made of natural thorium; class 7; LQ not Air transport (ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR)
possible; EmS: F-I, S-S: pack up category A UN 2909: radioactive substances, released package, products made of natural thorium; class 7; LQ not Section 15. REGUATORY INFORMATION

15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations / legislation specific for the substance or mixture.
TE002 Tungsten Electrodes (Thoriated)
Version number: 2
Replaces SDS: 2009-11-23
Issued: 2014-01-21
EU regulations
67/548/EWF idgF (Dangerous Substances) 99/45/EG idgF ( Dangerous Preparations regulations) 96/29/Euratom (only affecting thorium oxide) National regulations
EH40/2012 Workplace exposure limits The Waste Regulations 2011 No. 988 Local laws and regulations should be carefully observed. 15.2 Chemical safety assessment No data available Section 16. OTHER INFORMATION
References to key literature and
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, (REACH). data sources
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council. EH40/2012 Workplace exposure limits. The Waste regulations 2011 No.988 C&L Inventory database Annex VI CLP Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 Phrase meaning
Harmful if swallowed Harmful in contact with skin Harmful if inhaled H350 May cause cancer. Manufacturer's notes
Read this Safety Data Sheet carefully and become aware of hazards implied and the safety information.


Comercio exterior

Observatorio de Comercio Exterior Informe de omercio Actualización Exterior Intercambio con Principales Socios Departamento de Economía Gabriel Molteni Gonzalo De León Martín Mattiazzi Panorama General En el mes de febrero de 2014 las exportaciones argentinas fueron de 5393 millones de dólares, lo que representó un crecimiento de 3,1% en relación al mes anterior. En la comparación interanual se detectó una caída de 6,1%, explicada por un descenso en las cantidades vendidas de 5% y una disminución de los precios de 1 por ciento.


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