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Masa 21+ PrograM Catalogue
For the most up-to-date program listing, please visit taBle oF CoNteNts
Israel experience
Magen David Adom Overseas
Volunteer Program Habonim Dror
Israel Pathways
Maslul Ishi – iTrack International Conservation Center
Israel teaching Fellows
Saving the Stones Israel Way–oranim Project
Free Community Involvement Israel Way–oranim Project
Yahel Social Change Program Free eilat Hotel experience Tel Aviv Internship experience graduate academic Programs
Menachem Begin Heritage Center
in english
Israel Government Fellows – arava Institute for
Government Ministries Track Israel Government Fellows – environmental Studies research and Diplomacy Track M.A. in Desert Studies sachlav education experience
the ariel university Center of samaria
real Life Israel ATZIL research Program WuJs Israel Hadassah
Intern Jerusalem International MBA Intern Tel Aviv Postbac Pre-Med Program TASP: Tel Aviv Teach and Study Program 34 Volunteer and Community service
Ben gurion university of the Negev
adam leadam leadership
for tikkun olam
M.A. Program in the Politics and Conflict 37 environmental and Social entrepreneurship 18 Graduate Year/Semester Program M.A. Program in Bible and Ayalim: entrepreneurship. Ancient Near east Service. Pioneering. the Hebrew university of Jerusalem
Bina and Daniel Centers
rothberg International school
Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa: Coexistence 20 M.A. Program in Islamic and Middle eastern Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa: Social Action 21 B'tzedek
M.A. Program in Israel Studies: Society and LIFe: India/Israel Social Justice Fellowship 22 M.A. Program in Nonprofit Management and Leadership Israel Business Institute
special Interest Programs
Master Business Administration Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
The Betar Wingate Program M.A. Government: Counter Terrorism M.A. Government: Budokan Israel Martial Arts and Fitness Diplomacy and Conflict Studies M.A. Government: Thesis Track givat Haviva
M.A. Organizational Behavior Intensive Arabic Semester and Development MBA in Global Strategic Management Israel Business and Adventure Israel Way-oranim Project
Hava and adam eco-educational Farm
NYU-Poly Masrer's in Israel: M.S. in the Hebrew university of Jerusalem
levinsky College of education
Merchavim early Childhood education schechter rabbinical seminary
rimon Music experience Schechter Traditional Pluralistic Israel Pathways
tel aviv university–tau International
M.A. in Conflict resolution Jerusalem academy of Music and Dance
M.A. in environmental Studies Jerusalem Sounds tel aviv university–tau International
Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company
M.A. in Jewish Studies M.A. in Middle eastern Studies lotan Center for Creative ecology
M.A. in Migration Studies Green Apprenticeship M.A. in Political Science in Action Nitzana educational Community
M.A. in Security and Diplomacy Studies 58 Desert Sports Challenge M.A. in Social Work Specializing in Pardes Institute of Jewish studies
Crisis and Trauma Studies Semester/Year Program PZC Hagshama
Sofaer International MBA university of Haifa International school
Global Law Program M.A. in Peace and Conflict Management 63 Krav Maga Israel united synagogue of Conservative
Year and Semester Programs
WuJs Israel Hadassah
religious studies Programs
for Women
Mayanot Institute of Jewish studies
Women's Judaic Studies Program
religious studies Programs
Women's Yeshiva Program Midreshet B'erot Bat ayin
Machon Meir
Holistic Torah education for Women Foreign Language Program Mayanot Institute of Jewish studies
Neve school of general
Men's Judaic Studies Program Jewish studies
Men's Yeshiva Program Netivot Noam
Alisa Flatow Overseas Program Shapell's Darche Noam ohr somayach
Overseas Visitor's Program Advanced Beis Midrash ohr torah stone
Midreshet rachel v'Chaya College of Jewish Yeshivat Torat Yosef-Hamivtar Studies for Women torat reva Yerushalayim
Midreshet Devora
Internships, Volunteering and graduate
Thousands of years of history, a variety of ethnic Programs abroad: the Benefits of an
communities living side by side and an unending overseas experience after university
flow of international input via satellite and cable have contributed to the development of an Israeli Interning, volunteering, or pursuing graduate culture that marries ancient with modern, local study abroad is a fantastic way to obtain with global and east and West to form a unique important job skills and international understanding identity all its own. that you would not otherwise find at home. A foreign internship will stand out on your By pursuing a career development, volunteer,
resume as proof that you are a candidate with or study opportunity in Israel, you will gain a
unique global experiences that have helped set of skills to set you apart from the thousands
shape your character. Immersing yourself in the of other young adults searching for jobs in
culture of another country on a much deeper today's competitive market. Whether you
level, you will gain a whole new perspective are interested in high-tech, scientific research, into the local community and into the global community building, sustainability, renewable community at large. You will also receive more energy, art, music or history, the wealth of substantial training, responsibilities, and hands- knowledge Israeli companies, Organisations on experience than you might find at a first job and institutions have to share will undoubtedly or internship at home.
broaden your horizons.
Why Intern, study or Volunteer in Israel?
Why Masa Israel Journey? We Make
Israel is a global leader in innovation in many of
today's most relevant fields,

including technology, health care, the environment, and business. With Masa Israel Journey, a project of the Government more than 25 percent of its workforce employed of Israel and the Jewish Agency for Israel, makes in technical professions, Israel has the world's it easy for you to connect to exciting, life- highest number of biotech startups per capita, changing internship, volunteer and graduate as well as the largest concentration of high-tech academic opportunities in Israel. We provide you firms outside Silicon Valley.
with simple access to a wide range of immersive experiences that are as varied as Israel itself and gain access to some of the world's most
help navigate the entire process at every step forward thinking and entrepreneurial pioneers.
along the way. No one makes it easier for you to According to the Council of Higher education, spend a year enhancing your resume in Israel.
Israel ranks fourth in the world in scientific activity, with more scientific publications per In addition, Masa Israel offers a built-in million than the United States, United Kingdom, community for program participants. We host social events, excursions, overnight trips and activities that give you the chance to meet Israel is a land and a people. Immerse yourself
participants from other Masa Israel programs. We in a culture as varied as the people themselves
also provide a support system and help make sure with literature, theatre, concerts, radio and all your needs are met during your time in Israel.
television programming, entertainment, museums The Masa Israel Community helps you (re)connect and galleries for every interest and taste. with your fellow participants both in Israel and once you return so you can stay connected Funding Your Journey
to your experience. Find out more about the Masa Israel Journey offers every participant over Masa Israel Community at the age of 21 a grant of $3,000-$4,500 toward the cost of participation in a program in Israel. Masa Israel also offers additional scholarships of Finding the right Program
up to $3,000 based on financial need and can At Masa Israel, our mission is to assist you connect you with other funding sources that help in planning and creating a successful Israel lower the cost of your program. experience. Our participants range from 18 to 30 years of age and each one has a different reason To explore funding options and view the complete for going to Israel—whether it is to enhance list of 21+ program opportunities available in Israel, their resumes, have an adventure, gain a new visit, or contact a Masa perspective, or simply experience a different Israel staff member directly. We will be happy to culture. However, all of our participants have help you navigate the entire process of finding one goal in common: to immerse themselves and choosing the program that's right for you. in a foreign culture and have a successful international experience that will positively A note about program costs: the prices
impact their professional and personal lives.
listed in this catalogue are all in US$ and
are subject to change at the sole discretion
Masa Israel offers university graduates the of the program organizer. Contact the
following types of programs: organizer of your program of choice
1) Internship and career development programs directly for the most current pricing.
2) Volunteer and community services programs3) Graduate academic programs4) Special interest programs Contact us
For more information and to find the
For personalized assistance with finding the program program that's right for you, visit us: that's right for you, visit On the Web: How to apply for a Masa Israel grant
Masa Israel grants and scholarships are available
On Facebook: to those who have not participated in a long- term Israel program since 2004 and who will On Twitter: @MasaIsrael participate in a Masa Israel-affiliated program. For full eligibility requirements, please see the application form at
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.

Multiple regions
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: Dependent on chosen program content
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Any time of the year* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Ages 18-29
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Nurit Gershon, Director educational support materials +972 (0)3 530-1420 Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel DesCrIPtIoN
Maslul Ishi is a customizable program designed
by the Habonim Dror youth movement that
allows you to choose your own personal
experience in Israel. Whether you wish to study
at an academic institution, intern at an Israeli
company, or volunteer at an international NGO,
Maslul Ishi staff will work with you to create your
own personal path in Israel. The program includes
mandatory Hebrew language study and ongoing
support and guidance from a professional and
knowledgeable staff. Depending on your interests,
the staff will help you to create your own personal
tailor-made program.
Maslul Ishi

International Conservation Center saving the stones
Duration: Semester
Cost: : $10,915
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study open to: University graduates studying
Supplementary educational programming Conservation, History, Art, Design, Archeology, including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures Architechture, Middle eastern Studies, educational support materials Museum Studies and religion.
Other included features:
Fax: +972 (0)4 991-9418 *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Saving the Stones is a five-month international Medical insurance practical training internship in historical and Personal transportation in Israel archaeological conservation. It is implemented Masa Israel visa through theoretical lessons and practical Personal expenses workshops taught by conservation specialists from the Israel Antiquities Authority. Core contents of the program include: hands-on experience in documentation of historical sites; hands-on experience in traditional building Saving the
techniques such as masonry work, stone-cutting, carpentry and plastering; heritage classes, cultural and social events; and study trips. The program also includes: activities with the diverse communities in Akko; archaeological excavations; and enrichment lectures.

Israel experience oVerVIeW
Multiple regions
Duration: Semester
Cost: $7,380
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study open to: University graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, +972 (0)2 621-6541 Medical insurance Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Internship placement services Staff support 24/7 DesCrIPtIoN
Career Israel is a five-month professional
Career counseling services internship program open to university graduates Transportation to and from work from all over the world. Career Israel offers an Apartment accommodations in Jerusalem, Tel online database of over 700 internship options Aviv, or Haifa for the duration of the program that you can search before applying for the one of your choice! Hundreds of leading Israeli What's not included in the cost of the program:
companies and organisations in fields ranging Flights to and from Israel from economics, politics, business, and finance Masa Israel visa to public relations, marketing, communications, Personal expenses education, social work, health care, engineering, Career Isr
and more have chosen to work with Career Israel, which translates into an amazing variety of opportunities for the Career Israel participant. A professional internship in Israel is an impressive and prestigious addition to your resume and will enhance your career. Israel Way–Oranim Project Free eilat Hotel experience
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $6,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
oranim Project grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates:
Orientation upon arrival rolling every 3-5 months* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Ages 19-30
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel Headquarters: +972 (0)9 767-4477 educational support materials Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
$1,200 + stipend (varies by age and country) Masa Israel visa The Free eilat Hotel experience is a professional Other included features:
internship program that will prepare you for 25 hours of in-class learning from Ben Gurion an exciting career in the fast-paced world of University, eilat Campus the hotel and hospitality industry. Starting Meals for the internship portion of the program with an invigorating introduction to the city of eilat, the program then focuses on Hebrew Transportation to and from internship and and cultural studies, followed by a professional, hands-on hotel internship experience and in-class learning from Ben Gurion University, eilat What's not included in the cost of the program:
Campus. Coursework and internships include Flights to and from Israel housekeeping management, food and beverage, Personal expenses service and hospitality, and reception. As a FREE Eilat
participant of this program, you are expected to engage in community service and will be offered a host family with whom you can spend special Shabbat dinners and holidays.
Israel Way–Oranim Project tel aviv Internship experience
Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Multiple start dates every 2 Months* Orientation upon arrival open to: Ages 19-30
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel Headquarters: +972 (0)9 767-4477 educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Tailor-made internship and volunteer placement Masa Israel visa Premium apartment accommodations in central Spend five meaningful and fulfilling months in Israel's most vibrant business hub and expose yourself to an international career development Other included features:
experience. Do more than just making coffee and Internship placement photocopying! Pursue an internship in whatever Premium apartment accommodations in Tel Aviv field you choose, and receive hands-on guidance for the duration of the program and practical training while consistently working Transportation to and from internship as a productive member of an Israeli team. Internship opportunities are available in just about any field, including business, finance, high- What's not included in the cost of the program:
tech, communications, arts, nonprofit and more. Flights to and from Israel Oranim Project staff work closely with you to Medical insurance help you make the best of your Israel experience.
Personal transportation in Israel Personal expenses Menachem Begin Heritage Center Israel government Fel ows–
government Ministries track
Duration: 10 months
Cost: $15,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
September-June (10 months)* Orientation upon arrival open to: Ages 22-30
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Diane Meskin, recruitment and Marketing +972 (0)2 565-2027 educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance Other included features:
The Israel Government Fellows Program (IGF) is an initiative of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center and is endorsed by the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel. IGF offers outstanding and highly motivated What's not included in the cost of the program:
young Jews an experience at the heart of the Israeli Flights to and from Israel government establishment. It is the only existing Personal expenses program which allows non-Israelis to intern in the Israeli government. In addition to their internships, participants will receive Hebrew language instruction, attend weekly seminars, as well as joint activities with Israeli counterparts. They will travel throughout the country and meet with a wide range of public figures. This program provides participants with invaluable work experience and leadership training which provide transferable skills for future employment. It is a unique opportunity for aspiring Jewish leaders to develop their abilities while contributing to Israeli politics and society, learning about Israeli history and culture, and strengthening their connection to the Jewish state.
Menachem Begin Heritage Center Israel government Fel ows–
research and Diplomacy track
Duration: 10 months
Cost: $15,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
September-June (10 months)* Orientation upon arrival open to: Ages 22-30
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Diane Meskin, recruitment and Marketing +972 (0)2 565-2027 educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance Other included features:
The non-governmental track focuses on policy and diplomacy. This track provides a unique opportunity for Fellows to intern in research institutes, think tanks, and Israeli advocacy Organisations. Whereas What's not included in the cost of the program:
the government track focuses on the governance of Flights to and from Israel the Jewish state and the implementation of policies, Personal expenses this track focuses on helping to influence and develop government policy from the outside, as well as Organisations working in Israel advocacy. Fellows on this track will have the unique opportunity to learn from some of the foremost thinkers on the security and diplomatic challenges confronting Israel's leaders, and assist leading activists in innovative diplomacy nt Fellows
projects. Fellows will learn new skills and develop their knowledge of Israel, the Middle east and world Jewry. Alongside the internship, participants also attend seminar days, Hebrew language instruction, and experience Israel in all its diversity through trips around the country. Sachlav educational experience real life Israel
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
September-January* Orientation upon arrival Top internship placement as well as open to: Ages 21-30
comprehensive Hebrew language study Supplementary programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars & lectures Natasha Abramson, Program recruiter Upscale accommodations are provided in Nachlaot, the trendy neighborhood of Jerusalem, five minutes walk from the famous flee market and all Jerusalem center has to offer *Visit for exact dates
Other included features:
Medical insurance real Life Israel (rLI) is an immersion program based Local bus pass and unique cultural fun and in Jerusalem, designed to give you the resume educational rLI night activities boost to gain an advantage ahead of fellow job applicants. rLI offers individualized internships in a wide range of fields, skill-building sessions, What's not included in the cost of the program:
networking opportunities and social activities. Flights to and from Israel We offer you the resources to become embedded Masa Israel visa within one of the most dynamic cities in the Personal expenses world while gaining professional experience. The rLI team will guide you on how to optimise your experience according to your personal goals and Real Life
interests. Summer Internships are also available. Please contact us for more information.
WUJS Israel Hadassah a program by WuJs Israel Hadassah
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,600
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival open to: University graduates (21+)
Intensive Hebrew language study Personal, tailor-made internship placement in a Amy Gross (516) 478-9659 variety of fields Skype: wujsisrael Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Shared living with Israelis your age Jerusalem is one of the most special and unique cities in the world, rich with more than What's not included in the cost of the program:
2,000 years of history and a mix of cultures, Flights to and from Israel aromas, languages, and religions. WUJS Intern Medical insurance Jerusalem gives you the opportunity to combine Personal expenses a professional internship in a field of your choice with the additional benefits of regular Hebrew language study and weekly field trips around the country. As you enhance your resume and live as an independent Israeli in a warm and dynamic environment, you are supported by professional and experienced staff.
WUJS Israel Hadassah Intern tel aviv:
a program by WuJs Israel Hadassah
Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,750
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival open to: University graduates (21+)
Intensive Hebrew language study Personal, tailor-made internship placement in a variety of fields Amy Gross (516) 478-9659 Supplementary educational programming Skype: wujsisrael including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Today, Tel Aviv is one of the world's most exciting Flights to and from Israel cosmopolitan cities. It is full of restaurants, cafes, Medical insurance bars, museums, galleries, theatres, and more. Personal expenses WUJS Intern Tel Aviv gives you the opportunity to combine a professional internship in a field of your choice with the additional benefits of regular Hebrew language study and weekly field trips around the country. Live in apartments in fashionable South Tel Aviv and intern in almost any area of industry, commerce (public and private sector), art, culture, high-tech, politics, and much more. This is a great opportunity for you to enhance your resume and live as an independent Israeli all within a warm yet dynamic environment supported by professional and experienced staff.
Volunteer and Community
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.
Adam LeAdam Leadership for Tikkun Olam environmental and social
ramat HaGolan
Duration: 8 months
Cost: $11,600
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
February-October (8 months)* Orientation upon arrival September-May (8 months)* Supplementary educational programming open to: Ages 20-30
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures educational support materials Yarden Tenenbaum Medical insurance Accommodations and food in Israel *Visit for exact dates
Other included features:
Flight to India and back to Israel Leadearth is a leadership program designed for young Accommodations and food in India professionals who envision futures in the fields of social change, community empowerment, environmental What's not included in the cost of the program:
and international development. In Israel, participants Flights to and from Israel engage in study and training in the fields of Personal transportation in Israel environment, sustainable development and project management. In India, participants live in a community Masa Israel visa and work with grass root NGOs. These Organisations, Personal expenses together with Adam LeAdam staff members, guide the volunteers in initiating, developing, and operating a community project of their own focus. Leadearth will let you experience the fields of sustainable living, including: compost toilets, clean energy, building design and organic farming. The program prepares you for further studies and professional job opportunities in environmental studies, sustainability, international development, and project management. The program alumni are encouraged and given the opportunity to continue their involvement in social and environment action in their home community, India, and with Adam LeAdam and its partners.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
ayalim: entrepreneurship.
The Negev
Duration: Semester
Cost: $5,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival open to: University graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, +972 (0)52 232-6602 educational support materials Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
Other included features:
Learn from experts about business entrepreneurship, social and cultural Ayalim: entrepreneurship. Service. Pioneering. Ayalim is entrepreneurship, and public entrepreneurship, a young entrepreneur's organization, based in the heart and experience it first-hand of Israel's new innovative frontier—the Negev-south Personal and group projects part of Israel. The young men and women of Ayalim work to revive communities in the Israeli northern and Study tours to visit business and social ventures southern peripheries through the foundation of student Meetings with influential entrepreneurs villages. These student villages serve as pillars of social Trips, Hebrew study, and lectures outreach in which the young entrepreneurs create a And. enriching and challenging field trips in the significant change in the education, social services, Negev, Galilee, and center of Israel; a pub and economic opportunities, infrastructure, and cultural pool in the village; Hebrew, Jewish, and Zionism vibrancy of the communities around them. In the past lessons; and lots of fun activities. eight years, Ayalim has developed a successful, unique model of young entrepreneurs realizing 21st century Zionism. Their projects are promoted and supported by What's not included in the cost of the program:
the Government of Israel and Jewish philanthropists Personal transportation in Israel around the world. This year, for the first time, Ayalim opens the gate to young Jews from around the world with its new Masa program —Ayalim: entrepreneurship. Service. Pioneering. The program will enable Jewish young adults from around the world to learn and experience various first-hand types of entrepreneurship while joining Israeli peers in the student villages and taking part in the realization of 21st century Zionism. Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Bina and Daniel Centers tikkun olam in
tel aviv-Jaffa: Coexistence
Tel Aviv
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $5,700–$6,700 (semester)
$8,850–$9,850 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant:
5 months: $3,000, 10 months: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival upcoming Program Dates:
Intensive Hebrew language study September-January (5 months)* Supplementary educational programming February-June (5 months)* including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures September-June (10 months)* educational support materials open to: University graduates (22-27)
Medical insurance Contact Info:
Dan Herman, Director of Admissions
Other included features:
+972 (0)52 454-9268 20-25 hours of volunteering per week *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa offers you the opportunity to live, study, and volunteer in Personal expenses Tel Aviv-Jaffa for five or 10 months. Tikkun Olam's Coexistence Track seeks to build mutual understanding between Jews and Arabs in the diverse communities of Jaffa through volunteer work, education, and focusing on the local issues facing Jews and Arabs in Israel today. The program emphasises coexistence, not conflict, is not politically affiliated, and does not take stands on political issues. If you want to encounter a variety of perspectives and ideas that will help you shape your own opinion and take inspiration from the humanistic aspects of Jewish tradition, then Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa is the ideal program for you.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Bina and Daniel Centers tikkun olam in
tel aviv-Jaffa: social action
Tel Aviv
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $5,700-$6,700 (semester)
$8,850–$9,850 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant:
5 months: $3,000, 10 months: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
Additional need-based Masa scholarships Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates:
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures September-January (5 months)* educational support materials February-June (5 months)* Medical insurance September-June (10 months)*
open to: University graduates (22-27)
Other included features:
20-25 hours of volunteering per week Dan Herman, Director of Admissions+972 (0)52 454-9268 What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
Personal expenses DesCrIPtIoN
Tikkun Olam in Tel Aviv-Jaffa offers you the
opportunity to live, study, and volunteer in Tel
Aviv-Jaffa for five or 10 months. Tikkun Olam's
Social Action Track will immerse you in the
multicultural communities of southern Tel
Aviv through volunteering and study, offering
Social Act
a first-hand perspective into the struggling neighborhoods of South Tel Aviv. If you want to work with a broad spectrum of people from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds—including migrant workers from Southeast Asia, refugees from Darfur and eritrea, Jewish immigrants from Central Asia and eastern europe, and more—then Tikkun Olam's Social Action Track is the ideal experience for you.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
lIFe: India/Israel social
Justice Fel owship
Jerusalem, India
Duration: 9 months
Cost: See program website
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: October-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Live for five months in Israel and four months in India Be with a group of like-minded peers, including from Israel Complete two professional internships (India then Israel) Stephanie Goldshmid, Director of recruitment tailor-made to your interests and career goals skype: StephLIFeprogram Participate in learning and training on: leadership, social change, international development, sustainability, project management, work in cross-cultural settings, teamwork, *Visit for exact dates
Jewish sources, Israel and Israeli society engage in field trips, small-group study, seminars, meeting You want to gain international experience, insight social sector leaders and skills. You are smart, love to experience new Design and carry out your own career development project things, and enjoy being with people. You want to (with assistance from LIFe staff) sharpen your vision for the future, and of your Participate in LIFe's four-day learning trip to Jordan part in shaping it.
Learn Hebrew in an intensive study program LIFe is a career and leadership development Open to participants from all around the Jewish program in Israel and India. It is for Jewish world, including Israel university graduates passionate about social change. Through your customized internship Other included features:
in both India and Israel, you will help local Flights to and from India populations, and explore your interests and professional goals. You will gain real-life, Medical insurance resumé-building experience and be trained Transport to and from internship placements in professional and leadership skills. You will LIFE: India
Hebrew language learning broaden your understanding of social change, and your potential role in it. LIFe starts with two What's not included in the cost of the program:
weeks in Israel, and continues with four months Personal expenses (food, phone, personal travel, etc.) in India then four and a half back in Israel. Woven Flights to and from Israel throughout the program are field visits, skill- Vaccinations (LIFe will guide you about what to get) building workshops, Jewish learning, and personal Visas to Israel and India (LIFe provides the necessary and group projects.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
The Israel experience Magen David adom
overseas Volunteer Program
Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,900
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Volunteer placement with Magen David Adom Session2: February-July* (Israel's ambulance service) open to: Ages 18-30
Certification as a medic Hebrew language study +972 (0)2 621-6295 Accommodations for 5 months Transportation in Israel Supplementary educational programming including trips, seminars, and lectures *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance DesCrIPtIoN
When did you last save a life? The Magen David
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Adom Ambulance Volunteer Program, in memory of Flights to and from Israel Yochai Porat, gives young adults ages 18-30 from all Meals and personal expenses over the world the opportunity to become medics Masa Israel visa and to work on ambulances all over Israel as part of MDA's life-saving efforts. There are also options to continue to higher levels of first-aid training and to become first-aid instructors. This experience and training can be invaluable in applications to graduate schools in medical professions.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Israel Corps
Duration: Semester
Cost: $5,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
February-June (5 months)* Orientation upon arrival September–February (5 months)* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: University graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Spend five months volunteering and living alongside Personal expenses Israeli peers your age, making a difference for a community in Israel's Galilee region. You'll live in the same town that you serve, gaining a real-world connection to Sample volunteer projects Include:
Israeli society and its people. Choose from many different Drop-out prevention program for students in volunteer options available or identify a need in the community and create your own volunteer project based on your skills and interests. You'll live in apartments Teaching english in the local schools alongside Israeli peers, ages 22-30, who are studying Help care for dogs at the local no-kill dog shelter at nearby Tel Hai College, many of whom have made a Facilitate animal therapy sessions for children commitment to volunteer in distressed communities as and help care for the animals part of an Israeli service initiative. You have a unique opportunity to socialise and integrate with Israeli society, Plan after-school activities and assist teachers at and really improve your Hebrew. Israel Corps is based in Israel Corps
a local elementary school Kiriyat Shmona, a small town of about 25,000 residents Perform maintenance projects and upkeep at located between the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights, and lacks the availability of resources in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. The Kiriyat Shmona community is comprised Work in a classroom at a special needs school of students, families, and surrounding kibbutz farms. You will start the program by learning the Hebrew language and getting oriented to living in Israel. The orientation has a special focus on integrating you into your host community and preparing you for the work ahead.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Israel teaching Fel ows
Cities throughout Israel
Duration: 10 months
Cost: $5,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: english-speaking university
Local support staff Ongoing teacher training Housing Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Other included features:
Optional host families Israel Teaching Fellows is a 10 month program for university graduates between the ages of 21- What's not included in the cost of the program:
30. The first month consists of intensive training Masa Israel visa conducted by the Israeli Ministry of education including pedagogical training. Following training, participants will live in groups of 20–25 throughout Israel, will receive intensive Hebrew language instruction, and will be placed in elementary schools as english teacher's aides. Israel Teaching Fellows is made possible by the generous support of the Ministry of education of the State of Israel.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Israel Way–Oranim Project Free Community Involvement
Ness Ziona and Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk
Duration: Other: 4-5 months
Cost: $6,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
oranim Project grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates:
Orientation upon arrival rolling every 2 Months* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Ages 19-30
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel Headquarters: +972 (0)9 767-4477 educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Meet other Oranim Project participants from all Other included features:
Oranim Project's Free community involvement program offers an incredible opportunity to spend Community-based accommodations for the four to five months immersed in Israeli society duration of the program as a functioning member of the community. Focused in Israel's underserved communities, What's not included in the cost of the program:
Community Involvement allows you to create Flights to and from Israel your own meaningful volunteer experience or Medical insurance choose from an existing volunteer opportunity Personal transportation in Israel in the community (depending on the community Personal expenses you choose to join). You will be exposed to life in Israel by living among its citizens, volunteering in Israel and working together with your peers as you strengthen your ties with the country and its people.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Yahel social Change Program
Gedera (south of Tel Aviv)
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $5,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Placement in a variety of community volunteer projects open to: Ages 21-27
Leadership and cross-cultural training, including learning units on immigration, community empowerment, and sustainability Pluralistic Social Justice Beit Midrash Intensive Hebrew language study Accommodations in the Shapira neighborhood of *Visit for exact dates
Gedera for the duration of the program Supplementary educational programming including seminars, trips, study tours and lectures The Yahel Social Change Program is an exciting service learning experience for young adults Local transportation between the ages of 21 and 27. The program is based Medical insurance in the town of Gedera, about 45 minutes south of Tel Aviv and combines hands-on volunteer work What's not included in the cost of the program:
with in-depth learning and immersion. Offered Flights to and from Israel in collaboration with a grassroots, nonprofit Meals and personal expenses organization working in the ethiopian community in the fields of community empowerment and Masa Israel visa education, this is a unique opportunity to take part in meaningful and innovative social change efforts in Israel. As part of the Yahel program, you will Yahel Soc
live, volunteer and learn alongside young adults from the local ethiopian-Israeli community. You will learn first-hand about grassroots organizing and community empowerment, see social change initiatives around the country and meet social entrepreneurs and policymakers.
Volunteer and Community Service Programs
Programs in english
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.
Arava Institute for environmental oVerVIeW
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,000 (semester) $15,500 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Undergraduate university students
Supplementary educational programming and graduates (21+) including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures educational support materials +972 (0)8 630-6324 Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Interested in living, studying, and working Masa Israel visa with Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, and Personal expenses other international students while developing communication and leadership skills needed for cross-cultural cooperation? The Year/Semester Program at the Arava Institute is an accredited university-level program that over the course of one or two semesters will engage you in an interdisciplinary program built of rigorous courses in diverse environmental fields, a peace-building Arava Ins
and leadership seminar, independent research (optional), and hands-on field study components. The curriculum is made up of courses in diverse areas such as desert and marine ecology, sustainable agriculture, environmental policy, economics, law environmental ethics, and social analysis.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Arava Institute for environmental M.a. in Desert studies
Duration: 2 years
Cost: $25,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: rolling*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: university graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, +972 (0)8 630-6324 educational support materials Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
The Masters Program in Desert Studies offers you Flights to and from Israel a unique opportunity to study at two leading Personal transportation in Israel environmental institutions. You will spend one Masa Israel visa year at each institution taking advantage of Personal expenses the distinct study and research opportunities at each. Along with a student body comprised of Jordanians, Palestinians, Israelis, and students from around the world, you will also pursue your research interests and take courses taught by AIeS faculty, participating in peace-building and leadership activities, gaining first-hand experience thinking and working in a trans-boundary environment, and developing the Desert Stu
communication and leadership skills needed for cross-cultural cooperation. Specializations include: Agriculture and Biotechnology for Sustainable Development, ecology of Drylands, Solar energy and environmental Physics, Water Sciences and Technology, environmental and Aquatic Microbiology, Man in Drylands, and Drylands environmental Studies.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Ariel University Center of Samaria atZIl research Program
Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $8,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: January-May*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Dr. Nitza Davidovitch educational support materials +972 (0)3 906-6103 What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study The Ariel University Center's ATZil (Academics, Flights to and from Israel Torah, and Zionism) research program is designed for students who wish to conduct research in Medical insurance an advanced supportive academic environment, Personal expenses have earned an undergraduate or graduate degree, and have basic knowledge of english. The program offers students the opportunity to perform research under the supervision of a highly recognized senior faculty member of the relevant department. Practical implementation of research is done through site tours and internships with leading Israeli high-tech aeronautical and engineering firms. Participants have the option to participate in community service in the Ariel community and program graduates may elect to continue to full-time programs and earn a degree at the University. Credits can be used toward degree programs in Israel and are generally transferable to universities abroad.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Bar-Ilan University International MBa
Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,987
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary education programming including field trips, seminars, and lectures Contact Info:
Cindy Sinvani
What's not included in the cost of the program:
+972 (0)3 531-7914 Orientation upon arrival educational support materials Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance Personal transportation in Israel The International MBA at Bar-Ilan University is Masa Israel visa a one-year program providing students with the Personal expenses opportunity to combine business education and practical work experience. It is the most experienced english MBA in Israel and was established in 1997. There are two tracks of study: China/Asia focus or Global enterprise Management. You will gain the knowledge, tools, and skills required to ensure your success in the international business market of today. The broad curriculum includes marketing, finance, management, information systems, and entrepreneurship. Students can make personal and professional connections with the international staff and student body. The program includes a study tour in China. Graduate Academic Programs in English
Bar-Ilan University Postbac Pre-Med Program
Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $27,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Dr. robert Dickman and lectures.
educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Bar-Ilan offers university graduates and highly-motivated career changers who never took Medical insurance premed courses the opportunity to complete Personal transportation in Israel preparation for medical school, dental school, Masa Israel visa veterinary school, or nursing school in just one Personal expenses year, in english, on our bucolic campus just twenty minutes from downtown Tel Aviv. We prepare you for your career as a doctor through world-renowned premedical coursework, intensive Stanley Kaplan MCAT preparation classes, in-depth essay and medical school application tutorials, one-on-one interview coaching, outstanding clinical medical opportunities, and a supportive community. Bar-Ilan is a first-rate university, with linkage that gives its students Postbac P
the lead when applying to competitive medical degree courses in Australia. Interested in a career in audiology, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, psychology, or rehabilitation science? Bar-Ilan's program is a great place to start your coursework.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Bar-Ilan University tel aviv teach and
Tel Aviv
Duration: 2 years
Cost: $24,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Fall: August-June (2 year program)* M.A. tuition for two years at Bar Ilan University open to: University graduates (21-35)
School Internship in Tel Aviv or rishon LeZion Monthly stipend for 22 months Intensive Hebrew language study Dr. Zvi Dank Director Medical insurance +972 (0)9 899 5644, +972 (0)52 Other included features:
Orientation in mid August educational seminars *Visit for exact dates
Trips and lectures Ongoing guidance and support TASP is a degree program for university graduates Boutique program who wish to participate in a two-year work-study program during which they will teach english in What's not included in the cost of the program:
Israeli public schools and study for an M.A. degree Flights to and from Israel in Teaching english as a Foreign Language (TeFL). Personal transportation in Israel You will experience the satisfaction of teaching Masa Israel visa Israeli children english while developing leadership Personal expenses and communication skills. The program includes a teaching internship, a summer orientation on the Israeli educational system, intensive Hebrew Teach and
language study, an interdisciplinary program at the School of education, study at the Department of english and Linguistics at Bar-Ilan University, and many educationally enriching seminars and Israel experiences.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Ben Gurion University of the Negev Honors MBa
Be'er Sheva
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $9,200
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
October-November (13 months)* Orientation upon arrival open to: University graduates (21+)
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study The Honors MBA Program Supplementary educational programming +972 (0)8 647-2594 including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Fax +972 (0)8 647-2882 Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa The honors MBA program was established to create the best, most comprehensive and effective MBA program in Israel comparable to the best business schools in the world. Designed for outstanding Israeli and international students with top management potential. The english-language program extends over 12-week semesters concentrated into 13 months of study. It is implemented in cooperation with senior faculty members at Columbia University in New York. The program's graduates leave equipped with the tools to enter and succeed in rapidly developing global environment. The Honors MBA offers a unique Honors MBA
study experience and lifelong bonds. Graduate Academic Programs in English
Ben Gurion University of the Negev M.a. in Middle east studies
Be'er Sheva
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $9,200
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: August-August*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming, seminars, trips, and lectures Dr. relli Shechter, Department Director educational support materials Dr. Nimrod Hurvitz, MAPMeS Program DirectorHila elkayam, Administrative Coordinator What's not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study +972 (0)8 646-1456, Fax +972 (0)8 647-2952 Flights to and from Israel Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa DesCrIPtIoN
MAPMeS —The Masters of Arts Program in
Middle east Studies is an intensive M.A. program
in english designed for students who plan to
pursue doctoral studies or work in government
and non-government organisations. It covers
several disciplinary approaches and provides in-
depth knowledge of the Middle east, its history,
societies, cultures, economics, and politics. The
program offers intensive seminar classes as well
as Arabic and Hebrew courses, and students
are invited to participate in the department's
international workshop which focuses on cutting-edge topics in the study of the Middle east. The program also includes a study-tour to one of the countries in the region.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Ben Gurion University of the Negev M.a. Program in the
Politics of Conflict
Be'er Sheva
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $9,200
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: August-August*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming, seminars, trips and lectures emily Shapiro, +972 (0)8 6477245 educational support materials What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Intensive Hebrew language study Flights to and from Israel Interested in pursuing a career in governmental or Medical insurance non-governmental international Organisations? Personal transportation in Israel Looking for a rigorous academic program that Masa Israel visa focuses on Israel and the Middle east? Then join the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University (BGU) as it examines the different ways in which global and local processes have formed numerous sites of conflict both within Israeli society and in its relations with its neighbors. The program promotes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of politics that best reflects the complex and global nature of politics today, offering courses on territory space identities and economies from different Politics of
disciplinary perspectives. In addition, BGU is known to have the most vibrant student life in Israel.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School graduate Year/semester
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,400 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$12,000 + Ulpan fees (year)
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
Medical insurance accommodations: Not included (available for
Orientation upon arrival an additional fee) Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates:
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Year: October-June*
open to: University graduates
Other included features:
Academic advising Contact Info:
Timna Zaray-Mizrahi
+972 (0)2 588-3183, Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Books and personal expenses The program offers a flexible academic framework for students who wish to participate in seminars and language courses from a variety of areas. The areas covered are precisely those for which the Hebrew University has acquired a reputation for excellence, and where Israel and Jerusalem provide a natural environment for advanced academic work: Biblical and Jewish studies, religion, Islamic and Middle eastern studies, Israeli society and politics, and community leadership and philanthropy studies. Language Graduate Y
instruction is offered in Modern Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew, Akkadian, Biblical Aramaic, Literary Arabic, Colloquial Arabic and Greek. In addition, students may participate in a supervised internship and/or an individual tutorial with a Hebrew University faculty member. While the program does not offer a degree, a full transcript will be provided in order to facilitate the transfer of credit to the student's home university. Students who decide to pursue a graduate degree at the Hebrew University may use this year to improve their Hebrew and to fulfill certain degree requirements.
38 Graduate Academic Programs in English
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School M.a. Program in the Bible
and the ancient Near east
Duration: Two academic years
Cost: $12,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
accommodations: Not included (available for
Orientation upon arrival an additional fee) Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates: October-June*
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, open to: University graduates
Medical insurance Timna Zaray-MizrahiJerusalem: +972 (0)2 588-3183 Other included features:
Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 Academic advising What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel This program, which is offered in conjunction Masa Israel visa with the Department of Bible and the Institute of Personal expenses Archaeology and the Ancient Near east, is taught in english. It is designed for students who wish to study contemporary Biblical (Hebrew scriptures) studies, providing grounding in Biblical as well as Modern Hebrew. Students specialise in one of 1. The Bible: Cultural and Historical Context. In this specialisation, students study the historical, cultural, and geographical context in which the Bible was composed, as well as its impact on later cultural and historical contexts and events. 2. The Bible and the Ancient Near east. In addition to studying the Bible in its immediate regional context, students acquire a sound knowledge of the history and culture of the Ancient Near east, including the study of Akkadian. (Students may also choose to study other ancient languages, such as egyptian, Ugartic, or Greek.) Graduate Academic Programs in English
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School M.a. Program in Islamic and
Middle eastern studies
Duration: Two academic years
Cost: $12,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
accommodations: Not included (available for
Orientation upon arrival an additional fee) Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates: October-June*
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, open to: University graduates
Medical insurance Contact Info:
Timna Zaray-Mizrahi
Other included features:
Jerusalem: +972 (0)2 588-3183 Academic advising Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel DesCrIPtIoN
This program, which is taught in english, is designed
Masa Israel visa for students who wish to study the Middle east: Personal expenses religion, politics, societies, history, and cultures. The program is offered in conjunction with the Department of Islamic and Middle eastern Studies. Students have the opportunity to study with some of the leading scholars in the field, while living in Jerusalem. Courses are available in the modern period as well as in a range of disciplines in Middle eastern and Islamic Studies, including medieval and early modern history, religion, anthropology, literature, the arts and Arabic language. Students who demonstrate an adequate knowledge of Arabic are required to deepen and expand their language skills by studying modern and classical texts of an ideological, historical, social, religious, or literary nature, in tutorials or through courses offered in Islamic St
the Faculty of Humanities. 40 Graduate Academic Programs in English
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School M.a. Program in Israel studies:
society and Politics
Duration: One year (academic year + summer
Cost: $17,000
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
Orientation upon arrival accommodations: Not Included
Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates:
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, open to: University graduates
Medical insurance Other included features:
Timna Zaray-Mizrahi Academic advising Jerusalem: +972 (0)2 588-3183Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa DesCrIPtIoN
This intensive one-year M.A. program, which
Personal expenses is taught in english, is offered in conjunction with the departments of Political Science, and Sociology and Anthropology. The program is designed for students who are interested in Israeli politics and society, providing them with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the study of Israel, including the study of history, politics, anthropology, culture and religion. Graduate Academic Programs in English
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School M.a. Program in Nonprofit
Management and leadership
Duration: One year (academic year + summer
Cost: $17,000
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
Orientation upon arrival accommodations: Not included (available for
Supplementary educational programming an additional fee) including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, upcoming Program Dates: October-September*
open to: University graduates
Medical insurance Other included features:
Timna Zaray-Mizrahi Academic advising Jerusalem: +972 (0)2 588-3183Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa This intensive one-year program is designed to create Personal expenses a cadre of leaders of the nonprofit world, with cutting-edge skills and ample theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of management, entrepreneurship and leadership. The program, which is taught in english, is offered in conjunction with the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare. It provides students with a broad perspective in the management of non-profit and community Organisations. Students may choose to specialize in Jewish Community Leadership by selecting elective courses in the areas of Jewish studies, Jewish education, or society and politics in Israel at the rothberg International School. Students with sufficient skills in Hebrew may also take graduate courses offered in the Hebrew University faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences and the M.A. program in Management of Nonprofit and Community Organisations in the School of Social Work and Social Welfare.
42 Graduate Academic Programs in English
Israel Business Institute Master of Business
raanana (Israel Center)
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $7,250 (semester) $14,500 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: August-February*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming Carol Karat, Communication Director including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Tel: +972 (0)9 772-8351 and lectures.
Mob: +972 (0)5 420-09347 educational support materials Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Courses: international business development, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, finance and risk management, and projects Dedicated study program for foreign students strongly motivated to finalize their study and start their Study of Jewish texts and philosophy professional life in Israel while developing their Jewish identity. Core content of the program: A two-year MBA Personal and professional coaching program managed in partnership with Open University 6 month internship of raanana (including a 6 month internship); intensive language courses (Hebrew & english); Personal and professional coaching (communication seminar); What's not included in the cost of the program:
study of Jewish texts and philosophy; and discovery Flights to and from Israel of the Israeli society (culture, geopolitics, business). Medical insurance Why this program? Our mission is to facilitate the Personal transportation in Israel students' integration into the Israeli professional market while developing their Jewish identity. The Personal expenses Master Bus
study of Jewish texts and philosophy is provided Accommodations (USD 250 per month all by several rabbis. The academic courses are jointly charges included) managed by professors and professional experts from large international companies in Israel. It includes courses such as international business development, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, finance and risk management, projects management. The Open University's MBA is recognised as one of the best MBA programs in Israel by the Council for Higher education.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya M.a. government:
Duration: One year
Cost: Contact program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
October-September* M.A. degree in Government with a specialization open to: University graduates (21+)
in Counter Terrorism Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming Israel & Abroad Admissions Coordinator– including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Masters Degrees: +972 (0)9 952-7658 Special Masa Israel visa Medical insurance for an additional fee *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
The M.A. in Counterterrorism and Homeland Flights to and from Israel Security (in collaboration with the International Books & other course materials Institute for Counterterrorism) is a cutting-edge Transportation in Israel graduate program that combines academic study, Meals & personal expenses simulations and workshops to offer special tools for critical thinking in this field. each course Intensive Hebrew language study (optional) provides concentrated, in-depth exposure to the phenomenon of modern terrorism and its characteristics, modus operandi, scope, and dissemination throughout the world. You will obtain an understanding of the many challenges this phenomenon presents to decision-makers, security establishments, first responders, legal systems and business sector based on the experience Israel has accumulated in the field.
44 Graduate Academic Programs in English
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya M.a. government: Diplomacy
and Conflict studies
Duration: One year
Cost: Contact program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
M.A. degree in Government with a specialization open to: University graduates (21+)
in Diplomacy & Conflict Studies Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming Israel & Abroad Admissions Coordinator– including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Masters Degrees: +972 (0)9 952-7658 Special Masa Israel visa Medical insurance for an additional fee *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Want to equip yourself to deal with international Books and other course materials conflicts and problems in today's globalized world? The M.A. in Diplomacy & Conflict Studies at IDC Meals and personal expenses Herzliya combines the theory and practice of contemporary diplomacy with the study of conflict. Intensive Hebrew language study (optional) You will gain an understanding of how conflicts and wars develop and how they may be managed or resolved, strategically, diplomatically or informally. The program emphasizes the acquisition of tools for dealing with conflict: negotiation, mediation, arbitration, public diplomacy, and track-two engagement, as well as the psychological, cultural and legal aspects of conflict.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya M.a. government:
thesis track
Duration: Two years
Cost: Contact program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
M.A. degree in Government with Thesis open to: University graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Israel & Abroad Admissions Coordinator– Masters Degrees: +972 (0)9 952-7658 Special Masa Israel visa Medical insurance for an additional fee *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel The M.A. in Government with Thesis at IDC Books and other course materials Herzliya Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy Transportation in Israel and Strategy is intended for students who plan Meals and personal expenses scholarly careers involving research and teaching. While research is at the core of the program, it also includes a selection of core and elective Intensive Hebrew language study (optional) courses, as well as directed study with a faculty advisor. The program offers basic and advanced courses in government, politics, and international affairs, as well as interdisciplinary skills and will provide you with a practical and theoretical understanding of the field.
Thesis Tra
46 Graduate Academic Programs in English
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya M.a. organizational Behavior
and Development
Duration: Two Years
Cost: Contact Program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
M.A. degree in Organizational Behavior and open to: University graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Israel & Abroad Admissions Coordinator– Masters Degrees: +972 (0)9 952-7391 Special Masa Israel visa Medical insurance for an additional fee *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel The M.A. program in Organizational Behavior Books & other course materials and Development (OBD), is a joint academic Transportation in Israel program of the Arison School of Business and Meals & personal expenses the School of Psychology at IDC Herzliya. It is unique in its synthesis of the disciplines of social psychology, organizational psychology, business Intensive Hebrew language study (optional) administration and management. We believe in the importance of adopting multiple perspectives in studying and understanding organizational issues, ranging from the individual to the group and organizational perspectives. Our curricula is based on the "scientific-practitioner" model, by which students are exposed to "cutting edge" theory and research and receive the opportunity to immediately apply this scientific knowledge into fieldwork within Israeli and international Organisations. The program includes two tracks: Track A (with thesis) and Track B (without thesis).
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya MBa in global strategic
Duration: Year and a half/18 months
Cost: Contact program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: November-May*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates (21+)
Wharton-IDC GCP (Global Consulting Practicum) (with professional experience) Graduate Diploma (M.B.A.) Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming Israel & Abroad Admissions Coordinator– including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Masters Degrees: +972 (0)9 952-7658 Special Masa Israel visa Medical insurance for an additional fee *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
This distinctive M.B.A. in Global Strategic Flights to and from Israel Management at IDC Herzliya, run jointly with Cost of study trip the Wharton School of Business at the University Transportation in Israel of Pennsylvania, offers you the opportunity to Meals & personal expenses acquire the tools and management techniques used by international management consulting Books & other course materials firms and become a part of a multinational Intensive Hebrew language study (optional) consulting team that works on a real-life project sponsored by a real client, either an Israeli or multinational company. This Global Consulting Practicum includes sponsored international travel and provides genuine global collaboration and practical experience. You will have access to an extensive international network and work closely with the finest graduates of the world's leading business schools. High GMAT score is required.
48 Graduate Academic Programs in English
Israel Way–Oranim Project NYu-Poly Master's in Israel:
M.s. in Management
Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $29,480 (cost varies per session)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: rolling*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: University graduates with an average
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel Headquarters: +972 (0)9 767-4477 1-888-351-9897 (from USA) educational support materials 1-866-269-6889 (from CAN) Masa Israel visa North America: (216) 691-9840 South America: Other included features:
Graduate studies and an M.S. in Management *Visit for exact dates
from NYU-Poly (36 credits) Premium apartment accommodations in Tel Aviv for the duration of the program The NYU-Poly M.S. in Management emphasizes the integration of people and technology through a What's not included in the cost of the program:
pragmatic, results-oriented approach and courses designed to develop your decision-making skills. You Flights to and from Israel will study subjects such as accounting, finance, and Medical insurance marketing and gain the skills you need to allocate Personal transportation in Israel and direct human, financial, and physical resources, Personal expenses as well as technological and organizational assets, for maximum performance. You can also choose to focus on one of the following concentrations: entrepreneurship, project management, technology management, and human resource management.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Levinsky College of education Merchavim early
Tel Aviv
Duration: Semester
Cost: $7,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: March-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Undergraduate university students
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, +972 (0)3 690-1538 educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel +972 (0)3 690-1538 Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel The Merchavim Program for early Childhood education Masa Israel visa provides you with the opportunity to learn cutting-edge techniques for working with children. The program focuses on the educational, psycho-social and technological innovations available to the modern early childhood educators. At Merchavim educators and future educators take courses in english at Levinsky, Israel's oldest college of education, and live in Tel Aviv, one of the most exciting cities in the world. On the program, you will experience Israel through field trips and tours, with a special focus on Israeli preschools and kindergartens. At Levinsky International School, you will experience an in-depth look at Israel's system of early education, through field visits and workshops from professional experts. We will teach you how to facilitate children's learning, creativity, and pro- social behaviors in an inclusive environment. Our mentors will guide you through your chosen course of study. We pay special attention to educational approaches designed to include students with special needs in the classroom and in the community. Our program allows you to experience Israel while getting a hands-on learning experience that will empower you as an educator in a way that actualizes the Jewish tradition and makes it meaningful. 50 Graduate Academic Programs in English
Schechter rabbinical Seminary schechter traditional
Pluralistic Bet Midrash
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $6,250 (semester) $12,500 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: March-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: university graduates (21+)
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Contact Info:
rabbi Shlomo Tucker
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Director of Overeseas Program educational support materials Flights to and from Israel +972 (0)74 780-0711 Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa Schechter's Bet Midrash program offers Jewish Personal expenses learning with spiritual depth and personal significance, an intellectual challenge in an open, warm, and pluralistic atmosphere, an opportunity to become acquainted with Jewish texts, and a chance to study with Israeli peers and Jews from around the world. The program is open to men and women with a BA as well as a strong background in Hebrew and Jewish studies. Students may choose from a wide variety of classes (taught in Hebrew) in Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Halakha, Gender Studies, Land of Israel Studies, Jewish Art, and much more. The program also enables one to acquire MA credits from the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in Conflict resolution
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $16,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates: October–August*
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials Medical insurance Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Internship placement in related field DesCrIPtIoN
Taught in english, the International Program in
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Conflict resolution and Mediation is a full-time Flights to and from Israel degree program for international and Israeli students Personal transportation in Israel interested in acquiring the academic and practical Masa Israel visa skills needed for conflict resolution in the international Personal expenses arena. This interdisciplinary program is designed for passionate students with strong educational backgrounds, significant professional drive and (preferably) considerable professional experience. Students critically engage with the material through classroom discussion, guest speakers, and mediation practice through simulations and workshops. Conflict R
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in environmental studies
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $17,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates: October-August*
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, outdoor labs, and lectures educational support materials +972 (0)3 640-6616 Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel The Porter School of environmental Studies' new Masa Israel visa International M.A. Program provides candidates with an Personal expenses intensive multidisciplinary insight into environmental studies with an emphasis on Israel's unique geographic and geopolitical setting. It takes place over one year (3 semesters), full time and is taught in english. Students on the program study a broad selection of environmental subjects, through core courses and a range of electives, to gain insight into Israel's environmental history both as an individual nation and as part of the greater Middle east region. The program covers topics such as marine conservation, river rehabilitation and coastal management, and also looks at water as a political issue and how understanding water as a shared resource is key to coexistence in the region. As part of the elective course offerings, students are invited to apply for an internship position with one of Israel's leading environmental Organisations, working in fields such as environmental advocacy, environmental planning, social justice, transportation and green architecture. The internship program gives participants the opportunity to experience the inside operation of environmental Organisations and authorities in Israel, to obtain professional experience, and to contribute to changes in environmental attitudes and policies in Israel.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in Jewish studies
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $15,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates: October-August*
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials +972 (0)3 640-6503 Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Our new M.A. offers a series of intimate encounters Masa Israel visa with the classical texts of Jewish culture, from Personal expenses biblical to modern times. Its intellectual home is in the department of Hebrew Culture Studies at Tel Aviv University, the single largest Jewish Studies department in the world, covering central fields including Bible, Talmud and Midrash, Medieval Philosophy and Mysticism, Modern Thought, and Hebrew Language. Our courses are all text-centred, with primary texts in Hebrew (with translations), and secondary reading and teaching in english. Our aim is to provide our students with the skills and tools that constitute the foundation of Jewish text study, whether in the university, the Jewish St
synagogue, church or other religious institution, for community service or for personal benefit. We help our students to interpret the texts they study in their cultural and historical contexts. Tel Aviv's location provides excellent opportunities for on-site study. Our students can enhance their understanding of 1st Ce texts through a series of guided excursions to archeological digs and other key locations in the Galilee, the Judean Desert and Jerusalem.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in Middle eastern studies
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $18,450, Ulpan included at the cost of
the program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival upcoming Program Dates:
Supplementary educational programming July-September (15 months)* including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: university graduates (21+)
educational support materials Medical insurance (0)3 640-9100 Other included features:
Students can opt to complete a thesis project in *Visit for exact dates
a fourth semester (tuition: $2,000) Geared toward international students pursuing What's not included in the cost of the program:
careers in journalism, diplomacy, government, Flights to and from Israel policy research, and advocacy/activism, students Personal transportation in Israel are provided with an invaluable opportunity to Masa Israel visa acquire an in-depth understanding of the political, Personal expenses social, and economic dimensions of the Middle east from within. Located in the prestigious Department of Middle eastern and African History at Tel Aviv University, the program boasts some of the most renowned Middle east experts in the world today. The program offers a film and lecture series; field Middle Ea
trips to the Arab-Israeli city of Umm al-Fahem, the L.A. Meyer Museum for Islamic Art, Petra, Jordan; and a study tour to a neighboring country accompanied by expert researchers in the TAU Department of Middle eastern and African History. This program requires students to learn both Hebrew and Arabic. The program itself is conducted in english. Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in Migration studies
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $15,000
estimated Masa Israel grant:
accommodations: Not Included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates: October-August*
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Tel Aviv: +972 (3) 640-6599 educational support materials Fax: +972 (3) 640-7223 Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Masa Israel visa Filling a void in universities in Israel, the Middle Personal transportation in Israel east and around the globe, the International M.A. Personal expenses Program in Migration Studies is an interdisciplinary, one year graduate degree focused on international migration. Taught by experts in the field at one of the world's leading Social Sciences Faculties, this program brings the experience of a country that was built on migrants into the classroom. Practical courses give students the opportunity to gain the real-life skills and expertise to pursue careers in public policy, international affairs, politics, academia, and non-profits. Through this program, our diverse student body gains the theories, tools and hands-on experience to explore the newest trends, compare immigration policies and debate some of the most controversial issues in today's globalized world.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in Political science
in action:
leadership, Communication, and elections
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $15,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
accommodations: Not included (available
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates: October–August*
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, open to: university graduates (21+)
educational support materials Medical insurance +972 (0)3 Other included features:
Networking opportunities *Visit for exact dates
Meetings with politicians, leading media personalities and election specialists DesCrIPtIoN
This is a high-quality graduate program that
focuses on the dynamics and complexities of
politics in the global age. The topics addressed
What's not included in the cost of the program:
in the program include: Theories of democratic Flights to and from Israel leadership; elections, electoral behavior and Personal transportation in Israel electoral systems in contemporary democracies; Masa Israel visa political campaigns and elections in the Internet Personal expenses age; characteristics of political communication in the 21st century and others. The program includes day tours of Israel's various governmental, parliamentary and media institutions, guided by top specialists in the field. The students will also meet with politicians, leading media personalities and election specialists.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in security and
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $16,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates: October-August*
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials +972 (0)3 640-9540 Medical insurance Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Students can enroll for a fourth semester in order to write a thesis (tuition: $5,500) Security study tours guided by top specialist Israel is at the focus of the world's attention in both security and diplomacy matters. It is also Ambassador Forum sessions with leading the center of enormous professional expertise in both these fields. embodying that unique knowledge and skill, our program brings together What's not included in the cost of the program:
internationally renowned scholars and former Flights to and from Israel leading practitioners in security and diplomacy, Personal transportation in Israel offering students an exceptional learning Masa Israel visa experience in english. educational tours and Personal expenses meetings with Israeli and foreign officials are incorporated into the curriculum. Students come from all over the world and are encouraged to take up internships and other extra-curricular activities during their year stay in Israel.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International Masters in social Work
specializing in Crisis and
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $18,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
What's included in the cost of the program:
accommodations: Not included (available
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates: October-August*
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, open to: Applicants with Bachelors degree in
Social Work or in a related field to Social Work educational support materials (Psychology, Social Sciences) Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa Personal expenses *Visit for exact dates
The Bob Shapell School of Social Work's Masters
Program specializing in Crisis and Trauma Studies,
provides you with the opportunity to study
stress, crisis, and trauma in a living laboratory.
Tel Aviv University's academic staff has been at
the forefront of Israeli scholars and practitioners
who have developed considerable knowledge and
models of intervention in the field of crisis and
Crisis and
trauma. The program includes deals with both public disasters and personal life crises. Our areas of study include terror, war, and natural disasters in the public realm and immigration, domestic violence, divorce, illness, and bereavement in the personal realm.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International M.a. in tesol:
teaching english to speakers of
other languages
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $18,450
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival upcoming Program Dates: July-June*
Intensive Hebrew language study open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials Medical insurance Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Teaching internship in the Israeli school system english is the international language of communication in the world today. The TeSOL What's not included in the cost of the program:
program at TAU International is designed to Flights to and from Israel prepare individuals for a wide variety of exciting Personal transportation in Israel international career opportunities. The program is Masa Israel visa taught in english by distinguished professors of the Personal expenses Language education program within the School of education and consists of two interrelated components: academic studies in the field of english language teaching and teaching internships in Israeli schools. Students receive close personal guidance and professional support in both university studies and in-school practice. In addition, students participate in intensive Hebrew language studies (Ulpan). Graduates are awarded a Master of Arts degree in TeSOL, which enables them to work in a wide variety of positions in the field including instruction and administration, textbook and test development, professional training and more.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
Tel Aviv University–TAU International sofaer International MBa
Tel Aviv
Duration: One year (three semesters)
Cost: $32,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates:
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: university graduates (21+); GMAT or
educational support materials Medical insurance Other included features:
+972 (0)3 640-7345 Orientation upon arrival Hebrew language study Textbooks and class materials *Visit for exact dates
Career development services and activities International study trip abroad Third semester exchange option Located in Israel's only internationally accredited Internships and practicum experiences business school, Tel Aviv University's Sofaer International MBA combines rigorous academics with multifaceted career development activities What's not included in the cost of the program:
and international study options. Within a one- Flights to and from Israel year format, Sofaer students are able to tailor Personal transportation in Israel their year of study while building the skills and Masa Israel visa network needed to take their next professional Personal expenses step with confidence—either in Israel or abroad.
Sofaer Int
Graduate Academic Programs in English
University of Haifa International School global law Program
Duration: Semester
Cost: $8,850
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Available at an
additional cost
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates:
Orientation upon arrival August-January (Autumn)* Supplementary educational programming January-June (Spring)* including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: Current law students
Medical insurance Intensive Hebrew Ulpan 4 824-0766 What's not included in the cost of the program:
educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa In cooperation with the Faculty of Law, the Global Law Program at the University of Haifa Personal expenses brings together current law students from around the world for intense study of numerous aspects of law both internationally and in the context of Israel and the Middle east. As a Global Law student you will study alongside Israeli students in law courses taught in english by visiting faculty from around the world as well as professors from the Faculty of Law at the University of Haifa. The Global Law
semester consists of at least six law courses each taught intensively for a period of two to three weeks, meeting for several hours daily during this time.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
University of Haifa International School M.a. in Peace and Conflict
Duration: Full year
Cost: $9,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Available at an
additional cost
What's included in the cost of the program:
upcoming Program Dates:
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming open to: university graduates with Honours or
including field trips, seminars, and lectures high academic scores Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Masa Israel visa Personal expenses *Visit for exact dates
Intensive Hebrew language study DesCrIPtIoN
The M.A. Program in Peace and Conflict
Management Studies is a full degree program,
taught in english, combining an in-depth
understanding of theory with applications from a
regional and international perspective. Students
will investigate ethnic, national, cultural, and
religious conflicts in deeply divided societies. They
will study and evaluate different approaches to
conflict management, while immersing themselves
in a region that offers a great deal of relevant real-
Peace and
life case studies. This interdisciplinary program was created to give students a solid background of theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on field experience. The program is based at the Faculty of Social Sciences in cooperation with the International School at the University of Haifa. The Master's degree is awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Graduate Academic Programs in English
special Interest Programs
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.
the Betar Wingate Program
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $8,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: February-June &
In addition to the sports component, students will study September-January (5 months) in a special Hebrew Ulpan, as well as visit a range of open to: Ages 20-30
landmarks and other sites in Israel. In doing so, they will get to know the State of Israel and its society firsthand. At the same time, it will engage Israeli students with a young, hip and dynamic cultural scene.
Program coordinator:  each of the classes  will be held  at the Wingate Academic College,  a noteworthy institution for professionals in the field of sports.
*Visit for exact dates
What's included in the cost of the program:
All courses offered by the program Betar Wingate: An Unprecedented Study And Cultural Trips and seminars Program In Israel Local health insurance (does not cover expressed through a memorable sports and fitness pre-existing conditions) experience, Betar Wingate is a five-month long program that also offers a dynamic and unique Accommodation in ra'anana perspective of Israel.
The program is specially designed for young people What's not included in the cost of the program:
from around the world who are between the ages Flights to and from Israel of 20 to 30  and speak english. They will reside in ra'anana and enjoy the total experience of living in the central region of Israel. The social coordination from the Betar movement will accompany participants along with Personal expenses professional staff from the Wingate Academic College.
Our program accepts applicants in the fields of sports and health. At the end of the course work, each participant will become a certified gym instructor—a certification that's recognized around the world. In addition, participants will take a course in sports management and will have the opportunity to take various classes at the campus, including spinning, yoga, dance and more.
Betar Win
Special Interest Programs
Budokan Israel Martial arts
and Fitness Program
Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,875
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: February-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
September– February* Orientation upon arrival open to: Ages 18-26
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel +972 (0)54 464-9546 educational support materials From outside (0)54 464-9546 Medical insurance Other included features:
Daily martial arts and fitness instruction (focus *Visit for exact dates
on Krav Maga, Judo, and Karate) History course on Jewish and Israeli heroes Budokan is a challenging program that combines Meal and dormitory accommodations for the Krav Maga, world-class martial arts, and fitness duration of the program instruction with innovative educational courses in Hebrew language and Jewish heroes, exciting What's not included in the cost of the program:
field trips, inspiring volunteer projects, and great people! This "mind, body, and spirit" experience Flights to and from Israel enables you to improve your fitness and develop Personal transportation in Israel personal skills while learning about Israel's land, Masa Israel visa history, and people. Whether you are looking for Personal expenses an adventure abroad, trying to get into better Martial Ar
shape, interested in Krav Maga or achieving a higher Karate or Judo belt, Budokan offers you an unforgettable experience. You will gain a priceless sense of independence, personal empowerment, and self-confidence through Budokan's unique martial arts and fitness program. Special Interest Programs
Intensive arabic semester
Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $11,900
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Session 1: January-June* Orientation upon arrival Session 2: August-January* Supplementary educational programming open to: Ages 18-31
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures educational support materials Inon Tagner, 972 (0)52 865-5337 Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Want to learn Arabic in a dynamic, immersive Personal expenses environment? The Intensive Arabic Semester offers you the opportunity to learn spoken Arabic on a highly skilled level while immersing yourself in the local Jewish and Arab culture. In conjunction with learning the language, you will also explore a wide selection of fascinating courses in various topics relating to Jewish and Middle eastern studies. While the program is based at Kibbutz Barkai in northwest Israel, you will become regularly involved in social and community projects in the nearby Arab village Arabic St
of Arara. There, with your host family, you will be able to "give back" to the community while actively practicing your Arabic in its natural surroundings.
Special Interest Programs
Israel Business and adventure
Tel Aviv
Duration: 4½ months
Cost: Contact program
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-January*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Undergraduate university students
Orientation upon arrival and graduates (21+) Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Ariel Bennie Goldgewicht educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance DesCrIPtIoN
Israel Business is a four-and-a-half month-long
academic Masa program held in the Tel-Aviv
Other included features:
Yaffo academic College campus, in downtown Tel-Aviv. Our participants enjoy a wide array of Accommodations in Tel-Aviv academic courses focused on entrepreneurship in the twenty-first century modern economic world. What's not included in the cost of the program:
Courses offered are: International economics, Flights to and from Israel communications, networking, social media Masa Israel visa advantage, entrepreneurship, Hebrew Ulpan, Personal expenses social action, and many more. Our program includes weekly field trips together with numerous encounters with local successful entrepreneurs. All this, together with the close personal guidance of a private coach to assist in the creation of a final entrepreneur economic venture.
Special Interest Programs
Hava and Adam eco-educational Farm oVerVIeW
Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $6,200
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival Spring: February-July* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Ages 18-30
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Gili Chupak (718) 360-4558 educational support materials What's not included in the cost of the program:
Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Personal expenses eco-Israel, the international program of the Hava and Adam eco-educational Farm located halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is a five-month Masa program that allows students to explore how ecology, Judaism, and Israel blend together in a working model of a self-sustaining ecological community. eco-Israel offers english-speaking young adults, ages 18-30, the opportunity to embrace permaculture and sustainable living through intensive hands-on experience and coursework on an organic farm in Israel. Upon completion of the program, participants receive an internationally recognized certificate in Permaculture Design. The Hava and Adam eco-educational Farm is completely dependent upon the energy, creative resources, and time of her residents. All members of the farm, including a group of young Israelis on a year of service, share responsibility in running the site and making it their home. As a large family, eco-Israel participants cook, eat, and work alongside Israeli volunteers.
Special Interest Programs
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem rothberg International School oVerVIeW
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,900 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$12,500 + Ulpan fees (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $1,000
accommodations: Not included (available for
What's included in the cost of the program:
an additional fee) Orientation upon arrival upcoming Program Dates:
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming Year: September-June* including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: High school graduates,
Medical insurance undergraduate university students, and university graduates What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Arlene Gorodenchik Personal transportation in Israel +972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 Art supplies, books and personal expenses *Visit for exact dates
ArtJerusalem, a joint initiative of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, rothberg International School (rIS), combines artistic training, university study, and first-hand exposure to Israel's challenging social, historical, and cultural environment. Studies include a wide variety of art courses in such areas as painting, sculpture, drawing, and screen-printing. Students also choose from a broad selection of university courses in Israel and Middle eastern Studies, religion, behavioral sciences, and environmental studies, as well as Hebrew language. Diverse extracurricular activities also complement the program.
Special Interest Programs
Israel experience rimon Music experience
Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $18,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: September-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: High school and univeristy graduates
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, *Visit for exact dates
educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel expose yourself to music and ideas that can be Medical insurance found only in Israel. Open your mind and expand your musical horizon through a new culture. What's not included in the cost of the program:
The rimon Music experience offers you the Flights to and from Israel opportunity to combine music studies with a Masa Israel visa long-term Israel experience. The rimon School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, with 600 students Personal expenses and 90 faculty, is Israel's largest independent, professional, contemporary music school. Located in ramat Hasharon (a suburb of Tel Aviv), rimon offers seven majors: Composition and Arranging, Film Scoring, Song Writing, Jazz Performance, General Performance, Music Production and engineering, and a combined program of Composition Performance and Music Production. Deserving students receive generous scholarships mon Music
towards their studies.
Special Interest Programs
Israel trail
Multiple regions
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
February-July (5 months)* Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
Spend five months hiking Israel's National Trail (Shvil What's not included in the cost of the program:
Chotzei Yisrael), covering all 933 kilometres of terrain Flights to and from Israel spanning the entire length of the country. The trail Personal expenses winds from Dan, a northern town bordering Lebanon, down to eilat on the red Sea in the south. Hike across Israel from border-to-border and from sea-to-sea using the Land as your classroom and playground to learn about Jewish history where it happened. Along the way, we will break to participate in a series of off-the-path programs designed to expose you to different aspects of Israeli society. These mini-programs range from two to ten days in length and include the following types of • Livnot U'Lehibanot study in Tzfat• Jeeping in the Negev• Volunteer with the IDF• Snorkeling in EilatOn hiking days, overnights will range from camping to guesthouses, hotels, and dormitories. Come challenge yourself to an incredible adventure in Israel! Special Interest Programs
Zoom Israel
Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 or 10 months options
Cost: $8,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
February–June (5 months)* Orientation upon arrival September – February (5 months)* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal expenses Spend five months in Tel Aviv gaining media/technology skills and experiencing life in the capital of Israeli culture. return home with a marketable background in fields such as photography, film, and graphic design. Whether you want to explore a new career path or learn for fun, Zoom Israel is about enriching yourself and finding inspiration in the Land of Milk and Honey. Spend your first few weeks in our Ulpan Course, an intensive Hebrew immersion experience, exclusive for Israel Pathways participants from around the Zoom Israel
world. The remaining four months is dedicated to learning either photography and film, or graphic design. each skills course is taught by renowned professors at the Camera Obscura school in Tel Aviv. You'll gain approximately 250 hours of classroom instruction, earning a certificate at the end of the course.
Special Interest Programs
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in cooperation with the rothberg International School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem oVerVIeW
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,900 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$13,000 + Ulpan fees (year)
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
Orientation upon arrival accommodations: Not included (available for
Supplementary educational programming an additional fee) including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures upcoming Program Dates:
Medical insurance Semester: September-January* Intensive Hebrew language study Year: September-June*
open to: Undergraduate university students
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Paul Bloom, (646) 425-1246 Masa Israel visa Arlene Gorodenchik Books and personal expenses +972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 *Visit for exact dates
DanceJerusalem, initiated jointly by the rothberg International School and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, combines artistic training in dance technique and creativity with academic exposure to Israel's challenging social, historical and cultural environment. DanceJerusalem offers university-level training in the disciplines of Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance (including Ohad Naharin's GaGa), Choreography, repertoire, and Improvisation. Within the framework of a comprehensive survey course, "Dance in Israel," students create, rehearse, and perform works with outstanding Israeli composers and choreographers. Students can choose from a wide range of academic courses in religious, Israel and Middle eastern Studies, Behavioral Sciences, and environmental Studies, as well as Hebrew Language. The program begins with a month-long, intensive Hebrew-language course (Ulpan).
Special Interest Programs
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in cooperation with the rothberg International School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem oVerVIeW
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,750 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$14,500 + Ulpan fees (year)
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
Orientation upon arrival accommodations: Not included (available for
Supplementary educational programming an additional fee) including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures upcoming Program Dates:
Medical insurance Semester: September-January* Intensive Hebrew language study Year: September-June*
open to: Undergraduate and graduate music
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel Arlene Gorodenchik Masa Israel visa +972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363 Books and personal expenses *Visit for exact dates
Jerusalem Sounds, an initiative of the Jerusalem
Academy of Music and Dance and the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem's rothberg International
School, includes a full music program consisting
of individual instruction, performance in small
and large ensembles, and classes in Jewish and
lem Sounds
Israeli music. Students can also choose from a wide range of university courses in religion, Israel and Middle eastern Studies, Behavioral Sciences, and environmental Studies, as well as Hebrew Language. The program begins with a month-long, intensive Hebrew-language course (Ulpan).
Special Interest Programs
Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company Dance Journey
Kibbutz Ga'aton, northern Israel
Duration: 5 or 9 months
Cost: $7,800 (5 months); $10,500 (9 months)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival A variety of cooking classes open to: Ages 18-26
Intensive Hebrew language study Dormitory accommodations at Kibbutz Ga'aton for the duration of the program Supplementary educational programming +972 (0)52 637-6130 including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Medical insurance *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Discover yourself as an artist while experiencing the Personal transportation in Israel unique dance culture of Israel. Dance Journey is a Meals and personal expenses vibrant dance program for dancers with at least five Personal expenses years of ballet training. Housed in the Galilee Dance Village in northern Israel, and part of the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company's Dance Center, the program offers a comprehensive general education in dance, including classical ballet, contemporary dance, yoga/pilates, repertory, repertoire, improvisation, and dance composition. A specialized course in Israeli dance history and music supplements the curriculum. With its direct relationship to one of Israel's most esteemed choreographers, rami Be'er, this dance program stands alone in offering students access to a choreographer as he develops a new ballet.
Dance Jou
Special Interest Programs
Lotan Center for Creative ecology oVerVIeW
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $6,750
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: February-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Ages 18-30
educational materials Supplementary trips within the scope of the Leah Zigmond, +972 (0)54 979-9024 Hebrew instruction, two hours a week room and full board *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Medical insurance (required) Student visa (required) The Green Apprenticeship trains participants to understand and create alternative solutions to issues Personal expenses and travel facing the modern world. By incorporating both Flights to and from Israel theoretical studies and hands-on experiences the Green Apprenticeship provides a solid background in every aspect of Green Living. Topics covered include: organic gardening; composting; permaculture; ecological design techniques; natural and alternative building; sustainable technologies; community design and environmental ethics. Participants also gain project management skills with individual and group permaculture design projects. Additionally, the program includes: Two hours/week of Hebrew instruction; culture and history of the land of Israel; educational trips to other areas of the country; connections to community members through participation in kibbutz vocations; volunteering in the wider Israeli community; and, an opportunity to gain valuable teaching experience by becoming counselors in the Center for Creative ecology's Summer Informal education experience. Participants receive internationally recognized Permaculture Design and ecovillage Design education certificates.
Special Interest Programs
Nitzana educational Community Desert sports Chal enge
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $8,225
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: October-March*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Ages 18-26
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Medical insurance What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Personal transportation in Israel DesCrIPtIoN
Looking for an experience that combines sports
Personal expenses activities in the desert, studying Hebrew, touring Israel, and learning about Israeli culture? Desert Sports Challenge, based in southern Israel's Negev desert, offers you theoretical and hands-on instructions in activities such as rappelling, off-road jeeping, diving, navigation, mountain biking, swimming, and running. In addition, you will spend three mornings a week studying Hebrew and your evenings exploring Israeli culture through dance, pottery, and social activities.
orts Chall
Special Interest Programs
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies oVerVIeW
: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $3,700 (semester) $5,750 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
August-January (5 months)* Orientation upon arrival January-May (5 months)* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: university graduates (21+)
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel: Ilana HaCohen+972 (0)2 673-5210, Other included features:
A dynamic curriculum of interactive learning Specialized tracks: Social Justice Track; Self, *Visit for exact dates
Soul, and Text Track; Jewish educators Track; Peace and Conflict The Year Program (semester option available) brings Volunteer/social action placement(s) together young Jewish men and women (post-university) Communal Shabbat and holiday celebrations from diverse backgrounds to study classical Jewish texts and current Jewish issues in an open, warm, and Pre-rabbinic Track challenging learning environment. The program provides the optimal framework for exploring the ethical, spiritual, What's not included in the cost of the program:
philosophical, legal and societal issues faced by young Jews today. Students participate in seminar-style classes Flights to and from Israel and havruta (partner study), and learn a multitude Medical insurance of topics including Talmud, Bible, Jewish Philosophy, Personal transportation in Israel Modern Jewish History, Social Justice in Judaism, relationships from a Jewish perspective, and much more. Masa Israel visa Students experience life in Israel and encounter Israeli Personal expenses society firsthand through special seminars and day and overnight trips throughout the country, and through weekly social action projects in Jerusalem. It is also possible to focus your studies on Specialty Tracks such as Social Justice, Jewish educators Track, Self, Soul & Text, and Peace & Conflict; a new Pre-rabbinic track is available as well. Special Interest Programs
Kibbutz ulpan
Multiple regions
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $4,750
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: rolling*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Ages 18-28, High school graduates,
Orientation upon arrival undergraduate university students, and Intensive Hebrew language study university graduates Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Ariane Boeken-rubin, +972 (0)3 530-1255 Medical insurance Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Different Hebrew proficiency levels Meals and dormitory accommodations on the home kibbutz for the duration of the program Want to learn Hebrew while living and working 24 hours studying, and 24 hours working on a kibbutz and taking part in its rich and alongside kibbutzniks in various branches on the unique culture? Kibbutz Ulpan is one of the most affordable long-term programs in Israel and offers programs at different kibbutzim throughout the year. Participating in a Kibbutz Ulpan is a time- What's not included in the cost of the program:
honored tradition that visitors from all over Flights to and from Israel the world have experienced for more than six Personal transportation in Israel decades. Today it is an ideal choice for anyone Masa Israel visa looking to spend some time away from home to Personal expenses become part of a type of community that only exists in Israel.
Special Interest Programs
Krav Maga Israel
Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,650
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Session 1: January-May* Orientation upon arrival Session 2: August-December* Intensive Hebrew language study open to: High school graduates,
Supplementary educational programming undergraduate university students, and including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures university graduates (21+) Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance Dror Shalom or Yael Lobel +972 (0)77 205-7001 What's not included in the cost of the program:
educational support materials Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Masa Israel visa Personal expenses Krav Maga Israel is a 5-month program for anybody from the ages 18-25, in all skill levels, with no previous experience required. Participants will increase their confidence, health, and leadership skills through the practice of Krav Maga while immersing themselves in the beauty of Israel. This program is designed to sharpen reflexes, senses, and level of physical strength and performance through Krav Maga. Participants will learn how to "think outside of the dojo (training studio)" and use Krav Maga in a multitude of settings, such as in a car, on an airplane, outdoors, in water, and at night. Participants will receive a unique Krav Maga Trainer Certificate upon completion of the program. Krav Maga Israel is the only program of its kind to offer this certification! In addition to learning Krav Maga, participants will have the opportunity to take tours around Israel, experience the country's rich culture and history, and learn Hebrew.
Special Interest Programs
Tel Aviv University–TAU International a Voyage to Medicine
Tel Aviv
Duration: Semester
Cost: $13,500
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: July–January*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Current university students, recent
university graduates Language study Housing Transportation from TAU to the hospital and *Visit for exact dates
Two three-day trips Health insurance (supplementary) The program will combine aspects of clinical research, academic studies and volunteer work in Other included features:
coordination with TAU International, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Magen David Adom - the Israeli red Cross. Students will study academics at both Tel Aviv University and Assaf Harofeh Medical Center. Volunteer work will be in conjunction with Magen David Adom ambulance services after passing a First What's not included in the cost of the program:
Aid training course. Students will also be invited to Transportation to Israel participate in medical research at Assaf Harofeh Daily transportation (aside from transportation Medical Center.
to and from the hospital) Special Interest Programs
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Year and semester
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $3,625 (semester) $7,250 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Not included
upcoming Program Dates: September-May*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Undergraduate university students
Orientation upon arrival and university graduates (21+) Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, rabbi Gail Diamond, Associate Director +972 (0)2 622-3116 educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Other included features:
Intensive Hebrew Ulpan The Conservative Yeshiva is a welcoming Volunteer activities egalitarian and diverse learning community offering men and women the opportunity to seriously explore traditional Jewish texts. You will study classical texts in a traditional chevruta (preparing with a study partner) and shiur What's not included in the cost of the program:
seminar-type classes in an environment that is Flights to and from Israel open to the wisdom of modern scholarship and Medical insurance the challenges of social change. Courses are Personal transportation in Israel offered at multiple levels in a flexible program Personal expenses accommodating student's individual interests.
Special Interest Programs
WUJS Israel Hadassah a program by WuJs Israel Hadassah
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,850
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Amy Gross (516) 478-9659 Skype: wujsisrael, Art classes and art related field trips Personal transportation in Israel Space for independent artistic work *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Combine studies in Hebrew language and Flights to and from Israel Israeli art with your own personal art medium Medical insurance including: visual art, performing arts, music, and Personal expenses writing. WUJS Arts allows you to take classes in a pluralistic, open-minded environment while drawing inspiration from Jerusalem, one of the world's most unique cities. As a WUJS artist you will have a chance to present your work in an exhibition towards the end of the program at one of Jerusalem's art galleries.
Special Interest Programs
WUJS Israel Hadassah arts tel aviv:
a program by WuJs Israel Hadassah
Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $8,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival open to: university graduates (21+)
Internship in your field of art Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming Amy Gross (516) 478-9659 including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Skype: wujsisrael and lectures, art classes and art related field Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Today, Tel-Aviv is one of the world's most exciting Flights to and from Israel cosmopolitan cities. It is full of restaurants, cafes, Medical insurance bars, museums, galleries, theatres, and more. Personal expenses WUJS Arts Tel Aviv gives you the opportunity to combine Internship in your medium of art with independent time to practice it with a professional mentorship and with studies in Hebrew language and Israeli Art. Possible media to intern and practice include: visual arts, performing arts, music, and writing. As a WUJS artist in Tel Aviv, you will have a chance to immerse yourself in this cosmopolitan yet very Israeli city and be part of its vibrant art scene. Special Interest Programs
religious studies
Programs for Men
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.
Foreign language Program
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,000 (semester) $10,000 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: rolling*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: High school graduates,
Orientation upon arrival undergraduate university students, and Intensive Hebrew language study university graduates (18+) Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Israel: r' Oren Halevy educational support materials +972 (0)50 307-1513 +972 (0)2 646-1317 Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel An exciting opportunity for you to study Judaism Medical insurance and Hebrew in a truly Zionist environment. The Machon Meir english Department caters to Personal transportation in Israel newcomers with little previous Jewish studies Masa Israel visa background, as well as students with more Personal expenses advanced skills. We provide Jewish studies in the morning, followed by Hebrew Ulpan studies in the afternoon. At Machon Meir, you will have the opportunity to be immersed in an Israeli environment while still studying in english. regularly scheduled trips are an integral part of the program to enable you to get to know the Land of Israel up close and develop a true love for the land and the people of Israel. room, board, and Ulpan studies are all located on our beautiful campus in Kiryat Moshe, just minutes from downtown Jerusalem.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Men's Judaic studies Program
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,300 (semester) $16,600 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: High school graduates,
Intensive Hebrew language study undergraduate university students, and Supplementary educational programming university graduates (21+) including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures Other included features:
Courses in Chassidut, Jewish Spirituality, Prayer, Jewish History and Law, Jewish Philosophy, *Visit for exact dates
Talmud and Contemporary Jewish Issues Meals and accomodations for the duration of the The Judaic Studies Program (JSP) is ideal for the Volunteer placement serious student who has little to no background in Jewish Studies, Hebrew language, and What's not included in the cost of the program:
textual study. The program provides students Flights to and from Israel with foundational Jewish knowledge through Medical insurance introductory courses on a range of subjects, including: Jewish Thought, Tanach, Jewish Law, Personal transportation in Israel Talmud, and Chassidut. Many students within Masa Israel visa this program choose to continue their studies Personal expenses by joining the Men's Yeshiva Program, which emphasizes textual learning and independent Judaic St
study. There is no Hebrew language, previous Jewish Studies background, or religious commitment required for acceptance to the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies.
88 Religious Studies Programs for Men
Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Men's Yeshiva Program
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,300 (semester) $16,600 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Men ages 20-29
Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Advanced study of the Talmud, Jewish Law, and Chassidut as well as critical, in-depth analysis of The Men's Yeshiva Program sets goals for their texts and commetaries acquiring textual skills and achieving self- Volunteer placement sufficiency to study independently. The program Meals and accommodations for the duration of places an emphasis on advanced study of the Talmud, Jewish Law, and Chassidut, accompanied by critical, in-depth analysis of their supporting What's not included in the cost of the program:
texts and commentaries. What sets the Men's Flights to and from Israel Yeshiva Program apart is the unique synthesis of Medical insurance rigorous academic learning environment together Personal transportation in Israel with the warmth and spirituality of Jewish Masa Israel visa Mysticism. Classes in the Men's Yeshiva track Personal expenses are generally two-hours long and are comprised of chevruta (study partner) style learning with a follow-up class.
Yeshiva Pr
Religious Studies Programs for Men
shapel 's/Darche Noam
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,000 (semester) $15,500 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Men ages 21-30
Orientation upon arrival Intensive Hebrew language study Supplementary educational programming Israel: +972 (0)2 651-1178 including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Maximize your time devoted to Jewish learning in Medical insurance Israel. Be part of a group of university-educated Personal transportation in Israel and professional men committed to lifelong Jewish intellectual, spiritual, and personal Masa Israel visa growth. Designed for motivated men from around Personal expenses the world, Yeshivat Darche Noam provides its students with expert instruction in classical Jewish literature along with responsible guidance in the area of spiritual growth. Its programs cater to adults committed to making Judaism the center of their lives. You will strengthen your appreciation for the broad spectrum of Torah perspectives by studying the texts upon which these approaches are based. You will form close ties with a diverse and multifaceted faculty and visit with families representing a range of Torah lifestyles. An approach based on mutual respect and tolerance will make you an advocate for Ahavat Yisrael.
90 Religious Studies Programs for Men
advanced Beis Midrash
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $19,300
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: September-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Men ages 21-30
Intensive Jewish study of Jewish texts, history, philosophy, and more Intensive Hebrew language study rabbi Zalman Corlin Dormitory accommodations for the duration *Visit for exact dates
Volunteer placement Supplementary educational programming Are you capable of preparing Gemara, rashi, and including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Tosfos but want to become fully independent in learning? Ohr Somayach's Advanced Beis Midrash offers you the exciting atmosphere of a classic What's not included in the cost of the program:
Beis Midrash with a large body of highly motivated Flights to and from Israel students, a high teacher-student ratio and a staff Medical insurance composed of some of the foremost scholars in Personal expenses Jewish learning, ensuring that you receive maximum Masa Israel visa opportunity for development. A rich variety of advanced Gemara, Halacha, and Hashkafa shiurim help you independently prepare a folio of Talmud and to engage in creative research as you learn to appreciate, first hand, the intense experience of unraveling a complex Talmudic problem. Upon completion of the program, you will be qualified to enter a mainstream yeshiva at an advanced level.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
Yeshivat torat Yosef–Hamivtar
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $7,500 (semester) $15,000 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: September-July*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: High School graduates and
Orientation upon arrival university graduates 21+ Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures Contact Info:
Israel: Yair Spitz
What's not included in the cost of the program:
+972 (0)2 993-3462, +972 (0)50 201-0302 Intensive Hebrew language study educational support materials Flights to and from Israel *Visit for exact dates
Medical insurance Personal transportation in Israel Personal expenses For the past 30 years, Yeshivat Torat Yosef-Hamivtar has been empowering young men to study Talmud and other classic Torah texts in a methodical and systematic way. Our faculty gives each student the attention needed to grow intellectually and spiritually in a manner deeply respectful of individuality. At Yeshivat Hamivtar, you will: learn how to understand and analyze Jewish texts, grow spiritually, and understand modernity and the State of Israel.
92 Religious Studies Programs for Men
religious studies
Programs for Women
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organiser for the current pricing.
Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Women's Judaic studies
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,300 (semester) $16,600 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Women ages 20-29
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Other included features:
Daily intensive Jewish learning and Hebrew *Visit for exact dates
Accommodations for the duration of the program At Mayanot, women of diverse backgrounds study together in an open-minded yet challenging Volunteer placement environment. The Judaic Studies Program (JSP) is ideal for the serious student who has little What's not included in the cost of the program:
to no background in Jewish Studies, Hebrew language, and textual study. The program Flights to and from Israel provides students with foundational Jewish Medical insurance knowledge through introductory courses on a Personal transportation in Israel range of subjects which includes: Jewish thought, Masa Israel visa Tanach, Jewish Law, Talmud, and Chassidut. Many Personal expenses students within this program choose to continue their studies by joining the Women's Yeshiva Program, which emphasizes textual learning and independent study. There is no Hebrew language, previous Jewish Studies background, or religious commitment required for acceptance to the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies. The Mayanot Women's Campus is located in the heart of Jerusalem, in the beautiful neighborhood of Katamon, and is walking distance to downtown and the Old City.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Women's Yeshiva Program
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,300 (semester) $16,600 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: Women ages 20-29
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, Devorah Hirschler Other included features:
Daily intensive Jewish learning and Hebrew language studies *Visit for exact dates
Accommodations for the duration of the program The Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Women's Volunteer placement Program offers a warm, nurturing environment in which to learn, as well as an atmosphere where discussion and questioning are encouraged. The What's not included in the cost of the program:
program enables you to participate in one-on-one Flights to and from Israel study to maximize your knowledge, and provides you Medical insurance with the tools to study independently. The Women's Personal transportation in Israel Program offers the Judaic Studies Program, a non- Masa Israel visa text based track, which is designed for students Personal expenses with little or no previous knowledge of Hebrew or textual study, who wish to study Torah and different schools of thought within Judaism. Yeshiva 1 and Yeshiva 2 Programs are offered for students who have a background in Hebrew and wish to develop, or progress in, textual learning skills. In addition to the unparalleled experience of being in Israel, you will meet and learn with fellow students from around the world. The program is situated in the beautiful neighborhood of Katamon, a central location which is walking distance to the trendy German Colony and close to the city centre. explore your roots, culture and traditions within a true Israeli and Jewish context.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin Holistic torah education for
Women on the land
Gush etzion
Duration: Most students join our year
program, some come for a semester, or a
summer program. It is also possible to come
for just a week or a holiday seminar.
Cost: $10,000 (year)
What's included in the cost of the program:
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
Orientation upon arrival Supplementary educational programming upcoming Program Dates: rolling*
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: Women ages 18-30
educational support materials Israel: elana roth, +972 (0)2 993-4945 Personal transportation in Israel *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel Medical insurance If you wish to explore your spiritual side through intensive textual study and creative expression Personal expenses or if you want to enjoy nature, connect with the Land of Israel, and live a healthy lifestyle in natural surroundings, Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin is the ideal place for you. Whether you are new to Judaism, or seeking a wider, more open-minded holistic perspective, B'erot Bat Ayin offers the opportunity to improve your learning skills while discovering your spiritual essence and strengthening your commitment to Judaism within the parameters of Halacha. Our Torah and Art program gives you the opportunity to express your Torah learning through art, music, creative writing, drama, and dance. Our Garden of emuna Program includes nature hikes, herbal workshops, meditative movement, organic landscape projects, and all kinds of horticulture. At Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin, you learn and practice Torah of the Land.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Neve school of
general Jewish studies
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,000 (semester) $16,000 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
December-June (Winter)* Supplementary educational programming August-June (Year)* including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures open to: Women ages 19-31
Other included features:
rabbi Yosef Azar, Neve/Masa Director Daily intensive Jewish learning and Hebrew +972 (0) 654-4623 Accommodations for the duration of the program Meals *Visit for exact dates
Volunteer placement DesCrIPtIoN
Neve School of General Jewish Studies is
What's not included in the cost of the program:
designed for women who wish to increase their Flights to and from Israel Jewish knowledge, improve their learning skills, Medical insurance and enhance their spiritual growth. For those Personal transportation in Israel with a limited Jewish studies background, Neve Masa Israel visa provides the basic knowledge necessary to lead a true and meaningful Jewish life. For those with Personal expenses a more extensive background, Neve affords the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Jewish texts, a much greater understanding of the Jewish faith, and the skills necessary for independent Torah study. The comprehensive curriculum includes biblical studies, Jewish philosophy, Jewish law, prayer, Jewish history, and Hebrew language. Courses in morals, ethics, and psychology are directed to the needs of the students as women and Jews.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
alisa Flatow
Duration: 5 and 10 month options
Cost: $6,000 (semester) $12,000 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates:
What's included in the cost of the program:
Year: August-June* Apartment accommodations Semester: August-December; January-June* One hot meal per day open to: Women ages 20-30
Hebrew language study Community volunteer opportunities Jewish learning in Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Jewish Law), Talmud, ethics and Jewish +972 (0)2 640-4341 Field trips, overnight hikes, Jewish holiday seminars and activities *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
At Nishmat, all students engage in guided Flights to and from Israel independent learning with study partners (chevrutot). Our teachers are committed to excellence in Personal transportation in Israel women's Torah scholarship, and encourage students Medical insurance at all levels to develop new skills and push the limits Other meals and personal expenses of their abilities. Courses such as Tanach (Bible), Masa Israel visa Halacha (Jewish Law), Talmud, ethics, and Jewish Philosophy are offered on a beginner, intermediate Insert space and advanced level. In addition to formal classes, students volunteer in the local Jerusalem community and go on organized trips throughout the Land of Israel. We deeply believe in the religious significance of the State of Israel, Alisa Flat
combining strong Torah observance with openness to the modern world. Nishmat's rabbis and women scholars represent a range of halachically authentic religious philosophies and share a passion for Torah. Nishmat's warm environment encourages students to make their own decisions about their religious paths. The Nishmat community is made up of a diverse and exceptional group of women of all ages and backgrounds.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
overseas Visitor's Program
Duration: 10 Months
Cost: $10,000
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
open to: High school graduates,
Orientation upon arrival undergraduate university students, and Intensive Hebrew language study university graduates (21+) Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, educational support materials *Visit for exact dates
Personal transportation in Israel Medical insurance The day begins with intensive study of the Hebrew language followed by a lunch and a rest. A variety of Other included features:
classes are offered in the afternoons and parties and other social activities take place in the evenings. Accommodation in the city center Participants are hosted for Shabbat by families from For our russian participants: hotel various towns and villages, which, together with accommodations twice annually, scholarships periodic sightseeing tours, enable them to become from private donors, Ulpan lessons, flights and acquainted with the country. Ohr Chaya students personal expenses sponsored by private donors discover the wisdom of uncompromising, authentic Torah Judaism, study in a unique atmosphere infused with the love and warmth of Chassidut, and benefit What's not included in the cost of the program:
from the most outstanding teachers in the country. Flights to and from Israel Certificates are awarded solely upon completion of Masa Israel visa a professional/vocational course. Core contents of the program: Chassidic, religious studies. What does it include? Full-board dormitory accommodation, tuition, the Hebrew language, land and people, tours, social activities including integration with native Israelis, and provision for professional/vocational studies.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Shapell's/Darche Noam Midreshet rachel v'Chaya
Col ege of Jewish studies
for Women
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $5,000 (semester) $9,600 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $4,500 (year)
What's included in the cost of the program:
accommodations: Not included
Orientation upon arrival upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Intensive Hebrew language study open to: Orthodox women ages 21-30
Supplementary educational programming including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures Israel: +972 (0)2 654-0622 educational support materials What's not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel Medical insurance Do you want to be challenged to grow spiritually, Personal transportation in Israel personally, and intellectually in a supportive, Personal expenses nurturing environment? At Midreshet rachel v'Chaya you will be part of a group of educated, independent women committed to personal and spiritual growth. You will learn how to independently access Torah sources while strengthening your link to tradition. The Jewish philosophy curriculum includes seminal works by the rambam, rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto, the Maharal, rav Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, and rav eliyahu Dessler, among others. Frequent in- depth seminars allow you to explore contemporary issues including the Jewish approach to sexuality, intermarriage, feminism, and mysticism.
100 Religious Studies Programs for Women
Torat reva Yerushalayim oVerVIeW
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $9,750 (semester) $19,500 (year)
estimated Masa Israel grant: $3,000-$4,500
accommodations: Included
upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
What's included in the cost of the program:
Daily intensive Jewish learning open to: Women ages 18-26
Intensive Hebrew language study Meals and accommodations for the duration of Sharona Halickman Supplementary educational programming Israel: +972 (0)52 534-6260 including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars Cultural and culinary outings Archeology class at the Hebrew University *Visit for exact dates
What's not included in the cost of the program:
Midreshet Devora is a Modern Orthodox Zionist post-high school program for women who want Health insurance to live, learn, and feel the love of the Land of Personal transportation Israel. This small, close knit program offers you Personal expenses unparalleled individual attention and provides a warm and unique atmosphere. The curriculum includes Tanach, prayer, contemporary issues, Talmud, women in Judaism, Zionism, Jewish thought, Halacha, Hashkafa/Mussar, spiritual activism, eretz Yisrael, and inspirational Shabbat. Cultural mini-courses including archaeological digs, museum studies, theatre and the arts, Israeli cuisine, and weekly guest lecturers make the Tanach and Israeli culture come alive.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Masa Israel Journey North America Tel: (212) 339-6029 Israel Programs Coordinator, Australia Tel: +61 3 9272 5584 Fax: +61 3 9272 5640 Masa Israel Journey Canada Tel: (416) 398-6931 ext.5721 New Zealand
Tel: +64-27-494-7762 Tel: +44-782-7441422 Masa Israel offers university graduates and young professionals a range of transformative career development, internship, community service and graduate academic experiences in Israel.
Immersing yourself in the culture of another country will add a valuable dimension to your professional and academic experience. Choose from a variety of internship opportunities and gain the knowledge, skills and experience you need to be competitive in today's global economy.
Take action through community service and develop skills as you explore your passions in a place where 3,000 years of history come together with global leadership in technology, business, green energy, scientific research and the environment.
Your adventure in Israel awaits. Find it here.

learn more at
Masa Israel is a joint project of the Government of Israel and the Jewish Agency for Israel and is made possible by the generous support of the Jewish Federations of North America and Keren Hayesod-UIA.



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