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Fighting counterfeit phones Making communication easier UgANDA CoMMUNICATIoNS UCC LAUNCHED RURAL CoMMUNICATIoN CoMMISSIoN ADVISES oN HoW DEVELoPMENT FUND To BRIDgE THE To BUY gENUINE PHoNES P. 7 DIgITAL RURAL DIVIDE P. 3 Daily Monitor FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 Journal UGANDA DIGITAL MIGRATION DEADLINE June next year is the global deadline for replacing analogue with digital TV transmission. Uganda, being a member of the International Telecommunication Union, has to observe the set deadline. PAGE 6 II advertorial journal. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 advertorial. III Advertiser's message Taking ICT to rural areas Know your rights, UCC executive director's message How Uganda's ICT has By JOSEPH BAHINGWIRE an effective role in the development of A warm welcome to our first the communications sector in Uganda. edition of the Communications It is our hope that through these Journal, a publication that wil be made monthly updates, you wil also obtain the available in the Daily Monitor, every last necessary information that wil form the evolved over the years n the process of buying UCC established the Rural Communication Devel- opment Fund (RCDF) in 2003 to ease communi- and consuming products, cation countrywide, especially in rural areas. consumers have a right to Friday of the month. basis of your expectations as consumers Mr Bob Lyazi, the director of RCDF, says the fund safety and security, which This publication reinforces our con- in the sector and demand for the services is aimed at bridging the digital divide experienced includes the protection from certed effort as Uganda Communica- you are entitled to. in rural and hard-to-reach areas in the country where products and services that, tions Commission to provide you with We look forward to your feedback us- the private sector may find it unattractive to invest in are hazardous to their health. information and updates on the various ing any of the other platforms available. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) This comes with the responsi- issues within the sector. Every one of us is services. The fund has benefited areas such as, provi- bility of the consumer to use a consumer in some way and as UCC, we Mr Godfrey Mutabazi is the execu- sion of data and voice coverage and access, Internet the product safely and fol ow believe that a knowledgeable consumer tive director of Uganda Communica- training centres in rural areas, access to public pay all safety instructions. is an empowered consumer, able to play tions Commission phones, introduction of ICT into Education and en- The new Communications abling digital migration. Journal will further guide "Under this programme, we look at what communi- consumers on selecting qual- cation services are missing in a given rural or under- ity communications products. served area relative to the urban or served ones and communication The Journal wil , among other extend such services to bring it to the same level as the key issues, critical y explore PHOTO BY FAISWAL How to protect learners urban or served ones." Mr Lyazi says.
the consumer rights and He says currently, all sub counties have voice net- how they can be promoted work coverage for the use of mobile phones with 154 in Uganda. Other areas in- of them that were underserved being supported using communications clude education and access RCDF, which makes Uganda one of the few countries to programmes and infor- prices,"says Mr Ibrahim Bbossa, the from Internet exploitation with 100 per cent voice services coverage.
mation that help make bet- Mr Lyazi says with RCDF, UCC has been able to ter buying decisions, and a extend data network coverage for Internet services to healthy environment, which many places in the country. At the beginning of 2004, consumer affairs.
includes living and working in Internet services were accessible only in Kampala and an environment that does not Mukono centres but with the support from RDCF, In- damage their health. Basing ternet services are now accessible in all 112 district on the level of development towns of Uganda through an Internet point of pres- of a country, this wil vary and ence at costs, speeds and reliability equal to or better in Uganda we emphasis the than that in Kampala. right to fair treatment. In ef- Communication. The liberalisation regulator, Uganda Post Ltd also known cencing of MTN as the second national "We have been able to provide Internet with the fect, consumers then have the of the communications sector as Posta Uganda, Post Bank Uganda; a service provide and in 2006 the sector same speed, same quality and costs as it is in Kampala. responsibility to make choices has attracted many players in the government-owned financial institution was completely opened up after the es- We also provided public pay phone services to each that minimise the environmen- industry with different innovations.
and Uganda Telecom; an information tablishment of the Ministry of Informa- and every parish around the country," he adds.
tal impacts of your purchase technology and communication net- tion and Communication Technology," The fund has also been helpful in the integration of By JOSEPH BAHINGWIRE work company.
Mr Mwesigwa adds.
ICT in government secondary schools, enabling each In the communications sec- In June 2000, UTL was privatised He says between 1995 to 1998, school with grid power to receive 40 computers and tor, emphasis is put on the when the government divested 51per Uganda had only 3,000 mobile tele- those without grid power to receive 20 solar powered right to access communica- cent of its shares to Ucom, a consortium phone sub scribers but when MTN computers al loaded with relevant science and others tions services at reasonable Technological advancements in Uganda's telecommunications formed by Detecon, a German consul- launched its operations in 1998, the usage content and internet connectivity. UCC also prices. However, consumers sector started in the early 1960's tancy firm in the field of information and number of phone subscribers increased trains teachers from schools in information technology have a responsibility here to although the major breakthrough was communications technology, Telecel In- to more than 5,000. so that they can be able to equip students with ICT consumer sustainably so as in 1997, with the enactment of the Com- ternational of Switzerland and Orascom Other service providers increased the skil s. Currently, more than 1,000 government-aided not to prevent others from munications Act.
Telecom of Egypt. Uganda retained 49 number of mobile phone subscribers to secondary schools have computer labs, Internet con- meeting their own needs. Mr Patrick Mwesigwa, the director per cent ownership in UTL. However, about 17.5 million. nection and trained ICT teachers.
for technology, network and services at Orascom sold their interest in Ucom to "It is in the 2000's that we realised By IBRAHIm BBOSSA general tend to require an instruc- be very important. Ensure that your the Uganda Communications Commis- Telecel, between 2002 and 2003.
vigorous technological development tion manual for what most children computer has a firewall and antivi- sions (UCC), says in the 1960's there was He says in 2001, there was formulation in the sector with the introduction of Executive Editor Malcolm Gibson would consider ‘simple' tasks.
rus software instal ed and that it is manual telephone exchanges for both of the Rural Communications Develop- the next generation systems based on Managing Editors Don Wanyama, Odoobo C. Bichachi It is crucial to establish what chil- kept up to date. Teach your chil- local and international cal s known as ment Fund, which was then launched in Internet protocol such as broadband UCC through RCDF has been able to integrate dren are actually doing online. Ac- dren the basics of Internet security transmission systems;12/ 24 carrier on 2003 to subsidise the provision of ser- and mobile money that have changed Business Editor Dennis KawumaSupplements Editor Isaiah Kitimbo In the era of the massively avail- able and growing penetration of ICT into the provision of health services in broadband, Internet is a critical cess to Internet usual y is in places or hire someone to do it for you.
overhead lines for national, troposcat- vices, especially in rural areas.
the dynamics of Uganda's economy," the country by introducing telemedicine in all issue that urgently requires na- adults consider safe, for example at If you cannot be present, con- ter systems for international calls, tele- "There was also liberalisation of the he says.
government health facilities.
Sub Editor Henry Mulindwa tional coordination and response. home and school. This is a danger- sider other ways of keeping a close graph systems and smal capacity radio telecom sector in 2005, which led to li- Contributors Ibrahim Bbossa, Fred Otunnu, Isaac Kalembe, Parents, guardians and educators ous misconception because Inter- watch on what your children are Joseph Bahingwire & Yoweri Maganda have been cited as key players to net can take children and young doing online, for example, by us- "However in the 1970's, automatic Chronology of events 29/35 8th Street, P.O. Box 12141; Kampala, Uganda winning the fight against cyber- people virtually anywhere in the ing technical tools. As more chil- exchange systems were instal ed with Phones 041 7744100 Fax 041 7744100 crime and cyber threats.
world, exposing them to poten- dren acquire laptops, and wireless analogue microwave transmission sys- Internet has brought untold ben- tially dangerous risks.
networks become commonplace, tems for national traffic and satellite for • 1977-1983: Uganda Post and • 1997: Enactment of Uganda efits to youth, with the number of For safety and security of your it will also be more difficult to su- international traffic that was located at Telecommunications Corporation Communications Act Registered at the GPO as a newspaper people accessing it increasing ev- personal computer; consider keep- pervise them.
Longnot, Arua and Mpoma in Mukono established and operated as a mo- • 1998:Split of UPTC, licensing of ing the computer in a common Set and discuss house rules with District for automatic telex exchanges," second telecom operator (MTN), Communications Journal is published by Monitor Publications Ltd, By early 2009, there were more room and install firewall and anti- your children about using Internet, •1987: Start of Economic Recovery establishment of UCC a Nation Media Group company, in conjunction with the Uganda than 1.5 billion people online glob- virus software. Keeping the com- mobile and personal devices, giv- In 1977, he adds, that telecom and • 2000: 51 per cent privatisation Communications Commission, under the Ministry of ally, up from 200 million at the be- puter in a common room and being ing particular attention to issues of postal services in Kenya, Tanzania and • 1993:Multisectoral inter-minis- of Uganda Telecom Ltd. Start of five Information and Communications Technology.
ginning of 1998. By June last year, present especially, when younger privacy, age inappropriate places, Uganda were provided by the East Af- terial Committee on Investments in year exclusivity period there were about 3.6 million Inter- children are using the Internet can bul ying and stranger danger. rican Posts and Telecommunications Telecom, and first mobile cellular • 2001: Formulation of Rural Com- net subscribers and probably many These rules should include when licence issued.
munications Development Policy more Internet users in Uganda. children can use the Internet and In the same year, Uganda Posts and • 1995: Launch of mobile cellular • 2003: Launch of the Rural Com- Although its potential for good how they should use it.
Telecommunications Corporation were services in Uganda.
munications Development Fund Pro- is undisputed, Internet has raised As soon as children begin to use • 1995 & 1996: liberalisation/is- some new and disturbing issues, Parents, guardians and mobile phones, discuss and estab- According to Mr Mwesigwa, mo- suances of licences for paging ser- 2003: Approval of National ICT especially where children are in- teachers should be familiar lish a list of agreed rules. bile cellular services in Uganda were vices, satellite + VSAT services, mo- Policy by the government with Internet sites used by These rules should include launched in 1995 with Celtel, present bile trunked radio services, customer 2005:End of Duopoly (Exclusivity Today's youth are technology children and should have whether or not your children can day Airtel, as the first registered mobile premises internal block wiring service Period) savvy. They are able to master a good understanding of go online using the mobile phone telecom operator.
& Internet access services 2006: Establishment of Ministry of complex programmes and appli- how children spend their and how often they can use it, Mr Mwesigwa says following the • 1995 1996: Ministerial policy ICT cations quickly on both computers time online including use of what kind of material they can buy passage of the Communications Act statement for telecom sector 2006: Issuance of Ministerial Policy and mobile or other personal de- other personal devices such or download using it, how to deal in 1997 by the Parliament, the then • 1997: Enactment of Uganda Guidelines and start of new licencing vices and they seem to be able to as mobile phones, games with inappropriate items, and lev- Uganda Posts and Telecommunications Communications Act do this almost intuitively. consoles, and MP3 players.
els of expenditure if buying items Company Ltd was divided to four enti- Mr Bob Lyazi, the director for RCDF.
On the other hand, adults in ties: UCC; the communications industry IV advertorial journal. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 advertorial. V Innovators call for support, motivation Support. The government cost effective," she says.
creating local solutions to ad- and universities need to Dr Wanjiku emphasises the dress local challenges or tap promote transdisciplinary need to broaden the realm of in- into local opportunities through col aboration where different novation to other domains and innovation.
PHOTO BY MICHAEL domains come together to sectors, since most of the inno- "It is a good practice to ap- vations are too ICT centric. This preciate and recognise innova- is critical given the challenges tors as this inspires more people By JOsePh BahINgWIRe facing the continent such as the to become innovators. How- effects of climate change.
ever, that process should be "ICT greatly aids innovation well publicised and pre-event n a bid to promote more cre- as it enables design of efficient, support given so as to attract ativity and innovativeness, connected systems, but there high caliber innovators," she especially in the communica- is a need to innovate in other advises.
tions sector, government and areas outside ICT such as ag- other stake holders have been riculture, health services, and advised to support, recognise financial services," she says.
In 2012, Uganda was ranked and appreciate innovators.
Dr Wanjiku further advises in- among the top three countries Dr Wanjiku Ng'ang'a, the di- novators to not only focus on with advanced technologi- rector of innovations at Resil- the technical aspects of an inno- cal and innovation capabilities ientAfrica Network, says there vation, but consider the softer in Africa, according to a study is need to develop innovative aspects too, such as behaviour conducted by Martin Prosperity capacity and empower people, change, which is more often Institute of the US. especially, those who innovate than not, critical in determining In 2013, Uganda was also ideas so that their ideas can the successful adoption of an ranked the 89th most innovative come to fruition and have a innovation, be it a product or country in the world according positive impact on society to Global Innovation Index fol- She describes innovation as She applauds the efforts of lowed by Kenya as the 99th and the process of taking an exist- the Uganda Communications Rwanda in the 112th position. ing product or idea and repur- Commission in recognising in- The Global Innovation Index Communications commission awards innovators posing it so as to deliver value; novators through ACIA awards (GII) is published by Cornell Uni- making something that is bet- as a way to spot local talent and versity, based in America and ter than what was there before motivate more people to start the World Intellectual Property so that it has an impact on the common citizen.
Dr Wanjiku clarifies that such "An innovation should ad- rankings take into consider- dress a well articulated need, SUPPORT NEEDED ation the local dynamics of in- Awards. ACIA awards were on the topic, "Are Innovators hackers? aims to recognise the extraordinary use and automated way. The project eases chal enge that hardly exists or is and the target beneficiaries and novation, and also look at local established to recognise and reward Judge's perspective This taught people what innovators of ICTs to improve the livelihoods of access to information at universities pertinent. Innovators wil tend to value to be derived should also There is need by the universities which are key actors excel ence in ICT innovation towards commercial banks and communities by facilitating Uganda's specifically, at IUIU. work with multiple disciplines but be clear. The innovator should in the innovation ecosystem of private sector to devise achievement of any of the Mil ennium St Mary's Boarding Secondary Whereas there has been a sig- that is not the case from majority also devise strategies to ensure innovative ways of financing Development Goals; eradication of School, Kitende got an honourable nificant increase in the number of the submissions. Great inno- that their innovation is readily She notes that many univer- early stage ideas and The awards gala was preceded by an poverty and hunger, Universal Primary mention for the Business Excel ence of calls for innovations I am not vators wil tend to be "one-inch taken up, by addressing poten- sity students are increasingly availing capital to young ICT exhibition, which attracted at least Education, promote gender equity Award for their innovation in using ICT sure whether I am seeing a corre- wide and several feet deep". The tial barriers to uptake, as wel as showing interest in solving local innovators so they can 40 exhibitors.
and empower women, reduce child to automate the school core activi- sponding number of innovations. reverse tends to be true for most devising competitive business problems and this has resulted further develop their ideas n May16, the Uganda Commu- mortality, improve maternal health, ties. These include SMASK SMS and In the last three years, the quality of the submissions.
models to achieve scale. An in- in an increase of interesting in- and turn them into successful nications Commission (UCC) Winners combat HIV/Aids, malaria and other e-mailing reminder system, results and of submissions has gone down Hang on Apps; innovations novation should attract many novations that are emanating hosted the 4th Annual Com- Beyonic Ltd won the Service Excel- diseases, and ensure environmental report generation system, SMASK e- from my perspective or it could have become synonymous with users, be easy to use, as wel as from the university community. munication Innovation Awards (ACIA) lence Award for their funds-to-phones sustainability. learning environment, pocket money be that the good ones are not mobile apps. It is common to 2014, at Kampala Serena Hotel. platform, which provides cloud-based For the second year running, The management system, digital library excited to submit their innova- hear or read "we will develop a Introduced in 2010, ACIA awards are bulk payment management. Beyonic Pearl Guide (U) Ltd was inscribed on system, and library management sys- tions to these competitions.
mobile app and this wil be free a special initiative of UCC, which aim is the only aggregator offering a bulk the Digital Content Award whose aim tem. A couple of submissions are to download". There is an incen- to promote greater local involvement payments platform in multiple coun- is to recognise the outstanding compi- Students of Lira Town Col ege and quite shallow right from concep- tive for apps development, they in developing innovative products, ser- tries within East Africa. The solution lation of text, images including video, the school at large scooped the ris- tual level and one is tempted are easy to develop and deploy vices, processes and content. al ows organisations to quickly move or sound into an application or prod- ing stars category of the Young ICT to think that the submission is as opposed to systems develop- The ACIA 2014 awards, which were their projects over while stil meeting uct that enhances the value and use.
Innovators Award for their Walk Track responding to a challenge and ment. I am getting worried that conducted under the theme "ICT In- stakeholder quality requirements.
The company was recognised for its application, which eases movements hoping that luck will be on their developers are being swayed by novation for National Development", The service excel ence award aims to Uganda Guide Mobile App, a new in- for the visually-impaired people. side and win the prize.
mobile apps and hardly investing coincided with the World Telecom- recognise outstanding innovative ap- tuitive mobile guide to Uganda built As for the Vuga Team, the Visionar- time to think about systems. munications and Information Society proaches and processes that eliminate for smart phones. ies category of the Young ICT Innova- or challenge My observations day, which is commemorated annually barriers to ICT inclusion in Uganda.
This guide app takes all the tradi- tors Award was theirs for taking. The No or limited research; a num- Concluding thoughts Barefoot Law won the ICT for Devel- tional features of a guidebook and Vuga Wheel innovation seeks to fos- ber of submissions are hardly • Establish appropriate struc- Mr Nyombi Thembo, the Minister opment Award for their Barefoot Law packs them into a small intuitive user- ter and encourage creativity in local informed by research and you tures to support the process, end for Information and Communications application, which helps rural commu- friendly guide application.
manufacturing and fabrication with the almost see "gut" feeling submis- to end, as opposed to focusing Technology (ICT), stressed the need nities access legal services. Medical Mbale-based Islamic University in use of simple, smart technology while By mIchael NIyetegeKa sions. Innovators desire to re- on challenges only. for localising the innovations so that Concierge Cal Centre was runners-up Uganda (IUIU) won the Business Excel- recycling electronic waste! spond to challenge and are not • We need to find a way of at- they can have a wider reach and us- in this category. lence Award for their Academia ERP merely excited by developing tracting venture capital funders DMA Field Tests got an honourable system. ERP is an integrated informa- Two unique awards solutions or ideas for the sake. to our local chal enges. This will Mr Godfrey Mutabazi, the executive mention for their Drug Management tion system for managing the main ac- There were two unique awards; one For the past couple of years, I have been involved in the Lack of research denies one the spur innovators to pay attention director of UCC, said there has been a Application (DMA) field tests and con- tivities of the university in a centralised by the panel of judges and the other "innovation" space playing opportunity to contextualise the not only to the awards but also noticeable growing positive response nectivity; a free and open-source soft- by al the invited guests. Best IT (in the different roles including but not innovation and as such we see the potential of attracting fund- from both individuals and organisa- ware that enhances drug inventory and ICT for development category) got the limited to mentoring, judging, many trying to develop the "fa- tions participating in ACIA awards. orders of health facilities. DMA eases AWARDS SPONSORS nod of most invited guests, thereby problem definition and training. cebook" for Africa. • To the innovators, think be- "This year, we received 281 entries drug access in rural areas.
walking away with the People's Choice The primary focus of my in- No or limited domain knowl- yond the challenge, question is compared to 159 in 2013 and 54 in Also, Breast IT, which detects breast ACIA 2014 awards were sponsored Award while Barefoot Law scooped volvement has been in the In- edge; it is a tal order to develop would you have done this if there cancer, got an honourable mention for by Monitor Publications Ltd, MTN the Judges' Choice Award. formation and Communications a solution for agriculture or was no call for submissions? The Chief Executive officer of MTN, Mr Mazen Mroue (L), hand over the Young ICT their hyphen application, which seeks Uganda, Huawei Technologies, Technology (ICT) domain. One health if you are not equipped Innovators Award to Lira Town College students for their Walk Track application. Is innovation hacking? to diagnose breast cancer by the help Airtel Uganda and Makerere The writer is the Media Relations question that I am struggling with with domain knowledge. The Mr Michael Niyetegeka, an This was at the recent ACIA awards. Such innovators need more support in order Mr Ivan Lumala, who was a guest of a glove named "Hyphen Glove".
University School of Public Health.
Specialist at the Uganda Communi- is whether we are getting innova- result of this is an imaginary so- IT expert, was one of the ACIA to come up with more development ideas. PHOTO BY MICHAEL KAKUMIRIZI speaker, delivered a keynote speech The ICT for Development Award cations Commission.
tors or chal enge responders. lution attempting to address a 2014 judges.
VI advertorial journal. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 advertorial. VII be broadcast. For instance, up model of the device inside the to 10 new standard definition pack, this is a clear indication TV (SDTV) programmes can be Digital migration beckons provided in the same frequency channel as one analogue TV Fighting counterfeit phones that it may not be genuine.
In some instances counter- feit phones only have a model number but no brand name. If ception, particularly in areas antenna. Interview. The number of counterfeit phones a mobile phone is being sold with poor signal strength.
If you do not have an antenna, What is an Integrated Digital being imported to Uganda is increasing day after without a warranty, it is most More services: because digi- you may need to buy one. After Television receiver (IDTV)? day, which poses a threat to telecommunication likely a counterfeit phone. This tal signals use less bandwidth June 2015, broadcasters will This is a television set which services and a danger to consumers' health. Mr is because all legitimate manu- Ibrahim Bbossa, the manager consumer affairs, than analogue signals, digital shut down their analogue TV contains all the components facturers of mobile phones of- spoke to the Communications Journal TV broadcasting will free up transmitters and only digital TV necessary to receive and dis- fer a warranty of at least one spectrum for other uses and signal will be available there- play digital transmissions. services that will ultimately after. Integrated digital television What is a counterfeit benefit Ugandans, e.g. wireless receivers have inbuilt digital TV What is an IMEI and how can When will the analogue sig- tuners and does not require a A mobile phone whose In- I check for it in the phone? Viewing options: digital mi- nal be switched off? set top box to broadcast digital ternational Mobile Equipment An IMEI number is a 15 digit gration wil enable interactive In Uganda, the official switch content. Identity (IMEI) number is not code that is assigned to each IMEI IN COUNTERFEIT video and data services that are off date for the analogue signal Consumers should be careful legitimate according to the mobile phone that is manu- not possible with "analogue" is set to start from December, not to be duped by vendors in Global System for Mobile As- factured in accordance with technology. Broadcasters will 2014 in a phased manner; how- believing that al wide screen sociation (GSMA) database of internationally agreed safety be able to incorporate special ever, between now and June TVs are IDTVs TVs. legitimate IMEIs and a mobile and quality requirements. It is functions to the viewing expe- 2015, analogue and digital will phone associated with an IMEI sometimes commonly referred rience, such as audio descrip- be broadcast in tandem to en- What will viewers need to that is genuine but which the to as the serial number of the tion and subtitles for those with sure that viewers can access receive digital TV? GSMA has not assigned to that television services, whether or To receive digital TV, one particular mobile phone (Also You can check the phone's Environmental benefits: digi- not they have acquired Set- needs a Ultra High Frequency known as IMEI cloning).
by dialing *#06#. In tal migration wil help reduce top-boxes.
(UHF) antenna. Satel ite dishes most phones, the IMEI is usu- on the environmental impact of are not required. In the majority What does the law say about ally printed inside the phone broadcast infrastructure by the With the new technology, of cases, existing UHF antennas counterfeit phones? below the battery. As a rule, the ability to use single broadcast will a subscriber pay monthly currently used to receive ana- The law in Uganda provides, IMEI of genuine phones does infrastructures with multiple subscriptions? logue TV wil be adequate to under Chapter 37 (XXXVII) of not contain repetitive numbers, broadcasters instead of inde- The digital broadcasting receive digital television trans- the Penal Code Act (1950) that A collection of mobile phones. Counterfeit phones continue to flood the Ugandan market, the alphanumerical, decimals, frac- Uganda Communications Commission has set up mechanisms in which mobile subscribers can use pendent parallel networks.
technology supports both free- missions as long as they are anyone dealing in counterfeit tions or letters. to verify the status of their phones. PHOTO BY FAISWAL KASIRYE Job creation: The initiative to-air and subscription-based maintained in good conditions products, unless they can prove will allow new business op- or pay TV. You will therefore, and are properly installed. that they took reasonable pre- How can I confirm that my portunities and more players not be required to pay any They work better if installed cautions to ensure that they about counterfeit phones? ment agencies to track down mobile phone may be counter- phone's IMEI belongs to a in the market, and in turn pro- monthly subscriptions to ac- on the rooftop where there is were not dealing in counter- UCC is mandated to protect criminals using mobile phones feit is by reading and knowing genuine phone? vide more jobs for Ugandans cess the channels you currently limited obstruction. The aerial feits, commits a misdemeanor consumers of telecommunica- to commit crimes.
the characteristics and features You need to send an SMS in broadcasting and digital view. Free-to-air channels will should be oriented in the gen- and may be liable to up to two tion services and is therefore Counterfeit phones affect the of the legitimate phone, for containing your phone's IMEI content-generation. continue to be watched at no eral direction of the digital TV years in jail.
in the process of developing quality of services provided by instance; the price of a coun- number to 8883. You will re- extra cost. Payment will only transmitter tower. Also note However the "Anti Counter- strategies on how to deal with mobile service providers e.g. terfeit is usually less than that ceive a response that will pro- What is the timetable for be made if you choose to sub- that there is no such thing as a feit Bil 2010," currently before the counterfeit phone issue. Us- high incidence of dropped calls of the genuine phone. Coun- vide information on the type the migration in Uganda? scribe to the pay-TV options.
digital antenna as unscrupulous parliament for debate calls ers and those dealing in coun- largely due to their inability to terfeits pass off non-existing of phone to which the IMEI The process of switching off traders may have you believe. for a jail term of not less than terfeit phone will be negatively connect seamlessly to the mo- model numbers as authentic belongs.
the analogue signal in Uganda Will I need a satellite dish to seven years and not exceeding affected when the eradication bile networks.
Visit the UCC website at www.
is expected to be complete by receive digital television? Can I use my DSTV dish to 15 years and/or a fine not less of counterfeit phones starts. Check if the phone model is were you will find end of June 2015. After that, all No, you will not need a satel- receive digital transmission? Mr Ibrahim Bbossa, than 10 times the value of the Counterfeit mobile phones How can I tell that a phone is sold by the official manufac- a link indicating "Verify IMEI TV viewers in Uganda wil need lite dish to receive digital televi- No. DSTV dish can only re- market price of the genuine also cause health risks to users counterfeit? turer. If it does not exist on the code". Type the IMEI code to have a set-top-box (STB) sion. The satel ite signal, which ceive satellite transmission. You goods for traders found deal- as they are said to emit higher You can check by cross- manufacturer's catalogue or of the phone and your query Digital migration is planned to improve quality of TV broadcasting. affairs at Uganda for every analogue TV or use requires a satellite dish, is not need a UHF antenna to receive ing in counterfeits and this ap- levels of radiation than is rec- checking the IMEI of the phone website, it is a sure sign that will be answered, showing you a digital TV in order to receive the same as the signal used for the digital terrestrial TV trans- plies to phones.
which is commonly referred to the phone is not genuine. If the more information on the type Interview. The global deadline to replace This migration would make television services.
digital broadcasting. You may mission.
Phones with cloned IMEI as the serial number. mobile phone packaging does of phone to which the code analogue transmission with digital transmission is more efficient use of avail- however need an antenna. Why should we be concerned make it difficult for law enforce- Another way to tell that a not match the brand name and belongs.
set for June 2015. Mr Fred Otunnu, the acting able spectrum for broadcast- Does a viewer have to Will my old DSTV decoder director for competition and consumer affairs at ing, which spectrum is a fi- change to digital broadcast- What is the difference be- work with this technology? Uganda Communications Commission, spoke to nite resource globally and in ing? tween analogue TV and Digi- Will my existing boosted aer- the Communications Journal.
No, one is forced to change tal TV? ing Service (MMS), which facilitate but TV sets not converted by Analogue and digital televi- Your old MultiChoice de- the sending and receiving of pic- What is digital migration? What are the benefits of digi- the digital migration deadline sion differ in the way the in- coder will not work with this What to consider when tures, videos, and music files.
Digital broadcasting migra- will be left blank.
formation is carried from the new technology because it is Also, a customer should con- tion is a process in which broad- Better quality TV: The digital source to the receiver. In sim- a satel ite decoder for satel ite sider the size of the handset, key- casting services offered on the broadcasting experience, en- How can I prepare for the ple terms, in analogue broad- buying a mobile phone pad, support for a car kit, access to traditional analog technology abled by a Set Top Box (STB) Digital TV migration? casting the signal is in the form What you need is a DVB-T2 SMS, support for hearing aids, size are replaced with digital based commonly referred to as a Preparing for the Digital TV of a continuous wave, whereas set-top-box to receive the new network. In some cases, a small Check the power storage ca- of memory storage, talk time of the networks over a specific period. decoder, connected to your migration is easy and requires digital is in the form of discrete digital TV signal. If you already fee wil be required to unlock the pacity of the battery for example, phone under optimum conditions. The transition or switch from analogue TV set or viewed via that all current and potential TV bits of information. have a UHF TV antenna, all you handset so as to enable it work Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium Ion In the event that a mobile phone analogue television to digital an Integrated Digital Televi- set owners in Uganda acquire In digital, the signal is en- need is to point it towards the with other networks. Make sure and Nickel Cadmium. proves to be defective, a consumer television is referred to as the sion (IDTV) or call it a digital TV STB to connect to the analogue coded and can be compressed transmitting site (i.e. Kololo for A customer checks a mobile phone that there are no legally binding Look out for compatibility of is advised to ensure that they are digital migration. set, offers a sharper, brighter TV or purchase a digital televi- before buying. A consumer should to allow for more channels to the case of those in Kampala).
issues and understand that this features such as Short Message fully conversant with the phones' check for different features before picture quality, with reduced sion set, which has an inbuilt action may also interfere with the Services (SMS), video, camera, In- features and are not merely failing purchasing a phone. Why must Uganda undergo "ghosting" and interference. digital tuner (Integrated Digital integrity of the phone. ternet/GPRS with the model if so to operate the phone out of igno- PHOTO BY DOMINIC BUKENYA digital migration? What is more, the audio signal Television) by June 2015.
WHERE CAN A CUSTOMER BUY DIGITAL TV SETS One should ensure that the required. Availability of features rance, demand a refund, repair or Uganda is a member of the is much clearer, so you enjoy phone is fit for the intended pur- such as vibration, voice recorders, replacement in the event that they improved sound quality as Should someone wait un- Digital TVs are not yet products in Uganda Consumer tip. Before buying a mobile phone, a customer should pose and obtain a warranty in case call records, phone memory, clock, have only recently purchased the available in the market but once such information critically examine it to ensure that it works well.
tion Union (ITU), a specialised well.
til 2015 to switch to digital it does not perform according to alarm, calculator, calendar, games phone. United Nations agency that co- More choice: Digital signals TV? UCC has issued specifications becomes the expectations. and security locks are common fea- for IDTVs to guide vendors ordinates global use of radio take up much less bandwidth No. If you are in an area that The following companies By IBrahIm BBossa phone is relevant. How often, by A warranty or guarantee is assur- tures to have. Note that some fea- The writer is the manager for and importers. However, if spectrum and works to improve than the analogue signals. That is currently covered by the digi- have been approved whom and when the mobile phone ance that the product or phone for tures are network dependent.
consumer affairs at the Uganda you already have an existing means we can broadcast up to tal signal, which is at present a analogue TV, you do not by UCC to deal in ture, and assists in the devel- 10 TV channels in the space cur- 60km radius of Kampala from need to buy another TV Type Approved STBs.
opment of technical standards rently used to carry one channel Kololo Hill where a base station specifically for reception • T r a n s - A f r i c a n thus giving potential entrants has been installed, all you need of the new digital signal. Container Transport Ltd is likely to be used should start to this matter, wil perform according The phone technology in use Communications Commission. f you are buying a mobile hand- give one a clue of what exactly they to expectations. Once issued with ranges from 2G, 3G, 4G or LTE set, there are parameters that a need. Some mobile phone hand- a warranty, a consumer has a right technology. The latest technology consumer should put into con- sets are offered at a subsidised to redress in the event that the pur- used is 4G and LTE technology. CONSUMER COMPENSATION In 2006, Uganda, like other to broadcasting greater ease is to purchase a DVB-T2 set- sideration to get value for his or price or even free as part of a pack- chased phone does not meet the Phone memory, MMS card support All you need is a set-top- Fred Otunnu, the members of ITU, became a sig- of entry, while viewers wil have top-box that you wil connect • Brivid Uganda Ltd age. A consumer should make sure agreed expectations. capacity and strong battery are im- A consumer may be entitled box. UCC wil endeavour to UCC acting manager natory to a treaty with a resolu- many more channels to choose to your existing analogue TV. • Syscorp International Ltd A customer should figure out that such phones are real. In order to seek redress, how- portant considerations for heavy to compensation if the phone make information available for competition and tion that al countries were to from with more content.
This set top box wil therefore on its website and other • Widestar Digital (U) Ltd how much he or she is to spend on Some mobile phones are offered ever, the consumer must be able audio or video files.
purchased is not of the required consumer affairs.
migrate from analogue to digi- More access: digital broad- enable you to receive digital media channels regarding • Widestar Digital (U) Ltd the phone and think of the phones' with a line and therefore maybe to demonstrate proof of purchase Find out whether your service quality/description or does not tal services within six years from casting wil ensure TV viewers broadcast on your existing an- outlets which stock such • eWorld Technologies Ltd.
legitimacy and durability. locked to a specific network and by displaying the warranty receipt provider supports features that en- function according to the terms have improved television re- alogue TV using your existing Considering the usage of the will therefore only work with that or network service agreement.
able access to Multimedia Messag- VIII advertorial journal. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014 UCC conducts first consumer parliament Platform. Consumer parliament enables their concerns, grievances and consumers in general, pre- phone subscribers to meet with the service consequently compel service sented a joint petition to the providers and discuss different issues affecting providers to take appropriate minister in which they raised the communications sector.
a number of issues currently The first of its kind in Uganda, affecting consumers in their By yoweri Maganda the dialogue attracts communi- usage of communication ser- cation service providers, policy vices. makers and regulators as well Such issues include service communications as consumers to debate issues transparency, costs of com- agency set up a stake- that are affecting the sector munication services, transpar- holders engagement from a consumer perspective. ency in promotions, charges forum called consumer parlia- On March 13, UCC organised for ringtones, quality of service ment to enable phone sub- the first consumer parliament and unsolicited messages.
scribers meet their service pro- in Kampala, under the theme He says the petition formed "Fix our phone rights", which the basis of the debate in the The consumer parliament basically highlighted issues consumer parliament as stake- provides platform and oppor- related to quality of telecom holders endeavoured to find tunity to consumers in the com- companies responding to con- ways of addressing the con- munications sector to express sumer complaints. cerns raised.
Mr Joseph Kizito, the UCC consumer affairs specialist. Mr Joseph Kizito, the UCC "Given the dynamic nature of COURTESY PHOTO consumer affairs specialist, consumer issues, the consumer says the inaugural consumer parliament wil help us engage information to consumers was Other strategies CONSUMERS' COMPLAINTS parliament, which was also a with stakeholders better and emphasised. For example, con- Mr Kizito says a number of commemoration of the World to appreciate issues affecting sumers were not familiar with other strategies have been ini- Receiving of unsolicited Consumer Rights day was consumers and service provid- the complaints handling mech- tiated by UCC to improve infor- messages, undelivered graced by the Minister of State ers in light of the prevailing en- anism at the commission and mation available to consumers messages which are charged for Information and Communi- vironment and chal enges and was thus noted that a number in the sector. are some of the issues that cations Technology, Nyombi agree on a way forward. This is of unresolved complaints end The publication of the Qual- phone users raised to the Thembo, and was attended a platform for stakeholders to with service providers because ity of Service report is a "name service providers during the by chief executive officers of have a say on the quality of ser- complainants are not aware of and shame" strategy to let first consumer parliament, telecom service providers, ICT vice and quality of experience the alternative redress mecha- consumers know how their ser- which was organised ministry officials, representa- in the communications sector" nisms to follow."If and when a vice provider is performing in by UCC. The Consumer tives of other regulators, UCC he says.
consumer is dissatisfied with relation to set targets and in Parliament wil be hosted officials, consumer advocacy During the consumer par- the resolution of their com- comparison to their competi- annual y and a review of organisations and the general liament, it was observed that plaint by a service provider, tors. In a mature market, this the year's performance there were information gaps they should lodge a complaint information should inform the on quality of service will Mr Kizito says during the con- and a lack of awareness on how with the commission immedi- consumer's decision on which be made for deliberation sumer parliament, consumer communication services work; ately and not wait for the par- service provider they would among stakeholders.
organisations representing therefore, the need to provide liament," Mr Kizito says. rather spend their money. Interview. In November 2011, UCC signed an agreement with International Telecommunications New team fights cybercrime Union to establish a national Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) to protect consumers of communication What are the common computer unlawful or unscrupulous manipu- cessed 7 days a week 24 hours a services. in Uganda. Mr Ronald lators on Internet.
Bakakimpa, the officer in Any actual or suspected adverse charge of the team, spoke to event in relation to the security of How safe will a person's identity How will this initiative help in Communications Journal's computer systems or computer be after reporting to CERT? fighting cybercrime? Joseph Bahingwire.
networks. Examples of computer We will keep any information CERT acts as a single point of incidents include activities such as specific to your organisation con- contact for information dissemina- child pornography, online bullying/ fidential unless you give us permis- tion, incident report and handling. CERT is an acronym for Com- harassment, spamming / phishing, sion to release that information. CERT together with different part- puter Emergency Response Team, online prostitution, online black- We distribute only composite and ners handles reported and foreseen a team that is responsible for re- mail /extortion, copyright infringe- sanitised information in our publi- incidents to help protect Internet ceiving, reviewing, and responding ment, computer hacking, website services consumers. Cybercrime is to computer security incident re- defacement, online fraud andon- a borderless activity and as such ports and activities such as crimes line impersonation.
Can CERT recommend other UCC has partnered with different committed viaInternet. helpful sources of information stakeholders for knowledge and The CERT services are usually How do people report incidents about computer security? experience sharing purposes.
performed for a defined constitu- The CERT programme cannot ency, in this case, the communica- Incidents can be reported to Mr Ronald Bakakimpa, the endorse products or organisations. Who are the partners working tions sector or a country at large.
CERT through an email to inci- officer in charge of CERT at UCC.
However, many of the articles, re- with UCC to implement this pro- [email protected], the reporting ports, papers, and podcasts cre- What does CERT do? page on the CERT website (www.
rity incidents to CERT? ated by our staff, available on the UCC is working with the Interna- CERT has four main roles, which and telephone: Toll Al consumers of the services of CERT website contain helpful in- tional Telecommunication Unionto include monitoring and handling Free 0800 133 911 or +256 312 339 the communications sector can re- formation and references. New in- implement this programme. Other cyber security incidents occurring 100 or come to Communications port security incidents to CERT and formation is constantly being made partners include licensed Internet within the communication sector, House 5th Floor on Plot 1 Colvil e the services are free of charge.
available online. We urge the pub- service providers in Uganda, the providing guidance to providers of Street. lic to regularly visit our website and Ministry of Information Commu- critical information infrastructure to For more information you can What can be reported to UG- follow our social media accounts.
nications and Technology. UCC is adopt the best practices in informa- follow us on our facebook page CERT? working with other regulators in tion security and raising awareness UGCERT and UGCERT on twitter.
Il egal activities via Internet such How often can CERT services be East Africa under the East Africa levels of information security in the as cyber hacking, cyber threats, accessed? Communications Organisation to Who can report computer secu- child pornography and any other The CERT services can be ac- implement the programme.


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LE TOUR DES ANNAPURNAS LE TOUR DES ANNAPURNAS Népal - NP Considéré comme l'un des plus beaux treks du monde, ce voyage n'est pas devenu célèbre par hasard. Des raisons objectives, comme l'exceptionnelle variété des paysages rencontrés, ont largement contribué à sa renommée. Lors de cette découverte pédestre d'une ampleur himalayenne, vos pas vous mènent en quelques jours des bananiers aux neiges éternelles, après la traversée de rizières, de forêts de pins ou de rhododendrons, de déserts de roche et de sable. De 900 à 5 400 mètres, un monde de cultures variées défile devant vos yeux émerveillés : villages gurungs ou thakalis éparpillés dans les champs en terrasses, petits villages tibétains serrés autour de leur monastère… Un somptueux périple dans le pays des rizières, hindouiste, et dans les hautes vallées d'influence bouddhiste et tibétaine très marquée. Ces dix jours de marche sont agrémentés par la grâce et la gentillesse des Népalais, toujours chaleureux. Le voyage se termine à Jomosom, en haut des gorges de la Kali Gandaki. Un vol somptueux nous attend entre les massifs du Dhaulagiri et des Annapurnas.