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Drugs – lots of them –
lots to know about them
Acid [LSD]
Junk [Heroin]
Base [Speed]
Legal Highs
Bhang [Cannabis]
Liberties [Magic mushrooms]
Billy [Speed]
Liquid Gold [Poppers]
Black [Cannabis]
Lucy [LSD]
Blow [Cannabis]
Marijuana [Cannabis]
Brown [Heroin]
MDMA [Ecstasy]
Mephedrone Meth [Speed]
Christine [Methylamphetamine]
Mushies [Magic mushrooms]
In fact, 60% of 16–24 year olds have never taken an
Coke [Cocaine]
Percy [Cocaine]
illegal drug. So how do you know what's fact and
Crazy medicine
Pills [Ecstasy]
Puff [Cannabis]
Crystal Meth
Resin [Cannabis]
This A-Z booklet gives the lowdown on lots legal and M
Rock [Crack cocaine]
Dope [Cannabis]
Shrooms [Magic mushrooms]
It tells you about their risks as well as their effects
Draw [Cannabis]
Skag [Heroin]
and other information that is useful to know. Like
Drone [Mephedrone]
Skunk [Cannabis]
what to do if you're worried about a mate. Or what
Dust [Cocaine]
Smilies [LSD]
E [Ecstasy]
Snow [Cocaine]
happens when you mix drugs.
Flash [LSD]
Spliff [Cannabis]
There are also stories from people who've been
Freebase [Crack cocaine]
Tab [LSD]
there, done that. And details on where to go for
Ganja [Cannabis]
Tina [Methylamphetamine]
help and advice so that, when it comes to drugs,
Gear [Cannabis and Heroin]
Toot [Cocaine]
you know the score.
Glass [Methylamphetamine]
Trips [LSD]
Grass [Cannabis]
Wash [Crack cocaine]
H [Heroin]
Weed [Cannabis]
Hash [Cannabis]
White [Cocaine]
Herb [Cannabis]
Whizz [Speed]
Ice [Methylamphetamine]
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
anabolic steroids
Looks like: Beer, lager,
alcopops, cider, wine,
spirits and shots.
Looks like: Tablets that
are swallowed or a liquid
Highs: In small amounts
that is injected.
alcohol can help you
relax and feel more
or even kill you. If you
Highs: Steroids help
drink alcohol a lot, you
build up muscles if you
sociable. It can make your emotions more
can end up feeling
take them as part of
• girls – you can get
intense, which might be
depressed. A long-term
a strenuous exercise
extra facial hair, a
ok if you're in a good
drinking habit can cause
deep voice and your
mood, but not so great if liver, heart and stomach
might also help people
breasts could shrink
you're feeling low.
problems. You can
recover faster from such
You might start getting
also get addicted and
Lows: Too much alcohol
paranoid, confused or
become an alcoholic.
and you'll start slurring
Lows: Steroids can make have trouble sleeping.
your words and get
you aggressive, even if
Longer term, they can
clumsy or fall over. You
you are normally calm.
give you high blood
They can also stop you
pressure and liver or
might start crying or
18, it is illegal
getting angry – or do
growing properly.
heart problems. After
something you regret.
you stop taking them,
• blokes – you can get
Mixing with other drugs
you might feel tired or
erection problems,
can be dangerous, and
low for a while. There's
grow breasts, develop
drinking too much in one
a risk of damaging
acne or your testicles
go can lead to alcohol
your veins or muscles if
poisoning which can
your behalf.
make you unconscious
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
It's the way you feel after taking a drug. It depends
When I think of dealers I think of big time
on what the drug is and how much you've taken.
gangsters or people outside clubs. Not
And it depends on how you are feeling, where you
me. All I did was try to sort a few friends out with
are taking it and who you're with. But you might…
some pills and a bit of whizz. The police haven't
1. Get high
told me what's going to happen yet. I could get a
Some drugs make you feel more alert and
reprimand or a formal warning. I might even have to
energetic = cocaine; crack; ecstasy; poppers;
appear in court. Mum was in a state of shock when
speed, mephedrone
she turned up at the police station. She's said she'll
stand by me but I know she feels let down.
2. Calm down
Some drugs slow you down. They can make you feel calm and sleepy = alcohol; cannabis; gases, glues
and aerosols [also known as volatile substances];
GHB; tranquillisers, heroin
See THE LAW [page 25]
3. Trip out
for more info on what could happen if you
Some drugs affect your mind. They distort the way
supply drugs to friends
you see, hear, feel and smell things = cannabis;
– even if you give them
ecstasy; ketamine; LSD; magic mushrooms
4. Get knocked out
Some drugs block out physical and emotional pain
But if the high was the only thing that happened,
wouldn't everyone be taking drugs?
See COMEDOWN (page 11) and check out the
LOWS throughout this leaflet.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Looks like:
Regular users have
Long-term use may
an increased risk of
affect memory and
• hash = blacky-brown
mental health problems, concentration levels,
lump made from resin
including schizophrenia.
which can hinder
• grass or weed = the
This could be worse if
performance in school,
dried, chopped leaves.
you smoke a lot, are
college or work – in
Often called ‘herbal'
young and smoke strong some cases causing
cannabis like skunk.
people to give up or
• skunk = a type of
Cannabis is particularly
drop out. Cannabis has
herbal cannabis. On
risky if you've a history of also been associated
average, it is 2-4 times
mental health problems, with draining people
stronger than other
the giggles. It can
depression or paranoia.
of energy, leaving users
make colours and
tired and lazy and more
Usually mixed with
sounds seem brighter
likely to sit around than
tobacco and smoked as and sharper.
get on with things.
a spliff or joint. Can also
Lows: Some people
be used to make tea or
go pale and feel sick,
can be baked in ‘hash
especially if they've
Just because cannabis is natural
cakes' and cookies.
been drinking. Some
doesn't mean it won't harm you. And
people get anxious
don't forget, cannabis is illegal.
Highs: Smoking a spliff
or paranoid. Smoking
makes a lot of people
it increases your
happy and relaxed and
chances of getting
the effects can last a few hours. Some people
diseases like lung
have one puff and get
cancer and bronchitis.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
The costs are not just financial. Socially
and environmentally, drugs take their
toll. Because drugs don't just affect the
Drugs cost. If you take pills every weekend, you
people who use them: they impact on
could easily end up spending quite a chunk of cash
the lives of people who become victims
in a year just on the drugs. Stealing to pay for drugs
of drug-related crime, and on those who
can land you with a conviction.
have to live with the mess that drug users leave behind.
They also affect workers in other countries
It was getting crazy. Each time I did it, I just
who grow the raw materials, and the
wanted more. I was blowing all my cash on
people who are involved in smuggling
it – and always looking out for a chance to score.
and transportation.
My girlfriend was getting fed up with me having no
money so I decided I had to face up to what
drugs were costing me. Sean, 18
And there are other costs too:
With drugs like cocaine, speed and ecstasy the high Q
• to your health
is followed by a comedown where you might feel
• to your safety
tired, depressed or physically low.
• to your goals
With ecstasy, the comedown following weekend
clubbing can last a few days, and some clubbers
Drugs can cost you even more.
call it "mid-week flu". With crack cocaine the
Check out THE LAW on page 25.
comedown is more of a crash and you might crave
more of the drug. When they crash, some people can get irritable or aggressive.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Looks like: A white
powder. It can be
snorted, smoked or
Looks like: Small lumps or rocks
about the size of a raisin. It's called crack because
Highs: Makes you
it makes a crackling sound when it's being burnt.
feel wide awake and
Usually smoked or it can also be injected.
confident. It can give
Highs: Same short-lived effects as snorting cocaine,
your ego a real boost,
but much stronger and a more intense high.
so you might end up
The hit is quite short-
Lows: Crack cocaine is extremely addictive and it's
thinking you're the world's lived – 20-30 minutes
an expensive habit because the effects wear off
greatest flirt, dancer or
– so people are often
comedian [although
tempted to take more.
so quickly. It can cause mood swings and massive
usually you're not!].
After a big night on
paranoia. High doses can raise your temperature
and stop you breathing and, if you overdose, it can
Lows: Because cocaine
coke you might feel like
lead to a heart attack and can be fatal. Heavy
is really addictive, a
you've got flu.
users often get anxious and paranoid, have trouble
habit can be expensive.
Using it regularly can
sleeping and feel sick quite a lot.
Snorting it can destroy the make you feel run-down,
inside of your nose and
panicky and reduce
high doses can stop you
your sex drive.
breathing. Even young
crystal meth See page 34
people can have a fit or heart attack after taking
too much and people
have died from overdose.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Feeling a bit low or moody the day after – or
sometimes even longer – is part of the deal with
Sometimes it gets more
Looks like: Pure ecstasy
serious. If things don't
is a white crystal powder
make sense any more
didn't feel like
which scientists call
and you want to curl up
myself anymore. I didn't
‘MDMA'. Ecstasy sold on
as drinking too quickly
the street usually comes
interferes with your
and hide, you probably
know where the old me
in tablets and is unlikely
body's salt balance,
need to talk to someone had gone to.
who can help, such as
to be pure MDMA. It
which can be as deadly
Sammi, 18
also comes in all sorts of
as not drinking enough
colours and designs, and water. Reduce the risks
can sometimes be sold
by sipping no more
than a pint of water or non-alcoholic fluid
Highs: You have loads of every hour. There have
You know that drink-driving is illegal. What you might
energy. Sounds, colours
not know is that driving when high is also illegal –
been over 200 reported
and emotions feel more
and you can still be unfit to drive the day after using
ecstasy-related deaths
intense – you might feel
a drug. You can get a heavy fine, be disqualified
in the UK since 1990.
like you love everyone
from driving or even go to prison
In some cases E stops
You need co-ordination, anticipation, concentration
the body producing
Lows: Ecstasy can cause
and good judgement to drive safely. And all of these
urine, so if you drink too
anxiety, panic attacks
things can go out of the window if you're on drugs.
much liquid too quickly,
and confusion. It raises
it can interfere badly
The police use roadside tests to find out whether
your temperature and
with your body's salt
motorists are unfit to drive because of alcohol
makes your heart beat
balance, which >>>
faster. Be careful though,
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
>>> can be as deadly
See HARM (page 19)
gases, glues and
as not drinking enough
What's in your E?
water. You never know
See X – the ‘unknown'
what you're getting with
aerosols and other
an E or how you'll react.
Looks like: Gas lighter
scare or chase someone
refills, cans of hairspray,
who is high on a volatile
substance as a sudden
FRANK is here to give you friendly, confidential
fresheners, tins or tubes
shock can be fatal.
advice on any subject related to drugs:
of glue and nail varnish.
They can seriously affect
• what they are and what they do
Highs: Makes you feel
your judgment so you
• pressure from your mates
dizzy and lose your
might try something
stupid. At the very least,
• looking after yourself
you could get a red rash
Lows: Volatile substances around your mouth, be
• what to do if things go wrong
can lead to coma and
sick or pass out.
• where to get help locally
heart problems and can kill you instantly.
FRANK is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
People have died the
Calls are free from landlines and some mobiles. You
first time they've used
can talk to FRANK confidentially:
them. Squirting gas
• on 0800 77 66 00
products into your mouth
is particularly dangerous
• by textphone [for the hard of hearing]
and deadly. It makes your
0800 917 8765
throat swell so you can't
breathe and makes
• by going to www.talktofrank.com
your heart slow down.
• by emailing [email protected]
It's important not to
it to get high.
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Substances are not safe and can cause long-
Looks like: They are clear
term harm. The safest option is not to use drugs.
liquids with no smell, which taste slightly salty. They come
Anyone who does take drugs should:
in small bottles or capsules.
• avoid mixing drugs – see MIXING IT [page 35]
Sometimes comes in powder
form. GHB and GBL have
much the same effect,
• pace themselves – it can take a while for
because GBL is turned into
substances to kick in
GHB by the body.
• take a break – if they're dancing, they should
Highs: Can make you feel euphoric, sensual and
take regular breaks to cool down, drink water
uninhibited. Effects can last up to a whole day.
and check how they're feeling
Lows: You might feel sick, you can get muscle
• keep hydrated [especially if taking ecstasy and
tremors and you might lose consciousness. It can
speed while clubbing]. It's best to sip fruit juice
be fatal if it's mixed with alcohol or other drugs.
or isotonic sports drinks regularly [no more than
Take too much and you'll start to feel sleepy
and out of it. We don't know what the long-term
• keep track of the amount they're using –
effects of GHB are but you can become physically
to avoid an overdose
dependent on high doses with dangerous
withdrawals in some people.
• stay with other people – especially if they start
• take it easy the morning after – to help their
body recover. That means simple, healthy stuff
like water, toast and orange juice
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Looks like: Pure heroin is white
The first time I took coke I was at a party and
and is rarely seen on the streets. Street heroin is more
up for a good time. I felt like I was IT after I'd
likely to vary in colour from dark brown to yellowish
done it. After a while, coke was ruling my social life. But the highs weren't as good as they used to be,
off-white. It can be smoked, snorted or dissolved in
so when someone suggested crack I decided to try
water and injected or heated and inhaled [called
it. Before long, that was what I'd choose if I could
‘chasing the dragon'].
get my hands on it. The only thing was, I always felt
Highs: Heroin slows your body down and stops pain.
really ill afterwards. One night, a couple of guys I
Most people get a big rush or buzz a few minutes
was with were smoking heroin to get through the
after taking it, which can make them feel good
crash. They said I should take some. I‘d always seen
about themselves.
myself as someone who took drugs to have a laugh.
This made me realise I was in too deep. Getting into
Lows: Heroin is very addictive and your body gets
heroin was never part of the plan. Haylee, 17
used to it very quickly so you have to take more
and more just to feel ‘normal' and avoid severe
withdrawals. You can get sleepy, dizzy or vomit; too much can put you in a coma or even kill you,
especially if taken with alcohol. If you take it with
other drugs – including alcohol – you are more likely
to overdose.
See page 23 for info on INJECTING
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Wish you were here?
Cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin and speed are
Weather is hot – so
Friendly locals – and
there's more chance of
you'll be treated like a
It takes the drug straight into the bloodstream so it
getting dehydrated if
local if you get caught
gives people a quicker, bigger high.
you're taking ecstasy or
speed. Putting alcohol
Injecting can massively increase the risk
into the mix can make
of an overdose, cause vein damage,
things even worse.
ulcers and gangrene and spread HIV and
Loads to do – but don't
viral hepatitis. Injecting a ‘speedball' –
cocaine and heroin – can be deadly.
get off your head so
you can't find your way
back to your hotel or
end up doing something
New experiences –
different food, scenery,
clubs and people. Is it
Drugs can make a job – or school or college –
wise to experiment
really hard work.
with something like
They can mess up the way you act, how well you
drugs when you're in
can focus, what you remember and how you deal
an unfamiliar place?
will not let you
with people. And a drug conviction might stop you
And that's without the
getting your dream job or lose the one you have.
risks you face if you
FRANK fact].
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
There are two offences police can charge you with
if you are caught with drugs:
Looks like: Usually comes as a
• this isn't the first time
grainy white powder which is
you've been caught
snorted or bought as a tablet.
If you are caught with
drugs the police will
Highs: Ketamine makes you
always take action,
hallucinate (see and hear
(which includes the
even if it's only a
offences Possession With
things that aren't there). You
small amount. What
can experience the effects
Intent to Supply, Offer to
happens depends on
for up to 3 hours [depending
Supply and Supply)
the circumstances. You
on the dose] and you might have an ‘out of body'
might get a warning
Dealing is much more
and have the drug
serious and includes
Lows: It's an anaesthetic and stops you feeling pain,
confiscated or, if it's
being caught with drugs O
so you're in danger of injuring yourself badly without
more serious, you will be
that you were going to
knowing you've done it. Sometimes people are
arrested. The police will
share with your mates.
physically incapable of moving. It can cause panic
think it's more serious if:
A drug dealer could end
attacks, depression and, in large doses, can make
• you've been caught
up in jail for a long time
mental health problems like schizophrenia worse.
with class A drugs
[see maximum penalties
Large doses can make it difficult to breathe and
on page 26].
can cause heart failure. If you're sick, there's a risk
you could choke on your vomit.
A criminal record could affect your
See SAFETY [page 40]
chances of getting a job or going on
holiday abroad. Remember – drug-driving
is as illegal as drink-driving and carries the
same penalties.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
The three Classes of illegal drugs
Illegal drugs are put into three categories:
Class A, B and C. Class A are the most harmful
and have the biggest penalties.
• there are many different ‘legal highs' but most
come as pills or powders
Class A – cocaine
Possession – 7 years in prison
• under current medicines legislation it's illegal to
and crack cocaine, and an unlimited fine
sell, supply or advertise ‘legal highs' for human
Possession With Intent to
ecstasy, heroin,
consumption. In an attempt to get round this
Supply or Supply – Life in
sellers refer to them as research chemicals, plant
prison and an unlimited fine
food or bath crystals.
Feels like:
Class B – cannabis, Possession – 5 years in prison
• mimics the effects of illegal drugs, such as cocaine M
and an unlimited fine
Class A if prepared
Possession With Intent to
Possible side effects and risks:
Supply or Supply – 14 years in
prison and an unlimited fine
• there has been very little or no useful research into Q
the effects of many ‘legal highs'
Class C – anabolic
Possession – 2 years in prison
steroids, ketamine
and an unlimited fine
• It is becoming increasingly clear that ‘legal highs'
and tranquillisers
are far from harmless and have similar health risks
Possession With Intent to
Supply or Supply – 14 years in
prison and an unlimited fine
• reduced inhibitions, drowsiness, excited or
paranoid states, seizures, coma and even
death are possible side effects
• Using with alcohol or other drugs can increase
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
It is likely that drugs sold as a ‘legal
high' may actually contain one or more
substances that are actually illegal to
possess. Some websites selling "legal highs"
are actually selling substances which
contain illegal substances.
Looks like: Tiny squares of
paper called ‘tabs', usually
Just because a substance is called a
with pictures on them.
‘legal high' doesn't mean that it is either
safe to use or legal to possess and supply.
Highs: The experience or "a trip" makes you
hallucinate [see or hear things that aren't there]
and feeds off your imagination for up to 12 hours. Colours and sounds can be more intense, and
objects, time and movement are often distorted.
Lows: If you panic on a trip it can be scary and
confusing. A bad trip can be your worst nightmare
One E or a few spliffs
come to life – you could harm yourself while having
will make you look a bit
I couldn't bear to
a bad trip and you might also get flashbacks days
out of it. But long-term
look in the mirror
or months after the event.
drug use can affect
any more – I looked
There's no evidence to suggest LSD does any
really old, my skin was
long-term physical damage, but if you have
including your skin, hair
pasty and spotty, my
mental health problems, it can make them worse.
and weight. And your
eyes were black and I
If you have a history of serious mental health
personal hygiene might
hadn't even bothered
problems in your family, LSD may accentuate any
end up taking a back
to keep my clothes
vulnerability to mental health problems.
clean. Stacey, 17
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Got a mate taking drugs?
Is it doing your head in as well as theirs? You could
Looks like: Raw or dried
try talking to them. Check out the tips below:
mushrooms. There are two types; the ‘Liberty Cap' is
1. Decide what you want 5. Listen to them. If they
small and tan coloured. The
go for help, offer to go
to say before you begin.
‘fly agaric' looks like a red
What do you think the
and white toadstool.
problem is and what do
At the end of the day,
Highs: Like LSD, but the trip
you want them to do?
if you can't accept
is often milder and shorter
2. Pick your moment.
their choices, you
and typically lasts about 4 hours. People feel giggly
Talk to them when
need to decide whether M
and confident. Taking lots of mushrooms can distort
you're calm and when
you want to carry on
colour, sound, objects, time and movement.
they are not high.
being mates.
Lows: Mushrooms make some people dizzy, sick or
3. Avoid asking ‘why?'
If they need help [or you
have diarrhoea. They can make you hallucinate
Instead, ask questions
need help to deal with
[which means you could see or hear things that
that start with how,
them], FRANK can help.
aren't really there] and this can be frightening. You
when, what or where.
could get flashbacks where you re-live part of the
trip and, as with LSD, bad trips can be terrifying.
4. Focus on them, not
If you have a mental health problem, magic
the drugs. The drugs
mushrooms might complicate it. And there's always
aren't doing anything to
the risk of taking a poisonous mushroom by mistake
you – your mate is. You need to explain how
as they look quite similar.
their behaviour affects
you. Are they unreliable?
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And not to be confused with
Methadone (not be
confused with Mephedrone) is a manufactured drug that
Looks like: A fine white, off-
has similar effects to heroin,
white or yellowish powder
although it doesn't give the
which is snorted like cocaine
same degree of high. It is
or wrapped in paper and swallowed (‘bombed' is the
used as a substitute for
slang name for this). It can
heroin in the treatment of
also be smoked and in some rare cases people
heroin addiction.
inject it. It also comes in capsules and pills.
Highs: Users feel alert, confident, euphoric and
talkative, and some feel greater empathy with
Lows: Mephedrone can cause anxiety and
paranoia and can overstimulate the nervous
system which can cause fits, agitation and
hallucinations. It can also overstimulate the heart
and circulation. It has also been linked to a number
of deaths in the UK.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
mixing it
All drugs carry risks. But mixing them can make
things a lot more dangerous.
aka Methylamphetamine –
heroin or tranquillisers
stimulants [like cocaine
Crystal Meth
and alcohol
and speed] + alcohol
Looks like: It's a type of
‘Downer' drugs like this
These both put pressure
amphetamine that comes as
slow down your heart
on the heart, increasing
a tablet, powder or crystals.
rate and breathing.
the risk of heart attack.
Highs: Gives a very intense
Overdose is much more
stimulants + stimulants
likely when these drugs
rush similar to crack cocaine
Sometimes the effects
are combined, as they
but lasting between 4 and 12 hours. It suppresses
of one stimulant don't
the appetite and keeps you awake.
make the 'downer'
kick in straight away so
effect even stronger
people take something
Lows: Crystal meth is very addictive and people
and can have fatal
else. This can give an
often end up bingeing on it. It can cause mental
health problems and affect your appearance. Your
unpleasant effect and
teeth and gums could rot away [known as ‘meth
heroin + cocaine
can put a serious strain
mouth'] and you could get nausea, vomiting and
Known as a ‘speedball',
on the heart.
diarrhoea. Some people get skin ulcers through
this can be deadly.
ecstasy + cannabis
picking at bugs they imagine are crawling under
cocaine + alcohol
Sometimes people
their skin. While on the drug, users often indulge in
Produces a highly toxic
take cannabis to take
risky sexual behaviour.
substance in the body
the edge off an ecstasy
called cocaethylene
trip. But instead of
which affects your
calming you down, it
heart and stays in your
could make you anxious
system longer than
and paranoid.
cocaine alone.
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0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
There's no such thing
With some drugs like
We'd been hanging out, having a few drinks
as a safe amount to
cocaine and heroin,
and then went back to my friend Paul's
take. And you don't
your tolerance can
house. His brother and a couple of other mates had
know how you might
build up very quickly,
react differently to other
so you need more and
been clubbing and had all taken some Es. I don't
people. But an overdose more to get the same
know what else they'd had but they were all off their heads. His brother rolled a spliff and it started
is when you take so
high. If you then take a
doing the rounds. Paul took a puff and passed it to
much your body can't
break your tolerance
me. I'd never done cannabis before so I tried it – I
cope. If this happens
goes down. It's easy to
didn't want my mates to think I couldn't
you'll need urgent
take too much.
handle it. Nick, 16
When someone's on ecstasy, LSD, mushrooms or
speed there's a risk they might panic. So how do you deal with it?
• calm them down and be reassuring
• steer them clear of crowds, noisy music and
• tell them to take long slow breaths
• if someone's high [especially on volatile
substances], don't scare them – it could kill them
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Looks like: Poppers come in
Don't keep them bottled up. FRANK can give
small bottles filled with liquid
you friendly, confidential help and advice on
chemicals called alkyl nitrites.
0800 77 66 00 or at talktofrank.com or by email
They are sold in sex shops,
[email protected]. FRANK is available 24 hours
clubs and gay bars.
Highs: You get a head rush
that lasts a couple of minutes. Sniffing poppers during sex
can make sexual organs feel bigger and make
orgasms feel like they last longer.
The effects don't last long and can leave
recovery position while
people feeling sick, faint and weak. They can give
you're waiting for help to
you a severe headache, or a rash around your nose
arrive. Always call 999 straight
and mouth. They can burn your skin if you spill them
away if you think someone is not
or kill you if you swallow them. Taking poppers is a
breathing properly or is unconscious.
bad idea for anyone with chest or heart problems,
or if you are anaemic or have glaucoma [an eye disorder]. Some men say they have trouble getting
an erection after sniffing poppers. Poppers are
not addictive but they are toxic. Using Viagra and
No drug is completely safe. There are lots of
poppers together can affect your heart.
• HARM – see page 19
• SAFETY – see page 40
• LOWS – these are different for each drug. See their Y
individual pages for more info.
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
You are at risk when you are on drugs:
Some drugs make you less choosy
• being reckless
Volatile substances [which include gases, glues and
• being attacked –
aerosols], GHB and alcohol make you less inhibited,
drugs can make you
make sure your drinks
so you might pull someone you wouldn't usually
feel invincible, putting
aren't tampered with
look twice at.
yourself or others at risk
so you're not at risk of
drug-assisted sexual
Some drugs let you down
• making bad decisions
Alcohol, tranquillisers and heroin can turn a big night of passion into a big night of nothing.
– some drugs can
• getting in with the
Regular heroin users can lose their sex drive
cloud your judgement
wrong crowd – you
altogether. You could end up taking more risks
might end up getting
and do things you wouldn't normally do, like
something you regret.
involved in crime.
forgetting to use a condom.
Some drugs can be deceptive
Lots of people think cocaine, speed and ecstasy
are good for sex. They might make you feel horny,
but you might not be able to follow through.
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Skunk is a very strong form
[but Class A if prepared
of cannabis that is usually
produced using special
Looks like: Usually sold in wraps like cocaine. The
growing techniques. On
powder is off-white or pink and sometimes looks like
average it is 2–4 times
stuff that gets you high]
small crystals. Base speed is pinky-grey and feels like
stronger than hash. It was
than ordinary cannabis.
putty. Speed is dabbed on the gums or sniffed in
called "skunk" because
So be aware: skunk can
lines. It can also be rolled up in cigarette paper and
some forms have a
really mess you up.
swallowed, mixed in drinks or injected.
powerful smell.
Highs: Speed makes you feel wide awake, excited,
If you inhale just as much If you smoke cannabis
chatty and full of energy and stops you feeling
as you would for hash
regularly, you have
hungry. It can cause hallucinations if you sniff a lot in O
or traditional herbal
an increased risk of
a short space of time.
cannabis it can have
developing serious
a much stronger effect.
mental health problems,
Lows: Speed puts a strain on your heart and taking it Q
It has become more
including schizophrenia.
with anti-depressants or alcohol can be fatal. It can
common in recent years Smoking skunk might
make you anxious, low, irritable or aggressive and
than the less potent
increase these risks even
too much sniffing of it can damage your nose. If you
forms of cannabis.
more. You just don't
use it a lot, you could get more colds, flu and sore
throats. Injecting carries the usual risks associated
You need to watch out
know how it will affect
with needle use. The high is followed by a long, slow
for skunk, as it contains
your mental health in the future.
comedown which makes you feel irritable and can
much more THC [the
last for one or two days.
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Looks like: A brown, flaky
mixture of dried and rubbed
leaves of the tobacco plant,
which is smoked or sometimes
Looks like: Tranquillisers
chewed. Sometimes cannabis
are prescribed by
is added to make a ‘spliff' or joint.
doctors to treat anxiety
and insomnia. They
Lows: Some cause
Regular smokers say it helps them relax and
can come as tablets,
shortterm memory loss.
feel less hungry.
capsules, injections and
If you take tranquillisers
Lows: Nicotine is a highly addictive drug. It speeds
suppositories [tablets
with other ‘downer'
up the heart rate and increases your blood
you put up your bum].
drugs like alcohol you
pressure. Smokers get hooked very quickly and it
Highs: Tranquillisers calm might accidentally
can take years and a huge effort to kick the habit.
people down. Some
overdose. Injecting
(For friendly advice on giving up, call the NHS
people have them on
crushed tablets or
smokefree line on 0800 022 4332 or log on at
prescription. They make
melted-down capsules
you feel more relaxed
can block veins and may kill you. You can
and less anxious but big
Long-term addiction can lead to cancer
become dependent
doses can make you
and serious lung and heart problems.
sleepy and forgetful.
quite quickly – some
Smoking has been linked to 2,000
They're used as chill-out
people get addicted
amputations and 106,000 premature
drugs on the club scene. after using them for
deaths a year in the UK. Smoking when
just four weeks – and
pregnant can put your baby at risk.
withdrawal can cause pounding headaches,
sickness and confusion.
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
If someone's gone overboard with alcohol,
volatile substances, heroin or poppers, there's a
We were celebrating Becky's birthday
risk they might lose consciousness.
and ended up at a club. We'd all been
so into the music and dancing that, at first, we
Call 999 immediately and place them in the
didn't notice that Danni was missing. We found her
slumped on a sofa – completely out of it and not
breathing properly. We got someone from the club
to help. While we were waiting for the ambulance,
they gave her mouth-to-mouth and put her on her
side so she wouldn't choke if she was sick. She's
OK now but we were so lucky we found
someone who knew what to do. Vicky, 18
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
X – ‘the unknown'
If you or your mates take drugs regularly or over a
There's always an element of the unknown with drugs.
long period, look out for signs that suggest the drug
What's in it:
can't see. Inhaling
use is becoming a problem.
hot glass is not a
• with cocaine you
might get a wrap
• losing interest in things you used to enjoy
padded out with sugar How you react to it:
• things not going so well at home
• lots of drugs affect
• you won't know for
the heart and body
• not being able to concentrate
sure what an E's got
temperature. The way
• skipping school, college or work
in it. It's often mixed
that your body ‘takes
• not caring how you look
with caffeine, speed or
the strain' will affect
how you are feeling
• feeling depressed
• most heroin bought
What happens that night: O
• feeling jittery
on the street is impure.
• you may do something
• becoming a drug bore
Some people have
that you'll regret in the
overdosed on pure
• losing touch with your true friends
heroin because their body is only used to an • if you're on LSD and
• only going out somewhere if there's a chance
you're not in a good
you will score drugs
mood or something
• batches of skunk
strange happens,
the trip could turn
that contain very tiny
glass beads which you
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
your life, your future
Drugs might make you high. But they can also
It's up to you to set your own limits when it comes
make you tired…and boring…and help you
to drinking and drugs.
achieve a big fat zero.
Take it easy and make sure you know what
the risks are. And don't be persuaded by other people to do things you're not sure about.
But remember, most people don't do drugs.
It's your life – shouldn't you be in control?
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
0800 77 66 00
FRANK is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Calls are free from landlines and some mobiles.
You can talk to FRANK confidentially:
by textphone (for the hard of hearing)
by emailing [email protected]
FRANK can also tell you what services are
available in your area.
0800 77 66 00 TALKTOFRANK.COM
Source: http://www.withycombelodgesurgery.co.uk/website/L83637/files/truth-about-drugs.pdf
Pharmacoepidemiological Research on Outcomes of Therapeutics by a European ConsorTium IMI Work Package 5: Report 2:b:ii Benefit - Risk Wave 2 Case Study Report: Rosiglitazone Benefit-Risk Analysis Lawrence Phillips, Billy Amzal, Alex Asiimwe, Edmond Chan, Chen Chen, Diana Hughes, Juhaeri Juhaeri, Alain Micaleff, Shahrul Mt-Isa, Becky Noel, Susan Shepherd, Nan Wang On behalf of PROTECT Work Package 5 participants
Abi gezint Zeitreisepass Christian Schreger berichtet von einem wunderbaren interkulturellen Projekt der M2 (VS Ortnergasse), in dessen Rahmen sich die SchülerInnen intensiv mit der jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur auseinandersetzten. Dabei wurden nicht nur jiddische Lieder gesungen: Abi gezint! Gesund sein! Als die VS Ortnergasse mit Beginn des Schuljahres 2010/2011 im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes sang- und klanglos aus dem Konzerthaus-Projekt "Vorlaut" herausfiel, waren viele Kinder sehr enttäuscht - besonders aus der M2 hatte eine große Gruppe am kostenlosen Musikunterricht mit professionellen Trainern teilgenommen, der sich musikalische Förderung von Kindern nach dem Vorbild von "La Sistema" aus Venezuela auf die Fahnen geschrieben hatte.