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September 4-8, 2012
Centre International de Conférences Genève


Welcome from the President,
ISAPS Board of Directors
I invite you to join us for the Jan Gordon Poëll, Switzerland 21st Biennial Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) in Geneva, Carlos Uebel, Brazil Susumu Takayanagi, Japan Our program committee under the direction of Dr. Alain Fogli of France and our Education Renato Saltz, USA Council Chair Dr. Nazim Cerkes of Turkey has developed an excellent program including the largest faculty in Jorge Herrera, Argentina our history with topics ranging across the breadth of aesthetic plastic surgery. Many free papers were accepted Miodrag Colic, Serbia from the record number of abstract submissions and we look forward to our new feature this year – free video Daniel Knutti, Switzerland presentations. We will include special seminars offered by our industry colleagues and the social program organized by our local host, Dr. Kai Schlaudraff, will be most Dirk Richter, Germany The Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG) in central Geneva will be our very comfortable Thomas Davis, USA and intimate home for this glorious first week in National Secretaries Chair
September. Our local staff will help you with your hotel Lina Triana, Colombia accommodations and day trips to surrounding mountains Education Council Chair
and of course around beautiful Lake Geneva. Local Nazim Cerkes, Turkey members will insure that you and your family will enjoy your time in Switzerland. Trustee - Past President
Bryan Mendelson, Australia Please join us on the shores of Lake Geneva in September.
Trustee - Elected
Theodore Voukidis, Greece Catherine Foss, USA Jan Poëll, MDPresident Scientific Program Committee
Vice Chair
Alain Fogli, France Nazim Cerkes, Turkey Daniel Knutti, Switzerland Susumu Takayanagi, Japan Pierre Quinodoz, Switzerland Ex Officio
Dirk Richter, Germany Jan Poëll, Switzerland Middle East
Carlos Uebel, Brazil Luiz Toledo, Dubai Sami Saad, Lebanon Catherine Foss, USA Renato Saltz, USA Local Arrangements Chair
Kai-Uwe Schlaudraff, Switzerland Raul Gonzalez, Brazil Congress Exhibits Chair
W. Grant Stevens, USA 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 3
Claude LE LOUARN, MD Janek S. JANUSZKIEWICZ, MD Albert M. G. DE MEY, MD Moustapha HAMDI, MD, PhD Gunnar KVALHEIM, MD Patrick L. TONNARD, MD Ivar VAN HEIJNINGEN, MD Jean-Francois PASCAL, MD Alexis VERPAELE, MD Julio Daniel KIRSCHBAUM, MD Johannes C. BRUCK, MD Ana Zulmira Diniz BADIN, MD Axel-Mario FELLER, MD, PhD Florencio Quiogue LUCERO, MD Ricardo BAROUDI, MD Christian Joachim GABKA, MD Carlos CASAGRANDE, MD Wolfgang GUBISCH, MD Jose Carlos Santos PARREIRA, MD Ewaldo Bolivar DE SOUZA PINTO, MD, PhD Joachim von FINCKENSTEIN, MD Rolf GEMPERLI, MD Dennis O. von HEIMBURG, MD Raul GONZALEZ, MD Norbert PALLUA, MD Constantin STAN, MD Ruth M. GRAF, MD, PhD Dirk F. RICHTER, MD Rainer RUPPRECHT, MD Alan LANDECKER, MD Fabio Xerfan NAHAS, MD, PhD Vakis KONTOES, MD, PhD Irina KHRUSTALEVA, MD, PhD Joao de Moraes PRADO NETO, MD Theodore VOUKIDIS, MD, FACS, PhD Kirill P. PSHENISNOV, MD, PhD Osvaldo Rib SALDANHA, MD Joao Carlos SAMPAIO GOES, MD, PhD sAudi ArABiA
Carlos Oscar UEBEL, MD, PhD Jamal A. Habibaliah JOMAH, MD Miodrag COLIC, MD, PhD Richard WARREN, MD Mohammad Reza FARAHVASH, MD Woffles T. L. WU, MD south AFriCA
Peter Desmond SCOTT, MD Michael SCHEFLAN, MD Philip Kuo-Ting CHEN, MD south koreA
David Dae-Hwan PARK, MD, PhD Giovanni BOTTI, MD Claudio CALABRESE, MD CostA riCA

ConFirmed FACulty Cont.
Nestled between nearby Alpine peaks and the hilly terrain of the Jura mountains, Sanguan KUNAPORN, MD the French-speaking city of Geneva lies in the bay where the Rhone River leaves Charan MAHATUMARAT, MD Lake Geneva. With its humanitarian tradition and cosmopolitan flair, Geneva is the European seat of the UNO, the World Economic Forum, and the headquarters of the Red Cross which makes it the international capital of peace. Since Bouraoui KOTTI, MD 1954, Geneva also hosts CERN with about 3,000 full time and 10,000 visiting researchers per year. It is the world's largest partical physics laboratory and birth place of the World Wide Web.
Nazim CERKES, MDIsmail KURAN, MD Culturally, this city in the westernmost corner of Switzerland has much to Cernal SENYUVA, MD offer. International artists perform in the Grand Théâtre, Victoria Concert Hall, Tunc K. TIRYAKI, MDReha C. YAVUZER, MD and Geneva Opera House. A diverse range of museums includes the Musée International de l'Horlogerie celebrating the Swiss watch and jewelry tradition, united ArAB emirAtes
the Musée Barbier Müller, the world's largest collection of antique tribal art, and the International Museum of the Red Cross/Red Crescent providing insight into the work of these humanitarian organizations.
James D. FRAME, MDNigel MERCER, MD Geneva's symbol is the Jet d'eau, a fountain with a 140-metre-high water jet at the Alison THORNBERRY periphery of Lake Geneva. The mouettes, a type of water taxi, enable crossings from one Sherrell J. ASTON, MD, FACS lakeshore to the other, while larger vessels Daniel C. BAKER, MD invite visitors to enjoy cruises on Lake Geneva. Thomas M. BIGGS, MDJay CALVERT, MD, FACS Rewarding excursion destinations include the Daniel DEL VECCHIO, MD Château de Chillon, the terraced vineyards of Barry DIBERNARDO, MD Lavaux (a UNESCO Heritage Site) and Mont Felmont F. EAVES III, MD, FACS Blanc, situated in neighboring France. Jack FISHER, MDDana FOXJohn FRASER, PhDJames C. GROTTING, MD, FACSRonald P. GRUBER, MD, FACSJoseph P. HUNSTAD, MDDouglas S. INGRAM, JDRonald Edward IVERSON, MDGlenn W. JELKS, MD, FACSMark JEWELL, MDJeffrey KENKEL, MD Cathedral Saint Pierre
Roger K. KHOURI, MDCatherine MALEY, MBA Timothy J. MARTEN, MD, FACS otel reservAtions:
Mandarin Oriental Constantino MENDIETA, MD, FACS Marie B. V. OLESEN Oscar M. RAMIREZ, MD J. Peter RUBIN, MD Renato SALTZ, MD, FACS Edelweiss Manotel Henry M. SPINELLI, MD W. Grant STEVENS, MD, FACS Strasbourg Univers Simeon WALL Jr., MD Express By Holiday InnFour Seasons Hotel Des Bergues Visit the Congress website to view a detailed
description of each hotel, distance from the
Convention Center and room rates.
Le RichemondLes Nations Go to this website to book your room:
21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 5
The scientific program is correct at the time of printing; however, the Program Committee reserves the right to alter the
schedule as necessary. Please visit for an up-to-date program schedule.

Tuesday, 4 September
8:00 am - 5:00 pm 12:00 - 12:15 pm welcome & Opening Remarks
Jan Gordon Poëll (Switzerland) & Claudia Meuli-Simmen (Switzerland) Session 1: Global Summit on Patient Safety
Moderators: Foad Nahai (USA) & Renato Saltz (USA)
Section 1: International Perspective on Physician Qualifications, Scope of
Practice, and Facility Accreditation
Panelists: Gerard Flageul (France)
France Sets Standards for Practice of Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Poul Harboe (Denmark) Achievements After Five Years of Regulation of Cosmetic Surgery in Denmark. Who Benefits? Anne Mette Dons (Denmark) Regulation of Cosmetic Medical Treatments in Denmark Since 2008 James Frame (United Kingdom) UK Aesthetic Surgery: Current Issues Charan Mahatumarat (Thailand) Aesthetic Surgery and Medical Tourism in Thailand Asrat Mengiste (Ethiopia) Surgical Safety Scenario in Africa Ivar van Heijningen (Belgium) European Standards for Aesthetic Surgery Services: Where Do We Stand? Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall Section 2: Accreditation of Surgical Facilities
Ronald Iverson (USA) The Impact of Accreditation on Patient Safety: What the Data Shows Alberto Arguello Choiseul (Costa Rica) How to Put Patients on the Path to Safety Section 3: ISAPS Insurance - Surgery Shield
Alison Thornberry (United Kingdom) How Insurance is Evolving to Meet Growing Demand in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Section 4: Patient Safety
Felmont Eaves III (USA) A Three Pronged Strategy for Patient Safety Section 5: A View from Industrial and Corporate Partners
Douglas S. Ingram (USA) - Allergan Opening Ceremony & welcome Reception - CICG Main Hall & Exhibit Area

wednesday, 5 September
Visit the E-Paper and Free Video Presentations on the main floor.
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Master Classes
1. Rhinoplasty I Master Class Nazim Cerkes (Turkey) 2. Body Contouring Master Class Raul Gonzalez (Brazil) 3. Periocular Rejuvenation Master Class Glenn Jelks (USA) 4. Face & Neck Rejuvenation Master Class Alain Fogli (France) Session 2
Moderators: Antonio de la Fuente (Spain) & Antonio Aldo Mottura (Argentina)
Video Presenters: Ronald Gruber (USA)
Spreader Flaps Wolfgang Gubisch (Germany) Extracorporeal Septal Reconstruction Panel Moderators: Wolfgang Gubisch (Germany) & Marcos Harel (Israel)
Panelists: Riccardo Mazzola (Italy)
Surgical Anatomy of Rhinoplasty Nazim Cerkes (Turkey) Achieving a Smooth Dorsum and Avoiding Dorsum Deformities Olivier Gerbault (France) Lateral Crura Transposition in Cephalic Orientation: Techniques, Indications Kirill Pshenisnov (Russia) Approach and Universal Suture for Functional Shaping of the Nasal Tip Rainer Rupprecht (Germany) Rhinoplasty - From Resecting to Reshaping Joao de Moraes Prado Neto (Brazil) How to Deal with Difficult Noses 10:00 - 10:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 7
Session 3
10:30 - 11:50 am 10:30 - 12:30 pm Panel Moderators: Nazim Cerkes (Turkey)
Free Papers 2: Rhinoplasty
Yasushi Sugawara (Japan) Moderators: Mohammad Reza Farahvash (Iran)
Juan Carlos Seiler (Argentina) Alan Landecker (Brazil) Presenters:
Refinements in Secondary Rhinoplasty Alexander Kutubidze (Georgia) Jay Calvert (USA) Local Spreader Flaps Technique and Nasal Dorsum Aesthetic Lines in Treating the Twisted Nose: Role of Diced Cartilage and Fascia Grafts Middle Eastern Open Rhinoplasty Ismail Kuran (Turkey) Emrah Arslan (Turkey) Algorithm for Secondary Rhinoplasty The Versatile Use of Reverse Nasal SMAS-Perichondrium Flap in Rhinoplasty Enrico Robotti (Italy) Eunsoo Park (Korea) Current Use of Grafting in Secondary Rhinoplasty Secondary Rhinoplasty with Intergluteal Fold Dermofat Graft Ghaith Shubailat (Jordan) Ahmed Ali (Egypt) Structure Rhinoplasty of the Long Nose Nuri Celik (Turkey) Hamid Karimi (Iran) Use of Conchal Cartilage and Retroauricular Soft Tissues in Dorsum Secondary Nasal Obstruction: Treatment with Butterfly Graft Henning Freiherr von Gregory (Germany) Possibilities and Dangers of the Augmentation of the Maxilla in Free Papers 1: Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty - Cartilage, Bone, Mersileneæ, Medporæ, Allogenic and Presenters:
Autogenic Fascia, Diced Cartilage in Fascia (DCF) Ilker Manavbasi (Turkey) Marcos Harel (Israel) Role of Upper Lateral Cartilage in Dorsal Reconstruction After Hump Spreader Grafts: A Routine Technique in Every Primary Endonasal Excision: Spreader Flap Modification with Asymmetric Mattress Suture and Extension of the Spreading Effect by Cartilage Graft Ahmad Tavassoliashrafi (Iran) Yves Bruehlmann (Switzerland) Non-Anatomic Rim Grafts in Rhinoplasty: Indications and Is the Cranial Resection of the Alar Cartilage in Nasal Tip Surgery Old Fashioned? Nikolaos Papadopulos (Germany) MyungJu Lee (Korea) Quality of Life, Personality Changes, Self-Esteem and Clinical A Rib Cartilage Asian Rhinoplasty for Harmonious Face: Outcomes After Rhinoplasty A Correction Method of Midface Retrusion and Mouth Protrusion by Combining Rib Cartilage Structural Rhinoplasty with Maxillary SeokKwun Kim (Korea) Grafts and Advanced Genioplasty as a Ancillary Procedure Correction of the Supratip Deformity of the Nose Pierre Nguyen (France) Oliver Scheufler (Switzerland) Correction of Sequelae of Rhinoplasty by Lipofilling Aesthetic Nasal Reconstruction Using a Modified Subunit Principle Alaa Gheita (Egypt) Goran Lazovic (Serbia) Rhinoplasty in Hypertelorism Rhinoplasty: The Nasal Bones - Anatomy and Analysis Kamran Asadi (Iran) The Chondroplastic Influence of PDS Foil on Inherent Concavity- Convexity of Cartilage: An Experimental Comparative Study Ozlem Gundeslioglu (Turkey) Stahl Ear Correction Using the Third Crus Cartilage Flap: Two Case Reports Osvaldo Pereira (Brazil) Novel Approach to Closed Treatment of Prominent Ear - Endotoplasty Lunch & ISAPS Business Meeting Silhouette Lift Seminar
Session 4
Periocular Rejuvenation I
Moderators: Ana Zulmira Diniz Badin (Brazil) & Cemal Senyuva (Turkey)
Video Presenters: Timothy Marten (USA)
Peri-ocular Fat Grafting Dirk Richter (Germany) Midface Rejuvenation: Distributing, Lifting and Filling Panel Moderators: Henry Spinelli (USA) & Bouraoui Kotti (Tunisia)
Panelists: Giovanni Botti (Italy)
Cantopexies: Selected Techniques Glenn Jelks (USA) Lateral Canthal Procedures with Lower Blepharoplasty Nuri Celik (Turkey) Management of Aging Brow and Upper Eyelid Richard Warren (Canada) Brow/Upper Eyelid Interface Kunihiko Nohira (Japan) Periorbital Rejuvenation: Asian View Philip Kuo-Ting Chen (Chinese Taipei) Periorbital Aesthetic Contouring Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 9
Session 5
Periocular Rejuvenation II
Panel Moderators: Nigel Mercer (United Kingdom)
Free Papers 4: Periocular Surgery
David Dae-Hwan Park (Korea) Moderators: Dana Jianu (Romania)
Irina Khrustaleva (Russia) Johannes Bruck (Germany) Presenters:
Reconstructive Aspects of Aesthetic Surgery in the Periorbit Esin Aksungur (Turkey) Patrick Tonnard (Belgium) Segmentary Muscle Tightening Approach for Lower Lid Rejuvenation Yuzo Komuro (Japan) Frank Trepsat (Switzerland) The Correction of the Tear Trough Deformity with the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle Overlap Method Periorbital Rejunevation Combining Surgery and Micro-fat Grafting Daniel Knutti (Switzerland) Claudio Bernardi (Italy) Tear Trough Deformity: A Challenge for the Plastic Surgeon Subperiosteal Upper Midface Lift for Treatment of Malar Festoons Claude Le Louarn (France) Joan Vandeputte (Belgium) Aesthetic Upper Blepharoplasty, A Composite Approach The Concentric Malar Lift: Application of the Face Recurve® Concept in the Midface Julio Fernandes (Brazil) Pierre Quinodoz (Switzerland) A New Sling for Lower Eyelid and Malar Rejuvenation Soft Mid-face: Vector for Lifting and Volumization Hiroko Yanaga (Japan) Cell-Engineered Cultured Auricular Chondrocytes: Basic Science, Surgical Technique and Clinical Application in Generative Cartilage Free Papers 1: Periocular Surgery
Hua Jiang Sr. (China) ChinHo Wong (Singapore) Anatomic Study and Clinical Significance of Intramuscular The Tear Trough Ligament, The Anatomical Basis for the Tear Innervation in Mimetic Muscles Trough Deformity Otto Kelemen (Hungary) Milan Jovanovic (Serbia) Continuous Versus Intermittent Silicone Gel Sheeting: Contemporary Characteristics and Types of Orbital Region Ageing A Comparative Clinical Study Edvin Turkof (Austria) Matthias Weinstock (Brazil) The Loeb-Procedure: Analysis and Review of 382 Interventions to Tacrolimus and Rapamycin in Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Correct Eye-Rings and Palpebral Bags Insuck Suh (Korea) DaeHwan Park (Korea) Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Fibroblast Differentiation Correction of Unfavorable Result in Cosmetic Upper Lid Surgery Zuhaib Ibrahim (USA) Bryan Mendelson (Australia) 3D Image Guided Reconstructive Microsurgery Using Ultra High Importance of the Superolateral Orbital Rim and its Surgical Speed Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Raffi Gurunluoglu (USA) Do Plastic Surgeons have Cosmetic Surgery? Nicole Lindenblatt (Switzerland) New Insights into Vessel Development and Proteolytic Activity During Skin Graft Revascularisation Consequences for Skingeneering Pham Hieu Liem (Japan) Preparation of Acellular Dermal Matrix from the Skin of Congenital Melanocytic Nevi Farid Rezaeian (Germany) Preconditioning with Erythropoietin Potects Musculocutaneous Tissue by Capillary Recruitment and Improved Tissue Regeneration Faculty Dinner - Chateau Coppet
Thursday, 6 September
Visit the E-Paper and Free Video Presentations on the main floor.
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Master Classes
5. Periocular Rejuvenation Master Class 6. Aesthetic Breast Surgery Master Class James Grotting (USA) 7. Rhinoplasty III Master Class Ronald Gruber (USA) 8. Face & Neck Rejuvenation Master Class Timothy Marten (USA) Session 6
Face and Neck Rejuvenation I
Moderators: Bernard Cornette de Saint-Cyr (France) & Jorge Herrera (Argentina)
Video Presenters: Bryan Mendelson (Australia)
The Premasseter Spaces Approach to Facelifting Daniel Baker (USA) Face and Neck Rejuvenation: Personal Choices and Alternatives Panel Moderators: Thomas Biggs (USA) & Julio Daniel Kirschbaum (Peru)
Panelists: Sherrell Aston (USA)
Indications for Submental Incision During a Face and Neck Lift Alain Bonnefon (France) Why Since 1990 I Don't do Anymore a Submental Approach to Restore a Cervico Mental Angle Alain Fogli (France) Anterior Face Lift Axel-Mario Feller (Germany) My Personal Experience with Modified Fogli Procedure Darryl Hodgkinson (Australia) Modified Fogli Approach to the Platysma in Neck Rejuvenation. When is it Necessary to Open the Anterior Neck? Mario Pelle-Ceravolo (Italy) The Difficult Neck: Can We Transform a Hippo into a Swan? 10:00 - 10:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall Chateau de Chillon
21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 11
Session 7
Face and Neck Rejuvenation II
10:30 - 11:50 am 10:30 - 11:50 am Panel Moderators: Farid Hakme (Brazil)
Free Papers 5: Face and Neck Rejuvenation
Theodore Voukidis (Greece) Moderators: Jose Carlos Santos Parreira (Portugal)
Igor Niechajev (Sweden) Bryant Toth (USA) Presenters:
HIGH SMAS Facelift with Lipofill Antonio Fuente del Campo (Mexico) The 4th Suture in MACS-Lift - A Modification to Overcome Centrofacial Lifting, a Keystone in Facial Rejuvenation Limitations and to Widen the Indication of a Short Scar Lift Oscar Ramirez (USA) Manuel Castello (Italy) The Facial Matrix System: Enhancing the Skeletal Support During Modified Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System Face-Lift. Rejuvenation and Beautification A Review of 327 Consecutive Procedures Renato Saltz (USA) Wilson Matos Jr (Brazil) Modern and Safe Facial Rejuvenation Surgery SMAS Progressive Plication through Fame Alexis Verpaele (Belgium) Akihiro Ichinose (Japan) Management of Facial Volume and Laxity with a Short Scar Modified MACS-Lift for Asians Enzo Rivera Citarella (Brazil) Carlos Casagrande (Brazil) Strategy for a Sucessful Facelift Following Six Vectors of Traction Details for Success in Full Face Rejuvenation Surgery Combined with a Five-Plane Dissection: Our 10 Years of Experience Andre Ventura Ferreira (Brazil) Neck Contour Alterations: A Novel Classification and Treatment JCN Willemsen (Netherlands) Adding Platelet Rich Plasma to Lipofilling and/or Lifting of the Face Improves Cosmetic Results Significantly Richard Bensimon (USA) Modern Advances in Croton Oil Peels Hieronymus Stevens (Netherlands) Regenerative Surgery for True Rejuvenation of the Face. PRP & Micro Fat Grafting (Organic Cosmetic Surgery) and the 1.2.3.D Concept Marcio Crisostomo (Brazil) Untouched Strip: A New Technique to Improve the Amout of Hair Transplanted in a Hair Restoration Surgery 11:50 - 12:30 pm Introduction: Jan Gordon Poëll (Switzerland)
Speaker: Foad Nahai (USA)
Solta Medical Seminar
ISAPS - LEAP Information Session
Surgical Facilities Resources Information Session
Session 8
Panel Moderators: Renato Saltz (USA)
Free Papers 6: Cosmetic Medicine &
W. Grant Stevens (USA) Moderators: Miguel Chamosa (Spain)
Mutaz Alkarmi (Jordan) Why Smart Doctors Leave So Much Money on the Table Presenters:
Catherine Maley (USA) Joan Vandeputte (Belgium) New Patients. What's Working. Restoring Cheek and Infraorbital Volume with Hyaluronic Acid Gel Ryan Miller (USA) Sarit Cohen (Israel) From Filling to Sculpturing: A New Era in Noninvasive Facial Attracting Patients Online: Local Search and Your Online Woffles Wu (Singapore) Marie Olesen (USA) Rejuvenating the Midface and Periorbital Region with Hyaluronic What I've learned by Asking Patients more than 100,000 Questions Acid Fillers Jason Pozner (USA) Daniel Hayes (USA) Multispecialty Clinic and Patient Satisfaction Breast Reconstruction Safety in Patients with Leucopenia Boris Henriquez (Colombia) Shade Method: A New Diagnosis Approach, Focused on Facial Fillers Multi-Plane Hyaluronic Acid Rhinoplasty Claude Oppikofer (Switzerland) Coaching: A New Tool for Better Safety and Efficiency in Aesthetic Francesca Grippaudo (Italy) The Utility of High Frequency US and MRI in Dermal Fillers Range of Motion Protocol Videos: A New Recording Medium for the Discovery, Documentation and Tracking of Post Aesthetic Surgical Nathalie Hirt-Burri (Switzerland) Patient Safety for Cellular Therapy Procedures Wenceslao Calonge (Switzerland) Massive Subcutaneous Emphysema after Carbon Dioxide Csaba Molnar (Hungary) Our PIP Cases: Experiences with Follow Up, Ruptures, Explantations and Preventive Implant Changes Claude Oppikofer (Switzerland) Human Factor and Patient Safety in Aesthetic Surgery: How Crew Resource Management (CRM) Principles Lead to a Better Culture of Ahmad Alsalawi (France) Rare Acute Complication of Abdominoplasty Following Adjustable Gastric Banding Evening at the Circus - Circus Knie
21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 13
Friday, 7 September
Visit the E-Paper and Free Video Presentations on the main floor.
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Master Classes
9. Body Contouring Master Class Dirk Richter (Germany) 10. Face & Neck Rejuvenation Master Class Daniel Baker (USA) 11. Aesthetic Breast Surgery Master Class Emmanuel Delay (France) 12. Office Management Master Class Grant Stevens (USA) Session 9
Abdominoplasty Body Contouring I
Moderators: Sami Saad (Lebanon) & Miodrag Colic (Serbia)
Video Presenters: Osvaldo Rib Saldanha (Brazil)
Lipoabdominoplasty: Improving Abdominal Shape Jean-Francois Pascal (France) LP FLAP: Anatomy and Indications Panel Moderators: Ricardo Baroudi (Brazil) & Lokesh Kumar (India)
Panelists: Fabio Xerfan Nahas (Brazil)
How to Treat Rectus Diastasis Effectively Joseph Hunstad (USA) Abdominoplasty with Circumferential Abdominal Tumescent Liposuction Rolf Gemperli (Brazil) Luiz Sergio Toledo (United Arab Emirates) Body Contour: The Limits Between Liposuction and Dermolipectomy Techniques Carlos Uebel (Brazil) Lipoabdominoplasty: Revisiting the Superior Pull Down Abdominal Flap Joachim von Finckenstein (Germany) Atypical Resection in Bariatric Surgery 10:00 - 10:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall Batiment des Forces Motrices
Session 10
Abdominoplasty Body Contouring II
10:30 - 11:50 am 10:30 - 12:30 pm Panel Moderators: Lina Triana (Colombia)
Free Papers 8: Abdominoplasty, Body
Janek Januszkiewicz (New Zealand) Moderators: Csaba Molnar (Hungary)
Simeon Wall Jr. (USA) Jamal Habiballah Jomah (Saudi Arabia) Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization: Dramatic Body
Contouring Utilizing SAFE Lipo Concepts Gertrude Beer (Switzerland) Ewaldo Bolivar de Souza Pinto (Brazil) Prevention of Seroma After Abdominoplasty Sven Bruekers (Netherlands) Jeffrey Kenkel (USA) Scarless Umbilicoplasty: A New Umbilicoplasty Technique and a Clinical Pearls to Enhance Excisional Contouring of Thighs Review of the English Language Literature Constantino Mendieta (USA) Ali Izadpanah (Canada) Seroma Formation after Abdominal Lipectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jose Abel de la Pena Salcedo (Mexico) Gluteal Pexia with Implants Rosa Blotta (Brazil) Correlation Between Type I and III Collagen in Rectus Abdominal Raul Gonzalez (Brazil) Muscle Diastasis Avoiding Complication in Buttocks Implants Antonio Costa-Ferreira (Portugal) Scarpa Fascia Preservation during Abdominoplasty: Randomised Clinical Study of Results and Complications Free Papers 7: Abdominoplasty, Body
Arnaldo Miro (Brazil) Presenters:
Lipoabdominoplasty with Previous Flap Resection Andre Coutinho (Brazil) Fabio Kuroyanagi (Brazil) Neoomphaloplasty: New Surgical Technique to Avoid Flat Navels Lipoabdominoplasty: Reduction of Complications in Abdominal Amir Sadri (United Kingdom) Minimally Invasive Technique for Repair of Divarication of Recti Alfredo Hoyos (Colombia) Hi-definition Miniabdominoplasty Combining Liposculpture, Fat Joao Sampaio Goes (Brazil) Grafting and Muscular Plication Scarless Subdermal Neo-Onphaloplasty in Abdominoplasty Evangelos Keramidas (Greece) Joao Cantarelli (Brazil) The Use of Radio Frequency Assisted Liposuction (R.F.A.L) in Gluteoplasty: The Brazilian Shape Difficult Areas Francisco Agullo (USA) Ritsu Aoki (Japan) Dermal Hip Fat Rotation Flaps for Lateral Thigh and Gluteal Cryolipolysis for Japanese Contouring SangYoon Kang (Korea) Gynecomastia: Multimodal Approach Through Transaxillary One Hole Incision (Ultrasound, Liposuction, Cutting Edged Cannula) Lara Devgan Verdonck (USA) Complications of Buttock Augmentation: A Review of the Literature Insuck Suh (Korea) Correction of Asymmetrical Calf Domingos De Paola (Brazil) Augmentation Gluteoplasty: The XYZ Technique Henrique L. Arantes Sr. (Brazil) The Use of Quilting Suture in Lipoabdominoplasty does not Require the Use of Aspiratory Drainage for Prevention of Seroma 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 15
Swiss Society General Assembly Lunch
Session 11
Fat Harvesting & Cell Therapy I
Moderators: Michael Scheflan (Israel) & Peter Desmond Scott (South Africa)
Video Presenters: Roger Khouri (USA)
Principles and Applications of Large Volume Fat Grafting J. Peter Rubin (USA) Reconstructive Fat Grafting for the Craniofacial Region Panel Moderators: Guy Magalon (France) & Fahd Benslimane (Morocco)
Panelists: Domenico De Fazio (Italy)
Mastopexy and Lipostructure: A New Approach for the Correction of Breast Ptosis and Hypotrophy Daniel Del Vecchio (USA) Reliable Breast Augmentation in Two Hours or Less: Making it Work with Fat Kotaro Yoshimura (Japan) Fat Grafting to the Asian Breast Joan Fontdevila (Spain) In Vivo Behaviour of the Fat Grafts in the Face and Buttocks: Objective Analysis of their Volume Over Time Claudio Calabrese (Italy) Translational Experiences in Aesthetic Regenerative Surgery of the Breast Sebastien Garson (France) Lipomodeling for Breast: What We Learn with a 3D Follow-Up Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall GoldenPass Panoramic Train - Lake Geneva
Session 12
Fat Harvesting & Cell Therapy II
Panel Moderators: J. Peter Rubin (USA)
Free Papers 10: Fat Harvesting & Cell Therapy
Gunnar Kvalheim (Norway) Moderators: Katharina Russe-Wilflingseder (Austria)
Yi Lin Cao (China) John Fraser (USA) Presenters:
The Science Behind Use of Adipose Tissue Stromal Vascular Fraction Florian Lampert (Germany) in Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer a Critical Appraisal of the Scientific Ali Mojallal (France) Adipose Derived Stem Cells: Application in Plastic Surgery Amir Elbarbary (Egypt) Implementing Fat Grafting in Managing Difficult Craniofacial Norbert Pallua (Germany) Fat Grafting: Growth Factors and Preadipocytes Yvonne Heit (Germany) Kai-Uwe Schlaudraff (Switzerland) External Mechanical Tissue Stimulation Increases Subcutaneous 3rd Generation UAL for Harvesting of Fat and Adipose Derived Stem Tissue Thickness, Cell Proliferation and Vascularization in a Murine Cells: Results of a Multi-Center Study Guy Magalon (France) Yuko Asano (Japan) A New Concept: Micro Fat Injection. Material, Method and Results Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer (CAL) for Aesthetic Breast Augmentation: Breast Implant Replacement Tunc Tiryaki (Turkey) Stem Cell Enriched Tissue (SET) Injections in Plastic Surgery: A Natale Gontijo de Amorim (Brazil) New Weapon Facial Surgery and the Use of Fat and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Eva Guisantes (Spain) Autologous Fat Grafting for Unaesthetic Scars Correction Free Papers 9: Fat Harvesting & Cell Therapy
Emmanuelle Dorie (Switzerland) Presenters:
Volumetric Regeneration by Structural Fat Grafting Technique: Our Sirlei Costa (Brazil) Experience in Children Adipocyte Morphometric Evaluation and Angiogenesis in the Yves Harder (Germany) Omentum Transposed to the Breast Treatment of Asymmetries and Contour Deformities after Breast Gabrille Davis (USA) Conserving Therapy and Microvascular Breast Reconstruction using Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy Rescues Delayed Wound Healing Autologous Fat Grafting in Radiation Wounds Hebert Lamblet (Brazil) Angelo Leto Barone (Italy) Autologous Fat Transplant for Face and Body Preserving ADCS (Adipose-Derived Cells): From Chemical to Mechanical Dissociation Non-Adherent Precursors from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (NAPADSCS): Seeing ADSCS from a Different Angle? Efficacy of Collagen/Gelatin Scaffold Sustained Release of Basic Alexandra Conde-Green (USA) Fibroblast Growth Factor for Adipogenesis Combined with Human Fat Grafting vs. Adipose Extracellular Matrix as a Potential Filler for Adipose Tissue-Derived Cells Soft Tissue Defects Chinghsuan Hu (Chinese Taipei) Mario Diana (USA) Oxidative Stress of Composite Tissue Allotransplant 3D Evaluation of Cosmetic Augmentation Via Fat Grafting to the SophiaChiaNing Chang (Chinese Taipei) The Clinical Impact of Long-Term Tissue Engineering Bone by Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Ali Modarressi (Switzerland) Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Improves Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Proliferation Lee Laurent-Applegate (Switzerland) Use of Biological Bandages with Skin Progenitor Cells for Burn and Scar Management Russell Kling (USA) Establishment of an In Vitro Assay for High-Throughput Screening Flower Clock
of Pro-Adipogenic Agents Free Evening in Geneva
21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 17
Saturday, 8 September
Visit the E-Paper and Free Video Presentations on the main floor.
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Master Classes
13. Body Contouring Master Class Jean-Francois Pascal (France) 14. Aesthetic Breast Surgery Master Class Frank Lista (Canada) 15. Fat Transfer Master Class Roger Khouri (USA) 16. Cosmetic Medicine Master Class Renato Saltz (USA) Session 13
Aesthetic Breast Surgery I
Moderators: Ruth Graf (Brazil) & Albert De Mey (Belgium)
Video Presenters: James Grotting (USA)
Secondary Deformities after Aesthetic Breast Surgery: Analysis and Strategies for Eric Michael Auclair (France) Composite Breast Augmentation: Five Years Experience Panel Moderators: Brigitte Pittet-Cuenod (Switzerland) & Henry Delmar (France)
Panelists: Emmanuel Delay (France)
How Fat Grafting has Changed My Breast Augmentation Surgery Susumu Takayanagi (Japan) Augmentation Mammaplasty for Slightly Ptotic Breasts Christian Joachim Gabka (Germany) Periareolar Approach and Subglandular Implant Positioning for Ptotic Breast Augmentation Constantin Stan (Romania) Multiplane Type II in Ptotic Breast Jack Fisher (USA) Managing Congenital and Tubular Breast Deformities Dennis von Heimburg (Germany) Tuberous Breast Surgery: Single Step Procedures and Long-Term Results 10:00 - 10:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall Session 14
Aesthetic Breast Surgery II
10:30 - 11:50 am 10:30 - 12:30 pm Panel Moderators: Claudia Meuli-Simmen (Switzerland)
Free Papers 12: Aesthetic Breast Surgery &
Toma Mugea (Romania) Moderators: Sanguan Kunaporn (Thailand)
Jean-Francois Emeri (Switzerland) Abdennasser Lahlali (Morocco) Breast Augmentation Combined to Mastopexy: One of the Greatest Presenters:
Challenges in Breast Surgery Lara Devgan Verdonck (USA) Andrea Grisotti (Italy) Cancer Reconstruction Following Prior Augmentation Mammaplasty: Augmentation Mastopexy Choices A Novel Technique for Reconstruction Using Preexisting Capsule Mahmoud Fakiha (Saudi Arabia) Moustapha Hamdi (Belgium) The Role of Lipomodeling in the Treatment of Breast Malformation: Redo Surgery in Pexy/Augmentation Ten Years of Experience Frank Lista (Canada) Yuchung Shih (Chinese Taipei) Cosmetic Breast Surgery: Breast Reduction and Mastopexy….The Histological and Biomechanical Properties of Pectoral Fascia in State of the Art Subfascial Augmentation Mammaplasty Jan Gordon Poëll (Switzerland) Gennadiy Patlazhan (Ukraine) Complications of Breast Augmentation After Polyacrylamide Gel Short Scar Technique for Mamma Reduction Injections and Their Treatment Joao Carlos Sampaio Goes (Brazil) Walther Jungwirth II (Austria) Tips to Avoid Complications in Periareolar Mammaplasty Muscle-Cap Mammary Augmentation: A Pain Reducing Split Muscle Biplane Technique W. Grant Stevens (USA) Free Papers 11: Aesthetic Breast Surgery &
Breast Implant Malposition: Classification, Prevention, and Surgical Presenters:
Lara Devgan Verdonck (USA) Petrus van Deventer (South Africa) Preservation Of Internal Mammary Perforators in Nipple Sparing Long Term Results and Complications of Internal Breast Support Breast Reconstruction: A Novel Technique for Improving Nipple with Biocompatable Mesh in Mastopexy and Breast Reduction Areolar Complex Viability Alfonso Gomez Jimenez (Canada) Breast Reconstruction with Cohesive Gel Implant Place in the Ondrej Mestak (Czech Republic) Subcutaneous Plane,Completely Cover With Titanium Mesh Use of Deepitheliazed Dermal Flap in Mammoplasties (TILOOP). A New Surgical Technique Mario Pelle Ceravolo (Italy) Abdul Nassimizadeh (United Kingdom) Animation Deformities by Pectoralis Muscle After Submuscular Capsular Contracture: What are the Risk Factors? A Fourteen Year Augmentation Mammaplasty: How to Avoid and to Treat Them Series of Single Surgeon Consecutive Augmentations with Review of the Literature Hilton Becker (USA) Carlos Goes (Brazil) The Use of Synthetic Mesh in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Breast Rotation of Anatomical Implant for Breast Augmentation Sakai Shigemi (Japan) Teodor Stamate (Romania) New Nipple-Sharing Technique without Damaging Breastfeeding Internal Versus External Tissue Expander: Experience in 63 Patients Functionality of Donor Site, and Spiral Graft to Recipient Area with Long-Term Follow-Up Ilya Sergeev (Russia) Four Years Experience Of Computer Assisted Planning of Breast Augmentation: From Virtual Model to Real Operation Egidio Riggio (Italy) Breast Augmentation with Natrelle 510 Implants: A New Concept of Preop Planning for Measurements, Pocket Preparation, and Long- Term Results Ercan Cihandide (Turkey) In Search of a Method to Minimize Prosthetic Capsular Contracture: In Vivo Experimental Models Using Fascia and Acellular Dermal Matrix with and without Radiotherapy Franco Migliori (Italy) Upside-Down Augmentation Mastopexy 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 19
Session 15
Panel Moderators: Renato Saltz (USA) & W. Grant Stevens (USA)
Panelists: Javier de Benito (Spain)
Why I am Performing Endoforehead Lift instead of Coronal Gianluca Campiglio (Italy) Fat Graft vs Dermal Fillers: A Comprehensive Analisys of their Advantages and Barry DiBernardo (USA) Randomized, Blinded, Multi Center Evaluation for the Treatment of Cellulite Using a New Minimally Invasive Laser Approach Mark Jewell (USA) Cosmetic Medicine: What Can We Expect From Non-Invasive High-Intensity Focused Ultrasonic Body Contouring? Vakis Kontoes (Greece) Why Can Lasers in Combination with Conventional Plastic Surgery Improve Final Aesthetic Florencio Quiogue Lucero (Philippines) Platelet-Rich Plasma for Skin Rejuvenation Bernard Mole (France) The Treatment of Dynamic Fine Lines of "Scratched Faces" through Dermal Injections of Botulinium Toxin Jason Pozner (USA) Lasers for Facial Rejuvenation Woffles Wu (Singapore) Periorbital Rejuvenation with Toxins and Fillers Reha Yavuzer (Turkey) Periorbital Filler Applications Bohumil Zalesak (Czech Republic) Tissue Recycling in Aesthetic Surgery: Extra Benefit for Our Patients Cemal Senyuva (Turkey)) Using Veinviewer Technology to Avoid Bruising During Facial Injections Jan Gordon Poëll (Switzerland) & Carlos Uebel (Brazil) Online Registration June 16 - August 21 Fees in Swiss Francs ISAPS Member - Active ISAPS Member - Life, Honorary and Associate Non-Member Surgeon Non-Member Resident/Fellow/Student Non-MDs who will attend sessions(Spouses, Office staff, Nurses, Technicians, Industry Representatives) Spouse/Guest - Welcome Reception - Wednesday Children (6-18) - Welcome Reception - Wednesday Spouse/Guest - Circus Knie Evening - Thursday Children (6-18) - Circus Knie Evening- Thursday * Congress registration fees are converted from Swiss Franc fees to the US Dollar equivalent according to currency conversion rates on the first day of the rate period. How to Register
Please register on the Congress website:
Registration Fees Include
• Entry to all scientific sessions and exhibit hall• Daily Lunch• Morning and Afternoon Tea & Coffee• Congress Bag• Copy of Program/Abstract Book• Entry to the Welcome Reception and Circus Knie Evening Payment Details
We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express credit cards. Charges will appear as "ISAPS" on your credit card statement.
For alternate payment options, please contact us at [email protected]
Cancellations and Refunds
Cancellations must be made in writing to ISAPS. Cancellations received on or before Tuesday, August 21, 2012 are subject to
10% administrative fee. Cancellations after this date will not be refunded for any reason.
Registration Acknowledgement
Your registration will be acknowledged via email upon submission of your on-line registration. Registration fees are based on
date of receipt of payment not the receipt of registration form.
Changes or Questions
Changes to your registration will not be accepted over the telephone. Alterations must be requested in writing via:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-603-643-2325
ISAPS Executive Office 45 Lyme Road, Suite 304 Hanover, NH 03755 USA 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 21
Banks in Switzerland are open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Travel and Program Disclaimers
Monday to Friday. Most banks are open on Saturday from In the event of any travel disruptions, Congress Organizers 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Automatic Teller Machines are open will not be held responsible for any losses incurred by 24 hours and are located throughout the city. Facilities for registrants en route to or from the Congress. exchange of currency are available at the airport, larger hotels and banks.
The program is correct at the time of printing. Congress Organizers reserve the right to alter the program as necessary.
Swiss Air
Swiss International Air Lines is proud
to be the Official Carrier for the 21st We strongly recommend that you obtain adequate travel and Congress of ISAPS in Geneva and is health insurance prior to beginning your travels. Your travel offering special Congress fares to all agent can help.
participants. These Congress fares offer reductions of up to 25% depending on the fare type, route and space availability. Congress fares are valid on the entire SWISS route network Congress Organizers are not liable for personal accidents, for flights to Switzerland, including flights operated by partner losses or damage to the private property of registered airlines under an LX flight number. These fares can now be attendees or any accompanying persons during the Congress. booked for the travel period 14 days prior to and 14 days after Please make your own arrangements with respect to personal To take advantage of this offer, book easily and conveniently through SWISS.COM via the following link: To assist you in obtaining any necessary visas, it is essential that you complete the registration via the Congress website The event code will be sent to you when you register for the including a valid email. Congress Organizers will process your registration and send a receipt of your payment. You can then present this invoice to your nearest Swiss Embassy or Currency Exchange Rates
Consulate with your visa application. If you require a special (as of April 4, 2012) letter of invitation, please contact the ISAPS Office. In the event that your visa application is unsuccessful, you must advise the Executive Office in writing by August 21st to receive Pound Sterling (GBP) a refund. No refunds will be made after August 21st.
Singapore Dollar (SGD) New Zealand Dollar (NZD) Passport and Visa
Japanese Yen (JPY) Most travelers are admitted into Switzerland with a valid Canadian Dollar (CAD) passport. However, you should check to see if you will need a Currency data courtesy visa. Here is a helpful website: The electric current used throughout Switzerland is 220 Volts, alternating current (AC), 50 cycles. Prongs for outlets differ from those in the United States. However, 110 Volt electrical Check with your airline, travel agent, or nearest Swiss equipment can be operated with the use of a transformer.
Consulate or Embassy, as travel and immigration laws have become very strict.
Disabled Facilities
If you require disability specific facilities or needs, please
indicate so on your registration form where you will be Congress Sessions: Business Casual requested to provide detailed requirements.
Opening Ceremony: Business CasualFaculty Dinner (by invitation only): Black TieGala Event: Casual Opening Ceremony & welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 4th • 6 - 8 pm
The Planning Committee extends a warm invitation to attend the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception immediately
following the final session on Tuesday. Discover traditional Swiss music and dance, learn about CERN's view on the ‘big bang'
- the beginning of our universe - and let yourself be carried away by the incredible Mime-Masque Theater Mummenschanz,
which will immerse you into a fascinating world of symbols and gestures. Our Welcome Reception always provides a relaxing
opportunity to meet colleagues and enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres in a casual atmosphere.
Faculty Dinner (By Invitation)
Wednesday, September 5th • 7 - 11 pm
This invitational evening will begin with a reception cruise down Lake Geneva to the charming Chateau Coppet where unique
entertainment awaits our faculty including their husbands and wives. Dinner and dancing will follow and bus transport back to
Geneva will be provided.
Evening at the Circus - Circus Knie
Thursday, September 6th • 7 - 11 pm
Join us for a unique ISAPS at the Circus evening with the world famous - and oldest - family circus in all of Europe. A lavish
reception and dinner in an adjoining private tent and this fabulous circus show are included for all registrants. Discounted
tickets are available for family members and guests. Circus Knie dates back to 1803 and is now managed by the 8th generation
of the family.
Tours & Daytrips
Full description of each tour and Excursion Registration is on the Congress Website in the Tours & Daytrips section. Unusual Discoveries of Geneva
Sightseeing Tour of Geneva (2 hours)
(9 am to 4 pm) Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 Thursday, September 6th, 2012 Excursion per person: 170 CHF Excursion per person: 45 CHF Ladies Chocolate Tour
(10 am to 4 pm) Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 (9 am to 5 pm) Friday, September 7th, 2012 Excursion per person: Cost of transporation Excursion per person: 240 CHF Montreux – Lavaux
Mont Blanc
(9 am to 4 pm) Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 (9 am to 5 pm) Saturday, September 8th, 2012 Excursion per person: 240 CHF Excursion per person: 45 CHF 21st Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 23
Exhibitors & Sponsors
As of April 4, 2012 Mentor Worldwide LLC Pacifica Handels AG Polytech Health & Aesthetics GmbH GE Lombardozzi - VOE Quality Medical Publishing Baxter Healthcare SA Brazilian Society Marina Medical Instruments, Inc.
SciVision Biotech, Inc.
brumaba GmbH & Co.
Seattle Software Design Ceatus Media Group Sound Surgical Technologies Merz Pharma (Schweiz) AG Tulip Medical Products Cosmetic Image Marketing Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Ulthera, Inc.
Cytori Therapeutics, Inc.
Wells Johnson Company Dale Medical Products New Medical Technology, Inc.
Descriptions of each Seminar will be included in the program book. ISAPS - LEAP Information Session
Wednesday, September 5th Thursday, September 6th Surgical Facilities Resources Information Session
Wednesday, September 5th Thursday, September 6th Speaker: James D. Frame, MDWhy I Switched to Polyurethane Breast Implants Silhouette Lift Seminar
Thursday, September 6th Wednesday, September 5th Thursday, September 6th Friday, September 7th Solta Medical Seminar
Thursday, September 6th
1:00 - 2:00 pm
ISAPS Executive Office 45 Lyme Road, Suite 304, Hanover, NH 03755 USA Tel: 1-603-643-2325 • Fax: 1-603-643-1444 Email: [email protected] • •


Jahrestagung 2007

DEUTSCH-ÄTHIOPISCHER VEREIN E.V. GERMAN ETHIOPIAN ASSOCIATION Ausgabe November 2007 Äthiopieninitiativen Die dreizehnjährige „Hanna" brach in der ersten Klasse Kinder auf der Straße ihre Beschulung in einer staatlichen Primarschule ab, als ihre Mutter starb und die Kebele jegliche Unterstützung