December 2013 newsletter

Issue No: 67
December 2013 / January 2014
Recipe of the Month
Raw Velvet Cake
Dear Tony,
A tasty and nutritious take onthe popular red velvet cake, this
It is hard to believe that we are in December already. November was a
Ceres Organics Velvet Cake
particularly busy month with Michelle, our Naturopath, having
with Brazil Nuts is a surefire
consultations instore. She is indeed, an amazing, knowledgeable
crowd-pleaser and makes a
naturopath and has helped so many of our customers with their various
lovely alternative Christmas
Our Christmas party is to be held on Thursday 12th December. It will
2 cups organic brazil nuts
begin at 9am and finish at 7pm, giving you plenty of time to shop or
6-8 organic dates
come and go at your leisure. Our suppliers are supporting us and
¼ cup coconut or rice syrup
attending with extra gifts and tastings. We will have extra great specials
2 medium beetroots, grated
as well as raffles and gifts for everyone. Each of the staff will make
2 small carrots, grated
something using our ingredients and recipes from our cookbooks.
Rind of 1 orangeJuice of ½ orange
Also on this day, from 12-2pm and again from 5-7pm, Health & Herbs
Juice of ½ orange1 cup organic desiccated
Naturopath, Rachel, wil be here to give you advice on your skin. With a
simple and non-invasive machine she can let you in on your skin's
1 cup organic coconut flour
levels of hydration, how wel your lipid barrier is performing and other
key indicators of skin health. Rachel wil then give you some
1-2 tbsp raw cacao powder
personalised advice on what you can do to get your skin looking andfeeling its best.
Don't forget to note this party on to your calendar. 12th December wil
be a day not to be missed!
¼ cup organic raw cacaopowder
I am very grateful to you al , our lovely loyal customers, for your support
¼ cup rice or coconut syrup
over the past year. So, to reward you we are giving you 10% off your
squeeze of orange juice
entire sales from now until 31st December. Just tel us that you read
½ tsp Organic vanil a extract
this newsletter (before we put the sale through) to be given thisdiscount. On top of this discount you are entitled to the monthly
In a food processor, grind the
specials, however it excludes those extra special discounts on our
brazil nuts. Add the dates and
birthday party. Don't forget to tel us you read this newsletter and for the
syrup. Process until wel
10% off your purchase as this discount is just for you!
combined, with a relatively finetexture.
I also want to thank my fabulous staff for their dedication and supportover the past year. I am extremely lucky to have such wonderful people
In a separate bowl, combine
the grated beetroot, carrots,orange rind and orange juice.
I wil have a holiday in January so I wont be writing a newsletter. You
Add the brazil nut and dried
wil hear from me again in February.
fruit mixture and combine wel .
Stir in the dry ingredients. The
Thanks once again for your friendship support. I wish you a very Happy
mixture should be relatively dry,
Christmas and New Year and blessings to you al - Jude
with a consistency of cookedcake.
Line a cake tin with baking
paper, and press the cake mixin. Set aside to chil for 20
Don't forget to tel us that you have read this newsletter to get
an extra 10% on your entire purchases for December - PLUSthese Specials
To make the icing, combine alingredients in the food
* $10 off Good Health Omega 3 Fish Oil 150s now only $19.90
processor and blend to asmooth, velvety consistency.
* FREE Absolute Essential Christmas season essential oil withan Aroma Light oil Burner
Once the cake is chil ed,spread with the icing. Decorate
* FREE Aromatic Body Oil with every 2 Trilogy products
with extra chopped brazil nutsand orange rind - Delicious
* FREE Lifestream Aloe Berry 500ml worth $21.50 with everyLifestream Digestive Enzymes 180s or Lifestream Natural Multi
We wil have tastings of this
yummy cake at our Christmasparty.
* $5 off Thompsons Junior Immunofort 90s now $29.90
* FREE Antipodes Joyful hand cream with every 2 Antipodes
Christmas Gift Ideas
* FREE Lifestream Aloe vera gel 100g worth $15.50 with every
Under $10
* Bamboo Flute* Cat Ring Holder
* FREE Natural Instinct Moisturiser with a Natural Instinct
Cleanser and Toner
* Whole Foods Handbook* Teas including Christmas
* $4 off Spatone Liquid Iron 28s now $30.70, 14s now $17.40
* FREE Living Nature Lip Balm with every Vitality Body Oil
* Incense & holders* Chocolates
* FREE Living Nature Nourishing Body Wash with every Ultra
* Teechino sachets
* Honey* Magazines
* FREE Living Nature Ultra Nourishing Mask when you spend
* Sprouting seeds
over $69 on Living Nature
* Sun Catchers* Eco Tanka Koolers
* Purchase any EcoTan product with an Exfoliating Glove and
receive 20% off both products
Under $20
* $20 off Comvita Propolis 100s & Comvita Propolis extract.
* Eco Tanka Koolers* Essential oils
* FREE Q Silica pawpaw ointment with every Q Silica gel
* Stainless Steel drink bottles
* Body Oils* Hand lotions and creams
* $5 off Good Health Opti CoQ10 150mg now $19.90
Under $30
* $5 off Nutralife Jointcare Ultramove 100s now $64.90
* Books* Skincare packs
* 20% off Lifestream Spirulina 1000s
* Lipsticks* Eye & Lip Pencils
* $5 off 30 plus 120s now $55.30
* Body Oils & Washes* Hand & Body Lotions
* FREE Pro B Immune worth $28.90 with every Radiance Mens
* $1 off al Tulsi Teas
Under $40
* Skincare Gift Packs
* Recipe Books
* Aroma Light Oil Burners with
Happy Holidays
free Christmas Season oil* Essential Oil Electric burner
The holiday season bring many great things, like joy, nostalgia, good
* Mens & womens skincare gift
wil , and more. But let's be honest – it's not exactly relaxing! Up late
cooking and cleaning, early mornings with family, and days spentrushing around between work, gift shopping, visiting, and on and on.
It's a fun, fantastic, inspiring time of year, but in the end it's a tiring
A lot of people make the al -too-common mistake of upping their sugar
Healthy Jam
and caffeine consumption in an attempt to offset the extra stress. Don't
Do you feel like a jam but dont
do it! You'l only get caught in an endless cycle of increasing fatigue, as
the sugar and caffeine taxes your system more and more. You'l always
Beth blends a smal amount of
be chasing that energy boost, never quite getting enough, and wearing
fruit and adds chia seeds - a
away at your immune system in the meantime. This year, leave your
simple and delicious alternative
caffeine intake at normal levels, and instead rely on these three easy,
natural, and effective energy boosters.
1. Drink water! Dehydration is one of the most common causes of
fatigue. A dehydrated body is hindered in its ability to perform
metabolic functions. This means guaranteed sluggishness! There'snothing quite like fresh, clean water. It cools, refreshes, and revitalizes.
According to Dr. Greene, water can take on the energy imprint of other
Artemis Fertility Tea
substances. It is an essential medium through which energy flowsthroughout the system.
So many of our customers are
By the time we reach for a glass of water from the kitchen tap, it has
having trouble conceiving. This
passed through a treatment system and processing that effectively
100% organic, traditional Swiss
"deadens" the water. Bottled water also has its problems. Trapped in
herbal formulation fosters
plastic bottles, stored in dark warehouses, and sitting on store shelves
perfect conditions for
under fluorescent lighting takes a tol . Dead water doesn't sound
conception. The essential
particularly refreshing or revitalizing. Natural spring water is best.
balance of medicinal grade
Urban living and modern life in general makes that a bit of a problem,
herbs is specifical y formulated
acknowledges Dr. Greene.
to support the hormonesinvolved with ovulation, prepare
"You can take control of your water by using a home water system,
your body for a baby and create
such as the Ionza Alka jug. You wil avoid the proliferation of plastic
an environment conducive to
bottles. In addition to filtration,the ionization unit that restructures the
water is anti-oxidizing al owing you to adjust the pH of the water. This isimportant because alkalinizing your body through water and food
Fertility Tea contains medicinal
choices appears to have significant health benefits."
plants effective in creating a
We also recommend putting Elete Electrolytes in your water.
fertile reproductiveenvironment. The formula
2. Eat the right foods! Food is essential in the war on energy drain. The
contains key nutrients specific
right foods wil make you, and the wrong ones wil break you. Aim to
to conception as wel as
avoid sugars, processed and refined carbohydrates, and depleted
properties that act as a sexual
stimulant. With the fine balanceof medicinal herbs, Fertility Tea
Depleted food refers to food that has been microwaved, treated with
supports your body on the
chemicals, or genetical y altered (GMOs). Sadly, that's the bulk of
journey of conception and
many of our diets. According to Dr. Greene, those things rob food of its
prepares your body for
life force, and we end up eating what she cal s "hungry food." Rather
than giving you energy, such food actual y robs you of energy. Andguess what? That makes you eat even more! "Every living thing,
Chaste Tree berries (Vitex
including plants, animals, and humans, has an energy body. When that
agnus castus fructus) is a key
energy is intact, the food is vitalizing and nourishing. When the energy
medicinal plant to support
is depleted, the food can steal your energy." Trust in nature. Avoid
ovulation. The progesterone-
processed, enhanced, laboratory engineered food, and food loaded
like action makes Chaste Tree
with additives and preservatives. Overcooking can also rob food of
berries an ideal medicinal plant
precious nutrients. Choose foods that are fresh and organical y grown.
to rectify gynaecological
"Mother nature is very intel igent and produces food that is compatible
problems relating to hormone
with life," says Dr. Greene. Don't forget those digestive enzymes and
probiotics to keep your digestive system working wel .
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum
3. Move! Walk around the building, do jumping jacks at your desk - it
zeylanicum cortex) stimulates
real y works! Just a short burst of vigorous movement can completely
circulation, bringing valuable
revive you when you're in a slump. Better stil , make some time in the
nutrients to the womb area.
day to go for a short walk in the sunshine, but be careful not to get
Used to treat PMT and
burned! We have several safe sunscreens for sale.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) which can cause
fertility issues.
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra
A Delicious and Nutritious Coffee Alternative
radix) has phyto-oestrogenicproperties and saponins that
It looks, tastes, and brews like coffee, but it's caffeine free and made
It looks, tastes, and brews like coffee, but it's caffeine free and made
support ovulation. Its anti-
from nutritious herbs. Every cup of Teeccino is brimming with nutritious
inflammatory properties help
health benefits that are natural y released during brewing from
treat infections and chronic
Teeccino's herbs, grains, fruits and nuts. These nutrients are quickly
inflammation in the pelvic area.
absorbable from brewed Teeccino because the nutrients aresuspended in liquid.
Nettle (Urtica dioica herba) ia anutrient-rich and alkalising tonic
In many ways, Teeccino rebalances the negative effects of coffee.
that supports the pH balance of
Teeccino is excel ent for people with digestive health conditions
cervical mucus, necessary for
because it is non-acidic and contains the prebiotic, inulin. Inulin is a
sperm to successful y get to the
soluble fibre from chicory root that supports a healthy population of
egg for penetration. It delivers
beneficial digestive flora, so necessary for good digestive health.
an abundance of crucial
minerals and vitamins for a
Coffee, on the other hand, is highly acidic and along with its caffeine
healthy reproductive system.
content, coffee can over-stimulate the digestive tract aggravating healthproblems for people with gastrointestinal conditions like acid reflux and
Peppermint (Mentha piperita
herba) is considered a potent
stimulant for both body and
Teeccino provides two heart-healthy nutrients, potassium, an
mind and is used traditional y
electrolyte mineral, and soluble fibre. Potassium helps prevent strokes
as a sexual stimulant.
and high blood pressure. Soluble fibre lowers total cholesterol. Drinkingseveral cups of Teeccino daily provides nutrients that support good
Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus
cardiovascular health.
herba) is a uterine tonic. It
strengthens and tones uterine
Caffeine, however, is a central nervous stimulant that makes the heart
tissues and helps build a
beat faster and can increase blood pressure. Coffee drinking has been
healthy endometrium. It
shown to increase blood pressure in sensitive individuals. Caffeine's
contains high levels of
effect on heart beats can stress the heart in people who have heart
manganese and moderate
conditions. Decaf coffee has been shown to raise cholesterol and
levels of iron, calcium, selenium
produce the "jitters" even though it has less caffeine than regular
and vitamins A and C – al
important nutrients to promote
Like any drug, caffeine withdrawal can cause many undesirablesymptoms such as headaches, irritability, and nausea. Slowly weaning
This tea is suitable for al
oneself off coffee by mixing Teeccino into your morning brew, and
women (including when
increasing the ratio of Teeccino to coffee for 3 weeks, has proven a
pregnant or breastfeeding), you
successful plan to quit coffee, while stil enjoying the taste of coffee,
do not need to want to conceive
with little or no withdrawal symptoms!
to drink this lovely tea.
Energy is the reason why many people drink coffee. With Teeccino,people experience an energy boost that comes from nutrients, not
stimulants like caffeine. A cup of Teeccino keeps energy steady andbalanced, but won't provide that spike and subsequent crash that youcan experience from too much coffee. Although many people drink
Mango Nice Cream
coffee to get "energy", they are real y putting themselves in a state
Our delicious coconut Nice
cal ed "flight or fight syndrome", which is a stress response that triggers
Cream now has a new flavour!
alertness along with a host of stress reactions throughout the body.
If you love Mango you wil just
Getting off of the caffeine rol ercoaster ride of sudden highs fol owed by
love the deliciously smooth
lows in energy is one of the benefits of drinking Teeccino!
taste of Mango dairy free NiceCream. It wil be available to
There is a great range of different flavoured Teeccino's. See them
taste at our Christmas party.

Whilst gardening Eunice
Solgar® Comfort Zone is an advanced digestive complex that helps to
realised too late that she was
encourage more efficient and thorough digestion…so you can feel
getting burnt. She quickly
better about the foods you eat and worry less about having the foods
applied Malcolm Harker
you enjoy. With 11 natural y derived enzymes, Solgar® Comfort Zone
Sunpeace. The burning cooled
helps to support the body's natural digestive process…so you can turn
down immediately. She kept
what you eat…into what you need, with Solgar® Comfort Zone you can
applying it ½ hourly and
put your favourite foods back on the menu.
although the skin peeled off had absolutely no itching or
Having the right enzyme support can make a difference in your overal
burning pain. She was
digestive health. Enzymes help to break foods down to the molecular
level so they can be absorbed. Because we al digest foods differently,sometimes we can benefit from extra enzyme help in breaking down
The Top 20
proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple sugars and fats
into fatty acids. Adding one capsule with every meal can make a real
1. Frooze Bal s/Macadamia
difference in your relationship with food. Getting into the Comfort Zone
can make you and your meals fast friends.
2. Comvita Propolis Lozenges3. NZ Journal Natural Medicine
4. Macadamia Slice & Brittle5. Flaveur Breads
Keep Hydrated this Summer
6. Elete Stainless Steel Water
Bottles with Cover
If there was one product that is indispensible during summer, it would
7. Young Coconut Water Kefir
be elete. This fantastic product wil help keep you hydrated through the
8. Pulse LSA Bars
sunny days and give you the energy and stamina to endure the
punishing heat. The magnesium in elete is not only electrolyte team
10. GO Healthy COQ10
captain but is also essential for the body to be able to process sugars,
11. Oasis Sun SPF30
protein and fats including cholesterol. It is also important to replace
12. LSA & LSAP 250g
magnesium that has been depleted during times of stress! For many,
13. Natures Sunshine Liver
holiday season is a time of travel too. So, if you plan to migrate,
remember to hydrate!
15. Natures Sunshine Pro-Pancreas16. organic Coco Libre pure
Wishing you and your loved ones, peace, health, happiness and
prosperity in the coming year.
17. Flax Seed Oil 500 ml bottle18. Lifestream Natural
- Eunice, Thea, Beth, Serina and Jude
Magnesium Powder19. Ethical NutrientsMagnesium powder20. Slippery Elm Powder
Help us spread the word!
Life is short!
Forgive quickly,
Visit the store!
kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh
uncontrol ably and never regret
229c State Highway 2
anything that made you smile!
Bethlehem, Tauranga
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Monitoring the situation of children and women Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey SUMMARY REPORT Federal Republic of Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics MICS Nigeria, 2011 Summary Report In Memory This report is dedicated to the 24 people killed, and those who were injured, by the bomb attack on UN House in Abuja on the 26th August 2011. Amongst the people who lost their lives was Johnson Awotunde who devoted his time, energy and personal resources to the success of the survey until his untimely departure.
Clinical Case Studies Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Postpartum Onset: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Aggressive Obsessions Lisa M. Christian and Eric A. Storch Clinical Case Studies DOI: 10.1177/1534650108326974 The online version of this article can be found at: Additional services and information for can be found at: