BA in Business Management, China Pharmaceutical University, China, 2005
MS in Management, China Pharmaceutical University, China, 2008
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of
Graduate School of Public Health in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh
This dissertation was presented
It was defended on
January 20, 2015
Dissertation Advisor:
Julie M. Donohue, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Health Policy and Management
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
Judith R. Lave, PhD
Department of Health Policy and Management
Graduate School of Public Health,
University of Pittsburgh
(Joyce) Chung-Chou H. Chang, PhD
Department of Biostatistics
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
Walid F. Gellad, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
VA Pittsburgh Health Care System, RAND, and University of Pittsburgh
Copyright by Yan Tang
University of Pittsburgh, 2015
Understanding factors influencing medication utilization and provider prescribing behavior has
important implications for the quality improvement and cost containment in health care. This
dissertation seeks to shed light on the quality and efficiency of medication prescribing.
Chapter one examines the association between Medicare Part D plan features and choice
of generic antidepressants, antidiabetics, and statins using Medicare claims data. Low cost-
sharing for generics, large differentials in cost-sharing for generic vs. brand drugs, and tools such
as prior authorization and step therapy are associated with higher generic drug use. Modifying
the benefit design and utilization management of Medicare prescription drug plans might
increase generic use, which could generate substantial savings for the Medicare program and for
Chapter two examines physician antipsychotic prescribing behavior in a large Medicaid
program. By linking multiple data sources and using the multiple membership modeling
approach, we examine the degree to which psychiatrists are diversified vs. concentrated in their
choice of antipsychotic medication and identify factors associated with the concentration of
prescribing. Antipsychotic prescribing behavior is relatively concentrated and varies
substantially across psychiatrists regularly prescribing antipsychotics. Several characteristics of
the treated patient population and physicians are significantly associated with antipsychotic
prescribing. The few characteristics of organizations examined have little influence over
psychiatrist prescribing behavior.
Chapter three assesses provider-level clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy practices
– one with strong evidence base and the other with little support. Using multiple years' claims
data in a large Medicaid program, we find provider-level underuse of clozapine and use of non-
evidence supported practice of non-clozapine antipsychotic polypharmacy. However, these
prescribing practices vary tremendously across providers. In particular, a sizable portion of
providers use more antipsychotic polypharmacy than clozapine to their patients. Quality
initiatives may take actions to improve evidence-based practice and to decrease unsupported
practices in the management of antipsychotic drug use.
This dissertation has important implications for public health because appropriate
prescribing can alleviate tremendous health and economic burdens while inappropriate
prescribing can generate substantial costs and increase risk of undesirable consequences.
Understanding how providers make prescribing decisions points to potential opportunities for
improving the quality of care and reducing cost through altering providers' prescribing behavior.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my dissertation committee members: Julie
Donohue, Judith Lave, Joyce Chang, and Walid Gellad. I am indebted to my committee chair
and advisor, Julie Donohue, for her tremendous guidance, endless patience, great support and
encouragement throughout my dissertation and my graduate career at the University of
Pittsburgh. Julie is a role model in every sense of the word. I consider myself truly fortunate to
have been working with Julie in the past several years, as her student and as a research assistant.
No matter how busy her schedule is, Julie has always kept an open door to discuss and provide
me with valuable advice from small method issues to the big picture. Julie's guidance,
motivation, insight, and encouragement throughout the process has been crucial for my
completion of this dissertation. I am endlessly grateful for Julie's mentorship and want to pay it
forward in future. I am greatly thankful to Judith Lave for providing me with insightful advice
and comments which are invaluable in improving my dissertation work and in helping me think
through my research. Judith's breadth of knowledge and dedication to health services research as
an outstanding health economist has given me constant inspiration. I will also always remember
the time that Judith spent on helping me go over the whole Handbook of Health Economics years
ago. I thank Joyce Chang for enormous help and advice on my dissertation. Whenever I had any
statistical-related questions or issues that I needed help, Joyce always made time for me. Her
expertise and support made my completing the dissertation much easier. I could not have asked
for a better statistician on my committee. I am extremely thankful to Walid Gellad for his
continued guidance and invaluable help and support on my dissertation. Walid's vast knowledge
and sharp insights was crucial to this dissertation.
I am grateful to my coauthors, Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, Haiden Huskamp, and Sharon-
Lise Normand, who have provided me helpful advice throughout the dissertation process. My
special thanks are to Aiju Men, for her expert advice in programming and her constant
I want to thank faculty members from the Department of Health Policy and Management
including Mark Roberts, Nicholas Castle, Howard Degenholtz, Beaufort Longest, Gerald Barron,
Julia Driessen, Marian Jarlenski, and others who have provided me with help during my study at
the University of Pittsburgh. I also want to thank my colleagues and friends for their support and
advice. In particular, I would like to thank Ana Progovac, Yomei Shaw, Manik Razdan,
Carroline Lobo, Johanna Bellon, Tri Le, Inma Delso, Mina Kabiri, Jenny Lo, Yu Xiao, Yun
Wang, and Yue Li.
I thank my parents for a lifetime of love, support, inspiration, and encouragement.
Thanks to my husband, Jeff Du, for being on my side to support and encourage me, for being so
patient with me, and for experiencing both hard and good moments with me. I am also grateful to
the big family for their support in my life, particular thanks to my grandma, my uncles and aunts,
my parents-in-law, my cousins, and my niece and nephews.
To my parents and husband
Yan Tang, Walid F. Gellad, Aiju Men, Julie M. Donohue
Published Manuscript (Medical Care 2014; 52(6): 541-548)
Background: Little is known about how Medicare Part D plan features influence choice of
generic vs. brand drugs.
Objectives: Examine association between Part D plan features and generic medication use.
Methods: Data from a 2009 random sample of 1.6 million fee-for-service, Part D enrollees ≥65
years, who were not dually eligible or receiving low-income subsidies, was used to examine the
association between plan features (generic cost-sharing, difference in brand and generic copay,
prior authorization, step therapy) and choice of generic antidepressants, antidiabetics, and statins.
Logistic regression models accounting for plan-level clustering were adjusted for
sociodemographic and health status
Results: Generic cost-sharing ranged from $0 to $9 for antidepressants and statins, and from $0
to $8 for antidiabetics (across 5th-95th percentiles). Brand-generic cost-sharing differences were
smallest for statins (5th-95th percentiles: $16-$37) and largest for antidepressants ($16-$64)
across plans. Beneficiaries with higher generic cost-sharing had lower generic use (adjusted odds
ratio [OR] = 0.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] =0.95-0.98 for antidepressants; OR = 0.97, CI
=0.96-0.98 for antidiabetics; OR = 0.94, CI =0.92-0.95 for statins). Larger brand-generic cost-
sharing differences and prior authorization were significantly associated with greater generic use
in all categories. Plans could increase generic use by 5-12 percentage points by reducing generic
cost-sharing from the 75th ($7) to 25th percentiles ($4-$5), increasing brand-generic cost-sharing
differences from the 25th ($25-$26) to 75th ($32-$33) percentiles and using prior authorization
and step therapy.
Conclusions: Cost-sharing features and utilization management tools were significantly
associated with generic use in three commonly-used medication categories.
Key Words: Medicare Part D, cost-sharing, prior authorization, step therapy, generic drugs
Increasing generic drug use has the potential to reduce prescription drug costs without harming
quality, because generic equivalents are typically as effective as their brand counterparts1,2 and
are available at a quarter of the cost.3 In fact, aggressive generic substitution has been a key
driver of the lower than expected growth in prescription drug spending in Medicare Part D.4
However, studies point to opportunities for substantial additional savings in Medicare from
therapeutic substitution (switching from a brand drug to the generic version of another
drug in the same class).5,6 Because consumers face much lower cost-sharing for generics,
increasing their use may reduce cost-related non-adherence,7 and lead to substantial welfare
gains to beneficiaries.8
Choice of generic drugs is shaped by patient characteristics9-12 and provider
preferences.13,14 In Medicare, differences in Part D plan features may also be an important
determinant of drug choice. In 2009, there were 1,689 Medicare Part D stand-alone prescription
drug plans (PDP) which differed in premiums, formularies, cost-sharing, use of utilization
management tools, and other features.15 There was 4-fold variation across Part D plans in cost-
sharing for the top ten brand drugs in 2009. For example, cost-sharing for Lipitor ranged from
$21 to $77 across plans.16
There is strong evidence that demand for drugs is sensitive to cost-sharing and utilization
management tools (e.g., prior authorization).17-26 Yet, few studies have examined the association
between Part D plan features and choice of generic vs. brand drugs. Hoadley and colleagues,
using 2008 Medicare data, found low or zero cost-sharing for generic statins could increase their
use from 51% to 88% and could result in substantial savings.27 It is not clear whether these
findings generalize to other medications. We used 2009 Medicare data to examine whether cost-
sharing for generic and brand drugs and use of utilization management tools (prior authorization
or step therapy) were associated with choice of generic antidepressants, oral antidiabetics, and
statins [3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors]. We focused
on these categories because they are widely used by older adults, account for a large share of
drug spending,28,29 and include multiple brand and generic options with different levels of
generic penetration. We hypothesized that lower cost-sharing for generic drugs, larger cost-
sharing differences between brand and generic drugs, and use of prior authorization and step
therapy for brand drugs would lead to greater generic use.
1.2.1 Data sources
We analyzed data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a 10%
sample of 2009 Medicare beneficiaries (N = 4,891,885) who were continuously enrolled in fee-
for-service Parts A and B and a stand-alone Part D plan (N = 1,529,825) that year. We did not
request data on Medicare Advantage enrollees because complete medical claims are not available
for those enrollees. The Prescription Drug Event (PDE) file contains information for each
prescription on date of fill, National Drug Code (NDC), days supply, total cost, amount paid by
the PDP and beneficiary (i.e., cost-sharing), benefit phase in which the claim occurred (e.g.,
initial coverage limit, coverage gap, or catastrophic phase), whether the plan required prior
authorization/step therapy for the drug, and encrypted identifiers for the prescriber, pharmacy,
and plan. We used the Plan Characteristics file to obtain the plan's monthly premium, deductible,
and whether the plan covered generics in the gap. We obtained the primary dispenser type (e.g.,
retail, mail order) from the Pharmacy Characteristics file. We obtained the specialty of the
provider prescribing the medication from the Prescriber Characteristics file. The Medi-Span®
database was used to determine the drug name, category, dose, brand or generic status, and
active ingredient by NDC.30 From the Medicare Denominator file we obtained beneficiaries'
demographics, ZIP code, Part D dual eligible status, and low-income subsidy (LIS) status. We
obtained information on beneficiaries' diagnoses and health care utilization from the claims files.
We used 2010 Census data to get ZIP code-level information on education (proportion with high
school education) and median household income.31
We assigned beneficiaries to one of 306 Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care hospital-referral
regions (HRRs) based on ZIP code32 to adjust for additional regional factors that might affect.
1.2.2 Study sample
We excluded low-income subsidy recipients and dual eligibles who faced low or no cost-sharing
and beneficiaries under 65 years eligible for Medicare based on disability whose drug utilization
patterns may differ substantially from those of older adults (N = 761,070). We further excluded
beneficiaries who switched plans during the year (N = 20,825), or were residents of US
territories (N = 3,468). We limited analyses to individuals with at least one prescription drug
event for antidepressants, oral antidiabetics, or statins during the year (see
Table A.1 for list of
drugs). We eliminated a small number of enrollees (<1% of users in each category) who were in
PDPs with low enrollment due to difficulty in estimating cost-sharing for generic and brand
1.2.3 Dependent variable
Our primary outcome was whether a beneficiary's first prescription within a specific category in
2009 was for a generic. Most of the study sample used only generics or only brand drugs
throughout the year (90.7% of antidepressant users, 79.9% of antidiabetic users, and 93.8% of
statin users). In sensitivity analyses described in the statistical analysis section we used alternate
1.2.4 Key independent variables
The main predictors of interest were calculated at the plan-level for each therapeutic category
separately. All prescriptions were standardized to a 30-day supply (i.e., a 90-day supply equaled
three prescriptions). First, we calculated median cost-sharing for a generic prescription in the
plan by therapeutic category in 2009. We used only prescription drug events from the initial
coverage phase since cost-sharing is 100% in the coverage gap and uniform across plans after
catastrophic coverage is in effect. Median instead of mean cost-sharing was used because of the
skewed distribution. Overall, 89% of the claims had flat copayment and 11% had coinsurance.
Our second key independent variable was the difference between the plan's median cost-sharing
for a brand drug and the plan's median cost-sharing for a generic drug in the same category. We
did not classify brand drugs into multiple categories (e.g., preferred vs. non-preferred brand
drugs) because plans frequently assigned more than one drug type to a tier. Thus, it was not
feasible to distinguish between preferred or non-preferred brands if a tier contains more than one
type. Finally, we included separate indicators of whether the plan required prior authorization or
step therapy for at least one brand drug in the category.
1.2.5 Covariates
Covariates included other plan features (indicators of deductible, gap coverage, and premium
level) and beneficiaries' demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (sex, age,
race/ethnicity, and ZIP code-level education and income). We adjusted for a number of
indicators of health status including person-level prescription-drug Hierarchical Condition
Category (RxHCC) scores based on patients' claims (inpatient, outpatient, carrier, home health
agency, and hospice claims),33 which is a measure of health status and predictive of drug
spending and is used to adjust PDP payments.34 In addition, we included a variable for end-stage
renal disease (ESRD) eligibility and a set of disease-specific comorbidities for each drug
category to adjust for clinical severity (see
Table 1.1). We included separate indicators for
whether the beneficiary had at least one hospitalization or emergency department visit in the
year. To adjust for differences in drug choice by provider specialty we included a variable
indicating whether the beneficiary received at least one prescription from a specialist (e.g.,
geriatric psychiatry, psychiatry, advanced practice psychiatric nurses for antidepressant users;
endocrinology for antidiabetic users; cardiology for statins). HRR indicator variables were added
to address additional regional factors affecting use of generic vs. brand drugs.35
1.2.6 Statistical analysis
We used logistic regression models with robust standard errors clustered at the plan-level to
estimate the association between plan features and whether a beneficiary's first prescription was
for a generic drug. Regressions were performed at the person-level, adjusting for all covariates
discussed above. Correlations among plan features were tested using variance inflation factor
(VIF) diagnostics.36 All VIFs were smaller than 2.7 indicating that the plan features were not too
highly correlated to be included in the models.
We conducted sensitivity analyses altering the specification of the dependent variable,
and the analytic sample. First, we used the last prescription filled in the year instead of the first
as the dependent variable for generic use, an outcome variable used in previous studies.27
Second, we conducted an analysis restricting the sample to beneficiaries who did not switch
drugs between generic and brand medications throughout the year. Third, multiple concurrent
medication use is common among antidepressant (13.1%) and antidiabetic (36.0%) users.
Therefore, we conducted an analysis in which the dependent variable was ‘generic drug use
only' in the category. The results for all of these analyses were similar to the main analysis and
thus are not reported. We considered a sensitivity analysis for one of our key independent
variables where instead of the difference in brand vs. generic cost-sharing in the category, we
used the ratio; however, the ratio of brand to generic was too highly correlated with cost-sharing
for generic drugs to be included in the same model.
To ease interpretation of the findings, we calculated marginal effects of plan features on
the use of generic drugs for 16 hypothetical scenarios with different plan features for each drug
category, adjusting for all other covariates. To predict rates of generic use, we chose different
combinations of the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-sharing for generic drugs, the 25th and
75th percentiles of the brand-generic cost-sharing differential, and whether or not prior
authorization or step therapy was used for brand drugs.
Analyses were performed using SAS (Version 9.3, SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and STATA
(Version 12.0, Stata Corporation, College Station, TX). The study was deemed exempt from
Human Subject Review by our Institutional Review Board.
1.3.1 Sample characteristics and plan features
Our study sample included 142,767 beneficiaries using antidepressants, 101,841 using
antidiabetics, and 318,934 using statins in 2009 (
Table 1.1). More than one-quarter (27.5%) of
the antidepressant users had at least one hospitalization as did 22.1% of antidiabetic and 19.7%
of statin users.
The mean absolute cost-sharing for generics was similar across the three therapeutic
categories [$6 for antidepressants (5th-95th percentiles: $0-$9), $5 for antidiabetics (5th-95th
percentiles: $0-$8), and $6 for statins (5th-95th percentiles: $0-$9)] (
Table 1.2). Mean cost-
sharing differences between brand and generic drugs were also similar across the three drug
categories ($32 for antidepressants, $31 for antidiabetics, $28 for statins) but varied substantially
across plans (5th-95th percentiles: $16-$64 for antidepressants, $16-$49 for antidiabetics, and
$16-$37 for statins).
Table 1.1: Characteristics of the study sample*
Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
oportion of population in ZIP code who are high 87.3 (7.9)
school graduate or higher (%) Me
dian household income in $ (SD) †
Health services utilization in 2009
t least one hospitalization (%)
east one emergency department visit (%)
east one prescription by mail order (%)
least one specialist visit (%)
Health status
RxH CC score (SD)‡
-stage renal disease (ESRD) (%)
Disease-specific comorbidities
Deli rium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive 17.2
nxiety disorders (%)
olar disorders (%)
ressive disorders (%)
Schi zophrenia and other psychotic disorders (%)
betic neuropathy (%)
betic nephropathy (%)
betic retinopathy (%)
abetes with peripheral vascular disease (%)
ulin use during the year (%)
Hyp erlipidemia (%)
pe 2 diabetes (%)
onary heart disease (%)
Medication use in the year (%)
h generic and brand drugs
* Figures with parentheses are means and SDs. † Household income is based on the median income of the patient's geographic area according to ZIP code and 2010 U.S. Census data. ‡ Prescription-drug Hierarchical Condition Category (RxHCC) scores are based on diagnoses from 2009 inpatient, outpatient, carrier, hospice, and home health agencies claims and are normalized to equal 1.00 on average for all Medicare Part D enrollees, with a range in the study sample of 0.37 to 5.90. Higher scores indicate an increase likelihood of higher drug spending and poorer health status.
Table 1.2: Plan features for the study sample*
Antidepressants Antidiabetics Statins
Cost-sharing for a generic drug ($)
Cost-sharing difference between brand and generic drugs ($)
Prior authorization (%)
Step therapy (%)
Deductible (%)†
Gap coverage (%)‡
Premium per month ($)
* Plan features are described at person level. † In Medicare Part D program, the deductible is a specific amount of money that beneficiaries have to pay for their prescriptions before their Part D plans start to pay their share of enrollees' prescription drug claims. The deductible varies across plans, some plans may have a deductible while others do not; besides, plans can have different amounts for their deductibles. ‡ The Medicare Part D standard benefit design requires beneficiaries (except those with low-income-subsidies) to pay for 100% of total prescription costs after their expenditures exceed the initial coverage phase and before reaching the catastrophic coverage limit. This benefit phase is usually called "coverage gap" or "doughnut hole". However, plans can offer alternative benefit designs with gap coverage that covers some drug costs in the gap.
The proportion of beneficiaries in plans requiring prior authorization varied across the
categories, with 41.9% in plans using prior authorization for at least one antidiabetic agent vs.
only 6.2% in plans requiring prior authorization for antidepressants and 6.7% for statins. A large
proportion of beneficiaries were in plans with step therapy requirements (53.2% for antidiabetics,
44.8% for antidepressants, and 40.1% for statins). More than one fifth of beneficiaries enrolled in
plans with a deductible. The proportion of users enrolled in plans with any gap coverage was
17.2% for antidepressants and 17.6% for antidiabetics vs. 14.6% for statins. The monthly
premium varied substantially across plans (5th-95th percentiles: $24-$81 for antidepressant users
and antidiabetic users, $24-$78 for statin users).
1.3.2 Effects of plan features
Effects of Part D plan features on generic use were similar across the three drug categories in
2009 (
Table 1.3). After adjustment for demographic, socioeconomic, and health status and
comorbidities, beneficiaries in plans with higher average generic cost-sharing were less likely to
use generics than those in plans with lower cost-sharing for antidepressants (odds ratio [OR] per
$1 increase= 0.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.95-0.98, p<0.05), antidiabetics (OR = 0.97,
CI = 0.96-0.98, p<0.05), and statins (OR = 0.94, CI = 0.92-0.95, p<0.05). Beneficiaries in plans
with larger within-category cost-sharing differences between brand and generic drugs were more
likely to use generic drugs than those in plans with smaller differences (antidepressants: OR per
$1 increase= 1.01, CI = 1.01-1.02; antidiabetics: OR = 1.01, CI = 1.01-1.02; statins: OR = 1.02,
CI = 1.01-1.02; p<0.05 for all). Enrollees in plans with use of prior authorization had
significantly higher odds of using generics for antidepressants (OR = 1.29, CI = 1.15-1.44,
p<0.05), antidiabetics (OR = 1.14, CI = 1.09-1.20, p<0.05), and statins (OR = 1.12, CI = 1.00-
1.27, p<0.05) compared to their counterparts in plans without prior authorization requirement.
Beneficiaries in plans using step therapy were more likely to use generic antidepressants (OR =
1.07, CI = 1.02-1.13, p<0.05) and generic statins (OR = 1.13, CI = 1.08 – 1.19, p<0.05), but
these policies were not significantly associated with use of generic antidiabetics (OR = 1.04, CI
= 0.99 – 1.09, p = 0.15).
Other plan features also had a significant impact on the use of generic drugs (
Table 1.3).
Beneficiaries in plans with no deductible were more likely to use generics than those in plans
with deductibles across all three categories. Beneficiaries in plans that covered some drugs in the
coverage gap had increased odds of using generic statins (OR = 1.24, CI = 1.04-1.47, p<0.05),
but were no more likely to use generic antidepressants (OR = 1.09, CI = 0.90-1.30, p=0.38) or
antidiabetic drugs (OR = 1.03, CI = 0.86-1.24, p = 0.74). Beneficiaries enrolled in plans with
higher premiums using antidepressants or statins were less likely to use generics than those in
plans with lower premiums, possibly because beneficiaries able to pay premiums at $50+/month
might be less sensitive to out-of-pocket spending. However, plan premium was not associated
with generic vs. brand use for antidiabetics.
1.3.3 Prediction of generic use associated with plan features
Table 1.4 shows the predicted rates of generic use in the three studied drug categories in several
hypothetical Part D plans that vary by the key features of interest (cost sharing and utilization
management tools). Plans could potentially increase generic use from 75.3% to 83.3% for
antidepressants, from 79.0% to 84.2% for antidiabetics, and from 55.9% to 67.4% for statin
drugs by reducing generic cost-sharing from the 75th ($7) to 25th percentiles ($4-$5), increasing
brand-generic cost-sharing differences from the 25th ($25-$26) to 75th ($32-$33) percentiles and
using prior authorization and step therapy requirements. (
Table A.2 contains predictions for all
hypothetical plans).
Table 1.3: Estimated effects of plan features on the use of generic drugs*
Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% CI)
Plan cost-sharing features
Cost-sharing for a generic drug ($)
0.97 (0.95-0.98)†
0.97 (0.96-0.98)†
0.94 (0.92-0.95)†
Cost-sharing difference between brand and
1.01 (1.01-1.02)†
1.01 (1.01-1.02)†
1.02 (1.01-1.02)†
generic drugs ($)
Utilization management tools
rior authorization (ref=no)
1.29 (1.15-1.44)†
1.14 (1.09-1.20)†
1.12 (1.00-1.27)†
St ep therapy (ref=no)
1.07 (1.02-1.13)†
1.04 (0.99-1.09)
1.13 (1.08-1.19)†
Other plan features
D eductible (ref=yes)
1.10 (1.01-1.19)†
1.09 (1.01-1.19)†
1.45 (1.33-1.58)†
G ap coverage (ref=no)
1.09 (0.90-1.30)
1.03 (0.86-1.24)
1.24 (1.04-1.47)†
remium ($, ref=$1-<30)
0.90 (0.84-0.96)†
1.08 (1.00-1.17)
0.75 (0.69-0.81)†
0.79 (0.66-0.95)†
0.84 (0.69-1.02)
0.56 (0.46-0.67)†
Demographic and socioeconomic
0.94 (0.91-0.97)†
1.14 (1.10-1.18)†
1.08 (1.06-1.10)†
R ace/ethnicity (ref=other)
Non-Hispanic white
0.81 (0.75-0.88)†
1.00 (0.94-1.06)
0.95 (0.91-0.98)†
A ge group (year, ref=65-74)
1.05 (1.02-1.09)†
0.99 (0.95-1.03)
1.01 (1.00-1.03)
1.04 (1.00-1.09)†
0.94 (0.89-1.00)
1.10 (1.07-1.13)†
ducation (%, ref=other)
High school graduate or higher
0.99 (0.99-0.99)†
1.00 (0.99-1.00)†
1 .00(0.99-1.00)†
Median household income ($)
1.00 (1.00-1.00)†
1.00 (1.00-1.00)†
1.00 (1.00-1.00)†
Health services utilization
A t least one hospitalization (ref=no)
1.06 (1.02-1.10)†
1.04 (0.99-1.09)
1.09 (1.07-1.12)†
Table 1.3 (Continued)
Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% CI)
A t least one emergency department visit
1.02 (0.99-1.06)
1.03 (0.98-1.07)
1.05 (1.03-1.07)†
A t least one prescription by mail order
1.15 (1.08-1.22)†
0.94 (0.88-1.01)
1.15 (1.07-1.24)†
A t least one prescription by specialist
prescribers (ref=no)
0.81 (0.76-0.85)†
0.60 (0.57-0.64)†
0.82 (0.81-0.84)†
Health status
0.89 (0.86-0.93)†
1.05 (1.00-1.11)
1.27 (1.23-1.31)†
1.19 (0.98-1.43)
0.65 (0.54-0.79)†
0.99 (0.88-1.10)
Disease-specific comorbidities
ntidepression specific predictors
Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and
other cognitive disorders (ref=no)
0.88 (0.85-0.91)†
Anxiety disorders (ref=no)
1.00 (0.96-1.03)
Bipolar disorders (ref=no)
0.97 (0.90-1.04)
Depressive disorders (ref=no)
0.72 (0.70-0.74)†
Schizophrenia and other psychotic
disorders (ref=no)
1.07 (1.01-1.13)†
ntidiabetes specific predictors
Diabetic neuropathy (ref=no)
0.96 (0.92-1.01)
Diabetic nephropathy (ref=no)
0.76 (0.71-0.81)†
Diabetic retinopathy (ref=no)
0.83 (0.79-0.86)†
Diabetes with peripheral vascular
disease (ref=no)
0.99 (0.93-1.05)
Insulin use during the year (ref=no)
0.85 (0.81-0.89)†
Table 1.3 (Continued)
Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% CI)
Hyperlipidemia (ref=no)
0.89 (0.85-0.94)†
Type 2 diabetes (ref=no)
0.68 (0.61-0.77)†
Statins specific predictors
Coronary heart disease (ref=no)
0.76 (0.75-0.78)†
Stroke/TIA (ref=no)
1.03 (1.00-1.06)†
Hyperlipidemia (ref=no)
0.87 (0.84-0.90)†
Type 2 diabetes (ref=no)
1.00 (0.99-1.03)
*Regression results were adjusted for HRR indicators. †Statistically significant odds ratios, p<0.05.
Table 1.4: Prediction of generic use*
for a generic
difference ($)
generic use
*For each drug category, we calculated marginal effects of plan features on the use of generic drugs (Appendix displays predicted generic use for all 16 scenarios in each drug category). We chose different combinations of the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-sharing for generic drugs, the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-sharing difference between brand and generic drugs, and whether or not prior authorization or step therapy was used. All covariates were adjusted for the predictions.
We found that rates of generic drug use for common chronic conditions are closely related to
Part D plan features in Medicare. Specifically, low cost-sharing for generics, large differentials
in cost-sharing for generic vs. brand drugs, and tools such as prior authorization and step therapy
were associated with higher generic drug use. Our analysis points to potential opportunities for
savings5 through altering benefit design in Part D plans.
Previous studies have reported positive associations between brand-generic cost-sharing
differentials and use of generics in employment-based insurance.37 Our findings are similar to
those reported by Hoadley.27 Using more recent data (2009), two additional drug categories, and
adjusting for a richer set of health and socioeconomic status measures, our study confirms the
association between benefit design in Part D plans and use of generic drugs. It is notable that our
findings were quite consistent across the three drug categories in spite of differences in the
formulary requirements for these categories, the potential for within-category polypharmacy, and
differing generic availability. Specifically, when the Part D program was established in 2006,
antidepressants were designated as a "protected class" requiring Part D plan formularies to cover
all or substantially all drugs in the category38 to ensure access, although CMS is considering
eliminating protected status for antidepressants.39 While antidepressants have similar
comparative effectiveness, on average, these agents are not equally effective at the individual-
level and patients with depression may try multiple antidepressants before finding one that
works.40,41 As a result, physicians may be reluctant to engage in therapeutic substitution in this
category. It is possible that beneficiaries with poorly controlled diabetes would be prescribed
multiple oral antidiabetic agents, some of which have no generic equivalents. If choice of plan is
correlated with diabetes severity our estimates of the effect of plan features may be biased. We
addressed this issue by adjusting for a rich set of diabetes severity indicators (including several
complications, overall comorbidity, and receiving antidiabetic prescriptions from an
endocrinologist). Finally, while the overall rate of generic drug use was slightly lower in the
statin class due to fewer available generic equivalents during our study period, the magnitude of
the effects of our key plan features was similar to the other two categories.
The Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act (MMA) created a market for
prescription drug coverage that was meant to provide multiple plan choices to beneficiaries so
they could find a plan that best met their needs. Our findings point to relatively small variation in
some plan features (e.g., plans' cost-sharing for generic antidepressants ranged only from $5 to
$7 in the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively) and more variation in others (e.g., the cost-
sharing difference between brand and generic drugs ranged from $26 to $33 for antidepressants
in the 25th and 75th percentiles). It is possible that our findings on the relationship between plan
features and generic use could be partly due to selection bias if beneficiaries who are more likely
to use generics chose plans with lower generic cost-sharing. However, the evidence on factors
driving plan choice points to this bias being minimal. Research suggests that Part D plan choice
is driven largely by plan premiums and that beneficiaries actually fail to pay sufficient attention
to cost-sharing and utilization management tools when selecting plans.42,43 The typical
beneficiary, who faces a choice of 40 plans on average, seldom chooses the optimal plan (i.e., the
one with the lowest out-of-pocket spending for someone with their drug utilization).43,44
Furthermore, beneficiaries are reluctant to switch plans in response to changes in their
medication needs or plan options over time.45,46 We are, therefore, reasonably confident that
potential selection bias should be minimal after adjusting for the many plan- and beneficiary-
level covariates in our analyses.
It is possible that some standardization of pharmacy benefit designs under Part D (e.g.,
requiring all plans to have very low cost-sharing for generics) may save money for the Medicare
program and beneficiaries. However, Medicare policy has consistently favored a more market-
based approach to plan benefit design. Alternatively, CMS could add efficiency measures to its
performance measurement for Part D plans: the Star Rating system, information available to
consumers on the Medicare Drug Plan Finder website and used by CMS to terminate contracts
with poorly performing Part D plans. The Star Rating system, which has been found to be
associated with beneficiaries' enrollment decisions,47 has 4 domains for quality measurement: 1)
drug plan customer service; 2) member complaints, problems getting services, and improvement
in the drug plan's performance; 3) member experience with the drug plan; and 4) patient safety
and accuracy of drug pricing.48 The rating system does not currently evaluate generic vs. brand
drug use, which could be a potential measure of efficiency. If Part D plans are rewarded for
more generic use, they might change their cost-sharing to drive greater use of generic drugs by
their enrollees.
Our study has important limitations. First, while we adjusted for patients' socio-
demographic characteristics and health status, provider-level factors, which also influence
prescribing decisions,49 were limited to specialty of the prescriber. Second, we restricted the
sample to those with 12 months continuous enrollment whose medication use patterns may differ
from other Medicare beneficiaries. Third, we measured plan's utilization management for at least
one brand drug in the drug category using the PDE file. If no enrollees in a particular plan filled
the drug requiring prior authorization or step therapy by the plan we would not observe the
utilization management requirement for that drug and may thus underestimate use of and effects
of these tools. Fourth, use of specific utilization management tools (e.g., prior authorization) vary
from year to year so our findings may not generalize to other years. Fifth, it is difficult to predict
beneficiaries' behavioral responses in drug categories where polypharmacy is common (e.g.,
antidiabetics). If beneficiaries respond to reductions in generic drug copays by combining a
generic with a brand drug to treat the same condition instead of substituting the generic for the
brand, changes in cost-sharing features may not result in savings. Finally, if beneficiaries
purchased generic drugs at discounted prices without using the plan (e.g., $4 generic programs),
use of generic drugs would be underestimated. Since use of these programs was relatively
limited among elderly beneficiaries at the time,50 their impact on our findings should be minimal.
In conclusion, lower cost-sharing for generic drugs, larger brand-generic cost-sharing
differences, and use of prior authorization and step therapy requirements were associated with
greater use of generic drugs in three widely used drug categories in Part D. Modifying the benefit
design and utilization management of Medicare prescription drug plans might increase generic
use, which could generate substantial savings for the Medicare program and for beneficiaries.
Yan Tang, Chung-Chou H. Chang, Judith R. Lave, Walid F. Gellad, Haiden A. Huskamp,
Julie M. Donohue
Objectives: Antipsychotics have been approved to treat several serious mental disorders. Given
considerable variability in treatment response and medication side effects across individual
patients using antipsychotic drugs, customizing treatment to the needs of each individual is key
to improving patient outcomes. This study examined the degree to which psychiatrists were
diversified vs. concentrated in their choice of antipsychotic medication and identified patient,
physician, and organization-level factors associated with the concentration of antipsychotic
Methods: Using 2011 data from Pennsylvania's Medicaid program we identified all
psychiatrists who regularly prescribed antipsychotics (defined as 10 or more unique patients in
that year). Using prescriber ID we linked claims data, from which we obtained information on
patient characteristics and psychiatrist prescribing behavior, to demographic information on
psychiatrists from the AMA Masterfile, and to IMS Health's HCOS TM database from which we
obtained information on psychiatrists' organizational affiliations. We used three measures of
antipsychotic prescribing concentration: the number of ingredients ever prescribed in the year,
the share of prescriptions for the most preferred ingredient, and the Herfindahl index (HHI). We
used descriptive analyses and multiple membership linear mixed models with restricted
maximum likelihood estimation to evaluate the degree of physician-level concentration for
antipsychotic prescribing. Predictors included patient characteristics (e.g., diagnoses, disability
status, demographics), physician characteristics (e.g., sex, age, educational background, practice
location), and features of affiliated health care organizations (e.g., inpatient vs. clinic, behavioral
health specialty).
Results: The analytic cohort included 764 psychiatrists treating 65,256 patients. Psychiatrists
prescribed several unique ingredients (mean number: 9); however, prescribing behavior was
relatively concentrated (share of most preferred ingredient: 37.8%; mean HHI: 2,603), with wide
variation across psychiatrists in all measures (range number of ingredients: 2-17; share of most
preferred ingredient: 16.4%-84.7%; HHI: 1,088-7,270). About 15% of psychiatrists had a HHI
higher than 3,333, which suggests that these psychiatrists only prescribed 3 ingredients equally
to their patients (each 33.3%), or prescribed more ingredients but relied heavily on only 1 or at
most 2 ingredients. Having a higher share of SSI-eligible patients and patients with serious
mental illnesses was associated with less concentrated (more diversified) prescribing although
effects were relatively small (p<.01 or p<.05). Female psychiatrists prescribed 0.29 fewer unique
antipsychotic ingredients than did males (p<.10) and had a HHI that was 97.5 units higher
(p<.10). Psychiatrists affiliated with behavioral health organizations had more diversified
antipsychotic prescribing in terms of number of ingredients (p<.10). By increasing psychiatrist's
share of patients with serious mental illnesses from 20% to 100%, the degree of concentration
would decrease (e.g., from 3,102 to 2,382 for HHI). Similar patterns were also found by share of
SSI-eligible patients.
Conclusions: Antipsychotic prescribing behavior in a large state Medicaid program was
relatively concentrated and varied substantially across psychiatrists regularly prescribing
antipsychotics. Some psychiatrists treating Medicaid enrollees with antipsychotics may be
limited in their ability to tailor treatment to individual patient needs and preferences.
Psychiatrists treating more disabled patients with a higher prevalence of severe mental illnesses
had slightly more diversified prescribing although the effects were small. Health systems may
consider exploring strategies for educating providers or guiding patients to providers with greater
ability to tailor treatment decisions.
Key Words: physician prescribing, customization, concentration, variation, antipsychotics
Physicians often face many choices when prescribing drugs in a therapeutic class. In some drug
classes a most effective drug may exist for the treatment of certain diseases. For example, when
treating patients with diabetes and other heart risk factors, ramipril in the drug class of
antiotension-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors has been proven to be the most effective drug
in that class to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and premature deaths.51 However, in most
drug classes there is no "best drug" for all patients; but there is "best drug" for a particular
patient. Accordingly, appropriate prescribing is the result of a matching process that results in
identifying the medication that best fits the patient's clinical characteristics and preferences.
Although personalizing prescribing choices to each individual could potentially lead to better
clinical outcomes –sometimes by improving medication adherence, which is evidenced in
antidepressant treatment,52,53 many physicians tend to prescribe the same drug (or only a limited
subset of drugs) to all patients.54
There are now more than 20 molecules and their reformulations in the class of
antipsychotic drugs.55 As a top-selling drug class,56 antipsychotics have been approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat several serious psychiatric conditions
including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and autism. Off-label use of
antipsychotics for other conditions is also common.57,58 The widespread substitution of atypical
(new) for conventional (old) antipsychotics in the past two decades resulted in high expenditures
for antipsychotics, which are mainly financed by Medicare and state Medicaid programs.59
Although atypicals were introduced with the promise of greater effectiveness and safety than
their conventional counterparts, comparative effectiveness research found that non-clozapine
atypicals are no more effective than conventional antipsychotics.60,61 Because there is
considerable variability in treatment response and medication side effects across individual
patients using antipsychotic drugs,62,63 tailoring treatment to the needs and preferences of
patients is essential to achieving good clinical outcomes. In fact, a major focus of the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in recent years has been fostering personalized medicine to
improve health outcomes.64
Despite a wide variety of choices in antipsychotic products, two studies have found
antipsychotic prescribing to be relatively concentrated although they differed in their sampling
frame and study period.55,65 These findings are similar to results reported from studies examining
prescribing concentration in multiple disease conditions (acute vs. chronic diseases)54 and the
drug class of antidepressants.52 The studies examining antipsychotic prescribing concentration
adjusted for physician characteristics but did not have information on the patient case mix or on
the setting in which the physicians practiced. In addition to physicians' own characteristics66,67
(e.g., education and training background, practicing experience, age), characteristics of the
treated patient population (e.g., demographic factors, health status and clinical needs) may also
influence prescribing decision because physician is expected to act in patient's best interests and
to personalize treatment as her agent.68 Furthermore, physician prescribing practices may be
shaped by the organizations within which they practice through multiple mechanisms (e.g.,
guideline dissemination, quality improvement initiatives, normative influences, financial
This study examined physician antipsychotic prescribing behavior in the Medicaid
program because of the important role Medicaid plays in financing antipsychotic drugs. Using
2011 Pennsylvania's Medicaid dataset and information from IMS Health databases and the
American Medical Association (AMA) Masterfile, we assessed psychiatrists' prescribing of
antipsychotics and the influence of patient characteristics, physician characteristics, and
organizational features.
2.2.1 Overview
By linking 2011 data from Pennsylvania's Medicaid program, AMA Masterfile, and IMS
Health's HCOS TM dataset, we identified psychiatrists who regularly prescribed antipsychotics
(defined as psychiatrists who treated 10 or more unique Medicaid patients in that year). We
constructed 3 measures to quantify the degree of concentration for psychiatrist antipsychotic
prescribing. A number of continuous and categorical variables were constructed to describe the
characteristics of treated patient population, physician characteristics, and features of the health
care organizations with which psychiatrists were affiliated. Using descriptive analyses and
multiple membership linear mixed models, we examined the degree of physician-level
concentration for antipsychotic prescribing in this large Medicaid program and the three types of
factors associated with psychiatrists' prescribing behavior.
2.2.2 Data sources
Medicaid data
We obtained data on patient characteristics, physician and practice setting information for
calendar year 2011. Pennsylvania's Medicaid dataset from the Department of Public Welfare
(DPW) contains enrollment information, medical claims (inpatient, outpatient, and professional),
pharmacy claims for the 2.2 million individuals who were enrolled in either fee-for-service or
managed care programs. It also contains a provider file for providers who bill for visits with
Medicaid patients. This file includes prescribing provider's information such as National
Provider Identifier (NPI), name, and ZIP code information for practice location. From the
enrollment file we obtained beneficiaries' demographic information (age, sex, race/ethnicity),
dual eligible status, eligibility type [SSI (Supplemental Security Incomes), TANF (temporary
assistance for needy families), GA (general assistance), waiver], and insurance type (fee-for-
service vs. individual managed care programs). The eligibility type of general assistance is a
Pennsylvania-specific program for nonelderly adults with a temporary disability, limited income
or special circumstances. We obtained information on patients' diagnoses using the outpatient,
professional, and inpatient claims files. As indicated below, we used these data to describe the
psychiatrists' patient population. The pharmacy claims file includes prescription information
such as the National Drug Code (NDC), date of fill, dose, form, days supply, and prescribing
provider identifier. We used the Medi-Span® database to acquire antipsychotic drugs'
information including drug name, dose, and active ingredient by NDC.70
Physician characteristics
Using the NPI, we linked prescribers with at least one antipsychotic prescription in
Pennsylvania's Medicaid database to physician characteristics from the AMA Masterfile and to
information on organizational characteristics from the 2011 IMS Health's Healthcare
Organizational ServicesTM (HCOS) database. The AMA Masterfile, which includes data on all
physicians (both domestic and foreign graduates) practicing in the US, contains information on
physician demographic, specialty, medical education, and other information.71
Organizational affiliation and characteristics
We obtained information on organizational affiliation from IMS Health's HCOSTM database, on
all US psychiatrists with ≥10 antipsychotic prescriptions in 2011. HCOSTM identifies physician
affiliations with health care organizations (e.g., medical groups, hospitals, nursing homes), along
with the type of affiliation with each organization (e.g., attending, affiliated, admitting, staff,
consulting, treating). HCOSTM also contains information on the specialty of the organization, for
example, whether a medical group had a primary care or behavioral health specialty, and the
total number of providers from all specialties affiliated with that organization.72 The HCOSTM
database seldom captures solo or 2-person practices, but includes virtually all hospitals in
Pennsylvania according to the hospital list from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) Hospital Compare database,73 and larger medical groups, clinics or outpatient facilities.
2.2.3 Study population
We identified psychiatrists prescribing at least one antipsychotic drug to Medicaid beneficiaries
who were under the age of 65 and not dually eligible for Medicare. We excluded dual eligible
beneficiaries because Medicaid data do not contain complete claims information for those
beneficiaries, particularly for prescription drugs. We then limited our analyses to all psychiatrists
who regularly prescribed antipsychotics to 10 or more unique Medicaid enrollees in 2011. Low
volume prescribers provide little information about the diversity of antipsychotic prescribing and
account for a small fraction of antipsychotic prescribing (<1% of the prescriptions by
psychiatrists participating in Pennsylvania Medicaid were prescribed by prescribers with ≤9
patients using antipsychotic drugs in 2011) so they were not included in the analyses (see
B.1 for physician-level concentration of antipsychotic prescribing by physician patient volume
Figure B.2 for the sample size flow chart).
2.2.4 Outcome variables
We constructed three outcome variables to capture the degree of physician-level
concentration/diversity for antipsychotic prescribing. We considered concentrated prescribing to
be the opposite of diverse prescribing;
more concentrated antipsychotic prescribing indicates
diversified prescribing and vice versa. The first outcome measure was the number of unique
ingredients ever prescribed in the year. A recent study examining adoption of second-generation
antipsychotics implies tremendous variation in the time to adoption and sizable differences in
number of agents prescribed across specialties.74 The second outcome measure was the share of
prescriptions accounted by the psychiatrist's most preferred antipsychotic ingredient, a measure
of prescribing concentration used in previous research.54 Studies have documented that
prescribers tended to have favorite agents when multiple drugs were available in a therapeutic
class.52-54 The third outcome measure was Herfindahl index (HHI), which is a commonly
accepted measure of market concentration of firms75-77 but has also been applied to measure the
concentration of product choice within physicians.52,53,55,65 In economic studies, if HHI is greater
than 1,800, it reflects a highly concentrated market.78 We calculated the HHI for a psychiatrist
who prescribed N unique antipsychotic ingredients in 2011, by summing up the square of each
antipsychotic ingredient's prescription share. The value of the HHI index ranged from 10,000/N
(if a physician prescribed each of N antipsychotic ingredients with equal share) to 10,000 (if a
psychiatrist prescribed only one antipsychotic ingredient). The HHI index incorporates
information on both number and share of antipsychotic ingredients prescribed by the psychiatrist,
with a larger value implying more concentrated and a smaller value indicating more diversified
prescribing behavior.
A larger number of ingredients indicates
less concentrated (more diversified)
of antipsychotics, while higher share of ingredients prescribed made up by the most preferred
ingredient and a higher HHI imply a
more concentrated (less diversified) prescribing behavior.
Each of the three measures captures a slightly different aspect of concentration; the three
variables together can comprehensively explore psychiatrists' concentrated vs. diversified
prescribing behavior of antipsychotic drugs.
2.2.5 Explanatory variables
We examined three types of predictors of antipsychotic prescribing: characteristics of the treated
patient population, physician characteristics, and features of the health care organizations with
which psychiatrists were affiliated.
We used data on patient characteristics to adjust for differences in the psychiatrists'
caseloads. For each psychiatrist we calculated the share of his or her patients in certain
sociodemographic groups (share that were female, non-Hispanic white, under 18 years old, and
50 or older). We included a variable of the share of patients eligible for Medicaid through SSI to
measure disability status. To adjust for possible variability in management of antipsychotics by
payers we included a variable for the share of a psychiatrist's patients in fee-for-service vs.
managed care programs. The only prior authorization policies in existence were for children
under 18 years old. Furthermore, antipsychotic policies in Pennsylvania Medicaid did not target
a particular agent. To adjust for patients' health status and diagnosis, we included psychiatrist's
share of patients with serious mental illnesses [any diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICD-9 codes:
295.xx), bipolar disorder (ICD-9 codes: 296.0, 296.1, 296.4, 296.5, 296.6, 296.7, 296.8), major
depressive disorder (ICD-9 codes: 296.2, 296.3), or autism spectrum disorder (ICD-9 codes:
299.xx, excluding 299.9)]. To capture patient population's non-mental comorbidities, first, for
each patient we constructed separate indicators of 25 non-mental illness Elixhauser comorbidity
index (a widely used comorbidity measure)79-81 based on patient's medical claims. Second, we
created a variable for physician-level share of patients with 2 or more of these conditions based
on the distribution in our patient sample.
The physician characteristics included psychiatrist's sex (female vs. male), age categories
(≤40, 40–49, 50–59, ≥60), educational background (whether the psychiatrist graduated from a
top 20 medical school according to 2011
US News and World Report Rankings, and whether
he/she received a degree from US or foreign medical school), prescription volume measured by
total number of antipsychotic prescriptions in the year, and whether the psychiatrist only
practiced in an urban area based on the ZIP code of practice settings. We measured each
psychiatrist's professional network by calculating the total number of other regular antipsychotic
prescribers in all health care organizations with which the psychiatrist was affiliated. We
hypothesized that psychiatrists practicing in larger organizations may have more diversified
prescribing behavior than those in smaller organizations due to greater availability of information
To measure features of affiliated health care organizations, we included dummy variables
for organizational affiliation type (whether the psychiatrist practiced in outpatient only, inpatient
only, or in both outpatient and inpatient organizations), and an indicator of whether the
psychiatrist was affiliated with any behavioral health organization (psychiatric hospital, or
medical group with specialization in behavioral health/addiction medicine). We also included a
variable of number of providers from all disciplines as a proxy for organization size. Because
each organization with which a psychiatrist was affiliated had its own number of providers, and
the degree of membership with different organizations for each psychiatrist varied, the new
variable of provider numbers for each psychiatrist was derived as the weighted average of the
provider numbers across all the organizations to which the psychiatrist belonged. Weights were
applied based on the weighting structure of the multiple membership modeling82 as discussed in
more detail below.
2.2.6 Statistical analysis
Descriptive analysis
We examined the distribution of the 3 outcome variables across psychiatrists in the study sample,
reporting mean, standard deviation, percentiles, and calculated the coefficient of variation, a
commonly used measure of variability.65,83
Multiple membership data structure and modeling
Traditional multilevel models are used to analyze data that have hierarchical or nested structures
(i.e., each observation at a lower level is nested within a single unit at a higher level).84-87
However, sometimes the assumption of purely hierarchical data structure does not hold in
practice.88,89 One complex type of non-hierarchical data is multiple membership structure, in
which lower-level observations are not nested within only one higher-level unit; instead, they are
members of multiple higher-level units simultaneously.88,90 For example, a psychiatrist (lower-
level unit) may be affiliated with more than one health care organization (higher-level unit)
during the year as is the case in our sample. In analyses with multiple membership data structure,
it is assumed that there are known weights which could be used to quantify the degree of
membership for a lower-level unit to the different higher-level units. The sum of weights across
different clusters for each lower-level unit equals to 1.
To tackle the complexity of multiple membership data structure, we used the multiple
membership linear mixed models with restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML) for the
evaluation of the 3 continuous outcome measures, which were approximately normally
distributed in the study sample. We used REML other than maximum likelihood estimation (ML)
because REML not only provides unbiased estimates but also takes into account the loss of
degrees of freedom due to the inclusion of covariates.91 All regressions were performed at the
physician-level. The regression models included fixed effects for all explanatory variables
discussed above and health care organization-level random effects. The model can be expressed
𝑖𝑖 = 𝛽𝛽0 + 𝛽𝛽1𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 + 𝛽𝛽2𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑝𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑦 + 𝛽𝛽3𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 + 𝛽𝛽4
� 𝑤𝑤𝑗𝑗,𝑖𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑗𝑗 + � 𝑤𝑤𝑗𝑗,𝑖𝑖𝜇𝜇𝑗𝑗 + 𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑖
where 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 represents the outcome variable for psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠. 𝛽𝛽0 is the intercept. 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 is a
vector of variables for patient characteristics for psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠, with corresponding vector of
coefficients 𝛽𝛽1; similarly, 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑝𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑦 stands for a vector of variables for psychiatrist characteristics
with coefficients 𝛽𝛽2 for psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠; and 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 is a vector of organizational setting factors for
psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠 with corresponding coefficients 𝛽𝛽
3. 𝑤𝑤𝑗𝑗,𝑖𝑖 measures the degree of membership for
psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠 (level 1) to organization 𝑗𝑗 (level 2), summing to 1 for psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠. 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠2
represents total number of providers for organization 𝑗𝑗 (level 2). ∑
weighted average of the provider numbers across all the organizations (level 2) with which
psychiatrist 𝑠𝑠 was affiliated, 𝛽𝛽4 stands for corresponding coefficient. The first 5 items on the
right-hand side of the model are termed the fixed part of the model. ∑
the weighted sum of organizational-level random effect, and 𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑖 is the residual error term. The last
2 terms stand for the random part of the equation.
The affiliation type identifies the relationship a psychiatrist has with a health care
organization (e.g., attending, affiliated, or admitting in a hospital; staff, consulting, or treating in
a nursing home), which was used to construct the weighting structure to represent the extent of
membership for a psychiatrist to each of his or her affiliated organizations. Medical group
affiliations were given the same weight as the affiliation type "attending" in inpatient facilities.
We categorized the degree of membership into 2 groups based on this information: 1)
relationship" if a psychiatrist was affiliated with a medical group, had an attending relationship
with a hospital, practiced at an outpatient location of a hospital (affiliated provider), or was
contractually on staff at a nursing home (staff); 2)
"weak relationship" if a psychiatrist admitted
patients to a hospital but was not designated as an attending or affiliated provider, consulted or
treated patients at a nursing home without being on staff.
In the main analysis, we assigned the weighting ratio of "strong relationship" to "weak
relationship" to be 5:1 (total weights summed to 1 for each psychiatrist), assuming affiliated
organizations in the "strong relationship" group would be more influential to the psychiatrist's
prescribing behavior than organizations in the "weak relationship" group. To check the
robustness of the results, in sensitivity analyses we explored other weighting schemes: 1:1 (i.e.,
equal weights), 10:1, and 2:1.
In addition, we ran the regressions on each outcome without including any explanatory
variable. Variation reductions between the null and above full models were reported. Finally, to
assess the degree of concentration in response to the severity of patient illness (since prescribing
customization is expected to meet patients' clinical needs), we predicted the 3 outcomes on
antipsychotic prescribing by share of patients with serious mental illnesses and by share of SSI-
eligible patients, respectively. All other covariates were adjusted for the predictions.
SAS (Version 9.4, SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and STATA (Version 13.0, Stata
Corporation, College Station, TX) were used for the analyses.
2.3.1 Physician and patient characteristics
In 2011, a total of 764 psychiatrists treating 65,256 patients in the Pennsylvania Medicaid
program were included in our sample (the median number of treated patients was 68 for a
psychiatrist). Of the 764 psychiatrists in the study, 33.3% were female, more than half (55.9%)
were 50 years of age or older, 44.0% graduated from foreign schools. At the physician-level, the
mean share of SSI-eligible patients was 69.6% and the mean share of patients with serious
mental illnesses was 77.7%
(Table 2.1).
2.3.2 Organizational and physician affiliations
Among the study sample, about half (50.5%) of the psychiatrists were affiliated with 2 or more
organizations in 2011 (mean number of organizations per physician: 1.9; range: 1–7), 38.2% had
an affiliation with at least one behavioral health organization (psychiatric hospital, or medical
group with specialization in behavioral health/addiction medicine)
(Table 2.1). More than half
(57.9%) were affiliated with inpatient organizations only, 15.8% were affiliated with outpatient
organizations only and 26.3% with both inpatient and outpatient organizations. Of the 539
organizations with which the psychiatrists billing Pennsylvania Medicaid were affiliated, the
majority of them (63.5%) were non-behavioral health organizations and most (63.6%) were
inpatient organizations
(Table 2.2). The mean number of regular antipsychotic prescribers
affiliated with these organizations was 3.
Table 2.1: Descriptive characteristics of regular psychiatrist prescribers
Mean (SD) or percent
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic whites (%)
Share of patients <18 years old (%)
Share of patients ≥50 years old (%)
Mean number of non-mental comorbidities
Share of patients with serious mental illnesses (%)
Health insurance
Share of patients enrolled in fee-for-service program (%)
Physician characteristics
Attended medical school
Foreign schools
Number of antipsychotic prescriptions (#)
1st quartile (13-99)
2nd quartile (100-279)
3rd quartile (281-742)
4th quartile (746-8,234)
1,572.72 (1,057.20)
Number of other antipsychotic prescribers in the same
Practice in urban only
Table 2.1 (Continued)
Mean (SD) or percent
Organizational setting
Number of affiliated organizations
ny affiliation with a behavioral health organization
Organizational affiliation types
Both inpatient and outpatient
ganization size measured by number of providers*
2nd quartile (36-208)
d quartile (210-464)
4th quartile (466-3,392)
* Number of providers includes providers of all disciplines affiliated with a business.
Table 2.2: Features of affiliated organizations of the study sample
Number (percent)
Total number of organizations
Number stratified by organization specialty
Behavioral health
Non-behavioral health
Number stratified by organization type
Acute care hospitals
Psychiatric hospitals
Rehabilitation hospitals
Mean number of providers of all disciplines/organization [mean (SD)]*
Mean number of regular antipsychotic prescribers/organization [mean (SD)]
* Number of providers includes providers of all disciplines affiliated with a business.
2.3.3 Variation in physicians' antipsychotic prescribing
Variations in unadjusted number of ingredients, share of most preferred ingredient, and HHI
across psychiatrists are shown in
Table 2.3. Psychiatrists prescribed several unique ingredients,
an average of 9 in 2011. However, prescribing behavior was relatively concentrated.
Psychiatrists wrote 37.8% of prescriptions for their most preferred ingredient, and the mean HHI
was 2,603 (maximum value 10,000) -- which equals 3.9 ingredients used equally (each 25.5%),
or ≥4 ingredients used but with a limited subset of drugs being predominantly prescribed. Of the
764 psychiatrists, 114 (14.9%) had a HHI higher than 3,333, which suggests that these
psychiatrists only prescribed 3 ingredients equally to their patients (each 33.3%), or prescribed
more ingredients but relied heavily on only 1 or at most 2 ingredients.
There was substantial variability in all three measures of concentration across
psychiatrists, with number of ingredients ranging from 2 to 17, share of most preferred ingredient
ranging from 16.4% to 84.7%, and HHI from 1,088 to 7,270. The coefficient of variation was
0.33 both for number of ingredients and for HHI, and 0.29 for share of most preferred ingredient,
suggesting moderate to large variability in concentration.83 There were 12 antipsychotic
ingredients on the list of most preferred antipsychotics by psychiatrists, among which quetiapine
was preferred by 42.7% of the psychiatrists, followed by risperidone (34.0%) and aripiprazole
(17.2%) (see
Figure B.3 for the complete list of psychiatrists' preferred antipsychotics).
Table 2.3: Distributions of number of ingredients, share of most preferred ingredient, and
HHI of the study sample
Number of
Share of most preferred HHI of
ingredient (%)
Range across all providers
Ratio of 75th to 25th percentiles
Coefficient of variation
2.3.4 Predictors of the concentration of physicians' antipsychotic prescribing
Characteristics of treated patients
Table 2.4 reports results from the multiple membership linear mixed models. Of the 3 types of
factors included in the regressions, several characteristics of the treated patients were associated
with psychiatrists' antipsychotic prescribing although the effects were relatively small. After
adjusting for physician characteristics and organizational features, psychiatrists with a 1 percent
increase in share of SSI-eligible patients were associated with a 0.02 unit increase in number of
ingredients (p<.05), a 0.16 percent decrease in share of the most preferred antipsychotic
ingredient (p<.01) and a 13.2 unit decrease in HHI (p<.01). Similarly, a 1 percent increase in
psychiatrists' share of patients with serious mental illnesses was associated with a 0.02 unit
increase in number of ingredients (p<.01), a 0.11 percent decrease in share of antipsychotic
prescriptions for most preferred ingredient (p<.01), and a 9.0 unit decrease in HHI (p<.01).
Psychiatrists with a 1 percent increase in share of patients <18 years old were associated with a
0.03 unit decrease in number of ingredients, a 0.07 percent increase in most preferred ingredient,
and a 8.0 unit increase in HHI (all p<.01). Other patient characteristics, including a larger share
of older patients (p<.05 for share of most preferred ingredient, and p<.1 for HHI) and higher
share of non-Hispanic whites (p<.1 for both share of most preferred ingredient and HHI), were
also significantly associated with more diversified prescribing behavior of antipsychotics. We
predicted the marginal effects on prescribing concentration by 2 patient-level variables of interest
(Figure 2.1). By increasing psychiatrist's share of patients with serious mental illnesses from
20% to 100% (using the range observed in our study sample), the degree of concentration of
antipsychotics prescribing would decrease significantly in terms of share of most preferred
ingredient (from 43.4% to 34.6%) and HHI (from 3,102 to 2,382). Similar patterns were also
found by share of SSI-eligible patients.
Physician characteristics
Of the several physician characteristics examined, only physician sex and prescribing volume
were significantly associated with prescribing concentration
(Table 2.4). Controlling for all other
explanatory variables, female psychiatrists prescribed 0.29 fewer antipsychotic ingredients than
did male psychiatrists and had a HHI that was 97.5 units higher than that of their male
counterparts although both associations were only significant at the p<.1 level . Older physicians
appeared to be more concentrated in their antipsychotic prescribing behavior, although this
association was not statistically significant at the p = 0.1 level.
Organizational setting
In regard to the 3 organizational factors included in the regressions, only 1 variable was
significantly associated with the degree of concentration for antipsychotic prescribing
2.4). Psychiatrists who had any affiliation with behavioral health organizations tended to
prescribe 0.8 more unique antipsychotic ingredients compared to those who did not have
affiliation with any behavioral health organization although this association was only significant
at the p<.1 level. Regression results of the 3 outcome variables for all sensitivity analyses were
very similar to the main analysis (see
Table B.1-B.3 for results of sensitivity analyses).
2.3.5 Variance attributable to explanatory variables
In total, our explanatory variables accounted for a 45.7% reduction of the total variance for
number of ingredients, 21.1% for share of most preferred ingredient, and 28.0% for HHI
2.4). Adjusting for all explanatory variables, organizational-level influence on unexplained
variation in psychiatrists' antipsychotic prescribing was very small (results not shown). This
variability obtained from the multiple membership modeling is not constant; rather, it varies
across psychiatrists by their weighting schemes.82 For example, for a psychiatrist who was
affiliated with only 1 organization during the study period, organizational-level influence only
explained 8% of the variance in number of ingredients, 1.5% in share of most preferred
antipsychotic ingredient, and 4% of the unexplained total variance in HHI. The remaining
portion of the variation was attributable to physician- and patient-level impacts (which could not
be disentangled because analysis unit was at the physician-level).
Table 2.4: Predictors of the concentration of psychiatrist prescribing of antipsychotics and
related variance reduction
Coefficients (standard errors)
Number of
Share of most
HHI of ingredients
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
-13.15 (2.32)***
Share of non-Hispanic whites (%)
Share of patients <18 years old (%)
-0.03 (0.00)*** 0.07 (0.02)***
Share of patients ≥50 years old (%)
Share of patients with serious mental illnesses
Share of patients with 2+ non-mental
Share of patients enrolled in fee-for-services
Physician characteristics
Physician sex (ref = male)
Physician age (ref = <40)
Attended medical school (ref = ranked ≥21)
Total number of antipsychotic prescriptions
Number of other antipsychotic prescribers in the same organizations (ref = 0)
Practice location (ref = otherwise)
Organizational setting
Organization specialty (ref = otherwise)
Any affiliation with a behavioral health
Organizational affiliation type (ref = outpatient only)
Both inpatient and outpatient
Organization size
3751.94 (312.75)***
Variance reduction by adding above explanatory variables
Total variation reduction
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01.
A. By share of patients with serious mental illnesses
B. By share of SSI-eligible patients
*All measures were adjusted for patient population, physician, and organizational setting covariates listed in the regression.
Figure 2.1: Concentration of antipsychotics prescribing by psychiatrist's share of patients
with serious mental illnesses, share of SSI-eligible patients*
Our study provides a comprehensive assessment of how the diversity of psychiatrists'
antipsychotic choice is shaped by patient, physician, and organizational characteristics. We
found that psychiatrist antipsychotic prescribing behavior was relatively concentrated within
physicians in a large state Medicaid program. However, the degree of concentration in
antipsychotic prescribing varied substantially across psychiatrists. Of the 3 types of factors
examined in our study, several characteristics of the treated patient population and physicians
were significantly associated with psychiatrists' diversity vs. concentration of antipsychotic
prescribing. The few characteristics of organizations we were able to measure had little influence
over psychiatrist prescribing behavior.
Previous studies have suggested that physicians rely heavily on preferred medications in
multiple therapeutic classes.52,54 Three studies have examined physician antipsychotic
prescribing previously; all used the IMS Health's XponentTM database which has comprehensive
information on physician prescribing but limited patient information. Taub and colleagues65
found antipsychotic prescribing was quite concentrated for physicians who wrote ≥12
antipsychotic prescription – with a mean HHI of 4,612 for primary care providers and of 3,245
for psychiatrists in 2007. Donohue and colleagues,55 using 2002-2007 data for physicians with
≥20 antipsychotic prescriptions per year, found the concentration of antipsychotic prescribing at
the physician level decreased over time and reached a mean of 2,900 in 2007. Berndt and
colleagues also found a mean HHI of 2,900 for physicians with ≥50 antipsychotic prescriptions
in 2007.92 Using Medicaid data from a more recent time period (2011), measuring concentration
in three ways, and adjusting for a comprehensive set of factors, our study also finds that
antipsychotic prescribing was relatively concentrated and varied substantially across
psychiatrists. By focusing on psychiatrists with at least 10 antipsychotic users in the year, we
were able to evaluate the degree of concentration for those who were regular antipsychotic
prescribers and accounted for most of the antipsychotic prescriptions by psychiatrists.
Our finding that there was substantial variability in the degree of concentration in
antipsychotic prescribing across psychiatrists suggests that patients seeing psychiatrists who only
prescribe a limited number of antipsychotics may have a very different treatment experience than
do patients whose doctors prescribe a wide range of antipsychotic products. Antipsychotics have
been approved to treat several serious mental disorders (such as schizophrenia and major
depressive disorder), which usually need multiple trials before finding the "best drug" for a
particular patient. For instance, the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness
(CATIE) found that 74 percent of patients with schizophrenia failed the first trial,93 indicating
that the majority of patients with schizophrenia would need at least 2 trials and that patients with
treatment-resistant schizophrenia would need more.94 Psychiatrists' willingness to use a wide
range of choices may potentially lead to better health outcomes through customizing prescribing
choices to individual patients.52,53 Our finding that a sizable psychiatrists (15%) treating
Medicaid enrollees with antipsychotics had very concentrated prescribing behavior (e.g., relied
heavily on only one or two antipsychotic agents) indicates that some psychiatrists may be limited
in their ability to tailor treatment to individual patient needs and preferences.
To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine the concentration of antipsychotic
prescribing with all three levels of information on physicians: characteristics of the physicians,
their treated patients and practice settings. Previous research found that patient clinical factors
played trivial role in medication switches.54 Our study found a significant relationship between
patients' characteristics and the diversity of physicians' prescribing of antipsychotics although
effects were relatively small. Psychiatrists had more diversified prescribing using all three
measures of concentration if they had a higher share of patient population with a disability or
with more severe mental illnesses. Of the several physician characteristics examined, female
psychiatrists tended to have slightly more concentrated prescribing behavior than their male
counterparts although the association was only marginally significant. Our organization-level
factors were only limited to organization type, specialty, and size. Psychiatrists who had any
affiliation with a behavioral health organization (clinic or psychiatric hospital) were associated
with prescribing more unique ingredients than those not affiliated with behavioral health
organizations although it was only marginally significant. We did not have information on other
organizational factors such as quality improvement initiatives, financial incentives, and guideline
dissemination which may also play an important role The fact that the explanatory variables
included in the regressions accounted for a moderate reduction of the total variance for the 3
outcome measures (28.0%-45.7%) implies that some other factors not included in our analyses
also influence physicians' antipsychotic prescribing behavior.
This study has several limitations. First, our study examined prescribing behavior in the
Pennsylvania Medicaid program and thus our findings may not necessarily be generalizable to
other states. Second, the HCOSTM database captures every healthcare organization and provider
that is part of a health system, but it seldom includes small practices with only 1-2 providers.
Third, although we adjusted for 3 types of factors likely to affect prescribing, we had a limited
number of organization-level characteristics. In addition, we could not adjust for other important
factors, such as physician belief and pharmaceutical manufacturer promotion on specific
antipsychotic drugs, which might also shape physician prescribing behavior.55,95 Furthermore, we
were unable to measure the severity of illness using the administrative data so we included
information such as disability and comorbidity status. Finally, approximately 23% of our patient
sample was <18. Psychiatrists prescribing primarily to children may be more concentrated in
their prescribing because fewer antipsychotics are approved for use in children. However, given
that two thirds of psychiatrists in our sample treated both adults and children we addressed this
issue by including a variable for the share of patients <18 in all the regressions. This variable had
very small effect on prescribing concentration.
Using the multiple membership modeling approach –a new method that has been rarely
applied in health services research -- to capture the real-life data structure, we found that
antipsychotic prescribing behavior by individual psychiatrists in a large state Medicaid program
was relatively concentrated but it varied substantially across psychiatrists. Health systems may
consider exploring strategies for educating providers or guiding patients to providers with greater
ability to tailor treatment decisions.
Yan Tang, Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, Walid F. Gellad, Judith R. Lave, Sharon-Lise T. Normand,
Julie M. Donohue
Objectives: Poor response to antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia may be due in part to
poor quality prescribing. In particular, there is underuse of clozapine, the only antipsychotic
approved for treatment-resistant schizophrenia, and overuse of non-clozapine antipsychotic
polypharmacy, a non-evidence based treatment that may result in undesirable consequences
including symptom persistence/deterioration, hospitalization and unnecessary healthcare costs.
Non-clozapine antipsychotic polypharmacy (hereafter, antipsychotic polypharmacy) may in fact
be used by some providers as a substitute for clozapine in the management of treatment-resistant
schizophrenia. However, few studies of these prescribing practices have been conducted at the
provider-level. We evaluated the prevalence of and relationship between clozapine and
antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing at the provider-level in a large Medicaid program. We
also examined patient- and provider-level factors associated with these prescribing practices.
Methods: Using 2010-2012 data from Pennsylvania's Medicaid we identified providers
regularly prescribing antipsychotics to patients with schizophrenia (defined as 10 or more
nonelderly Medicaid patients without Medicare coverage). We characterized providers' patients
and payers (managed care vs. fee-for-service) using Medicaid data, and providers' demographics
using the National Provider Identifier file from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
We measured provider-level share of patients with clozapine use and antipsychotic
polypharmacy use per year. Antipsychotic polypharmacy was defined as more than 90 days'
concurrent use of ≥2 non-clozapine antipsychotics, allowing for gaps of up to 32 days in days'
supply for the same medication. We used descriptive analyses and generalized estimating
equations with a binomial distribution and a logit link to examine clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy practices and associated factors at the level of patients (e.g., demographics,
comorbidities, fee-for-service vs. managed care plans) and providers (e.g., high vs. low
prescribing volume, sex, specialty). We included year indicators to adjust for time effects.
Results: The analytic cohort included 645 prescribers in 2010, 632 in 2011, and 650 in 2012.
Provider-level clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy practices were relatively stable over
time. In 2012, provider-level mean shares of patients with clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy use were 6.9% (range: 0%-88.9%) and 7.0% (range: 0%-45.2%), respectively. A
sizable proportion of providers prescribed antipsychotic polypharmacy but not clozapine in each
study year (e.g., 15.5% in 2012). Clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing were
not inversely correlated at the provider-level. High volume prescribers were much more likely to
prescribe both clozapine (OR = 1.43, 95% CI, 1.22-1.67, p<0.01) and antipsychotic
polypharmacy (OR = 2.65, 95% CI, 2.29-3.05, p<0.01) than low volume prescribers. Primary
care providers, who made up 5.7% of our sample in 2012, were substantially less likely than
psychiatrists to prescribe clozapine (OR = 0.55, 95% CI, 0.36-0.84, p<0.01) but just as likely to
antipsychotic polypharmacy. We found significant associations between several patient-level
characteristics and these prescribing practices.
Conclusions: Antipsychotic polypharmacy is used as much as clozapine in the care of Medicaid
beneficiaries with schizophrenia, but many prescribers only use the former; prescribing volume,
provider specialty, certain patient characteristics and predominant managed care plan appear to
influence prescribing practices. Clinical and policy initiatives are needed to improve providers'
knowledge of clozapine and increase its use while decreasing use of antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Our results suggest that targeting these initiatives to antipsychotic prescribers
who use more antipsychotic polypharmacy than clozapine holds particular promise.
Key words: clozapine, antipsychotic polypharmacy, prescribing, schizophrenia, Medicaid
Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic mental disorder associated with a heavy burden on the
patient and the society.96 Antipsychotics -- a central component for the treatment of
schizophrenia -- are mainly financed by Medicare and state Medicaid programs. The widespread
substitution of second-generation for first-generation antipsychotics resulted in substantial
growth in expenditures for antipsychotics in the 1990s.59 According to IMS Health's analysis,
$16.1 billion was spent on antipsychotic drugs in 2010, making them one of the top 5 therapeutic
classes based on total spending.97
The growing use of second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) has raised concerns about
the quality of care. Although SGAs were perceived to be more effective with fewer adverse
effects than first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs), large clinical trials including the Clinical
Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) found that (1) SGAs are associated
with undesirable risks and (2) non-clozapine SGAs are no more effective than their first-
generation counterparts.93,98,99 Evidence also suggests high rates of failure on the first trial of
antipsychotics among patients with schizophrenia. For example, CATIE found that 74 percent of
patients failed the first trial,93 indicating that the majority of patients with schizophrenia would
need at least 2 trials and that patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia would need more.94
The prevalence of treatment-resistant schizophrenia is approximately 30%,100 with resistance
rates of up to 60% if using broader definitions to characterize patients with schizophrenia who do
not respond to adequate trials of antipsychotics.101,102 Providers may turn to higher risk therapies
for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Because clozapine has superior efficacy than other
antipsychotic drugs based on results from randomized controlled trials and meta analyses,104-108
clinical guidelines recommend clozapine for treatment-resistant schizophrenia and recurrent
suicidal behavior.94,103 Nevertheless, physicians are reported to be reluctant to use
clozapine.109,110 However, despite a lack of supporting evidence and high cost,111 there is a
widespread practice of non-clozapine antipsychotic polypharmacy.112,113 Previous studies found
patient-level prevalence of antipsychotic polypharmacy ranging from 7%-50%,114,115 depending
on definition of antipsychotic polypharmacy. Non-clozapine antipsychotic polypharmacy
(hereafter, antipsychotic polypharmacy) has been used as a substitute for clozapine for the
management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.116 Underuse of clozapine which is evidence-
based practice and overuse of antipsychotic polypharmacy which is an unsupported practice may
result in undesirable consequences such as side effects, medication non-adherence,
hospitalization, and unnecessary health care costs.116,117
Quality improvement and cost control in schizophrenia care and antipsychotic prescribing
is largely dependent on the ability to alter providers' prescribing behavior. However, little is
known about prescriber-level prevalence of either evidence-based or unsupported antipsychotic
prescribing practices. Little is also known about which factors are associated with those
practices. To shed light on these issues, we examined providers' use of clozapine and
antipsychotic polypharmacy in Pennsylvania Medicaid from 2010-2012. In particular, we
evaluated the prevalence of and relationship between clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy
prescribing. We hypothesized that prescribing of clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy
might be inversely correlated at the provider-level; that providers with little or no use of
clozapine might have higher rates of antipsychotic polypharmacy and vice versa. We also
examined patient- and provider-level factors associated with these prescribing practices.
3.2.1 Data sources
We obtained data from the Pennsylvania's Department of Public Welfare (DPW) for all
beneficiaries enrolled in Pennsylvania's Medicaid program for calendar years 2010 to 2012. In
each year, approximately 2.2 million individuals were enrolled either in the fee-for-service (FFS)
or in managed care programs. The pharmacy claims file has information for each prescription
claim including date of fill, days' supply, medication dose, quantity, form, the National Drug
Code (NDC), and prescribing provider Medicaid identifier. We obtained antipsychotics'
information on drug name, active ingredient, dose for each NDC from the Medi-Span®
database.70 We used the medical claims files (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, professional) to identify
diagnoses associated with inpatient or outpatient facility claims or provider visits. We used the
enrollment file to capture beneficiary's demographic and enrollment information such as age,
sex, race/ethnicity, eligibility type, dual eligible status, enrolled health insurance plan (individual
managed care plans vs. FFS). We obtained prescribing provider's National Provider Identifier
(NPI), name, and ZIP code for practice settings from the provider file from DPW.
Using the NPI, we linked prescribing providers in Pennsylvania's Medicaid data to the
National Plan and Provider Enumeration System's (NPPES) National Provider Identifier (NPI)
file from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to obtain each provider's sex
and specialty.118
3.2.2 Study sample
The unit of analysis was at the provider-level; however, we started with a sample of claims at the
patient-level from which we identified antipsychotic prescribers treating these patients. First, we
limited Medicaid beneficiaries to nonelderly adults (18-64 years old) who were not dually
eligible for Medicare. We excluded dual eligible beneficiaries because Medicaid data do not
contain complete claims information for those enrollees, particularly for prescription drugs.
Using inpatient, outpatient, and professional claims files, we then identified patients with ≥1
inpatient or ≥2 outpatient claims with a primary or secondary diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICD-9
codes: 295.xx) during a one-year period. We further restricted the sample to those with at least
one prescription fill of antipsychotic drugs that year. We then identified all provider IDs
associated with this patient sample. Finally, we limited our analyses to individual providers
(both psychiatrists and non-psychiatrist providers) regularly prescribing antipsychotics, defined
as having at least 10 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia per year. We did not restrict the
study sample to psychiatrists because non-psychiatrist providers (primary care providers and
other) included in this analysis were regular prescribers who treated at least 10 patients with
schizophrenia and prescribed a lot of antipsychotic prescriptions (mean number of annual
prescriptions by primary care providers was about 100 in 2012). By including both psychiatrist
and non-psychiatrist prescribers in this study, we expected to reflect the typical prescribing
practices for antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia.
3.2.3 Dependent variables
The two dependent variables calculated at the prescriber-level were the share of patients with any
clozapine use and the share of patients with antipsychotic polypharmacy in a calendar year.
Antipsychotic polypharmacy was defined as more than 90 days' concurrent use of ≥2 non-
clozapine antipsychotics, allowing for gaps of up to 32 days in days' supply for the same
medication. Oral and depot formulations for the same drug were considered to be same
medication. This definition of antipsychotic polypharmacy is a validated measure with excellent
specificity and positive predictive value, compared to alternative measures of antipsychotic
polypharmacy (e.g., 14, 60, or 90 days concurrent use, allowing gaps of up to 0, 14, or 32
days).114 Based on recommended dosing intervals, we imputed days supply for long-acting
injectable antipsychotic drugs as follows: risperidione injectable (Risperdal Consta) – 14 days,
fluphenazine decanoate (Prolixin decanoate) – 21 days, and haloperidol decanoate (Haldol
decanoate) – 28 days.
3.2.4 Explanatory variables
We examined the association between patient characteristics, payer (individual managed care
plans vs. FFS), and provider characteristics and prescribing of clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Patient characteristics were first assessed at the patient-level and then aggregated
to the provider-level. For example, for each antipsychotic prescriber we calculated the share of
his or her patients in certain demographic and racial/ethnic groups (share that were female, share
that were Hispanic, and share that were non-Hispanic black). We included a variable for the
mean age of the provider's patients. We included a measure of the share of patients eligible for
Medicaid through Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to measure disability status. To adjust for
patients' comorbidities and health status, we calculated each provider's share of patients with
affective disorders (ICD-9 codes: 296.xx, 300.4, 301.13, 309.1, 311), share with anxiety
disorders (ICD-9 codes: 300.0, 309.81, 300.2, 300.3), share with other psychiatric disorders
(ICD-9 codes: 307.1, 307.50, 307.51, 314), share with substance use disorders (ICD-9 codes:
291, 292, 303, 304, 305.0, 305.2-305.7, 305.9), share with brain/cognitive impairment
comorbidity (ICD-9 codes: 331, 797, 290, 294, 310, 317-319), and share with a schizophrenia-
related hospitalization. To capture the patient population's non-mental health comorbidities, first,
for each patient we constructed separate indicators of the 25 non-mental illnesses incorporated in
the Elixhauser comorbidity index (a widely used comorbidity measure)79-81 based on patient's
medical claims. We then created a variable for the mean number of non-mental health
comorbidities of the provider's patients, which had a mean of 2 at the provider-level.
Pennsylvania Medicaid runs a fee-for-service program for approximately 25%-30% of
enrollees and contracts with multiple managed care organizations and managed behavioral health
organizations to manage care for the remaining 70%-75%. Managed care organizations may
adopt different policies with respect to coverage and utilization management tools applied to
antipsychotics. We constructed two measures to capture the influence on a provider's prescribing
behavior of these different policies. The first measure was the number of unique managed care
organizations in which the provider's patient population was enrolled. The second measure was a
series of dummy variables indicating the managed care organization with the highest enrollment
among the provider's patient population with the fee-for-service serving as the reference
To estimate the association between provider characteristics and our prescribing
outcomes we included provider's prescribing volume, sex, specialty (psychiatrist, primary care
provider, other), and practice location (urban only vs. otherwise).66,67,74 We defined prescribing
volume as the number of antipsychotic prescriptions written for patients with schizophrenia per
year. We classified prescribing volume into two groups: low vs. high prescription volume (split
by the median value). In addition, we included year indicators to control for potential time trend.
3.2.5 Statistical analysis
For each year we reported provider-level prevalence of clozapine prescribing and antipsychotic
polypharmacy prescribing, overall and stratified by prescription volume and specialty. To
examine the association between clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy practices at the
prescriber level, we created scatter plots of the two outcome variables as well as the Lowess
smoothed curve of the two outcomes, which is a robust nonparametric method using localized
subsets of the data to describe underlying relationship between variables.119 A Spearman's rank
correlation coefficient (rho) was calculated to examine the correlation between the two outcome
To account for repeated measures made for the same antipsychotic prescriber over the 3-
year study period, we used generalized estimating equations (GEE) with robust estimation of
standard errors and an unstructured correlation matrix to examine provider's clozapine and
antipsychotic polypharmacy practices. We used a binomial distribution with a logit link to handle
the two percentage variables which had a skewed distribution and many providers with zero
values. This strategy has been applied widely in economic and health services research where
outcomes are a continuous percentage.120-122 We also calculated marginal effects for provider's
antipsychotic prescribing volume which was found to be significantly associated with the
outcomes of interest, adjusting for all other explanatory variables.
We performed sensitivity analyses with alternative specifications. First, we restricted the
study sample to a subset cohort who appeared in all 3 years (i.e., balanced data). Second, we
conducted an analysis restricting the sample to psychiatrists – the main prescribers of
antipsychotic drugs in the U.S. Third, we considered a sensitivity analysis by including a
categorical variable indicating the provider's practice county (Philadelphia, Allegheny, other)
because about half of the providers practiced in Philadelphia and Allegheny counties – the top 2
most populous counties in Pennsylvania. In addition, to examine the impact of case mix with
respect to treatment-resistant schizophrenia which we could not observe in claims data, we
described variations in clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing stratified by share
of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization, which we used as a proxy for treatment-
resistant schizophrenia.
In our study sample, there were 645 antipsychotic prescribers treating 14,072 patients with
schizophrenia in 2010, 632 prescribers treating 13,606 patients in 2011, and 650 prescribers
treating 13,559 patients in 2012 in Pennsylvania Medicaid program. Of the 892 unique providers
prescribing antipsychotics in our study sample, 426 (47.8%) appeared in all 3 years. The
characteristics of sample providers and their patients were very similar across the three year
period so we present only the most recent year's characteristics in
Table 3.1. In 2012, the mean
share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization was 43.3%. The mean number of
managed care organizations in which a provider's schizophrenia patients were enrolled was 4.5,
and the mean share of patients enrolled in the fee-for-service program was 17.5%. Of the 650
antipsychotic prescribers in 2012, 32% were female providers, and the majority (83.5%) were
Table 3.1: Characteristics of antipsychotic prescribers, 2012
Mean (SD) or percent
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of Hispanic patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic black patients (%)
Mean age of patients
Health status and hospitalization
Share of patients with affective disorders (%)
Share of patients with anxiety disorders (%)
Share of patients with other psychiatric disorders (%)
Share of patients with substance use disorders (%)
Share of patients with brain impairment comorbidity (%)
Mean number of non-mental health comorbidities
Share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization (%)
Health insurance
Number of plans for treated patients*
Share of patients enrolled in FFS other than MCOs (%)
Provider characteristics
Number of antipsychotic prescriptions
Primary care provider
Practice in urban only
*Number of plans counted unique plans across all patients treated by the provider (i.e., FFS or each managed care plan was counted as 1 plan).
Table 3.2(A) displays the provider-level clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy
practices from 2010-2012, which were relatively stable over time. In 2012, 60.2% of
antipsychotic prescribers had any clozapine prescribing and 57.9% had any antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Notably, among high volume providers 90.8% of antipsychotic prescribers used
polypharmacy for at least one patient while only 77.4% used clozapine in 2012. At the provider-
level, the mean share of patients with clozapine use was 6.9%, with a range across providers
from 0.0% to 88.9%. The mean share of patients with antipsychotic polypharmacy was 7.0% in
2012 which varied across provider from 0.0% to 45.2%. Both the share of patients with
clozapine use and share with antipsychotic polypharmacy use were much lower among low
volume providers than among their high volume counterparts.
Table 3.2(B) shows the two
practices by specialty. In 2012, the prevalence of any clozapine prescribing was 63.0% among
psychiatrists versus 29.7% among primary care providers. In contrast, the difference in any
antipsychotic polypharmacy was relatively smaller (58.8% for psychiatrists vs. 51.4% for
primary care providers in 2012). Primary care providers had higher share of patients with
antipsychotic polypharmacy than that for clozapine while psychiatrists had similar shares for the
two practices. As shown in
Table C.1, we also examined variation in clozapine and
antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing by quartiles of schizophrenia-related hospitalization
among provider's patient population -- proxy for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. We did not
find a positive correlation between schizophrenia severity and clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy practices. In fact, providers in the highest quartile were much less likely to use
antipsychotic polypharmacy than their counterparts in lower quartiles.
Table 3.2: Provider clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy practices, 2010-2012
A. By antipsychotic prescribing volume*
N antipsychotic clozapine
patients w/
patients w/
clozapine use
prescribing (%)
use (%)†
Low volume prescribers
High volume prescribers
*We defined prescribing volume as the number of antipsychotic prescriptions written for provider's patient population with schizophrenia. We classified prescribing volume into two groups: low vs. high prescription volume group, split by the median value. †Figures within parentheses are means and SDs.
B. By provider specialty*
N antipsychotic clozapine
patients w/
patients w/
clozapine use
prescribing (%)
Primary care providers
*Figures within parentheses are means and SDs.
We did not find evidence of inverse correlations between the share of patients with
clozapine prescribing and the share of patients with antipsychotic polypharmacy at the provider-
(Figure 3.1). Instead, the two outcome variables had a non-linear correlation based on the
Lowess smoothed curve and had a correlation of 0.31 in 2012 according to Spearman's rho
coefficient. Notably, there was a sizable portion of providers who practiced antipsychotic
polypharmacy but did not use any clozapine during the study period
(Table 3.3). For example, of
the 650 providers in 2012, 101 (15.5%) used zero clozapine but prescribed polypharmacy for at
least one patient (mean share of patients with polypharmacy use among these providers was
11.6%), and 46 (7.1%) providers (without any clozapine use) had at least 10% of their patients
on polypharmacy (mean share of patients with polypharmacy was 18.5%).
Figure 3.1: Association between clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy practices by
antipsychotic prescribers, 2012
Table 3.3: Antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing among providers with no clozapine
use, 2010-2012*
No clozapine prescribing
Any patient w/ polypharmacy use
≥10% of patients w/polypharmacy use
Share of patients
N providers
N providers
Share of patients with
with polypharmacy
polypharmacy use (%)†
use (%)†
Low volume prescribers
High volume prescribers
* We defined prescribing volume as the number of antipsychotic prescriptions written for provider's patient population with schizophrenia. We classified prescribing volume into two groups: low vs. high prescription volume group, split by the median value. †Figures within parentheses are means and SDs.
Table 3.4 shows the regression results from the GEE models. Controlling for all other
factors, when seeing a patient with schizophrenia, antipsychotic prescribers with a larger share of
Hispanic patients were less likely to prescribe clozapine [odds ratio (OR) per 10% increase =
0.81, 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.75-0.88, p<0.01] and antipsychotic polypharmacy (OR per
10% increase = 0.89, 95% CI, 0.84-0.95, p<0.01) than those with a smaller share of Hispanic
patients. Similar effects were found for providers with different shares of non-Hispanic black
patients. Prescribers who had a larger share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization
had greater odds of clozapine prescribing (OR per 10% increase = 1.10, 95% CI, 1.04-1.15,
p<0.01) and lower odds of antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing (OR per 10% increase =
0.91, 95% CI, 0.88-0.95, p<0.01) to their patients than prescribers with a smaller share of
patients who had a schizophrenia-related hospitalization.
There was significant variation in antipsychotic prescribing across providers based on
their patients' predominant plan – 2 managed care plans were significantly different from FFS in
clozapine prescribing while 5 managed care plans deviated from FFS in antipsychotic
polypharmacy prescribing
(Table 3.4). For example, prescribers with MCO plan I as the
predominant plan were much more likely to prescribe clozapine when seeing a patient with
schizophrenia than prescribers with FFS as the most popular plan (OR = 1.68, 95% CI, 1.00-
2.80, p<0.05). Prescribers with MCO plan A as the predominant plan were more likely to
prescribe antipsychotic polypharmacy than their counterparts with FFS (OR = 1.58, 95% CI,
1.28-1.94, p<0.01).
After adjustment for characteristics of treated patients and other covariates, primary care
providers, who made up 5.7% of our sample in 2012, were substantially less likely than
psychiatrists to prescribe clozapine to their patients (OR = 0.55, 95% CI, 0.36-0.84, p<0.01).
Provider specialty was not significantly associated with the prescribing of antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Controlling for all other covariates, high volume prescribers were much more
likely to prescribe clozapine (OR = 1.43, 95% CI, 1.22-1.67, p<0.01) and antipsychotic
polypharmacy (OR = 2.65, 95% CI, 2.29-3.05, p<0.01) than their low volume counterparts. As
shown in
Figure 3.2, the predicted share of patients with clozapine use would be 4.1% for low
volume prescribers and 5.8% for high volume prescribers. The predicted share of patients with
antipsychotic polypharmacy would vary from 2.8% for low volume prescribers to 7.2% for their
high volume counterparts. Sensitivity analyses reported very similar results as the main analysis
(Table C.2-C.4).
Table 3.4: GEE regression results for all antipsychotic prescribers: predictors of clozapine
and antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of Hispanic patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic black patients (%)
Mean age of patients
Health status and hospitalization
Share of patients with affective disorders (%)
Share of patients with anxiety disorders (%)
Share of patients with other psychiatric disorders (%)
Share of patients with substance use disorders (%)
Share of patients with brain impairment comorbidity (%)
Mean number of non-mental health comorbidities
Share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization (%) 1.01 (0.00)***
Health insurance
Number of plans for treated patients
The predominant plan among patient population (ref = FFS)
MCO plan J (combined)†
Provider characteristics
High prescription volume (ref = low prescription volume)
Female (ref = male)
Table 3.4 (Continued)
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Specialty (ref = psychiatrist)
Primary care provider
Practice in urban only (ref=otherwise)
Year (ref = 2010)
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01. †MCO plan J combined plans with only 1-3 observations in a year.
* All covariates included in the regression models were adjusted for the marginal effects calculation.
Figure 3.2: Marginal effects of antipsychotic prescribing volume on providers' clozapine
and polypharmacy practices*
To our knowledge, this study is the first to assess provider-level clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy practices, using multiple years of managed care and fee-for-service program data
from a large state Medicaid program. We found that providers who regularly prescribed
antipsychotics to patients with schizophrenia used clozapine or antipsychotic polypharmacy in a
small proportion of their patients. However, these prescribing practices varied tremendously
across providers. In particular, a sizable proportion of providers (15.5% in 2012) prescribed
antipsychotic polypharmacy but no clozapine.
We found that provider-level share of patients with clozapine use varied from 0% to
88.9% and share with antipsychotic polypharmacy use varied from 0% to 45.2% in 2012 (rates
were relatively stable over time). When patients with schizophrenia do not respond to adequate
trails of other antipsychotic agents, providers may turn to clozapine or antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Although the prevalence of treatment resistance among patients with
schizophrenia is approximately 30%,100 we cannot determine the share of treatment-resistant
schizophrenia for a given provider using claims data. It is possible that providers who have
higher prescribing of clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy have a higher share of their
patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia than providers who are less likely to engage in
these prescribing practices. To address this issue, we examined clozapine and antipsychotic
polypharmacy practices stratified by share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization-
-a proxy for treatment-resistant schizophrenia
(Table C.1). We did not find that providers in the
higher quartiles of schizophrenia-related hospitalization had higher clozapine or antipsychotic
polypharmacy prescribing than their counterparts in the lower quartiles, suggesting that higher
clozapine or antipsychotic polypharmacy practices are not due to higher share of patients with
treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Notably, providers in the highest quartile of schizophrenia-
related hospitalization were much less likely to prescribe antipsychotic polypharmacy than their
counterparts in the lower quartiles, indicating that providers with smaller proportion of patients
with treatment-resistant schizophrenia actually were more likely to engage in antipsychotic
polypharmacy prescribing than providers with higher caseloads of treatment-resistant
As the only antipsychotic medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to manage treatment-resistant schizophrenia and recurrent suicidal
behavior, clozapine is significantly under-utilized in the treatment of schizophrenia
patients.102,110,123 Our finding that providers who were regularly treating patients with
schizophrenia prescribed clozapine, on average, to 6.9% of their patients points to underuse of
clozapine in the Pennsylvania Medicaid program. Prescribers' reluctance to use clozapine
treatment might be due to their concern about the potential risk of metabolic adverse effects
associated with clozapine use (e.g., weight gain, occurrence of diabetes and dyslipidemia),99 lack
of awareness of clozapine's benefits, or lack experience.109,110 Although it is reasonable to
consider potential side effects of clozapine, previous literature indicates that providers have the
tendency to overestimate the prevalence of side effects and risks associated with clozapine
practices.102,109 Clinical guidelines suggest monitoring metabolic symptoms for patients using
SGAs (including clozapine) to prevent premature mortality associated with antipsychotic
use.99,124 However, the rates of monitoring are very low, ranging from 10% to 43%.125,126 Both
primary care providers and psychiatrists reported factors such as time burden and difficulty in
collaborating with other providers as major barriers to metabolic monitoring.125,126 To increase
clozapine use when appropriate and decrease associated side effects, quality initiatives may use
educational interventions to improve prescribers' knowledge of clozapine and also take efforts to
promote better collaboration between providers for schizophrenia patients who use antipsychotic
Compared to previous studies using various definitions of antipsychotic polypharmacy
(e.g., concurrent prescribing of 2 or more antipsychotics with at least 14, 30, 60, or 90 days), we
used the validated measure of antipsychotic polypharmacy with excellent specificity and positive
predictive value.114 We found that providers prescribed non-clozapine antipsychotic
polypharmacy to 7% of their patients in 2012 in Pennsylvania Medicaid. Our finding that a
sizable portion of providers (e.g., 15.5% in 2012) used zero clozapine but prescribed
antipsychotic polypharmacy to their patients points to problematic prescribing of antipsychotics
among these prescribers -- they did not try any clozapine (the evidence-based drug) before using
antipsychotic polypharmacy to their patient population. Because there is little research evidence
suggesting patients with schizophrenia could benefit from non-clozapine antipsychotic
polypharmacy practices, those providers prescribing more polypharmacy than clozapine
(especially those who use zero clozapine) should be targeted for educational interventions. Also,
it may be worthwhile steering treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients to prescribers who are
willing to use clozapine.
After adjustment for all other covariates, primary care providers were much less likely to
prescribe clozapine than psychiatrists; however, they were just likely to practice antipsychotic
polypharmacy. Compared to their psychiatrist counterparts, primary care providers treat patients
with a much wider variety of conditions. Our finding of much lower clozapine use by primary
care providers than that by psychiatrists could be because primary care providers perceive
clozapine to be very risky and thus they are less willing to prescribe it than their psychiatrist
counterparts. Differences in clozapine prescribing could be also due to case mix by specialty --
primary care providers may treat fewer patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia than
psychiatrists. However, the second explanation is not supported by the finding of non-significant
specialty difference in antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing. In fact, primary care providers
had higher share of patients with antipsychotic polypharmacy use than that for clozapine use,
indicating that primary care providers appeared to perceive antipsychotic polypharmacy to be
less risky than clozapine even though antipsychotic polypharmacy is a non-evidence based
treatment. Given the widespread use of antipsychotic drugs in patients with schizophrenia
(particularly in Medicaid because of the important role it plays in financing antipsychotics), it is
important to understand the specialty differences in order to promote high quality of care in
antipsychotic prescribing and schizophrenia treatment.
Our study has several limitations. First, we examined prescribers' clozapine and
antipsychotic polypharmacy practices in the Pennsylvania Medicaid program and thus the
findings may not necessarily be generalizable to other states. Second, to adjust for potential
impact of patient case mix, we included a rich set of patients' comorbidities and health status
(including SSI status, several mental illness disorders, overall non-mental health comorbidity,
and schizophrenia-related hospitalization); however, we could not determine share of patients
with treatment-resistant schizophrenia for a given provider using claims data. Third, we had a
limited number of provider-level characteristics (specialty, sex, prescription volume, and practice
location). Other factors such as provider age and education background might also play a role in
prescribing behavior of clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy. Finally, we could not adjust
for other important factors, such as pharmaceutical manufacturer promotion on specific
antipsychotic drugs, which might affect physician prescribing choice.55
In conclusion, we found provider-level underuse of clozapine and use of non-evidence
supported practice of non-clozapine antipsychotic polypharmacy in this large Medicaid program.
Quality initiatives may take actions to improve evidence-based practice and to decrease
unsupported practices in the management of antipsychotic drug use. For example, educational
interventions may be used to improve providers' knowledge of clozapine. Also, academic
detailing may target providers who use more antipsychotic polypharmacy than clozapine,
particularly those who do not try any clozapine but use a lot of polypharmacy practices. It may
also be worthwhile steering treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients to prescribers who are
willing to use clozapine other than antipsychotic polypharmacy.
Table A.1: List of drugs in the three drug categories, 2009*
Drug category
Drug class
Generic name
Brand name
Generic drugs:
Tricyclic Agents
Amitriptyline HCL
Antidepressants - Misc.
Antidepressants - Misc.
Antidepressants - Misc.
Antidepressants - Misc.
Bupropion HCL SR
Antidepressants - Misc.
Tricyclic Agents
Clomipramine HCL
Tricyclic Agents
Tricyclic Agents
Fluvoxamine Maleate
Tricyclic Agents
Tricyclic Agents
Imipramine Pamoate
Tricyclic Agents
Nortriptyline HCl
Tricyclic Agents
Protriptyline HCL
Tranylcypromine Sulfate
Modified Cyclics
Brand drugs:
Tricyclic Agents
Clomipramine HCL
Antidepressants - Misc.
Table A.1 (Continued)
Drug category
Drug class
Generic name
Brand name
Tricyclic Agents
Escitalopram Oxalate
Fluvoxamine Maleate
Antidepressants - Misc.
Phenelzine Sulfate
Modified Cyclics
Tricyclic Agents
Tricyclic Agents
Nortriptyline HCL
Tranylcypromine Sulfate
Paroxetine Mesylate
Desvenlafaxine Succinate
Tricyclic Agents
Trimipramine Maleate
Tricyclic Agents
Tricyclic Agents
Imipramine Pamoate
Tricyclic Agents
Protriptyline HCL
Antidepressants - Misc.
Antidepressants - Misc.
Antidepressants - Misc.
Generic drugs:
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors
Glyburide Micronized
Table A.1 (Continued)
Drug category
Drug class
Generic name
Brand name
Metformin HCl ER
Meglitinide Analogues
Brand drugs:
Actoplus Met†
HCL/Metformin HCL
Pioglitazone HCL
Sulfonylurea-Thiazolidinedione Rosiglitazone/Glimepiride Avandaryl†
Combinations Thiazolidinediones
Rosiglitazone Maleate
Sulfonylurea-Thiazolidinedione Pioglitazone/Glimepiride Duetact
Combinations Biguanides
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4) Sitagliptin Phosphate
Inhibitors Sulfonylurea-Biguanide
Glipizide/Metformin HCL Metaglip
Combinations Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4) Saxagliptin HCL
Inhibitors Meglitinide-Biguanide
Meglitinide Analogues
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors
Table A.1 (Continued)
Drug category
Drug class
Generic name
Brand name
Meglitinide Analogues
Antidiabetic - Amylin Analogs
Pramlintide Acetate
Generic drugs:
HMG CoA Reductase
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Pravastatin Sodium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Brand drugs:
HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor
Combinations HMG CoA Reductase
Inhibitors Calcium Channel Blocker &
HMG CoA Reductase Inhibit
Comb HMG CoA Reductase
Rosuvastatin Calcium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Fluvastatin Sodium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Fluvastatin Sodium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Atorvastatin Calcium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase
Pravastatin Sodium
Inhibitors HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor
Combinations Intest Cholest Absorp Inhib-HMG CoA Reductase Inhib
Comb HMG CoA Reductase
* Drug name, category, and brand/generic status designation were based on the Medi-Span® database. † Drugs with any prior authorization requirement.
Table A.2: Prediction of generic use for all hypothetical plans*
Cost-sharing for a
Prior authorization Step therapy Predicted
generic drug ($)
difference ($)
generic use
Table A.2 (Continued)
Cost-sharing for a
Prior authorization Step therapy Predicted
generic drug ($)
difference ($)
generic use
*For each drug category, we calculated marginal effects of plan features on the use of generic drugs for 16 scenarios. We chose different combinations of the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-sharing for generic drugs, the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-sharing difference between brand and generic drugs, and whether or not prior authorization or step therapy was used. All covariates were adjusted for the predictions.
Figure B.1: Change of concentration (HHI) by number of patients
Figure B.2: Flow chart for the study sample
Figure B.3: Most preferred antipsychotics by psychiatrists
Table B.1: Sensitivity analysis results for number of ingredients
Coefficients (standard errors)
Equal weights
ratio 10:1
ratio 2:1
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic whites (%)
Share of patients <18 years old (%)
-0.03 (0.00)*** -0.03 (0.00)*** -0.03 (0.00)***
Share of patients ≥50 years old (%)
Share of patients with serious mental illnesses (%)
Share of patients with 2+ non-mental comorbidities 0.01 (0.01)
(%) Share of patients enrolled in fee-for-services (%)
Physician characteristics
Physician sex (ref = male)
Physician age (ref = <40)
Attended medical school (ref = ranked ≥21)
Total number of antipsychotic prescriptions
Number of other antipsychotic prescribers in the same organizations (ref = 0)
Practice location (ref = otherwise)
Organizational setting
Organization specialty (ref = otherwise)
Any affiliation with a behavioral health 0.79 (0.45)*
Organizational affiliation type (ref = outpatient only)
Both inpatient and outpatient
Organization size
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01.
Table B.2: Sensitivity analysis results for share of most preferred ingredient
Coefficients (standard errors)
Equal weights
ratio 10:1
ratio 2:1
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic whites (%)
Share of patients <18 yrs (%)
Share of patients ≥50 yrs (%)
Share of patients with serious mental illnesses
Share of patients with 2+ non-mental
comorbidities (%)
Share of patients enrolled in fee-for-services (%)
Physician characteristics
Physician sex (ref = male)
Physician age (ref = <40)
Attended medical school (ref = ranked ≥21)
Foreign schools
Total number of antipsychotic prescriptions
Number of other antipsychotic prescribers in the same organizations (ref = 0)
Practice location (ref = otherwise)
Organizational setting
Organization specialty (ref = otherwise)
Any affiliation with a behavioral health
Organizational affiliation type (ref = outpatient only)
Both inpatient and outpatient
Organization size
50.85 (4.00)*** 50.79 (4.23)***
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01.
Table B.3: Sensitivity analysis results for HHI of ingredients
Coefficients (standard errors)
Equal weights
Weighting ratio Weighting ratio
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
-13.14 (2.32)***
-13.14 (2.32)*** -13.14 (2.32)***
Share of non-Hispanic whites (%)
Share of patients <18 yrs (%)
Share of patients ≥50 yrs (%)
Share of patients with serious mental illnesses (%) -9.00 (2.26)*** -9.00 (2.25)*** -9.00 (2.26)***
Share of patients with 2+ non-mental
comorbidities (%)
Share of patients enrolled in fee-for-services (%)
Physician characteristics
Physician sex (ref = male)
Physician age (ref = <40)
Attended medical school (ref = ranked ≥21)
Foreign schools
Total number of antipsychotic prescriptions
Number of other antipsychotic prescribers in the same organizations (ref = 0)
Practice location (ref = otherwise)
Organizational setting
Organization specialty (ref = otherwise)
Any affiliation with a behavioral health
Organizational affiliation type (ref = outpatient only)
Both inpatient and outpatient
Organization size
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01.
Table C.1: Provider clozapine and polypharmacy practices by schizophrenia-related
hospitalization among patient population (quartiles), 2010-2012
Share of patients with
Share of patients
patients w/
w/ polypharmacy
clozapine use
hospitalization (%)
Year 2010
1st quartile (0.0-24.7%)
2nd quartile (25.0-36.0%)
d quartile (36.1-53.3%)
quartile (53.8-100.0%)
Year 2011
1st quartile (0.0-25.6%)
2nd quartile (25.8-38.5%)
d quartile (38.9-61.1%)
quartile (61.4-100.0%)
Year 2012
1st quartile (0.0-25.0%)
2nd quartile (25.5-37.3%)
d quartile (37.5-60.0%)
quartile (60.7-100.0%)
*Figures within parentheses are means and SDs.
Table C.2: GEE regression results for subset cohort (antipsychotic prescribers with 3
years' data): predictors of clozapine and antipsychotic polypharmacy
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of Hispanic patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic black patients (%)
Mean age of patients
Health status and hospitalization
Share of patients with affective disorders (%)
Share of patients with anxiety disorders (%)
Share of patients with other psychiatric disorders (%)
Share of patients with substance use disorders (%)
Share of patients with brain impairment comorbidity (%)
Mean number of non-mental health comorbidities
Share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization (%)
Health insurance
Number of plans for treated patients
The predominant plan among patient population (ref = FFS)
M CO plan J (combined)†
Provider characteristics
High prescription volume (ref = low prescription volume)
Female (ref = male)
Specialty (ref = psychiatrist)
Primary care provider
Table C.2 (Continued)
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Practice in urban only (ref=otherwise)
Year (ref = 2010)
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01. †MCO plan J combined plans with only 1-3 observations in a year.
Table C.3: GEE regression results for psychiatrists: predictors of share of patients with
clozapine use and share of patients with antipsychotic polypharmacy
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of Hispanic patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic black patients (%)
Mean age of patients
Health status and utilization
Share of patients with affective disorders (%)
Share of patients with anxiety disorders (%)
Share of patients with other psychiatric disorders (%)
Share of patients with substance use disorders (%)
Share of patients with brain impairment comorbidity (%)
Mean number of non-mental health comorbidities
Share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization (%)
Health insurance
Number of plans for treated patients
The predominant plan among patient population (ref = FFS)
MCO plan J (combined)†
Provider characteristics
High prescription volume (ref = low prescription volume)
Female (ref = male)
Practice in urban only (ref=otherwise)
Year (ref = 2010)
Table C.3 (Continued)
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01.
†MCO plan J combined plans with only 1-3 observations in a year.
Table C.4: GEE regression results controlling for practice region: predictors of share of
patients with clozapine use and share of patients with antipsychotic
polypharmacy prescribing
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Characteristics of provider's treated patients
Demographic information
Share of female patients (%)
Share of SSI-eligible patients (%)
Share of Hispanic patients (%)
Share of non-Hispanic black patients (%)
Mean age of patients
Health status and utilization
Share of patients with affective disorders (%)
Share of patients with anxiety disorders (%)
Share of patients with other psychiatric disorders (%)
Share of patients with substance use disorders (%)
Share of patients with brain impairment comorbidity (%)
Mean number of non-mental health comorbidities
Share of patients with schizophrenia-related hospitalization (%)
Health insurance
Number of plans for treated patients
The predominant plan among patient population (ref = FFS)
MCO plan J (combined)†
Provider characteristics
High prescription volume (ref = low prescription volume)
Female (ref = male)
Table C.4 (Continued)
Odds Ratios (robust standard error)
Specialty (ref = psychiatrist)
Primary care provider
Practice county (ref = Philadelphia)
Practice in urban only (ref=otherwise)
Year (ref = 2010)
*p<.1, **p<.05, ***p<.01. †MCO plan J combined plans with only 1-3 observations in a year.
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