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with emphasis on treatment and post-infectious manifestations
National Centre for Tropical Infectious Diseases
Department of Medicine
Haukeland University Hospital
Institute of Medicine
University of Bergen, Norway
Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care
University of Bergen
Water, is taught by thirst.
Land - by the Oceans passed.
Transport - by throe -
Peace - by its battles told -
Love, by Memorial Mold -
Birds, by the Snow.
Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886
Giardiasis . 7
Parasitology . 7
Epidemiology . 8
Pathogenesis . 13
Clinical presentation . 14
Laboratory diagnostic methods . 17
Paper 1 . 27
Paper 2 . 28
Paper 3 . 29
Paper 4 . 30
Questionnaire used in paper 3 and 4 .91
I. Acknowledgements
This study was initiated during the Bergen
Giardia outbreak in 2004, and has been carried
out at National Centre for Tropical Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Haukeland
University Hospital, who has also funded this work. I am grateful to this institution for
providing facilities and for the financial support.
I want to thank my main supervisor and mentor, Professor Nina Langeland for giving me the
opportunity to work with global health, which has always been my main interest. I want to
thank her for encouraging me to start, and inspiring me to continue, on this scientific project,
for excellent and always constructive support and supervision.
And I want to thank my co-supervisor Professor Guri Rørtveit, who by providing
constructive criticism and valuable advices has been an important contributor to this work.
I am also most grateful to my other co-authors Kurt Hanevik, Geir Egil Eide, Knut-Arne
Wensaas, Lucy Robertson, Trygve Hausken and Elisabeth Astrup Strand for a fruitful
collaboration during this period.
I thank Unit for Infectious Diseases for laying the groundwork for clinical research, and I
warmly thank my colleges for creating a positive working environment which makes it a
privilege and pleasure to work at this Unit.
A special thank to Axel Schreiner and Bjørn Myrvang who have inspired and supported my
interest in tropical infectious diseases, and patiently shared their knowledge in the field with
My husband Kjartan has encouraged me and supported me during challenging periods of this
work, my son Johannes has helped me with the figures in the manuscript and my youngest
son Bjørn has asked me thought-provoking questions regarding the time it takes to write a
paper and whether it is worthwhile. My excuse for being absent minded for a period, is that I
hope my children learn the importance and privilege of seeking sound knowledge and
education, like my parents taught me once. I am most grateful to my family.
II. List of papers
1. Mørch K, Hanevik K, Robertson LJ, Strand EA, Langeland N: Treatment
ladder and genetic characterisation of parasites in refractory giardiasis after an
outbreak in Norway. Journal of Infection 2008; 56: 268 - 273.
2. Hanevik K, Mørch K, Eide GE, Langeland N, Hausken T: Effects of
albendazole/metronidazole or tetracycline/folate treatments on persisting
symptoms after
Giardia infection: A randomised open clinical trial. Scand J
Infect Dis. 2008; 40 (6-7): 517 - 22.
3. Mørch K, Hanevik K, Rortveit G, Wensaas KA, Langeland N: High rate of
fatigue and abdominal symptoms 2 years after an outbreak of giardiasis. Trans
R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2009; 103: 530 - 532.
4. Mørch K, Hanevik K, Rortveit G, Wensaas KA, Eide GE, Hausken T,
Langeland N: Severity of
Giardia infection associated with post-infectious
fatigue and abdominal symptoms two years after. BMC Infectious Diseases
2009, 9:206.
III. Abbreviations
Bid = Two times daily
E. coli =
Escherichia coli
EIA = Enzyme immunoassay
ELISA = Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ETEC = Enterotoxigenic
E. coli
G. =
HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus
Ig = Immunoglobuline
IFA = Immunofluorescence assay
IIF = Indirect immunofluorescence
PCR = Polymerase chain reaction
MSIS = Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases
Syn = Synonymous
Tid = Three times daily
VSP = Variant surface protein
WHO = World Health Organisation
IV. Background
1. Parasitology
Giardia duodenalis (syn.
G. lamblia, G. intestinalis) is a single cell parasite, inhabiting the
small intestine. Like
Plasmodium species causing malaria by infecting red blood cells, the
Giardia belongs to the family protozoans [1]. The name
lamblia has its origin from
Vilem Lambl who described the trophozoite in humans in 1859, and the cyst form was
discovered by Grassi twenty years later; however, Antony van Leeuwenhoek described the
parasite in his own stool as early as in the 17th century [2].
Six different
Giardia species, characterised by differences in morphology and host
specificity, have been described since 1952 [1, 3];
G. duodenalis infects humans as well as
other primates, dogs, cats, livestock, rodents and some other wild animals,
G. agilis infects
G. psittaci and
G. ardeae birds
G. microti and
G muris rodents. A revision
of taxonomy is under debate, since genetic studies and sequencing of the
Giardia genome
have revealed several genotypic groupings/assemblages that could be classified as new
species, including assemblage A and B in
G. duodenalis, which are proposed to be classified
G. duodenalis (= assemblage A) and
G. enterica (= assemblage B) [1, 4]. In addition, the
following assemblages infecting animals have been proposed to be classified as species:
Assemblage C/D (infecting dogs and other canids):
G. canis, assemblage F (cats):
G. cati,
assemblage E (cattle and other hoofed livestock):
G. bovis, and
assemblage G (rats)
simondi. The mechanism for host specificity is not known [1].
Giardia has three morphologic forms; cysts, excyzoites and trophozoites [5]. Cysts are
responsible for faecal-oral transmission, and are able to survive for a long period in the
environment, especially in cold water in which experimental studies have shown survival for
up to two months [6]. In the upper part of the small intestine, they release excyzoites
containing four nuclei, which attach to the intestinal wall and rapidly divide into four
trophozoites [5]. Trophozoites cause disease in the small intestine where they multiply by
simple binary fission, though there is some evidence also of sexual reproduction [4]. The
trophozoites have a characteristic duplication of organelles; four pairs of flagella enabling
them to move, two identical nuclei, two median bodies and a ventral sucking disc which
enables it to attach to the intestinal surface (Figure 1) [1]. Trophozoites may be found in fresh
faeces, but usually encyst, triggered by bile salts [7] or cholesterol depletion and micelle
destruction [8], before being excreted in the stool.
Figure 1.
Giardia trophozoite showing ventral disc, flagellae, nuclei and median bodies.
2. Epidemiology
Diarrhoea is probably the most common infectious disease worldwide, and following lower
respiratory infections the second leading cause of death due to infections; in 2004 WHO
reported an incidence of 4.6 billion episodes and 2.2 million deaths due to diarrhoea per year,
of these 1.8 million deaths in developing countries [9]. The most common etiologic agents
are species among the viruses rotavirus, calicivirus, astrovirus and enteric adenovirus; the
E. coli,
Campylobacter and
Vibrio cholera, and the parasites
Giardia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora and Isospora [10].
Infections transmitted faecal-orally are more easily spread under conditions associated with
poverty; such as decreased access to clean water, inappropriate sewage disposal, poor
hygiene, crowding, close contact to farm animals and low educational level. A predominance
of bacteria and parasites as diarrhoeal pathogens in the South, and viruses in the North,
reflects this situation [10].
A prevalence of 200 million cases of giardiasis in tropical countries has been estimated by
WHO [11]. However, decreased access to reliable diagnostic tools in socioeconomic
underdeveloped areas makes it difficult to assess the aetiology of diarrhoea in clinical
practice, and reporting systems are insufficient. Such estimates are also limited by the fact
that few case-control studies have been performed in developing countries, and the clinical
studies that are available show that prevalence varies greatly between and within countries.
Serologic studies show a high infection rate, and that people are commonly infected with
Giardia during childhood, in developing countries. In a national serologic survey in Mexico,
55% (1914/3461) of the samples were positive for anti-
Giardia IgG, and seropositivity
increased with age [12].
In a study comparing populations in developing and developed areas, anti-
Giardia IgG was
found in 44% (27/62), 48% (16/33) and 46% (12/26) of adults in an Apache Indian
reservation in Arizona, in Panama and Peru respectively, while significantly fewer (18%,
7/41) adults in Baltimore were seropositive [13]. In Baltimore, seropositivity was low
throughout childhood, children in Panama achieved adult levels of antibodies between nine
and 20 years, Apache Indians by eight years of age, whereas 46% of Peruvian children were
seropositive already by the age of six months [13].
Similar high prevalence was found in a cohort with low socioeconomic standard in Egypt,
where 37% were anti-
Giardia IgG positive [14].
Despite such high prevalence, giardiasis is not commonly associated with acute diarrhoea in
hospital based studies. In different reviews, rotavirus and
E. coli spp. are the most common
causes of acute diarrhoea in both developing and developed countries [10, 15, 16]. In a study
from India among children hospitalised due to diarrhoea, and children admitted to hospital
for causes other than diarrhoea included as controls (n = 158 cases, n = 99 controls), the
following pathogens were detected among cases and controls respectively: Rotavirus 43%
and 10%, enterophatogenic
E. coli 16% and 2%, norovirus 16% and 7%, and
Cryptosporidium spp. 15% and 2%, while other agents were less prevalent, among these
Giardia only 0.6% and 0% [17]. This study also demonstrated that molecular techniques
increased the detection rate and changed the picture, compared to conventional diagnostic
Such low prevalence among hospitalised children is supported by other case-control studies,
using children admitted for reasons other than diarrhoea as controls. In a study from Nigeria
(n = 215 cases, n = 100 controls)
Giardia was identified in only one case, and in none of the
controls [18]. In a large study from Bangladesh (n = 2534 cases, n = 1229 controls),
was inversely associated with diarrhoea (8% versus 18%) [19]. A significantly higher
prevalence among controls (23%) than cases (14%) was also found in a study from Thailand
These findings emphasises that when interpreting the clinical relevance of
Giardia, it must be
taken into account that identifying the parasite may be confounding rather than causal, since
many cases are asymptomatic. In an uncontrolled study of 529 hospitalised children with
diarrhoea from a rural area in Mozambique,
Giardia was detected in 3%; however, 36% of
the 74% cases who had malaria, which commonly causes diarrhoea, also had an
enteropathogen (not specified) isolated. Both low level malaria parasitaemia and
enteropathogens may be either without clinical relevance, or etiologic agents, in patients with
diarrhoea. This illustrates the importance of case-control studies.
A review of 33 mainly population based cross-sectional prevalence studies from Asia showed
that prevalence varied greatly, also within countries [21]. Studies from Nepal, which is
considered one of the poorest countries in the world, reported prevalence between 2%
(elderly home) and 73% (children), and Thailand, which generally has a higher
socioeconomic status, reported prevalence between 1% in a study from North Thailand [22]
and 37% in a study among orphans in Pathum Thani Province [23].
These serologic and clinical studies show that giardiasis is highly prevalent in many areas,
but may not lead to severe acute diarrhoea with dehydration needing hospitalisation in most
cases. The impact of giardiasis on the high mortality of diarrhoeal infections globally is not
known, however the fact that
Giardia in 2004 was included in the WHO's "Neglected disease
initiative" may hopefully strengthen the focus on this poverty related disease [24].
In Western countries,
Giardia infection usually occurs after travel to endemic areas, during
waterborne outbreaks, or through person to person spread in institutions or between risk
groups such as homosexual men.
Common causes of acute travellers diarrhoea are enterotoxigenic
E. coli (ETEC),
Shigella and
Salmonella spp, while persistent diarrhoea more often are
caused by protozoans (
Entamoeba histolytica, Cyclospora,
Isospora and microsporidia spp.) [25].
Among 17 228 travellers visiting tropical medicine clinics in Europe, 4% had acute diarrhoea
due to
Giardia, most commonly after travel to South-Central Asia (11%), in a recent report
from the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network [26]. In a study among 328 travellers and foreign
residents with diarrhoea in Nepal,
Giardia was diagnosed in 12%, and was more likely to
occur in cases with diarrhoea lasting more than two weeks (27%) than in acute diarrhoea
In Norway, laboratory confirmed cases of giardiasis are notifiable to the Norwegian
Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS). About 200-300 reported
cases have been infected abroad each year since 1990 (Table 1) [28]. Of diarrhoeal infections
in Norway registered by MSIS in 2008, 270 were caused by
Giardia, 2875 by
Campylobacter, four by
Diphtheria, 1941 by
Salmonella, 134 by
Shigella and 50 by
Approximately 50 cases each year of
Giardia infections acquired in Norway, have been
registered by MSIS since 1980 (Table 1) [28]. However, in 2004 as many as 621 cases were
registered, due to a large waterborne outbreak in Bergen in the period from August to
December [29]. Leaking sewage pipes into the city's water source, Svartediket (Figure 2),
during a period of heavy rainfall, combined with insufficient water treatment, was identified
as the source of the outbreak, and approximately 1 300 laboratory confirmed cases were
registered. Based on the excessive number of metronidazole prescriptions made in the period,
and taking into account that half of cases may be asymptomatic, more than 5000 cases have
probably been infected during this outbreak [29]. This is the largest waterborne outbreak, and
the first
Giardia outbreak, registered in Norway. A total of 72 waterborne outbreaks,
infecting 10 616 cases, have been registered in the period 1988 to 2002, 26% of these were
caused by
Campylobacter, 18% by norovirus and 46% had unknown aetiology [30].
Waterborne outbreaks are the most important route of
Giardia transmission in Western
countries. Several factors contribute to this; experimental studies have shown that cysts may
survive for up to two months in cold water [6], conventional water treatment methods may
not eliminate the parasites [24], and contamination of a community water supply has the
potential to affect a great number of people. Before the Bergen outbreak in 2004, the largest
outbreak registered in Europe had been at the ski resort Sälen in Sweden in 1986, affecting
>1400 people [31].
Waterborne outbreaks of protozoan parasites reported worldwide in the period 1955 to 2003
have recently been extensively reviewed, and
Giardia accounted for 132 (41%) of these [32].
Only outbreaks in Western countries have been reported, probably due to resource limitations
and insufficient outbreak investigations in developing countries.
Zoonotic transmission has been reported in giardiasis [33], however, the impact of such
transmission is not clear. Beavers were the likely source of an outbreak in USA in 1986 [34],
but animal sources in outbreaks are not commonly reported [32].
Clinical case definitions are useful if parasitological testing must be avoided when
laboratories experience capacity problems during large outbreaks. During a waterborne
outbreak in Colorado, a
Giardia case definition included illness lasting seven days or more
combined with two or more of the symptoms diarrhoea, flatulence, foul-smelling stools,
nausea, abdominal cramps or excessive tiredness [35]. The sensitivity and specificity of this
definition was 88% and 73% respectively.
Figure 2. Svartediket.
Smaller outbreaks due to other routes of transmission have been well described from Western
countries, although rarely. Raw vegetables and fruits contaminated with cysts from water or
from an infected food handler are typical sources in food-borne infections [36-42]. Shellfish
may accumulate pathogens from infected water and be a potential source of infection, and
Giardia cysts have been identified in both oysters and mussels [43, 44]. Several outbreaks
have been reported from child day care centres [45-48]. Transmission may also occur in
swimming and wading pools [42, 49, 50]. Other groups at risk include homosexual men [51-
55] and persons living in institutions [47, 56].
Table 1. Giardia cases in Norway reported to MSIS and place of infection in the period
1980 1990 2000 2003
2008 2009
3. Pathogenesis
Both parasite and host factors seem to be involved in the pathophysiological processes
causing diarrhoea, maldigestion and malabsorption in giardiasis, although incompletely
In vitro studies on human samples have shown that
Giardia attach by its adhesive ventral disc
to the microvillus brush border of the intestinal epithelium, and cause barrier dysfunction by
disrupting tight junctions and inducing epithelial apoptosis [57-59]. Further have
experimental studies shown that activated CD8 T lymphocytes produce cytokines responsible
for shortening of epithelial microvilli, which lead to malabsorption of electrolytes, nutrients
and water as well as inhibition of the digestive enzymes lipase, protease and disaccharidase
[60]. Disaccharidase insufficiency, and consequently failure in splitting and absorbing milk
lactose, causes osmotic diarrhoea characteristic for temporary lactose intolerance commonly
seen in giardiasis. Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine may also play a part in the
pathogenesis of the disease [61].
In clinical studies, inflammation and villous shortening in duodenal biopsies varies from 4%
to 87% [62, 63], and why there is such a high variability in mucosal reactions, as well as in
clinical manifestations, is not known. Genotypes and mixed infections have been proposed to
be responsible for disease variability [64], but results from studies of the association between
genotypes and severity of disease are not conclusive. An experimental study by Nash et al
showed an association between strain variation and infectivity [65], and it seems that
infection with a genotype less prevalent in a community induce more severe symptoms,
however, both assemblage A and B have been associated with different symptom patterns in
studies from different populations [19, 66-76].
The host defence mechanisms are complex. Experimental studies recently reviewed [77-79]
have shown that natural barrier mechanisms (mucus, peristalsis, proteases, lipases, bile salts,
intestinal microbiota and paneth cells), innate immune responses (nitric oxide, reactive
oxygen species, lactoferrin, defensins, phagocytes, mast cells and dendritic cells) and
adaptive immune responses, both cell-mediated as described above and humoral, are involved
although incompletely understood. Although
Giardia is not an invasive parasite, it induces a
humoral immune reaction with production of immunoglobulines (IgG, IgM and IgA) [31, 65,
79, 80]. Clinical studies support that adaptive immune response play a role; children in
endemic areas and non-immune travellers seem to have a higher risk for symptomatic disease
than those who have been exposed for a longer period of time [81], and hypo-
gammaglobulinemia is associated with chronic infection [82]. Proteins on the surface of the
parasite, variant surface proteins (VSPs), are major immuno-reactive proteins [80], and are
also responsible for an important defence mechanism by enabling the parasite to undergo
variation of its surface proteins and thereby evade the host immune response [83, 84].
HIV infection does not seem to be associated with more severe disease [85, 86]. Interestingly
HIV infection stimulates the production of CD8 T-lymphocytes in the gut [87], and these
lymphocytes are probably essential in the immune reaction against the
Giardia parasite, as
described above.
4. Clinical presentation
Experimental studies create optimal situations to study the course of an infection, although
ethical considerations obviously limit the use of this method. Despite the questionable
method, results from two experimental studies in humans have been reported, and are
commonly used as references to the natural course of giardiasis. In 1953, Rendtorff reported
results from four experiments in a controlled study of prison volunteers experimentally
infected with
Giardia cysts [88]. Of all cases receiving cysts, 53% (21/40) became infected.
Risk for infection was associated with infectious dose: All 13 cases who received from 100 to
1 million cysts, compared to 36% (8/22) who received 10 or 25 cysts, became infected, while
only one cyst was not infectious in any cases. Persistent infection after at least 129 and 132
days was found in 15% of infected cases (2/14), while 85% (12/14) spontaneously cleared the
infection within 5-41 days (mean 18, median 13 days). Asymptomatic infection was found in
40% (6/15), while frequent and loose stools lasting from two to four days was observed in
60% (9/15) in these experiments [88].
The variation in infectivity and clinical presentation reported by Rendtorff was observed in
another experimental study in 1987 [65]. Nash et al infected 15 healthy volunteers with two
Giardia strains, GS/M and Isr. Of cases infected with GS/M, 100% (10/10) became
infected, and 50% of these became ill after a prepatent period (the time from inoculation until
parasites are detected in stool) of 7.5 days (mean). Severity of symptoms varied; one
volunteer had diarrhoea, flatulence, abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
headache, malaise and abdominal gurgling for six days, three volunteers had loose stools and
milder symptoms, while one volunteer had fever and headache but no diarrhoea. Interestingly
none of the volunteers inoculated with the Isr strain became infected; suggesting that degree
of infectivity may be strain dependent.
Both of these experimental studies are limited by few cases, and that they included adult
males only. However, symptoms during acute infection in larger cohorts in developed
countries have been studied during outbreaks, and these reports support that symptoms are
variable and that the majority of infected cases remain asymptomatic.
Among laboratory confirmed cases during an outbreak in New Hampshire in 1980, the
following symptoms were recorded (n = 213): Diarrhoea 86%, abdominal cramps 81%,
anorexia 65%, flatulence 58%, abdominal distension 55% and weight loss 53%. Duration of
symptoms was 10 days (mean) and 13% were hospitalised. A community survey revealed
that 76% of the city residents had an asymptomatic and self limiting infection during this
During the Bergen outbreak in 2004, 137 laboratory confirmed cases were interviewed during
the early phase of the epidemic, and among these 90% reported diarrhoea, nausea, stomach
pain, flatulence and foul smelling stools, 83% reported weight loss (mean 5 kg, range 1-23
kg), 36% vomiting, 17% reported fever and 7% were hospitalised [29].
Giardiasis seems to be self limiting in most cases, but a striking feature of the parasite is its
ability to induce chronic infection, symptomatic or asymptomatic, if not treated. Rendtorff
reported chronic infection in 15% (2/14) of experimentally infected and untreated cases [88].
A Nordic meta-analysis reported
Giardia infection in 6% of symptomatic cases (one or more
of the symptoms vomiting, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea and abdominal pain/cramps/discomfort),
and 3% of asymptomatic cases, in the population, supporting that chronic giardiasis is
prevalent in non-endemic countries [90].
Chronic infection may present with symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); a
condition characterised by abdominal pain or discomfort, associated with altered bowel
habits, lasting for more than 12 weeks [91]. Among 137 cases with symptoms of dyspepsia or
IBS who satisfied the Rome II criteria [91], 7% had giardiasis in one report from Italy [92].
Malabsorption in chronic giardiasis may cause chronic diarrhoea and steatorrhea, weight loss
and nutrient and vitamin deficiencies [93].
Vitamin B12 malabsorption, and anaemia due to Vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies, has
been reported [94-96]. Vitamin A deficiency, a potentially severe condition since such
deficiency is an important cause of blindness in developing countries, has also been
documented in giardiasis; a significant improvement of vitamin A absorption was
demonstrated after anti-
Giardia treatment in one study [97].
Osmotic diarrhoea due to lactose malabsorption is common in giardiasis, and may persist for
weeks after eradication of the parasite [98].
Fat and carhohydrate malabsorption has been documented in controlled clinical studies [96],
but the role of amino acid malabsorption is unclear. Although there have been casuistic
reports on severe protein loss and hypoalbuminaemia [99], no association between giardiasis
and protein loosing enteropathy was found in a study in Gambian children [100].
In a case-control study from India malabsorption syndrome was caused by
Giardia in 24%
(12/50) of adult cases compared to 8% (4/50) of healthy controls [101]. In children the
difference was not significant (16% versus 6%) which also illustrate the problem in
interpreting the finding of
Giardia in patients from endemic areas since the infection may be
In developing countries where frequent re-infections are common [102], giardiasis
contributes together with other infectious agents to malnutrition. Considering its high
prevalence and the parasites' ability to induce chronic infection and malabsorption, one
would suspect an impact on growth in children. Since first reported in 1921, several studies
have shown an association between severe giardiasis and such impairment [103-105]. More
than one episode of giardiasis per year during infancy was associated with poor cognitive
function at 9 years of age in 239 Peruvian children [106]. However, in another longitudinal
study of 220 Peruvian children, no significant association between
Giardia and nutritional
status or diarrhoea was found [107].
Also studies in asymptomatic children have shown diverging impact on growth. In one study
from Brazil (n = 597) asymptomatic giardiasis was significantly associated with impeded
growth [108], while studies from day care centres in western countries have not found this
association [109], suggesting a difference in disease susceptibility between healthy and
malnourished children.
Rare extra-intestinal manifestations have been reported, probably due to immune mechanisms
Giardia is not invasive. These reports have been of giardiasis associated with reactive
arthritis and synovitis [110, 111], urticaria and pruritis [112], uveitis [113] and allergy [114,
5. Laboratory diagnostic methods
Giardiasis is diagnosed by examining stool samples by light microscopy,
immunofluorescence assay (IFA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) methods. Analyses of serum or duodenal aspirates may also be performed.
Light microscopy is a labour intensive method, but has the advantage of detecting additional
parasites if present. Stool is concentrated and examined directly (wet-mount preparation) or
permanently stained (trichrome) for cysts or trophozoites (detection of trophozoites requires
fresh stool). Sensitivity is poor when only a single sample is analysed, particularly if there are
few cysts or quality of microscopy is insufficient, but sporadic samples in an infected person
may also be negative due to intermittent excretion of cysts; in one report of 91
cases all with
three samples analysed, one, two or all three stool samples were microscopy positive in only
23%, 22% and 55% respectively [116]. Sensitivity increases when multiple samples collected
from separate defecations are analysed; sensitivity of 73%, 81% and 85% from analysis of
one, two or three samples respectively have been reported (n=73) [117].
Sensitivity of microscopy increases when samples are stained with a specific anti-
antibody coupled to a fluorescent compound (IFA). Cysts show fluorescence when examined
under ultraviolet light in a fluorescence microscope. High sensitivity (92%-100%) and
specificity (100%) has been reported with this method [118-120].
EIA also uses antibodies to detect
Giardia specific antigen in stool, and these tests are less
time consuming since the result is read after only few minutes. Several commercial rapid
antigen tests are available, and high sensitivity (80%-99%) and specificity (>99%) has been
reported [118, 121-124]. However, EIA was significantly less sensitive (61%) than
microscopy in a study from the Bergen outbreak [125]. Reduced sensitivity of EIAs was
associated with low cyst numbers and single samples in these studies.
PCR is a sensitive and specific method also when there are few cysts [119, 124, 126]. In one
study comparing PCR and IFA, sensitivity was 97% and 92% respectively (no significant
difference) and specificity was 100% for both [119]. PCR is mainly used in research, and
during the Bergen outbreak PCR was used to genotype and sub-genotype the
Giardia parasite
and thereby elucidate host and parasite factors [127], but the method has limited use in
routine diagnosis.
Detection of trophozoites in duodenal aspirate was previously considered a sensitive test
when stool microscopy was negative, but studies supporting this were based on few cases, as
shown in a review by Goka et al [117]. Larger studies have shown very low benefit from this
test. In one study only 44% (32/73) of
Giardia positive cases had positive duodenal aspirates,
compared to 85% stool microscopy positive [117]. This finding was supported by a study
from the Bergen outbreak were only 10% (4/40) of
Giardia positive cases had trophozoites in
duodenal biopsies [62].
Both indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
may be used in detecting specific anti-
Giardia antibodies [128, 129]. Serologic methods have
been used in epidemiologic studies as described previously, but not widely in routine
diagnostic laboratories. In endemic areas, detection of
Giardia antibodies may be due to
previous exposure, as reported in a study from Bangladesh where no association between
sero-positivity and positive stool microscopy was found [130]. However, in areas with no
previous exposure, serologic tests are more specific in diagnosing acute infection. In a study
among 352 exposed cases during the outbreak in Sälen in Sweden, IgG and/or IgA antibodies
were detected in 68% of
Giardia positive cases, in 22% of
Giardia negative cases and only
among 10% of healthy controls [31]. A significant increase in sensitivity was observed when
serum was collected more than three weeks after infection. Also in a controlled study from
Cuba, serology was strongly associated with positive microscopy, although sero-positivity
increased with age which might have been due to previous exposure [131].
6. Treatment
Six classes of drugs are effective against the
Giardia parasite: Quinacrine has been used since
the 1930s, nitroimidazoles, furazolidone and paromomycin since the 1960s, benzimidazoles
since the 1980s and the last 10 years nitazoxanide has been reported to be effective against
giardiasis [132].
Results from controlled clinical studies of efficacy, based on parasitological response, are
presented in table 2 (modified from table in press by our group [133]). Recommendations of
effective dosages based on these studies, as well as mechanisms of action and reported
adverse effects, are presented in table 3 (modified from tables published and submitted by our
group [133, 134]). Pharmacological aspects in anti-
Giardia drugs have also recently been
reviewed by others [132, 135, 136].
Efficacy reported in the clinical studies are not directly comparable due to variations in the
populations studied (age, endemicity), time until follow-up, number of stool samples
examined, dosage of drugs and duration of treatment. In studies from endemic areas, relapse
rates may be overestimated if duration of follow-up is too long, due to high risk of re-
infections, as reported in a study from Peru where 98% of children became re-infected within
6 months after effective treatment [102]. However, relapses may be underestimated if follow-
up time is too short. In one study from a non-endemic area, 43% (6/14) of relapses were
diagnosed after more than four weeks [137]. Per protocol rather than intention to treat
analyses were presented in most of these studies, which potentially also may overestimate
Metronidazole has for many years been the drug of choice for giardiasis. However, single
dose treatment with tinidazole, ornidazole or secnidazole (nitroimidazoles with long half
lives) seems to have similar efficacy and fewer side effects. Short course treatment with
metronidazole and other classes of anti-
Giardia drugs are less effective. Nitazoxanide and
benzimidazoles are well tolerated, and have the advantage of also being active against
helminth infections which are endemic in developing countries [138-142], although
benzimidazole treatment has low efficacy in some studies. Quinacrine is highly effective in
most studies, but is not recommended as first line treatment due to potentially severe side
effects. The aminoglycoside paromomycin seems to be less effective than other drugs,
although few reports are available.
Available documentation of risks during pregnancy varies for different anti-
Giardia drugs.
Of the nitroimidazoles, metronidazole has been best studied. Metronidazole has shown
carcinogenic and teratogenic effect in animal studies, and although carcinogenic effect has
not been reported in humans, it raises concern about safety during pregnancy [143-146]. In a
meta-analysis including 1336 women exposed during first trimester [147], and in two studies
including 228 and 1041 pregnant women respectively [148, 149], no association with birth
defects were found. However, malformations possibly associated with metronidazole during
first trimester has been reported, although rarely [146, 150]. Based on these reports,
metronidazole during pregnancy is controversial, although often recommended during second
and third trimester, weighted against indication and availability of alternative drugs, since the
possible risk is low [146]. Nitroimidazoles should be avoided during first trimester.
Benzimidazoles have been widely used and recommended by WHO after first trimester in
treatment programs among pregnant women, in order to reduce hookworm induced anaemia
[151, 152]. In controlled studies evaluating birth defects following these programs,
significant risk for teratogenic effects were not found [153-155]. However, the dosages used
in anti-helminth programs are lower than recommended dosages for giardiasis, and
experimental studies have suggested teratogenic effects [156]. One controlled clinical study
found higher risk of major birth defects (odds ratio 1.66), although not significant, among
women who had used mebendazole during first trimester [155]. Based on clinical reports on
safety during second and third trimester, benzimidazoles could be used during this period, but
should be avoided during first trimester.
Due to mutagenic effects in animal studies, and lack of clinical studies in humans on
teratogenic effects from furazolidone, quinacrine and nitazoxanide, these drugs should be
avoided throughout pregnancy [157, 158].
Paromomycin is the only anti-
Giardia drug not contraindicated during first trimester [159],
since it is poorly absorbed and therefore has negligible systemic effect.
Studies on treatment refractory giardiasis are limited. In one study, albendazole in
combination with metronidazole was effective in nine out of 10 metronidazole resistant cases
[160]. Quinacrine combined with metronidazole or tinidazole was effective in five of six
treatment refractory cases in one study, four of these were immunosuppressed [161]. Such
synergistic effect of combining metronidazole and quinacrine has also been reported
in vitro
[162]. One report showed that nitazoxanide was effective in a patient suffering from HIV
and metronidazole/albendazole resistant giardiasis, and the
Giardia isolate from the patient
showed the same resistance pattern
in vitro and in a mouse model [163].
Clinical resistance has been demonstrated for all drugs as described above, however, several
factors may influence clinical response other than drug resistance, like inadequate immune
response, compliance problems, reduced quality of drugs or impaired absorption due to
vomiting and diarrhoea.
Laboratory studies have the advantage of eliminating these factors, and
in vitro resistance has
been reported in all classes of drugs [164, 165]. Different laboratory methods have been used;
in vivo animal studies and
in vitro tests of viability, or molecular characteristics, of cultured
Giardia isolates or laboratory induced resistant clones. Although mechanisms of drug
resistance are not completely understood, molecular studies have elucidated some
characteristics. The enzyme pyruvat:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) was downregulated
in metronidazole resistant but not in furazolidone resistant
Giardia strains, which is
consistent with the role this enzyme has in activating metronidazole, while furazolidone
probably is activated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and not by PFOR [166].
In a molecular study of genes potentially involved in resistance, laboratory induced
nitazoxanide resistant and metronidazole resistant
Giardia clones were compared to
WB C6 wild type, and in addition to slightly reduced expression of pyruvat oxidoreductase
(POR) and nitroreductase (NR), a gene encoding a major variant surface protein (VSP) was
significantly reduced in both resistant clones, indicating that the parasites ability to evade
host immune response by variable expression of surface proteins may be a target for these
drugs [167]. The nitazoxanide resistant strain showed cross resistance to metronidazole,
while the metronidazole resistant strain was sensitive to nitazoxanide in this study [167].
Cross resistance found
in vitro between other anti-
Giardia drugs has also been reported;
furazolidone resistant strains induced more easily quinacrine resistance in one study [168],
and albendazole resistance was more readily induced in a furazolidone resistant strain in one
Drug susceptibility testing is not routinely used, although relatively simple systems for
resistance testing are commercially available and could be used in surveillance of drug
resistance in giardiasis [170].
Other drugs have been studied experimentally, and have recently also been reviewed by
others [132, 171]. The following compounds have shown anti-
Giardia effect
in vitro or in
animal studies: Bithionol, dichlorophene and hexachlorophene [172], pyrimethamine and
chloroquine [173], the tricyclic antidepressant drug chlorimipramine [174], sodium fusidate
which also has the advantage of not being terotegenic [175], ronidazole, satranidazole,
fexinidazole, flunidazole and nimorazole (5-nitroimidazoles), nitrofurantoin and niridazole
[176], mefloquine, doxycycline and rifampin [177], ivermectin [178], fenbendazole [179],
ciprofloxacin [180], bismuth subcitrate [181], thiosemicarbazone [182], new benzimidazoles
[183-185], ethyl-phenylcarbamates [186], menadione which also killed cysts [187], the
naturally derived saturated fatty acid dodecanoid (lauric) acid [188], nocodazole and
colchicine [189], silymarin [190], new thiazolides [191], disulfiram [192] and azithromycin
Controlled clinical trials of experimental drugs against
Giardia have shown some promising
results. Bacitracin zinc had anti-
Giardia effect both
in vitro [194] and
in vivo; one clinical
study reported 95% (20/21) efficacy [195]. In a study from Cuba, chloroquine 10mg bid for
five days cured 86% [196], and chloroquine has also shown anti-
Giardia effect
in vitro [173,
197]. D-propranolol has demonstrated inhibition of growth and motility of the protozoan
vitro [198], and clinical effect in a metronidazole resistant case has been reported [199]. The
bee glue preparation propolis inhibited growth
in vitro in one report [200]
, and in a clinical
study treatment for 20 days cured 80% [201]. Ozone have shown anti-
Giardia effect
in vitro
in different studies [202, 203], and in a clinical trial ozonized sunflower oil cured 64% [204].
; Ns, not stated. yil
; qd, four times day
ole, quinfamide or both.
dose; bid, twice dail
iven in this table. g
, if other is not stated.
e patients from the adult
n; A, adults; C, children; sd, sing
n of follow-up in da
), duration in day
, with 11 cases in the nita
rst, second and third tre
in combination with Praz
divided into three doses.
Of 275 cases with intestinal parasitic infections,
Abbreviations: D, da
Response assessed b
Uncontrolled stud
Placebo controlled stud
Table 3. Drugs active against
Giardia infection; mechanisms of action, recommended
dosages and side effects (modified from [133, 134]).
Adverse events
Recommended dosage1
Adults Children
Five-nitroimidazole compounds
Reductive activation of nitro
GI discomfort, metallic taste,
group, by ferredoxin and the
disulphiram-like effects. Headache,
500 mg sd3 x 10d
Anti-parasitic effect:
vertigo, insomnia, irritability,
neuropathy, seizures. Rash.
efficacy low when
-Produce toxic radicals
Reddish-brown urine. Transient
-Inhibit trophozoite
elevation of transaminases.
than 5 days, the
Leukopenia. Pancreatitis, hepatitis,
cholangitis (rare).
effective as single
Metronidazole less tolerated than
dose due to longer
the other 5-nitromidazole
Nitrofuran derivatives
Possibly reductive activation
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
by the enzyme NADH
Haemolytic anemia in neonates and
given to neonates
oxidase, and production of toxic nitro radicals which
in G6PD-deficiency. Disulphiram-
or breastfeeding
damage the parasites
like activity. Interaction with MAO
functional organelles
inhibitors. Brownish urine.
risk of haemolytic
including its DNA.
Inhibits cytoskeleton
Usually well tolerated. Nausea,
polymerization and impaire
vomiting, diarrhoea, epigastric
against helminths.
glucose uptake by binding to the parasites -tubulin
Usually well tolerated. Transient
(Optimal dose and duration
refractory cases in
combination with metronidazole.
Not fully understood.
Potentially severe side effects.
Possibly inhibition of
Vomiting, bitter taste, nausea,
nuclein acid cyntesis by binding to DNA, or
headache. Yellow discoloration of
refractory cases,
decreased oxygen
skin, urine or sclerae (reversible).
consumption due to
Urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis,
combination with
interference with the enzyme NADH oxidase.
exacerbation of psoriasis.
Haemolysis in G6PD-deficiency.
Interaction with 50S and 30
Usually well tolerated.
Regarded as safe
S ribosomal subunits leads to
Gastrointestinal discomfort.
misreading of mRNA, and thereby inhibits the parasites
protein synthesis.
5-nitrothiazolyl derivatives
Not fully understood. Anti-
Usually well tolerated. Abdominal
parasitic effect after
pain, diarrhoea, vomiting,
against helminths
reductive activation. Inhibition of parasite
headache, yellowish urine.
and some bacterial
nitroreductase G1NR-1.
enteric infections.
Effective in metronidazole resistant infection.
Abbreviations: GI, gastrointestinal; Sd, single dose; PFOR, Pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase; G6PD, Glucose-6-phosphat-dehydrogenase; NADH, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid; bid, twice daily; tid, three times daily; qd, four times daily; d, days; g, gram. 1Based on results from clinical studies (Table 2). 2mg/kg/day, divided into three doses. 3One day duration of sd if not other is stated. 4mg/kg. 5mg/kg/day, divided into four doses.
V. Aims of the study
To evaluate efficacy of a treatment ladder, and genetic characteristics, in treatment refractory
giardiasis after an outbreak in Bergen, Norway in 2004.
To investigate if cases with persistent abdominal symptoms after
Giardia infection, and no
Giardia parasites in stool, suffered from chronic, cryptic giardiasis.
To investigate the prevalence of fatigue and abdominal symptoms, and factors associated with
such symptoms, two years after the
Giardia outbreak.
VI. Summary of papers
A. Paper 1
Metronidazole is the only drug licensed against
Giardia infection in Norway. The objectives
of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of three different anti-
Giardia treatment regimens
in cases who had not responded to metronidazole treatment, and to compare genetic
characteristics of the parasites.
This was a clinical observational study among cases who had been infected with
during the outbreak in Bergen in autumn 2004, and who experienced chronic, treatment
refractory infection. Among 1268 laboratory confirmed cases registered during the outbreak
in August-December 2004, 120 cases were referred to our out patient clinic due to protracted
abdominal symptoms. Of these, 42 cases still had
Giardia cysts in stool samples after mean
2.2 (range 1-3) courses of metronidazole, and 38 of these were treated according to a
standardised treatment ladder in the period between January 2005 and December 2006.
All patients were treated with albendazole 400 mg bid in combination with metronidazole 250
mg bid for one week. Those who did not respond to this regimen were treated with
paromomycin 500 mg tid for one week. Those who failed on both these regimens were treated
with quinacrine 100 mg tid in combination with metronidazole 750 mg tid for three weeks.
Treatment efficacy was based on parasitological response defined as seven microscopy
negative stool samples up to four weeks after the end of treatment. Clinical symptoms and
adverse events were evaluated at baseline and four weeks after treatment.
Giardia isolates were available from 45% of cases (17/38) for characterisation by PCR and
sequencing at the gdh and -giardin genes respectively.
Albendazole in combination with metronidazole was effective in 79% (30/38), paromomycin
was effective in 50% (3/6), and quinacrine in combination with metronidazole was effective
in 100% (3/3) of the cases. Discoloration of skin, confusion, nightmares, dizziness and nausea
were recorded in the quinacrine/metronidazole group, and mild hair loss was reported by one
patient in the albendazole/metronidazole group. Except for the episode of mild hair loss, no
unexpected or severe side effects were recorded in any of the groups.
Sequencing of PCR products revealed that all cases had
Giardia cysts of genotype gd-ber3 at
the gdh gene and BG-ber2 at the -giardin gene, while previously published sequence profiles
from the peak of the outbreak were more heterogenous.
In this study, albendazole and quinacrine, both in combinations with metronidazole, were
effective against metronidazole refractory giardiasis, while paromomycin seemed to be less
effective. Particular sub-genotypes may be associated with treatment refractory infection in
B. Paper 2
The aim of this study was to evaluate if
Giardia negative patients, referred to our outpatient
clinic due to protracted abdominal symptoms after the Bergen outbreak in 2004, suffered from
cryptic and metronidazole refractory chronic giardiasis.
This was a prospective randomised open clinical study. The included patients had been
exposed to contaminated water and had clinical giardiasis during the outbreak, and after
treatment with one to three courses of metronidazole for five to ten days, all cases had more
than three microscopy negative stool samples and one negative faecal antigen test.
Based on reports on synergistic anti-
Giardia effect of metronidazole and albendazole
combination treatment as described in paper 1, patients in one arm were treated with
albendazole 400 mg bid and metronidazole 250 mg tid for seven days (A/M). Based on the
hypothesis that an illness similar to post-infectious tropical sprue may be one possible
explanation for protracted abdominal symptoms and weight loss, patients in the other arm
received tetracycline 250 mg tid and folic acid 5 mg once daily for 28 days (T/F).
Abdominal symptoms were reported by the patients on a written questionnaire at baseline, at
the end of treatment, one month after treatment and finally one year after treatment. The
primary endpoint was global improvement of symptoms one month and one year after
treatment. Secondary endpoints were improvement of nausea, bloating, abdominal pain,
diarrhoea, constipation and anorexia recorded on a scale from zero to ten, and changes in
blood inflammation and malabsorption parameters.
Symptom scores were analysed regarding time and treatment using mixed linear modelling.
A total of 25 cases were included in the study. Blood tests taken at baseline and after one
month were not significantly changed. At the end of treatment, total symptom score improved
in both groups, although significantly only in the T/F group, while bloating decreased
significantly in both groups at this point.
One month after treatment, 23% (3/13) in the T/F group and 8% (1/12) in the A/M group
reported global symptom improvement. However, after one year total symptom scores were
unchanged from baseline in both groups.
C. Paper 3
The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of fatigue and abdominal symptoms
among cases who had been infected during the Bergen outbreak in 2004, two years after.
Inclusion criteria was laboratory confirmed giardiasis during the Bergen outbreak. All 1262
Giardia–positive cases registered in the period of October 2004 to June 2005, received a
mailed questionnaire in August 2006 (Appendix).
The following questions regarding fatigue and abdominal symptoms, respectively, were used
in the statistical analyses: "Do you have abdominal symptoms now that you did not have prior
to the
Giardia infection?" (no/unsure/yes, dichotomized into no/unsure vs. yes) and "Do you
have problems with fatigue?" (less or same as usual/more than usual/much more than usual).
The last two answer options were defined as fatigue.
The association between fatigue and abdominal symptoms, gender and age, was investigated
by simple and multiple ordinal logistic regression analyses using SPSS.
Among the 1017 (81%) respondents, 64% were women and the median age was 31 years,
compared to 61% and median 30 years among all 1262 cases.
Fatigue and abdominal symptoms was reported by 41% (419/1017) and 38% (389/1017),
respectively, and 25% (253/1017) reported both symptoms.
Increasing age was significantly associated with fatigue (p < 0.001) in all analyses. Female
gender was significantly associated with fatigue in the simple (p = 0.038) but not in the
multiple regression analyses. Neither age nor gender was significantly associated with
abdominal symptoms. A significant association between fatigue and abdominal symptoms (p
< 0.001) were found in all analyses, and neither gender nor age interacted with this
A high level of post-infectious fatigue and abdominal symptoms, not previously reported in
giardiasis, were found in this study.
D. Paper 4
This paper describes risk factors associated with post-
Giardia fatigue and abdominal
symptoms two years after the Bergen outbreak.
Inclusion criteria and questionnaire (Appendix) used were the same as described in paper 3,
and in this study the data were further analysed with respect to risk factors.
Number of treatment courses, delayed education and sick leave were used as indices of
protracted and severe
Giardia infection in the statistical analyses, and the sub-cohort of
treatment resistant cases described in paper 1 were also included in these analyses. Previous
abdominal problems, symptoms during infection, age and gender were also evaluated as
possible risk factors. Simple and multiple ordinal logistic regression analyses were used to
investigate the association between these possible risk factors (explanatory variables) and
degree of abdominal symptoms and fatigue (response variables).
More than one course of anti-
Giardia treatment and delayed education, were significantly
associated with both fatigue and abdominal symptoms in all analyses. In the multiple
regression analysis, female gender, bloating at the time of infection and treatment refractory
infection were associated with abdominal symptoms. Age, previous abdominal problems
without seeking health care, malaise at the time of infection and sick leave were associated
with fatigue in the multiple regression analysis.
Indices of protracted and severe
Giardia infection were associated with post-infectious fatigue
and abdominal symptoms in this study.
VII. Main results and discussion
Paper 1. Treatment-ladder and genetic characterisation of parasites in refractory
giardiasis after an outbreak in Norway
The paper describes high efficacy of combination treatment of albendazole or quinacrine in
combination with metronidazole, respectively, and less efficacy of paromomycin, in
metronidazole refractory chronic
Giardia infection. Synergistic effect of metronidazole and
albendazole has been reported from a randomised trial of metronidazole resistant cases [160],
and our study is in line with this finding. Randomised trials on quinacrine and paromomycin
in treatment refractory giardiasis have not been performed, although a case series among
resistant cases successfully treated with quinacrine combined with nitroimidazole support our
findings [161]. This study was an observational study using a treatment-ladder, while a
randomised study design would have strengthened our findings. Metronidazole is the only
Giardia drug licensed in Norway, and delays in availability were different for the
different drugs. A randomised study would have delayed treatment in patients with
bothersome symptoms, and was therefore not performed for ethical reasons.
The three regimens can not be compared, since patients treated in the late steps in the ladder
had clinically more multi-resistant parasites than patients treated in the first step. The efficacy
of paromomycin and quinacrine/metronidazole should also be interpreted with care due to low
number of cases.
In order to study genetic characteristics of the parasites, two gene sequences were analysed
and the parasites were identical at these sequences, which was different from the picture
during the peak of the outbreak, where 10 different sub-genotypes were described [244]. This
leads to the hypothesis that the sub-genotypes found in our study may have been responsible
for more virulent or resistant infection. The genes involved in metronidazole resistance are
not fully characterised. Results from molecular studies show that such resistance may be
mediated by altered gene expression, possibly involving reduced expression of the genes
encoding for PFOR and VSPs [167], however, this remains to be further investigated. The
sub-genotypes characterised in the present study do not fully explain metronidazole
resistance, since these sub-genotypes were also found in cases diagnosed subsequent to the
outbreak who responded to metronidazole treatment [127]. However, if these strains were
more virulent, resistant or infective than other strains, they may have persisted longer in the
environment, and thereby infected cases subsequent to the outbreak and also induced chronic
infection. The host-parasite interactions in giardiasis are not fully understood, as previously
discussed, and other factors explaining chronic infection in this cohort are probably also
involved. This is underlined by the fact that one of the more resistant cases in this study, who
finally responded to quinacrine/metronidazole, had clinically significant IgA deficiency, an
immunological disorder known to predispose to chronic giardiasis [82].
Paper 2. Effects of albendazole/metronidazole or tetracycline/folate treatments on
persisting symptoms after Giardia infection: A randomized open clinical trial
After the Bergen outbreak all patients referred to our out patient clinic with chronic infection,
diagnosed by detection of cysts in stool, were successfully treated as described above.
However, approximately half the cases referred due to protracted abdominal symptoms did
not have detectable parasites in stool. Chronic infection and fluctuation in cyst excretion is
well described in giardiasis [88], and could be a possible explanation for symptoms in these
Diarrhoea and weight loss were common during the outbreak [29], which are characteristic
symptoms of malabsorption. Important differential diagnoses to malabsorption in addition to
giardiasis are
Cryptosporidium infection, celiac disease, lymphoma and tropical sprue [93].
Cryptosporidium had been excluded by negative faecal antigen tests, and anti-endomysial and
anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies as well as duodenal biopsies did not reveal celiac
disease or lymphoma as etiologic agents [62]. Tropical sprue is a syndrome of undefined
aetiology, characterised by small intestinal mucosa damage and often severe malabsorption of
vitamine B12, folate and fat, following an episode of acute diarrhoea [93]. The name refers to
that the condition is geographically restricted to specific areas in the tropics; it is much more
common in Asia than in South America and Africa. Antibiotics may be effective, which
support an infectious aetiology. The cases in our cohort had not travelled abroad, but the
hypothesis was that a similar condition, involving bacterial agents, could explain the
This study described that treatment directed against chronic giardiasis and tropical sprue,
among cases with persistent abdominal symptoms following giardiasis, had no effect on
symptoms one year after treatment.
The temporary symptom reduction reported may have been due to anti-inflammatory effect,
or effect on gut microbial flora, of both treatments. The difference in temporary symptom
reduction seen between the groups may be explained by the longer duration of T/F treatment.
It is not known if reporting of symptoms were influenced by cases expecting to improve
during treatment, which would have been elucidated if a placebo group had been included.
The reason for not including a placebo group was mainly that extending to three arms would
have been more resource and time consuming in a clinical setting, and would have delayed
treatment in the symptomatic group.
Taking these limitations into account, the lack of change in symptoms after one year, leads to
the conclusion that chronic giardiasis, or a tropical sprue-like illness, did not explain
symptoms in this cohort.
Paper 3. High rate of fatigue and abdominal symptoms 2 years after an outbreak of
During the Bergen outbreak, protracted symptoms after infection, among
Giardia negative
patients, were reported both in primary health care and among cases referred to our outpatient
clinic [62, 245]. Of those referred, all
Giardia positive cases had been successfully treated as
described in paper 1, while the majority were
Giardia negative but still complained of IBS-
like symptoms and fatigue [62]. Chronic infection could hypothetically explain protracted
symptoms [88], but this was excluded among referred cases as described in paper 2. Extensive
work-up among all referred cases, including stool culture and microscopy, endoscopy and
blood tests, did not reveal the cause of IBS-like symptoms and fatigue, and on this
background the present study of post-infectious symptoms among all cases was initiated.
We reported fatigue in 41% and IBS-like symptoms in 38% of patients two years after the
outbreak, among all laboratory confirmed cases. Such complications are not previously
reported after giardiasis, but post-infectious fatigue and IBS are well described complications
after other infections [246, 247], which support this finding. However, the prevalence of such
symptoms is high in the general population, and both age and gender are possible risk factors;
in Norwegian population studies, fatigue has been reported by 22% [248], and IBS by 10%
[249]. It is therefore an important methodological limitation in the present study that an age
and sex matched control group was not included.
Another limitation is the recording of symptoms, especially fatigue which was recorded by
one question only (Appendix). Validated questionnaires have been developed for chronic
fatigue [250], and Rome diagnostic criteria are widely used for IBS [91]. Use of validated
questionnaires would have strengthened our findings. However, these forms are extensive,
and the high response rate (81%), which is a strength of our study, is probably partly
explained by the short two-page questionnaire used. It is likely that abdominal symptoms
recorded in our study are similar to IBS, since the questions used have been used in recording
severity of IBS previously [251], and 81% in a sub-group of cases from the Bergen outbreak
fulfilled the Rome II criteria for IBS [115].
The inclusion criteria may have created a selection bias. Only laboratory confirmed cases
were included, to ensure that only
Giardia cases were investigated. However, this selects
cases who visited their doctor due to symptoms during giardiasis, and could exclude cases
with milder symptoms and cases with a less care seeking behaviour. In a large case-control
study (n = 4388) among fatigue syndrome and IBS patients, both these patient groups
consulted their GP more often, and received more often sickness certificates, than controls
within three years prior to diagnosis [252]. Many cases will have experienced a self-limiting
infection, and if they hesitated in visiting their doctor they may have become well without
treatment. More women were registered during and subsequent to the outbreak [253], and this
could reflect that women seek medical care earlier, and that more men experienced a self-
limiting infection, although water drinking habits has also been suggested to explain this
Co-morbidities were not registered in our study, and it is possible that patients with co-
morbidities would visit their doctors earlier than healthy, young individuals. A strong
association between psychiatric disorders and chronic fatigue has been reported in population
based studies [254], and other conditions prior to diagnosis have also been found more
frequently in chronic fatigue compared to controls [252]. These possible confounding factors
could have been elucidated if we had recorded information on co-morbidity and previous
health in our study.
The possibility that any economical loss could be compensated by the health system creates a
risk for over-reporting of symptoms. This could have been elucidated by using application for
compensation as explanatory variable in the analyses, but this was not recorded in this study.
Finally, recall bias is an obvious limitation, which also has been discussed in the paper.
Taking these limitations into account, our finding of a high level of fatigue and IBS-like
symptoms, which often lead to pronounced symptoms and reduced quality of life among
young individuals, should lead to further investigations on post-infectious complications in
Paper 4. Severity of Giardia infection associated with post-infectious fatigue and
abdominal symptoms
Severity of infection has been reported as an important risk factor for both post-infectious
fatigue and IBS following different infections [246, 255]. To study if this was the case also in
giardiasis, we defined factors that hypothetically could indicate severity (number of treatment
courses, treatment refractory infection, delay in education progress and sick leave), and used
these as explanatory variables in the statistical analyses. We found a significant association
between several of these indices of severity and fatigue and abdominal symptoms.
The factors defined as indices of severity have several limitations. Several treatment courses
may have been a sign of treatment refractory and protracted infection, but also a sign of PI-
IBS if stools were not controlled at follow-up, which often was the case during the outbreak
due to reduced laboratory capacity. However, it is likely that patients experienced a change in
symptom pattern when the parasites were cleared, especially disappearance of the foul smell,
and then additional treatment courses may not have been requested. A further limitation of
several treatment courses as an index of protracted infection is that some cases have been
infected for several months before they received treatment, due to late detection of the
outbreak [29], while those who became ill when the outbreak was well known from the media
may have received treatment immediately. Nevertheless, the finding of several treatment
courses as a risk factor was supported by that laboratory confirmed treatment refractory and
chronic infection in a sub-group (paper 1) was associated with post-infectious abdominal
symptoms as well. These findings suggest that treatment resistant parasites may have been
more virulent and caused more severe infection during this outbreak.
Both delays in education progress and sick leave may have been caused by post-infectious
complications rather than protracted and severe infection, and this has been discussed.
However, it is probable that cases were unable to work or study due to severe symptoms
during infection, while the post-infectious complications developed more slowly or
fluctuated, which also is our clinical impression from referred cases. If sick leave or delayed
education progress were due to giardiasis, they are good indices of severity of infection, since
many cases experience mild symptoms during infection which would not influence their work
Some questions were designed in a way that did not include all respondents (Appendix), and
it is not clear whether these limitations in the questionnaire have influenced the outcome of
the multiple regression analyses. The category "not recovered" was included in the categorical
variable "Treatment courses" to avoid loosing cases, although this category could reflect the
response variables. However, when the analyses were performed without this variable, other
risk factors remained significant.
Frequent re-infections in endemic regions [102], and the fact that giardiasis most often is self-
limiting [88], have led to recommendations of not to treat in many cases [132]. However, if
our findings are causal, early detection and treatment of
Giardia infection could be important
also in order to avoid protracted infection, and thereby prevent post-infectious fatigue and
abdominal symptoms.
VIII. Proposals for future studies
x Molecular studies on resistance in treatment refractory cases.
x Prospective, randomised studies on combination treatment in refractory giardiasis.
x Controlled, long term follow up studies using validated questionnaires on prevalence
of post-infectious fatigue and IBS.
x Prospective, controlled studies on fatigue and IBS after severe versus mild or
asymptomatic infections, using validated questionnaires, clinical evaluation and
intestinal biopsies evaluating mucosa damage.
x Clinical, epidemiologic and molecular studies in collaboration with centres in endemic
countries to evaluate manifestations among cases experiencing frequent re-infections
and co-infections compared to non-immune cases in western countries.
IX. Conclusions
Metronidazole in combination with albendazole or quinacrine, were effective and safe
treatments in a cohort of metronidazole refractory giardiases, while paromomycin was
effective in only 50%; however, efficacy from the different treatment regimens can not be
compared due to limitations in the design of the study.
Giardia parasites causing metronidazole refractory infection were closely related
compared to the sub-genotypes at the beginning of the outbreak, indicating that parasite
factors may have been partly responsible for treatment resistance during this outbreak.
Persistent abdominal symptoms in a cohort of
Giardia-negative cases after the outbreak were
not due to chronic
Giardia infection or to a tropical sprue-like infection.
Post-infectious fatigue and IBS-like symptoms, not previously described in giardiasis, were
found in 41% and 38%, respectively, among all laboratory confirmed cases during the Bergen
outbreak two years after clearing the
Giardia infection.
A strong association between fatigue and IBS-like symptoms suggest that these symptoms
may be manifestations of the same post-infectious condition following giardiasis.
Indices of severe and protracted
Giardia infection were associated with post-infectious fatigue
and IBS-like symptoms two years after.
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XI. Paper I-IV
1 Giardiasis PhD printed version
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scientific report Mps1 promotes rapid centromere accumulationof Aurora BMaike S. van der Waal1*, Adrian T. Saurin1,2*, Martijn J.M. Vromans1, Mathijs Vleugel1,2,Claudia Wurzenberger3, Daniel W. Gerlich3w, Rene´ H. Medema4, Geert J.P.L. Kops1,2 & Susanne M.A. Lens1+1Department of Medical Oncology, 2Department of Molecular Cancer Research, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,The Netherlands, 3Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zu¨rich, Switzerland,and 4Division of Cell Biology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands