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3 month follow up reportWith summary of the other evaluation reports Table of contents Learner demographics Learner satisfaction Scientific programme Event organisation Teaching effectiveness Learning effectiveness Immediate post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results Three month follow up results Learner demographics

Learner demographics – Profession Obstetrician and gynecologist

Learner demographics – Profession

Learner demographics – years in primary profession From 1 to 5 years From 5 to 10 years From 10 to 20 years More than 20 years Learner satisfaction

Learner satisfactionhow satisfied are you with this educational event? Very Dissatisfied

Learner satisfactionOverall, how satisfied are you with this educational event? Very Dissatisfied Neurologist n=33 NR=0 Embryologist, Biologist and Other n=10 NR=0

Learner satisfaction% ‘Very Satisfied' or ‘Satisfied' in relation to the following statements The event met the The quality of the The quality of the learning objectives scientific content from this event will Scientific programme

Scientific programmeWas this programme free of commercial bias? Scientific programmeWas this programme free of commercial bias? Comments The speakers didn't promote any specific company

Scientific programmeWould you recommend this programme? Scientific programmeWould you recommend this programme? Comments I would like to recommend to my colleagues in my hospital Scientific programmeWill the information provided in this programme ultimately benefit patient care? Scientific programmeHow would you improve this event? Every thing was very good Scientific programmeIs it the first event that you have attended? Scientific programmeIs it the first event that you have attended? Embryologist, Biologist and Other 57,6% DRAFT - BOZZA Scientific programmeHow did you first learn about this event? Printed brochures scientific journals Event organisation Event organisation How satisfied are you with the organization The venue was appropriate for the event Teaching effectiveness Teaching effectiveness L1: Advanced tecniics Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L2. biomarkers and strategy Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L3: New sperimentations Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness WG1: Working Group and case studies on L2 and L3 Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L4: New findings in USA Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L5: Pathology of the legs Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L6: the black box Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness WG3: Working Group and case studies on L5 and L6 Speaker's teaching Teaching effectiveness L7: Pregnancy in advanced age Speaker's teaching Learning effectiveness Summary of survey results N. feedbacks
% feedbacks
Average % of correct answers
N. feedbacks
% feedbacks
% of increase of correct answers from pre-
Average % of correct answers
event to post-event survey
3 month follow-up survey
N. feedbacks
% feedbacks
Average % of positive feedbacks
regarding the impact on practice
Learning effectiveness post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 1.The percentage of oocytes with a chromosomal imbalance in humans is: a. 10%b. 30%c. 50% The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 2. On the basis of available scientific evidence, which is the best treatment strategy for hyper responder patients? a. Protocol with antagonists + oocyte maturation trigger with agonistsb. Long protocol (daily) and low doses of gonadotropins + hCG triggerc. Long protocol (depot) and low doses of gonadotropins + hCG trigger The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 3.The condition of poor ovarian response occurs in: a. 1-5% of the patients undergoing IVF treatmentb. 6-15% of the patients undergoing IVF treatmentc. 16-30% of the patients undergoing IVF treatment The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 4. AMH is predictive of live birth and embryonic aneuploidy rates. This sentence is: a. Trueb. Falsec. Not sufficiently validated The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 5.In the Ser680Asn polymorphism of FSH receptor, which genotype has been associated with a higher basal FSH levels? a. Asn/Asnb. Asn/Serc. Ser/Ser The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 6.Which of the following sentences is true: a. Vaginal progesterone is less effective than intramuscular progesteroneb. Vaginal progesterone is more effective than intramuscular progesteronec. Vaginal progesterone is equally effective as intramuscular progesterone The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 1. Which of the following criteria was not included in ESHRE consensus on the definition of "poor response" to ovarian stimulation? a. Age (≥ 40 years)b. Estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration <500 pg/ml The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 2.Which of the following organelles has a central role in the process of reproductive senescence? a. Ribosomesb. Mitochondria The correct answer is the green one post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results 3.On the basis of the available scientific evidence, luteal phase support in IVF cycles: a. Is associated to improved pregnancy ratesb. Is not necessary, since its beneficial effect was not demonstrated The correct answer is the green one Learning effectiveness: Three month follow up survey results Three month follow up survey results Percentage of positive responses Three month follow up survey results 1) After attending the meeting, have you changed how you choose ovarian stimulation protocols for older patients? If yes, what biomarkers or tools have you added in your evaluation? Doppler evaluation AMH assessment, LH supplementation in patients with poor ovarian reserve Polymorphisms of FSH receptor I have added: -in my evaluation, genetic biomarker -supplementation of recombinant LH in the controledovarian stimulation protocols.
I am looking carefully at antral follicle count, maybe better as before AMH level and AFC AFC, AMH, genetic biomarkers for FSH receptor (12 positive answers out of 16 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 1) After attending the meeting, have you changed how you choose ovarian stimulation protocols for older patients? If not explain why? I was informed by the news in IVf practice I know the value of AMH in association with others factor to select the type of protocol. Already had the same approach I think the protocols I used are ok I was using the same protocols before and where I do not have labs to explore the new markers I can not afford to send blood outside the country. I am embryologist I am not directly involved in stimulation protocols, because I am an embryologist. I was already using the antagonist protocol, generaly for older, poor responders patients We already use antral follicle count (AFC) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)as the best recognized predictive factors for the ovarian response I was already using antagonist protocols , estradiol priming and adding rLH (10 negative answers out of 11 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 2) After attending the meeting, have you included researching polymorphisms of FSH receptor in your clinical practice? If yes, in all patients or in some selected groups? Patients who failed in first stimulation a attempt Our clinicians in some selected groups In selected groups [3] In some selected groups, depending on social status, as long as in Romania, these genetic biomarkers cost a lot and the patients have to pay for themselves Patients with good ovarian reserve but strada response In some patients, with "ovarian resistance" in 'very ' selected groups, not routinely. It is also expensive (11 positive answers out of 12 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 2) After attending the meeting, have you included researching polymorphisms of FSH receptor in your clinical practice? If not, explain why It is not cost effective I don't no if there're any lab. which are doing Fsh polymorphism receptor tests. The assessment of FSH polymorphism would be obviously useful in certain selected cases, but determining it is still prohibitive for daily clinical practice in our area Not available since recently. We will have it soon.
Too expensive for Not available in my country Too expensive [2] Sometimes, I don't see the utility, because I'll change the protocol of ovarian stimulation anyway Not yet because in our country this test price still limits it' s use.
For the moment is to expensive to introduce it as a practice for all the patients. We consider tointroduce it for selected groups.
It is not possible in my country Technical problems (13 negative answers out of 15 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 3) To reduce implantation failures, have you modified your approach to assessing embryo viability? If yes, what technologies and/or criteria have you added in the embryo evaluation? For patients with repetitive implantation failure ERA test.
Strict criteria for embryo morphology in each step of development We prefer the ET with blastocyst Cleavage time, number of cells after each division (4 positive answers out of 5 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 3) To reduce implantation failures, have you modified your approach to assessing embryo viability? If not, explain why. This is embryologist job We still study this and working on lab protocols We were working already with the new developments in field of IVF Financial aspects We evaluate step by step starting from oocyte till blastocyst Purchasing new technical support is still under financial evaluation We transfer mainly at blastocyst stage.
We don't have the tools do that Not available in my lab (17 negative answers out of 21 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 3) To reduce implantation failures, have you modified your approach to assessing embryo viability? If not, explain why. I am a gynecologist practitioner. My aim is to obtain a good number of oocyte(8-15)and to have a better selection of the embryos by culturing them until day 5.
We do not have comprehensive chromosomal screening technology, implemented in our country.
No because I am a clinician and not a embryologist.
For the moment the only way to evaluate the embryons in our clinic is embryo scoring.
Embryologist have to answer to this question It was already the same approach Not involved in embryology No new technologies available (17 negative answers out of 21 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 4) After attending the meeting, have you changed your route of administration of progesterone as luteal phase support in ART pregnancies? If yes, which route of administration have you chosen I stopped progesterone after 12 weeks of gestation (4 positive answers out of 4 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 4) After attending the meeting, have you changed your route of administration of progesterone as luteal phase support in ART pregnancies? If not explain why.
I am embryologist We used progesterone for years I recommend Progesterone intravaginally and there's no evidence that intramuscular route is better Only intravaginal route it is only Utrogestan We use intravaginal administration [2] we continue to use vaginal progesterone as standard luteal phase support Available only vaginal progesterone.
Intravaginal administration was already my choice I already used the vaginal route I have good results with intravaginal administration (21 negative answers out of 22 with comments) Three month follow up survey results 4) After attending the meeting, have you changed your route of administration of progesterone as luteal phase support in ART pregnancies? If not explain why.
I prescribe intravaginal progesterone My approach is the same: intravaginally. I administrate the progesterone vaginally for luteal phase support I used the vaginal route. We do not have gel progesterone and the injection are not anymore.
Gynecologist decision No because I was already using for my patients vaginal progesterone which I consider the best route with the most convenient results for them.
We use the vaginal micronized progesterone, the general accepted one I have administered progesterone only on vaginal way I was already using it correctly.
We use vaginal route of administration of progesterone (21 negetive answers out of 22 with comments)


Wkw 2450 sator-katzenschlager

Sator-Katzenschlager et al., Gabapentin and amitriptyline causing chronic pelvic pain WIENER KLINISCHEWOCHENSCHRIFTThe Middle European Journalof Medicine Wien Klin Wochenschr (2005) 117/21–22: ■–■DOI 10.1007/s00508-005-0464-2 Printed in Austria Chronic pelvic pain treated with gabapentin and amitriptyline: A randomized controlled pilot study

December 2013 newsletter

Issue No: 67 December 2013 / January 2014 Recipe of the Month Raw Velvet Cake Dear Tony, A tasty and nutritious take onthe popular red velvet cake, this It is hard to believe that we are in December already. November was a Ceres Organics Velvet Cake particularly busy month with Michelle, our Naturopath, having with Brazil Nuts is a surefire