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Publication list josef flammer dec. 2015

Last update: December 2015

J. Flammer, H. Erpen: Der sympathische lumbale Grenzstrang des Menschen, eine licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung. Diss. Universität Bern (1975) A. Bischoff, J. Flammer, H. Erpen: Veränderungen am sympathischen Grenzstrang beim Diabetes mellitus. In: K. Jellinger (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Probleme der Neuropathologie, Band 3, 32-41 (1976) R. De Chatel, P. Weidmann, J. Flammer, W.H. Ziegler, C. Beretta-Piccoli, C. Vetter, F.C. Reubi: Systemische Analyse verschiedener blutdruckregulierender Faktoren beim Diabetes mellitus. Schweiz Med Wschr 107:1872-1874 (1977). H.A. Schwarz, P. Weidmann, F.H. Messerli, P.K. Zia, J. Flammer, F.C. Reubi: Erhöhte renale Prostaglandin E2-Sekretion beim Bartter-Syndrom. Schweiz Med Wschr 107:1870-1872 (1977) R. De Chatel, P. Weidmann, J. Flammer, W.H. Ziegler, C. Beretta-Piccoli, W. Vetter, F.C. Reubi: Sodium, renin, aldosterone catecholamines and blood pressure in diabetes mellitus. Kidney International 12, 412-421 (1977) P. Weidmann, G. Keusch, J. Flammer, W.H. Ziegler, F.C. Reubi: Bedeutung von Noradrenalin bei der Pathogenese der essentiellen Hypertonie. Schweiz Med Wschr 108:1974-1976 (1978) P. Weidmann, R. De Chatel, W.H. Ziegler, J. Flammer, F.C. Reubi: Alpha and beta adrenergic blockade with orally administered labetolol in hypertension. - Studies on blood volume, plasma renin and aldosterone and catecholamine excretion. Am J Cardiol 41:570-576 (1978). H.A. Schwarz, P. Weidmann, F.H. Messerli, P.K. Zia, J. Flammer, F.C. Reubi: Increased levels of renal venous and peripheral prostaglandine E-like activity in Bartter's syndrom. Mineral and Electrolyte Metab 1: 288-294 (1978) Z. Glück, G. Baumgartner, P. Weidmann, C. Bachmann, R. Mordasini, J. Flammer, G. Keusch: Increased ratio between serumbeta- and alpha-lipoproteins during diuretic therapy: an adverse effect? Clin Sci Mol Med 55:325-328 (1978) J. Flammer, P. Weidmann, Z. Glück, W.H. Ziegler: Cardiovascular and endocrine profile of adrenergic neuron blockade in normal and hypertensive man. Am J Med 66:34-42 (1979) Z. Glück, H. Boll, P. Weidmann, J. Flammer, W.H. Ziegler: Evaluation of autonomic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus. Klin Wschr 57:457-466 (1979) P. Weidmann, G. Keusch, J. Flammer, W.H. Ziegler: Increased ratio between changes in blood pressure and plasma norepinephrine in essential hypertension. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 48:727-731 (1979) C. Beretta-Piccoli, P. Weidmann, J. Flammer, Z. Glück, C. Bachmann: Effects of standard oral glucose loading on the renin--angiotensin/aldosterone system and its relationship to circulating insulin. Klin Wschr 58:467-474 (1980) J. Flammer, D. Barth: Kardiovaskuläre Effekte bei lokal appliziertem Timolol. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 176:561-565 (1980) H.P. Graf, J. Flammer: Asthenopie in der Praxis: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Beschwerden, Befunden und Heilungserfolgen asthenoper Patienten. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 176:577-582 (1980) P. Niesel, J. Flammer: Correlations between intraocular pressure, visual field and acuity, based on 11 years observations of treated chronic glaucomas. Int Ophthalmol 3:31-35 (1980) J. Flammer, G. Nagel, A. Glowazki, H.R. Moser, F. Fankhauser: Detection and definition of scotomata of the central visual field by computer methods. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 26:33-41 (1981) A. Vonwil, M. Landolt, J. Flammer, H. Bachofen: Bronchokonstriktive Nebenwirkungen von Timolol-Augentropfen bei Patienten mit obstruktiven Lungenerkrankungen. Schweiz Med Wschr 111:665-669 (1981) O. Meienberg, J. Flammer, H.P. Ludin: Subclinical visual field defects in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 227:125-133 (1982) J. Flammer, E. Eppler, P. Niesel: Die quantitative Perimetrie beim Glaukompatienten ohne lokale Gesichtsfelddefekte. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 219:92-94 (1982) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, A. Jenni, H. Bebié: JO and STATJO: programs for investigating the visual field with the Octopus automatic perimeter. Can J Ophthalmol 18:115-117 (1983) A. Jenni, J. Flammer, A. Funkhouser, F. Fankhauser: Special Octopus software for clinical investigation. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 35: 351-356 (1983) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance: The effect of a number of glaucoma medications on the differential light threshold. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 35:145-148 (1983) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, M. Schulzer: The estimation and testing of the components of long-term fluctuation of the differential light threshold. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 35:383-389 (1983) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance: The effect of Acetazolamide on the differential threshold. Arch Ophthalmol 101:1378-1380 (1983) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance: Reversibility of a glaucomatous visual field defect after Acetazolamide therapy. Can J Ophthalmol 18:139-141 (1983) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance: Correlation between colour vision scores and quantitative perimetry in glaucoma suspects. Arch Ophthalmol 102: 38-39 (1984) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, M. Zulauf: Differential light threshold. Short- and long-term fluctuation in patients with glaucoma, normal controls and patients with suspected glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol 102:704-706 (1984) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, M. Schulzer: Covariates of the long-term fluctuation of the differential light threshold. Arch Ophthalmol 102: 880-882 (1984) J. Flammer: Diffuse visual field damage in glaucoma. In: Ticho, U. und David, R. (Eds.): Recent advances in glaucoma. Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series 636:9-12 (1984). J. Flammer: Bedeutung des Gesichtsfeldes bei der okulären Hypertension im Rahmen der verschiedenen psychophysiologischen Tests. In: Krieglstein, G.K. und Leydhecker, W. (Hrsg.): Okuläre Hypertension. Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg 81-82 (1984). J. Flammer: Vermehrte Fluktuation der perimetrischen Untersuchungsergebnisse bei okulärer Hypertension. In: Krieglstein, G.K. und Leydhecker, W. (Hrsg.): Okuläre Hypertension. Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg 79-80 (1984). J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, F. Fankhauser, L. Augustiny: The differential light threshold in automatic static perimetry. Factors influencing short-term fluctuation. Arch Ophthalmol 102:876-879 (1984) J. Flammer, P. Niesel: Die Reproduzierbarkeit perimetrischer Untersuchungsergebnisse. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 184:374-376 (1984) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer, A. Chrenkowa, C. Signer, W. Lotmar, N. Wetterwald: Der Einfluss der Streifenrichtung von Inter-ferenzmustern auf die Kontrastempfindlichkeit bei weissem und farbigem Licht. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 184:394-396 (1984) S.M. Drance, J. Flammer: Some effects of antiglaucoma drugs on visual function. In: Drance, S.M. und Neufeld, A.H. (Eds.): Glaucoma: applied pharmacology in medical treatment. Grune and Stratton, Orlando 569-576 (1984) J. Flammer: Einsatz und Gefahren der Beta-Blocker. Therapeutische Umschau 42:251-254 (1984) J. Flammer: The Octopus glaucoma program G1. Proceedings of the Third Octopus Users' Society Meeting, Interzeag Schlieren 25 (1984) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, L. Augustiny, A. Funkhouser: Quantification of glaucomatous visual field defects with automated perimetry. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 26:176-181 (1985) J. Flammer, S.M. Drance, L. Augustiny, A. Funkhouser: Quantification of glaucomatous visual field defects with automated perimetry. Chibret Internat J of Ophthalmol 3:2-9 (1985) J. Flammer: Sinnesphysiologische Untersuchungen (ausser der Perimetrie) beim Glaukom. Z für prakt Augenheilk 6:350-352 (1985) J. Flammer, M. Zulauf: The frequency distribution of the deviations in static perimetry. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 42:17-24 (1985) O. Meienberg, H. Mattle, A. Jenni, J. Flammer: Quantitative versus semiquantitative perimetry in neurological disorders. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 42:233-237 (1985) L. Augustiny, J. Flammer: The influence of artificially induced visual field defects on the visual field indices. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 42:55-67 (1985) J. Flammer: Fluctuations in the visual field. In: Drance, S.M. und Anderson, D.R. (Hrsg.): Automated perimetry in glaucoma. Grune and Stratton, Orlando 161-173 (1985) J. Flammer: Psychophysics in glaucoma. A modified concept of the disease. In: E.L. Greve, W. Leydhecker und C. Raitta (Eds.): Proceedings of the European Glaucoma Society, Second European Glaucoma Symposium, Helsinki 1984. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, 11-17 (1985) J. Flammer: Fluctuations in computerized perimetry. In: Whalen, W.R. und Spaeth, G.L. (Eds.): Computerized visual fields. Slack, Inc., Thorofare, N.J. 45-58 (1985) J. Flammer: Normal values in computerized perimetry. In: Whalen, W.R. und Spaeth, G.L. (Eds.): Computerized visual fields. Slack, Inc., Thorofare, N.J. 159-164 (1985) A. Haas, J. Flammer: Influence of diazepam on the outcome of automated perimetry. Heijl, A. and Greve, E.L. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Int. Visual Field Symposium, 1985, Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 90-6193-524-5 (1986) A. Haas, J. Flammer, U. Schneider: Influence of age on the visual fields of normal subjects. Am J Ophthalmol 101:199-203 (1986) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Optic neuropathy of Graves' disease. Ophthalmola 192:22-27 (1986) P. Gasser, J. Flammer, U. Guthauser, P. Niesel, F. Mahler, H.R. Linder: Bedeutung des Vasospastischen Syndroms in der Augenheilkunde. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 188:398-399 (1986) U. Guthauser, J. Flammer, W. Lothmar, P. Niesel: Einfluss der Katarakt auf das Gesichtsfeld. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 188:409-411 (1986) J. Flammer, P. Gasser, S. Shaw, U. Guthauser, P. Weidmann: Intraokuläre Katecholaminkonzentrationen. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 188:503-504 (1986) R. Eschmann, J. Flammer: Die retinale Sehschärfe bei Keratokonuspatienten. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 188:367-369 (1986) R. Eschmann, J. Flammer: Erscheinungsformen des Keratokonus. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 188:537-541 (1986) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer, C. Signer: The influence of alcohol on the outcome of automated perimetry. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 224:525-528 (1986) J. Flammer, R. Etienne: The effect of beta-blockers on differential light sensitivity. Preliminary results. Proceedings of the Japanese Association for Research in Glaucoma. 51-53 (1986) U. Guthauser, J. Flammer, P. Niesel: Relationship between the visual field and the optic nerve head in glaucomas. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 225:129-132 (1986) J. Flammer: Theoretische Grundlagen der automatischen Perimetrie. In: Gloor, B. (Hrsg.): Automatische Perimetrie, Bücherei des Augenarztes, Band 110, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart. 1-31 (1987) J. Flammer: The concept of visual field indices. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 224:389-392 (1987) J. Flammer, A. Jenni, H. Bebié, B. Keller: The Octopus glaucoma G1 program, Glaucoma 9:67-72 (1987) J. Flammer, Y. Robert, B. Gloor: The influence of pindolol and timolol treatment on the visual fields of glaucoma patients. J Ocul Pharmacol 2:305-311 (1987) J. Flammer: Les caracteristiques du champ visuel glaucomateux. In: Béchetoille, A.: Le glaucome, Japperenard, Angers 130-131 (1987) J. Flammer: Perimetrische Frühveränderungen beim Glaukom: Z für prakt Augenheilkd: 8:385-387 (1987) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Influence of vasospasm on visual function. Doc Ophthalmol 66:3-18 (1987) A. Glowazki, J. Flammer: Is there a difference between glaucoma patients with rather localized visual field damage and patients with more diffuse visual field damage? In Greve E.L., Heijl A. (Eds.) 7th International Visual Field Symposium Dr. W. Junk Publisher, Dordrecht 317-320 (1987) J. Flammer, U. Guthauser, F. Mahler: Do ocular vasospasms help cause low-tension glaucoma? Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 49:397-399 (1987) U. Guthauser, J. Flammer, P. Niesel: The relationship between cataract density and visual field damage. In Greve E.L., Heijl A. (Eds.) 7th International Visual Field Symposium, Dr. W. Junk Publisher, Dordrecht 39-41 (1987) F. Jenni, J. Flammer: Experience with the reliability parameter of the Octopus automated perimeter. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 49:601-603 (1987) Ch. Rutishauser, J Flammer: Selective retests in automated perimetry. An experimental study for the evaluation of the effects of the regression to the mean. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 49:629-632 (1987) J. Flammer, U. Guthauser: Behandlung chorioidaler Vasospasmen mit Kalziumantagonisten. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 190:299-300 (1987) A. Glowazki, J. Flammer: Kriterien für die Programmwahl bei der automatischen Perimetrie. In: Gloor B. (Hrsg.): Automati-sche Perimetrie. Bücherei des Augenarztes, Band 110, Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, 136-156 (1987) A. Glowazki, J. Flammer: Besteht ein Unterschied bei Patienten mit eher lokalisiertem und solchen mit eher diffusem Gesichtsfeldschaden. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 190:301-302 (1987) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer, D. Petrovic: Korrelation von Kontrastempfindlichkeit und Gesichtsfeld bei Glaukompatienten. Erste Resultate. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 190:303-304 (1987) J. Flammer: Das Glaukomgesichtsfeld. Augenärztliche Fortbildung 10: 103-108 (1987) J. Flammer: The visual field defects in glaucoma. Brit J Clinical Practice 41(6): 45-49 (1987) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Le syndrome vasospastique à la lumière des perturbations circulatoires oculaires. Médicine et Hygiène 45:1952-1954 (1987) J. Flammer: Lasertherapie und Glaukom. Therapeutische Umschau 44: 283-287 (1987) J. Flammer, H. Bebié: Lens opacity meter: A new instrument to quantify the lens opacity. Ophthalmola 195:69-72 (1987) J. Flammer, H. Bebie: Influence of age on quantitative perimetry. Arch Ophthalmol 105:24 (1987) H. Saner, H. Würbel, F. Mahler, J. Flammer and P. Gasser: Microvasculatory Evaluation of Vasospastic Syndromes. Arch Exp Med Biol, 220: 215-218 (1987) C. Rutishauser, J. Flammer: Retests in static perimetry. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 226:75-77 (1988) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer, C. Signer: Spatial Brightness Contrast Sensitivity Measured with White, Green, Red, and Blue Light. Ophthalmola 196:43-48 (1988) P. Gasser, J. Flammer, F. Mahler: Der Einsatz von Calciumantagonisten bei der Behandlung okulärer Durchblutungsstörun-gen im Rahmen des vasospastischen Syndroms. Schweiz Med Wschr 118:201-202 (1988) M . Zulauf, J. Flammer: Der Einfluss von Enalapril auf den intraokulären Druck: widersprüchliche Pilotstudien? Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 192:609-612 (1988) U. Guthauser, J. Flammer, F. Mahler: The relationship between digital and ocular vasospasm. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 226: 224-226 (1988) R. De Natale, J. Flammer, M. Zulauf, T. Bebié: Influence of age on the transparency of the lens in normals: A population study with help of the lens opacity meter 701. Ophthalmola 197:14-18 (1988) R. De Natale, J. Flammer, M. Zulauf: Opacity of the Lens in a Normal Population. In: Hockwin O., Sasaki K., Leske M.C. (Eds.): Risk factors for cataract development. Dev Ophthalmol 17:52-54 (1989) U. Guthauser, J. Flammer: Quantifying visual field damage caused by cataract. Am J Ophthalmol 106:480-484 (1988) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer, C. Signer: Short-term influence of alcohol on spatial brightness contrast sensitivity. Ophthalmola 197:159-165 (1988) F. Fankhauser, H. Bebie, J. Flammer: Threshold fluctuations in the Humphrey Field Analyzer and in the Octopus automated perimeter. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 29: 1466 (1988) H. Bebié, J. Flammer, Th. Bebié: The cumulative defect curve: separation of local and diffuse components of visual field damage. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 227:9-12 (1989) J. Flammer: Glaukom in Frage und Antwort: In Krieglstein, G.K. (Hrsg.) Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg (1989) I. Haefliger, J. Flammer: Increase of the short-term fluctuation of the differential light threshold around a physiologic scotoma. Am J Ophthalmol 107:417-420 (1989) P.A. Rabineau, J. Flammer: Fehlerquellen in der automatisierten statischen Perimetrie. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 194:307-319 (1989) H. Kaufmann, J. Flammer: Graphische und numerische Befunddarstellung von Gesichtsfeldern. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 194:322-324 (1989) R. De Natale, J. Flammer: The relationship between the lens opacity meter 701 readings and the visual field. In: Heijl A.: Perimetry Update 88/89. 455-457. Kugler & Ghedini, Amstelveen (1989) M. Zulauf, J. Flammer: Visual field indices and their correlation with static contrast sensitivity in glaucoma. In: Heijl A.: Perimetry Update 88/89. 303. Kugler & Ghedini, (1989) H. Kaufmann, J. Flammer: Clinical experience with the Bebié-curve. In: Heijl A.: Perimetry Update 88/89. 235-238. Kugler & Ghedini, Amstelveen (1989) Ch. Prünte, J. Flammer: Choroidal angiography findings in patients with glaucoma-like visual field defects. In: Heijl A.: Perimetry Update 88/89, 325-327. Kugler & Ghedini, Amstelveen (1989) F. Mahler, H. Saner, H. Würbel, J. Flammer: Local cooling test for clinical capillaroscopy in Raynaud's phenomenon, unstable angina, and vasospastic visual disorders. VASA: Z für Gefässkrankh 18:201-204 (1989) P. Gasser, J. Flammer, F. Mahler: Is the evidence of vasospasms in the eye the expression of a generalized vasospastic disorder ? In: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., Advances in Vascular Pathology 1215-1220 (1989) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Die dynamisch-video-kapillarmikroskopische Beeinflussung akraler und okulärer Vasospasmen durch Kalzium- und Serotoninantagnonisten. VASA: J Vasc Dis, Suppl. 27:79-81 (1989) H. Kaufmann, J. Flammer: Das Octopus-Programm G1 als Glaukomprogramm: Augenärztliche Fortbildung 12:143-149 (1989) C. Rutishauser, J. Flammer, A. Haas: The distribution of normal values in automated perimetry: Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 227:513-517 (1989) H. Kaufmann, J. Flammer: Die Bebié-Kurve (kumulative Defektkurve) zur Differenzierung von lokalen und diffusen Ge-sichtsfelddefekten. Fortschr Ophthalmol 86:687-691 (1989) K. Yao, J. Flammer: New advances in automated perimetry. J Foreign Med (Ophthalmology, in Chinese) 5:300-305 (1989) H. Kaufmann, J. Flammer, Ch. Rutishauser: Evaluation of visual fields by ophthalmologists and by the Octosmart program. Ophthalmola 201: 104-109 (1990) S.L. Franklin, J. Flammer, R. De Natale, Ch. Rutishauser: The transparency of the lens: a comparison between diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Int Ophthalmol 14:73-76 (1990) J. Flammer: Automatische Perimetrie. Therapeutische Umschau 47: 298-302 (1990) J. Flammer: Normaldruckglaukom. Fortschr Ophthalmol 87:187-189 (1990) J. Flammer: Vasospasm as a potential factor in the pathogenesis of normal tension glaucoma. In: A. Béchetoille: Glaucome à pression normale. Normal Pressure Glaucomas. Japperenard, Angers, 187-194 (1990) J. Flammer: Visual field defects in high-tension and normal-tension glaucoma. In: A. Béchetoille: Glaucome à pression normale. Normal Pressure Glaucomas. Japperenard, Angers, 163-166 (1990) Ch. Messmer, K. Yao, H. Bebié, D. Stümpfig, J. Flammer: Opacity Lens Meter 701 (OLM): Klinische Erfahrungen. Klin Monatsbl Augenhlk 196: 310-311 (1990) F. Fankhauser, J. Flammer: Puptrak 1.0 - A new semiautomated system for pupillometry with the Octopus perimeter: a preliminary report. Doc Ophthalmol 73:235-248 (1990) P.J.M. Bucher, J. Flammer: Praktische Fragen zur Staroperation. Schweiz Rundschau Med (PRAXIS) 79:153-154 (1990) P. Gasser, J. Flammer, U. Guthauser, F. Mahler: Do vasospasms provoke ocular diseases? Angiology 41:213-219 (1990) P.J.M. Bucher, J. Flammer: Das OCTOPUS Programm G1 für die Gesichtsfelduntersuchung beim Glaukom. Oculus 1:12 (1990) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Short- and long-term effect of Nifedipine on the visual field in patients with presumed vasospasm. J Int Med Res 18: 334-339 (1990) J. Flammer: Neigung zu vasospastischen Reaktionen bei Patienten mit Glaukom und glaukomähnlichen Erkrankungen. In: Stodtmeister R. und Pillunat L.E. (Hrsg.): Mikrozirkulation in Gehirn und Sinnesorganen. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 84-87 (1990) K. Yao, M. Tschudi, J. Flammer, Th. Lüscher: Endothelium-dependent regulation of vascular tone of the porcine ophthalmic artery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 32:1791-1798 (1991) Ch. Messmer, J. Flammer, H. Bebié: Octopus program G1X. In: Mills R.P. and Heijl A. (Eds.): Perimetry Update 1990/91, 365. Kugler Publications, Amstelveen (1991) J. Flammer, Ch. Prünte: Okulärer Vasospasmus, Teil 1, Funktionelle Durchblutungsstörungen im visuellen System, eine Arbeitshypothese. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 198:411-412 (1991) A. Prünte-Glowazki, J. Flammer: Okulärer Vasospasmus, Teil 4, Klinische Beispiele. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 198:415-418 (1991). Ch. Messmer, D. Stümpfig, J. Flammer: Einfluss von Betaxolol und Timolol auf das Gesichtsfeld bei Glaukompatienten. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 198:330-331 (1991) H.J. Kaiser, J. Flammer: Contemporary clinical evaluation of the visual fields in glaucoma. In: J. Caprioli: Contemporary Issues in Glaucoma of Ophthalmology Clinics of North America 4:659-669 (1991) P. Gasser, J. Flammer: Blood-cell velocity in the nailfold capillaries of patients with normal-tension or high-tension glaucoma and of healthy controls. Am J Ophthalmol 111:585-588 (1991) G. Marra, J. Flammer: The learning and fatigue effect in automated perimetry. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 229:501-504 (1991) K. Oggel, J. Flammer, K. Schott, E. Schütte, P.J. Airaksinen, F. Grehn: Was ist zu tun bei Katarakt kombiniert mit nicht einstellbarem Glaukom? Ophthalmo-Chirurgie 3:45-49 (1991) H.J. Kaiser, J. Flammer: Systemic Hypotension: A risk factor for glaucomatous damage. Ophthalmola 203:105-108 (1991) J. Flammer: Glaucoma a tensione normale. Boll Oculist, Suppl 2: 29-34 (1991) W. Bernauer, J. Flammer: Neue Aspekte bei der intraokularen Entzündung. Schweiz Rundschau Med (PRAXIS) 80(22):597-598 (1991) I.O. Haefliger, J. Flammer: Fluctuation of the differential light threshold at the border of absolute scotomas. Comparison between glaucomatous visual field defects and blind spots. Ophthalmol 98:1529-1532 (1991) Ch. Messmer, J. Flammer, D. Stümpfig: Influence of betaxolol and timolol on the visual fields of patients with glaucoma. Am J Ophthalmol 112:678-681 (1991) Ch. Messmer, J. Flammer: Octopus Program G1X. Ophthalmola 203: 184-188 (1991) H.J. Kaiser, J. Flammer: Gesichtsfeldatlas, Buser Druck, Basel (1991). Englische Übersetzung 1992, Spanische Übersetzung 1993 J. Flammer, P. Gasser, Ch. Prünte, K. Yao: The Probable Involvement of Factors Other Than Ocular Pressure in the Pathogenesis of Glaucoma. In: Drance S.M., Buskirk Van E.M. and Neufeld A.H. (Eds.): Pharmacology of Glaucoma, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 273-283 (1992) R. De Natale, J. Flammer: Lens opacity: A population study. Int Ophthalmol 16:1-5 (1992) H.J. Kaiser, J. Flammer, D. Stümpfig: Die Bedeutung des peripheren Gesichtsfeldes für die Glaukomdiagnostik. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 200, 17-20 (1992) I.O. Haefliger, J. Flammer, T.F. Lüscher: Nitric Oxide and Endothelin-1 are important regulators of human ophthalmic Artery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 33:2340-2343 (1992) A. Funkhouser, J. Flammer, F. Fankhauser, H.P. Hirsbrunner: A comparison of five methods for estimating general glaucomatous visual field depression. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 230:101-106 (1992) H.J. Kaiser, J. Flammer: Die Cupolafreie Computer-Perimetrie. Spektrum Augenheilkd 6/2:53-56 (1992) Ch. Messmer, J. Flammer and D. 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D. Bosch, M. Pache, R. Simon, P. Schraml, K. Glatz, M. Mirlacher, J. Flammer, G. Sauter, P. Meyer. Expression and amplification of therapeutic target genes in retinoblastoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 243 (2):156-162 (2005) M. Emre, S. Orgül, T. Haufschild, SG Shaw, J. Flammer. Increased plasma endothelin-1 levels in patients with progressive open angle glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol 89 (1):60-3 (2005) A. Flammer, Ch. Cottier, J. Leuppi, J. Flammer. Glaukomtherapie: Wie relevant sind die unerwünschten Wirkungen der Betablocker? Z prakt Augenheilkd 26:19-23 (2005) K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer, K. Wunderlich, H.H. Schild, S. Orgül, O. Golubnitschaja. An enhanced expression of ABC 1 transporter in circulation leukocytes as a potential molecular marker for the diagnostics of glaucoma. Amino Acids 28(2):207-211 (2005) H. Moenkemann, J. Flammer, K. Wunderlich, W. Breipohl, H.H. Schild, O. Golubnitschaja. Increased DNA breaks and up-regulation of both G1 and G2 checkpoint genes p21WAF+/CIP1 and 14-3-3 σ in circulating leukocytes of glaucoma patients and vasospastic individuals. Amino Acids 28(2):199-205 (2005) M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. Blood flow in glaucoma. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 16:79-83 (2005) M. Martin, J. Weber-Varszegi, J. Flammer. Toxische Opikusneuropathie unter Cisplatin-Therapie: Eine Falldarstellung. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 222:244-247 (2005) H. Kordic, J. Flammer, A. Mironow, H.E. Killer. Perioperative posterior ischemic optic neuropathy as a rare complication of blepharoplasty. Ophthalmola 219:185-188 (2005) I. Vysniauskiene, T. Shaarawy, J. Flammer, I.O. Haefliger. Intraocular pressure changes in the contralateral eye after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Br J Ophthalmol 89(7):809-811 (2005) E. Fasler-Kan, K. Wunderlich, P. Hildebrand, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Activated STAT3 in choroidal neovascular membranes of patients with age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmola 219:214-221 (2005) F. Branca, S. Orgül, C. Zawinka, G. Reinhard, J. Flammer. Retinal vascular diameter in young subjects with a vasospastic propensity. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2005) K. Gugleta, S. Orgül, P. Hasler, J. Flammer. Circulatory response to blood gas perturbations in vasospasm. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46(9):3288-3294 (2005) P. Kaeser, S. Orgül, C. Zawinka, G. Reinhard, J. Flammer. Influence of change in body position on choroidal blood flow in normal subjects. Br J Ophthalmol 89(10):1302-1305 (2005) S. Orgül, C. Zawinka, K. Gugleta, J. Flammer. Therapeutic strategies for normal-tension glaucoma. Ophthalmola 219:317-323 (2005) Translated into Spanish: Ocular 7:43-45 (2006) J. Flammer. Simposium MSD de julio de 2005: implicaciones terpéuticas de la presión intraocular y el flujo sanguíneo ocular. Ophthalmology, Conference reports 2:16-18 (2005) 2006
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M.C. Grieshaber, J-J Staub, J. Flammer. The potential role of testosterone in central serous chorioretinopathy. Br J Ophthalmol 91:118-119 (2007) M. Mozaffarieh, M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. A journey through selected aspects of glaucoma: Glaucoma Meeting Basel, 2006. Expert Rev Ophthalmol 2(1):9-17 (2007) E. Savaskan, R. Jockers, M. Ayoub, D. Angeloni, F. Fraschini, J. Flammer, A. Eckert, F. Müller-Spahn, P. Meyer. The MT2 melatonin receptor subtype is present in human retina and decreases in Alzheimer's disease. Curr Alzheimer Res 4:47-51 (2007) M.C. Grieshaber, S. Orgül, A. Schötzau, J. Flammer. Relationship between retinal glial cell activation in glaucoma and vascular dysregulation. J Glaucoma 16(2):215-219 (2007) J. Flammer. Der Beitrag der Schweizer Ophthalmologen zum Glaukom. Ophta 2:76-77 (2007) M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. A novel perspective on natural therapeutic approaches in glaucoma therapy. Expert Opin Emerging Drugs 12(2):1-4 (2007) M.C. Grieshaber, A. Schötzau, C. Zawinka, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Effect of central corneal thickness on dynamic contour tonometry and Goldmann applanation tonometry in primary open-angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol 125:740-744 (2007) J. Flammer. Ocular blood flow in glaucoma. SA Ophthalmol J Spring 2006:7-13 (2007) A. Palmowski-Wolfe, M.G. Todorova, S. Orgül, J. Flammer, M. Brigell. The 'two global flash' mfERG in high and normal tension primary open angle glaucoma. Doc Ophthalmol 114:9-19 (2007) M.C. Grieshaber, B. Dubler, C. Knodel, H.E. Killer, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Retrobulbar blood flow in idiopathic dilated episcleral veins and glaucoma. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 224:320-323 (2007) M. Mozaffarieh, M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. Sauerstoff und Durchblutung - zwei wichtige pathogenetische Parameter des Glaukoms. In: Search on Glaucoma: 63-77 (2007) M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. Is there more to glaucoma treatment than lowering IOP? Glaucoma Topic&Trends 6:8 (2007) O. Golubnitschaja, K. Yeghiazaryan, K. Wunderlich, H.H. Schild, J. Flammer. Disease proteomics reveals altered basic gene expression regulation in leukocytes of normal-tension and primary open-angle glaucoma patients. Proteomics Clin Appl 1:1316-1323 (2007) M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. Does the blood-brain barrier play a role in glaucoma? Surv Ophthalmol 52: Suppl 2: S115-S121 (2007) M.C. Grieshaber, M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. What is the link between vascular dysregulation and glaucoma? Surv Ophthalmol 52: Suppl 2: S144-S154 (2007) O. Golubnitschaja, J. Flammer. What are the biomarkers for glaucoma? Surv Ophthalmol 52: Suppl 2: S155-S161 (2007) J. Flammer, M. Mozaffarieh. What is the present pathogenetic concept of glaucomatous optic neuropathy? Surv Ophthalmol 52: Suppl 2: S162-S173 (2007) M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. Is there more to glaucoma treatment than lowering IOP? Surv Ophthalmol 52: Suppl 2: S174-S179 (2007) S. Vollenweider, A. Wirz-Justice, J. Flammer, S. Orgül, K. Kräuchi. Chronobiological characterization of women with primary vasospastic syndrome: body heat loss capacity in relation to sleep initiation and phase of entrainment. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 294(2):R630-638 (2008) [Epub 2007]
M. Mozaffarieh, M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. Oxygen and blood flow: players in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Mol Vis 14:224-233 (2008) H.E. Killer, J. Flammer, G.P. Jaggi. Was ist die Ursache des Normaldruckglaukoms - und - wo ist der Glaukomschaden? Ophta 1:9-10 (2008) K. Mansouri, S. Orgül, A. Mermoud, I. Haefliger, J. Flammer, E. Ravinet,T. Shaarawy. Quality of diurnal intraocular pressure control in primary open-angle patients treated with latanoprost compared with surgically treated glaucoma patients: a prospective trial. Br J Ophthalmol 92:332-336 (2008) X. Xin, M. Pache, B. Zieger, I. Bartsch, C. Prünte, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Septin expression in proliferative retinal membranes. J Histochem Cytochem 55(11):1089-1094 (2007) K. Gugleta, M. Mehling, A. Kochkorov, M.C. Grieshaber, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül, L. Kappos. Pattern of macular thickness changes measured by ocular coherence tomography in patients with multiple sclerosis. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 225: 408-412 (2008) S. Leuenberger, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, G. Reinhard, K. Kräuchi, U. Keller, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Resting energy expenditure in vasospastic subjects and its potential relevance in glaucoma. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 225: 361-365 (2008) R. Katamay, M. Grieshaber, C. Weich, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Hornhautdicke und retrobulbärer Blutfluss bei Glaukompatienten. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 225: 346-348 (2008) M. Kovalska, M.C. Grieshaber, A. Schötzau, R. Katamay, D. Hauenstein, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Detection of visual field progression in glaucoma. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilk 225: 342-345 (2008) J. Flammer, M. Mozaffarieh. Autoregulation, a balancing act between supply and demand. Can J Ophthalmol 43(3): 317-321 (2008) G.P. Jaggi, J. Flammer, A.R. Huber, H.E. Killer. Lipocalin-like prostaglandin D synthase in subretinal fluid of detached retinas in humans. Retina 28(6): 858-863 (2008) H.E. Killer, G.P. Jaggi, J. Flammer, N.R. Miller. Is open-angle glaucoma caused by impaired cerebrospinal fluid circulation: around the optic nerve? Clin Exp Ophthalmol 36:308-311 (2008) M. Mozaffarieh, A. Schötzau, M. Sauter, M.C. Grieshaber, S. Orgül, O. Golubnitschaja, J. Flammer. Comet assay analysis of single-stranded DNA breaks in circulating leukocytes of glaucoma patients. Mol Vis 14:1584-1588 (2008) M. Mozaffarieh, M.C. Grieshaber, S. Orgül, J. Flammer. The Potential Value of Natural Antioxidative Treatment in Glaucoma. Surv Ophthalmol 53(5):479-505 (2008) M.C. Grieshaber, R. Katamay, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Relationship between ocular pulse amplitude and systemic blood pressure measurements. Acta Ophthalmol 87(3):329-34 (2009) [Epub 2008] K. Kräuchi, P.F. Gasio, S. Vollenweider, M. von Arb, B. Dubler, S. Orgul, J. Flammer, E.Z. Stutz. Cold extremities and difficulties initiating sleep: evidence of co-morbidity from a random sample of a Swiss urban population. J Sleep Res 17:420-6 (2008) H.E. Killer, G.P. Jaggi, N.R. Miller, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Does immunohistochemistry allow easy detection of lymphatics in the optic nerve sheath? J Histochem Cytochem 56(12):1087-92 (2008) J. Flammer, M. Mozaffarieh, O. Golubnitschaja. Auffälligkeiten von Leukozyten bei Glaukom-Patienten und ihre Bedeutung. In: Search on Glaucoma 76-82 (2008) M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. Pocket reference to ocular blood flow and glaucomatous optic neuropathy. CMG (Publ.), London (2008) M.C. Grieshaber, S. Orgül, J. Flammer. Glaucoma Therapy: State of the Art. ACEO (Publ.), Basel (2008)
K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, D. Kavroulaki, R. Katamay, K. Weier, M. Mehling, L. Kappos, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Retinal vessels in patients with multiple sclerosis: baseline diameter and response to flicker light stimulation. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 226:272-275 (2009) A. Kochkorov, K. Gugleta , D. Kavroulaki, R. Katamay, K. Weier, M. Mehling, L. Kappos, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Rigidity of retinal vessels in patients with multiple sclerosis. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 226:276-279 (2009) I. Rickenbacher, K. Gugleta, C. Zawinka, A. Schötzau, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Flickerlichtprovokation bei Vasospastikern verglichen mit gesunden Kontrollpersonen. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 226:305-309 (2009) D. Kavroulaki, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Relation of body mass index and blood pressure to subjective and objective acral temperature. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 226:328-331 (2009) P.B. Henrich, S. Priglinger, D. Klaessen, J.-O. Kono-Kono, M. Maier, A. Schötzau, P. Meyer, T. Josifova, U. Schneider, J. Flammer, C. Haritoglou. Macula-off retinal detachment - a matter of time? Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 226:289-293 (2009) P.B. Henrich, C. Haritoglou, P. Meyer, P.R. Ferreira, A. Schötzau, R. Katamay, T. Josifova, U. Schneider, J. Flammer, S. Priglinger. Anatomical and functional outcome in brilliant blue G assisted chromovitrectomy. Acta Ophthalmol 88(5):588-93 (2010) [Epub 2009] M. Mozaffarieh, A. Schötzau, T. Josifova, J. Flammer. The effect of ranibizumab versus photodynamic therapy on DNA damage in patients with exudative macluar degeneration. Mol Vis 15:1194-1199 (2009) X. Xin, A. Huber, P. Meyer, J. Flammer, A. Neutzner, N.R. Miller, H.E. Killer. L-PGDS (Betatrace Protein) Inhibits Astrocyte Proliferation and Mitochondrial ATP Production in Vitro. J Mol Neurosci 39(3):366-71 (2009) R. Katamay, C. Fleischlin, K. Gugleta, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Volumetric blood flow measurement in the ophthalmic artery using colour Doppler. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 226(4):249-53 (2009) I. Mikheytseva, E. Lipovetskaya, O. Kopp, M. Mozaffarieh, M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Adrenaline-induced chronic ocular hypertension in adult rabbits. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 226(4):332-6 (2009) J. Flammer, M. Mozaffarieh. The mechanism of glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve. European Ophthalmic Review 3(1):33-35 (2009) M.C. Grieshaber, J. Flammer. Is the medication used to achieve the target intraocular pressure in glaucoma therapy of relevance? - An exemplary analysis on the basis of two beta-blockers. Prog Retin Eye Res 29:79-93 (2010) [Epub 2009] D. Kavroulaki, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgul.Influence of gender and menopausal status on peripheral and choroidal circulation. Acta Ophthalmol 88(8):850-3 (2010) [Epub 2009] M. von Arb, B. Gompper, A.H. Meyer, E.Z. Stutz, S. Orgül, J. Flammer, K. Kräuchi. Relationship between gender role, anger expression, thermal discomfort and sleep onset latency in women. Biopsychosoc Med 13:3-11 (2009) M. Mozaffarieh, R. Osusky, A. Schotzau, J. Flammer. Relationship between optic nerve head and finger blood flow. Eur J Ophthalmol 20(1):136-41 (2010) [Epub 2009] K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer, S. Orgül, K. Wunderlich, O. Golubnitschaja.Vasospastic individuals demonstrate significant similarity to glaucoma patients as revealed by gene expression profiling in circulating leukocytes. Mol Vis 14(15):2339-48 (2009)

A. Kochkorov, K. Gugleta, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Short-term variability of systemic blood pressure and submacular choroidal blood flow in eyes of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 248(6):833-7 (2010) M. Mozaffarieh, D. Hauenstein, A. Schötzau, K. Konieczka, J. Flammer. Smell perception in normal tension glaucoma patients. Mol Vis 16:506-510 (2010) O. Golubnitschaja, K. Yeghiazaryan, S. Orgül, J. Flammer. What are the biomarkers for glaucoma? In: O. Golubnitschaja, Predictive Diagnostics and Personalized Treatment - Dream or Reality?, Nova Science Publ. Inc 375-396 (2009) X. Xin, B. Fan, H.E. Killer, A. Neutzner, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Primary cell culture of meningothelial cells - a new model to study the arachnoid in glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 248(9):1273-8 (2010) K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, R. Katamay, A. Husner, A. Welge-Lüssen, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Olfactory function in primary open-angle glaucoma patients. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 227(4):277-9 (2010) M.C. Grieshaber, S. Fraenkl, A. Schoetzau, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Circumferential viscocanalostomy and suture canal distension (Canaloplasty) for whites with open-angle glaucoma. J Glaucoma 20(5):298-302 (2011) [Epub 2010] A. Oettli, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Rigidity of Retinal Vessel in Untreated Eyes of Normal Tension Primary Open-angle Glaucoma Patients. J Glaucoma 20(5):303-6 (2011) [Epub 2010] M. Mozaffarieh, P. Fontana Gasio, A. Schötzau, S. Orgül, J. Flammer, K. Kräuchi. Thermal discomfort with cold extremities in relation to age, gender, and body mass index in a random sample of a Swiss urban population. Popul Health Metr 8:17 (2010) P. Haas, P. Then, A. Wild, W. Grange, S. Zorman, M. Hegner, M. Calame, U. Aebi, J. Flammer, B. Hecht. Fast quantitative single-molecule detection at ultralow concentrations. Anal Chem 82(14):6299-302 (2010) M. Mozaffarieh, S.A. Fraenkl, K. Konieczka, J. Flammer. Targeted preventive measures and advanced approaches in personalised treatment of glaucoma neuropathy. EPMA 1(2):229-235 (2010) S.A. Fraenkl, M. Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. Retinal vein occlusions: The potential impact of a dysregulation of the retinal veins. EPMA 1(2):253-261 (2010) [Epub 2010] K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer, O. Golubnitschaja. Predictive molecular profiling in blood of healthy vasospastic individuals: clue to targeted prevention as personalised medicine to effective costs EPMA 1(2)263-272 (2010) O. Golubnitschaja, K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer. Key molecular pathways affected by glaucoma pathology: is predictive diagnosis possible? EPMA 1(2):237-244 (2010) P.W. Hasler, J. Flammer. Predictive, preventive and personalised medicine for age-related macular degeneration. EPMA 1(2):245-251 (2010) M. Mozaffarieh, K. Konieczka, J. Flammer. Calcium channel blockers: their use in normal tension glaucoma. Expert Rev Ophthalmol 5(5):617-25 (2010) D. Anders, S. Vollenweider, J. Cann, M. Hofstetter, J. Flammer, S. Orgül, K. Kräuchi. Heart-rate variability in women during 40-hour prolonged wakefulness. Chronobiol Int 27(8):1609-28 (2010) B. Gompper, V. Bromundt, S. Orgül, J. Flammer, K. Kräuchi. Phase relationship between skin temperature and sleep-wake rhythms in women with vascular dysregulation and controls under real-life conditions. Chronobiol Int 27(9-10):1778-96 (2010) M.G. Todorova, L. Bubendorf, C. Prünte, J. Flammer, P. Meyer. Report on Norrie's cytology. Acta Ophthalmol 90(1):e81-2 (2012) [Epub 2010] M. Mozaffarieh, K. Konieczka, D. Hauenstein, A. Schoetzau, J. Flammer. Half a pack of cigarettes a day more than doubles DNA breaks in circulating leukocytes. Tobacco Induced Diseases 8:14 (2010)
K. Konieczka, P. Meyer, A. Schoetzau, A. Neutzner, M.Mozaffarieh, J. Flammer. Effect of avosentan (SPP-301) in porcine ciliary arteries. Curr Eye Res 36(2):118-124 (2011) A. Polunina, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Relationship between peripheral blood flow in extremities and choroidal circulation. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 228(4):302-5 (2011) [Epub 2011] G.P. Jaggi, N.R. Miller, J. Flammer, R.N. Weinreb, L. Remonda, H.E. Killer. Optic nerve sheath diameter in normal-tension glaucoma patients. Br J Ophthalmol 96(1):53-6 (2012) [Epub 2011] P.B. Henrich, S.G. Priglinger, C. Haritoglou, T. Josifova, P.R. Ferreira, R.W. Strauss, J. Flammer, P.C. Cattin. Quantification of contrast recognizability during brilliant blue G- and indocyanine green-assisted chromovitrectomy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 17;52(7):4345-9 (2011) X. Xin, B. Fan, J. Flammer, N.R. Miller, G.P. Jaggi, H.E. Killer, P. Meyer, A. Neutzner. Meningothelial cells react to elevated pressure and oxidative stress. PLoS One 6(5):e20142 (2011) [Epub2011] N. Portmann, K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, A. Polunina, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Choroidal blood flow response to isometric exercise in glaucoma patients and patients with ocular hypertension. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52(10):7068-73 (2011 ) J. Flammer. Gast-Editorial. Uveitis: Glaukom und Uveitis (Deutsche Uveitis Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V.) (2011) S.A. Fraenkl, J. Muser, R. Groell, G. Reinhard, S. Orgul, J. Flammer, D. Goldblum. Plasma citrate levels as a potential biomarker for glaucoma. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 27(6):577-80 (2011) [Epub 2011] K. Gugleta, A. Kochkorov, N. Waldmann, A. Polunina, R. Katamay, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Dynamics of retinal vessel response to flicker light in glaucoma patients and ocular hypertensives. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 250(4):589-94 (2012) [Epub 2011] H.E. Killer, N.R. Miller, J. Flammer, P. Meyer, R.N. Weinreb, L. Remonda, G.P. Jaggi. Cerebrospinal fluid exchange in the optic nerve in normal-tension glaucoma. Br J Ophthalmol 96(4):544-8 (2012) [Epub 2011] J. Flammer. Letter to the editor. Vasospastic mechanisms in glaucoma. Klinika Oczna 113(7-9):199 (2011) J. Flammer, K. Konieczka, A. J. Flammer . The role of ocular blood flow in the pathogenesis of glaucomatous damage. US Ophthalmic Review 4(2):84-87 (2011) M.C. Grieshaber, A. Schoetzau, J. Flammer, S. Orgül. Postoperative microhyphema as a positive prognostic indicator in canaloplasty. Acta Ophthalmol 91(2):151-6 (2013) [Epub 2011]

Rüfer F, Sauter B, Klettner A, Göbel K, Flammer J, Erb C. Age-corrected reference values for the Heidelberg multi-color anomaloscope. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 250(9):1267-73 (2012) [Epub 2012] Fan B, Bordigari G, Flammer J, Killer HE, Meyer P, Neutzner A. Meningothelial cells participate in immunological processes in the cerebrospinal fluid. J Neuroimmunol 244(1-2):45-50 (2012) [Epub 2012] Gugleta K, Polunina A, Kochkorov A, Waldmann N, Portmann N, Katamay R, Flammer J, Orgul S. Association between risk factors and glaucomatous damage in untreated primary open-angle glaucoma. J Glaucoma 22(6):501-5 (2013) [Epub 2012] Cybulska-Heinrich AK, Mozaffarieh M, Flammer J. Ginkgo biloba: An adjuvant therapy for progressive normal and high tension glaucoma. Mol Vis 18:390-402 (2012) Arnold-Wörner N, Goldblum D, Miserez AR, Flammer J, Meyer P. Clinical and pathological features of a non-crystalline form of Schnyder corneal dystrophy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 250(8):1241-3 (2012) [Epub 2012] Grieshaber MC, Moramarco F, Schoetzau A, Flammer J, Orguel S. Detection of Retinal Glial Cell Activation in Glaucoma by Time Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 229(4):314-8 (2012) [Epub 2011] Killer HE, Miller NR, Flammer J, Jaggi GP, Remonda L. Author's response. Br J Ophthalmol 96(4):544-8 (2012) [Epub 2012] Weiss J, Fränkl SA, Flammer J, Grieshaber MC, Hollo G, Teuchner B, Haefeli WE. No difference in genotype frequencies of polymorphisms of the nitric oxide pathway between Caucasian normal and high tension glaucoma patients. Mol Vis 18:2174-81 (2012) Mozaffarieh M, Flammer J. New insights in the pathogenesis and treatment of normal tension glaucoma. Curr Opin Pharmacol 13(1):43-9 (2013) [Epub 2012] Konieczka K, Flammer AJ, Todorova M, Meyer P, Flammer J. Retinitis pigmentosa and ocular blood flow. EPMA 3;3(1):17 (2012) Kräuchi K, Gompper B, Hauenstein D, Flammer J, Pflüger M, Studerus E, Schötzau A, Orgül S. Diurnal blood pressure variations are associated with changes in distal-proximal skin temperature gradient. Chronobiol Int. 29(9):1273-83 (2012) [Epub 2012] Fang L, Hemion C, Goldblum D, Meyer P, Orgül S, Frank S, Flammer J, Neutzner A. Inactivation of MARCH5 Prevents Mitochondrial Fragmentation and Interferes with Cell Death in a Neuronal Cell Model.PLoS One 7(12):e52637 (2012) [Epub 2012]

Yeghiazaryan K, Flammer J, Golubnitschaja O. Individual predispositions in healthy vasospastic individuals: Patient profiling for targeted prevention of "down-stream" pathologies as cost-effective personalised medicine. In: Neurodegenerative Diseases: Integrative PPPM Approach as the Medicine of the Future. Book Series: Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine. Ed: S. Mandel, O. Golubnitschaja. Springer Heidelberg (ISBN 978-94-007-5865-0) (2013) Golubnitschaja O, Yeghiazaryan K, Flammer F. Glaucomatous optic neuropathy: Risk assessment and potential targets for effective prevention and treatments tailored to the patient. In: Neurodegenerative Diseases: Integrative PPPM Approach as the Medicine of the Future. Book Series: Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine. Ed: S. Mandel, O. Golubnitschaja. Springer Heidelberg (ISBN 978-94-007-5865-0) (2013) Konieczka K, Flammer AJ, Neutzner A, Schoetzau A, Binggeli T, Flammer J. Refractoriness to the Effect of Endothelin-1 in Porcine Ciliary Arteries. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 29(5):488-92 (2013) [Epub 2013] Flammer J, Konieczka K, Bruno RM, Virdis A, Flammer AJ, Taddei S. The eye and the heart. Eur Heart J 34,1270-78 (2013) [Epub 2013] Cybulska-Heinrich A, Mozaffarieh M, Flammer J. Stellenwert der "nicht Augendruck senkenden Glaukomtherapie" (Value of Non-IOP Lowering Therapy for Glaucoma). Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 230:114–119 (2013) Gugleta K, Waldmann N, Polunina A, Kochkorov A, Katamay R, Flammer J, Orgul S. Retinal neurovascular coupling in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension and its association with the level of glaucomatous damage. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 251(6):1577-85 (2013) [Epub 2013] Ghanem M, Gugleta K, Oettli A, Kochkorov A, Polunina A, Flammer J, Orgül S. Analyse der Venenbewegungen in der Netzhaut von Glaukompatienten. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 230(4):358-62 (2013) Li J, Fang L, Killer HE, Flammer J, Meyer P, Neutzner A. Meningothelial cells as part of the central nervous system host defense. Biol Cell 105(7):304-15 (2013) [Epub 2013] Konieczka K, Fränkl S. Primäre vaskuläre Dysregulation und Glaukom (Primary Vascular Dysregulation and Glaucoma). Z prakt Augenheilkd 34:207-15 (2013) Fraenkl SA, Golubnitschaja O, Yeghiazaryan K, Orgül S, Flammer J. Differences in gene expression in lymphocytes of patients with high-tension, PEX, and normal-tension glaucoma and in healthy subjects. Eur J Ophthalmol 23(6): 841-49 (2013) [Epub 2013] Mozaffarieh M, Konieczka K, Schoetzau A, Flammer J. Outcomes of comet assay analysis using freshly prepared and cryopreserved leukocytes. Oxid Antioxid Med Sci 2(3):155-61 (2013) [Epub 2013] Flammer J, Konieczka K, Flammer AJ. The primary vascular dysregulation syndrome: implications for eye diseases. EPMA 7;4(1):14 (2013) [Epub 2013] Todorova MG, Palmowski-Wolfe AM, Schoetzau A, Flammer J, Monhart M. A Comparison between the Pulsed Rising Amplitude Perimetry and the Normal Staircase Strategy in Standard Automated Perimetry. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 4:3 (2013) Kräuchi K, Konieczka K, Roescheisen-Weich C, Gompper B, Hauenstein D, Schoetzau A, Fraenkl S, Flammer J. Diurnal and menstrual cycles in body temperature are regulated differently: A 28-day ambulatory study in healthy women with thermal discomfort of cold extremities and controls. Chronobiol Int 31(1):102-13 (2014) [Epub 2013] Fasler-Kan E, Barteneva NS, Ketterer S, Wunderlich K, Reschner A, Nurzhanova A, Flammer J, Huwyler J, Meyer P. Human cytokines activate JAK-STAT signaling pathway in porcine ocular tissue. Xenotransplantation 20(6):469-80 (2013) Fang L, Li J, Flammer J, Neutzner A. MARCH5 inactivation supports mitochondrial function during neurodegenerative stress. Front Cell Neurosci. 10;7:176 (2013)


Li J, Fang L, Meyer P, Killer HE, Flammer J, Neutzner A. Anti-inflammatory response following uptake of apoptotic bodies by meningothelial cells. J Neuroinflammation 24;11:35 (2014) Mozaffarieh M, Bärtschi M, Henrich PB, Schoetzau A, Flammer J. Retinal venous pressure in the non-affected eye of patients with retinal vein occlusions. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 252(10):1569-71 (2014) [Epub 2014] Benischke AS, Hemion C, Flammer J, Neutzner A. Proteasome-mediated quality control of S-nitrosylated mitochondrial proteins. Mitochondrion 17:182-6 (2014) [Epub 2014] Türksever C, Valmaggia C, Orgül S, Schorderet DF, Flammer J, Todorova MG. Retinal vessel oxygen saturation and its correlation with structural changes in retinitis pigmentosa. Acta Ophthalmol 92(5):454-60(2014) [Epub 2014] Hübner S, Hasler P, Meyer P, Marchiondi S, Goldblum D, Flammer J. Dysphotopsien aufgrund einer mangelhaft produzierten Intraokularlinse [Dysphotopsia due to a manufacturing error in an intraocular lens]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 231(4):313-4 (2014) Gross S, Gugleta K, Turksever C, Ledolter A, Kochkorov A, Flammer J, Orgul S. Analysis of Risk Factors for Long-Term Glaucomatous Damage Development. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 231(4):335-339 (2014) Hemion C, Flammer J, Neutzner A. Quality control of oxidatively damaged mitochondrial proteins is mediated by p97 and the proteasome. Free Radic Biol Med. 75:121-8 (2014) 2015
Fang L, Hemion C, Pinho Ferreira Bento AC, Bippes CC, Flammer J, Neutzner A. Mitochondrial function in neuronal cells depends on p97/VCP/Cdc48-mediated quality control. Front Cell Neurosci 2;9:16 (2015) eCollection 2015 Cybulska-Heinrich AK, Baertschi M, Loesche CC, Schoetzau A, Konieczka K, Josifova T, Flammer J. Patients with diabetic retinopathy have high retinal venous pressure. EPMA J. 24;6(1):5 (2015) eCollection 2015 Kim KE, Kim DM, Flammer J, Kim KN. Central retinal venous pressure in eyes of normal-tension glaucoma patients with optic disc hemorrhage. PLoS One 21;10(5):e0127920 (2015) eCollection 2015. Fang L, Neutzner A, Turtschi S, Flammer J, Mozaffarieh M. Comet Assay as an Indirect Measure of Systemic Oxidative Stress. J Vis Exp. 22;99 (2015) Flammer J, Konieczka K. Retinal venous pressure: the role of endothelin. EPMA Journal 2015, 6:21 Baertschi M, Dayhaw-Barker P, Flammer J. The effect of hypoxia on intra-ocular, mean arterial, retinal venous and ocular perfusion pressures. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2015


ERGONOMÍAS DE LA MIRADA * Sobre arte y visualidad en el prisma de la realidad aumentada Jesús Fernando Monreal Ramírez *Proyecto realizado a través del Programa de Apoyo a la Producción e Investigación en Arte y Medios del Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes. CENTRO NACIONAL DE LAS ARTES Av. Río Churubusco No. 79, esq. Calzada de Tlalpan,

IASGO HPB AND GI ONCOLOGY POST-GRADUATE COURSE 56 STRATEGIES FOR DIFFERENTIATING XANTHOGRANULOMATOUS CHOLECYSTITIS FROM GALL BLADDER CARCINOMA- A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE EXPERIENCE Authors: Kishore Rajaguru1, Samiran Nundy2 1Jurong Health, 2Sir Gangaram Hospital Abstract: Aim Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC) mimics Gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) in both preoperative and intra-operative settings and the patient may undergo an unnecessary radical cholecystectomy which is associated with a greater morbidityrather than a cholecystectomy alone.We postulated that a pre-operative diagnosis of XGC might benefit patients by avoiding radical procedures and attempted to identify the features of XGC which would differentiate it from GBC before and during surgery. Methods All the patients who underwent gall bladder related operations (benign and malignant),over a period of 5 years from 2010 to 2014 were reviewed in a tertiary centre hospital in Delhi, India.After the histopathological reports the patients were placed into two groups - those with XGC and GBC.The following parameters were recorded–clinical features,biochemical and radiological findings including the presence of gall stones, common bile duct (CBD) stones,focal or diffuse wall thickening of the GB,the presence of intramural bands or nodules in the wall, lymph node enlargement,mucosal enhancement,and the status of the interface between the liver bed and gall bladder. A comparison was made between the groups. Results Patients with a long history of recurrent abdominal pain and who on imaging were found to have a diffusely thickened gall bladder wall, with cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis and submucosal hypoattenuated nodules were likely to have XGC while those with anorexia,weight loss,focal thickening of the gallbladder wall on imaging and dense local organ infiltration were more likely to have GBC. The presence of lymph nodes on imaging and the loss of a fat plane interface between the liver and gallbladder were not differentiating factors. Conclusion The differentiation of XGC and GBC pre-operatively remains a challenge but is possible via certain clinical and imaging characteristics.However the definitive diagnosis still remains a frozen section histopathological examination to avoid a radical resection in patients who have a benign condition.