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Cadets and parents should read this information carefully
before submitting requests for billets.

The Ship:
Training Vessel Manatra (ex YP-671) is an 80-foot yard patrol craft. Originally built to train Naval Academy and Officer Candidate School midshipman, the vessel is now owned and operated by the Marine Navigation and Training Association, Inc., of Chicago (MANATRA) for the training of sea cadets, and NROTC midshipmen from Midwest universities. The Association is a non-profit organization whose voluntary members include former mariners of the Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, and others interested in introducing cadets to the sea services through a quality shipboard experience. YP-671 is the third vessel operated by the Association since 1946. She is Coast Guard inspected, and when underway will be commanded by Captain Warren Marwedel, a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Captain Marwedel is an attorney practicing admiralty law, and is the past president of the Maritime Law Association of the UnitedStates. Several other qualified MANATRA members, including an engineer and Coast Guard-licensed watch officers, will also be aboard during the underway period. The Cadet Crew:
Cadets are considered vital members of the ship's company, expected to stand their watches, be highly motivated to learn all about the vessel, and do their full share of the work. She is well equipped, but is a very small vessel, carrying 13 cadets and eight officers and instructors within her 80-feet. The small crew provides the opportunity to develop great teamwork and friendship with your new shipmates, but with stowage and living space very limited it also requires, and we fully expect, a commitment from each cadet to get along with others, and to keep his person, his gear, and the vessel clean and neat at all times. We regret that we cannot accommodate female cadets due to the limiting accommodations on board.
The Training:
The typical training cruise includes two days of dockside orientation in ships nomenclature,
cleanliness, safety, lifejacket drills, line-handling, and watchstanding duties both in-port and
underway. Safety is foremost when planning our sailing schedule, which can change depending
on sea conditions, weather forecasts, the status of the ship, and the Captain's satisfaction with the
competence of the cadet crew. Our cruise will likely include at least 350 miles underway and
one or more port stops. Understand that there may be necessary changes to this plan.
Safety comes first and, despite our best intentions, ships are always subject to the whims of
machinery, weather, and the sea.

When underway, cadets not on duty participate in piloting and marlinspike seamanship classes orship's work. When on duty they stand lookout, helmsmen, and messenger watches, assist the Officer of the Deck in basic chartwork, and may assist in the galley and engine room. Firefighting, man overboard, and abandon ship drills are conducted. In port, cadets carry out morning and evening colors, clean the ship, stand night security watches, and may, if earned, be granted liberty ashore. It is expected that all cadets will meet the USN "Basic Swimmer" standard, at minimum.
All cadets will participate in abandon ship drills by entering the water wearing personal floatation devices. Cadets unwilling to do so, or non-swimmers, should not apply for a billet. Health and fitness
This vessel is equipped with first aid supplies, including an AED, but does not have medical
personnel on board. On offshore passages it is possible to be more than six hours from the
nearest professional medical care
The service records of all embarked cadets must include a Report of Medical Exam, certifying
fitness for participation in training, and a Report of Medical History, signed by parent or
guardian. Note that this form includes authorization for us to issue over-the-counter medication
for the prevention of sea-sickness (we carry meclizine on board, the common brand names for
which include Bonine, Advanced Formula Dramamine, and Wal-Dram).
Important: Cadets cannot bring any prescription or over-the-counter medication with
, unless they have in their service record an additional form completed and signed, called
the Medical History Supplemental. For over-the-counter medication it must be signed by a
parent or guardian. For prescription medications it must also be signed by your medical provider.
Medications that a cadet takes daily for such conditions as ADD/ADHD should not be
discontinued during this training.
If you need to update any of these forms, they are available at Note that as COTC I retain the obligation and right to deny acceptance for training to any
cadet if upon review of these forms it is determined that a cadet is not physically and/or
medically qualified to sail with us. If you have any questions, or anticipate that I will,
about your health status, or about medication you require to bring with you, contact me

The vessel's homeport is at downtown Chicago, moored in the Chicago River adjacent to DuSable yacht harbor and the combined station for the Chicago Police Marine Unit, Fire Department fireboats, and U.S. Coast Guard.
Instructions on finding the ship will be sent to cadets arriving by car. Pickup and drop off will bearranged for cadets arriving by train, or flying in to Midway Airport or O'Hare (Midway is muchpreferred). Flights should arrive by 1400 on the scheduled start date, and leave no earlier than 1400 on the departure date.
Scheduled 2016 Sea Cadet Training Cruises
When applying, use the Event Code specified on Magellan, the sea cadet training site, for the training you apply for. Each of following has an individual code: June Training Cruise– Cadets report aboard Saturday, 25 June, no later than 1600
Crew release Friday, 01 July at 1200.
July Training Cruise– Cadets report Monday, 25 July, no later than 1600
Crew release Sunday 31 July, at 1200.
August Training Cruise--Cadets report Monday, 15 August, no later than 1600
Crew release Sunday 21 August, at 1200.
Requirements for cadet crew: Be a currently-enrolled male cadet, at least E2(T), have
completed RT, minimum age 14 (waivers for 13 year olds may be considered with the unit CO's
recommendation), meet at minimum the USN Basic Swimmer standard, submit the $150
training deposit, have a Training Authorization issued by NSCC national headquarters based on a
submitted request endorsed by both your Unit CO and me, the COTC
Required to Bring:
A seabag list is posted atote that dress uniforms are not to be brought and, with the exception of a required pair of khaki shorts, neither is there any need (or room) for civilian clothes, other than what you may need for travel to and from the vessel. Cadets may report wearing NWU's, but they may not be worn on inter-city commercial transportation To Apply For A Training Billet
1) The number of applicants for seamanship training opportunities, especially cadets needing
this for advancement to Seaman, exceeds the total 36 billets we can accommodate each
summer so, with the exception of the staff cadet position, preference is given to
applicants who have not sailed with us before.

2) Cadets or their unit officers are welcome to contact me to see if there are billets available.
3) Fill out and submit to your unit commanding officer a Request for Training Authority, form
NSCTNG 001 (Rev 03/14), available here: 4) If you meet the requirements for this training and your commanding officer approves your
request, he or she will endorse and forward it to me.
5) Email me the answers to the applicant questionnaire found on the Manatra web site.
6) Be prepared to submit the $150 training deposit to your unit for forwarding to me.
7) If the cadet must bring any prescription or over-the-counter medication, email me a copy of
the completed Medical History Supplemental form. If the cadet has any health or medical
issues which could possibly affect his acceptance for this training, also send copies of his
Report of Medical Exam and Report of Medical History forms. The originals should be
brought with the cadet in his service record.
8) If you would be traveling by air or train, do not buy a ticket until your billet has been
confirmed, and remember that it is still subject to acceptable health status. Non-refundable tickets are not recommended.
To Apply For A Staff Cadet Billet
We carry a Leading Petty Officer as our sole staff cadet. Preference is for a Chief or First Class Petty Officer, but others will be considered. Prior experience on board is desirable but is not a requirement. The LPO must arrive at least one day, preferably two days early. Applicants for any of the three cruises should email me as soon as possible. I will send you a staff cadet questionnaire to be completed and returned.
Contacting Me
You are welcome to email me with questions, or call me (no Facebook inquiries, please). Keith K. KohanzoLCDR NSCCCOTC Training Vessel MANATRA (YP-671) 1301 Audrey LnCharleston IL 61920-2422C: 217-549-5772


(microsoft powerpoint - standard full report.ppt [modalit 340 compatibilit 340])

3 month follow up reportWith summary of the other evaluation reports Table of contents Learner demographics Learner satisfaction Scientific programme Event organisation Teaching effectiveness Learning effectiveness Immediate post-event survey results compared to pre-event survey results Three month follow up results Learner demographics Learner demographics – Profession

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CHEMSET 101 PLUS Chemwatch Independent Material Safety Data SheetIssue Date: 25-Nov-2011 Version No:4 CD 2011/4 Page 1 of 12 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAMECHEMSET 101 PLUS SYNONYMS"Product Code: C101C, C101J, ISKP" PROPER SHIPPING NAMEPOLYESTER RESIN KIT