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And the Nominees are.
The Airport Group
The Airport Group is an informal alliance of 13 like-minded, stock transfer housing associations that are committed to The following project team delivered this working in collaboration on issues of project on behalf of the Airport Group; common interest. Together we manage Amber Shaw
175,000 social homes across the North Together Housing Group West and Pennine regions, home to
Chris Boynton

over 400,000 people, giving the Group Wirral Partnership Homes unparalleled knowledge of residents'
Chris Odell

New Charter Housing Trust
Jayne Spencer

From Liverpool to Bradford and from Together Housing Group Preston to Chester the Airport Group Jessica Sharply
operates over nearly 2,000 square miles, Peaks & Plains Housing Trust providing homes and support services for
Leanne Gleave

people; helping some who are the most City West Housing Trust vulnerable members of our communities.
Pete Pealing

The Airport Group is an illustration of Peaks & Plains Housing Trust social value in action.

Phil Duffield

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Shaun Breeze

Together Housing Group
Stephanie Quinn

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Tabby Mansha

Trafford Housing Trust
Victoria McDowell

Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Yasmin Darr

The Day's Shedule
The Date: 10th May 2013
The Venue: Manchester United Old
Trafford Stadium The Schedule:
Young People Arrival 10.00am Engagement with Manchester United Foundation 12.30pm Lunch 1.30pm Young Flyers Awards 2013 Certificates and Photographs End of the Awards Ceremony Chief Executive Statement
It gives us great pleasure to host the third annual Young Flyers Awards event
on behalf of 13 Housing Associations, this time at the prestigious home of
Manchester United Football Club.

Every candidate nominated for an award has worked extremely hard, shown motivation and dedication
to their own development and commitment to their organisation and local community.
We are privileged to have these young people working within our communities.
All our Dragons and Judges involved this year have been overwhelmed with the high quality of nominations and Enterprise projects received.
Each nominee has shown the same excellence across all categories and across all the housing associations. Time after time they remarked what a good spread of candidates they had assessed.
It is so encouraging when we have over a million unemployed young people in the UK, all these great young people nominated show so much promise as current or future employees or entrepreneurs .
The overall winners had to be brilliant to be placed first, but there were brilliant people who were unplaced. Every nominee must take pride in what they have all achieved as a young person and that someone thought you were worthy of nomination! Finally, we would like to thank our event partners, sponsors, judges compares and Young Flyers project team for their support in making this event successful.
Congratulations and well done.
Sponsors & P
Wates Group
Manchester United Foundation
Established in 1897, Wates is one of the UK's The Manchester United Foundation works in largest family-owned construction services and some of the most disadvantaged areas across development companies employing over 2,367 Greater Manchester and uses the passion for people. In 2011 Wates received a Queen's Award for Manchester United to educate, motivate and Enterprise in Sustainable Development, was the inspire young people. We deliver football coaching, Winner of BITC Company of the Year award and skills training, personal development and life attained Investors in People Gold status. changing experiences, providing young people with opportunities to change their lives for Founded in 2009 following a management buy-out from Tribal Group plc, PlaceFirst is an innovative services and development business. Our services Balco are market leaders, with their open and arm focuses on helping public sector clients to glazed balcony systems that are supplied right unlock difficult development, regeneration and across Europe. They are proud of their innovative energy projects. Our development arm finances, solutions and elegant designs have helped to builds and manages assets in the renewable increase quality of life for a large number of energy and affordable housing markets.
people. They were founded in 1987, they are today present in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, The business works across the UK and holds a Holland ,Poland and the UK with 160 employees position in a number of public private joint venture and a 20% owned by staff and 80% by Sequlah structures with local authorities and social based in Stockholm , Sweden.
In summer 2012 we became a partner and investee company of CT Investment Partners, the venture capital arm of the Carbon Trust. The partnership reflects the shared interests of the two organisations, as well as a pooling of investment capacity and expertise to enable PlaceFirst to grow rapidly within its core markets.
Gordon Keenan is a CIH Member & has Diploma in Neil is a former Corporate Social Responsibility Property Appraisal & a Masters degree in Politics Manager with Marshalls PLC Group with over 25 & Economics from Glasgow University. He is also years experience as a senior Manager.
a serving Board Member of Mercian Housing Association in the West Midlands. He has 25 years He set up the Corporate Responsibility role at experience in economic regeneration, housing and Marshalls with the board in 2005. The work was skills & training across the UK. Previous senior widely recognised within the Business World roles include Executive Director of the Urban winning a number of National awards. This was Partnership Group 1998-2008 & Head of Funding & a group role which involved a number of different Partnerships at the NHF from 2009-2012. disciplines, ensuring that Marshalls Plc was seen and worked as a responsible business throughout In 2004,Gordon established & became a Director of Pedal Power London Ltd (PPL) an award winning social enterprise, in London, set up to Neil is currently self-employed working on a provide training & employment opportunities for number of local business projects. He has been disengaged young adults & he is acknowledged actively involved in fundraising for numerous as a lead figure in the growth of Apprenticeships local charities and voluntary organisations across across the housing sector. In Aug 2012, Gordon became a Director at the Centre for Housing Investment Policy (CHIP), a not for profit vehicle In September 2012 he was awarded the honour of established to promote new thinking around forms ‘Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire' for services of investment in the housing sector. to the community of Calderdale. In November 2012 he was named ‘Responsible Business Game Changer' by Business in the Community, which recognised inspirational individuals working behind the scenes to advance the responsible business movement.
Gordon Keenan and Neil Davidson.
Lynsey Boother, National Housing Federation
Kevin Bradburne, Youth Federation
Lynsey has worked in education, employment and Based in Cheshire, Kevin Bradburne is currently skills for the past six years, following eight years an Operational Manager within a charity that in international development roles in London, provides support to voluntary organisations China and Ethiopia. Lynsey set up and ran the working with young people. Kevin's interests have Employment and Skills arm of a London college, focused on the non-formal education side of the set up the first Apprenticeship Training Agency in charity focusing on advancement, standardisation the country and went on to provide consultancy and deployment of resources. Kevin has written services to training providers through KPMG. She numerous articles on a variety of youth work topics teaches philosophy in primary schools and is the and has presented lectures nationally with regards proud owner of an allotment and a beagle. to young people who are ‘At risk of becoming Helen Cope, Helen Cope Consulting Ltd
Kevin is the current Designated Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer for the Youth Federation Helen is a former Chief Executive of the East and holds a BA (Honours) degree in Youth and Thames Group and an acknowledged expert on Community work from Glyndwr University housing and worklessness. She wrote the CIH/CLG Wrexham. He also holds a Level 5 Professional toolkit for social landlords ‘tackling worklessness' Certificate in Management from the Open (2008). Most recently she has been working with University as well as a Diploma in Neuro-Linguistic the Liverpool City Region Employment and Skills Programming. To support this Kevin undertook pathfinder with the local housing associations on a Executive Coaching (IBM) from the John Haynes compact to tackle worklessness.
Coaching Academy based in Liverpool.
Lyndsey Boother, Helen Cope and Kevin Bradburne John Shiels
Jacob Hill
John Shiels has been the Chief Executive of the West Yorkshire based young entrepreneur Jacob Manchester United Foundation since January Hill, 20, is well known in the business community 2008. In his role, he has created the Foundation's for the success of his innovative new invention, strategy to use the power of the Manchester The Lazy Camper; a complete outdoors kit with United brand and the appeal of football to change everything in one bag from £39.99, perfect for the lives of young people in Manchester, the UK and around the world.
When he's not running an international business Working principally with disadvantaged children, supplying the outdoors world with a low cost one the Foundation has developed programmes that stop equipment solution, Jacob studies Enterprise help teach leadership, teamwork, respect and Development at the University of Huddersfield; a healthy lifestyles.
course which is endorsed by Dragons' Den star John has conducted countless leadership Theo Paphitis.
workshops in conjunction with club icons such as Sir Bobby Charlton and Bryan Robson, as well Jacob has experience in motivating audiences of as senior management figures such as Club CEO all ages. Regularly speaking at schools, colleges and stadiums, Jacob is keen to share his passion for business with others. Most recently, Jacob John has recently presented to top business spoke at The Institute of Directors in London after executives, explaining how to adapt the secrets being recognised as one of the UK's youngest of success that have kept Manchester United at import and exporters. the top of their game for the past 25 years, into a business environment. His journey has taken him Jacob first began to make use of his from Berlin to Australia, with a fifteen city tour of entrepreneurial flair at the age of 14, when he the US along the way.
began selling sweets at his school. He grew this hobby into a business by acquiring staff, locker Prior to running the Foundation, John led the space and spreading to other schools throughout Bobby Charlton Soccer Schools and was latterly the area. Eventually, he was making over £1,000 Head Coach of Manchester United Soccer Schools. per week. The basic principles learnt from He graduated from Manchester University more this venture have been applied to Jacob's new years ago than he would care to admit.
business, which he plans to take global.
You will also find Jacob on BBC3's new series ‘Be Your Own Boss' pitching for investment from smoothies giant – Richard Reed.
John Shiels and Jacob Hill.

Young Employee Shortlisted
Stacey Green
Weaver Vale Housing Trust
One Vision Housing
Stacey joined Weaver Vale Housing Trust as Kayleigh has arranged and implemented a new Tenant Engagement Co-ordinator in November health and wellbeing programme at One Vision 2011. She has worked extremely hard in a role Housing. The aim of the project was to introduce a that requires a huge amount of multi-tasking, wide variety of activities that tackled both physical excellent communication skills and the ability and mental wellbeing. The programme has been to think on your feet. While excelling in this she a huge success and has resulted in a reduction has also provided invaluable support to the team in sickness levels from 8% in 2006 to 0.93% in and gained a positive reputation for her work 2011/2012. All the activities have been tirelessly across the Trust and with partner organisations. promoted by her and she has put a lot of effort and Stacey has worked tirelessly to promote tenant time into the project. Kayleigh is highly thought involvement organising open days, developing of throughout the organisation and has been a ‘Get Involved' promotional postcard, updating an asset to One Vision Housing since joining as the internet and utilising Social Media. Since a graduate. Kayleigh remains professional and joining the organisation Stacey has contacted 140 friendly and she is a role model to all employees.
tenants individually and supported 46 people to join involvement groups or activities. Stacey has achieved all this while undergoing a period of change in her personal life, displaying excellent HIGHLY COMMENDED: character and a desire to achieve. One Vision Housing Rachel Griffiths One Vision Housing Stacey Massam One Vision Housing Yasmin McBride One Vision Housing Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Weaver Vale Housing Trust Lauren is a fantastic example of a young Weaver Vale Housing Trust person that has seized opportunities and really Suzanne Webb Weaver Vale Housing Trust contributed to Wythenshawe Community Housing Helena Partnerships Group. A young mum, she started on a six month Helena Partnerships paid work placement, during which time she Trafford Housing Trust completed her NVQ in Business Administration Community Gateway Association and a number of short courses. Lauren made Dean Bradbury Community Gateway Association such an impression on the business she was Together Housing Group offered an apprenticeship in Human Resources. Since then, not only has she grown in confidence but has taken on more responsibility than would normally have been expected with an apprenticeship role. Lauren also gets involved with delivering our pre-employment courses sharing her experiences with local job seekers. Lauren is quickly progressing on her apprenticeship, getting involved with all manner of additional work and is a real credit to the organisation and herself.
Young Employee Award
Young Apprentice Award
Young Apprentice Shortlisted
fantastic role model to other young people willing Weaver Vale Housing Trust
to work hard to succeed. Lewis has had his fair share of challenges that he has overcome with Carrie-Anne applied for the Modern determination and maturity. Feedback from other Apprenticeship directly from a successful Future clients outlines that Lewis is a popular member of Jobs Fund placement. She has had to overcome the team, a person who displays professionalism serious health issues in her early life and despite and completes work to a high quality standard.
this she has shown passion and commitment to her role at Weaver Vale. She has proved invaluable to the service by providing a first point of contact Michael Von Bargen
for residents. Carrie-Anne has developed many One Vision Housing
skills during her apprenticeship and has worked hard to achieve her NVQ level 2 in Business Michael is an apprentice electrician for One Administration. Her involvement at Cotswold Vision's property service arm, Sovini. His House has helped keep the team functioning enthusiasm for his trade is second to none and in their day to day work and her compassion in he is always looking for opportunities to develop sometimes difficult circumstances has made her his skills. He displays a ‘can-do attitude' at all an indispensable member of the team.
times and is willing to assist and help with any task asked of him. He has worked after hours to ensure works are completed and residents' services are restored overnight. His positive One Vision Housing
attitude is infectious and has had a strong impact on the electricians with whom he works. His Since starting work as an apprentice plumber customer service skills are excellent and he in August 2012 Danni has continuously strived to engages with our residents to a high standard, develop her skills and knowledge in all aspects showing empathy and understanding particularly of her chosen trade. This is evidenced by her with our more vulnerable residents. attendance levels and willingness to try tasks that she is unfamiliar with. Danni is currently attending college to complete her NVQ level 2 in plumbing HIGHLY COMMENDED: but she has already expressed a desire to become a fully qualified gas engineer. Her communication Together Housing Together Housing skills with staff members and most importantly Anthony Fletcher Together Housing with our customers are of a consistently high Together Housing standard. Her infectious enthusiasm for her trade Together Housing and ambition to succeed and deliver an excellent Together Housing service has set an exemplary standard for our Together Housing other apprentices and staff.
Together Housing One Vision Housing Weaver Vale Housing Trust Weaver Vale Housing Trust Community Gateway Association
Weaver Vale Housing Trust Weaver Vale Housing Trust Lewis came to CGA through an apprenticeship with construction partner Forrest. Never willing Wirral Partnership Homes to rest on his laurels he continually seeks new Wirral Partnership Homes projects that will increase his experience and Wirral Partnership Homes Helena Partnerships further his development. He has a strong work Peaks and Plains Housing Trust ethic that will serve him and those he works Together Housing with well in the future. He is most definitely an Together Housing asset to his organisation and is an inspiration and Together Housing Young Community Group Shortlisted
Ingol Youth Forum Community Gateway
past and this is the first time they have engaged Association
with such a project for an extended period. The Group has made incredible progress in a short Ingol Youth Forum are a group of young people time. They have developed strong, supportive who work together to make their community relationships within a diverse group of individuals a better place to live. Four years ago the group and have gained new skills that have enabled started the Dovedale Park project the aim of which them to evolve the Group in to a consultation was to reduce ASB in the area by transforming panel organising events and applying for their some disused land in to an innovative play area for young people. The group worked together with Community Gateway and secured funding for the redevelopment. They consulted with local Youth Reborn
residents and park users, showed them their Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
plans for the area and generated a lot of support for the project. They have worked enthusiastically Youth Reborn provides a voice for young people for four years in order to deliver this project. in the Wythenshawe area by offering them the opportunity to express their desires, concerns and needs. They aim to challenge negative views of Incommunities Youth Forum
young people in the area by providing a platform for social, emotional and personal development to take place. They have been involved in many The Incommunities Youth Forum was set up in successful projects such as the Youth Conference, October 2012 with the aim of being a voice for all many fundraising events, volunteering young people across the Bradford District. The opportunities and consultation panels. The Group Youth Forum works with Incommunities to have is made up of individuals who are enthusiastic their say on important issues that affect their and highly motivated and who want to continually lives. The entire group has demonstrated great develop their skills as individuals and as a commitment and dedication to the project and group resulting in better organisation and has shown their determination to help others and communication skills as well as improving self- improve their local community. One of the key achievements for the group was their involvement in a local radio project that provided them with production skills training as well as an hour long show, used to voice issues and opinions of young HIGHLY COMMENDED: people in the area. They used this opportunity to create a radio documentary about Youth Work.
Youth Empowerment Panel City West Housing Trust Make It Happen Young People's Steering Group
The Avenues Dream Team Helena Partnerships The Make It Happen Young People's Steering Eastlands Homes' Youth Forum Group consist of 25 young people from four of the most challenging neighbourhoods in the St Helens area. The aim of the Group is to deliver Macclesfield Youth Forum (MY Forum) diversionary activities and create opportunities Peaks and Plains Housing Trust for young people. Some members of the Group have had Acceptable Behaviour Contracts in the Young Community Group Award
Young Volunteer Award
Young Volunteer Shortlisted
Sue Stoneley
50's club, raising funds for trips out and past time Weaver Vale Housing Trust
equipment. Jade has since been invited to join her Local Management Trust, where she has Sue is a clear example of how a young person become a valuable member of the team. Jade with the right attitude, commitment and drive is now studying for a Level 1 - Active Learning can make a huge contribution if they choose to for Residents Course accredited by the CIH. She give their time sharing skills and knowledge with is a committed, dedicated, willing helper who is those in the local community. Sue volunteers a always striving to learn more.
large amount of her free time to work with various community groups, ensuring people young and old have access to support, opportunities and new Ian Woods
experiences. Sue provides various services that Wirral Partnership Homes
would otherwise be unavailable such as a Music Teacher, Youth Worker, Community Learning Ian has been a volunteer with Wirral Partnership Champion, Photography/Film Workshops and Homes (WPH) for four years. He applied to join the Canal & Rivers Trust to name a few. She is a community volunteer scheme at a job fair and committed to doing her best for those she works since that day has been an integral part of the with both in her volunteer work and employment.
WPH team. Despite suffering from a speech impediment and learning difficulties, Ian has been consistently reliable, helping out with gardening, Mabvuto Saidi (Junior)
community house renovations, resident involvement groups and fundraising. Over the last few years Ian's confidence has grown and he has Mabvuto Saidi (Junior) is an outstanding example learned to speak slower, which has enabled him of a young volunteer. He consistently acts as to overcome his speech impediment. an excellent role model for his peers and has been involved in many projects within his local community, helping to improve lives and make the neighbourhood a better place to live. Junior has been involved with Eastlands Homes' Street Task Team and Youth Forums for the past six years, HIGHLY COMMENDED: from the age of nine. He has been influential in the intergenerational work he has done, helping Wythenshawe Community older customers on the Communications Service Panel use social media as an effective tool. More Wythenshawe Community recently Junior has been helping Eastlands Homes with their overall digital inclusion agenda. Daniel Spilllane Incommunities Weaver Vale Housing Trust Junior is giving a positive face to young people in City West Housing Trust his local community.
Chelsea Phillips New Charter Housing New Charter Housing Jade Hanson
New Charter Housing Jade is 18 and has been involved in her local Helena Partnerships community group for the past six years. She Community Gateway works tirelessly applying for funding and raising money for youth equipment and trips out for the Helena Partnerships elderly. Jade played an integral part in obtaining £45,000 worth of funding to build a play area on her estate and she has recently set up an over Young Placement Shortlisted
Connie Liu
Shaun Bailey
New Charter Housing Trust
Weaver Vale Housing Trust
Connie Liu completed an eight week voluntary During his Work Placement Shaun Bailey has had work placement with New Charter's Regeneration a positive impact on both the neighbourhoods and Team. She was unemployed and keen to gain the team at Weaver Vale. Shaun has shown keen valuable work experience to increase her enthusiasm and a willingness to learn new skills. chances of gaining paid employment. During the He always rose to the demands of the job and work placement Connie completed a number was equal to any task he was set. His consistently of worthwhile diverse activities from designing positive attitude and friendly manner made him an marketing literature to engaging with residents invaluable member of the caretaking team. Shaun at Community Events. At local work clubs regularly demonstrated his flexibility, enthusiasm Connie was able to help support unemployed and positive outlook throughout his tenure with customers to register on helpful websites, create Weaver Vale. When he first attended the Work email accounts and update their CV's. Connie Programme his confidence and self-esteem were demonstrated the values of New Charter and low. However Shaun has overcome many hurdles became a valued member of the team on short by improving his literary and numeracy skills and actively taking responsibility for his own future. Michael Munn
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Wirral Partnership Homes
Luke Allinson Together Housing Mike is a real success story that demonstrates Jack Hancock New Charter Housing how much a young person can get out of a work placement. Wirral Partnership Homes Chris Holland Weaver Vale Housing Trust (WPH) contacted Wirral Metropolitan College to offer a summer placement working with WPH and Fourteen 19, a specialist youth marketing company, to promote their summer programme of youth activities. Mike was one of five students selected to take part and his involvement throughout the campaign was instrumental to its success. He encouraged discussion and turned contributions into action. Testimony to Mike's success is that WPH and Fourteen 19 have supported him to set up a Fourteen 19 franchise for the Northwest. Mike now runs his own C.I.C. offering specialist services in youth consultation and marketing.
Young Placement Award
Young Starship Enterprise Challenge
Since 1997 more than 600,000 small businesses to take their business idea forward along have been created. But this country's start- professional support to help them develop their uplevels are still only average compared to the idea into a potential business.
rest of the world. We have to do more to ensure that entrepreneurial talent does not go to waste. Highly commended entries will all receive Fostering enterprise in young people is the key to professional support to help them develop their un-tapping that potential.
idea into a potential business.
The Airport Group recognise that developing Our hope is that Starship Enterprise engages young people's employability and entrepreneurial and inspires all the young people who have been skills is crucial to prepare them for life after involved with it, and that some of them go on to education and potentially becoming business aspire to set up their own businesses, start social leaders in the future.
enterprises, improve their communities and be innovative employees themselves.
In response to this The Airport Group designed a bespoke and unique ‘ Young Starship Enterprise Challenge' for local high schools was developed by the Airport Group, to plant the seed and nurture the idea of creative business thinking.
The challenge was launched into schools in September 2012 with schools entering teams of up to six students from years 8, 9 and 10 in schools representing each participating housing association worked to develop a feasible and inspiring product or service. Each local Housing association held an event for all their local school entrants to present their business idea to a Dragons' Den style judging panel from the local business community, who The Dragons: Paul Growney, Jacob Hill, Chris
selected an overall local winner.
Beckett, Philomena Chen, Ann Monaghan, Emma Fearon, Jo Bird, Bob Bell and Austen Pickles.
The competition engaged 2250 Young people and 37 local schools. Each local winning team then went on to represent their own Housing Association and present their successful idea again at a Regional Final held in April this Year at Manchester United Football Club with a panel of 10 Dragon Den judges who were Business people from across the North of England.
The competition winners and runners up will receive a substantial cash prize for their school The Dragons
Chris Beckett, Business Advisor
Jacob Hill, Entrepreneur
Chris has an Engineering background in the Motor Young entrepreneur Jacob Hill, 20, is well known Industry having set up his own company in the in the business community for the success of Motor trade in the early 90's. Chris is also Chair of his innovative new invention, The Lazy Camper; the North West Branch of the Institute Of Business a complete outdoors kit with everything in one Consultants and has been an Independent bag from £39.99, perfect for festivals. When business advisor for the past 10 years he's not running an international business supplying the outdoors world with a low cost one Ann Monaghan, Blue Orchid
stop equipment solution, he studies Enterprise Ann is the Ex Director of Manchester Business Development at the University of Huddersfield; a Consortium. She has Experience of running course which is endorsed by Dragons' Den star several businesses within the licensing trade. She Theo Paphitis.
is currently a business advisor and consultant with Blue Orchid.
Paul Growney, Business Consultant
Paul Growney is a third sector business consultant
Emma Fearon, Blue Orchid
providing tailored business development advice Emma is currently a Business Advisor with Blue across the Merseyside Region. Paul's specialist Orchid with responsibility for Wythenshawe.
areas are business / strategic planning, troubleshooting and organisational development, Philomena Chen, Asia Pacific
working exclusively to support social entrepreneurs, social enterprises and charities. Philomena is Head of Asia Pacific Development at UK Trade and Investment. She is an experienced Jo Bird, Placefirst Ltd
international trade specialist with background in both sales and marketing. She is also a business Jo is Financial Controller at Placefirst Limited. support adviser in both the UK and the Far East. She is a Chartered Accountant with a broad range of financial experience in both listed and private Austen Pickles, Buxton Pickles Ltd
equity backed companies. Jo trained with Baker Tilly in Manchester and has worked with several Austen Pickles started his clothing business businesses as Financial Controller. She has led Buxton Pickles Limited from the attic of his several financing initiatives, as well as home 11 years ago. With sales over £10 million in developing financial systems, controls and 2012 and employing 25 people, the Ilkley based reporting procedures which allow businesses company designs and manufactures ladies to rapidly expand.
tailoring for high street retailers including Next, Hobbs, LK Bennett, Reiss, Whistles etc. Austen Beverley Gray, Wates Living Space
also owns bespoke tailors Norton & Townsend Beverley joined Wates in January 2008 prior to and is about to launch a new men's suit business this she worked as a housing professional in called Johnny Tuxedo.
the social housing and regeneration and has a wealth of experience, spanning over 20 years in Bob Bell, Entrepreneur
Business/ Service Development and Housing Bob has 35 years' experience working in the Services Management. Beverley's in depth electronics industry in senior management knowledge of the social housing sector and its and direct roles. Bob has worked for large challenges is supplemented by vast experience corporations as well as starting a number of small in extra care housing, care and support services businesses of his own.
for the elderly. Beverley's role involves creating business opportunities and customer relationship management, ultimately assisting the growth of the Northern Region.
Young Enterprise Shortlisted
Community Gateway
Peaks & Plains
Moorpark Business & Enterprise School
All Hallow Catholic College
Puppet Pals
The House Rules
Aysha Patel, Aaliya Yousuf and Ayesha Patel Jessica and Rebecca are both Year 9 students together established Puppet Pals, a unique at all Hallows Catholic College in Macclesfield, business that produces sock monkeys. They Cheshire. They teamed up together and came design and develop the puppets themselves and up with the idea of ‘The House Rules', which is their key selling point is that all the puppets are an educational resource to teach children about designated their own country of origin. Each Health & Safety in their home. The product is puppet is accompanied with a fact file about a pop up house, which children look inside and their country, providing the owner with a unique highlight the key common dangers found around educational tool. Weaver Vale
University of Chester AcademyUEC
De La Salle School
Handy Planner
Boutique La Salle
Students at the University of Chester Academy set Boutique La Salle is a business created by year up UCAN Enterprise, which has recently launched nine and ten students at De La Salle School in the Handyplanner. The Handyplanner is a cover Eccleston, which uses recycled materials to create for school planners and diaries, which can hold vintage-themed gifts and treats with a 100 per essential stationery and has a whiteboard cover cent profit margin. All the products are produced on the back for making quick notes and writing and hand crafted by the students themselves. answers. Initially they have been marketing and selling the product within the school but they hope to eventually make their product available to other Academies in the area. HIGHLY COMMENDED: City West Housing Wentworth High School Copley High School One Vision Housing St Ambrose Barlow School Veg Patch Community Garden Wythenshawe Community Housing Group Saint Pauls Catholic High School Wirral Partnership Homes Observatory School Fibrecraft Engineering Queensbury High School University of Chester Academy:
UEC Handy Planner
All Hallow Catholic College:
De La Salle School:
The House Rules
Boutique La Salle
Young Enterprise Award
Moorpark Business & Enterprise School:
Puppet Pals
The Airport Group Members'
Tim Doyle
Tim Pinder
City West Housing Trust
Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Centenary House - 4th floor Macclesfield SK11 6QJ Tom Miskell
Community Gateway Association
Together Housing Group
Deltic House, West Strand, Woodvale Business Park Brighouse HD6 4AB Sheila Doran
Eastlands Homes Partnership
Trafford Housing Trust
Victoria Street, Openshaw Manchester M11 2NX 126-150 Washway Road Rob Young
Weaver Vale Housing Trust
4 Corporation Street, St Helens Merseyside WA9 1LD Northwich, Cheshire CW9 7LL Wirral Partnership Homes
6 Europa Boulevard Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 4PE Ian Munro
New Charter Housing Trust
Nigel Wilson
249 Cavendish Street Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 7AT Wythenshawe House 8 Poundswick Lane Roy Williams
Manchester M22 9TA One Vision Housing
Atlantic House, Atlantic Way,
Dunnings Bridge Road Bootle, Merseyside L30 4TH Manchester United Foundation
is a proud sponsor and partner of the
airport group's young flyers awards 2013
Why not give us a call for your next big event?
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