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Evergreen winter 2008

evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 2 EverGREEN Winter2008 magazine for retired members of the PACE and United pension schemes it's just around IN THIS ISSUE: Stores get brand new look • Home sweet home? • Grand touring with coach holidays

evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 3 Well, folks, it looks like that was our summer; over in the blink of an eye! But November brings lots of new seasonal things to Evergreen postbag enjoy, not least the anticipation of the festive season. But when you're out and about doing all that Christmas shopping, Time to celebrate make sure you've read our guide to protecting yourself and your wallet (pages 18 & 19).
This issue we take a look around The Co-operative Groupfamily, with articles from Pharmacy, Travel and Co-operative Legal Services. Plus, we bring you a round-up of the huge strides we've been making on the ethical front, and an update REA news round-up on the rebranding of our stores. Did you know we've now That's the spirit rebranded over 2000 stores, making it the biggest rebrand programme in UK corporate history? Preparing for winter Scams - don't be caught out As usual we bring you all our regulars, including news and Grand touring in comfort and company photos from all the REAs, your birthdays and anniversaries in Credit where it's due Time to Celebrate and our doctor's corner.
And don't miss this issue's great offers and competitions - from bottles of Fairtrade wine to a coach holiday for two! And to those battling life-threatening illnesses in this issue we're asking you to tell us what we're doing right (and wrong!) with our first ever readership survey. Please Caravan - the grocery industry's helping hand take the time to fill the survey in and send it back to us -EverGREEN is your magazine and we'd love to hear what you think about it. And you could be in with the chance of winning EverGREEN's Customer Relations Team can now provide publications in Braille, large print and on cassette. There's also a freephone minicom for We hope you enjoy your bumper, fun filled festive issue. Until those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Freephone next time, we wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy, 0800 0686 727 minicom 0800 0686 717 and healthy, new year! or write to The Co-operative Group, See you in 2009! FREEPOST MR9473, Manchester, M4 8BA.
We use information held by The Co-operative Group to distribute this magazine. Through EverGREEN, the REAs and direct mailing, you are advised of discounts and services available to you as a member of the PACE andUnited pension schemes. We will never sell or transfer your details to third parties for marketing purposes.
Should you not wish to receive this information, pleasewrite to The Editor, Pensions Department, FREEPOST, New Century House, Manchester M4 8BH.
Pensioner Welfare Pensioner Welfare Assistant0845 3000465 (Local rate) the Co-operative Group, New Century House, Manchester M60 4ES. Registered Number 525R

evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 4 New Lanark I'm delighted to be able to take this opportunity to write to you.
I'd also like to extend a special welcome to retired colleaguesfrom United Co-operatives who will be receiving Ever Mill Hotel the first time following the merger.
I was fortunate enough to have worked closely with my predecessor, Alan Murphy, for a number of years and this hashelped me settle in to my new role without too much difficulty.
It would, however, be remiss of me not to acknowledge thehuge contribution made by Alan. Alan consistently raised standards in Group Pensions Department and was integral inthe successful launch of the PACE Scheme in 2006.
When I started working in the pensions industry 20 years agosome people may have regarded pensions as being dull. Youcould say many things about pensions these days but I don'tthink ‘dull' would be one of them! The recent economic turmoil has caused a great deal of concern worldwide but, from a pensions perspective, it is important to remember that pension schemes invest for the long-term. Whilst funding levels can be expected to fluctuate, the Group Pensions Team and Pension Scheme Trustees remain entirely focused on ensuring that strong governancecontrols and appropriate investment strategies are in place toensure that pensions can be paid as they fall due over the 3 nights for the price of 2 next 50 years or more.
Bed & Breakfast £109 valid until Details of the latest funding position of your scheme can be 26th March 2009.
found in the Members' Annual Report that you will receive with Offer subject to availability.
this edition of EverGREEN. Despite recent events, the schemesremain in good financial health compared to many in the UK Further info - and continue to be supported by a strong business.
E-mail – [email protected] Tel: 01555 661345 The Group Pensions Team is completely committed to providinga quality pensions management service. To demonstrate this,the team has again been independently audited as having Christmas is coming… industry best practice level governance and management controls. In addition, the PACE Scheme won three awards in As delicious Christmas September, including ‘Best In-House Administration' by products arrive on the Professional Pensions magazine.
shelves, EverGREEN takes a Therefore, please be assured that closer look at the festive your pension continues to be insafe hands.
treats of food and wine that bring the best that My very best wishes to you all. I'd the season has to offer - also like to be one of the first towish you a happy Christmas and all available conveniently at your local The Co-operative Food store.
See pages 14 & 15 Evergreen is written and produced by Co-operative Group Corporate Communications evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 5 Thank you very much for the EverGREEN book. I enjoy reading itand seeing the people's photos in it. I would like to say thanksfor the PACE line news and update.
I do enjoy the crossword puzzle - the last one I received I was Welcome to Rotherham able to solve half way.
Our group would like to extend a warm welcome to any Thanks again to the staff for all the news and tips.
retired employee from The Co-operative family group who livein the Sheffield, Doncaster, Rotherham areas and enjoy a little social event i.e. pub lunch, day trips, make new friends.
Thomas Campbell, Belfast Please contact Dave Herbert on Rotherham 01709 540441 Thank you for your kind comments, Thomas and glad you enjoy Secretary or Roy Rich 01709 863514 Chairman.
Congratulations to Pam Congratulations to retired Co-operative employee Pamela Board, who has been recognised by the Borough of Newham as one of its citizens of the year. Pamela works tirelessly forher local community centre, she works as the secretary, Good day, I thank you for your cleaner and any other job that no one wants to do - all on a EverGREEN magazine from The voluntary basis.
Co-operative Group. I thank you for keeping us in touch of this Each year the local Borough scheme. I hope God may send Council organises an awards his blessings and knowledge to ceremony at the town hall help old people from all sources.
where the nominees have a This is a big help in their lives, you are doing a big job.
meal hosted by the mayor and receive their awards. Pamela, When I read the magazine and see how many people are living who also organises the London over 100 years - what a blessing.
branch of our Retired Employees Association, said ‘I Deborah Smith, Manchester am really pleased to have received the award, it is good I simply have to communicate with you about the latest edition that the council do this it does of ‘EverGREEN' (the first one I have seen). You must congratulate encourage community spirit.' the team on an excellent job done. One of the best mags of itstype I have ever seen. Concise articles supremely relevant tothe intended audience. A right good read. Well done you andyour team - from somebody who only does e-mails if I have to! I am writing to you tell you about some voluntary work for an Ian Mason, Director – Co-operative Group (Ex United) organisation called BEES - Bradford Environment EducationService - part of the YMCA. I really enjoy this outdoor work,and I have learnt a great deal about nature and the environment. The volunteers are a very friendly bunch, who Remember, EverGREEN is all about you so please keep range in age from teenagers to retired people and are from sending your letters in to us at: very different backgrounds.
Evergreen Postbag, c/o The Co-operative Group,Pensions Department, New Century House, Barbara Hammond, West Yorkshire Manchester, M60 4ES.
We look forward to receiving them! Thanks Barbara. Are there any readers out there who do anyvoluntary work? If so we would like to hear from you. evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 6 The Co-operative Groupacquires Somerfield In the summer, The Co-operative Group exchanged contractsto acquire the Somerfield business for £1.565bn, subject toclearance by the Office of Fair Trading.
The OFT has now concluded its initial review of the proposedacquisition and has confirmed there are no national competition issues raised by the deal. The OFT has indicated Chief Executive Peter Marks joined Simon Cowell and other celebs to that there are a number of local areas in the UK where the judge the Pride of Britain awards.
transaction would probably result in a significant lessening of The Co-operative sponsors The Daily ‘This is excellent news,' said Peter Marks, Chief Executive,‘as it clears the way for the acquisition to proceed, subject to Mirror's ‘Pride of agreeing with the OFT a suitable package of store disposals(Somerfield or our own) to address the local competition issues. In brief, this brings completion of the deal a massivestep closer.
Representatives from The Co-operative Group attended the Pride of Britain awards ‘I am confident that together we can make the most of this in London last month. Chief Executive fantastic opportunity to continue the renaissance of The Peter Marks, who also sat on the awards Co-operative Group. This is a tremendous deal which once judging panel (pictured) said, ‘From a completed will propel our business into the premier league business point of view, the awards are a of food retailing in the UK.' fantastic chance to showcase our brand and start building public recognition before The combined food business will next year's launch.' operate more than 3,000 grocery storesand generate net sales of about £8bn, As part of the awards sponsorship, the Group also making it a market leader in launched our own quest to find our own Co-operative convenience food retailing and the community heroes. A total of 11 employee winners fifth largest food retailer in the UK with from throughout the business each claimed a Pride a market share of approximately eight of The Co-operative Award for their contribution to their local community, winning tickets to the main Pride of Britain awards.
Help with rent and Council Tax bills From October 2008, it will be easier and simpler to make • No claim forms to complete and return.
claims for credit. Customers phoning The Pension Service • No supplementary forms for children or non-dependants - to claim Pension Credit will be able to claim Housing this information will be gathered during the phone call.
Benefit/Council Tax Benefit (HB/CTB) at the same time.
• No need to forward a claim to the local authority - The The Pension Service will take the claim information and Pension Service will do it automatically, even if Pension Credit pass it directly to the appropriate local authority for is not awarded.
• Customers only need to provide information and evidenceonce.
The benefits• A simple, easy process – one phone call to claim four For more information call the freephone helpline on evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 7 PACE - your award winning pensionscheme! CFS named Company of Congratulations to our colleagues in Group Pensions after once again being recognised for their professionalism at theannual Pension Scheme of the Year Awards.
The Co-operative Financial Services has been named Hosted by Professional Pensions magazine, the leading UK ‘Company of the Year' by Business in the Community (BitC).
pensions industry publication, these awards recogniseschemes which show the highest levels of service to ‘This is a tremendous achievement, of which all colleagues members. PACE was short-listed in five categories - and can be proud,' commented David Anderson, Chief Executive, won the following three awards! on picking up the award. ‘In what was a difficult year, weremained resolutely committed to our social and • Best In-House Administration environmental responsibilities; celebrating the 15th • Trustee Development Award anniversary of the Bank's ground breaking Ethical Policy, • Pensioner Communications committing to ring fence investment of £400m to supportrenewable energy initiatives and £25m to further develop The communications award recognised the value of our presence in the Microfinance sector, in order to support small enterprises in the developing world.' GREEN magazine which is sent to more than 40,000 Group pensioners twice a year and is produced internally in partnership with our Corporate Communications team.
At the same ceremony, The Co-operative Group, picked up the International Climate Change Award, in recognition of the Well done to the Group Pensions team and the PACE Trustees fantastic work undertaken by the whole Group, including The on this fantastic achievement. This team has won 18 top Co-operative Financial Services, and our commitment to awards in the last five years.
leading the way on tackling climate change.
Good with Food roadshow - simply the best! This summer's Arts & Crafts This summer, retired employees jumped on the Good with exhibition was a great success, Food roadshow as it toured the country's big county shows.
with more than 150 exhibits.
The award-winning show boasted a range of activities The most popular categories including information on healthy eating, a small Co-operative this year were Paintings & Food shop and celebrity chef cookery demonstrations.
Drawings, followed byPhotography & Needlework.
Retired employees made a valued contribution as ever, evenwinning the prize for Overall Best Exhibit for Anne Machen -retired CIS employee, for her ‘Wedding' cross-stitch submission. Other prizes went to Eileen Craig, a retiredemployee from Retail Buying, who won both the Colour andBlack and White Photography and Special Award went toretired Group employee Ray Watts for his matchstick boat andretired Group employee Andy Swanson (ex Irlam Soap Works)for his personalised stamp exhibits. Brian Green, PensionerWelfare Manager, also won a prize in the Colour Photographycategory (pictured)! evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 8 60 years in the jobmakes for successfulcareers Two employees have both celebrated an incredible 60 yearslong service this summer.
Winnie Johnston (pictured) from The Co-operative Pharmacy in Belfast joined as a 16-year-old in 1948. Now, aged 76,she still works every weekday, 25 hours each week, as a pharmacy assistant at Belfast's Main Street outlet.
Peacehaven stores ‘I love working in the pharmacy,' said Winnie. ‘Every day Ienjoy coming to work, being part of the team and meeting the brings businesses under customers. I've got no plans to retire just yet.' John Hush, 76, from The Co-operative Funeralcare in Berwick-upon-Tweed, celebrated his anniversary, after started The Co-operative in Peacehaven, near Brighton, has his working life as an apprentice joiner in 1948 for the re-opened after a £3m transformation, combining Food, ‘Tweedside Industrial Co-operative Society'.
Travel, Pharmacy and Banking all under one roof for the firsttime. The flagship store has been refitted to new brand standards and will also include a new Fairtrade espresso bar;an improved deli; a bakery; four new self-service tills and a clothing range by Peacocks.
Many of the family of businesses will be represented. The Co-operative Pharmacy will include a private consulting areaand, for the firsttime in a Co-operative Food store, an in-store Co-operative Bank advisor will be on-hand to introduce customers to the new banking facilities. It will also be the first time that The Co-operative Travel has been located in the town.
United Co-operatives - the biggest merger in the history of the Winnie Johnston gets a well-deserved round of applause from her colleagues (l to r) John Stevenson, Dana McBride, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Natalie McKelvey and Paul Nightingale.
executive receives Membership smashes three million barrier Retired banking executive David Dickman, who spent hiswhole professional career spanning nearly 44 years with The Membership of The Co-operative Group has smashed through Co-operative Group and The Co-operative Bank, has been the three million barrier.
awarded an honorary degree by Salford University.
Patrick Allen, Director of Marketing, said: ‘The growth in David's links with the university membership underlines the fact that The Co-operative is stretch back to the mid 1960's enjoying a renaissance. People are trying out our new look when he was studying for his stores and they obviously like what they see.
banking qualifications. In hisacceptance speech, David said: ‘The combination of high quality products coupled with the ‘Having had a successful, ability to influence our business, and contribute to our rewarding and varied career, community and social goals agenda, are compelling reasons this honour really is the ‘icing to join the award-winning Co-operative.' on the cake'.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 9 Group has committed to reducing carrier by May 2009.
• Making all own-brand hot beverages Fairtrade.
The Co-operative Group continues • Launching lightweight glass with the world's lightest whisky to lead the way amongst retailers in the development of an ethical • Introducing ‘naked' cucumbers - whole cucumbers strippedof their plastic wrapping.
brand. EverGREEN rounds up some of the developments of the last First to roll out recycled plastic bottles The Co-operative Group has become the first retailer in the UKto roll out 100% rPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate)plastic bottles across its entire own-brand range of carbonated Food Ethical Policy highlights drinks and mixers. Together with the rPET in its own-label330ml sportcap juice drinks, the move will reduce CO2 priorities for action emissions by 1,212 tonnes and save 808 tonnes of new Last year, after a six-month consultation with members and plastic from being made per annum - equivalent to the weight customers on the development of a Food Ethical Policy, The of 180 African elephants! Co-operative Group launched the world's largest consumer pollon ethics. More than 100,000 members across the UK Responsible sourcing for own brand fish range responded to the poll. As well as providing a mandate for The The Co-operative Group has launched a new Responsible Fish Co-operative's existing policies, members highlighted their Sourcing Policy, which means that every own-brand fish or future priorities for action: ethical trading, animal welfare and product containing fish, including canned and sandwiches, has the environment.
been rigorously checked to ensure it is responsibly sourced.
As a result, The Co-operative has introduced a range of To mark the launch of the new range, The Group is pledging initiatives to tackle these key areas of concern, including: £200,000 support over two years to UK fisheries looking to pursue Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.
Stopping the sale of eggs from caged hens. The The funding will help support fisheries that might otherwise Co-operative has also committed to going free-range on all own struggle to fund the MSC certification process, which allows label products containing egg by 2010.
them to be recognised as well managed and sustainable.
• Launching an own-label eco cleaning range - the only brandin the UK to carry both the EU's Eco Flower and the BUAV The Group's new range of responsibly sourced fish, which ‘Cruelty Free' logos (pictured top).
includes 30 brand new fish lines, has been developed through evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 10 New pet food range goes ‘freefrom' The Co-operative Group is rolling out its ‘Good with Food' message to our furry friends with a redeveloped own-brandpetfood range that's totally free from artificial colours andflavours.
Every single product in the range - be it economy, standard orpremium - will be made using ‘clean' ingredients.
a detailed checklist. It takes into account environmental and Packaging for the newly developed products required some ecological issues such as over-fishing, illegal fishing, bycatch, ‘co-operation' from some photogenic fluffy friends and, after a fishing methods that destroy the seabed, and the effect on lengthy internal casting process, the on-pack photography other fish species, marine animals and birds. It also includes ‘models' were selected from cats and dogs belonging to farmed fish, which has to be sourced from farms working to members of The Co-operative's head office buying team. The agreed farm assurance standards.
stars include Milo, a one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback whobelongs to Helen Cave, Category Buyer Debbie Robinson, Director of Food Retail Marketing at The for Health & Beauty at The Co-operative Co-operative, said: ‘As a responsible retailer, we have to and features on the new packaging address the fact that dwindling stocks and poor fishing for the core dry dog food.
practices are real concerns. Our pledge to fund new UK fisheries through the MSC certification process demonstrates of the new pet food our support for the development of a sustainable UK fishing industry, and our commitment to providing new and exciting responsibly sourced fish products to our customers.' First retailer to switch cards to FSCThis Christmas, for the first time, The Co-operative's entirerange of own-brand boxed charity Christmas cards will be FSC-accredited. The Group is the first retailer to offer this across afull range, and it's the first to include gift tags and gift wrap inthe range. The standard, from the Forest Stewardship Council,guarantees the paper is sourced from well-managed forests,and is already in place for our own brand toilet tissue.
Travel Ethical Strategy offersfree carbon offset for members To be entered into the free prize draw, simply sendyour name and address and whether you have a cat or Members booking a holiday with The Co-operative Travel can a dog to to The Co-operative Group, Pensions now receive FREE carbon offset for their flights. It's thanks to a Department, PO Box 53, New Century House, bold new strategy that also sees the business become the first Manchester, M4 8BH by Monday 5 January 2009.
major travel retailer in the UK to reject the building of theplanned third runway at Heathrow.
The business has also pledged to ensure the carbon neutrality Mike Greenacre, Managing Director, The Co-operative Travel of its business operations; encourage every customer to make explained, ‘Within Travel we sell over three million holidays a a £1 donation to the Travel Foundation (a charity that supports year and this in itself could be seen to conflict with The Group's sustainable tourism projects); fund two research projects with Social and Ethical goals. So, in Forum for the Future; and fund solar photovoltaic energy consultation with our experts, we felt systems at a school in each of its 18 trading areas in the we needed to address how to balance coming year as part of The Co-operative Group's Green Energy our commercial goals with the for Schools campaign.
Society's overall values and principles - the result of this process is our ‘The travel industry is only just waking up to its ethical new Ethical Strategy, which supports responsibilities and once again, we're leading by example,' responsible and sustainable added Mike. ‘This Ethical Strategy will continue over the coming years in consultation with our members - this is onlythe beginning!' evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 11 REA news round-up In EverGREEN's regular pages dedicated to our RetiredEmployee Associations, Pensioner Welfare Manager Brian Green reflects on the work that goes on around the country.
to friends old and new Retirement is a wonderful experience. All the time in the world ‘Newcomers are welcome at our to do all those things you dreamed about while you were atwork. Idealistic in a lot of ways, and true for some people but, informal meeting on 10 December for others, retirement can be the loneliest time in their lives, when there will be a buffet, quiz especially if you lose your partner.
and bran tub.' During the summer I visited all of our 22 Retired Employee Associations and was made very welcome at all of them. TheSociety has a long history of supporting its staff, both in All the Retired Employee Associations also hold a Christmas employment and in retirement. The Retired Employee lunch; they are the best-attended events of the year and prob- Associations are all subsidised by the Society.
ably the most important. It is a time of goodwill, a time tomeet people you would not normally see, a time to renew Each is run by a voluntary committee and all offer a variety of friendships and wish people a happy Christmas and all the activities ranging from speakers, visits to the theatre, day or best for the New Year.
weekend trips and even a full week's holiday (see the advertsfrom the Mansfield and Nottingham Branches).
The opportunities are there for all our retired staff and theirfamilies to meet up with their ex-colleagues and enjoy the Just to give you a few examples, Northampton has a coffee friendships that working for the Society brought. Why not take morning every Friday where old friends meet whilst shopping advantage and visit your local Retired Employee Association? in the town as well as well-attended monthly meetings; the All the secretaries are listed here.
North East pensioners have more trips than I have room to list;Hull met up with the Guild in their area and had a joint holidayon the Norfolk Broads; the group in Sheffield have visited thelocal speedway and are planning a weekend in Dublin; and,recently, the Medway and Dartford Branches got together tovisit the summer show in Margate.
Members of South Yorkshire and Midlands REA.
"‘Where are they now,all the lads and lasses who worked at Co-op Groupsin this area? Come and join us!'South Yorkshire & North Midlands evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 12 ‘We would be glad to welcome anyretired members of the Co-operative Society and can assure them of Treasurer Mrs Barbara Hammond, enjoying our various speakers.' Cambridge & District Co-operative Society Retirement Chairman Mr Bob Cole, Tel 01323 897035 "BRISTOL & SOUTH WESTSecretary Mr George Lewis,Tel 0117 924 3102 Secretary Mr Cliff Lewis, Tel 0117 951 7779 CAMBRIDGE & DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Secretary Margaret Hoskins, Tel 01223 840259 CO-OPERATIVE COLLEAGUES ASSOCIATION (WIRRAL) Secretary Dorothea Keelan, 30, Tel 0151 677 7352 DARTFORD (INVICTA) Hull REA and colleagues from Barnsley and Manchester at Queen StreetMill in Burnley.
Secretary Jean Boon, Tel 01322 664178 ENFIELD & ST ALBANS Secretary Mrs Jean Bigg, Tel 01992 710629 GREATER NOTTINGHAM Secretary Mr Ted Perfect, Tel 0115 939 0562 Secretary Mrs K Morris, Tel 01623 484683 Mansfield and Nottingham REA Secretary Mr John Rhodes, 17 September - 21 September 2009 Tel 07921 235 416 The Cliffe Hotel, Tenby LONDON AREA RETIRED CO-OP FRIENDS From £259 per person Secretary Miss Pamela Board, Tel 0208 5550136 Contact Kath Morris 01623 484683 for further details Secretary Mr Don Powell, Celebrate Christmas 2009 with your friends at a Turkey and Tinsel holiday LUTON CO-OPERATIVE 23 November - 27 November 2009 Secretary Mr John Anley, Tel 01582 612939 or The Admiral Hotel, Ostend From £194 per person CO-OPERATIVE RETIRED EMPLO Contact Kath Morris 01623 484683 for further details YEES ASSOCIATION, Secretary Mr Harold Linton, Tel 0161 827 6667 (Monday and Thursday only).
21 June - 26 June 2009Valkenburg, Holland Bed and Breakfast Secretary Mrs Barbara Harridge, Tel 01634 400849 From £299 per person with a single supplement of £39 Contact Kath Morris 01623 484683 for further Secretary Mrs Lydia Humphrey , Tel 0191 410 4947 RACS (ROYAL ARSENAL) Secretary Miss Joyce Tipper, Tel 0208 8600526 Hull REAChristmas Lunch The Octagon, Walker Street Secretary Miss Betty Davis, Tel 01604 758079 12 December - 2008 SOUTH YORKSHIRE & NORTH MIDLANDS All pensioners and ex-employees by prior booking and Secretary Dave Herbert, Tel Dave 01709 540441 or Roy Rich 01709 863514 Choice of menu and other details from the Secretary, John Rhodes 07921 235416 evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 13 Happy 100th Birthday to Grace Congratulations to… Nellis who celebrated her special Evelyn Evans celebrated her day on 23 April 2008. Grace held 100th Birthday on 12 March an open house and her family and 2008 with a party with friends friends joined her in celebrating and family. Evelyn had a very this special day.
enjoyable day.
Congratulations Mary Siddallwho celebrated her 100th Birthday on 24 June 2008.
Happy 100th Birthday to William Mary had an enjoyable day Just on 13 March 2008. William having lunch with her family held a party in the village pub at the local pub.
with family and friends.
Everybody enjoyed Fish and Congratulations to Mabel Powell Chips for lunch which was at who celebrated her 100th Birthday William's request.
on 6 October 2008. A surprise party with 85 guests was held at Congratulations to the Cresta Court Hotel in Annie Davison who Altrincham Cheshire. Mabel celebrated her 100th enjoyed her special day.
Birthday on 27 March2008. Annie celebratedthis special day withfamily and friends.
Congratulations to Bessie Lee (or Bette as she was Sidney Watson who known to her friends) celebrated celebrated his 100th her 100th birthday on 17 Birthday on 14 April September in the company of her daughter and son in law, Linda and John White, and staff and residents at the White House, Letchworth.
Margaret McMillan celebratedher 100th Birthday on 18 April 50 Years Usdaw Membership 2008. Although Margaret was unexpectedly taken into hospital, Harry and Rhoda Kell she was able to enjoy the great day as the staff of the Larkfield North Eastern REA unit of Inverclyde Royal were proudly celebrated able to assist.
50 years membershipof USDAW this year.
Margaret McMillan evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 14 Percy and Betty Davies celebrated their DiamondWedding Anniversary onSeptember 25th 2008. BothPercy and Betty commencedtheir careers with the WalsallSociety. Percy in theMenswear department andBetty in the office. During the war, Percy served 5 years inthe R.A.F. and Betty 3 years Percy and Betty Davies in the A.T.S.
Wilfred and Mary Wilsher Congratulations to… celebrated their DiamondWedding on 15 May 2008.
Wilf joined the CIS in April1964 and retired in October1991. They enjoyed a wonderful couple of days -their children did themproud. They took familyand friends for lunch onthe Saturday and enjoyeda garden party on the Wilfred and Mary Wilsher Congratulations toThomas and DoreenBirch who celebrated Raymond and Ada Inskipp their Golden WeddingAnniversary on 19 July.
Raymond and Ada Inskipp They had a wonderful celebrated their Golden Wedding on 26 October 2007. Their celebrated their special children and a friend, Tom Scott, day in Scotland with organised a wonderful surprise friends who celebrated party for them. Ray worked at their 40th Anniversary the Shoe Repair Factory from in March. They also 14 years old and was a Manager celebrated with a lovely when it closed. Ray and Tom meal with family.
Scott worked together at the Thomas and Doreen Birch factory for 45 years.
Ernie and Muriel Wood celebrated their Diamond WeddingAnniversary on 14 August 2008 with Sunday lunch for family Congratulations to Kathleen and and friends at the Royal Chace Hotel in Enfield. A wonderful Eric Geddes who celebrated their day. Ernie was the special day Golden Wedding Anniversary on 26 March 2008.
They were joined by family and Co-op for 16 years had a wonderful day.
and retired in 1987.
Kathleen and Eric Geddes John and Doris Foxford celebrated theirDiamond Wedding Anniversary on 19 June2008 at home and at the Bristol REA meeting, Wicklea Community Centre, with a surprise celebration cake. John wasemployed by the Bristol Co-operative Society's Bakery Department as Head of Confectionery cake decorating department.
Doris was a shorthand typist in the Ernie and Muriel Wood General Office at Fairfax House. John and Doris Foxford evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:05 am Page 15 With slavish adherence to tradition, many houses will hold no Twinkly lights, glittering surprises on the big day. Dinner will involve a juicy roast turkey,crisp roast potatoes, and the best seasonal vegetables - buttery decorations and jubilant brussel sprouts, sweet honey roasted parsnips, and tender red cabbage slowly braised with apples and spices, and a rich marsala gatherings herald the start gravy. All followed by the best heavily fruited, alcohol soaked,flaming Christmas pudding, with thick pouring cream and brandybutter. For those who want something different, a slice of intensely of the celebration season.
rich, chocolately yule log always goes down well or try the newTruly Irresistible Berry Bliss dessert.
EverGREEN welcomes The Seasonal offerings Co-operative Food's Although the month culminates in the great Christmas dinner,December celebrates a collection of great culinary traditions and is brimming with other eating occasions; Christmas Eve supper, a gastronomic expert luxurious Christmas day breakfast, the great Boxing Day spread,lazy holiday brunches, late suppers for family and friends, and Carla Mills to tempt you New Year's parties. And as the month also brings us more freshand bright foods, don't let the Christmas dinner planning with the delicious overshadow the other gorgeous treats.
delights of Christmas.
A traditional stocking filler, tangy clementines are a favourite delights of Christmas.
December treat to brighten up the dark days of winter. Their brilliant orange flesh, juicy and sweet, makes the perfect healthysnack or delicious dessert served warmed in a caramel sauce withice-cream. They are also great for winter salads, with sliced fennel,rocket, crumbled cheese and a few black olives. Another magicalingredient of Christmas, ruby red cranberries, are delicious cookedwith sugar and spices for a classic sauce or compote to accompany turkey and other cold meats, but are equally goodserved as a dessert; warmed with sugar, vanilla and orange zestand poured over vanilla ice-cream and warm pancakes.
Dried fruit and nuts make more of an appearance during December- warm sugar-crusted mince pies, a dark, damp Christmas cakeand, of course, the aforementioned pudding. But they are also stars in their own right, served on their own. Gorgeously sticky andfudge-like, dates make the perfect end to a meal but are also great for moist tea breads and steamed puddings.
Richly indulgent, this is the most satisfying month for tasty treats.
Christmas food should be luxurious, sumptious and festive; so welcome in the season, and enjoy a delicious taste of December.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:06 am Page 16 Christmas cheerBeverages expert Vicky Wood rounds up thebest drinks to celebrate the season.
Christmas is a time for celebration and what better way to celebrate than to crack open a bottle of Truly Irresistible The Co-operative's new Fairtrade Cape Sparkling Brut? This comes from the same winery as our other Fairtrade Cape wines so the Fairtrade premium goes back to the same fantastic community projects in the Western Cape of SouthAfrica. It has aromas of citrus and a smooth biscuity palate and is perfect as an aperitif.
If bubbles aren't your thing, try one of our exclusive Christmas half price wine deals. The Otterbrook Mill Truly Irresistible Chardonnay and Shiraz are a brilliant pair Beech and Oakwood from Australia which are both typical of their grape varieties and are reduced from £7.99 the perfect light Also repeated from last year is the ever popular Spy Mountain Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, this is a dry, crisp wine from New Zealand, packed with flavours of gooseberry and lemons and a must for Christmas day.
Reduced from £9.99 to £5.99.
Truly Irresistible All deals valid from 17/11/08 to 31/12/08 WIN a FREE bottle of Fairtrade wine!EverGREEN has six bottles of Co-operative Fairtrade wine to give away. To be in with a chance of winning one, simply send your name and address to ‘Christmas Cheer Truly Irresistible Competition' at The Co-operative Group, Pensions Department, PO Box 53, New Century House, Manchester, M4 8BH by 19 December: Get down to your local The Co-operative Food store to check out the best the season has to offer! evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 17 life will benefit from it.It follows a strict order of priority applied to the specific family situation. The family cannot control who administers the Estate and who benefits, potentially leading todisputes. The Rules of Intestacy do not cater for charities,friends, indirect family members and unmarried cohabitees,so they will miss out.
The consequences of having an unsuitable WillMany changes in family situations and circumstances can render the Will inappropriate. These could include, the death ofpeople already named in the Will, a significant change inassets, or changes in legislation relating to taxation, in planning particular Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax.As a result,many people die with a Will which no longer caters for their currentwishes.
We'd all like to think we've done all we can to ensure future If you think any of the statements below apply to you, or if you provision is made for our loved ones and families after we're are in any doubt, then it is worth writing a Will or reviewing gone. But how do you ensure that your property, savings and your existing one to ensure that it caters for your specific significant assets go to those you wish and how do you guarantee who will administer your Estate when you are gone?All of this may seem complicated after all, you're right as rain • I wish to specifically nominate or change Executors and who now, aren't you? However this is one of those small jobs that will benefit from my Estate on the event of my death should not be put off. Currently over 70% of adults in the UK • I wish to leave specific gifts or items to friends, charities, have no Will, and many have unsuitable Wills, which means pets, unmarried partners or other distant relatives that their specific wishes are not taken into account should • The family situation has changed, including (re) marriage, they pass away.
civil partnership, divorce, cohabitation, new children,stepchildren or grandchildren, children reaching the age of 18, The consequences of having no Will death of a spouse or a family member • I wish to put aside specific assets for (grand)children and When you die without a Will, your closest surviving relative - appoint adults to look after it on their behalf whether it's your other half or your children - gets everything, • I wish to make clear my wishes in terms of funeral right? Not necessarily.
arrangements• I have substantial assets in my own name If you die intestate, the Rules of Intestacy laid out by the • I wrote a nil rate band Discretionary Trust Will before government dictate who will administer the Estate and who changes in government legislation in October 2007.
When someone dies If you have recently experienced bereavement and A 15% discount on standard Wills for single people need advice on what to do, what Probate is and and couples is available to all EverGREEN readers whether it applies to the Estate of the deceased, from The Co-operative Legal Services. If you would call us on 0845 603 7160.
like to find out more ring us on 0845 600 5207.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 18 From medicine checks to a prescription collection service, there are manyways your local Co-operative Pharmacy can help prepare you for the coldmonths as winter approaches. EverGREEN investigates… Our pharmacies run a free Prescription Collection Service to During a Medicines Check would be an ideal time to ask your their local surgeries. This means that you can drop your repeat pharmacist for advice on any winter remedies that may help prescription off at your pharmacy, they will take it to your you through the colder months. There are some excellent surgery and collect it when it is ready and have it waiting for vitamins available in The Co-operative Pharmacy which the you. Most of our pharmacies also run a delivery service - please maturing body needs on the run up to winter. Ask your ask any member of our pharmacy team at your nearest Co-operative Pharmacist for advice on which vitamins and Co-operative Pharmacy for further information on this service.
minerals are best for you. Ladies in particular should be considering supplements for bone strength to help prevent Are you getting the most out of your medication? Since the Osteoporosis. Cod Liver Oil capsules are great to improve implementation of the Pharmacy Contract in 2005, pharmacies joint movement in people of any age. Many people benefit from that have Consultation Rooms and Accredited Pharmacists taking a tonic daily - Metatone seems to be particularly good (our aim is to have both in the majority of our pharmacies) after a bout of illness to re-juvenate yourself.
can perform annual Medicines Check. If you haven't beenapproached already by one of our keen pharmacists, this Remember that our pharmacists can be the first port of call for review is nothing to be worried about and our pharmacists any of your Minor Ailments. A lot of our pharmacies are enrolled enjoy nothing more than spending some quality time with their in a local Minor Ailments Scheme so you would be able to loyal customers.
access cough, cold remedies, simple pain relief and muchmore through the scheme. The beauty of this scheme is that To be eligible for one of these you have to have had your if you don't pay for prescriptions then this scheme is free.
prescription dispensed at the same pharmacy for at least three Unfortunately, this scheme isn't available in all areas yet but the months, the pharmacy has to have a Consultation Room and a Government has plans to roll it out nationwide. Check if your trained (accredited) pharmacist. The review is quite basic but local Co-operative Pharmacy is already accredited to do this.
can be very helpful. The pharmacist will cover things like; How and when you take your medication, what you take your medication for, if you have noticed any side £1off Night Nurse effects and if you have any concerns about your Offer can only be redeemed with this voucher. Offer is valid from 12/11/08 to 02/01/09 and is subject to availability. Cannot be used in conjunctionwith any other offer, discount or promotion. This voucher cannot beredeemed for cash and is valid for one use only. No cash alternative isavailable and only one voucher can be used per transaction. Photocopies, It should take about 15 defaced or damaged vouchers will not be accepted.
Colds and flu are viral infections that minutes and, as experts in TO THE TILL OPERATOR:For branches with EPOS: Scan the product and then the barcode on this can't be treated with antibiotics* medication, your pharmacist voucher to trigger the offer price. For branches with manual tills: Enter the should have some helpful full transaction onto your till, press subtotal, enter the value of the voucherand press the coupon button to deduct this from the total. Submit the advice. Numerous patients vouchers in the normal way. The Co-operative Pharmacy, Sandbrook Park,Sandbrook Way, Rochdale OL121 1RY. The Co-operative Pharmacy is part have found this time with our of The Co-operative Group and is a trading style of pharmacists invaluable with helping them National Co-operative Chemists Ltd, Sandbrook Park,Sandbrook Way, Rochdale OL11 1RY.
with queries about their medication.
*Associated symptoms may be treated with antibiotics.
Source: To find your nearest Co-operative Pharmacy, visit evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 19 don't be caught out Every year an estimated threemillion of us fall victim toscams sent by post, email, text,the phone and internet, costingconsumers £3.5 billion a year.
EverGREEN exposes the risks offinancial crime and looks atways to protect yourself thisChristmas.
From bogus lotteries and investments to deceptive prize draws, help them get money out of a foreign country in return for a and from fake psychics to ‘miracle' health cures, scams can large sum of money and may ask for a ‘advance fee' to cover take advantage of particularly vulnerable older people.
insurance before the funds can be released.
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has recently taken action to Avoid scams offering money guaranteed solely on ban many unfair sales practices and tighten controls on signing up new members. Pyramid selling and free gift traders, but mass-marketed scams remain to exist and schemes claim to award you large amounts of money or ‘hi consumers continue to fall victim.
tech gifts' by recruiting new members. The most likelyapproach may be an advert or even a personal approach from The OFT advice to those that receive a possible scam offer a friend who has been taken in. The likelihood that you will is: ‘Stop, think, and think again'. Be sceptical and do not be receive your award is very slim.
rushed into sending off money to someone you do not know.
A scam scheme is designed to con you out of your cash and Get independent financial advice before making an there are scams out there for everyone. If you let down your investment in what looks like a golden opportunity, guard then you too could become a victim.
remember if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Offersfor ‘rare' high value items like fine wine and gem stones that So how can I protect myself? usually come with a ‘promise' to rocket in value but are often There's value in information. Never give your bank details dealing from traders not authorised by the Financial Services to people you don't know. Fraudsters will use the information Authority therefore making if difficult for you to get your to empty your bank account. Alternatively they will ask you to money back when things go wrong.
‘Remember if it looks too good to betrue, it probably is'.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 20 ‘Protect your PIN Top tips for saferspending this at entry by shielding with your hand and In the run up to Christmas you may find yourself using yourplastic cards more regularly. This can provide thieves with a range of opportunities. If you are rushed, tired and ensuring no one is stressed you might not be as on your guard as usual.
Fraud can happen both while out shopping and in buyingover the phone or internet. By following a few simple steps looking over your while you're out Christmas shopping, you can cut the risk of it happening to you.
Take as much care of your card as you would your cash.
Don't let your card out of your sight when making a transaction and protect your PIN at entry by shielding with Don't be intimidated into replying to direct your hand and ensuring no one is looking over your unsolicited mail and consider registering for the Mailing Preference Service. Common types of unexpected letters arefrom so-called psychics promising life changing predictions When shopping online, try to use reputable merchants and for a fee, Promises for miracle health cures or a look for the security lock. Speak with your bank about ‘Congratulations' headed letter claiming you have win a added security services such as verified by visa that lottery of sweepstake without having entered.
protect you from the risks of internet fraud.
Be suspicious of advertisements offering paid work Ask the retailer to confirm the amount being debited from from home most make exaggerated claims about potential earnings and will require money upfront for materials. It'sunlikely you receive these materials or get paid for the work Don't use a cash machine that looks odd or tampered you do. The ad's can be found in local newspapers, on lamp Be wary of possible devices or cameras fixed to steal posts or on the web.
your PIN and the information on your card so that the criminals can go shopping with a copy of your card while Never send money to someone you don't know you are left unaware.
however plausible they sound. A dream come true whenyou find a new love through an online dating site. After a few Carefully discard your receipts from card transactions.
months they tell you they live abroad and require money for a Shred all your receipts and documents that contain your flight to visit you. You help your friend only to find they disappear with your cash.
Check your receipts against your statements carefully. If you find an unfamiliar transaction contact your bank immediately.
Don't leave your cards unattended in a bag, briefcase or jacket pocket in a public place or while you are having a well earned rest and cup of coffee, consider the use of a money belt to keep your valuables close to hand.
Park your car in a well lit, busy public place, time will fly whilst your shopping and the close evenings could leave r you unstuck.
If you do lose your card, report it immediately to help prevent it being used fraudulently by the wrong hands.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 21 Let a coach tour take you to the treasures of Europe without lifting a finger in comfort and company Sometimes, we can be so busy haring around the world seeing A Co-operative Travel coach holiday takes you to the best of the all the sights we're told to see that we forget all the wonders British Isles, driving you in company and comfort to places that on offer without leaving these shores.
would take hours to reach on your own.
Sometimes, we're in such a hurry to get to the airport that we You can tour Ireland from north to south without worrying about forget you can go on holiday without the expense and carbon getting lost. You can visit the Scottish Highlands and enjoy a emissions of flying overseas.
wee dram at every stop on the way. You can even visit thestarkly beautiful islands of the Hebrides, Shetlands and And sometimes, we're so concerned with being independent Orkneys, exploring places barely touched by the modern world.
that we forget half the fun of a holiday is sharing it with others.
And you can visit the inaccessible treasures of England, delving Going away doesn't have to mean going abroad. A relaxing deep into our country's long and storied history while letting holiday can begin on your own doorstep. And you don't have someone else do all the driving.
to get in a car and puzzle your way through a maze of B-roadsto find out-of-the-way delights.
The old-fashioned charabanc shuttling families to the seasideduring Factory Fortnight is nothing like today's coach holidays.
Modern, air-conditioned comfortable coaches mean that evenlong journeys are pleasant, sociable experiences.
Modern, air-conditioned Choose whether you're picked up at the coach station, at oneof many pick-up points or even at your own front door. You comfortable coaches won't see your bags until they're delivered to your hotel room.
Or if you haven't got time for the drive or the ferry, you can fly mean that even long straight to your destination and meet the coach as the holidaybegins. Either way you'll enjoy a break in the company of like-minded people, and there couldn't be a more eco-friendly journeys are pleasant, way of seeing the sights.
There's no end of variety; city breaks, trips to the coast and Terms & Conditions for British offer: Holidays are available from Shearings Holidays UK & Ireland January - December 2009 brochure and are subject to availability and terms & conditions of Shearings Holidays Trading Charter. Offers are valid for new bookings only made between 03/11/08 and 31/01/09 and are not available in conjunction with any other offer.
Shearings Holidays reserve the right to withdraw offers/promotions at any time and without prior notice. Details correct at time of going to press.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 22 tours of spectacular mountain ranges are all available. Visits tothe Emerald Isle are enduringly popular, both for the beauty ofthe landscape and the traditional warm Irish welcome.
The 100-mile circular tour of the Ring of Kerry is a favourite,taking in stunning seascapes and soaring mountains as itencompasses the Atlantic Ocean, the breathtaking Gap ofDunloe and the Torc Waterfall. Along the way there's Waterville,a favourite holiday retreat of Charlie Chaplin, Ladies View, sonamed because Queen Victoria's ladies-in-waiting admired thescenery from this spot on their 1861 visit, and the town ofSneem, known as the Knot in the Ring.
You can even combine coach and cruise, going by road to thegreat waterways of Europe - the Rhine, the Moselle, the Visits to the Ring of Kerry can be combined with days in Dublin, Danube - then changing to a dedicated river cruise shIp for a the rose gardens of Tralee, a visit to Waterford Crystal or leisurely meander through the heart of the continent. See the kissing the Blarney Stone.
Dutch tulip fields, the Black Forest, the vineyards of Germanyand the palaces of the Russian Tsars from the deck of your In the north of the country there are trips that take in the floating home.
Antrim coast and the hexagonal columns of the Giant'sCauseway, the Glenveagh National Park and 19th-centuryGlenveagh Castle, the home of Ireland's High Kings in CountyMeath, and the countryside immortalised in Yeats's poetry.
a trip to Ireland If you prefer the magic of the age of steam to the open road, We've got a pair of seats to give away for a tour of beautiful there's plenty of choice for you. Rail enthusiasts can enjoy the Southern Ireland, courtesy of leading coach operator unique experience of travelling on Northern Ireland's Bushmills Shearings. The seven-day trip takes in Dublin, medieval Railway, the many vintage railways in the Isle of Man, the South Cashel, Killarney, known as ‘the jewel of Ireland', the Tyndale Railway in the Lake District, the East Lancashire awe-inspiring Ring of Kerry, and the dramatic Dingle Railway, the Ffestiniog Railway and the Llanberis Lake Railway.
Peninsula on the Atlantic coast. On the way you'll enjoy Steam nuts aren't the only enthusiasts catered for, either. There Irish music and hospitality, shop in traditional market towns, are coach holidays themed around activities like chess, digital and explore the busy capital for yourself.
photography, watercolour painting, gardening, fishing, walkingand whist, so you can spend your holiday learning something The trip should cost hundreds of pounds but is available new or improving the skills you already have.
for two lucky EverGREEN readers free of charge. Send yourname, address, email and contact telephone number to: There are Singles Breaks for those who like holidaying in good Ring Of Kerry Competition, The Co-operative Group company, and walking breaks, where you can take special Pensions Department, FREEPOST, PO Box 53, New comfort in tramping across the hills knowing you'll be met by Century House, Manchester, M4 8BH. Closing date your driver at the other end.
Monday 5 January 2009.
Winners will receive two free places on Experience Killarney Holiday by coach or air, departing between April 5 and October 18, 2009. Includes six nights dinner, roomand breakfast, return coach travel or flights, and resorttransfers.
Reader offerThe Co-operative Travel has teamed up with Shearings tobring you two exclusive offers. You can save £20 per person on all British departures next year, or save £50 perperson on all river cruises between May and Septembernext year. Pop into your local branch of The Co-operativeTravel or call 0870 112 0163 and quote code TCG845.
Terms & Conditions for River offer: Holidays are available from Shearings River Cruises brochure and are subject to availability and terms & conditions of Shearings Holidays Trading Charter. Offer is valid on new bookings only made by 31/01/09 for River Cruise holidays that are exclusive to Shearings departing between 05/05/09 and 23/09/09. Offer is not available in conjunction with any other offer. Shearings Holidays reserve the right to withdraw offers/promotions at any time and without prior notice. Details correct at time of going to press.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:07 am Page 23 In the wake of the credit crunch, most of us are probably more in need ofborrowing money than setting any aside for a rainy day. Fortunately, aspart of The Co-operative Group family, you could take advantage of a safeand convenient way to look after your money with The Co-operative CreditUnion. EverGREEN investigates… A credit union is essentially a savings and loans co-operative.
Why should I think about joining Members are linked by a ‘common bond', either through an The Co-operative Credit Union? association or the community in which they live, e.g Leeds City The Co-operative Credit Union puts co-operative values such as Credit Union, or in this case, an employer such as The self-help, self-responsibility, social responsibility and caring for Co-operative Group.
others, into practice.
Credit unions are run by members for the benefit of members.
‘Becoming part of a credit union isn't just about convenient Members save together which forms pool of funds which can saving and borrowing,' Eleanor Murdoch, Membership then be lent back to members in a way that encourages Development Manager told EverGREEN. ‘Members of credit responsible savings and loans. As a not-for-profit co-operative, unions help each other - co-operatively. Being part of The the surplus profits are shared with members by way of a Co-operative Credit Union means that not only can we provide a dividend, calculated on what members have saved with the safe and convenient way to save (via pensions payroll), we can Credit Union.
help members who find themselves in financial difficulties orcannot access affordable credit. For different reasons, What is The Co-operative Credit Union? colleagues can find themselves in financial difficulties such as The Co-operative Credit Union was established in 1998 by a through poor money management, sickness, unemployment, group of employees with the support of The Co-operative etc. Some find it extremely difficult to get affordable credit. If Group, Co-operative Insurance Society and The Co-operative someone borrowed £500 from the CCU, repaid over a year it Bank. Originally membership was only open to employees and would cost additional £33 in interest (12.7% APR). The same pensioners in the Greater Manchester area but in 2007 the loan from Provident would cost an additional £341 in interest Financial Services Authority approved an extension of the (183.2% APR). Other lenders, such as cash converters and ‘common bond' to the whole of UK. That means it's now open pawnbrokers, can charge APRs from 1300 - 10000%! to all 86,000 staff and 43,000 pensioners and their families.
‘The Co-operative Credit Union gives The organisation is growing too, and currently has 2,200 colleagues and retired employees access members. Over the last 10 years, The Co-operative Credit to affordable credit, and helps them to Introduction for Union has helped members to save assets over £1m and, has get control of their finances and, in many retired colleagues lent around £9m.
cases, get back in control of their life.' ‘The Co-operative Credit Union is open to all 86,000 staff and43,000 pensioners and their families.' evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 24 What are the advantages?Convenient and safe - Savings and loan payments are deducted straight from your pay or pension (before it is spent). Unlike hamper firms and unofficial savings or Christmas clubs, Credit Unions are regulated by theFinancial Services Authority and members' savings are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Affordable credit - The Co-operative Credit Union currentlycharges interest on loans at 1% per month on reducing balance (12.7% APR). And, unlike other money lenders, ‘The Co-operative credit unions are restricted to a maximum of 2% per month(25.4% APR).
Credit Union gives Free life assurance on savings and loans. That means if amember dies, the loan is paid off and shares are doubled (upto age 70).
Share profits with members - unlike other banks and building societies, there are no external shareholders to retired employees Affordable flexible credit - the average loan is around £800 - you don't have to commit to huge loans when all youneed is a small amount to manage your finances.
No hidden charges - with no set up or early settlement affordable credit, fees, members can pay loans off quicker and pay less interest.
and helps them to Responsible lenders - a credit union will consider a member's capacity to repay a loan because it doesn't want toput a member into a situation of unmanageable debt. This is get control of their also because, as a co-operative, it's other members' moneythat is lent out, and this risk must be managed.
For more information, contact:Phone: 0845 6023554 or 0161-827 6983 back in control of evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 25 of fascia has been new look height of Mount As The Co-operative's 2,000th outlet receives the new-look brand, EverGREENtakes a closer look at the largest corporate re-brand in UK corporate history! ‘This year alone we will have transformed more stores than thecombined UK operations ofMcDonalds and Starbucks.' ‘But there's far more to our identity than just the logo on ourown-brand goods and the fascia outside our outlets. The mainobjectives of the re-branding are to improve overall standardsand promote our co-operative difference, thereby enhancing the customer experience.
‘And there's clear evidence that it's working. Food stores thathave been refitted continue to perform very well showing like-for-like sales growth of around 12%.' And sales growth is also dependent on a consistent delivery ofthe customer experience, as Terry Hudghton, Head of Brand,explained. ‘Having agreed what the standards were, we set In September, The Co-operative reached a milestone in its ourselves benchmarks against our leading competitors because re-branding programme, with the refit of the 2,000th outlet we knew from the beginning that we have to be at least as with the new The co-operative brand.
good as the best of our competition before any branch couldget the new brand. We employed a rigorous programme of The Co-operative Food store at Locks Heath, near Mystery Shop too, any shop wanting the brand had to pass a Southampton, became the milestone outlet when it opened its 92% pass mark twice in a six-month period.' doors to reveal a £1.6m refit.
At the time of this refit The Group, which has a total of 4,200outlets in all, has now re-branded 1,074 food stores; 298 pharmacy branches; 374 travel agencies; 90 bank branchesand 164 funeral homes.
‘We have the largest retail network of any corporate organisation in the UK, so to re-brand and refit every outlet is a massive undertaking,' commented Patrick Allen, Director ofGroup Marketing. ‘In fact, The Co-operative Group is undergoing the largest re-branding exercise in UK corporatehistory. This year alone we will have transformed more storesthan the combined UK operations of McDonalds and Starbucks! evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 26 over a million new ‘Food stores that havebeen refitted continue to perform very well showing like-for-likesales growth of around12%.' ‘Any shop wanting thebrand had to pass a92% pass mark (in theMystery Shop) twice in a six-month period.' evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 27 Respect & dignity to those battling The Co-operative has long been asupporter of St Ann's Hospice,one of the UK's biggest and longest-established hospices.
But it costs more than £9 million a year for the Hospice to provideits free care to more than 3,000patients, families and carers fromacross Greater Manchester andinto Cheshire.
Patient care at St Ann's Hospice The Hospice movement is one of Britain's biggest charitable Although 95% of patients admitted to St Ann's have cancer causes - raising more than £300 million a year in donations to related conditions, the Hospice is available to patients with any provide free care for people affected by life-threatening life-threatening illness, and contrary to popular belief, more than 40% of St Ann's inpatients return home again.
What makes a hospice unique is that each one is an Bridget Lyons, Inpatient Service Manager for St Ann's Hospice independent charity in its own right, employing highly at Little Hulton, Salford, said: ‘Some people think you come in specialised doctors and nurses - and supported by a dedicated here and you stay here, but many of our patients are team of volunteers who help out in many different ways.
discharged. It's not always a sad place either. There's a lot ofhumour and laughter.' Vital volunteersVolunteers play a key role in helping hospices. There are morethan 600 at St Ann's serving teas and drinks to patients onthe wards, driving outpatients in for day therapies, as well asfundraising and manning its chain of charity shops. Withouttheir help it would cost St Ann's at least another £300,000 ayear to operate.
One such volunteer is Judith Lacy (pictured) who began helping out after her partner, Kevin Rowland, for several yearsan IT consultant for The Co-operative Bank at Skelmersdale,died from melanoma last Christmas at the age of 49.
Judith Lacy, St Ann's Hospice volunteer evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 28 Judith, aged 43, an IT project manager, now helps out in theHospice fundraising office and is training to be an ambassadorrepresenting St Ann's at events and presentations. ‘I reallywanted to give something back to St Ann's in return for thesupport that was offered to me and the rest of Kev's familywhich was much needed and given freely,' she explained.
‘The respect and dignity that was given, both before and after his death, was inspirational. It helped remove so muchstress and anxiety. I will be raising funds for St Ann's over the coming years so that other people's last days together can be as good as ours were.' Support and fundingIt costs more than £9 million a year for St Ann's Hospice toprovide its free care. Although NHS funding covers one third of the cost of patient care, the remainder - equivalent to£16,000 a day - has to be raised through charitable donations.
The Co-operative has long been a supporter of St Ann'sHospice, sponsoring the charity's annual Will Week promotionwhere participating solicitors write a will free of charge inreturn for the client making a donation to St Ann's.
Through efficient management, 91.2p in every £ donated to St Ann's Hospice is spent on providing patient care. Althoughpeople's generosity is far-reaching, the gap between the costof care and the amount provided by Government funding isgrowing ever wider.
However in July the Government announced England's firstEnd of Life Care Strategy for adults, which emphasised theneed for Primary Care Trusts to provide sufficient funding toaid the development of specialist palliative care services.
St Ann's Chief Executive Terry McDonnell said: ‘We need tosee the detail of how this new Government strategy equates To support St Ann's to fairer funding of hospice care. We look forward to working To support St Ann' closely with NHS colleagues to produce the best range of Hospice or to become a end of life care services that we can for the people of GreaterManchester.
volunteer contact their ‘Like many hospices, St Ann's has in-built expertise invaluable Fundraising Office on for effective end of life care. Many people don't know aboutthese additional capabilities, such as specialist education fornursing homes and NHS hospital professionals, as well as the 0161 498 3631, visit provision of specialist skilled staff who can act as rapidresponse teams in the community. This can only be done if hospice care is more fairly funded.' Editor's noteAll hospices need volunteers - let us know your experiences. for more information.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 29 Whatever our age, a comfortable,decent home makes all the difference to our quality of life.
EverGREEN looks at the latestGovernment strategy for improvinghomes and neighbourhoods forolder people and at a new, freehomes and care advice service.
Older people live in nearly a third of all households, and are information, pay for small repairs and minor adaptations and to predicted to account for nearly half of all household growth by provide extra cash for local authorities to pay for disabled 2020. But older people have been largely ignored by the facilities grants.
housing and planning world.
The strategy also highlights the importance of making ordinary Before the current panic about property prices and a stagnant housing and neighbourhoods better designed for living, market, affordable housing for younger people and families was whatever our age and physical ability. Some 90% of people over the story of the day. The social rented sector has focussed on retirement age live in general housing ie. in properties that were family housing, and in the private sector much of the new build not built specially for older people, so ensuring that all homes has been ‘executive flats'- many of which are now standing are designed with growing older in mind makes sense.
empty. It's time that planners started taking the longer-termview of housing for all ages.
In fact, the Government has said that it wants to Housing charity Care & Repair England has carried out a review see all new housing ‘future of the 18 regional housing and spatial strategies that largely proofed', meaning they determine what sort of housing is built, and where. It found should be better designed that older people hardly get a mention. It is now trying to do for people to live in something about this by working with local older people's across the lifespan. As action groups and forums to influence local decision makers.
part of the new strategy,16 key features have been developed for a Earlier this year, a report called ‘Lifetime Homes, Lifetime 'Lifetime Homes' Neighbourhoods: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing standard that should Society', set out the Government's ideas and plans for making become part of every homes, neighbourhoods and housing related services better for older people.
social rented homeshould be built to It calls for new ideas for better-supported housing options for these standards by older people, and funding to help improve housing advice and evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 30 A challenge for everyone Firststop – a one-stop-shop for But there are limits to what national Government can do alone.
housing and care advice Sue Adams, Director of the housing charity, Care & Repair Four of the UK's leading advice services have come England and co-chair of the Government's advisory body on together to launch the first ever joined up advisory service housing and older people explains.
about housing and care options for older people. Firststopoffers a single telephone number and a website with free, ‘Most decisions about housing and services are made by local independent advice and information.
and regional government. These bodies need to be persuadedto act now to meet the housing needs of a rapidly ageing It's a ‘one-stop-shop' provided by Help the Aged, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Counsel and Care and NHFA Care Fees Advice. Through a high-tech, web-based ‘Winning over the hearts and minds of everyone concerned customer management system, all four partners can with housing and planning and persuading them to take access client records and have some input into the advice ageing seriously will require a great deal of effort by everyone and information process.
concerned. Older people's groups and forums can play a keyrole in championing this issue locally.' • Money and benefits.
Lifetime Homes Diagram • Care in any setting from your own home to a care home.
• Housing options from adapting your own home or choosing retirement housing to care homes, includingsearchable databases of accommodation available throughout the UK.
• Rights to help older people get the help, care and support they need when they need it.
Call 0800 377 7070, or email [email protected] Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods: A NationalStrategy for Housing in an Ageing Society is the first ofits kind in the world. It represents a major shift that puts housing in the frontline in both supporting older people's aspirations and preventative care, placing the needs of olderpeople at the heart of policy making.
Some 90% of people Hazel Blears said: "Demand for housing is high - being driven to a large over retirement age live extent by older people. Not only do we need to buildmore homes, but the right kind of homes too. That in general housing ie, in means ‘lifetime homes' suited to families withpushchairs right through to older people in properties that were not "By making age friendly changes both inside and built specially for older outside of homes we can help to break the linkbetween old age and dependency." evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 31 non-diabetics the sugar level will be low but, of course, in Type 2 diabetes now affects diabetics it will be high despite not having eaten anything.
around 1 in 20 people aged over What problems can it cause? 55 in the UK and its early A high sugar level in the blood can damage the blood vessels.
diagnosis and treatment is Where it affects the large blood vessels of the heart and thoseleading to the brain, it can increase the risk of a heart attack or essential. Here our resident medic a stroke. It can also cause damage to the small blood vessels Dr Nicolle Green explains why.
of the eyes and kidneys.
What is type 2 diabetes? Sometimes a raised blood sugar can also affect the nerves, Our bodies need a certain amount of sugar (in the form of causing, for example, numbness and pain in the feet. That's glucose) within the blood at all times so that the brain and why people with diabetes must undergo regular checks with other organs have a quick, constant access to the energy they their doctor for changes in the eyes or feet, and to ensure that require. But too much sugar in the blood is harmful to the other contributors to heart attacks and strokes are kept to a blood vessels so the hormone insulin removes any excess sugar, mopping it up from the blood and storing it in the muscles and the liver.
So, for example, blood pressure and cholesterol levels will bemonitored and controlled, and smoking is strongly discouraged.
Insulin is produced by the pancreas in healthy individuals, but There are also two different tests for blood sugar levels which in diabetic patients it is either not produced at all (Type 1 are regularly carried out; one tests for the sugar level on that diabetes) or, if it is produced, it is not able to fulfil its role as particular day and the other gives an idea of how well the the muscles and the liver do not respond to it and the sugar sugar has been controlled on average over the preceding eight therefore remains in the blood (Type 2 diabetes). Type 1 diabetes is normally present from childhood and is not generally related to lifestyle factors. Type 2 diabetes normally begins later in life and, although it may have a hereditary Fortunately, once a patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, component, it is often triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle of there are ways in which it can be controlled. The most too many calories and insufficient exercise.
important of these are lifestyle considerations; a reduction incalorie intake and an increase in regular exercise are very How is it diagnosed? important here and may be sufficient to control blood sugar. If Diabetes may show some warning symptoms such as a these do not work alone, then there are several medications constant thirst, frequently needing the toilet and weight loss.
that can be tried. These work in different ways.
Perhaps more commonly, however, type 2 diabetes may showno symptoms initially, and it is only revealed through routine A common tablet which is used is metformin, which reduces checks. It is then confirmed by checking the level of glucose the amount of sugar in the blood by decreasing the amount of in the blood first thing in the morning before breakfast - in sugar released by the liver. Other drugs, such as glibenclamide,tolbutamide and gliclazide, increase the amount of insulin Dr Nicolle Green, produced by the pancreas. Another group of medications, which includes pioglitazone and rosiglitazone, increases the response Although Dr Green cannot of the muscles to the body's own insulin. Over time, these reply to personal requests for medications may become less effective and it may eventually information, if there is any become necessary to use insulin injections to control blood subject you would like to be covered in future articles,please contact the Welfare Controlling blood sugar levels can significantly reduce the risk office who will be pleased to of damage that accumulates from high blood sugar. The best pass on any correspondence. way of achieving this is through a healthy lifestyle.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:08 am Page 32 industry's helping hand Caravan is the charity for In such cases Caravan assists with an annual payment, people in the grocery, provisions, currently £778 per annum (paid quarterly). This can more than double their disposable income.
greengrocers and off-licenceindustries. It was founded as a Many ex-grocery industry workers cannot afford to replace abroken cooker, a washing machine or even a bed. Caravan dedicated fund in 1964 and now believes that all our beneficiaries should possess these basic supports more than 1450 retired essentials of modern day living and we do our best to supplythem where needed.
workers who, for a variety of reasons, are struggling to cope.
Special helpWe may also help with: telephone response units; the cost of They include a wide variety of mobility equipment such as electrically powered scooters, people from warehousemen and wheelchairs, riser/recliner chairs and stairlifts to enable ourbeneficiaries to lead fuller, more independent lives.
delivery drivers through to salesrepresentatives and checkout Emergency grants may also be made towards the cost ofitems such as walk in showers, boilers or roof repairs.
Our trained CRB approved Welfare Assessors visit each of ourbeneficiaries at least once a year.
It runs with just seven membersof staff, and over 120 volunteers One-off payments Occasionally we are able to award one-off payments for applicants who do not meet all the criteria for assistance.
How do we decide who we help? One of our beneficiaries says: ‘I worked for 25 years in the Each case is assessed on its individual merits, but to qualify grocery industry, retiring at the age of 70. I could cope with for Caravan's assistance prospective beneficiaries must be the everyday basics but when an unexpected bill came in it able to demonstrate the following: was very difficult to get by. It is such a relief to know that Ihave got this extra money coming in. It's one less thing to • A minimum of 10 years service within any part of the industry • A degree of financial hardship For more information on Caravan go to the website • That they have no more than £12,000 in savings or capital (excluding their home) Do you have any free time on your hands?Caravan are always looking for people to visit The majority of Caravan's beneficiaries are ex-grocery industry beneficiaries. Call 01252 875925 or email workers living only on the state pension which, after day-to- day living expenses are deducted, leaves them with only a fewpounds in their pockets.
evergreen winter 2008 28/7/09 11:04 am Page 1 would like to apologise to all you avid crossword fans.
There was an error in the last (April 2008) crossword - we asked for the letter not used, in fact it was an ordinary crossword.
Optical instruments used to produce greatly magnified Rome is known as the _ City (7) 10. Heavenly creature (5) 11. Plant fibre used for making rope (5) 12. Cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes (7) 13. Elizabeth, whose films include ‘National Velvet' and ‘Butterfield 8' (6) 15. Predatory arachnid with eight legs (6) 18. Scandinavian raiders (7) 20. Open spaces under a roof (5) 22. Collection of hidden treasure (5) 23. John Lennon's most famous post-Beatles song (7) 24. BBC historical mystery series (4,7) Mr I H Ivison of Clwyd was the lucky winner of our last Crossword competition. He won £100 of Co-op vouchers. You could too if you complete this issue's puzzle.
Plans and schemes (5) Portuguese footballer who helped Manchester United win Please return your completed entry along with your name, the 2008 Champions League (7) address and daytime telephone number to: Highly spiced sausage (6) Precious stones with shimmering, changing reflections (5) Kevin Pietersen is this country's cricket captain (7) The Co-operative Group, Pensions Department, Understanding well the needs and feelings of others (11) FREEPOST PO Box 53, New Century House, Large sea-birds with very long wings (11) Manchester M4 8BH.
14. She was married to John Lennon (4,3) 16. 1970s TV series set in Cornwall and based on historical The closing date is Monday 5 January 2009.
novels by Winston Graham (7) 17. Italian town associated with Saint Francis (6) 19. Daughter of your brother or sister (5) The Co-operative Group, New Century House, 21. _ Tuck, a companion of Robin Hood (5) Manchester M60 4ES. Registered Number 525R EverGREEN is written and produced by The Co-operative Group Corporate Communications


Antecedentes generales de la comuna y su poblaciÓn

COMUNA DE SAN JOAQUIN PLAN DE SALUD COMUNAL  PRESENTACIÓN De acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el articulo 58 de la ley 19.378 Estatuto de Atención Primaria Municipalizada ( 13 abril 1995) y en el D.S Nº 2.296 (10 octubre de 1995) corresponde a las entidades administradoras de salud municipal la elaboración anual de un programa de salud municipal. Este plan debe contener los siguientes aspectos: a.- Lineamientos de una Política Comunal de Salud, que recoja los problemas locales de salud en el marco de las normas técnicas y programáticas impartidas por el Ministerio de Salud y las prioridades fijadas por el Servicio de Salud respectivo. b.- Diagnóstico Comunal participativo de salud, actualizado. c.- Evaluación de las acciones y programas ejecutados anteriormente. d.- Escenario mas probable para la salud comunal en el período a programar. e.- Asignación de prioridades a los problemas señalados, a partir del diagnóstico y los recursos existentes y potenciales en base a criterios de prevalencia, gravedad, vulnerabilidad y a la intervención e importancia social. f.- Determinación de actividades frente a cada problema priorizado, considerando en ellas: acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica, acciones preventivas y promocionales, acciones de carácter intersectorial que contribuyan a la ejecución de las actividades del programa; y acciones curativas. g.- Indicadores de cumplimiento de metas programadas.

Caregiver Lifeline Program Resources for Transplant Families This document is a good starting point for identifying potential transplant-related resources for patients, their caregivers and families. We've included a variety of information about transplant, transplant fundraising resources, grant assistance providers, travel assistance, prescription coverage, and living donor support.