Comparative cardiovascular effects of thiazolidinediones:systematic review and meta-analysis of observationalstudies
Yoon Kong Loke, senior lecturer in clinical pharmacology,1 Chun Shing Kwok, medical student,1 Sonal Singh,assistant professor of medicine2
1School of Medicine, Health Policy
because of concerns about adverse cardiovascular
and Practice, University of East
Objective To determine the comparative effects of the
events.2 Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are the available
Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone and pioglitazone) on
thiazolidinediones in North America, but meta-analyses
Johns Hopkins University School
myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
of randomised controlled trials have suggested an
mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes.
increased risk of ischaemic cardiovascular events with
Correspondence to: Y K Loke
Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of
rosiglitazone.34 In contrast, meta-analysis of trials of pio-
glitazone indicates the possibility of an ischaemic cardio-
Data sources Searches of Medline and Embase in
Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d1309
vascular benefit.5 Robust evidence also shows that both
September 2010.
drugs increase the risk of congestive heart failure and
Study selection Observational studies that directly
fractures, but whether any meaningful difference exists
compared the risk of cardiovascular outcomes for
in the magnitude of risk between the two thiazolidine-
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone among patients with type
diones is not known.67 The European Medicines
2 diabetes mellitus were included.
Agency has recommended the suspension of marketing
Data extraction Random effects meta-analysis (inverse
authorisation for rosiglitazone, whereas the US Food
variance method) was used to calculate the odds ratios
and Drug Administration has allowed the continued
for cardiovascular outcomes with thiazolidinedione use.
marketing of rosiglitazone with additional restrictions.8
The I2 statistic was used to assess statistical
No long term trials with cardiovascular outcomes
have directly compared these two drugs. Clinical trials
Results Cardiovascular outcomes from 16 observational
have strict selection criteria that may exclude partici-
studies (4 case-control studies and 12 retrospective
pants at high risk of adverse events, and adverse
cohort studies), including 810 000 thiazolidinedione
cardiovascular outcomes can be rare in such trials.9
users, were evaluated after a detailed review of 189
On the other hand, population based observational
citations. Compared with pioglitazone, use of
studies resemble clinical practice, where patients may
rosiglitazone was associated with a statistically
have risk factors for cardiovascular disease or comor-
significant increase in the odds of myocardial infarction
bidities. Therefore, consideration of the evidence from
(n=15 studies; odds ratio 1.16, 95% confidence interval
carefully conducted observational studies is essential
1.07 to 1.24; P<0.001; I2=46%), congestive heart failure
to determine if any difference in cardiovascular events
(n=8; 1.22, 1.14 to 1.31; P<0.001; I2=37%), and death
or mortality exists between the two drugs.
(n=8; 1.14, 1.09 to 1.20; P<0.001; I2=0%). Numbers
Our objective was to systematically determine the
needed to treat to harm (NNH), depending on the
comparative effects of rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
population at risk, suggest 170 excess myocardial
on cardiovascular outcomes (myocardial infarction
infarctions, 649 excess cases of heart failure, and 431
and congestive heart failure) and mortality from obser-
excess deaths for every 100 000 patients who receive
vational studies in patients with type 2 diabetes. We
rosiglitazone rather than pioglitazone.
aimed specifically to calculate the pooled odds ratios
Conclusion Among patients with type 2 diabetes, use of
for adverse cardiovascular events with rosiglitazone
rosiglitazone is associated with significantly higher odds
compared with pioglitazone—that is, the relative like-
of congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, and
lihood of cardiovascular harm if rosiglitazone was used
death relative to pioglitazone in real world settings.
rather than pioglitazone.
Troglitazone, the first thiazolidinedione, was withdrawn
Eligibility criteria
from the market because of liver toxicity.1 Muraglitazar,
We selected controlled observational (non-randomised)
a dual peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
studies that reported on cardiac outcomes in patients
(PPAR) agonist, failed to achieve regulatory approval
receiving rosiglitazone compared with pioglitazone.
Any uncertainties or discrepancies between the two
Articles retrieved from
Articles retrieved by
reviewers were resolved through consensus after re-
PubMed and Embase
checking titles in GSK
study register (n=4)
checking of the source data and consultation with thethird reviewer. We also contacted authors if any areasof uncertainty needed clarification.
Titles and abstracts screened for studies
Where different timings and durations of thiazolidi-
that might be potentially relevant (n=189)
nedione use were reported in the study participants, we
Review articles, trial reports, or clearly not observational
pre-specified that data would be preferentially extra-
studies of cardiovascular events with rosiglitazone
cted from the participants with current or most recent
pioglitazone in patients with type 2 diabetes (n=153)
use, until cessation of treatment. We also aimed to
Potentially relevant studies for full checking (n=36)
extract risk estimates pertaining to overall use in theentire cohort rather than in any specific subgroups.
Excluded (n=20): Did not report on direct comparison of rosiglitazone
v pioglitazone (n=15)
Earlier study that used same database population as a later study (n=1)
In accordance with the recommendations of the
Had duplicate data (n=4)
Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group, wechecked the methods of selection of participants
Observational studies with direct comparison of cardiac
outcomes or mortality for rosiglitazone
v pioglitazone (n=16)
(including baseline characteristics and adjustment forconfounders), nature of follow-up, ascertainment ofdrug use, and definition and monitoring of adverse
Fig 1 Flow diagram of process of selection of articles for
outcomes.10 To counter selective reporting bias, we
contacted authors when relevant cardiovascular out-comes were potentially measured but were not
We included studies of a cohort or case-control design
reported or were stated to be non-significant. We
that enrolled participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
used a funnel plot to assess publication bias.
The primary outcome of interest was myocardial infarc-tion. Secondary outcome measures were congestive
heart failure and overall mortality. Eligible studies had
We used RevMan 5.0.25 (Nordic Cochrane Centre) to
to present one of the following: odds ratio, relative risk,
do random effects meta-analysis using the inverse var-
hazard ratio, or sufficient raw data to enable calculationof the odds ratio where not otherwise reported.
iance method for pooled odds ratios. We used the fixedeffects model for sensitivity analysis. We assumed simi-
larity between the odds ratio and other relative mea-sures such as relative risk, rate ratios, or hazard ratios
We searched Medline and Embase by using Ovid SP
because cardiovascular events and deaths were rare
(from inception to the end of September 2010), with
the search terms (pioglitazone or rosiglitazone or thia-zolidinedione$).mp and (myocardial-infarction or
Where possible, we aimed to pool adjusted odds
cardiovascular or cardiac or heart).mp and (cohort or
ratios from the primary studies; otherwise, we used
case-control or observational or retrospective).mp. We
raw outcome data to yield unadjusted odds ratios. In
did not use any language restrictions, but we limited
view of the potential diversity of study designs, we
the search to human studies. Additionally, we signed
grouped the studies for the analysis according to stu-
up with PubMed to receive automated electronic noti-
dies for which only the unadjusted odds ratios were
fication of any new articles containing the above search
available, with no correction for baseline differences
terms. To identify unpublished studies, we reviewed
or confounding, and those for which we were able to
the regulatory authorities websites (US Food and
extract odds ratios adjusted for potential confounders.
Drug Administration and European Medicines
For consistency in direction of risk comparisons, we
Agency), as well as the study registers of the drug man-
used the odds ratio to assess the magnitude of risk for
ufacturers GlaxoSmithKline and Takeda. We checked
rosiglitazone use compared with that for pioglitazone
the bibliographies of included studies and recent
use. For studies that reported the odds ratio for piogli-
review articles for additional relevant articles.
tazone compared with rosiglitazone, we used the reci-procal of the point estimate and the bounds of the
Study selection and data extraction
Two reviewers (CSK and YKL or SS) checked all titles
We estimated the number needed to treat to harm
and abstracts for studies that could potentially meet the
per year (NNH) (and 95% confidence interval) by
inclusion criteria. We retrieved full reports of these
applying the pooled odds ratio from the meta-analysis
potentially eligible studies for detailed assessment by
to the annual rate of the event in different
two reviewers (CSK and YKL), who then indepen-
populations.12 The NNH is the number of patients
dently extracted information on study design, drug
with type 2 diabetes who need to be treated with rosi-
use, study location, characteristics of participants, and
glitazone rather than pioglitazone for one additional
relevant outcomes on to a preformatted spreadsheet.
patient to have an adverse outcome.
Table 1 Design and characteristics of included studies
Study design and data source
Selection criteria
Risk estimates (95% CI)
Retrospective cohort study (TRIAD); 564 rosiglitazone;
Type 2 diabetes, age >18 years, not pregnant,
community patients; USA, 1999 to 334 pioglitazone
community dwelling, English or Spanish speaking, and thiazolidinediones were
(in health plans in which
enrolled in health plan for ≥18 months; excluded
available on formulary:
both thiazolidinediones
if >1 type of thiazolidinedione prescription
MI HR 1.3 (0.31 to 5.37);
mortality 0.69 (0.28 to 1.69)
Retrospective cohort study in
1879 rosiglitazone;
Aged >18 years with diabetes or HbA1C >6% and
Based on entire cohort with
Partners Healthcare System
≥1 oral diabetes drug; excluded if used metformin
adjustment for known risk
covering hospital and community
or thiazolidinedione for polycystic ovaries
factors: MI RR 1.7 (1.1 to 2.6)
patients; USA, January 2000 to July2006
Nested case-control study;
Acute MI: 2244 cases and
Previous metformin users; excluded if received other
Based on overall use:
hospital and community patients;
8903 controls; drug use:
oral antidiabetic drug or insulin within 365 days before MI OR 1.00 (0.67 to 1.49)
Pharmanet database, BC, Canada, 462 rosiglitazone and
starting metformin or emigrated/died before May 2003
May 2003 to March 2007
Graham 201017 New user inception cohort;
67 593 rosiglitazone;
≥6 month enrolment and >65 years who started
MI HR 1.06 (0.96 to 1.18);
community patients; Medicare,
159 978 pioglitazone
rosiglitazone or pioglitazone; excluded if residing
HF 1.25 (1.16 to 1.34);
USA, July 2006 to June 2009
in a hospital, long term care home, or hospice
mortality 1.14 (1.05 to 1.24)
Retrospective cohort study; NHI
49 624 rosiglitazone;
Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes with ≥3 prescriptions Unadjusted data for entire
claims database, Taiwan, 2000 to
12 010 pioglitazone
of oral diabetes drug; excluded if had type 1 diabetes or cohort: MI ros 1984/49 624,
had been on insulin during study period
pio 356/12 010; HF ros 664/49 624, pio 115/12 010
Retrospective new user cohort
16 951 rosiglitazone;
Residents of Ontario, >66 years of age starting
MI HR 1.05 (0.90 to 1.23); HF
study; Ontario Public Drug Benefit
22 785 pioglitazone.
thiazolidinedione treatment; excluded if using insulin
1.30 (1.15 to 1.45); mortality
Program, Canada, 2002 to 2008
1.16 (1.02 to 1.33)
Nested case-control study within
MI: 9870 cases and
Patients with type 2 diabetes and ≥1 prescription claim MI OR 1.12 (0.99 to 1.26)
diabetes cohort of Integrated
29 610 controls; drug use:
for antidiabetic drug, with ≥1 year enrolment in
HealthCare Information Services
3839 rosiglitazone and
healthcare plan; those with heart failure or ischaemic
claims database; USA, 1999 to
3343 pioglitazone
heart disease were included, but those with MI were
Nested case-control study;
1886 current rosiglitazone
Aged ≥66 years with diabetes and dispensed ≥1 oral
Unadjusted data current
community patients; Ontario,
users; 929 current
hypoglycaemic agent in study period; excluded if
users: MI ros 335/1886, pio
Canada, 2002 to 2005
pioglitazone users
received insulin in year preceding cohort entry
134/920; HF ros 426/1907,pio 160/929; mortality ros434/1716 pio 165/715
Retrospective cohort study;
7282 rosiglitazone;
Patients with two records of diabetes between 2002
Full cohort: MI or CAD HR 1.0
community patients in THIN GP
2244 pioglitazone
and 2006 and ≥40 years old
database; UK, 2002 to 2006
Retrospective cohort study;
1079 rosiglitazone;
Type 2 diabetes with prescription for rosiglitazone,
HF HR 0.84 (0.52 to 1.35);
Cleveland Clinic Electronic Health
1508 pioglitazone
pioglitazone, metformin, or sulfonylurea, age >18 years mortality 1.23 (0.79 to 1.92)
Records; USA, October 1998 to
with no history of dialysis, CAD, or HF; excluded if
prescribed insulin or multiple oral agents
Nested case-control study; claims
MI: 1681 cases and
Patients aged 18-84 years with a filled prescription for MI OR 1.26 (0.79 to 2.00)
database of Prescription Solutions 6653 controls; drug use:
antidiabetic drug or exenatide during study period;
cohort in 5 states in USA, January
1039 rosiglitazone and
excluded if had type 1 diabetes, cancer, renal or liver
2000 to June 2006
failure, organ transplantation, or HIV infection
Retrospective cohort study;
140 082 rosiglitazone;
Patients aged 35-90 years with episode of care
MI HR 1.34 (0.86 to 2.09);
community patients; UK General
45 807 pioglitazone
between 1990 and 2005 associated with clinical or
HF 1.04 (0.75 to 1.44);
Practice Research Database,
referred event for diabetes; excluded if date of death
mortality 1.36 (1.05 to 1.76)
January 1990 to December 2005
Retrospective cohort study;
57 000 rosiglitazone;
Users of oral hypoglycaemic agents who had
On treatment summary:
pharmacy and medical claims
51 000 pioglitazone
≥6 months' membership in health plan, age >18 years; MI 1.21 (0.95 to 1.54)
database (Pharmetrics) covering
excluded if in health plans for which data had been
>80 health plans; USA, 2000 to
previously used in similar studies
Retrospective cohort study;
18 319 rosiglitazone;
Aged >18 years with new rosiglitazone or pioglitazone
MI HR 0.94 (0.75 to 1.18); HF
medical/pharmacy claims in
18 309 pioglitazone
claim; excluded if not in health plan >365 days before
1.10 (0.94 to 1.31); mortality
WellPoint database; USA, January
index date or had pre-index pharmacy claim of insulin; 1.02 (0.86 to 1.21)
2001 to December 2005
those with previous cardiovascular events were notexcluded
New user cohort study; Medicare
14 101 rosiglitazone;
Age >65 years with new prescription for
On-drug analysis: MI IRR 1.08
database in New Jersey and
14 260 pioglitazone
thiazolidinedione; excluded if used troglitazone or
(0.93 to 1.25); HF 1.13 (1.01
Pennsylvania, USA, January 2000
fixed dose combination with metformin
to 1.26); mortality 1.15 (1.05
Ziyadeh 200929 Retrospective cohort study; i3
47 501 rosiglitazone;
Age >18 years, starting rosiglitazone or pioglitazone,
Based on censoring at
proprietary research database of
47 501 pioglitazone
followed by >6 months of health plan membership;
discontinuation of treatment
medical claims in USA, July 2000 to
troglitazone users excluded
(regimen stop): MI HR 1.41
of patients were male across 15 studies. Table 1 shows
We used the I2 statistic to assess statistical heterogene-
the main characteristics of the studies and participants;
ity. I2 values of 30-60% represented a moderate level of
table 2 shows the outcomes, interventions, and quality
Figure 1 shows the process of selection of studies. We
The included studies were broadly similar in terms of
retrieved 16 observational studies involving 810 000
ascertainment of drug use and cardiovascular out-
thiazolidinedione users (429 000 patients taking rosi-
comes (table 2); they relied mainly on computerised
glitazone and 381 000 taking pioglitazone), after a
diagnostic codes, pharmacy claims databases, and ret-
detailed review of 189 citations.14-29 Fifteen studies
rospective chart reviews. Few researchers made
reported on the outcome of myocardial infarction,
attempts to verify drug history directly with the
eight studies reported on the outcome of congestive
patients or to check the validity of the prescriptions
heart failure, and eight studies reported on mortality.
data source; only one study was deemed to have spe-
We found 12 retrospective cohort studies and four
cific validation of drug use.14 Most studies reported the
case-control studies. The mean or median follow-up
accuracy of outcome ascertainment on the basis of his-
time ranged from 105 days to 7.1 years. Four studies
torical validation studies; only two studies specifically
reported duration of thiazolidinedione use, with a
cross checked or validated outcomes for this
range of 215 to 450 days. The mean age of participants
analysis.15 23 Both of these studies showed a limited
ranged from 54 to 76 years across studies, but most
degree of misclassification.15 23
study participants were generally aged above
None of the studies provided details about the sever-
60 years; only two studies reported the average age of
ity and consequences of the cardiac adverse events.
their participants as under 60 years. An average of 55%
Almost all the studies used a wide variety of variablesto adjust for potential confounders. Two cohort studies
Study or subgroup
checked specifically for similarities between the rosigli-
tazone and pioglitazone populations and did not find
Adjusted odds ratio
1.30 (0.31 to 5.37)
evaluated.17 19 We were able to use adjusted risk esti-
Brownstein 201015
1.70 (1.10 to 2.60)
mates for most studies, except for two studies for
1.00 (0.67 to 1.49)
which we calculated odds ratios from the raw
1.06 (0.96 to 1.18)
1.05 (0.90 to 1.23)
1.12 (0.99 to 1.26)
Myocardial infarction
1.00 (0.80 to 1.30)
Compared with pioglitazone, use of rosiglitazone was
1.26 (0.79 to 2.00)
1.34 (0.86 to 2.09)
associated with a significantly increased odds of myo-
1.21 (0.95 to 1.54)
cardial infarction from 15 studies (pooled odds ratio
0.94 (0.75 to 1.18)
1.16, 95% confidence interval 1.07 to 1.24; P<0.001)
Winkelmayer 200828
1.08 (0.93 to 1.25)
(fig 2). We found a moderate level of heterogeneity
1.41 (1.13 to 1.75)
(I2=46%) for the pooled results for myocardial infarc-
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.11 (1.04 to 1.18)
tion, which stemmed from combining the unadjusted
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00,
and adjusted studies together for the overall estimate.
χ2=14.25, df=12, P=0.28, I2=16%Test for overall effect: z=3.19, P=0.001
Heart failureBased on the pooled results of eight studies, the odds of
Unadjusted odds ratio
congestive heart failure were statistically significantly
1.36 (1.22 to 1.53)
higher for rosiglitazone than for pioglitazone (odds
Lipscombe 200721
1.27 (1.02 to 1.58)
ratio 1.22, 1.14 to 1.31; P<0.001), with moderate statis-
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.34 (1.21 to 1.48)
tical heterogeneity (I2=37%) (fig 3).
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00, χ2=0.34, df=1, P=0.56, I2=0%
Overall mortality
Test for overall effect: z=5.68, P<0.001
The odds of death were statistically significantly higherfor rosiglitazone than for pioglitazone when we pooled
1.16 (1.07 to 1.24)
eight studies, with an odds ratio of 1.14 (1.09 to 1.20;
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.01,
P<0.001) (fig 4). We found no evidence of statistical
χ2=25.89, df=14, P=0.03, I2=46%
heterogeneity for this outcome (I2=0%).
Test for overall effect: z=3.87, P<0.001
Number needed to treat for harm
In a low risk population (age 45-64 years) with type 2
Fig 2 Meta-analysis of odds ratio for myocardial infarction with rosiglitazone versus
diabetes but no previous history of myocardial infarc-
tion, the underlying incidence of myocardial infarction
Study or subgroup
we did a post hoc analysis by excluding the single study
that had a substantial proportion of patients recruited
Adjusted odds ratio
after May 2007.17 This did not appreciably change the
1.25 (1.16 to 1.34)
direction and magnitude of the estimates for myo-
1.30 (1.15 to 1.45)
cardial infarction (odds ratio 1.17, 1.08 to 1.27), heart
Pantalone 200923
0.84 (0.52 to 1.35)
failure (1.21, 1.10 to 1.33), and overall mortality (1.13,
1.04 ( 0.75 to 1.44)
1.04 to 1.24). Further exclusion of another study
1.10 (0.94 to 1.31)
(recruitment dates 2002 to 2008) did not appreciably
Winkelmayer 200828
1.13 ( 1.01 to 1.26)
change the odds ratios for myocardial infarction (1.19,
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.19 (1.10 to 1.28)
1.09 to 1.29), heart failure (1.18, 1.06 to 1.33), and over-
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00,
all mortality (1.14, 1.06 to 1.22).19
χ2=7.88, df=5, P=0.16, I2=37%Test for overall effect: z=4.58, P<0.001
Assessment of publication bias
Unadjusted odds ratio
The funnel plot showed that risk estimates stemmed
1.40 (1.15 to 1.71)
mostly from large, precise studies that seemed to be
Lipscombe 200721
1.38 (1.13 to 1.69)
fairly well distributed, with no definite evidence of
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.39 (1.21 to 1.60)
asymmetry (fig 5).
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00, χ2=0.01, df=1, P=0.91, I2=0%
Test for overall effect: z=4.58, P<0.001
Our results suggest a modest but statistically significantincrease in the odds of myocardial infarction (approxi-
1.22 (1.14 to 1.31)
mately 16%), congestive heart failure (approximately
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00,
23%), and mortality (approximately 14%) with use of
χ2=11.20, df=7, P=0.13, I2=37%
rosiglitazone compared with those for pioglitazone use
Test for overall effect: z=5.64, P<0.001
in real world studies among patients with type 2 diabetes.
The consistency in the magnitude of increased risk for
the different cardiac outcomes, as well as mortality, indi-
cates that this is unlikely to be a chance finding. Other
Fig 3 Meta-analysis of odds ratio for heart failure with rosiglitazone versus pioglitazone
strengths of our analysis include the large number ofthiazolidinedione users (around 810 000) and the
was 1.08% per year.30 Use of rosiglitazone here would
absence of substantial statistical heterogeneity, which
result in an annual NNH of 587 (95% confidence inter-
suggests that the risk is maintained across most popula-
val 392 to 1339). This can be equated to 170 excess
tions and is unaffected by geographical variations.
myocardial infarctions for every 100 000 patientswho received rosiglitazone rather than pioglitazone.
Comparison with other studies
In a US cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes, the
Our synthesis of evidence from observational studies
baseline incidence of heart failure was found to be
extends the findings of a cardiovascular hazard with
3.08% per year.31 Use of rosiglitazone here would
rosiglitazone from meta-analysis of clinical trials to
result in an annual NNH of 154 (110 to 241). This
real world settings and suggests the possibility of a
can be equated to 649 excess cases of heart failure for
cardiovascular difference between the two drugs.3-5Adjusted indirect comparisons of the risk estimates
every 100 000 patients who received rosiglitazone
from meta-analysis of myocardial infarction and heart
rather than pioglitazone.
failure in randomised controlled trials shows that rosi-
In a large French registry study of patients with type
glitazone is associated with an increased relative risk of
2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, the underlying mortal-
1.58 (95% confidence interval 1.14 to 2.20) for myo-
ity rate was found to be 3.15% per year.32 Use of rosi-
cardial infarction and 1.48 (1.01 to 2.18) for heart fail-
glitazone here would result in an annual NNH of 232
ure, compared with pioglitazone.3-534 The direction of
(163 to 360). This can be equated to 431 excess deaths
effect for both outcomes is consistent with our analysis,
for every 100 000 patients who received rosiglitazone
whereas the relatively lower point estimates seen in our
rather than pioglitazone.
analysis may reflect the generally more conservativenature of estimates of harm that has been noted with
Sensitivity analysis
observational studies.35 Participants in trials may differ
Meta-analysis using the fixed effects model yielded
from those in observational studies, because most of
estimates that were similar in direction and magnitude
the observational studies recruited a wider, more gen-
to those from the random effects model for myocardial
eralisable range of patients by not enforcing rigid inclu-
infarction (odds ratio 1.15, 1.10 to 1.21), heart failure
sion and exclusion criteria relating to comorbid
(1.23, 1.17 to 1.29), and overall mortality (1.14, 1.09 to
conditions. Of the 16 included studies, two excluded
patients with existing cardiac conditions (so that they
In view of potential patient selection bias arising
could study incident disease)20 23 and only one
after publication of a meta-analysis in May 2007 that
excluded patients who had comorbidities such as
showed increased myocardial risk with rosiglitazone,33
renal or liver disease.
Table 2 Drug use, study outcomes, and potential sources of bias
Ascertainment of drug use
Ascertainment of outcomes
Adjustment for confounders
Ascertained by health plan records
MI and all cause mortality ascertained by ICD codes on Age, sex, race, income, history of diabetic nephropathy, history of
for prescriptions filled; average of
health plan administrative data and national death
cardiovascular disease, insulin use, and health plan
Based on electronic records and
MI ascertainment based on ICD codes and randomly
Age, sex, cardiovascular disease, antihypertensive and lipid lowering
randomly checked case notes/
selected case notes/discharge summaries with
drugs, and Charlson score
discharge summaries, with 94%
sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 74% for outcomes
sensitivity and specificity for druguse
Pharmanet database of
MI ascertainment based on ICD codes of hospital
Duration of diabetes; congestive heart failure; angiography;
prescriptions dispensed at
admission records (primary reason for admission)
revascularisation; ischaemic stroke; TIA; previous MI; angina; renal
community pharmacies (data
collected by Ministry of Health; controls were patients
disease; Romano comorbidity score; use of cardiac drugs, clopidogrel, and
quality checks done by Pharmanet)
starting metformin matched on age, sex, number of
insulin; and past use of metformin, glitazones, and sulfonylureas
family members, health plan enrolment, and income
Drug claims linked to Medicare
MI and heart failure based on ICD discharge codes with Sex, age, race, low income, extended care, Charlson score, cardiovascular
database for prescription drugs
positive predictive values of >90%; mortality
disease and drugs, lipid lowering drugs, and comorbidities
from January 2006; median follow-
ascertained by linkage to social security master
beneficiary record database, which captures 95% ofdeaths for older people
Mean use of around 450 days
MI and heart failure ascertainment based on ICD codes Data used in unadjusted form in meta-analysis
ascertained with prescription claims for inpatient claims
Follow-up median of 292 days for
All cause mortality, MI, and heart failure obtained from Age, sex, residence, socioeconomic status, year of entry, duration of
rosiglitazone and 294 days for
national ambulatory care reporting system database,
diabetes, acute MI, angina, congestive heart failure, coronary angiography,
pioglitazone; ascertainment based
Canadian Institute for Health information discharge
CABG, PCI, Charlson index, history of renal disease, and previous drugs
on computerised prescription
database, and Ontario health insurance database
(antihypertensives, aspirin, NSAIDs, nitroglycerin preparations, statins,
oral hypoglycaemics, digoxin)
Follow-up mean of 2.1 years with
Cases had ICD code for hospital admission for MI
Age; use of ACE inhibitors, β blockers, diuretic, or nitrate; hyperlipidaemia;
drug use window of 3 months,
occurring ≥3 months after diagnosis of diabetes;
hypertension; and CAD
inferred from prescription claims
controls were randomly selected from eligible matchedpatients within cohort who did not have ICD code for MI
Unclear ascertainment; median
MI, heart failure, and mortality data from registered
Data used in unadjusted form in meta-analysis
follow-up 3.8 years
persons databases and hospital discharge summaryabstract database
Thiazolidinedione use on average
MI and coronary artery disease (MI, unstable angina,
Age; sex; BMI; HbA1C; smoking; chronic kidney disease; eGFR; mean
3.5 years; data based on
cardiac death, coronary artery reperfusion procedure)
arterial blood pressure; and history of MI, unstable angina, or cardiac
computerised prescription records
based on computerised read codes in general practice proceduredatabase; approximately 3% lost to follow-up
Pantalone 200923 Drug use at baseline based on
Heart failure and mortality data from ICD codes and
Age, sex, race, eGFR, albumin/urine creatinine ratio, HbA1C, BMI, systolic
database information at single
electronic health records database; small proportion of blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, smoking
healthcare centre
mortality records from social security death index had
status, cardiovascular drugs, new diabetes, and median household
errors on cross checking and were corrected for
Drug use based on prescription
MI cases based on ICD codes for hospital admission;
Age, cardiovascular risk score, non-cardiovascular acute hospital
claims from pharmacy database
controls were matched on various parameters with
admission, COPD, and use of oestrogen therapy
specific group constructed for analysis of rosiglitazonev pioglitazone
Drug use based on database
MI, heart failure, and mortality; unclear outcome
Age, sex, duration of diabetes, complications of diabetes, cardiovascular
information; median follow-up
and peripheral artery disease, co-prescribed drugs, BMI, cholesterol
concentration, systolic blood pressure, HbA1C, creatinine concentration,albumin concentration, and smoking status
Drug use from PharMetrics
MI based on hospital discharge diagnosis and ICD code Propensity score used to adjust according to demographics, calendar time,
database; mean on-treatment time
use of antidiabetic drugs, history of MI, coronary revascularisation, angina,
8 months and overall follow-up
ACS, congestive heart failure, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, obesity,
ranged from 12 to 18 months
smoking, use of cardiovascular drugs
Drugs from pharmacy records;
MI, heart failure, and mortality from medical claims, ICD Propensity score used to adjust for age, sex, health plan, Deyo-Charlson
unclear ascertainment; mean
codes, and national death index plus database; mean comorbidity index score, cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease,
duration of treatment 14.6 months
follow-up 19.6 months
cardiovascular and antidiabetic drugs, obesity, smoking status, anddiabetic complications
Drug use based on national drug
Unclear how mortality was ascertained; MI and heart
Cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, congestive heart failure,
codes for prescription claims; mean failure data from Medicare claims
previous insulin treatment, and nitrate use
drug use around 215 days
Use ascertained from pharmacy
MI data from hospital discharge diagnosis and ICD
Propensity score matching used with adjusted analysis for variety of
claims database; mean follow-up
code as primary event; "sudden death" events
demographic and cardiovascular risk factors
8.4 months with regimen stop as
captured through ambulance codes for resuscitation/
ACS=acute coronary syndrome; BMI=body mass index; CABG=coronary artery bypass graft; CAD=coronary artery disease; COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; eGFR=estimatedglomerular filtration rate; HbA1c=glycated haemoglobin; HDL=high density lipoprotein cholesterol; ICD=international classification of diseases; LDL=low density lipoprotein cholesterol;MI=myocardial infarction; NSAID=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PCI= percutaneous coronary intervention; TIA=transient ischaemic attack.
Study or subgroup
retention, may explain its greater risk of congestive
heart failure.39 40
Adjusted odds ratio
0.69 (0.28 to 1.69)
Clinical and policy implications
1.14 (1.05 to 1.24)
Our findings have important implications. Rosiglita-
1.16 (1.02 to 1.33)
zone is still available on a restricted basis in the United
Pantalone 200923
1.23 (0.79 to 1.92)
States and Canada.8 41 However, for patients who need
1.36 (1.05 to 1.76)
1.02 (0.86 to 1.21).
thiazolidinedione treatment, continued use of rosiglita-
Winkelmayer 200828
1.15 (1.05 to 1.26)
zone may lead to excess heart attacks, heart failure, and
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.14 (1.08 to 1.20)
mortality, compared with pioglitazone. The size of the
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00,
effect on public health may be considerable, given the
χ2=4.83, df=6, P=0.57, I2=0%
data from June 2009 showing that about 3.8 million
Test for overall effect: z=5.05, P<0.001
annually in the United States.42 However, other
Unadjusted odds ratio
adverse effects are associated with both the thiazolidi-
Lipscombe 200721
1.13 (0.92 to 1.38)
nediones, such as the doubling of risk of fracture in
Subtotal (95% CI)
1.13 (0.92 to 1.38)
women.7 Concerns also exist about a modest increase
Test for heterogeneity: Not applicable
in the risk of bladder cancer with pioglitazone after
Test for overall effect: z=1.15, P=0.25
long term use in an observational study and a higherpercentage of bladder cancers with pioglitazone rela-
1.14 (1.09 to 1.20)
tive to comparator arms in long term randomised con-
Test for heterogeneity: τ2=0.00,
trolled trials.43 Further studies are needed to investigate
χ2=4.85, df=7, P=0.68, I2=0%
these other adverse events, as clinicians need to bal-
Test for overall effect: z=5.18, P<0.001
ance these risks and benefits against those of emerging
alternative agents such as incretin mimetics that may or
may not be safer than thiazolidinediones.
Fig 4 Meta-analysis of odds ratio for overall mortality with rosiglitazone versus pioglitazone
Limitations of study
Our analysis has some limitations, relating mainly to
As both drugs are known to cause heart failure, the
the quality of the primary studies. Misclassification of
increased risk of congestive heart failure associated with
outcomes and drug use may occur in observational stu-
rosiglitazone compared with pioglitazone represents its
dies that rely on healthcare databases and discharge
codes. However, any potential misclassification of
for their differential effects on myocardial infarction are
drug use and outcomes would affect both thiazolidine-
possible. One possibility is that these findings represent
diones equally. Non-randomised data are susceptible
an ischaemic cardiovascular benefit with pioglitazone.
to selection bias and residual confounding. However,
However, conclusive evidence on ischaemic cardio-
investigators of the two largest cohort studies found
vascular benefit with pioglitazone is lacking; a meta-
little difference in the baseline demographics and
analysis of trials yielded a relative risk of 0.81 (0.64 to
cardiovascular risk of patients who used pioglitazone
and rosiglitazone.17 19 Both drugs are from the same
greater ischaemic cardiovascular hazard with rosiglita-
class and were licensed for similar indications. Until
zone, consistent with evidence from clinical trials.3 4
May 2007, no reasons existed why any specific groupof patients would have been systematically channelled
Possible biological mechanism
towards one thiazolidinedione or the other. Our risk
The precise biological mechanisms responsible for
estimates did not change despite exclusion of the two
these differences in cardiovascular risk and mortalityare uncertain. Significant differences have been found
between the thiazolidinediones in lipid metabolism;rosiglitazone causes greater elevations of triglycerides
and low density lipoprotein cholesterol than does
pioglitazone.36 Pioglitazone had a significantly more
favourable effect on triglycerides, high density lipopro-tein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein particle con-
centration, and low density lipoprotein particle size
than did rosiglitazone. Whereas pioglitazone hasshown some potential benefit in preventing progres-
sion of atherosclerosis,37 rosiglitazone failed to show
any significant effect in preventing atherosclerosis in
a recent study.38 The more powerful renal PPARγ ago-
Fig 5 Funnel plot based on odds ratio for myocardial
nistic effect of rosiglitazone, leading to more fluid
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Accepted: 15 February 2011
Source: http://eprints.keele.ac.uk/1472/1/CS%20Kwok%20-%20Comparative%20cardiovascular%20effects%20of%20the%20thiazolidinediones....pdf
Carskadon, M.A., & Dement, W.C. (2011). Monitoring and staging human sleep. In M.H. Kryger, T. Roth, & W.C. Dement (Eds.), Principles and practice of sleep medicine, 5th edition, (pp 16-26). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. Chapter 2 – Normal Human Sleep : An Overview Mary A. Carskadon, William C. Dement Abstract
Primary Care 1st Edition Use of Antipsychotics in Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) This tool is designed to help providers understand, assess, and manage patients in primary care with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (responsive behaviours), with a focus on antipsychotic medications. This tool integrates best-practice evidence with clinical experience, and makes reference to relevant existing tools and services wherever possible.