Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2012, 2, 127-130 OJOG
doi:10.4236/ojog.2012.22024 Published Online June 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ojog/)
Cornual patency and integrity following laparoscopic
cornuotomy for interstitial pregnancy
Young-Sam Choi, Dae-Sook Eun, Yun-Sang Oh, Ji-No Park
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Eun Hospital, Kwang-Ju Metropolitan City, South Korea Ema Received 29 March 2012; revised 23 April 2012; accepted 3 May 2012
modified laparoscopic surgical technique for interstitial pregnancy in the preceding paper. The method termi-
Objective: To evaluate cornual patency and integrity
nated the interstitial pregnancy without major complica-
following laparoscopic cornuotomy. Study Design: This
tions and had potential probability for preservation of the
is a prospective cohort study on seven women who
affected cornu and salpinx [9]. In this study, we present
underwent laparoscopic cornuotomy for interstitial
the cornual patency and integrity after laparoscopic cor-
pregnancy. The cornual patency and integrity were
nuotomy for interstitial pregnancy.
evaluated using hysterosalpingography (HSG) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On MRI, the en-
tire cornual wall thickness were measured bilater-
ally at 5-mm intervals. The thickness of the affected
This is a prospective cohort study on seven of eight
and unaffected cornua matched at the corresponding
women who underwent laparoscopic cornuotomy for
contralateral point in each of the women. Statistically,
interstitial pregnancy at Eun Hospital between February
all possible pairwise 28 comparisons were compared
2005 and November 2006. As described in the preceding
using paired t-tests. Results: Among six eligible women,
paper, the laparoscopic cornuotomy was performed using
four women had excellent cornual patency on the af-
a temporary tourniquet suture with injection of diluted
fected side. Among seven women (i.e., 28 pairs), no
vasopressin. Sufficient diluted vasopressin was injected
significant difference was observed in cornual thick-
around the cornual mass and a circumferential intra-
ness compared to the unaffected cornu and no re-
myometrial tourniquet suture was made around the me-
markable defects were seen in the endometrial and
dial part of the protruding mass. After placement, the two
cornual contour. But there is no statistical signifi-
ends of the suture were tightened and a knot was tied
cance. Conclusion: Laparoscopic cornuotomy seems
while maintaining tension to produce a tourniquet effect.
to have advantage to preserve the cornu in interstitial
Additional dilute vasopressin solution was injected into
the protruding cornual mass. Then, the cornua was in-
Keywords: Interstitial Pregnancy; Cornual Pregnancy;
cised, the conceptus evacuated, and the cornua repaired.
Cornuotomy; Outcome; Cornual Integrity
Finally, the tourniquet suture was cut and removed com- pletely after the cornual repair. [9]
The contour of the endometrial cavity and cornual
patency were evaluated using hysterosalpingography
Interstitial pregnancy refers to an ectopic pregnancy
(HSG), and the cornual integrity was assessed with mag-
which the fertilized ovum is implanted in the interstitial
netic resonance image (MRI). Images were obtained be-
segment of the fallopian tube. This rare entity can trigger
tween 3 and 25 months postoperatively and interpreted
a life-threatening hemorrhage due to the anatomical fea-
by a radiologist blinded to the clinical data, except for
tures of the interstitial segment but that is mere begin-
name and age. Cornual patency could not be evaluated
ning of successive disasters such as reduced fertility or
on HSG in two women: case no. 6, who had undergone a
uterine rupture in the subsequent pregnancy. In the last
previous ipsilateral salpingectomy for tubal pregnancy,
two decades, various conservative management methods
and case no. 8, who was lost to follow-up. The cornual
have been investigated and advanced in treating intersti-
integrity could not be evaluated on MRI in one woman:
tial pregnancy [1-8]. But our greatest concern is how to
case no. 8, who was lost to follow-up.
minimize the additional destruction of the innate fertile
On axial and coronal views of T1- and T2-weighted
structure beyond minimal invasiveness. We introduced a
images, the entire cornual wall thickness was measured
Published Online June 2012 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojog
Y.-S. Choi
et al. / Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 (2012) 127-130
bilaterally at 5-mm intervals and the entire cornual con- tour was observed closely. The thickness of the affected and unaffected cornua matched the corresponding con- tralateral point in each of the women. Statistically, all possible pairwise comparisons of the seven patients (
e., 28 pairs) were made using paired
Figure 2. Magnetic resonance images that were obtained 3
Figures 1 and
2 are HSG and MRI respectively that were
months following laparoscopic cornuotomy for interstitial preg-
obtained after 3 months postoperatively (case no. 2).
nancy. (A) Axial view on the T2-weighted image; (B) Coronal
As shown in
Figure 1, both tubes are patent (arrow-
view on the T2-weighted image. The arrowhead and opened arrow indicate the affected cornu. Note that there are no sig-
heads) and that contrast material spills into the peritoneal
nificant differences in the thickness of the affected and un-
cavity (open arrow). Small internal projection (straight
affected cornu, and no defects in terms of the overall cornual
arrow) is revealed on the affected right proximal cornu,
contour. (case no. 2).
but is negligible in terms of the overall cornual patency.
Figure 2, Arrowhead and open arrow indicate the af-
women (cases no. 1 and 4). Two women (cases no. 2 and
fected cornu. There are no significant differences in the
5) had small internal projection at the affected cornu, but
thickness of the affected and unaffected cornu, and no
these were negligible in terms of the overall cornual
defects in terms of the overall cornual contour.
patency. No remarkable distortion of the endometrial
As shown in
Table 1, four of the six eligible women
cavity was detected and the endometrial contour was
(two women were excluded: case no. 6, who had under-
gone a previous ipsilateral salpingectomy for tubal preg-
In cornual thickness category of
Table 1, the top and
nancy, and case no. 8, who was lost to follow-up) had
bottom lines indicate the thicknesses of the affected and
excellent cornual patency on the side affected by the in-
corresponding contralateral unaffected points on MRI
terstitial pregnancy on HSG, while tubal occlusion at the
respectively. The difference in cornual thickness was not
affected proximal cornu occurred in the remaining two
significant and no remarkable defects in the overall cor-
nual contour were observed. But there is no statistical significance. The lack of statistical significance probably resulted from the small sample size (
p = 0.49, paired
Laparoscopic surgery is the preferred surgical approach for a variety of gynecologic conditions.
Although the laparoscopic assessment of interstitial
pregnancy was once deemed hazardous due to the ana- tomical features of the interstitial segment but that is far from the fact today. Moreover, concern has shifted from minimal invasiveness toward minimizing the subsequent effects on the patient's fertility [5-9].
Moon and colleagues reported their laparoscopic tech-
niques and the outcomes using an encircling suture and endoloop ligation. Their techniques were very worthy in terms of technical simplicity and effectiveness; in addi- tion, they reported subsequent pregnancy after long-term follow-up and clinical outcomes including the cornual
state through Caesarean section at full term [8]. To our
Figure 1. HSG that was obtained 3 months following laparo-
knowledge, this is the first report on the outcomes of
scopic cornuotomy for interstitial pregnancy. Notice that both
subsequent pregnancies after the conservative manage-
tubes are patent (arrowheads) and that contrast material spills
ment of interstitial pregnancy. But in their procedures,
into the peritoneal cavity (opened arrow). Small external dim- pling (straight arrow) is revealed on the affected right proximal
affected cornu were ligated and the encircling suture or
cornu, but is negligible in terms of the overall cornual patency
endoloop was left intact, consequently, the affected cornu
and salpinx was sacrificed anatomically or functionally
Copyright 2012 SciRes.
Y.-S. Choi
et al. / Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 (2012) 127-130
Table 1. Summary of the cornual patency and integrity the patients who underwent laparoscopic cornuotomy for interstitial preg-
Thickness of cornu (mm)
Affected side (top)
Unaffected side (bottom)
p = 0.49d
a) NS: non-specific; b) NA1: non-applicable 1 due to previous salpingectomy; c) NA2: non-applicable 2 due to lost to follow up; d) paired
[8]. In contrast, with our technique, the tourniquet suture
dition, no information was available on the distended
was cut and removed completely after the cornual repair,
pregnant uterus. If a subsequent caesarean section were
so that it did not interfere with the blood supply or
required at full term, evaluation of the uterine integrity
patency of the affected cornu and salpinx and get a po-
precisely would be possible. However, we have not yet
tential opportunity for preserving their function [9].
encountered this situation. Assessing the anatomic repro-
An alternative form of noninvasive management is
ductive capacity, especially the myometrial integrity us-
medical treatment, which includes systemic or local
ing MRI, may not be sufficient. Nevertheless, as previ-
methotrexate, KCl, hypertonic dextrose, prostaglandins,
ously reported, MRI has demonstrated uterine defects in
or actinomycin D. Although no controlled study has de-
previous Caesarean scars and HSG is considered the gold
termined the superior drug, methotrexate is most often
standard for imaging the endometrial contour and tubal
used in medical treatment. Methotrexate treatment is
patency [12-14]. Therefore, these imaging techniques have
noninvasive, but has several disadvantages, including the
proven to be valuable, alternative, noninvasive tools for
need for prolonged close follow-up and an overall suc-
evaluating the endometrial contour, myometrial integrity,
cess rate of only 83% (91% with local injection, 79%
and tubal patency.
with systemic injection) [5]. Treatment failure can trigger
In our series, the tube in the affected proximal cornu
life-threatening hemorrhage; furthermore, the Metho-
was occluded in two women (cases no. 1 and 4). After
trxate has teratogenic effects in subsequent pregnancies
reviewing the videotapes of the two women, we found
and cannot be used to treat hemodynamically unstable
that accidental tubal ligation occurred due to excessive
women [1-5,10,11].
lateral extension and deep needle penetration during the
Our study has several limitations as follows; it was an
cornual repair in both cases. Meticulous full-thickness
uncontrolled study, with a small number of cases. In ad-
suturing is very important for hemostasis and maintain-
Copyright 2012 SciRes.
Y.-S. Choi
et al. / Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 (2012) 127-130
ing uterine integrity, but excessive deep needle penetra-
tion can cause accidental tubal ligation. Consequently,
[5] Weissman, A. and Fishman, A. (1992) Uterine rupture
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Copyright 2012 SciRes.
Source: http://www.hers.kr/3.pdf
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