Issue-4-for pdf
Issue 4 · December 2011
Facing the Challenges of
Labour Migration from Bangladesh
Short-term labour migration has become and to ensure their protection. In the
one of the core foreign currency earning
meantime, the Bangladesh government ratified
sectors in Bangladesh . Yet, development
the 1990 UN Convention on the Rights of All
of this sector is being challenged by the lack of
Migrant Workers and Members of Their
rights based legal support, inadequate policies,
Families (ICMW) without reservation.
and protracted implementation process. The
Therefore, it became necessary and expedient
number of female labour migration is rising
to reflect the Convention in the national
but skilled female migration, such as nursing, is
in need of appropriate government policy for its expansion. Recently the government has
Under these circumstances, in 2009 the
established Probashi Kallyan Bank as a
Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas
specialised financial institution for migrants to
Employment (EWOE) formed an inter-
facilitate remittance transfer, provide
ministerial committee including civil society
migration loan and expand investment
representatives to update the law . The
opportunities. However, the Ministry and its
committee suggested revision of four clauses
line agencies lack sufficient budget and human
of the law. The Law Commission of
resources. Moreover, high migration cost
Bangladesh initiated another review process. A
undermines the gains from the sector. In order
high level committee comprising government
to derive benefit from this sector, conducive
functionaries from the EWOE Ministry and its
policy and proper implantation of those are
line agency, the Law commission, and legal and
crucial. To facilitate this process, 2012-2021
migration experts drafted a new law. In April
should be declared as the Decade of
2011, the expert committee handed over the
draft to the Ministry of EWOE.
The new Mig ration and Overseas
Major Reforms Initiated
Employment Act 2011 aims to govern migration by ensuring migrants rights. It
The Overseas Employment Act 2011
upholds the principle of non-discrimination
Bangladesh began participating in the
and makes provisions for emergency return of
international short term contract labour market in the mid 1970s. In 1982 an Emigration Ordinance was enacted, helping
Goodwill of all involved with this
the Emigration Act 1922 to efficiently monitor
sector is necessary to make labour
and regulate emigration of workers from the
country. This law was framed when overseas employers used to offer decent wages,
- Ambassador of Bangladesh in Malaysia
holidays, yearly vacations, overtime, and commission to recruiting agencies as part of
migrants in case of crisis in destination
these labour recruitment deals. During the last
country. To reduce fraudulent practices and to
3 decades, dynamics of labour migration has
ensure accountability of recruiting agencies,
changed dramatically. Major countries of
the law introduces the concept of renewal of
destination for Bangladeshi labour migrants,
license on the basis of performance. It creates
such as Gulf and Southeast Asian states, have
legal provision for functioning sub-agents.
become a ‘buyers' market'. Workers are
With prior permission from the government,
frequently cheated by intermediaries. They are
recruiting agencies will be able to appoint
exploited both at the origin and destination
subagents and will provide identification to the
countries at every stage of migration. These
subagents working for them. The recruiting
trends have become the rule rather than the
agency will be liable if the subagents commit
exception. The 1982 Emigration Ordinance
misconduct. In the past migrants could not go
became inadequate to uphold migrants' rights
directly to court against the misconduct of a
Facing the Challenges of Labour Migration from Bangladesh
recruiting agency. The new draft law creates scope for a
commits to reducing irregular flows and increasing the
migrant to file a civil and criminal case in any court if the
scope of regular migration from all areas of Bangladesh
Protector of Emigrant (the concerned government
at a rational cost. It commits to protecting the rights,
official) fails to file a case within the prescribed period.
dignity and security of its workers within and outside of
Earlier cases could be filed in four special labour courts
the country, and to ensuring the social protection of the
of the country. The draft law has gone through civil
families left behind and the assets of the migrants. The
society consultation, and is now being presented to the
policy reiterates to consider misconduct in the
Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs.
recruitment process as an act against the national interest
Enactment of this law will bring qualitative changes in
of the country. Most importantly it vouches for the
the governance of labour migration. Civil society needs
allocation of greater resources to strengthen existing
to be vigilant so that vested interest groups cannot change
institutional infrastructure for the implementation of the
any important section of the draft while they are placed
before the cabinet.
Challenges and prospects: Although the Policy has been in
Overseas Employment Policy
place for last five years, successive governments have not
With persistent demand from civil society, the
developed any comprehensive action plan to implement
Overseas Employment Policy was enacted on 05
it. The Government is pursuing individual sections of the
November 2006. The policy, first of its kind in South
policy in a piecemeal manner. There is no monitoring and
Asia, ensures the right of the Bangladeshi male and
evaluation process built in to the policy. Given the current
female workers to freely choose quality employment.
competition in global labour markets as well as the need
Within this Policy the government of Bangladesh
for better protection of the rights of workers, it is
Labour migration is an important part of the current global economy. In 2010, around 214 million people were 2
residing outside their country of origin and they transferred globally USD 441 billion in remittances . Migrants also transfer skills, ideas and knowledge, establish interpersonal relationships among origin and
destination countries and their people. All, including the transit countries, can benefit from migration if the right kinds of policies are in place. Bangladesh is one of the major labour sending countries of the world. Since 1976 more than 7.1 million Bangladeshis have gone abroad by taking overseas employment. The diaspora living in the Western countries, particularly in the USA and UK, is estimated to be 1.50 million; a large number of them maintain a strong economic, social and cultural relationship with Bangladesh.
Migration is the highest foreign exchange earning sector of the country. In 2009, earning from migrant remittances
was 2 times higher than the net income of the garments sector and 9 times higher than foreign direct investment to the country. It helped the country to maintain a balance of payments surplus for six consecutive years in a row from
2005 to 2010 . Goldman Sachs, the renowned investment banking and securities firm, identified Bangladesh as one of the Next Eleven countries having high potential to become one of the world's emerging economies in the 21st
century . Migrant remittance plays a crucial role in achieving such status.
Forced return of migrants due to the global financial crisis and the political uncertainties in the Middle East,
particularly in Libya, present another challenge for the governance of labour migration. The government needs to develop its capacity to cope with such unexpected crises. Since the outbreak of the crisis the government of Bangladesh has had to evacuate 36,000 Bangladeshi workers from Libya. The international community bore some of the costs, but the bulk has been borne by the government by taking a loan from the World Bank. Social and economic reintegration of these returnees is a new responsibility on the shoulders of the government and the private sector.
Bangladesh has recently been experiencing growth in the migration of female domestic workers to the Gulf,
particularly due to a ban and other types of disincentives from traditional female labour sending countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. From less than 1% in 1990, in 2010, 7.09% of Bangladeshi migrants were
women . It is important to respect women's right to movement for international employment. Nonetheless, a major dilemma for the government is how to ensure protection of female domestic workers in the private spheres of the home which the labour laws of those countries do not cover.
Bangladesh has recently ratified the1990 UN Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
Their Families (ICMW). It is trying to provide some leadership in regional processes including in Colombo and Abu Dhabi to place some of the labour issues in a multilateral forum from their existing bilateral mode. This policy brief highlights reforms undertaken in Bangladesh and current challenges of labour migration from Bangladesh and possible ways to handle those challenges.
Challenges and prospects: Male migration from
Bangladesh has been declining since 2009, whilst female migration is on the rise. However, female migrants face several problems in the country of destination. In many cases the females are confined to the residence of the employers and cannot communicate with others. They remain unreachable in case of an emergency or threat. The Philippines has put a temporary ban of female migration. Indonesia has also stopped sending females to Saudi Arabia. Sri Lanka is also trying to expand its male labour market and reduce the flow of female migration. Under such circumstances, Bangladesh needs to be extra conscious regarding the security of its female migrant workers. Multilateral agreements involving all receiving and sending countries may go a long way in this respect. The government also needs to sign the Domestic Workers' Convention of the ILO 2011. In the
A potential migrant worker
compulsory 21-day government training, females should have country-specific brochures which will include general problems and redress mechanisms along with norms and rules of the particular job in the country of
Government can appoint functionaries in every
subdistrict to create skill wise database of
potential migrants. These details should be
The Probashi Kallyan Bank
connected with relevant ministries, line
Probashi Kalyan Bank (Migrant Welfare Bank) was
agencies and foreign missions. Foreign
established in October 2010 through a parliamentary Act.
employers can select workers from the
The Bank has three aims: low cost, quick transfer of
remittances, financing labour migration and financing investment loans for returnee migrants and their families.
- Ambassador of Bangladesh in Malaysia
The total capital of the Bank is BDT100 million, 95% of which was received from the Wage Earners' Welfare
essential to develop a target-oriented action plan. Such
Fund. This is a fund mostly generated by the contribution
action plan should ensure the implementation of the
of departing migrants and the Government of
overseas employment policy with inbuilt monitoring and
Bangladesh is the repository of the Fund.
evaluation systems to achieve the goals of the policy, as well as for suggesting incremental changes in the policy.
Before migration, one should have enough idea
Policy on Female Migration
about the destination country. He should know
Since 1981 the government of Bangladesh has
imposed bans and restrictions on the migration of lowly
how to speak, how to move on the roads. I think
skilled female workers. With continuous pressure from
if government provides training on these issues
select civil society bodies, the government relaxed
to workers before going abroad, they will not
restrictions on migration of unskilled and semi-skilled
face problems like we do.
women in 2003. Now lowly skilled women can work
- Mohsin Hasan, Bangladeshi worker in Malaysia
abroad as the principal migrant.
Siddiqui, Tasneem, 2006, ‘Protection of Bangladeshi migrants
RMMRU Policy Brief 6, Probashi Kallayn Bank: Innovative
through good governance' in Merchants of Labour (ed.)
Approaches for Remittance Transfer, Migration Finance Loan
Christiane Kuptsch; International Labour Organisation: Geneva
and Investment Loans, RMMRU: Dhaka
Siddiqui, Tasneem, 2006, ILO International labour migration from
Reyes, Carola, 2011 (upcoming), Bringing Migration and Refugee
Bangladesh: A decent work perspective, ILO Working Paper 66,
Communities in the National Policy Agenda of Bangladesh: The
International Labour Organisation: Geneva
Role of Specialised Civil Society Organisations, RMMRU: Dhaka
UN Convention on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members
Siddiqui, Tasneem, 2010, Migration Patterns and Trends of
of Their Families (ICMW), 1990, United Nations: New York
Bangladesh, RMMRU Policy Paper, RMMRU: Dhaka
The Emigration Ordinance, 1982, Ministry of Law, Government of
Fhamida Yasmin, 2010, Gender Responsiveness of Bangladesh
the People's Republic of Bangladesh: Dhaka
Overseas Employment Policy: Implication of Female Migration, RMMRU Occasional Paper 21, RMMRU: Dhaka
Bangladesh Overseas Employment Policy, 2006, Ministry of Law,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh: Dhaka
Facing the Challenges of Labour Migration from Bangladesh
Challenges and prospects: It is of immense importance
Bangladesh and in the countries of destination. Recently,
that the Probashi Kallyan Bank achieves its desired goals.
the country has been facing stiff competition from
Its stated goal of providing loans to departing migrants
newly emerging labour sending countries of South and
has been tried in the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
Southeast Asia. The global financial crisis and people's
All these countries, otherwise reasonably successful in
upheaval in the Gulf and North African countries have
governing labour migration, have failed miserably when it
negatively affected labour migration from Bangladesh. In
comes to migration finance loans. Migration loans from
2008, 800,000 Bangladeshis went abroad for work .
banks in these countries have ended in defaults. In
However, in 2009 and 2010 the number came down to
Bangladesh, four remittance earning banks introduced
half its original figure. It is expected that in the coming
migration financing loan programmes. They faced
years, workers from some African countries will also
difficulties in reaching their targets. Therefore, the
participate in the Gulf labour market along with the
challenges for Probashi Kallyan Bank are enormous. As
newly entering Southeast Asian countries. This indicates
a specialised financial institution, this bank must forge
that the competition for entry in to the labour market is
partnerships with commercial banks and non-
going to be tougher.
government organisations in processing, disbursement and recovery of loans. It can also use the extensive
Migration Sector in National Development Plans
network of post offices in remittance transfer . Most
Studies have found that a continuous and constant
importantly the operation of the banking should be
flow of remittances has a multiplier effect on the rural
completely automated .
areas of Bangladesh. Enterprises established by returnee migrants or their family members are generating employment and creating markets for the locally produced goods and services. Micro-level research finds
Major Challenges of Labour
increased consumption patterns in migrant families than
non-migrant families . Moreover, remittances also enable migrant-led households to access better education and
Bangladesh mainly participates in the semi- and
healthcare services than non-migrant families .
unskilled labour market. Over the last 5 years only 0.14%
Nevertheless, the migration sector is one of the least
of its labour force belonged to the professional category,
attended sectors in the national development plan.
26.15% were skilled and the remaining 73.69% were semi
Neither the five-year development plan nor the 10-year
or low skilled . Globally, unskilled workers share the most
perspective plan has identified migration as a way for
unprotected, exploited workforce. Bangladeshi workers
enhancing development. Civil society has persuaded the
are no exception. Non-payment or delayed payment of
Ministry of EWOE to incorporate migration as a thrust
wages, physical violence and arbitrary deportation are sector in the development plan. However, the final draft common experience for a large number of Bangladeshi
of the 6th Five-year Development Plan does not have a
unskilled and semiskilled workers.
separate section on migration. The Ministry has been able to incorporate the issue of migration in different
A significant proportion of Bangladeshi workers
become irregular due to reasons operational both in
Potential female migrant workers after the skill development training
Facing the Challenges of Labour Migration from Bangladesh
Inadequate Resource Allocation
Many of our people are working in such
The Ministry of EWOE is the most important
companies that didn't bring them here and
apparatus within the government that manages
become irregular workers. Some people leave
migration. However, the ministry suffers from severe
recruiting company for more salary; they also
resource shortages. The Ministry and its line agencies have a shortage of skilled and competent human
become illegal. The source of all these problems
resources as well as inadequate infrastructure. Due to
is their high migration cost.
these pressing issues many of the functions for
- Ambassador of Bangladesh in Malaysia
protecting and promoting the rights and welfare of migrant workers cannot be delivered by the ministry.
guidelines for encouraging private institutions. Although
Lack of Skilled Human Resource
more than three years have passed, recommendations of
At present the Bureau of Manpower, Employment
the committee are yet to be implemented.
and Training (BMET), the line agency of the Ministry of
Challenges of High Labour Migration Cost
EWOE, manages 38 Technical Training Centres (TTCs)
The high cost of migration is the result of several
in Bangladesh. These training centres target both local as
causes persisting at both countries of origin and
well as international employment. There is a persistent
destination. Visa trading and involvement of
tension in administrating these training centres as two
intermediaries at different stages spiral migration cost
separate ministries , Ministry of Labour and EWOE, run
and the whole cost has to be borne by the migrants. For
these training centres under the supervision of BMET.
example, a work permit issued by the destination
About 2,000 trainers from these centres need urgent
country's government is immediately sold at the local
capacity building training to conduct modern courses.
market. Changing hands for 2/3 times when a
Again, most of these TTCs face major budget deficits.
Bangladeshi recruiter buys the work permit, he has to pay
Moreover, the Bangladesh Technical Education Board
as much as USD 2,000 upfront. On the other hand,
(BTEB) of the Education Ministry, responsible for
Bangladeshi recruiting agencies, local intermediaries and
coordinating training and approving the training
dishonest public sector functionaries retain their margin
curricula within these centres, lacks adequate human
from the same amount. Under these circumstances
resources to improve their quality.
when a migrant secures a visa s/he has to pay the entire
Institutional Hindrances in Promoting Migration of
amount which is much higher than the actual cost. Due to
Highly Skilled Nurses
lower wage rate it takes more than a year for a migrant
Migration of professionals from Bangladesh is
worker to recover the money spent to acquire the work
minimal. In 2010, only 387 professionals migrated for
overseas jobs . One significant way for the country to
Way forward
increase the number of professionals is to increase the number of nurses for overseas employment. Although
• To ensure effective streamlining of labour migration
worldwide nurses are in great demand, Bangladesh is the
from Bangladesh, the government should declare
only country that has one nurse for every three doctors .
migration as a ‘thrust sector' for the economy and
Nurse migration from Bangladesh is insignificant in
should allocate the equivalent of at least 0.5 percent of
number as local demand is scarcely met. On the other
remittances earned per fiscal year to the sector.
hand, existing government guidelines for nurse education
Migration should be incorporated in the national
are one of the major hindrances for the private sector in
development plans for effective management of the
offering nursing courses. In 2008, the Ministry of Health
migration sector.
and Family Welfare formed a high level taskforce to
• The Ministry of EWOE should be redesigned with at
review the 1983 Bangladesh Nursing Council Ordinance
least five separate departments, such as Facilitation
and existing curricula to evaluate the existing guidelines.
and Regulation of Recruitment; Rights and Welfare;
The taskforce highlighted the need for massive
Labour Attaché Management; Long Ter m
investment in this sector by government and private
Bangladeshi Affairs and Policy and Research.
sector institutions along with major changes in the
Resource allocation for institutional reorganisation must be ensured from the revenue budget and necessary infrastructure and human resource
I took 180,000 BDT from my father-in-law and
development to be borne from the development
then migrated to Malaysia with that money. I
am in Malaysia for 3 years and 4 months. My
hope of building a house will never come true.
• Lack of coordination among the training-providing
I came here with a lot of hopes, which will not
institution and concerned ministries must be
be fulfilled.
addressed through inter-ministerial and inter-agency coordination. All the TTCs should be equipped with
- Saiful Islam, Bangladeshi worker in Malaysia
different international forums such as the Global
We have primary schools, colleges in all villages
Forum on Migration and Development. A multilateral
or in upazillas. If we can provide training in
approach would help to stop visa trading at the
evening shift in these institutions, I think we can
destination country. The respective governments of
somewhat manage the problem.
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait are taking steps to
- Ambassador of Bangladesh in Malaysia
stop this trade. Bangladesh should be involved with these sending countries to find effective solutions. In the Bangladesh context, adequate legal steps should be
updated training equipment. The capacity of the
taken to reduce the number of intermediaries to lower
trainers should be regularly updated with continuous
the high labour migration cost.
Training of Trainers. The Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) should set a minimum
standard of training considering demand in the
This policy brief sheds light on important reforms and
international market. Resources should be allocated
actions concerning labour migration. It is clear that the
for promoting skilled human resources at the
government has undertaken serious reforms in certain
grassroots both under revenue and development
areas but new areas are constantly emerging. The
government may consider declaring 2012-2021 the
• In order to promote skilled nurse migration from the
decade of migration and undertake necessary policies
country, the government should ease conditionalities
and programmes to face the emerging challenges in
that reduce the scope of private sector participation in
migration sector and to promote safe labour migration
nursing education. Updated training curricula and
from Bangladesh.
quality of teaching should be given emphasis. Nurses should come from all educational disciplines instead
End Note:
of being limited to a science background for enrolling
1. Representatives from Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and
in BSc nursing. In order to ensure knowledge in a
Overseas Employment, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of
necessary science course, students with a non-science
Labour, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Manusher Jonno Foundation and Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit were
background have to undertake a pre-course in those
members of the committee.
2. UNFPA 2011 and World Bank remittance data 2011.
• The issue of high visa cost should be placed in
3. Siddiqui, T, et al (2010), Targeting Good Governance:
Incorporation of Migration in the 6th Five Year Plan, draft policy paper prepared by the RMMRU.
4. Global Economics Paper no 134, O'Neil, James et al. (2005)
RMMRU Policy Brief 7, 2011, Institutional and Regulatory
5. BMET data on female migration, 2011,
Reforms for Migration and Remittance Management,
6. Policy Dialogue on Probashi Kallyan Bank: Developing Strategies
for Serving Migrants held on 29 May 2011 organised by the RMMRU
Siddiqui, Tasneem, 2011 (upcoming), Impact of High Cost of
7. BMET data on skill wise migration, 2011,
Migration: The Bangladesh Case, UNESCAP: Thailand
8. BMET Data on country wise Migration, 2011,
_ World Migration Report 2010, 2011, International
9. Siddqui, Tasneem (2011), Impact of Migration on Poverty and
Organization for Migration: Geneva
Development, (unpublished) commissioned by the Research
Siddiqui, Tasneem et al, 2010, Targeting Good Governance:
Programme Consortium on Migrating Out of Poverty based at the
Incorporation of Migration in the 6th Five Year Plan,
University of Sussex, UK
RMMRU Policy Paper, RMMRU: Dhaka
10. Siddiqui, 2011
Siddiqui, Tasneem, 2009, Putting Migration in Development
11. BMET data on skill wise migration, 2011,
Strategies, Background Paper 1, 3rd Global Forum on
12. RMMRU Policy Brief 5; Institutional and Regulatory Reforms for
Migration and Development
Training of Nurses for Overseas Employment.
Acknowledgement: This issue of Protifolon was prepared by
Tasneem Siddiqui, Professor in Political Science and
Chair, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) and
Makfie Farah, Programme Officer,
RMMRU, University of Dhaka. IID deeply appreciates the IDS-D.Net-RMMRU collaboration which supported the
publication of the policy brief.
Protifolon was originally developed and designed at D.Net in collaboration with the IDS Knowledge Services. IID is the new host of this programme. The views expressed in Protifolon do not necessarily reflect those of IID or IDS. The publication may be reproduced or distributed for non-commercial purpose in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system. However, proper quotation and reference is mandatory.
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Plan of Building the Business 2 meetings a day - 10 meetings a week - 40 meetings a month! Plan of Building the Business Main provisions .3 Whom to address, and how, in order to start acting.3 Scheduling a meeting (see Appendix) .3 Getting ready for the meeting .5 Getting referrals .6 Selling personal care products .8 Nutrition and weight loss.9 Talking about the business opportunity .9