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Avoid treatment linked to the increasing Parkinson's disease death rate.™* *Hinz, M. Stein, A. Cole, T., The Parkinson's disease death rate: carbidopa and vitamin B6 (PLP) Clin Pharmacol Sep 2014 THE APPROACH
Receive Parkinson's care developed by the medical doctors that discovered and published, the carbidopa death link.
The nutritional approach we invented replaces carbidopa while effectively addressing the nutritional deficiencies associated with Parkinson's disease and L-dopa.
CARBIDOPA: The drug that depletes vitamin B6 and accelerates
Parkinson's disease symptoms
Levodopa (L-dopa) is the most effective requiring B6 for normal function, there is Parkinson's disease treatment available. no other vitamin or nutrient responsible for Carbidopa is only added to L-dopa to stop more vital chemical reactions.
nausea caused by using L-dopa the wrong way. Use of this combined drug leads to Between 1960 and 1975, when only L-dopa progressive deterioration of the patient.
was being used, the Parkinson's death rate was decreasing. The FDA approved carbidopa Carbidopa irreversibly binds to and for administration with L-dopa in 1975. One permanently deactivates the active form year later, in 1976, the Parkinson's death rate of vitamin B6 where ever it is found in the started increasing as noted in the chart on body. With over 300 enzymes and proteins the cover of this brochure. Is this a new form of Parkinson's disease treatment?
No! L-dopa is the most effective Parkinson's treatment available and has been over 50 years.
A nutrient is any substance that
L-dopa is usually the last drug started due to what was thought to be the inevitable side facilitates normal system function.
effects and adverse reactions associated with it. Isn't L-dopa a prescription drug?
A drug is any substance that
L-dopa is available as a drug or a nutrient. It is classified as a non-essential amino acid. With induces abnormal system function.
Parkinson's disease patients additional L-dopa it is essential since dietary intake can not be established high enough to meet dopamine needs even with an optimal diet. A nutrient may become a drug.
If this is not a new treatment what is it?
This approach is the first real advancement in the L-dopa and Parkinson's disease treatment
A drug may not become a nutrient.
in over 50 years. After 17 years of clinical research, the medical doctors who invented and refined this approach published their findings in 2014. Parkinson's disease, L-dopa, and carbidopa are all associated with numerous relative nutritional deficiencies (RND). The With misuse, the nutrient L-dopa
management of these deficiencies is not simply going to the health food store and getting turns into a drug with side effects.
some nutrients. Various techniques along with lab tests have been developed and refined by these medical doctors who learned to manage the side effects associated with L-dopa. This provides highly beneficial treatment with L-dopa as soon as possible without carbidopa. Parkinson's disease is associated
Why is early treatment with L-dopa important?
with depletion of:
Parkinson's disease patients do not have enough dopamine in their brains. This causes the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The only way for the brain to make enough dopamine is by taking L-dopa. In all Parkinson's disease patients a relative nutritional deficiency exists since • Norepinephrine high enough levels of the nutrient L-dopa can not be obtained from even an optimal diet. Treatment with L-dopa as soon as possible is important to keep brain function optimal and prevent brain deterioration from nutritional deficiencies. Drugs do nothing to increase the • Thiols (homocysteine, L-methionine, body's ability to make dopamine. The effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is a distant second to the nutrient L-dopa. homocysteine, cystathione, L-cysteine, Can I get these nutrients on my own?
Everything being prescribed is non-prescription nutrients since all of the problems • L- tryptophan associated with Parkinson's disease represent relative nutritional deficiencies. The components of treatment are available in health food stores or over the internet. If you buy L-dopa has the ability to induce
these things for self-treatment you will be up against the exact same problems medicine nutritional deficiency of
has been dealing with for over 50 years: the side effects and adverse reactions associated with the nutrient L-dopa along with the multiple nutritional collapses of Parkinson's disease. Management of L-dopa induced nausea, on/off effect, dyskinesias, long-term stability, and all of the relative nutritional deficiencies listed to the right, need to be skillfully and professionally managed. This is not a self-treatment disease. What are the expected outcomes of treatment?
Carbidopa depletes vitamin B6
For Parkinson's disease patients who are early in the course of the disease expectations These depletions represent relative should be complete restoration of function with few or no symptoms with a marked slowing nutritional deficiencies (RND) where in the progression of the disease. For patients who have had the diagnosis for several years, system nutrition based synthesis time, the disease, and drugs may have taken their toll. While complete restoration of normal requirements cannot be achieved on a function may not be possible, the expectation should still be to achieve the highest level of normal or optimal diet. function possible without unmanageable L-dopa side effects interfering.
Improper administration of nutrients turns them into a drug.
Sulfur amino acids How does L-dopa deplete other nutrients?
What is telemedicine?
Study the illustration above. When only L-dopa is given it excludes Telemedicine is a formally recognized method for doctors (MD and DO) serotonin the making of serotonin. For over 50 years doctors have to provide medical care remotely. The University of Minnesota Duluth given their patients L-dopa while not recognizing or making any Medical School has 80% of the state of Minnesota geographically set up effort to correct the nutritionally driven collapse problems they were telemedicine. Insurance companies recognize telemedicine consults as creating. L-dopa depletes L-tyrosine, Thiols (homocysteine, glutathione, a valid form of medical care and most reimburse for telemedicine care S-adenosylmethionine, L-cysteine, cystathione, and L-methionine), as long as the patient is in a clinic while the consultant is remote. Private serotonin, and L-tryptophan. These things are critical for functions in the telemedicine, where the physician cares for the patient in the home, body. These nutritionally driven depletions cause Parkinson's disease is usually not covered by insurance but is a valid option for self-pay to spiral out of control. The leading cause of Parkinson's disease is brain damage from toxins. This requires more dopamine to compensate for the damage and restore normal brain function. L-dopa depletes glutathione concentrations, the body's most powerful detoxifying agent. When this happens ongoing exposure to toxins accelerates World-wide telemedicine care for Parkinson's
progression of disease if proper levels of the nutrients required by the disease and other neurotransmitter related
body to make glutathione are not administered. Is this alternative medicine?
For a virtual clinic telemedicine appointment or This is cutting-edge main stream medical research. At the heart of information contact: this approach is the nutrient L-dopa which has hundreds of published Parkinson's disease studies and has been recognized as the most effective treatment for over 50 years. L-dopa is so important that the 6710 West Sunrise Blvd. Suite 110 doctors who discovered then synthesized it received two Nobel Prizes. In 1975 things took a negative turn for L-dopa; it was combined with Plantation, FL 33313 carbidopa and the death rate started increasing. The difference with this approach is that L-dopa builds the system up while all other approaches Email: [email protected] tear the system down.
Do not keep treating as before.
Everyday that a Parkinson's patients live with improperly treated
nutritional deficiencies is another day the system deteriorates. While things might not seem to be too bad for the first year or two of standard medical care, the day will come where nutritionally driven forces spiral out of control into a world of symptoms worsening. This nutritional worsening is caused by the improper nutritional treatment, the disease, and the drugs. This approach is superior to any previous treatment in restoring optimal function and preventing deterioration of the disease. Patients should not be allowed to persist in a nutritional deficiency state for one day. Under the current approach to Parkinson's disease they are in nutritional deficiency for years. The earlier nutritional stabilization is performed the better the long-term disease outcomes will be. Ignoring the problem leads to system collapse. Many symptoms of nutritional collapse are wrongly diagnosed as deterioration from Parkinson's disease and not treated properly. Not just Parkinson's disease
Adrenal fatigue or burnout Post-traumatic stress disorder Alzheimer's disease Cognitive deterioration Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cortisol Dysfunction Migraine Headaches Premenstrual Syndrome Nocturnal myoclonus Asperger's Syndrome Psychotic Illness Attention Deficit Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Attention Deficit Social anxiety disorder Hyperactivity Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Tension Headaches Tourette's Syndrome Glutamte regulation Organ system dysfunction Traumatic brain injury Hormone dysfunction Serotonin driven coronary Parkinson's disease Ulcerative Colitis Inappropriate Aggression How are these diseases like Parkinson's disease?
The goal needs to be the restoration normal system function something Patients with these diseases are suffering from inadequate levels of that only nutrients can do. Work by inducing abnormal system function.
the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and Many of the same considerations required for addressing the nutritional epinephrine. The body requires adequate amounts of nutrients to make deficiencies of Parkinson's disease are utilized in the treatment of enough neurotransmitters. the diseases listed above. We offer care for the most challenging With each of these diseases enough nutrients can not be obtained and difficult cases. Refractory cases, situations where the drugs have even from an optimal diet. This is a state known as relative nutritional stopped working, trouble getting off the drugs, and patients who do not want drug treatment are routinely cared for by our physicians. Just as with Parkinson's disease nutrients need to be given in proper The National Institute of balance or they will not work and may cause more harm than good in Health Division of Drug the long run by depleting of other systems. Abuse illustration of neurotransmitters depleted by The medical doctors staffing this telemedicine clinic have published reuptake inhibitor drugs such numerous papers documenting their research and findings with as the ones used to treat the these diseases. Many new approaches to nutrient administration were diseases listed on this page. developed along with the laboratory testing required to optimize results. When antidepressants stop working it is because they have depleted neurotransmitters the levels that are required for the drug to A nutrient is any substance that facilitates normal
continue working. Proper intake of nutrients is the only way to restore system function.
depleted neurotransmitter levels.
A drug is any substance that induces abnormal
system function.
Certified to teach:
AMA Category 1 Continuing Medical Education

A nutrient may become a drug.
The doctors of this clinic teach 6 to 10 six-hour conferences a year around the United States.
A drug may not become a nutrient.
Presenting peer-reviewed With misuse, the nutrient L-dopa turns into a drug
original research papers with side effects.
that were co-authored with faculty at the University of Minnesota Medical School Within the body, drugs do not produce more of the things required to restore the system to optimal health. Drugs work by causing the system to function abnormally in hopes that the effect generated will be viewed as a positive outcome and the patients willingly continue taking the drug hoping for relief. Depression drugs, for example, are only 7% to 13% more effective than taking a sugar pill (placebo). A Medical Education Company


This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party

Indicators of ADHD symptoms FECHA DE RECEPCIÓN: 23 de junio in virtual learning context using FECHA DE APROBACIÓN: 17 de julio Pp. 22-37 machine learning technics Laura Patricia Mancera Valetts* Indicadores de síntomas ADHD en Silvia Margarita Baldiris Navarro** el contexto de aprendizaje virtual,