Subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline modulates gingival crevicular fluid biomarkers of periodontitis in postmenopausal osteopenic women
J Periodontol • August 2008
Subantimicrobial-Dose DoxycyclineModulates Gingival Crevicular FluidBiomarkers of Periodontitisin Postmenopausal Osteopenic WomenLorne M. Golub,* Hsi Ming Lee,* Julie A. Stoner,† Timo Sorsa,‡ Richard A. Reinhardt,§Mark S. Wolff,*i Maria E. Ryan,* Pirkka V. Nummikoski,¶ and Jeffrey B. Payne§
Background: We recently demonstrated that a 2-year subantimicrobial-
dose doxycycline (SDD) regimen (double-masked, placebo-controlled clinicaltrial) in postmenopausal (PM) women exhibiting mild systemic bone loss(osteopenia) and local bone loss (periodontitis) reduced the progression of peri-odontal attachment loss (intent-to-treat analysis) and the severity of gingivalinflammation and alveolar bone loss (subgroups) without producing antibioticside effects. We now describe SDD effects on biomarkers of collagen degrada-tion and bone resorption in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of the same vul-
More than 2 decades
ago, Golub et al.1
nerable subjects.
Methods: GCF was collected from SDD- and placebo-treated PM subjects
other groups2-4 confirmed,
(n = 64 each) at the baseline and 1- and 2-year appointments; the volume
was determined; and the samples were analyzed for collagenase activity (us-
such as doxycycline and
ing a synthetic peptide as substrate), relative levels of three genetically dis-
tinct collagenases (Western blot), a type-1 collagen breakdown product/
host-derived matrix metallo-
bone resorption marker (a carboxyterminal telopeptide cross-link fragment
proteinases (MMPs), such as
of type I collagen [ICTP]; radioimmunoassay), and interleukin-1b (enzyme-
collagenases and gelatin-
linked immunosorbent assay). Statistical analyses were performed using
ases, and by a mechanism
generalized estimating equations; primary analyses were intent-to-treat.
unrelated to the antibiotic
Results: Collagenase activity was significantly reduced by SDD treatment
activity of these drugs. The
relative to placebo based on intent-to-treat (P = 0.01). ICTP showed a similar
first mechanism identified
pattern of change during SDD treatment, and GCF collagenase activity and
was the ability of TCs to
ICTP were positively correlated at all time periods (P <0.001). Matrix metallo-
directly inhibit already acti-
proteinase (MMP)-8 accounted for ;80% of total collagenase in GCF, with
vated MMPs by binding the
much less MMP-1 and -13, and SDD reduced the odds of elevated MMP-8
metal ions, calcium and
by 60% compared to placebo (P = 0.006).
zinc, in the catalytic domain
Conclusion: These observations support the therapeutic potential of long-
of the enzymes.1-3,5 Addi-
term SDD therapy to reduce periodontal collagen breakdown and alveolar
tional pleiotropic mecha-
bone resorption in PM women; effects on serum biomarkers of systemic bone
loss in these subjects are being analyzed. J Periodontol 2008;79:1409-1418.
apparent, such as the abilityof these drugs to downregu-
late the expression of inac-
Clinical trial; collagenases gingival crevicular fluid; osteopenia;
and to block the activationof these zymogens. Twostrategies were pursued to
* Department of Oral Biology and Pathology, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,
† Currently, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, College of Public Health, University of Oklahoma
Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK; previously, Department of Biostatistics, College of PublicHealth, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE.
property of TCs into new
‡ Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
therapies to inhibit patholog-
§ Department of Surgical Specialties, College of Dentistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Lincoln, NE.
ically excessive connective
i Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY.
¶ Longitudinal Radiographic Assessment Facility, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,
San Antonio, TX.
SDD and GCF Biomarkers in Postmenopausal Women
Volume 79 • Number 8
tissue destruction, including bone resorption. One
3) long-term SDD therapy can produce these effects
strategy was to chemically modify the TC molecule
in PM women exhibiting bone loss locally and system-
to eliminate its antibiotic properties (i.e., bacteri-
ically, whereas previous studies2,3,19,20 on this topic of
ostatic) but to retain (even enhance) its MMP-inhibitory
host-modulation therapy did not target subjects with
properties, i.e., chemically-modified tetracyclines
this important systemic factor, estrogen deficiency as-
(CMTs) 1 through 10.2,3 The second strategy was to
sociated with the menopause.
titrate downward the oral dose of doxycycline toproduce blood levels of the drug too low to produceantibiotic activity (and, thus, eliminate side effects of
antibiotic administration) but which still produced
The details of this clinical trial, as well as the methods
MMP-inhibitory effects and clinical improvement in
used for clinical, radiographic, and microbiologic mea-
patients with periodontitis.2-4 Early in these studies,
surements, were described in our earlier articles.16-18
TCs and CMTs were found to inhibit bone resorption
In brief, the study was a two-center, double-masked,
in organ culture6,7 and in animal models of bone-
placebo-controlled clinical trial with each of 128 PM
deficiency diseases, including the estrogen-deficient
subjects randomly assigned to take placebo (n = 64
(ovariectomized) osteoporotic aged female rat8 and the
subjects) or SDD (doxycycline hyclate, 20 mg; n =
diabetes-induced osteopenic rat.9 These effects were
64) tablets twice daily for 2 years. Subjects were
associated, in part, with the MMP-inhibitory properties
recruited and randomized between June 2002 and
of these drugs. These drugs also ‘‘normalized'' patho-
October 2003. The last subject completed the clinical
logic bone turnover by inhibiting osteoclast activity and
trial in October 2005. All subjects received calcium
bone resorption and by enhancing osteoblast activity,
(600 mg) and vitamin D (200 IU) supplements twice
type I collagen synthesis, and bone formation.10-12
daily with instructions for use and were scheduled to
Because estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal
receive periodontal maintenance therapy every 3 to
(PM) women is the most common cause of osteo-
4 months, all of which was provided at no cost to the
porosis, involves accelerated bone resorption over-
participants during the 2-year protocol. Enrolled sub-
powering the rate of bone formation, and has been
jects were 45 to 70 years of age, PM for ‡6 months, di-
associated with increased tooth loss and oral bone
agnosed as osteopenic (not osteoporotic, because this
loss,13-15 we hypothesized that subantimicrobial-dose
disease would have required treatment with a United
doxycycline (SDD), by a non-antimicrobial mecha-
States Food and Drug Administration–approved med-
nism, can reduce bone loss and improve clinical mea-
ication, e.g., a bisphosphonate) based on dual-energy
sures of periodontitis in these vulnerable subjects.
x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA; i.e., T scores of -1.0
As a result, we recently completed a double-masked,
to -2.5 inclusive) of the lumbar spine or femoral
placebo-controlled clinical trial on PM women who
neck, had moderate to advanced periodontitis, and
exhibited mild systemic bone loss (osteopenia) and
were undergoing periodontal maintenance therapy.
periodontitis and who were administered a 2-year reg-
Additional enrollment criteria were described by us
imen of SDD or placebo adjunctive to periodontal
previously.16 However, once enrolled, subjects were
maintenance therapy and calcium and vitamin D
not removed from the trial if they did not adhere to
supplements. Our data demonstrated that SDD sig-
the protocol (e.g., started bisphosphonate therapy
nificantly reduced the progression of periodontal at-
or chronic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ther-
tachment loss (intent-to-treat analysis) and reduced
apy) based on an intent-to-treat paradigm. These
the severity of gingival inflammation and alveolar
occurrences of non-adherence to the protocol were
bone loss (in subgroups of these subjects), without
recorded and addressed during data analysis (see
producing side effects associated with antibiotic ther-
Statistical Analysis). All subjects provided written in-
apy.16-18 We now present our findings, in the same
formed consent to participate in the study. The study
clinical trial, describing the effect of SDD on bio-
protocol was reviewed and approved by the Stony
chemical ‘‘markers'' of collagen degradation and bone
Brook Institutional Review Board and the University
resorption in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from
of Nebraska Medical Center Institutional Review
this vulnerable population. To the best of our knowl-
edge, this study is the first to show that 1) SDD can re-
Computer-assisted densitometric image analysis
duce collagenase levels and activity over a prolonged
of oral posterior bite-wing radiographs and DEXA
period of time (previous studies2-4 described effects
scans of the lumbar spine and femoral neck to assess
on collagenases over several weeks to 3 months,
local and systemic bone loss, respectively, as well as
which did not preclude the subsequent potential loss
clinical measurements of periodontal disease and
of drug effect), 2) effects on collagenase are positively
subgingival plaque samples for microbiologic analy-
correlated with a biomarker of bone resorption in the
sis, were taken at regular intervals over 2 years; these
same GCF samples over a long period of time, and
data were described previously.16-18
J Periodontol • August 2008
Golub, Lee, Stoner, et al.
Collection of GCF Samples
At each of three appointments (baseline and 1 and 2
Gln-dArg)‡‡ that served as the enzyme substrate. Fol-
years), GCF samples were collected from two pocket
lowing incubation at 37C, the reaction mixture was
sites (5 to 9 mm in depth) per subject identified at a
quenched with l,10-phenanthroline (a zinc chelator
previous screening appointment. The GCF collection
that binds this cation in the collagenase molecule),
technique and measurement of GCF volume were de-
the tripeptide breakdown product was separated by
scribed by us previously.19,20 In brief, the identified
high-performance liquid chromatography§§ using a
pocket sites were isolated with cotton rolls and gently
reverse-phase C18 column (4.6 · 75 mm, 3.5-mm
air dried. Supragingival plaque was carefully removed
macroporous spherical support), and the eluate
using periodontal curets, then precut presterilized fil-
was monitored at 375 nm for quantifying the DNP-
ter paper strips# were inserted into each isolated peri-
labeled peptides. The collagenase activity mea-
odontal pocket until slight resistance was felt. The
sured by this assay was further characterized as a
filter strips were left in place for 10 seconds, and the
host-derived collagenase based on its response in
volume absorbed onto the paper strip was im-
vitro to several different proteinase inhibitors and
mediately determined in a calibrated GCF flow me-
activators19,20 and was scored on a scale of 0% to
ter.** GCF samples visually contaminated with
100% hydrolysis of the synthetic octapeptide.
blood were discarded. Immediately after measure-
ICTP and IL-1b Analyses
ment, the GCF samples were placed into a microfuge
As described previously, l00-ml aliquots were taken
tube on ice at chairside and stored frozen at -80C
and analyzed by radioimmunoassay for ICTP20 using
within 10 minutes of collection. GCF collection pre-
a commercial kit,ii and duplicate 50-ml aliquots were
ceded any clinical measurements.
analyzed for IL-1b using an enzyme immunoassay¶¶
Assay Methods for GCF Biomarkers
based on a double-antibody sandwich technique.21
The frozen GCF samples (one pooled sample per sub-
Western Blot Analysis of MMP-1, -8, and -13
ject/appointment) were thawed (4C) for 15 minutes.
In brief, lyophilized GCF extracts (100 ml containing
Then, 400 ml 50 mM Tris/0.2 M NaCl/5 mM CaC12
10 to 20 mg protein) were treated with Laemmli buffer
buffer (pH 7.6) containing a proteinase-inhibitor
(pH 7.0) containing 5 mM dithiothreitol and heated for
cocktail (which blocked serine, cysteine, and thiol
5 minutes at 100C. High- and low-range prestained
proteinases, but not MMPs), consisting of antipain
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel
(1 mg/l), aprotinin (1 mg/l), N-ethylmaleimide (125
electrophoresis standard proteins were used as mo-
mg/l), leupeptin (1 mg/l), and 50 mg/l detergent,††
lecular weight markers. The samples were electro-
were added to the pooled GCF samples. The two strips
phoresed on 7.5% SDS-polyacrylamide gels and
(pooled) containing the GCF were exhaustively mixed
then electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose
and extracted (1 hour, 4C), and aliquots were taken
membranes, and Western blot analysis was carried
for analysis of the following: collagenase (MMP) activ-
out as described by us previously.20,22
ity, the only type of proteinase that can degrade the
Specific immunoreactivity was visualized as dark
triple-helical collagen molecule under physiologic
bands against a clear background, and the mem-
conditions;3,4 a carboxyterminal telopeptide cross-
branes were scanned with an imaging densitometer##
link fragment of type I collagen [ICTP], a degradation
using a program*** that corrects for background
fragment of type I collagen and a bone resorption
values. The densitometric units were measured in
marker;20 relative protein levels of the three different
the linear range of immunoreactivity for each of the
collagenases (MMP-1, -8, and -13) in GCF;20 and in-
three MMPs; purified human MMP-1, -8, and -13 were
terleukin (IL)-1b, a proinflammatory cytokine that
used as positive controls.
can induce osteoclastic activity and bone resorp-tion.21 If one of the two teeth selected for GCF sam-
Statistical Analysis
pling was extracted before the 2-year protocol
Statistical analytical procedures were described by us
ended, the GCF collected on a filter strip from the re-
in detail.16-18 The method of generalized estimating
maining tooth was eluted in 200 ml instead of 400 ml
equations, with a working exchangeable correlation
buffer, and the aliquots for each of the assays below
structure, was used.23 For the collagenase, ICTP, and
were reduced by half. These assays were carried outas follows.
Periopaper, Proflow, Amityville, NY.
** Periotron 6000, Proflow.
Total Collagenase Activity
†† Zwittergent, Calbiochem-Novabiochem, La Jolla, CA.
The details for measuring GCF collagenase activity
‡‡ Bachem, King of Prussia, PA.
§§ Waters Alliance 2695 System, Waters Alliance, Milford, MA.
were described by us previously.19 Seventy microliters
Immunodiagnostic Systems, Fountain Hills, AZ.
of GCF extract were transferred to a microfuge tube
¶¶ Biosource, Camarillo, CA.
## Bio-Rad Model GS-700, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA.
containing a synthetic, collagenase-susceptible octa-
*** Analyst, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA.
SDD and GCF Biomarkers in Postmenopausal Women
Volume 79 • Number 8
IL-1b measures, a linear regression model was fit, forwhich the outcome was the natural log-transformedfollow-up measure and the baseline biochemical value,a time effect (12- or 24-month), and a study drug ef-fect; randomization stratification factors (study centerand baseline smoking status) were independent varia-bles. The models were adjusted for a batch effect(assays were run in three different batches, and allsamples were analyzed in the same batch for a givensubject; batches were well-balanced by treatmentgroup), along with all two- and three-way interactionterms among treatment, batch, and time. Non-significantinteraction terms among time, batch, and treatmentwere dropped, and the model was refit. Among all sub-
jects in the intent-to-treat analyses, interactions in-
GCF collagenase activity in PM women with chronic periodontitis: effect
volving treatment and the time or batch terms were
of placebo and SDD administration. The median % lysis of a
not significant; therefore, the treatment effects are
col agenase-susceptible octapeptide per pool of two GCF samples persubject at baseline (B), 1 year (1-YR), and 2 years (2-YR) is
summarized and reported across time periods and
represented by the bar height; whiskers are drawn between the 25th
batches. The influence of extreme data points, defined
and 75th percentiles. The estimated effect on median col agenase
as falling more than three standard deviations away
activity levels was a 22% reduction (95% CI: 37% lower to 5% lower;
from the mean, was investigated by refitting regres-
P = 0.01), comparing combined 1- and 2-year values between SDD
sion models without such points. Because MMP distri-
and placebo after adjustment for baseline levels.
butions were highly skewed, the measures were codedinto two or three categories based on the median valueor tertiles and were analyzed using a similar modeling
two pockets per subject. Using techniques we pub-
approach as described above with a binomial (logistic
lished previously,19,20 the SDD-treated PM women
link) or multinomial (cumulative logit link) regression
showed ;50% reduction in GCF collagenase activity
model, respectively. A Pearson correlation coefficient
over the 2-years compared to their own baseline
was calculated to summarize the association between
values. In contrast, the placebo values appeared to
collagenase and ICTP measures.
decrease only slightly. Moreover, based on linear re-
The primary analysis was intent-to-treat; data were
gression analysis, the SDD-treated group showed a
analyzed from all randomized subjects, regardless of
statistically significant 22% reduction in median
protocol adherence. As a secondary analysis, only
GCF collagenase activity compared to placebo-trea-
measurements from subjects up to the time when a
ted subjects over the study period, based on intent-to-
lack of protocol adherence occurred (e.g., initiation
treat analysis (95% confidence interval [CI]: 37% lower
of significant concomitant medications, such as bis-
to 5% lower; P = 0.01), and a 29% reduction in median
phosphonates, or subject adherence to study medica-
GCF collagenase activity compared to placebo sub-
tions or calcium/vitamin D below an 80% threshold)
jects based on the per-protocol analysis (95% CI:
were analyzed (per-protocol analysis). Reasons for
48% lower to 4% lower; P = 0.02) after adjusting for
exclusion from per-protocol analysis were described
baseline values. When the GCF collagenase data were
previously;16,17 overall, the SDD group had a slightly
expressed as enzyme activity per microliter GCF, the
larger per-protocol subset (n = 32) than the placebo
greater reduction over time for SDD compared to pla-
group (n = 27). Placebo and SDD groups exhibited
cebo was not statistically significant based on intent-
similar characteristics, including age, ethnicity, race,
to-treat (P = 0.2), but it was significant based on the
years following estimated onset of menopause, smok-
per-protocol analysis (P = 0.05; data not shown).
ing, number of teeth, and probing depths at base-
For subgroup analyses, the effect of SDD seemed to
line.16 The effect of SDD compared to placebo also
depend on smoking status (P = 0.05), and there was
was investigated for subgroups defined by smoking
a significant interaction between time and treatment
status, time since onset of menopause, adherence
for non-smokers (P = 0.02). At 1 year, median levels
to study medications, and significant concomitant
of collagenase activity per pool of GCF were 40%
medication use, using tests of interactions in the re-
lower for SDD subjects compared to placebo subjects
gression models as described in detail previously.16,17
in the non-smoking group, which was statistically sig-nificant (95% CI: 53% lower to 22% lower; P <0.0001).
However, the 17% reduction for SDD-treated subjects
The data in Figure 1 show the effect of SDD therapy on
compared to placebo in the non-smokers at 2 years
collagenase activity expressed per pool of GCF from
was not statistically significant (P = 0.2). The smoking
J Periodontol • August 2008
Golub, Lee, Stoner, et al.
cations, or use of concomitant medications based onregression modeling.
Because the initiation of the degradation of the na-
tive triple-helical collagen molecule is mediated bycollagenases under physiologic conditions2-4 and col-lagen degradation is a key event in bone resorption, thecorrelation between the values for collagenase activityand ICTP in the GCF of these subjects, at all time pe-riods, was determined and summarized across placeboand SDD groups (Fig. 3). The data for GCF collage-nase activity and GCF ICTP levels were converted toa log value that demonstrated that the collagenase ac-tivity and the ICTP in the GCF were linearly related with
positive correlation coefficients (r) of 0.62, 0.52, and
GCF ICTP levels in PM women with chronic periodontitis: effect of
0.50 for baseline, 1 year, and 2 years, respectively;
placebo and SDD administration. The median ICTP per subject
all three r values were highly statistically significant
(expressed as picograms ICTP per pool of two GCF samples) atbaseline (B), 1 year (1-YR), and 2 years (2-YR) is represented by the
(P <0.001). In general, the higher the values for colla-
bar height; whiskers are drawn between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
genase activity per pool of GCF, the greater was the
The estimated effect on median ICTP levels was a 16% reduction
level of bone collagen breakdown products (ICTP).
(95% CI: 31% lower to 2% higher; P = 0.08, comparing combined
In addition to measuring total collagenase activity
1- and 2-year values between SDD and placebo after adjustment for
in the GCF (Figs. 1 and 3) of these PM women, the rel-
baseline levels.
ative protein levels of the three genetically distinct col-lagenases, previously identified in human GCF,20,22
group did not show significant reductions with SDD
were also assessed (Table 1). Using the Western blot
compared to placebo (P = 0.3), and no other subgroup
technique, MMP-1 (collagenase-1), -8 (collagenase-
effects were significant.
2), and -13 (collagenase-3) were detected in the
A similar pattern of change over time was seen for
GCF samples. Then, after densitometrically scanning
ICTP expressed per pool of GCF (Fig. 2) collected
the electrophoretic gels for the different molecular
from the placebo- and SDD-treated PM subjects. As
forms of each type of collagenase, the data were ex-
described by us previously,20 ICTP is a breakdown
pressed as a percentage of the total collagenase pro-
product of type I collagen, and this collagen makes
tein. Regardless of whether the data were expressed
up >90% of the organic matrix of bone. Thus,
as a mean or median value, MMP-8 (which included
ICTP measurements in GCF, blood, and urine have
65- to 75-kDa leukocyte and 45- to 55-kDa mesen-
been considered a diagnostic biomarker of bone re-
chymal isoforms of this enzyme22) was the predomi-
sorption24 and are believed to reflect (at least in part)
nant collagenase type in the GCF, accounting for
collagenase-mediated breakdown of the triple-helical
;80% of the total. This was followed by MMP-13 at
collagen molecule. Once again, placebo treatment
0% to 18% (expressed as 25th to 75th percentiles)
had no effect. In contrast, SDD therapy over the study
and MMP-1, which was detected at only very low
period seemed to reduce the median ICTP levels per
levels (0% to 9%). Focusing on changes in the domi-
pool of GCF by ;30% compared to this group's own
nant type of collagenase, MMP-8, in the GCF of these
baseline values. Using linear regression analysis,
PM women (Fig. 4), and based on intent-to-treat anal-
the SDD-treated group showed a 16% reduction in
ysis, SDD therapy reduced the odds of elevated MMP-8
median GCF ICTP levels compared to placebo-treated
values (across the ordered categories of 0 to 1.00,
subjects, after adjusting for baseline values (P = 0.08).
1.001 to 2.5, and >2.5 units) by 60% compared to pla-
However, when three extreme baseline values were
cebo during the 2-year study period. This treatment
excluded (two values in the placebo group and one
effect was highly statistically significant (odds ratio
in the SDD group), the SDD effect was statistically sig-
[OR] = 0.40; 95% CI: 0.21 to 0.77; P = 0.006). Consis-
nificant, with a median follow-up measure for SDD
tent with this pattern, SDD therapy increased the odds
subjects that was 19% lower than for placebo subjects
of lower values (among the ordered categories of 0
(95% CI: 33% lower to 2% lower; P = 0.03). Among the
to 1.00, 1.00l to 2.5, and >2.5 units) for this type of
per-protocol subset, SDD was associated with a 16%
collagenase, compared to placebo therapy, over the
reduction in median ICTP levels compared to placebo,
study period. Based on per-protocol analysis, this
which was not significant (P = 0.2). With regard to sub-
effect was even more dramatic because the odds of
group analyses, no significant effects were seen
higher values for MMP-8 in SDD-treated subjects were
between SDD- and placebo-treated subjects for
78% lower than in those receiving placebo tablets
smoking status, years PM, adherence to study medi-
(OR = 0.22; 95% CI: 0.07 to 0.66; P = 0.007).

SDD and GCF Biomarkers in Postmenopausal Women
Volume 79 • Number 8
not use concomitant medications (P =0.0002), whereas this effect was not sig-nificant in subjects who used concomi-tant medications (P = 0.7). Reductionsin GCF collagenase activity and MMP-8 immunoreactive levels due to SDDtherapy were not complete (i.e., resid-ual collagenase activity and MMP-8 pro-tein levels could be detected at 1 and 2years; the therapeutic advantage of thisless-than-complete reduction is ad-dressed in the Discussion). No other sig-nificant associations between treatmentand MMP levels were observed.
Regarding the levels of IL-1b in the
GCF samples from placebo- and SDD-treated subjects over the 2-year timeperiod, the pattern of change was simi-lar to that seen for collagenase andICTP, although the reduction in IL-
1b levels was not significant except for
Correlation between natural log–transformed col agenase activity (percentage lysis of
a subgroup of subjects (see below). In
collagenase-susceptible substrate) and natural log–transformed ICTP in GCF of PM women
general, based on intent-to-treat and
with chronic periodontitis over the 2-year clinical protocol for SDD and placebo subjects
on per-protocol analyses, the SDD sub-
combined. Linear regression lines are drawn for each time point. 1-YR = 1 year; 2-YR =
jects exhibited ;20% and 33% lower
median values, respectively, for IL-1b over the study time period compared
to placebo subjects, after adjusting for different base-line values, but these data were not statistically signif-
Distribution of MMP-1 (collagenase-1),
icant (P >0.2 for each; Fig. 5). Regarding subgroup
MMP-8 (collagenase-2), and MMP-13
analyses, the data for IL-1b were not statistically sig-
nificant for subjects within 5 years of menopause (P =0.1). However, for those subjects beyond 5 years of
menopause, subjects administered SDD showed a
statistically significant 51% lower median value forIL-1b per pool of GCF than placebo-treated subjects
(OR = 0.49; 95% CI: 76% lower to 1% lower; P =
87.5 (39.2 to 98.5)
0.05). When the data were expressed per microliterof GCF, a similar pattern of change was seen, and re-
sults from the intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses
Data reported as the percentage of total collagenase protein in GCF.
were similar, but these data were not statistically signif-icant (data not shown).
Moreover, 1) the reduction of MMP-8 in SDD-treated
subjects likely was driven by differences in the higher
The rationale for the current interventional (i.e., long-
term administration of SDD) human clinical trial on
(PMN)-type MMP-8 (65 to 75 kDa), with a 38% reduc-
PM women exhibiting local (periodontitis) and mild
tion in the odds of higher PMN values for SDD subjects
systemic (osteopenia) bone loss was two-fold. First,
compared to placebo subjects (P = 0.1), and a much
organ and cell culture, in vivo animal, and human
smaller effect on the mesenchymal-type MMP-8 (45
studies1-3,8-11,16,20,25-29 over the past 25 years dem-
to 55 kDa) where the odds of non-zero values were
onstrated beneficial, non-antibiotic effects of TC com-
12% lower for SDD subjects compared to placebo
pounds (e.g., SDD and CMTs) on pathologic local and
subjects (P = 0.8), and 2) subgroup analysis demon-
systemic bone loss. Second, it is increasingly being
strated that the dramatic reduction in MMP-8 levels
recognized that patients and experimental animals
due to SDD therapy reflected an 83% lower odds of
with systemic bone-deficiency disease, particularly
high values for this collagenase in subjects who did
PM osteoporosis (but also other disorders such as

J Periodontol • August 2008
Golub, Lee, Stoner, et al.
mone, prostaglandin E2, or endotoxin.6,7Non-TC antibiotics were ineffective inthis system. Mechanisms included theability of TCs to inhibit MMPs expressedby osteoblasts and osteoclasts (for re-views, see Golub et al.2,3). More recently,TCs were found to enhance bone forma-tion and inhibit bone resorption.10,25-28As examples, using ultracytochemistry,
autoradiography, and dynamic histo-
The effect of SDD (versus placebo) administration on the risk of low, medium, or high levels
morphometry on the osteoporotic bones
of MMP-8 (leukocyte-type collagenase) in the GCF of PM women with chronic periodontitis
of diabetic and ovariectomized (surgi-
over the 2-year clinical protocol: 0 to 1.00, 1.001 to 2.5, and >2.5 represent low, medium,
cally induced menopausal) rats, TCs
and high levels of MMP-8, respectively. Data were available for 64, 59, and 57 placebo
were found to enhance osteoblast activ-
subjects and for 63, 55, and 51 SDD subjects at the baseline, 1-year (1-YR), and 2-year(2-YR) visits, respectively. The odds of higher MMP-8 values were reduced by 60% in SDD
ity, type I collagen synthesis, and bone
subjects compared to placebo subjects after adjustment for baseline levels (OR = 0.40;
formation. In the estrogen-deficient oste-
95% CI: 0.21 to 0.77; P = 0.006).
oporotic rat, the increased production ofnew bone as a result of TC treatment in-creased the connectivity of the resorbed
discontinuous trabeculae in long bones,28 and, in anarthritic rat model, these drugs increased bone biome-chanical strength and resistance to experimental frac-ture.29 Of interest, both alveolar bone loss andsystemic (skeletal) bone loss benefited from thesetherapeutic effects of TCs in an animal model of PMosteoporosis.8
Two earlier clinical studies also provided a rationale
for the current 2-year clinical trial. In a small pilotstudy, Payne et al.31 found that PM women diagnosedwith periodontitis and systemic bone loss (osteopeniaor osteoporosis) and treated with a 1-year cyclicalSDD regimen showed less alveolar bone height loss
and alveolar bone density loss (based on computer-
GCF IL-1b levels in PM women with chronic periodontitis: effect ofplacebo and SDD administration. The median GCF IL-1b per subject
assisted densitometric image analysis) than pla-
(expressed as picogram GCF IL-1b per pool of two GCF samples) at
cebo-treated subjects. In an earlier study, Golub
baseline (B), 1 year (1-YR), and 2 years (2-YR) is represented by the
et al.20 monitored biomarkers of collagen and bone
bar height; whiskers are drawn between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
destruction, as well as bone formation and turnover,
The estimated effect on median IL-1b levels was a 20% reduction
in GCF of male and female subjects with chronic peri-
(95% CI: 54% lower to 39% higher; P = 0.4), comparing combined1- and 2-year values between SDD and placebo after adjustment for
odontitis (who were not diagnosed with osteopenia or
baseline levels.
osteoporosis); a 2-month regimen of SDD (adjunctiveto scaling) significantly reduced collagenase activityand ICTP, with no change in osteocalcin. Osteocalcinwas originally viewed as a biomarker of bone forma-
diabetes-induced osteopenia), can exhibit acceler-
tion because this Gla protein (rich in gamma-carboxy
ated local (alveolar) bone loss beyond that induced
glutamic acid) is expressed only by osteoblasts, and,
by subgingival periodontopathogens, and all of these
once secreted, small quantities are released into the
diseases might also benefit from treatment with TC
bloodstream where they can be measured in serum
samples. However, more recently, osteocalcin has
Regarding these rationales, soon after the MMP-
been considered a biomarker of bone turnover (not
inhibitory activity of TCs was discovered, the rele-
just bone formation) because, after secretion by oste-
vance of this non-antimicrobial property of TCs to bone
oblasts, this highly anionic matrix protein binds to
resorption was explored. Using standard aseptic organ
Ca++ in mineralized bone; during bone resorption,
culture systems, traditional and chemically modified
the calcium-bound osteocalcin is released into the cir-
TCs were found to inhibit bone resorption, regardless
culation.32 Because the earlier study20 on subjects
of whether the loss of the mineral and organic matrix
with chronic periodontitis found that SDD decreased
constituents of bone was induced by parathyroid hor-
the biomarker of bone resorption (ICTP) but did not
SDD and GCF Biomarkers in Postmenopausal Women
Volume 79 • Number 8
affect the levels of the bone turnover biomarker (oste-
for these same interstitial collagenases in an earlier
ocalcin), and the rate of bone turnover reflects a com-
study20 on GCF from adult females and males with
bination of bone formation plus bone resorption, these
chronic periodontitis). The highly significant reduction
findings suggested that this TC treatment suppressed
in MMP-8 during the 2-year regimen of SDD reflected
bone resorption and may have enhanced bone forma-
decreased levels of 65- to 75-kDa leukocyte-type col-
tion, with the net effect being no change in the bone
lagenase, because the smaller molecular weight (45 to
turnover marker osteocalcin (placebo treatment had
55 kDa) mesenchymal forms of this proteinase did not
no effect on either GCF biomarker: ICTP or osteocalcin).
seem to be affected. The ;50% reduction of collagenase
These clinical results are consistent with earlier stud-
activity (compared to its own baseline) was measured
ies10,25-28 using cell culture and animal models of
by a functional assay using, as a substrate, an octa-
bone-deficiency disease in which TCs, such as doxy-
peptide with the mammalian collagenase–susceptible
cycline and minocycline, and the chemically modified
Gly–Ile peptide bond. The similar (less than complete)
TC derivative (CMT-1) increased bone formation and
reduction of MMP-8 (collagenase-2) protein levels
inhibited bone resorption. Although it has long been
was measured using a polyclonal antibody to this genet-
assumed that elevated levels of collagenase activity
ically distinct type of collagenase. As we described pre-
in humans likely reflects pathologic/ongoing collagen
viously,4,33 complete inhibition of MMPs (in contrast to a
breakdown, based on well-established biologic con-
reduction of just the pathologically excessive levels of
cepts (i.e., the ability of only collagenase[s], but not
MMPs and their activity) may not be desirable because
other neutral proteinases, to degrade the undenatured
these neutral proteinases have physiologic functions
triple-helical collagen molecule under physiologic
such as processing of anti-inflammatory cytokines
conditions of pH and temperature), to the best of
and chemokines, which are needed for host defense.
our knowledge, this was the first study20 to directly
In this regard, the current clinical trial also demonstrated
link these two biochemical events in subjects in situ.
that SDD (relative to placebo) significantly reduced
The current, more definitive clinical trial confirmed
GCF IL-1b (a proinflammatory and bone-resorbing
this link by demonstrating, in the same pooled GCF
cytokine) and alveolar bone height loss16 in the subjects
samples, a strong statistically significant linear rela-
who were PM for >5 years. The amplitude and duration
tionship between the level of collagenase activity and
(2 years) of these effects of SDD therapy in the absence
the ICTP degradation products of type I collagen, pre-
of significant adverse events (AEs)16-18 provided further
sumably released during resorption of alveolar bone at
evidence of the therapeutic potential of SDD in subjects
the same pocket site (based on the bone-specific pyr-
with periodontitis characterized by alveolar bone loss
idinoline content of the collagen telopeptide cross-link
and, perhaps, in subjects with systemic bone loss.30
fragments) in these PM women with local and systemic
Regarding the latter condition, serum biomarkers of
bone loss. In fact, this positive correlation was main-
bone remodeling (note that SDD produced a significant
tained for placebo- and SDD-treated subjects over
reduction in biomarkers of systemic bone resorption in
the 2-year protocol. The beneficial effects of SDD on
serum, at least in subgroups of these PM subjects34) as
these biomarkers of connective tissue and bone de-
well as systemic inflammation are being analyzed for the
struction during this long-term clinical trial likely con-
current clinical trial and, recently, markers of systemic
tributed to improved clinical and radiologic measures
inflammation, such as C-reactive protein, were found
of periodontal disease severity (at least in subgroups
to reflect susceptibility to skeletal bone–deficiency dis-
of these subjects) described by us previously.16,17
ease (PM osteoporosis).35 This acute-phase protein in
Moreover, abnormally elevated levels of these GCF
blood samples also was reduced by SDD administration
biomarkers might signal an increased susceptibility
in subjects with severe cardiovascular disease.36 The
of these subjects to more severe periodontal (including
data on biomarkers of systemic inflammation (e.g.,
alveolar bone) breakdown if their commitment to reg-
C-reactive protein) in serum samples of these PM osteo-
ular periodontal maintenance therapy (provided to
penic women with periodontitis are being analyzed and
these subjects at no cost to them during the 2-year pro-
will be reported elsewhere.
tocol to enhance compliance) should ever falter.
As described previously,16 and of clinical impor-
Perhaps the most dramatic effect of SDD therapy
tance particularly considering that all subjects received
was the strong, long-term reduction in collagenase ac-
the study medications daily over a prolonged period
tivity in the periodontal pockets of PM women, a finding
(2 years), AEs (such as gastrointestinal upset, infec-
supported by an equally dramatic reduction in protein
tion, and aches/pains) were similar for the placebo-
levels of the most predominant type of collagenase,
and SDD-treated groups. However, significantly fewer
MMP-8, in the GCF (MMP-8 accounted for ;80% of
SDD subjects experienced a dermatologic AE, such
the total collagenase protein, with much smaller rela-
as rash, acne, rosacea, and hives, during the clinical
tive amounts of MMP-13 [0% to 18%] and MMP-1 [0%
trial (2% for the SDD group versus 17% for the placebo
to 9%], which is very similar to the pattern described
group; P = 0.002). These data are consistent with
J Periodontol • August 2008
Golub, Lee, Stoner, et al.
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2. Golub LM, Ramamurthy NS, McNamara TF, Greenwald
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5. Ryan ME, Usman A, Ramamurthy NS, Golub LM,
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February 19, 2008.
ESSEX PALLIATIVE AND SUPPORTIVE CARE NETWORK FORMULARY AND GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT Updated April 2010 CONTENTS Introduction General Principles Principles of Prescribing in Palliative care Syringe Drivers Emergencies in Palliative Care Steroids in Palliative Care Care of the Dying Pain Control Gastrointestinal Symptoms Anorexia and Cachexia Nausea and Vomiting Constipation Diarrhoea Bowel Obstruction Malignant Ascites Mouth Care Respiratory Symptoms Breathlessness Cough Hiccups Other Common Symptoms Urinary Symptoms Agitation Skin Care (including pressure and wound care) Lymphoedema General References and Further Reading
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION Reported Pregnancies per 100 Women per Year Combination pill less than 1 to 2 NUVARING® Contraceptive vaginal ring etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol slow release vaginal ring Intrauterine device (IUD) less than 1 to 6 Condom with spermicidal foam or gel CONTRACEPTIVE VAGINAL RING