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Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie Kopfschm erzen und andere Schm erzen Diagnostik und Therapie komplexer regionaler Schmerzsyndrome (CRPS) Entw icklungsstufe: S1 Stand: September 2012 AMWF-Registernum m er: 030/116 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Birklein, Mainz Was gibt es Neues? Die klinischen Diagnosekriterien für das CRPS sind überprüft und von der internationalen Schmerzgesel schaft

Región y sociedad / vol. xxiii / no. 50. 2011 Derechos reservados de El Colegio de Sonora, ISSN 1870-3925 A través del cristal. La experiencia del consumo de metanfetaminas en Tijuana Karina Jiménez Silvestre* P. Isaías Castil o Franco* Resumen:1 En este trabajo se exploran las circunstancias del con- sumo de metanfetaminas, en particular del cristal/ice, en usuarios en tratamiento en Tijuana, Baja California. El pro-ceso metodológico se sustentó en elementos de la teoría fundamentada, en entrevistas a profundidad focalizadas en el uso de dichas sustancias, sobre todo en adultos, hom-bres, solteros, con ocupación y poliusuarios de diferentes drogas. El análisis se centró en temas como el inicio, mo-tivos, ritual, sexualidad y violencia. Vivir en una ciudad fronteriza crea condiciones particulares para usar metan-fetaminas, lo cual repercute en cómo percibir al usuario, y por ende en la forma que experimenta el consumo.

Microsoft word - audio digest crutchfield volume 53.doc

Volume 53, Issue 21 June 7, 2005 The following is an abstracted summary, not a verbatim transcript, of the lectures/discussions on this audio program. If, after reviewing the summary, you would like to hear the contents and earn CME/CE credit, simply use your browser's back button to return to the order page and add this program to your cart. You

Protozoa Pictures Brooklyn, NY 11211 MUSIC: DEF LEPPARD - "ROCK ROCK (TILL YOU DROP)" Over OPENING CREDITS, a montage of OLD WRESTLING-MAGAZINE PHOTOS. Action shots of RANDY "THE RAM" ROBINSON taking on a keffiyeh-wearing heel named THE AYATOLLAH before 20,000 screaming fans at Madison Square Garden. The sounds of a SCREAMING, CHEERING CROWD overwhelm us. Over

Guide of causes of renal failur and strokes following coronary surgery

Anapol Schwartz Attorneys at Law DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. Please use this information to help in your conversation with you doctor. This is general background information and should not be followed as medical advice. Please consult your doctor regarding all medical questions and for all medical treatment. Anapol Schwartz Attorneys at Law

Microsoft word - what is body psychotherapy.doc

What Is Body-Psychotherapy? A European perspective An article by Courtenay Young Lennart Ollars presented an excellent talk in September 2001 at the EABP Conference in Egmont-an-Zee, Netherlands where he started to try to answer this question.1 In the European Association for Body-Psychotherapy (EABP), we have tried to answer this question from different perspectives when we have written various introductory booklets, and pages for the EABP website.2 There have been several other assertions as to what Body-Psychotherapy is, or is not, and a number of different books about Body-Psychotherapy have come out recently.3 This article is not an attempt at any sort of definitive answer, in that it just explores some of the parameters behind this question.

This material is protected by U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. To purchase quantity reprints, please e-mail [email protected] or to request permission to reproduce multiple copies, please e-mail [email protected]. An Interdisciplinary Consensus on Managing Skin Reactions Associated With Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors

Psychiatric drugs create violence and suicide

Psychotropic Drug Series Published by Citizens Commission on Human Rights C6397 Violence and Suicide Bklt_Version3.indd 1 2/23/10 11:27:42 AM This report is an overview of the side effects of common psychiatric drugs known to cause violent and suicidal behavior. It contains information that is important for you to know. Courts have determined that informed consent for people who receive prescriptions for psychotropic (mood-altering) drugs must

Open Access Full open access to this and thousands of other papers at Abnormal Bleeding During Menopause Hormone Therapy: Insights for clinical Management Sebastião Freitas de Medeiros1,2, Márcia Marly Winck Yamamoto2 and Jacklyne Silva Barbosa21Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical Science School, Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá,

Series red parf #8 (span).indd

Red PARF Documento Técnico Nº 8 Red Panamericana de Armonización de la Reglamentación Farmacéutica Grupo de Trabajo en Bioequivalencia (BE) Marco para la Ejecución de los Requisitos de Equivalencia para los Productos Farmacéuticos Marco para la Ejecución de los Requisitos de Equivalencia para los Productos Farmacéuticos

Early anti-pseudomonal acquisition in young patients with cystic fibrosis: rationale and design of the epic clinical trial and observational study,

Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 256–268 Contents lists available at Contemporary Clinical Trials Early anti-pseudomonal acquisition in young patients with cystic fibrosis:Rationale and design of the EPIC clinical trial and observational study Miriam M. Treggiari Margaret Rosenfeld Nicole Mayer-Hamblett , George Retsch-Bogart Ronald L. Gibson Judy Williams Julia Emerson Richard A . Kronmal Bonnie W. Ramsey


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE ADDENBROOKE'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL PATHOLOGY COURSE HANDBOOK FOR STUDENTS Clinical Pathology Handbook CONTENTS Aims . 3 Help . 4 Lectures . 5 Podcasts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Tutorials . 5 Computer Based Learning (CBL) . 6 Autopsy Room Demonstration Sessions . 6 Interactive Large Group Teaching. 6 Changes in Timetables and Teaching Arrangements . 6 Recommended Reading . 7 Staff-Student Consultations . 7 Examinations . 7 How to Approach this Course . 9 Learning Objectives . 9

Noncollinear magnetic ground state of PrFeAsO This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2011 EPL 93 17003 Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 25/04/2012 at 12:30 Please note that EPL, 93 (2011) 17003 Noncollinear magnetic ground state of PrFeAsO J. Liu , B. Luo , R. Laskowski

Presentado por Trinidad y Tobago en nombre del CARICOM Acuerdo sobre los Privilegios e Inmunidades de la Secretaría sobre el Tratado de Comercio de Armas Los Estados Partes del presente Acuerdo, Recordando que el Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas fue adoptado en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York el 2 de abril, 2013 y entró en vigor el 24 de diciembre, 2014; Observando que el Artículo 18 del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas establece una Secretaría para asistir a los Estados Partes en la aplicación efectiva del Tratado; Considerando que es oportuno que se le confiera a la Secretaría del Tratado de Comercio de Armas personalidad legal internacional para el cumplimiento de sus propósitos; Considerando también que es imperativo que la Secretaría disfrute en el territorio de cada Estado Parte del Tratado de Comercio de Armas tales privilegios e inmunidades como sea necesario para la ejecución de sus funciones; Han acordado lo siguiente:

Microsoft word - pubp 758 - final paper _p. walsh_

Table of Contents Abstract . 2 Purpose . 2 Introduction and Background . 3 Methodology . 6 Results and Discussion . 9 Conclusion and Policy Implications . 18 Works Cited . 20 Appendix A . 23 Appendix B . 24 Appendix C . 25 Patrick J. Walsh - 1 Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States and is seven times more prevalent than HIV/AIDS infections in the United States

Eastern purple coneflower

EASTERN PURPLE 1986). The Delaware used an infusion of coneflower root for gonorrhea and found it to be highly effective. The purple coneflower was the only native prairie Echinacea purpurea (L.) plant popularized as a medicine by folk practitioners and doctors. It was used extensively as a folk remedy (Kindscher 1992). Purple coneflower root was used


FEB_UKNL0702_7.qxp 4/17/07 9:43 PM Page 1 continued from page 1 Need Help Sharing Kingdom, yet this is very much home. Jewish people have lived in England since the readmission of Jews to England under Oliver Cromwell in 1656. We UK Director Daniel Nessim don't really expect that antisemitism will disappearbefore the greatest Semite of all history, Yeshua,occupies His throne in Jerusalem to deliver and

© Oxford University Press 2001 Printed in Great Britain Treatments for late life depression in primary care—a systematic review Ulrich Freudenstein, Carol Jaggera, Antony Arthura and Norbert Donner-Banzhoffb Freudenstein U, Jagger C, Arthur A and Donner-Banzhoff N. Treatments for late life depressionin primary care—a systematic review. Family Practice 2001; 18: 321–327.

Cansa newsletter

VISION, JUNE 2014 Success of cancerimmunotherapy Memorial Sloan Kettering medical oncologist Jedd Wolchok was featured in the May issue of Scientific American and on its website For more news and information tailored for cancer describing the new generation of cancer therapies that unleash the patients and families, please join us at

The Ayurvedic Perspective and Treatment of Birth Complications Research paper submitted by requirement of the CCA Ayurvedic Health Practitioner Certification in Grass Valley, CA Ayurveda, directly translated, means the knowledge or science of life. In this ancient, traditional medicine of India, the concept of life and how to find balance and harmony throughout it is key. That is

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Effects of dietary melatonin supplementation on total serum nitrites and antioxidant capacity of late gestating Holstein heifers B. O. Fleming, K. E. Brockus, C. G. Hart, C. O. Lemley Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, Mississippi State University The hormone melatonin was first purified from a bovine pineal gland extract in 1958 (Chowdhury et al., 2008). Being a lipophilic molecule, it is able to easily pass through many

This article was downloaded by:[Alerta - Chile 2005/2006 Consortium] [Alerta - Chile 2005/2006 Consortium] Access Details: [subscription number 758063447] Publisher: Informa Healthcare Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Clinical Toxicology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

Caims medical bulletin.pm6

A Comparative study of the Anticonvulsant effect of Nimodipine andKetamine combination with standardanticonvulsant drug in Rodents Prasanand S1, Pushpalatha C2, Mohsin MD3, Sam Pavan Kumar G4, Gundappa Rao S5 Aim of the study: To evaluate and compare the anticonvulsant property of nimodipine andketamine combination with a standard drug like Sodium valproate in electrically and chemically

Le tour des annapurnas

LE TOUR DES ANNAPURNAS LE TOUR DES ANNAPURNAS Népal - NP Considéré comme l'un des plus beaux treks du monde, ce voyage n'est pas devenu célèbre par hasard. Des raisons objectives, comme l'exceptionnelle variété des paysages rencontrés, ont largement contribué à sa renommée. Lors de cette découverte pédestre d'une ampleur himalayenne, vos pas vous mènent en quelques jours des bananiers aux neiges éternelles, après la traversée de rizières, de forêts de pins ou de rhododendrons, de déserts de roche et de sable. De 900 à 5 400 mètres, un monde de cultures variées défile devant vos yeux émerveillés : villages gurungs ou thakalis éparpillés dans les champs en terrasses, petits villages tibétains serrés autour de leur monastère… Un somptueux périple dans le pays des rizières, hindouiste, et dans les hautes vallées d'influence bouddhiste et tibétaine très marquée. Ces dix jours de marche sont agrémentés par la grâce et la gentillesse des Népalais, toujours chaleureux. Le voyage se termine à Jomosom, en haut des gorges de la Kali Gandaki. Un vol somptueux nous attend entre les massifs du Dhaulagiri et des Annapurnas.

March 2nd, 2011 MEASURING STRESS REDUCTION USING FAR INFRARED RAY MEDICAL DEVICE BIOMAT FOR 12 SUBJECTS. AUTHOR: DR. GEORGE GRANT, Ph.D, I.M.D., M.Sc., M.Ed., C.CHEM., R.M. Affiliation: Currently in private practice at Champion Integrative Clinic, Toronto, ON Canada. Former Consultant for Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Professor at Seneca College, North York,


Division of Community and Public Health Section: Appendices Subsection: Table of Contents APPENDICES Sample Forms (click on link in each title) 4.01 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Tuberculosis Case Management Manual Division of Community and Public Health Section: Appendices

37412_SpanishCover:37412_SpanishCover 9/17/09 10:37 AM Page 1 Publicado por la American Society for Reproductive Medicine, bajo la dirección del Comité de Educación del Paciente y el Comité de Publicaciones. Ninguna parte en este documento puede ser reproducida en ninguna forma sin permiso por escrito. Este folleto no pretende de ninguna manera sustituir, dictar ni definir

Antibodies to amino acid 200–239 (p200) of ro52 as serological markers for the risk of developing congenital heart block

Clinical and Experimental Immunology Antibodies to amino acid 200–239 (p200) of Ro52 as serologicalmarkers for the risk of developing congenital heart block L. Strandberg,*,** O. Winqvist,†,** S.-E. Sonesson,‡ S. Mohseni,† Maternal autoantibodies to the p200-epitope of Ro52 have been suggested to S. Salomonsson,* K. Bremme,‡ correlate with development of congenital heart block. The aim of the present


CCH PRC Patent Law Seminar 2009 Updates and interpretation of the third amendment and corresponding patent practices of MNCs in China Shanghai Sep. 22nd, 2009 Beijing Sep. 24th, 2009 East IP Group was founded by Dr. Gao Lulin, former Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), and a group of experienced Chinese and international attorneys in order to provide top quality intellectual property services. East IP Group currently comprises a Chinese intellectual property law firm, a patent prosecution firm, and a trademark agency services firm. This unique group structure enables our attorneys to offer a complete set of intellectual property and technology services ranging from patent prosecution, trademark application, intellectual property rights protection and enforcement, to the representation of multinational companies in the handling of their major investment projects and complex litigations in China.


Foundations and Trends R Information RetrievalVol. 4, No. 5 (2010) 377–486  2011 C. Castillo and B. D. DavisonDOI: 10.1561/1500000021 Adversarial Web Search By Carlos Castillo and Brian D. Davison Search Engine Spam Activists, Marketers, Optimizers, and Spammers The Battleground for Search Engine Rankings Previous Surveys and Taxonomies Overview of Search Engine Spam Detection

Vol 23 Number 1 2013 Fiji Medical Journal Instructions to Authors Foreword byFiji National University Vice Chancellor Dr Ganesh Chand Foreword by Fiji Medical Association President Dr. James Fong 9 Evaluation & Assessment of Diabetes Knowledge Among Trainee Teachers Alka Sewram 10-13 Original ResearchSome common barriers to self-care amongst Type 2 diabetic patients in Sigatoka medical area Dr. Sravaniya Dasi

Chinese American Medic S al Society 2011 Scientific Meeting and Gala The Chinese American Medical Society had by Dr. Albert Siu, M.D, M.S.P.H., Elen & Howard included osteoporosis prevention, smoking cessa- our 48th Annual Scientific Meeting on No- C. Katz Chairman and Professor of Geriatrics and tion, treatment of depression, future of arrhythmia

Microsoft word - icdvrat2008_s07_n03_sanchez_oyarzun.doc

Mobile audio assistance in bus transportation for the blind J H Sánchez and C A Oyarzún Department of Computer Science, University of Chile, Blanco Encalada 2120, Santiago, CHILE ABSTRACT People with visual disabilities have serious difficulties when mobilizing through the city on the public transportation system. We introduce AudioTransantiago, a handheld application that allows users to plan trips and provide contextual information during the journey through the use of synthesized voices. The usability and cognitive evaluation of AudioTransantiago was performed using a prototype evaluation in order to identify and solve usability issues, ending up with an intuitive and simple interface. Finally, a cognitive impact evaluation administered during bus trips taken with the assistance of AudioTransantiago demonstrated that the software provides more autonomy and effectiveness for users' trips, improving their orientation and mobility.

Abuse temp 2.qxd

The Chicago T The Chicago on LGBT Substance on LGBT Substance Use and Abuse Use and Abuse An entire community starts to talk. Stories from the street to the boardroom. Recommendations for policy, programs and more.

National Patient Safety Goals Kathleen M. Haig, R.N. Staci Sutton, R.N. A Shared Mental Model for John Whittington, M.D. Improving Communication Department Editors: Marcia M. Piotrowski, R.N., M.S., Peter Angood, M.D., Paula Griswold, M.S., Gina Pugliese, R.N., M.S., Sanjay Saint, M.D., M.P.H., Susan E. Between Clinicians

The combined effects of L-theanine andcaffeine on cognitive performance and mood Gail N. Owen1, Holly Parnell1, Eveline A. De Bruin2, Jane A. Rycroft1 1Unilever Research and Development, Colworth House, Sharnbrook, Bedford, UK 2Unilever Food and Health Research Institute, Unilever R&D Vlaardingen, The Netherlands The aim of this study was to compare 50 mg caffeine, with and without 100 mg L-theanine, oncognition and mood in healthy volunteers. The effects of these treatments on word recognition,rapid visual information processing, critical flicker fusion threshold, attention switching and moodwere compared to placebo in 27 participants. Performance was measured at baseline and again 60min and 90 min after each treatment (separated by a 7-day washout). Caffeine improved subjectivealertness at 60 min and accuracy on the attention-switching task at 90 min. The L-theanine andcaffeine combination improved both speed and accuracy of performance of the attention-switchingtask at 60 min, and reduced susceptibility to distracting information in the memory task at both 60min and 90 min. These results replicate previous evidence which suggests that L-theanine andcaffeine in combination are beneficial for improving performance on cognitively demanding tasks.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo53(1):39-44, January-February, 2011doi: 10.1590/S0036-46652011000100007 ANTEMORTEM DIAGNOSIS OF HUMAN RABIES IN A VETERINARIAN INFECTED WHEN HANDLING A HERBIVORE IN MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL Mariana Gontijo de BRITO(1), Talita Leal CHAMONE(1), Fernando José da SILVA(2), Marcelo Yohito WADA(3), Alexandre Braga de MIRANDA(4),

08-0756 11.27

Physical Activity and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer:Proposed Biologic Mechanisms and Areas forFuture Research Heather K. Neilson,1 Christine M. Friedenreich,1 Nigel T. Brockton,1 and Robert C. Millikan2 1Division of Population Health and Information, Alberta Cancer Board, Calgary, Canada; and 2Department of Epidemiology andLinberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Programa de Atención Cardiovascular de Emergencia Wanda Miranda Territory Director, ECC Programs Latin America The Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Información de Contacto Tel: +1-787-810-7920 Email: [email protected] ¿Quiénes somos? Cursos para la comunidad Cursos para el equipo de salud

Injecting some reality into Health and Social Care Act 2012 Death is the only certainty in life, the prospects of appealing a so why has the law on assisted GMC Fitness to Practice Panel Legal issues arising from claims dying been branded "inadequate concerning negligence in relation to the diagnosis of renal failure E-disclosure: survival guide NHS strike action

Empirical calibration

Empirical calibration Martijn J. Schuemie, Marc A. Suchard In observational studies, there is always the possibility that an effect size estimate is biased. This can betrue even for advanced, well thought out study designs, because of unmeasured or unmodeled confounding.Negative controls (test-hypotheses where the exposure is not believed to cause the outcome) can be usedto detect the potential for bias in a study, and with enough negative controls we can start to estimatethe systematic error distribution inherent in an observational analysis. We can then use this estimateddistribution to compute a calibrated p-value, which reflects the probability of observing an effect size estimate

Powerpoint presentation

Chronic Care Management Target Audience: Hospitals and Clinics Chronic Care Management Session Presenter: Target audience: Evident and Healthland • Peggy Hansen, MSN, FNP Senior Consultant, TruBridge Recommended for: Clinic Directors What is the Need? What have we tried: Care Coordination – program focus on complex care, end-of-life care

ResearchSubstandard anti-malarial drugs in Burkina FasoMaike Tipke*1, Salou Diallo2, Boubacar Coulibaly2, Dominic Störzinger3, Torsten Hoppe-Tichy3, Ali Sie2 and Olaf Müller1 Address: 1Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 324, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany, 2Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna (CRSN), Nouna, POB 2, Burkina Faso and 3University Pharmacy, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 670, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

The Coffee RoasTeR's Table of Contents Acknowledgments vii Preface ix Introduction xi 1 Why We Roast Coffee Beans 1 2 Green-Coffee Chemistry 2 Alkaloids: Caffeine and Trigonelline Moisture Content Gases and Aromatics 3 Green-Coffee Processing and Storage 4 Primary Processing Methods

Umsetzung des LehrplanPLUS für Grundschulen im Schulbuch „Ethik entdecken mit Philo 1 2" Stoffverteilungsplan für das erste Jahr Zeitraum Doppelseite im Buch Kompetenzerwartungen des LehrplanPLUS Lernbereich September DS 6/7 Einführung in Wir lernen uns untereinander und Philo


Valid from 1st January – December 31st 2008 • E-newsletters• Invites to special events• Reminders about status of medications• Athlete interviews• Online learning Go to and click the "login" buttonComplete your details and that's it! SOME IMPORTANT REMINDERS . 1 WADA PROHIBITED LIST 2008. 2 HOW CAN I CHECK MEDICATIONS . 3

Treatment of hypertension in patients 80 years of age or older

The new england journal of medicine established in 1812 Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years Nigel S. Beckett, M.B., Ch.B., Ruth Peters, Ph.D., Astrid E. Fletcher, Ph.D., Jan A. Staessen, M.D., Ph.D., Lisheng Liu, M.D., Dan Dumitrascu, M.D., Vassil Stoyanovsky, M.D., Riitta L. Antikainen, M.D., Ph.D., Yuri Nikitin, M.D., Craig Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., Alli Belhani, M.D., Françoise Forette, M.D.,

Inhibitory Contributions to Spatiotemporal Receptive-Field Structureand Direction Selectivity in Simple Cells of Cat Area 17 ADITYA MURTHY AND ALLEN L. HUMPHREYDepartment of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 Murthy, Aditya and Allen L. Humphrey. Inhibitory contributions spond well to motion in one direction across their receptive

Mylan pharmaceuticals, inc. v. warner chilcott plc, et al.

Case: 15-2236 Document: 003112088104 Page: 1 Date Filed: 09/30/2015 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT MYLAN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., WARNER-CHILCOTT PLC, ET AL., On Appeal from the United States District Court For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (No. 2:12-cv-03824-PD) BRIEF FOR AMICUS CURIAE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION SUPPORTING PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT

No patent, no generic: Pharmaceutical access and the politics of the copy Associate Professor University of California at Berkeley Department of Anthropology This essay is forthcoming in Contexts of Invention, edited by Mario Biagioli, Peter Jaszi, and Martha Woodmansee (University of Chicago Press, forthcoming in 2008), and has


Audit du SEPRA Synthèse du rapport final Rapport original daté du 30 novembre 2001 Synthèse éditée en Décembre 2012 Audit du SEPRA Synthèse du rapport final SITUATION ACTUELLE . 3 PROBLEMATIQUE DES PAN . 3 PRISE EN COMPTE OFFICIELLE DANS LE MONDE . 5 Etats-Unis. 5 U.R.S.S. / Russie . 5

Chapter 5 Physicochemical Aspects, Properties, T. Spychaj, K. Wilpiszewska, S. Spychaj 5.1. Starch as a biorenewable polymer feedstock Over the last two decades, starch has been extensively studied and applied inthe manufacturing of easily processable materials of technical importance.Starch is a biorenewable and cheap polymer; the price of starch-based plasticswas 1.25–1.40 euro/kg in 2001 and in some applications it is competitive withconventional petrochemical plastics [1]. In the same year, the world productionof biodegradable starch-based plastics was evaluated as ca. 25 000 tons [1].Biodegradable polymeric materials are developed with the aim of a gradualreplacement of synthetic polymers based on petrochemical feedstock. Such astrategy will allow for a partial solution of environmental problems associatedwith post-consumer polymer waste.

Top 10 Myths Regarding Sedation and Delirium in Gregory J. Peitz, PharmD, BCPS1,2; Michele C. Balas, PhD, RN, APRN-NP, CCRN3; Keith M. Olsen, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM2; Brenda T. Pun, RN, MSN, ACNP4; E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPH5,6 Abstract: The management of pain, agitation, and delirium in criti-cally ill patients can be complicated by multiple factors. Decisions

Raw material specification template

PRODUCT TECHNICAL DOSSIER TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS EXTRACT 95% SAPONINS Product Code: P20046 Raw Material Full Name: Tribulus Terrestris Extract 95% Saponins Raw Material Full Botanical/Chemical/Latin/Trade Name/Synonyms: Tribulus Terrestris L This material is Food Grade Assay (by UV): Min 95.0% Saponins Ratio of Material: Approx. 10:1 Solubility in Water: 40-50% Soluble in Water Solubility in Alcohol: The Solubility of this product in 75-80% Alcohol 80% Particle Size: 100% pass through 80 Mesh Bulk Density: 40g/ml – 60g/ml Loss on Drying: Max 5% Ash: Max 5.0%

Microsoft word - program.doc

Under the Patronage of H. H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Chancellor of the UAE University The College of Food and Agriculture, UAE University and Municipalities and Agriculture Department, Agricultural Sector First conference of the International Society of Camelids


Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 11:403–408, 2006 Copyright © Informa HealthcareISSN: 1083-7450 print / 1097-9867 onlineDOI: 10.1080/10837450600770072 Assessment of Dynamic Image Analysis as a Surrogate Dissolution Test for a Coated Multiparticulate Product Dynamic Image Analysis Grant HeinickeFormulation Development, Actavis, Elizabeth, NJ, USA

The randomized comparative pediatric critical illnessstress-induced immune suppression (CRISIS) prevention trial Joseph A. Carcillo, MD; J. Michael Dean, MD; Richard Holubkov, PhD; John Berger, MD; Kathleen L. Meert, MD;K. J. S. Anand, MBBS, DPhil; Jerry Zimmerman, MD, PhD; Christopher J. L. Newth, MB, ChB; Rick Harrison, MD;Jeri Burr, MS, RN-BC; C. C. R. C. Douglas F. Willson, MD; Carol Nicholson, MD

Oncological outcome of malignant colonic obstruction in the dutch stentin 2 trial

Oncological outcome of malignant colonic obstructionin the Dutch Stent-In 2 trial D. A. M. Sloothaak1, M. W. van den Berg2, M. G. W. Dijkgraaf3, P. Fockens2, P. J. Tanis1,J. E. van Hooft2 and W. A. Bemelman1 on behalf of the collaborative Dutch Stent-In study group 1Department of Surgery, 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and 3Clinical Research Unit, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam,The NetherlandsCorrespondence to: Professor W. A. Bemelman, Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, PO Box 22660, 1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands(e-mail: [email protected])

Timing driven floorplanning on programmable hierarchical targets

Timing Driven Floorplanning on Programmable Hierarchical S.A Senouci, A. Amoura, H. Krupnova, G. Saucier. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble/CSI 46, Avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble cedex, FRANCE Abstract{ The goal of this paper is to perform In [KatsKoWaYo95] partitioning method under perfor- a timing optimization of a circuit described by a mance, area and IO pins constraints was proposed for MCM

Cir379 321.325

Evaluation of a Newly Developed Lateral FlowImmunoassay for the Diagnosis of Cryptococcosis Mark D. Lindsley,1 Nanthawan Mekha,2 Henry C. Baggett,3 Yupha Surinthong,2 Rinrapas Autthateinchai,2Pongpun Sawatwong,3 Julie R. Harris,1 Benjamin J. Park,1 Tom Chiller,1 S. Arunmozhi Balajee,1 andNatteewan Poonwan2 1Mycotic Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; 2National Institute of Health, Department of Medical Sciences,Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand; and 3International Emerging Infections Program, Thailand Ministry of Public Health–Centers forDisease Control and Prevention Collaboration, Nonthaburi, Thailand

ERGONOMÍAS DE LA MIRADA * Sobre arte y visualidad en el prisma de la realidad aumentada Jesús Fernando Monreal Ramírez *Proyecto realizado a través del Programa de Apoyo a la Producción e Investigación en Arte y Medios del Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes. CENTRO NACIONAL DE LAS ARTES Av. Río Churubusco No. 79, esq. Calzada de Tlalpan,

Microsoft word - behavioral interview questions.doc

Behavioral Interview Techniques – The STAR Approach Situation or Describe the situation that you were in or the task that you needed to accomplish. You must describe a specific event or situation, not a generalized description of what you have done in the past. Be sure to give enough detail for the interviewer to understand. This situation can be from a previous job, from a volunteer experience, or any relevant event.

Contra-relatos nº 2.pmd

SOUTH AFRICAN SUBIMPERIALISM If modern imperialism necessarily combines neoliberalism and "accumulation by dispossession" in peripheral sites like Africa along with increasing subservience to the USA's indirect, neocolonial rule, the next logical step is to locate South Africa's own position as regional subimperial hegemon within the same matrices. That requires identifying areas where imperialism is facilitated in Africa by the

Treatment Options for GERD or Acid Reflux Disease A Review of the Research for Adults Is This Information Right for Me? „ A doctor said that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic disease that causes ongoing pain and burning in the chest and throat (heartburn). GERD is also called "acid „ You want to know what research says about your options.

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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 18, 1509-1514 1509 Exploring Old Drugs for the Treatment of Hematological Malignancies F. Gan#,1,2, B. Cao#,1, D. Wu1, Z. Chen1, T. Hou*,3 and X. Mao*,1,4 1Cyrus Tang Hematology Center, Jiangsu Institute of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Soochow University, Suzhou, China 2Department of Pharmacy, The First Hospital, Xianning University, Xianning, China 3Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM) and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials & Devices, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

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Luteinizing hormone reduces the activity of the npr2 guanylyl cyclase in mouse ovarian follicles, contributing to the cyclic gmp decrease that promotes resumption of meiosis in oocytes

Contents lists available at Developmental Biology journal homepage: Luteinizing hormone reduces the activity of the NPR2 guanylyl cyclasein mouse ovarian follicles, contributing to the cyclic GMP decrease thatpromotes resumption of meiosis in oocytes Jerid W. Robinson ,1, Meijia Zhang , Leia C. Shuhaibar , Rachael P. Norris , Andreas Geerts Frank Wunder , John J. Eppig , Lincoln R. Potter nn, Laurinda A. Jaffe n

HARNESSING INNATEAND ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY IN In 1975 Kohler and Milstein solved a technical problem that scientists had been battling for years – how to produce large amounts of antibodies in the laboratory in such a way that all antibody-molecules were identical. This invention earned them the Nobel price in 1984. In the wake of their discovery, hopes were high that

LINK UP UGANDA END OF PROJECT EVALUATION Evaluation Report Submitted to Executive Director Community Health Alliance Uganda (CHAU) Lower Kololo Postel Building, Plot 67, Clement Hill Road, P.O. Box 10207, Kampala, Uganda Mobile: +256 (0) 752-790 594/078-2-439037


DOF - Diario Oficial de la Federación DOF: 25/04/2009 DECRETO por el que se ordenan diversas acciones en materia de salubridad general, para prevenir, controlar y combatir la existencia y transmisión del virus de influenza estacional epidémica. Al margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, que dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.- Presidencia de la República.


Tom Rustom 25/09/2013 TYPE 2 DIABETES AND ITS MANAGEMENT (ALL THE BORING BITS THAT EVERYONE ALWAYS FORGETS, ESPECIALLY THE DRUGS) BLOOD GLUCOSE LOWERING THERAPY  Metformin (Glucophage, Glumetza, Riomet)  1st line in treatment of T2DM (after lifestyle change)  Suppresses appetite (useful in overweight patients)  Does not cause hypoglycaemia  S/Es – gastrointestinal, lactic acidosis

Learn the Reasons for Hair Loss and What You Can Do About It There Is a Treatment for Every Hair Loss Stop Contributing to Your Hair Loss An Ounce of Prevention Can Save You Both Time and Money Follow Our To-Do Lists for Practical

Lettera aperta ai Parlamentari "Consensus Internazionale" (le nostre tesi scientifiche) Appendice (1) - Patologie e condizioni che possono mimare l'ADHD Appendice (2) - Chi ha sottoscritto le nostre tesi scientifiche Appendice (3) - L'opinione degli esperti Appendice (4) - Bozza di interrogazione Parlamentare LETTERA APERTA AI PARLAMENTARI ITALIANI Illustrissimo Parlamentare, "Giù le mani dai bambini" ®, comitato che consorzia 115 realtà


¡SoftBank ahora Simple Style Pago previo, ¡Para no preocuparse por un uso excesivo! Smart Phone con Servicio Tarifa Plana de Paquetes, uso ilimitado de web y mail Compacto, de fácil manejo con Pantalla disponible en 3 idiomas una sola mano y con múltiples y tacto agradable con un AndroidTM 4,1 incluido LCD Wide VGA/Aprox. 3,7 pulgadas Aprox. 8MP (cámara principal)/Aprox. 2MP (cámara

Description of phytoplasma

REPORT on a litterature study on 'Status quo of the knowledge on phytoplasma with the focus on Euphorbia pulcherrima and other ornamental plants' Euphorbia fulgens with and without phytoplasma Mogens Nicolaisen Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences Department of Plant Protection

El número 53 Revista del Centro San Camilo para la Humanización y la Pastoral de la Salud (Septiembre-octubre de 2011) Vida y Salud será dedicado al tema: El Alzheimer Nº 52 Julio - Agosto de 2011 Indicando nombre y apellidos, y dirección precisa: calle, colonia, ciudad, código postal, de teléfono.

Epidemiological Alert Neurological syndrome, congenital malformations, and Zika virus infection. Implications for public health in the Americas 1 December 2015 Given the increase of congenital anomalies, Guil ain-Barré syndrome, and other neurological and autoimmune syndromes in areas where Zika virus is circulating and their possible relation to the virus, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) recommends its Member States establish and maintain the capacity to detect and confirm Zika virus cases, prepare healthcare facilities for the possible increase in demand at al healthcare levels and specialized care for neurological syndromes, and to strengthen antenatal care. In addition, Member States should continue efforts to reduce the presence of mosquito vectors through an effective vector control strategy and public communication.

Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee Actions August - October 2014 Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Guideline – Adults and Pediatrics The IVIG guideline was updated to ensure cost-effective utilization of IVIG. Updates included the establishment of evidence-based primary indications (first line therapy) and secondary indications (second line therapy) for IVIG in addition to specific dosing recommendations. When determining an IVIG dose for an adult patient, the dose should be calculated based on ideal body weight (IBW) in the non-obese patient, unless the patient's actual body weight (ABW) is less than ideal body weight. In these situations, actual body weight should be used. The adjusted body weight (AdjBW) is recommended for calculating the IVIG dose for obese adult patents (greater than 130% of ideal body weight). Doses of IVIG for obese pediatric patients will be at the discretion of the physician. Pharmacy will continue to round all doses of IVIG to the nearest 5 grams (nearest whole vial size). For neonates and infants receiving doses less than 10 grams, the dose will be rounded to the nearest gram. Privigen® IVIG 10% remains SHF's formulary IVIG. Gammagard® IVIG 10% is available for doses less than 5 grams.

1546 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2009, 15, 1546-1558 The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Energy Metabolism and Metabolic Disease Patrice D. Cani* and Nathalie M. Delzenne* Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Unit of Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Nutrition and Toxicology, Brussels, Belgium

Interspecific differences in determinants of plant species distribution and the relationships with functional traits

Journal of Ecology 2012, 100, 950–957 Interspecific differences in determinants of plantspecies distribution and the relationships withfunctional traits Masahiro Aiba*†, Hino Takafumi and Tsutom Hiura Tomakomai Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Takaoka,Tomakomai 053-0035, Japan 1. Environmental control and dispersal limitation are both essential processes in plant communityassembly and species distribution. Although numerous studies in the past decade have examinedtheir importance as determinants of community composition, remarkably little is known aboutinterspecific differences in the importance of these two processes.2. To quantify these interspecific differences, we compared the importance of environmental fac-tors and space as correlates of species distribution among 24 understorey plant species in a Japanesecool–temperate forest by performing variation partitioning at the species level. Specifically, wehypothesized that the importance of environment and space differs among species, and these differ-ences can be partly predicted from the functional traits and ⁄ or phylogenetic identity of each species.3. The unique contributions of both environment and space were significant in the community-levelanalysis. However, at the species level, the relative and absolute sizes of the unique contributions ofenvironment and space differed considerably among the 24 species. Environment and space werenot necessarily significant variables explaining the distribution of many species.4. No significant relationships were found between the unique contribution of environment and thefour functional traits tested, that is, dispersal mode, seed mass, plant height and specific leaf areaamong the 24 species. In contrast, the unique contribution of space was significantly larger in specieswith no dispersal mechanisms than in animal-dispersed species. No significant phylogenetic signalwas detected for the unique contribution of environment or space, suggesting that importance ofenvironmental control and dispersal limitation as determinants of species distribution is evolution-arily labile.5. Synthesis. Our results suggest that the relative and absolute importance of different processes ofcommunity assembly (i.e. environmental control and dispersal limitation) differs remarkablyamong species even within a single community. These interspecific differences may be explained inpart by interspecific differences in dispersal mode.

Management of diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic kidney disease

Hahr and Molitch Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:2 DOI 10.1186/s40842-015-0001-9 Management of diabetes mellitus in patients withchronic kidney disease Allison J. Hahr and Mark E. Molitch* Glycemic control is essential to delay or prevent the onset of diabetic kidney disease. There are a number ofglucose-lowering medications available but only a fraction of them can be used safely in chronic kidney diseaseand many of them need an adjustment in dosing. The ideal target hemoglobin A1c is approximately 7 % but thistarget is adjusted based on the needs of the patient. Diabetes control should be optimized for each individualpatient, with measures to reduce diabetes-related complications and minimize adverse events. Overall care ofdiabetes necessitates attention to multiple aspects, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and often,multidisciplinary care is needed.

The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 176, No. 4, April 2010 Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology Cardiovascular, Pulmonary and Renal Pathology Therapeutic Targeting of Classical and LectinPathways of Complement Protects fromIschemia-Reperfusion-Induced Renal Damage Giuseppe Castellano,* Rita Melchiorre,* of classical and lectin pathways of complement in a


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Cocaine Anonymous Revised: as of 2009 Conference actions Part I - General Information.1 Purpose of an H&I Committee.1 Working Within the Traditions.2 What are H&I Meetings .3 Open H&I Meetings .3 General Information for Contacting Facilities .3 Why a Committee?.4 Membership Qualifications .4 The Monthly Business Meeting .5 Voting and Quorum Procedures .5

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Module 3 : MATURATION ET VULNERABILITE. LES TROUBLES DU COMPORTEMENT de l'enfant et de l'adolescent ITEM N° 39 ENSEIGNANTS : Dr J. Malka, Pr. P Duverger MODE D'ENSEIGNEMENT : ARC / E.D. OBJECTIFS : - Expliquer les caractéristiques comportementales et psychosociales de l'adolescent normal. - Identifier les troubles du comportement de l'adolescent et connaître les principes de la

Tropheryma whipplei Bacteremia during Feverin Rural West Africa Florence Fenollar,1 Oleg Mediannikov,1,2 Cristina Socolovschi,1 Hubert Bassene,2 Georges Diatta,2 Herve´ Richet,1Adama Tall,3 Cheikh Sokhna,2 Jean-Franc¸ois Trape,2 and Didier Raoult1,2 Unite´ de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE), Universite´ de la Me´diterrane´e, Faculte´ de Me´decine,1Marseille, France, and 2Dakar, Se´ne´gal; and 3Institut Pasteur de Dakar, Dakar, Se´ne´gal